Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2021 August 17-20, 2021, Virtual, Online, 2021, Online, Virtual DETC2021/72184 ON A CLASS OF POLAR LOG-AESTHETIC CURVES Victor Parque System Design Laboratory Department of Modern Mechanical Engineering Waseda University Tokyo, 169-8555 Email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION Curves are essential concepts that enable compounded aes- Curves are ubiquitous entities in industrial design, enabling thetic curves, e.g., to assemble complex silhouettes, match a spe- the creation of functional and aesthetic machines and consumer cific curvature profile in industrial design, and construct smooth, electronics [1, 2], and the smooth and energy-efficient motion comfortable, and safe trajectories in vehicle-robot navigation planning in robots [3, 4]. The research on conceptual mecha- systems. New mechanisms able to encode, generate, evaluate, nisms allowing to construct aesthetic curves is relevant, not only and deform aesthetic curves are expected to improve the through- to render sketches to enable designers to extrapolate ideas to ac- put and the quality of industrial design. In recent years, the study curate symbolic expressions in computers but also to facilitate of (log) aesthetic curves have attracted the community’s atten- the characterization of the first principles of aesthetics in geo- tion due to its ubiquity in natural phenomena such as bird eggs, metric design [5, 6]. Thus, studying mechanisms to generate, butterfly wings, falcon flights, and manufactured products such evaluate, and deform aesthetic curves is expected to improve the as Japanese swords and automobiles. throughput and the quality of the industrial design process.