The Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ!

The Newsletter of Bethlehem Lutheran Church June 2021 Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email: [email protected] Fort Wayne, IN 46806 Fax: 260-744-3229 Web:

From the Pastor’s Desk

A Father’s Love

And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. Luke 15:20

I have embarrassed my father more times than I can count in my life. As Father’s Day approaches this year, it has me thinking about some of those moments. I don’t feel it necessary to confess all of them to you in this article. I don’t think I have enough space to do it anyway. The point being that I wasn’t always the kind of kid a father would brag about or point to as a shining example of what a son should be. He put up with a lot. Both of my parents did. But this Father’s Day I am thankful that my dad loved me despite myself and the mistakes I made growing up. He might have loved me through clenched teeth at times but he loved me all the same. I’m not sure what your father was like. Maybe you were blessed with a similar experience. You might not have been. Your father may still be with us or he may have passed. The conversations around fatherhood can be sensitive at times because of the complicated relationships we have with our fathers. This is why some have a hard time looking to God as their Heavenly Father. The passage shared above is from the parable of the prodigal son. If you are unfamiliar with the parable then I will briefly explain. A father had two sons and the younger of the two decided that he wanted out of the house. He asked for his share of the inheritance so that he could set out on his own. If there’s a way to nicely tell your dad to drop dead this would be it. I’m sure it hurt him but the father gave his son the money anyway and off he went. It didn’t take long for this young man to lose everything. It was all wasted on wild living that would have brought shame and embarrassment on his father. He came to town with his inheritance in hand and was left with nothing. His “rock bottom” moment was when he found himself longing for what the pigs were eating. He finally came to his senses and decided to return home to work for his father as a lowly servant. That way he’d at least have a place to live and a guaranteed meal.

Continued on next page

He had written off his father. He had written him out of his life but his father had never forgotten about him. As the son turned the corner for the final stretch home his father saw him. The father couldn’t wait for him to get close. At once he lifted up his robe and ran to his son. This simple action tells us all we need to know about the father. He had been abused and rejected by his son and yet he chose to run to him, hug him and kiss him. This would have brought shame and embarrassment to the father. He makes a fool of himself running toward a son that had wished him dead. Yet, his love for his son far outweighed any pride or sense of justice he might have within him. This is a father’s love and this is how our Heavenly Father loves us.

Our rebellion didn’t cause God to turn from us. Our sinful behavior that has earned us death and damnation wasn’t enough for God to write us off either. Instead, the Creator of the universe put his reputation on the line by endlessly pursuing an unfaithful people. Why would an almighty God do something like that? Why would he lower himself for such a lowly people? It’s a father’s love. It is his great love for us, his children. A love that has done more than just run a mile up the road to embrace us, but one that brought him down to earth to be one of us. Jesus brought embarrassment and scorn and shame onto himself as he hung from the cross for our salvation. His arms stretched wide show us just how great the Father’s love is for you and me. Because of that loving sacrifice, one that caused God to turn away in shame and disgust, we are forgiven and free. I’m not sure what your Father’s Day will look like this year. I don’t know what emotions it will stir up for you. But during that day I’d suggest you spend a moment to remember the great love of your Heavenly Father. A love that sees you staggering on the horizon, ragged from sin, and chases after you at a great cost to himself. This is a father’s love and it is there running toward you time and time again. Pastor Ben

Worship Anew

Online - Sunday at 6:30am on (WISE-TV Channel 33) Sunday at 7:00am on (EPTA channel 21.2) Sunday at 11:30am on TCT (WINM channel 12). JUNE 26 MEN'S PRAYER BREAKFAST

June 6, 2021 – Second Sunday after Pentecost In Romans 7:15 Paul states, "I do not “Crazy or Faithful?” - Mark 3:21 understand what I do. For what I want to do I Rev. Shayne Jonker do not do, but what I hate I do." Have you ever It’s crazy. Getting up for church, going through found yourself in this troubling paradoxical ancient rituals that have no connection with state? Our Bethlehem Men's Prayer Breakfast contemporary culture, and calling yourself a sinner, and set for 8:00am on Saturday, June 26, 2021, in the believing that a pastor’s word is Christ’s Word forgiving Bethlehem cafeteria will consider this dilemma your sins. Singing difficult hymns, praying to a God you of the human condition in light of Romans 7. can’t see or hear directly, eating a bit of bread and Please plan to join us for breakfast, drinking a sip of wine believing they are the sacrificial prayer, a devotion by Bill Ihssen, and a study and Body and Blood of Jesus. Trusting Jesus’ finished work discussion of Romans 7. instead of your own works for salvation. Some will say, It’s of the devil. Most will say you’re crazy. God calls it faithful.

