The headed meronomy as a ladder to complex thought

Chris Thornton Centre for Research in Cognitive Science University of Sussex Brighton BN1 9QJ UK [email protected] August 14, 2017

Abstract How changing patterns of human behavior reveal (or stem from) cog- nitive changes has long been of interest. A recent archaeological project has attempted to understand evidence taken from the neolithic site of C¸atalh¨oy¨uk in relation to the emergence of consciousness and creativity at the dawn of settled life. In practice, our understanding of concsiousness and creativity defined broadly is quite limited. We do, however, have a rel- atively precise understanding of what conceptual creativity (the creative construction of new ideas) must involve. There is the potential to bring this more specific understanding of mental processes to bear. This article reviews some relevant principles of conceptual creativity, and considers how they might be used in decoding the evidence from C¸atalh¨oy¨uk. Keywords: conceptual creativity, ontology, meronomy

1 Introduction

There is a natural desire to explain the development of cognitive phenomena that seem particularly characteristic of the human mind. Creativity is a case in point. Consciousness is another. A recent archaeological project has attempted to understand evidence taken from the neolithic site of C¸atalh¨oy¨uk in relation to emergence of both at the dawn of settled life. This project faces the need to settle on a precise understanding of what is meant by the terms in question. But theorists differ as to what this understanding should be. And there are deeper disputes relating to cognition in general. What the term ‘cognitive’ means continues to be debated, with some arguing that it has no precise meaning that would differentiate it from terms such as ‘adaptive’, ‘intelligent’ and ‘alive’.

1 There is one area, however, in which a precise definition can be induced. While creativity, defined broadly, is only understood in broad-brush terms, con- ceptual creativity— the mental construction of new ideas—can be explained in more detail. Combining ideas from ontology and mathematics, we can ar- rive at a reasonably precise understanding of how the process must work. This provides the means of analyzing individual acts of conceptualization, and thus— potentially—of explaining the cognitive background of new behavior. Key to the approach are the basic principles of ontology. The two ways in which concepts can be organized hierarchically ( and meronomy) are particularly salient. This article begins by reviewing the principles which apply. With this done, it becomes possible to incorporate the mathematical principles which explain infinite productivity, so as to ultimately arrive at a formal notion of conceptual creativity. This enables evidence from C¸atalh¨oy¨uk to be examined from a novel, cognitive point of view. Cases of behavior that seem to stem from a particular way of conceptualizing the world can be analyzed in terms of the cognitive constructions that may have given rise to them. Some illustrative examples are sketched out. The article then concludes by setting out some more speculative comments on how the approach might be taken forward.

2 Hierarchical conceptual organization

It has long been known that concepts can be put into a hierarchical structure in two ways. In what is called a taxonomy, every child node is a special case of its parent: the concept represented by the child specializes (i.e., is extensionally subsumed by) the concept represented by the parent. In what is known as a meronomy, every child node represents a part of its parent. As Tversky com- ments, these ‘two modes of decomposition reflect two general forms of organiza- tion of knowledge, taxonomic, that is, subdivision into kinds, and partonomic, that is, subdivision into parts’ (Tversky, 1989, p. 983). Another way to make the distinction is to say that, in a taxonomy, nodes are connected by is-a links, whereas in a meronomy, they are connected by has-a links. Taxonomic organization is often illustrated by the system of classification devised by Linnaeus (1753). Every node in the Linnaean system names a phe- nomenon of the natural world, with the root division being between plants, animals and minerals. Each of these major classes is then further subdivided into orders, families, and other classes. The nodes in the Linnean system label natural classes, rather than concepts. But this makes no difference to the se- mantics. The identification of a class can always be considered to identify the concept whose extension is the class in question. The class of mammals, for example, can be considered the extension of MAMMAL.1 Two illustrations of taxonomic organization are shown in Figure 1. These follow the usual convention of drawing the with its root at the top. The taxonomy of panel (A) deals with animal concepts. EAGLE, BUZZARD and FALCON are shown to be special cases of BIRD, whish is shown to be a

1Concept names are written in upper case throughout.

2 special case of ANIMAL. TROUT and SHARK are shown to be special cases of FISH, which is also shown to be a special case of ANIMAL. The hierarchical relationships can also be described in a top-down way. We can say that ANIMAL generalizes (subsumes) BIRD and FISH, for example. The taxonomy of Panel (B) deals with shape concepts in a similar way.







Figure 1: Two simple .

