
Mar Biodiv DOI 10.1007/s12526-009-0034-3


The (: ) DNA : description of two new genera

Frederic Sinniger & James D. Reimer & Jan Pawlowski

Received: 7 May 2009 /Revised: 15 November 2009 /Accepted: 29 November 2009 # Senckenberg, Gesellschaft für Naturforschung and Springer 2009

Abstract The taxonomy of the hexacorallian order Zoantharia is still polyphyletic and is composed of three is very problematic due to the lack of easily accessible and distinctive subclades. However, as currently these subclades informative morphological taxonomic characters. This is can essentially be differentiated by genetic data, these particularly true in the widespread family Parazoanthidae, subclades should remain within Parazoanthus until further members of which use a wide variety of different organisms as molecular, ecological and morphological studies help to substrates. Recently, DNA-based studies have proven to be of clarify their status and relationships to each other. great use in clarifying relationships among Parazoanthidae. Here we reconsider Parazoanthidae taxonomy based on Keywords Zoanthids . Molecular phylogeny. analyses of multiple molecular markers [mitochondrial cyto- Hydrozoanthus . . Epibiosis . chrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI), 16S ribosomal DNA (mt 16S Co-evolution rDNA), and the nuclear internal transcribed spacer region (ITS rDNA)], coupled with ecological and morphological character- istics. Two new genera are described in this study: Hydro- Introduction n. gen. within the new family Hydrozoanthidae, and Antipathozoanthus n. gen in the family Parazoanthidae. of the hexacorallian order Zoantharia (zoanthids) are The genetic data further suggest that the revised found in most marine environments from shallow tropical

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12526-009-0034-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. F. Sinniger (*) J. D. Reimer Department of Chemistry, Biology and Marine Science, Rising Star Program, Transdisciplinary Research Organization Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, for Subtropical and Island Studies, University of the Ryukyus, 1 Senbaru, Nishihara, 1 Senbaru, Nishihara, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan Okinawa 903-0213, Japan e-mail: [email protected] J. D. Reimer F. Sinniger : J. Pawlowski Marine Research Program, Department of Zoology and Biology, Institute of Biogeosciences, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Molecular Systematic Group, University of Geneva, Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Science III, 30 quai Ernest-Ansermet, 2-15 Natsushima,Yokosuka, 1211 Genève 4, Switzerland Kanagawa 237-0061, Japan

F. Sinniger Present Address: Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille, Université de la Méditerranée, F. Sinniger UMR CNRS 6540 DIMAR, Station Marine d’Endoume, Department of Oceanography, Florida State University, rue de la Batterie des Lions, OSB, 117 N. Woodward Ave., 13007 Marseille, France Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA Mar Biodiv waters to the deep sea and other extreme environments (e.g. however those taxa are considered only as outgroups in methane cold seeps—see Reimer et al. 2007a). All zoanthids this study). The type species of the genus, Parazoanthus have a double row of tentacles and a single siphonoglyph. axinellae, usually lives closely associated to sponges. This Most zoanthids have a colonial way of life and incorporate species was one of the first epizoic zoanthids studied particles (sand, sponge spicules, foraminifer tests) in their (Schmidt 1862; Arndt and Pax 1936). The affinities of ectoderm and mesoglea to help make their structure. Apart some Caribbean Parazoanthus species to different sponge from a few exceptions (the genus ), they do not build species have been demonstrated by Crocker and Reiswig any skeletal structure. (1981) and more recently by Swain and Wulff (2007). The order Zoantharia is traditionally separated into two Potential correlation between different monophyletic suborders characterised by the fifth pair of mesenteria parazoanthid groups and substrate specificity has recently (complete in Macrocnemina, incomplete in ) been shown in Sinniger et al. (2005). In the same study, it (Haddon and Shackleton 1891). The suborder Macrocnemina was clearly demonstrated that Parazoanthidae and the genus currently consists of two families: and Para- Parazoanthus in particular are paraphyletic. . The family Epizoanthidae comprises the genus This research explores relationships between different Epizoanthus and the monospecific genus Palaeozoanthus Parazoanthidae by using the sequences from two mitochon- [although never found again since its original description drial markers [16S ribosomal DNA (mt 16S rDNA) and (Carlgren 1924)]. The other macrocnemic family, Para- cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI)] and from the nuclear zoanthidae, currently contains five recognised genera; internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA (ITS-rDNA; Parazoanthus, Mesozoanthus, , Savalia and consisting of ITS-1, 5.8S rDNA and ITS-2). Molecular Corallizoanthus. The latest four genera are restricted, at results are combined with ecological data to reorganise and most, to a few species each, while Parazoanthus currently simplify the systematics of this family. In particular, we contains many species found worldwide in a variety of focus on two previously recognised but undescribed clades habitats. Despite the surprising absence of any mention of currently within Parazoanthidae, one consisting of species Parazoanthidae in a recent review of Hexacorallia (Daly et al. associated with hydrozoans, and one associated with 2007), this family is probably the most diverse within the antipatharians. The genera Hydrozoanthus n. gen. (in the order Zoantharia. Another monospecific zoanthid family has new family Hydrozoanthidae) and Antipathozoanthus n. recently been described (Abyssoanthidae, Abyssoanthus) gen. can be distinguished from other zoanthid genera by (Reimer et al. 2007a); while apparently branching within substrate specificity, as well as by highly characteristic Macrocnemic zoanthids, between Epizoanthidae and Para- DNA sequences. zoanthidae, the status of its fifth pair of mesenteria remains unknown. Abyssoanthus, Corallizoanthus and most of Isozoanthus are restricted to deep sea. Table 1 shows the Materials and methods different zoanthid families and genera with the distribution, substrate indications, original diagnostic characteristics and, Sampling when relevant, some actual characteristic being used to identify the families/genera nowadays. Zoanthid samples were collected either by SCUBA or by Until now, several studies have attempted to find trawling during different research cruises from the new morphological or histological characters that effi- Caribbean Sea, Pacific, West Indian Ocean, East Atlantic, ciently discriminate between zoanthid genera and species. and the Mediterranean Sea. Zoanthid specimens were fixed Characters such as the cnidome (Ryland and Lancaster and conserved in ethanol (minimum 70%) after collection. 2003;Herberts1972) and sphincter muscle anatomy Samples are kept in the authors’ personal collections or were (Lwowsky 1913) have been investigated, but none of these deposited in the Natural History Museum of Geneva, have proven to be efficient and applicable to zoanthids over Switzerland (MNHG). a wide range of taxa. The sphincter information, for example, is not distinctive for many particular genera DNA extraction and sequencing (Palaeozoanthus, Savalia, Sphenopus and , see Table 1). And recently, taxonomic studies based largely DNA was extracted from ethanol-preserved samples using on sphincter data have led to new species descriptions with the DNeasy Plant Minikit (QIAGEN) or the following doubtful generic assignments (e.g. Swain 2009; Philipp and guanidine extraction protocol: a fragment of mesenteria Fautin 2009). (about 1 mm3) was dried and digested 30 min at 55°C, Parazoanthids are often associated with other organisms followed by 90 min at room temperature with 100 μl used as substrate (characteristic shared by some Epizoan- guanidine extraction buffer (4 M guanidinium isothiocya- thidae and the brachycnemic Acrozoanthus australiae, nate, 50 mM Tris pH 7.6, 10 mM EDTA, Sarkosyl 2% w/v, a Biodiv Mar Table 1 Summary of families and genera within the order Zoantharia as recognized until now