June 13, 2021 – Third Sunday after Pentecost “Our Forever Home” - 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 Rev. Paul Shoemaker SUNDAY ADULT BIBLE CLASSES As we age, we become more and more aware of our mortality. Our once strong body shows signs of Greg Shediack continues his series on weakness and age. The day will come when the burdens "Who Am I? Why Am I Here?" In each session of this life will be over, and we will be forever with the a video featuring Professor Joel Biermann of the Lord. Concordia Seminary will be presented followed by questions and discussion led by Greg. Topics June 20, 2021 – Fourth Sunday after Pentecost are as follows:

“Fear Knot!” - Mark 4:35-41 June 6: In the Groove Rev. William Mueller June 13: Two Taboo Topics with a Twist The picture is very familiar: Jesus, asleep in the June 20: Living in the End boat while His disciples battle the elements, trying to A new class will begin starting June 27 keep the boat afloat. Is Jesus unaware of their concern Our Sunday morning classes meet at or, worse yet, the danger at hand? The answer to that 10:30am in the cafeteria following our 9:00am question is the same answer He lovingly gives us to worship service. All Bethlehem members and answer our questions of where He is during the storms of visitors are invited to attend to learn more about our life. Where is Jesus? He is right here! Listen to what our God and the great things He has done and will He says. do for us. [Jesus said,] "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this June 27, 2021 – Fifth Sunday after Pentecost bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, “Praise and Adoration” - Psalm 30 which I will give for the life of the world." Rev. Dr. Thomas Ahlersmeyer John 6:51 NIV. The “business of living” brings incredible joys and unbearable sorrows. Christ-followers praise God in the highs and lows of life and all conditions in between. We live with the sure and certain hope that Jesus Christ is with us through it all.

Rescue Mission Update Bethlehem has had a long tradition of sending volunteer servers to the Fort Wayne Rescue Mission, every 4th Sunday of the month. This was a great opportunity to serve the folks in our community that used the Rescue Mission’s services. With Covid-19 and time, things have changed. The mission has since moved to a new location and is now called the Rescue Mission. All volunteer opportunities such as ours had to stop due to the pandemic and restrictions put in place to help prevent and slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus. I’ve recently reached out to Deanna Bates, Volunteer Coordinator for the Rescue Mission in regards to starting up our volunteer program once again. She hasn’t gotten the green light to start having volunteers serve meals due to certain Covid-19 precautions that in place for now. Once she is given the word that Rescue Mission will open up to having serving volunteers, she will let us know.

Food Bank Report for April 2021 by Charlotte Ratliff We provided food to 94 individuals: The 94 individuals included 23 children under the age of 18, and 25 individuals over the age of 60; 0 were veterans. Our congregation provided 114# of food. We bought 1253# of food from Community Harvest for $614.98. Associated Churches provided 933# of food for Bethlehem’s’ clients. Our 14 volunteers gave 130 hours of their time to provide 94 individuals with food. Thanks for all the salad dressing and jelly. Our Gravy food bank is looking well stocked this month. It is and wonderful to see the shelves so full. Thanks to ALL of you for all your many volunteer hours, dedication and financial support you give to help provide this mission Baking Mixes at Bethlehem.

The Seven “Ups”

Living out your faith from day to day can sometimes be difficult, especially when you are trying to care for someone else who needs all the help, love, and encouragement you can give him or her. Serving others in this way can be draining emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Here are some uplifting tips on how to maintain your own balance in these areas while helping your care receiver to do so as well.

1. Wake up! Decide to have a good day and make a commitment to live it to the fullest.

“This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118: 24

2. Dress up! The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks (and it can be contagious, too!).

“. . . for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

3. Shut up! Try to say nice things and learn to listen. God gave us two ears and one mouth, so he must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking.

