ide to NIST

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Technology Administration On the cover:

Graphics of scientific and engineering data or calculations often are used by

NIST researchers to improve under- standing of production processes, measurement methods, or scientific experiments. Shown on the cover from right to left are computer-generated graphics of:

• a scanning electron micrograph of a negatively charged diamond tip used in measuring surface roughness;

• an atomic-level image of chromium atoms (bumps) alloyed in iron (flat areas ) made as part of a study of new magnetic recording and storage materials;

• a cubane molecule superimposed on a plot used to describe how these unusual cube-shaped molecules stack together in a solid;

• magnetic data "tracks" encoded on a prototype reference sample that can be used to help improve the quality of computer disks;

• tree-like crystals growing as a pure metal solidifies;

• the microstructure of a tin-oxide film used in arrays of tiny sensors for detecting gases;

• the extent of chemical degradation on a biosensor film exposed to an elec- tron beam—heights of raised areas correspond to the degree of damage in those areas; and

• the movement of smoke particulates and combustion products from burn-

ing of a crude oil spill as predicted by

the NIST software program, ALOFT. —


Success in business these days is about spe- Finally, the Baldrige National Quality Pro-

cialties and partnerships—knowing what gram provides information to companies of

you're good at and teaming with others to all sizes on how to continuously improve

do everything else. At the National Institute their products, services, and processes

of Standards and Technology, our specialty through effective business and quality

is technology and business infrastructure management.

putting in place key ingredients that indus- I see several challenges ahead for NIST's try7 needs to thrive and help the economy future. Shortening of product cycles, grow. Partnerships are central to everything globalization of standards, the next genera- we do. Infrastructure has no value if it is not tion Internet, continuous education and used. training—these are trends that will pro-

This Guide to NIST is designed to help make foundly affect the business of U.S. industry.

forming partnerships with NIST a little eas- NIST is responding with a number of new

ier. Here you will find descriptions for more initiatives including the construction of new

than 300 different programs and projects world-class research facilities, support for a

along with contact names, phone numbers, comprehensive national standards strategy,

addresses, and World Wide Web sites. increased emphasis by the ATP on joint

ventures and participation by small to mid- An agency of the U.S. Department of Com- sized firms, improved access for smaller merce's Technology Administration, NIST's manufacturers to MEP centers, and promo- mission is to promote U.S. economic growth tion of quality management concepts for the by working with industry to develop and healthcare and education sectors. apply technology, measurements, and stand-

ards. It carries out this mission through four And as we anticipate both the new millen-

major programs, each one addressing differ- nium and NIST's 100th anniversary in 2001,

ent components of the technology pipeline. we're confident that some things will stay the same—namely our commitment to NIST's seven disciplinary Measurement and accuracy, fairness, and scientific excellence. Standards Laboratories work at all stages of NIST's vision is to be the best in the world at the pipeline from advancing basic science what we do. We hope you'll take a moment and pioneering new measurement methods now to stroll through these pages and see to the development of standard test methods, how your organization might benefit by materials, and data to ensure the quality of joining us in that quest. commercial products.

The Advanced Technology Program helps

fill the gaps that often exist between basic

research advances and commercialization

by providing cost-shared funding to industry

for development of high-risk, "enabling"

technologies with broad commercial

potential. Raymond Kammer, Director email: [email protected] The Manufacturing Extension Partnership

uses a nationwide network of centers to

help smaller manufacturers adopt technolo-

gies and business practices that can

improve their competitiveness in the global



This guide is designed to make finding The Advanced Technology Program provides A detailed subject index begins on page 170. out about programs and contacts at the multiyear, cost-shared funding for high- Due to the interdisciplinary nature of NIST's

National Institute of Standards and Tech- risk, high-payoff development of technolo- work, many topic areas appear in more than nology a little easier. gies by individual companies or industry-led one chapter. For example, research involv-

joint ventures. ATP accelerates development ing polymers is described in different chap- The pages that follow describe hundreds of of technologies that otherwise are unlikely ters: polymer processing and structure NIST projects, grants, industry outreach pro- to be available in time to compete in rapidly investigations within the Materials Science grams, services, and facilities, followed by changing markets without such a partner- and Engineering Laboratory and polymer contact names; phone numbers; and mail, ship of industry and government. See combustion studies within the Building and electronic mail, and, in some cases, World description on page 6. Fire Research Laboratory. Wide Web addresses for further information.

Unless otherwise noted, all addresses listed The Manufacturing Extension Partnership This guide attempts to include all major are at MST, Gaithersburg, Md. 20899- operates a nationwide network of regionally NIST program areas. However, no single

0001. based extension centers that help smaller report can be completely comprehensive.

manufacturers adopt modern technologies Institute programs change constantly as This guide is divided into chapters covering and business practices. Through MEP even new research results and technologies each of NIST's major operating units. In the smallest firms have access to more than become available. If you don't find a topic addition, each chapter on the Measurement 2,000 knowledgeable manufacturing and area that specifically matches your needs, and Standards Laboratories' programs business specialists. See description on contact the office for the research area clos- includes subheadings for NIST organiza- page 25. est to your field of interest. tional divisions or subject areas.

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality If you review this guide and you're still not NIST's Measurement and Standards Labora- Award has become both the U.S. standard of sure which office to call, the NIST General tories deliver essential public goods to com- performance excellence in business and a Inquiries unit probably can help you. panies, universities, and government comprehensive guide to quality improve- agencies. The reach of NIST's high-quality Contact: ment. The Baldrige National Quality measurement tools, data, and services General Inquiries Program, which manages the Baldrige extends from science and medicine to indus- (301) 975-NIST Award, develops and disseminates evalu- try and commerce and from health and the email: [email protected] ation criteria and provides global leadership environment to law enforcement and fax: (301) 926-1630 in promoting quality awareness and in the national defense. A903 Administration Building sharing of successful quality practices, prin- NIST Researchers in the NIST Measurement and ciples, and strategies. See description on Gaithersburg, Md. 20899-0001 Standards Laboratories actively seek out page 33- industrial and other collaborators to work on well-defined, cooperative research proj- ects of mutual interest. In addition, NIST

researchers collaborate informally with

industrial and academic researchers to solve shorter-term technical problems. For an overview of the many different ways NIST may be able to work with your organization, see a description of the NIST Measurement and Standards Laboratories beginning on page 35. CONTENTS

4 NIST at a Glance

6 Advanced Technology Program

25 Manufacturing Extension Partnership

33 Baldrige National Quality Program

35 Measurement and Standards Laboratories

40 Building and Fire Research Laboratory

51 Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory

76 Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory

99 Information Technology Laboratory

109 Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory

126 Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory

144 Physics Laboratory

164 Technology Services

170 Facilities Index

170 Subject Index — ——


The National Institute of Standards and BUDGET The Institute also publishes serial publica- Technology was established by Congress "to $790 million tions. The Journal ofResearch of the assist industry in the development of tech- (FY 1998 estimated operating resources National Institute ofStandards and Tech- nology ... needed to improve product qual- from all sources) nology reports NIST research and develop- ity, to modernize manufacturing processes, ment results in physics, chemistry, STAFF to ensure product reliability ... and to facili- engineering, mathematics, and information About 3,300 scientists, engineers, techni- tate rapid commercialization ... of products technology, with major emphasis on meas- cians, and support personnel, plus some based on new scientific discoveries." urement methodology and basic technology 1,250 visiting researchers each year underlying standardization. Issued An agency of the U.S. Department of Com- SITES bimonthly. Subscription price: domestic merce's Technology Administration, NIST's Gaithersburg, Md. (headquarters $34 per year, foreign— $42.50 per year. primary mission is to promote U.S. eco- 234-hectare campus) and Contact: (202) 512-1800. nomic growth by working with industry to Boulder, Colo. (84-hectare campus) develop and apply technology, measure- Technology at a Glance is a four-page, lay ments, and standards. It carries out this MAIN RESEARCH AREAS IN NIST language newsletter providing brief updates mission through four interwoven programs: LABORATORIES on NIST research, grants, and other pro- Building and fire research gram activities, with a contact name for • the Measurement and Standards Laborato- Chemical science and technology each topic covered. Issued quarterly. ries, providing vital components of the Electronics and electrical engineering Free subscription. Contact: Gail Porter, nation's technology infrastructure needed Information technology (301) 975-3392. by U.S. industry to continually improve prod- Manufacturing engineering ucts and services; Materials science and engineering News and general information about NIST

Physics programs and services are available on the • the Advanced Technology Program, World Wide Web at Links to providing cost-shared awards to industry for ADDITIONAL SOURCES OF INFORMATION homepages for NIST major programs development of high risk, enabling tech- NIST issues more than 400 publications Laboratories, ATP, MEP, and Baldrige— are nologies with broad economic potential; each year, such as reports on research available through the NIST homepage. The results and standards, catalogs of products • a grassroots Manufacturing Extension homepage also links to NIST Time, a staff and services, and technical handbooks. Partnership with a nationwide network of locator, and events calendar. The site has NIST staff also author about 1,650 technical local centers offering technical and business information on Standard Reference Materi- journal papers. To locate current and past assistance to smaller manufacturers; and als, Standard Reference Data, calibrations, Institute publications, call General Inquiries standards services, and facilities. In addi- • a highly visible quality outreach program at (301) 975-NIST (6478). tion, the site provides tour information; associated with the Malcolm Baldrige press releases; budget updates; congressional National Quality Award that recognizes busi- testimony; maps of NIST's Gaithersburg, ness performance excellence and quality Md., and Boulder, Colo., facilities; and achievement by U.S. manufacturers and answers to some frequently asked questions. service companies. NISTATAGLANCE

Click on "NIST in Your House" and "NIST Baldrige National Quality Program Technology Services and Your City" to find out where NIST (Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award) Calibrations research has had an unseen role in your (301) 975-2036 (301) 975-2002 everyday life. To find the NIST connection, Measurement and Standards Laboratories Industrial Partnerships you can click on items such as a smoke Building and Fire Research (301) 975-3084 detector, watt-hour meter, car, hospital, and (301) 975-5900 a factory. Laboratory Accreditation

Chemical Science and Technology (301) 975-4016 FREQUENTLY REQUESTED NIST CONTACTS (301) 975-3143 Metric Program

General Inquiries Electronics and Electric Engineering (301) 975-3690

(301) 975-NIST (301-975-6478) (301) 975-2220 Small Business Innovation Research Program email: [email protected] Information Technology (301) 975-3085 A903 Administration Building (301) 975-2900 NIST Standard Reference Data

Gaithersburg, Md. 20899-0001 Manufacturing Engineering (301) 975-2208

(301) 975-3407 Advanced Technology Program Standard Reference Materials

(800) ATP-FUND Materials Science and Engineering (301) 975-6776

(800-287-3863) (301) 975-5658 Standards Information Center

Manufacturing Extension Partnership Physics (301) 975-4040

(301) 975-5020 (301) 975-4200 Weights and Measures (800) MEP-4MFG for center serving you (301) 975-4004

NIST Organization

Director National Quality Boulder Laboratories Raymond Kammer Program

David Norcross Harry Hertz Acting Deputy Director Robert Hebner


Office of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Administration Chief Financial Technology Extension Services Officer Program Partnership

Jorge Urrutia Peter Heydemann Robert Hebner (act) Lura Powell Kevin Carr

I Electronics and Manufacturing Chemical Science Materials Science Building and Fire Information Electrical Physics Engineering and Technology and Engineering Research Technology Engineering Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory

Judson French Richard Jackson Hratch Semerjian Katharine Gebbie Leslie Smith Richard Wright Shukri Wakid —


The ATP views R&D projects from a broader • The ATP does not fund product develop- Overview perspective its bottom line is how the proj- ment. It supports technologies that are

ect can benefit the nation. In sharing the essential to the development of new prod- Not-yet-possible technologies are the relatively high development risks of tech- ucts, processes, and services across diverse domain of the NIST Advanced Technology nologies that potentially make feasible a application areas. Private industry bears the Program (ATP). A new synthetic materials broad range of new commercial opportuni- costs of product development, production, technology that might revolutionize the ties, possibly across several industries, the marketing, sales, and distribution. auto industry— if the process variables can ATP fosters projects with a high payoff for be identified and controlled. A new polymer • ATP awards are made strictly on the basis the nation as a whole in addition to a that be used as a drug, ensnaring and — can of rigorous competitions designed to select direct return to an innovation. The goal of neutralizing dangerous pathogens— if the the proposals that are best in terms of inno- the ATP is economic growth and the good design issues be and manufacturing can vation, technical risk, the potential eco- jobs and quality of life that come with eco- overcome. concept in distributed infor- A new nomic benefits to the nation (not just the nomic growth—opening new opportunities mation systems that could both cut costs applicant), and the strength of the plan for for U.S. business and industry in the world's and potentially save lives in the nation's eventual commercialization of the results. markets by fostering enabling technologies hospitals— if the proper software tools can Expert reviewers (without conflicts of inter- that will lead to new, innovative products, to it cost effective on a be developed make est) drawn from the economic community, services, and industrial processes. large scale. government, and academe carefully exam-

The ATP has several critical features that ine and rate each proposal according to pub- The ATP is a unique partnership between

set it apart from other government R&D lished selection criteria that focus on both government and private industry to conduct programs: economic and technical potential. Proprie- high-risk research to develop enabling tech-

tary information is protected carefully. nologies that promise significant commer- • ATP projects focus on the technology cial payoffs and widespread benefits for the needs of U.S. industry, not those of govern- ATP support does not become a perpetual economy. The ATP provides a mechanism ment. The ATP is industry driven, which subsidy or entitlement—each project has industry to its technological for extend keeps the program grounded in real-world goals, specific funding allocations, and com- reach and push the envelope of what can be needs. Research priorities for the ATP are set pletion dates established at the outset. Pro- attempted. by industry: for-profit companies conceive, jects are monitored and can be terminated

propose, co-fund, and execute ATP projects for cause before completion.

and programs based on their understanding Lowering the Barriers to The ATP partners with companies of all of the marketplace and research High-Risk Research sizes, encouraging them to take on greater opportunities. technical challenges with potentially large

Technology research in the private sector is • The ATP has strict cost-sharing rules. benefits that extend well beyond the innova- driven by today's economic realities. Mar- Joint ventures (two or more companies work- tors—challenges they could not or would kets are global your competitors can be — ing together) must pay at least half of the not do alone. For smaller, start-up firms, anywhere in the world. pace of techno- The project costs. Large, "Fortune-500" compa- early support from the ATP can spell the

is faster than ever before, logical change nies participating as a single firm must pay difference between success and failure. To and victory goes to the swift. These realities at least 60 percent of total project costs. date, more than half of the ATP awards have force to narrower, shorter- companies make gone to individual small businesses or to Smaller companies working on single firm in that term investments R&D maximize joint ventures led by a small business. Large ATP projects must pay a minimum of all returns to the company quickly. A project firms can work with the ATP, especially in indirect costs associated with the project. offer the possibility of important bene- may joint ventures, to develop critical, high-risk (This provision encourages small compa- fits to American industry or the public, but technologies that would be difficult for any nies, particularly start-ups, that often have in hard-nosed business calculations, those one company to justify because, for exam- limited R&D budgets and much lower over- worth only as as the inno- benefits are much ple, the benefits spread across the industry head rates than large firms.) vating company can recoup in profits. as a whole. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM

An ATP Project Sampler

The ATP portfolio is highly diversified. influence production rates and parts qual- highly efficient chemical separation tech-

The 352 projects selected in the first 30 ity. A team led by the National Center for nology with broad applications, from competitions span a broad array of key Manufacturing Sciences (Ann Arbor, extracting and refining base and precious technologies, with particular concentra- Mich.) designed and currently is testing metals to creating ultrapure substances tions in information technology, biotech- three prototype spindles that are smaller, for pharmaceuticals. Several major chemi- nology, electronics, advanced materials, faster, and more flexible that conven- cal processors have licensed the technol- and manufacturing. These awards repre- tional designs and offer new capabilities ogy, and IBC has begun to market sent an investment of S2.3 billion shared as well. For example, one design could separation systems to the metals industry. almost equally by industry and ATP. More save the auto industry more than 100,000 • With assistance from the ATP, a small than 800 companies, universities, inde- hours in annual machining time for a company called Aastrom Biosciences Inc. pendent non-profit research organiza- single part. (Ann Arbor, Mich.) has developed the first tions, and government laboratories have • Nanophase Technologies (Burr Ridge, device to successfully grow functional, participated in ATP projects. Several hun- 111.) used ATP co-funding to develop a therapeutic human cells outside the body. dred additional organizations have partici- novel process for producing uniform, The desktop bioreactor developed by pated as subcontractors and strategic nanometer-scale ceramic powders. Aastrom—now in clinical trials—success- partners. Over half of the awards were The original target for such ultrafine fully induces the growth and replication made to small businesses or to joint ven- powder was the manufacture of high- of stem cells, precursor cells normally tures led by a small business. performance ceramic components for the found in bone marrow that mature into

Representative projects include: automotive and aerospace industries, but blood and immune system cells. If

along the way Nanophase discovered sev- approved (and initial results are promis- • A new DNA sequencing technology- eral other applications, including wafer ing), the Aastrom technology could mean developed by GeneTrace Systems, Inc. polishing agents for the semiconductor the end of a painful procedure of harvest- (Menlo Park, Calif.), under the ATP gets industry and cosmetic and skin-care prod- ing bone marrow for transplantation results hundreds of times faster than cur- ucts (the tiny iron oxide particles have (often part of cancer therapy). Some stud- rent methods at a fraction of the cost. The good sunscreen properties). The market ies also indicate that the cultured cells system identifies the sequence of base potential for the company's powder prod- may be safer—less likely to be contami- chemicals in a given DNA strand in as ucts could reach $80 million by the turn nated with tumor cells. little as five seconds rather than the three of the century. Since the beginning of the hours required for conventional DNA sepa- • Vastly more powerful computers company's participation in the ATP as a ration methods. This research is expected and cellular telephones are among the tiny start-up, total employment has to lead to inexpensive yet highly effective products that could result from an ATP increased from 5 to 68 people; annual new drugs and widely available tests for project that developed new materials for revenues have increased 10-fold. disease diagnosis and identification, such integrated circuits (ICs). Texas Instru- as forensic and paternity testing. The com- • A new type of "molecular recognition" ments (Dallas, Texas) incorporated xero- pany expects its technology to lead to technology developed by IBC Advanced gel, a near-perfect insulator consisting of genetic screening tests for as little as a few Technologies of American Fork, Utah, tiny glass bubbles, into ICs for the first dollars, compared with the $300 to $5,000 may help crack one of the $1.2 trillion time. The material now is being commer- required today. world chemical-processing industry's cialized by a major materials supplier for

most intractable problems: how to selec- the electronics industry. Xerogel could • A wide range of U.S. manufacturers tively remove economically important or fuel at least 10-fold increases in the speed could save substantially if they adopt the environmentally hazardous molecules of microprocessors and digital signal new spindle designs developed in a joint from industrial fluids and waste. With ATP processors. venture co-funded by ATP. Spindles co-funding, the company is combining (the rotating parb that hold cutting computer modeling expertise and some instruments in machine tools) are critical Nobel Prize-winning research into a in manufacturing because they strongly ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM

Universities and non-profit independent potential for U.S. economic benefit, the tech- Component-Based Software. To research organizations also play significant nical ideas available to be exploited, the develop the technologies necessary to enable roles as participants in ATP projects. Out of strength of industry commitment to the systematically reusable software compo- the more than 350 projects selected by the work, and the reasons why ATP funding is nents—small, carefully engineered software

ATP since its inception, well over half of the necessary to achieve well-defined research elements suitable for automated assembly in projects included plans to involve one or and business goals. Areas that attract par- a broad array of applications. more universities as either subcontractors or ticularly strong interest then are developed Contact: joint-venture members. In many of these further through discussions with industry, Barbara Cuthill cases, more than one academic institution meetings, workshops, and other interactions. (301) 975-3273 was involved. There are more than 300 indi- Within a focused program, the ATP holds email: [email protected] vidual instances of university participation special competitions open only to project A426 Administration Building in ATP projects all told. proposals that would advance the goals of Digital Data Storage. To support U.S. the specific program. Individual projects are companies in exploiting the revolution in selected through the normal ATP competi- Programs and Competitions digital storage by producing dramatic tive review process. The ATP has established improvements in data storage technology in The ATP conducts two types of competitions 17 focused programs to date. six key areas: tape and disk storage density, for new R&D projects, each with its own higher performance magnetic recording advantages. General competitions, open to heads, new lubricants and surface finishes, proposals from any field, ensure that all Focused Program more reliable tracking devices, improved good ideas receive consideration, no matter Descriptions signal-processing electronics, and data what the technology area, and result in storage and retrieval software. some of the ATP's most innovative projects. Information Technology Electronics At least one general competition is held and Contact: every year. Adaptive Learning Systems. To develop Philip Perconti 975-4263 Focused program competitions were created new enabling technologies for flexible, (301) email: [email protected] to provide a critical mass of support for network-based (including web-based) learn- A426 Administration Building high-risk, enabling technologies in particu- ing systems, including intelligent authoring systems to reduce the cost and time to lar technology areas that have been identi- Digital Video in Information Net- fied by U.S. industry as offering especially develop educational content; knowledge works. To develop interoperable digital important opportunities for economic management and interface technologies to video capabilities for emerging information growth. focused identifies a improve the delivery of instructional con- An ATP program networks through techniques for encoding, specific set of research and business goals tent; and large-scale modular components, converting, and transcribing video data into require parallel development of a instructional frameworks, and middleware that the the various forms required by the network. suite of synergistic projects. By manag- to support a highly usable, reliable net- R&D The program will help U.S. firms to take ing groups of projects that complement and worked learning environment that makes commercial advantage of the information reinforce each other, the ATP reaps the bene- training and education more accessible network to allow any video-based informa- before. fits of synergy and, in the long run, can than ever tion product to travel via wire, optical fiber, have a stronger impact on U.S. technology Contact: satellite, or broadcast seamlessly into regu- and the economy. Richard Morris lar televisions and other information appliances. Focused programs are developed in response (301) 975-4695 email: [email protected] to specific suggestions received from indus- Contact: A426 Administration Building try and academia. The proposals outline a David Hermreck specific technology area and describe the (301) 975-4328 email: [email protected] A426 Administration Building ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM

Infrastructure for Tissue Engineering. To enable dramatic Information Chemistry and Life Sciences Healthcare. To develop critical informa- advances in the development and use of bio- Catalysis and Biocatalysis Technolo- tion infrastructure technologies to enable compatible materials, with or without a cel- gies. To develop the tools, abilities, and enhanced, more fully integrated medical lular component, to replace damaged or theoretical insight to identify, design, and information systems across the healthcare defective tissues and organs. The program implement new catalytic and biocatalytic industry, increasing accessibility and uni- concentrates on four key areas: biomateri- processes and catalyst manufacturing tech- formity while greatly reducing costs and als, cellular components (including large- niques of major economic importance to errors in handling medical information. scale culturing techniques and genetic or chemical producers and other catalyst users. environmental manipulation), manufactur- Contact: Contact: ing processes, and implantation and trans- Bettijoyce Lide Robert Bloksberg-Fireovid plantation technologies. (301) 975-2218 (301) 975-5457 email: [email protected] Contact: email: [email protected] A426 Administration Building Rosemarie Hunziker A225 Administration Building (301) 975-5324 Photonics Manufacturing. To develop Manufacturing Composite Structures. email: [email protected] critical tools—packaging technologies, To reduce the high initial costs of using A225 Administration Building simulation and modeling tools, processing advanced composite materials, traditionally methods, equipment, and instrumenta- Tools for DNA Diagnostics. To develop found in military and sports applications, tion—needed by U.S. manufacturers to compact, low-cost, automated DNA analysis through cost-effective manufacturing proc- develop innovative photonics-based products technologies and equipment to enable fast, esses to enable the use of these high- quickly and manufacture them efficiently in inexpensive detection and diagnosis of performance, lightweight, durable materials large volume at low cost, improving their human, animal, and plant diseases. Other in large-scale commercial structural appli- competitiveness in global markets. applications include personal identification, cations such as surface transportation, civil toxicology, environmental monitoring, and Contact: infrastructure, and offshore oil production. bioprocessing. Philip Perconti Contact: (301) 975-4263 Contact: Felix Wu email: [email protected] Stanley Abramowitz (301) 975-4685 A426 Administration Building (301) 975-2587 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Technologies for the Integration of A225 Administration Building A225 Administration Building Manufacturing Applications. To Selective-Membrane Platforms. To develop and demonstrate the technologies Materials and Manufacturing develop the combination of materials sci- needed to create affordable manufacturing ence and manufacturing technology Materials Processing for Heavy software applications that can be integrated advances needed to create new families of Manufacturing. To develop and demon- rapidly, reconfigured, and, in the long run, membrane materials and process technolo- strate innovative materials-processing - automatically adjust their performance in gies for advanced high-selectivity, high- technologies that will help U.S. heavy response to changing conditions and throughput chemical separations (including manufacturing companies make longer last- requirements. concentration and purification), producing ing, more reliable, and more efficient prod-

Contact: feedstocks for areas as diverse as pharmaceu- ucts. The program concentrates on three

Selden Stewart ticals and medical diagnostics, automobile major commercial markets: engines, power

(301) 975-3833 parts, consumer electronics, clothing, and trains, and chassis for surface vehicles;

email: [email protected] alternative fuels. heavy equipment for construction, agricul-

A426 Administration Building ture, mining, and oil fields; and engines, Contact: David King

(301) 975-2369 email: [email protected] A426 Administration Building 0 ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM

turbines, rotors, and related components for Premium Power. To develop advanced • The potential for broad economic benefits

power generators. electric power technologies, including photo- to the nation. How would the proposed tech-

voltaic solar arrays, integrated fuel cell sys- nological developments lead to significant Contact: tems, advanced batteries, ultracapacitors, economic benefits for the nation? How Clare Allocca and flywheels, to support modular, high- would this be reflected in integrated (301) 975-4359 quality, highly distributed power sources research and business strategies? What email: [email protected] required for developing technologies in would be the likely effect on the U.S. work- A225 Administration Building broadband wireless telecommunications, force if the program succeeds and is carried

Microelectronics Manufacturing portable electronics, and power-quality- forward to commercialization— taking into

Infrastructure. To develop new infrastruc- sensitive industries. account national and international trends?

ture technologies in materials, design, How important to the economy are the Contact: manufacturing, and testing and to enable industrial sectors that would be most Gerald Ceasar strategic advances in semiconductor chips, affected by the program area? Would the (301) 975-5069 processes, packaging, and board intercon- proposed program create new industries or email: [email protected] nections. These technologies have been iden- cause a leap forward in a well-established A225 Administration Building tified in several industry roadmaps as industry?

potentially serious barriers to developing the Vapor Compression Refrigeration • Good technical ideas. The ATP empha- smaller, lighter, faster, and more cost- Technology. To develop more efficient, sizes revolutionary changes, not incre- effective microelectronic products demanded quiet, and compact air-conditioning and mental advances. What is the technology by world markets. refrigeration systems with the lowest achiev- baseline for the proposed program? Given able environmental impact. The projects Contact: current research trends in government and selected focus on improving the vapor com- Michael Schen industry, where would that technology be in pression cycle, the principle of operation for (301) 975-6741 the next 5 years to 10 years without an ATP most current cooling equipment. The over- email: [email protected] program? How will this be accelerated or all technical goals are to increase system A225 Administration Building changed by establishing an ATP program? efficiency, reduce noise levels, and reduce What are the major technical barriers to be Purabi Mazumdar refrigeration components' sizes—each by overcome? Which innovative technologies (301) 975-4891 25 percent—and to design and manufac- will erase those barriers? Where are the tech- email: [email protected] ture systems in which no refrigerant leaks. nology risks that require ATP support? A426 Administration Building Contact: • Strong industry commitment. The ATP is Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Tech- John Gudas a partnership between industry and govern- nology. To foster innovations in manufac- (301) 975-3214 ment and cannot succeed without industry's turing technologies that can strengthen email: [email protected] whole-hearted support. What is the evidence capabilities and lead to dramatic advances A225 Administration Building that industry is ready and willing to work along the entire automotive production with the ATP and with one another as chain, including more versatile equipment, Proposing a Focused needed to achieve the program's goals? better control and integration of processes, Would the program require horizontal alli- and greater operational flexibility at all lev- Program ances? Vertical alliances? Both? Are the els. Automotive suppliers are key partners The ATP reviews its portfolio of focused prog- industry players prepared to build these rela- and players in this program. rams annually and encourages interested tionships? What resources would the indus-

Contact: groups in industry, academia, and govern- try be willing to commit to the program?

Jack Boudreaux ment to submit ideas suggesting new Are the potential industry partners willing to

(301) 975-3560 focused program areas. Potential focused share the costs of the R&D?

email: [email protected] programs are evaluated against four basic

A225 Administration Building criteria: —


• The opportunity for ATP funding to make productivity and lower reject rates for manu- The ATP is contributing a new element to a significant difference. In other words, why facturers using new processes and equip- the R&D culture of U.S. business—one that the ATP? What related efforts are under way, ment based on ATP technologies; better emphasizes more high-risk, high-payoff, either by industry or government? How medical care at lower costs from hospitals enabling R&D and greater use of coopera- would the ATP program complement these and clinics that benefit from ATP biotechnol- tive research ventures and industrial alli- efforts? Why is federal funding in general, ogy projects or the ATP focused programs on ances. Studies conducted both by the ATP and ATP funding in particular, needed to Tools for DNA Diagnostics and Information and by private contractors have documented achieve the large potential economic benefit Infrastructure for Healthcare; and longer- several important near-term results of the to the nation? What is the international lived, lower-maintenance structures and program: competition? Is time of the essence? Can we equipment made possible by ATP focused • Successful ATP technologies represent not realistically hope to meet the program programs in advanced composites. The simply incremental advances but rather sig- goals? Will the combined industry and gov- value of such long-range effects, though nificant innovations that have broad appli- ernment funding be adequate to exploit the real, are difficult to measure accurately. cation. A study of more than 200 ATP technological opportunity in the critical Since its inception, the ATP has made eco- projects—most still in progress—found time frame? If the program is successful, nomic evaluation of the outcomes of ATP that the companies surveyed had identified will our relatively small investment lead projects a central element of its operations. more than 1,000 potential applications of to far greater investment by industry in The ATP has developed and implemented a the ATP-supported technologies. Thirty-five subsequent development and thorough measurement program that percent of those are considered by project commercialization? pushes the state of the art in evaluating the participants to be "new-to-the-world" solu-

For more information on submitting long-term outcomes of R&D investment. tions to a market need or problem with the focused program ideas, visit the ATP web site potential to create totally new markets. This is a lengthy process. ATP projects typi- ( or use one of the other Another 29 percent were expected to result in cally run from 2 years to 5 years; the tech- contact points listed in this chapter. performance improvements of 100 percent nology commercialization and diffusion to 500 percent over the state of the art. phase easily can add several more years. The

Delivering Results full economic impact may not be realized • The ATP successfully catalyzes high-risk

for some years after commercial introduc- research. Surveys of ATP participants consis- From a remarkable new microcircuit solder- tion. It also is costly—companies must tently find that a substantial percentage ing system based on the same principles as spend additional time, effort, and money on 70 percent in one study—would not have the ink-jet printer, to power-transmission their own to pursue product development attempted the ATP project without the ATP. towers made of durable, high-performance and marketing. Because of the risks Those that would have gone forward anyway composites, to the dramatic DNA "chips" involved—commercial as well as techni- report significantly increased levels of effort that enable rapid, low-cost, DNA analyses, cal—some ATP projects will fail. Others and an often dramatic acceleration in prog- the ATP already is having an impact, deliver- may proceed faster than anticipated, and ress due to the ATP. In one study, 86 percent ing new technologies that would not exist intermediate results may lead to marketable of project respondents reported that the ATP here without and now the ATP (see An ATP products even before the ATP project ends. support cut their estimated development Project Sampler on page 7). Regardless of whether initial commercializa- time by one-half or more—which trans-

tion takes place before an ATP project ends lated to economic impacts ranging from a But the true impacts of the ATP will be felt or long after, the company must invest its million to several billions of dollars for each in the long run as ATP-fostered technologies to design specific products incor- year gained according to some respon- enter the market. Long-term evaluation of own money porating the technology and pay any other dents and a similar percentage reported the ATP must take into account the "down- — costs associated with commercialization. that they had adopted ATP practices to other stream" effects of these technologies: higher research projects to capitalize on these

gains. The bottom line: U.S. industry today

has important new technical capabilities

that would not exist without the ATP. —


• The ATP contributes to a valuable new quality and customer satisfaction. One the long-term impact of the program. ATP culture of cooperation in U.S. industrial theoretical economic analysis of the project periodically holds workshops with the

R&D. In one study of more than 400 organi- projected that a market-share boost for U.S. nation's leading economists to discuss evalu- zations working on ATP projects, nearly 80 auto manufacturers as a result of the ATP- ation models, results, and opportunities. A percent reported that they were working on sponsored work could lead ultimately to variety of ATP economic reports may be read the project in collaboration with other com- thousands of new jobs and a $3 billion online at panies, universities, or federal labs, and 85 increase to the U.S. industrial output by the percent of these reported that the ATP played year 2000. Contacting the a significant role in bringing the collabora- ATP • The ATP was instrumental in promoting tive relationship together. In another study, The ATP accepts project proposals only in the research that led to today's "DNA chips," 1 collaboratively of 15 companies working response to specific, published solicitations. miniaturized genetics labs that offer fast on ATP projects, 95 percent reported a Notices of ATP competitions are published up to 1000 times faster than conventional "significant benefit" from the ATP-inspired in Commerce Business Daily. You also methods— accurate, low-cost genetic analy- collaboration some companies even — may request to be placed on a mailing list sis. Early spin-offs of ATP projects in this participating without for the funding (or emailing list) to receive notification of area already are being used in agriculture of sake of the benefits—and 96 percent ATP competitions and other events by call- and food and cosmetics testing as well as joint venture participants reported that the ing the ATP automated hotline (1-800-ATP- the obvious applications in drug discovery, ATP experience encouraged them to seek FUND or 1-800-287-3863) or by sending human-genome research, and biomedical other joint ventures in the future. email to [email protected]. research.

The results of ATP-sponsored research, com- The ATP Proposal Preparation Kit may be Charged with monitoring and analyzing private industry, are starting mercialized by requested at any time. In addition to the both the short-term performance and long- laboratories the to emerge from and enter necessary application forms, the kit includes range impacts of the program, the ATP's marketplace potential impacts becoming a thorough discussion of ATP goals and — Economic Assessment Office employs a vari- actual. procedures as well as useful guidance in ety of research tools. Third-party surveys the preparation of a proposal. Notices of • One of the earliest ATP projects, a collabo- and in-depth case studies of individual proj- ongoing competitions, upcoming events, rative effort to develop a suite of advanced ects look at such issues as the near-term ATP research papers, and descriptions of manufacturing technologies for the printed impact of the ATP on participating compa- ongoing and completed ATP projects may be wiring board (PWB) industry, resulted in nies and efficiencies from collaborative found on the program's web site. new materials, testing, imaging, and produc- research and development. An innovative tion techniques that have been credited by computerized business reporting system Contact: the National Center for Manufacturing Sci- facilitates statistical analysis by researchers Advanced Technology Program ences, a participant, with "quite literally sav- and supplements site visits and annual 1-800-ATP-FUND (1-800-287-3863)

ing" the roughly $7 billion U.S. PWB reviews to track project progress toward email: [email protected]

industry, with its approximately applications of the technologies. 200,000 future ATP fax: (301) 926-9524 or (301) 590-3053 jobs. A407 Administration Building Other studies attempt to measure "spillover" • An ATP joint venture in the auto industry benefits and costs— those that accrue to that included several small and mid-sized users of the technology beyond the ATP par-

manufacturers and universities resulted in ticipating companies. The ATP also sponsors manufacturing monitoring and control tech- studies to increase the understanding of

nologies that led to significantly improved spillover mechanisms in the economy and dimensional tolerances, improving vehicle to develop improved methods for measuring — — —


Creating New Software Development • Component-Based Re-engineering Tech- ATP Projects Paradigms nology—Reasoning Systems, Inc.

Ongoing and completed ATP projects and • A Plausible Dependability Model for • Component-Based Software System for their participants are listed below, sorted Component-Based Software—Reliable Soft- Parallel Processing Systems—Applied into related technical categories. The ATP ware Technologies Parallel Technologies, Inc. manages projects through three technical • A Programmable Framework Based on • Component-Based Software Tools for offices: Information Technology and Elec- Semantic Modeling Components Synquiry Real-Time Systems Real-Time Innova- tronics Office, Chemistry and Life Sciences — — Technologies, Ltd. tions, Inc. Office, and Materials and Manufacturing

Office. • Component Integration: An Architecture- • Debugging Component-Based Software

Driven Approach Andersen Consulting, for Enterprise Systems Intermetrics, Inc. The focused programs for which each office — — Center for Strategic Technology Research is responsible are listed under each office's • Graph Visualization Technology—Tom heading. Projects selected in focused prog- • Cost-Based Generation of Scalable, Reli- Sawyer Software ram competitions are listed under the able, Real-Time Software Components • Scalable Business Application Develop- corresponding focused program. Projects HyBrithms Corp. (formerly Sagent Corp.) ment Components and Tools—Continuum closely related to the subject of a focused • Design Maintenance System Semantic Systems program but selected in our general competi- — Designs, Inc. tions are included in the focused program Digital Data Storage listing. When the ATP selects a number of • MirrorBall: A Component Infrastructure Contact: projects in one particular area, such a clus- Initiative Sterling Software, Inc. — Philip Perconti ter of projects is managed for synergy as a • Reusable Performance-Critical Software (301) 975-4263 "virtual focused program" even though Components Using Separation of Implemen- email: [email protected] there has not been a formal competition in tation Issues—Xerox Corp., Palo Alto A426 Administration Building that technical area. Research Center Optical Recording Technology General competition projects that do not fit Enhancing the Capabilities ofApplication within a focused program category are listed • A High-Density and High-Speed Read- Experts separately, grouped in appropriate technical only Optical Data Storage System categories. For information, contact the • A Component Technology for Virtual Calimetrics office under which the project is listed. Reality Based Applications Aesthetic — • A Novel Flying-Optical-Head Disk Drive Solutions Quinta Corp.* and SDL, Inc. Information Technology and • A Component-Based Software Approach to Electronics Office • Continuous Low-Cost Manufacturing Analog and Mixed Signal Model Develop- System for DVD—Energy Conversion Contact: ment—Analogy, Inc. Devices, Inc. Cita Furlani • Automatic Generation of Mathematical (301) 975-3543 • Digital Data Storage Technology via Modeling Components SciComp, Inc. email: [email protected] — Ultrahigh-Performance Optical Tape Drive A426 Administration Building • Automation of Dependable Software Gen- Using a Short-Wavelength Laser—LOTS

eration with Reusable Components Lucent Technology, Inc. Component-Based Software — Technologies, Inc. • Technology for a Digital Video Contact: Enabling Optical Tape Recorder of High-Resolution Barbara Cuthill • Component-Based Software for Advanced Motion Imagery Avid Technology, Inc.; (301) 975-3273 Interactive Systems in Entertainment and — EMC Corp.; LOTS Technology, Inc.*; Lucent email: [email protected] Education—Extempo Systems, Inc. Technologies; and Polaroid Corp. A426 Administration Building Automating the Software Development Process • Multiple Optical Recording Enhance- ments—Calimetrics, Inc.; Energy Conver- • Business Object Component Specification, sion Devices, Inc.; National Storage Industry Generation and Assembly Data Access — Consortium*; and Polaroid Corp. Technologies, Inc.

*Joint venture lead partner — — —


• Short-Wavelength Sources for Optical Digital Video in Information Networks Consulting, Center For Strategic Technology

Recording Carnegie Mellon University, Research*; Enigma Logic, Inc.; Expersoft — Contact: ECE Department; Eastman Kodak Co., Mass Corp.; MedicaLogic; Medical Records Corp.; David Hermreck Memory Division, Research Labs; IBM Corp., and University of Texas at Arlington, Auto- (301) 975-4328 Almaden Research Center; National Storage mation Engineering email: [email protected] Industry Consortium*; Uniphase; and A426 Administration Building • An Expert Knowledge Server With a Gen- University of Arizona, Optical Science Center eral Vocabulary Server Interface Mosby Information Capacity Improvementsfor — • Technology Development for Optical- Consumer Health (formerly Applied Medical) Transmission and Distribution Tape-Based Rapid Access Affordable Mass • Development of a Seamless Clinical Man- • Adaptive Video Information Storage—Carnegie Mellon University; Codec for agement System for Behavioral Health Inc. Energy Conversion Devices, Inc.; Motorola, Networks—Cubic VideoComm, Organizations—InStream Corp. Inc., Phoenix Applied Research Center; NASA • Mobile Information Infrastructure for Goddard Space Flight Center; Polaroid • Enterprise Tools for the Continuously Digital Video and Multimedia Applications Corp.; Science Applications International Available Medical Care Home Healthcare Lucent Technologies, Inc.* and Sun Micro- Corp.; Terabank Systems, Inc.*; University System—Intermetrics, Inc., Microcomputer systems Federal, Inc. of Arizona, Optical Sciences Center; and Systems Division • Perceptual-Based Video Encoding Xerox Corp. and • Healthcare Lifetime Data Repository Quality Measurement—Bell Atlantic; Magnetic Recording Technology Infrastructure 3M Co., Health Information Sarnoff Corp.*; Sun Microsystems Computer — Systems • High-Performance, Variable-Data-Rate, Corp.; and Texas Instruments, Inc. Multimedia Magnetic Tape Recorder • A Master Patient Index for Massively Interoperable System Components Advanced Research Corp.; Imation Corp.*; Distributed Records Across a U.S. National • HDTV Broadcast Technology Comark Seagate Recording Head, Tape Head Opera- — Backbone—Sequoia Software Corp. Communications, Inc.; IBM Corp., tions; and Storage Technology Corp. T.J. • "MEDencode": A Technology to Populate Watson Research Center; MCI; Philips • Integrated Vacuum Lubrication System a Clinical Data Repository as a Byproduct of Research; Sarnoff Corp.*; Sun Microsystems for Hard Disks Intevac, Inc. Producing the Clinical Note Clinical Infor- — Computer Corp.; and Thomson Consumer — mation Advantages, Inc. • Trainable Digital Logic: A New Approach Electronics, Inc. to Increasing Data Storage Density on Mag- • Patient-Oriented Management System: • Interoperability Tools for Digital Video netic Media Neural Systems Corp. An Integration Infrastructure for Health — Systems—Bell Communications Research, Care—Benchmarking Partners, Inc. • Ultra-High Density Magnetic Recording Inc.

Heads Applied Magnetics Corp.; Carnegie • Voyager: Browsing and Automatically — Digital Video Tools and Management Mellon University, ECE Department, Data Extracting Healthcare Data from Scattered Capabilities Storage Systems Center; Eastman Kodak Co.; Databases—Belmont Research, Inc. • Advanced Distributed Video Network George Washington University, Department ATM Infrastructure Development Technologies for Creation, Editing, and Distribution of Electrical Engineering and Computer (Domain Analysis and Business Process Tektronix, Video and Networking Division Science; Hewlett-Packard Co.; IBM Corp., Re-engineering) Almaden Research Center; National Storage Information Infrastructure for Healthcare Industry Consortium*; Quantum Corp.; • An Information Infrastructure to Rede- Contact: Read-Rite Corp.; Seagate Technology; Stan- fine Caregiver Roles: A New Approach to Bettijoyce B. Lide ford University, Department of Materials Sci- Integration—Health Data Sciences Corp.* (301) 975-2218 ence and Engineering; Storage Technology and New York City Health and Hospitals email: [email protected] Corp.; University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Corp. A426 Administration Building Center for Materials Information Technol- • Health Informatics Initiative—Beth ogy; University of California at San Diego, Infrastructure Development Technologies Israel Hospital; Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Center for Magnetic Recording; University of (Enterprise Integration) Inc.; Corporation for Studies and Analysis; Minnesota, Electrical Engineering and Com- • An Evolvable, Distributed Information D. Appleton Company, Inc.; International puter Science; and Washington University, Infrastructure for Interoperation of the Cancer Alliance; Koop Foundation, Inc.*; Department of Electrical Engineering Healthcare Delivery System—Andersen

"'Joint venture lead partner — — — ————


Meta Software Corp.; Oracle Corp.; and • Development of National Medical Prac- • Intelligent Spoken Medical Records

Wizdom Systems, Inc. tice Knowledge Banks—AT&T Corp., Berdy Medical Systems

Business Markets Division; Allegheny-Singer • Healthcare Information Infrastructure • Open, Voice-Enabled, Structured Medical Research Institute*; and NCR Corp., Parallel Technology Proposal—BellSouth Telecom- Information—Kurzweil Applied Intelli- Systems (formerly AT&T) munications; Coleman Information Serv- gence, Inc. ices, Health Technology Group; Connecticut • Health Object Library ON-line Project • TELEOS™: An Authoring System Healthcare Research and Education; Dan- Agora, Inc.; At Home Network; Beth Israel for Virtual Reality Surgical Simulations bury Health Systems, Inc.; Hospital Deaconess Medical Center; Concept HT Medical, Inc. (formerly High Corporate R&D; Liberty Health Systems; Five Technologies; Forefront Group, Inc.; Techsplanations) Medical University of South Carolina, Center George Washington University, School of for Computing and Info. Tech.; Microelec- Engineering; IntelliTek, Inc.; Koop Founda- • Wellnet™: An Interactive Multimedia tronics & Computer Technology Corp.; New tion, Inc.*; Lumina Decision Systems; Meta Consumer Health Management Tool

Jersey Institute of Technology; South Caro- Software Corp.; Norwalk Hospital, Center for CareSoft, Inc. lina Research Authority, Trident Research Health Informatics; Oracle Corp.; Windom Technologies for the Integration of Center*; Statewide Health Information Net- Health Enterprises; and Wizdom Systems, Manufacturing Applications work, Inc. (SHINE); Unitron Medical Com- Inc. Contact: munications, Inc.; and University of • Healthcare Information Technology Selden Stewart Georgia, Sponsored Programs Program Enabling Community Care—Advanced Radi- (301) 975-3833 Office ology; BellSouth Telecommunications; email: [email protected] Infrastructure Development Technologies Charleston Area Medical Center, Inc.; A426 Administration Building (Total Quality Management) Connecticut Healthcare Research and Educa- • A Product-Family-Based Framework for tion; General Electric Corporate R&D; Lock- • Automated Care Plans and Practice Guide- Computer Integrated Manufacturing—IBM heed Martin Energy Systems, Inc.; Shared lines—American Healthware Systems Corp. Medical Systems Corp.; South Carolina

• Development of an Episode Grouper—3M Research Authority*; Technology 2020; Uni- • ANTS Scheduling and Execution Sys- Co., Health Information Systems* and Actu- versity of Florida at Gainesville, Department tem—Deneb Robotics, Inc. arial Sciences Associates of Anesthesiology; and University of Mary- • Advanced Process Control Framework land at Baltimore, Diagnostic and Radiology • MEDassist: A Generalized Component- Initiative—Advanced Micro Devices and

Based Technology to Serve as a Foundation • Physician's Assistant for Continuous Tran- Honeywell, Inc., Technology Center* for Decision Support Systems—Datamedic scription and Structure—Kurzweil Applied • Agent-Enhanced Manufacturing System Intelligence • Methodologies for Automating Clinical Initiative—Advanced Micro Devices* and Practice Guidelines—Cerner Corp. • Pre Op: The Pre-Operative Decision Sup- Object Space, Inc. port System—HT Medical Systems, Inc. • Rxlnfo: Data Mining Tools for Assessing • An Agent-Based Framework for Integrated the Impact of Pharmaceutical Therapies on User Interface and Efficiency- Intelligent Planning-Execution—Berclain

Population-Based Healthcare Outcomes Enhancement Technologies (Multimedia USA Ltd.; EnVisionlt Software Corp.; IBM

CHIME, Inc. Information) Manufacturing Solutions Unit, CIIMPLEX*;

Ingersoll-Rand Co.; Intercim Corp.; and User Interface and Efficiency- • A Multimedia Medical Dialog System for QAD, Inc., Americas Regional Office Enhancement Technologies (Information Home Healthcare—Dragon Systems, Inc. Access, Transmission, Storage, and • Distributed Factory System Framework • A Three-Dimensional Database for Visu- Retrieval) Consilium, Inc. alization of Human Physiology—Engineer- • Computer Aided Medical Planning: A New ing Animation, Inc., and Iowa State • EECOMS: Extended Enterprise Coalition

Paradigm in Vascular Intervention University Research Park for Integrated Collaborative Manufacturing

Centric Engineering Systems, Inc. Systems—Berclain USA Ltd.; Enterprise • Automating Disease Surveillance from Engines, Inc.; Envisionit Software Corp.; • Decision Support Technology for LDR Structured and Text Data—Sunquest Infor- IBM Corp., CIIMPLEX*; Ingersoll-Rand Co.; Infrastructure—3M Co. mation Systems Intercim Corp.; QAD, Inc.; Scandura; The

'Joint venture lead partner — — — —


Haley Enterprise, Inc.; and Vitria Technol- General Projects Related to Electronics • Scalable High-Density Electronics Based ogy, Inc. and Photonics on MultiFilm Modules—Kopin Corp.* and

Contact: Microelectronics & Computer Technology • Model-Driven Application & Integration Cita Furlani Corp. Components for MES—Vitria Technology, (301) 975-3543 Inc. • Technology Development for the Smart email: [email protected] Display: A Versatile High-Performance Video • Process Integration Using Model-Driven A426 Administration Building Display Integrated with Electronics Engines—Vitria Technology, Inc. Displays and Graphic Image Manipulation B.F. Goodrich Avionics Systems; FED Corp.*; • Solutions for MES-Adaptable Replicable InfiMed, Inc.; and Kaiser Electronics • Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Technology—AMP, Inc.; Applied Automat- Low-Cost Flat-Panel Display—Electro- Semiconductor Devices, Materials, and ion Techniques, Inc.; CIMLINC; Concentus Plasma, Inc.; Kent Display, Inc.; Photonics Fabrication Technology Group; IBM Corp. (NIIIP Con- Imaging, Inc. (American Display Consor- sortium Project Office)*; Industrial Com- • A Feedback-Controlled Metalorganic tium)*; Planar America, Inc., Division of puter Corp.; International TechneGroup, Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor—Spire Planar Systems; and Westinghouse Inc.; MESA International; Pilot Industries, Corp. Norden Systems, Inc., Division of United Inc.; STEP Tools, Inc.; SynQuest; and Uni- Technologies • Advancement of Monocrystalline Silicon versity of Florida at Gainesville, Database Carbide Growth Processes—Cree Research, Systems R&D Center • Color Sequential Imaging—ColorLink, Inc. Inc. • Virtual Reality Telecollaborative Inte- • Critical Components for Process Control grated Manufacturing Environment— Searle • Diamond Diode Field Emission Display in Microelectronics Manufacturing—ADE Process Technology Development—SI Dia- General Projects Related to Information Corp.; Advanced Fuel Research, Inc.; Applied mond Technology, Inc.,* and Supertex, Inc. Technology Materials, Inc.; Massachusetts Institute of

Contact: • FLC/VLSI High-Definition Image Gener- Technology; and On-Line Technologies, Cita Furlani ators—Displaytech, Inc. Inc.* (301) 975-3543 • High Information Content Display Tech- • Development of Blue/Green Emitters email: [email protected] nology—Kopin Corp.* and Philips Con- Utilizing Homoepitaxial ZnSe-Based A426 Administration Building sumer Electronics North America Heterostructures—Eagle-Picher Research

• A National Knowledge Infrastructure Laboratory • High Resolution Multimedia Laser Cycorp, Inc. • Projection Display—Laser Power Corp.* and Dry Gas-Phase Cleaning Technology for FSI • Advanced Spoken Language User Inter- Proxima Corp. Single-Wafer Surface Conditioning— faces for Computer Applications—Kurzweil International, Inc. • Large Area Digital HDTV Field Emitter Dis- Applied Intelligence, Inc. play Development—FED Corp. • Fabrication and Testing of Precision • Building a Future Database—Continuum Optics for Soft X-ray Projection Lithogra- • Mathematical Algorithms and Software Software, Inc. phy—Lucent Technologies, Inc. (formerly for the Restoration and Reformatting of Mov- AT&T Bell Laboratories) • High-Fidelity Digital Image Compres- ing Pictures—Mathematical Technologies, • Flip Chip Monolithic Microwave Inte- sion—Iterated Systems, Inc. Inc. grated Circuit Manufacturing Technology • New User Interface for Computers Based • Optically Controlled Alignment Materials Hughes Aircraft Co., Microelectronic Circuits on Online Recognition of Natural Handwrit- for Liquid-Crystal Displays Alliant Tech- — Division ing—Communication Intelligence Corp. systems, Research Center (technology trans- • Microprocessor ferred to Elsicon, Inc.) GaAs Super Technology • Optical Maximum Entropy Verification Development—Vitesse Semiconductor Technology for Anti-Counterfeiting • Patterning Technology for Color Flat- Corp. Physical Optics Corp. Panel Displays—Electro-Plasma, Inc.; Kent • for High Per- Display, Inc.; Photonics Imaging, Inc.; and Manufacturing Technology • Pen-Based User Interface for the Emerg- Optoelectronic Devices Based on Planar America, Inc., Division of Planar Sys- formance ing Chinese Computer Market—Communi- tems (American Display Consortium)* Liquid Phase Electro-Epitaxy—AstroPower, cation Intelligence Corp. Inc.

*Joint venture lead partner —— —— —


• New Technology for High-Current, • Wavelength Division Multiplexing for • High Performance ASIC Technology for Parallel, Broad-Beam Implanters for Micro- Optical Telecommunications Systems Digital Signal Processing—The Athena electronics Fabrication—Diamond Semi- Accuwave Corp. Group, Inc. conductor Group, Inc. • X-ray and Neutron Focusing and Colli- • Low Dielectric Foams for Microelectronics • Nonvolatile Magnetoresistive Semiconduc- mating Optics—X-ray Optical Systems, Inc. Applications—IBM Corp., Almaden tor Technology—Nonvolatile Electronics, Research Center New Materials/Manufacturingfor Inc. Electronics and Electrical Systems • Polymeric Switches for Optical Intercon- • Solid-State Laser Technology for Point- nects—IBM Corp., Almaden Research Center • Integrated Force Array—Microelectronics Source X-ray Lithography—Hampshire Center at North Carolina Instruments, Inc.*, and McDonnell Douglas Chemistry and Life Sciences

Electronic Systems Co. • Printed Wiring Board Interconnect Sys- Office tems—AlliedSignal Laminate Systems; Optical/Electro-optical Components and Contact: Hughes Aircraft Co.; IBM Corp.; Lucent Tech- Systems (Including Lasers) Linda Beth Schilling nologies, Inc. (formerly AT&T); National (301) 975-2887 • A Novel Microminiature Light Source Center For Manufacturing Sciences, Inc.*; email: [email protected] Technology Philips Laboratories Sandia National Laboratories; Texas Instru- — A225 Administration Building ments, Inc.; and United Technologies Corp., • Advanced Technology for MicroChannel Hamilton Standard Division Catalysis and Biocatalysis Plates—Galileo Electro-Optics Corp. Contact: Superconducting Systems and Devices • Fiber Fabry-Perot Tunable Filters for All- Robert Bloksberg-Fireovid Optics, Inc. • Advanced Optical Networks—Micron Thallium Superconductor Tech- (301) 975-5457 nology—DuPont email: [email protected] • Holographic Graded-Index Non- A225 Administration Building Lambertian Scattering Screens and Compo- • High-Temperature Superconducting Race- nents with Light-Shaping Capability track Magnets for Electric Motor Applica- • A Process for Biocatalytic Desulfurization tions American Superconductor Corp. Physical Optics Corp. — of Crude Oil —Energy BioSystems Corp.

• • Superconducting Digital System Incoherent Combining of Radiation from Hybrid • Biosynthesis of Monomers—General Elec- Inc.*; Institute of a Two-Dimensional Array of Semiconductor Conductus, National tric Corporate R&D Lasers—Cynosure, Inc. Standards and Technology; Stanford Univer- • Breakthrough Process for Direct Oxida- sity, Department of Applied Physics; TRW • Jitney: A Low-Cost, High-Performance tion of Propylene to Propylene Oxide Dow Applied Technology Divison, Space and — Optical Bus—3M Co.; IBM Corp., T.J. Chemical Co. Technology Group; and University of Califor- Watson Research Center*; and Lexmark nia at Berkeley, Department of Electrical • Breakthrough Technology for Oxidation International, Inc. Engineering and Computer Science of Alkanes—Rohm and Haas Company, • Monolithic Multiwavelength Laser Diode Inc., Research Laboratories and Sun Com- • Technologies for HTS Components for Array Spanning 430 to llOOnm—SDL, Inc.* pany, Inc. (R&M)* Magnetic Resonance Applications—DuPont, and Xerox Corp., Palo Alto Research Center Superconductivity Group and Intermagnet- • Computational Methods for Catalyst • Precision Optoelectronics Assembly ics General Corp.* Design —Phillips Petroleum Co., Corporate Adept Technology, Inc.; Boeing Co., Infor- Technology • Thick-Film Superconducting Materials mation, Space & Defense Systems; Dresser for Radiofrequency Communications • Continuous Biocatalytic Systems for the Industries, Inc., Instrument Division; Multi- Illinois Superconductor Corp. Production of Chemicals from Renewable Lifecycle Engineering Research Center, Resources—Argonne National Laboratory; New Jersey Institute of Technology; Preci- Other Electronics, Electrical, and Eastman Chemical Co.; Electrosynthesis sion Optoelectronics Assembly Consortium Photonics Projects Company, Inc.; Genencor International, (c/oNCMS)*;and SDL, Inc. • Advanced Cathode for Flat Fluorescent Inc.*; and MicroGenomics, Inc. • Tunable Deep UV and VUV Solid-State Light Sources—Thomas Electronics, Inc. Laser Source—Light Age, Inc.

*Joint venture lead partner — —— ——


• Development of Improved Catalysts using • Development of Manufacturing Method- Services, Inc.; and University of Houston- Nanometer-Scale Technology—Catalytica, ologies for Vehicle Composite Frames CEAC Inc.* and Microfluidics International Corp. Budd Co., Design Center • Innovative Joining/Fitting Technology

• Direct Oxidation of Natural Gas to Metha- • Engineering Design with Injection- for Advanced Composite Piping Systems nol and Transportation Fuels—Catalytica, Molded Thermoplastics—General Electric Specialty Plastics, Inc. Inc. Corporate R&D and General Motors Corp., • Light-Weight/High-Strength Composite Research and Environmental Staff* • Elastomeric Polypropylene and Elastic Intelligent Flexible Pipe Development Non-wovens Venture—Amoco Corp., • Integrated Agile Manufacturing for Corp. Resource Center* and Fiberweb North Advanced Composite Electric Vehicles • Manufacturing Composite Structures for America, Inc. Advanced Product Development, Inc.; Black the Offshore Oil Industry—ABB Vetco Gray, Emerald Group; Boston Edison Co.; Design • New Zeolite Synthesis Technology Inc.; Hexcel Corp.; Northrop Grumman Evolution 4, Inc.; IBIS Associates; Lightbody Chevron Research and Technology Co. Corp., Marine Systems Division*; Reading & Technology, Inc.; Massachusetts Division of Bates Development Co.; Texaco, Inc./Deep • Polar-Tolerant Organometallic Catalytic Energy Resources; Northeast Alternative Star Project; and Texas Engineering Experi- Technology for Functionalized Linear Poly- Vehicle Consortium*; Pepin Associates, Inc.; ment Station, Offshore Tech. Res. Ctr. olefins—Grace Packaging (formerly W.R. Solectria Corp.; TPI, Inc.; and Thermal (University of Texas and Texas A&M) Grace) Wave Imaging, Inc. • Spoolable Composite Tubing—Amoco • Tailored Optical Polymers Through a • Low-Cost Advanced Composite Process for Corp., Resource Center; Cullen Engineering Novel Catalyst System—3M Co. and Light Transit Vehicle Manufacturing Research Foundation (Spoolable Composite B.F. Goodrich* Advance USA*; Dow Chemical Co.; Ford Tubing Joint Venture)*; Elf Atochem North Motor Co.; and General Electric Co. • Thin-Film Solid Acid Catalyst for Refinery America, Inc.; Hydril Co.; Phillips Petroleum

Alkylation—ABB Lummus Global, Inc. • Low-Cost Elastomeric Composites with Co.; Shell Exploration and Production Tech- Application to Vehicle Tires—AlliedSignal, nology Co.; and University of Houston-CEAC • Three-Phase Circulatory Flow Reactor Inc. Technology for Vapor-Phase Organic Oxida- Technologies for Bridges and Other Large tions—Praxair, Inc., Applications for R&D • Manufacturing Composite Flywheel Struc- Structures tures—Dow-United Technologies Composite Manufacturing Composite Structures • High-Performance Composites for Large Products, Inc. Commercial Structures Brunswick Tech- Contact: — • Manufacturing Methodologies for Auto- nologies, Inc.; Dow Chemical Co.; Hardcore Felix Wu mated Thermoset Transfer/Injection Mold- DuPont Composites, LLC.*; and Johns (301) 975-4685 ing Budd Co., Design Center Hopkins University, Whiting School of email: [email protected] — Engineering A225 Administration Building • Vapor-Grown Carbon-Fiber Composites

for Automotive Applications Applied Sci- • Innovative Manufacturing Techniques Technologies for Vehicles — ences, Inc.*; General Motors Corp., North to Produce Large Phenolic Composite • Automotive Composite Structures: Devel- American Operations R&D Center, Environ- Shapes—Strongwell Corp. (formerly Morri- opment of High-Volume Manufacturing mental; General Motors Delphi Chassis Sys- son Molded Fiberglass) Technology Chrysler Corp., Organic — Mate- tems, Advanced Composite Engineering; • Low Cost Manufacturing and Design/ rials Engineering; Ford Motor Co., Scientific and Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Goodyear Sensor Technologies for Seismic Upgrade of Research Labs; General Motors (Automotive Technical Center Bridge Columns Composite Retrofit Composites Consortium)*; and General — Technologies Offshore Oil Production Corp./Xxsys*; Hexcel Corp.; and Trans- Motors Corp., Polymers Department for Science Corp. • Composite Production Risers Amoco • Cyclic Thermoplastic Liquid Composite — Corp.; Brown & Root USA, Inc.; Conoco, • Polymer Matrix Composite Power Trans- Molding for Automotive Structures—Ford Inc.; Cullen Engineering Research Founda- mission Devices Hexcel Corp.; New Ven- Motor Co., Scientific Research Labs* and — tion (Composite Production Risers Joint Ven- ture Gear, Inc.*; Quantum Composites of General Electric Corporate R&D ture)*; Hexcel Corp.; Hydril Co.; Lincoln Midland; and Quantum Consultants, Inc.

Composites; Shell Exploration and Produc-

tion Technology Co.; Stress Engineering

•Joint venture lead partner —— ——— ———


• Synchronous In-line CNC Machining of • Generation of Neural Stem Cell Implants PM Gross Chemical Laboratory; and Iden- Pultruded Lineals—Ebert Composites for Neurodegenerative Disease Therapies tigene, Inc. Corp. CytoTherapeutics, Inc. • Automated DNA Amplification and Frag-

Tissue Engineering • High-Throughput Screening of Hardy ment Size Analysis—DuPont, FQMS Group Cells for Encapsulation and Implantation Contact: • Compact Blue Laser for Diagnostics Therapies—CytoTherapeutics, Inc. Rosemarie Hunziker Perkin-Elmer Corp., Applied Biosystems Divi-

(301) 975-5324 • Human Stem Cell and Hematopoietic sion and Uniphase, Laser Division* email: [email protected] Expansion Systems—Aastrom Biosciences, • DNA Diagnostic Systems Based on Novel A225 Administration Building Inc. Chem-jet Techniques—Combion, • Advanced Transgenic Model Systems for • Molecular Approaches to Ice Control for Inc./Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Research and Development Biomedical Engineered Tissue Storage—Life Resuscita- • DNA Diagnostics Using Self-Detected Genencor International, Inc. tion Technologies, Inc. Target-Cycling Reaction—NAVIX, Inc. • Application of Gene Therapy to Treatment • Structurally New Biopolymers Derived • Development and Commercial Applica- of Cardiovascular Diseases—Progenitor, Inc. from Alpha-L-Amino Acids—Integra tion of Genosensor-Based Comparative LifeSciences Corp. • Biocompatible Resorbable Polymers Genome Hybridization—Vysis, Inc. Designed for Tissue Engineering—Integra • Synthetic Nerve Fiber Guides Using Novel • Development of a Generic Technology for LifeSciences Corp. Biopolymers and Cellular Adhesion Mole- the Targeted Detection and Cleavage of DNA cules—Acorda Therapeutics, Inc. • Cardiac Muscle Regeneration Using and RNA—Third Wave Technologies, Inc. Mesenchymal Stem Cells—Osiris Therapeu- • Three-Dimensional Fibrous Scaffolds for • Development of Bar Code Diagnostics for tics, Inc. Tissue Engineering—Johnson & Johnson DNA Diagnostics—Vysis, Inc. • Combinatorial Cell Culture: Tool Develop- • Treatment of Diabetes by Proliferated • Development of Rapid DNA Medical Diag- ment and Application to Human Stem Cell Human Islets in Photocrosslinkable Alginate nostics—GeneTrace Systems, Inc. Growth—Automated Cell Technologies, Inc. Capsules—VivoRx, Inc. • Diagnostic Laser Desorption Mass Spec- • Computer-Integrated Revision Total Hip • Universal Donor Organs for Transplanta- trometry Detection of Multiplex Electro- Replacement Surgery—IBM Corp., T.J. Wat- tion—Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. phore Tagged DNA—Bruker Analytical son Research Center; Integrated Surgical • Xenogeneic Cartilage Transplantation Systems, Inc.*; Genome Therapeutics Corp.; Systems, Inc.*; and Johns Hopkins University Alexion Pharmaceutical, Inc.,* and United and Northeastern University

• Development of Immortalized Human States Surgical Corp. • Generation and Development of Novel Hepatocytes for Therapeutic Purposes Tools for DNA Diagnostics Nucleic Acid Binding Proteins and Their Use Multi-Cell Associates, Inc. as DNA Diagnostics Sangamo Biosciences Contact: — • Development of Tissue-Engineered Vascu- Stanley Abramowitz • Genosensor Technology Development lar Grafts Based on Quantitative Cell and Tis- (301) 975-2587 Baylor College of Medicine, Center for sue Biomechanics—Advanced Tissue email: [email protected] Biotechnology; Beckman Instruments; Sciences, Inc. A225 Administration Building Genometrix, Inc.; Genosensor Consortium,

• Disease Treatment Using Living Implant- c/o Houston Advanced Research Center*; • A Portable Genetic Analysis System able Microreactors—BioHybrid Technolo- Genosys Biotechnologies, Inc.; Houston Nanogen, Inc. gies, Inc.,* and Synergy Research Corp. Advanced Research Center; Laboratories for • An Integrated Microelectronic DNA Diag- Genetic Services, Inc.; Massachusetts Insti- • Ex Vivo Production of Universal Red nostic System—Nanogen, Inc. tute of Technology, USAF/Lincoln Labora- Blood Cells and Platelets in a Biocompatible tory; Microfab Technology, Inc.; and Triplex 3-D Tissue Scaffold—Cytomatrix • Arrayed Primer Extension: The Next Gen- Pharmaceutical Corp. eration DNA Analysis System for Sequencing • Fabrication of Clinical Prosthesis from in DNA Diagnosis—Amersham Pharmacia • Hyperthermophilic Microorganisms in Biomaterials—Tissue Engineering, Inc. Biotech, Inc.*; Baylor College Of Medicine; Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Duke University, Department of Chemistry, United States Biochemical Corp.

"Joint venture lead partner — — — ————


• Integrated Microfabricated Devices for General Projects Related to Chemistry and • Evolution of a Murine Model for AIDS: DNA Typing—Molecular Tool, Inc., Alpha Chemical Engineering Applications to Discovery of Small Molecule

Center Contact: and Vaccine Therapeutics—Maxygen

Linda Beth Schilling • Integrated Microfabricated DNA Analysis • Fundamental New Strategies to Discover (301) 975-2887 Device for Diagnosis of Complex Genetic Drugs—Isis Pharmaceuticals email: [email protected] Disorders—CuraGen Corp.* and Soane • A225 Administration Building Marine Microorganisms and Saline Fer- Biosciences, Inc. mentation: A New Industrial Resource Separations Technology • MicroLab: A High-Throughput, Low-Cost Aphios Corp.