Suborder Family Genus Estimated Main habitats Substrates Original Zooxan- Colonial or Notes (characteristics) (characteristics) species diagnostic thellae unitary numbera characteristics

Macrocnemina (5th Epizoanthidae Epizoanthus Gray 139 Worldwide; shallow to Non-living hard substrate, pagurid Mesogleal sphincter No Mainly Often but not always epizoic. mesentery from dorsal (mesogleal 1867 deep crabs, mollusc shells, worm tubes, muscle colonial directive complete) sphincter muscle) free living in the sediments Paleozoanthus 1 South Africa Gastropod (Fusus rubrolineatus) fertile micromesen- No colonial Never found again since Carlgren 1924 teriesc description Abyssoanthidae Abyssoanthus 1 Deep sea >3,000 m Mudstone DNA, ecologyc No Mainly unitary (DNA, cold seep Reimer et al. chemosynthetic environments)c 2007a, b, c environments, Japan Parazoanthidae Parazoanthus 62 Worldwide; shallow to Sponges, hydrozoans, antipatharians, Mesogleal lacuna and Some Colonial Reorganized in this paper. (endodermal Haddon and deep non-living hard substrate canal forming a sphincter muscle) Shackleton 1891 ring sinus Savalia Nardo 1844 3 Mediterranean sea, N Gorgonians Secretion of hard No Colonial Lacunae and canals as (=Gerardia Lac. - Atlantic 30–500 m skeleton. Parazoanthus. Duth. 1864) Isozoanthus 26 South Africa, Northern Non-living hard substrate, No ring sinus, polyps Some Usually Swain 2009, included a Carlgren 1923 Europe and deep sea Hexactinellid, tubeworms solitary or weak solitary. tropical shallow species in coenenchyme this genus, see text. Corallizoanthus 1 150–300 m, Japan Coralliidae DNA, substrate No Mainly unitary Reimer et al. specificityc 2008a, b Mesozoanthus 1 Shallow cold water Non-living hard substrate DNA, absence of No Colonial Sinniger and along west coast of biological Häussermann Americas association.c 2009 Brachycnemina (5th (heavy 217b Subtropical and tropical Non-living hard substrate Single mesogleal Yes Colonial Includes former genus mesentery from dorsal sand encrustation) Lamouroux 1816 shallow waters sphincter Protopalythoa. directive incomplete) worldwide Sphenopus 10 Subtropical and tropical Free-living in the sediments Ecology (unitary, No Unitary Single mesogleal sphincter as Steenstrup 1856 waters, Indo-Pacific free-living polyps) Palythoa. Zoanthidae (no sand Zoanthus Lamarck 156 Subtropical and tropical Non-living hard substrate Double mesogleal Yes Colonial Most common tropical encrustation) 1801 shallow waters sphincter zoanthid with Palythoa. worldwide. Acrozoanthus 1 Epizoic on tube worms Eunicid worm tubes. Substrate specificityc Yes Colonial Characteristic budding. Saville-Kent 1893 in Australia and Indonesia. Gray 1828 3–23 Subtropical and tropical Non-living hard substrate. Single mesogleal Yes Colonial Long asymmetric column, shallow waters sphincter polyps open at night. worldwide. Neozoanthidae Neozoanthus 1 reefs in Non-living hard substrate. Endodermic sphincter Yes Colonial Never found again since (endodermic Herberts 1973 Madagascar. musclec description. sphincter muscle)c a From references and Fautin (http://hercules.kgs.ku.edu/Hexacoral/Anemone2/). These numbers are undoubtedly incorrect, but are provided to compare taxa listed within b Includes 26 species described from Protopalythoa c Monospecific taxa, description might be modified with future discoveries Mar Biodiv