“The one who guards his mouth preserves his life. “ Proverbs 13:3

4. Stand up! Stand up for what you believe in. If you don’t stand for something, you’re likely to fall for anything.

“Let us not lose heart in doing good; for in due time, we will reap a harvest if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:9-10

5. Look up! Look up to the Lord and know that he is the source all your strength.

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

6. Reach up! Reach up for something higher. Don’t settle for what is merely good, but strive for the best in all you do.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

7. Lift up! Lift up your concerns, your hopes, your fears, your dreams in prayer to the Lord. Lay them at his feet and ask him to respond as he has promised he will.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplications, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6

VISITATION MINISTRY Please remember to turn in your check-in sheets. This is the primary means Pastor has to keep up to date on our shut-ins. Thank you for serving our Lord in this ministry.

The Joyful Corner

‘Dad Jokes’ From the Bible

1. Who was the smallest person in the Bible? Knee high miah!

2. What car did the wise men drive to see Jesus? Honda Accord. The Bible says the wise men all came in one accord.

3. Why couldn’t Jonah trust the ocean? Because he knew there was something fishy about it.

4. Who was the most business-savvy woman in the Bible? Pharaoh’s daughter, who went down to the bank of the Nile and pulled out a little prophet.

5. What kind of person was Boaz before he got married? Ruthless!

6. Where is the first tennis match mentioned in the Bible? When Joseph served in Pharaoh’s court.

7. Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible? Samson. He brought the house down.

8. Which servant of God was the worst lawbreaker in the Bible? Moses. He broke all 10 commandments at once.

9. How does Moses start his morning? Hebrews a pot of coffee!

10. At what time of day was Adam created? A little before Eve.

11. Who is the greatest babysitter mentioned in the Bible? David. He rocked Goliath to sleep.

12. Did Eve ever have a date with Adam? No, just an apple.

Natalie and I have been part of Bethlehem Lutheran Church for 5 months now, so I figure it’s time to add my “two cents’ worth” to the Messenger. First let me say that Natalie and I LOVE being here! The congregation has been so welcoming to us, and definitely feel the family spirit here, so thank you! It’s been fun getting to know you all and working with Pastor Ben has been a blessing.

Here are a few items on my mind right now as we head into the Summer months:

1) I want to give a special “Shout Out” to Bob Miller for playing the organ/piano for the services before I arrived. He has been very – pardon the pun – “instrumental” in getting me up to speed with the organ and the pianos here at Bethlehem.

2) The people I’ve spent most of my time here has to be the Choir. We started meeting again in March, talking about how we wanted to proceed while at the same time keeping it safe. I wanted to have special music for Easter, and by God’s grace we were able to enhance the Easter service. So thank you to Choir members: Ruth Bates, Steve Bercot, Bark Blessing, Janet Braun-Blessing, Deb Caldwell, Sharon Dietrich, Glenn Emley, Suzie Emley, Connie Hawkins, Joyce Knipstein, Threasa Lightning, Bob Miller, Natalie Reynolds, Dave Schult, Dena Schult, and Mary Snow.

3) Also, special thanks need to go to Laurie Hapner for getting the Handbell Choir back up and ringing. They certainly helped the Celebration of Easter as well! The ringers were: Deb Caldwell, Allison Cheng, Jacob Hapner, Josiah Hapner, Lauire Hapner, Natalie Reynolds, Mary Snow.

4) Update on the Lutheran Service Book liturgy: Starting in July the liturgy will switch to Divine Service Setting 4 (we have been using Divine Service Setting 3), which will include a new Hymn of Praise, the Sanctus, the Agnus Dei, and the Post-Communion Canticle. There are 5 total Divine Services in this “new” hymnal, and to provide variety, we will change it up every once in a while. If I find out that some of the pieces of liturgy are relatively unknown, I will take the time to introduce/teach the new things as they come up.

5) Even though the choirs here at Bethlehem will be breaking for the summer, I will use the time to regroup and start planning for the Fall. And if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to sing/ring in a church choir, PLEASE talk to me or any of the people listed above. WE would LOVE to have you join! Be looking for more information on that in the bulletins/Messenger. There’s room in every section (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, or Bass); and for Bethlehem to have a full 3-octave Handbell Choir, we will need 11 ringers. More information to come.

6) Also, I would love to incorporate more instrumentalists into the worship services throughout the year. If you have played an instrument for at least 2 years, please talk to me! We can utilize instrumentalists in either a solo setting or in any size ensemble to accompany the hymns and/or provide other special music. Come join us as we make music unto the Lord!!