Approach to DNA Diagnostics by Array • Advanced Sorbents for Reducing the Cost • Molecular Recognition Polymers as Anti- Hybridization—Sarnoff Corp. of Oxygen—Praxair, Inc. Infectives—GelTex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

• Miniature Integrated Nucleic Acid • Development of New Technologies for • Molecular Recognition Technology for Diagnostic (MIND™) Development Treating and Recycling Wastewater from Precise Design of Protein-Specific Drugs Affymetrix, Inc.*, and Molecular Dynamics, Aquaculture Facilities Aquatic Systems/ — CuraGen Corp.* and Wyeth-Ayerst Research, Inc. Kent SeaFarms Corp., Research Division American Home Products

• Molecular Cytogenetics Using the • Dual Purpose Ceramic Membranes BP — • RNA Binding Protein Technology for GeneScope: An Ultrafast, Multicolor System Chemical, Inc.*, and Praxair, Inc. Identification of Novel Therapeutics for Automated FISH Analysis—Bio-Rad • Energy-Efficient Oxygen Production Bearsden Bio, Inc. (formerly Symphony Laboratories Using Novel Ion-Transport Membranes—Air Pharmaceuticals) • Programmable Nanoscale Engines for Products and Chemicals, Inc. Other Chemistry and Chemical Molecular Separation —CuraGen Corp. • Facilitated Transport Process for Low- Engineering Projects

• Real-Time Micro-PCR Analysis System Cost Olefin-Paraffin Separations Amoco — • Development of Improved Functional Cornell University Medical College, Depart- Corp., Resource Center Properties in Renewable-Resource-Based ment of Microbiology; EG&G IC Sensors; • Non-Chromatographic Enantiomer Sepa- Biodegradable Plastics—Cargill, Inc., Louisiana State University, Department of ration and Purification with High Separa- Research Center Chemistry; Perkin-Elmer Corp., Applied Bio- tion Factors—IBC Advanced Technologies, systems Division*; and University of Minne- • Enabling Large-Scale Recovery of Plastics Inc. sota, Department of Chemistry from Durable Goods—MBA Polymers

• Novel Anion-Selective Separations Using • SBH Format 3 Megabase Diagnostics • Film Technologies to Replace Paint on Molecular Recognition Technology—IBC Instrumentation—Hyseq, Inc. Aircraft—3M Co.* and Lockheed Martin Advanced Technologies, Inc. Corp., Aeronautical Systems • Self-Contained Cartridge Integrating Drug Design and Chemical Modeling Nucleic Acid Extraction, Specific Target • Plasma and Phosphor Technology for

Amplification, and "Dip Stick" Immediate • Crystallization and Structural Determina- Mercury-Free Fluorescent Applications

Detection—Immunological Associates of tion of G-Coupled Protein Receptors General Electric Corporate R&D

Denver 3-Dimensional Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Eagle General Projects Related to Biotechnology View Corporate Center • Simple, Generic, and Low-Cost Genetic- Contact: Based Tools for Disease Detection, Monitor- • Development and Applications of Density Linda Beth Schilling ing, and Intervention Third Wave — Functional Software for Chemical and Bio- (301) 975-2887 Technologies, Inc. molecular Modelings—Biosym Technolo- email: [email protected] gies, Inc. A225 Administration Building

• Enhanced Molecular Dynamics Simula- Health-Related Biotechnology tion Technology for Biotechnology Applica- • A Long-Term Pressure-Sensing System for tions—Moldyn, Inc. Use in the Human Body and Harsh Environ- ments—Apex Medical, Inc.* and East Devel- opment Group, Inc.

'Joint venture lead partner —— — ——


• Development of Multi-Photon Detection Materials and Manufacturing Net-Shape Manufacturing Technique and its Application to Environ- Office • Aqueous Injection Molding for Low-Cost mental and Biomedical Diagnostics Fabrication of Silicon Nitride Components BioTraces, Inc. Contact: AlliedSignal, Inc., Ceramic Components John Gudas • Development of Novel DNA Binding Pro- (301) 975-3214 • Ceramic Technology for Broad Based teins as Antiviral Therapeutics—Sangamo email: [email protected] Manufacturing—AlliedSignal, Inc. Biosciences, Inc. A225 Administration Building • Cost-Effective Blade Manufacturing for • Low-Temperature Viral Inactivation Materials Processing for Heavy Combustion Turbine Applications—PCC Air- Aphios Corp. Manufacturing foils, Inc., Manufacturing Technology Cen-

• Measurement Technology for Quantita- Contact: ter and Westinghouse Power Generation, A tion of the Complete Human Proteome Clare Allocca Division of CBS Corp.*

Large Scale Biology Corp. (301) 975-4359 » Cost-Effective, Near-Net-Shape, Superal- email: [email protected] Industrial and Agricultural Biotechnology loy Forgings for Power Generation Gas Tur- A225 Administration Building bines—Wyman-Gordon Co. • Enhanced Manufacturing Technologies Advanced Materials Technologies for Bioactive Proteins and Peptides in Trans- • Development of Casting Technology to genic Tobacco—CropTech Development • Development of a High-Pressure Oxygen Produce Large Superalloy Castings for Indus- Corp.* and Dyax Corp. Generator Using a Solid Electrolyte Oxygen trial Applications—PCC Structural, Inc. Separation Technology—Ceramatec, Inc. (formerly Precision Castparts Corp.) • Oleaginous Yeast Fermentation as a Pro- duction Method for Squalene and Other Iso- • Rapid Solidification Powder Metallurgy • Low-Cost, Near Net-Shape Aluminium prenoids—Mycogen Corp. for High-Nitrogen Stainless Steels—Cruci- Casting Processes for Automotive and Truck ble, Compaction Metals Division Components—AlliedSignal, Inc.*; Stahl • Standardization of 2-D Protein Analysis Specialty Co.; and Top Die Casting Com- Using Manufacturable Gel Media—Large Microelectron ics Manufactu ring pany, Inc. Scale Biology Corp. Infrastructure

• Novel Near-Net-Shape Processing of Engi- • Transgenic Cotton Fiber with Polyester • Conducting Polymers: Three- neered Ceramics—Garrett Ceramic Compo- Qualities via Biopolymer Genes—Agracetus/ Dimensional Engineering for Advanced nents (Division of AlliedSignal Aerospace) A Unit of Monsanto Co. Applications—IBM Corp., T.J. Watson Research Center Surface Modification • U.S. Self-Sufficiency in High-Quality Pyre- thrin Production—AgriDyne Technologies, • Novel Synthetic Fused Quartz for Semi- • Accelerated Commercialization of Inc. conductor Manufacturing—General Elec- Diamond-Coated Round Tools and Wear tric Corporate R&D Parts—Kennametal, Inc., Corporate Tech- • Using Biotechnology to Control Fruit Rip- nology Center and Norton Diamond Film* ening—Agritope, Inc. • Solder Jet Technology Development Microfab Technology, Inc. • Ceramic Coating Technology for the Inter-

nal Surfaces of Tubular/Cylindrical Compo- • Ultra-Low k Dielectric Materials for High- nents—Praxair Surface Technologies, Inc. Performance Interconnects—Texas Instru- ments, Inc. • CVD Diamond-Coated Rotating Tools for Machining Advanced Composite Materials

Boeing Commerical Airplane Group; Crystal-

lume, A Division of Advanced Refractory

Technologies, Inc.*; Ford Motor Co., V-Engine Manufacturing Engineering;

General Motors Corp., Technical Center;

Hughes Aircraft Co.; and Rogers Tool Works,


*Joint venture lead partner —— — — —


• Diamond-Like Nanocomposite Technol- ment; Lamb Technicon; Near Zero Stamp- Joining, Cutting, and Grinding ogy—Advanced Refractory Technologies, ing, Inc. (c/o Auto Body Consortium)*; • Advanced Welding Technology for Struc- Inc. Ohio State University; Oxford Automotive tural Automotive Products—Dana Corp., (formerly Lobdell-Emery Manufacturing • Engineered Surfaces for Rolling and Slid- Parish Light Vehicle Structures Division Co.); Perceptron, Inc.; Sekely Industries; Sig- ing Contacts—Caterpillar, Inc., Advanced nature Technologies; Tecnomatix Technolo- • Flow-Control Machining—Extrude Hone Materials Technology*; General Motors gies, Inc.; Tower Automotive; and Verson Corp.*; Ford Motor Co., Scientific Research Corp., Gear Center; and Timken Co. Labs; General Motors Corp., Powertrain Divi- • Low Cycle Time Liquid Molding Process • Functionally Gradient Materials—Synthe- sion; University of Nebraska at Lincoln; and for Automotive Structural Components sis, Process and Performance—Caterpillar, University of Pittsburgh Stewart Automotive Research, LLC Inc. • Intelligent Resistance Welding—Alcan • Motor Vehicle Rapid Toolmaker • Plasma Technology for Low-Cost Dia- Aluminum Corp.; Allen Bradley Co., Inc.; Sanders Prototype, Inc. mond Production—SGS Tool Co. and West- American Iron and Steel Institute; Ansys,

inghouse Electric Co.* • Springback Predictability in Automotive Inc.; Battelle Memorial Institute; Chrysler Manufacturing—Alcoa Aluminum Co. of Corp.; DuPont Central Research; Ford Motor Joining, Cutting and Grinding America; Budd Co., Technical Center; Chrys- Co., Manufacturing Development Center;

• Fabrication of Advanced Structures Using ler Corp.; Environmental Research Institute General Motors Corp., NAO, Mid-Lux; Intelli-

Intelligent and Synergistic Materials Process- of Michigan*; Ford Motor Co., Scientific gent Resistance Welding Consortium (c/o ing—Caterpillar, Inc., Fabricated Structures Research Labs; General Motors Corp., North Auto Body Consortium)*; Johnson Controls,

R&D*; Lincoln Electric Co.; Tower Automo- American Operations Research Analytics; Inc., Automotive Systems Group; Lamb Tech-

tive (formerly A.O. Smith); and U.S. Steel and U.S. Steel nicon; Medar, Inc.; Progressive (PICO);

RoMan Manfacturing, Inc.; Robotron; Knowledge-Based Manufacturing • The Next-Generation Industrial Produc- Sensotec, Inc.; and Tower Automotive tion Process for High-Density Powder Metal • Intelligent Processing of Materials for Products—General Motors Corp., Power- • Sub-Micron Precision Grinding of Thermal Barrier Coatings—General Electric train Division; IAP Research, Inc.*; and Advanced Engineering Materials Corporate R&D, Power Generation Zenith Sintered Products, Inc. Cincinnati Milacron; Cummins Engine

Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Technology Co.*; and Goldcrown Machinery Coatings, Diamond Deposition, and Multi- Contact: layer Materials Machine Tools Jack Boudreaux • Cubic Boron Nitride Coatings for Cutting • Agile Precision Line Boring Lamb (301) 975-3560 — and Specialty Tools Extrude Hone Corp. Technicon email: [email protected] — and Kennametal, Inc., Corporate Technol- A225 Administration Building • Development of the 3-D Printing Process ogy Center* for Direct Fabrication of Automotive Tooling Advanced Materials Technologies Surface Modification for Lost Foam Castings—Extrude Hone • Nanocomposites: New Low-Cost, High- Corp.* and General Motors Powertrain Group • Plasma-Based Processing of Lightweight Strength Materials for Automotive Parts Materials for Motor-Vehicle Components • Flexible Low-Cost Laser Machining for Magna International of America and The and Manufacturing Applications A.O. Motor Vehicle Manufacturing SDL, Inc.* Dow Chemical Co.* — — Smith Corp.; ABB High Power Semiconduc- and Utilase Systems, Inc. Net-Shape Manufacturing tors; Diversified Technologies, Inc.; Empire • Machine Tool Process Monitoring Diag- Inc.; Environmental Research • Agile Precision Sheet-Metal Stamping Hard Chrome, nostic System—Montronix, Inc. Institute of Michigan*; General Motors A. J. Rose Manufacturing Co.; Allen Bradley Corp., Electrical and Electronics Depart- • Non-Circular Turning Process for Cam- Co., Inc.; American Iron and Steel Institute; ment; Harley-Davidson Motor Co.; IONEX; shaft Machining—Saginaw Machine Sys- Atlas Technologies; Autodesk, Inc.; Autodie Kwikset Corp.; Litton Electron Devices; tems, Inc. International, Inc.; Chrysler Corp.; Classic NANO Instruments, Inc.; PVI; and University Design, Inc.; Data Instruments, Inc.; Deneb • Rapid Fabrication of Superabrasive Grind- of Wisconsin at Madison, Engineering Robotics, Inc.; Ford Motor Co.; General ing Tools—Abrasive Technology Aerospace, Research Motors Corp., Flint Metal Fabricating Plant; Inc. HMS Co.; HMS Products Co.; Helm Instru-

'Joint venture lead partner — — —— ——


• Real-Time Active Balancing for High- • Next Generation Agile Fixturing System • Photocatalytic Indoor Air Purification for

Speed Machining—Balance Dynamics Lamb Technicon Air Conditioning Systems—E. Heller & Co. Corp. Premium Power • York Coil Technology Project—York Imaging and Measurement Technology International Corp. Contact: Gerald Ceasar • Fast, Volumetric X-ray Scanner for Three- General Projects Related to Materials and Dimensional Characterization of Critical (301) 975-5069 Manufacturing email: [email protected] Objects—EG&G Reticon; General Electric Contact: A225 Administration Building Aircraft Engines; General Electric Corporate John Gudas R&D: General Motors Corp., Technical Cen- • Advanced Magnesium Alloys Production (301) 975-3214 ter; and Scientific Measurement Systems, Process—Manufacturing Sciences Corp. and email: [email protected] Inc.* Ovonic Battery Co. (ECD)* A225 Administration Building

• High Performance Sensor Arrays for Digi- • Development of Rapid Thermal Process- Machine Tools tal X-ray and Visible Light Imaging—TPL, ing to Produce Low Cost Solar Cells • Advanced Compensation Techniques Inc.; Thermotrex Corp.; and Xerox Corp., Solarex, A Business Unit of Amoco/Enron for Enhancing Machine-Tool Accuracy Palo Alto Research Center* Solar Saginaw Machine Systems, Inc. • Technology for Gear Performance Predic- • Ultrathin Silicon Ribbon for High- • Development of an Adaptive Compensa- tion Utilizing High-Speed Precision Measure- Efficiency Solar Cells Evergreen Solar, Inc. — tion Technique for Enhancing CMM Accu- ment—M&M Precision Systems Corp. racy Giddings & Lewis, Inc., Sheffield Vapor Compression Refrigeration — • Wet Thickness Sys- Paint Measurement Technology Measurement Division tem—Autospect, Inc. Contact: • Octahedral Hexapod Machine Develop- Knowledge-Based Manufacturing John Gudas ment Program—Ingersoll Milling Machine (301) 975-3214 Co. • Development of Advanced Technologies email: [email protected] and Systems for Controlling Dimensional • Strategic Machine Tool Technologies: A225 Administration Building Variation in Automobile Body Manufactur- Spindles—Aesop, Inc.; Ford Motor Co., ing—2mm-Auto Body Consortium*; CDI- • Development of Closed Cycle Air Refrig- Alpha Development Center; General Motors

Modern Engineering; Chrysler Corp.; Classic eration Technology for Refrigeration Mar- Corp., NAO Technical Center; Giddings &

Design, Inc.; Detroit Center Tool, Inc.; Gen- kets—Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.* Lewis, Inc., Automation Technology; Manu- eral Motors Corp., Technical Center; ISI and Toromont Process Systems, Inc. facturing Laboratories, Inc.; National Center

Robotics; Perceptron, Inc.; Pioneer Engineer- For Manufacturing Sciences, Inc.*; Olofsson • Ejector Expansion Refrigeration Cycle ing & Manufacturing; Progressive Tool & Machine Tools, Inc.; Setco Sales Co.; and Calmac Manufacturing Corp. Industries, Inc.; University of Michigan, Torrington Co. Mechanical Engineering and Applied • High- and Variable-Speed Co-Rotating Imaging and Measurement Technology Mechanics; and Weber Technologies, LLC Scroll—Copeland Corp.

(formerly ASC, Inc.) • A Non-intrusive Method for Intelligent • Innovative, Small, High-Speed, Centrifu- Process Control of the Densification of Pow- • Die Casting Technician's Digital Assis- gal Compressor and Integrated Heat- der Preforms During Electroconsolidation tant—AI WARE; Doehler-Jarvis; and Edison Exchanger/Fan Technologies Superior Graphite Co., Inc. Industrial Systems Center* AlliedSignal, Inc.; Carrier Corp.; DuPont

Fluoroproducts; General Electric Corporate • Low-Cost Amorphous Silicon Manufactur- • Flexible Robotic Assembly for Powertrain R&D; Lockheed Martin Corp. (formerly ing Technology—EG&G Reticon and Gen- Applications—Automated Powertrain Assem- Martin-Marietta Corp.); SatCon Technology eral Electric Corporate R&D* bly Consortium (c/o NCMS)*; Ford Motor Corp.; and United Technologies Corp., Co.; MicroDexterity Systems; Perceptron, • Robust, Fast 3-D Image Processing and Research Center* Inc.; and Progressive Tool & Industries Co. Feature Extraction Tools for Industrial Auto- • Novel Leak Detection Technology Develop- mation Applications—Perceptron, Inc. • Manufacturing Agility Server—Flavors ment—Adaptive Optics Associates, Inc.; Technology DeMaria Electroptics Systems, Inc.; and United Technologies Research Center*

*Joint venture lead partner — ——


Knowledge-Based Manufacturing • Autonomous Navigation in Quasi- • Rapid Agile Metrology for Manufactur-

Structured Environments—HelpMate Robot- ing—Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co.; • Collaborative Decision Support for Indus- ics (formerly Transitions Research Corp.) Caterpillar, Inc., Technical Services Divi- trial Process Control—Amoco Corp., World- sion; Central State University; Cleveland wide Engineering and Construction; Applied • Development of Cost-Effective Routes to Advanced Manufacturing Program; Eaton Training Resources; BP Oil; Chevron; Exxon Compatibilize Polymers in a Commingled Corp., Manufacturing Technologies Center; Research and Engineering; Gensym Corp.; Waste Stream—Michigan Molecular General Electric Aircraft Engines; General Honeywell, Inc., Technology Center*; Mobil; Institute Electric Corporate R&D; Industrial Techni- Shell Chemical Co.; and Texaco, Inc. • Development of TERFENOL-D High- cal Institute; Intelligent Automation Sys-

• NCMS Rapid Response Manufacturing Powered Ultrasonic Transducer Technology tems; NASA Lewis Research Center; Ohio

Cimplex Corp.; Ford Motor Co., Manufactur- for Sonochemistry—ETREMA Products, Inc. Aerospace Institute (Consortium for Non-

ing Development Center; General Motors contact Gauging)*; and University of Cincin- • Electrochromic Materials—3M Co., Corp., Technical Center; I CAD, Inc. (Concen- nati, Department of Electrical and Computer Industrial and Consumer Sector Research tra); MacNeal Schwendler Corp.; National Engineering Laboratory* and SAGE Electrochromics Center for Manufacturing Sciences, Inc.*; • Thermal Insulation Materials—Morphol- Spatial Technology Inc.; Teknowledge Corp.; • Neural Network Control and Sensors for ogy Control and Processes for the Next Gen- Texas Instruments, Inc.; and United Tech- Complex Materials—3M Co., Engineering eration of Performance—Armstrong World nologies Corp., Hamilton Standard Division, Systems and Technology; Alliant Techsys- Industries, Inc., Innovation Center Research Div. tems (formerly Hercules Aerospace); Honey-

well, Inc., Technology Center*; and Sheldahl • Thick Ductile Metallic Glass for Electric Ceramics Power Applications—AlliedSignal, Inc. • Non-Contact Optical Metrology of Com- • Novel Cost-Effective Process to Fabricate plex Surface Forms for Precision Industrial Surface Feature Micro-Optics in Pure Sil- Manufacturing—Tropel Corp. ica—Geltech, Inc. • Novel X-ray Source for CT Scanners • Synthesis and Processing of Nano- Teledyne Electronic Technologies, Vacuum crystalline Ceramics on a Commercial Technology Business Unit Scale—Nanophase Technologies Corp. • PREAMP: Pre-Competitive Advanced Other Manufacturing and Materials Manufacturing of Electrical Products Projects Boeing Co., Defense and Space Group,

• A Software Technology for Optimizing Hughes Aircraft Co.; Martin Marietta Corp.,

On-time Performance in the Transportation Electronics Information and Missiles Group, Industry—Union Switch & Signal, Inc. a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin; Rensselear Polytechnic Institute; Rockwell Interna- • Advanced Gear Measurement Technolo- tional Corp., Collins Avionics and Communi- gies to Achieve Submicron-Level Accura- cation Division; and South Carolina cies—M&M Precision Systems Corp. Research Authority*


of in-house expertise, and lack of access to MEP centers work with companies that are Overview the newest technologies are but a few of the willing to invest in themselves. That means companies that are willing to invest time, The NIST Manufacturing Extension Partner- significant barriers faced by smaller manu- facturers—barriers that MEP helps firms money, and/or human resources to improve ship (MEP) is a nationwide network of overcome. their businesses. Typical MEP clients locally managed extension centers offering include manufacturers who: technical assistance and the latest business practices to help the nation's smaller manu- MEP Extension Centers • have been unable to locate the proper facturers improve their competitiveness. At resources or technologies they need;

the heart of MEP is a network of more than MEP centers are local resources serving their • want expert, impartial advice in helping 400 manufacturing extension centers and local markets. Linked together through them evaluate alternative solutions; field offices located throughout the country. NIST's MEP, they are part of a national net-

Started in 1989, today's network delivers work of manufacturing and business • need help solving a specific problem, services to manufacturers in all 50 states experts. They exist as the result of a partner- such as determining the cause of product

and Puerto Rico. ship among the federal government, state/ defects, modifying plant layout to improve

local governments, and industry to help work flow, or establishing employee training;

local manufacturers. They are created Smaller Manufacturers: • want assistance in reversing negative busi- through a competitive, merit-based process ness situations—such as sales decreases, Critical to the U.S. where funding is contingent upon successful loss of market share, or cost increases; Economy annual reviews of each center. MEP centers are supported by contributions from public • want to implement new technologies or

Numbering more than 380,000, small and and private organizations that match fed- processes that will help establish them as vital contri- mid-sized manufacturers make eral funding. market leaders; or butions to the economy. About 98 percent of While part of a national network, MEP cen- • seek to improve their ongoing business the nation's manufacturers are small to ters are independent, non-profit organiza- operations for peak performance. medium-sized, defined as having fewer than tions. They offer products and services that 500 employees. They supply more than 50 meet the specific needs of the region's local percent of the value added in U.S. manufac- How Centers Help manufacturers. Each center works directly turing and employ nearly 12 million people. with area firms to provide expertise and serv- That accounts for 75 percent of all U.S. ASSESSMENTS ices tailored to their most critical needs, manufacturing workers with high-skilled, Many firms begin their relationship with an which range from process improvements high-wage jobs, paying an average 89 per- MEP center through an assessment of the and worker training to business practices cent more than the average retail salary. company's current operations and opportu- and applications of information technology. nities for improvement. As part of that assess- As large manufacturers increase their Solutions are offered through a combination ment, field engineers may review the dependence on suppliers for parts and serv- of direct assistance from center staff and manufacturing process, the plant layout, the ices, the performance and capabilities of work with outside consultants. MEP centers inventory and materials flow, and the poli- smaller manufacturers become even more are staffed by knowledgeable manufacturing cies and procedures. Field engineers, also critical to the competitiveness of the entire engineers and business specialists who typi- known as manufacturing specialists, then manufacturing sector and to the health of cally have years of practical experience prepare an evaluation of the firm and its the U.S. economy. Yet, according to a gained from working on the manufacturing operations. These findings are reviewed with National Research Council report, "Many of floor, managing plant operations, management and other key personnel at the these small firms ... are operating far below or both. MEP center staff also know the manufacturing company. their potential. Their use of modern manu- local business community and the available

facturing equipment, methodologies, and local resources and can access additional

management practices is inadequate to resources available through the MEP net-

ensure that American manufacturing will be work. As a result, centers help small firms to

globally competitive." Limited budgets, lack overcome barriers in locating and obtaining


MEP Success Stories

MEP's locally managed centers have and increase business volume by roughly modify her processing systems, particu-

worked with thousands of smaller manu- 20 percent. "When I heard of LAMTEC, I larly the venting for dehydrators. The net

facturers, providing the technical and couldn't believe that such a program effect was an increase in beef dehydrating

business assistance the companies needed existed to help businesses," said company throughputs and a USDA-approved manu-

to improve their performance and become president Dennis Rimmer. "I am now a facturing process. Experts also helped

more competitive. The following exam- believer. It has been great for us." Browning secure the necessary funds for

ples show how companies have benefited the manufacturing facility and process • In 1995, the Plastics Group, a small by working with an MEP center. equipment. The result was an increase in company specializing in custom injection staff to five employees and a 1,000 percent • The Futon Shop, a client of the Bay molding, engineering, testing, and tool- increase in production, from 25 to 250 area's MEP affiliate in California—The ing for plastic products, grew concerned pounds per day. Corporation for Manufacturing Excel- about its lack of profitability. Manage-

lence or MANEX—was experiencing diffi- ment thought the firm had a production • Kansas-based Robbie Manufacturing

culties in meeting production demands in problem and considered expensive, com- was able to trim its costs and boost its prof-

an efficient and cost-effective manner. pany-wide production and accounting itability with help from the MEP affiliate

MANEX provided the solution by designing changes. Specialists with the MEP affiliate in Kansas, known locally as the Mid- a customized training program that used in Georgia—the Georgia Manufacturing America Manufacturing Technology Cen- the manufacturer's own employees to Extension Alliance—determined costing ter. By videotaping employees using new resolve issues. In addition to identifying and marketing issues were the culprits. techniques for setup reduction and quick

waste, production line personnel designed Changes in quality procedures yielded changeover on one product line, employee

a new inventory and assembly system that some $30,000 in material savings, and team members were able to apply the

met current production requirements and revamped marketing efforts generated same techniques and establish new stand-

allowed the manufacturer to increase more than $500,000 in new sales. Its new ardized manufacturing processes, saving

output systematically. These changes base of business also enabled the com- the company an estimated $150,000.

increased overall production by 30 per- pany to hire 20 new employees. For the • Efficiency increased by 295 percent as a cent, eliminated over $100,000 in waste first time in two years, the firm was result of a process redesign for Boozer annually, saved an immediate $20,000 profitable. Lumber Company located in Columbia, per month in payroll costs, and reinvented • Lorrie Browning never dreamed she S.C. The South Carolina Manufacturing the manufacturing culture. would be running a snack food manufac- Extension Partnership (SCMEP) helped

• Southern Automation Inc., located in turing plant when she started making beef Boozer Lumber Company realize an

Shreveport, La., designs and builds auto- jerky in her kitchen in 1995. Testing a impact of over $11.2 million through

mated material-handling equipment that new food dehydrator, she tried out her inventory reduction, capital avoidance,

is used by Fortune 500 companies for own recipe on friends and relatives, who savings in materials and labor, increased

manufacturing operations. With engineer- kept asking for more. Knowing she was sales, and jobs created. After the South

ing help from the MEP affiliate in onto something, Browning stepped up her Carolina MEP evaluated existing industry Louisiana—the Louisiana Manufacturing process, contacted the U.S. Department of tools and technologies, a prototype truss Technical Extension Center or LAMTEC — Agriculture (USDA), and launched her fabrication system was built. Benchmark

the company has been able to break into business. Next, she looked for help in studies then were used to evaluate the

the robotics and custom automation field financing a building, buying equipment, setup and build time of 16 specific trusses.

in a big way. Southern Automation and improving process management. 'As a direct result of SCMEP's assistance,

needed engineering design help to pro- That's when she contacted the MEP affili- we have reinvented our company into a

duce more custom manufacturing equip- ate in northeastern Pennsylvania, called world-class operation," said Bob Jones,

ment. LAMTEC industrial design experts the Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial chief executive officer of Boozer Lumber

helped the company open up new markets Resource Center (NEPIRC). Engineers Company. .


As a result of the assessment, MEP manufac- jects with the U.S. Department of Labor, The U.S. Census Bureau surveyed 2,350

turing specialists may recommend a few sim- U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Environ- firms served by MEP centers in 1996. These ple, quick solutions or a detailed plan of mental Protection Agency, U.S. Department companies reported an increase in sales

action. Both types of recommendations are of Defense, federal labs, and manufacturing of nearly $110 million and showed savings

designed to provide quantifiable, bottom- associations are examples of how MEP of $16 million in inventory and over line impact on performance—productivity, leverages public and private resources to $13 million in labor and material. They also quality*, profits, or sales. make a comprehensive range of technical invested more than $85 million in modern-

services and assistance available to small ization. These companies directly attribute For some firms, these assessments are manufacturers. these benefits to the services provided by the enough to get started. The manufacturer NIST manufacturing extension centers. may have the resources to implement the SEMINARS AND TRAINING

plan, or may incrementally pursue new Even' day, MEP centers deal with manufac- Other independent studies also have yielded

initiatives or changes. For those manufactur- turers who share common problems and solid evidence of performance and economic

ers requiring assistance in implementing seek similar assistance. Often, manufactur- benefits. An analysis by the U.S. General

center-suggested actions, the MEP center ers may not be aware of available resources. Accounting Office found that a substantial

can provide the solutions and the support. To help manufacturers improve their knowl- majority of firms using extension services,

edge and capabilities, centers provide a vari- including those provided by the MEP, cred- TECHNICAL AND BUSINESS SOLUTIONS ety of seminars and training programs. ited this assistance with helping them to The degree and type of assistance provided These seminars may address issues unique improve productivity, product quality, cus- to each MEP customer firm is based on the to a specific community or information tomer satisfaction, profits, and other critical particular need of that manufacturer. For a sought by many firms, such as preparing for facets of their operations. firm dealing with employee relations and ISO 9000 certification, implementing waste human resource issues, for example, sup- reduction programs, finding and hiring port may come through a management Additional Information employees, or profiling the newest manufac- training program, a series of staff work- turing technologies. For additional information, contact: shops, or revamping relevant policies and

procedures— all services managed by the In addition, MEP centers help provide manu- Manufacturing Extension Partnership center staff either independently or through facturing firms with exposure to other (301) 975-5020

other experts. If the field engineers identify manufacturers in the area—and the oppor- email: [email protected] inefficiencies in the physical layout of the tunity to share resources and information. fax: (301) 963-6556

plant, they may provide a number of options Regular events, including tours of local C121 Building 301

for reconfiguration and may guide the proc- manufacturing facilities, discussions, and

ess for testing these alternatives. Other serv- demonstrations of the latest industry innova- or see the list of centers below or phone

ices may focus on quality improvement, new tions, give company owners and managers (800) MEP-4MFG for direct access to your

product development, new equipment needs, the opportunity to see state-of-the-art proc- local Manufacturing Extension Partnership

marketing and sales support, or capital esses and discuss common issues with their affiliate.

investments. peers.


Sometimes, the technical guidance needed MEP Results

by a manufacturer is best found beyond the Evaluation is a key element of all MEP pro- MEP center. That is when the value of MEP grams and activities. Results are used to is most apparent. Through both its local and assess the effectiveness of services and their national network of partners, MEP staff can impact on the performance of client firms, identify experts and resources from the and to help guide planning at both the cen- region—or across the country—that can ter and network levels. By measuring short- help improve a company's performance. In and long-term impacts, MEP also can assess fact, the MEP network provides small manu- economic returns on the federal investment facturers with access to over 2,000 partner- in manufacturing extension services. ships with federal agencies, national

associations, and other organizations. Pro- MANUFACTURING EXTENSION PARTNERSHIP

The Corporation for Manufacturing MEP Center Locations IDAHO Excellence Idaho TechHelp™ 48001 Fremont Blvd. Most MEP centers are affiliated with state, Boise State University Fremont, Calif. local, and educational organizations. In the 94538 1910 University Drive 249-1480 following listing, each center serves the (510) Boise, Idaho 83725 Serves the nine counties of the area. entire state unless otherwise noted. Bay (208) 385-3689


Alabama Technology Network Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Chicago Manufacturing Center 1500 Resource Drive Center 3333 West Arthington 10561 Barkley, Suite 602 Birmingham, Ala. 35242 Chicago, 111. 60624 Park, Kan. (205) 943-4770 Overland 66212 (773) 265-2020 (913) 649-4333 Serves the six-county Chicago metropolitan ALASKA A regional organization that also operates in area: Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, Alaska Manufacturing Extension Partnership Kansas, Missouri, and Wyoming. and Will counties. c/o Industry Network Corp. CONNECTICUT Illinois 155 University Blvd. S.E. Manufacturing Extension Center Albuquerque, N.M. 87106 Connecticut State Technology Extension Bradley University Program (505) 843-4250 or (800) 716-6462 404 Jobst Hall

185 Main St., Suite 408 Peoria, 111. 61625 ARIZONA New Britain, Conn. 06051 (309) 677-4632

Industry Network Corp. (860) 832-4600 Serves manufacturers through 16 locations

1155 University Blvd. S.E. throughout northern, southern, and central DELAWARE Albuquerque, N.M. 87106 Illinois. Delaware Manufacturing Alliance (505) 843-4250 or (800) 716-6462 Delaware Technology Park INDIANA

ARKANSAS One Innovation Way, Suite 301 Indiana Business Modernization and

Arkansas Manufacturing Extension Network Newark, Del. 19711 Technology Corp.

100 Main St., Suite 450 (302) 452-2520 One North Capitol Ave., Suite 925

Little Rock, Ark. 72201 Indianapolis, Ind. 46204-2242 FLORIDA (501) 324-9006 (317) 635-3058 or (800) 877-5182 Florida Manufacturing Technology


California Manufacturing Technology 390 N.Orange Ave., Suite 1300 Iowa Manufacturing Technology Center

Center Orlando, Fla. 32801 Des Moines Area Community College

13430 Hawthorne Blvd. (407) 316-4633 ATC Bldg. 3E

Hawthorne, Calif. 90250 2006 South Ankeny Blvd. GEORGIA (310) 355-3060 Ankeny, Iowa 50021 Georgia Manufacturing Extension Alliance Serves the five-county Los Angeles basin, (515) 965-7125 Fresno, and Sacramento through seven Georgia Institute of Technology 223 O'Keefe Building KANSAS regional offices. , Ga. 30332-0640 Mid-America Manufacturing Technology San Diego Manufacturing Extension (404) 894-8989 Center Center, Inc. 10561 Barkley, Suite 602 World Trade Center HAWAII Overland Park, Kan. 66212 1250 Sixth Ave., 5th Floor Hawaii Manufacturing Extension Center (913) 649-4333 San Diego, Calif. 92101-4301 c/o Industry Network Corp. A regional organization that also operates in (619) 515-9820, ext. 1201 1155 University Blvd. S.E. Missouri, Colorado, and Wyoming. Serves firms in San Diego County. Albuquerque, N.M. 87106 (505) 843-4250 or (800) 716-6462 MANUFACTURING EXTENSION PARTNERSHIP 29


Kentucky Technology Service Mississippi Technology Extension Nevada Manufacturing Extension

167 West Main St., Suite 500 Partnership Partnership

Lexington, Ky. 40507 Building 1103, Suite 146K c/o Industry Network Corp.

(606) 252-7801 Stennis Space Center, Miss. 39529 1155 University Blvd. S.E.

(228) 688-3535 or (800) 746-4699 Albuquerque, N.M. 87106 LOUISIANA (505) 843-4250 or (800) 716-6462 Louisiana Manufacturing Technical Mississippi Polymer Institute and Pilot

Extension Center Manufacturing Extension Center NEW HAMPSHIRE

P.O. Box 44172 P.O. Box 10003 Manufacturing Extension Partnership of

241 East Lewis St. Hattiesburg, Miss. 39406-5157 New Hampshire, Inc. 266-4607 Lafayette, La. 70504-4172 (601) 505 Amherst St.

(318) 482-6767 Serves polymer and polymer-related firms Nashua, N.H. 03061-2052

throughout Mississippi. (603) 594-1188 MAINE

Maine Manufacturing Extension Partnership MISSOURI NEW JERSEY

87 Winthrop St. Mid-America Manufacturing Technology New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Augusta, Maine 04330 Center (MAMTC) Program

(207) 621-6350 10561 Barkley, Suite 602 New Jersey Institute of Technology

Overland Park, Kan. 66212 University Heights MARYLAND (913) 649-4333 G ITC Suite 3200 Maryland Technology Extension Service Serves the seven-county St. Louis area. Newark, N.J. 07102-1982 University of Maryland Engineering regional organization that also operates in A (973) 642-7099 Research Center Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming. Potomac Building 092, Room 2104 NEW MEXICO MAMTC Missouri Rolla Regional Office College Park, Md. 20742-3415 Industry Network Corporation 800 W. 14th St., Suite 111 (301) 405-3883 1155 University Blvd. S.E. Rolla, Mo. 65401 Albuquerque, N.M. 87106 MASSACHUSETTS (573) 364-8570 or (800) 95-MAMTC (505) 843-4250 or (800) 716-6462 Massachusetts Manufacturing Partnership (956-2682)

Corporation for Business, Work, and Serves rural Missouri through four regional NEW YORK

Learning offices. New York Manufacturing Extension

The Schrafft Center Partnership MONTANA 529 Main St. New York Science and Technology Montana Manufacturing Extension Center Boston, Mass. 02129 Foundation Montana State University (617) 727-8158 or (800) 667-6347 99 Washington Ave, Suite 1730 313 Roberts Hall Albany, N.Y. 12210 MICHIGAN Bozeman, Mont. 59717 (518) 486-7384 Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (406) 994-3812 Serves firms statewide through 10 regional P.O. Box 1485 NEBRASKA offices listed below. 2901 Hubbard Road Nebraska Industrial Competitiveness Service Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106 • Alliance for Manufacturing and 301 Centennial Mall South, 4th Floor (800) 292-4484 Technology

Lincoln, Neb. 68509-4666 6l Court St., 6th Floor MINNESOTA (402) 471-6513 Binghamton, N.Y. 13901

Minnesota Technology, Inc. (607) 774-0022 Ill Third Ave. South Serving a nine-county area within New Minneapolis, Minn. 55401 York's southern tier. (612) 338-7722 MANUFACTURING EXTENSION PARTNERSHIP

Center for Economic Growth • Mohawk Valley Applied Technology Miami Valley Manufacturing Extension

One Key Corp. Plaza, Suite 600 Commission Center

Albany, N.Y. 12207 207 Genessee St., Room 1604 3155 Research Blvd., Suite 205

(518) 465-8975 Utica, N.Y. 13501 Kettering, Ohio 45420

Serves the 1 1-county Capital District in the (315) 793-8050 (937) 258-6190

Albany area. Serves Oneida, Herkimer, Hamilton, Serves 23 counties of southwestern Ohio.

Fulton, Montgomery, and Schohari Central New York Technology Plastics Technology Deployment Center counties. Development Organization GLMTC Manufacturing Outreach Program

1201 East Fayette St. • Western New York Technology Prospect Park Building

Syracuse, N.Y. 13201 Development Center 4600 Prospect Ave.

(315) 425-5144 1576 Sweet Home Road Cleveland, Ohio 44103

Serves the five counties in central Amherst, N.Y. 14228 (216) 432-5340

New York in the Syracuse area. (716) 636-3626 Serves 10 counties in northeastern Ohio

Serves New York's five western-most surrounding Cleveland. CI-TEC counties. Box 8561, Peyton Hall OKLAHOMA

Potsdam, N.Y. 13699-8561 NORTH CAROLINA Oklahoma Alliance for Manufacturing (315) 268-3778 North Carolina Manufacturing Extension Excellence Serves counties in the six North Partnership 525 South Main St., Suite 210

Country area. IES Technical Services Tulsa, Okla. 74103

900 Capability Drive (918) 592-0722 High Technology of Rochester Raleigh, N.C. 27695-7902 Five United Way OREGON (919) 515-5408 Rochester, N.Y. 14604 Oregon Manufacturing Extension (716) 327-7930 NORTH DAKOTA Partnership Serves the nine-county Finger Lakes North Dakota Manufacturing Technology 29353 Town Center Loop East region, in and around Rochester. Partnership Wilsonville, Ore. 97070

Hudson Valley Technology Development Institute for Business and Industry (503) 657-6958 Center Development PENNSYLVANIA 300 Westage Business Center, Suite 130 NDSU-Hastings Hall North/East Pennsylvania Manufacturing Fishkill, N.Y. 12524 P.O. Box 5256 Extension Partnership: (914) 896-6934 Fargo, N.D. 58105-5256

Serves the seven-county mid-Hudson region. (701) 231-1001 • Manufacturers Resource Center 125 Goodman Drive Industrial Technology Assistance Corp. OHIO Bethlehem, Pa. 18015 253 Broadway, Room 302 Great Lakes Manufacturing Technology (610) 758-5599 or (800) 343-6732 New York, N.Y. 10007 Center (GLMTC)

(212) 240-6920 Prospect Park Building • Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial

Serves the five boroughs of New York City. 4600 Prospect Ave. Resource Center

Cleveland, Ohio 44103-4314 75 Young St. Forum for Technology (216) 432-5300 Wilkes Barre, Pa. 18706-1471 P.O. Box 170 Serves northeastern Ohio. (717) 819-8966 or (800) 343-6732 Farmingdale, N.Y. 11735

(516) 755-3321 Lake Erie Manufacturing Extension

Serves Nassau and Suffolk counties. Partnership

1700 N. Westwood Ave. Toledo, Ohio 43607

(419) 534-3705

Serves 26 counties of northwestern Ohio. MANUFACTURING EXTENSION PARTNERSHIP

Southeastern Pennsylvania Manufacturing Plastics Technology Deployment Center TEXAS

Extension Partnership: Penn State-Erie Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center

Behrend College Station Road 1700 Congress Ave., Suite 200 • Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Erie, Pa., 16563-0101 Austin, Texas 78701 Center (814) 898-6132 936-0235 or (800) 488-TMAC 2905 South Hampton Road (512) (8622) Serves 14 counties in northwestern Philadelphia, Pa. 19154-1286 Pennsylvania surrounding Erie. UTAH (215) 464-8550 Utah Manufacturing Extension Partnership Serves five counties surrounding PUERTO RICO Utah Valley State College Philadelphia and greater southeastern Puerto Rico Manufacturing Extension, Inc. 800 S. 1200 W. Pennsylvania. Mercantil Plaza Building Orem, Utah 84058 Suite 819, 2 Ponce de Leon Ave. • Manufacturers' Technology Center (801) 764-7221 Hato Rey, P.R. 00918 227 W. Market St. (787) 756-0505 VERMONT P.O. Box 5046 Vermont Manufacturing Extension Center York, Pa. 17405 RHODE ISLAND Box 500 (717) 843-5054 or (888) 843-5054 Rhode Island Extension Manufacturing Randolph Center, Vt. 05061 Serves nine counties in south-central Services (802) 728-1421 Pennsylvania. 229 Waterman St. VIRGINIA • Industrial Modernization Center Providence, R.I. 02906 Virginia's A.L. Philpott Manufacturing Farm Complex (401) 621-5710 Extension Partnership R.R. #5, Box 220-62A SOUTH CAROLINA 645 Patriot Ave. Montoursville, Pa. 17754 South Carolina Manufacturing Extension P.O.Box 53H (717) 368-8361 or (800) 326-9467 Partnership Martinsville, Va. 24112 Serves 12 counties in central Pennsylvania. 1136 Washington Street, Suite 300 (540) 666-8890 Western Pennsylvania Manufacturing Columbia, S.C. 29202 WASHINGTON Extension Partnership: (803) 252-6976 Washington Manufacturing Services • Southwestern Pennsylvania Industrial SOUTH DAKOTA 2333 Seaway Blvd. Resource Center/Northwest South Dakota Manufacturing Extension Everett, Wash. 98203 Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center Partnership Center (425) 267-0173 2000 Technology Drive South Dakota State University VIRGINIA Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219 Harding Hall WEST West Virginia Manufacturing Extension (412) 687-0200 P. O. Box 2220

Serves firms throughout southwestern Brookings, S.D. 57007-0199 Partnership Mineral Resources Pennsylvania. (605) 688-4184 317 Bldg. P.O. Box 6070 • Northwestern Pennsylvania Industrial TENNESSEE Morgantown, W. Va. 26506 Resource Center Tennessee Manufacturing Extension (304) 293-3800 Uniflow Center Partnership 1525 East Lake Road WISCONSIN University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Erie, Pa. 16511-1031 Services Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension (814) 456-6299 Partnership 226 Capitol Blvd., Suite 606 Serves firms throughout northwestern Nashville, Tenn. 37219-1804 432 N. Lake St. Pennsylvania. RoomB121-B (615) 532-8657 Madison, Wis. 53706-1498

(608) 262-2224

Serves manufacturers in the northeastern,

southeastern, and southwestern regions of


Northwest Wisconsin Manufacturing WYOMING NATIONAL

Outreach Center Mid-America Manufacturing Technology National Center for Printing, Publishing University of Wisconsin-Stout Center and Imaging

278 Jarvis Hall 10561 Barkley, Suite 602 Rochester Institute of Technology

Menomonie, Wis. 54751-1876 Overland Park, Kan. 66212 111 Lomb Memorial Drive

(715) 232-2397 (913) 649-4333 Rochester, N.Y. 14623-5608 Serving 32 counties in northwestern A regional organization that also operates in (716) 475-2950

Wisconsin. Missouri, Colorado, and Kansas. Printing and publishing industry resource

serving manufacturers nationwide through


First presented in 1988, the Malcolm • Strategic planning. How are strategic board comprising more than 300 business

Baldrige National Quality Award has become directions set? Are critical strategies and and quality experts from many industries the nation's premier award for business per- action plans developed to support the (along with a smaller contingent from uni- formance excellence and quality7 achieve- directions? Are appropriate resources com- versities and governments at all levels). ment. The Baldrige Award program was mitted to achieve the strategies? These experts volunteer many hours review- established by Congress in 1987 not only to ing applications for the award, conducting • Customer and market focus. How does the recognize individual U.S. companies for site visits at firms that receive high scores company determine requirements, expecta- their achievement but also to promote qual- after an initial screening, and providing tions, and preferences of customers and mar- ity awareness and to provide information on each applicant with an extensive feedback kets? How are relationships built with successful performance and competitiveness report citing strengths and opportunities to customers, and how is customer satisfaction strategies. The award is not for specific prod- improve. determined? ucts or services. Two awards may be given annually to companies in each of three cate- • Information and analysis. Does the com- Interactions gories: manufacturing, sen-ice, and small pany effectively select, manage, and use business. In conjunction with the private The Baldrige National Quality Program has information and data to support key com- sector, NTST developed and manages the proven to be a remarkably successful govern- pany processes and action plans and to award program. ment and industry team effort, starting in improve its overall performance and with assistance in raising competitive position? 1987 industry's Criteria for Performance more than $10 million to help launch the • Human resource focus. Does the company program. Since that time, NIST has worked Excellence enable its employees to develop and use closely with a wide variety of groups to their full potential? How does the company The Baldrige National Quality Program extend the benefits of performance excel- build and maintain a work environment focuses on performance excellence as an lence and to stimulate activities nationwide. and climate that is conducive to perform- integral part of today's business manage- These organizations run the gamut from ance excellence, full participation, and per- ment practices. The award's criteria for per- trade, professional, and business groups sonal and organizational growth? formance excellence, used by thousands of such as the National Association of Manufac-

organizations as a general performance and • Process management. How are products turers and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, organizations business excellence model, are designed to and services designed, introduced, produced, to state and local government

help companies deliver ever-improving delivered, managed, and improved? such as the National Governors' Association,

to broad-based interest groups like the value to customers and improve overall com- • Business results. How has the company National Association. pany performance and capabilities. More Education performed in key business areas: customer than 1.5 million copies of the criteria have satisfaction, financial and marketplace per- The cooperative nature of this joint been distributed since 1988. The criteria's formance, human resource results, supplier government/private-sector team is perhaps seven categories focus on requirements that and partner performance, and operational best captured by the award's board of exam- all businesses—especially those facing performance? Has the company shown iners. In addition to many hours spent dur- tough competitive challenges—should improvements, and what is its performance ing the award evaluation process, board understand. The criteria are: presenta- compared to those of competitors and members have given thousands of excellence the • Leadership. How do the company's senior benchmarks? tions on performance and Baldrige national quality program. leaders set directions and build and sustain Using the criteria as an assessment tool pro- a leadership system conducive to high vides firms with a clear view of where they The award recipients, too, have taken seri- performance, individual development, initia- stand and of how far they must go to ously the charge to be quality advocates. tive, organizational learning, and innova- achieve world-class levels of performance. One of the main purposes of the award is to tion? Does the integrate its values company pass on information about the Baldrige and expectations regarding public respon- Rigorous Evaluation Award recipients' quality and business proc- sibilities and citizenship into performance Applications for the award undergo a rigor- esses and results that other companies can management practices? ous evaluation by an independent review tailor to their own needs. Representatives

from the award recipients willingly have 34 BALDRIGE NATIONAL QUALITY PROGRAM

shared their companies' performance

excellence strategies and methods with 1992—AT&T Network Systems Group/ Qualify Award Recipients thousands of other firms. Their efforts to Transmission Systems Business Unit, Companies that have received the Malcolm educate and inform other companies and or- Morristown, N.J. (manufacturing); Texas Baldrige National Quality Award: ganizations on the benefits of using the Instruments Inc. Defense Systems & Electronics Group, Dallas, Texas (manu- Baldrige framework and criteria have far ex- 1997—3M Dental Products Division, St. ceeded expectations. Paul, Minn, (manufacturing); Solectron facturing); AT&T Universal Card Services,

Corp., Milpitas, Calif, (manufacturing); Jacksonville, Fla. (service); The Ritz- Award as Quality Model Merrill Lynch Credit Corp., Jacksonville, Carlton Hotel Co., Atlanta, Ga. (service); and Granite Rock Co., Watsonville, Calif, Private-sector reviews and surveys are show- Fla. (service) ; Xerox Business Services, Rochester, N.Y. (service) (small business) ing that the award is having a profound

effect on shaping how people and organiza- 1996—ADAC Laboratories, Milpitas, Calif, 1991—Solectron Corp., Milpitas, Calif, tions operate and work. For example, a (manufacturing): DANA Commercial (manufacturing); Zvtec Corp., Eden report on the Baldrige Award program by Credit Corp., Toledo, Ohio (service); Prairie, Minn, (manufacturing); and the private-sector Council on Competitive- Custom Research Inc., Minneapolis, Minn, Marlow Industries, Dallas, Texas (small ness states, "More than any other program, (small business); Trident Precision business)

the Baldrige Quality Award is responsible for Manufacturing Inc., Webster, N.Y. (small 1990—Cadillac Motor Car Division, making quality a national priority and dis- business) Detroit, Mich, (manufacturing); IBM Roch- seminating best practices across the United 1995—Armstrong World Industries' Build- ester, Rochester, Minn, (manufacturing); States." ing Products Operation, Lancaster, Pa. Federal Express Corp, Memphis, Tenn. The program has helped to stimulate an (manufacturing) and Corning Telecom- (service); and Wallace Co. Inc., Houston, amazing movement to improve perform- munications Products Division, Corning, Texas (small business) ance in many U.S. organizations, including N.Y. (manufacturing) 1989— Milliken & Company, Spartanburg, companies; academic institutions; and fed- 1994 AT&T Consumer Communications S.C. (manufacturing) and Xerox Corp. eral, state, and local government agencies. — Services, Basking Ridge, (service); Business Products and Systems, Rochester, Nationwide, interest in the Baldrige model N.J. GTE Directories Corp, Dallas/Ft. Worth, N.Y. (manufacturing) is growing steadily. In 1991, fewer than 10 Texas (service); and Wainwright Industries state and local quality awards existed. Now, 1988—Motorola Inc., Schaumburg, 111. Inc., St. Peters, Mo. (small business) more than 50 state and local award pro- (manufacturing); Commercial

grams have been established that are Nuclear Fuel Division of Westinghouse 1993—Eastman Chemical Co., Kingsport, modeled after the Baldrige Award. Tenn. (manufacturing) and Ames Rubber Electric Corp, Pittsburgh, Pa. (manufac-

Corp., Hamburg, (small business) turing); and Globe Metallurgical Inc., For many companies, these award programs N.J. Beverly, Ohio (small business) are "proving grounds," helping them to bet-

ter understand quality and performance

excellence before they consider an applica- with experts from healthcare and education non-profit healthcare and education organi-

tion for the national Baldrige Award. In organizations, NIST tailored the Baldrige zations. In addition, the private Foundation

199T state programs received 110 applica- Award criteria and framework for these sec- for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality

tions; in 1997 that number climbed to over tors and conducted a pilot application pro- Award has initiated a fund-raising effort to

970. gram in 1995. provide an endowment of $15 million to

help establish the awards, provided federal Internationally, more than 25 quality Forty-six healthcare and 19 education funding also is available. awards have been established, most within organizations submitted applications. While

the past several years. Many of them are funding to expand the Baldrige Award to Contact:

based on the Baldrige Award. Japan, home include categories for non-profit healthcare Baldrige National Quality Program

of the Deming Prize, recently launched an and education organizations was not avail- (301) 975-2036

award that resembles the U.S. Baldrige able in 1998, NIST did revise the criteria for email: [email protected]

Award. these two sectors. NIST's fiscal year 1999 fax: (301) 948-3716

budget proposal includes $2.3 million to A635 Administration Building Interest also is increasing in organizations establish Baldrige Award categories for other than for-profit businesses. Working —


Higher quality products, more reliable and Copies of a model NIST CRADA agreement Collaborative Research more flexible processes, fewer rejected parts, are available from the NIST Industrial Part- speedier product development, more effi- nership Program, NIST actively seeks industrial, academic, (301) 975-5073- cient market transactions, higher levels of and non-profit research partners to work Guest Researcher Agreements—Typically interoperability among machines, factories, collaboratively on projects of mutual bene- used when an industrial or other researcher and companies. These are some of the practi- fit. available for Many mechanisms are wishes to join an ongoing NIST research cal advantages that U.S. companies realize carrying out these research collaborations. effort. The researcher gains access to NIST from the NIST Measurement and Standards Special efforts are tailor collabora- made to research staff and facilities and, in return, Laboratories' research, services, and stand- tions to specific needs. results from the collaboration are made ards-related activities. The ultimate U.S. ref- available publicly. Such agreements cannot erence point for measurements with Most research collaborations start with protect proprietary information and do not counterpart organizations throughout the one-to-one interactions between industry or allow cooperating companies to receive world, the laboratories provide companies, other researchers and NIST scientists and exclusive intellectual property rights. Each entire industries, and the whole science and engineers. To locate NIST researchers in spe- year NIST hosts about 1,250 guest scientists technology community with the equivalent cific fields of interest, see the project listings in and engineers at its Gaithersburg, Md., and of a common language needed nearly on pages 40 to 163. For further information every stage of technical activity. In further- Boulder, Colo., laboratories. Contact: domes- about the process for implementing specific ing the technical aims and capabilities of tic guest researchers, (301) 975-3084; inter- types of research agreements, contact the U.S. industry, the NIST laboratory program national guest researchers, 975-4119. Industrial Partnerships Program, (301) serves as an impartial source of expertise, (301) 975-3084. Research and Development Contracts developing highly leveraged measurement Used when external organizations contract capabilities and other infrastructural The most common types of arrangements with NIST researchers to receive specific technologies. include the following: technical services or results uniquely Several hundred laboratory projects are Cooperative Research and Development available at the Institute. The cooperating at single year. Agreements (CRADAs) Typically cover under way NIST during a — organization funds the NIST effort on a cost joint research efforts in which both NIST Some relate to the evolving needs of mature reimbursable basis. Individual contracts and the cooperating company provide staff, industries such as steel, machine tools, auto- may provide protection of proprietary infor- equipment, facilities, and/or funds, in any mobiles, and chemical processing. Others mation under certain circumstances. concentrate on the technical challenges number of possible combinations, for a pro- Research results are made publicly avail- confronting emerging industries such as ject of mutual interest. NIST currently is able, and any intellectual property rights those sprouting from advances in nano- working with nearly 200 research partners are retained by NIST. Preparation of con- technology or the ones facing established on more than 200 CRADAs in nearly 130 dif- tracts for such agreements typically takes high-technology sectors undergoing rapid ferent areas of research. NIST's CRADA part- about 4 weeks. technology change such as microwave ners are predominantly U.S. businesses, with communications. about equal numbers from large and small Informal Collaborations—Informal

companies. one-to-one collaborations between Institute

and other researchers. Such collaborations When companies conduct joint research often involve exchange of research results, with the Institute under a CRADA, NIST can publicly available technical know-how, protect confidential or proprietary informa-

tion exchanged during the project, keep and/or samples between NIST and other

research results confidential, and provide researchers.

exclusive rights for intellectual property

developed during the course of the project.

Each CRADA is negotiated separately between NIST and prospective partners. Most

CRADAs take 3 to 4 weeks to implement. — 1


Examples of NIST Lab Projects

The examples of recent accomplishments a benefit-to-cost ratio of 97 to 1. The bene- • A recently begun NIST calibration serv-

described below are a small sampling of fits represent money saved by patients and ice is helping U.S. industry to improve

laboratory activities. They illustrate the drug manufacturers. wireless telephone systems. A unique

ways in which NIST is carrying out its mis- indoor testing range is used to determine • NIST research on alternative refriger- sion to provide infrastructural support to the accuracy of specialized trumpet- ants has generated a social rate of return U.S. industry. shaped antennas, which companies then of 433 percent, the result of cost savings use to check the performance of communi- • NIST measurements are vital to the realized by companies during the race to cations antennas designed for low Earth functioning of the entire economy, help- meet the international deadline for phas- orbit satellites. ing to ensure fairness and efficiency in the ing out ozone-depleting chlorofluorocar-

sale of more than $3 trillion worth of bons (CFCs). NIST expenditures of about • Working with a consortium of 22 part-

goods and services. Accurate and uniform $2.7 million translated into savings total- ners, NIST is helping companies evaluate

measurements of weight, size, volume, ing about $14.2 million for a sample of 1 prototype products for adherance to the

and other quantities maximize efficiency firms. Timely delivery of reliable data on BACnet standard, which allows interoper-

and promote customer confidence in the alternative refrigerants, along with ana- ability of heating, ventilating, and air con-

sale of goods ranging from slices of lunch lytical software, made the search for CFC ditioning control systems in buildings,

meat at the deli counter to millions of replacements more efficient. enhancing energy efficiency, safety, and

cubic meters of natural gas transported comfort. By developing conformance test- • NIST and partners from Sandia through transnational pipelines. ing tools and procedures, the effort aims National Laboratories and the consortium to enable an industry-run certification • NIST measurements and standards are SEMATECH recently developed a new refer- program. woven into the technical infrastructure ence material that has potential to leap-

underpinning the performance of compa- frog several generations of measurement • The U.S. ceramics industy derives sub-

nies in scores of established industries needs forecast by semiconductor manufac- stantial economic benefits from the NIST

from machine tools to photographic film turers. This reference material, evaluated Ceramic Phase Equilibria Program,

to medical devices. For example, the accu- by a consortium of 18 companies, is being according to an independent study. The

racy of coordinate measuring machines in proposed as a tool for calibrating equip- program's benefit-to-cost ratio is esti-

thousands of factories is checked with ment that measures integrated-circuit fea- mated at 10 to 1, and the internal rate

measurement standards traceable to NIST tures as tiny as 100 nanometers—about a of return is estimated to be at least 33-5

and applied according to industry- thousandth of the width of a fine strand percent. Phase equilibria diagrams help

standardized procedures developed with of human hair. ceramic component manufacturers under-

NIST's technical assistance. In the auto- stand the effects of temperature, pressure, • A NIST-led effort involving more than motive industry alone, more than 350 and material concentrations on the proc- 25 companies has resulted in a standard NIST-developed measurement tools and essing and properties of ceramic products. interface for integrating "smart" services are embedded in the process- and transducers—combinations of digital sen- • NIST developed the original computer- quality-control systems of companies. sors and actuators—into the more than ized system the Federal Bureau of Investi-

• U.S. taxpayers are getting more than 50 different types of proprietary computer gation uses to match fingerprint evidence

they pay for from the NIST program networks deployed throughout industry. against 38 million records, so that local

designed to ensure accuracy in measure- The standard, officially adopted by the police can identify suspects. NIST

ments of radioactive drugs used to Institute of Electrical and Electronics researchers now are working to link finger-

diagnose or treat disease, according to a Engineers (IEEE 1451.2), will broaden the print biometrics with digital signatures,

recent evaluation of NIST's radiophar- choices available to manufacturers who an accomplishment that would enable law

maceutical research. The study conserva- use sensors to monitor and control proc- enforcement agencies— as well as corpo-

tively estimated that, since 1990, the esses, and it will expand markets for the rations and consumers—to make secure

program has cost taxpayers $2.4 million estimated 3,000 sensor and actuator electronic transactions.

and yielded benefits worth $236.2 million, manufacturers in the United States. MEASUREMENT AND STANDARDS LABORATORIES 37

Ceramic Machining Consortium—Devel- Orthopedic Accelerated Wear Resis- Research Consortia ops cost-effective production processes for tance^—Helps shorten development and

On research topics of broad interest to a grinding components made from advanced approval time for new orthopedic implants number of different research partners, NIST structural ceramics, such as silicon nitride by identifying test methods with the greatest may sponsor research consortia. Research and silicon carbide. Contact: Said promise for accelerated screening of materi- consortia usually are structured through Jahanmir, (301) 975-4525. als for wear resistance. Contact: John Tesk,

NIST CRADAs and involve groups of com- (301) 975-6799. BACnet Interoperability Testing—Works panies and other organizations that to overcome communication barriers Environmentally Friendly New Flame exchange data, ideas, researchers, and/or among building control systems from differ- Retardants—Works to replace current fire materials among themselves and with NIST ent manufacturers, making it possible to retardants with environmentally friendly to meet agreed-upon research goals. Most design truly "smart" buildings where all sys- additives that reduce heat release rates of consortia require payment of membership tems work together and are controlled from polymers used in carpets, upholstery, and fees in exchange for advance knowledge of a central location. Contact: Steven Bushby, other products without increasing smoke research results produced by the consortia (301) 975-5873. or carbon monoxide production. Contact: effort. Currently active NIST-centered con- JeffGilman, (301) 975-6573- Coatings Service Life Prediction—Devel- sortia include the following: ops test methods to quickly and reliably pre- NIST-EPRI Ultrasonic Flow Meter Testing Flowmeter Installation Effects—Supports dict the service life of painted products Program—Provides guidelines to improve research in fluid flow measurements to help exposed to the elements in order to help the flow measurements in industrial environ- industry understand, evaluate, and assess paint industry get better products to market ments. NIST will assess ultrasonic flow flowmeter performance under non-ideal more quickly. Contact: Jonathan Martin, meters from the consortium members by installation conditions. Contact: George (301) 975-6707. testing their commercially available, clamp- Mattingly, (301) 975-5939- on type, time-of-travel ultrasonic flow Computer-Aided Manufacturing Engineer- North American Integrated Services Digi- meters in both ideal and non-ideal pipe ing—Develops standards and interfaces for flows. Mattingly, tal Network Users' Forum—Promotes the Contact: George a manufacturing engineering tool kit implementation and use of ISDN standards (301) 975-5939- designed to allow software tools made by and the development of interoperable sys- different vendors with different engineering Optical Properties of Materials—Develops tems for the simultaneous transmission of functions to work together. Contact: new standards and critically evaluated data voice, data, and images over high-speed Swee Leong, (301) 975-5426. on the optical properties of materials that digital networks. Contact: Leslie Collica, are important for evolving optical industries Enhanced Machine Controller—Develops 975-4856. (301) and manufacturing processes. Contact: Raju interface standards needed to produce an Monolithic Microwave Integrated Cir- Datla, (301) 975-2131. open architecture controller for manufactur- cuits Develops metrology for design and — ing equipment that would allow machine manufacture of microwave monolithic integ- builders, users, and systems integrators to rated circuits, especially measurement meth- customize equipment more effectively, ods and standards to reduce testing costs. reduce training and maintenance costs, and Contact: Dennis Friday, (303) 497-3131. make retrofitting of existing equipment with

new capabilities more practical. Contact:


Machine Tool Performance Models and Technical Assistance Use of NIST Facilities Machine Data Repository—Develops tools

to replace actual machining and inspection NIST provides without charge informal tech- The Institute operates more than 40 differ-

of parts during prototyping with virtual nical advice to U.S. companies and others ent research facilities that are accessible to

machining and virtual inspection modules seeking assistance in specific areas. Often outside researchers for collaborative or inde-

incorporated into a CAD/CAM system. These NIST experts can help a company solve a pendent research. Several one-of-a-kind

tools include data structures and low-order technical problem through one or several facilities are available for proprietary

machine models that represent actual phone conversations or a brief visit to the measurements.

machine behavior; mathematical repre- Institute's Gaithersburg, Md., or Boulder, Access to NIST facilities generally occurs sentations of actual part geometry, includ- Colo., laboratories. (Institute researchers are through one of four mechanisms: under the ing dimension and form errors; virtual not permitted to consult on their own behalf provisions of a NIST CRADA or consortium machining algorithms; virtual inspection or to receive personal payments for techni- agreement; through a guest researcher algorithms; standardized data formats; cal advice in areas within NIST's mission.) agreement; through contract R&D in which and remotely accessible machine data See project descriptions on pages 40 to 163 Institute staff members conduct specific repositories. Contact: Alkan Donmez, to locate a NIST expert in a specific research experiments or tests at NIST and are reim- (301) 975-6618. field or call General Inquiries for assistance, bursed for their time and supplies; and, (301) 975-NIST. Ceramic Processing Characterization for a limited number of facilities, through

Consortium—Develops new measurement- scheduled appointments for qualified

based strategies for ensuring reliable manu- Technology Services and researchers wishing to conduct proprietary facturing by working with the U.S. ceramics Products measurements. industry in the development of a measure- Scheduling and priorities for NIST facilities ments and standards infrastructure for NIST provides many different technology use are determined by the relevant director ceramic particulate systems. Contact: services and products to help U.S. industry for each NIST disciplinary laboratory, in George Onoda, (301) 975-4489. improve the quality, reduce the cost, and some cases assisted by designated user group increase the competitiveness of its products. committees. Summaries of the NIST programs providing

these services and products appear on pages An index of NIST facilities appears on

164 to 169. Examples include Standard Ref- page 170. For detailed information on capa-

erence Materials, Standard Reference Data, bilities and availability of individual facili-

and calibration and laboratory accreditation ties, call the contact person listed for that

services. facility. For general information on typical

facility use agreements, contact the Indus-

trial Partnerships Program, (301) 975-3084. MEASUREMENT AND STANDARDS LABORATORIES

Fire Research Grants—Sponsors research Technology Licenses Research Grants by academic institutions, non-federal gov-

agencies, independent and NIST seeks patents for its product and proc- Grants supporting research at industrial, ernment and supports NIST's ess inventions when a patent will enhance academic, and other organizations are avail- industrial laboratories that the invention's commercialization or use. able on a competitive basis through several fire research laboratory programs. Contact:

Individuals or companies may obtain a different Institute offices. For general infor- (301) 975-6854. license to use. make, or sell NIST patented mation on NIST grants programs, contact Standard Reference Data Grants—Sup- inventions, on either an exclusive, Joyce Brigham, (301) 975-6329. ports research at academic, industrial, and co-exclusive, or non-exclusive basis. Small Business Innovation Research Pro- other non-federal institutions to critically Normally licenses are granted only in cases gram—Funds proposals by small businesses evaluate data in chemistry, physics, and where the licensee agrees that resulting for research and development efforts that materials properties. Contact: products will be manufactured substantially fall within areas recommended yearly by the (301) 975-2200. in the United States. U.S. Department of Commerce. See Materials Science and Engineering The goal of NIST's licensing process is description on page 165. Grants—Supports work in polymers, ceram- to encourage commercial use of NIST- Precision Measurement Grants—Supports ics, metallurgy, and neutron scattering and developed technologies. For a current listing researchers in U.S. colleges and universities spectroscopy research at academic, indus- of the more than 100 NIST inventions avail- for experimental and theoretical studies of trial, and other non-federal institutions. able for licensing, contact the NIST Indus- fundamental physical phenomena. Contact: Contact: (301) 975-5731. trial Partnerships Program, (301) 975-4188. (301) 975-4220. BUILDING AND FIRE RESEARCH LABORATORY

The Building and Fire Research Labora- COOPERATIVE RESEARCH COOPERATIVE RESEARCH tory (BFRL) enhances the competitive- OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES ness of U.S. industry and public safety Structures through performance prediction meth- 40 Earthquake Engineering ods, measurement technologies, and 41 Structural Control technical advances that improve the life- STRUCTURES cycle quality and economy of constructed Building Materials Division Contact: facilities. BFRL's efforts are closely coor- 41 Cement and Concrete Shyam Sunder dinated with industry, professional and 41 Organic Building Materials (301) 975-6713 trade organizations, academe, and other 42 High-Performance Construction email: [email protected] agencies of government. Materials and Systems fax: (301) 869-6275 Major BFRL goals are to improve the pro- 42 Construction Materials Reference B166 Building Research Building ductivity of U.S. construction industries, Laboratories which now face stiff competition from Building Environment overseas firms, and to reduce the human 43 Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation and economic losses resulting from fires, EARTHQUAKE 43 Refrigeration Machinery earthquakes, winds, and other hazards. ENGINEERING Heat Transfer The laboratory conducts research in fire 43 The National Earthquake Hazards Reduc- science and fire safety engineering; build- 44 Building Controls tion Program mandates NIST to conduct ing materials; computer-integrated con- 44 Computer-Integrated Construction research and development in earthquake struction practices; structural, Fire Safety Engineering engineering. These efforts improve building mechanical, and environmental engi- 45 Fire Detection and Alarm codes and standards and advance seismic neering; and building economics. Prod- practices for structures and lifelines. ucts of the laboratory's research include 45 Large Fires Research is carried out to improve seismic measurements and test methods, per- 45 Fire Dynamics design and construction standards. Results formance criteria, and technical data Fire Science are applied to improve construction prac- that are incorporated into building and 46 Advanced Fire Sensing tices for both new and existing buildings, fire standards and codes. Staff members 46 Advanced Fire Suppression structures, and lifelines. Post-earthquake are involved in more than 100 activities Accurately investigations are performed to study the per- to develop voluntary standards. 46 Measuring Fire formance of structures and lifeline systems 47 Polymer Combustion Research The laboratory conducts investigations at during major seismic events. The findings Applied Economics the scene of major fires and structural are vital for improvement of design and con- failures due to earthquakes, hurricanes, 47 Microeconomic Analysis struction practices. Guidance and technical or other causes. The knowledge gained support are provided to the Interagency Com- RESEARCH FACILITIES from these investigations guides research mittee on Seismic Safety in Construction of 48 Large-Scale Structures Testing Facility and is applied to recommendations for the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction practices to 48 Tri-Directional Test Facility design and construction Program in support of its efforts to develop reduce hazards. 48 Large Environmental Chamber recommended practices for federal agency

49 Calibrated Hot Box use. Current research addresses these topics: Contact: 49 Line Heat-Source Guarded Hot Plafe Richard N. Wright, Director • strength and ductility of connections in 50 Advanced Insulation Facility (301) 975-5900 precast concrete structures; email: [email protected] • evaluation criteria for structural control fax: (301) 975-4032 systems and test procedures for evaluating B216 Building Research Building the response of structures subjected to seis- mic loading; BUILDING AND FIRE RESEARCH LABORATORY

• a rational procedure to determine the ulti- • establishment of design wind loads for Research projects include development and mate shear strength of partially reinforced low-rise structures; validation of models for simulating micro- masonry walls; structure development in cement pastes as • non-destructive testing methods to detect the cement hydrates and the degradation of • techniques for assessing the performance internal flaws and discontinuities in struc- concrete. Artificial intelligence systems are properties of strengthened existing struc- tural members; and being developed for optimizing the selection tures; • response measurements of full-scale of materials and for diagnosing the causes

• strengthening methodologies for concrete structures. of material degradation. Experimental stud- frame structures; ies are being performed on the rheology of Contact: concrete aimed at improving the design of • developing technical criteria and method- Nicholas Carino mixture proportions. The research is ologies for strengthening and repairing exist- (301) 975-6063 performed using a variety of techniques, ing structural members and systems; and email: [email protected] including scanning electron microscopy, B158 Building Research Building • techniques for determining liquefaction computerized image analysis, X-ray diffrac- and ground deformation potential of soil tion, and thermal analysis. deposits. BUILDING MATERIALS This work helps the U.S. construction indus- Contact: try to be competitive by providing a strong Division Contact: Riley Chung technical basis for standards for concrete

Geoffrey J. Frohnsdorff (301) 975-6062 and concrete materials. The research is coor- (301) 975-6706 email: [email protected] dinated with industry, voluntary standards email: [email protected] B158 Building Research Building organizations, trade associations, the fax: (301) 990-6891 National Science Foundation's Center for B368 Building Research Building Advanced Cement-Based Materials, and STRUCTURAL CONTROL federal and state government agencies.