The second standard form of hierarchical organization is the meronomy. (The term ‘partonomy’ is sometimes used instead of ‘meronomy’. But the present paper will use the latter.) In a meronomy, we again have a hierarchy of concepts. But in this case the child-parent relationships express parthood rather than subsumption. The concept represented by a child node represents a part of the entity (or, more generally, phenomenon) represented by the parent. Two meronomies are shown in figure below. These are also drawn with the root at the top; but to emphasize that it is parthood rather than subsump- tion that is represented, links from child nodes to parents remain separate—they are not brought together at a point. The meronomy of panel (A) shows a de- composition of CAR. This is shown to admit (as parts) ENGINE, WHEEL, and HEADLIGHT, where the former admits CRANKCASE and CARBURETOR, and the latter admits BULB and REFLECTOR. The meronomy of panel (B) shows a decomposition of THERMOS. This is shown to admit as parts BOT- TLE, HANDLE and SPOUT, where the former admits FLASK and MANTLE, and the latter admits STOPPER, HEAD and GASKET.

3 (A) CAR






Figure 2: Sample meronomies.

In principle, meronomies of a simplified form can also be constructed. If each parent represents no more than the sum of the stated parts, the hierarchy expresses pure part-whole relationships. The wholes are not characterised in any way other than as the sum of the specified parts. To illustrate, imagine a situation in which LEGS and SURFACE are the parts of interest. These might be viewed as the parts of a table or a stool. But we can construct a meronomy which cites them as the parts of a whole, without specifying the whole independently. One way to draw a meronomy of this type leaves the parent nodes unlabeled, as in panel (A) of Figure 3. An alternative approach inserts COMBINATION (or some other way of conceptualizing ‘sum of the parts’) as the head of each unit. This approach is illustrated in (B). As meronomies of this type provide no separate information about the head of each hierarchical unit, they can be termed unheaded. In practice, meronomies are rarely of this type. More commonly, each parent represents a named concept, and its identity is supplied accordingly (Tversky and Hemenway, 1984). The whole that is realized at the unit in question is then more than the sum of the cited parts, with the head concept providing the specification.2 Meronomies

2This is the type of part-whole relationship that Aristotle draws attention to in saying that ‘The whole is something over and above its parts, and not just the sum of them all’ (Metaphysics, Book H, 1045: 8-10: Ross, 1924). In similar vein, John Stuart Mill writes ‘it appears to me the Complex Idea, formed by the blending together of several simpler ones,





Figure 3: Comparison of headed and unheaded meronomies.

which do provide head concepts in this way are naturally termed headed. Meronomies of both types are shown in Figure 3. Panel (C) shows a headed meronomy in which LEGS and SURFACE are given as parts of TABLE. Panel (D) shows the case where they are given as parts of STOOL. In one case, the whole that is represented is a kind of table; in the other, it is a kind of stool. This reveals the non-deterministic aspect of the headed meronomy. Where head concepts are provided, there can be different ways of making a whole out of the same parts. Another consequence is that there can be different ways of giving parts to the same whole. This is illustrated in panels (E) and (F). In (E), the parts of TABLE are given, not as LEGS and SURFACE, but as SUPPORTS and PLANK. In (F), they are given as COLUMNS and SURFACE. The whole that is represented is a kind of table in both cases. What differs is the constitution. Headed meronomies have the attraction of being more expressive. But they also pose theoretical difficulties for ontology. One problem is that, as noted, they are generally non-unique. As Tversky (2005) observes, it is normally found that there are multiple ways of decomposing particular wholes into constituents. Multiple meronomies can generally be constructed from the same concepts. This is not the case with a taxonomy: a taxonomy can be incomplete, or plain wrong, but it cannot be non-unique. Another difficulty is that taxonomies are not transitive in the way taxonomies are (Cruse, 1979; Winston and Herrmann, 1987; Gerstl and Pribbenow, 1995). The is-a link which forms the basis of a taxonomy is a transitive relation. If X is subsumed within Y, and Y is subsumed within Z, then X is also subsumed within Z. Any predicate true of X must also be true of Y and Z. Taxonomies facilitate inference accordingly. In a headed meronomy, on the other hand, transitivity is typically lost. should ... be said to result from, or be generated by, the simple ideas, not to consist of them’ (Mill, 1843/1965, p. 29).

5 Depending on the concepts used to characterise wholes, the possession of a part at one level of the hierarchy may not imply its possession at a higher level. Commenting on this, Artale et al. (1996) observe that various authors

have noticed that transitivity does not always hold [in a meronomy] ... As an example, consider the following case: an arm is part of a musician, the musician is part of an orchestra, but it would sound a bit strange to state that the arm is part of the orchestra (Artale et al., 1996, p. 350).

