May 08 ALL Compressed.Pub
EHC CELEBRATING COMMCOMMUNITYUNITY SINCE 1980 Ethnic Heritage Council M A Y 2 0 0 8 37th Annual Folklife Festival Seattle Center is proud to continue traditions of Native Americans its partnership with Northwest who make their homes in the cities Folklife as co-producer of the 37th of the Pacific Northwest. Doctors, annual Northwest Folklife Festi- dancers, lawyers, musicians, film- val, May 23 - 26 (Memorial Day makers, poets, computer program- weekend), 11am - 11 pm, on 27 mers, artists, storytellers, teachers stages and venues throughout the and more will be on hand to share 74-acre Seattle Center campus. what it means to be an "urban In- dian." One of the largest free folklife events in North America, Northwest In addition, Pacific Northwest art- Folklife Festival hosts more than ists along with special guests from 7,000 participants and roughly throughout the world enliven Seat- 1,000 performances for an ex- tle Center campus with electrify- pected four-day audience of ing ethnic music and dance per- 250,000. For complete schedule, formances, visual arts and folklore visit: exhibits, hands-on ethnic chil- dren's activities, symposia, dance Marie'Spinningwind Magenta by Artwork Highlighting the diverse cultural and music workshops, crafts, 'Visions From Our Ancestors' heritage of the Pacific Northwest, food, imported goods, demonstra- Saturday, May 31, 2008 Northwest Folklife celebrates the tions of traditional arts, and more! Langston Hughes Performing core mission of Seattle Center, to Arts Center serve as a gathering place for our Northwest Folklife Festival is free rich and varied community. It is and family-friendly (suggested also a centerpiece of the Safeco In- donation is $10 per person each surance Festál, a yearlong series of day and $20 per family with chil- Safeco Insurance free cultural events that honors the dren each day).
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