NIST carries out research that provides the Contact: technical basis for criteria that ensure struc- CEMENT AND CONCRETE James R. Clifton tural safety7 and serviceability of buildings (301) 975-6767 NIST researchers are developing a funda- and other structures. Studies are performed email: [email protected] mental understanding of the relationship to develop the technical basis for removing B350 Building Research Building between chemistry, microstructure, perform- barriers to the use of new high-performance ance, and service life of conventional and construction materials and systems. high-performance concrete and other Research in construction automation seeks ORGANIC BUILDING inorganic building materials. Their goal is to develop, integrate, and implement new to develop tools for predicting the behavior MATERIALS technologies that will permit generalized of these materials and their service lifetimes. automation at the construction job site. NIST is conducting basic and applied Because the service life of concrete largely research for predicting Work in wind research is aimed at develop- to develop methods depends on the transport of water, dissolved ing key elements of a knowledge-based wind the performance and service life of organic salts, and gases in the pore system of the load design standard that will use site- and building materials such as protective coat- concrete, researchers are developing mathe- building-specific databases and state-of-the- ings for steel, polymer-matrix composites, matical representations of the microstruc- art computational methods to establish real- and roofing materials. In addition, ture of concrete and models for use in are developing systems istic, consistent, and economical steady and researchers a predicting its diffusivity and permeability. fluctuating structural loads. Current approach to advancing the science of appear- ance measurements for coated objects. research addresses the following areas: Models are being developed to consider serv-

ice conditions, including the chemistry of • studies of structural performance meas- Researchers are investigating degradation the environment; the transport rate of reac- improving characterization urement standards and test methods for mechanisms, tants by diffusion, convection, and capillar- high-performance concrete for construction methods, and developing mathematical ity; and reaction mechanisms. applications; models of the degradation processes. Sto- chastic models, which are based in reliabil-

ity theory and life-testing analysis, are —


included in the modeling efforts for all three The NIST research strengthens the scientific high-performance construction materials of these materials. and technical basis for engineering stand- and systems. The results of the NIST pro-

ards for organic building materials devel- gram will facilitate acceptance of new and To help understand the mechanisms of deg- oped by voluntary consensus standards improved construction materials by the radation and to provide data for models, organizations. Sometimes, as is the case in construction industry. materials are characterized in many ways, the Coatings Service Life Prediction Consor- including Fourier transform infrared spec- Contact: tium, the research is supported by and troscopy, thermal analysis, elec- scanning Geoffrey J. Frohnsdorff carried out in close collaboration with indus- tron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray, (301) 975-6706 try and other federal agencies. and visual and infrared imaging. email: [email protected]

Researchers also are developing improved Contact: B368 Building Research Building ways to characterize atmospheric environ- Jonathan W. Martin ments to which these materials are exposed. (301) 975-6707

Characterization of environmental parame- email: [email protected] CONSTRUCTION ters that cause degradation is needed to link B350 Building Research Building MATERIALS REFERENCE material properties with service life. LABORATORIES Researchers are using a systems approach to HIGH-PERFORMANCE NIST's Construction Materials Reference advance appearance metrology by applying Laboratories (CMRL), managed by BFRL, optical metrology, mathematical modeling, CONSTRUCTION comprise the ASTM-sponsored Cement and and computer rendering, which have been MATERIALS AND SYSTEMS Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) developed over the last decade, to the devel- NIST's High-Performance Construction founded in 1929 and the AASHTO (American opment of new methods for appearance Materials and Systems Program is a BFRL- Association of State Highway Transportation characterization and more accurate meth- wide research program. It supports the Officials)-sponsored AASHTO Materials Ref- ods of modeling the appearance of coatings national High-Performance Construction erence Laboratory (AMRL) founded in 1965. and coated objects. Application of advanced Materials and Systems Program (CONMAT), The laboratories provide a reimbursable, vol- optical technologies, such as gonio- which the Civil Engineering Research Foun- untary, quality assurance service for more photometric detectors, light scattering, and dation and 10 industry groups established than 1,200 commercial and other laborato- imaging, coupled with advanced computa- "to develop the high-performance construc- ries that test construction materials for com- tional technology, will result in more tion materials and systems necessary for pliance with standards—ASTM standards comprehensive understanding of appear- America's well-being and international com- for cements and other concrete materials in ance parameters. New detector technologies petitiveness in the 21st Century." The NIST the case of CCRL, and AASHTO standards for offer the potential of making low-cost, program involves four of BFRL's divisions almost the full range of highway construc- image-based measurement devices for Structures, Building Materials, Fire Sci- tion materials in the case of AMRL. The serv- characterizing appearance, rather than the ences, and Fire Safety Engineering—and its ices of both laboratories comprise laboratory commonly used simple wide-angle, source/ Office of Applied Economics. The program inspections by CMRL's staff of inspectors detector-based measurement devices. encompasses high-performance concrete, and operation of large proficiency sample Parameterized mathematical models and steel, polymer-matrix composites, organic programs. CMRL has been described as computer rendering, when coupled with coatings, and roofing materials. Researchers "an outstanding example of government- advanced measurements, will allow are developing rational methods for evaluat- industry collaboration" for its contributions researchers and engineers to assess the ing, by measurement or prediction, all to the quality of construction. contribution of a coating's constituents and major aspects of performance—structural, microstructure to its appearance and help Contact: durability, and fire resistance. The program them design coatings with appropriate James H. Pielert is providing a testbed for collaboration with initial appearance and durability properties. (301) 975-6746 industry in development of a computer- email: [email protected] integrated knowledge system for A365 Building Research Building BUILDING AND FIRE RESEARCH LABORATORY

Measurement procedures are being devel- studied in novel applications like a water- BUILDING ENVIRONMENT oped and demonstrated to evaluate build- to-water heat pump or a heat pump with ing ventilation and indoor pollutant evaporative cooling of the high-pressure Division Contact: concentrations. These procedures range refrigerant. In addition to simulation and James E. Hill from sophisticated tracer gas methods used laboratory studies, pool-boiling and flow- (301) 975-5851 predominantly in building research efforts boiling heat-transfer coefficients are meas- email: [email protected] to less involved procedures that can be ured for alternative refrigerants and fax: (301) 975-5433 employed by building operators. NIST refrigerant mixtures, including tests with B306 Building Research Building researchers are developing new test proce- pool-boiling additives. www.^ed.html dures and demonstrating them in the field Contact: to evaluate their feasibility and reliability. Piotr A. Domanski These efforts have resulted in the develop- INDOOR AIR QUALITY (301) 975-5877 ment of an important database of building email: [email protected] AND VENTILATION ventilation and indoor air quality Bl 14 Building Research Building performance. Computer simulation programs and meas-

urement procedures are being developed and Contact: to applied by NIST researchers better under- Andrew K. Persily HEAT TRANSFER stand the phenomena of air and contami- (301) 975-6418 In the United States, buildings account for nant transport in buildings and to support email: [email protected] over 60 percent of all electricity used and industry efforts to improve environmental Building Research Building A313 almost 40 percent of all natural gas con- conditions in buildings in a cost-effective sumed, at an annual cost that exceeds $170 manner. The results of this research are billion. A significant portion of this energy is providing reliable methods to design build- REFRIGERATION used to provide space heating and cooling. ings and heating, ventilating, and air- MACHINERY Researchers at NIST are developing basic conditioning (HVAC) systems and to data and simulation models for heat, air, NIST researchers identify and characterize evaluate ventilation characteristics and and moisture transfer through building refrigerant and refrigerant mixtures to indoor pollutant concentrations in buildings. envelope components. They developed improve the efficiency of refrigeration cycles The modeling efforts include the develop- MOIST, a widely used computer model for and replace harmful chlorine-containing ment and application of multizone airflow predicting moisture transfer within the refrigerants that were implicated in the and indoor air quality models, specifically building envelope. They are developing a destruction of the upper- atmosphere ozone the CONTAM series, which predicts airflows Standard Reference Material (SRM) that layer. The researchers evaluate alternative and contaminant concentrations in multi- will be used to calibrate private-sector facili- refrigerant cycles, systems, and components zone building systems. CONTAM has been ties for measuring thermal performance of that will operate efficiently with new refriger- used at NIST to study the indoor air quality windows while maintaining the supply of ants. Working with industry, they improve impacts of HVAC systems in single-family three other SRMs used to calibrate insula- capabilities in determining the performance residential buildings, ventilation in large tion manufacturers' "in-house" instrumen- of alternative refrigerants and help refrigera- mechanically ventilated office buildings, tation. In addition to conducting tion equipment manufacturers in designing and radon entry and transport in large measurements for industry on conventional refrigeration systems. residential, office, and school buildings. building insulation products, researchers The researchers evaluate alternative refriger- within the heat transfer group are develop-

ants and a wide variety of refrigeration ing measurement techniques to assess the

cycles by using a breadboard heat pump into thermal performance of new insulation prod-

which different components and circuits can ucts with superior thermal performance. A These be "plugged" and "unplugged." study currently is being conducted to deter-

breadboard modifications are based on theo- mine the energy-savings potential of reflec-

retical and simulation studies conducted to tive roofing materials. find the optimal combination of mixtures

and appropriate refrigeration cycle for the

best and most versatile performance. Fluoro-

carbon and hydrocarbon refrigerants are BUILDING AND FIRE RESEARCH LABORATORY

A 1 -meter guarded hot plate is used to The application of "smart" control systems The near-term focus of the research has develop SRMs; to determine thermal conduc- to buildings is a relatively new area of been in support of the heavy industrial con- tivity values for various materials, such as research. Plans call for exploring how real- struction sector, dealing with capital pro- chlorofluorocarbon-blown insulation; and time models, on-line system identification, jects such as chemical process plants. To to provide measurement services to manu- optimal control, and fault detection and ensure that its research is addressing indus- facturers and researchers. A calibrated hot diagnostics can be combined to improve trial needs, NIST participates in industrial box is used to measure the steady-state and control system performance, make control consortia such as PlantSTEP, Inc., and the dynamic performance of full-scale wall sys- strategy decisions that optimize building pdXi (Process Data Exchange Institute) of tems. A calorimeter and finite-element mod- operations, and advise the building operator the American Institute of Chemical Engi- els are used to characterize the performance or manager on building operations, equip- neers and in committees of the Construction of advanced insulation systems such as gas- ment problems, or maintenance require- Industry Institute. The focus is being broad- filled and vacuum insulation panels. ments. Research on smart building control ened to other industry sectors as the

systems will be performed by simulation and research matures and industrial partner- This work provides the national "meter bar" emulation studies, laboratory testing, and ships are established. for the thermal insulation industry. All field studies in real buildings. advertised thermal insulation product per- NIST researchers are exploring current and formance is traceable to measurements Contact: emerging information technologies in this made in this program. George E. Kelly program, including traditional data-

(301) 975-5870 oriented and emerging object-oriented tech- Contact: email: [email protected] nologies, and new communication and A. Hunter Fanney Bl 14 Building Research Building collaboration technologies made possible by (301) 975-5864 the Internet. A major theme of NIST email: [email protected] research is the harmonization of different B320 Building Research Building COMPUTER-INTEGRATED technologies to allow industry maximum CONSTRUCTION flexibility in choosing technologies to meet its needs. The computer-integrated construc- BUILDING CONTROLS NIST researchers are working collabora- tion program draws on researchers through- NIST research is fostering the development tively with the U.S. construction and build- out BFRL and works cooperatively with other of more intelligent, integrated, and opti- ing industries to establish an exemplary NIST programs, including the Systems Inte- mized building mechanical systems. A computer-integrated construction environ- gration for Manufacturing Applications pro- dynamic building heating, ventilating, and ment, based on open standards for the repre- gram managed by the Manufacturing air-conditioning (HVAC) control system sentation, access, exchange, use, and Engineering Laboratory. simulation program is used to study HVAC archiving of information. With these stand- Contact: control system dynamics and interactions. ards implemented in software systems, indus- An expanded building management and con- try will be able to achieve its goal of Kent A. Reed (301) 975-5852 trols laboratory is used to assist the building seamlessly circulating information through- email: [email protected] controls industry in the development, evalu- out its life-cycle work processes, all taking B306 Building Research Building ation, and testing of communication proto- place in a loosely coupled, distributed, het- col standards for the open exchange of erogeneous environment.

information. NIST technologies serve as a Current research is concentrated in three basis for American Society of Heating, Refrig- areas: the integration of project informa- erating and Air-Conditioning Engineers tion, the integration and automation of standards to assist the control system manu- activities on the construction site, and the facturers in developing interoperable sys- electronic commerce of technical informa- tems and methods for testing conformance tion between supplier and project. The out- to the standard. put of this research is prototype standards

and protocols, measurement technologies,

and testing procedures. Experiments to

evaluate and demonstrate these outputs are

conducted in a testbed that is open to indus-


NIST is developing fire data management NIST is a leader in field fire measurement.

systems and databases to facilitate the trans- Information from these studies, performed FIRE SAFETY fer and availability of fire data. The empha- at sites of opportunity in cooperation with

ENGINEERING sis is on reducing the loss of life and industry and fire service organizations,

Division Contact: property through innovative use of detection provides valuable data not obtainable in

David D. Evans and control of fires and fire service response. laboratory experiments. The development of

(301) 975-6897 As part of the mission of the group, the col- robust field measurement techniques and email: [email protected] lection and exchange of data for fire science equipment is a continuing activity. Data are fax: (301) 975-4052 and engineering is promulgated through used to develop and evaluate predictive

B250 Polymer Building activities such as the Fire Research Informa- models and standard test methods. As an tion Service. example, NIST measures smoke plumes

from large, open-air oil-spill fires to help Contact: develop and evaluate computer models for Walter W.Jones FIRE DETECTION AND smoke movement. (301) 975-6887 ALARM email: [email protected] Contact:

The United States has one of the worst fire A249 Polymer Building Daniel Madrzykowski records in the industrialized world. NIST (301) 975-6677 researchers are helping to reduce the losses email: [email protected] and the cost of fire safety by providing LARGE FIRES A345 Polymer Building scientific and engineering bases needed by Large fires result from industrial or transpor- manufacturers and the fire safety commu- tation accidents, natural disasters, arson, or FIRE nity. This work involves the development of when fire protection systems in constructed DYNAMICS predictive, analytical methods that permit facilities fail to perform adequately. While The ability to make quantitative predictions the quantitative assessment of fire condition these fires present a hazard to building of the hazards associated with fires in indus- in structures. To ensure widespread use, the occupants, firefighters, and the surrounding trial, commercial, and residential facilities necessary input data must be readily avail- area, little is known about their charac- rests on an understanding of fire dynamics able and results must be readily understood teristics, their growth and control, and meth- and the underlying physical principles that by the user. This research includes strong ods of mitigating their impact. NIST is control these phenomena. The under- emphasis on numerical modeling, data- performing research and developing tech- standing of fire dynamics is gained from bases, state-of-the-art computer graphics, niques to measure and predict the behavior computer simulations based on advanced and computer-aided design techniques. The of large fires and the action of building fire large eddy simulation techniques in compu- results of this work help manufacturers, pur- protection systems. Large building fires tational fluid dynamics and laboratory chasers, designers, code officials, fire investi- involve the interaction of strongly buoyant experiments. The result is a system of analy- gators, and practitioners evaluate the fire gas flows and thermal radiation with com- sis that relies on sophisticated computa- hazard implications of the products and fire plex structures and, in some cases, automat- tional and measurement tools to predict the protection strategies they use. ic fire suppression systems. Experiments to impact of fires.

evaluate industrial fire behavior and the The expedient transfer of scientifically based These techniques have been applied at NIST performance of fire suppression systems are technology from NIST to the professional to study a variety of diverse fire response being conducted to provide information that user community and the creation of a link issues such as the dispersion of smoke can be used to reduce vulnerability to large between NIST computer-based activities and plumes from oil-spill fires and the control fires. others doing similar or complementary work of warehouse storage-rack fires using draft can enhance fire safety and reduce its costs. curtains, sprinklers, and vents. The unique

Over the past decade, NIST researchers devel- NIST contribution has been the quantitative oped many computer models of various prediction of critical parameters such as the aspects of fire. These researchers develop ground-level deposition of smoke particulate engineering systems for design application from oil fires and the time sequence of sprin- and fire investigation, collect supporting kler activation in storage-rack fires. NIST is data and programs, and operate training developing a system to predict the spread of programs and user workshops. fires in urban areas following earthquakes BUILDING AND FIRE RESEARCH LABORATORY

and other natural disasters. This system will NIST also is developing a first-generation, and other researchers in the field. NIST involve both a computational wind engineer- fire-emulator/detector-evaluator. Identified researchers are studying the mechanisms of ing capability and an enhanced fire by industry as a principal stimulant to the highly efficient flame extinguishants to help prediction methodology. The resulting development and commercialization of new identify new chemicals for practical use, methodology will be used to assist in disaster fire alert devices, the emulator will provide a investigating the transport properties of response planning in both industry and well-controlled environment in which fire gaseous and liquid suppressants to optimize government. sensors can be exposed to highly reproduc- their effectiveness, and developing perform-

ible, time-varying concentrations of combus- ance measures for new fire suppression Contact: tion products at predetermined temperatures technologies. Daniel Madrzykowski and flow velocities. This will provide accu- (301) 975-6677 Contact: rate determination of the sensitivity and util- email: [email protected] William Grosshandler ity of new detector designs. A345 Polymer Building (301) 975-2310

Using this device will demonstrate the email: [email protected]

response of discriminating detector systems B356 Polymer Building

to early fire events and will enable improved FIRE SCIENCE fire protection with reduced cost and losses. Division Contact: MEASURING FIRE Richard Gann Contact: Grosshandler (301) 975-6866 William ACCURATELY email: [email protected] (301) 975-2310 The modern fire-safety professional has email: [email protected] fax: (301) 975-4052 become dependent on quantitative measures B250 Polymer Building B356 Polymer Building of fire performance, whether in terms of specifying commercial products or in presuming the validity of the ever more

ADVANCED FIRE pervasive fire models. This requires that the ADVANCED FIRE SUPPRESSION measurement methods themselves be of reliable accuracy and known precision. SENSING Rapid, effective response to a fire is essential However, nearly all the current fire- to improve life safety and avert major prop- The damage from fires that are detected characterization techniques have been in loss. fire suppressants quickly can be kept small. NIST researchers erty Halon have long use for decades and have not incorporated to protect the important, sen- are studying new "fire signatures" that been used most the great strides made in instrumentation facilities. Produc- would enable the development of a new gen- sitive, and irreplaceable and data acquisition abilities. In addition, these halted eration of detectors. The signals from these tion of chemicals now has been these techniques carry systematic and ran- their deleterious effect strato- detectors would be analyzed electronically to due to on dom errors that have not been adequately spheric ozone. alert occupants or suppression devices, per- characterized, making questionable their haps even before flames exist. The research In performing leading research into replace- reliability in safety assessments. also is intended to provide an understanding ments for the halons, NIST is working of technology for avoiding the high false- closely with the industries and federal agen- alarm rate of current detectors. In addition, cies that need alternative suppression capa- advanced concepts for fire suppression bility, the potential manufacturers of chemicals, reduced explosion potential, and advanced fire suppression technologies, minimizing collateral damage from the application of the suppressant are being explored. BUILDING AND FIRE RESEARCH LABORATORY

NIST research is directed at modernizing Another research area concerns approaches Benefit-cost analysis, life-cycle costing, fire measurements. The focus is on several to environmentally acceptable, charforming multicriteria decision analysis, risk analysis, areas: flame retardant treatments for flaming and and econometrics are techniques the OAE

smoldering combustion. This effort includes uses to evaluate new technologies, processes, • determining the needs of the fire commu- studying the physical and chemical nature governmental programs, legislation, and nity and analyzing the capability of current of char and how its properties can be codes and standards to determine efficient measurement approaches to meeting those enhanced. Theoretical modeling using alternatives. Research areas include energy needs; molecular dynamics and quantum mechan- conservation in buildings, fire safety, auto-

• improving standard procedures for meas- ics complement the experimental work to mation, seismic design, and building eco- uring temperatures in fire environments develop a technical basis for the design of a nomics. Products include reports of research using thermocouples; new generation of fire-resistant materials, findings, standard methods and guidelines

which, while retaining their intended-use for making economic evaluations, audio- • developing a new and universal method properties, will be low in combustion toxic- visuals that teach and illustrate methods in for measuring smoke production in full- ity and safe for the environment. practice, and decision-support software with scale fire tests; and documentation. Contact: • assessing the potential for new laser Takashi Kashiwagi Currently researchers are developing and optical techniques for temperature and (301) 975-6699 automating a decision-support system, concentration measurements in harsh fire email: [email protected] BEES, for evaluating the environmental and environments. B258 Polymer Building economic performance of buildings; develop-

The results will enable the development of ing models and software for evaluating the more accurate fire models and will enhance life-cycle cost effectiveness of composites confidence in the ability of fire-model- other new technology materials in con- APPLIED ECONOMICS and dependent, performance-based fire codes to struction; constructing an optimization Office Contact: provide an ensured level of safety. model for determining the appropriate Harold Marshall prices and levels of production for NIST's Contact: (301) 975-6131 Standard Reference Materials; and providing William Pitts email: [email protected] economic software tools for evaluating the (301) 975-6486 fax: (301) 208-6936 long-term cost effectiveness of capital invest- email: [email protected] B226 Building Research Building ments in buildings and building B258 Polymer Building components.

MICROECONOMIC Contact: POLYMER COMBUSTION Harold Marshall ANALYSIS RESEARCH (301) 975-6131 (OAE) The Office of Applied Economics email: [email protected] The materials industry is seeking products conducts research and provides technical fax: (301) 208-6936 with low flammability that will not pose assistance in the field of microeconomic B226 Building Research Building environmental hazards over their life cycles. analysis. It provides information to decision

NIST is working on several key research ar- makers in the public and private sectors who eas needed to produce natural and synthetic are faced with choices among new technolo- polymer and composite materials that can gies and policies relating to manufacturing, meet these goals. One area is the measure- industrial processes, the environment, ment of flammability properties by bench- energy conservation, construction, law scale methods directly relevant to real fires. enforcement, and safety. The OAE also devel-

Also important is the development of mathe- ops and conducts prototype training pro- matical models that use the measured flam- grams in applied economics for scientists mability properties as inputs to predict fire and engineers. performance of materials in the conditions of actual use. 48 BUILDING AND FIRE RESEARCH LABORATORY

Low-cycle fatigue tests, destructive or ulti- APPLICATIONS RESEARCH mate loads, earthquake simulation in two The test facility is limited only by the size of dimensions, and complex loading of the test specimen. Loads may be cyclic or FACILITIES com- ponents may all be accomplished in this monotonic depending on the type of loading

facility. Servo operation of this machine condition being simulated. The facility is

creates a unique potential for applying used to study masonry shear walls subjected

LARGE-SCALE precisely controlled very large forces to test to reverse cyclic lateral loading and precast STRUCTURES TESTING components. concrete beam-column and wall connec- tions, also subjected to reversed cyclic lateral FACILITY AVAILABILITY loading. This facility supports NIST's role in This facility, which NIST staff must operate, The NIST large-scale structures testing facil- conducting research for the development of is available for cooperative or independent ity consists of a universal testing machine seismic design and construction standards research. Tests should be arranged as far in that be used with a 13.7-meter- (UTM) may in the National Earthquake Hazards Reduc- advance as possible as special hardware may high reaction buttress equipped with a hori- tion Program. be needed for attaching specimens. zontal hydraulic ram of 4.5 MN capacity. AVAILABILITY A combination of horizontal and vertical Contact: The tri-directional test facility is used by forces may be applied to large-scale Shyam Sunder NIST staff in a variety of NIST research proj- specimens. (301) 975-6713 ects and in collaborative projects with other email: [email protected] CAPABILITIES agencies. It also is available for independent B166 Building Research Building The UTM portion of the facility is a servo- research but must be operated by NIST staff. controlled, hydraulically operated machine Contact: of 53-4 MN capacity and is one of the largest TRI-DIRECTIONAL Shyam Sunder in the world. It can be programmed by func- (301) 975-6713 tion generator or computer to create any TEST FACILITY email: [email protected] desired loading function using force, strain, The tri-directional test facility at NIST is a B166 Building Research Building or displacement as the variable. It tests large computer-controlled apparatus capable of structural components and subassemblies applying cyclic loads simultaneously in and applies the forces needed to calibrate three directions. It is used to examine the LARGE ENVIRONMENTAL very large capacity force-measuring devices. strength and deformation characteristics of It can apply compression forces to test sec- structural components or assemblages CHAMBER tions up to 18 m in height. The reaction but- under the application of a variety of load- The large environmental chamber is tress will resist horizontal forces to 4.5 MN ings, such as earthquake or wind. This is 14.9 m x 12.8 m x 9.5 m high. It has an from floor level to 12.2 m high. Flexure and one of the largest facilities in the United earth floor and may be excavated as needed tension specimens may be subjected to States, in terms of both its high load capac- for building construction. The chamber is forces up to 18 MN and 26 MN, respectively. ity and its capability to handle large, full- one of the largest of its kind, capable of Two-meter-thick test floors may be used to scale specimens. accommodating two-story houses under tie specimens in place. simulated environmental conditions. This CAPABILITIES chamber has been used for thermal perform- APPLICATIONS The facility can apply forces or displace- A testing program was conducted to evaluate ance, heating and cooling load measure- ments or both in six directions. Specimens ments, energy consumption studies of the performance of concrete columns 1.5 m and up to 3-3 m high x 3 m in length or width buildings of different kinds. in diameter and up to 9-1 m high. Another may be tested. The six degrees of freedom test series evaluated fracture propagation in are translations and rotations in and about steel plates 1 m wide and 0.1 m and 0.15 m three orthogonal axes. Six closed-loop, thick. A third experiment used the servo- servo-controlled hydraulic actuators apply control system, programming repeated loads forces or displacements. Loads may be applied to composite specimens. applied up to 2,000 kN in the vertical and

about 890 kN in each of the two horizontal


CAPABILITIES AVAILABILITY The chamber is capable of automatically CALIBRATED HOT BOX The facility provides a unique opportunity to maintaining steady and/or dynamic tem- measure simultaneous transfer of air, mois- The NIST calibrated hot box measures the perature profiles from -45 °C to 65 °C and ture, and heat through wall and roof speci- heat transfer coefficient of full-scale build- humidity from 50 percent relative humidity mens with openings for windows and doors. ing wall sections. Designed according to (rh) at 1.7 °C up to 35 °C dewpoint at While available for use by those outside ASTM Standard C976, it consists of two 49 °C. A wider range of rh (15 percent to NIST, this apparatus must be operated by large, heavily insulated chambers— an envi- 80 percent) may be obtained manually. Air NIST staff. ronmental chamber and a climatic cham- circulation maintains the temperature vari- ber—each with one open side. Indoor and Contact: ation within the chamber to within ±1 °C. outdoor conditions are simulated in the A. Hunter Fanney Damper-control return ducts in all four cor- chambers. The open test section measures (301) 975-5864 ners of the chamber permit good air distribu- 3 m x 4.6 m. A well-insulated frame sup- email: [email protected] tion. Supply air is furnished by ceiling ports the wall specimen clamped between B320 Building Research Building diffuse rs. the open sides of the two chambers.

APPLICATIONS CAPABILITIES The chamber is used to measure indoor tem- LINE HEAT-SOURCE This facility is the only one of its kind perature fluctuation, heat loss and heat gain designed to perform simultaneous dynamic GUARDED HOT PLATE through building envelopes, energy conser- transfer measurements of air, moisture, and The 1 m guarded hot-plate apparatus meas- vation and moisture condensation studies, heat during simulated winter and summer ures thermal conductivity of building insula- and air infiltration under simulated and conditions under steady-state and dynamic tion materials. The thermal resistance of all dynamically fluctuating outdoor tempera- climatic conditions. While the environ- insulation products sold in the United States ture cycles. The chamber has been used to mental chamber temperature and humidity is traceable to this apparatus. This facility is test a variety of conventional and special are maintained to simulate a relatively the only one of its kind in the world that will structures and equipment, including mili- steady and narrow range of indoor condi- permit low-density thick insulation to be tary hardware (such as inflatable life rafts, tions, the climatic chamber can attain tem- measured with an uncertainty of less than relocatable air-inflatable hospital units, and peratures ranging from -40 °C to 65 °C. 0.5 percent. portable walk-in coolers) under extreme cli- The apparatus measures the performance of matic conditions. homogeneous or composite walls having a CAPABILITIES This apparatus has a test temperature range AVAILABILITY range of thermal resistance from 0.35 m to of 80 °C for the hot plate and -20 °C for the This facility, along with several smaller 8.8 m • C/W. It accommodates wall speci- 2 cold plates. The apparatus permits measure- chambers (including one designed for vehi- mens up to 0.6 m thick and up to 700 kg/m ment of vertical and horizontal heat flow to cles), has substantial potential for use by in weight per unit area. simulate heat transfer through ceilings and researchers in industry and universities. APPLICATIONS walls, respectively. This apparatus operates Collaborative programs and proprietary NIST researchers use the facility to develop within its own carefully controlled tempera- research can be arranged. standard test methods to evaluate dynamic ture and humidity environment shielded by Contact: thermal performance of full-scale walls an insulated enclosure. This facility provides Piotr under cyclic temperature conditions. The A. Domanski for absolute measurement of thermal resis- building industry and government agencies (301) 975-5877 tance of thick and low-density test speci- are seeking reliable evaluation techniques email: [email protected] mens used as transfer standards. These 14 for wall thermal mass, especially to predict Bl Building Research Building standards are used to calibrate or verify heat energy consumption of buildings with heavy flowmeter (ASTM C518) or guarded hot- mass effects in comparison to standard plate (ASTM CI 77) equipment. wood-frame buildings.

NIST has participated in round-robin test

activities with domestic and overseas ther-

mal insulation laboratories. BUILDING AND FIRE RESEARCH LABORATORY


NIST researchers use the hot plate to provide ADVANCED INSULATION The facility is used to measure the thermal calibration specimens for guarded hot plates FACILITY resistance of advanced insulation systems in other laboratories. The hot plate also is including, but not limited to, gas-filled, The advanced insulation facility consists of used to investigate edge heat loss from thick metal-clad vacuum, and powder-filled experimental apparatus and analytical tools thermal insulation materials. panels. The facility is well suited to measure to assess the thermal performance of non-homogeneous insulation systems but AVAILABILITY advanced insulation systems. These systems could be utilized to measure the thermal This apparatus is available for use by those include gas-filled, powder-filled, and metal- performance of conventional insulation outside NIST, but it must be operated by clad vacuum panels. The facility consists of materials. NIST staff. Collaborative programs may be a calorimeter facility to measure the ther- arranged. mal resistance of advanced insulation pan- AVAILABILITY This facility has substantial potential for els, state-of-the-art infrared thermography Contact: a developers of advanced insulation systems in system to characterize thermal anomalies, A. Hunter Fanney industry and academia. Cooperative and finite element software. (301) 975-5864 research and development agreements are email: [email protected] CAPABILITIES used to establish research projects within B320 Building Research Building The maximum panel size that can be this facility.

accommodated by the calorimeter facility is Contact: 0.9 m x 0.9 m. The maximum thickness A. Hunter Fanney that can be accommodated is 0.1 m. The

temperature of one side of the panel may be (301) 975-5864

varied from -15 °C to 10 °C. The other side email: [email protected] B320 Building Research Building of the panel, encased by a calorimeter, is

maintained at laboratory ambient tempera-

ture. The infrared thermography system

consists of both short-wave and long-wave

scanners and advanced software that per-

mits analysis of both real-time and stored

images. The finite element software is appli-

cable to all classes of advanced insulation


The Chemical Science and Technology COOPERATIVE RESEARCH 64 Chemical Kinetics Laboratory (CSTL) performs cutting-edge OPPORTUNITIES 64 Computational Chemistry

research in measurement science; devel- Pressure-Dependent Chemical Reactions Biotechnology 65 ops and maintains measurement meth- 65 Information for Modern Chemists 52 DNA Chemistry ods, standards, and reference data; and 66 NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Database 52 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance develops models for chemical, biochemi- 66 Properties of Alternative Refrigerants cal, and physical properties and processes. 52 Bioprocess Engineering Measurements 66 Thermophysical Properties of Natural CSTL provides these capabilities to en- 53 Biomolecular Materials Gas Systems hance U.S. industry's productivity and 53 Center for Advanced Research in 67 Properties of Fluids and Fluid Mixtures competitiveness; ensure equity in trade; Biotechnology 67 Properties of Gels, Micelles, and Clays and improve public health, safety, and Process Measurements environmental quality. 68 Dilute-Solution Thermodynamics 54 Flow Measurement Research and 68 Finite-Element Modeling of Complex The technologies and services provided by Standards Physical and Chemical Processes CSTL help the U.S. chemical manufactur- 54 Measurement Technology for Benchmark 68 Advanced Low-Temperature Refrigeration ing, energy, healthcare, biotechnology, Spray Combustion Data

food-processing, and materials-processing 55 Engineering Measurements for Near- and Analytical Chemistry Super-Critical Processes industries to meet the broad range of in- 69 Inorganic and Elemental Isotopic

ternational measurement requirements 55 Vapor-Phase Synthesis of Nanostructures Metrology

and compete in global markets. 55 Chemistry of Materials Processing 69 Fundamental Studies of Atomic Spectroscopy 56 Flow and Chemistry in Thermal Reactors One of CSTL's goals is to anticipate the 70 Accuracy of Spectrochemical Analysis Plasma Processing of Semiconductors measurement needs of new technologies 56 70 Analytical Mass Spectrometry for so that a measurement infrastructure is 56 Applied Computational Chemistry Organics and Biomolecules available by the time a new technology is 57 Reacting Flow Simulation 70 Chromatography and Electromigration implemented. Needs are expanding for ac- 57 Solid-State Chemical Microsensors Techniques curate, quantitative measurements at ever- 58 Self-Assembled Monolayers 71 Novel Analytical Separation Science decreasing detection limits, in harsher 58 High-Temperature Thermocouples Methodology environments, and for a wider range of 59 Pressure, Vacuum, and Low-Flow 71 Separation Science Techniques for Trace chemical species. Standards Organic Analysis

In addition, the development of novel and 59 Quantitative Optical Measurements of 72 High-Accuracy Coulometry Partial Pressures and Moisture improved processing techniques and new 72 Inorganic Electroanalytical Chemistry

approaches to pollution prevention and 60 Standards for Raman Spectroscopy 72 Trace-Gas Analysis

control are critical to the economic suc- Surface and Microanalysis Science 72 Optical Techniques for Trace-Gas cess of U.S. industry. Through a strong Analysis 60 Microbeam Analysis commitment to basic research, and by 72 Spectroscopy Standards and Process 61 Atmospheric and Chemometric Research leading the advancement of measurement Analysis 61 Surface Dynamical Processes science in critical areas, CSTL is poised to 73 Laboratory Automation Technology and Standards meet emerging national needs. Physical and Chemical Properties 73 Automated Sample Preparation and Contact: 62 Fundamental Properties of Trace j Sensing Components of Natural Gas Hratch 6. Semerjian, Director 73 Analytical Infometrics (301) 975-3145 62 Fundamental and Applied Properties of Adsorbents 74 Chemical Analysis with Neutron Beams email: [email protected] Thermophysical Properties of 74 Neutron Activation Analysis fax: (301) 975-3845 62 Supercritical Fluid Mixtures A317 Chemistry Building 74 Focusing of Cold Neutrons for Analytical Fundamental Properties for Membrane Measurements 63 Separations RESEARCH FACILITIES 63 Thermophysical Properties of Gases 75 Fluid Flow Measurement and Research 63 Thermophysical Properties of Facilities Semiconductor Processing Gases 75 Liquid-Nitrogen Flow Measurements 64 Chemical Thermodynamics CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

fragments. In addition, NIST researchers are Research projects include investigations into COOPERATIVE RESEARCH interested in cooperative development of the structure and dynamics of carbohy- OPPORTUNITIES short-tandem repeat technology, mitochon- drates, glycoproteins, redox proteins, DNA drial DNA sequencing, and attendant stand- enzyme-ligand complexes, RNA and DNA

ards. Techniques for DNA detection include oligonucleotides, nucleic acid binding pro-

sensitive staining of electrophoretic gels, use teins, nucleic acid-protein complexes, and BIOTECHNOLOGY of chemiluminescence, and enhanced appli- signal transduction proteins. Studies that cations of capillary electrophoresis. utilize NMR measurements to study protein Division Contact: folding are also under way. Gary L. Gilliland NIST is investigating methods and standards

(301) 975-2629 for mutation detection, a burgeoning area of Contacts: email: [email protected] testing in genetic and clinical laboratories. John P. Marino fax: (301) 330-3447 At this time, no national standards are avail- (301) 738-6160

A345 Chemistry Building able for genetic testing protocols. Work is email: [email protected] delineating the characteristics of a set of 9600 Gudelsky Drive biotech.html materials intended for use in the stand- Rockville, Md. 20850

ardization of DNA-based mutation detection Bruce Coxon systems for diagnostic testing and as (301) 975-3135 DNA CHEMISTRY research tools for determining parameters email: [email protected] that affect the quality of that Working in several areas of DNA chemistry, measurements A353 Chemistry Building various systems. NIST scientists are actively manipulating are produced by assay

DNA to produce proteins, developing meth- Contact: ods for measuring DNA damage at the mo- BI0PR0CESS Dennis J. Reeder lecular level, and developing methods for (301) 975-3128 ENGINEERING characterizing DNA, including mutation email: [email protected] detection and human identity profiling. MEASUREMENTS A353 Chemistry Building

NIST scientists are focused on the develop- NIST scientists are developing experimental ment of measurement methods, databases, methods to measure DNA damage in mam- and generic technologies related to the use malian cells exposed to free radicals, gener- NUCLEAR MAGNETIC of biomolecules and biomaterials in manu- ated by ionizing radiation, elevated oxygen RESONANCE facturing. Measurement methods and data pressure, redox-cycling drugs, or carcino- Detailed knowledge of the structures and have been developed in the protein spectro- genic compounds. Free radicals produced dynamics of macromolecules is critical for a electrochemistry area that will lead to in vivo are thought to be mutagenic and car- complete understanding of biochemical improved understanding of intra- and inter- cinogenic. Measurement of DNA damage at reaction mechanisms and molecular recog- protein electron transfer processes. This the molecular level in mammalian cells is a nition processes. Such an understanding understanding helps industrial biocatalyst prerequisite to understanding the chemical can impact bioengineering efforts in the development by allowing for more efficient mechanisms of damage by free radicals. areas of biomaterials, "designer" enzymes, utilization of carbon sources (e.g., renew- Techniques used for measuring DNA dam- and pharmaceuticals. Programs are under able resources) and nutrients, and in devel- age include gas chromatography, mass way in which NIST scientists are developing oping new ways to drive organic syntheses spectrometry, high-performance liquid chro- measurement methods, models, and data- such as the stereospecific hydroxylation of matography, and nuclear magnetic reso- bases needed to study macromolecular struc- pharmaceutical precursors. In the biother- nance spectroscopy. ture and dynamics using nuclear magnetic modynamics of enzyme-catalyzed reaction resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. NIST and NIST scientists are working on new methods project, chromatography and microcal- the Center for Advanced Research in Biotech- for DNA profiling, ranging from developing orimetry measurements have been com- nology maintain a state-of-the-art NMR well-characterized DNA standards for restric- bined with chemical equilibrium analysis to facility, which includes superconducting tion fragment length polymorphisms to per- develop thermodynamic data for several magnets operating at 400, 500, and 600 forming research for rapid determination of industrially important biotransformations. DNA profiles by polymerase chain reaction megahertz proton resonance frequency. amplification and automated detection of CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

The metabolic pathway by which micro- diverse applications such as healthcare, Macromolecules including bacteriorhodop- organisms and plants convert glucose to environmental pollution monitoring, agri- sin, DNA, and enzymes are examined in vari- aromatic amino acids is a current focus of culture, and chemical manufacturing. An ous configurations as potential components the biothermodynamic measurements. This underlying need for these applications of of electrochemical, electronic, and optical chorismate metabolic pathway is under cur- biotechnology is the characterization and devices. This effort is closely coupled with rent investigation by several large chemical control of biomolecules at interfaces. the more fundamental studies within the companies as an environmentally friendly group, with the intention of bringing the Fundamental studies are being conducted to source of aromatic hydrocarbons. knowledge gained from basic science studies better understand the structure and function closer to potential applications such as In the preparative bioseparations project, of natural and biomimetic materials that environmental sensing or optical storage. electrochromatographic/electrophoretic self assemble. Lipid membranes are one Engineering prototype devices allows consid- separation equipment and methodology are such class of self-assembling materials. eration of real world issues such as fabrica- being applied to the separation of different They organize and control the structure of tion and adaptation of instrumentation and physical forms of DNA (supercoiled plasmid. proteins that naturally reside within them, methodology to field conditions. relaxed circular plasmid, and linear many of which have commercially impor- genomic). Large-scale purification of these tant functions. Project staff members also Contact: materials is an emerging need in industries study models of cell membranes as tools for Anne Plant developing gene therapies and diagnostic achieving better quantification of therapeu- (301) 975-3124 materials. New biocatalytic systems projects tic agents, which are likely to act at the level email: [email protected] in enzyme characterization by nitrogen- 15 of the cell membrane via cell surface recep- A353 Chemistry Building

NMR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction of pro- tors or which have to pass through the cell tein crystals, and computational chemistry membrane to be effective. have been initiated. These techniques will CENTER FOR ADVANCED Interactions among biological molecules be used to address focused, industrially and between biological molecules and sur- RESEARCH IN important biotransformation problems such faces occur during sensor operation, diag- BIOTECHNOLOGY as those found in hydroxylation and nostic tests, cellular recognition events and aromatic amino acid metabolic pathways. At the Center for Advanced Research in mobility, and in the formation of modified Biotechnology (CARB) in Rockville, Md., Contact: surfaces as organized biomolecular mate- jointly established by NIST, the University of Vincent L. Vilker rials. In some of these applications, it is Maryland, and Montgomery County, Md., (301) 975-5066 desirable to enhance strong molecular spe- researchers study structure and function email: [email protected] cific interactions while minimizing weaker relationships of biological macromolecules. A353 Chemistry Building non-specific interactions. In other cases, They are focusing on the measurement of many simultaneous weak interactions are structure by X-ray crystallography and needed to effect the appropriate dynamic nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy BIOMOLECULAR response. NIST develops both the experimen- (NMR) as well as the manipulation of struc- tal tools, such as chemically controlled MATERIALS ture by molecular biological techniques, surfaces and techniques for monitoring including site-directed mutagenesis. Scien- A current trend in materials development is reactions at surfaces, and the theoretical tists use modeling, molecular dynamics, to employ biological molecules, principles tools to improve understanding of dynamic chemistry to understand that are inspired by biology, or both. Such and computational biomolecular processes and permit predic- protein structure and to predict the effects of materials are sometimes referred to as tions and optimization of reactions of bio- specific structural modifications on the prop- "biomimetic," indicating they have charac- molecules. Methods for kinetic analysis, erties of proteins and enzymes. A variety of teristics such as self assembly, molecular rec- current noise analysis, and stochastic mod- physical chemistry methods are used to ognition, specific chemical responses, and els of processes at surfaces are under devel- analyze structural changes, complex molecular architecture, which lead measure and opment in the biomolecular materials group activities, and thermodynamic behavior of to unique structural or functional charac- biological macromolecules. CARB main- teristics or both. Chemically controlled tains state-of-the-art facilities for X-ray biomimetic surfaces are essential compo- crystallography, spectroscopy, molecu- nents of biosensors, bioelectronics, biocata- NMR lar biology, and physical biochemistry. Its lytic systems, and many diagnostic devices. include a variety of Biomolecular materials thus influence computer facilities CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

computational and high-resolution graphics several flow measurement proficiency test- exhaust. Optimization of the performance of workstations as well as access to the NIST ing programs for a range of fluid and flow these systems is relying increasingly on supercomputer resources. conditions. NIST also is designing new trans- computational models and simulations that

fer standards to link the performance of cali- help provide relevant process information in Contacts: bration facilities having special conditions a cost-effective manner. In general, there is Roberto J. Poljak and capabilities to appropriate national ref- a dearth of reliable data for specifying (301) 738-6232 erence standards. model initial/boundary conditions and a email: [email protected] need for experimental/numerical compara- Edward Eisenstein Because of the importance of critical flow tive analysis of conditions within the reac- (301) 738-6272 measurements, transfer standards need to be tor. The reactor volume is precisely the email: [email protected] designed and used so that high levels of con- region that requires a better knowledge base fidence can be placed in the measurements 9600 Gudelsky Drive to enable optimization of the chemical and from critical flow meters. New transfer stand- Rockville, Md. 20850 thermal processes and control of particulate ards are evaluated rigorously against NIST and gaseous emissions. There is a need to fluid flow calibration standards. As part of provide in-situ, real-time data on the charac- these evaluations, the appropriate range of teristics of the droplet field and flame struc- PROCESS calibrations will be done on the developed ture and its interrelationship with the MEASUREMENTS standards so performance can be ensured at system operating conditions (e.g., desired specified levels. Current fluid metering Division Contact: stoichiometry), heat transfer, and particu- research programs use computational fluid Gregory J. Rosasco late/gaseous byproducts. These data are cru- dynamics (CFD) with validation using laser (301) 975-2609 cial for the development and calibration of Doppler velocimetry (LDV) techniques to email: [email protected] advanced computational models, diagnos- focus on flows that are critical to U.S. indus- fax: (301) 869-5924 tics, and instrumentation and the efficient try. Currently, the two areas of metering B3 12 Physics Building operation of high-temperature process research are the assessment of acoustic tech- systems. nology for making improved flow measure-

ments and the description of flow meter Experiments are being carried out in a spray FLOW MEASUREMENT installation effects. CFD and LDV are applied combustion test bed, with a movable-vane in both of these areas. swirl burner enclosed in a refractory cham-

RESEARCH AND ber. The well-characterized and controlled Contact: STANDARDS facility has evolved to handle different proc- George E. Mattingly ess liquid fuels and wastes, atomizer The accelerating costs of scarce fluid (301) 975-5939 designs, and combustor configurations. A resources and valuable fluid products—par- email: [email protected] unique array of intrusive probes, non- ticularly petrochemical fluids— are causing 105 Fluid Mechanics Building intrusive diagnostics, and flow visualization increased concerns about the performance techniques are being employed to obtain of flow meters. Additionally, the role of flow comprehensive data on spray combustion meters in controlling and optimizing criti- MEASUREMENT characteristics. Current research involves cal industrial processes is pushing perform- TECHNOLOGY FOR measurement of the input fuel stream (fuel ance limits and extending the required fluid composition), spray flame (droplet size, and flow conditions. To attain these goals, BENCHMARK SPRAY velocity, number density, and temperature), improved flow traceability to NIST standards COMBUSTION DATA and combustor exhaust (particulate size is essential. Control of process efficiency the and forma- and volume fraction and toxic gas concen- tion of species byproducts from industrial Improved flow measurement traceability trations). NIST researchers are developing thermal oxidation systems (e.g., power gen- needs to be established and maintained so the measurement technology to provide eration treatment of process liquid that realistic, quantified data are generated and benchmark experimental data that chemical wastes) generally are based on a on a continuing basis to ensure practical completely characterize the facility for

fluid measurements at satisfactory perform- priori knowledge of the input stream global input/validation/calibration of multiphase physical desired ance. To achieve the desired flow measure- and chemical properties, combustion models, calibration of instru-

ment traceability, NIST is conducting stoichiometric conditions, and monitoring ment/sensors, and development of advanced of a few major chemical species in the CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY 55

diagnostics. These databases will be used to Corrosion detection and characterization is and thermal flow reactors with emphasis on

establish correlations between operating con- performed with in-situ Raman spectroscopy the use of in-situ optical diagnostics, such

ditions and the resultant spray flame charac- for flowing solutions with temperatures up as planar laser-induced fluorescence and

teristics, thermal gradients, and level of to 900 kelvin and pressures to 35 megapas- light scattering, for characterization. Cur-

chemical byproducts in combustion systems. cals. Precipitation and deposition of "salts" rent activities are focusing on the growth of

in sodium sulphate and potassium sulphate composite particles with enhanced magnetic Contact: solutions are studied in an optical cell, and structural properties and the production Car)' Presser which can operate at 900 kelvin and 35 of nanostructured titanium thin films. Sec- (301) 975-2612 megapascals. A bench-scale chemical reac- ondly, researchers are studying the applica- email: [email protected] tor is used to study ammonia and acetic tion of molecular dynamics and quantum B312 Physics Building acid destruction as functions of reactor chemistry methods to describe particle

geometry, temperature, residence time, and nucleation and growth. Available facilities ENGINEERING oxidant. Heat transfer experiments are con- include excimer, neodymium-yttrium ducted in a supercritical carbon dioxide flow aluminum garnet, and tunable dye laser

MEASUREMENTS FOR loop, which matches conditions of pilot- systems; continuous-wave-ion lasers; and NEAR- AND SUPER- scale process heat exchangers. Modeling graphics workstations. Expected results from CRITICAL PROCESSES work is integrated with the experiments; pre- this work are a better understanding of the dictions are made of thermodynamic phase mechanisms of particle nucleation and variety of promising new chemical tech- A boundaries and other properties of super- growth and strategies necessary to obtain nologies takes advantage of the unique prop- critical systems, as well as computations of desirable end-products such as commer- erties of near- and super-critical fluids. For flow fields, temperatures, and mass transfer. cially important thin films. example, supercritical water oxidation can The experimental measurements and mod- Contacts: destroy hazardous materials mixed in a els will support process simulation and Michael R. Zachariah water stream, producing benign end- design efforts that are currently under way. (301) 975-2063 products in a self-contained process. Devel- Contact: email: [email protected] opment of robust designs is hampered by an Douglas Olson Donald R. Burgess, inadequate understanding of crucial proc- Jr. (301) 975-2956 (301) 975-2614 esses in the near- and super-critical fluids, email: [email protected] email: [email protected] such as reaction chemistry, heat transfer, B3 12 Physics Building fluid mechanics, and phase separation, as B312 Physics Building well as lack of thermodynamic and trans- port data. Investigations have been limited VAPOR-PHASE SYNTHESIS by a lack of in-situ measurements due to the CHEMISTRY OF high-pressure, high-temperature, and often OF NANOSTRUCTURES j MATERIALS PROCESSING chemically harsh environment. This work I Nanostructured materials have demon- This work focuses on both quantitative and focuses on application of in-situ measure- strated novel magnetic, optical, and qualitative measurements of the principal ment techniques and acquisition of vital mechanical properties. However, practical reacting species and the kinetics of the process data to model and understand these application of these materials requires the chemistry relevant to thermal chemical processes. development of economical synthesis and vapor deposition and plasma processing. processing methods. NIST researchers have Several of these important issues are being NIST researchers conduct experiments using focused their efforts in two important areas. addressed by NIST researchers with a com- either a high-temperature flow reactor or a The first is the development of gas-phase plete range of unique experimental facilities low-pressure plasma coupled to a modulated synthesis techniques for bulk production of and diagnostic capabilities. Experiments molecular-beam mass-spectrometer sam- nanoparticles and nanostructured thin films utilize unique optical cells that provide pling system. The current focus has been on (e.g., superconductors, magnetic nanocom- access for in-situ measurements of tempera- the thermal and oxidation chemistry of pre- posites, metals, and ceramics). This work ture, pressure, density, chemical species and cursors used in the deposition of SiO'2 films use of gas-phase combustion concentrations, and phase discrimination. includes the CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

and the chemistry of fluorocarbons relevant control, as well as to increase fundamental two-dimensional maps of gas phase species

to low-pressure plasma etching processes. understanding of these important processes. concentrations, enabling investigation of

Experiments are supported with a strong plasma spatial uniformity and rigorous test- Contacts: modeling effort involving extensive use of ing of plasma simulations. Present PLIF James E. Maslar modern computational chemistry methods studies focus on the fluorocarbon plasmas (301) 975-4182 as well as detailed reactor models. used for etching and chamber-cleaning. email: [email protected]

Contacts: Ronald W. Davis Electric probe and radio-frequency voltage

Michael R. Zachariah (301) 975-2739 and current waveform measurements pro-

(301) 975-2063 email: [email protected] vide electrical characterization of plasma email: [email protected] parameters and reactor conditions. These B312 Physics Building Donald R. Burgess Jr. electrical measurements, as well as ion

(301) 975-2614 energy measurements, are used to charac- email: [email protected] PLASMA PROCESSING OF terize and model plasma sheath dynamics. Sheath models developed and verified by B312 Physics Building SEMICONDUCTORS this work have been used to optimize the

Plasmas are widely used by the semiconduc- efficiency of power utilization in chamber-

cleaning plasmas to develop a new FLOW AND CHEMISTRY IN tor industry to etch and deposit films. and Plasma processing reactors have historically technique for measuring the ion current at

THERMAL REACTORS been designed and operated using empirical wafers during high-density plasma

This project is aimed at providing measure- methods alone, but continued evolution of processing. ments suitable for development and testing these tools requires a much greater reliance Contacts: of models that may be used as design tools on process and reactor modeling. Such mod- Mark A. Sobolewski for development of next-generation process els would be used as design tools for next- (301) 975-2980 equipment used in the manufacture of generation processes and equipment. Also, email: [email protected] microelectronic components. Research because most existing plasma diagnostic A303 Physics Building focuses on the characterization of both flow techniques are incompatible with the manu-

and chemistry in thermal reactors. These facturing environment, a need exists to Kristen L. Steffens

are under investigation using a new opti- develop sensors for that environment, mod- (301) 975-2656 cally accessible rotating disk reactor. A els to interpret the sensor readings, and new email: [email protected] major focus of this work is on the detection schemes of closed-loop control based on B312 Physics Building of the early stages of contaminant particle these sensors and models. formation. Additionally, both chemical The goal of this project is to develop species and thermal fields will be measured APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL advanced chemical and electrical measure- under various operating conditions. This ment methods for characterizing plasmas, CHEMISTRY work is in conjunction with a substantial use these measurements to test and develop Improvements in process design and con- modeling effort in this type of reactor. Avail- models, and apply the models to the develop- trol, which can be realized from increas- able facilities include excimer, neodymium- ment of new types of sensors and new design ingly sophisticated process models, are not yttrium aluminum garnet, and tunable dye strategies. Measurements of high-density occurring because of the lack of high- laser systems; continuous-wave-ion lasers; and low-density plasmas are made in a quality data. New computational chemistry mass spectrometers; and high-performance standard plasma reactor known as the Gase- methods offer the potential to revolutionize graphics workstations. The results of this ous Electronics Conference reference cell. the manner in which fundamental thermo- research are expected to aid in the develop- Also under construction is a new platform, chemical, physical, and kinetic data are ment of industrial process reactor simula- similar to state-of-the-art industrial reactors obtained. Research focuses on the develop- tions and on-line diagnostics for process designed for 300-millimeter wafers. Measure- ment and application of robust methods for

ment techniques to probe gas and surface data estimation. NIST scientists are investi-

chemistry include optical emission, mass gating the application of empirical correc-

spectrometry, spectroscopic ellipsometry, tion schemes to ab-initio molecular orbital

absorption spectroscopy, and planar laser- calculations as a means to obtain high-

induced fluorescence (PLIF). PLIF provides accuracy data at low computational cost. CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

Such methods have been used to predict the thermochemistry of more than 110 REACTING FLOW SOLID-STATE CHEMICAL hydrofluorocarbons and oxidized hydro- SIMULATION MICROSENSORS fluorocarbons. These results when compared This research focuses on the chemical proc- The increasing demand for reliable chemi- to available literature data showed excellent ess industry's need to understand reacting cal sensors is being driven by wide-ranging agreement. systems. The primary emphasis is on sys- measurement needs. The chemical process

Thermochemistry data on the Si-O-H and tems that involve complex chemistry in industry, for example, now faces new

Si-P-H system also have been generated for such environments as plasma and thermal demands for more efficient use of materials, application to the chemistry of microelec- processing of microelectronics, combustion, better process reproducibility, and environ- tronics processing. A user-friendly reaction and two-phase flows. Researchers are simu- mental safety. Similar concerns are encoun- rate theory program has been developed that lating high-temperature reacting flows to tered in the automotive field, where will enable the estimation of rate constants. understand the complex coupling between researchers are challenged to optimize

This program, which currently is being the fluid flow, heat release, multiple phases, engine performance while reducing emis- tested, is applicable to any arbitrary reaction and chemical reactions. Most recently, simu- sions. To address such measurement needs, manifold and should find wide application lation of contaminant particle nucleation this program concentrates on developing by those interested in large-scale chemistry and growth in materials processing reactors generic sensor platforms, as well as fabrica- simulations. Molecular dynamic simula- in support of ongoing experimental efforts tion and operational techniques, that allow tions are being used to simulate the have been stressed. sensors to be tuned (with active materials structure, properties, and kinetics of cluster- and temperature control) for detecting dif- Scientists are developing large, detailed to-cluster growth kinetics relevant to fering target gases and vapors within varied chemical kinetic mechanisms relevant to nanoparticle formation. These results are environments. combustion and plasma etching as well as finding application in the development materials processing chemistries. In addi- Fundamental work on sensing materials is of aerosol models and in improving under- tion, researchers are pursuing automated done to create the understanding necessary standing of nanoparticle growth. Calcula- methods for mechanism generation, analy- to optimize performance characteristics tions are conducted using the NIST sis, and reduction, which rely heavily on such as sensitivity, selectivity, speed, and supercomputer facility and are processed interactive graphics. These approaches stability. Microsensors are based on a using high-performance graphic increasingly rely on the use of advanced "microhotplate" design developed and workstations. methods for thermochemical and kinetic patented at NIST. These Si-based, surface-

Contacts: data estimation. Calculations are conducted micromachined devices, which have nomi-

Michael R. Zachariah using the NIST supercomputer facility and nal lateral dimensions of between 30

(301) 975-2063 are processed using high-performance micrometers and 200 micrometers and email: [email protected] graphic workstations. masses of approximately 0.25 microgram,

Donald R. Burgess, Jr. provide microplatforms with localized, meas- Contacts: (301) 975-2614 urable, and rapidly variable thermal con- Ronald W. Davis email: [email protected] trol. The microhotplate structure can be (301) 975-2739 repeated easily to form integrated arrays of B312 Physics Building email: [email protected] multiple, individually addressable, and Michael R. Zachariah thermally isolated elements. Rapid heating (301) 975- 2063 (to 500 degrees Celsius and higher) and email: [email protected] cooling characteristics of the devices allow

B3 12 Physics Building dynamic temperature programming to be CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

used in producing response signatures for promoting hybridization of surface-bound identifying detected species. In this work, SELF-ASSEMBLED probes. In addition, scanning tunneling neural network methods are employed with MONOLAYERS microscopy is being used to elucidate the response training sets to develop heating molecular packing of the alkanethiol mono- Future sensors and diagnostics are being schedules for high information content layers. The goal of this work is to correlate developed to perform multianalyte measure- operation and recognition. Localized heat- the nanometer-scale structure of the SAMs ments rapidly, accurately, and at low cost. A ing of the devices has been combined with with the macroscopic chemical and physical promising approach is to use large-scale chemical vapor deposition to directly define properties important in sensing and diagnos- solid-phase arrays of molecular recognition different active films on array elements. To tic applications. elements. One such example is DNA micro- date, most efforts have been connected to chip technology, which has the potential for Contacts: conductometric gas sensing with semicon- revolutionizing genetic diagnostic and Michael J. Tarlov ducting oxide films (Sn02, ZnO, and Ti02) analysis applications including disease (301) 975-2058 that have been modified with catalytic metal detection, toxicology, forensics, industrial email: [email protected] additives (Pt and Pd). However, modified processing, and environmental monitoring. Tonya M. Heme versions of the microhotplate are being Although considerable effort is focused on (301) 975-5153 developed for sensing by calorimetric, applications of DNA and peptide arrays, rela- email: [email protected] capacitance, and other transduction princi- tively little research is directed toward under- ples. NIST researchers now are examining A303 Physics Building standing the molecular-scale structure and the use of organic films, epitaxial films, and mechanisms that govern the surface reac- high-area metal dispersions for incorpora- tions of these monolayer systems. To investi- tion into the microsensor platforms. Ther- HIGH-TEMPERATURE gate many of these issues, NIST researchers mally controlled array structures also are THERMOCOUPLES are studying alkanethiol self-assembled being used in efficient studies on materials monolayers (SAMs) formed on gold sub- Industrial high-temperature processes and suites for new applications. strates as a model system. SAMs are robust, scientific research at high temperatures

There is continuing interest in cooperative reproducibly prepared structures with highly require stable thermometers that cover wider

research that would assist this interdiscipli- tunable surface properties useful in sensing temperature ranges with better accuracy nary program in its efforts to understand applications. Fully functional biomolecular than previously required. Problems with

and advance sensing mechanisms, sensor films are readily prepared by derivatizing a thermocouples at high temperatures result materials, and sensing platforms. Dedicated biological molecule (protein or nucleic primarily from unstable compositions facilities for multitechnique surface analy- acid) of interest with a thiol group and then (impurities, defects, and chemical reac- sis, device design and micromachining, self-assembling the modified biomolecule tions), causing their electromotive force,

and response testing can be utilized for on gold. and thus their temperature indication, to

investigating new concepts and prototype drift with use and rapidly become highly Current studies are focused on determining structures, and for evaluating sensor per- uncertain. A second problem in process the structure/function properties of thiol- formance in specific application sectors. measurements is the unreliable measure- derivatized, single-stranded (ss) DNA mono- NIST researchers also have a growing inter- ment of surface temperatures resulting layers on gold and their associated est in algorithm development for signal from the use of traditional contact and non- hybridization reactions. DNA monolayer processing. contact (radiation) thermometers. Accurate, films are prepared with high hybridization high-speed measurements of temperatures Contacts: activities and precisely controlled probe cov- of surfaces are especially critical in semicon- Stephen Semancik erages using a two-component film of thiol- ductor wafer preparation by rapid thermal (301) 975-2606 derivatized ssDNA and a passivating thiol to processing because accurate control of tem- email: [email protected] limit non-specific adsorption of test DNA. perature during short high-temperature Richard E. Cavicchi Optical, electrochemical, and neutron meas- exposures is critical to product quality and (301) 975-3970 urement methods are being developed and device performance. email: [email protected] applied to these monolayers for in situ deter-

mination of surface DNA density, hybridiza- A303 Physics Building tion activity, and molecular orientation. The

goal of these studies is to ascertain the opti-

mal film structure and composition for CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

NIST is developing new wire and thin-film improve the fundamental understanding of promise the measurement of contaminant thermocouples as reference thermometers physical phenomena. composition. This research seeks to develop for secondary calibration laboratories and quantitative optical measurement tech- These measurement capabilities enable as high-accuracy, high-stability, high- niques that have high species selectivity and researchers to develop improved measure- temperature thermometers for industrial sensitivity. This effort strives to produce a ment techniques and equipment and to use, including use in surface-temperature new generation of species-specific, partial investigate the performance of vacuum and measurements. Scientists are investigating pressure measurement standards with a par- pressure equipment, specifically piston noble metal thermocouples of exceptionally ticular emphasis on low-density measure- gauges, mechanical pressure gauges, high purity and generally resistant to oxida- ment of H2O, CO2, CO, 02, Hz, and CH4. momentum transfer gauges, ionization tion in high-temperature environments. Optical measurement techniques of primary gauges, thermal mass flowmeters, standard They also are investigating thin-film interest include photon-induced ionization leaks, and residual gas analyzers. In addi- thermocouples for accurate surface tempera- spectroscopies for partial pressures less than tion, NIST uses this measurement capability ture measurements. These devices become a 10" pascal and absorption spectroscopy in to investigate properties of materials and part of the surface and thereby obviate the the range of 1 kilopascal to 10" pascal. physical phenomena of fundamental inter- uncertainties associated with conventional Initial efforts are emphasizing the use of est. Among current projects are the develop- contact thermometers (uncertainty of the cavity-ring-down-spectroscopy, an absorp- ment of an optical adsorption-based correlation between measured temperature tion technique for the measurement of H2O, standard for measuring low gas densities, and surface temperature) and with radia- which should enable quantitative determina- development of a high-precision laminar tion thermometers (uncertainty with respect tions in the range from approximately flowmeter, modeling of primary pressure 6 to the time-dependent, effective emissivity of 1 kilopascal to approximately 10 pascals standards to reduce their uncertainties, the surface). and resonant enhanced multiphoton ioniza- development of a low-gas flow acoustic flow- tion techniques with CO in the range of Contact: meter, characterization of thermal mass 10" pascal to 10" pascal. In addition to Billy W. Mangum flowmeters, and characterization and model- providing non-intrusive measurement tech- (301) 975-4808 ing of residual gas analyzers for semicon- niques for measuring partial pressure of con- email: [email protected] ductor process control. NIST researchers taminant gases, this research may lead to a B128 Physics Building also are developing molecular drag gauges new generation of humidity measurement that operate in high-vacuum conditions and techniques and primary standards for con- precise isotopic reference standards for pure 9

centrations as low as 1 in 10 . PRESSURE, VACUUM, gases. Contacts: AND LOW-FLOW Contact: J. Patrick Looney STANDARDS Stuart A. Tison (301) 975-4806 (301) 975-2857 Many industries depend on accurate pres- email: [email protected] email: [email protected] sure, vacuum, and low-flow measurements A55 Metrology Building A55 Metrology Building for research and development and for proc- Joseph Hodges ess and quality control. NIST develops and (301) 975-2605 maintains pressure and vacuum standards 7 QUANTITATIVE OPTICAL email: [email protected] from 200 megapascals to 10" pascal; flow 3 A303 Physics Building standards are operated from 10" mol/s to MEASUREMENTS OF

1 10" mol/s. Facilities include five ultrahigh PARTIAL PRESSURES AND vacuum systems, two low-range flowmeters, MOISTURE a mid-range flowmeter, high-accuracy mer- Low-level gaseous contaminants cause dele- cury and oil manometers, oil and gas piston chemical and materials gauges, apparatuses for measuring gas den- terious effects in as semiconductor manufac- sities using optical techniques, and the nec- processing such avail- essary pressure and vacuum control systems. turing systems. Many commercially either are not species These facilities are used to provide calibra- able instruments sensitive, or tion support for industrial, academic, and specific, are not sufficiently detection techniques that perturb the government entities and for research in the utilize composition and, therefore, com- areas where these capabilities can be used to chemical CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

rare-earth doped glasses to provide broad-

STANDARDS FOR RAMAN band and narrow-band emissions over the SURFACE AND SPECTROSCOPY common Raman spectral domains. These results will lead to the certification of a set MICROANALYSIS A new program has been implemented that of Standard Reference Materials traceable to SCIENCE draws on the expertise and resources in NIST primary radiometric standards. While Division Contact: Raman spectroscopy of the Process Measure- fluorescence can be exploited for intensity Ranee A. Velapoldi ments Division, the Analytical Chemistry calibration, a more fundamental approach Division, and the Surface and Microanalysis (301) 975-3917 will rest upon the determination of absolute email: [email protected] Science Division of CSTL to respond to the Raman cross-sections, which can provide an fax: (301) 216-1134 Raman community's request for NIST to absolute intensity calibration that is verifi- B364 Chemistry Building provide much-needed practical standards for ably instrument independent. Work is analytical Raman spectroscopy. It is widely planned to develop a Raman gain spectrome- acknowledged that major advances in ana- ter for the measurement of the Raman cross- lytical Raman instrumentation have virtu- sections of judiciously chosen liquids and ally revolutionized Raman spectroscopic MICROBEAM ANALYSIS solids that may serve as absolute Raman measurements, and Raman spectroscopy The macroscopic properties and behavior of intensity standards. One thrust of the pro- now is finding its place in the industrial a wide variety of physical, biological, and gram is the close coordination of this stand- environment for process measurements and technological phenomena are controlled by ards work with the objectives of various quality control. Unlike in infrared spectros- chemical events that occur on the micro- organizations outside of NIST including the copy, in Raman spectroscopy the intensity of scale. Microbeam analysis techniques based ASTM Committee for Raman Spectroscopy, the analytical signal is not calibrated as part on beams of electrons, ions, and photons which has adopted a set of Raman standards of the measurement. Consequently, rela- can achieve lateral and depth resolution initiatives. Close contacts are maintained tively few published spectra have been cor- ranging from the micrometer to the with the Raman community of major chemi- rected for the typical variations in the nanometer scale, which is equivalent to a cal industries and several regulatory agen- instrument response function, and there are sample mass of picograms down to zepto- cies. These liaisons are intended to provide no widely available standardized Raman grams. NIST performs research in many opportunities for collaborative work through spectral libraries. The lack of accepted prac- aspects of the measurement science of appropriate cooperative agreements. tices, standards, and spectral libraries has microbeam analysis. This research develops been a main obstacle to the acceptance of Contacts: standards, data, and standard methods to

Raman in industrial settings and is a barrier Wilbur S. Hurst meet the critical need for chemical measure- to its use in the regulated industries. (301) 975-4814 ments that can provide quantitative informa-

email: [email protected] tion on small variations in composition or The new research undertaken here is con- B312 Physics Building structure. The role of trace constituents dis- cerned with critically evaluating presently tributed in microstructures (often at levels Steven Choquette existing approaches to the standardization J. 6 9 of 1 part in 10 to 1 part in 10 ) in control- of Raman measurements and aims to (301) 975-3096 ling, for example, device properties is stud- develop new methods and techniques so that email: [email protected] ied through techniques that can achieve calibration of Raman spectrometers can be A213 Chemistry Building trace nanoanalysis, which combines trace reliably accomplished for both the signal fractional sensitivity with nanometer-scale intensity and for the Raman shift frequency. resolution. Measurement of the atoms One approach will consist of the evaluation (elements) present in a microstructure is of the laser-excited fluorescence spectra of complemented by techniques that determine

the molecular (chemical) forms present, as

well as the arrangement of atoms and mole-

cules into crystallographic forms. SCIENCE CHEMICAL AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY 51

The need to visualize lateral compositional distributions quantitatively has been the sub- ATMOSPHERIC AND SURFACE DYNAMICAL ject of an extensive effort to develop compo- CHEMOMETRIC RESEARCH PROCESSES sitional mapping, in which the result is in Concern is mounting worldwide over envi- Understanding the processes that occur at the form of an image where the gray or ronmental contamination and wastes, surfaces and interfaces, such as the interac- color level is directly related to numerical atmospheric pollution, and potential effects tions of adsorbates with substrates, is critical concentration. Initially developed for on health and climate. It is imperative to for describing and controlling reactions at picture elements (pixels) in two lateral determine with a high degree of accuracy these locations. This understanding can dimensions, current efforts seek to extend the individual sources of pollutant species. lead to new procedures that are fundamen- compositional mapping to three- State-of-the art research, pioneered at NIST, tal in tailoring surfaces to produce nano- dimensional volume elements (voxels), a makes possible unique source identification scale structures, decrease wear and capability needed to meet the challenges by application of the most advanced micro- corrosion, or to develop new electronic posed by advanced technologies such as chemical and isotopic analytical techniques, devices, catalysts, or layered materials with giga-scale electronics and microelec- including accelerator mass spectrometry improved properties. To address these impor- tromechanical systems (MEMS). and high-precision gas isotope ratio mass tant technological areas, NIST scientists are

Instrument resources available in the NIST spectrometry. The data obtained provide utilizing laser radiation, proximal probes,

microanalysis research and analytical city, state, and national governments with a chemical radicals, and charged particles to

microscopy groups include scanning elec- unique opportunity to develop and test con- study the fundamental atomic and molecu-

tron microscopes (conventional, electron trol strategies to reduce emissions of the lar processes that are characteristic of a

probe X-ray microanalysis, environmental, identified pollutant sources. broad spectrum of surfaces and interfaces.

and field emission), high-voltage transmis- These studies provide information on elec- Complementing advanced isotopic-chemical sion analytical electron microscopes (con- tronic structure, topography, chemical characterization of atmospheric gases and ventional and field emission, with X-ray and reactivity, and the mechanisms of energy particles is basic research in chemometrics, electron energy loss analytical spectrome- transfer. These techniques are applied in which represents the synthesis of chemical tries), an electron-optical/X-ray optical experiments with substrates of metals, semi- knowledge and measurement with modern bench, and secondary ion mass spectrome- conductors, insulators, and oxides as well as statistical and computational methods. ters (ion microprobe, ion microscope, and with selected deposited films of polymers, Work in this area is directed toward improv- laser microprobe with magnetic sector or oxides, and biomimetic systems. ing the quality of chemical measurements time-of-flight mass spectrometers). Also generally through advanced design, meas- The investigations of these processes have available are conventional and Fourier- urement and data analysis quality assur- progressed from large spatial scales using transform Raman optical microprobes; ance, and graphical multivariate data femtosecond laser spectroscopy and other Fourier-transform infrared microscopy; exploration. surface interrogative techniques to spatial X-ray diffraction, including capillary optic scales on the order of tens of nanometers X-ray microfocusing facilities from conven- Contacts: , with the current development of infrared, tional X-ray tube and high-brightness rotat- R. Michael Verkouteren near-field optical spectroscopic techniques. ing anode X-ray sources; and extensive (301) 975-3933 These experimental techniques are comple- facilities for computer-aided microscopy email: [email protected] mented by the development of theories that and analysis, sample synthesis, and sample Lloyd A. Currie pull together diverse ideas to provide com- preparation. (301) 975-3919 prehensive, focused explanations of the email: [email protected] Contacts: j processes, which, in turn, lead to new

David S. Simons B364 Chemistry Building experimental designs and research.