Another illustration is offered by Varzi (1996). The scenario in this case involves doors, door-handles and houses. Varzi notes that ‘the handle is part of the door, the door is part of the house, but the handle is not part of the house’ (Varzi, 1996, p. 261). Again, it is seen that parthood at one level of the hierarchy does not extend to a supervening unit. While there is a has-a relation between door- handles and doors, this does not imply the same relation between door-handles and houses. The head concepts in a headed meronomy form barriers to transitivity, then. As their semantic properties are unconstrained, they cannot be relied on to transitively extend parthood relationships. The simpler, unheaded meronomy is another matter. Here, the implicit head concept for each unit signifies sum- mation of the parts: it might be COMBINATION, for example. Assuming that combining two sets of parts produces their union, parts of a whole at one level of the hierarchy are then also parts of any supervening wholes. On this basis, the unheaded meronomy guarantees transitivity, just as the taxonomy does. Difficulties arising from the instability of part-whole relations have been widely discussed (Artale et al., 1996; Bittner and Donnelly, 2005; Gerstl and Pribbenow, 1995; Odell, 1998; Shanks et al., 2004; Varzi, 2004; 2006; Vieu and Aurnague, 2005; Winston and Herrmann, 1987; Johansson, 2006; Fiorini and G¨ardenfors, 2014). They pose a major obstacle for any project which seeks to build a formal calculus around the parthood relation (Varzi, 1996). The ‘merology’ of the early 20th Century mathematician Lesniewski is a case in point. Intended to be a formal theory of the parthood relation, merology was originally conceived as an alternative to classical set theory (Simons, 1987; Lewis, 1991). Unfortunately, the difficulty of stabilizing the semantics of the parthood relation obstructs projects of this kind (Habel et al., 1995). In the view of Fiorini and G¨ardenfors, ‘the tendency to ascribe transitivity to simple part relations possibly comes from its association with the notion of spatial inclusion, which is transitive in nature’ (Fiorini and G¨ardenfors, 2014, p. 138). But, as Tversky points out, objects ‘can be decomposed in many different ways, for example, into sides, such as top, bottom, front, and back, or into material components, such as plastic, metal, or stone’ (Tversky, 2005, p. 9).3

3Tversky notes that functional significance tends to dominate what is perceived to be a plausible part: ‘Good parts are also those that have functional significance, the legs of chairs and tables and people support them, and the arms of people are used for reaching and carrying and writing and slicing and any number of important activities ’ (Tversky, 2005, p. 9).

6 It is also found that parts can ‘be optional; in the sense, they might or might not appear in the whole to which they relate to’ (Fiorini and G¨ardenfors, 2014, p. 138). Viewing the parthood relation as necessarily transitive can be ruled out on both counts. Attempts have been made to systematize the forms that the parthood rela- tion can take (e.g. Simons, 1987; Chaffin et al., 1988; Gerstl and Pribbenow, 1995). But it has not been possible to reproduce transitivity in a generally sat- isfactory way. In Fiorini and G¨ardenfors’ view, understanding the part-whole relation will require a different, and specifically cognitive approach. As they observe, ‘the difficulties in representing part-whole relations using ontology rep- resentation languages ... serve as good arguments for approaching the problem using a cognitive semantics framework’ (Fiorini and G¨ardenfors, 2014, p. 140). The present paper starts from the same assessment. It also adopts a specif- ically cognitive approach to the parthood relation. But this is not done with a view to restoring transitivity (or some other inferential property) to the meron- omy. Rather, it is done in order to examine the medium’s potential to explain conceptual construction. While the meronomy is generally seen as depicting the way an entity can be decomposed, it can also be seen as a way of assembling complex meanings. The meronomy which makes LEGS and SURFACE parts of TABLE, can be seen as constructing the concept of a table with these particu- lar parts. From the ontological point of view, switching from a decompositional to a compositional perspective may seem of no value. But from the cognitive perspective, it reveals something of interest—that the headed meronomy can be viewed, not just as a medium of decomposition, but also as a way of construct- ing meaning. A structure that is seen to be inherently problematic from the ontological perspective then takes on a more positive appearance. It comes to be recognized as something whose constructive function is potentially relevant to the study of semantics, and cognition more generally. The remainder of the paper develops the argument in more detail. The section immediately to follow (Section 2) explores the constructive function of the meronomy in depth. The focus here is on the way headed meronomies can express different forms of conceptual meaning. Section 3 then examines the relationship with conceptual creativity. Finally, Section 4 discusses potential applications of this approach to the archaeological evidence from C¸ atalh¨oy¨uk. The terminological approach will continue to adopt the conventions used above. Concept names will be written in upper case (e.g., TABLE). Meronomic hier- archies will be drawn with the root uppermost, and with links adjoining head nodes at separate points. Taxonomic hierarchies will be drawn with the root uppermost, and with links adjoining head notes at a single point.

3 The meronomy as a constructive medium

It is useful to begin by setting out some assumptions that will apply. Partic- ularly important to what follows is the understanding that the concepts in a meronomy are potentially abstract. They are not required to be concrete. The

7 concepts SAILING and FISHING are potentially considered parts within PAS- TIME, even though they represent nothing concrete; see Figure 4 panel (A). Similarly, RECEPTION and SERVICE can be considered parts within WED- DING, as in panel (B). In view of this, the term ‘constituents’ will be generally be preferred to ‘parts’, as this avoids the implication of concreteness. On this basis, the first meronomy would be seen to describe how sailing and fishing can be the constituents of a pastime.





Figure 4: Headed meronomies with abstract concepts.