β-mercaptoethanol 1% v/v). The DNA was subsequently Results precipitated with 100 μl isopropanol at −20°C overnight. DNA was then centrifuged for 15 min (15,000 rpm) Systematics and the supernatant was removed. DNA was washed once with 70% ethanol and after 5 min centrifugation Order ZOANTHARIA Gray 1870 (15,000 rpm) and supernatant removal, it was dried and eluted in 50 μlpureH2O. Specimens were then amplified Hydrozoanthidae n. fam. This family groups several trop- for COI, mt 16S rDNA and ITS rDNA region using ical and sub-tropical macrocnemic zoanthids; including standard Taq polymerase and the primers LCOant: 5' species associated with hydrozoans and also several other TTTTCYACTAATCATAAAGATAT 3', COIantr: 5' non-hydrozoan associated species. This family is erected to GCCCACACAATAAAGCCCAATAYYCCAAT 3', group former Parazoanthidae species sharing specific 16Sant0a: 5' GAAGTAGGCTTGGAGCCAGCCA 3' as insertions and deletions in mt-16S rDNA, especially in the well as primers described in Folmer et al. (1994), Sinniger V5 region (as defined in Sinniger et al. 2005) of this gene. et al. (2005) and Reimer et al. (2007a) respectively, The analyses of interfamilial genetic distances among according to the following thermal cycle conditions: zoanthids, especially for the gene coding for cytochrome 2 min denaturation at 94°C followed by 35 cycles of oxidase subunit 1 consistently confirms the taxonomic level 1 min at 94°C, 30 s at annealing temperature (42°C for of the family (Fig. 1, distance tables available from the COI, 52°C for mt 16S rDNA and ITS rDNA), 90 s authors on request). Phylogenetically, species in this family elongation at 72°C, and terminated by a single final are more closely related to brachycnemic zoanthids (especially elongation step of 2 min at 72°C. The presence of from the genus Palythoa) than to other parazoanthids. zooxanthellae in hydrozoan-associated speci- mens was tested by amplifying the ITS rDNA region of the Genus Hydrozoanthus n. gen. Type species: Hydrozoanthus symbiont according to the protocols used in Reimer et al. (Parazoanthus) tunicans (Duerden 1900) (2006). Direct sequencing was carried out using a BigDye Other species/specimens: H. (Parazoanthus) gracilis, H. Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit following (Isozoanthus) antumbrosus. the manufacturer instructions (Applied Biosystems) for both Etymology: Named for this group’s epizoic relation with strands of each marker. Sequences were run on an ABI-3100 hydrozoans. Avant automatic sequencer. GenBank accession numbers are Figure: Figure 2 shows various Hydrozoanthus species reported in Table S1 (Electronic supplementary material). and specimens in situ. Material examined: H. tunicans, Utila, Honduras (N 16° Phylogenetic analyses 04.759′ W 86°55.749′), depth: 15 m, 13.02.2004, coll: F. Sinniger, MNHG INVE 64730; H. gracilis, Izu, Japan, Sequences for both strands were manually assembled depth: 17 m, 11.2004, coll: J.D. Reimer; H. gracilis and chromatograms were checked for quality. Resulting collected in Bunaken Island, Sulawesi (Indonesia), depth: sequences were aligned with ClustalX ver. 1.8 (Thompson et 28 m, the 12.09.2003 by M. Boyer, MNHG INVE 64731; al. 1997) with subsequent manual editing of the automated H. antumbrosus, Utila, Honduras (N 16°04.759′ W 86° alignment using BioEdit ver. 5.0.9 (Hall 1999). Alignments 55.749′), depth: 15 m, 13.02.2004, coll: F. Sinniger, were analysed with the maximum likelihood (ML) method MNHG INVE 64732; H. cf. gracilis, canal Woodin, New using PhyML ver. 3.0 (Guindon and Gascuel 2003). Caledonia, depth: 25 m, 27.11.2006, coll: J.L. Menou, Bayesian analyses were performed using MrBayes ver. 3.0 MNHG INVE 64733; H. cf. gracilis, canal Woodin, New (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck 2003). All analyses were Caledonia, depth: 33 m, 27.11.2006, coll: J.L. Menou, performed with GTR nucleotide substitution matrix, a MNHG INVE 64734. gamma 1 invariant model with six categories, estimated α-parameter and estimated frequencies of amino acids. Diagnosis Tropical or subtropical colonial zoanthids, polyps Species belonging to the macrocnemic family Epizoanthi- linked together by a basal coenenchyme. Size of the expended dae and brachycnemic family Sphenopidae were used as polyps usually between 2–6mmwidthand4–15 mm high. outgroups. COI sequences of Abyssoanthus and Coralli- Mesenteries have macrocnemic organisation. Column lightly zoanthus were not included in the analyses due to their incrusted with fine sediments, not completely hiding the short length. Only zoanthid outgroups were used in order ectoderm. Colour of different species ranging from yellow to to keep a maximum of informative sites in the alignments dark brown. Always associated to hydrozoans, leaving the (the insertion-deletion pattern of other hexacorallian smallest branches of the hydrozoan colony intact and not orders were too divergent to allow reliable alignment covered (for more details on the association see Di Camillo et construction). al. 2009). No other zoanthids have been found with such Mar Biodiv

Fig. 1 Genetic distances Genetic distances between different zoanthid taxa/clades comparisons based on COI 0.06 sequences. Intrafamilial comparisons are based on the different Parazoanthid clades 0.05 Antipathozoanthus n. gen. (Ant),

