SCHEDULE EREV YOM KIPPUR Saturday, September 19 Tuesday, September 22  Rabbi Arthur Schneier  Mincha • 2:00 p.m.  Cantor Benny Rogosnitzky  Kol Nidre* • 6:15 p.m.  *Please arrive no later than 6:00 p.m.  Sermon: Rabbi Harold Einsidler YOM KIPPUR  Congregational Kiddush in the Goldberg Ballroom Wednesday, September 23  Chumash class given by Rabbi Harold Einsidler, 5:50 pm  Morning Services, 8:00 am  Mincha, 6:20 pm followed by Seudah Shlishit  Sermon by Rabbi Arthur Schneier 11:00 am  Shuvah Lecture by Rabbi Benjamin Goldschmidt  Chief Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot & Choir, Maestro Russell Ger “Understanding the Meaning of Neilah”  Auditorium, 8:30 a.m.  Shabbat Ends • 7:40 p.m.  Sermon by Rabbi Elchanan Poupko, 11:00 a.m.  Yizkor Memorial Service, 11:30 a.m. SATURDAY MORNING CHILDREN AND YOUTH PROGRAMS  Overflow Yizkor Memorial Service for non-members, 1:00 p.m.  Junior Congregation, 2nd floor, Donny Wechsler, 10:30 am rd  Sephardic Service, 9:00 a.m.  Children Services, 3 floor Classroom, Toby Einsidler & Staff,  Junior Congregation, 11:30 a.m. 11:00 am  Children's Services, 11:30 a.m. EVENTS  Mincha and Neilah, 5:15 p.m.  Break the Fast sponsored by the Taic Family

HITTING THE HIGH NOTES: YOM KIPPUR DAVENING SUCCOT Sunday, September 20, 7:00 pm Reserve Now for Meals in ’s Most Beautiful Succah September 27–October 4 Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot ~ ~ ~ ~ A Guide to the Selection of Cantorial Pieces During Services You can also enhance your Succah

Cantor Benny Rogosnitzky experience by reserving a Lulav and Etrog. Combining Nusach and Songs: Making Services Meaningful Price per set - $85 Call 212.727.6900 for reservations Cantor Daniel Gildar The Haunting Music of Neillah: Leaving a Lasting Impression SAVE THE DATES Lecture Series in Dialogue with Rabbi Arthur Schneier $10 in advance / $20 at the door Wednesday, September 30 RSVP Police Commissioner William Bratton

“Challenges of the Police Department securing the City of New York and the SYNAGOGUE OFFICE WILL BE OPEN THIS SUNDAY FROM protection of and Jewish institutions.” 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM FOR THE PURCHASE OF in the Park East Synagogue Succah, 7:00 pm YOM KIPPUR TICKETS ~ ~ ~ ~ Friday Night, October 30 YOM KIPPUR – September 22-23 Dr. Ruth Westheimer Main Sanctuary Services: On her new book Rabbi Arthur Schneier, Chief Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot, “The Doctor Is In: Dr. Ruth on Love, Life, and Joie de Vivre” Maestro Russell Ger, and the Park East Synagogue Choir. Services 6:00 pm, Dinner 7:00 pm Members Only. Call office for reservations 212-737-6900. ~ ~ ~ ~

Parallel Services: Friday Night, November 13 Rabbi Elchanan Poupko and Cantor Laivi Freundlich District Attorney Cyrus Vance “Enforcing sanctions on Iran, and Parallel Services in the Brooks Ballroom. the new challenge of cyber security.” RSVP Services 6:00 pm, Dinner 7:00 pm

Memorial Kaddish is dedicated in memory of Daniel Spitz, beloved father of our congregants, Dr. Joel (Jacqueline) Spitz.

The following members of the congregation will be observing Yahrzeit this September 19, 2015 week. 6 Tishri, 5776

Dr. Barbara Leibowitz – father Mr. Ken Greenberg – father Shabbat Shuvah Mr. Lee Minskoff – mother Mr. Errol Brick – mother PARSHAT Mr. Kenneth Mintz – brother Mrs. Aliza Licht – father VAYELECH Mr. Richard Scharf – father Mrs. Ilana Yunis – father Dr. Bruce Lerman – father Rabbi Arthur Schneier – father Devarim 31:1-30

Mrs. Lorraine Mashioff – father Mr. Hal Beretz – mother Hertz Chumash Mr. Harry Bergman – parents Mrs. Gabrielle Propp – father p.887-891 Mr. Leonard Neuhaus – mother Mr. Gerald Kirsh – sister

Artscroll p.1094-1098 Parshat Vayelech Deuteronomy 31:1 Haftarah Hosea "And Moses went and he spoke the words to the Children of Israel." 14:2-10 To where did Moses go to? The Torah only says "And Moses went," but doesn't say where he went or why. The Ramban explains that after Moses finished his Micah 7:18-20 address to the people they returned to their tents. Now Moses wanted to bid Joel 2:15-27 them farewell before his death. This was a message and he wanted to deliver it personally. And so "he went" from the Camp of the Levites, where he resided, to Hertz p.891 the Camp of Israel, and personally bade them farewell. Moses could just as Artscroll p. 1204 easily have called the people to assemble before him. But his humility prevented him from exploiting his lofty position as leader. Instead, he personally went DAILY SERVICES from tribe to tribe to make his last farewells. Moses' modesty is thus as evident on the last day of service as it was on his first day, forty years earlier, when he Sunday was chosen to lead them. At that time he said in his self-effacing manner, "Who Selichot 8:35 am am I that I shall go to Pharaoh?" (Exodus 3:12).

Services 9:00 am

October 13, 7:00 pm Monday Park East Sisterhood presents an evening with Selichot 7:20 am Rabbi Harold Einsidler Services 7:45 am “New Amsterdam – The Beginning of the Jewish Community in the New World” Tuesday Refreshments will be served Selichot 7:35 am RSVP 212-737-6900 or register online Services 7:45 am

RABBI ARTHUR SCHNEIER PARK EAST DAY SCHOOL Mincha 2:00 pm REGISTRATION 2015/2016 Kol Nidre 6:15 pm EARLY CHILDHOOD Taste of School – Kindergarten Wednesday ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grades 1 – 5 Yom Kipper

MIDDLE SCHOOL Grades 6 – 8 Thursday – Friday Check out our website – 7:45 am LEON AND GINA FROMER YOUTH ENRICHMENT CENTER REGISTRATION 2015/2016 Followed by breakfast Kindergarten – Grade 6 Evenings

Check out our new website – 6:30 pm