Black&Holes The$point where all$laws of physics break$down

Sascha$Hablützel$&$Samantha$Pafumi Outline

1. Definition 2. Detection of a-Black-Hole 3. Types and-Sizes 4. A-Thought Experiment 5. Theories 6. Open-Questions 7. Summary Black&Hole&– a&Concise Definition

• Historical-Prediction: Einstein‘s General-Relativity (1915):- is a-distortion of spacetime ! there are dense regions where not-even light-can escape

• Simple-Definition: A--is a-region in-spacetime,-where there is so-much concentrated mass,-that gravity is so-strong-that not-even light-can escape its surface. Structure of a&Simple&Black&Hole

• Event$Horizon:-where the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light • (Gravitational)$Singularity:-a-single small point with very high-density )*++→-./0(234356) )*++ !"#$%&' = = → %#?%#%&' 89:;)6→-./0(<6=9) > @ vs.- = A#!"?%#"! >

• Schwarzschild$Radius$(Rs):-the size of the black hole Figure 1:-Black-Hole-Structure CDE C×M.MO×P>QRR×M×P>GS B = ! B HIJ&ℎ = ≈ 0.0090Y0 ≈ 9YY + FG + T×P>U G What is a&Black&Hole&Made&of?

• We cannot see a-black hole,-but-it has three properties that can be measured: 1. Mass 2. Electric Charge 3. Angular-Momentum

!But:-there is no way to distinguish black holes,-i.e.-matter-that forms a-BH-or falls-into it disappears ! this concept is called:-„a$black hole$has no hair“ Detection of Black&Holes

• Cannot be directly detected Figure 2:-Star-being torn apart • Only their effects on-nearby matter-can be detected: 1. A-star gets torn apart-as it gets pulled towards the black hole 2. Cloud-of interstellar-matter-forms an-accretion disc and-emits x[rays 3. Stars-orbiting a-massive,-but-unseen object, e.g.-Sagittarius A 4. effects

Figure 3:-Sagittarius A Types and&Sizes&@ Two General&Types of BH

1. NonGrotating black holes (Schwarzschild)

2. Rotating black holes (Kerr) • Formed from a-rotating star (most common) • Static limit:-boundary between and normal-space • Ergosphere:-egg[shaped,-distorted space around the • Inner &$outer event horizon:-caused by rotation of BH • Singularity:$formed like-a-donut Types and&Sizes – Four Sizes&of BH


• Mass:-5[20-Msol • Radius:-10[300-km

• Formation:-when a-massive-star (> 30\+9:)0collapses • Location:-throughout the entire galaxy (the same-places where we find-stars) • Spaghettification Types and&Sizes – Four Sizes&of BH


• Mass:-millions [ billions Msol • Radius:-3-mio – 30-bio km • Formation:-not-known [ probably a-byproduct of galaxy formation • Location:-likely exist in-the centers of nearly every large-galaxy • Other-characteristics:-continue to grow by sucking in-matter Types and&Sizes – Four Sizes&of BH


• Mass:-100-– 1-million Msol • Radius:-300-– 3‘000‘000-km • Formation:-not-known • Location:-mostly in-star clusters or in-dwarf galaxies Types and&Sizes – Four Sizes&of BH

4.$Primordial$Black$Holes • Mass:-10P^gram • Radius:-10[15-m • Formation:-shortly after-the Big-Bang • Location:-are not-yet discovered General$Relativity Hawking-Radiation A&Thought Experiment String-Theory Quantum

• What happens if Sascha-falls-into a-supermassive-black hole-and- Samantha-is watching her-from a-„safe“-distance?-

Sascha-stays in- front-of the Event- Horizon forever No,-I-passed the Event-Horizon A&Thought Experiment

• General'Relativity:'massive'objects warp'spacetime ! Gravitational time-dilation:-Sascha‘s clock runs slow relative-to distant clocks • Special'Relativity:'time'stops at'c ! at-the Event-Horizon time-will-stop for outside-observers • Gravitational redshift is infinite-! invisible Excursus – and&White&Holes

• White$Holes: Expel-matter-from-a-singularity But:-violation-of-the-2nd-law-of-thermodynamics

• Wormholes: Link-two-seperate points-in-spacetime

• Open-question:-What-if-a-black-hole-and-a-white-hole-collided? Open&Questions

• How do-supermassive-black holes form? • Does the mass of a-black hole-change during time? • Do-all-black holes evaporate? • What happens inside a-black hole? • Black-hole-information paradox-(firewalls)- Summary

• 2-types:-Schwarzschild-&-Kerr • 4-different-sizes,-only 3-existing:-supermassive,-stellar,-intermediate • Black-Hole-description 1. Mass 2. Electric-Charge 3. Angular-Momentum • Event-Horizon:-where-the-escape-velocity-is-equal-to-c • Singularity:-a-point-with-infinite-density For Interested Students…

Movies: Links: • Interstellar •[ • Event-Horizon universe/black[holes[and[ • Battlestar:-Galactica • /black[hole[facts/ • Stargate-SG1 • PBS-Space-Time:-Black-Holes-Playlist- Books: • Hawkings-Kosmos-einfach-erklärt-– aEBbFbvcY&list=PLtN[ Rüdiger-Vaas PHIoVLbGc7OVtjd[AT7qKxh7_rhNN • UNIVERSO-[ La-guia visual definitva from Cosar Editores References

• Figure 1:- • Figure 2:- • Figure 3:- • Sources-for types of black holes:- • Rotating black holes: https://universe[[17[relativity04.htm • Evaporation:- • Firewalls:-[04[hot[problem[black[hole[firewalls.html