Any English noun written in upper case is considered to name the signified concept, where this can include abstract nouns (e.g., PASTIME), count nouns (e.g., LEG/LEGS) and mass nouns (e.g., WATER). English conventions gov- erning the use of indefinite articles will be followed where relevant. If X, Y and Z are all singular count nouns, a meronomy in which Z is made the head with respect to X and Y will be said to state that an X and a Y can be constituents within a Z, for example. Also acknowledged is that there are no constraints on the hierarchical forms a headed meronomy can take. With head concepts fulfilling the function of char- acterizing wholes, the only constraint affecting constituents is that each must be a legitimate constituent of the whole in question. There is no requirement for there to be more than one constituent. By the same token, a meronomic unit need not cite all the constituents of a whole, even if they can be established.4 A meronomic unit is valid just in case the head concept can semantically accom- modate the cited constituents. To illustrate, a meronomic unit which makes Z the head concept with respect to X and Y is valid just in case X and Y can be constituents of (or within) Z.

4This acknowledges Fiorini and G¨ardenfors’ point that parts can ‘be optional; in the sense, they might or might not appear in the whole to which they relate to’ (Fiorini and G¨ardenfors, 2014, p. 138).

8 The legitimacy of singleton constituent sets is particularly of interest. Part- whole units of this kind may seem counterintuitive; but in a headed meronomy, they are perfectly legitimate. As each whole is characterized by a dedicated head concept, there is no requirement for more than one constituent to be supplied. Consider the relationship between WAR and BATTLE, for example. A battle can be a constituent within a war. Hence WAR can be the head of a meronomic unit that has BATTLE as its sole constituent. The meronomy of Figure 4 panel (D) is meaningful and well-constructed. In the case of the unheaded meronomy, the reverse applies. Here, the whole is defined purely as the sum of the parts. A singleton constituent set is then logically ruled out. Such a structure would imply identity between the single constituent and the whole: the hierarchical organization would be meaning- less. An invalid meronomy of this kind (featuring BATTLE as its constituent) appears (crossed-out) in Figure 4, panel (C). Having stated the assumptions that will be in force, it is possible to begin exploring the productive function of the headed meronomy in more detail. It has already been noted that such structures are always implicitly constructive. Consider the meronomy of Figure 4, panel (A). This records that SAILING and FISHING can be the constituents of a PASTIME. The structure depicts the way one concept can be decomposed into two others. We can also see it as a way of constructing a particular idea: the idea of a pastime involving sailing and fishing. The idea is constructed by hierarchically accommodating within PASTIME the constituents SAILING and FISHING. The effect is to construct an idea in which sailing and fishing are made the constituents of a pastime. The meronomy of Figure 4, panel (B) can be viewed in a similar way. We can either see this as recording that WEDDING can be decomposed into the constituents SERVICE and RECEPTION. Or we can see it as showing how the idea of a wedding involving a service and reception is put together by hierarchical accommodation. On the one hand, the interpretation is decompositional. On the other, it is compositional. What is revealed in the latter case is how a particular idea can be obtained by accommodation of particular constituents within a particular whole.

3.1 Expression of classical definitions One implication of the above is that headed meronomies can be the means of expressing classical concept definitions. According to a long-standing ac- count, now termed the classical theory, concepts are constructed in the mind by stipulation of necessary and sufficient features (Laurence and Margolis, 1999). In the familiar example, the concept BACHELOR is considered to be con- structed/defined by conjoining the features MASCULINE and UNMARRIED, the assumption being that all bachelors have these attributes in common. Since features are themselves concepts (Smith and Medin, 1981), the effect is to con- struct a conjunction with particular concepts as its constituents. Hence, the classical definition of BACHELOR can be expressed as a meronomy which has

9 CONJUNCTION as its head concept, and the features MASCULINE and UN- MARRIED as constituents. This is illustrated in Figure 5.


Classical denition Headed meronomy

Figure 5: A classical definition expressed as a headed meronomy.

In the modern era, the classical theory has been largely abandoned, as it has become apparent that concepts may have no features in common (Wittgenstein, 1953, aphorism 66), and that valid definitions are few and far between (Laurence and Margolis, 1999).5 Nevertheless, the classical definition remains a valid form of concept construction, and its capacity to be expressed as a headed meronomy highlights the constructive capacity of the medium. A classical definition is semantically equivalent to a one-level headed meronomy with CONJUNCTION as head. Arguably, this special case can be reduced to that of the unheaded meronomy. If we take CONJUNCTION to signify ‘sum of the parts’, it follows that a classical definition is equivalent to a one-level unheaded meronomy.