Savalia (Sav), Mesozoanthus family level “ ” (Meso), Clade 2 (C2) and 0.04 Parazoanthus (ParaSL). Within Parazoanthus the distinction was made between the clades A, 0.03 B and C (ParaA, ParaB and ParaC). The second part of the table compares Hydrozoanthus genus level 0.02 n. gen. (Hydro) and the different genetic distance Parazoanthid clades. The shorter length of available Corallizoan- thus sequences inducing a 0.01 significant bias, the estimated distances are not shown here. The extreme distances between 0 species level Isozoanthus and the other Parazoanthidae/Hydrozoanthi- Anti-C2 Sav-C2 Anti-Sav C2-Meso Anti-Meso C2-ParaA C2-ParaB Sav-Meso C2-ParaC Hydro-C2 Anti-ParaB Sav-ParaC Sav-ParaB Sav-ParaA Anti-ParaA Anti-ParaC Hydro-Anti Hydro-Sav C2-ParaSL Sav-ParaSL dae n. fam. ranging between comparison level Anti-ParaSL Meso-ParaB Meso-ParaC Hydro-Meso Meso-ParaA Hydro-ParaA Hydro-ParaB Hydro-ParaC Meso-ParaSL ParaA-ParaB ParaA-ParaC ParaB-ParaC Hydro-ParaSL ParaA-ParaSL ParaB-ParaSL ParaC-ParaSL 0.2072 and 0.2265, the values Hydro-ParaALL are not shown here intrafamily interfamily Comparison taxa

average genetic range of genetic distance distance

association. Some species are zooxanthellate, the majority Antipathozoanthus sp. from Japan, Antipathozoanthus sp. azooxanthellate (see below). from Galapagos. Etymology: The name was chosen with regard to the Remarks Among species formerly assigned to Parazoanthus, substrate specificity of this genus, as it is found only on P. tunicans (Duerden 1900) from the Caribbean and P. antipatharians. The ending is uniform with most other gracilis (Lwowsky 1913) from the Indo-Pacific belong to zoanthid genera. Hydrozoanthus n. gen., with Hydrozoanthus tunicans Figures: Figure 2 shows different species and specimens becoming the type species for this genus. of Antipathozoanthus in situ. In the original description of H. tunicans (Duerden Material examined: Antipathozoanthus macaronesicus 1900), the presence of zooxanthellae was mentioned; “CV1”, Cape Verde, depth 18 m, 09.2003 coll: P. Wirtz, however, West (1979) re-examined this species from Puerto MHNG INVE 64735; Antipathozoanthus macaronesicus Rico and suggested that zooxanthellae were confused with “CV2”, depth 18 m, 09.2003 coll: P. Wirtz, MHNG INVE pigment cells. The affirmation on the presence of zooxan- 64736; Antipathozoanthus macaronesicus, Principe, depth: thellae in the species description of H. antumbrosus in 45 m, 02.2004 coll: P. Wirtz, MHNG 64737; Antipatho- Swain (2009) was not supported by any data or references. zoanthus sp., Sakatia, NW Madagascar, depth:10 m, Preliminary results (based on ITS sequences) would suggest 07.12.2004, coll: F. Sinniger, MHNG 64738; Antipathozoan- the presence of Symbiodinium sp. in H. tunicans but not in thus sp., Otsuki, Kochi, Japan, depth: 26 m, 26.01.08, coll: F. any other Hydrozoanthus examined (including H. antum- Sinniger, MNHG 64739; Antipathozoanthus sp., Galapagos, brosus). The presence of zooxanthellae might also be depth: 20 m, 11.11.2003, coll: C. Hickman irregular within the same species as this could explain the divergent results obtained by the different researchers. Diagnosis Colonial zoanthids, polyps linked together by a basal coenenchyme usually covering all of antipathar- Family Parazoanthidae Delage and Hérouard 1901 ian substrate axis, size of expended polyps usually between 4–6mmwidthand4–15 mm high. Column Antipathozoanthus n. gen. Type species: Antipathozoanthus lightly incrusted with fine sediments, not completely (Gerardia) macaronesicus hiding ectoderm. Column and tentacles usually yellow- Other species/specimens: Antipathozoanthus macaronesi- ish or pinkish. Mesenteries follow macrocnemic organi- cus from Principe, Antipathozoanthus sp. from Madagascar, sation. Grows exclusively on antipatharians. Distributed Mar Biodiv

Fig. 2a–j In situ pictures of Hydrozoanthus n. gen. spp. and Caledonia, colony 2, e H. tunicans from Honduras, f H. antumbrosus Antipathozoanthus n. gen. Images were taken by the first author from Honduras, g A. macaronesicus from Cape Verde (P. Wirtz), unless otherwise mentioned. a H. gracilis from Japan (type locality) h Antipathozoanthus sp. from Madagascar, i Antipathozoanthus sp. (J.D. Reimer), b H. gracilis from Sulawesi (C. Di Camillo), c H. cf. from Japan, j Antipathozoanthus sp. from Galapagos (J.D. Reimer). gracilis from New Caledonia, colony 1, d H. cf. gracilis from New Scale bar on the top right of each picture represents 1 cm in tropical and subtropical area at depths ranging from (Ocaña and Brito 2003), and later the description was 10mto45m. amended and the authors suggested the possible placement of this species in a separate genus (Ocaña et al. 2007). The Remarks Species of this genus have been collected in the species name was accorded to the genus gender. Skeletal East Atlantic (Cape Verde and Principe Islands), in secretion (similar to Savalia spp.) was advanced by Ocaña Madagascar, in Japan and in the Galapagos. This genus and Brito (2003)asoccurringinAntipathozoanthus maca- is known to live in association with the black coral ronesicus but no reliable evidence of such secretion has been species Tanacetipathes cavernicola (Antipathozoanthus found so far further despite the attempts to observe this. macaronesicus), aff. hypnoides (Madagascar species), Antipathes galapagensis (Galapagos species) Phylogenetic analyses (Reimer et al. 2008a, b)andAntipathes aff. grandiflora (Japanese species). However, more sampling is necessary COI to gain a clearer picture of the true range of antipatharian species used as substrate. As observed in the gorgonian- The alignment obtained with 48 COI sequences contains associated genus Savalia, the colony can extend out a few 624 sites. The different topologies obtained using different centimetres from its substrate. analyses methods all showed congruent results, with main The type species A. macaronesicus was originally included differences in the resolution at supra-specific clade levels. in the description of Savalia (Gerardia) macaronesica The tree obtained with Bayesian analyses of codons (Fig. 3) Mar Biodiv