(301) 975-3903 Contact: email: [email protected] Richard R. Cavanagh Eric B. Steel (301) 975-2368 (301) 975-3902 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] B248 Chemistry Building A113 Chemistry Building 62 CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

Current work is concerned with stand- The techniques also allow the study of the PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL ardizing the extended analysis of natural effects of surface modifications of adsor- gas through the use of measured chroma- bents that are produced by compounds

PROPERTIES tographic retention indices. The researchers such as surfactants. These measurements

Division Contacts: have constructed dedicated chroma- are combined with surface observations

Richard F. Kayser tographic instrumentation specifically to obtained from neutron scattering and

(301) 975-2483 provide the accuracy required for these dynamic light scattering to elucidate the

email: [email protected] measurements. This will facilitate compo- surface structure. This will permit design of

fax: (301) 869-4020 nent identification for custody transfer and novel special-purpose adsorbents, since the

A 1 1 1 Physics Building calorific value calculations. They also are researchers will have a clear idea of what

measuring the diffusion of odorants (strong- components or areas of an adsorbent William M. Haynes smelling sulfur compounds added to aid in structure are important for the separation (303) 497-3247 detection) in natural gas. These measure- process. email: [email protected] ments are performed on a Taylor-Aris appa- fax: (303) 497-5044 Contact: ratus that was constructed for high-pressure Mailcode 838.00 Thomas J. Bruno fluids. This work will provide a fundamental Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 (303) 497-5158 understanding of odorant fading, a problem email: [email protected] that often occurs during winter months. Mailcode 838.01

Contact: Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 FUNDAMENTAL Thomas Bruno J. PROPERTIES OF TRACE (303) 497-5158 email: [email protected] THERMOPHYSICAL COMPONENTS OF Mailcode 838.01 PROPERTIES OF NATURAL GAS Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 SUPERCRITICAL FLUID Natural gas is a complex mixture that can MIXTURES consist of between 300 and 400 organic and FUNDAMENTAL AND inorganic components, many of which are All facets of chemical process technology

present at relatively low (trace) concentra- APPLIED PROPERTIES OF require an accurate knowledge (or reliable tions. Most of these materials are naturally ADSORBENTS predictive capability) of various thermo- occurring, while some are intentionally physical and chemical properties of pure The industrial consumption of adsorbents added during processing. The properties of chemicals and their mixtures. This is espe- for separation processes is in the range of a many of these trace constituents are impor- cially true of separations because of the megaton per year. These adsorbents include tant since they can strongly affect the over- great diversity of chemicals involved, with silicas, aluminas, carbons, and zeolites, and all behavior of the natural gas. NIST widely varying molecular sizes, shapes, and their uses range from commodity chemical researchers recently have completed meas- polarity. In addition to this inherent com- separations to small-scale environmental urements on the vapor pressure and the plexity, industry now is exploring the appli- applications. An understanding of the prop- enthalpy of adsorption (on pipeline sur- cation of alternative solvents for separation erties of these materials is vital to efficient faces) of a family of chlorinated trace con- processes because many traditional solvents separation process design and operation. A stituents. The vapor pressure studies were have environmental and health risks associ- NIST research program is focused on the done on three pieces of equipment that were ated with their use. This project explores the measurement and modeling of fundamental specifically constructed for measurements modeling of processes using alternative sol- parameters such as the enthalpy of adsorp- on involatile compounds. The enthalpic vents through multivariate statistical analy- tion and adsorption isotherms (which are measurements were carried out on a modi- sis incorporating a number of empirical and measures of the attraction of a chemical on fied gas chromatographic apparatus. semi-empirical chemical and thermophysi- an adsorbent) and the skeletal density (a cal variables as input. measure of the ultimate capacity) of adsor-

bents. NIST has designed and constructed

apparatus for these measurements and has

applied them to clay and carbon adsorbents. CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

Work is in progress to extend significantly measurements of solubility and permeability NIST is using acoustic measurements of the the Kamlet-Taft solvatochromic chemical for a variety of gases and gas mixtures in highest possible accuracy to measure the parameters to the alternative solvents in the novel polymers that can be chemically or imperfections in the internationally subcritical and supercritical phases. Both morphologically altered in a systematic way. accepted temperature scale (ITS-90) in the chemical and thermophysical variables are These data then can be used as starting range 200 kelvin to 700 kelvin. For this incorporated into a multivariate statistical points for developing molecular-level predic- work, the speed of sound in argon is meas- model to better predict solution processes tion of transport properties. ured with an imprecision of 0.0001 percent of industrially relevant compounds in the in a spherical resonator. The thermal expan- Contact: alternative solvents. This requires the experi- sion of the resonator is measured using John Pellegrino mental determination of acidity, basicity, microwaves. To maintain the purity of the (303) 497-3416 polarity7 polarizability, and density of poten- argon at 700 kelvin, clean argon continu- , email: [email protected] tial solvents. These measurements are per- ously flows through the resonator with a Mailcode 838.01 6 formed spectroscopically. In addition to pressure that is controlled to 1 part in 10 . Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 providing a predictive approach to solvent Contact: behavior, this work provides insight into Michael R. Moldover understanding of the solution process itself. THERMOPHYSICAL (301) 975-2459 In addition to the spectroscopic-based tech- email: [email protected] niques mentioned earlier, a magnetic levita- PROPERTIES OF GASES A105 Physics Building tion solubility instrument is being developed Thermophysical properties of gases are to measure phase equilibria of mixtures not required to design heat transfer machinery amenable to spectroscopic measurement. and chemical processes. NIST obtains very THERMOPHYSICAL accurate values for these properties (equa- Contact: PROPERTIES tion of state, heat capacity, thermal conduc- OF Thomas J. Bruno tivity, viscosity, and speed of sound) by SEMICONDUCTOR (303) 497-5158 exploiting high-Q acoustic resonators devel- email: [email protected] PROCESSING GASES oped and modeled at NIST. Mailcode 838.01 Mass flow controllers (MFCs) deliver process Boulder, Colo. routinely the speed of sound 80303-3328 NIST measures gases for plasma etching, chemical vapor uncertainties of less than in gases with deposition, and other processes used deter- ±0.01 percent. NIST data were used to throughout the semiconductor industry. The properties of FUNDAMENTAL mine the thermodynamic more operation of the most widely used kind of 20 environmentally benign, candidate PROPERTIES FOR than MFC depends upon heat transfer through refrigerants of helium- replacement and the process gas; thus, the sensitivity of these MEMBRANE SEPARATIONS thermoacoustic xenon mixtures used in MFCs depends upon the thermophysical Membranes are used increasingly in separa- extend these measurements refrigerators. To properties of the process gas, and each gas tion and novel synthesis processes and as gases at very high to corrosive gases and requires a different MFC calibration. How- components of process sensors. To add to developed acoustic wave temperatures, NIST ever, many process gases are toxic, corro- the science and engineering base of mem- guides to conduct sound from remote sive, and/or pyrophoric, making it brane technology, NIST is working on meth- into and out of resonators transducers impractical to calibrate directly all MFCs for ods of measuring and correlating chemical corrosion-resistant metal dia- through all 50 or so process gases. and morphological structure with gas and phragms. NIST also developed novel acous- An alternative to direct calibration is based vapor transport-property relationships in tic resonators for measuring the viscosity upon flowing benign "surrogate" gases both phase-separated polymers and homo- and thermal conductivity of gases with an (such as N2, CF4, SF6, or C2F6) through the polymers. Ionomers, interpenetrating poly- imprecision of 0.1 percent. MFCs and scaling the MFCs' response to mer networks, and polymer blends are account for the differences between the ther- examples of the former. The linchpin of this mophysical properties of the surrogate gas effort is obtaining consistent and accurate 64 CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

and those of the process gas. The relevant can be derived. The addition of a new low- At present, there is significant emphasis on

gas properties are density, heat capacity, temperature heat capacity calorimetry developing and using cavity-ring-down laser

thermal conductivity, and viscosity. These facility now gives the NIST thermodynamics absorption spectroscopy to study chemical

should be known throughout the tempera- laboratories the capacity to carry out the full kinetics in the gas phase and at surfaces.

ture and pressure ranges in which MFCs range of measurements necessary to deter- In addition, this group uses resonance-

operate. NIST is exploiting its expertise in mine chemical equilibrium constants for enhanced multiphoton ionization spectros-

acoustic technologies to measure the ther- systems of interest. The focus is on the deter- copy to provide very sensitive and selective

mophysical properties of the four process mination of thermodynamic properties of schemes for the optical detection of free

gases (CI2, HBr, BCI3, and WF6) and the materials important to modern technologies radicals and to acquire new, previously

three surrogate gases (CF4, SF6, and C2F6) such as chemical process modeling and unobtainable data about their electronic

that were identified by the semiconductor simulation and semiconductor processing, structures. An important focus of the kinet-

industry as having the highest priority. as well as on the certification of calorimetric ics program is the production of databases

Standard Reference Materials. of evaluated chemical data, including Contact: kinetic data and spectral data for analytical Michael R. Moldover Contacts: chemistry, as well as the design of databases (301) 975-2459 Robert Huie and relevant software. email: [email protected] (301) 975-2559 A105 Physics Building email: [email protected] Contacts: A26l Chemistry Building Robert Huie

(301) 975-2559 Gary Mallard CHEMICAL email: [email protected] (301) 975-2564 A26l Chemistry Building THERMODYNAMICS email: [email protected]

The Chemical Thermodynamics Data Center Alll Physics Building Gary Mallard

carries out expert evaluations of thermo- (301) 975-2564

dynamic data on organic and inorganic email: [email protected]

compounds. In addition to the Joint Army/ CHEMICAL KINETICS Alll Physics Building

Navy/Air Force Tables, current interests The chemical kinetics program at NIST pro-

include comprehensive evaluations of vides reliable measurement methods, chemi-

thermodynamic data related to atmospheric cal kinetics data, and theoretical models. COMPUTATIONAL chemistry, such as the destruction of the Applications of this research include com- CHEMISTRY stratospheric ozone layer, and of data for bustion, plasma processing, new chemical The quality and efficiency of chemical proc- organic compounds important to the chemi- and energy-related technologies, environ- essing, including shrinking the timelines for cal and related industries. The latter work mental chemistry, effects of ionizing industrial process scale-up and optimizing has the long-range goal of producing reli- radiation on materials, and analytical processes to maximize yields and minimize able estimation schemes for predicting the applications of kinetics. Among the experi- unwanted wastes and byproducts, can properties of species for which measure- mental projects under way are high-pressure be greatly enhanced through computer ments are not available or would be difficult mass spectrometric studies of the kinetics simulation. or impossible to perform. In planning and and thermochemistry of ion/molecule reac-

executing its programs, NIST maintains tions and clustering processes and pulse However, reliable simulation of chemical

is lack of close contact with industrial organizations radiolysis of aqueous solutions. Researchers processes often inhibited by the

such as the Design Institute for Physical also are studying free-radical kinetics using accurate chemical and physical property

Properties Data. heated single-pulse shock tubes and flash- data for individual molecular species, mix-

photolysis kinetic-absorption and resonance- tures, and reactions. Industrial scientists NIST researchers use precision oxygen- fluorescence techniques. and engineers are beginning to look to quan- bomb and fluorine-bomb calorimeters to tum chemistry as a source of timely and determine data on enthalpies of combus- cost-effective estimates of needed property tion, from which enthalpies of formation data. This has generated an intense need for

systematic testing, evaluation, and bench-

marking of quantum chemistry methods in CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY 55

order to establish the accuracy, reliability, applicability, and relative merits of different PRESSURE-DEPENDENT INFORMATION FOR computational tools or approaches for differ- CHEMICAL REACTIONS MODERN CHEMISTS ent problems. While many chemical reactions proceed at The amount of information available in

The computational chemistry group is devel- rates that are independent of pressure, there chemistry has grown steadily. The tools

oping databases and computational archives is a group of important reactions that have needed to access this information have not

that will function as a resource for scientists pressure-dependent rate constants. A num- evolved as rapidly as the technical commu-

and engineers who want to compare the eco- ber of theories have been used to explain nity's need to find the larger amounts of

nomics and accuracy of various computa- and predict the rates of these reactions, but data. NIST has developed a tool to provide

tional methods for estimating properties. none has been successful for some of the access to the chemical data over the

Current efforts are focused on thermo- most complex reactions. It is often these Internet. Using the conventions of the World

chemical and kinetic properties. State-of- very complex reactions, with multiple path- Wide Web, the NIST Chemistry WebBook

the-art computational methods are ways, that are important in understanding ( is providing a

developed, tested, and evaluated. Bench- how complex mixtures such as gasoline growing audience with thermochemical,

mark comparisons are made against accu- react at high temperatures. thermophysical, and spectral data for a

rate experimental data for classes of large set of substances. Work at NIST has provided a new way to cal- chemical compounds and reactions. Data- culate these rate constants so that the many The goal of the WebBook is to provide a sin- bases of computational and experimental pathways that are observed in these reac- gle point of access to all NIST chemical comparisons are developed in order to pro- tions can be predicted. This work is impor- data. The current edition contains data for vide reliable estimates of the accuracy and tant in the analysis of the experimental data more than 20,000 molecules. Data from precision of well-defined computational from these complex reactions as well as in NIST archival collections used in developing ,' methods. providing the fundamental understanding evaluated data, NIST evaluated data, archi-

Long-range interests include the develop- of how to use modern quantum mechanical val data from non-NIST sources, and evalu-

ment of computational methods for predict- calculations to predict the pressure depend- ated data from non-NIST sources are

ing reaction mechanisms and reaction rates ence of these reactions. These calculations provided. Every data item is individually

in solution; the development of more accu- have been used to reinterpret older experi- referenced, and cross-references by author,

rate methods for determining the structures mental data to derive fundamental thermo- research paper, and other molecules are pro-

and thermodynamic properties of large chemical information. More importantly, vided. The WebBook is designed to be easy to

molecules; the development of new hybrid the work has led to a better understanding use, even for novice users. For example,

quantum chemistry methods with empirical of the role of highly energetic species users can search for molecules by name,

corrections for predicting thermochemical formed in recombinations. molecular formula, and partial molecular

1 properties; the development of robust density formula, as well as by property values. Data The theoretical results are being applied in functional methods that applicable to j are can be graphed and the resulting graphs a number of practical reacting systems. The ' transition states; and the development and expanded for more detail. This is especially destruction of chemical weapons, the decom- testing of quantum chemistry methods for useful for complex spectral data such as position of hydrocarbons in complex mix- molecules containing heavy atoms. infrared spectra. tures, and the reactions involved in

Contact: have been stud- Contacts: j chemical vapor deposition

Walter J. Stevens ied using these new techniques. In each Peter Linstrom

(301) 975-5968 case, better and more consistent models (301) 975-5422 email: [email protected] j have been created using these new tools. email: [email protected]

All 1 Physics Building Gary Mallard Contacts: (301) 975-2564 Wing Tsang email: [email protected] (301) 975-2507

email: [email protected] Al 1 1 Physics Building Gary Mallard

(301) 975-2564 email: [email protected]


NIST/EPA/NIH MASS PROPERTIES OF THERMOPHYSICAL SPECTRAL DATABASE ALTERNATIVE PROPERTIES OF NATURAL One of the most widely used techniques REFRIGERANTS GAS SYSTEMS for identifying organic compounds is gas Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydro- A comprehensive experimental and model- chromatography/mass spectrometry. In this chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) have been ing research program is focused on the ther- technique, complex mixtures of chemicals used widely for the past 50 years as refriger- mophysical properties of natural gas systems are separated using gas chromatography, ants, as foam-blowing agents, and in many needed by the gas industry for custody- and then each compound is "fingerprinted" other applications. Recent evidence has transfer operations, for energy optimization using the mass spectrometer. The resulting shown, however, that CFCs and, to a lesser in gas industry operations, and for the spectra are analyzed and compared to a extent, HCFCs, are breaking down the strato- design and control of gas processes. Major library of known spectra. To be successful, spheric ozone layer that protects the Earth goals of the program are to develop the the library of known spectra must have only from harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation. means to accurately model and predict the high-quality, complete spectra, and the These fluids also contribute to greenhouse thermodynamic, phase equilibrium, and algorithms used to compare the library and warming. Alternative chemicals must be transport properties of complex fluid mix- unknown spectra must be robust and well found to replace the existing fluids as tures that contain hydrocarbons to C20+; tested. quickly as possible. To replace the CFCs other constituents such as carbon dioxide,

NIST programs develop and test algorithms and HCFCs, accurate knowledge of the nitrogen, and hydrogen sulfide; and trace for matching and predicting, evaluate spec- thermophysical properties of the substitutes constituents such as water, helium, hydro- tra from other contributors, and fill in miss- is required. gen, carbon monoxide, argon, oxygen, and ing data with an ongoing experimental others. The program is designed to provide NIST provides these data to industry. effort. The goal is to develop a mass spectral state-of-the-art measurements on selected Research includes extensive experimental database containing every compound in systems needed to support the modeling measurements on pure fluids and mixtures, efforts. cover the commerce. The result of these efforts is an These models and data including saturation and single-phase densi- increasing acceptance of the NIST database ranges of temperature (90 kelvin to 700 kel- ties, vapor pressure, heat capacity, thermal

vin) pressure megapascals) , and compo- and algorithms as the standard. In addition , (70 conductivity, viscosity, sound speed, and sur- to the experimental, evaluation, and algo- sition (full range) necessary for efficient face tension. The program includes a sub- rithmic development work, NIST promotes operation of the gas industry, with emphasis stantial effort in modeling fluid properties the use of high-quality tools within the mass on the major region for custody transfer and in developing equations of state. NIST spectrometry instrument community. operations. The models cover all fluid states also leads efforts to arrive at international (gas, vapor, and liquid), including proper- Contacts: standards for refrigerant properties. ties along phase boundaries, and can be Stephen E. Stein Contacts: used to calculate the properties of natural (301) 975-2505 William M. Haynes gas; liquefied natural gas; natural gas liq- email: [email protected] (303) 497-3247 uids; substitute/synthetic natural gas; com- Gary Mallard email: [email protected] pressed natural gas, and wet, dry, and sour (301) 975-2564 Mailcode 838.00 gases. email: [email protected] Mark 0. McLinden Research includes extensive experimental

Al 1 1 Physics Building (303) 497-3580 measurements on both pure fluids and mix- email: [email protected] tures, including saturation and single-phase Mailcode 838.07 densities, vapor pressures, heat capacities,

Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 sound speeds, thermal conductivities, and

viscosities. Vapor-liquid and solid-fluid CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

phase boundaries also are studied. A substan- temperature and pressure. Included in this theory of gases and dense fluids, theory of tial modeling effort involves the develop- work are measurements in the critical and the glassy state, properties of mixtures of ment of highly accurate mixture models extended critical region. In concert with the dissimilar compounds, phase transitions, and pure fluid equations of state. A new gen- experimental work, NIST researchers con- and structure-based modeling. eralized mixture model, based on the excess duct theoretical studies to develop wide- Contacts: Helmholtz energy and standard reference range predictive models and computer Daniel G. Friend quality formulations for the constituents, codes. (303) 497-5424 shows promise to be the most accurate A wide variety of research, both experimen- email: [email protected] model available for mixture properties. tal and theoretical, is directed toward the Mailcode 838.08 These models are incorporated in computer understanding of complex fluid behavior, Richard A. Perkins databases that serve as the major mecha- the microscopic structure of fluids, and the (303) 497-5499 nisms for technology transfer of the data to liquid-solid phase boundary. Included are email: [email protected] industry. NIST also participates in efforts to studies of non-Newtonian fluids, colloidal Mailcode 838.07 arrive at national and international stand- suspensions, shear-induced chemical reac- ards for natural gas properties. Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 tions, supercooled fluids and melting phe-

Contact: nomena, and macromolecules. A unique William M. Haynes shearing cell is available for neutron scatter- PROPERTIES OF GELS, (303) 497-3247 ing studies at the NIST Center for Neutron email: [email protected] Research. MICELLES, AND CLAYS

Mailcode 838.00 NIST researchers are using small-angle Molecular-level computer simulation has Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 neutron diffraction, static visible laser-light proved an essential technique for utilizing scattering, dynamic time-correlation spec- statistical mechanics-based models of con- troscopy, and computer simulation to study densed matter. Molecular dynamics studies, PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS the structure and properties of systems con- involving both equilibrium and non- taining particles with sizes in the range of AND FLUID MIXTURES equilibrium systems, have been conducted. 10 nanometers to 1000 nanometers. In addi- The thermophysical properties of fluids and Computer simulation studies are important tion to the fundamental information being fluid mixtures are essential for process in interpreting and understanding the obtained about complex fluids, these suspen- design and control in the chemical, natural results of experimental studies in fluids and sions are interesting in their own right. For gas, aerospace, environmental, and energy- in developing predictive models of fluid example, sol/gel technology is being used related industries. The research program in properties. Other theoretical studies include increasingly in the production of ultrahigh- fluid properties involves experimental and dynamic and static critical region models purity optical glasses. Using neutron diffrac- theoretical research and computer simula- (emphasizing mixtures), extended corre- tion and computer simulation, NIST tion studies on the thermodynamic and sponding states, equations of state, kinetic scientists are improving understanding of transport properties of pure fluids and fluid the formation dynamics and structure of the mixtures. A primary goal of this program is precursor gel (a state of matter intermediate to develop highly accurate predictive models to liquid and solid). Dynamic light scatter- for the thermophysical properties of fluids ing studies, coupled with experiments using and fluid mixtures. This is accomplished neutron scattering, also are being used to through an integrated program of measure- better understand the interaction between ment, theory, and correlation. Apparatus are surfactant micelles and clay platelets. This available for state-of-the-art measurements will improve understanding of how organic of the thermodynamic and transport proper- pollutants interact with clay. Current activi- ties of pure fluids and mixtures, including ties include the study of colloidal silica solu- pressure-volume-temperature relations, tions, gelation of silica at high volume speed of sound, heat capacity, dielectric con- fraction, cationic surfactant micelles, and stant, viscosity, phase equilibria, and ther- adsorption of large organic molecules on mal conductivity over wide ranges of suspended and dispersed clay platelets. CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

Much of this research is directed toward Recently, new theoretical understanding of transfer, mass transfer, and chemistry. Two understanding complex fluids. The charac- the high-temperature behavior of Henry's areas of current modeling research are teristic time scales governing the dynamics constant has been exploited to produce an organometallic vapor-phase epitaxy and of colloidal solutions are many orders of improved model for correlating Henry's con- fluid/solid-particle systems. magnitude slower than in molecular fluids. stants over a wide temperature range and for Contacts: Colloidal solutions thus provide NIST scien- extrapolation of existing data to higher tem- Adele P. Peskin tists with experimentally accessible models peratures. This project works toward using (303) 497-3466 for the study of complex fluid behavior. structural and other data to predict Henry's email: [email protected] Non-Newtonian fluid behavior is being stud- constants of organic compounds in water at Gary R. Hardin ied using the NIST Couette-flow shearing conditions characteristic of air stripping and (303) 497-5168 cell at the small-angle neutron scattering steam stripping operations. Dilute-solution email: [email protected] beam lines of the NIST Center for Neutron thermodynamics also can be used to analyze

Research. the solubility of solids in vapors and super- Mailcode 838.08

critical fluids, which is important for a vari- Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 Contacts: ety of processes, including extraction using

Howard J. M. Han ley CO2 and deposition of minerals in steam (303) 497-3320 power plants. Modeling efforts focus on ADVANCED email: [email protected] using the density of the solvent as the key Mailcode 838.00 LOW-TEMPERATURE variable. Molecular computer simulation Brent D. Butler REFRIGERATION is used to test the validity of modeling (303) 497-3952 approaches. Many new and developing technologies rely email: [email protected] on the use of cryogenic temperatures. Some Mailcode 838.08 Contact: of these technologies include the cooling of Allan H. Harvey Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 infrared sensors for night vision, atmos- (303) 497-3555 pheric studies, and process monitoring; email: [email protected] semiconducting and superconducting elec- Mailcode 838.08 DILUTE-SOLUTION tronics for increased speed and reduced Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 THERMODYNAMICS noise; cryopumps for the production of clean vacuums in semiconductor process- Much chemical technology, particularly in ing; magnetic-resonance imaging supercon- the environmental area, involves solutions FINITE-ELEMENT ducting magnets; some medical catheters; where the concentration of the substance of MODELING OF COMPLEX and the liquefaction of natural gas for a interest is near zero. The thermodynamics of PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL clean-burning transportation fuel. Special- these dilute solutions presents special chal- ized refrigerators known as cryocoolers are lenges and opportunities. One area of inter- PROCESSES required to reach cryogenic temperatures. est is the solubility of substances in liquid This group's objective is to elucidate the Significant research and development of solvents. Water is the most important sol- physicochemical details of industrial meth- cryocoolers has occurred in the last vent, but dilute-solution thermodynamics odologies to provide a basis for improved 15 years to meet the reliability, cost, and (usually in the form of Henry's law) is used processes, to provide quantitative informa- efficiency requirements of many different in many different applications. tion for selection among processing alterna- applications.

tives, and to uncover limiting factors in NIST has been a world leader in this current approaches such as uncertainties in advanced refrigeration field and has led the available property data or geometrically development of a new type of cryocooler, caused flow instabilities. The group is using known as the orifice pulse tube refrigerator the finite-element technique to simulate (OPTR), that is being considered for all of and analyze fluid flow with associated heat the applications discussed above. In its nor-

mal configuration, it has only one moving

part at room temperature and can reach

temperatures below 40 kelvin in a single

stage. Using thermoacoustic drivers in place —


of mechanical compressors, NIST and Los Researchers are studying chemical separa- Alamos National Laboratory scientists devel- ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY tion schemes to eliminate ionization and oped an OPTR that became the first cryo- isobaric interferences and to increase the Division Contact: genic refrigerator with no moving parts. A speed and reliability of sample introduction. Willie E. May patent, a Strategic Defense Initiative Office They also are investigating various schemes (301) 975-3108 innovative technology award, and an R&D for quantitative analysis using ICP-MS for email: [email protected] 100 award have been received for this non-IDMS applications. fax: (301) 926-8671 device, called a TADOPTR. NIST has collabo- B158 Chemistry Building Contacts: rated with dozens of companies and other John D. Fassett government laboratories to transfer this and (301) 975-4109 other new cryocooler technologies into spe- email: [email protected] cific application areas. NIST computer mod- INORGANIC AND A21 Physics Building els on regenerator performance are used extensively in the field to aid in the optimi- ELEMENTAL ISOTOPIC Gregory C. Turk zation of regenerative cryocoolers. METROLOGY (301) 975-4118 email: [email protected] NIST researchers have done substantial NIST researchers are improving and apply- B24 Physics Building research on many types of cryocoolers to ing high-accuracy and precision isotope improve their technologies so they may be ratio measurements for isotope dilution useful for various applications. In the area mass spectrometry (IDMS), as well as identi- FUNDAMENTAL STUDIES of refrigerators, NIST scien- Joule-Thomson fying and tracking species with unique iso- OF ATOMIC tists have performed adsorption isotherm topic signatures. Available instruments measurements for many different gases on inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS), SPECTROSCOPY various carbons. This extensive database is thermal ionization, and laser resonance The continued development and improve- used by government and private laboratories spectrometers have ionization mass — ment of analytical atomic spectrometry in the design of adsorption compressors for diverse capabilities. Research programs are requires understanding of fundamental cryocoolers. in elemental, isotopic, and specia- possible processes that occur in flames and plasmas. tion measurement. Stable and radioisotopes Contact: Researchers are investigating sampling, can be applied to study environmental and Ray Radebaugh excitation, emission, and absorption phe- health problems, materials, and processes. (303) 497-3710 nomena in all types of flames, glow dis- charges, and other plasma sources useful in email: [email protected] Research can be directed to innovative devel- chemical analysis. Advanced approaches Mailcode 838.09 opment of instrumentation and methods, used in these studies include laser probes Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 the characterization and interpretation of and mass spectrometry for enhanced ioniza- unique samples, or the determination of tion and resonance ionization studies, as natural, absolute isotopic abundances. well as ultrahigh resolution spectroscopic

investigations using one of the few ultra-

violet Fourier transform spectrometer sys-

tems in the world. Research opportunities

include spectral characterization such as

hyperfine structure and isotopic shifts, appli-

cation of advanced computational method-

ologies, and energy transfer mechanism



Gregory C. Turk

(301) 975-4118 email: [email protected]



Instrumental methods of analysis require BIOMOLECULES Solute retention in chromatography and

the control of a complex list of parameters electromigration systems is the result of a Researchers are developing advanced tech- to ensure accuracy. Furthermore, such meth- complex assortment of molecular interac- niques in mass spectrometry and applying ods of chemical analysis produce large tions between the solute, the stationary them to the detection, identification, and quantities of multidimensional data that phase, and the mobile phase. The diversity accurate quantitation of trace levels of challenge the analyst's ability to interpret of these interactions can be utilized to opti- organic compounds. Available instrumenta- the results. Using both advanced approaches mize separations by varying separation tion includes a triple quadruple mass spec- in automation to control experimental parameters such as stationary phase and/or trometer with electrospray, cesium ion parameters and mathematical tools to opti- mobile phase composition and column bombardment, positive- and negative-ion mize, sort, and summarize complex data temperature. An understanding of these chemical ionization, and electron ioniza- sets, NIST researchers are designing studies fundamental retention and selectivity tion; a magnetic mass spectrometer with to improve the accuracy of all forms of mechanisms facilitates the optimization of capabilities for high resolution, fast atom atomic spectrometry. Research is directed separations in gas chromatography (GO, bombardment, and linked scanning; and a toward developing optimized and automated liquid chromatography (LC), supercritical liquid chromatograph/mass spectrometer sample treatments and separation chemis- fluid chromatography and extraction (SFC with electrospray and atmospheric pressure tries using microwave-digestion and flow- and SFE), and capillar}' electrophoresis (CE). chemical ionization. injection technologies. Automated Recent research interests have focused on approaches for instrument control, drift, The group encourages research that is the synthesis and characterization of bonded and interference corrections also are related to electrospray and other techniques stationary phases in LC and GC (e.g., employed. Multidimensional data generated suitable for coupling liquid chromatography monomeric/polymeric Ci8 phases and by both rapid scanning and array detector or capillary electrophoresis to mass spec- charge transfer phases in LC and liquid spectrometers are analyzed using personal trometry, particularly if the work may lead crystalline phases in GC), which offer computers and NIST central computing to developing techniques for the quantita- unique capabilities for the separation of iso- facilities. tion of polar and non-volatile analytes in meric compounds or compound classes. complex matrices. Of particular interest are Contacts: Researchers are investigating solute- biomolecules that are markers for health Marc L. Salit stationary phase interactions using chroma- status. (301) 975-3646 tographic and spectroscopic techniques and

email: [email protected] Research in understanding and applying ion chiral interactions in LC, GC, SFC, and CE.

(ire gory C. Turk trap technology to quantitative gas chroma- In addition, NIST scientists are studying mo-

(301) 975-4118 tography/mass spectrometry/mass spec- lecular modeling of solutes and stationary

email: [email protected] trometry also is encouraged as is research phases to investigate retention mechanisms

into understanding and applying collision- and to correlate molecular descriptors with B24 Physics Building induced and surface-induced dissociation to retention. They also are investigating solute-

analytical problems. matrix interactions in SFE.

Contacts: Contacts: Michael J. Welch Lane C. Sander (301) 975-3100 (301)975-3117

email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Edward White V Stephen A. Wise

(301) 975-3101 (301) 975-3112

email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

B208 Chemistry Building B208 Chemistry Building CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

physico-chemical properties such as Another project seeks to develop off-line and

NOVEL ANALYTICAL octanol/water partition coefficients, aqueous on-line multidimensional separation proce- SEPARATION SCIENCE solubilities, and vapor pressures. Another dures (e.g., LC-GC, LC-LC, SFE-GC, and METHODOLOGY effort involves designing micro-fluidic sys- LC-CE) to measure individual species in tems for capillary flow injection analysis, complex mixtures. NIST researchers are

Researchers are developing new, innovative electrophoresis, and electrochromatography. developing and using simultaneous multi- approaches to separate and detect trace-level Research will emphasize applications to ple and/or selective chromatographic and organic species in complex natural environmental, clinical, nutritional, and electrophoretic detection systems (e.g., mass matrices. One priority is the design, synthe- forensic disciplines. spectrometric, electron capture, atomic emis- sis, and characterization of bonded station- sion, flame photometric, infrared, UV-visible Contacts: ary phases for liquid chromatography (LC), diode array, fluorescence, electrochemical, Stephen A. Wise gas chromatography (GC), and supercritical and chemical reaction detectors) to enhance (301)975-3112 fluid chromatography (SFC). They also are measurement selectivity or sensitivity or email: [email protected] developing novel separation media/modes both. Recent activities have emphasized Lane C. Sander for electromigration separation techniques, applications in environmental, clinical, and (301) 975-3117 e.g., capillar}' electrophoresis (CE), capillary 7 forensic areas, including the determination email: [email protected] gel electrophoresis, micellar electrokinetic of environmental contaminants such as capillar)' chromatography, and capillary B208 Chemistry Building polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic electrochromatography. In another effort, aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides, and they are developing on-line multidimen- organometallic species in natural matrices sional separation techniques based on SEPARATION SCIENCE such as sediment, tissue, and air particulate orthogonal methodologies (such as LC-GC, TECHNIQUES FOR TRACE material; nutrients such as vitamins and LC-CE, LC-LC, and GC-GC) and fast separa- ORGANIC ANALYSIS carotenoids in food and serum; drugs of tion technology in GC, LC, SFC, and CE. abuse in urine and hair; and biomolecules

They also seek application of existing separa- Researchers are developing and applying such as proteins, peptides, and DNA frag- tion modes in novel combinations (e.g., chi- separation techniques such as gas chroma- ments. Research opportunities exist within ral separations in SFC and CE), design of tography (GC), liquid chromatography the division for the application of these new separation systems based on micellar (LC), supercritical fluid chromatography separation techniques to trace inorganic and liposomal phases, antibody/antigen (SFC), and capillary electrophoresis (CE) analysis problems. associations, and size-selective networks. for trace-level determination of organic and Contacts: organometallic compounds. Researchers are Research is under way on sensitive and/or Stephen A. Wise developing extraction systems for selective selective detection systems for microcolumn (301) 975-3112 removal of analytes from natural matrices, separations, e.g., mass spectrometry, email: [email protected] e.g., supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), laser-excited fluorescence, thermal-lens Michele M. Schantz pressurized fluid extraction (PFE), and absorbance, chemical reaction, and chemi- (301) 975-3106 microwave-assisted extraction. They also are luminescence approaches. They also are email: [email protected] developing chromatographic and electro- developing supercritical fluid extraction sys- phoretic approaches for sample preparation B208 Chemistry Building tems for probing the interactions of analytes and clean-up and analyte preconcentration and matrices and for on-line coupled extrac- prior to analysis by LC, GC, SFC, or CE. tion and chromatography. Researchers are investigating chromatographic and electro- phoretic approaches for the measurement of CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

electromotive force, conductimetric, cou-

HIGH-ACCURACY lometric, potentiometric, and voltammetric OPTICAL TECHNIQUES COULOMETRY measurements. FOR TRACE-GAS

The coulometry program entails a broad Contact: ANALYSIS spectrum of research interests and activities, Kenneth W. Pratt This project involves development of optical including improving the precision and accu- (301) 975-4131 techniques for trace-gas analysis with appli- racy of coulometric methods, determining email: [email protected] cations in areas such as environmental and chemical stoichiometry, redetermining B324 Chemistry Building industrial process monitoring. Recent physical constants (such as atomic weights, improvements in laser devices and data and the Faraday constant), and developing acquisition systems offer opportunities to new methods and instrumentation includ- TRACE-GAS ANALYSIS extend highly sensitive spectroscopic tech- ing microcoulometry. The application of Researchers are using Fourier transform niques to detect and quantify the compo- absolute coulometric methods to the stand- infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), tunable diode nents of various gas mixtures. In particular, ardization of primary chemical standards laser adsorption spectroscopy, gas chroma- sensitive analytical detection techniques for and to the calibration of other analytical tography, electrochemical analysis, and molecules consisting of five or more atoms techniques is also a prime concern. Instru- other specialized analysis techniques to are desirable. Current approaches include mentation is available for constant-current develop primary standard gas mixtures and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and controlled potential coulometric to measure trace gases in air, the environ- tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy, measurements. ment, stack emissions, and process streams. and polarization spectroscopy using a solid-

One goal is to analyze complex mixtures of Contact: state laser system. gases emitted from process streams in real Kenneth W. Pratt Contacts: time using spectroscopic techniques. 975-4131 (301) Pamela M. Chu Another is to develop a quantitative database email: [email protected] 975-2988 of FTIR spectra of volatile organic com- (301) B324 Chemistry Building email: pounds for use in remote monitoring. B324 Chemistry Building Researchers also are seeking to measure

extremely low-level contaminant gases in INORGANIC Franklin R. Guenther ultrapure materials, to develop standards, ELECTROANALYTICAL (301) 975-3939 and to analyze trace gases that are impor- email: [email protected] CHEMISTRY tant in ambient atmospheric measurements. B156 Chemistry Building Additionally, researchers are pursuing analy- Research interests encompass all areas of sis of environmentally important trace gases inorganic electroanalytical chemistry, with in air and from point sources and the devel- specific interests in fundamental studies of SPECTROSCOPY opment of very low concentration volatile pH, such as modeling the liquid junction STANDARDS AND organic standards. potential; measurements of acid dissociation PROCESS ANALYSIS constants; theory and metrology of aqueous Contact: Spectrophotometers are important tools for and non-aqueous electrolytic conductivity; Franklin R. Guenther quality assurance, process control, and regu- high-precision coulometric research; and (301) 975-3939 latory compliance measurements. To ensure the development of electrochemical detec- email: [email protected] that these devices are performing properly, tion systems. NIST scientists give special B156 Chemistry Building manufactures and certifies Standard attention to the development of novel NIST

optical filters. Currently, electrochemical instrumentation and the Reference Material provides materials and filters to meas- application of electroanalytical techniques NIST ure wavelength accuracy, assess photometric to matters of national importance. Instru- accuracy, and determine the amount of mentation is available for precise pH, stray light in ultraviolet and visible spectro-

photometers. NIST is conducting research to

extend its offerings to the near-infrared CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

region where Fourier transform near- control, data and material transfer, and microfluid assays. In addition, NIST is inves-

infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy and Fourier error and exception handling are needed to tigating the combination of microflow injec-

transform Raman (FT-Raman) spectroscopy provide instruments with realistic plug-and- tion analysis and capillary electrophoresis

have become viable, routine techniques, play interfaces. New instrument designs with optical waveguide detection for

especially for process monitoring. NIST is need to allow remote control, provide auto- laboratory-on-a-chip applications.

I investigating the use of FT-NIR in combina- mated access to sample and material ports, Contacts: tion with FT-Raman to identify and quantify and exhibit system-centric behavior. William A. MacCrehan mixtures in sealed containers. An example is Contact: (301) 975-3122 the quantitation of mixed oxygenates in Gary W. Kramer email: [email protected] sealed ampoules of reformulated gasoline. A (301) 975-4132 Gary W. Kramer future goal is the design and evaluation of a email: [email protected] (301) 975-4132 combined NIR/Raman instrument for real- A213 Chemistry Building email: [email protected] time identification and quantitation of mix-

tures in a process stream. A213 Chemistry Building AUTOMATED SAMPLE 1 Contacts:

C. Travis [ John PREPARATION AND ANALYTICAL (301) 975-4117 SENSING INFOMETRICS email: [email protected] Scientists often must prepare samples before Steven J. Choquette To ensure that chemical information neces- (301) 975-3096 analysis using extraction, digestion, or other sary for decision making can be provided in j email: [email protected] isolation and purification techniques. NIST an efficient and timely manner, NIST is

researchers are developing new chemistries, investigating all aspects of the measurement A213 Chemistry Building miniaturization approaches such as micro- process, including experimental design;

fluidics, and automation for techniques data validation, storage, and retrieval; LABORATORY such as supercritical fluid extraction, solid- chemometrics, multivariate statistics, and phase extraction, and flow injection. These applied mathematics; data rectification and

AUTOMATION automated sample preparation methods are meta-analysis; quality control, assurance, TECHNOLOGY AND being coupled with new and existing and improvement; and instrument control STANDARDS microseparation/detection schemes such as and communications. Examples include capillary electrophoresis, immunoassay- multivariate infrared and Raman spectros-

The thrust of this program is to develop, based techniques, and biosensors for copy for characterization of organic mix-

evaluate, and demonstrate new concepts real-time monitoring of chemical and bio- tures using multivariate statistical models, that eventually lead to the successful, j can chemical reactions in flow- and batch- graphical methods for analysis and presenta-

! routine application of laboratory auto- processes. NIST's sensor research focuses on tion of interlaboratory comparison studies,

mation. The full potential of automated the development of inexpensive yet sensitive development of standards for laboratory

chemical analysis systems has not been devices. Research involves the use of automation, and improved methods for

achieved because the process of intercon- immobilized antibodies for attenuation, evaluating and utilizing analytical measure-

necting analytical and clinical chemistry fluorescent, chemiluminescent, optoelectro- ment uncertainties. laboratory devices remains resource-inten- chemical, and interferometric approaches to Contact: 1 sive and difficult. A general lack of interfac- provide selectivity and detectability in David L. Duewer ing standards, a dearth of instruments (301) 975-3935 designed from a systems-use perspective, email: [email protected] and an over-reliance on the anthropomor- A213 Chemistry Building phic model further exacerbate the situation.

To facilitate the automation of the analyti-

I cal laboratory, standard methods for instru- ment-to-controller communication, device CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY


The use of prompt radiations from nuclear Neutron activation analysis (NAA) provides ANALYTICAL reactions is well established as a tool for ele- the sensitivity, selectivity, and capability for MEASUREMENTS mental analysis and compositional map- multielemental determinations that are The availability of long wavelength neu- ping. Two techniques are used at NIST: often required in studies involving the role trons and recent advances in neutron optics neutron-capture prompt-gamma-ray activa- of trace elements in biological, environ- provide an opportunity to design analytical tion analysis (PGAA) and neutron depth mental, and materials analysis studies. Due probes for use in materials research. The profiling (NDP). Each employs both ther- to their unique capabilities, the various NAA purpose is to measure the concentration of mal- and cold-neutron beams from the techniques frequently play an important the elements in a fine (sub-millimeter), NIST Center for Neutron Research. PGAA is role in the certification of elemental concen- two-dimensional array across the surface of used to determine a suite of elements that trations in NIST Standard Reference a material. The detection limit of neutron are inaccessible by conventional neutron Materials. The accuracy and precision of the absorption experiments will be improved by activation analysis, such as hydrogen, various forms of NAA ultimately are limited using optical elements to focus long wave- boron, carbon, and nitrogen, as well as by the precision of counting statistics that in length neutrons onto small sample areas. those with large capture cross sections, such favorable cases may be a few tenths of a per- as cadmium, gadolinium, and mercury. cent. However, to achieve this level of accu- Different methods can be used to focus cold the depth distribution of racy, all other sources of error must be NDP measures neutrons; the emphasis is on those based on nuclides that emit charged particles on slow- reduced to comparable levels. Experimental the principle of total external reflection of studies address neutron capture. Researchers are developing and computational such mat- neutrons at small grazing angles. These methods with improved specificity, accu- ters as new and improved chemical separa- include polycapillary glass fibers, metal cap- racy, sensitivity, and spatial resolution tion procedures, neutron and gamma-ray illaries, nickel-coated conic sections of revo- through detailed studies of the interaction of interactions with analytical samples and lution, nickel-coated curved micro-guides, flux neutrons and their products with samples detectors, high-accuracy neutron moni- and curved channel plates. However, in all detectors. toring, high and varying count-rate and gamma- cases, focusing is achieved at the expense of ray spectrometry, peak integration routines, increased angular divergence. Therefore, it Contacts: and fast-neutron interfer- gamma-ray and is more useful for measurement techniques Richard M. Lindstrom ences. A variety of nuclear spectrometry that are dependent only on the neutron cap- (301) 975-6281 equipment, laboratory facilities, personal ture reaction rate and not on collimation. email: [email protected] and minicomputer facilities, and the irradia- Such a system would have an impact on the Robert R. Greenberg tion facilities of the NIST Center for Neutron detection limits for absorption techniques (301)975-6285 Research are available for this work. such as prompt gamma activation analysis email: [email protected] and neutron depth profiling. Contact: B125 NIST Center for Neutron Research Robert R. Greenberg Contacts:

(301) 975-6285 David F.R. Mildner

email: [email protected] (301) 975-6366 B125 NIST Center for Neutron Research email: [email protected] Heather Chen-Mayer

(301) 975-3782 email: [email protected]


diameter with temperature near ambient RESEARCH and pressure up to 1.01 MPa (10 atm). LIQUID-NITROGEN FLOW

3 FACILITIES • Air: maximum flowrate of 85 m per MEASUREMENTS

minute in pipes up to 100 mm in diameter The liquid-nitrogen flow measurement facil- with temperature near ambient and pressure ity serves as the national calibration facility

FLUID FLOW up to 3.55 MPa (35 atm). for cryogenic flow measurement devices.

The facility incorporates a dynamic gravi- MEASUREMENT AND • Gas flows having variable composition metric method to measure liquid nitrogen. RESEARCH FACILITIES and temperature: the component gases of 3 Well instrumented for monitoring tempera- auto exhaust with flows totaling 2.8 m per The NIST flow measurement facilities are ture, pressure, and time, the facility also is minute in 50-millimeter pipes and tempera- used to establish, maintain, and disseminate capable of determining volumetric flow tures to 400 °C. flowrate measurements, standards, and data rates. The facility is located completely APPLICATION for the wide range of conditions needed by indoors and is not subject to environmental These facilities are used to establish and U.S. industry and government agencies. changes. maintain the national standards for fluid Industry requests include flowmeter calibra- CAPABILITIES flowrate measurement systems to achieve tions, special tests, round-robin testing pro- The facility has a flowrate range of approxi- orderliness in the marketplace, to produce grams to establish realistic traceability mately 1 kg/s to 10 kg/s. The pressure can satisfactory measurements for optimizing chains in the form of flow measurement vary from 0.4 MPa to 0.76 MPa at tempera- productivity in continuous industrial proc- assurance programs, data-generation pro- tures between 80 K and 90 K. In this closed- esses, and to monitor environmental qual- grams for industrial groups and trade asso- loop flow facility, NIST researchers can ity. These facilities also are used to generate ciations, and use of testbeds for earn ing out establish and maintain stable flow condi- critical databases needed to initiate or industrial research programs focused on tions for extended test periods. For volumet- update the national standards on generic flow measurement topics. ric flow measurements, the density is fluid-metering topics. These standards are determined by making pressure and tem- The metering research facilities combine pri- used for accurate custody transfer of fluid perature measurements and calculating mary' calibration techniques with the capa- resources or products in the domestic and density from an equation of state. bility to conduct detailed surveys of fluid international marketplace or for studying flows that affect flowmeter performance. critical industrial processes. Potential users APPLICATIONS These capabilities include computational are industries involved in the custody trans- The nitrogen flow facility is used primarily fluid dynamics (CFD) as well as laser fer of fluid resources and products, the as a calibration facility for cryogenic flow- Doppler velocimetry techniques used mainly chemical and petrochemical industries, the meters; however, it also can be used for in water flow facilities. CFD techniques power and energy-generation industries, the developmental testing and evaluation. NIST include commercially available codes as , auto industries, and government agencies researchers are able to vary the system

' well as specialized codes tailored to specific such as NASA, the U.S. Department of parameters and evaluate flowmeter sensitiv- conditions. Defense, and the U.S. Environmental ity to variables other than flowrate. Because

Protection Agency. they can accurately measure fluid properties CAPABILITIES Fluid flow as well as flowrate, the facility also can be facilities enable a range of fluid AVAILABILITY used to evaluate pressure and temperature and flow conditions in a wide range of pipe The facilities are available upon request to sensors associated with the flowmeters. sizes: U.S. industry, other government agencies,

and academia for collaborative research • Water: maximum flowrate of 40 000 AVAILABILITY projects, including calibrations of flow- Collaborative or proprietary programs for L/min up to 0.5 m diameter with tempera- meters or other pipeline elements. this test facility can be arranged. The facility ture near ambient and pressure up to 1.01 must be operated by NIST staff. MPa(lOatm). Contact:

George E. Mattingly Contact: • Hydrocarbon liquids having densities of (301) 975-5939 Jennifer L. Scott 0.6 - 0.8 gms/cc and kinematic viscosities of email: [email protected] (303) 497-3684 1-30 centistokes: maximum flowrate of 1600 105 Fluid Mechanics Building email: [email protected] L/min in tubes and pipes up to 50 mm in Mailcode 838.07


The Electronics and Electrical Engineer- COOPERATIVE RESEARCH Electromagnetic Technology ing Laboratory (EEEL) provides the OPPORTUNITIES 87 Josephson Array Development fundamental basis for all electrical meas- 77 Office of Microelectronics Programs 88 Nanoscale Cryoelectronics urements in the United States. In close 77 Office of Law Enforcement Standards 88 High-Performance Sensors, Infrared consultation with industry, research and Detectors, and Mixers calibration programs are tailored to meet Electricity 88 Superconductor Standards and the most critical measurement needs for 77 Resistance Standards and Materials Technology the manufacture and operation of electri- 78 Quantum Hall Effect 89 Superconductor Interfaces and Electrical cal and electronic systems, including 78 Applying High-Tc Superconductors to Transport semiconductor, magnetic, radio- Precision Electrical Measurements 89 High-Temperature Superconducting frequency, microwave, optical, optoelec- 78 Josephson-Effect Voltage Standards Electronics tronic, and superconducting equipment; 79 Advanced AC-DC Voltage and Current 89 Magnetic Recording Metrology flat-panel displays; electronic instrumen- Measurements 90 Magnetic Instruments and Materials tation; and electrical power apparatus and 79 Synthesis of Precise Signals Characterization systems. 79 Testing Electronic Systems 90 Nanoprobe Imaging for Magnetic Technology Other programs are concerned with basic 79 Fast Pulse and Waveform Acquisition Standards research to develop quantum standards Optoelectronics that enable more accurate maintenance 80 Metrology for Electrical Power Systems 90 Laser Radiometry of the fundamental electrical units. Labo- 80 Dielectrics Research 91 High-Speed Optoelectronic ratory researchers also conduct studies on 80 Plasma Processing/Plasma Chemistry Measurements the new measurements needed for the suc- 81 Video Processing 91 Fiber-Optic Metrology cessful development of promising future 81 Metrology for Flat-Panel Displays 92 Integrated Optic Metrology technologies such as high-temperature 81 Integrated Infrastructure for Electronics 92 Optical Fiber Sensors superconductors, quantum mechanical Design 92 Fiber and Discrete Components devices, and hybrid computer chips that 82 Integrated Infrastructure for Electronics utilize both electronic and lightwave sig- 93 Dielectric Materials and Devices Manufacturing nals. These measurement techniques, as 93 Semiconductor Materials and Devices Semiconductor Electronics well as Standard Reference Materials RESEARCH FACILITIES developed for optical fiber diameter, 82 Metrology for Nanoelectronics 93 Semiconductor Processing Laboratory silicon resistivity, and superconducting 82 Optical Characterization Metrology 94 Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Facility critical current, play a significant role in 83 Scanning Probe Microscope Metrology helping to improve the efficiency and 94 Wafer Probing Laboratory 83 Thin-Film Process Metrology quality of manufacturing. 95 Mode-Stirred Chambers 83 Silicon-on-lnsulator Metrology 95 Ground Screen Antenna Range In addition, the laboratory manages 84 Metrology for Modeling and Simulation 95 Transverse Electromagnetic Cell metrology development work across NIST 84 Metrology for Process and Tool Control in response to the needs of mainstream 96 Electromagnetic Anechoic Chamber 84 Interconnect Reliability Metrology silicon semiconductor device manufac- 96 Concentric Loop Antenna Systems 84 Dielectric Reliability Metrology turing. It also applies science and technol- 97 Standard Transient/Impulsive Field 85 Microelectromechanical Systems ogy to solve key problems of the criminal Facility justice communities. Electromagnetic Fields 97 Mobile Transient Reception/Transmission System 85 Guided-Wave Microwave Standards and Contact: Measurements 97 Integrated-Circuit Fabrication Laboratory Judson C. French, Director 86 High-Speed Microelectronics 97 Ultralow-Temperature Electronics Facility (301) 975-2220 86 Electromagnetic Characterization of 98 Magnetic Thin-Film Fabrication and email: [email protected] Materials Imaging Facility fax: (301) 975-4091 87 Electromagnetic Interference and 98 Near-Field Scanning Facility for Antenna B358 Metrology Building Compatibility Measurements 87 Antenna Measurements —


COOPERATIVE RESEARCH OFFICE OF LAW OPPORTUNITIES ENFORCEMENT Division Contact: STANDARDS William E. Anderson (301) 975-2400 The mission of the Office of Law Enforce- email: [email protected] OFFICE ment Standards (OLES) is to apply science OF fax: (301) 926-3972 and technology to the needs of the criminal MICROELECTRONICS B164 Metrology Building justice community, including law enforce- www.eeel.nist.20v/8ll PROGRAMS ment, corrections, forensic science, and fire

The Office of Microelectronics Programs service. To accomplish this mission, OLES (OMP) serves as an information focal point develops methods for testing equipment per- RESISTANCE STANDARDS for semiconductor-related research at NIST. formance and for examining evidentiary

OMP is responsible for matrix management materials; develops standards for equipment AND MATERIALS

and contemporary relevance of the National and operating procedures; develops Standard Component precision resistors of both film

Semiconductor Metrology Program (NSMP). Reference Materials; and performs other and wire construction have found wide-

OMP also manages NIST's strong working scientific and engineering research as spread use as references and dividers in pre-

relationships with the Semiconductor Indus- requested by sponsoring agencies. cision instrumentation such as digital

try Association (SIA), the Semiconductor multimeters and calibrators. The quality of The areas of research investigated by this Research Corp. (SRC), and SEMATECH. these resistors and their level of immunity to office include clothing, communication sys-

1 the effects of environmental parameters, The NSMP was established by Congress tems, emergency equipment, investigative such as temperature and mechanical shock, 1 (within the Department of Commerce) in aids, protective equipment, security systems, have enabled the 3-month performance of 1994 in direct response to industry needs. vehicles, speed measuring equipment, weap- these instruments to begin to approach that The FY 1998 program portfolio consists of 23 ons, analytical techniques, and Standard of the standards most commonly used to multiyear projects with activities spanning Reference Materials used by the public safety calibrate them. This fact and the desirability nearly all of the NIST laboratory organiza- community. Specific projects are based upon of calibrating such instruments where they tions. Strong emphasis is on metrological the most recent recommendations of the will be used have heightened the need for a issues for mainstream silicon CMOS technol- Law Enforcement and Corrections Technol- next generation of resistance standards ogy identified in the National Technology ogy Advisory Council and vary depending standards whose performance in adverse Roadmap for Semiconductors (SIA, 1997). upon the priorities of the criminal justice conditions would eclipse that of existing OMP actively seeks industry collaborations community. standards in a laboratory environment. in support of the portfolio and sets priorities Contact: based on direct industry contact and NIST scientists are beginning a program to Kathleen M. Higgins through participation in the planning activi- develop new standards with significantly (301) 975-2757 ties of the SIA, SRC, and SEMATECH. Results improved performance, both short- and email: [email protected] from NSMP activities are largely public long-term, under field conditions. To do so, fax: (301) 948-0978 information and are freely available to the electrical/physical properties of a num- A323 Technology Building domestic manufacturers. ber of alloys are being investigated, and new resistor designs are being formulated and Contact: tested. Future efforts will investigate metal- Robert I. Scace lurgical techniques such as rapid quench- (301) 975-4400 ing, ion implantation in semiconductors email: [email protected]


and glasses for resistors >10 , and Evanohm NIST researchers also are working to This development and the possibility of com- or Nichrome film deposition on Si sub- improve and simplify the measurement sys- mercialization make it feasible to automate strates. The desired output will be fixed- tems used to calibrate resistors; a new 'He the basic CCC design, which then will be value standards in the range from 1 ohm to refrigerator and l6-tesla magnet facility more attractive for general calibration use. 12 10 ohms with fractional drift rates of less have been developed for use with a new cryo- NIST scientists are engaged in designing, 6 than 10" per year, fractional temperature genic current comparator. This improved building, and testing CCCs to support meas- 7 coefficients of less than 1(T per °C, and low the accuracy of NIST calibrations severalfold. urements of the new national resistance power and voltage coefficients. A metallurgi- standards based on the quantized Hall effect. Contacts: cal facility with the capability of monitoring This involves establishing a few select ratios Marvin E. Cage the electrical properties of materials during that range from 1:1 to 100:1. Future efforts (301) 975-4224 annealing and a silicon processing facility will include the development of CCCs with email: [email protected] are available, along with access to precision selectable ratios over a somewhat larger Alan F. Clark resistance measurement systems and the range. (301) 975-2139 national resistance standards. email: [email protected] Contacts:

Contacts: Ronald F. Dziuba

Ronald F. Dziuba B258 Metrology Building (301) 975-4239

(301) 975-4239 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Randolph E. Elmquist

Alan F. Clark APPLYING HIGH-Tc (301) 975-6591 (301) 975-2139 SUPERCONDUCTORS TO email: [email protected] email: [email protected] PRECISION ELECTRICAL B258 Metrology Building B258 Metrology Building MEASUREMENTS

NIST and other national standards laborato-

ries for years have used cryogenic current JOSEPHSON-EFFECT QUANTUM HALL EFFECT comparators (CCCs) to make ratio measure- VOLTAGE STANDARDS The quantum Hall effect now provides the ments of voltage, current, and resistance High-accuracy voltage-standard systems 10"' basis for the national unit of resistance. The with relative uncertainties of or less. have proliferated among many industrial, representation of the resistance standard pre- This approach has not found widespread government, and international standards sents many interesting problems. Research- commercial use because the cryogenic cur- laboratories with the advent of the ers at NIST are investigating the physical rent comparator must be operated at liquid- Josephson-array device. Within this labora- . principles underlying the effect, under- helium temperatures, which presents a tory, there are three array voltage-standard , standing sample-specific artifacts, exploring variety of operational difficulties. Moreover, systems in operation, including a fully the ac quantum Hall effect, and improving existing comparators are working prototypes automated 10-volt array system. Guest the measurement systems. Research is being rather than completed instrumentation sys- researchers can gain hands-on experience conducted on the range of parameters over tems are difficult to use. and with array system operation and verification which the quantum Hall effect provides the and cooperate on studies into both precision Recent advances in superconductivity tech- most accurate and reproducible standard of voltage metrology and Josephson-array nology have made the application of high- resistance. physics. temperature superconductors practical. In at

Using GaAs heterostructures grown at NIST, least one case, an integrated-circuit super- The metrology goals are to improve meas- 1 are class-10 researchers using a dedicated conducting quantum interference device - urement precision to better than one part in clean room facility to investigate different magnetometer, similar to devices used in 8 10 in applications of direct system-to- methods of making contacts to the devices to detect low levels of magnetic flux, CCCs system intercomparisons and lab-to-lab volt that will have very low resistances (in the has been built that operates at liquid- transfers, achieve greater reliability in auto-

j milliohm range) even at temperatures below nitrogen temperatures. Thus, the possibility

mation algorithms, and further the develop- ! 4.2 K and in high magnetic fields. for developing a commercial instrument ment of solid-state reference standards and based on a has been opened. Such CCC now precision digital voltmeters. an instrument might be run with a refrigera-

tor at liquid-nitrogen temperatures. —


The physics research addresses the effects of substrates. The application of this new tech- electromagnetic noise on the stability and nology may result in improved performance TESTING ELECTRONIC accuracy of the Josephson quantized-voltage and reduction in the cost of thermal SYSTEMS steps, studies the boundaries of chaotic converters. NIST scientists are developing new testing behavior in junction-junction interactions, Contacts: approaches for electronic systems to mini- and explores other possible array device Joseph R. Kinard mize the attendant testing costs while ensur- applications, such as the generation of (301) 975-4250 ing product quality. Program emphasis is on ac signals through frequency modulation of email: [email protected] development and application of generic the millimeter-wave drive frequency. Barry A. Bell error modeling methods for describing the

Contacts: (301) 975-2419 systems to be tested. Once an accurate

Richard L. Steiner email: [email protected] model is available, it can predict the per-

(301) 975-4226 formance of a device based on the fewest email: [email protected] B162 Metrology Building possible tests. Theoretical work centers on

Alan F. Clark dimensionality selection for empirical mod-

(301) 975-2139 els to minimize prediction errors and on the email: [email protected] SYNTHESIS OF PRECISE assignment of uncertainties and confidence SIGNALS limits when making predictions based on B258 Metrology Building empirical models. Results of this work are NIST is conducting both theoretical and being used by the semiconductor industry experimental research on the synthesis of to reduce the costs of testing mixed-signal precision ac waveforms for use in ac voltage ADVANCED AC-DC integrated circuits and by electronic instru- standards operating nominally below ment manufacturers to cut the high costs of VOLTAGE AND CURRENT 100 MHz and producing both sinusoidal and calibration test points. MEASUREMENTS arbitrary waveforms. The theoretical work includes Walsh functions and Fourier analy- Contacts: Thermal voltage and current converters sis, time-domain analysis, and precision T. Michael Souders offer the most accurate and broadband RMS-to-dc conversion techniques. Experi- (301) 975-2406 method for measuring ac voltage and cur- mental work involves high-speed, high- email: [email protected] rent for applications in communications, accuracy digital-to-analog conversion; Barry A. Bell power generation, aerospace, and defense. precision, high-speed switching; assembly (301) 975-2419 Thermal transfer standards are calibrated by and interpretive-level programming for email: [email protected] NIST in terms of reference converters, which hardware control; and wideband, fast- themselves have been characterized by refer- settling amplifiers. B162 Metrology Building ence to the NIST primary standards special multijunction thermal converters Contacts: whose performance is known. These primary Nile Oldham M. FAST PULSE AND and working standards in common use (301) 975-2408 throughout the metrology community email: [email protected] WAVEFORM ACQUISITION employ thermal converters fabricated from Barry A. Bell STANDARDS wire elements. Researchers at NIST are (301) 975-2419 NIST has an active program to provide a studying new methods for the manufacture email: [email protected] basis for characterizing both the time of film thermal converter structures made domain and frequency domain performance by the use of photolithography on silicon B162 Metrology Building of sampling and digitizing systems, includ-

ing analog/digital converters, sampling

oscilloscopes, and waveform recorders. Theoretical and experimental research

establishes test methods, reference wave-

forms, and state-of-the-art sampling tech-


areas include opto-electronic and electro- computers that is sensitive to electric power chemical characterization, and partial dis- optical techniques for sampling and surges, sags, and other transient phenom- charge measurements in cables and in gas- pulse generation in the 1-picosecond to ena. NIST is working with the electric power and liquid-insulated systems.