3.2 Expression of relational schemas Further ways in which headed meronomies can mediate concept-construction become apparent when we consider use of relational concepts. Consider the concept BLOCKAGE for example. This concept has a specifically relational meaning. It refers to a situation in which there is a certain relationship between a blocking entity and a blocked entity.6 Since we can conceive of a blockage involving a rock and a pipe, it follows that the concept can be the head of a meronomic unit in which ROCK and PIPE are constituents. The structure obtained is shown in Figure 6, panel (A). This particular construction is interesting for resembling a relational schema, where the term is understood as in (Halford et al., 1998; Halford, 2005; Gen- tner, 2005; Gentner and Kurtz, 2005; Hummel and Holyoak, 2005; Doumas et al., 2008). It is integral to what BLOCKAGE means, that constituents of a blockage must have a certain relationship—the relationship of blocking. When

5Recognition that concepts can represent prototypes/stereotypes has also played a sig- nificant role. As Murphy notes, ‘The groundbreaking work of Eleanor Rosch in the 1970s essentially killed the classical view, so that it is not now the theory of any actual researcher in this area’ (Murphy, 2002, p. 16). Fodor is equally emphatic: ‘these days almost nobody thinks that concepts are definitions’ (Fodor, 1998, p. 44). 6Strictly speaking, it refers to a situation where there is a blocking relationship between any number of blocking entities, and a blocked entity.


Figure 6: Meronomic construction of a relational schema.

constituents are supplied, as in the structure above, they are implicitly placed into this relationship. This does not fix the directionality of the relationship, however. That aspect of meaning remains undetermined. Which entity is block- ing, and which is blocked remains open. The meaning of the construction in panel (A) covers both the situation in which it is the pipe blocking the rock, and where it is the rock blocking the pipe. The semantic ambiguity can be resolved by adding more structure to the hierarchy. One way to proceed makes use of CAUSE. Given we can conceive of a cause involving a rock, the construction of panel (B) is valid. This construction, which makes ROCK the sole constituent of CAUSE, can then be substituted for ROCK in the original meronomy. This yields the structure of panel (C). What is then obtained is the concept of a blockage in which the constituents are (1) a pipe and (2) a cause constituted of a rock. This description can also be expressed in a more intuitive way. With a single constituent, the head concept in a construction can be viewed as an additional classification of the constituent. It is acceptable, then, to use either ‘classified as’ or ‘is a constituent of’ to convey the relationship. In the case above, the meronomy can be said to construct the concept of a blockage involving a pipe and a rock, where the rock is classified as a cause. The meaning is identical, but the wording is more natural. Going one step further, we could make PIPE the constituent in a unit headed by CONDUIT. This yields the meronomy of panel (D). What is now constructed is the concept of a blockage involving a pipe and a rock, where the rock is classified as cause, and the pipe as conduit. By adding meronomic units in this way, it is possible to individuate roles. We can establish the roles that particular constituents play within the relationship signified by the head concept—the relationship into which the constituents are implicitly placed. The CAUSE- headed unit serves to assign ROCK the role of CAUSE. The CONDUIT-headed

11 unit serves to assign PIPE the role of CONDUIT. What is then obtained is a relational schema in all but name. (A) PURCHASE (B) PURCHASE (C) BUYER





Figure 7: Meronomic construction of a relational schema.

Another illustration can be devised using PURCHASE. The meronomy of Panel (A) Figure 7 constructs the idea of a purchase involving of a ticket (i.e., a ticket classified as a purchase).7 In panel (B), the idea is extended so that the constituents of the purchase are now TICKET and GIRL. As there is no explicit identification of roles, this potentially gives the meaning of a purchase of a girl by a ticket, as well as the meaning of a purchase of a ticket by a girl. This ambiguity can be resolved by addition of structure in the usual way. The meronomy of panel (C) builds the idea of a girl classified as a buyer. In panel (D), this is integrated into the meronomy of panel (B) to produce the idea of a puchase in which the constituents are a ticket, a girl classified as a buyer, and a tout classified as a vendor. What is then obtained is the idea a girl purchasing a ticket from a tout.

3.3 Expression of structured meanings As noted previously, the headed meronomy has mainly been viewed as a part- whole hierarchy. But with use of single accommodations and abstract/relational concepts taken into account, it is found to be something more. Understood in full generality, it is a flexible medium for assembling structured meanings. An

7English offers a range of ways to denote conceptual accommodation of constituents, in- cluding ‘comprising’, ‘consisting of’, ‘composed of’, ‘made up of’, ‘constituted of’, ’in which the constituents are’, ‘encompassing’, ‘incorporating’, ‘involving’, ‘of’, and—in the case of accommodation by a relational concept—‘between’. For denoting accommodation of a single single constituent, ‘of’ is generally preferable, e.g., MEAL of RICE.

12 interesting feature of these meanings is their precision. A structure of con- ceptual accommodations remains precisely defined regardless of the structure’s complexity. Given the meaning of each individual concept is known, an aggre- gate meaning can then be obtained. This may not be unique, however. If any of the concepts in the hierarchy have multiple meanings, as is often the case, the hierarchy expresses a set of meanings. This is the compositional product of the individual meanings under the stipulated applications of conceptual ac- commodation. If, on other hand, all concepts in the hierarchy have a unique meaning, each construction is semantically unique, and the aggregate meaning is itself unique. In this case, the aggregate meaning is both precisely defined and unique. BAG GIFT WITHDRAWAL GIFT BAG




Figure 8: Meronomic construction of realistic meanings.