Fig. 3 Bayesian tree obtained /PARAZOANTHIDAE with COI sequences using 0.90/0.88/100 codon analysis. Values at the illoricatus nodes indicate posterior 1/0.99/- probabilities with codon 1/1/100 Epizoanthus/EPIZOANTHIDAE analysis, posterior probabilities 1/1/- arenaceus with nucleotide analysis and paguricola ML (nucleotide) bootstrap support when >50% 1/1/100 fossii Mesozoanthus

0.99/0.93/76 elongatus

0.91/0.71/57 0.97/0.87/72 axinellae

0.80/-/- anguicomus

parasiticus 0.96/0.90/65 sp. “Japan” 0.68/-/50

sp. “NC shallow” Parazoanthus 0.97/0.98/63 PARAZOANTHIDAE sp. “NC deep” 0.79/-/- swiftii

sp.3 “Sulawesi”

sp. “Madagascar”

0.70/-/- sp.5 “Sulawesi” puertoricense 0.75/0.98/73 0.54/-/-

macaronesicus Antipathozoanthus 1/1/98 n. gen. sp. “Madagascar”

1/0.99/96 “New Caledonia” “Clade 2” “Mediterranea” lucifica 1/1/95 aff. savaglia Parazoanthus sp. “Senegal”

1/1/98 “Yellow polyps”

0.81/-/- HYDROZOANTHIDAE Hydrozoanthid “302”

antumbrosus 1/0.99/99 0.91/0.96/62 n. fam. 0.98/-/- cf. gracilis “NC” 1/0.93/70 Hydrozoanthus gracilis “Japan” n. gen.

0.82/0.93/82 gracilis “Sulawesi”

0.87/0.96/68 tunicans 0.93/-/74 Hydrozoanthid “Madagascar1” 1/1/100 australiae “Sulawesi” Acrozoanthus/ZOANTHIDAE

0.99/0.91/88 tuberculosa Palythoa/SPHENOPIDAE 1/1/98 showed the best resolution and, among the trees obtained appeared unresolved. Epizoanthus was used as an outgroup with nucleotides, the ML tree showed considerable resolu- and Isozoanthus sulcatus (traditionally grouped within tion when compared with the Bayesian tree. In all trees Parazoanthidae) also branched at the base of the tree. The obtained, the different generic level clades were highly remaining zoanthids, including Parazoanthidae and supported, with the exception of Parazoanthus, which brachycnemic zoanthids grouped into a poorly resolved clade. Mar Biodiv

Parazoanthus appeared paraphyletic and unresolved. The The monophyletic group of Hydrozoanthus n. gen. and grouping of Mesozoanthus with some Parazoanthus species related species (pp=0.89, ML=77%) branching as a sister appeared only in the codon analysis, while in the nucleotide group of the family Sphenopidae appeared in the best ML analyses most species appeared as independent clades with tree but was not supported by significant bootstrap values unresolved positions. Most other generic level clades nor by posterior probabilities (pp<0.6, ML<50%). As with appeared independent in all the analyses. In the codon COI topologies, a zoanthid not associated to hydrozoans analysis, Savalia branches at the base of a clade composed branched at the base of the Hydrozoanthus n.gen.. of one undescribed Parazoanthus, Hydrozoanthidae n. fam. Genetic distances between specimens of the family and Brachycnemina. The position of Parazoanthus sp. from Hydrozoanthidae n. fam. and Parazoanthidae range between Senegal in this clade might be a consequence of long 0.0191 and 0.0611, while genetic distances between branch attraction. different parazoanthid genera range between 0.0133 and A highly supported monophyletic Hydrozoanthidae n. fam. 0.0679 (0.0286 and 0.0679 between Antipathozoanthus n. sister to Brachycnemina was recovered in the analyses. The gen. and other parazoanthids). Distances between Hydro- association of those two sister groups was recovered in all the zoanthus species range from 0 to 0.0086, while distances analyses (posterior probabilities cod.=0.93, pp nuc.=0.91, between Hydrozoanthus spp. and other Hydrozoanthidae ML=74%). One zoanthid not associated to Hydrozoa (Hydro- range between 0.0139 and 0.0226. zoanthid M1) appeared to be closely related to Hydrozoanthus n. gen. in all analyses. ITS-rDNA region (ITS-1, ITS-2 and 5.8S-rDNA) Genetic distances between the families Hydrozoanthidae n. fam. and Parazoanthidae range between 0.0328 and The alignment of the ITS-rDNA region contained 1019 0.0616 (0.0328 and 0.0567 between Hydrozoanthus n. gen. sites and 79 sequences. Multiple copies originating from and other parazoanthid genera), while distances between some of the 49 samples were included in the alignment. parazoanthid genera range between 0.0432 and 0.0129 While all species were represented at least once by ITS-1, (0.0400 and 0.0210 between Antipathozoanthus n. gen. and 5.8S and ITS-2 rDNA, additional copies for ITS-2 were other parazoanthids). Distances between Hydrozoanthidae added to the alignment for some samples. The trees n. fam. and Sphenopidae range between 0.0352 and 0.0448 obtained further supported the results obtained with the (Fig. 1). two mitochondrial markers with slightly higher resolution for relationships between genera in the Bayesian analysis mt 16S-rDNA (Fig. 5). However, in the ML tree no supported resolution could be obtained for most supra-generic-level clades. The The length of the 51 sequences composing the alignment main difference of the Bayesian analyses was the clade varied between 536 and 641 bp. Most of the length grouping Sphenopidae and Hydrozoanthidae n. fam. (pp=1, variation was located in two regions corresponding to the ML=71%) did not emerge within the Parazoanthidae but as regions V5 and V8 described in Sinniger et al. (2005). a sister group to this family and that the genus Para- Similar to COI trees, the resolution of the trees was poor at zoanthus appeared monophyletic (pp=1). The monophyly specific level, however most generic level clades were of Parazoanthidae is well supported in the Bayesian clearly distinct (Fig. 4). topology (pp=0.99). The monophyly of the “Parazoanthidae and Sphenopidae” Hydrozoanthidae n. fam. appeared monophyletic (pp= clade was highly supported (pp=1, ML=100%), but the 0.98, ML=96%) and branched as a sister group to relationships between most different groups within this clade Sphenopidae. Within this clade, two samples clearly not remained unresolved (pp≤0.5, ML≤50%). However, mt 16S- associated to hydrozoans, (the aquarium-grown “Yellow rDNA was useful in distinguishing between some groups polyps” and an undetermined zoanthid from Madagascar) within this clade, although this marker is apparently too branched together at the base of the clade, while “Hydro- conservative to distinguish between some closely related zoanthid” sp. “Madagascar1” branches at the base of species (e.g. and P. anguicomus had Hydrozoanthus n.gen.. The Hydrozoanthus n.gen. (H. identical sequences). Most generic level clades were shown gracilis, H. cf. gracilis, H. tunicans, H. antumbrosus) to be supported monophyletic groups [Antipathozoanthus monophyly was supported by posterior probabilities of n. gen., parazoanthid clade 2, Corallizoanthus and Meso- 1.00. The different ITS-rDNA copies of the recently zoanthus (pp=1.00, ML=100%), Savalia (pp=1.00, ML= described species H. antumbrosus (Swain 2009), originally 64%)] and Hydrozoanthus n. gen. (pp=0.77, ML=52%), but assigned to Isozoanthus branch together (pp=0.85, ML= the phylogeny of sponge-associated Parazoanthus remained 72%) within Hydrozoanthus. H. tunicans copies appear problematic. distinct from the other Hydrozoanthus in both analyses Mar Biodiv