Again, thank you for allowing us the opportunity to come and serve here at Bethlehem! May God continue to bless this congregation as we strive to proclaim God’s Word in this area of Ft. Wayne!!

Because of Him, Doug Reynolds

A LIFE LESSON FROM BLUEBIRDS AND SPARROWS Part Two - Backyard Life Lessons By Jane Elise Miller

The Bluebirds are back! But... they are not the ones the sparrows chased away several weeks ago, whose eggs were destroyed! In all these weeks, we have never seen them again; perhaps they found a new, more secluded place to start a new nest. Maybe this new couple are children who were raised in our nesting box last Spring or Summer; but we can tell they have different personalities and habits: no constant head-banging on our window like our original male bluebird; mama and papa sitting on different perches, etc. I hope this time they find our nesting box a safe place to raise their babies; but I also realize it is up to their Creator to insure that - not through any doing of ours except for providing food and a place to nest! This appears to be a “new thing” God is doing in our back yard! Isaiah 43:18-19 (TPT) tells us, “Stop dwelling on the past. Don’t even remember these former things. I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert.” I was reminded of this Scripture passage this week when our Pastor Ben was sharing his thoughts based on Ezra 3 during his Wednesday online devotional from his office! Back to our backyard, we can either mourn for our old, beloved Bluebird family, or we can welcome the new ones and admire the beautiful way God made them - different personalities and all! Or we can make the short trip over to Wild Birds Unlimited to purchase another bag of the dried meal worms they love, and keep the seed feeders full for all our different varieties of backyard birds. But beyond that, I think God has sent this new couple to cheer our hearts and enjoy His wonderful creation, right in our own backyard! And in our church backyard and neighborhood, we can be on the lookout for the “New Thing” our Lord is bringing to us, where we can be His welcomers, caregivers, and disciple-makers! Amen...Let it be so, dear Lord of the Harvest! PostScript: Pentecost Sunday As I was writing this little devotion to be included in the monthly Messenger, I saw another little drama happening in my backyard! During the night, a bigger critter such as a raccoon must have paid us a visit, as our birdbath had been toppled over and our hummingbird feeder had been knocked off its shepherd’s hook and was lying broken on the ground! All varieties of our backyard birds seemed to be upset, some even trying to get our attention by pecking on our sunroom windows! They were used to coming to that birdbath for a good water supply, and on this unseasonably warm, dry day, they were feeling the lack and asking us for help! A good picture on this Pentecost Day how much we need the Living Water of God’s promised Holy Spirit! Pastor Ben preached May 23, 2021 on the valley of bones in Ezekiel 37: “Can These Bones Live?” Just as the vision of the Water of the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus promised to send us! Thank you, Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus for sending us that Holy Spirit! Keep filling us and using us to spread the Good News of our Living Water! Just as the birds flock to our backyard for a good water supply, may our neighbors be drawn to us and to our church for the Life-giving Water! Amen!

Bethlehem Mission News

From many sources, including our own Indian- June 6 born and educated primary care physician, we have Joe and Suzy Schlie and CRU’s Urban heard of the very bad state of the Covid Pandemic in Outreach in Paris and Major US Urban Areas.

India right now! That, in addition to news of the virus Joe and Suzy Schlie request our prayers for spreading heavily right now through all of Asia, Agape Paris’ newest project hosting multiple including the country of Japan where the Summer events, including art, music and campus outreach. Olympics is scheduled to begin in July, seems to Pray also for the ongoing outreach in those areas in indicate a strong need for our mission prayers to be major US urban areas, including Chicago where the focused in that part of the world right now! Not only Schlies are based. are there many mission stations and missionaries in these countries, but there are many people in that June 13 continent who have not yet heard or accepted the The Growing Covid Pandemic in Asia Good News of Jesus’ love for them! Pray for protection for the many believers, We have heard from Tim and Michelle Miller missionaries, and also those who do not yet know in the last few days that the shutdown in their SE the Lord in the continent of Asia, where the Asian capitol city has now been extended into June, Pandemic is now raging! We pray the promises of with borders still closed and no flights going out or Psalm 91, Dear Lord, over those countries, and coming in. The Millers are really hoping that they will pray also that the current situation will open many be able to leave for their 4-month furlough in the US hearts to You and Your Good News! by late July or the beginning of August. This furlough was canceled last summer due to the Pandemic. Their June 20 daughter Sarah Miller’s city in Laos has also been shut The Millers and Their Team in Southeast Asia down, with classes all virtual! There is a very poor medical system in that country; so staying Covid-free Pray for Tim and Michelle Miller and their is extra-important! team as they are surrounded by a rise in the Corona Virus where they live. Pray for wisdom for the We have also had an update from Joe and Suzy Schlie with CRU in the past week, with news and authorities, and also that their team can finish the prayers requests for several projects both in the US 25 OT stories/lessons into a video-teaching format and in France in the areas of urban outreach with the and make preparation for distribution and teacher- training before they leave for their furlough. Pray Arts. And the LCMS PRAY FOR US calendar for June focuses on the Lutheran Church training and also that the Millers can leave for our country by outreach in Latin America. the end of July.

