NYSBA 2018 | VOL. 31 | NO. 2 International Law Practicum A publication of the International Section of the New York State Bar Association www.nysba.org/ILP Message from the New Section Chair Welcome to the the profession, as well as a pre-meeting dinner on Sunday, January 13, 2019 for members of the EC. International Law The annual meeting is being ably chaired by Jay Practicum and Himes, who has assembled a team of outstanding Chapter News! speakers for the CLE programs. • Wednesday, February 13, 2019—Florida Chapter We encourage all of Event in Miami co-chaired by Constantine our chapters to provide Economides, Esperanza Segarra, Thomas news of the latest legal de- Verhoeven, Jay Himes of Labaton Sucharow and velopments in your home Mark Bloom of Greenberg Traurig. The program jurisdictions, whether they will feature five law clerks from New York and are cases, new legislation, Miami on a panel called “Try Your Case, Not Your programs or practice tips. Judge’s Patience,” offering invaluable practice tips Please feel free to make from those in the know. Afterwards, Greenberg your submissions directly to our editor, Torsten Kracht, Traurig will be hosting a cocktail reception in its at
[email protected]. Miami office. In 2018, the Section held its Seasonal Meeting in • Thursday, March 21, 2019—Inaugural meeting of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Many thanks to the Confer- the newly-formed Texas Chapter in the Houston ence Co-Chairs, Mark Rosenberg of Sullivan & Cromwell office of Locke Lord under the able leadership of and Stephanie Lapierre of Strikeman Elliott, for an amaz- Texas Chapter Chair David Harrell.