5-picosecond regime; advanced signal proc- industry to identify the sources and presence Contacts: essing methods, including deconvolution, of electric power degradation and to miti- Loucas G. Christophorou phase-plane compensation and spectral esti- gate its effects on sensitive equipment. (301) 975-2432 mation; and ultrahigh accuracy techniques Magneto-optical measurement devices of email: [email protected] to support modern sigma-delta sampling electrical current are being developed for James K. Olthoff technology. metering of electrical power. Research at (301) 975-2431 NIST includes the verification of the accu- Contacts: email: [email protected] racy of these devices that are being intro- T. Michael Souders duced into the power system. Other research (301) 975-2406 B344 Metrology Building areas include measurement of electric and email: [email protected] magnetic fields and precision measurements Barry A. Bell of electric power and energy. (301) 975-2419 PLASMA PROCESSING/ email: [email protected] Contacts: PLASMA CHEMISTRY

Gerald J. FitzPatrick NIST scientists are investigating the chemi- B162 Metrology Building (301) 975-2737 cal and physical processes occurring in low- email: [email protected] temperature discharges by applying a wide James K. Olthoff range of diagnostics to well-characterized METROLOGY FOR (301) 975-2431 discharges that are similar to those used in email: [email protected] ELECTRICAL POWER the manufacturing of microelectronic

devices. The goal of this research is to SYSTEMS B344 Metrology Building improve the measurement techniques Electrical measurements are critical to the required to ensure the reproducibility and operation of electrical power systems in control of semiconductor etching dis- many ways; they are fundamentally impor- DIELECTRICS RESEARCH charges. The discharges under study include tant to the control of power flow, the mainte- NIST scientists are developing measurement radio-frequency (rf) discharges (generated nance of reliability and quality, and the methods to characterize dielectrics used as in Gaseous Electronics Conference rf refer- revenue metering of electrical power. NIST electrical insulators in electric power sys- ence cells, a standard cell used by research research is conducted to support the high tems. Emphasis is on the investigation of labs worldwide) and low current dc Town- reliability of electric power delivery, public phenomena that affect reliability and safety send discharges. Diagnostics applied to these safety, and fairness in the sale of electric associated with operation of electrical sys- discharges include mass spectrometric detec- power to customers. tems. Specific projects include investigation tion of neutral and ionic species generated of the production of toxic byproducts in elec- Nearly all equipment installed in the electric in the discharges, analysis of discharge trical discharges, research on the environ- power system is subjected to acceptance tests electrical parameters, detection of plasma mental impact of the use of gaseous at high voltage to ensure it can withstand optical emission, and laser-induced fluores- dielectrics, and the development of diagnos- accidental high voltage surges as well as cence. Additional areas of research include tics for predicting failure (or breakdown) of those occurring during normal system opera- the accumulation and critical analysis of insulating materials. Theoretical work tion. NIST researchers are working both to standard reference data (such as cross sec- addresses Boltzmann equilibrium statistics, improve the precision of conventional meth- tions and rate coefficients) for use by the chemical kinetic computer codes, and ods traditionally used in high voltage testing semiconductor industry, the measurement computer-aided data acquisition and analy- as well as to develop optical and electro- of electron attachment cross sections for optical techniques that complement and sis. Experimental work focuses on high- offer significant advantages over conven- voltage ac and dc tests, gas chromatography tional measurement approaches. Power and mass spectrometric techniques for quality is also of great concern for utilities, which provide the electric power, and for consumers, who have equipment such as ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY

etching gases, and the investigation of the collaborative research projects. Such collabo-

role of surface charging in low-temperature rations would focus on precompetitive INTEGRATED discharges. research with broad applications in INFRASTRUCTURE FOR advancing the state of the art in digital Contact: ELECTRONICS DESIGN video systems. James K. Olthoff The electronics industry continues to move (301) 975-2431 Contact: toward a completely electronic, or computer email: [email protected] Charles Fenimore sensible, exchange of component informa- B3-H Metrology Building (301) 975-2428 tion throughout the product life cycle, from email: [email protected] design to manufacturing to field support. A53 Technology Building VIDEO PROCESSING The ability to represent accurately electronic circuit geometry, behavior, and other

Video quality presently is evaluated using METROLOGY FOR parameters in standard computer file subjective means; however, the exploding formats is crucial to the success of electronic video revolution requires signifi- digital FLAT-PANEL DISPLAYS commerce of component information cantly more sophisticated and accurate Researchers at NIST are developing the (ECCI) for electronics. Through the Inte- measurements. The static test patterns and measurement technology7 for the charac- grated Infrastructure for Electronics Design linear measurement tools for analog video terization of advanced image display sys- project, NIST scientists are working with the systems do not characterize adaptive, non- tems. A set of meaningful performance electronics industry to develop the stand- linear digital compression systems. NIST is specifications is needed that can be used to ards, infrastructure, methodologies, and developing a collection of measurement assess display quality7 and that can be tools necessary to facilitate the exchange of tools for the testing and evaluation of digital applied across the wide spectrum of display electronic product data—with a focus on video signals subjected to compression proc- technologies that either are available or will the design phase and the interface to manu- essing. Similarly, measurement techniques become available shortly. Display quality facturing—in the global marketplace. are being developed for the evaluation of the issues are not simply a matter of light NIST researchers are working with industry visual performance of video displays. measurement, power efficiency, display envi- consortia, such as the Silicon Integration ronment, or signal quality. Rather, many of One of the tools used for real-time video Initiative and SEMATECH, and standards these factors act in concert to affect display processing is the Princeton Engine, a video organizations, such as the International quality, with an important addition the supercomputer. Consisting of 1,024 parallel — Electrotechnical Commission and the complexities of human visual perception. processors with wideband video input and Institute of Electrical and Electronics j Research topics include the development of output channels, each processor operates on Engineers, to develop the standards, infra- radiometric and colorimetric measurements one picture element per video scan line, and structure, and methodologies necessary to of emissive and non-emissive displays, the all processors execute the same instruction. allow the U.S. electronics component indus- automation of such measurements, investi- Programming is accomplished using a sub- try to compete aggressively in this global gation of the visual perception of the eye, set of the C language having special con- marketplace. In response to industry needs, and modeling of display characteristics structions for parallel operation. Video NIST has ongoing research in several areas: video super- recorders, multiscan monitors, high- using the Princeton Engine video processing). • online data dictionaries, definition monitors, and additional video computer (see item on

support equipment are available. NIST • Contacts: conformance and certification methodolo- researchers are interested in using the Video gies for the electronic design automation Edward F. Kelley

I Technology' Laboratory for a wide variety of (EDA) industry, (301) 975-3842 [email protected] email: • EDA information model development, James St. Pierre • ECCI design life-cycle integration experi- (301) 975-4124 ments, email: [email protected]

• harmonization of existing and proposed Building A53 Technology standards, 82 ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY

• object-oriented electronic component rep- NIST researchers have partnered with the devoted to in-situ metrology using a variety

resentations, and National Electronics Manufacturing Initia- of X-ray, optical, and electrical in-situ meth-

tive to develop and validate methodology ods. Among these are an in-situ X-ray fluo- • specifications for ECCI utilities. and standards to enable a "plug-and-play rescence probe, multiple wavelength

Contact: factory." This industry-led project will rec- ellipsometry, X-ray reflectivity, and various

James St.Pierre ommend a software framework for shop- radiometric methods to measure wafer tem-

(301) 975-4124 floor integration, based on work being done perature during deposition. A focused ion

email: [email protected] at Georgia Tech to evaluate the applicability beam facility is used to fabricate nanostruc-

A53 Technology Building of candidate approaches for electronics tures for both research and metrology of

manufacturing. NIST researchers also have nanoscale devices. In-situ measurements of

teamed with industry in the Internet Com- growth and structural parameters are being

INTEGRATED merce for Manufacturing project to develop examined in addition to fabrication proper- INFRASTRUCTURE FOR and validate standards needed for electronic ties required for the reliable manufacture of commerce of printed circuit assembly serv- nanostructure devices. Research materials ELECTRONICS ices. This effort is demonstrating the use of and methods to improve measurement

MANUFACTURING emerging, more comprehensive standards to standards also are being developed.

move design information into the manufac- Electronics manufacturers face increasing Contacts: turing process and to add efficiency to pressures in today's global manufacturing Joseph G. Pellegrino online contractual transactions. environment, where being first to market is (301) 975-2123 often the chief determinant of market share. Contact: email: [email protected] Increased competition pressures manufac- Barbara Goldstein Wen F. Tseng turers to cut costs throughout the manufac- (301) 975-2304 (301) 975-5291 turing process, and increased product email: [email protected] email: [email protected] complexity forces manufacturers to main- A53 Technology Building tain flexible factories of high-capital equip- A305 Technology Building ment and best-of-breed software applications. In addition, globalization of SEMICONDUCTOR the customer and supplier base drives the OPTICAL need for globally distributed manufacturing ELECTRONICS CHARACTERIZATION facilities and suppliers. As a result, the Division Contact: METROLOGY manufacturing industry is in need of stand- David G. Seiler

technology to quickly effi- ards and and (301) 975-2054 Optical spectroscopic studies in the visible

ciently knit heterogeneous equipment and email: [email protected] and near-visible regions of the electromag- software together and to rapidly transfer in- fax: (301) 948-4081 netic spectrum are invaluable for determin- formation across corporate barriers and B344 Technology Building ing both materials- and device-related

multivendor computer environments. properties. The ability to couple to electronic

Through this project, NIST scientists are states of interest in device applications and

working with industry to develop and vali- their non-destructive nature make optical

date the use of open computer systems and METROLOGY FOR spectroscopic analyses attractive research standards to meet this need. NANOELECTRONICS and analytical tools. Studies currently under way at NIST focus on understanding the The goal of this project is to provide techno- electronic and structural behavior of semi- logical leadership to semiconductor and conductor materials, such as Si, GaAs, and equipment manufacturers by developing SiGe; microstructures, including quantum and evaluating the methods, tools, and arti- wells and superlattices; and photonic and facts needed to improve the state of the art electronic devices. Excellent spectroscopic in compound semiconductor growth and facilities are available to perform high- nanometrology (measurements on a scale of resolution photoluminescence, 10 nanometers to 100 nanometers). A state- photoluminescence-excitation, Raman of-the-art molecular-beam epitaxy facility is and resonance Raman scattering, reflection, ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY

absorption, and modulation spectroscopic images. Other SPM-based techniques are • developing a database of high-accuracy

measurements, such as electroreflectance being developed to measure lithographic optical constants for silicon and important

and photoreflectance. The equipment used overlay, dielectric constant, and carrier dielectric layers at temperatures typical of

includes high-resolution spectrometers, exci- lifetime. silicon processing steps.

tation lasers, cryostats, and associated opti- Contact: Contact: cal and electronic instruments. Joseph J. Kopanski James R. Ehrstein Contact: (301) 975-2089 (301) 975-2060 Paul M. Amirtharaj email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

; (301) 975-5974 A305 Technology Building B310 Technology Building

email: [email protected] A305 Technology Building THIN-FILM PROCESS SIUCON-ON-INSULATOR METROLOGY METROLOGY SCANNING PROBE Fabrication of thin films of various types is a Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers have

MICROSCOPE fundamental building block in the semicon- advantages over bulk silicon in process sim- METROLOGY ductor device industry. Increasingly strin- plicity and for applications involving low gent requirements on the structure and power, high temperature, integrated power, Scanning probe microscopes (SPMs), such composition of these films are reflected in high speed, and radiation hardness. The as the atomic force microscope, are one of increasingly stringent requirements on the National Technology Roadmap for Semicon- few techniques with the spatial resolution metrology tools and procedures used for ductors notes that development of low-cost necessary to probe within individual transis- process development and process monitor- SOI substrate wafers could advance inte- tors of state-of-the-art integrated circuits. ing. NIST researchers are developing grated circuit performance a full genera- This project applies SPMs to measure the improved procedures, reference data, and tion. SOI has been identified as the material optically, vibrationally, and electrically calibration artifacts to support in-situ proc- of choice for the Defense Advanced Research pumped impedance between an SPM tip and ess monitoring needs as well as in-line and Projects Agency's Low Power Electronics Pro- a semiconductor or device structure to deter- at-line measurements. Current activities gram, which is developing the infrastructure mine the spatial variation in their electrical focus on thin-film dielectrics. Research on for the fabrication of integrated circuits for properties. For example, scanning capaci- dielectrics, principally Si02 but also nitrides the portable, battery-operated, communica- tance microscopy (SCM) has been developed and layered structures, includes: tions and computer electronics of the future. as a technique to measure two-dimensional This project supports development of (2D) dopant profiles within silicon transis- • improving ellipsometric characterization improved SOI material by creating and tors with 10-nanometer spatial resolution. of materials needed for gate dielectrics for applying advanced metrology techniques to Quantitative 2D dopant profiles are required the year 2000 and beyond; ( the evaluation of the material. NIST has by the semiconductor industry to develop \ • developing an understanding of the developed the capability of annealing SOI next-generation integrated circuits. A effect of interface roughness on accurately wafers at the high (1350 °C) temperatures unique aspect of this work has been the determining the film properties needed by required for fabricating the material and development of a model of the SCM based industry; has the capability to fabricate simple test on a finite element solution of Poisson's structures on SOI. Analytical capabilities Equation for the capacitance between the • developing new and more flexible mecha- include advanced chemical-etching tech- SCM tip and a semiconductor. Results from nisms for supporting traceability to NIST niques combined with optical and electron the model have been incorporated into in the area of measurement of thin-gate microscopy and precision electronic easy-to-use, personal-computer-based soft- dielectrics; and measurements. ware that extracts dopant profiles from SCM


Peter Roitman

(301) 975-2077 email: [email protected] B310 Technology Building ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY

semiconductor manufacturers and others to

METROLOGY FOR METROLOGY FOR develop new and improved test structures, MODELING AND PROCESS AND TOOL test methods, and diagnostic procedures for enhanced characterization and reliability of SIMULATION CONTROL thin-film metal interconnects used in inte-

Modeling and simulation activities cut Integrated-circuit (IC) test structures, test- grated circuits. across the entire semiconductor industry. structure-based reference materials, and test Advances in microelectronic circuit density, Computer-aided design (CAD) continues to methods developed by NIST are used widely complexity, and reliability as well as greater assume more importance as design cycle by the semiconductor industry and other demands for ever-shorter times to develop times become shorter and shorter and hard- government agencies. These devices can be and market new products are forcing the ware prototypes become more and more used to characterize IC manufacturing U.S. semiconductor industry to use a new expensive to build. As more reliance is being processes, to evaluate the effectiveness of approach to reliability. The traditional placed on computer-aided designs to be semiconductor processing equipment, to approach of using screen and accelerated accurate, the software models used in these obtain crucial parameters for process or cir- stress tests is becoming increasingly imprac- designs also must be accurate and relevant cuit simulators, to perform product accep- tical to ensure the reliability of microelec- to the situations being simulated. The objec- tance tests, and to determine the reliability tronic products because too many parts and tives of this project are to help ensure the of the products manufactured. NIST work too much time are required. NIST is work- accuracy and relevance of these models and involves test-structure design, modeling, ing with the semiconductor industry to thus improve the efficiency and timeliness data acquisition, and data analysis. Institute implement the new "building-in reliability of CAD and to increase the confidence that engineers are investigating pattern recogni- approach," which emphasizes under- CAD users have in their designs. This is tion techniques for the rapid diagnosis of standing and controlling the causes for accomplished by developing and evaluating IC manufacturing processes. They also are reduced reliability. methods for measuring model parameters, developing new structures for nanometer- developing methods to "validate" model per- level metrology and for establishing meth- Contact: formance and applicability, and supporting ods to determine the reliability of thin films Harry Schafft the industry infrastructure for promulgating used in state-of-the-art microcircuits. (301) 975-2234 these activities. The project's recent focus email: [email protected] Contact: has been on model validation for high- B360 Technology Building Michael W. Cresswell power semiconductor devices and packages (301) 975-2072 and for the system-level thermal perform- email: [email protected] ance of microelectronic packages. Work DIELECTRIC RELIABILITY B360 Technology Building also is being initiated on metrology require- METROLOGY ments for semiconductor thermal process The U.S. semiconductor industry is aggres- modeling. INTERCONNECT sively scaling gate-oxide film thickness in Contact: RELIABILITY microelectronic devices to achieve higher Allen R. Hefner, Jr. METROLOGY chip performance and packing density. (301) 975-2071 Reduced time to market and new oxide proc- email: [email protected] Electrical interconnect reliability of inte- esses require fast and effective reliability

B3 10 Technology Building grated circuits continues to be a topic of characterization techniques. NIST, in col-

intense interest as evidenced by an increas- laboration with the semiconductor industry,

ing number of publications on the subject is developing physically correct models and

each year. This interest is the result of the tests to predict reliability of thin oxides

planned aggressive scaling of integrated cir- under dc and ac operating conditions.

cuits and the need for ever greater reliability Research is being performed to advance the

as expressed in the National Technology understanding of time-dependent dielectric

Roadmap for Semiconductors. A key under- breakdown in thin Si02 films by verifying

pinning of efforts in this area is the develop- the electric field dependence of the mecha-

ment of the measurement tools and nism. High temperature is used to accelerate

standards to facilitate the goals of the indus- dielectric failure so data can be obtained at

try. NIST researchers work with domestic lower electric fields in reasonable test times. ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY

Current projects focus on the evaluation of Computer-aided design methods and stand- components is critical to the design, develop-

accelerated stress tests for predicting the ard libraries of device designs are being ment, testing, and performance of modern

long-term reliability of ultrathin dielectrics. developed for rapid commercialization and microwave systems. The primary task of

The project also facilitates the development technology transfer. Areas of specialization device characterization at microwave fre-

of national standards for characterizing include microheating elements to produce quencies consists of measuring the transmis-

dielectric integrity to help ensure consistent temperature-programmable surfaces for sion or reflection response of a device to a

measurements among a company's multiple applications in thermal flat-panel displays known or controlled stimulus.

manufacturing plants and between vendors and integrated gas analyzers and develop- The principal quantities that characterize and customers. ment of CMOS-based broad-band power electromagnetic waves propagating in trans- detectors for precision power measurement. Contact: mission lines or similar guided-wave struc-

John S. Suehle Contact: tures are impedance, attenuation, scattering

(301) 975-2247 Michael Gaitan parameters, power, and noise. Rapidly devel- email: [email protected] (301) 975-2070 oping microwave technology requires the B360 Technology Building email: [email protected] support of advanced measurement tech- B360 Technology Building niques and standards for these quantities. The microwave industry and the U.S. Depart- MICROELECTRO- ment of Defense rely on NIST for calibra- MECHANICAL SYSTEMS ELECTROMAGNETIC tions of transfer standards to provide accurate, traceable measurements required Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) FIELDS for product development, performance evalu- represent a rapidly growing segment of the Division Contact: ation, quality assurance, and commercial U.S. semiconductor industry' with a multi- Dennis Friday interchangeability. To support international billion-dollar market expected to expand (303) 497-3131 traceability requirements, NIST compares its 10-fold over the next decade. This emerging email: [email protected] measurements of these quantities with those technology uses mechanical structures, fax: (303) 497-3122 made by other national metrology institutes made with integrated-circuit (IC) microfab- Mailcode 813-00 by participating in international compari- rication techniques, to perform sensing and Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 sons coordinated by the International actuation functions. Commercial applica- Bureau of Weights and Measures. tions for this technology include pressure the past decade, NIST researchers sensors, inertial sensors, fluid regulation During have developed six-port vector network ana- and control, optical switching, mass data GUIDED-WAVE for measuring scattering storage, and chemical and biological sens- lyzers (VNAs) MICROWAVE STANDARDS parameters, impedance, and attenuation. ing and control. Areas of interest include The six ports provide an independent standardization, environmental monitoring, AND MEASUREMENTS measurement technique for verifying the and control in biomedical, military, and The commercial and defense electronics accuracy of commercial VNAs. Calibration space applications. Systems aspects address industries rely on microwaves for a variety services for scattering parameters, imped- the development of new circuits and process- of applications, such as communications, ance, and attenuation are offered in popular ing techniques for monolithic integration of radar, navigation, and environmental moni- coaxial and waveguide sizes from 10 MHz to MEMS-based systems with new circuits for toring. Microwaves are desirable because of 100 GHz. NIST also supports the microwave control, communication, self-test, and self- their and short wavelength. community by developing new measure- calibration functions. Standards aspects The high frequencies allow for very wide ment techniques and evaluating the accu- address the need for test structures and test bandwidths, and the short wavelengths are understanding racy of current techniques. Commercial methods for measuring and important for reducing the size of compo- VNAs have become an indispensable tool for the electromechanical properties and reli- nents and devices. The accurate charac- modern microwave measurements. NIST aspects of these micromechanical- ability terization of microwave devices and currently is working on methods for assess- based systems. Custom processing ing and for verifying the accuracy of vector techniques and incorporation of these tech- network analyzers. As part of this effort, niques to post-processing of commercial NIST administers a measurement compari- foundry-fabricated ICs are being developed son program with the Institute of Electrical and utilized for device fabrication. 85 ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY

and Electronics Engineers Automatic RF sampling oscilloscopes. This range of

Techniques Group that allows VNA users to HIGH-SPEED options brings the advanced NIST technol- compare their measurements with the meas- MICROELECTRONICS ogy into the hands of microwave, wireless, urements of others. and digital engineers. While the explosion of wireless applications

Microcalorimeters have been developed at is fueling the demand for microwave and Contacts:

NIST for the most accurate microwave radio-frequency microelectronics, advances Roger Marks

power measurements. NIST researchers have in the silicon industry continue to drive the (303) 497-3037

developed both coaxial and waveguide size of digital circuits down and their clock email: [email protected]

microwave calorimeters to characterize ther- rates up. These trends in the wireless and Dylan Williams

mistor mounts. Thermistor mounts serve as digital industries have led to increasingly (303) 497-3138

reference standards for calibrating power stringent requirements for the electromag- email: [email protected]

meters and other power measuring equip- netic characterization of monolithic micro-

ment. Present efforts are directed toward wave integrated circuits (MMICs), dense Mailcode 813.06

developing coaxial power standards that will multilayer interconnects, and other high- Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328

operate up to 50 gigahertz. Calibration serv- speed microelectronic structures. In

ices for coaxial and waveguide thermistor response to these requirements, NIST

mounts are available from 10 megahertz to researchers are developing measurement ELECTROMAGNETIC 100 gigahertz. methods to characterize key, high-frequency CHARACTERIZATION OF components and high-performance elec- NIST does research on primary noise stand- MATERIALS tronic packages and interconnections. ards and radiometer systems to support It is widely recognized that critical needs noise temperature and noise figure measure- NIST supports the industry through research exist for accurate data on the electromag- ments. One port noise temperature is deter- and development of on-wafer metrology, par- netic properties of certain materials used mined by reference to a standard noise ticularly for the measurement of scattering, extensively throughout the aerospace, micro- generator via a radiometer. Calibration serv- impedance, and noise parameters. Fabrica- wave, electronics, and communications ices for measuring the thermal noise of tion of co-planar and microstrip calibration industries. The electromagnetic properties of coaxial and waveguide noise sources are standards is an important element in the materials program at NIST seeks to support available at limited frequencies from task. The project is supported by the NIST industry by evaluating and improving meas- 30 MHz to 100 GHz. Researchers are develop- Industrial MMIC Consortium, which pro- urement techniques, by providing well- ing an automated noise figure radiometer vides close collaboration with industry in characterized reference materials and that will operate over the frequency range developing accurate and traceable on-wafer measurement services, and by organizing from 1 GHz to 18 GHz. This system will measurements. measurement intercomparisons. Current measure the noise figure of active devices. The project aims for practical calibration capabilities include room-temperature meas-

Contact: and measurement methods that are suitable urements of complex permittivity and per-

Robert M. Judish for commercial laboratories. Methods are meability for bulk materials in the spectral

(303) 497-3380 implemented in instrument control and range, 100 kHz to 60 GHz, as well as high-

email: [email protected] data processing software that interface with precision cavity measurements of low-loss

Mailcode 813.06 a range of laboratory instruments, including dielectrics near 10 GHz. NIST is extending

Boulder, Colo. 80303-332 microwave network analyzers, radio- its measurement capabilities, for both bulk

frequency network analyzers, and digital and thin-film materials, into the millimeter range and at elevated and cryogenic

temperatures. Adequate and more accurate

materials characterization data will help


system performance with greatly reduced costs for corrective redesign. ANTENNA ELECTROMAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS Contacts: TECHNOLOGY .Andrew G. Repjar Researchers at NIST are developing reliable Division Contact: (303) 497-5703 techniques and standards for measuring key Richard E. Harris email: [email protected] performance parameters of antennas and (303) 497-3776 Claude M. Weil components used with satellites, Earth termi- email: [email protected] (303) 497-5305 nals, radars, and communications systems. fax: (303) 497-3066 email: [email protected] Near-field scanning now is used routinely to Mailcode 814.00 characterize microwave and millimeter- Mailcode 813.08 Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 wave antennas. NIST researchers are focus- Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 ing on developing and implementing

techniques to correct for errors in the scan ELECTROMAGNETIC surfaces and applying all near-field tech- JOSEPHSON ARRAY INTERFERENCE AND niques to higher frequencies. Software for the analysis of spherical near-field data DEVELOPMENT COMPATIBILITY recently has been rewritten and improved. Manufacturers of precision electronic com- Other research areas include spacecraft and ponents and instrumentation need intrinsic NIST researchers are engaged in a wide phased- array antenna measurements, electrical standards at a level of accuracy range of projects aimed at quantifying elec- antenna diagnostics using near-field tech- above that achievable by traditional electri- tromagnetic interferences (EMI) and electro- niques, and antenna systems measurements cal metrology and artifact standards. The magnetic compatibility (EMC). One thrust using celestial radio sources. characterization and calibration of modern of the NIST work is to develop measurement digital voltmeters, reference standards, and techniques and methodologies for measur- Contacts: analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog con- ing emission of unintentional radiation Andrew G. Repjar verters require the development of new and from electronic devices. Another aspect (303) 497-5703 improved intrinsic standards for the meas- under active investigation is the susceptibil- email: [email protected] urement of ac and dc voltage. Target cus- ity of electronic equipment to such radia- Carl F. Stubenrauch tomers are electronic instrument makers, tion. The researchers are identifying and (303) 497-3927 Department of Defense contractors, and defining quantities that characterize the email: [email protected] national and military standards laboratories. susceptibility of a device and then develop- Mailcode 813.08 ing methods to measure those quantities. The project pioneered the development of Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 Successful completion of this research practical Josephson voltage standards and, should result in the development of stand- by encouraging the commercialization of

ards and measurement techniques for EMI these standards, has allowed U.S. industry to

and EMC that are meaningful, technically dominate the world market for Josephson practical, and reliable. These techniques voltage systems and components. Continu-

then could be incorporated into voluntary ing work is designed to make these systems standards by both U.S. and international faster, easier to use, and more reliable. The standards organizations. project is developing a new generation of

programmable voltage standards that can Contact: move rapidly to any specified output voltage. Motohisa Kanda Ultimately, the new standards should be fast (303) 497-5320 enough to synthesize ac waveforms. email: [email protected]

Mailcode 813.07 Contact:

Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 Clark A. Hamilton

(303) 497-3740 email: [email protected] Mailcode 814.03


solar cells, is of great interest to the Depart-

NANOSCALE HIGH-PERFORMANCE ment of Defense for size-constrained, power- CRYOELECTRONICS SENSORS, INFRARED starved environments such as satellites.

Ultrasmall electronic devices operated at DETECTORS, AND MIXERS Contact: cryogenic temperatures offer unique capa- Erich N. Grossman This project addresses the needs of users and bilities that impact both fundamental (303) 497-5102 manufacturers of long-wavelength infrared metrology and industrial instrumentation. email: [email protected] (IR) detectors. Precise radiometric calibra- This project is developing a device for accu- Mailcode 814.03 tion of such systems requires an improved rately counting electrons that will provide a Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 absolute cryogenic radiometer for blackbody fundamental standard for capacitance and and band-limited IR radiation with higher allow an essentially new determination of accuracy and sensitivity than is presently the fine-structure constant. Using ultrasmall SUPERCONDUCTOR available. The physical foundation of the (100-nanometer) tunnel junctions operated project is the low noise and high sensitivity STANDARDS AND at ultralow temperature (0.05 K), the device of superconducting transition-edge ther- TECHNOLOGY pumps electrons onto a capacitor one by one mometers. Use of a transition-edge detector Manufacturers of superconducting wire need at a rate determined by an external clock. also is expected to improve the sensitivity of This device will become metrologically practical and accurate methods for charac- the ac/dc thermal conversion measurements terizing critical current, ac loss, and other important when it is improved to the point by a factor of between 10 and 100 over room where electrons are counted with an error performance parameters. The unbiased temperature detectors. In addition, manu- feedback of conductor performance and rate less than about 1 part in 10 . facturers and users of room-temperature measurement considerations to U.S. manu- Another cryogenic device under development infrared imagers are seeking increased func- facturers is important to maintain their com- meets the need for an X-ray detector with tionality from their systems. With support petitive position in support of magnetic the improved energy resolution required for from the Department of Energy and a large resonance imaging, electric power, labora- precise X-ray microanalysis. Such an X-ray commercial defense contractor, the project tory magnets, and other applications. detector, with an energy resolution of a few explores novel means of obtaining increased For Nb3Sn wires, the properties and han- electron volts, can be made using the rapid functionality, such as antenna-coupling of dling of the sample mandrel can affect the change in resistance of a superconductor IR detectors for polarization discrimination. measured critical current significantly. near its transition temperature to sense the This project also explores the capabilities of Sample damage, sample variability, and X-ray-induced temperature rise of electrons very high-frequency diodes of various types, mounting variability can have a major in a normal metal film held at about 0.1 K. particularly superconducting and room- effect on the measured critical current of Such ultrasensitive thermometers offer enor- temperature metallic tunnel junctions. The high-temperature superconductors. This mous potential to materials analysis in the frequency agility provided by such high- project provides standards, measurement semiconductor and other industries and speed diodes will be important to applica- techniques, quality assurance, reference promise remarkable advances for optical tions such as the wavelength-division data, and clarification of issues for both detectors, high-energy physics, and analysis multiplexed telecommunications system in low-temperature superconducting of biological molecules. high- and which very precise measurement and con- wire technology. In conjunction with inter- Contact: trol of IR frequency is required. A further national standards organizations, NIST Richard L. Kautz application for these devices is infrared researchers develop standards for critical 497-3391 rectification for solar energy generation, (303) current and other parameter measurements, email: [email protected] which, because it offers the possibility of conduct research, and lead interlaboratory i Mailcode 814.03 raising the efficiency beyond conventional comparisons. They represent, update, and Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY

seek input from U.S. industry throughout Recent developments in growth of high- calibrated radiometers, and they evaluate the process of standards creation in order to energy physics accelerators and the deregula- and improve HTS Josephson junctions for protect U.S. interests in international trade. tion of the electric power utilities have use in voltage standards, terahertz detectors,

resulted in demand for superconducting and other devices to meet the measurement Contact: magnets with both higher fields and larger and application needs of industry. Loren F. Goodrich size. Both trends lead to higher magnetic (303) 497-3143 Contact: loading of the superconductor, which neces- email: [email protected] David A. Rudman sitates measurements of the effect of stress Mailcode 814.05 (303) 497-5081 on electrical performance. The project Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 email: [email protected] instrumentation in the electromechanical Mailcode 814.03 area is the only apparatus in the United Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 SUPERCONDUCTOR States for electrical transport measurements of superconductors at high magnetic fields. INTERFACES AND Contact: MAGNETIC RECORDING ELECTRICAL TRANSPORT JackW. Ekin METROLOGY The high-temperature-superconductor (303) 497-5448 The magnetic recording industry is advanc- (HTS) industry needs high-quality contacts email: [email protected] ing rapidly the state of the art in high- and interfaces for both thin-film and bulk Mailcode 814.05 density information storage and read conductors. Industry has looked to NIST for Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 devices. To maintain their competitive engineering help and an understanding of advantage in rigid-disk manufacture, U.S. how to control the surfaces of these new firms must constantly look to new properties materials. The new HTS materials also have HIGH-TEMPERATURE of magnetic materials. The accurate charac- significant magnetic field anisotropy, which SUPERCONDUCTING terization of new materials often is beyond has opened a new set of measurement and the capability of the small companies most modeling problems for conductor perform- ELECTRONICS eager to exploit them. Thus, NIST develops ance. Many of the companies that have High-temperature superconductivity (HTS) metrology to assist the magnetic recording expressed a need for the expertise and the has opened the possibility for operating industry and develops techniques to charac- equipment available at NIST are small superconducting electronic instrumentation terize the performance of ultrahigh-density start-up companies without extensive at temperatures accessible with present-day magnetic recording systems and of sub- infrastructure. cryocoolers. Low-temperature superconduc- micrometer magnetoresistive sensors. tors are used to produce unique standards, The thin-film fabrication equipment offers such as the Josephson volt, and measure- NIST researchers have developed a scanning both sputter and laser-ablation deposition of ment apparatus, such as superconducting micromagnetic recording system to charac- HTS materials, reflection high-energy elec- quantum interference devices. Equivalent terize ultrahigh-density recording. The sys- tron diffraction analysis, in situ charac- HTS devices would expand the applicability tem combines the ability to read and write terization of process gas and background of these devices far beyond standards and conventional bit tracks under a variety of contaminants, ion-milling, and etching, all research laboratories. controlled conditions with the ability to in the same vacuum chamber. Equipment image the magnetic structure. It also allows to perform in situ scanning tunneling NIST scientists have developed fabrication, the characterization of advanced sensors microscopy surface analysis of HTS films testing capabilities, and theoretical without the need for full head fabrication. allows surface conductivity maps to be made competence for HTS devices in the areas of Development is coordinated with the needs immediately after film fabrication. microwave and terahertz metrology and of commercial disk drive, head, and media technology. They work with the HTS commu- manufacturers as well as with the National nication industry to measure and improve Storage Industry Consortium's heads pro- the power-handling capabilities of HTS gram. The researchers develop micromag- devices as well as to improve microwave netic models of magnetoresistive sensors measurement and characterization tech-

niques for HTS films and devices. They also work with industry and other NIST divisions


and media as well as characterization tech- chemistry, power conversion, and high- optimizing techniques for measurement, the niques for the new generation of subrai- frequency electromagnetics. researchers establish standard levels of crometer magnetoresistive sensors to be used instrument performance. They maintain an Contact: in ultrahigh-density magnetic recording. active research program to develop new Ron Goldfarb imaging and image measurement tech- Contact: (303) 497-3650 niques tailored to specific problems desig- David P. Pappas email: [email protected] nated by the magnetic recording industry. (303) 497-3374 Mailcode 814.05 email: [email protected] Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 Contact: Mailcode 814.00 John M. Moreland

Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 (303) 497-3641 NAN0PR0BE IMAGING email: [email protected] FOR MAGNETIC Mailcode 814.05 MAGNETIC INSTRUMENTS Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 TECHNOLOGY AND MATERIALS Magnetic recording technology in 1997 was CHARACTERIZATION a $33 billion worldwide industry for hard- OPTOELECTRONICS Researchers, developers, producers, and disk drives alone. The technology has Division Contact: users of magnetic materials need tools for advanced to where nanometer-scale morpho- Gordon W. Day the accurate determination of magnetic logical, magnetic, and electrical properties 497-5204 properties and the analytical interpretation play important roles in drive performance. (303) email: [email protected] of data. Industries supported include: manu- Images showing microroughness, device fax: 497-7671 facturers of inductive recording heads, mag- dimensions, magnetic field patterns, and (303) Mailcode 815.00 netoresistive read-back heads, thin-film and local electronic processes provide important Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 particulate recording media, and magneto- information about the fundamental opera- resistive magnetic memories; producers tion and ultimate limitations of drive com- of microwave materials; companies ponents. In addition, images of components researching magnetoresistive sensors; shipped for assembly can be used to deter- LASER RADIOMETRY superconductor wire manufacturers; and mine quality before manufacture of the com- magnetic-particle researchers in medicine. plete drive. Scanning-probe microscopies NIST researchers develop measurement

The project provides measurement services, (SPM), such as scanning-tunneling, atomic- methods and standards for characterizing often in the form of collaborations, to force, and magnetic-force microscopies, and laser sources and detectors used primarily laboratories that do not have magnetic scanning potentiometry are uniquely quali- with continuous-wave radiation. They also measurement and analysis capability. fied for many of these applications because develop and maintain measurement services

of the nanometer-scale dimensions of the for laser power and energy, optical fiber NIST develops instruments, measurement various types of probes. power, and related parameters. protocols, and theoretical models to charac- terize the magnetic properties of films, parti- By working closely with industry', this proj- Accurate characterization of optoelectronic cles, and bulk solids as functions of ect helps to determine which kinds of SPM sources and detectors is crucial to the effec- magnetic field strength, field history, tem- technology developed by the scientific com- tive development and use of industrial perature, and time. Researchers develop, pro- munity may have commercial impact. By technologies such as lightwave mote, and transfer to industry magnetic telecommunications, laser-based medical metrology for applications in magneto- instrumentation, materials processing, optics, magnetic data storage, magneto- photolithography, data storage, and laser

safety equipment. The laser radiometry pro-

ject focuses on selected critical parameters ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY

intrinsic to optoelectronic sources and detec- High-bandwidth measurements are needed The joining of optical fibers requires the tors, especially the calibration of optical to support high-performance systems that fiber to have accurately controlled dimen- fiber power meters and laser power/energy take advantage of the potential bandwidth of sions. NIST-developed Standard Reference meters at commonly used wavelengths and optical fiber. Systems presently being Materials for cladding diameter allow manu- power levels. Absolute optical measurements installed operate at 5 gigabits per second to facturers to calibrate instrumentation used are traceable through high-accuracy cryo- 10 gigabits per second using pure optical in manufacturing and quality control; geo- genic electrical substitution radiometers to time division multiplexing (OTDM); metrical standards for fiber coatings and national electrical standards for power and research is being conducted on the next gen- connector ferrules have been developed as energy. In addition, special test measure- eration of OTDM systems at 20 gigabits per well. Dispersion, the variation of propaga- ments are available for linearity, spectral second to 40 gigabits per second. Increas- tion velocity with wavelength or polariza- responsivity, and spatial uniformity of opti- ingly tight tolerances in both digital and tion, sets the limit for the rate at which cal power meters and detectors. In support analog systems require frequency response information can be transmitted. Measure- of source characterization, measurement measurements with low uncertainty. ment methods and standards for chromatic methods are developed to characterize beam dispersion are available, and polarization- Project members use both frequency- intensity profiles and propagation of laser mode dispersion standards currently are domain and time-domain techniques to beams. Project members participate in under development. characterize the modulation response of national and international standards com- optoelectronic components with the low The development of optical amplifiers has mittees developing standards for laser safety, uncertainty, large frequency range (over 5 brought revolutionary changes to the design laser radiation measurements (such as decades), and fine frequency resolution of communications. Since these new compo- beam profile and pointing stability), and required by international standards for nents require special methods of charac- optical-power-related measurements. They present and future optoelectronic systems. terization, measurement services for spectral extend and improve source and detector Source and detector noise measurements are gain and noise figure are now in develop- characterizations through the development required to predict low-bit error ratios in ment. Non-linear properties of fiber, such as of improved technology such as low-noise, computer interconnects, high carrier-to- four-wave mixing and soliton effects, have spectrally flat, highly uniform pyroelectric noise ratios in analog systems, and to sup- been studied and applied to instrumenta- detectors, solid-state light trapping detec- port erbium-doped fiber amplifier noise- tion. Novel implementations of reflec- tors, deep ultra-violet optical calorimeters, figure measurements using electrical noise tometry in fiber also are being studied. and new tunable-wavelength laser systems. measurement methods. Intensive use of Project staff develop advanced measurement Contact: laser target designators by the armed forces methods and Standard Reference Materials Christopher L. Cromer requires traceable, low-level pulse power for optical fibers and interact with standards (303) 497-5620 and energy calibration standards at 1.06 groups to provide a metrology base for the email: [email protected] micrometers and 1.55 micrometers. lightwave communication industry. Mailcode 815.01 Contact: Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 Contact: Paul D. Hale Paul Williams (303) 497-5367 (303) 497-3805 email: [email protected] HIGH-SPEED email: [email protected] Mailcode 815.01 Mailcode 815.02 OPTOELECTRONIC Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 MEASUREMENTS NIST provides advanced metrology and FIBER-OPTIC standards relating to temporal properties of

optical sources and detectors used with METROLOGY

optoelectronic systems. Researchers also Optical fibers largely have replaced coaxial

develop and maintain measurement services cable in long-distance telecommunications

for optoelectronic frequency response, systems and rapidly are being installed in

impulse response, relative intensity noise, local-area applications. NIST staff interact

noise figure, and low-level pulsed energy. with industry groups to develop measure- ment methods and reference standards for

the characterization of these components. ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY

INTEGRATED OPTIC OPTICAL FIBER SENSORS FIBER AND DISCRETE METROLOGY The NIST optical fiber sensors project sup- COMPONENTS ports the sensor industry broadly by provid- Optical waveguides in planar geometries, Advanced optical communications systems ing measurements and standards for the often called integrated optics, are increas- use many different types of components to characterization of optical materials and ingly used in communications and other control and modify propagating signals. components used in sensors. Researchers optoelectronic systems. This project develops NIST develops measurement technology to also develop and evaluate new fiber optic advanced measurement methods for inte- characterize these components and under- sensors for other government agencies and grated optical waveguides and interacts with stand their limits. industry. Most of the work has been devoted standards groups to provide a metrology to high-sensitivity, high-bandwidth electric This project currently is conducting base for the lightwave communications current and magnetic field sensing, research on polarization-dependent loss industry. As the optical communications although recent work has involved other and gain metrology, characterization of industry moves toward local-area networks measurands. A broad range of research and photo-induced Bragg fiber gratings, and and toward fiber to the home, there is wavelength standards for optical fiber development is performed, including trans- com- increasing need for inexpensive passive com- ducer, component, systems, and materials munications. Polarization-dependent loss ponents, such as splitters. Additionally, such work. When possible, newly developed sensor and gain in components affect a system's components are needed because long- performance, especially technology is transferred to interested U.S. when many compo- distance telephony is retrofitting to wave- companies. A successful example involves nents are in the system. NIST is developing a length-division multiplexing (WDM). annealed fiber coil technology that creates polarization-dependent loss calibration Several companies are manufacturing 1 x N stable current sensors out of common opti- standard for commercial test instruments splitters or are about to market them; in is polarization- cal fiber and now is available commercially. and characterizing addition, arrayed waveguide gratings and dependent gain of fiber amplifiers. Photo- other devices in integrated optics are giving In collaboration with U.S. companies, NIST induced Bragg gratings in optical fiber are rise to multiplexers for dense WDM. There developed a Standard Reference Material for likely to be incorporated in fiber lasers, are, however, no standard measurement optical retardance. The device, based on dispersion compensators, and filters. The procedures similar to those for fiber-index Fresnel rhombs, has nominally 90-degree researchers evaluate the growth charac- profile and mode-field diameter. Nor are retardance at 1.3 micrometers with 0.1- teristics and long-term stability of these there artifact standards similar to those for degree stability over wide ranges of wave- fiber gratings. They also are developing fiber geometry. It also is not obvious how to length, angle, and temperature. In addition Standard Reference Material absorption perform analogous measurements when the to the Standard Reference Material, special cells for wavelength calibration in the 1.5 mode field pattern of an integrated optical measurement services for retardance using micrometer region. These cells can be used waveguide is not circularly symmetric or the accurate methods developed at NIST are to calibrate the instruments that charac- when the fiber measurement is performed offered. NIST researchers also are collaborat- terize the spectrum of sources and wave- using a cutback technique or a mandrel ing with industry to develop measurements length dependence of components. This wrap. Thus, several critical measurements that support optical data storage. Efforts calibration capability will become increas- are under examination. now focus on substrate characterization, ingly important as wavelength-division with the goal of providing materials that Contact: multiplexing optical communication improve the calibration of disc birefringence Matt Young systems are implemented. testers. (303) 497-3223 Contact: email: [email protected] Contact: Sarah L. Gilbert Mailcode 815.02 Kent B. Rochford (303) 497-3120 Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 (303) 497-5170 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Mailcode 815.03 Mailcode 815.03 Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY


NIST is developing measurement methods The commercial success of semiconductor

and acquiring critical data to improve the optoelectronic devices in an ever-widening manufacturing of dielectric optical devices array of applications (telecommunications, SEMICONDUCTOR and materials. This work supports eventual computer interconnects, data storage, dis- PROCESSING and current commercial applications requir- play, printing, and sensor systems) requires

ing passive optical components, electro- low-cost manufacturing. NIST scientists LABORATORY

optic and non-linear devices, and compact develop measurement tools suitable for cru- As integrated circuit (IC) sizes increase to solid-state lasers. Research activities include cial stages in the manufacture of compound more than 1 cm and feature sizes within developing rapid non-destructive evaluation semiconductor devices such as light- the circuits decrease to less than 1 \im, methods for bulk and thin-film ferroelectric emitting diodes, diode lasers, detectors, and critical demands are placed on the measure- materials such as lithium niobate, lithium modulators. operation The of key devices ment capability required to control and tantalate, potassium titanyl phosphate, and critically depends on the thickness and com- monitor IC fabrication successfully. To meet non-linear polymers. Domain-engineered positional uniformity of epitaxial layers. To the demand, NIST researchers are develop- geometries of these materials also are increase device under yield, NIST is improving opti- ing state-of-the-art measurement proce- investigation. Commercial application of cal methods for the in-process monitoring dures for microelectronics manufacturing. this work supports device and product devel- and control of semiconductor layer deposi- The Semiconductor Processing Laboratory opment for optical data storage, biomedical tion. NIST researchers use computer simula- provides a quality physical environment for lasers, vehicle navigation, and optical com- tions and the correlation of data from a variety of research projects in semiconduc- munications. NIST also is improving meth- several in-situ and ex-situ techniques to tor microelectronics as well as in other ods for the manufacture of compact improve the measurements' accuracy. Test areas of physics, chemistry, and materials rare-earth-doped solid-state waveguide structures and novel measurement tech- research. The laboratory facilities are used lasers and amplifiers. This effort currently is niques have been developed to measure pre- for projects addressing many areas of semi- emphasizing neodymium-. erbium-, and cisely optical constants, defect diffusion, and conductor materials and processes, includ- ytterbium-doped silicate and phosphate quantum microcavity effects. Researchers ing process control and metrology, materials glasses. Critical measurements include fabricate semiconductor quantum-well characterization, and the use of integrated evaluation of the dopant concentration pro- devices used in laser and detector metrology circuit materials and processes for novel files that define waveguides and spectro- and sensing applications. Ultra-short pulse applications. scopic properties such as lifetimes and cross measurements are applied to semiconductor

sections. Rigorous numerical modeling is materials characterization and the fabrica- The laboratory complex occupies about 2 leading to optimized characterization of high-speed i designs of mode- tion and 372 approximately half of which is com- m ,

' locked lasers, Q-switched lasers, and devices. In support of next-generation data posed of clean rooms. Within the clean

optical amplifiers. Various pulsed, communications, display, and data storage rooms, work areas are maintained at class

continuous-wave, branched, and narrow- products, NIST scientists are measuring and 30. The facility is designed so the work areas

line lasers have been developed, including modeling the properties of vertical-cavity can be modified easily to accommodate the

distributed Bragg-reflector lasers. surface-emitting lasers. [ Commer- frequent equipment and other changes

cial applications include sensors and optical required by research. Contact: telecommunications. Robert K. Hickernell CAPABILITIES

Contact: (303) 497-3455 The laboratory has a complete capability for

Norman A. Sanford email: [email protected] IC fabrication. Principal processing and

(303) 497-5239 Mailcode 815.04 analytical equipment is listed below.

. email: [email protected] Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 • Diffusion, Oxidation, and Annealing. Mailcode 815.04 Six furnace tubes for up to 75-millimeter- Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 diameter wafers and five tubes for up to


• Photolithography. Research mask aligner A research-oriented facility, the laboratory is

(proximity and contact) for wafers up to not designed to produce large-scale ICs or MOLECULAR-BEAM 100 mm in diameter and irregularly shaped similar complex structures. Rather, the labo- EPITAXY FACILITY samples and 10 x direct-step-on wafer ratory emphasizes breadth and flexibility to Molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) of III-V system for 75-millimeter-diameter wafers. support a wide variety of projects. semiconductors is used to fabricate hetero- Photoresist spin coating and developing and Currently, research projects address many structures with highly controlled electrical, related chemical processing, including oxy- aspects of microelectronic processing steps optical, and structural properties. The facil- gen plasma stripping. E-beam writing and as well as silicon and materials micro- ity's primary role is to study and measure scanning electron microscope exam-ination machining. Examples include: metal- material parameters of advanced compound of small features on 75-millimeter wafers. oxide-semiconductor measurements; metal- semiconductors, especially in ways that pro-

• Film Deposition. Low-pressure chemical semiconductor-specific contact resistivity; mote new and improved measurement tech-

resistivity, vapor deposition systems for depositing uniformity of ion-implanted niques. The MBE facility is equipped with a silicon nitride, polysilicon, and low- dopant density, surface potential, and inter- dual-chamber MBE system. One chamber is

temperature silicon dioxide. Radio fre- face state density; characterization of depos- devoted to the fabrication of heterostruc-

quency and dc vacuum sputtering of metals ited insulating films on silicon carbide; tures for research and metrology. This effort and dielectrics. Electron beam and hot fila- ionization and activation of ion-implanted includes high-mobility modulation-doped

ment vacuum evaporation of metals. species in semiconductors as a function of field-effect transistors, quantum Hall

annealing temperature; electrical tech- devices, self electro-optical effect devices, • Etching. Wet and dry etching processes. niques for dopant profiling and leakage cur- superlattices, lasers, and optical modulators. Plasma barrel etching of nitride films rent measurements; and processing effects The adjoining chamber is a state-of-the-art and wet chemical etching of silicon for on silicon-on-insulator materials. A simple MBE for developing and performing in-situ micromachining. CMOS process has been established. metrology of advanced semiconductors. • Ion Implantation. Multipurpose 200 keV What distinguishes this effort from others is AVAILABILITY ion implanter. the availability of numerous in-situ probes Laboratory staff welcome collaborative that can simultaneously measure the same • Analytical Measurements. Thin-film research projects consistent with the materials parameters over a wide range of reflectometry and other thickness measure- research goals of the NIST semiconductor temperatures. This will lead to a better ments, optical microscopy, and grooving program. Work is performed in cooperation understanding of the limitations of an indi- and staining. with the technical staff of the laboratory. vidual probe and will provide industrial • productive In-Situ Metrology. In-situ, real-time, The most arrangements begin manufacturers with important correlations ellipsometry to with development of research multiple wavelength meas- a plan with they can use for improved growth control. ure optical constants of silicon and other specific goals. The commitment of knowl- Contact: chemical vapor deposition materials such as edgeable researchers to work closely with Joseph G. Pellegrino silicon dioxide, polysilicon, and silicon NIST staff and the provision of equipment (301) 975-2123 nitride. and other needed resources are required. email: [email protected] Because hazardous materials are present, APPLICATIONS A305 Technology Building laboratory staff must supervise all research Small quantities of specialized semiconduc- activities. tor test specimens, experimental samples, prototype devices, and processed materials Contact: WAFER PROBING can be produced. The processes and process- Donald B. Novotny LABORATORY ing equipment can be monitored during (301) 975-2699 Wafer Probing Laboratory provides operation to study the process chemistry and email: [email protected] The NIST capability for automated dc probing of physics. The effects of variations in operat- B310 Technology Building the ing conditions and process gases and chemi- test devices on up to 200-millimeter wafers. The system consists of a state-of-the-art cal purities can be investigated. Research is

performed under well-controlled conditions. commercial parameter analysis test system upgraded with a nanovolt digital multimeter

controlled by a workstation. A computer-


allows for fast wafer mapping of devices. A APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS

switching matrix allows for the use of up to In addition to performing radiated-emission The range can be used for the following

36 independent connections; these may go or immunity measurements of electronic applications:

either directly to a probe card for wafer prob- equipment, the mode-stirred chambers can • antenna calibrations, ing or, through use of adapter boards, measure the shielding effectiveness of gas-

directly to packaged parts. Currently, the keting, composites, and other materials used • antenna patterns at any polarization,

Wafer Probing Laboratory is primarily used for radio-frequency shielding applications. • electromagnetic immunity measurements, in the development and evaluation of test The chambers also can be used to measure

structures for very large-scale integration for the shielding effectiveness of wiring har- • electromagnetic radiated emission

metrology applications; the system also is nesses, printed circuit boards, and connector measurements,

capable of measuring the dc characteristics assemblies. To perform faster immunity • calibration of field intensity meters, and of devices such as transistors. Additional measurements, NIST researchers are study-

equipment in the Wafer Probing Laboratory ing frequency stirring as an alternative to • wave propagation studies.

includes a 125-millimeter manual wafer mechanical stirring. Preliminary data indi- AVAILABILITY probe station and inspection microscopes. cate that good field uniformity can be This facility is used heavily in performing This facility is available in support of col- obtained by using bandwidths on the order calibrations for industry and other govern- laborative research with NIST. of 10 MHz. mental agencies. It is available for inde-

Contact: AVAILABILITY pendent or collaborative work.

Richard A. Allen Two chambers are available. NIST staff are Contact: 975-5026 available for collaborative programs or to (301) Motohisa Kanda email: [email protected] advise and interpret measurement results. (303) 497-5320 B360 Technology Building Contact: email: [email protected] Motohisa Kanda Mailcode 813.07 MODE-STIRRED (303) 497-5320 Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 email: [email protected]

CHAMBERS Mailcode 813.07 TRANSVERSE NIST researchers have designed and con- Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 structed mode-stirred (reverberating) cham- ELECTROMAGNETIC bers to measure radiated electromagnetic CELL emission, immunity of electronic equip- GROUND SCREEN NIST researchers have designed and con- ment, and shielding effectiveness of mate- ANTENNA RANGE structed several transverse electromagnetic rials and cable/connector assemblies. A The ground screen antenna is an open area (TEM) cells that are available for use. A mode-stirred chamber is an electrically test site. TEM cell is an enclosure for performing large (in terms of wavelength), high-quality radiated electromagnetic emission and cavity whose boundary conditions are varied CAPABILITIES screen consists of 6.35- susceptibility measurements of electronic by means of a rotating conductive tuner. The ground millimeter mesh galvanized hardware cloth equipment. Its design is based on the con-

. CAPABILITIES stretched over a level concrete slab. The cept of an expanded transmission line oper- The mode-stirred chamber simulates near- ated in a TEM mode. screen is 30.5 m wide by 6l m long and field conditions for tests at frequencies from permits far-field measurements in the high- CAPABILITIES 200 MHz to 40 GHz. Equipment as large as frequency portion of the spectrum. The The cell provides a shielded environment for 1.5 m x 2.0 m x 3.0 m can be tested in high- mesh dimension provides for an efficient testing without introducing multiple reflec- level test fields up to 1000 V/m. plane well into the ultrahigh fre- ground tions experienced with the conventional quency part of the electromagnetic spectrum. shielded enclosure. It simulates very closely

a planar far field in free space and has

constant amplitude and linear phase



In addition to radiated electromagnetic The EM chamber is used in areas such as: The present system consists of 1 -meter-

interference testing, other applications of diameter loops, which are usable from 3 kHz • research, development, and evaluation of the TEM cells include the calibration of to 100 MHz. The frequency range can be new EM-field-generation and measurement antennas and the study of biological effects shifted upward by using smaller diameter methods; of radio-frequency radiation. loops. The minimum detectable power radi-

• calibration of field measurement ated from a device near the center of the AVAILABILITY instruments; loops ranges from 0.1 fW at 10 MHz to 1 pW Several TEM cells with five different sizes at 100 MHz, with a 1 Hz noise bandwidth. and five upper frequency limits in the 100 • immunity testing of electronic equipment; The system has a dynamic range of 100 dB. MHz to 1 GHz frequency range are available. • shielding effectiveness and material In collaborative programs, NIST staff are APPLICATIONS parameter studies; and available to advise and interpret measure- Loop antenna systems can be used for: ment results. Independent testing also can • special tests for industry, government • measurements of total E and H emissions be arranged. agencies, and universities. from electronic devices such as video display

Contact: AVAILABILITY terminals (VDT) that are placed near the

Motohisa Kanda This facility is used heavily in performing center of the three loops;

(303) 497-5320 calibrations for industry and other govern- • determination of the Poynting vector email: [email protected] mental agencies. It is available for inde- from incident plane waves; Mailcode 813.07 pendent or collaborative work with NIST.

Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 • near-field measurements of power radi- Contact: ated from strong sources used in electromag- Motohisa Kanda netic interference and electromagnetic pulse (303) 497-5320 ELECTROMAGNETIC testing; and email: [email protected]

ANECHOIC CHAMBER Mailcode 813.07 • measurement of field levels near large

The electromagnetic (EM) anechoic cham- Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 conducting structures where plane wave ber at NIST is a facility for generating stand- approximations are not valid. ard, well-characterized electromagnetic AVAILABILITY fields. Such fields are fundamental to the CONCENTRIC LOOP The present 1 -meter-diameter system is research, development, and evaluation of ANTENNA SYSTEMS being used as a research tool to develop antennas, field probes, and EM material NIST researchers have developed an standard measurement techniques for emis- properties. antenna system consisting of three concen- sions from VDTs. It is available for collabora-

CAPABILITIES tric, orthogonal metal loops, each having tive work in this or other areas of potential

EM fields up to 100 V/m can be established two diametrically opposed gaps. Analog sig- usefulness. Loops with other diameters or in the chamber over the broad frequency nals from the gaps are relayed to processing special requirements could be fabricated by range from 200 MHz to 40 GHz and up to electronics by fiber-optic links in order to special arrangement.

200 V/m for certain bands above 1 GHz. A prevent distortion of the measured fields by Contact: majority of the individual components com- electrical conductors. The signals are com- Motohisa Kanda posing the measurement system are under bined to give both the electric and magnetic (303) 497-5320 computer control, thus enhancing statistical components of an incident field. email: [email protected] control of the measurements. The chamber Mailcode 813.07 measures 8.5 m x 6.7 m x 4.9 m. Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY


This facility is designed to generate and Several broadband antennas are available NIST maintains a complete fabrication labo- transmit standard transient fields. The sys- for transmission and reception of transient ratory for superconducting integrated cir- tem consists of a 30-square-meter ground signals. By combining these antennas, cuits. Devices employing both low- and plane and a 3-meter conical transmitter. broadband transient generators, high-speed high-temperature superconductors are sup-

The input signal is transmitted as a well- transient digitizers, and sophisticated signal ported. Demonstrated capabilities include defined spherically expanding wave that can processing, a variety of measurements are the fabrication of 20,000-j unction Josephson be used to evaluate the impulse response of possible. 10-volt array standards using niobium electromagnetic probes and sensors. trilayer technology. The laboratory is CAPABILITIES housed in an M2.5/3-5 (Class 100/1000) CAPABILITIES The capabilities are related closely to the ciean room. Individual facilities include a The transmit capabilities are primarily lim- desired application. With existing antennas, digital pattern generator, submicrometer ited by the output spectrum and amplitude it is possible to transmit transient signals resolution waferstepper, precision contact of the input signal source. In-house sources with spectral components from 25 MHz up aligner, laboratory-scale electron-beam allow measurements of frequency compo- to 14 GHz and field amplitudes of greater lithography system, pulsed laser deposition nents between 50 MHz and 10 GHz, and field than 200 V/m. Receiving antennas have system, metal and insulator thin-film deposi- levels of up to 100 VVm. The transmitted similar frequency restrictions and sensitivi- tion and etching systems, and requisite wave is known to an accuracy of ± 1 dB. ties determined by the receiving equipment. accompanying processing tools. Silicon Sensitivities of better than 500 V/m are APPLICATIONS wafer processing facilities for microelectro- typical. The primary use for this facility is the cali- mechanical system fabrication include bration of broadband probes and sensors. APPLICATIONS oxidation, diffusion, silicon nitride growth,

Other applications are measuring the shield- This system has been applied in a wide vari- polysilicon growth, and low-temperature ing effectiveness of structures and walls and ety of diverse applications, and many more doped oxide growth. These facilities are measuring the immunity of electronic are possible. Some of the specific applica- available on a limited basis in support of devices and equipment to transient electro- tions are measurement of the shielding effec- collaborative research with NIST. magnetic fields. tiveness of materials, automobiles, and Contact: aircraft; non-invasive evaluation of electri- AVAILABILITY James A. Beall cal properties of materials; reflectivity of This facility is available for calibration of (303) 497-5989 dissipative macrostructures, such as radio- broadband devices. Other applications are email: [email protected] frequency absorber and ferrite tiles; possible on a limited basis. Tests requiring Mailcode 814.03 evaluation of reverberation and anechoic higher frequencies or field levels are pos- Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 chamber performance; and measurement of sible with special arrangements. fields radiated from electrostatic discharges. Contact: AVAILABILITY ULTRALOW-TEMPERATURE Motohisa Kanda This system is readily available for interest- (303) 497-5320 ELECTRONICS FACILITY ing applications. Higher frequencies, ampli- 3 4 email: [email protected] A H /H dilution refrigerator provides an tudes, and greater sensitivities are possible Mailcode 813.07 approximately 20 mK low-temperature envi- but require fabrication of special antennas. Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 ronment for ultrasensitive measurement sys-

Contact: tems. Two projects using this system are

Motohisa Kanda integrated circuits incorporating ultrasmall

(303) 497-5320 metal tunnel junctions for counting single

email: [email protected] electrons and a record-setting X-ray detector

Mailcode 813.07 having superior energy resolution and speed Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY

compared with any other detector. The facil- • Antenna Diagnostics. Near-field scanning

ity is remarkable for its shielding from exter- NEAR-FIELD SCANNING is also a valuable tool for identifying prob- nal radiation, including that from thermal FACILITY FOR ANTENNA lems and for achieving optimal performance sources at temperatures higher than its own. MEASUREMENTS of various types of antenna systems. It has been used to advantage in locating faulty Contact: This automated facility is designed to meas- elements in phased-array antennas and for John Martinis ure the near-zone phase and amplitude dis- adjusting feed systems to obtain the proper (303) 497-3597 tributions of the fields radiated from an illumination function at the main reflector. email: [email protected] antenna under test. Mathematical transfor- Phase contour plots of the near-field data Mailcode 814.03 mations are used to calculate the desired also can be used to determine surface imper- Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 antenna characteristics. fections in reflectors used for antennas or

compact ranges. CAPABILITIES

MAGNETIC THIN-FILM Near-field data can be obtained over planar, • Probe Calibrations. A spherical probe cali- FABRICATION AND cylindrical, and spherical surfaces; the pla- bration facility serves as a far-field range for nar technique is the most popular. Efficient measuring the receiving characteristics of IMAGING FACILITY computer programs are available for process- probes used to obtain near-field data. These

NIST maintains a magnetics fabrication and ing the large quantities of data required. measurements are required to determine the

characterization facility. The fabrication probe coefficients, which, in turn, are used When operated in the planar mode, the facil- facility provides vacuum deposition of lay- to calculate accurate, probe-corrected, far- ity is capable of measuring over a 4.5 m x ered magnetic thin films, including materi- field gain and pattern characteristics of an 4.5 m area with probe position errors of less als that exhibit giant magnetoresistive antenna. than ±0.01 cm. Improved position accuracy behavior. Instrumentation includes several is possible with further alignment, especially AVAILABILITY varieties of scanned probe microscopies such over smaller areas. Antennas with apertures Two kinds of arrangements can be made to as the magnetic force microscope, magnetic up to about 3 m in diameter can be meas- use this facility. NIST staff can perform resonance force microscope, and scanning ured with a single scan. The facility has specified tests or measurements on a reim- near-field magneto-optic microscope. Other been used successfully over the frequency bursable basis. In this case, the customer instrumentation includes an ac susceptome- range 750 MHz to 75 GHz. It incorporates has no direct use of the facility; all measure- ter, a Kerr optical analysis platform, a super- provisions for scanning larger antennas in ments are performed by NIST staff, and the conducting quantum interference device segments. customer is issued a test report. As an alter- magnetometer, and a vibrating sample native, work may be performed on a coopera- magnetometer. APPLICATIONS tive basis with NIST staff. This arrangement • Antenna Characteristics. The facility is Contacts: permits the user the advantage of developing used primarily for determining the gain, pat- Stephen Russek firsthand knowledge of the measurement tern, and polarization of antennas. Accura- (303) 497-5097 processes, and the user is responsible in cies are typically ±0.15 dB for absolute gain email: [email protected] large part for the accuracy of test results. In and ±0.10 dB/dB for polarization axial John Moreland either case, arrangements need to be made ratio. Patterns can be obtained down to the (303) 497-3641 well in advance, and reimbursement is -50 dB to -60 dB levels with side lobe accu- email: [email protected] required for the facility use and time of racy typically about ±1.0 dB at the 40 dB NIST staff involved. Mailcode 814.05 level. (The exact uncertainties depend on

Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 the frequency, type, size of antenna, and Contact:

other factors.) Near-field data also can be Andrew G. Repjar

used to compute near-field interactions (303) 497-5703 (such as mutual coupling) of antennas and email: [email protected]

radiated field distributions in the near zone. Mailcode 813.08


About 60 percent of all U.S. workers have COOPERATIVE RESEARCH COOPERATIVE RESEARCH jobs that depend on the information they OPPORTUNITIES

generate and receive on advanced infor- OPPORTUNITIES Software Diagnostics and Conformance mation networks. Innovations in com- Testing puter hardware, software, and digital 99 Software Quality communications will challenge manag- 100 Conformance Testing ers to apply new technology for productiv- SOFTWARE DIAGNOSTICS

1 00 Future Standards for ity increases throughout the American Software AND CONFORMANCE economy in the coming years and will 100 Geographic Information Systems TESTING have pervasive effects on industry struc- Computer Security Division Contact: ture as well as on the quality of govern- 100 Security Technology Mark W. Skall ment services. Also, since computers will 975-3262 1 01 Systems and Network Security (301) be distributed throughout society, both at email: [email protected] home and in the workplace, computer Advanced Network Technologies fax: (301) 948-6213 integration, interoperability usability, , 101 High-Speed Networks 562 NIST North reliability, and security will become even 101 Multimedia and Digital Video more important. 102 Next-Generation Internet

N'IST's Information Technology Labora- Human-Computer Interface Technologies tory (ITL) concentrates on developing SOFTWARE QUALITY 102 Spoken Language Technology tests and test methods for information Growing dependence on computers requires 102 Text Search and Retrieval technologies that are still in the early assurance that critical systems will operate stages of development—long before they 103 Visual Image Processing reliably and exactly as intended without available are in new products. But even 103 Information Visualization adverse effects, even when outside circum- once information technology products are stances cause other systems to fail. NIST Mathematical and Computational available, tests developed by ITL provide researchers are developing tools and meth- Sciences impartial ways of measuring them so ods for analysis and testing of high-integrity 103 Mathematical Modeling developers and users can evaluate how software. Static analysis tools to reduce 104 Mathematical Software products perform and assess their quality errors in software development and mainte- 104 Optimization and Computational based on objective criteria. nance include Unravel, a program-slicing Geometry tool for analyzing changes to C language Technical research, industry collabora- 104 Image Compression source code. A reference implementation of tions, and standards-related work of the role-based access control for World Wide Web ITL address issues emerging from today's Statistical Engineering servers is being developed as well. To allow information revolution. 105 Collaborative Research and Development software developers to measure the effective- 105 Measurement Process Evaluation Contact: ness of development techniques, and com-

Shukri Wakid, Director High-Performance Systems and Services pare their results with others, a unique (301) 975-2900 106 Scientific Visualization database of software errors, faults, and fail- email: [email protected] ures is being developed. Formal methods are 106 Continual Upgrades fax: (301) 840-1357 being used to improve the precision of soft- 107 Parallel Computing B263 Technology Building ware specifications, standards, and tests. In 1 07 Performance of Modern-Architecture addition to developing the first formal model Computers for role-based access control, researchers are 107 Information Storage and Interconnect using formal methods for automated genera- Systems tion of tests for specifications. An online RESEARCH FACILITIES

108 Computer and Network Security Facility


collection of papers and software can be Spatial Data Transfer Standard (Federal found at FUTURE STANDARDS Information FOR Processing Standard 173) -

Because the activities of many governmental Contact: SOFTWARE and private organizations are land- or D. Richard Kuhn NIST recognizes the need to increase and location-based or both, GIS technology will (301) 975-3290 adjust its involvement in technology specifi- be important in integrating existing spatial email: [email protected] cations used in the development of high- data to administer, manage, and monitor 517NIST North technology software. In today's information people, money, and activities in accomplish- processing environment, it is becoming ing the objectives of these organizations. increasingly common for many new technol-

CONFORMANCE TESTING ogy specifications to be developed in organi- Contact:

NIST researchers are designing and develop- zations outside the formal standards Bruce K. Rosen

ing test methods for conformance tests and environment and for those technology speci- (301) 975-3345

using these methods to produce test metrics fications to quickly become de facto stand- email: [email protected]

and test suites for evaluating the quality and ards. Accordingly, NIST researchers are 562 NIST North

correctness of information technology prod- seeking to be involved with organizations,

ucts. Several conformance test metrics and both inside and outside the formal standards test suites have been produced for evaluating environment, that are developing pivotal, COMPUTER SECURITY implementations of Virtual Reality Modeling forward-looking technology specifications in Division Contact: Language, language compilers, computer multiple areas related to the production of Stuart W. Katzke graphics metafile, Java, database language high-technology software. This involvement (301) 975-2934 SQL, Programmers Imaging Kernel System will emphasize the development of appropri- email: [email protected] (PIKS), and POSIX. In collaboration with ate metrics, measurement technology, and fax: (301) 926-2733 industry, the user community, and various techniques for testing conformance to new 426 NIST North testing laboratories, NIST researchers work high-technology software specifications. to identify new technologies and to develop More information is available on

measurement schemes, test collections, refer-

ence implementations, test suites, and tools Contact: SECURITY TECHNOLOGY necessary to advance the technology and pro- Bruce K. Rosen Research and development efforts focus duce usable, reliable implementations. on (301) 975-3345 several areas: Past research has resulted in a method for email: [email protected] • common, interoperable cryptographic minimizing subjectivity in the evaluation of 562 NIST North security technology, such as algorithms, visual results in graphics testing. This functionality, and interfaces, and protocols; method is implemented by a customizable

interface, randomized self-explanatory GEOGRAPHIC dis- • public key infrastructure for managing plays, and automatic capture of results. INFORMATION SYSTEMS public key certificates needed to facilitate Recent activities focus on new methods for data integrity, authentication, access control, Geographic information systems (GIS) tech- software testing based on statistical measures non-repudiation, and data confidentiality nology allows users to collect, manage, and as well as test automated generation meth- services in global applications; and analyze large volumes of spatially referenced ods to develop conformance tests. More infor- and associated data. New research directions • application interfaces for cryptographic mation is available on are emerging from the interdisciplinary uses modules. div897/ctg/ctg.htm. of GIS technology through studies integrat-