One surprising feature of this constructive medium is the degree to which it goes beyond what seems to be required. Among the concepts it can produce are many that are entirely realistic—they describe a perfectly plausible situation. Others may be bizarre, or downright nonsensical. The capacity of the medium to yield both realistic and unrealistic ideas can be demonstrated even with the simplest constructions. Take JOURNEY, for example. This can accommodate any concept of intentional movement, in any combination. There can be single accommodations (e.g., a JOURNEY made up of a FLIGHT), double accommo- dations (e.g., a JOURNEY made up of a FLIGHT and a DRIVE), triple accom- modations (e.g., a JOURNEY made up of a FLIGHT, DRIVE and a HIKE), and so on. All these are plausible concepts. But assuming the accommodative capacity of JOURNEY extends to any concept of intentional movement, there are also legitimate constructions such as a JOURNEY consisting of a WALTZ, or a JOURNEY made up of a SOMERSAULT and a DIVE. The latter seems an extremely odd idea, and yet it is not impossible to imagine a context in which it might apply (e.g., a spiritual journey of someone with a pathological fear or dancing and swimming). MEAL is another concept that particularly highlights the issue. Like JOUR- NEY, this concept is highly permissive. It can accommodate any concept of a

13 consumable entity or substance, within any combination. There are single ac- commodations (e.g., MEAL of RICE), double accommodations (e.g., MEAL of BURGER and FRIES), and so on. For every way of making a meal from edible entities and substances, there is a realistic conceptual construction that describes the meal. But so too is there a construction for every other other way of combining edible entities and substances. All non-meals have legitimate conceptual constructions too. A MEAL of FUR, SPIDER and CARDBOARD is a legitimate triple accommodation, for example, even though it may describe a concoction that never has been, nor ever will be realized in practice. The products of more complex structures are no different in this respect. They also range from the realistic, to the bizarre, to the nonsensical. Consider the following. Assume we have an initial concept GIFT of LAND. This single accommodation describes a gift of land, which is a perfectly realistic idea. Say this is then made the constituent of a WITHDRAWAL, yielding the concept of a WITHDRAWAL of a GIFT of LAND. This is still realistic. But since GIFT can accommodate more or less any entity or action, the upper part of the structure could be inverted to produce GIFT of a WITHDRAWAL of LAND. Though the same concepts are used, the idea now obtained is distinctly out of the ordinary. A similar effect involving a double accommodation can be demonstrated using the relational concept AGREEMENT. A double accommodation using this concept can produce the idea of an AGREEMENT between a FATHER and a BRIDEGROOM. A further single accommodation yiels the idea of an ABUSE of an AGREEMENT between a FATHER and and BRIDEGROOM. This is surely not unrealistic: fathers and bridegrooms have been known to disagree. But, again, a simple inversion of the upper accommodation produces something more outlandish: the idea of an AGREEMENT involving ABUSE between a FATHER and a BRIDEGROOM. The idea of a father and a bridegroom coming to an agreement over how to abuse each other is less easily held in mind. The examples up to this point should already give an indication of the gener- ative power of hierarchical conceptual accommodation, and its ability to produce complex meanings of varying realism. Further enrichments are far from ruled out, however. A double accommodation combining the two examples above can take us to a DISPUTE involving (WITHDRAWAL of a GIFT of LAND) and (ABUSE of an AGREEMENT between a FATHER and a BRIDEGROOM). A further single accommodation can take us to a structure of seven levels: RES- OLUTION of a DISPUTE involving WITHDRAWAL of a GIFT of LAND etc. This latter structure could itself be permuted in a variety of ways. LAND could be substituted with JEWELS, or RICE. GIFT could be changed to PUR- CHASE. WITHDRAWAL could be changed to CONFIRMATION, and so on. In each case, a different meaning (or, in general, set of meanings) is obtained. In some cases, the change of a single concept within the structure changes the meaning very significantly (e.g., changing LAND to RICE). From the meronomic perspective, then, concepts are found to have the gen- erative power of a construction set. Even this understates the true situation, though. Conceptual accommodation is a compositional operation. It yields a wholly new concept, one with the potential to be combined as freely as any con-







Figure 9: Meronomic construction of realistic meanings.

cept originally given. The process has the potential to be infinitely generative for this reason. Infinite generativity is achieved just in case every constructed concept provides the basis for at least one new construction. In this situation, the capacity for mutual accommodation endows concepts with the power to generate infinitely many new ideas. It is not just that concepts are their own constructive medium, then. Under not implausible circumstances, the medium is infinitely productive. The constructions obtained can be arbitrarily complex, while also retaining their semantic precision.