June 27 The Dominican Republic Training Base for Missions and Church Planting in Latin America

Pray for the LCMS seminary in Santiago, Dominican Republic, where pastoral and deaconess students from all over Latin America are trained for ministry. Pray also for the group home there where orphaned children with disabilities are cared for, and for the congregations, schools and mission stations around the country that have been established, that the Gospel will continue to grow and bear fruit.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in

all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ

Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

WOMEN of BETHLEHEM Co-Chairmen: Vicky Geisler and Dena Schult ~ Treasurer: Carla Kay ~ Secretary: Rhonda Cheng

MITE BOX EXCHANGE LWML will be offering the opportunity to collect Mites every Second Sunday of the month. Empty Mite Boxes are available at side entrance, and back of church. Thanks for your help in supporting world-wide missions.

LEARN MORE ABOUT LWML Check out LWML online to learn more about the missionary work both locally and worldly. National: State/Local:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CLEANING CREW “Cleaning Crew” (previously known as “The Dirty Half Dozen”) will meet, again on Tuesday, June 1st, at 9:00am. They will be working in the “air-conditioned” Kindergarten Room! We meet in the Women’s Center to begin with a cup of iced tea or coffee. All cleaning supplies provided. Please feel free to join us as you can.

Mystery Dessert Sale “DESSERTS FOR DAD” June 19, 2021 and June 20, 2021 after the worship services $15.00 each. Contact Deanna Nelson (602-1677) if you would like to provide a dessert! Proceeds from the sale will go to Faith Comes By Hearing Military Bible Sticks.

Sept. 30 - October 2nd.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Will need Volunteers for Set Up, Sale, and Clean Up (both women and men).

We want to pray for you.

Please call the

Church office at 744-3228 if you or

your family member is ill, hurt, having During the time that we are not receiving surgery or offerings during our worship services, ushers hospitalized. will be at exit doors following each service to receive the offerings. CAN YOU HELP? Offerings may also be mailed to the church

at Bethlehem Lutheran Church We have a member in need of Maternity 3705 South Anthony Boulevard pants and large or x-large shirts. Fort Wayne IN 46806-4329. Also Girls size 4T pants and shirts. You can now make gifts directly on our

website. It’s simple and secure. Visit Please call the church office. to see how easy it is!


to view this month's issue.

************************************************************ IS YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION CORRECT? If you have had a change in home address, home or cell phone number or email address, please be sure to let us know so that we can update our database. Do you have adult children no longer living with you? We want to reach out and stay in touch, so having accurate contact information is important to us. Please call, mail, or email the church office with any updates or pick up a form to fill out by the church exits and turn into an elder or the church office.

Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church

Board of Directors Meeting 4/13/2021

The regular meeting of the Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church Board of Directors was called to order by President Greg Shediack at 7:00PM in the Cafeteria of the church and via Zoom Meeting. Board members in attendance included: Allison Cheng, Linda Stafford, Evans Branigan, Joe Nelson, Randy Hapner, Dan Bates, Kim Brooks, and Pastor Ben Ahlersmeyer along with John Stafford and Sharon Shediack.

Opening prayer and Scripture Reading by Ben Ahlersmeyer: John 20:19-31.

Minutes of March 9, 2021 meeting were circulated via email. Minutes were approved via email.

The Treasurer’s Report was given by Kimberly Brooks. Cash receipts for March 2021 $18,338.59, year to date $98,954.20. Cash disbursements for March 2021 $29,641.92 year to date $103,064.68. The Scholarship Fund ended March 2021 with a balance of $221,122.78. The Endowment Fund ended March 2021 with a balance of $1,088,742.04. Operating cash ended March 2021 with a balance of $32,856.04. Kimberly Brooks made a motion that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as written. The motion was seconded by Evans Branigan and passed by voice vote.