Development efforts include standards, guid- r Contact: ing computer graphics standards, database ance on the use of cryptographic technology, Lynne S. Rosenthal management standards, expert systems tech- and conformance tests so that strong crypto- (301) 975-3353 nology, and Global Positioning System tech- graphic mechanisms will be available for the email: [email protected] nology to support GIS applications. This protection of sensitive information. 562 NIST North group's research is focused on providing GIS

compatibility through standards and confor-

mance testing for GIS standards, such as the INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY 1

Cryptographic standards promote interoper- • assist those communities in meeting their Research projects include ATM network simu-

ability and an acceptable level of security. security assurance and testing requirements, lation and modeling, evaluating the com-

Testing of products that were built to con- pleteness and correctness of ATM routing • conduct R&D in security assurance and form to the standards verifies that the provi- protocols, evaluating proposals for the Media testing methods and approaches, and sions of the standards were implemented Access Protocol for HFC systems, and develop-

correctly. NIST has begun testing of more • establish a commercially viable Common ing test and measurement methods for inter-

complex cryptographic modules through Criteria-based testing program. More infor- operability and conformance. More

accredited, private-sector laboratories and mation is available on information is available on http://

plans to promote testing of entire systems in Contact: the future. The cryptographic module valida- Tim Grance Contact: tion program encompasses testing for crypto- (301) 975-4242 David Su graphic modules (Federal Information email: [email protected] (301) 975-6194 Processing Standard, or FIPS, 140-1), the 426 NIST North email: [email protected] Data Encryption Standard and its modes of 445 NIST North operation (FIPS 46-2 and 81), the Secure

Hash Standard (FIPS 180-1), and the Digital

Signature Standard (FIPS 186). For details, ADVANCED NETWORK MULTIMEDIA AND DIGITAL visit TECHNOLOGIES VIDEO Contact: Division Contact: NIST researchers are working with industry Miles Smid Craig Hunt to promote the development of cost-effective, (301) 975-2938 (301) 975-3600 interoperable, distributed multimedia appli- email: [email protected] email: [email protected] cations and to enable the development of 426 NIST North fax: (301) 590-0932 digital video technologies for broadcast, 445 NIST North interactive television, video-on-demand, and

http ://snad.ncsl . nist . gov SYSTEMS AND NETWORK video conferencing. Research emphasizes measurement techniques for charac- SECURITY HIGH-SPEED NETWORKS terization of distributed multimedia tech- Research, development, and application nologies and digital video devices and NIST researchers are working with industry efforts focus on secure, interoperable systems services; techniques for integrating multi- in the development of protocols for the broad- to protect the integrity, confidentiality, reli- media services with network technologies; band integrated services digital network ability, and availability of information and and industry-driven standards for multi- (B-ISDN) or asynchronous transfer mode systems. R&D efforts address technical areas media technologies and digital video devices (ATM) networks, and hybrid fiber-coaxial such as advanced countermeasures (for and services. (HFC) systems. The goal is to expedite the example, intrusion detection, firewalls, and , development and deployment of high-speed, NIST researchers undertake forward-looking scanning tools); vulnerability analysis and interoperable communications systems and research projects for evaluating generation- mitigation, access control, and incident services. NIST provides leadership at the ATM after-next technologies needed for collabora- response; security criteria and metrics; assur- Forum in developing test suites for ATM prod- tion, including the development of tools for ance methods; role-based access control to uct interoperability and standards confor- fine-grained distributed event logging and network resources; and Internet security. mance testing. monitoring over the Internet. The technolo- More information is available on gies developed will provide an infrastructure 1 so that collaborative tools being tested may

The National Information Assurance Partner- log information and expose the log selec-

1 ship, recently established by NIST and the tively to distributed test drivers. This work

National Security Agency, will form a part-

. nership with the government, industry, and

academic communities to accomplish sev-


is conducted in collaboration with the Research facilities include workstations, Defense Advanced Research Projects HUMAN-COMPUTER speech-signal-processing software tools and Agency. More information is available peripherals, and CD-ROM production tools.

on h ttp ://sn ad . ncsl . n ist . gov/m advt g/ INTERFACE TECHNOLOGIES Areas of interest include characterization of

madvtg.html. Division Contact: spoken language data, ASR, natural lan- Martin Herman guage understanding and information Contact: (301) 975-2944 access, and usability testing. More informa- Jean-Philippe Favreau email: [email protected] tion is available on (301)975-3634 fax: (301) 975-5287 894.0 1/slp.htm. email: [email protected] A216 Technology Building 445 NIST North Contact: David S. Pallett

(301) 975-2935 NEXT-GENERATION SPOKEN LANGUAGE email: [email protected] A2l6 Technology Building INTERNET TECHNOLOGY NIST researchers are working to remove bar- Recent advances in automatic speech recog- riers to the next generation of reliable and nition (ASR) technology have enabled the TEXT SEARCH AND secure internetworking technologies and inte- development of automatic dictation and grated network services. The focus of RETRIEVAL spoken language understanding systems and research is on testing methods and reference NIST is working to accelerate the transfer of prototype spoken language interfaces to implementations for next-generation better text search and retrieval technology information technology. Interdisciplinary internetworking technologies; interoperabil- into commercial systems. One approach is to efforts involve the natural language process- ity among next-generation internetworking conduct a conference attracting interna- ing, information retrieval, and cognitive products; and measurement techniques and tional participation from more than 50 engineering (for example, usability testing performance characterizations for network research groups in text retrieval, both from and human factors) communities. services that integrate voice, video, and data. industry and academia. The Text Retrieval

Much of the relevant research is "corpus- Conference (TREC) is now starting its sev- Research projects include investigating based" and relies on shared use of spoken enth year. Participating groups work with changes to the Internet architecture that will language databases and standard test large, diverse test collections built at NIST, support guaranteed bandwidth and quality of methods. submit their results for a common evalu- services for real-time applications, such as ation, and meet for a 3-day workshop to com- audio, video, and synchronized data. This NIST works closely with researchers, other pare techniques and results. The conference project focuses on the scalability of the pro- government agencies (such as the Defense is starting to serve as a major technology- posed enhancements, interoperability issues, Advanced Research Projects Agency), and the transfer mechanism in the area of text and methods and metrics to characterize the Linguistics Data Consortium in the collec- retrieval. (See digital data streams. More information is tion, processing, characterization, and distri-

available on bution of spoken language corpora. NIST also has developed a public domain

itg.html. prototype retrieval system (the PRISE sys- Approximately 150 CD-ROMs have been pro- tem) capable of handling over 3 gigabytes of Contact: duced by NIST for use within the ASR and data. This system uses natural language Doug Montgomery spoken language research community. NIST input and state-of-the-art statistical ranking (301) 975-3630 also develops and implements periodic mechanisms. The prototype serves as a email: [email protected] benchmark tests to define the state of the art research vehicle within NIST and as a starter 445 NIST North for research ASR systems. The scope of these kit for groups outside NIST interested in tests includes several forms of large working with these new types of search vocabulary continuous speech, including

speech read from prepared texts, conversa-

tional speech, goal-directed spontaneous

speech, and, most recently, radio broadcasts. TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY INFORMATION 1

engines or with the Z39 50 (ANSI/NISO) pro- tocol for search and retrieval, which is used INFORMATION MATHEMATICAL AND for communication between the PRISE client VISUALIZATION and server. The PRISE server is especially COMPUTATIONAL The visualization group conducts research to designed to isolate the search engine from SCIENCES demonstrate the utility and feasibility of of the protocol and to the details Z39 50 Division Contact: information visualization and computer minimize the effort needed to interface the Ronald F. Boisvert graphic techniques to access, manipulate, server to natural language search engines (301) 975-3812 and exchange complex information. Infor- PRISE. information is avail- other than More email: [email protected] mation visualization is a process of trans- able on fax: (301) 990-4127 forming data and information that are not 365 NIST North Contact: inherently spatial into a visual form allow- Donna K. Harman ing the user to observe and understand the

(301) 975-3569 information. email: [email protected] NIST is developing an interactive visual inter- A216 Technology Building MATHEMATICAL MODELING face to a statistical text retrieval system. The Mathematical and computational problems objective is to demonstrate the utility of vis- are becoming more elaborate as measure- ual interfaces for supporting access to large VISUAL IMAGE ment techniques, physical understanding, collections of complex documents. Evalu- and computational capability improve. Solv- PROCESSING ation methodologies and test corpora for ing these problems requires innovative com- The visual image processing group develops measuring scalability and usability of visual binations of the methods of modern applied test methodology and testbed systems and interfaces, which are being constructed to and computational mathematics. With the publishes test data for evaluating image- support this endeavor, will be made available collaboration of other scientists and engi- based systems used in optical-character rec- to the research community. In the manufac- neers, NIST mathematicians develop and ognition (OCR), document conversion to turing domain, NIST is collaborating with analyze mathematical models of phenom- electronic form, fingerprint classification, industrial partners to investigate how the ena; design and analyze computational and face recognition. These evaluation meth- application of three-dimensional visualiza- methods and experiments; transform these ods are designed to include a wide variety of tion, specifically Virtual Reality Modeling methods into efficient numerical algorithms statistical and neural network algorithms Language, can speed up the manufacturing for modern, high-performance computers; and system architectures including optical process. This effort includes the use of com- and validate and extend the models by com- computing systems. The methods being mercial off-the-shelf software to create visu- paring them with experiments. Major developed are used for automated fingerprint alizations of factory floor assembly lines and research interest areas include crystal classification, automation of data entry from support for parts design and assembly. NIST growth, fluid flow, electromagnetic waves, images of handprinted forms, automation of researchers are analyzing usability and per- magnetic materials, molecular dynamics, conversion of machine-printed documents to formance capabilities of a number of virtual foams, and polymers. Frequently occurring electronic form, and measurement of recog- environment and World Wide Web visualiza- mathematical areas include partial differen- nition systems on realistic applications. Data tion tools for these and other related applica- tial equations, random processes, and sets, evaluation software, prototype OCR, and tions. More information is available on inverse problems. More information is avail- fingerprint classification and verification sys- able on tems are distributed on CD-ROM. More infor- Contact: Contact: mation is available on Sharon J. Laskowski div894/894.03. James L. Blue (301) 975-4535 (301) 975-3809 Contact: email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Charles L. Wilson A216 Technology Building 365 NIST North (301) 975-2080 email: [email protected] A216 Technology Building .


algorithms and software products. Recent Computational geometry is a rapidly emerg- MATHEMATICAL examples include the Matrix Market, a ing field with applications in robotics, statis- SOFTWARE repository of test data for large sparse linear tical mechanics, manufacturing algebra problems, and the Digital Library of engineering, cartography, computer graph- The increasing prevalence of computation in Mathematical Functions, an online successor ics, materials science, and molecular dynam- science and engineering has generated an to the popular National Bureau ofStand- ics. NIST researchers are developing robust acute need for accurate and robust computer ards Handbook ofMathematical Func- and efficient computational schemes for software to solve frequently occurring mathe- tions. More information is available on large-scale terrain modeling, manufactured matical and statistical problems. NIST

http ://m ath . nist. gov/mcsd parts recognition, and related problems. Algo- mathematicians and computer scientists are rithms and software are in wide use at NIST actively involved in the development of algo- Contact: and many other scientific and commercial rithms for the solution of such problems, as Ronald F. Boisvert centers. More information is available on well as in their reliable and maintainable (301) 975-3812 implementation on modern high- email: [email protected]

performance computers. Division researchers 365 NIST North Contact:

undertake specific projects in response to Ronald F. Boisvert

both internal NIST needs and the needs of (301) 975-3812

the computational science community in OPTIMIZATION AND email: [email protected] NIST North industry and academia. Recent efforts COMPUTATIONAL 365 address such problems as the evaluation of GEOMETRY mathematical functions, the adaptive solu-

use of optimization techniques is tion of partial differential equations on dis- The IMAGE COMPRESSION increasing in design, process modeling, and tributed memory multiprocessors, the A recurring theme in information science is broad areas of science and engineering, eco- solution of large sparse linear systems, and the need for efficient encoding of stored and and management. Examples object-oriented numerical software design. nomics, transmitted information. Common informa- include the use of optimization models in tion encoding schemes are typically ill-suited Access to such software is provided by the curve and surface fitting, parameter estima- to computers and to data networks and, as a Guide to Available Mathematical Software, tion, maximum entropy, minimum energy, result, can be improved substantially. Image a virtual repository of mathematical and sta- and maximum likelihood as well as in newer compression is an important emerging con- tistical software for use in computational sci- as performance improvement in areas such cern because the infrastructure does not ence research. This work is part of NIST's production systems and advanced design and meet the user demands for still images, efforts to improve the environment for control. Improved algorithms and computa- sequences of still images (for example, in mathematical software research, develop- power have led to the consideration of tional exploratory surgery), and video. More impor- ment, and use. Of particular concern in multidisciplinary optimization models that tantly, the trends indicate that the demand recent years has been the development of test- pose significant challenges in all areas new for image compression will increase while ing and evaluation methodology, including optimization. Division researchers design, of the systems of the future, by being highly reference data, algorithms, and related serv- analyze, and implement large-scale optimi- mobile, will rely on inherently limited com- ices, which serve to assess the performance of zation algorithms use these methods to and munications and storage technologies (for solve optimization models in develop and example, wireless communications and

Current concentration is on many areas. storage media of minimal weight). large-scale algorithms for nonconvex, non-

linear programming problems using interior-

point methods and sequential quadratic programming. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY -j

NIST scientists perform applied and refer- to the purpose of investigation. The collabo- • developing a generic test method through

ence implementation research in areas ration continues with generation of data, use a CRADA for electromigration reliability test-

including the development of efficient image of available data, model specification, data ing of magneto-resistive heads used in com-

compression techniques with emphasis on analysis, uncertainty evaluations, and puter disk drives, which is a multibillion

wavelets, on adapting generic compression graphical analyses. Information technolo- dollar industry.

techniques for image compression, and on gies provide new challenges and opportuni- More information is available on www.itl. error correction codes that are tuned to the ties for creative application of statistical needs of image compression. The scientists methods. Collaborations with industry are

also develop reference software and data that done through cooperative research and devel- Contact:

facilitate algorithm development and the test- opment agreements (CRADAs). Raghu Kacker

ing of such algorithms for performance and (301) 975-2109 Recent and ongoing projects include the correctness of output (for example, compli- email: [email protected] following:

^ ance testing). Finally, metrics for quantify- 353 NIST North

ing the quality of the images produced by • improved standardization of hardness

lossy compression schemes are being devel- measurements to allow industry to write

oped. More information is available on tighter specifications for product hardness; MEASUREMENT PROCESS • developed a statistical measure of sharp- EVALUATION

Contact: ness of scanning electron microscope Measurement is the backbone for advancing

Tassos Nakassis images— industry is using the technique; scientific research and creating new tech-

(301) 975-3632 nologies. NIST statisticians collaborate with • developed a web service ( email: [email protected] subject experts in developing techniques for div898/strd/index.html) that provides refer- 365 NIST North evaluating measurement processes, tying I ence data sets with certified computational measurement processes to accepted stand- results that enable objective evaluation of ards, and ensuring the quality of measure- statistical software; ments. Expertise in the design of experi- STATISTICAL ENGINEERING • developing statistical methods for software ments, modeling, estimation of components Division Contact: conformance testing to indicate confidence of variance, interlaboratory studies, quality Keith Eberhardt that a program is correct and executes control, and uncertainty analysis, coupled

(301) 975-2853 correctly; with a strong focus in applied research, email: [email protected] brings statisticians into contact with leading • developing a statistical process control I fax: (301) 990-4127 researchers in measurement science, both at paradigm for security of computer networks 353 NIST North NIST and elsewhere. This expertise provides that flags intruders as process anomalies opportunities for contributing to the meas- through a visualization interface; urement science base for emerging technolo-

• developing statistical methods for testing gies such as the following: COLLABORATIVE performance of information retrieval search • high-speed communications using optical RESEARCH AND engines; fibers, DEVELOPMENT • developing methods to characterize meas- • ultra-large-scale integrated circuits, and urement uncertainty and establish traceabil- NIST statisticians collaborate with other ity to NIST of highly accurate measurements • trapping of polarized ultracold neutrons. researchers within ITL, other NIST labs, and I made by coordinate measuring machines; industry. Most projects address measurement ! and and physical science, I standards aspects of

engineering, and information technologies.

Statisticians help in understanding the prob-

lem, the relevant data, and their relationship —


There also are opportunities to work with

NIST scientists and instrument manufactur- CONTINUAL UPGRADES HIGH-PERFORMANCE ers on improving the performance of preci- The laboratory maintains a central scientific SYSTEMS AND SERVICES sion instruments such as the following: computing environment for NIST staff in Division Contact: Gaithersburg and Boulder. It procures and • vector network analyzers for the micro- Dean Collins operates computer and communications wave industry, (301) 975-2869 facilities and maintains them at state-of-the- • measurement systems, [email protected] spectrophotometry email: art levels suited to the needs of a highly

fax: (301) 963-9137 diverse scientific and engineering research • probes for measuring sheet resistance of A257 Technology Building and development community. The continu- silicon wafers, and ing program of upgrading responds to • ballistic imaging systems for evaluating advances in hardware, software, and commu- forensic evidence. nications technologies as well as to changes

SCIENTIFIC VISUALIZATION in the kinds of tools used in modern scien- Statisticians also are active in the develop-

Researchers at NIST are developing and tific research. ment and application of computational applying advanced methods for using state- and algorithms for feature extrac- methods NIST specialists log and analyze the use of of-the art, computer-based scientific graph- tion and pattern recognition in images cre- the components of the facilities—hardware, ics for rendering complex experimental, several ated using methods: software, operating systems, and networks computational, and analytical results in to determine what changes or new equip- • atomic force microscopy, physics and chemistry. Researchers use a ment will be most useful. They take steps to vector raster workstations, • high flux X-ray tomography, collection of and acquire them where possible or to develop photographic and video hardware, high- • neutron tomography, them internally. They design interfaces as speed networking for transmitting large needed for users to gain access to the • optical reflectance, and graphics data sets between computers and resources best suited to their needs. This graphics devices, and computational geome- • electron and optical microscopy. work proceeds with a broad view of the over- try algorithms and software for the analysis all operation of the computing environment More information is available on of two- and three-dimensional data sets. and its interactions with external environ- Techniques also have been developed to ments as well as a detailed understanding of manipulate dynamic objects in automated Contacts: the progress of hardware and software capa- design and manufacturing systems; to dis- Keith Eberhardt bilities and of the roles of visualization and play quasicrystal structures with icosahedral execution of (301) 975-2853 networking in the design and symmetries and scanning electron tunneling email: [email protected] scientific computing projects. microscopy data with polarization analysis; Carroll Croarkin and to study models of turbulent combustion Contact: (301) 975-2849 showing the dependence of solutions on time Jack Newmeyer email: [email protected] and fuel-oxidizer mixture parameters. (301) 975-2966

353 NIST North email: [email protected] Contact: B08 Technology Building Gordon E. Lyon

(301) 975-5679 email: [email protected] A248 Technology Building —


PARALLEL COMPUTING PERFORMANCE OF INFORMATION STORAGE NIST researchers are active in a variety of MODERN-ARCHITECTURE AND INTERCONNECT areas designed to provide easy access and use COMPUTERS SYSTEMS of parallel or clustered computing. NIST sci- NIST researchers in the area of computer sys- The scope of the project is to develop test entists are facilitating the development of a tems performance are promoting the effec- methods, technology, and standards for flat standard for interoperability among different tive evaluation and efficient use of advanced panel displays, digital data storage, multi- ' vendor implementations of the message pass- computers. Areas of interest include charac- media, and photonic information processing ing interface (MPI). They are producing a terization of new computer architectures to systems that enable high performance com- test suite for testing an implementation's identify improved technology for applica- puting and communications. Emphasis is on conformance to this interoperable MPI tions, exploration of economical program- systems integration and the metrological standard. ming methods that standardize across techniques for integrated information scientists develop software libraries and NIST classes of architecture, and design of coher- systems and subsystems. Research and devel- algorithms for advanced development and ent evaluations that economically and reli- opment is categorized in three areas: ' : collaborations with the other NIST labs for ably characterize the machines. • advanced display technology systems over a diverse range of topics such as optical NIST researchers also are involved in the working with the U.S. display industry to test absorption, fluid flow in porous media, dissi- development of instrumentation and related and develop digital display interfaces and pative particle dynamics, and dendritic management techniques for gigabit networks resolution-mapping algorithms; growth in metallic alloys. These libraries sim- and for clusters of workstations and comput- plify use of parallel computing through such • holographic storage and advanced optical ers used for scientific calculations. A number things as the automatic creation and use of solutions—conducting research in the areas of instrumentation products are available; MPI data structures with utilities such as of optical character recognition systems these include VLSI MultiKron clock chips AutoMap, AutoLink, and AutoLoad. (fingerprints and images) and developing and plug-in boards, a comprehensive tuning metrology techniques to characterize holo- also parallel tools such as Researchers create tool S-Check® for improving the perform- graphic storage systems; and Pade for transferring files, executing com- I ance of concurrent codes, and hardware for receiving output of mands remotely, and the local synchronized clocks on cluster systems. • high-performance storage concepts and those commands on clusters of heterogene- More information is available on http:// standards—characterizing emerging high-

ous computers. They create user interfaces storage optical media like optical tape and

is j such as WebSubmit, which a Web-based digital video disks and working with the U.S. Contact: ' graphical user interface used to submit storage industry to develop universal test Alan Mink parallel computing jobs to supercomputers. methods for media-error monitoring tools (301) 975-5681 More information is available on for optical tape. I email: [email protected] j A248 Technology Building More information is available on http:// Contact:

Judith E. Devaney Contact: (301) 975-2882 Victor McCrary email: [email protected] (301) 975-4321 A248 Technology Building email: [email protected] A248 Technology Building —


Test and evaluation capabilities range from RESEARCH specific functionality tests of cryptographic ADVANCED NETWORK modules to test methodologies for network FACILITIES FACILITY security protocols to the specific criteria used The facility is equipped with desktop comput- to evaluate the trustworthiness of systems ers, workstations, protocol analyzers, and that handle unclassified, but sensitive, data. COMPUTER AND simulators as well as ATM, ISDN, Internet, A laboratory is available for research in risk NETWORK SECURITY and satellite communications facilities and management techniques and methodologies switches.

FACILITY and evaluation of risk management software APPLICATIONS The NIST Computer and Network Security to determine applicability to environments at Facilities are used to develop and assess Facility is used to improve the current secu- different agencies. Several computers support design alternatives, evaluate performance, rity posture of federal computer and telecom- the development of advanced computer and test standards for advanced communica- munication systems and to provide security access control systems based on smart-token tions and distributed multimedia systems, for these systems as they migrate toward technology and the virus laboratory for which include the following: open system environments. Research per- research in multiuser environments. A small security laboratory the • formed in the facility is aimed at applying systems completes ATM Network—The testbed consists of an

methods to protect the secrecy and integrity Computer and Network Security Facility. ATM switch and several workstations. The

of information in computer systems and data testbed is connected to the NIST ATM net- APPLICATIONS networks, evaluating personal identification work and a wide-area ATM testbed. The facility is used primarily to develop and and authentication techniques to control test federal standards for computer and net- • Digital Video Interoperability Testbed access to information resources, and develop- work security. Support is provided to other The testbed consists of facilities for testing ing computer and network security architec- federal agencies and industry where the pro- the video-on-demand application conform- tures to determine proper implementation of tection of unclassified data is required. ing to the Digital Audio/Visual Council speci- controls for integrity and confidentiality of fication, including MPEG2 video source and AVAILABILITY information and authentication of users. server, digital storage management com- Collaborative research programs can be mand and control system, and set-top units. CAPABILITIES arranged.

The facility is equipped with desktop comput- Various network access mechanisms, in addi- Contact: ers and workstations, security devices, termi- tion to ATM networks, are being planned. Stuart W. Katzke nals, personal identification systems, and AVAILABILITY (301) 975-2934 access to supercomputers through local- Collaborative research programs with govern- email: [email protected] area, national, and global networks. Several ment, industry, and academia can be 426 NIST North communications technologies and applica- arranged. tions environments are available for research

efforts for developing and testing security pro- Contact:

tocol standards. Craig Hunt (301) 975-3600 Operational capabilities include a computer email: [email protected] emergency response team to facilitate identi- 445 NIST North fication and response to acute computer and

telecommunications security incidents

involving self-replicating computer viruses. MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING LABORATORY

NIST engineers and scientists are develop- COOPERATIVE RESEARCH Manufacturing Systems Integration ing many of the underpinning compo- OPPORTUNITIES 120 Systems Integration for Manufacturing nents of automated intelligent-processing Applications Program Precision Engineering will be the core of all systems that soon 120 Tolerancing and Metrology Research 110 Complex Form Metrology Laboratory world-class manufacturing operations. 121 Engineering Design Research 110 Surface Finish and Microform These components include intelligent Measurement 121 Computer-Aided Manufacturing machines: advanced sensors for real-time Engineering 110 Atomic-Scale Measuring Machine in-process measurements; software for pre- 122 National Industrial Information 111 Measuring Patterned Layers on control of machine tools; and infor- cision Infrastructure Protocols Integrated Circuits mation technology for integrating all 1 22 Product Data Exchange Standards for 1 1 1 Computational Metrology of elements of a producfs life cycle. Manufacturing Manufactured Parts 123 STEP Conformance and Interoperability NIST's Manufacturing Engineering Labo- 111 Coordinate Measuring Machine Testing ratory (MEL) provides technical support Calibration Methodologies 123 Manufacturing Resource Data for industry groups that develop standards 112 Hexapod Metrology Representation for measurements, measurement tech- 112 Large-Scale Artifact Calibration 124 Process Specification Language niques, hardware, software, and data 112 Laser Tracker Metrology interfaces. RESEARCH FACILITIES Automated Production Technology Manufacturing MEL realizes the fundamental units of 124 National Advanced 113 Closed-Loop Manufacturing Program Testbed length and mass and disseminates meas- 113 Precision Machining Research 125 Acoustic Anechoic Chamber Facility urements in those areas as well as in

1 1 3 Advanced Optical Systems force, vibration, acoustics, and ultrason- 125 Mass Standards Facility and Networking ics. MEL researchers are working to 114 Sensor interfaces develop a sound basis for measurements 114 Machine-Tool Performance Models and Repository and standards that support advanced appli- Machine Data cations of information in manufacturing. 1 1 4 Controlling Subsurface Damage in Single-Crystal Components

It operates the National Advanced Manu- 115 Force Research facturing Testbed, a unique national 1 1 5 Acoustic and Vibration Research resource for studying the advanced infra- 115 Mass Research structure technologies required to support 116 Ultrasonics for Industry future manufacturing operations at both the systems and equipment levels. Labora- Intelligent Systems tory researchers also work at the forefront 116 Enhanced Machine Controller of the emerging field of nanofabrication, 116 Next Generation Inspection System developing measurement tools for atomic- 117 Intelligent Systems Architecture for scale production technologies of the Manufacturing future. 117 Outdoor Mobility

Laboratory staff members work closely 118 RoboCrane® with their industry counterparts, from the 1 1 8 Advanced Welding Manufacturing System planning of research projects to the dis- 118 Hexapod Project at the National semination of results. Advanced Manufacturing Testbed

Contact: 119 Operator Interface

Richard H.F.Jackson, Director 1 1 9 Software Engineering for Real-Time Controllers (301) 975-3400 email: [email protected] fax: (301) 948-5668 B322 Metrology Building ENGINEERING LABORATORY -jig MANUFACTURING

machine in a state-of-the-art temperature- project is to calibrate three-dimensional arti-

COOPERATIVE RESEARCH (± 0. 1 degree Celsius) and humidity- facts that will be used to calibrate scanning OPPORTUNITIES (± 2 percent) controlled environment. Work- probe microscopes. NIST also has used this ing with an industrial advisory group—the instrument to measure prototype atom- American Society of Mechanical Engineers' based step height standards that collabora-

Committee on Gear Metrology—NIST tors at the University of Maryland fabricated PRECISION already has begun to satisfy the traceability from silicon single crystals. The Precision ENGINEERING needs of the gear industry. A special meas- Engineering Division also is responsible for urement capability for gear involute, lead, certifying Standard Reference Materials for Division Contact: and index artifacts now is available. The roughness and for calibration of the magni- Dennis A. Swyt laboratory, in its research and measure- fication of scanning electron microscopes.

(301) 975-3463 ments, places particular emphasis on the Contact: email: [email protected] establishment of uncertainty for the Theodore Vorburger fax: 869-0822 (301) measurement of complex forms. 975-3493 A109 Metrology Building (301) email: [email protected] Contact: Howard Harary Al 17 Metrology Building

(301) 975-3485 COMPLEX FORM email: [email protected] ATOMIC-SCALE METROLOGY Bl 13 Metrology Building MEASURING MACHINE LABORATORY SURFACE FINISH AND To help meet the measurement needs of The mission of the Complex Form Metrology industries preparing to manufacture future Laboratory is to develop and extend NIST's MICROFORM generations of nanoelectronic devices and world-class dimensional measurement MEASUREMENT circuits, NIST has designed and built a sys- capabilities to include forms with complex tem—called the Molecular Measuring Surface microstructure affects the operation shapes (e.g., gears, threads, and turbine Machine (M-cubed) —to measure to nano- of components in the automobile, aero- blades), necessary to satisfy industry's meter accuracies the positions of features space, semiconductor, metals, and optics advanced measurement needs. Building on located anywhere within a 50-millimeter by industries. NIST is developing measurement NIST's expertise in the measurement of 50-millimeter area. Achieving this capability techniques and standards to benefit all of American Petroleum Institute thread for M-cubed required the development and these manufacturing industries. gauges, MEL currently is re-establishing integration of many forefront technologies: NIST as the pinnacle of dimensional trace- NIST played a key role in coordinating the atomic-resolution scanning probes, ultra- ability for complex form three-dimensional development of a new national standard for high-accuracy interferometry for displace- artifacts for gear manufacturers. Traceabil- surface texture measurement as part of the ment measurements, precision nanomotion ity is essential if U.S. industry is to maintain American Society of Mechanical Engineers generation, and combined active and pas- quality and interchangeability of its parts Committee B46. For the metals industry, sive vibration-isolation systems. dimensional and assemblies, especially as NIST has developed a new approach to meas- In one demonstration of its capabilities, tolerances continue to decrease. In turn, reli- uring the geometry of Rockwell C hardness pre- M-Cubed imaged with nanometer-scale able methods for ensuring dimensional indenters that has quickly become the most lines over the ability of resolution an array of chromium cision and accuracy underlie accurate in the world. NIST plans to use the Analy- in a 5-micrometer by 1-millimeter area. U.S. manufacturers to compete world instrument to control indenter geometry, sis of the image data yielded an average line markets. To this end, NIST has installed, thereby controlling the accuracy of the hard- The esti- error tweaked" a new spacing of 212.69 nanometers. mapped, and "super ness measurement itself. This will unify mated standard uncertainty for the measure- high-accuracy coordinate measuring Rockwell C hardness scales worldwide. ment was of 0.03 nanometer, which is about

For the optics and semiconductor industries, one-tenth the distance of typical interatomic

NIST has developed a calibrated atomic spacings. In another measurement, the

force microscope, which is calibrated atomic-resolution scanning probe was able

against the wavelength of light in all three to track continuously a grating surface for

coordinate axes. A principal goal of this 10 millimeters, counting out 49,996 lines MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING LABORATORY

and measuring an average line spacing of future. A series of three linewidth/pitch • modeling and assessment of residual

200.011 nanometers. This grating now is Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) for errors in CMMs, probes, and manufactured

being used as a reference standard for an photomasks is now available. For the scan- parts; X-ray spectrometer being built by NASA for ning electron microscope, a semiconductor- • modeling of the propagation of errors use in space. M-cubed also will serve as an based research material (RM 8090) through the overall process to allow calcula- exploratory tool for building mechanical currently is available for SEM magnification tion of confidence-level estimates of the size and electrical structures in the nanometer calibration with a minimum pitch of 0.2 of manufacturing deviations relative to toler- size range. Among the organizations that micrometer stepping to a maximum pitch ances in the presence of measurement uncer- have collaborated on the construction of of about 3 millimeters. The artifacts for the tainty; and M-cubed are several major universities and future Standard Reference Material cur-

national laboratories as well as IBM Watson rently are being fabricated. RM 8090 (and • the impact and assessment of measure-

Research Center, AT&T Bell Laboratories the future SRM) is useful at both high and ment uncertainty in the formulation of part

(now Lucent Technologies), and Zygo Corp. low accelerating voltage modes of the instru- tolerance specifications.

ment. Research is in process for the develop- Contact: Results from these research activities will ment of new and improved standards for use John Kramar allow computer simulation of the measure- in instruments utilizing optical, scanning (301) 975-3447 ment process, such as a virtual CMM, permit- electron, and scanning probe microscopy for email: [email protected] ting CMM metrologists to quantitatively integrated circuit metrology. A117 Metrology Building assess the impact of different inspection

Contact: scenarios and provide traceability to CMM

Michael T. Postek measurements.

MEASURING PATTERNED (301) 975-2299 Contact: email: [email protected] LAYERS ON INTEGRATED Steve Phillips Al 17 Metrology Building CIRCUITS (301) 975-3565 email: [email protected] NIST researchers are developing techniques B 1 13 Metrology Building for measuring the critical dimensions of COMPUTATIONAL patterned layers on integrated circuits. Work METROLOGY OF involves theoretical projects on the forma- MANUFACTURED PARTS COORDINATE MEASURING tion of images in optical, scanning electron,

and scanning probe microscopes as well as Coordinate metrology, such as embodied in MACHINE CALIBRATION experimental and design projects on the con- coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), METHODOLOGIES struction of new metrology instruments for involve complex mechanical structures and Coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) the calibration of standards. The project was mathematical compensation and manipula- are becoming the tool of choice for the initiated about 25 years ago at the request of tion of data. Although CMMs are widely used dimensional inspection of manufactured the semiconductor industry. in industry, their sources of measurement parts in industrial and defense applications. error are poorly understood and factors Critical dimensions for current semiconduc- Current procedures for CMM calibration are affecting the inspection strategy are far from tor production are at about 0.25 micro- typically based upon national standards that optimized. Consequently, significant eco- meter. These ever-decreasing dimensions were designed to promote commerce, such nomic benefit can be realized by under- have created a continual demand for new as the buying and selling of CMMs, and were standing the fundamental metrology of and improved measurement techniques not designed to determine task-specific CMM inspection. and related standards. As feature sizes measurement accuracy. j

become smaller the of light This project focuses on first-principle calcu- | than wavelength This project concentrates on the develop- used in conventional optical metrology lations of CMM error sources and their ment of artifacts and methodologies for cali- instruments, measurements and standards propagation through the inspection system brating CMMs in a manner that can be used become especially important. The dimen- into the final result, such as the measured in the calculation of measurement uncer- sions of current NIST optical photomask geometry. NIST is conducting research on: tainty. Additionally, the project involves the standards range from about 0.5-micrometer • point-sampling strategies for real, three- use of CMM interim testing to regularly to 30-micrometer linewidths and potentially dimensional manufactured parts produced ensure the dimensional capability of the will extend to smaller dimensions in the by various manufacturing processes; inspection system. This work also will serve .


as a prototype inter-service CMM calibration instrument to characterize the positioning theodolites, and laser trackers. One element

program for use throughout the U.S. Depart- accuracy of the tool tip. The second objec- of this program is the Large-Scale Metrology

ment of Defense and will provide a unified tive, which is long term, is to implement a Calibration and Research Laboratory, cur-

approach to CMM evaluation and traceabil- laser-based strut length metrology and con- rently under development. It will provide a

ity, which will reduce duplication of effort in trol system to enhance the positioning accu- facility to perform high-accuracy one-

complying with a multitude of standards. racy of the NIST hexapod. This objective dimensional measurements and calibra-

Results of the project will be proposed to also requires the development and use of tions, up to 2 meters, with a target expanded

national and international standards com- large-scale metrology techniques based on uncertainty (k=2) of 0.3 micrometer + 0.5

mittees, and calibrated artifacts will be avail- an absolute-distance-measuring laser x L micrometer/meter where L is in meters.

able through NIST's Standard Reference tracker that is distinctly different from con- Contact: Material Program and other domestic ventional machine tool metrology. The final Gregory Caskey sources. objective focuses upon the implementation (301) 975-3789 of sensors and data acquisition systems, Contact: email: [email protected] which are accessible through the NAMT. Steve Phillips B113 Metrology Building

(301) 975-3565 Contact: email: [email protected] Fred Rudder

B113 Metrology Building (301) 975-6500 LASER TRACKER email: [email protected] METROLOGY Bl 13 Metrology Building HEXAPOD METROLOGY Developed at NIST, the laser tracker, a port- able three-dimensional, interferometric- Machining centers based upon the Stewart LARGE-SCALE ARTIFACT based coordinate measuring instrument, is platform concept offer the combination of being eyed for a growing assortment of large- structural rigidity, high-speed tool position- CALIBRATION scale measurement tasks. To maintain com- ing, and full five-axis motion control. These Large-part manufacturing is requiring ever- petitiveness in the emerging worldwide features have drawn the attention of the decreasing tolerances. Many large-scale economy, many manufacturers and suppli- automotive and aerospace industries and parts, even in high-technology applications, ers have begun implementing International tool, die, and mold manufacturers. Since lack interchangeability due to dimensional Organization for Standardization (ISO) the machine configuration is based on com- variation. For example, more than one ton 9000 quality systems and seeking ISO putationally intensive servo-control algo- of shims can be needed to assemble a large Guide 25-based measurement accredita- rithms, rather than upon fixed-axis commercial aircraft. This additional weight tion—both of which require traceability mechanics, the need to perform tool posi- can cost approximately $1 million per year and hence measurement uncertainty tion metrology for this class of machine per plane in additional operating costs. estimates. Unfortunately, the laser tracker tools is critical for both the characterization Still, large-scale coordinate metrology is a suffers the same difficulty as all three- of positioning accuracy and the evaluation relatively neglected field. It lacks specific dimensional coordinate measuring instru- of the performance guarantees of these American National Standards Institute or ments when it comes to uncertainty systems. International Organization for Stand- estimation. The error mechanisms are very

The project has three distinct objectives: ardization standards and associated artifacts complex and often task specific. instrumentation. (1) develop metrology tools for charac- to assess the metrology The large-scale coordinate metrology group terizing the performance of these machines, Similarly, the domestic infrastructure for intends to work with users and manufactur- (2) implement on-machine metrology to high-accuracy calibrations of large dimen- ers, through the American Society of Mechni- enhance the positioning accuracy of the sional standards is nearly non-existent. cal Engineers/American National Standards NIST hexapod, and (3) provide access to the Manufacturers often must rely on foreign Institute Standards working group, to hexapod metrology database via the metrology equipment vendors for calibra- develop a series of test procedures and arti- National Advanced Manufacturing Testbed tion services. To fill these gaps, the large- facts that will characterize adequately the (NAMT) environment. scale coordinate metrology group has measurement performance capability of embarked on a program of standardization, output will be a The approach to achieve the first objective is these instruments. The artifact development, and calibration for the design, development, and calibration of national standard whose contents will detail large-scale coordinate metrology systems, provide for a full six-degree-of-freedom metrology these tests as well as guidance such as coordinate measuring machines, combining the test results into a realistic MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING LABORATORY i 13

uncertainty estimate. Because of the new- Feature-based error analysis techniques are tools may have economic advantages, espe-

ness of this technology, this will be the first being developed to identify the residual sys- cially for small lot sizes, but tool wear can

known effort to standardize the performance tematic errors of the machining system. cause problems with surface integrity. PMRF

assessment of the laser tracker. It is antici- NIST researchers are working with industry researchers are developing a basic under-

pated that the American national standard and academia to use the dimensional standing of the mechanisms of material

would be submitted to the ISO for considera- measurement interface specification, an removal and applying advanced sensor

tion as the international standard governing American National Standards Institute stand- methods to process control. (New techniques

this technology. ard, in analyses of part features. They are also are being developed for measuring opti-

developing tools for feature segmentation of cal and electronic surfaces. For information, Contact: part geometries to improve analyses of ma- see Advanced Optical Systems, below.) Charles J. Fronczekjr. chining processes. They also are developing (301) 975-4079 Contact: a quality database using feature types and email: [email protected] Chris Evans errors measured on these features as key B113 Metrology Building (301) 975-3484 fields. email: [email protected]

Contact: B102 Sound Building AUTOMATED PRODUCTION M. Alkan Donmez (301) 975-6618 TECHNOLOGY email: [email protected] ADVANCED OPTICAL Division Contact: B106 Sound Building SYSTEMS E. Clayton Teague Advanced optical systems increasingly are (301) 975-6600 designed around high-accuracy, aspheric email: [email protected] PRECISION MACHINING optical elements. Measuring the figure error fax: (301) 869-3536 RESEARCH of generalized aspheres to the required accu- B102 Sound Building There is an ever-increasing demand for racy is a complex and unsolved problem. tighter tolerance components made from NIST has worked with commercially avail-

"advanced" materials. The higher strength able phase-measuring interferometers and CLOSED-LOOP and wear resistance of these materials also demonstrated that software compensation make them more difficult to machine. for some systematic errors is possible. MANUFACTURING Other Simultaneously, there is the demand for issues arising in the use of these instru-

PROGRAM finer features in integrated circuits, driving ments to measure aspheres, when no null

the need for improved optics in the litho- lens is used, limit achievable accuracy. As a This program aims to achieve higher quality graphic systems that make them on sub- result, NIST has initiated a project to in existing manufacturing processes. A three- strates, which also need to improve develop a next generation instrument. This layer, closed-loop control architecture is

I continuously. Within its Precision Machin- instrument is being built under NIST con- i being implemented. The three layers are ing Research Facility (PMRF), NIST under- tract and is due to be installed in late 1998. real-time, process-intermittent, and post- takes an integrated program of research and The resulting measurement service will process control loops. The real-time and development in manufacturing and metrol- support the manufacture of lightweight, process-intermittent control loops imple- ogy methods to serve these needs. high-performance optical systems for space- ment algorithms to predict and/or measure based applications and multilayer mirror machine- and process-related systematic It is well known that the cost of machining systems for extreme ultraviolet and X-ray errors and then compensate for them in real is limiting the rate of application of lithography. time or near real time. The post-process con- advanced ceramics. Research into high-

trol loop is used to verify the models used for speed grinding of ceramics offers the pros- Contact:

the other two control loops and to tune them pect of reducing costs. Rapid wheel wear, Chris Evans

by detecting residual systematic errors meas- however, degrades part accuracy, and both (301) 975-3484

ured on the finished parts, correlating these surface finish and the scale of surface email: [email protected]

errors to machine- and process-related defects introduced during grinding must be B102 Sound Building

errors, and modifying control parameters of controlled. Hard steels are commonly

the other loops accordingly. ground to achieve high-accuracy compo-

nents. Turning with cubic boron nitride -114 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING LABORATORY

systems. In addition, it will minimize the ble to optimize the manufacturing process

SENSOR INTERFACES AND risk of technology investment and accelerate by trying different machines and making NETWORKING the implementation of smart technology on changes to the process plans or part designs. sensors. Sensors and actuators are used in a wide A major challenge in creating a virtual

variety of applications— industrial auto- Contact: manufacturing environment is the repre- mation, manufacturing process control, Kang Lee sentation of the performance and capabili-

automated controls of building systems, (301) 975-6604 ties of various machine tools. Currently,

semiconductor manufacturing, vehicle con- email: [email protected] there are no provisions in machine tool or

trol, and intelligent highways. Increasingly B106 Sound Building coordinate measuring machine standards to

sophisticated and capable, sensors are store the performance information in any

devices and miniature systems that measure electronic media. The lack of standard repre-

pressure, acceleration, flow, force, tempera- MACHINE-TOOL sentation prevents the creation of machine ture, vibration, torque, position, chemical PERFORMANCE MODELS data repositories that are needed to test dif- composition, and other process or ferent simulation algorithms and to com- environ- AND MACHINE DATA mental variables. The multibillion dollar pare the performance of a given machine

market for sensors is poised for rapid REPOSITORY against many other machines within a simi-

growth. Smart sensors, lar category. To overcome this problem, which incorporate To reduce design and production cycles, digital NIST is collaborating with industry and aca- communication and control network- manufacturers need tools to predict their ing technologies, offer demia to develop a data dictionary along opportunities for a manufacturing capabilities before they start host of new, innovative with a standard format for representing uses. manufacturing prototypes for new products. meaningful machine tool performance data. Prototyping is usually an iterative process, However, the lack of a common interface for A Web-based repository also is being devel- taking considerable time and effort before connecting sensors to microprocessors and, oped to accommodate this data format. In actual production can begin. It is a very thus, to control and field networks impedes the next step, this repository will be popu- costly effort, since, in general, the outcome new applications and the benefits they are lated with machine tool data from the cannot be predicted with existing design and proj- expected to deliver. It is prohibitively costly ect collaborators. In addition, remote data analysis tools. Developing tools to simulate for sensor producers to develop custom inter- analysis and graphical representation tools and carry out this iterative process in the vir- faces to support the multitude of networks are being developed within the repository. tual domain presents a unique opportunity and protocols in the market. Thus, sensor for industry to reduce time for new product manufacturers are seeking a standard inter- Contact: introduction. face for sensors. NIST is working with indus- M. Alkan Donmez

try and the Institute of Electrical (301) 975-6618 and This project aims to replace actual machin- Electronics email: [email protected] Engineers (IEEE), a voluntary ing and inspection of parts during prototyp- organization, B106 Sound Building standards to develop a set of ing with virtual machining and virtual

common interfaces for smart sensors. The inspection modules incorporated into a

objective is to solve the device interchange- CAD/CAM system. The virtual machining ability CONTROLLING problem and to further progress module will simulate the movement of the toward universal plug-and-play compatibil- cutting tool when making a part. In this SUBSURFACE DAMAGE IN ity between sensors and networks. The stand- simulation, the effects of error motions, pre- SINGLE-CRYSTAL ard interfaces and associated technologies, dicted from machine-tool characterization

known as the IEEE 1451, also will provide data, will be reflected in the tool path. COMPONENTS the enabling technology for the integration Virtual machining will result in an elec- Minimizing subsurface damage (SSD) is a and networking of sensors and actuators in tronic approximation of the part that can be key to reducing fabrication costs and improv-

distributed measurement and control inspected by the virtual inspection module. ing in-service performance for many optical

The virtual inspection module will deter- and electronic components made from

mine the uncertainties associated with the single-crystal materials. The lack of reliable

selected inspection plans and equipment. means to measure SSD results in increased

These uncertainties will be checked against fabrication time and costs, and it necessi-

the specified design tolerances of the part. tates additional steps to ensure adequate

This virtual environment will make it possi- performance. The hazard of SSD is real. MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING LABORATORY

Damage incurred early in manufacturing is auto industry are extensive. National goals covered in later stages. Although compo- FORCE RESEARCH in health and safety also are very strongly

nents appear fully functional, they often are affected. NIST research on force supports a variety of badly impaired. This is equally true for industrial sectors, including the aerospace, NIST researchers use advanced signal- glass, metal, and ceramic parts. automotive, weighing, and construction processing techniques to measure and

project is industries as well as manufacturers of mate- This a partnership between the characterize frequency-dependent sensitivi- Division of rials and testing equipment. Results further Ceramics the NIST Materials Sci- ties of transducers and instrumentation used progress in private-sector research and ences and Engineering Laboratory and in the generation or measurement of sound, development efforts, and they contribute to MEL's Advanced Production Technology vibration, and mechanical shock. Measure- development of standards and improved cali- Division. It supports the Sapphire Statistical ment capabilities include a 450 cubic meter Characterization bration services. and Risk Reduction anechoic chamber, which has been used for (SCARR) Program, an effort sponsored by Force measurement capabilities include a special measurements on, for example, the U.S. military. SCARR aims to develop ref- arrays, unique, fully automated facility featuring towed micromachined microphones, erence fabrication and diagnostic practices the application of deadweight standards and loud speakers. for sapphire and to build a supporting prop- from 0.5 kilonewton to 4448 meganewtons. Contact: erties database for the material. Over the entire range, the standard uncer- Donald Eitzen tainty in the applied force is 0.0005 percent. NIST's approach is, first, to define the physi- (301) 975-6625 Known worldwide, the facility is normally cal nature and extent of the damage, using email: [email protected] maintained at degrees Celsius. However, the best available method. Next, using NIST 23 A147 Sound Building most of the laboratory facilities, researchers apply one of deadweight machines are several non-destructive evaluation methods equipped with environmental chambers that cover a temperature range from -10 degrees to parts representative of ongoing fabrica- MASS RESEARCH Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius. tion steps. Optical microscopy in one of its — Research in the area of mass supports the many forms and X-ray topography are the — Contact: realization and dissemination of the funda- methods of choice. Performing evaluations Simone L. Yaniv mental unit of mass, its traceability to the

at the fabrication site, during processing, is (301) 975-4917 international standard, and the measure- the primary goal of this project. email: [email protected] ment of solid density. This research impacts

Contacts: B102 Sound Building a broad spectrum of industries including the pharmaceutical, Robert S. Polvani instrumentation, and nuclear (301) 975-3487 industries. Further, mass, a funda- email: [email protected] ACOUSTIC AND VIBRATION mental unit, is key to the definition of A117 Metrology Building RESEARCH derived units in both mechanical and electri- cal metrology; thus, the research potentially David Black Research on acoustic- and vibration-related affects all manufacturing and all technical (301) 975-5976 issues supports a variety of industries, often communities. Measurement capabilities email: [email protected] leading to standards and to testing and cover the range from 1 milligram to 27 000 A163 Materials Building measurement methods that improve indus- kilograms. The most accurate measure- trial and scientific capabilities. Acoustic and ments are performed in a dedicated clean vibration measurements underpin a broad room facility with tight environmental spectrum of activities, including noise con- controls. trol and abatement, health and safety pro- grams, product development, acceptance Contact:

testing, condition monitoring, and object Zeinajabbour

detection. (301) 975-4468 email: [email protected] Some of the economic impacts are very A147 Sound Building large. Acoustic measurements of new jet

engine noise levels can have multibillion

dollar impacts. Vibration and acoustic meas-

urements in product development in the MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING 1 16 LABORATORY

Programming Interface Working Group,

ULTRASONICS FOR NIST is working to INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS develop and validate this INDUSTRY specification in production applications. Division Contact: The ultrasonics NIST software for group performs research, James S. Albus machine tool and robot

develops standards, and offers calibration (301) 975-3418 control resulting from the validation process services in support of a number of industrial email: [email protected] is freely available. Tests at small- and

sectors. Research includes the prediction, fax: (301) 990-9688 medium-sized manufacturers are being con- generation, measurement, and analysis of B124 Metrology Building ducted through the NIST Manufacturing

high-frequency mechanical or "ultrasonic" Extension Partnership. The intent is to trans- waves. Ultrasonic transducers are developed fer NIST open architecture controls technol-

and evaluated as prospective standards and ogy to the small business community, so for applications to the testing of materials ENHANCED MACHINE that technology advancements can be made and manufactured parts. Calibration sys- CONTROLLER available easily. tems are maintained for the manufacturing Contact: Controllers for manufacturing and medical communities. equipment, Frederick M. Proctor such as machine tools and robots, tradition- Both pulse-echo and acoustic-emission tech- (301) 975-3425 ally have been proprietary systems. The niques are studied and used. The range of email: [email protected] closed nature of these controllers limits the ultrasonic frequencies extends from tens of B124 Metrology Building ability to fully integrate them into the manu- kilohertz to tens of megahertz, with applica- facturing enterprise. Modifying closed con- tions in gases, liquids, and solids. Manufac- trollers with new technology often is turing applications of the technology NEXT GENERATION prohibitively expensive, and life-cycle costs include acoustic emission and reference- are kept high as options for securing replace- INSPECTION SYSTEM artifact calibrations, non-destructive ment parts or upgrades often are limited to In-process and post-process inspection of material-property and defect evaluation, single sources. Recently, the open systems parts often slows the manufacturing process. dimensional and su;face topography meas- model of desktop computing has been The inspection of parts with complex geome- urements, and sensor-based process control. adopted by commercial controller vendors. try, where closely spaced measurements are A principal medical application is for the Emerging open architecture controllers lev- needed, is especially time consuming. calibration of a transducer's radiated power erage the computing and communications Although the speed and density of data in diagnostic usage. markets, resulting in a dramatic improve- collection can be increased greatly with ment in performance and integration. Many Contact: advanced sensors, these sensors often cannot of these controllers also provide interfaces Gerald Blessing be integrated into existing controllers for accessing and modifying internal (301) 975-6627 due to closed or proprietary controller parameters, enabling third parties to incor- email: [email protected] architectures. A147 Sound Building porate technology enhancements quickly The next generation inspection system and cheaply. The goal now is to ensure (NGIS) project maintains a coordinate some compatibility among them. meas- uring machine-based testbed for developing The enhanced machine controller (EMC) and experimenting with open architecture

program is a NIST effort to develop and vali- controllers, interface standards, and multi- date a specification for interfaces to open ple advanced sensors. NIST's focus is to

architecture controllers. This specification is achieve fast, accurate, and flexible coordi- being developed jointly with the Open Modu- nate measurement of both simple- and lar Architecture Controller (OMAC) Users complex-geometry manufactured parts. Group, an organization of end users, ven- NIST's current approach uses vision and dors, and technology providers. Originating CAD model part data to guide inspection with a concept encouraged by General using analog sensors. NIST is collaborating Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co., and Chrysler with the National Center for Manufacturing Corp., the OMAC Users Group includes now Sciences NGIS consortium, whose members 58 members. Through the OMAC Application are technology users and vendors. MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING LABORATORY

The next generation of inspection systems • At a still lower level of abstraction, ISAM research project involving the German will inspect parts faster and allow better inte- is intended to provide engineering guide- Ministry of Defense, the U.S. Department of

gration of computer-based inspection sys- lines for implementing specific instances of Defense, and the AUTONAV/U.S. Department

tems into the factory. User benefits will be manufacturing systems such as machining of Transportation Crash Avoidance program.

higher quality, lower cost products; greater and inspection systems. The system will use advanced technology productivity; and reduced time-to-market. available from the AUTONAV research ISAM consists of a hierarchically layered set Open architecture standards will lead to team comprising NIST, ARL, David Sarnoff of intelligent processing nodes organized as better systems that are easier to upgrade, Research Center, Universitat der Bunde- a nested series of control loops. In each stimulation of component markets, and swehr in Munich (UBM), and Dornier node, tasks are decomposed, plans are gener- lower component prices through increased (Daimler-Benz). ated, world models are maintained, feedback competition. from sensors is processed, and control loops The testbed consists of a high-mobility

Contact: are closed. In each layer, nodes have a char- multipurpose wheeled vehicle—a four- William Rippey acteristic span of control, with a charac- wheel-drive Army vehicle equipped with con-

(301) 975-3417 teristic planning horizon and corresponding trol actuators (on the steering, brake, and

email: [email protected] level of detail in space and time. throttle, for example); advanced sensors; B124 Metrology Building and an open-architecture, real-time control Contact: system. This vehicle is capable of both high- Harry A. Scott way driving and off-road driving over rough (301) 975-3437 INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS terrain. Advanced sensors on the vehicle email: [email protected] include cameras, a laser range-imaging ARCHITECTURE FOR B127 Metrology Building MANUFACTURING camera, an inertial navigation system, and a Global Positioning System satellite-based Intelligent systems architecture for manufac- OUTDOOR MOBILITY navigation system. The vehicle can be oper- turing (ISAM) is a reference model architec- ated remotely by a human operator via Intelligent vehicle systems require open sys- ture for intelligent manufacturing systems. teleoperation or autonomously via machine tem architecture standards. Intelligent vehi- It is intended to provide a theoretical frame- vision systems. The control system is the cles contain a multiplicity of subsystems work for the development of standards and NIST real-time control system, an open- that recognize objects such as obstacles and performance measures for intelligent manu- system reference architecture. Emerging landmarks, map the environment for naviga- facturing systems. It also is intended to pro- markets for intelligent vehicle systems tion, detect and react to unexpected objects, vide engineering guidelines for a wide include autonomous material handling, locate objects for manipulation and han- variety of manufacturing applications. The operations in hazardous environments, secu- dling tasks, compare object scenes for secu- ISAM model addresses the manufacturing rity surveillance, advanced motor vehicle rity and surveillance, plan paths, and enterprise at a number of levels of control, and aids for people with disabilities. operate safely and robustly in unstructured abstraction: Contact: environments. Open-systems architecture • At the highest level of abstraction, ISAM Maris Juberts standards are needed to promote efficient provides a framework for view- 975-3424 conceptual integration of these subsystems and simplify (301) email: [email protected] ing the entire manufacturing enterprise as development. an intelligent system consisting of B124 Metrology Building The goal of this project is to provide a test- machines, processes, tools, facilities, com- bed for evaluating and validating open- puters, software, and people operating over systems architecture standards for time on materials to produce products. intelligent vehicle systems. Development • At lower level of abstraction, ISAM pro- a will be a jointly sponsored effort that lever- vides a reference architecture for sup- model ages technology from the NIST intelligent porting development standards the of and machines initiative program and support performance measures, as well as for design- from complementary programs sponsored by

ing manufacturing systems and software. other agencies. These include the Army

Research Lab (ARL) Demo III Unmanned Ground Vehicles program and the AUTONAV 8 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING LABORATORY

bridges; environmental clean-up of radioac- AWMS activities will be performed with

ROBOCRANE® tive or toxic waste sites; and undersea min- industry partners and based on industry-

ing, construction, repair, and salvage stated needs. Faster progress in welding auto- The NIST RoboCrane is a versatile robot operations. These partnerships provide NIST mation systems technology can expand the crane that can precisely position and orient with an opportunity to refine advanced intel- range of applications where machines can its work platform in all six degrees of free- ligent control concepts. They also further perform reliable welds in a cost-effective dom, so that large loads and equipment can NIST's efforts to develop standards and meas- manner. Standards for interoperability of be held rigidly in place—even at an angle. urement techniques for intelligent machine specialized advanced control, sensor, hard- RoboCrane is the core of the intelligent sys- systems. ware, and software components will contrib- tems integration testbed for large-scale ute to better, less expensive welding systems; manufacturing and construction. Contact: increased market share for compliant com- Roger Bostelman The prime motivation for the testbed is to ponent vendors; and stimulation of new 975-3426 foster a coordinated and efficient technical (301) product development. Further, AWMS email: [email protected] response to industry's recognized need for research with industry will develop new Metrology Building open-architecture standards. These stand- B124 intelligent control systems and anticipate ards will facilitate development and use of standards needs for the future. sensor-interactive, intelligent-machine sys- ADVANCED WELDING Contact: tems in large-scale tasks, such as construc- William Rippey tion, road building, bridge repair, and MANUFACTURING (301) 975-3417 aircraft assembly. Because interface stand- SYSTEM email: [email protected] ards now are lacking, subsystems are diffi- Manufacturers and researchers have shown B124 Metrology Building cult to integrate and new capabilities are not that there are tremendous productivity, qual- added easily. As a result, system functional- ity, and economic gains from using comput- ity is limited, development is prolonged, and erized systems to perform planning, HEXAPOD PROJECT AT maintenance costs are high. By enabling programming, and control for automated plug-and-play compatibility, standard inter- THE NATIONAL ADVANCED welding. The challenges to manufacturers faces would foster development of more effi- MANUFACTURING come in integrating the many specialized cient systems, and they would create new software and hardware components. TESTBED market opportunities for software and hard-

ware manufacturers. Greater compatibility Research at the Advanced Welding Manufac- Rapid production of quality contoured parts

also would simplify and reduce the cost of turing System (AWMS) testbed is focusing requires machine tools that combine speed,

customization and system upgrading. on autonomous gas metal arc welding tech- accuracy, stiffness and multi-axis versatility.

nology. It has three goals: In addition, manufacturers look for quali- With the aim of testing and validating open ties such as ease of installation and movabil- systems architectures and their underlying • develop and validate standards that will ity to enable plants to be reconfigured to components, researchers at the testbed are contribute to increased use of automated meet changing market demands. A new exploring precision applications, such as welding technology potential customers — class of parallel-actuated machine tools machining and finishing operations, and identified so far include shipbuilding, heavy based on the Stewart platform mechanism they are evaluating combinations of sensors equipment manufacturing, and automotive presents new possibilities for meeting these and control strategies that result in safe and manufacturing; needs. reliable operation in unstructured, • demonstrate the ability of interface stand- perturbation-prone environments. However, much remains to be learned ards and intelligent control technology to about the characteristics of these hexapod Through collaborations with manufactur- increase productivity, improve quality, and machine tools before they will see wide- ers, universities, and other organizations, reduce the cost of system integration; and spread production application. Industry prototype standards and technologies will be • develop improved technology for auto- workshops have highlighted several needs: integrated and transferred into practical mated welding. applications such as manufacture of air- • standard test methods and measurement

craft, ships, construction equipment, and procedures to evaluate their performance,

railroad rolling stock; construction and

maintenance of buildings, highways, and MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING LABORATORY

• a reservoir of application experience to are based on real-time text and near-real- highly specialized engineers are required for draw from, time graphics. Remote users will interact the design and implementation of such sys-

richly with other remote participants and tems. The goal of this project is to provide • modeling and simulation tools to help local NIST researchers in real time, over the methodologies and tools to aid in the soft- speed the development of machining appli- Internet, at low cost. ware engineering aspects of building real- cations and test methods, time controllers. Within the virtual environment, each • remote access capabilities to make it remote participant is represented by a In order to ensure compatibility with exist- easier for collaborators to interact and virtual entity called an "avatar." The avatar ing practice and enhance usability by U.S. participate in hexapod research, and can interact both with other persons' avatars industry, NIST will generate a mapping

• investigation of controller and integra- and with the environment in which all the between its own open system architecture tion issues. avatars exist. The user sees on his or her and commonly accepted software engineer-

screen what the environment represents to ing terminology. NIST researchers have This project is addressing these needs by his or her avatar, and the environment begun comparisons between the real-time working with industry, university, and gov- reacts to the actions of the user's avatar. systems reference architecture and other ernment partners to develop capabilities in Hence, other participants also see the acts of paradigms, such as object-oriented architec- the areas of characterization, remote access, the user's avatar reflected on their screens. tures. They also are investigating formal and simulation of hexapod machines. The The environment itself manages consistency methods and architectural description lan- work is being carried out within the so that when one person's avatar makes guages to determine whether they provide National Advanced Manufacturing Testbed some change to the environment—such as benefits in communicating architectural (NAMT) on an experimental prototype octa- moving something around or going to principles and in facilitating system design, hedral hexapod machine. A NIST Enhanced another part of the environment— all other construction, and validation. Machine Controller (EMC) is being devel- avatars experience the result in an appropri- oped for the octahedral hexapod to allow Another project thrust is the experimental ate manner, transparent to the users. A integration with factory-level control soft- development of a component-based unique feature of the NIST environment is ware and to enable investigation of experi- approach to building intelligent control sys- that real-world device controllers may be mental control algorithms. To the extent tems, with the eventual goal of supporting represented by avatars in the environment. possible, models, measurement techniques, automated or semi-automated composition This allows bidirectional interaction and other project results are being developed tools. Working with commercially available between remote users and remote devices in a generic form to allow them to be easily computer-aided control system design tools, through their avatars. applied to other Stewart platform machines. NIST researchers are creating controller

NIST researchers are participating in a Contact: "building blocks" and using them to con- national Hexapod Users Group to coordinate Ernest Kent struct a test system. The building blocks are research activities and share results. (301) 975-3460 elements of the controller open architecture, email: [email protected] which can be assembled with the aid of a Contact: B124 Metrology Building tool. Researchers also have generated Albert J. Wavering in-depth specifications for a particular class (301) 975-3461 of components. These specifications can be email: [email protected] SOFTWARE ENGINEERING used for selecting, simulating, and validat- B124 Metrology Building FOR REAL-TIME ing components when designing and build- CONTROLLERS ing a controller. OPERATOR INTERFACE Contact: Methodologies for designing and building Elena Messina The operator interface program is intelligent real-time control systems will (301) 975-3510 researching needs for interface standards improve productivity and capabilities in fac- email: [email protected] for remote and distributed manufacturing, tories, power plants, transportation systems, B124 Metrology Building collabora- particularly in the area of remote and other complex applications. The current tive work involving operation of machines state of the practice lacks the necessary tech- NIST and programs. One of the approaches niques and tools for methodically designing,

is exploring for remote interaction is to con- analyzing, and validating control for these struct remote "virtual environments," which extremely complicated systems. Hence, 20 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING LABORATORY

The standards development element focuses design in the automotive industry is helping MANUFACTURING on applying NIST expertise to assist industry to verify the usability of that standard for in implementing voluntary consensus stand- exchanges between U.S. car companies and

SYSTEMS INTEGRATION ards relevant to computer-integrated manu- their suppliers.