0.93/- illoricatus Epizoanthus/EPIZOANTHIDAE

paguricola 1/100 fossii Mesozoanthus

1/100 “New Caledonia” “Clade 2” “Mediterranea”

lucifica 1/64 aff. savaglia Savalia savaglia

1/100 macaronesicus Antipathozoanthus 0.74/- n. gen. sp. “Madagascar”

1/100 tsukaharai Corallizoanthus

elongatus PARAZOANTHIDAE axinellae

anguicomus 0.59/- swiftii

sp. “NC shallow” 0.90/81

Parazoanthus sp. “Japan” 1/100


sp. “NC deep”

sp. “Madagascar”

sp.3 “Sulawesi”

puertoricense 0.98/- sp. “Senegal” sp.5 “Sulawesi”

antumbrosus HYDROZOANTHIDAE 0.95/83 cf. gracilis “NC” Hydrozoanthus 1/-

gracilis “Japan” n. gen. n. fam.

0.77/52 0.92/64 gracilis “Sulawesi” tunicans 0.89/77 Hydrozoanthid “Madagascar1”

1/97 “Yellow polyps”

Hydrozoanthid “302” tuberculosa 0.99/80 0.90/64 0.73/84 mutuki

0.93/76 Palythoa/SPHENOPIDAE aff. psammophila

0.99/100 heliodiscus

Fig. 4 Bayesian tree obtained with mt 16S rDNA data. Values at the nodes indicate posterior probabilities and ML bootstrap support when >50% Mar Biodiv

arenaceus 1/100 Epizoanthus/EPIZOANTHIDAE illoricatus

1/100 fossii C3* fossii C5* fossii C5 0.82/- fossii C5 Mesozoanthus fossii C3 0.90/- fossii C5* 0.56/- aff. savaglia* lucifica* 0.98/- aff. savaglia* savaglia* 0.72/- savaglia 1/100 Savalia savaglia lucifica 1/- aff. savaglia 0.99/- aff. savaglia 1/80 0.59/- “Mediterranea” “New Caledonia3” “New Caledonia2” “Clade 2” 1/80 1/67 0.89/61 “New Caledonia2” sp. “Madagascar” macaronesicus “Principe” macaronesicus “Principe” Antipathozoanthus 1/100 macaronesicus “CapeVerde2” n. gen. 0.58/- macaronesicus “CapeVerde1” 0.66/- macaronesicus “CapeVerde1” Corallizoanthus tsukaharai 0.53/95 elongatus “New Zealand” elongatus “Chile” 1/72 1/100 axinellae “Mediterranea” 0.59/- 0.93/77 axinellae “Irland” anguicomus swiftii “210” A 0.56/- 0.81/68 swiftii “210” PARAZOANTHIDAE 1/79 swiftii “209” swiftii “209” 1/99 swiftii “209” 1/100 sp. “Japan2” 0.73/- 0.53/- sp. “Japan1” 1/- sp. “NC shallow” 388 sp. “NC shallow” 383 1/- 1/93 sp. “NC shallow” 402 0.99/- sp. “NC shallow” 402 sp.3 “Sulawesi” Parazoanthus 0.93/- sp. “Madagascar” sp. “NC deep” 380 1/- B 0.98/54 sp. “NC deep” 393 1/77 0.54/62 sp. “NC deep” 393 0.75/- parasiticus “215” 1/50 parasiticus “215” 0.93/60 parasiticus “214” 1/- 1/100 parasiticus “214” 1/62 parasiticus “215”* parasiticus “212” 0.69/55 parasiticus “212” parasiticus “215”* sp. “Senegal” 1/100 sp.5 “Sulawesi”* 1/86 sp.5 “Sulawesi”* C 0.66/- sp.5 “Sulawesi”* 1/99 puertoricense 0.99/98 tunicans*

1/92 tunicans HYDROZOANTHIDAE tunicans* tunicans 1/79 gracilis “Sulawesi” Hydrozoanthus

