2016 Princeton Summer Journal

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2016 Princeton Summer Journal UCCIO VIES FOR CONGRESS | 9 10 DAYS TO REMEMBER | 6 JETS VS. JAGUARS | 12 The Princeton s ummer J ournal A Publication of The Princeton University Summer Journalism Program Monday, August 15, 2016 Founded in 2002 princetonsummerjournal.com INVESTIGATION NYC drivers violate anti- idling law By Aracely Chavez, Taylor ers from the Princeton Fetty, Breonna Reese, Summer Journal observed Sarah Santiago and 104 vehicles idling for over Michael Williams three minutes in Manhat- with the staff of The tan and Brooklyn. Roughly Princeton Summer Journal 80 percent were private automobiles; the rest were commercial vehicles, limou- sines and taxis. After being On Wednesday, August approached and informed 10, ABC News correspon- of the city’s three-minute dent Sunny Hostin was anti-idling law, less than in the driver’s seat of her one in five drivers turned parked Mercedes SUV in off their engines. Many lower Manhattan, unaware weren’t shy about voicing she was breaking the law. their displeasure. “What PRINCETON SUMMER JOURNAL STAFF Hostin, simply by sitting in difference does it make?” Princeton Summer Journal reporters asked drivers about their knowledge of NYC’s anti-idling law, which prohibits vehicles from her air-conditioned vehicle, huffed an elderly woman idling for more than three minutes at a time. was one of many of New in Brooklyn Heights who Yorkers who every day vio- identified herself as Mrs. late a little-known, seldom- Pittman. “I don’t care about enforced rule designed to a law.” At Princeton, the debate over reduce auto emissions. An Anti-idling laws have infraction won’t land any- been on the books in New one in Rikers Island prison, York City since the gas- Wilson’s legacy rages on but advocates argue that starved 1970s. But advo- failing to enforce the law cates say the city has never quietly wreaks financial been serious about enforc- By Berenice Davila and Katie Okumu cards. bers of a campus group and environmental havoc ing them. “In Switzerland “Black Lives Matter, advocating for better on the city. [we] definitely don’t run our but not to Wilson,” reads treatment of African- In New York City, it is il- engines while waiting at Texas City, TX and Berea, KY one card. American students legal for cars, vans or buses the stop light,” said former In the basement of the Wilson’s complexities: He “Way overblown, get staged a 32-hour sit-in to idle for more than three Environmental Defense Woodrow Wilson School was a U.S. president, a over it,” says another. inside President Chris- minutes—or for more than Fund attorney Isabelle of Public and Interna- university president–and It’s a sign of how the topher Eisgruber’s of- one minute near a school. Silverman, who is Swiss, tional Affairs at Princ- a bigot. One dimly lit sec- debate surrounding Wil- fice. The Black Justice Over the course of several and a leading anti-idling eton University, an ex- tion is dedicated to argu- son’s legacy refuses to League (BJL) demanded, hours last week, a team advocate. But when she hibit tries to provide a ments scribbled on bright die. among other things, the of 37 high school report- has confronted police offi- fuller understanding of orange four-by-six index Last November, mem- removal of Wilson’s name See INVESTIGATION page 10 See WILSON page 10 AMERICA VOTES COMMUNITY POLITICS House GOP longshot makes his case Two views on police- Princeton By Kay-Ann Henry that he’s received few tor and Mercer County questions over the last Freeholder in 2013 and community relations residents four years from the lo- 2014, respectively, as a Miami Gardens, FL cal press. He welcomes Libertarian. Most of his By Aracely Chavez By Maria Gonzalez The smell of kettle- questions. He makes eye policies still lean Liber- bash corn lingers in the air, contact. He seems like a tarian. He believes that while a ferris wheel rises pretty typical young guy. the government doesn’t Pacoima, CA Mattawa, WA high above the fairgoers. But by the end of the need to meddle in citi- Because of the violent, In Princeton, N.J., the Christie Steven Uccio, a Repub- press conference, it is zens’ affairs, which he often fatal, acts police conversation on police lican candidate for New clear that Uccio is any- echoed several times dur- have committed toward brutality falls along the Jersey’s 12th Congres- thing but an ordinary ing the press conference people of color—such as same racial divides as By Kieona Buchanan sional District, is at the candidate. He is a Repub- at the fair. the killings of Philando the national one: White and Katie Marciniak Middlesex County Fair lican candidate running He