Division Contact: facturing. Successful implementation of Contact: Steven R. Ray manufacturing standards requires valida- Jim Fowler (301) 975-3524 tion, pilots, and formal testing to ensure the (301) 975-3180 email: [email protected] standards meet the intended requirements. email: [email protected] fax: (301) 258-9749 To this end, SIMA projects work on deploy- A127 Metrology Building A127 Metrology Building ment of standards testing methods utilizing HPCC technologies and participate in pilot implementations of HPCC technologies by TOLERANCING AND industry. SYSTEMS INTEGRATION METROLOGY RESEARCH The testbeds and technology-transfer ele- Concentrating on coordinate measuring sys- FOR MANUFACTURING ment focuses on establishment of testbeds tems (CMSs), NIST researchers are develop- APPLICATIONS PROGRAM that both serve the infrastructure needs of ing the technical underpinnings of a unified SIMA projects and can be used as demonstra- Under the federal government's High Per- framework for tolerance standards essential tion sites for collaborative tests between formance Computing and Communications to a range of design and manufacturing SIMA projects and industrial partners. One (HPCC) effort, NIST engaged in a major activities. Ongoing projects are applying fun- such facility, the Advanced Manufacturing initiative to enhance integration of damental metrology principles, numerical Systems and Networking Testbed, has been advanced manufacturing applications analysis theory, and statistical methods to established, and another is under construc- through utilization of information infra- develop concepts and approaches for evaluat- tion. Technology-transfer efforts also structure technologies. This multiyear ing the performance of CMS data-analysis include development of infrastructure tech- initiative, called Systems Integration for software. Other work is applying coordinate nologies specialized to disseminate manufac- Manufacturing Applications (SIMA), metrology to complex surface fitting, uncer- turing information using HPCC techniques. involves all seven NIST Measurement and tainty estimation, and statistical toleranc-

Standards Laboratories with strong participa- Numerous successful collaborative relation- ing. Dimensional measurement methods for

tion by U.S. industry, universities, and fed- ships with industry are under way. Among CMSs are another focus, which ultimately

eral agencies. Launched in 1994, SIMA has these is the effort to design and develop a should lead to more effective sampling

three major elements: manufacturing sys- comprehensive electronic handbook for strategies and data- analysis algorithms.

tems, standards development, and testbeds/ characterization of engineering problems Research is coordinated with ongoing stand-

technology transfer. and relevant software applications with ardization efforts in the United States and

SEMATECH (Austin, Texas). Making these internationally. Participation in standards The manufacturing systems element focuses NIST statistical solutions available remotely committees guides selection of specific on development of interface specifications facilitates accurate analysis and solution of research topics and ensures that the results for advanced manufacturing systems. Manu- engineering problems in the most expedi- are disseminated to industry. facturing applications being targeted by tious manner, such as at the user's worksta- SIMA projects include design, planning, Contact: tion. Another SIMA project has facilitated scheduling, process modeling, shop control, Neil Christopher the establishment of the PlantSTEP consor- simulation, inspection, assembly, and (301) 975-3888 tium (Kansas City, Kan.), which is working machining. The integration and interface email: [email protected] to speed the development of data exchange technologies being applied include network- A127 Metrology Building protocols needed for the design of process ing, database technologies, frameworks, and plants. Working with NIST, the consortium protocols for data exchange. SIMA projects ensures that the developing standard satis- span the industrial manufacturing domains fies the intended data exchange require- of mechanical products, electronics, and ments for process-plant design. In another construction. SIMA project, the development of testing

methodologies for pilot implementations of

a data-exchange protocol for new product MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING LABORATORY

To promote technology transfer, a testbed facilities, NIST researchers are creating an

ENGINEERING DESIGN for engineering design has been established. integrated framework, operating environ- RESEARCH This testbed provides a platform for testing ment, common databases, and interface and validating design methodologies, standards for diverse manufacturing engi- Design plays a significant role in the itera- developing standards for product and proc- neering software applications. This environ- tive and collaborative engineering process. ess models, storing and accessing design ment will support and integrate a variety of Decisions made during the engineering case studies, aiding in supplier-chain inte- emerging tools and techniques for design- design stage have a considerable impact on gration, and helping in various aspects of ing, modeling, simulating, and evaluating the product's life-cycle costs. Hence, the technology transfer. NIST researchers are the performance of manufacturing proc- global competitiveness of U.S. companies working with several universities and indus- esses, equipment, and enterprises. and industries depends significantly on the tries, particularly through the Defense capabilities and intellectual resources The goal of one project is to build an inte- Advanced Research Projects Agency. embodied and leveraged in design technolo- grated Manufacturing Engineering Tool Kit

7 manufactur- gies. Through research and technology Contact: for developing and validating development, the engineering design group Ram D. Sriram ing data for machined parts production. The supports and advances the evolution of (301) 975-3507 tool kit contains computer-aided design, future design-related standards that respond email: [email protected] process planning, simulation and product to industry's identified needs. Technical staff A127 Metrology Building data management systems. A methodology for validating participate in various standards efforts. has been specified manufac- turing data in a machine-shop environ- Technology transfer is facilitated through an engineering design testbed. COMPUTER-AIDED ment. Other researchers are creating a MANUFACTURING Production System Engineering Tool Kit for The primary7 goal is to help U.S. industry designing and modeling production lines for realize the full potential of current and ENGINEERING the mechanical assemblies. Interface specifi- future engineering-design tools and tech- Just as computer-aided design and engineer- cations are being developed to allow com- niques. NIST researchers are investigating ing tools have revolutionized product design mercial off-the-shelf software to the issues involved in integrating a variety during the past decade, computer-based interoperate. Examples of the types of soft- of commercial and university "design" tools for production system engineering can ware products contained within the tool kits tools. Topics addressed by current projects revolutionize manufacturing. A new type of include computer-aided design, process include virtual reality interfaces, product computer-aided engineering environment is planning, numerical control program verifi- and process modeling, constraint repre- envisioned, one that will improve the pro- cation, product data management, manufac- sentation, optimization, and engineering ductivity of manufacturing and other indus- turing simulation, and plant layout. ontologies. trial engineers. This environment would be Prototype tool kits and their interfaces have

by engineers to plan the manufacture to the public on several A key issue in achieving an integrated prod- used been demonstrated and to design and imple- occasions. uct development environment involves the of new products systems and sub- appropriate communication ment future manufacturing development of Contact: and representation mechanisms. Standards systems. Charles McLean are critical to these communication and rep- The overall goal of computer-aided manu- (301) 975-3511 resentation mechanisms. Active participants facturing engineering (CAME) is to lower email: [email protected] in the International Organization for Stand- manufacturing costs, reduce delivery times, A127 Metrology Building ardization's STEP (Standard for the and improve product quality through the Exchange of Product Model Data) initiative, coordinated development and use of NIST staff are addressing how to incorporate advanced tools. This project is aimed at features, rationale, and other constraints, advancing the development of software envi- design information within the STEP ronments and tools for the design and engi- framework. neering of manufacturing systems. NIST has

formed the CAME Consortium with indus-

trial partners to address these issues. With

industrial consortium partners, universities, and Defense Department manufacturing MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING LABORATORY

Language) binding. NIIIP plans to develop, NIST is assisting industry by facilitating NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL demonstrate, and transfer this technology standards development and addressing feed- INFORMATION into widespread industrial use. back from validation and implementation activities. The initial STEP standard is capa- Contact: INFRASTRUCTURE ble of conveying existing CAD model repre- Katherine Morris PROTOCOLS sentations. Additional capabilities are being (301) 975-3081 developed to address other manufacturing This activity is developing technology to email: [email protected] applications. NIST is accelerating this work enable industrial virtual enterprises and to A127 Metrology Building by providing an environment that supports accelerate adoption of STEP (Standard for and advances efforts to improve the effi- the Exchange of Product Model Data) in the ciency and quality of these specifications. An operation of these enterprises. Work is being PRODUCT DATA integrated suite of software tools is being accomplished under a cooperative research EXCHANGE STANDARDS established that will interact with the STEP and development agreement with the registry at NIST, which contains STEP speci- National Industrial Information Infrastruc- FOR MANUFACTURING fications, related documents, and repre- ture Protocols (NIIIP) Consortium, compris- The goal of this activity is to accelerate the sentative data. This suite will provide ing various manufacturers, technology development and deployment of product "intelligent" access to any part of these refer- providers, universities, and federal agencies. data standards to enable the sharing and ences and to generated aspects of the docu- The overall NIIIP program is funded reuse of design, engineering, and manufac- ments that do not require application through a Technology Reinvestment Project turing information. The strategy is to work domain knowledge. award. As a virtual enterprise, the NIIIP with industry to translate its requirements

Consortium is a temporary confederation of into standards, principally International To achieve widespread adoption of these firms that come together to share costs and Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards, industry must understand the skills to exploit fast-changing opportunities. 10303 (Product Data Representation and benefits and understand how to manage the

The NIIIP Consortium will deliver iterations Exchange), to validate these standards and risks associated with adopting this new tech- of a reference architecture, software toolkits then to pilot test these standards in an indus- nology. NIST currently is working with the that are the building blocks of an instanti- trial setting. World-wide interest in ISO automotive industry on the AutoSTEP pilot ated reference architecture, research proto- 10303, also known as STEP, is motivated by project, in which STEP is being used to types, and pilot demonstrations. In industry's desire to achieve critical opera- exchange design and part data between sup- accomplishing these deliverables, NIIIP will tional and strategic capabilities. STEP: pliers and original equipment manufactur-

adopt and converge existing standards and ers. NIST is providing its expertise on • enables a number of improved product technology from STEP, the Object Manage- requirements analysis, testing methods, and development strategies such as concurrent ment Group (OMG), the Internet Society, STEP technology. In addition, NIST supplies engineering, enterprise integration, and elec- and the Workflow Management Coalition. a neutral site for Internet communications tronic commerce; between pilot members. The goal is to docu- NIST efforts enable improved engineering • facilitates companies working together as ment the benefits of using STEP within the practices. Advanced communication capa- a virtual enterprise on product development; context of supply chain business scenarios. bilities for distributed computing resources and are being applied to allow for transparent Contact:

access to distributed resources, including • makes possible the use of better Jim Fowler

shared data representations. Additionally, approaches to increase efficiency and reduce (301) 975-3180

workflow management technology will be time to market in developing new or email: [email protected]

exploited to expedite the engineering proc- improved products. A127 Metrology Building

ess. NIST research has focused on the inte- Initial implementations of this interna- gration of STEP technology and standards, tional standard are by vendors of computer- while object-oriented technology and stand- aided design (CAD) systems. Each CAD ards emerge from OMG. The project is prem- system's unique proprietary format inhibits ised on the adoption of STEP Data Access the direct exchange of information among Interface (SDAI) as an international stand- various manufacturing processes. ard. This project will validate the proposal

for an SDAI/IDL (Interface Definition —


NIST has formed alliances with the Indus-

STEP CONFORMANCE AND trial Technology Institute, PDES Inc., and MANUFACTURING INTEROPERABILITY the Automotive Industry Action Group RESOURCE DATA industrial organizations driving the develop- TESTING REPRESENTATION ment and application of STEP. NIST and its

The STEP (Standard for the Exchange of industrial partners have initiated a beta test- The NIST manufacturing resource data rep-

Product Model Data) conformance testing ing program to give vendors early access to resentation project is a continuation of prior project is sponsored jointly by the NIST Sys- STEP testing tools during product develop- efforts carried out under the rapid response tems Integration for Manufacturing Applica- ment. This allows them to become familiar manufacturing intramural project. This tions Program and Navy ManTech. The with the tools, gain confidence that their project is designed to establish information technical goal is to provide an objective product can successfully pass testing, and models that specify a common and stand- means of evaluating a software system for use the tools to improve the quality of their ardized electronic representation for manu- its ability to meet the requirements of products. Vendors also gain from the facturing resource data. This representation

STEP, an international standard (officially expanded market brought on by increased proposes a structure for the classification

International Organization for Stand- user confidence in tested products. The same and characteristics of machine tools, cutting ardization 10303) developed to let compa- tools also can be employed by end users to tools, tool holders, cutting inserts, and other nies effectively exchange design and assess the ability of these products to intemp- resources. Project results provide a catalyst engineering information with their custom- erate in a specific industrial context, further for a standardized manufacturing resource ers and suppliers as well as internally. The expanding the market for standards-based data structure. initial customers of the project results are products. Standards activities have been initiated developers of computer-aided engineering This approach provides an infrastructure for through both International Organization systems and product data management an efficient conformance testing program, for Standardization (ISO) and American systems. which will help open world markets to U.S.- National Standards Institute. Current efforts

Experience with complex standards has developed STEP products. In concert with are to facilitate standardization and imple- shown that claims of compliance with a these activities, NIST is aggressively partici- mentation of the proposed data structure, standard often are unreliable. When imple- pating in international standards efforts lead U.S. efforts for standardization of cut- mentations of a standard do not meet related to conformance testing and product ting tool data through the ISO TC29/WG34 requirements, adoption of the standard can certification. standards group, and facilitate liaison be- be delayed or prevented. The primary focus tween ISO technical committees to ensure Contact: of this effort is the development of software compatibility of standards and no duplica- Simon Frechette tools and methods for assessing whether new tion of effort. Impacts of this project include (301) 975-3335 software applications comply with the stand- the ability to share manufacturing resource email: [email protected] ard. The tools need to be extensible to data among manufacturing applications, A127 Metrology Building accommodate the expanding set of applica- easier effort for maintenance of resource tions supported by STEP. This project lever- data and industry databases, direct import of ages earlier work done by NIST on EXPRESS, manufacturing resource vendor data into the formal description language used to customer applications, and a standardized specify STEP and STEP Class Library tool structure for electronic tooling catalogs. kits. Contact:

Kevin K. Jurrens

(301) 975-5486

email: [email protected] A127 Metrology Building MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING LABORATORY

The NAMT infrastructure supports real-time PROCESS SPECIFICATION RESEARCH interactions among collaborators and real- LANGUAGE FACILITIES time access to hardware and software. It inte- grates voice, video, and data on the same NIST research in the definition of a neutral network to create a cohesive collaborative representation of product data, most environment. Today, in contrast, organiza- recently realized through STEP (Standard NATIONAL ADVANCED tions use separate networks dedicated to par- for the Exchange of Product Model Data), MANUFACTURING TESTBED ticular uses, such as telephone networks for has resulted in real benefits for U.S. manu- voice communication, packet-switching net- Through the National Advanced Manufactur- facturing industry. Like product data, proc- works for data transmission, and closed cir- ing Testbed (NAMT) research program, a dis- ess data also is used throughout the life cuit television for videoconferencing. tributed testbed built on a state-of-the-art, cycle of a product, from early assessment of high-speed computing and communications available process options, through process planning, Information technology resources infrastructure has been developed. The test- production scheduling, and control. In addi- to NAMT partners include the following:

bed is enabling scientists and engineers tion, the notion of process underlies the • physical communications components from industry, NIST, academia, and other entire manufacturing cycle, coordinating such as networking gateways, routers, and government agencies to work collaboratively the workflow within engineering and manu- networking software that provide collabora- to solve measurement and standards issues facturing. The goal of the Process Specifica- tors with access to equipment, documents, that impede companies and industries tion Language (PSL) project is to create a databases, project information, test data, from making the most of their information neutral process representation that would and testing suites; technology. facilitate process data sharing among vari- • commercial and experimental software would all ous applications because they The NAMT testbed has geographically distrib- applications, such as design, engineering, "speak the same language," either as a uted partners and emphasizes virtual tech- and simulation packages; or as their native language. second language nology to support collaborative research on

standards for information-based manufac- • multimedia communications such as What makes this work unique is its focus on turing. The equipment, expertise, and capa- videoconferencing, groupware, and email the semantics, or meanings, of the elements bilities of NAMT partners are electronically exploders to facilitate effective collaboration of the language. With the growing complex- connected through the testbed's common among remotely located partners, as well as ity of information and the increasing need infrastructure. Moreover, collections of security and safety mechanisms; to completely and correctly exchange proc- resources and personnel can be easily different disciplines, ess information among • advanced machine tools and research configured and reconfigured in of the — — the need for unambiguous capture equipment that might otherwise be unavail- response to changing research needs and of concepts within the given repre- meaning able to collaborators; and objectives. The virtual technology elements sentations is becoming more apparent. The of the testbed support research on applica- • vast and varied technical expertise that is PSL will consist of a formal semantic under- tions of simulation and modeling methods immediately accessible through the national pinning upon which multiple presentations that are essential to rapid prototyping and network. can be mapped, ultimately enabling the fast fabrication, among a host of other key automated exchange of process information capabilities. Work at the NAMT is devoted within a manufacturing enterprise, or even not only to developing and validating mod- within a supply chain enterprise. els and simulations of individual processes, Contact: but also to ensuring the integrity and accu- Knutilla Amy racy of computerized representations of

(301) 975-3514 the performance of entire manufacturing email: [email protected] systems. A127 Metrology Building MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING LABORATORY -j

An innovation in research collaboration, the

NAiMT aims to speed development of a criti- ACOUSTIC ANECHOIC MASS STANDARDS cally needed information infrastructure for CHAMBER FACILITY FACILITY U.S. manufacturing. Cooperation, collabora- This facility is a vibration-isolated, shell- Dedicated to mass research and development tion, and consensus are essential to building within-shell structure that is one of the this facility consists of a class 1000 clean this key requirement for future manufactur- quietest and best acoustically characterized room with temperature control to within ing competitiveness. The NAMT has a strong rooms in the world. The inner room is sup- 0.1 °C in the range of 20 °C to 22 °C, tem- foundation of research partners from indus- ported by 52 coil springs and has walls perature gradients of less than 0.1 °C/m, try, other government agencies, and the aca- 0.3 m thick. All interior surfaces are covered and relative humidity control to within demic community', and new opportunities with custom-designed wedges that protrude ± 2 percent in the range of 45 percent to for collaboration are continuously being into the room about 1.8 m. The inner room 50 percent. Additional environmentally explored.The NAMT accommodates different is 6.7 m wide, 10 m long (wedge tip to controlled laboratories are dedicated to levels of partnership through both formal wedge tip), and 6.7 m high. The walls are mass measurements in the range 1 mg to and informal arrangements. Included designed to be 99-9 percent sound-absorptive 27 200 kg. among the many ways in which partnership over frequencies above 45 Hz. The ambient can exist are cooperative research and APPLICATIONS noise in the chamber is so low it cannot be development agreements, guest researcher Research and development activities include measured above a few hundred hertz with agreements, memoranda of understanding, the characterization of physical and chemi- the best quality laboratory microphones. the NIST Industry Fellows Program, con- cal properties of artifact mass standards and tracts, and participation in NAMT-hosted APPLICATIONS support of research efforts aimed at monitor- technical workshops. Interested organiza- Acoustical measurements under free-field ing the mass unit by means of fundamental tions and prospective partners are encour- conditions are performed in the chamber. constants. Mass measurement services also aged to learn more by visiting the NAMT web Research done in the chamber supports are provided. page at standards development, improved measure- Contact: ment methods, and sensor development. Contact: Zeinajabbour Measurement services are provided to a David Stieren (301) 975-4468 broad range of industries and government (301) 975-3197 email: [email protected] agencies. In addition, the chamber has been email: [email protected] A147 Sound Building used to support the development of a wide A327 Metrology Building range of transducers, including advanced

loudspeakers and hearing aids, micro-

machined silicon microphones, and sonar

arrays prior to sea trials.


Victor Nedzelnitsky

(301) 975-6638 email: [email protected] A147 Sound Building MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY

The Materials Science and Engineering COOPERATIVE RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Laboratory provides technical leadership OPPORTUNITIES MSEL is separated into five divisions. and participates in developing the meas- Advanced Materials Programs Contacts for each division are listed below. urement and standards infrastructure 127 Ceramic Coatings related to materials critical to U.S. indus- Ceramics Division 127 Dental and Medical Materials try, academia, government, and the pub- Contact: 128 Electronic Packaging, Interconnection, lic. Materials science and engineering Stephen W. Freiman and Assembly programs at NIST cover a full range of (301) 975-6119 128 Evaluated Materials Data materials issues from design to processing email: [email protected] 128 High-Temperature Superconductivity to performance. A unifying aim is to fax: (301) 975-5334 acquire the knowledge and tools needed 129 Magnetic Materials A256 Materials Building for intelligent manufacturing methods 129 Mechanical Properties of Brittle with real-time automated process controls. Materials Materials Reliability Division 130 Polymer Characterization Separate research initiatives address 131 Thin-Film Measurements and Contact: ceramics, metals, polymers, composites, Standards Harry I. McHenry and superconductors. This research sup- (303) 497-3268 ports efforts of U.S. industry to develop Advanced Processing Programs email: [email protected] reliable, low-cost manufacturing methods 131 Ceramic Machining fax: (303) 497-5030 for producing tailor-made materials and 132 Ceramic Processing Mailcode 853-00 products with superior properties. 132 Intelligent Processing of Materials Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328

Through laboratory-organized consortia 133 Metals Data and Characterization and one-to-one collaborations, NIST's 133 Metals Processing Metallurgy Division work materials scientists and engineers 134 Polymer Blends and Processing closely with industrial researchers. Exam- Contact: 134 Polymer Composites ples include work on improved processing Carol A. Handwerker 135 Ultrasonic Characterization of of rapidly solidified metal powders, poly- (301) 975-6158 Materials mer composites, ceramic machining, email: [email protected] FACILITIES aerospace alloys, and non-destructive RESEARCH fax: (301) 975-4553 evaluation sensors for aluminum and 136 NIST Center for Neutron Research B26l Materials Building steel manufacturing. The laboratory 140 Materials Science X-ray Beamlines also is strengthening its relationships 140 Center for Theoretical and Polymers Division with manufacturers of high-technology Computational Materials Science Contact: products, the major users of advanced 141 Magnetic Engineering Research Bruno M. Fanconi materials. Facility (301) 975-6769 142 Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Facility Contact: email: [email protected] 142 Powder Characterization and E. Smith, Director Leslie fax: (301) 975-3928 Processing Laboratory (301) 975-5658 A309 Polymer Building email: [email protected] fax: (301) 975-5012 ; B309 Materials Building NIST Center for Neutron Research Contact:

J. Michael Rowe (301) 975-6210 email: [email protected]

fax: (301) 869-4770


The approach taken in the plasma-spray COOPERATIVE RESEARCH (PS) research has been to build on the ana- DENTAL AND MEDICAL OPPORTUNITIES lytical capabilities at NIST and the material MATERIALS processing capabilities of collaborators. This The dental and medical materials program program tackles the following technical provides basic materials science, engineer- challenges: ADVANCED MATERIALS ing, test methods, and standards to sectors of • measurement of the physical and chemi- the health-care industry for the development

PROGRAMS cal properties of stabilized zirconia and of new or improved materials and delivery

tungsten carbide feedstocks; systems. The focus of this program is the

development of improved dental restorative CERAMIC COATINGS • determination of the quantity, size, and materials with greater durability, wear resis- orientation of porosity and microcracks in coatings is The ceramic program a measure- tance, and clinical acceptability. PS ceramic coatings suitable for use in mod- ment and characterization effort that eling the thermomechanical behavior of Dental restorative composites are hetero- addresses the processing reproducibility and these materials; geneous materials having three essential performance prediction issues that are phases: primarily associated with thermal-spray- • development of methods to measure deposited ceramic coatings. The program chemical, elastic modulus, and thermal • a polymeric matrix that comprises the focuses on plasma-spray-deposited ceramic properties on a scale suitable for use in continuous phase; thermal barrier coatings used in aircraft gas microstructural models of behavior; • fillers of various types, sizes, shapes, and turbines and expected to be used in land- • development of techniques to model ther- morphologies that constitute the disperse based turbines and diesel engines. Sales in momechanical behavior of thermal-barrier phase; and the thermal-spray industry currently are coatings to enable more reliable perform- valued at more than $1 billion annually, a • an interfacial phase that, in varying ance prediction; significant portion of which is ceramic degrees, bonds the continuous and disperse

thermal-barrier coatings. • development of techniques for accurate phases into a unitary material rather than a measurement of the thermal conductivity of simple admixture. Collaborations have been established with PS coatings by use of the guarded hot-plate industrial organizations including Pratt & While all three phases are important in technique; and Whitney, General Electric Co., Caterpillar, determining the properties of the compos-

Inc., Metco, MetTech, Inc., and Zircoa, Inc., • development and refinement of more sen- ites, this program is focused primarily on

as well as the Thermal Spray Laboratory at sitive methods for accurate analysis of oxide the interfacial and polymer matrix phases.

the State University of New York at Stoney phases and residual stresses, which affect Since the polymerization shrinkage that

Brook and the Thermal Spray Laboratory at performance and durability of coatings. occurs in the matrix phase is one of the

Sandia National Laboratory. The program most commonly cited deficiencies of dental Contact: includes collaboration with the National restorative composites, resources are allo- Stanley J. Dapkunas Aerospace Laboratory and the National cated to develop high conversion, durable, (301) 975-6119 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, both low shrinkage polymeric materials for use in email: [email protected] in Japan, to examine functionally gradient dental resin and composite applications. A256 Materials Building materials. Collaboration also is underway Although only a minor component of these with Bundesanstalt fur Materialforschung composites, the interfacial phase that devel- und-priifung (Germany) for the develop- ops from the interaction of the silane cou- ment of characterization techniques for pling agent with the polymer matrix and the thin, hard films. Research is conducted on siliceous filler exerts a profound effect on the processing and properties of physical- the properties of the composites. Because vapor-deposited ceramic coatings in collabo- these composites are used in an aggressive, ration with Praxair. aqueous environment that constantly chal-

lenges the vulnerable silane mediated poly-

mer-filler bond, understanding of this

critical interfacial phase is being acquired 128 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY

so that strategies can be developed for its • development of a fundamental under- Evaluated databases are developed in coop-

improvement. standing of materials needed for future pack- eration with the NIST Standard Reference

aging, interconnection, and assembly Data Program and often coordinated with The occupational and environmental haz- schemes. the activities of other laboratories and scien- ards associated with the use of mercury- tific or technical societies. Research consists containing dental alloys also are being With these objectives in mind, the program of the compilation and evaluation of addressed through the development of substi- presently consists of nearly 20 separate proj- numeric data as well as recently initiated tute materials with similar physical proper- ects that examine key materials-related efforts directed at more effective distribution ties. This project is focused on acid-assisted issues: electrical, thermal, and mechanical and use of data. Database activities reflect consolidation of chemically precipitated sil- characteristics of polymer and metal thin laboratory programs with scientific capabili- ver powders and property measurements of films; solders, solderability and solder joint ties required for appropriate data evaluation. hand-consolidated test compacts prepared design; interfaces and adhesion; electromi-

with the tools and procedures normally gration and stress voidage; and built-up Database projects in MSEL include the fol-

employed by dentists. Wear and biocompati- stress and moisture in plastic packages. lowing: Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, in

bility studies on the hand-consolidated These projects always are conducted in con- cooperation with the American Ceramic

compacts are in progress. cert with partners from industrial consortia, Society; the Structural Ceramics Database

individual companies, academia, and other for nitrides, carbides, and oxides; a ceramic Contact: government agencies. The program is cou- machinability database; a high-Tc supercon- Francis Wang pled strongly with other microelectronics ductivity database; and the NACE/NIST (301) 975-6726 programs within government and industry, Corrosion Performance Database. The associ- email: [email protected] including NIST's National Semiconductor ated Crystal Data Center provides fundamen- A143 Polymer Building Metrology Program, a national resource tal crystallographic data on inorganic

responsible for the development and dissemi- materials.

nation of new semiconductor measurement ELECTRONIC PACKAGING, Contact: technology. Stanley Dapkunas INTERCONNECTION, AND J. ASSEMBLY Contact: (301) 975-6119 Wen-Li Wu email: [email protected]

MSEL has developed a program committed (301) 975-6839 A256 Materials Building

to addressing the U.S. microelectronics email: [email protected] industry's most pressing materials measure- B320 Polymer Building ment and standards issues, which are cen- HIGH-TEMPERATURE tral to the development and utilization of SUPERCONDUCTIVITY advanced materials and material processes EVALUATED A significant program in high-Tc (critical within new product technologies. This pro- MATERIALS DATA transition temperature) superconductivity is gram embraces the following objectives: The objective of the evaluated materials being conducted in MSEL and other Meas- • delivery of development and standard data program is to develop and facilitate the urement and Standards Laboratories at

measurements and data; use of evaluated databases for the materials NIST. The primary focus of the MSEL pro-

science and engineering communities. Both gram is on bulk superconducting materials • development and application of in situ research- and application-directed organiza- for wire and magnet applications. In carry- measurements on materials and material tions require readily available evaluated ing out this program, researchers in MSEL assemblies having micrometer- and data to take advantage of the large volume work closely with their counterparts in other submicrometer-scale dimensions; of materials information developed on pub- NIST laboratories and collaborators in U.S. • quantification of the divergence of mate- licly and privately sponsored programs. This industry, universities, and other national

rial properties from their bulk values as information, particularly numeric data, is laboratories.

dimensions are reduced and interfaces are available in an ever-increasing number of

approached; and publications published worldwide. The

necessity to consolidate and allow rapid com-

parison of properties for product design and

process development underlies the database


The program has four primary thrusts: • measurement and characterization of nanoscale magnetic interactions in MECHANICAL • the development of phase diagrams for multilayers, nanocomposites, and low- unique ceramic materials; PROPERTIES OF BRITTLE dimensional systems, needed for under-

• characterization of the effects of strain on standing and applying the new physics of MATERIALS

loss of current in superconducting wires; these materials; Mechanical properties are the source of the

greatest benefits as well as the most severe • examination of flux pinning in materi- • measurement and modeling of the limitations of ceramic materials. Owing to als; and enhanced magnetocaloric effect in their high strength-to-weight ratio, their nanocomposites; • the use of thermal neutron scattering relatively inert behavior in aggressive envi-

techniques and profile refinement analyses • structure and magnetic characterization ronments, their high hardness and wear

to investigate crystal and magnetic struc- of new superconducting materials; resistance, and their ability to withstand

tures, composition, dynamics, and crystal significantly higher temperatures than met- • nanotribology (measurement of stiction, chemical properties. als or polymers, ceramics offer the potential friction, and wear at the nanometer scale) for major improvements in component Contact: of magnetic hard disks; design for a wide range of applications. On Stephen W. Freiman • measurement and understanding the ori- the debit side, however, ceramic materials (301) 975-6119 gin of magnetic exchange bias in conven- typically exhibit statistically variable brittle email: [email protected] tional and advanced magnetic structures fracture, environmentally enhanced subcriti- A256 Materials Building and devices; cal crack growth, sensitivity to machining

damage, and creep/deformation behavior at • development of magnetic sensors of elevated temperatures. Additionally, a lack MAGNETIC MATERIALS mechanical properties for incorporation as of techniques that can detect and quantify in situ controls in a steel mill; and The focus of the magnetic materials pro- critical flaws before failure ensues severely

gram is the development of the measure- • development of a measurement system curtails current uses of ceramics. Unpre- ment science needed to characterize the for the preparation of an absolute magnetic dictable failure behavior of ceramics stems properties and performance of new magnetic 1 moment standard. from three sources: materials. Proper measurements of key mag- By experimentally addressing important • limited data and a deficiency of basic netic properties, determination of the funda- issues in magnetism, by bringing together understanding of failure processes in mental science behind the magnetic the industrial and scientific communities ceramics; behavior of these new materials, analysis of through the organization of workshops and i of magnetic the durability and performance • limited standard test techniques to permit conferences in the area, and by the develop- devices, and development of Standard Refer- interlaboratory comparisons of materials ment and preparation of appropriate stand- ence Materials are key elements of this j behavior and collection of engineering data; ards, NIST acts to accelerate the utilization program. Of particular interest is under- and of advanced magnetic materials by the standing the magnetic behavior of low- industrial sector and to enable industry • inadequate models and statistical tech- dimensional systems, in which one or more to take advantage of new discoveries and niques for life prediction and reliability characteristic dimensions have been reduced innovations. analyses. The mechanical properties of brit- to nanometer sizes. Areas of present study tle materials program has components spe- include the following: Contact: cifically addressing each of these issues. Robert D. Shull • processing of magnetic multilayers for (301) 975-6035 Basic understanding of the mechanical optimal giant magnetoresistance effect; email: [email protected] behavior of ceramics is investigated at both • observation and micromagnetic modeling B152 Materials Building room temperature and elevated tempera-

of magnetic domains for understanding tures. At room temperature, mechanical

magnetization statics and dynamics in properties and failure processes are investi-

. advanced and conventional materials; gated in fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix

composites as a function of microstructural

scale and in aluminum nitride substrates as

a function of processing conditions, phase MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY

content, and microstructure. Microstructu- techniques. Work includes applying these polymers. Solid-state structure of polymers

ral stresses related to enhanced fracture techniques to aluminum nitride materials is elucidated using small- and wide-angle

toughness are measured via micro-Raman for thermal management systems and to X-ray scattering, atomic force microscopy,

techniques in heterogeneous microstruc- fused silica and other glasses for spacecraft and electron microscopy, as well as spectro- tures and correlated with micromechanical window applications. A new experimental scopic methods such as solid-state

modeling. Micromechanical computer procedure was developed for characterizing nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared

simulations are used to elucidate distribu- time-dependent failure under static loads. spectroscopy.

tions of residual stress distributions in Contact: Adequate characterization of the time- highly anisotropic ceramics as a function of Edwin Fuller dependent viscoelastic and aging behaviors crystallographic texture. At elevated tempera- (301) 975-5795 of polymers requires large amounts of test- tures, the basic mechanisms responsible for email: [email protected] ing. For this reason, methods are developed crack growth, creep, and creep rupture are A329 Materials Building that reduce the number of tests required to investigated for various silicon nitride com- describe the non-linear thermo-viscoelastic positions and for membrane and fuel cell properties of polymers. The approach applies materials. POLYMER the frameworks of solid and fluid contin- To improve interlaboratory comparisons CHARACTERIZATION uum mechanics to interrelate mechanical and to increase confidence in generated responses under different geometries of The polymer characterization program pro- data, new standard test techniques for hard- deformation and in varied deformation vides measurement methods, data, and ness and toughness are being developed and histories. Phenomenological models and Standard Reference Materials needed by U.S. tested in round-robin experiments. Research underlying physical theories are tested using industry, research laboratories, and other and interlaboratory studies in instrumented the NIST torsional dilatometer, conven- federal agencies to characterize polymers for indentation address the use of this tech- tional rotational rheometry, and servo- processibility, rheological and mechanical nique for measuring elasticity and hardness hydraulic mechanical testing machines. properties, and performance. Molecular of thin films and coatings. Micro-Raman mass and its distribution have significant The polymer industry and standards organi- techniques are being developed and cali- effects on the processibility of polymers zations assist in the identification of current brated so that quantitative assessments of through dramatic effects on their rheologi- needs for Standard Reference Materials. microstructural residual stresses can be cal properties. Mechanical properties and Based on these needs, research on charac- mapped for heterogeneous microstructures. performance are affected significantly by the terization methods and measurements is At elevated temperatures, new creep speci- solid-state structure formed during process- conducted leading to the certification of mens that permit higher stresses with ing. Importantly, unlike many other com- Standard Reference Materials. Molecular reduced non-gage section failures were mon engineering materials, polymers have standards are used primarily for calibration designed. Intra- and interlaboratory studies mechanical properties that exhibit time- of gel permeation chromatographs, the prin- demonstrated the robustness of these geome- dependent viscoelastic and aging behaviors, cipal method employed by industry for tries. International interlaboratory studies even at low temperatures. As a result, the assessing molecular mass and molecular are under way to elucidate their relationship focus of the program is on techniques that mass distributions. Melt flow standards are to alternate testing geometries. measure molecular mass distributions, solid- used in the calibration of instruments used

Finally, techniques to predict lifetimes of state structures, mechanical properties, and to determine processing conditions for ther-

ceramics under constant and variable load- rheological behavior of polymeric materials. moplastics. Rheological standards are

ing conditions are being developed. A non- developed for secondary calibrations of Primary methods employed for molecular parametric bootstrap approach for assessing rheological instruments in industry and mass characterization are dilute solution the confidence of lifetime predictions is academia. light scattering and osmometry. Chroma- investigated and compared with analytical tographic techniques, which require calibra- Contact:

tion by standards of known molecular mass, Bruno M. Fanconi

provide information on molecular mass dis- (301) 975-6769

tribution. Recent activities exploit advances email: [email protected]

in mass spectrometry using matrix-assisted A309 Polymer Building

laser desorption ionization to develop the

method as a primary tool for the determina-

tion of the molecular masses of synthetic MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY i 31

The film characterization techniques in

THIN-FILM use or under development include electrical, ADVANCED PROCESSING MEASUREMENTS AND mechanical, optical, thermal, and X-ray measurements. Specific research activities PROGRAMS

STANDARDS include the following:

Functional ceramics (that is, ceramics pri- • investigations of the processing and CERAMIC MACHINING marily intended for optical, electronic, or microstructural features that control poling thermal management applications) are The ceramic machining program was estab- behavior and domain stability in ferro- increasingly being used in film geometries. lished in response to a comprehensive sur- electric films; vey In response to this growing segment of the of the U.S. advanced ceramics industry indicating that the cost of ceramics community, the thin-film measure- • development and utilization of spectro- high machining and, at times, uncertain reliability associ- ments and standards program endeavors to scopic procedures to evaluate film composi- ated with machining are primary provide improved measurement tools and tion in BaTi03 and to detect defects in damage impediments to the widespread use of these data that are needed to evaluate advanced ferroelectric and semiconductor films;

ceramic films and film systems. Increas- materials. This program is designed to • development of methods to measure and address generic industry needs related to ingly critical film performance require- statistically analyze texture and texture dis- methods and standards in ments (such as reduced dimensions, measurement tributions in films and to relate these data to increased purity, improved interface proper- order to assist industry in the development processing conditions; of machining technology for the manufac- ties, increased production rates, and tighter ture of reliable cost-effective control of properties) place stringent • development of measurement procedures, and compo- nents made from advanced ceramics. demands on film processing control, models, and standards to permit quantita- Several specific projects are under to models, and characterization techniques. tive evaluation of thermal diffusivity in thin way study: However, lack of measurement methods to films and to relate thermal diffusivity to

monitor film processing and accurately film microstructure and morphology; and • effects of abrasive machining on characterize film properties as well as lim- • application of advanced X-ray measure- mechanical properties of ceramics, ited theoretical understanding of interrela- ment capabilities (such as EXAFS and DATS) • intelligent machining of ceramics, tionships between processing conditions and to the analysis of film structure and compo- final film properties reduce most film proc- • chemical and chemomechanical effects sition and the construction of an in-house essing to empirical procedures. The activi- of grinding fluids, and state-of-the-art X-ray facility. ties in this program are designed to address • abrasive finishing and wear of dental these measurement and modeling issues, A critical requirement of the projects cited ceramics. both with regard to specific, near-term above has been the ability to generate model

this end, this program industrial needs as well as to the develop- film systems. To Ceramic materials studied in these projects two deposition capabilities: ment of a materials science knowledge base includes film include those ceramics intended for struc- vapor deposition and pulsed required for use of ceramic films in future metallorganic tural applications, such as silicon nitride, deposition. applications. Near-term and long-range laser and the ceramics used for dental restora-

goals have been developed based upon both tions, such as machinable glass-ceramics. Contact:

. general discussions between MSEL staff and The first two projects are conducted jointly Grady White representatives of industry and universities with the 22-member Ceramic Machining (301) 975-5752 at professional meetings and consortia Consortium with input from NIST's Preci- email: [email protected] workshops as well as focused, collabor- sion Engineering Division, Statistical Engi- A215 Materials Building ative research projects with specific neering Division, and Standard Reference organizations. Data Program. The consortium members,

representing a broad spectrum of industry

including materials producers, machine

tool builders, suppliers of expendables (such

as grinding wheels and fluids), and end

users, participate by providing materials,

testing, advice, and other in-kind contribu-

tions. The consortium members also provide MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY

input to the other two projects and assist Since all subsequent operations depend on All studies will be generic and non-

NIST in formulating the scope of the the raw materials' characteristics, the meas- proprietary. All members of the CPCC share research projects. The close working rela- urement of the physical and chemical prop- in carrying out the work in the CPCC project tionship developed between industry, aca- erties of powders is an important component teams. The consortium members represent demic institutions, and NIST not only of the program. The reliability of various more than 60 companies, government labs, ensures the relevance of the research proj- measurement techniques is being assessed and universities. ects but also promotes an efficient and in a cooperative international program Contact: timely transfer of research information to under the direction of the International George Onoda industry for implementation. Energy Agency and its subtask on ceramic (301) 975-4489 powder characterization. The subtask is Contact: email: [email protected] being coordinated at NIST in the ceramic Saidjahanmir A256 Materials Building processing program. In addition, Standard (301) 975-3671 Reference Materials needed to calibrate the email: [email protected] measurement instruments in use are being A329 Materials Building INTELLIGENT developed. A project that studies the mecha-

nism of drying, using nuclear magnetic reso- PROCESSING OF CERAMIC PROCESSING nance imaging, is in progress and is MATERIALS providing direct insight on the moisture gra- Research activities in the intelligent process- Ceramic products are primarily produced by dients formed during drying. ing of materials (IPM) program investigate powder processing, where raw material pow- the conversion of materials into value-added ders are mixed with forming additives and A consortium called the Ceramic Processing products using model-based control of proc- shaped by various means into green bodies, Characterization Consortium (CPCC) was

formed in Its mission is to assist essing variables. Information for real-time which then are fired to the final, hardened June 1997. the U.S. ceramic industry in establishing a process control is provided by on-line sen- state. The processing costs can vary greatly generic, powder-processing measurements sors that measure material characteristics or depending on the reproducibility and reli-

infrastructure. goal is to assess the processing conditions or both. Intelligent ability of the process operation. One key to The processing processing will enable industry to economi- reliable and rapid development of new prod- measurement needs in ceramic and to take all necessary and feasible cally produce materials with improved qual- ucts is having good test methods to analyze actions to find viable solutions. The mem- ity, consistent properties, and enhanced the material at its different stages of process- bers of the are volunteers from compa- functionality. The IPM program makes ing. Unfortunately, no satisfactory measure- CPCC nies, instrument makers, universities, important contributions to two of MSEL's ment infrastructure yet exists within the and national laboratories. Their contributions to three strategic thrusts: advanced materials ceramics industry, and, as a result, much the projects of the should result in and advanced processing. processing relies largely on art and CPCC experience. rapid advances in the near future. The The IPM concept is the principal approach current projects follow: used to achieve the MSEL goal to "foster the The program on ceramic processing focuses • development and implementation of tech- on the development and improvement of powder characterization, nologies for advanced processing of materi- measurement methods of generic value to • green body characterization, als." IPM has three central elements: all ceramic companies. Clearer definitions • moisture measurements, are needed as to what needs to be measured, • process understanding expressed in terms how is it to be measured, and how reliable is • dispersion and rheology, and of a process model, the measurement. Also, the value of the • microstructure development. • real-time information on processing measurement to optimizing the processing parameters and material condition obtained operations is needed. Teams for each of these projects have been with on-line process sensors, and formed. The reliability and reproducibility

of commonly used instruments will be • a model-based sensing and control strat-

assessed, new methods will be developed, egy to achieve the desired characteristics in

and a better understanding of how the meas- the finished product.

ured properties affect the behavior of the

material at different stages of processing will

be developed through basic research studies. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY -j

IPM projects advance each of these ele- ments, and joint projects with industry are METALS DATA AND METALS PROCESSING integrating these elements into improved CHARACTERIZATION The properties of metals and their alloys processing capabilities. depend strongly on their processing history. The performance of metals during use and For example, the distributions of phases, The IPM program is an important contribu- their behavior during processing can be grain structure, alloy compositional segrega- tor to the MSEL goal to "foster the use of understood and predicted only with the avail- tion, and defects in final commercial prod- advanced materials in commercial prod- ability of a detailed body of information on ucts depend on the conditions under which ucts." Advanced materials are materials with their physical properties and microstructure. microstructures controlled materials are processed and fabricated. designed and to The value of this information is greatly provide superior properties These distributions in turn are crucial in and performance enhanced if it is developed within the con- determining the alloy strength, ductility, for specific functions. Microstructural text of models or theories that describe how homogeneity, and other properties impor- control is perhaps the most important appli- the measured properties of a metal will vary tant for industrial applications. The metals cation of IPM. The idea is to model micro- with changes in composition, microstruc- processing program focuses on measure- structural evolution during processing, ture, temperature, geometry, or other ments and predictive models needed by sense microstructural changes in real time, parameters. The metals data and charac- industry to design improved processing con- and use a model-based control strategy to terization program includes activities that ditions, provide better process control, achieve the desired microstructure in the fin- refine the technology for measuring the develop improved alloy and coating proper- ished product. Microstructural consistency is properties and behavior of metallic materi- ties, tailor material properties for particular essential to the commercialization of als and that correlate these properties and applications, and reduce costs. advanced materials because it ensures behavior to alloy microstructures. reliable properties and performance of the Major successes in applying measurements The large majority of metals are used in material. and modeling to processing applications applications based on their mechanical have been achieved in interactions with the The IPM program also contributes to properties, with other applications based on aerospace, powder metallurgy, electroplat- MSEL's measurement technology goal. electronic, magnetic, optical, or other func- ing, and electronics industries. Predictive A major focus of the IPM projects is process tional properties forming smaller but none- models for solidification and microstruc- sensors, which industrial collaborators theless critical markets. Whatever the tural evolution during processing have been repeatedly identify' as a crucial need. Sensor application, satisfactory long-term perform- incorporated by industry into design systems technology is a core competence of MSEL, ance of metallic components demands for casting aerospace alloys and producing which has its roots in sensor development chemical and microstructural stability, defect-free electronic materials, helping to for non-destructive evaluation of materials. sometimes in the presence of harsh environ- reduce rejection rates arising from defective Unique MSEL capabilities are being used to ments. This program identifies those process- parts. Cooperative research and development measure thermophysical properties at ele- ing, microstructure, and properties projects with industry have resulted in sig- vated temperatures; these data are combined characterizations that are critical to U.S. nificant improvements in process control for with model enhancements and then incorpo- industry for both the processing and the per- atomization of steel and superalloy powders. rated in industrial software for metal cast- formance of metals and carries them out Standard Reference Materials certified for ing. In addition, specialized measurement within the context of the NIST mission of coating thickness, microhardness, or chemi- capabilities such as nuclear magnetic reso- providing data and standards. A significant cal composition are being fabricated by nance and small angle neutron scattering part of the program is the use of advanced electrodeposition techniques and powder are used to understand microstructure/mor- microscopy techniques to characterize the metallurgy. Critical mechanistic, chemical, phology evolution in ceramics and polymers. microstructures that form the basis of the and process variables controlling the struc- measured properties. Contact: ture/property relationships of coatings and

Tom Siewert Contact: thin films produced by electrodeposition are 497-3523 (303) Robert J. Schaefer being developed to take further advantage of email: [email protected] (301) 975-5961 this electrochemical process, which does not Mailcode 853-07 email: [email protected] require high-purity starting materials and is

Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 B26l Materials Building readily adaptable to large-scale production. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY

There are three kinds of measurements and & Rubber Co., Mobil Corp., Raychem Corp.,

predictive models for processing being pur- POLYMER BLENDS AND Rohm and Haas Co., and 3M Co.

sued in this program. PROCESSING In order to promote communication and

• Measurements and models are developed The polymer blends and processing program technology transfer with an even broader

to help design materials production proc- is designed to establish expertise in static range of industrial partners, the Polymer

esses, such as measurements and evalu- and kinetic aspects of phase behavior in Blends and Processing Center has been estab-

ations to provide alloy phase diagrams, polymer blends, effects of shear flow on mix- lished. The focus of the center is efficient

which are the roadmaps that alloy designers ing and separating, and reactive processing adoption of measurement technologies

use to predict the alloy phases that can be to promote compatibility. The focus on these developed at NIST and assessment of new

produced under specific processing condi- areas furthers program objectives by acceler- research directions for the polymer blends

tions. These evaluations are playing key ating development of new measurement and processing program. The center also

roles in NIST collaborations with industrial tools, including specialized light- and promotes initiatives that cut across research

consortia on electronic solders and casting neutron-scattering methods, and by apply- projects to improve opportunities for indus-

of superalloys for aerospace applications. ing those tools to expand the knowledge trial collaborators to use NIST measurement

base for thermodynamics and kinetics of capabilities. • Measurements are made under dynamic polymer blends. Work extends to the effects conditions to monitor, in real time, proper- Contact: of additives in a blend system, the relative ties of materials while they are actually Eric Amis behavior of blends in bulk compared to in being produced and to determine difficult- (301) 975-6681 thin films at interfaces, and the effects of to-measure process parameters while the email: [email protected] complex thermal and mechanical histories process is occurring. Special fast-response B2 10 Polymer Building on the phase separation. Fundamental sensors, simulations, and imaging tech- advances in theory and modeling continue niques have been developed for application to guide and interpret the measurements. to powder atomization and thermal spray POLYMER COMPOSITES

processes, and workshops have been held to Current research in the program has four The polymer composites program seeks to

transfer these techniques to industry. areas of emphasis: facilitate the introduction of lightweight,

Dynamic models of the process are impor- corrosion-resistant composite materials into • measurement technology for on-line tant both for design of manufacturing commercial applications by expanding the characterization of temperature, phase procedures and for applications of real time essential science base and generating test behavior, and shear deformation; feedback and control. methods, reference data, and standard mate-

• shear effects on phase diagrams and rials. The outstanding properties of compos- • To evaluate the adequacy of process mod- phase morphology; ites lead to products that are superior and els, it is important to measure the properties competitive in international markets. The of the final materials and relate them to the • activity of additives, compatibilizers, and diverse transportation, construction, process conditions. Current work in this fillers; and marine, offshore oil, medical devices, and respect includes evaluation of methods used • control of interfacial effects in blends and sporting goods industries have recognized to optimize properties of electrodeposited during processing. those benefits and are beginning to make coatings and corrosion resistance of rapidly significant use of these materials. For this to solidified nitrogenated steels. In each of these areas the program works continue, however, two significant barriers with industry to develop measurement meth- Contact: must be addressed: the lack of rapid, reli- ods using tools of fluorescence, light scatter- R. John Manning able, cost-effective fabrication methods and ing, neutron scattering and reflectivity, (301) 975-6157 the poor understanding of and predictive X-ray scattering, birefringence, microscopy email: [email protected] capability for long-term performance. In (AFM, TEM, phase contrast), and rheology. A153 Materials Building response to these challenges, the composites Industrial collaborators include Aristech program initiated two tasks: one on process- Chemical Corp., Dendritech, Inc., DSM ing science and the other on interfacial Research, Dow Chemical Co., Dow Corning microstructure. The degradation of the inter- Corp., DuPont, Dynisco, Inc., Eastman face over time is primarily responsible for Kodak Co., Exxon Research and Engineer- the loss of mechanical properties. The auto- ing Co., General Electric Co., Goodyear Tire motive industry strongly influences the MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY 135

composites program since many of the models. The program focuses on glass fiber measurements of materials quality and processing and durability issues span many materials since they are the primary candi- serviceability.

automotive applications, and solutions dates for automotive applications. In addi- A primary focus of the ultrasonic charac- developed at NIST are expected to rapidly tion, the researchers are beginning to look terization program is microstructural char- propagate throughout the industry. Addition- at graphite reinforced composites since these acterization of metals and alloys, composite ally, the group interacts with companies systems are important for marine and infra- materials, and engineered surfaces. The idea interested in offshore oil platforms, infra- structure applications. is that models relate microstructure and structure, aerospace, and a variety of other Microscale tests such as the single fiber frag- physical properties. Thus, by measuring applications. mentation test are being analyzed to deter- quantities related to physical properties,

The goal of the processing science task is to mine if they can provide realistic estimates the salient microstructural features can be develop the technology required to monitor, of the performance of the resin/fiber inter- ascertained. For example, sound velocity is model, and control the events that occur face in composite systems. A variety of inter- related to elastic properties, and thus, ultra- during composite fabrication. The program facial physical and chemical structures are sonic measurements can be used to charac- focuses on liquid composite molding since generated during preparation of microscale terize fiber-orientation distributions in

this fabrication method is of great interest to test specimens by varying the coating chem- composites or texture in metals. These

all industry sectors and is the consensus istry on the fiber, the resin processing speed, model-based measurements enable industry choice of the automotive industry as the and the moisture content of the material. to replace microscopy with non-destructive method with the most promise for making Full-scale composite specimens also are pro- methods for the microstructural charac- structural automotive parts. The approach duced and tested with identical fiber coat- terization needed to ensure the quality of

in this task involves three steps: ings and processing conditions for advanced materials.

comparison with the microscale tests and to • Measurement tools are developed and The ultrasonic characterization program is provide, in conjunction with the microscale used to characterize the material properties making significant contributions to meas- tests, realistic structure/performance rela- that control processing, for example, urement technology and materials model- tionships. There are currently four specific permeability. ing. NIST researchers have worked with projects in this task, including a collabora- industry to commercialize advances in • Sophisticated process simulation models tion with the Automotive Composites Consor- non-contact ultrasonics, wave-form-based are formulated to analyze the effects of proc- tium to determine the effects of processing acoustic emission, composites non- essing parameters rapidly and inexpensively conditions on the interface of polyurethane destructive evaluation, and non-linear so they can be optimized. matrix composites. ultrasonics. Modeling advances include

• Process monitoring sensors are developed Contact: exploring Green's function methods for

and used to provide feedback for verification Richard Parnas wave propagation in anisotropic materials,

and improvement of the simulation models (301) 975-5805 obtaining elastic constants from resonance

and to help develop the technology for email: [email protected] spectra, and determining texture based on

online process control. B108 Polymer Building ultrasonic measurements.

The current activities in this task involve Contact: five projects, including a major industry- ULTRASONIC George A. Alers university-government program sponsored (303) 497-7899

by the Defense Advanced Research Projects CHARACTERIZATION OF email: [email protected] Agency. MATERIALS Mailcode 853.06 Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 The work in the microstructure task focuses The program on ultrasonic characterization

on developing test methods for assessing the of materials is directed to the development

resin/fiber interfacial adhesion and the sub- of model-based methods of physical meas-

sequent degradation of adhesion resulting urement that characterize the internal

from fluid attack, particularly moisture. The geometries of materials, such as defects,

long-term goals are to develop effective test microstructures, and lattice distortions. The

methods, to use those tests to identify the goal of the program is to convert these

chemical and physical mechanisms of degra- measurement methods into sensors

dation, and to formulate reliable predictive suited for production line and in-service MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY

peak core flux. It is the only research reactor and a four-crystal monochromator system

RESEARCH in the United States in which a large volume with remote selectability. This instrument is FACILITIES cavity for a cold source was included in the intended to be user friendly and available structure from the beginning. Instrumental for the solution of industrial or other out-

capabilities are listed below according to the side problems.

properties investigated. NIST CENTER FOR • NG-3 30-meter small angle neutron scat- CRYSTALLOGRAPHYAW MICRO-STRUCTURE tering instrument. Sponsored by the NEUTRON RESEARCH • BT-1 high-resolution neutron powder dif- National Science Foundation as part of the

The NIST research reactor is the centerpiece fractometer. This instrument is used to Center for High Resolution Neutron Scatter- of the NIST Center for Neutron Research obtain neutron powder diffraction data for ing, this instrument is installed on a dedi-

(NCNR) , a national center for the applica- crystallographic analysis by the Rietveld cated neutron guide, NG-3. Designed to

1 tion of neutron methods to a variety of prob- method or for other characterization pur- cover a wide Q-range, from 0.015 nm" to

1 poses. It is a 32-detector instrument that can lems of national concern. A major nearly 6 nm" , it is suitable for examining component of the center is the cold neutron be used with three different monochroma- structural features in materials ranging source and guide hall, the first major facil- tors and two different incident Soller colli- from roughly 1 nm to 500 nm. At least ity in the United States devoted to cold neu- mators to tailor the instrument response to 75 percent of the instrument time will be tron research. The cold source, which the needs of the experiment. Diffraction allocated to guest researchers by the Pro- employs a liquid hydrogen moderator near peak widths are as low as 10 minutes (d/d = gram Advisory Committee through the the reactor core to produce intense neutron 8x10 ) with near Gaussian line shapes. NCNR proposal system. beams, offers modern cold neutron instru- The instrument can be used with furnaces, • NG-7 30-meter small-angle neutron scat- mentation unique in this country. A wide refrigerators, and cryostats so that data may tering instrument. The 30-meter small- variety of internal and external research and be collected at temperatures from 0.3 K to angle neutron scattering (SANS) instrument measurement programs have benefited from 1200 K, and magnetic fields to 7 T. For on neutron guide NG-7 is virtually identical the broad range of capabilities at the NCNR room-temperature data collection, a six- to the NG-3 SANS. It is sponsored by NIST, available to researchers from industry, uni- position sample changer is available. Time the Exxon Research and Engineering Co., versities, and government laboratories. on the BT-1 diffractometer is available via the University of Minnesota, and Texaco proposals. CAPABILITIES Research and Development. As an instru-

The NIST reactor is a D2O cooled and moder- • BT-8 diffractometer. Newly commissioned ment developed by a participating research ated reactor, with a peak thermal core flux at the BT-8 beam port at the NIST reactor is team (PRT), 75 percent of the beam time is 14 2 of 4 x 10 neutrons/cm -s. The core com- a state-of-the-art diffractometer for residual used by the members of the PRT and the prises 30 fuel elements of a unique, split- stress, texture, and single-crystal studies, or remaining 25 percent is available through core design in which nine radial beam tubes DARTS. A basic monochromator drum has the NCNR proposal system. look at a 17-centimeter gap between fuel- been modified to safely allow take-off-angles Together, the 30-meter SANS instruments element halves. A large-volume cold source, up to 120 degrees for high resolution diffrac- combine long flight paths and variable colli- guide hall, and eight guide tubes; two tan- tion measurement of residual stresses. mation to provide flexibility, angular resolu- gential and one vertical beam tube; a ther- Unique primary and secondary beam- tion, and beam intensities that compare mal column; several vertical thimbles; aperture systems, which allow a choice of favorably with any SANS instruments in the and four "rabbit" tubes complete the potential sampling volumes from 5x5x5 world. Large-area position-sensitive detec- configuration. mm^ down to 1 x 1 x 1 mm , are incorpo- tors provide exceptional sensitivity to rated. Each system translates toward or away The reactor operates continuously, 24 hours materials structures ranging from roughly from the sample to facilitate the study of a day on five-week cycles, followed by shut- 1 nm to 500 nm. Computer automated large material structures or components downs of approximately a week for refueling equipment is available for maintaining without requiring realignment of apertures and maintenance. The reactor utilizes the samples at temperatures from 4 K to 700 K or repositioning of samples. The sample available flux in a very efficient manner and in magnetic fields up to 2 T (20 kG). To table has 170-millimeter translational through relatively short core-to-instrument extract structural information from the motion in the x, y, and z directions and can distances and large-diameter beam tubes. As data, the researchers analyze SANS patterns accommodate samples up to 50 kg. Among a result, the flux on the sample for most with an interactive color graphics system the other features are a new 1 -millimeter instruments is comparable to that at other and related programs. Polarized neutron resolution position-sensitive detector system major research reactors of higher power and .


capabilities are available on the NG-3 can be performed in a routine fashion. combination of polycrystalline Be, followed

30-meter instrument. Polarization efficiencies as high as 98 per- by a block of polycrystalline graphite. The

cent are possible. A special feature of this latter determines the effective analyzer • NG-1 8-meter small-angle neutron scat-

instrument is the molecular beam epitaxy energy resolution, which in this case is 1.2 tering instrument. The 8-meter SANS instru- chamber, which is available for in-situ meV. The monochromator choices are Cu ment is located at the end of neutron guide neutron scattering studies. (220) for higher resolution studies or for NG-1 where the guide cross section is measurements with higher incident neutron 50 mm x 50 mm. This is a moderate resolu- MATERIALS DYNAMICS—Medium Resolution, energies, and pyrolytic graphite (002) fol- tion instrument suitable for examining Incident Neutrons: E>10 meV • BT-2 lower incident energies, with moderate reso- structural features in materials from triple-axis/polarized-beam spec- lution trometer. This instrument is used exten- and higher beam intensities. The inci- roughly 1 nm to 100 nm. This SANS instru- dent sively for magnetic scattering studies. It neutron energy range is from 3-5 meV ment is used primarily for the study of can to 250 meV. Monochromator changes can be polymers. be operated either as a standard triple-axis spectrometer or as a polarized-beam spec- made within a few minutes from the instru- • NG-7 NIST/IBiM/University of Minnesota trometer, depending on the monochromator ment console. Both monochromators are neutron reflectometer. Neutron reflec- crystal choice, and has an incident neutron vertically focusing with a radius of curva- tometry probes the neutron scattering den- energy range from 5 meV to 40 meV. The ture, which changes to optimize intensity sity at depths up to several thousand latter can be a pyrolytic graphite (002) during the course of data acquisition. angstroms, with an effective depth resolu- monochromator for standard 3-axis opera- • BT-9 triple-axis spectrometer. This instru- tion of a few angstroms. What is measured is tion or a Heusler alloy monochromator for ment is a conventional triple-axis spectrome- the profile of reflectivity as a function of polarized beam experiments. Remotely ter, usually employing a vertically focusing angle beyond the critical angle for total positionable filters, either 15.2 cm pyrolytic graphite monochromator. Recently external reflection for samples that present a (6 inches) of cooled (77 K) polycrystalline (mid-1994 to mid-1995), improvements smooth, flat surface, preferably several Be, or 5.1 cm (2 inches) of pyrolytic graph- have been made to the monochromator square centimeters in area. The method is ite, may be inserted in the beam from the drum and the analyzer assembly. A new extensively used for studies of polymer and reactor before the monochromator crystal. monochromator assembly is in construc- biological surfaces, Langmuir-Blodgett The collimator housings before and after tion, which will permit remote selection films, and thin films and multilayers of met- the sample position have been designed to of a focusing Cu (220) monochromator, als and semiconductors, both magnetic and provide guide fields for polarized beam Si (311) or PG (002), providing an incident non-magnetic. This cold neutron reflectome- operation, and the Soller collimators and energy range from 10 meV to 100 meV. ter permits routine measurement of reflec- blades are made from non-magnetic materi- 7 tivities as low as 10" in typical run times of als for the same reason. Spin-rotator devices MATERIALS DYNAMICS—High Resolution, a few hours. Independent movement of both Incident Neutrons E=1-15 meV can be mounted before and after the sample • Spin-polarized triple-axis spectrometer. sample and detector allows measurement of position to flip the neutron spins. There is This instrument is part of the Center for off-specular scattering. A position-sensitive also a guide field that can be selected by High Resolution Neutron Scattering sup- detector permits simultaneous measurement computer control to be either vertical to the ported by the National Science Foundation, of specular and off-specular scattering. scattering plane or in it. An extensive variety from which the Center derives half of its of equipment to control the sample • NG-1 cold neutron reflectometer with ancillary funding. Two-thirds of its beam time will be environment is available. polarized beam option. This reflectometer is reserved for guest researcher experiments used in investigations of magnetic multilay- • BT-4 triple-axis/filter- analyzer spectro- through the NCNR proposal system. Located ers, artificial biological membranes, semi- meter. This inelastic scattering instrument on guide NG-5, it is currently operated in conductor surfaces, and other materials and offers choices for analyzer and mono- three different modes: a conventional triple- phenomena in surface and interfacial sci- chromator that make it the most versatile of axis mode, a horizontally focusing mode, ence. In contrast to the reflectometer on the thermal-neutron scattering instruments and a polarized beam mode. A vertically guide NG-7, the sample surface geometry is at NIST. One may use either the standard focusing pyrolytic graphite (PG) monochro- vertical rather than horizontal. Reflectivities triple-axis analyzer or cooled (77 K) filter mator produces beams with wavelengths 10"8 below can be measured. It has full analyzers of two types. The first, a block of from 2.2 A to 6.1 A (17 meV down to 2 meV) polarized beam capability, provided by trans- polycrystalline Be metal, yields an effective Energy resolution is in the range of 0.03 mission supermirror polarizers. Not only analyzer energy resolution of 3-5 meV. The meV to 1 meV, depending on incident wave- can the incident be polarized, but also beam second filter analyzer option employs a length and collimation. In the horizontally polarization analysis of the reflected beam 138 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY

focusing mode, a multicrystal analyzer with neutrons of a single wavelength at the sam- optimized for measurements of soft con-

1 1 independently rotating 2 cm x 15 cm ple position. There are three slots in each of densed matter systems and will provide a _1 _1 (width x height) PG blades can be used to the disks belonging to the first and last pair Q-range of 0.01 A to 1 A and Fourier 10" 7 focus scattered neutrons of a particular of counter-rotating chopper pairs. By appro- times of up to s. It will be used for stud-

energy onto a single detector (diameter of priately phasing these disks, the resolution ies of systems such as polymers, including

2.54 cm and length of 15 cm) and yield a of the instrument can be changed without glassy polymers; biological model systems;

signal increase of a factor of approximately having to change the incident wavelength or and proteins. four by relaxing Q (wave vector) resolution. the speed of the choppers. Some of the note- CHEMICAL ANALYSIS In the polarized beam mode of operation, worthy features include the flexible choice • Elemental analysis. Neutron activation supermirror transmission polarizers, consist- of neutron wavelength and resolution; 840 analysis is performed utilizing the clean ing of a stack of single-crystal Si plates with detectors covering 5 percent of 4 pi steradi- room for sample preparation, the reactor Fe/Si supermirror coatings, are inserted in ans; a 0.2 nm to 1.2 nm (2 A to 12 A) inci- irradiation facilities, semi-hot and warm the incident and scattered beams. dent wavelength range (0.5 meV to 20 meV); radiochemistry labs, and state-of-the-art elastic energy resolution of 3 (leV to • NG-6 Fermi-chopper time-of-flight spec- radiation-counting labs. Development of 1.2 meV. Two thirds of total beam time is trometer. This spectrometer has a 150 mm methodology has aimed at accuracies and available to guest researchers via proposals. 10 by 60 mm (height x width) beam cross sec- sensitivities over concentrations of 10" per-

tion. The pulsed monoenergetic neutron • High-flux backscattering spectrometer cent to 100 percent. Radiochemical separa-

beam is produced by a combination of (HFBS). The HFBS occupies the end position tions for specific elements and multielement

monochromator crystals and a Fermi chop- on guide NG-2. This instrument enables sci- analysis at the ultratrace level are available.

per. The double monochromator consists of entists to perform ultra-high-energy resolu- A thermal neutron-capture prompt-gamma

two PG crystals, one of which can be curved tion studies of the low-frequency dynamics activation analysis facility is operational,

vertically to focus neutrons onto the sample of a large variety of systems. Applications of with a neutron fluence of 5 x 10 n/cm /s

position. The curvature can be varied auto- backscattering spectroscopy are numerous in a 2-centimeter-diameter beam.

matically to adjust for changes in mono- and include studies of rotational tunneling, • Cold neutron depth profiling instrument. chomator-sample distances as the incident molecular reorientation, diffusion, dynam- With a measured chemical sensitivity energy is varied. Two Fermi choppers with ics of liquids, and critical scattering near 20 times that of the existing NIST thermal- different blade curvatures are available. An phase transitions. The goal of the HFBS is to beam instrument, this station at NG-0 fea- oscillating radial collimator between the provide an energy resolution of less than tures automated sample handling, near sample and detectors eliminates scattering 1 (j.eV FWHM, while maximizing the neu- real-time spectral processing, goniometer from cryostat and furnace shields around tron flux as much as possible using state-of- positioning of sample and detectors, and the sample position. The energy resolution the-art neutron optics. To this end, the sample temperature control. Concentrations of this instrument, the first of two time-of- instrument incorporates several flux- down to a few parts in 10 can be deter- flight spectrometers to be operating in the enhancing elements including a 4-meter- mined, depending on the element and the NCNR, lies in the range from 60 (J.eV to long converging guide, a large spherically matrix. Profiling to depths of a few tens of 1000 |J.eV. With incident neutron energies focusing monochromator and analyzer, and micrometers is obtained, with resolution in from 2.2 meV to 15 meV, the spectrometer a novel device known as a phase-space trans- depth varying between a few nanometers allows a broad range of quasielastic scatter- form chopper. Representative performance and a few tenths of a micrometer. ing experiments on diffusional motions in characteristics include energy resolution of

solids and liquids, and inelastic scattering 0.75 |aeV FWHM; a dynamic range of • Cold neutron prompt-gamma-ray activa-

1 experiments on magnetic and vibrational -60 ^ieV to +60 |ieV; Q-resolution of 0.1 A" tion analysis. Related factors provide much

1 excitations. to 0.2 A" FWHM; and an elastic Q-range of greater sensitivity for this method than any _1 A" 1 existing thermal-beam instrument in the 0.1 A < Q <1.8 . • Disk chopper time-of-flight spectrometer world. First, the high quality of the neutron (DCS). The DCS at neutron guide NG-4 can • Spin echo spectrometer (SES). Sensitive beam and the low background at NG-7 be used for a variety of experiments, such as to the time-dependent density-density corre- allow closer sample-detector spacing, result- investigating quasielastic scattering and low lation function, the SES directly measures ing in higher counting efficiency and better energy inelastic scattering spectra in materi- the intermediate scattering function G(Q,t). sensitivity, especially in the energy region als that exhibit diffusional and vibrational It bridges the gap in time scale between con- below 1 MeV. Second, the high count rates phenomena. It uses a set of chopper disks ventional inelastic neutron scattering and possible with this high efficiency (greater and a partitioned guide to produce pulses of dynamic light scattering. The NIST SES is than 50 thousand counts per second) can be MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY

measured without loss of quality with recent which looks at the cold source, but termi- chemical composition of semiconductors;

advances in instrumentation. This equip- nates in the reactor confinement building and other advanced materials. Other major

ment provides unique measurements of rather than in the guide hall. A particularly programs include studies in environmental

chemical elements, such as hydrogen (detec- interesting and successful project that has chemistry, nutrition, biomedicine, energy,

tion limit <2 jig) .which are difficult to been carried out at this station in recent and electronic devices, with emphasis on

detect by other means. years has to do with neutron focusing using Standard Reference Materials for these appli

capillary optics to produce a neutron lens. cations as well as neutron fluence standards DOSIMETRYAND FUNDAMENTAL NEUTRON PHYSICS for power reactor pressure vessel irradiation • Irradiation facilities. Four pneumatic • Neutron standards and dosimetry. A num- 11 surveillance, ultralight mass assay for com- tubes with fluence ranges of 3 x 10 ber of neutron fields for standards and 2 14 2 mercial track recorder detectors, absolute n/cm /s to 2 x 10 n/cm /s for irradiations dosimetry are available. These include a Cf fission-rate measurements, and develop- of seconds up to hours are available. These fission source, a % cavity fission source, ment of thermal neutron beam monitors. use polyethylene irradiation containers with the thermal column beam, an intermediate volumes up to 40 ml. The cadmium ratio AVAILABILITY energy standard neutron field, and 2-, 24.5-, range for these facilities is 4 to 3000 (Au). The NCNR operates as a national facility and 144-keV filtered beams. For long irradiations 6-centimeter- and open to all qualified researchers. Twenty-

• Fundamental physics station. This facility 9-centimeter-diameter in-core thimbles are five thermal- and 15 cold-neutron experi- used. mental stations is available for use in collaboration with the These are D2O filled with fluences of have been developed for use 14 2 2-4 NIST fundamental physics research group. x 10 n/cm /s. by the general U.S. research community,

Occupying an end guide position in the operating more than 250 days per year. On • Neutron radiography. Radiography facili- guide hall, the physics station was recently most of the cold neutron instruments two- ties are available at a highly thermalized instrumented for a new measurement of the thirds of the available time is allocated by a beam of the thermal column. Fluences lifetime of the neutron. program advisory committee on the basis of range from 10 n/cm /s to 10 n/cm 7s, scientific merit of written proposals. Partici- • Neutron Interferometry and Optics Facil- depending on resolution, with a Cd ratio of pating research teams—which constitute 500:1 and an L/D ratio adjustable 20:1 ity. This facility, located in the guide hall of from another mode of utilization— are responsi- to 500:1. is in the NCNR, is the world's premier user facil- The beam 25 cm diameter at ble for design, construction, and mainte- the plane 2 face. ity for neutron interferometry and related image m from the reactor nance of the facilities in return for neutron optical measurements. A neutron Facilities for autoradiography of paintings, three-fourths of the available time. including labs a are avail- interferometer (NI) splits, then recombines, and darkroom,

able. This facility currently is being modi- Annually about 1,200 researchers from neutron waves. This gives the NI its unique fied to allow studies government organizations, U.S. industrial ability to experimentally access the phase of new using tomographic and university laboratories, and foreign neutron waves. Phase measurements are methods. laboratories participated in research at the used to study the magnetic, nuclear, and APPLICATIONS facilities, either collaboratively with structural properties of materials, well NIST as as The unusual sensitivity and range of meas- staff or on a proprietary basis. fundamental questions in physics. quantum urements possible at the NCNR provide appli- Related, innovative optical neutron tech- cations in materials structures, materials Contact: niques for use in condensed matter and dynamics, chemical analysis, and neutron J. Michael Rowe materials science research are being physics. Currently operational instruments (301) 975-6210 developed. are used to study crystal structures, micro- email: [email protected]

structures, and molecular dynamics in the A106 NIST Center for Neutron Research OTHER CAPABILITIES bulk and surfaces of metals, ceramics, poly- • Instrument development station. A cold composites, and biological materials. neutron beam position deliberately has been mers, Systems under study include colloidal mix- left uninstrumented, except for the provision catalysts, thin films, layered struc- of an optical bench and positioning devices, tures, tures, and interfaces; magnetic systems in order to allow for development of new including amorphous magnets and spin neutron beam methods and devices, espe- glasses, superconductors, and magnetic cially in the areas of neutron optics and neu- multilayers; hydrogen in metals; shear- tron-based chemical analysis methods. The induced phenomena; molecular geometry of station is located at a beam port, NG-0, polymer and biological macromolecules; 140 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY

capability for site-specific local structure transfer. Workshops are held as the first step

MATERIALS SCIENCE determination in crystals. in defining technical research areas with sig-

nificant technological impact, identifying X-RAY BEAMLINES AVAILABILITY team members, and building the infrastruc- NIST operates two beam stations on the Beam time is available to qualified scientists ture for collaborative research. The CTCMS X23A port at the National Synchrotron Light provided safety requirements are met and provides an infrastructure and support for Source (NSLS) at Brookhaven National scheduling arrangements can be made. Pro- its members, including an interactive Laboratory in New York. The light source posals for collaborative use of the facility are World Wide Web information server provides an intense continuous-spectrum reviewed at NIST; proposals for independent ( and modern comput- beam of collimated and polarized X-rays use of the facility should be submitted to the ing and workshop facilities. many orders of magnitude brighter than the NSLS.