Soul Accounting: No Changes. Pastor Report from Pastor Ahlersmeyer: Thanks to all those who helped run things in the background. Pastoral Leadership Institute (PLI) classes started on discipleship. Will be on vacation Sunday April 25th. Communion going well.

Financial Review Report: Finance Committee consists of Mark Blessing (CPA) and John Stafford. John Stafford presented their recommendations.

Evans Branigan made the motion to authorize Rose Pest Solution to remove bee infestation at the cost of $995. Dan Bates seconded the motion and was passed by voice vote.

Linda Stafford made the motion to authorize Kleenit to deep steam clean carpets throughout the building at the starting cost of $630 to not exceed $1000. Dan Bates seconded the motion and was passed by voice vote.

The next meeting: Tuesday, May 11th, 2021, at 7:00PM.

Kimberly Brooks moved to adjourn after closing prayer and seconded by Joe Nelson and passed by voice vote. The meeting adjourned by unanimous consent at 8:06PM.

Submitted in HIS service. Allison Cheng, Secretary

JUNE BIRTHDAYS 1 – Christopher Hill 16 – Josie Reed 3 – Robert Miller Sharon Varner 4 – Alexis Branigan 17 – Jason Mann 5 – Fred Barnhart 18 – Samara Hill-Roddy Kaiden Graf-Martz 21 – Deana Dennis Mark Hutchinson Karen Gerke 7 – DeAynne Suttle Michael Williams 8 – Charles Adams 22 – Le’Asia Jones Deb Christensen Gertrude Savage Yolanda Snyder 23 – Ebbie Clark IV 9 – Katelyn Bacon Vicky Geisler Layla Brooks Victoria Nelson

Eric Centurion Christopher Vachon 10 – Lenka Bercot 24 – Thomas Oberholtzer Aaron Brown Glen Reinking 11 – Tyler Stevenson 25 – Rachele Dance 12 – Douglas Hall Patricia Tinsley Amber Martin 26 – Victor Garcia 13 – Karen Jarrell Wendy Magadan 14 – Cesar Flores 27 – Beau Bishop 15 – Deborah Caldwell 29 – Shantajah Lambert Tamala Kahn 30 – Carla Johnson David Volmerding

Listen to your father who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old. Proverbs 23:22

June Servants Schedule Altar Prayer Live Date Acolytes Elder Head Usher Lay Readers Power Sound Guild Leader point stream Sharon Michael Carla

5 Dietrich Johnson Ron Johnson Brooklyn Suzie Greg Gallmeyer The Hapner Allison Harrison Shirley Davis 6 Fuller Emley Shediack Family Cheng Brooks Kim Brooklyn Ed Ramos 12 Ellison Evans Fuller Harrison Deb Dave Branigan Dena Schult Laurie Aaron Joshua

13 Brooks Fry Volmerding Kimberley Brooks Hapner Brown Hapner Terry Charlotte Pat 19 Hawkins Bratton Ratliff Dan Bates Aleese Phyllis Threasa Lightning Alexis Josiah John Bates Dena Schult 20 Branigan Reinking Donna Melcher Branigan Hapner Michael Carla 26 Linda Johnson Ron Johnson Alexis Stafford Gallmeyer Linda Stafford Joseph Dave Peter Schlie Glenn Emley 27 Branigan John Stafford Nelson Jr. Volmerding

June 2021

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 From the rising of the sun to its 6:30pm - Bd. of Elders 8:30am - Men’s Sm. Grp. 4pm Worship w/ Comm setting, the name of the LORD is

to be praised! Psalm 113:3

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9am Worship w/Comm 7:00pm - Board of Directors 8:30am - Men’s Sm. Grp. 10:30am Adult Bible Class-C 4pm Worship w/ Comm

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9am Worship w/Comm 8:30am - Men’s Sm. Grp. 10:30am Adult Bible Class-C 4pm Worship w/ Comm “Desserts for Dad” Mystery Dessert Sale

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 9am Worship w/Comm 8:00am - Men’s Prayer Breakfast 10:30am Adult Bible Class-C 4pm Worship w/ Comm “Desserts for Dad” Mystery Dessert Sale

27 28 29 30 9am Worship w/Comm 10:30am Adult Bible Class-C