0.85/72 antumbrosus* n. gen. n. fam. antumbrosus 0.97/63 0.70/67 gracilis “Japan” 0.95/61 cf. gracilis “NC” 416 0.98/96 1/92 cf. gracilis “NC” 409 1/89 cf. gracilis “NC” 409 Hydrozoanthid “Madagascar1” 1/71 0.93/86 Hydrozoanthid “302” “Yellow polyps” 1/100 “Yellow polyps” Palythoa mutuki/SPHENOPIDAE

Fig. 5 Bayesian tree obtained with ITS sequences. Numbers support when >50%. Divergent sequences do not always represent following some species names serve to identify different specimens. different species due to the presence of ITS copies. The three Names followed by an asterisk indicate sequences of ITS2 only. Parazoanthus subclades are indicated with capital letters Values at the nodes indicate posterior probabilities and ML bootstrap

(pp=1, ML=92). However, copies from the two apparently Similarly to as observed in the mitochondrial marker identical H. cf. gracilis collected in the same site in New phylogenetic trees, generic level clades were well supported Caledonia branched at slightly different positions, one (pp=1, ML>80%), with the exception of Parazoanthus, sample forming a monophyly with Hydrozoanthus gracilis which was unresolved in ML analysis (ML<50%). At the (pp=0.7, ML=67%), while the other is sister to the H. supra-generic level, the clades Antipathozoanthus and gracilis monophyly (pp=1, ML=89%). “Clade 2” grouped together (pp=1, ML=80%). In the Mar Biodiv