4 Conceptual creativity

The means of making a connection with conceptual creativity have now been put in place. It is possible to re-examine the topic through the lens of the headed meronomy. The relevant background literature falls short of any kind of consensus. A variety of theories remain in contention (e.g. Koestler, 1964; Perkins, 1981; Boden, 1990; Hofstadter, 1995; Boden, 1998). But some basic deductions about the process can be made. We know, for example, that it in- volves the production of new ideas by combination of existing ideas. And we have good grounds for assuming the process infinitely generative (new ideas go on forever). Of the two ways of combining concepts in a structure, only mero- nomic construction is compositional, and thus infinitely generative. Therefore, conceptual creativity must make use of compositional meronomic construction. This is not to claim that the two processes are the same. It is clear they cannot be. As noted in the previous section, meronomic construction can give

15 rise to an explosion of conceptual structures, many of which may be of no value or application. A conceptual agent cannot possibly work through all the possibilities, even in principle. In practice, the constructive opportunities must be explored in a selective way. Understanding the conceptual creativity of a particular agent (whether it be a person, a community, or some other sentient agent) is likely to be largely a question of understanding the constraints that are brought to bear, as Boden has argued (Boden, 1994, 2004). There are also implications for how we view the evolution of conceptual creativity. It is tempting to think in terms of a lightbulb event, after which conceptual creativity was ‘switched on’ in humans. But the meronomic model implies a more complex, ladder-like process, with its origins possibly preceeding emergence of homo sapiens by a considerable margin. The logical starting point in the sequence is realization of distinct concepts in the form of manipulable representations. The critical first transition is made when an accommodative construction is first formed. This might divide into multiple steps, however, each involving the emergence of constructions of different span (i.e., different numbers of constituents). The next significant transition would be to two- level constructions. Again, this might divide into multiple smaller transitions involving different degrees of constituency. Subsequently, there is the transition to three-level constructions, to four-level constructions, and so on all the way up the scale. Proceeding in tandem, there would need to be a gradual increase in the capacity for long-term retention of concepts, and in the capacity to refer to and make use of them in thought, to mention just two vital subsidiary functionalities. All things considered, there is scope for the process to be very gradual indeed. This does not rule out detecting individual acts of conceptual creativity at particular points in time, however. Emergence of creativity in this sense, occurring within the neolithic time-frame of C¸atalh¨oy¨uk, is far from unlikely. There may be cases where behavior that seems to indicate a mythical system of belief can be explained more simply, in terms of a single act of creative but non- modern conceptualization. Consider, for example, evidence reported by Gebel (2002, 2013), suggesting that at the site of Ba’ja, small stone tools may have been inserted into walls as a method of symbolic reinforcement. Gebel writes,

the hidden objects used in the walls and floors most likely served as a forcful “medicine” against evil influence; hammerstones and celts, but also grinders, all representing heavy-duty tools, could have been understood as practical instruments to strengthen a wall ... Strength was added to the structure, especially necessary with the terraced architecture of Ba’ja (Gebel, 2002, p. 131).

As Gebel notes, introduction of strong tools to reinforce weak walls can be seen as reflecting an ancient system of magical belief. But an idea that connects the strength of a tool to the reinforcement of a wall can be constructed relatively straightforwardly from concepts we would see as entirely non-mythical. To illustrate: say we have PROP accommodated by AGENT (the idea of a prop classified as an agent), and WALL accommodated by OBJECT (the idea of a

16 wall classified as object). Assume both constructions are accommodated by FORCE. What is obtained is the idea of a force in which the constituents are a prop classified as an agent, and a wall classified as an object; i.e., the idea of using a prop to force a wall. The idea of forcing a wall using a grinder can then be given a near identical construction: it is just the original structure with WALL substituted for STONE. A conceptualization that legitimizes using a ginder to strucurally reinforce a wall is close to being within the modern mindset in this sense. The meronomic model of conceptual creativity may potentially be of use in addressing archaeological data in this kind of way. It may have some ap- plication in the C¸atalh¨oy¨uk research project, for relating changes of behavior to developments in conceptualization. Explanations of this type are founded in the ontological distinction between taxonomy and meronomy, and in the mathematics of compositional generativity. Their essential core, however, is the common-sense principle that new ideas must be built out of existing ideas. The main addition to this intuition is an appreciation that the process cannot be purely combinatorial. Compositionality, by means of meronomic construction, has to be involved.