expresses disdain Castile, Alton Sterling, residents have more in East Brunswick, N.J., in a Democratic district. for the fact that America Eric Garner and Michael positive views of police, with two of his staffers. There is a strong chance has a two-party system. Brown—some Americans while for the most part, Rolling Fork, MS and At the moment, he is that he will lose, yet he “The reality of the situ- currently have a negative black residents say they Chicago, IL speaking to the Princ- seems optimistic. ation is in the U.S. and perception of police. But have been unfairly tar- Residents of Princ- eton Summer Journal Even though he’s run- this county, if you’re in- recent interviews with geted. eton say they dislike about his campaign. ning as a Republican dependent, you won’t people in the John Street The uptick of atten- their governor both as Uccio seems cool and candidate in this race, he win,” he says. On the na- neighborhood—a histori- tion to police brutality the state’s leader and unfazed in a polo shirt was previously a Liber- tional level, GOP presi- cally low-income neighbor- around the country con- for his role in the cur- and khaki pants. He tarian. He has had other dential nominee Donald hood of Princeton—sug- cerns Princeton resi- rent presidential elec- greets student journal- political endeavors, run- Trump has parted ways gest that this is not the dents. In recent inter- tion. Chris Christie’s ists generously, noting ning for State Legisla- See UCCIO page 10 case here. views, some said they’ve endorsement of Donald “I think they treat us never had a run-in with Trump, they believe, is By Yahaira Torres Ledesma nie Watson Coleman. ing the unemployment better” because now “they police, while others merely a political move At a press conference rate to prevent people even greet [us],” said claimed that cops are to win a cabinet spot August 6 at the Mid- from turning to dealing 40-year-old Juan Orella- surveilling neighbor- after his term is up in Bronx, NY dlesex County Fair, drugs, saying “if they na. Similarly, 35-year-old hoods with more diverse 2017. Steven Uccio, the Uccio, 30, discussed the have jobs, they wouldn’t Consuelo Retanalo said populations. Devon Davis, a Republican House can- war on drugs at length. need that.” He added that police help a lot and “I don’t really know 24-year-old Princeton didate in New Jersey’s “The drug war has been that he’d also boost the “do a good job.” According if I feel protected,” said resident, said he recalls 12th District, is hop- a total failure,” he said. 12th District’s economy to local resident Joanne a 27-year-old African- Christie’s budget cuts ing to appeal to voters “I will be more indepen- by legalizing the grow- Rice Parker, “I respect the American woman who resulting in a decline in in his predominantly dent-minded and follow ing industry of hemp- police…They look out for works at Princeton Uni- field trip opportunities liberal district through my values.” He believes based clothing, cosmet- us.” Many of the sources, versity and who asked when he was in high libertarian policy posi- that possession of mari- ics, plastics and other such as 44-year-old Oli- that her name not be school. So Christie’s tions like drug decrimi- juana or heroin should products. verio Sanchez, had never used. If she were in decision to work along- nalization. But the in- be decriminalized so Uccio switched from had an interaction with trouble, she said, she side Trump, Davis said, experienced, largely that addicts are sent to the Libertarian Party police, but made sure to “definitely wouldn’t go “doesn’t surprise me. unknown candidate rehabilitation instead to the Republican Par- clarify that “not all” po- to the police first.” They’re for themselves.” still faces long odds in of jail. ty just last year. Like lice officers are racist and Compared to other Many residents also November against Dem- Uccio said he would many Libertarians, he sometimes need to use small cities, there’s very have negative opinions ocratic incumbent Bon- also work on decreas- is pro-gun rights, pro- force on those that resist little crime, residents of Christie’s actions as See LOCAL page 10 See POLICE page 11 See RACE page 11 See CHRISTIE page 2 Page 2 August 15, 2016 The Princeton Summer Journal AMERICA VOTES Princetonians discuss Christie and Trump By Ashley Standafer and By Taylor Fetty and Maria Gonzalez Xuan Truong CHRISTIE Continued from page 1 Hundred, WV and Mattawa, WA ............. Hyden, KY and Residents of Princeton, cited the same case. governor. Christie is “very, Springfield,MA N.J., expressed frustra- “Christie lost a lot of very negative,” said Chris New Jersey Gov.
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