Bayesian analysis Corallizoanthus and Savalia branched at overlap exists, the average values provide a good estima- the base of the Antipathozoanthus- “Clade2” group with tion of the taxonomical level. weak support (pp=0.58 and 0.59 respectively), while in the ML analysis these two genera branched independently. The Generic level clades genus Parazoanthus appeared unresolved in ML analyses with the subclades A and C branching as independent The generic level of both Antipathozoanthus n. gen. and the monophylies (72% and 86% bootstrap, respectively) and Hydrozoanthus n. gen. is supported both by substrate subclade B composed of one monophyletic group and four specificity (antipatharians and hydrozoans, respectively) independent branches. In Bayesian analysis, the monophyly and molecular results (Fig. 1). of Parazoanthus was well supported (pp=1.00) and the Another genus level parazoanthid clade, “Clade 2”, uses three Parazoanthus subclades also appeared monophyletic hexactinellid stalks as substrate. This substrate is also (pp=1.00 or 0.99). In the three subclades, multiple copies characteristic for a few species of Epizoanthus and belonging to described species formed fully (pp=1.00) Isozoanthus (see Carlgren 1923), but the molecular results supported monophylies (subclade A: P. elongatus, P. swiftii exclude clearly our specimens from Epizoanthus (Figs. 3, 4 and P. axinellae; subclade B: P. parasiticus). The third and 5). COI (Fig. 3) and preliminary ITS rDNA (F. subclade contained P. puertoricense,aParazoanthus sp. Sinniger, data not shown) sequences of Isozoanthus from Senegal and multiple ITS copies were obtained only sulcatus strongly diverge from parazoanthid sequences, from Parazoanthus “sp5” from Sulawesi (pp=1.00). and thus would exclude our specimens from belonging to Isozoanthus. However, I. sulcatus is clearly distinct from other species of the genus (I. arborescens being the type Discussion species of the genus) and in the absence of sequence data from I. arborescens or other typical Isozoanthus species for Utility of different molecular markers comparison, the possibility that I. sulcatus is not actually within Isozoanthus cannot be excluded. Polychaete worms Zoanthids have very few reliable diagnostic morphological were found associated with specimens from New Caledonia characters, but molecular results here and in other studies and possibly to the Mediterranean specimens as structures (Sinniger et al. 2005) have proven to fit well with certain similar to polychaete tubes were found on the small sample ecological (substrate specificity) and biogeographical (P. collected. Such an association was also found by Carlgren elongatus in South Pacific and P. axinellae in Mediterra- with Epizoanthus fatuus, E. planus, Isozoanthus valdiviae, nean and North-East Atlantic) features. This strongly I. arenosus and I. africanus (with Eunice mindanavensis) suggests that a combination of these features can be (Carlgren 1923). A molecular re-examination of the five successfully used to distinguish between and identify species listed above is necessary to compare their relation- most zoanthid species and recent taxonomic studies ships with our specimens and to test potential convergent already showed the adequacy to use DNA information evolution toward the use of hexactinellid stalks as substrate combined with ecological information in species or among deep sea zoanthids. genus descriptions (Reimer et al. 2007a; 2008a, b; Despite their efficiency to distinguish the different Sinniger and Häussermann 2009). However, caution must clades, the analyses of data from the two mitochondrial be taken when using different molecular markers. Indeed, genes were unable to resolve relationships between the in 16S and ITS, much information is contained in indels, different clades within Parazoanthus. This may reflect the which are problematic to align when dealing with different high conservation of mitochondrial genes in anthozoans genera. Our results show clearly the influence of such (Shearer et al. 2002; Huang et al. 2008). issues, in particular affecting accurate estimation of Of the genetic markers examined here, the ITS-rDNA genetic distances. Sequence conservation issues were region was the most variable. There were a few uncertain problematic for bootstrapping and when not considering cases regarding the specific status of different morphotypes insertion/deletion events in ITS-rDNA region and mt 16S and ecotypes (potentially different species) that have rDNA to infer the phylogenetic relationships between identical ITS-rDNA sequences; for example, between species groups. specimens belonging to Antipathozoanthus n. gen. Howev- Therefore, while these two markers are the most useful er, detailed relationships within this new genus will be to clearly distinguish the different taxa, COI appears more described elsewhere. suitable to objectively compare genetic distances and On the other hand, the opposite situation occurs in potential relationships between the different clades. Figure 1 Hydrozoanthus n. gen. Samples classified as H. cf. gracilis illustrates the efficiency to separate different taxonomical collected throughout the Indo-Pacific (Indonesia, Japan and levels based on COI genetic distances. Despite some New Caledonia) showed sequence variation despite identi- Mar Biodiv cal external appearances and distribution. H. gracilis from sphincter, encircling sinus, endodermal canals, lacunae and Sulawesi appeared more closely related to Hydrozoanthus cell-islets in the mesoglea, continuous ectoderm and body- tunicans than to other Hydrozoanthus specimens with both wall incrusted with mineral particles, often with numerous mitochondrial markers, while H. gracilis from Japan and H. sponge spicules present in the incrustations. As shown in cf. gracilis from New Caledonia branched closer to H. Sinniger et al. (2005) and here, these morphological antumbrosus (Figs. 3 and 4). This suggests either the characteristics alone do not ascertain the monophyly of presence of different species within H. gracilis, or that H. Parazoanthus. Morphological characteristics in zoanthids gracilis and H. tunicans represent a single pantropical can often become artifactual due to both complications species or species complex. Moreover, H. antumbrosus encountered in making thin cuttings of heavily sediment- recently described by Swain (2009) and assigned to the incrusted polyps, and in interpreting the results of such genus Isozoanthus also falls within this new genus. The sections. In the past, the large majority of epizoic macro- original placement of this species was doubtful as no other cnemic zoanthids were described as belonging to Para- Isozoanthus specimens were studied for comparison in the zoanthus despite clearly different ecologies in many cases. description and the morphological characters used to place Thus, the results of this study strongly suggest that only the species into this genus are subject to controversial zoanthid species able to associate with sponges should interpretation (i.e. inconspicuous sphincter). At the species remain in Parazoanthus, as the type species of this genus, level, some diagnostic characters of I. antumbrosus are P. axinellae from the Mediterranean Sea, is regularly doubtful (i.e. “holes” potentially left by the dissolution of associated with demosponges. siliceous or calcareous incrustations could be interpreted as Within the redefined Parazoanthus, three different lacunae). It is likely that several other species that are monophyletic subclades can be distinguished (subclades known to be associated with hydrozoans for which speci- A, B and C, Fig. 5). Subclade A contains P. axinellae and mens were not available, including Parazoanthus dichroi- other species (P. anguicomus, P. axinellae, P. elongatus, P. cus and P. douglasi, could belong to this genus. Recently, swiftii) able to live on sponges but not exclusively found on Di Camillo et al. (2009) reported the presence of a different sponges. Indeed, it is common to find P. axinellae or P. hydrozoan-associated zoanthid with potential separate elongatus on rocky substrates. Polyps of this group are specific status in their detailed study of hydrozoan- relatively big (up to 22 mm high and 10 mm diameter) and zoanthid associations in Indonesian waters. A hydrozoan- share a well-developed basal coenenchyme, forming dense thid from Madagascar ( “Mada1”) not found on hydrozoan colonies. Subclade A zoanthid species are often yellow. substrate was also shown to possess very closely related Subclade B comprises species exclusively found on ITS-rDNA sequences to other Hydrozoanthus spp and sponges. The polyps are small and linked together through branched basal to Hydrozoanthus spp in all three molecular stolons that may sometimes be absent altogether. The analysis (altghough not clearly supported with COI). In the polyps are usually scattered on the surface of the sponge. light of those results, more studies are necessary to This clade contains the well-known Caribbean zoanthid P. understand the molecular evolution and species delimitation parasiticus, as well as different species from the Indo- within this group and species descriptions/identifications Pacific, and mitochondrial markers place it closer to the P. should be considered with caution. axinellae group (Subclade A) than to subclade C, while the It may be of importance that Hydrozoanthus n. gen. nuclear (ITS) marker place subclades B and C as sister branches as a sister group of the suborder Brachycnemina group to A. (grouping Zoanthidae and Sphenopidae), which is known to Subclade C comprises P. puertoricense, one undescribed have relatively high inter- and intra-specific ITS-rDNA species from Senegal and one undescribed species from sequence variation (Reimer et al. 2007b, c). Hydrozoanthus Sulawesi. The sequences of these species are highly n. gen. could be a transitional step in the molecular divergent compared with the other Parazoanthus and their evolution from Macrocnemina towards brachycnemic zoan- position within Parazoanthus is only supported by statis- thids. In some brachycnemic species the mode of sexual tical analyses for the Bayesian analyses of the ITS-rDNA reproduction has been suggested to explain the presence of region sequences (pp=1.00, ML<50%, Fig. 5), while they potential reticulate evolution (Reimer et al. 2007b, c). branch at different positions within Parazoanthidae in both Unfortunately, nothing is currently known about the COI and mt 16S-rDNA trees (Figs. 3 and 4). This clade reproduction of Hydrozoanthus n. gen. species. could be an artificial grouping of divergent parazoanthids showing ecological convergence with other Parazoanthus Subclades within Parazoanthus regarding association with sponges as substrate. As the knowledge on this group is scarce besides molecular The original morphological description of Parazoanthus sequences to distinguish this clade from other Parazoan- mentions several characteristics such as diffuse endodermal thus (and in particular subclade B), it was decided to leave Mar Biodiv these species in Parazoanthus until new data clarify the Carlgren O (1924) Die larven der Ceriantharien, Zoantharien und situation, although the genetic distances (Fig. 1) would Actiniarien der deutschen Tiefsee-expedition mit einen Nachtrag – suggest the creation of a separate genus. zu den Zoantharien. Wiss Ergebn Dt Tiefsee-Exped 19:339 476 Crocker LA, Reiswig HM (1981) Host specificity in sponge- encrusting Zoanthidea (: Zoantharia) of Barbados, West Consequences for taxonomy Indies. 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