5 Discussion

Archaeological evidence from the neolithic site of C¸atalh¨oy¨uk is particularly intriguing from the cognitive point of view.8 Of the activities the occupants of the site engaged in, much is known. How these activities were conceptualized is less clear. The underlying thought processes are often quite mysterious. This applies particularly to the activity most clearly in evidence—the erection of buildings of brick. Following the original excavation of Mellaart (1967), the buildings in question are generally interpreted as the residences of a settlement. But emerging evidence reveals the extent to which houses in the East Mound were used as places of burial. This begs the question of whether these buildings were concieved as houses for the living, or for the dead. To put the question in overtly cognitive terms: what concept were the buildings an applicaton of: HOUSE or TOMB? In favour of HOUSE is the fact that the buildings have ovens and hearths, and show unequivocal evidence of cooking and food-consumption. These are natural activities to pursue in a house, and the association between living and eating remains prominent in modern life. Weighing against the idea are some of the architectural aspects. Problematically, the buildings have no windows, or external doors. In the place of external doors, they have roof hatches, allowing descent by ladder. The internal arrangements are also rather odd. Where

8The following thumbnail sketch draws primarily on Ian Hodder’s introductory presen- tation to the ‘Consciousness and Creativity at the Dawn of Settled Life’ conference at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, July 27-July 30 2017; information is also taken from (Hodder, 2006a, 2006b, 2012), and from the C¸atalh¨oy¨uk Research Project website.

17 internal doors exist, they may be too low to walk through, necessitating the use of crawling. Some of the infrastructural evidence is also puzzling. If the buildings are houses, the East Mound must be a settlement. The difficulty is that the build- ings are crammed together wall-to-wall, meaning that moving from the bottom to the top of the settlement would have involved clambering over a series of roofs, all at different elevations (Hodder, 2006b). Transporting heavy objects or building materials from one location to another would presumbly have been nightmarishly difficult. There are no streets or communal spaces, and scant evi- dence of neighbourhoods.9 At its peak, it is thought the site would have involved the lives of as many as eight thousand people. Yet evidence of the sprawling craft industries such a substantial population would imply is generally lacking. Signs of communal gathering are detected, but only some way away from the site. Some aspects of the behavioral evidence also seem to argue against HOUSE. Archaeological data reveals that at some point in the life of a building, it would be smashed to the ground (and sometimes incinerated) for no apparent reason. It would then be replaced with a construction immediately above, and essentially identical to the one demolished. There is every indication that this activity had a specific purpose, however. The layout of graves within a building at one level tends to be replicated in the building above, suggesting an attempt to form a connection by physical alignment. It is natural to wonder if the aim was to join the dead together, and connect them to the living, perhaps for purposes of drawing on whatever powers ancestors possessed. Deliberate ‘breakage’ of a house containing burials also seems to be analogous to placement of deliberately broken artefacts into graves (e.g. Gebel, 2013). Taking the evidence at face value, it seems TOMB may have more plausibility than HOUSE as the over-arching concept. Presumably, it is not impossible that evidence of food consumption within buildings might stem from feasting with the dead (as in a wake), carried out in order to strengthen relationships induced by burial alignment.10 Adopting a strictly cognitive viewpoint, however, there are alternatives. It has been seen that some concepts naturally give rise to simple combinatorial constructions. TOMB and HOUSE seem to be of this type. They are potentially combined in an unheaded meronomy, to produce the idea of a building that is both a house and a tomb. Consolidation of this idea might fuel tomb-related and house-related acivities applied to the same building, allowing the site to be understood as a mound of ‘tomb-houses’ perhaps. Simply constructed analogies of this kind might also underlie burial align- ment practices. Just as TOMB and HOUSE can be made the constituents of an unheaded meronomy to produce the idea of a house that is also a tomb, ALIGNMENT and CONNECTION can be combined to produce the idea of an alignment that is also a connection. This could be the cognitive seed for activi-

9At the consciousness and creativity conference, Colin Renfrew characterized his reaction to this aspect of the evidence as ‘bemusement’. 10Evidence of a transfer of occupation to the West Mound, combined with ongoing use of East Mound for burials, would seem not inconsistent with this.

18 ties which seem to seek an abstract form of connection through a physical form of alignment. Something of this kind might also underlie the analogizing of bio- logical death with physical breakage, as suggested by the deliberate destruction of buildings, and by insertion of deliberately broken artefacts into graves.11 Whether the East Mound is to be interpreted as a settlement or a collos- sal aggregation of tombs is an interesting question. The aim here is only to demonstrate analysis of creative conceptual construction, and give a sense of how the method can lead to new ways of addressing archaeological evidence. The fabulously rich data now emerging from the excavation of C¸atalh¨oy¨uk is surely a treasure trove for cognitive science, no less than it is for archaeology. It is hoped that future applications of this type of work will be able to contribute substantively to understanding what the people of this time and place really had in mind.

6 Summary for Hans

Concepts can be put into hierarchical constructions either taxonomically or meronomically. As only the latter is a compositional (and thus infinitely gen- erative) process, it would seem to be the underling mechanism of creative con- ceptualization (the construction of new ideas out of existing ideas). Anaysis of meronomic constructions can thus shed light on how acts of conceptual creativity may have fueled patterns of ancient behavior. The article examines application of this method to some recent evidence from C¸atalh¨oy¨uk.


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