beams provided by conventional laboratory APPLICATIONS Contact: sources. These two beam stations offer Current research areas include theory and Gabrielle G. Long access to dedicated instrumentation for simulation of phase transformation kinetics (301) 975-5975 small-angle X-ray scattering, X-ray diffrac- and morphology, micromagnetics, compos- e-mail: [email protected] tion imaging (topography), and extended ite materials, foams, microstructure and A163 Materials Building X-ray absorption fine structure. dynamics of disordered and partially ordered

materials, complex fluids, materials reliabil- CAPABILITIES ity, reactive wetting, pattern formation in Small-angle X-ray scattering can be carried CENTER FOR polymers and alloys, granular materials, out in the photon energy range from 5 keV THEORETICAL AND crystal growth, sintering, and solidification. to 1 1 keV. The minimum wave vector is 2 1 COMPUTATIONAL Simulation techniques include finite ele- 4 x 10"' nm" and the wavelength resolu- 4 ment, finite difference, Lattice Boltzmann, tion is AAA=10~ enabling anomalous MATERIALS SCIENCE , molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, and cellu- small-angle scattering with excellent resolu- The NIST Center for Theoretical and Compu- lar automata methods. Current CTCMS work- tion. Diffraction imaging of single crystals tational Materials Science (CTCMS) is a ing groups include the following: and powders is carried out with monochro- research program addressing industry's • Micromagnetic materials. This working matic photons between 5 keV and 30 keV. An needs for theory and modeling tools for energy-tunable X-ray group is addressing the need for accurate, image magnifier materials design and processing. Founded in enables imaging of microstructure down to standardized micromagnetics modeling 1995, the CTCMS is a center of expertise in tools. Software tools developed by the group less than 1 mm. The energy-scanning computational materials research that devel- experiments, and selected sample geometries may be primarily X-ray absorption fine ops tools and techniques and fosters collabo- structure also are found at (XAFS), performed over an rations. CTCMS goals are to investigate

energy range from 5 keV to 30 keV. important industrial in materials problems • Solder interconnect design. The solder theory and modeling with novel computa- APPLICATIONS interconnect design team is developing tional approaches, create innovative and Small-angle scattering measurements on public-domain software tools to improve productive opportunities for collaboration ceramic and metallurgical materials are in electronic packaging processes. Tools devel- materials theory and modeling, develop used to characterize the microstructure in oped by the solder group that model stand- powerful new tools for materials theory and the 2-nanometer to 1-micrometer size range ard solder interconnect geometries are modeling, and accelerate their integration as a function of starting chemistry and proc- available at into industrial research. essing parameters. Scattering from a particu- • Microstructure and dynamics of frus- lar entity can be separated from other CAPABILITIES trated materials. This working group is scatterers in a complex material using To use more effectively the nation's applying new computational capabilities to anomalous small-angle X-ray scattering. resources, the CTCMS integrates ongoing characterize the relationship between micro- Diffraction is imaging used to study imper- research at various institutions by forming structure and dynamics in glasses, plastics, fections and strains in single crystals and temporary multidisciplinary and multi- and other amorphous materials and develop- powder compacts. The structure of strained institutional research teams as required to ing a new set of measurement standards. semiconductor interfaces and metal multi- attack key materials issues. The CTCMS has layers can be studied using XAFS. A combina- three principal activities, all operating inter-

tion of XAFS and diffraction will provide a actively: planning, research, and technology MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY

• Pattern formation in filled polymers. This basis of scientific merit and availability of the correlations between the film structure

new working group is developing computa- funds. Computing and workshop facilities and properties and to use the resulting

tional tools to characterize and improve the are available to U.S. industry, other govern- insights to control and improve the proper-

properties and functionality of filled poly- ment agencies, and academia for collabora- ties of device-related materials.

mer materials. tive research projects. The CTCMS APPLICATIONS participates in the National Research Coun- • Deformation of metals. This new working This facility presently is being used to pre- cil postdoctoral fellowship program and group is developing a theory that bridges the pare magnetic spin valves possessing hosts short-term and long-term visitors. length scales between single atomistic dislo- giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effects and

cations and macroscopic deformation of a Contact: to study the physics related to their fabrica- piece of metal, such as an aluminum bar or Sharon Glotzer tion. These devices, which are partially com-

an automobile part. (301) 975-5729 prised of 1- to 2-nanometer-thick

email: [email protected] alternating layers of Co and Cu, will be used • Green's function library. This team of A309 Materials Building in the next generation computer hard disk researchers is developing an interactive, read-heads and possibly in a new generation electronic library tool of Green's function of non-volatile memory chips to compete and boundary element solutions to reduce MAGNETIC ENGINEERING with dynamic random access memory. For the time and cost of industrial component the past three years in this highly competi- design. RESEARCH FACILITY tive area, Magnetic Engineering Research CAPABILITIES • Object-oriented finite element modeling Facility (MERF) activities have led the world This is an elaborate new facility specifically of composite materials. This team of in devices possessing the largest GMR values designed for advancing key enabling tech- researchers is developing a set of object- with the switching fields small enough for nologies in the field of ultrahigh-density oriented finite element modeling tools to devices. Through close association with the data storage. Films can be deposited both by improve the characterization and property National Storage Industry Consortium, the methods preferred in basic research prediction of composite materials. Public which comprises the leading magnetic (molecular beam epitaxy) and by the meth- domain software tools are available at recording companies, NIST has provided the ods of industrial manufacturing (magne- MERF results to the recording industry on a tron sputtering). Numerous in situ continuous basis. In 1997 two Japanese com- Also available on the CTCMS webserver are characterization techniques are available panies began commercial production of public domain software tools for modeling including scanning tunneling microscopy, GMR read-heads for hard disks, and U.S. 3-D crystal shapes. The program, known as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Auger elec- manufacturers are just about to do the Wulffman, was developed at the CTCMS and tron spectroscopy, ion scattering spectros- same. Fierce competition is under way to is designed to run with Geomview software copy, low-energy electron diffraction, dominate this key technology of the informa- developed at the Minnesota Geometry Cen- reflection high-energy electron diffraction, tion storage industry. This introduction of ter. It currently is being used in industry to and mass spectrometry. For in situ magnetic GMR heads means that only eight years design materials used in reflective paints. measurements, both a superconducting elapsed between the discovery of the GMR magnet and an electromagnet are available AVAILABILITY effect and its introduction into commercial and are equipped for magnetoresistance and The CTCMS facilitates numerous interac- products. The MERF facility is being used to magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements. tions between industry, academia, NIST, and support U.S. industry in the competition by As such, this facility constitutes the most other government and national labs to apply making measurements that industry is not elaborately instrumented magnetic thin- materials theory and modeling to solve U.S. equipped to make. This approach is expected film deposition facility in the world. industrial problems in materials design and to lead to the development of GMR read-

processing. Researchers interested in joining The capabilities of this in situ instrumenta- heads in the future that are even better than

existing efforts or starting new ones are tion allow samples to be investigated at the ones of today and help keep U.S. indus-

encouraged to contact the CTCMS. The every step of fabrication with the most mod- try competitive in world markets.

center welcomes proposals for focused work- ern surface, interface, and magnetic diag-

shops in materials theory and modeling at nostics. Properties that can be investigated

any time. Proposals will be funded on the include elemental composition, thickness,

atomic structure, roughness, and magnetic and magnetoresistive properties. These

capabilities allow researchers to establish 42 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY

AVAILABILITY CAPABILITIES The MERF is open to all qualified U.S. The NIST 10-meter SAXS camera uses a POWDER researchers who are interested in collabora- 12-kilowatt rotating anode X-ray generator CHARACTERIZATION AND tive research. Scientists from industry par- as a source of X-rays. The target is usually

ticularly are encouraged to take advantage copper lambda(K alpha) = 1.54, but addi- PROCESSING of the opportunities for collaborative tional wavelengths are available. The colli- LABORATORY 10" J research of interest to their companies. mation path is defined so as to permit Advanced ceramics are manufactured by the Several such collaborations presently are nm" resolution in reciprocal space at the consolidation of fine powders. Researchers under way. However, facility time can be surface of a two-dimensional position- at NIST are working to develop the scientific made available for new collaborations if the sensitive proportional detector. The collima- foundation needed for improving reproduci- proposed research is designed to promote the tion path and the scattered beam path are bility and reducing the cost of producing agenda of our customers. evacuated, and all elements of vacuum ceramic components. The powder charac- operation, X-ray optical configuration, Contacts: terization facility offers specialized sample selection, and calibration are com- William F. Egelhoff instrumentation for measuring physical , Jr. puter controlled. Image data are collected by (301) 975-2542 properties, phase composition, and surface a minicomputer, and a complete collection email: [email protected] chemical properties. In addition, facilities of software is available for displaying, ana- B248 Chemistry Building exist for processing and synthesizing lyzing, and modeling the results. ultrapure powders. Robert D. Shull Sample chambers are available for measure- (301) 975-6035 CAPABILITIES ments at high temperatures and to deform email: [email protected] • Physical properties measurement. specimens during measurement. B152 Materials Building Particle-size distribution, specific surface

APPLICATIONS area, specific gravity, and porosity are some

The SAXS technique is used to study molecu- of the major physical properties for which SMALL-ANGLE X-RAY lar conformation, microphase domain struc- instrumentation is available. Powder-size SCATTERING FACILITY tures, crystallization phenomena, network distribution can be determined by gravity formation, craze initiation, void distribu- sedimentation followed by X-ray absorption, Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a tion, and similar phenomena resulting from centrifugal sedimentation, light diffraction, technique in which a highly collimated fluctuations in electron density within a and photon correlation spectroscopy. The beam of X-rays (wavelength range 0.07 nm material. Such studies are currently of broad size range of these instruments covers to 0.3 nm) is used to probe the structure interest in all areas of materials science. 0.03 M-m to 200 |im. Each instrument works of materials on the size scale of 0.1 nm to in a specific range and provides the data in 100 nm. AVAILABILITY the form of a discrete size range. The parti- This facility is operated by members of the cles are examined directly the application Materials exhibiting structure in this size by NIST staff in support of their active research of transmission electron range include polymers, biological macro- scanning and program in polymeric materials. It is avail- microscopy of particles as small as molecules, ceramics, metals, and alloys. The able for use by researchers from industry, 0.001 small-angle scattering patterns can be ana- jim. academia, and other government agencies lyzed to characterize the size and shape of on either a collaborative or proprietary the scattering centers as well as their spatial basis. distribution and surface area. Data obtained

from these experiments are complementary Contact: Barnes to data obtained from other diffraction stud- John D.

ies and from morphological studies using (301) 975-6786

electron microscopy. email: [email protected] A209 Polymer Building MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY

• Surface and interface chemistry measure- • Solid-state imaging. The solid-state • Colloidal suspensions preparation. ments. The surface and interface charac- nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) Colloidal processing of ceramic powders terization of powders contributes to the spectrometer/imager carries out measure- has emerged as an attractive technology for knowledge base of the surface interactions ments in chemical shift, nuclear spin den- producing defect-free ceramics. However, of particles in contact with dispersants and sity, relaxation times, and imaging of NMR some major issues still remain to be binders. As the particles become smaller, active nuclear distribution. Ceramic powder addressed, including the lack of charac- their surface characteristics become more slurries, green bodies, and dense ceramics terization techniques for slurries that con- significant. MicroRaman and Fourier trans- can be analyzed for identification of impuri- tain high concentrations of solids and form infrared spectroscopy are used to study ties, chemical state, and composition distri- scientific understanding of limitations in surface composition, and electrophoretic bution by non-destructive evaluation. In the preparation of such slurries. The powder mobility and acoustophoretic mobility are addition, the NMR can determine amor- processing laboratory consists of an acousto- used to study modification to the powder sur- phous phase content of the powders. phoresis instrument, a rheometer, a high- face as a result of an interaction with disper- energy agitation ball mill, and slurry • Powder synthesis. The ability to synthe- sants and binders. consolidation equipment. These techniques size powders of controlled characteristics is are used to study interface chemistry, flow • Phase composition. Since most of the necessary for development of a powder- behavior, size reduction, morphology modifi- ceramic powders undergo phase transforma- processing knowledge base. The fine-powder cation, and densification of polydisperse par- tion during densification, understanding the synthesis facility consists of a chemical flow ticles and similar processes resulting from phase changes in specific densification envi- reactor for controlled synthesis and inert interactions between the particles and their ronments is an active part of NIST research. atmosphere chambers. A solution atomizer environment. The Siemens high-temperature X-ray diffrac- is available to generate polydisperse aerosols tometer has a temperature range from room in the range of 0.001 |im to 1.0 \im, as is a AVAILABILITY temperature to 3000 K and a position- spray dryer to form monodisperse agglomer- These facilities are used primarily to support sensitive detector. In addition, sintering can ates in the range 0.5 Jim to 100 |im. NIST research programs using ceramic pow- be carried out in oxygen-free argon or nitro- ders. They are available for collaborative or gen environments. independent work by qualified government, industry, or university personnel with prefer-

ence given to projects related to ceramics


Contact: George Onoda

(301) 975-4489 email: [email protected]

A256 Materials Building PHYSICS LABORATORY

The NIST Physics Laboratory supports COOPERATIVE RESEARCH 153 Spectroscopic Applications

U.S. industry by providing measurement OPPORTUNITIES 153 Non-Linear Optical Measurements services and research for electronic, opti- 153 Optical Scattering Measurements Office of Electronic Commerce in cal, and radiation technology. It pursues Scientific and Engineering Data 154 Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy directed research in the physical sciences; 145 Electronic Commerce in Scientific and 154 Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy develops new physical standards, measure- Engineering Data 154 Elementary Chemical Reaction Dynamics ment methods, and data; conducts an 145 Dissemination of Databases over aggressive dissemination program; and Ionizing Radiation Computer Networks collaborates with industry to commercial- 155 Radiation Processing Fundamental Constants Data Center ize inventions and discoveries. The labora- 155 Measurement Quality Assurance tory's programs range from tests of 145 Evaluation of Fundamental Constants, 155 Neutron Physics Measurement Uncertainties, and SI fundamental postulates of physics to the 156 Neutron Dosimetry more immediate needs of industry and Electron and Optical Physics commerce. Time and Frequency 146 Photodiode Detectors for Radiometry 156 Ion Storage Research Much of the laboratory's research is 146 EUV Optics Characterization

1 56 Atomic Beam Frequency Standards devoted to overcoming the barriers to the 146 Tunneling Microscopy next technological revolution, in which 157 Noise in Electronic and Optical Systems 147 Magnetic Microstructure individual atoms and molecules will serve 157 Statistical Analysis of Time-Series Data 147 Nanofabrication with Atom Optics as the fundamental building blocks of 157 Time Transfer and Network 147 Condensed Matter Theory electronic and optical devices. To develop Synchronization 1 47 Data for Electronic Structure the necessary measurement capabilities 157 Far-Infrared Spectroscopy Calculations for these new products, laboratory scien- 157 High-Performance Diode Lasers 148 X-ray Nanotomography tists use highly specialized equipment to 148 X-ray and EUV Microscopy Quantum Physics study and manipulate individual atoms 158 Bose-Einstein Condensation and molecules. Atomic Physics 158 Thin Films The laboratory's work in support of indus- 148 Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiometry 158 Laser Deposition of Thin Films try covers a broad scope of activities. For 148 Low-Temperature Plasmas 158 Mobility of Cluster Ions example, the laboratory is working to 149 Research on Highly Ionized Atoms improve optical measurement techniques 159 Stabilized Lasers 149 Laser Cooling and Trapping used in remote sensing, advanced color 149 High-Precision Laser Spectroscopy RESEARCH FACILITIES graphics systems, and optically pumped 149 Fourier Transform Spectrometry 159 Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation atomic clocks. Research also is focused Facility III 150 Interactions of Cold, Trapped Atoms toward advancements in the measurement 159 Magnetic Microstructure Measurement 1 50 Theory for Nanoscale Systems and and dosimetry of ionizing radiation used Metrologies Facility in medicine and industry and supports the 159 High-Resolution UV and Optical 150 Precision X-ray and Gamma-ray of technologies development emerging Spectroscopy Facility Spectroscopy such as X-ray lithography, digital X-ray 160 Low-Background Infrared Radiation 150 Synthetic Multilayers imaging, and electron beam processing. Facility 151 Applications of X-ray Technology Contact: 160 Controlled Background Radiometric Optical Technology Facility Katharine B. Gebbie, Director 160 Medical-Industrial Radiation Facility (301) 975-4201 151 Luminescence Spectral Radiometry email: [email protected] 151 Photometry 161 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Facility fax: (301) 975-3038 152 High-Accuracy Cryogenic Radiometry 162 Radiopharmaceutical Standardization Laboratory B160 Physics Building 152 Thermal Radiometry 162 Neutron Interferometer and Optics 152 Near Ultraviolet Radiometry Facility 152 Spectral Radiometry SERVICES 153 Infrared Spectral Radiometry 163 Time and Frequency Services PHYSICS LABORATORY 145

databases available to developers as testbeds (

COOPERATIVE RESEARCH to demonstrate their methods of achieving contents.html), and a number of other data- OPPORTUNITIES these functions. This web page will serve bases are being developed for use on the web. both to inform the data producing and Contact: using communities about progress toward Edward B. Saloman an effective dissemination system as well as (301) 975-5554 OFFICE OF ELECTRONIC to encourage the computer technology com- email: [email protected] munity to build the capabilities necessary COMMERCE IN SCIENTIFIC Bl6l Technology Building for technical data into its systems. In addi-

AND ENGINEERING DATA tion, the databases disseminated by the

Office Contact: Physics Laboratory on its web page will serve Edward B. Saloman as models of effective dissemination of scien- FUNDAMENTAL (301) 975-5554 tific and engineering data. CONSTANTS DATA email: [email protected] Contact: CENTER fax: (301) 975-4578 Edward B. Saloman Bl6l Technology Building Center Contact: (301) 975-5554 Barry N. Taylor email: [email protected] (301) 975-4220 Bl6l Technology Building ELECTRONIC COMMERCE email: [email protected] fax: 975-4578 IN SCIENTIFIC AND (301) Bl6l Technology Building ENGINEERING DATA DISSEMINATION OF

The Office of Electronic Commerce in Scien- DATABASES OVER EVALUATION OF tific and Engineering Data works to promote COMPUTER NETWORKS compatibility and integration in the dissemi- FUNDAMENTAL The Office of Electronic Commerce in Scien- nation of non-product-specific information tific and Engineering Data is responsible for CONSTANTS, required by U.S. industry. It seeks to make the Physics Laboratory's World Wide Web scientific, engineering, technical, MEASUREMENT page. It produces Physics Laboratory mate- codes/standards, and related regulatory UNCERTAINTIES, SI rial for publication on the web, encourages AND information available to U.S. industry in a and supports the production of material by The fundamental physical constants, such usable, accessible, unified manner. The others, and assures the high quality of infor- as the Rydberg, Planck, fine-structure, and office's goal is to help make it possible for mation disseminated by the Physics Labora- Avogadro constants, are the links in the industry to create an electronic marketplace tory over the electronic networks. In chain that bind all of science and technol- that will allow participants to efficiently addition, the office develops methods to dis- ogy together. Further, they can serve as the locate, access, protect, contribute, and pay play information generated within the labo- basis for improved practical representations for scientific, engineering, and regulatory ratory in an effective manner on the web. of the International System of Units (SI) information. This information will be pro- This office also works with the Physics Labo- and thus for more accurate measurements vided in open formats and computer- ratory divisions and Standard Reference of importance to both science and sensible form along with specification of the Data staff in developing physical reference technology. quality and security of the provided informa- databases for dissemination on the web. It tion. Work on this effort began with an The primary goal of the Fundamental Con- designs effective interfaces between the infor- industry/government team organized in con- stants Data Center (FCDC) is to issue peri- mation and the user to facilitate use of the junction with the National Initiative for odically a set of recommended values of the data. Several databases are available already Product Data Exchange. The team identified fundamental physical constants and basic and may be accessed from the Physics Lab and defined 19 specific functions needed to conversion factors of physics and chemistry. web page under Physical Reference Data make such an information capability a real- This is accomplished by critically reviewing

ity. A World Wide Web page is being created all data relevant to the constants that is to identify the required functions and to available at a given epoch and analyzing it provide information about progress in each by a variety of methods, including least- of them. In addition, plans are to make web squares. The resulting set of recommended 6


values is distributed widely via archival jour- AI2O3 photocathode windowless photodiodes A thin-film deposition chamber has been nals, handbooks and reference books, text- for the region 5 nanometers to 122 nano- added to the reflectometry facility that books, professional society magazines, and a meters; CsTe photocathode windowed allows measurements of films as they are web site. (evacuated) photodiodes for the region 1 1 being deposited. From these measurements

nanometers to 254 nanometers; and silicon the optical constants of important multi- Because of the FCDC's expertise in analyz- photodiodes, developed in collaboration layer materials can be determined free from ing fundamental constants data, it is deeply with industry, for the region 5 nanometers influence of surface contaminants. involved in the worldwide effort to stand- to 254 nanometers. Some other types of ardize the method of expressing uncertainty Coritact: detectors can be calibrated by special in measurement. To this end, it revises and Charles Tarrio arrangement. Broadband photometers also publishes from time to time NIST Technical (301) 975-3737 have been developed in collaboration with Note 1297, Guidelinesfor Evaluating and email: [email protected] outside users and calibrated in this spectral Expressing the Uncertainty ofNIST Meas- B102 Radiation Physics Building region, e.g., combinations of silicon photo- urement Results. diodes with thin-film filters for plasma diag- Another principal task of the FCDC is to nostics and vacuum ultraviolet solar TUNNELING serve as the NIST-authorized organization radiometry. for the interpretation of SI in the United MICROSCOPY Contact: States. As part of this task, the FCDC revises Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is a L. Randall Canfield and publishes periodically NIST Special Pub- highly sensitive probe of surfaces, which util- (301) 975-3728 lication 811, Guidefor the Use of the Inter- izes the quantum mechanical principle of email: [email protected] national System of Units (SI). tunneling to probe surface topography on a Bl 19 Radiation Physics Building nanometer scale. The STM also is inherently Center Contact: sensitive to surface electronic properties that Barry N. Taylor can be exploited to detect the surface elec- (301) 975-4220 EUV OPTICS tron density of states and, in certain cases, email: [email protected] CHARACTERIZATION for selective imaging of different elemental Bl6l Technology Building The emerging field of high-reflectance, species. An ultrahigh vacuum STM with

normal-incidence soft X-ray or extreme extensive facilities for tip and sample prepa-

ultraviolet (EUV) optics has a wide range of ration and characterization has been used

ELECTRON AND OPTICAL applications. The ability to produce high- by NIST scientists to investigate four main PHYSICS quality images at wavelengths below 40 areas relating to nanometer-scale science: nanometers has allowed construction of EUV epitaxial growth, correlation of microstruc- Division Contact: solar telescopes with unprecedented resolu- ture and magnetism, electron spin- Charles W. Clark tion, EUV microscopes able to study living dependent contrast measurements in STM, (301) 975-3709 biological samples with submicrometer reso- and electronic properties of nanostructures. email: [email protected] lution, and EUV photolithographic systems Experimental efforts employ custom- fax: (301) 208-6937 that are proposed as tools for the next gen- designed instrumentation with which NIST B102 Radiation Physics Building eration of integrated circuits. scientists strive to push the frontiers of visu- alization of the nanometer-scale world. div84l.html NIST has an EUV multilayer charac- Currently, a tunneling microscope is being terization facility at the Synchrotron Ultra- designed to operate in ultrahigh vacuum violet Radiation Facility storage ring. The at liquid helium temperatures with the PH0T0DI0DE DETECTORS current facility, which has been disassem- possibility of applying a magnetic field up to bled for upgrading, was designed to measure FOR RADIOMETRY 10 tesla to the sample. the reflectance or transmittance of EUV Highly stable photodiode detectors with uni- optics such as mirrors, filters, and gratings Contact- form spatial sensitivity are developed, cali- as a function of wavelength, angle of inci- Joseph Stroscio brated, and distributed as transfer standard dence, and position on the optic. NIST is (301) 975-3716 detectors for radiometry in the wavelength constructing a new facility that will extend email: [email protected] region of 5 nanometers to 254 nanometers. measurement capabilities to larger and B206 Metrology Building Detectors presently available at NIST include more curved optics and shorter wavelength. —


nanostructures on a surface. The chromium development and application of new meas-

MAGNETIC atoms used in this process emerge from an urement techniques.

effusive, high-temperature oven, are colli- MICROSTRUCTURE Contacts: mated by laser cooling, and pass through a Low dimensional magnetic systems (such as David Penn laser standing wave, which acts as an array thin films, multilayers, and surfaces) as well (301) 975-3720 of "lenses," focusing the atoms into an as reduced dimensional systems (such as email: [email protected] array of lines. The nanofabrication of a two- granular materials and microscopic litho- Mark Stiles dimensional array of chromium dots also graphic devices) exhibit many scientifically (301) 975-3745 can be achieved by using two orthogonal interesting and technologically useful email: [email protected] standing waves. The very regular arrays of properties. NIST scientists use three comple- chromium lines and dots with spacing tied B206 Metrology Building mentary magnetic imaging techniques to optical wavelength promise to provide use- scanning electron microscopy with polariza- ful standards. Atom optical methods poten- tion analysis (SEMPA), magneto-optic Kerr tially can be extended to a much broader DATA FOR ELECTRONIC microscopy, and magnetic force micros- range of materials. Metastable rare gas copy—to determine the role physical and STRUCTURE atoms can be manipulated with lasers and magnetic microstructure plays in determin- CALCULATIONS contain internal energy that has been used ing macroscopic magnetic properties. to expose a resist. A pattern of light can be Great advances in the calculation of materi- SEMPA, which images the magnetization by used to de-excite the metastables; in this als properties from first principles have been measuring the spin polarization of secon- way light can be used as a mask for matter, made by the use of density functional the- dary electrons emitted in a scanning instead of matter being used as a mask for ory. It now is possible to compute ground- electron microscope, features high light as in optical lithography. state electronic structure, geometries, (20-nanometer) resolution, long working cohesive energies, and various response distance, large depth of field, and a direct Contact: functions for solids containing approxi- measurement of the vector components of Jabez McClelland mately 100 atoms/unit cell, with an accu- magnetization independent of topography. (301) 975-3721 racy needed for practical materials design. SEMPA is a relatively surface sensitive tech- email: [email protected] NIST researchers generate benchmark refer-

nique, making it especially well suited for in B206 Metrology Building ence data for such calculations, which can situ studies of thin-film and surface magnet- be used by developers of new approxima- ism as recently demonstrated by investiga- tions or computational algorithms to test tions of the oscillator}' exchange coupling of CONDENSED MATTER their results against data of known high magnetic layers. THEORY numerical accuracy. The researchers have

Contact: Many theoretical techniques are used to disseminated results for atomic total ener-

John Unguris study a wide range of problems related to gies and orbital eigen-values for all ele- ments, as computed in several (301) 975-3712 the interactions of electrons in solids, includ- common email: [email protected] ing electronic structure calculations, trans- variants of the local density approximation,

B206 Metrology Building port in magnetic multilayers (giant and are preparing a set of standard calcula-

magnetoresistance), exchange coupling in tions for condensed matter systems. Coopera-

magnetic multilayers, surface growth, spin- tion is invited from developers of materials NANOFABRICATION WITH dependent reflection from interfaces, mag- modeling software who wish to benchmark their codes against these data or who are ATOM OPTICS netic hysteresis in ultrathin films, light emission produced by scanning tunneling willing to participate in round-robin com- NIST scientists are studying the physics of microscopy of a magnetic surface, electron parisons to generate new benchmarks for laser focusing of atom beams to find ways to energy loss in magnetic and non-magnetic complex systems. develop a fabrication tool that could lead to solids, high-temperature superconductivity, Contact: more compact microcircuits, higher density and various microscopic tunneling phenom- Charles W. Clark magnetic recording media, better sensors, ena. The theory effort helps interpret and (301) 975-3709 and novel materials. Laser beams form guide experiments and provides the email: [email protected] lenses that focus neutral atoms into tiny theoretical understanding crucial to the B102 Radiation Physics Building regions as they deposit, building PHYSICS LABORATORY

0.5 kiloelectronvolts to 5 kiloelectronvolts UV/VUV refractive indices. Researchers are

X-RAY range with the ability to construct three- interested in developing additional collabo- NANOTOMOGRAPHY dimensional images. The second technique, rations to study hollow cathode lamp in collaboration with the University of sources, laser plasmas, and spark-discharge Computer-assisted tomography in medical Maryland, is an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) sources. State-of-the-art radiometric facili- imaging with a resolution of 1 millimeter is imaging microscope to study biological ties and advanced optical instrumentation now routine. Synchrotron radiation has specimens with sub-nanosecond temporal are maintained to support these been used since the 1980s to produce three- resolution as well as high spatial resolution. investigations. dimensional images with resolution as The third microscope uses secondary- small as 1 micrometer on geological and Contact: electron conversion to cover the uniquely biological samples. NIST research is directed John H. Burnett broad range from 40 electronvolts to 10 toward improving the resolution to 35 nano- (301) 975-2679 kiloelectronvolts. All three techniques have meters in the next few years. Researchers email: [email protected] resolution on the order of 10 nanometers to will study three-dimensional engineered Al67 Physics Building 100 nanometers. structures several micrometers thick, initially focusing on Al/W/silica integrated Contact: circuit interconnects. Recent achievements Thomas B. Lucatorto LOW-TEMPERATURE include tomographic imaging of a torn cop- (301) 975-3734 PLASMAS per foil with 100-nanometer resolution. This email: [email protected] The properties of low-temperature plasmas research uses the 2-ID-B beamline at the B102 Radiation Physics Building play a key role in the processing of materials Advanced Photon Source of Argonne such as semiconductors. Proper charac- National Laboratory. terization of these plasmas is essential to

Contact: ATOMIC PHYSICS develop accurate plasma diagnostics and

Zachary Levine Division Contact: useful plasma models for specific applica-

(301) 975-5453 Wolfgang L. Wiese tions. At NIST, plasma discharges are email: [email protected] (301) 975-3201 characterized utilizing optical emission spec- B102 Radiation Physics Building email: [email protected] troscopy, laser-induced fluorescence, laser

fax: (301) 990-1350 scattering, and electric probe methods. Mod-

A267 Physics Building eling of the plasma also is an integral part

X-RAY AND EUV of this characterization. Discharge sources MICROSCOPY div842.html include low-pressure rf plasmas, stabilized arcs, glow discharges, and inductively cou- Advanced imaging techniques are required pled plasmas. to study nanometer-scale structures of inter- VACUUM ULTRAVIOLET est in the semiconductor industry, biology, An extensive array of laboratory equipment and other fields. For example, as the num- RADIOMETRY is available to accomplish this charac- ber of levels in integrated circuits increases, NIST researchers conduct a comprehensive terization, including several neodymium- techniques must be developed to inspect the short-wavelength radiometry program, yttrium aluminum garnet pumped, high-resolution (<0.1 dye lasers; different levels and the interconnects on the including development and characterization cm" ) lasers; a sub-micrometer scale. Imaging such small of new ultraviolet (UV) and vacuum ultra- Ar ion-pumped dye and ring dye structures requires high-resolution tech- violet (VUV) sources, detector charac- Fizeau wavemeter; a high-throughput (f/4), ultraviolet Fourier niques using high-energy photons. NIST terization, and investigation of radiation high-resolution vacuum transform spectrometer; ultraviolet spec- has available or is developing three different damage to optical materials and detectors. trometers; grazing incidence spectrometers; complementary microscopy techniques NIST collaborates with industry to develop laboratory computers; and miscellaneous covering the energy range from 40 electron- and test new VUV instrumentation, spec- volts to 10 kiloelectronvolts. The first trometer designs, and detector systems, method, done in collaboration with the including devices for space flight use. Other

Advanced Photon Source, uses a step-and- collaborations include development and test- scan microprobe technique to obtain ing of specialized sources, narrow-band fil- images of semiconductor structures in the ters, and lasers, and measurements of PHYSICS LABORATORY

optics. The principal quantities measured available for in-situ studies of surfaces modi- the most advanced atomic theories for sim-

are particle density distributions—both spa- fied by collisions with highly charged ions. ple atoms. The high resolution provided by

tially and temporally—for electrons, atoms, laser scanning permits studies of spectral Contact: ions, and molecules and atomic transition line profiles, including pressure broadening, John D. Gillaspy probabilities. Also included are electric-field isotope shifts, and hyperfine structure. Sensi- (301) 975-3236 distributions, electron and ion temperatures, tive detection techniques, including fre- email: [email protected] and non-equilibrium phenomena. quency modulation and optogalvanic A267 Physics Building spectroscopy and use of thermionic diode Contact: detectors, permit observation of low concen- James R. Roberts tration species in discharges and vapor cells. (301) 975-3225 LASER COOLING AND Typical applications of these data include email: [email protected] TRAPPING wavelength standards, detection of trace ele- A167 Physics Building Thermal motion of atoms often adversely ments in samples, and laser isotope separa-

affects measurements. Using the radiation tion. Facilities include stabilized lasers that RESEARCH ON HIGHLY pressure from near-resonant laser beams, are tunable from the near ultraviolet to near NIST scientists can cool a gas of atoms to infrared and a unique Fabry-Perot wave- IONIZED ATOMS within a few microdegrees of absolute zero. meter that is capable of real-time laser wave-

NIST's new electron beam ion trap (EBIT) These cold atoms can be trapped by laser length measurements with an accuracy of a 9 source provides many opportunities for beams or other electromagnetic fields. Facili- few parts in 10 .

definitive measurements aimed at a basic ties for cooling and trapping atoms include Contact: understanding of plasma processes and continuous-wave dye, solid-state, and semi- CraigJ. Sansonetti atomic structure. In addition, possibilities conductor lasers. Atoms are trapped in laser (301) 975-3223 for using the new source for nanofabrication traps, magneto-optical traps, and magnetic email: [email protected] and ion lithography currently are being traps. Sodium, rubidium, cesium, and Al67 Physics Building investigated. xenon atoms are cooled, trapped, and used

in such diverse applications as atomic- Ions can be generated over a wide range of fountain frequency standards and studies of species and charge states (ultimately up to FOURIER TRANSFORM laser-modified chemical reactions. Control fully stripped uranium). Ions are trapped SPECTROMETRY of atomic motion by lasers also is being radially and probed with a monoenergetic applied to problems such as atom inter- High-resolution Fourier transform spec- electron beam. Electrostatic end caps con- ferometry and laser-directed deposition of trometry allows the measurement of wide fine the ions axially. A large magnetic field atoms on surfaces. spectral regions with a precision unobtain- is applied by a superconducting magnet to able with grating spectrometry. This makes pinch the electron beam to high density and Contact: it ideally suited to the measurement of com- provide additional radial trapping. The care- William D. Phillips plex atomic spectra, where a spectrum of sev- fully controlled conditions in EBIT allow (301) 975-6554 eral thousand lines can be recorded with a scientists to unravel complex collision proc- email: [email protected] o wavelength precision of one part in 10 in esses and measure spectra with very high Al67 Physics Building less than an hour. Measurements of wave- accuracy. Highly charged ions can be pro- lengths, hyperfine structure, isotope shifts, duced and observed in fluorescence with ade- and line intensity ratios can be made to quate brightness. The ion temperature can HIGH-PRECISION LASER high accuracy. The high-resolution Fourier be lowered by evaporative cooling tech- SPECTROSCOPY transform spectrometer at NIST has a resolu-

niques. Several instruments are available to 1 Highly stabilized tunable lasers permit the tion of 0.0025 cm" and a wavelength range characterize and probe the trapped ions, investigation of atoms and molecules with a of 250 nanometers to 5.5 micrometers. Suit- including X-ray and visible/ultraviolet spec- level of detail and precision that cannot be able sources have narrow spectral lines trometers and a laser system. An extraction obtained with conventional spectroscopic and include microwave discharges, hollow system for directing beams of highly techniques. NIST work in this area ranges cathode lamps, and Penning discharges. charged ions onto surfaces is fully opera- from observations of laser ionization of dia- tional. An atomic force microscope is tomic molecules in dense vapors to highly

precise wavelength measurements that test PHYSICS LABORATORY

Applications include the study of spectra of electronic structure in matter. Several X-ray

transition group and rare earth elements for THEORY FOR NANOSCALE instruments are available at NIST and a astrophysics and the lighting industry. SYSTEMS AND gamma-ray facility is available at the high flux reactor at Institut Laue-Langevin, Contact: METROLOGIES Grenoble, France. Collaborative applications Craig J. Sansonetti As the development of nanotechnology pro- of these capabilities are welcomed. (301) 975-3223 ceeds, the need for accurate models for email: [email protected] Contact: nanoscale systems and for the metrologies to Al67 Physics Building Ernest G. Kessler characterize these systems becomes more (301) 975-4844 critical. The NIST quantum processes group email: [email protected] is establishing the theoretical approaches INTERACTIONS OF COLD, A141 Physics Building and computational tools needed to model TRAPPED ATOMS complex quantum nanostructures. T-shaped New algorithms and theoretical methods are quantum wires, nanocrystallites, quantum- SYNTHETIC MULTILAYERS being developed to describe collisional phe- dot quantum wells, and couple quantum For short-wavelength characterization of nomena currently being observed in ultra- nanostructures have been modeled in the multilayer structures intended for larger cold neutral atom traps, which ultimately program. Near-field optics has shown great wavelength X-ray optics, NIST researchers will lead to the next generation of atomic promise for achieving subwavelength resolu- have established a high-performance clocks. These interactions also play a crucial tion in optical microscopy. The quantum multiaxis diffractometer. This system pro- role in the formation and stability of Bose- processes group is developing a wide range vides highly collimated and monochromatic Einstein condensates in nanokelvin atomic of models and computational algorithms to X-ray beams, which, after reflection from gases. The ability to manipulate such con- define the metrological and imaging capa- the structure under study, can be examined densates is a key to developing atom optics bility of near-field optics. for both specular and non-specular reflec- and the proposed atom laser. Developing the Contact: tion characterization. The normal operating theory to quantitatively explain precision Garnett Bryant wavelength is 0.154 nanometer, and the NIST spectroscopic measurements in atom (301) 975-2595 on-scale reflectivity covers a range of six dec- traps requires the development of new theo- email: [email protected] ades. The researchers also have a thin-film retical algorithms for solving large-scale A267 Physics Building production facility capable of handling a matrix eigenvalue problems. Such algo- wide variety of materials in the range of rithms have widespread applicability to thicknesses from near one monolayer to a many areas of chemistry and physics. Imple- PRECISION X-RAY AND micrometer. The production process uses menting these new methods now is feasible GAMMA-RAY ion beam sputtering with simultaneous due to the development of state-of-the-art quasi-neutral beam milling to produce thin massively parallel processing computers. SPECTROSCOPY layers and synthetic multilayers of excep- NIST has developed highly accurate spectro- Contact: tional uniformity. These capabilities cur- scopic instrumentation for wavelength/ Paul Julienne rently are being applied to the development energy measurements from the few (301) 975-2596 and standardization of thin-film standards kiloelectronvolt to the several mega- email: [email protected] for the semiconductor industry. A267 Physics Building electronvolt regions. This measurement sys- Contact: tem is connected to the International

System of Units' basic units of frequency Richard D. Deslattes

and length by means of X-ray interferometry (301) 975-4841 email: [email protected] and a precise lattice comparator. Principal

applications include accurate secondary A141 Physics Building

standards in the X-ray and gamma-ray

regions and measurements contributing to

fundamental constants such as the kilogram

and the Avogadro number. The high resolu-

tion associated with this instrumentation

also provides information on atomic and PHYSICS LABORATORY

APPLICATIONS OF X-RAY PHOTOMETRY OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY Photometry is the science of radiometric Division Contact: measurement of the response function of NIST researchers have applied their exten- Albert C. Parr human vision. The candela, one of the sive experience with crystal diffraction tech- (301) 975-2316 seven base units of the International System niques to the production and detection of email: [email protected] of Units, is the basic unit of photometry. The X-rays in support of space, semiconductor, fax: (301) 869-5700 Optical Technology Division has established and medical applications. Tunable mono- A207 Physics Building a new detector-based candela that has chromatic X-ray sources and crystal spec- improved the accuracy of these measure- trometers have been provided to perform div844.html ments by a factor of two. This improvement pre-flight or post-flight calibration services has become the basis for improved accuracy to numerous NASA X-ray telescope missions, of all other photometric measurements including Solar Maximum Mission, P78-1, LUMINESCENCE offered by the division. BBXRT, ASTRO-D, AXAF, and ASTRO-E. SPECTRAL RADIOMETRY Curved crystal spectrometers also have been Improved levels of accuracies are needed in Luminescence techniques have broad appli- developed to measure the spectrum of X-rays industry to ensure the production of higher cation in virtually every scientific field, emitted by the generators used in mammog- quality products so that U.S. companies can including radiation measurement; remote raphy. These spectrometers are used as a compete in the growing international mar- sensing; analytical chemistry; and charac- non-invasive calibration system since the ket. Accurate light measurements are essen- terization of laser, semiconductor, and high-energy endpoint of the spectrum is tial to the production of various lighting superconductor materials. The accurate numerically equivalent to the applied volt- products such as light bulbs, discharge spectral radiometric quantitation of light age. Previously developed analysis tools also lamps, lighting fixtures, automobile head- emission is an exacting task requiring pains- have been applied to assessment of wafer lights, and aircraft lamps. Accurate light taking radiometric measurements and materials and homoepitaxial overlayers measurements also are essential in the pro- knowledge of the fundamental chemical used in semiconductor processing. Capabili- duction of information displays such as cath- and physical processes represented by these ties include the design and construction of ode ray tubes, flat-panel displays, radiative transitions. Standard lamps, both custom instrumentation and attendant data light-emitting diodes, and various other opti- radiance and irradiance, and silicon detec- acquisition and control systems for the pro- cal components. tor radiometry provide the accuracy base duction and detection of X-rays, X-ray crys- for the spectral and quantum efficiency Another unit in photometry is the lumen, tal preparation and characterization, and measurements. NIST is investigating lumi- which is the measure of the total light out- various X-ray spectroscopic applications. In nescent phenomena such as photo-, chemi-, put of lamps. The lumen is especially impor- addition, NIST maintains facilities to per- thermo-, electro-, and bioluminescences. tant to the lighting industry, where millions form crystal lattice comparisons, X-ray Researchers are conducting luminescence of lamps are produced every week. The topography, and digital imaging of X-rays. radiometric research in the near-ultraviolet, Optical Technology Division recently has

Contact: visible, and near-infrared spectral regions established a new lumen unit based on

Larry Hudson and are developing accurate standards and the detector-based candela that provides

(301) 975-2537 measurement procedures for these regions. the highest accuracy levels of lumen email: [email protected] Facilities available for this research include measurements.

A141 Physics Building various laser and lamp sources, a reference Contact: spectrofluorimeter, and a low-light-level Yoshi Ohno spectroradiometer. (301) 975-2321

Contact: email: [email protected] Ambler Thompson A320 Metrology Building

(301) 975-2333 email: [email protected] A320 Metrology Building PHYSICS LABORATORY

intercomparisons among spectroradiometers

HIGH-ACCURACY THERMAL RADIOMETRY from different monitoring networks.

NIST researchers are investigating the use CRYOGENIC RADIOMETRY of Contact: thermal imaging cameras as a temperature- The Optical Technology Division bases Ambler Thompson measuring tool. These devices may prove to many of its radiometric measurement (301) 975-2333 be very useful in determining the quality of scales, such as detector spectral responsivity, email: [email protected] products and in investigating changes in dif- photometry, radiance, and irradiance, on a A320 Metrology Building ferent processes. Research projects involve high-accuracy cryogenic radiometer the development of large-area blackbodies, (HACR). Cryogenic radiometers work on the use of Pt-Si as detector standards, and the principle of electrical substitution, where SPECTRAL RADIOMETRY characterization of thermal imaging cam- the temperature rise in a receiving cavity Research and development programs at eras. Equipment available includes several caused by optical heating is reproduced by NIST span many activities associated with heat-pipe blackbodies, a Pt-Si camera, and electrical heating. Electrical substitution the measurement of optical radiation, cover- an infrared radiometer. measurements tie the optical watt to electri- ing the spectrum from 200 nanometers in cal standards. Contact: the ultraviolet to the far infrared. Included

Robert Saunders are spectral radiance and irradiance meas- The HACR measures the optical power of sin- (301) 975-2355 urements for many varied applications, such gle laser lines with an uncertainty of 0.02 email: [email protected] as manufacturing process control, remote percent or better and calibrates transfer B208 Physics Building sensing of the Earth's environment, and detectors to disseminate a spectral responsiv- defense needs. Researchers at NIST take ity scale. NIST researchers continue to demanding problems, such as the spectro- improve the HACR base measurements and NEAR ULTRAVIOLET photometric measurement of dense optical the optical transfer devices in different wave- media, and develop the detector metrology length regions. Optical detector calibrations RADIOMETRY to perform the measurements and relate from the ultraviolet through the infrared are The measurement of terrestrial solar irradi- them to the stable, U.S. radiometric meas- based on are HACR measurements and used ance at ultraviolet-B (UV-B) wavelengths urement base. Emphasis is placed on solid- in environmental, industrial, defense, and (200 nanometers to 400 nanometers) is state photodiode metrology and its space applications. Cryogenic radiometry being investigated by NIST researchers to application to all areas of radiometry, reduces the base uncertainty in the optical provide improved techniques and standards especially calibration services. calibrations transferred to these customers. in this spectral region. This work is impor-

Several well-equipped laboratories for opti- Contact: tant to networks that monitor solar UV-B cal measurements in the ultraviolet, visible, Jeanne Houston irradiance, to scientists studying the biologi- cal effects of ultraviolet radiation, and to and infared spectral regions are available (301) 975-2327 researchers investigating the aging of mate- for use, and new facilities are being devel- email: [email protected] rials. Specific projects include the develop- oped to enable scientists and engineers to A320 Metrology Building ment of experimental techniques for conduct research on detector improvements,

characterizing instruments that measure detector applications, and optical properties

UV-B irradiance, spectral irradiance stand- of materials.

ards for use at field sites, and a transport- Contact: able reference spectroradiometer. A Joseph Dehmer permanent UV-B monitoring site, equipped (301) 975-3216 with a broad suite of instruments, is main- email: [email protected] tained at NIST, and researchers coordinate A320 Metrology Building PHYSICS LABORATORY 153

optical diagnostic uniquely sensitive to inter-

INFRARED SPECTRAL SPECTROSCOPIC face structure. Measurements include spec- RADIOMETRY APPLICATIONS troscopic characterization of electronic structure at buried epitaxial interfaces, ultra- Researchers at NIST are developing devices The NIST spectroscopic applications group fast monitoring of carrier dynamics at semi- and techniques for high-precision measure- employs advanced spectroscopic methods conductor interfaces, assessment of the ments of radiant power in the 2-micrometer using state-of-the-art lasers and microwave structure and quality of thin films, and to 30-micrometer spectral region to enable frequency sources in conjunction with vibrational^ resonant SFG of organic films characterization of spectral sources, optical molecular beam techniques to elucidate the such as self-assembled monolayers. This components, and detectors. Novel experi- details of chemical reactions that are impor- research is a collaboration with the Chemi- ments are being planned to investigate tant in a wide variety of industrial processes, cal Science and Technology Laboratory. physical and chemical processes in materi- including catalysis, combustion, chemical Resources include femtosecond laser sources als and molecular structures. State-of-the- vapor deposition, and drug design. These for generating ultrafast pulses in the infra- art radiometers, a cryogenic blackbody with benchmark studies provide the means for red through ultraviolet and instrumentation multiple apertures, lead salt lasers, spectral real-time optimization of chemical proc- for spectral, directional, and polarization instrumentation, and solid-state infrared esses and on-line monitoring for pollution analyses of surface-generated optical signals. detectors have been acquired. A unique facil- control.

ity called the Low-Background Infrared Contact: The group also carries out spectral studies of Radiation Facility is dedicated to this John Stephenson species important in atmospheric processes research and development effort. An Infra- (301) 975-2372 with particular emphasis on the reaction red Detector Comparator Facility, equipped email: [email protected] chemistry of ozone. The work provides spec- with a prism-grating monochromator and a B208 Physics Building tral data for these species, which are used by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer for scientists modeling the chemistry of the characterizing detectors at ambient back- upper atmosphere. A recent thrust of the ground, has been completed and soon will OPTICAL SCATTERING group centers around the determination of offer calibration services. physical and electrical properties of numer- MEASUREMENTS

Related research projects are investigating ous new chemical compounds that are being Studies are being made of how materials'

methods for measuring the optical density of investigated by industry for use as alterna- properties and surface topography affect the

filters using laser heterodyne technology tive refrigerants. distribution of light scattered from surfaces,

and determining the spatial uniformity and with an aim to developing standard meas- Contact: linearity in the response of infrared detec- urement methods and standard artifacts for Richard Suenram tors. Collaborative research opportunities use in industry. The description of light scat- (301) 975-2165 exist in measuring the optical properties of tered from surfaces is a useful metrological email: [email protected] materials and fundamental molecular struc- tool for appraising performance of optical B208 Physics Building tures and in developing novel detectors. elements and for evaluating material proc- |

essing. Applications include evaluation of Contact: highly polished optical surfaces, bulk opti- Raju Datla NON-LINEAR OPTICAL cal materials, surface residues, and diffuse (301) 975-2131 MEASUREMENTS scattering materials. Experiments are under email: [email protected] Non-linear optical methods are used to way to correlate the optical scatter from sili- B208 Physics Building measure properties of interfaces that may be con wafers with properties such as haze, sur-

found at the surfaces of materials, in thin- face microroughness, and particulate

film systems, or buried in layered materials. contamination, with a goal to facilitate opti-

An example is the technique of sum fre- cal scattering measurements in assembly-

quency generation (SFG), in which two line applications. The utility of polarization

laser pulses at different frequencies combine analysis of scattered light also is being inves-

to produce light at their sum frequency with tigated. Parallel research in near-field optics

an efficiency that depends on the broken is elucidating the connection between micro-

symmetry at the interface. With femtosecond scopic features of the surfaces and the

laser pulses, SFG provides a time-resolved far-field optical scattering pattern. Facilities PHYSICS LABORATORY

are available for laser-based measurements around small light sources as they interact multielement detectors, and instrumenta-

of the bidirectional reflectance distribution with various materials and surface features. tion for capturing transient spectra of sam-

function of light-scattering materials and The group collaborates with other NIST ples with single laser pulses. surfaces. Work is under way on theoretical researchers interested in applying near-field Contact: modeling of the bidirectional reflectance dis- microscopy to problems in chemical, opti- Edwin Heilweil tribution function. Clean rooms are avail- cal, and semiconductor technology. Applica- (301) 975-2370 able for handling optical samples. tions include mapping of optical properties email: [email protected] of nanostructured materials, investigations The bidirectional characterization of optical B208 Physics Building of structure in biological membranes, scatter from surfaces is a useful diagnostic and near-field measurements of photonic in evaluating elements contained within structures. Resources include NSOM meas- large optical systems that require the mini- ELEMENTARY CHEMICAL urements in the visible, NSOM tip charac- mization of scattered light. This informa- terization, theoretical modeling of REACTION DYNAMICS tion is needed for the development of probe-surface interactions and optical Researchers use laser pulses to observe and ring-laser gyroscopes and telescopes. It also contrast mechanisms, and access to comple- manipulate fundamental molecular trans- is used for the characterization of materials mentary scanning microscopies such as formations such as bond breaking and bond for use in stray light reduction in thermal scanning electron microscopy and atomic formation in order to develop an atomic- control and inspection processes in optical force microscopy. level understanding of reactions important manufacturing settings. NIST research proj- in combustion and propulsion chemistry, in ects involve the development of a multi- Contact: the chemistry of the upper atmosphere, and angle scattering reference instrument and Lori Goldner in orbital environments. Current efforts the development of measurement method- (301) 975-3792 emphasize elementary reactions of oxygen ologies and Standard Reference Materials email: [email protected] atoms with hydrogen, water, hydrocyanic for the spectral range from the ultraviolet to A320 Metrology Building acid, and methane. The experiments use the infrared region. state-resolved nanosecond and time-resolved Contact: TIME-RESOLVED femtosecond spectroscopic techniques and Thomas Germer molecular beam methods to produce data to INFRARED (301) 975-2876 test quantum chemical models of these email: [email protected] SPECTROSCOPY benchmark systems. Resources include A320 Metrology Building intense, narrow bandwidth, tunable laser Ultrashort laser pulses are used to observe sources spanning the infrared to vacuum fast processes that occur in the condensed ultraviolet; tunable femtosecond lasers; phase. NIST researchers have developed NEAR-FIELD SCANNING laser-induced fluorescence and photoioniza- unique femtosecond infrared spectroscopic tion mass spectrometric detection of trace OPTICAL MICROSCOPY techniques to study highly excited vibra- gas phase species; and pulsed supersonic jet NIST researchers are using near-field scan- tional states, vibrational energy transfer, sampling of gases. ning optical microscopy (NSOM) as a quan- photochemical reactions, and the dynamics

titative technique for non-invasive optical of hydrogen bond formation and rupture. Contact:

measurements on previously inaccessible The measurements identify transient species John Stephenson

length scales. So far, lateral resolution on and determine energy transfer rates, which (301) 975-2372

the order of 20 nanometers has been serve to improve models of condensed phase email: [email protected]

achieved with this technique, and vertical chemistry. Current collaborations with B208 Physics Building industry include measurements on catalytic resolution of less than 1 nanometer may be

possible. The researchers are building well- systems and polymerization reactions. They

characterized microscopes and small light also are developing sources of femtosecond

sources and are working on methods to pulses in the terahertz frequency region to

determine the resolution of commercially be used to probe directly quantum-well elec-

available near-field microscopes. At a funda- tron and solid-state phonon dynamics.

mental level, this means understanding the Resources include femtosecond laser sources

mechanisms that generate contrast in generating ultrafast pulses in the infrared

different materials and modeling the fields through ultraviolet, infrared and visible PHYSICS LABORATORY

Various X-ray and gamma-ray sources and address measurement quality assurance IONIZING RADIATION electron accelerators with energies in the needs in sectors that include industrial proc- 0.1-megaelectronvolt to 10-megaelectron- essing, radio-bioassay, and radioanalyses for Division Contact: volt range are used in this work. Conven- environmental remediation and waste Bert M. Coursey tional ultraviolet, visible, and infrared management. (301) 975-5584 spectrophotometers; high-intensity gamma- email: [email protected] In support of the accreditation programs, ray sources; pulsed and continuous beam fax: (301) 869-7682 NIST provides technical expertise for labora- electron accelerators; and organic-chemical C229 Radiation Physics Building tory technical document review and evalu- analytical equipment also are available. ation, traceability to the national physical

div846.html Contact: standards through performance evaluation Marc F. Desrosiers testing, and on-site assessments. The major

(301) 975-5639 research thrust is the development of a wide

RADIATION PROCESSING email: [email protected] variety of appropriate transfer standard

C229 Radiation Physics Building instruments and materials. To enhance quality-control methods used in

industrial radiation processing of foods and Contact: in the production and use of medical MEASUREMENT QUALITY Bert M. Coursey devices, electronic components, and poly- (301) 975-5584 mers, ASSURANCE ! NIST researchers are developing stand- email: [email protected] ardization and measurement assurance Credibility of ionizing radiation measure- C229 Radiation Physics Building methods related to industrial high-dose ments has been a critical issue for the U.S.

applications of ionizing radiation. As part of radiation, medical diagnostics j and therapy,

'] this program, are they investigating radia- occupational safety, industrial, energy, NEUTRON PHYSICS

tion, chemical mechanisms, and kinetic defense, and environmental communities. NIST researchers are exploring three major studies applied to chemical dosimetry sys- this end, To NIST scientists disseminate the areas of fundamental neutron physics: neu- terns in the condensed phase, including liq- |j standards and technology required for reli- tron interferometry, laser polarization of uids, gels, thin films, and solid-state able measurement of ionizing radiation to neutron beams, and various coupling coeffi- detectors. federal, state, and local radiation control cients of the weak interaction. The Neutron programs as well as to the medical, indus- They also plan to examine sensor materials Interferometer and Optics Facility (NIOF) in trial, and defense communities. In addition, such as doped plastics, solid-state matrices, the cold neutron guide hall has achieved j NIST researchers monitor and evaluate ' fiber optics, organic dye solutions, semicon- unprecedented levels of phase contrast and radiation measurements needs; participate ductors, scintillators, amino acids, metallo- stability. Work is under way at this new facil- in radiation research, metrology develop- porphyrins, and organic or inorganic ity on the development of phase contrast ment, and quality control activities; and 1 radiochromic and luminescent aqueous imaging, on a measurement of the neutron- develop methods for improving the accuracy electron solutions and gels. A number of analytical scattering length, and on neutron of field measurements through a national methods will be used, including transmis- tomography. The NIOF also will operate system of secondary standards laboratories. sion and fluorescence spectrophotometry part-time as a user facility for university and

industrial scientists. At another location in and electron spin resonance spectrometry as NIST has a strong influence on the design the guide hall, development is in progress i well as optical waveguide analysis and pulse and implementation of measurement qual- radiolysis. on neutron spin filters, based on laser polari- ity assurance programs that are accredited zation of %e. These neutron polarizers offer under the National Voluntary Laboratory advantages over conventional methods in Accreditation Program (secondary calibra- experiments on parity-violating aspects of tion laboratories for ionizing radiation and neutron beta decay and in studies of mag- personnel dosimetry programs), the Confer- netic materials. This project also is provid- ence of Radiation Control Program Direc- ing assistance to medical researchers who tors (diagnostic X-radiation), Health Physics employ polarized %e for improved mag- Society (private-sector calibration laborato- netic resonance imaging of the lung. ries), and American Association of Physicists

in Medicine (therapeutic radiation). Pro-

grams currently being developed will PHYSICS LABORATORY

Another major research and user facility is under way to establish and maintain accredi- frequency stabilization, and non-linear the Fundamental Physics Station. At this sta- tation of other laboratories so that routine optical sources. tion three experiments have been carried calibrations of neutron radiation protection Contact: out in collaboration with major universities: instruments can be taken over by the private David J. Wineland a beam measurement of the free neutron sector and by central military laboratories. (303) 497-5286 lifetime, a measurement of parity non- Contact: email: [email protected] conserving neutron spin rotation in liquid 4 David Gilliam Mailcode 847.10 He, and a search for time-reversal asymme- (301) 975-6206 Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 try in neutron beta decay. At present, a email: [email protected] potentially much more accurate measure- A106 NIST Center for Neutron Research ment of the neutron lifetime employing ATOMIC BEAM trapped ultracold neutrons is being carried out in collaboration with Harvard Univer- FREQUENCY STANDARDS sity, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and TIME AND FREQUENCY The first atomic frequency standard, based

Berlin's Hahn Meitner Institute. Division Contact: on ammonia, was built in 1950 at NIST

Donald B. Sullivan (then the National Bureau of Standards) in Contact: (303) 497-3772 Washington, D.C. Since then, NIST has con- David Gilliam email: [email protected] structed a series of seven standards (based (301) 975-6206 fax: (303) 497-6461 on cesium beams) with performances email: [email protected] Mailcode 847.00 improving at a rate of better than an order A106 NIST Center for Neutron Research Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 of magnitude every 10 years. NIST-7, intro- duced in 1993, is the most recent in this NEUTRON DOSIMETRY series. It is based on optical state selection and state detection rather than the more NIST physicists develop and maintain stand- ION STORAGE RESEARCH traditional magnetic methods and has an ards for neutron dosimetry, both at the very 10" 15 uncertainty of 5 x A cesium-fountain This program investigates the applications high fluence levels appropriate to materials 19 + frequency standard has been constructed as ions, for high-accuracy of such as %g , damage studies for nuclear reactors and at a successor to NIST-7. The main advantages frequency standards. The ions are stored in the much lower levels appropriate to stand- of this concept are the reduction in the ion traps devices that use electric, or a ardization of radiation protection instru- — Doppler shift and the increase in atom obser- combination of electric and magnetic, fields ments. Standard neutron fields at NIST and vation time. These severely limit the per- to suspend the ions in free space. Laser at the University of Michigan have been formance of NIST-7. The work in this radiation is used to cool the ions to tempera- characterized to provide test irradiation program involves research on laser pumping tures on the order of a millikelvin, so the fields for the neutron dosimetry employed in of the states of atoms, improvements in second-order Doppler shift (a serious prob- assurance of materials integrity at nuclear atomic-beam ovens, and the development of lem in high-accuracy frequency standards) power reactors in the United States. NIST sci- digital servo-control systems for more reli- is extremely small. In some cases, ions are entists also collaborate with engineers and ably controlling critical parameters. cooled even further, approaching the zero- scientists from industry and the Nuclear point motion limit set by Heisenberg's uncer- Contact: Regulatory Commission in drafting regula- tainty principle. It is expected that frequency tory guides for accurate measurements in Robert E. Drullinger standards based on laser-cooled, stored ions neutron dosimetry at these reactors. Another (303) 497-3183 will be much more accurate than the best [email protected] set of standard neutron fields at much lower email: current standards, which are based on Mailcode 847.20 fluence rate levels is maintained at NIST for cesium atomic beams. Research also is calibration of radiation protection instru- Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 under way on related topics, such as the ments and personnel dosimeters. Efforts are physics of non-neutral plasmas, quantum

optics, quantum measurements, laser PHYSICS LABORATORY

applied with some success to other measure- NOISE IN ELECTRONIC ment data. NIST researchers are continuing FAR-INFRARED AND OPTICAL SYSTEMS development of still better variances and SPECTROSCOPY have written software for the efficient calcu- NIST has developed systems for making NIST has unique capabilities for high- lation of a number of these measures. Out- phase-noise amplitude-noise and measure- resolution studies of the spectra of atoms puts can be represented in both the over a ments broad dynamic range of carrier and molecules in the far-infrared region. frequency and time domains. frequency (into the millimeter range) and The methods of tunable far-infrared spec- 7 Contact: Fourier frequency (up to 10 percent of the troscopy and laser magnetic resonance carrier frequency). David A. Howe The accuracy of measure- (LMR) were developed by NIST, and several

is typically 497-3277 ment 1 decibel or better depend- (303) of each of these spectrometers currently are ing on the frequency range. These systems email: [email protected] providing high-resolution measurements on provide Mailcode 847.40 the basis for specifications now aris- spectra important in both space studies and Boulder, Colo. ing in communication, radar, and other 80303-3328 studies of the chemistry of the upper atmos- aerospace equipment. Signals at higher mil- phere. Pressure-broadening studies at high

limeter and optical frequencies also can be resolution also have been performed, provid- TIME TRANSFER characterized by beating them against a sta- AND ing the basis for locating air pollutants at ble optical reference. A wide of range noise NETWORK high altitude. Recent improvements in the measurement equipment and systems for SYNCHRONIZATION NIST LMR systems have improved dramati- analyzing the output data is available. Most cally their sensitivity, making them espe- NIST has broad expertise in time transfer, recently, this unique measurement capabil- cially useful in searches for difficult-to- particularly using satellite methods, that ity has been applied to the study of phase- detect molecular species such as free can be applied to synchronization of widely modulation and amplitude-modulation radicals and molecular ions. noise in bipolar-junction-transistor circuits. distributed network nodes. Telecommunica- Contact: This work has led to a better understanding tions and electrical power networks are Kenneth M. Evenson of noise processes in these circuits, and examples of systems requiring such synchro- (303) 497-5129 design rules for low noise performance have nization. A NIST-developed, common-view email: [email protected] been developed. These rules can provide for method using global positioning system Mailcode 847.00 a noise reduction (close to a carrier) of as (GPS) satellites provides time transfer Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 much as 20 decibels. accuracy of better than 10 nanoseconds, and

two-way exchange of signals through tele- Contact: communications satellites offers even Fred L. Walls HIGH-PERFORMANCE higher performance. NIST owns and oper- (303) 497-3207 ates a number of specialized GPS receivers DIODE LASERS email: [email protected] and satellite Earth stations needed for such Diode lasers are used widely in many appli- Mailcode 847.00 work, and the NIST time scale provides cations where spectral and spatial purity is Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 unsurpassed stability as a reference for not critical, but they could be used in a vari- remote synchronization. ety of other applications if these properties

were improved substantially. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF Contact: Such applica- tions include analytical chemistry and sens- TIME-SERIES DATA Thomas E. Parker ing of trace impurities or pollutants as well (303) 497-7881 Noise processes in high-performance clocks as narrow-line sources email: [email protected] for length standards and oscillators are often (fre- and optical manipulation not white Mailcode 847.50 of atoms and quency independent), so the usual variance molecules. Recognizing the broad range of Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 does not converge. The two-sample vari- measurement applications for high- ances developed to handle such noise have performance diode lasers, NIST has devel- become standards widely used in the specifi- oped a program aimed at developing cation of noise in systems demanding high- methods for controlling the output charac- spectral purity. These measures have been teristics of these versatile and inexpensive

lasers. The program selects specific practical PHYSICS LABORATORY

applications and works on the system for study. The implications of condensate designs needed to provide solutions. Current formation for precision metrology must be LASER DEPOSITION OF projects include a calcium-stabilized laser explored as well, including theoretically pre- THIN FILMS for use as a length reference, methods for dicted coherent atom beams, dubbed bosers. Evidence suggests that laser-deposited mate- synthesizing signals in the optical region, Contact: rials can attain better film properties at and laser-spectroscopy methods for detect- Eric A. Cornell lower processing temperatures than ing trace impurities. materi- 492-6281 (303) als deposited by normal thermal means. The Contact: email: [email protected] microscopic basis for the effect of kinetic- Leo Hollberg JILA, Boulder, Colo. 80309-0440 energy-enhanced epitaxy has been demon- (303) 497-5770 strated at NIST for the first time. An email: [email protected] apparatus has been developed to produce a Mailcode 847.80 THIN FILMS neutral cobalt atom beam with a controlled Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 Images of amorphous silicon films taken energy. When cobalt atoms are deposited

by a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) onto silicon at thermal energy, most of the

at various stages throughout the growth atoms reside on the surface. However, deposi- QUANTUM PHYSICS process show particles 3 nanometers to tion of cobalt atoms on a silicon(lOO) wafer 5 nanometers in size forming in the vapor at enhanced kinetic energies mimics sub- Division Contact: and bonding to the film surface during strate heating in the 500 kelvin range with James Faller growth. If these particles can be prevented thermally deposited cobalt, in which the (303) 492-8509 from forming or reaching the surface, it silicide material forms. email: [email protected] should be possible to improve the film's abil- fax: (303) 492-5235 Contact: ity to convert light into electrical current. A JILA, Boulder, Colo. 80309-0440 Stephen R. Leone laser scattering system is being developed to (303) 497-3505 detect the silicon/hydrogen clumps as they [email protected] are forming. JILA, Boulder, Colo. 80309-0440

BOSE-EINSTEIN In another project, lines of aluminum as CONDENSATION small as 3 nanometers in width have been deposited on silicon surfaces using the elec- MOBILITY OF The discovery of Bose-Einstein condensation tron beam and electric field produced at the (BEC) by JILA scientists in June 1995 has CLUSTER IONS tip of an STM. Independent auger electron opened up whole new areas of research. JILA New methods have been established at NIST spectroscopy studies of the electron-induced (formerly the Joint Institute for Laboratory to measure the mobilities of ions clustered deposition of aluminum show nearly pure Astrophysics) is a joint venture of NIST and with water and other molecules important aluminum deposits. the University of Colorado. In BEC, atoms in the upper atmosphere. Ions are produced cooled to temperatures as low as 10 Contact: in a mass-selected ion source and injected

nanokelvin undergo a phase transition in Alan C. Gallagher into a flow tube where they are converted to which a large percentage of the atoms all (303) 497-3936 clusters by three-body reactions with a sol- take on exactly the same quantum wave [email protected] vent molecule. The mobility of the cluster function, becoming completely indistin- JILA, Boulder, Colo. 80309-0440 ions is measured by the arrival times of ion

guishable from one another. Preliminary "packets" at a mass spectrometer detector, studies on low-lying phonon-like excitations following a pulsed depletion of a small frac- will develop into measurements on vortices tion of the ions at two places in the flow

and viscosity. Thermal behavior near the tube. The method has been applied for ben- critical temperature and the kinetics of con- zene dimer ions, water cluster ions, ammo- densate formation are also promising topics nia cluster ions, and mixed clusters. PHYSICS LABORATORY 159

In general, the size of the cluster ion deter- magnetism with moments both in the mines the mobility in helium in a predict- RESEARCH plane and perpendicular to the plane of the able fashion, but for collisions with FACILITIES sample. molecules that have strong dipole moments, CAPABILITIES remarkably small mobilities are observed. SEMPA allows the simultaneous observation The additional strong attractive forces and of surface microstructure and surface mag- internal degrees of freedom of the molecules SYNCHROTRON netic domains with a resolution as high as play a major role, causing the small ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION 20 nm. mobilities. FACILITY III APPLICATIONS Contact: The NIST Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation This unique measurement facility can be Stephen R. Leone Facility (SURF) is used as a national stand- used for research in magnetic thin films, (303) 497-3505 ard of spectral irradiance for radiometric high-coercivity magnetic materials, high- [email protected] applications and a spectrometer calibration density magnetic storage media, and other JILA, Boulder, Colo. 80309-0440 facility. The facility also is used for extreme advanced magnetic materials.

ultraviolet and infrared microscopy and for AVAILABILITY fundamental research in the following STABILIZED LASERS These facilities are available for collabora- areas: optical properties of materials; elec- The tive research by NIST and outside scientists remarkable price reduction of diode tron density of states in solids; surface char- in areas of mutual interest on a time- lasers, taken with cost-effective frequency acterization; photoelectron spectroscopy; available basis. stabilization approaches, leads to considera- atomic and molecular absorption spectros-

tion of possible future widespread explora- copy; molecular kinetics and excitation and Contact:

tion of frequency-stabilized diode lasers in a ionization dynamics; and radiation interac- John Unguris vast range of new applications. Traditional tions with matter. Currently SURF II has (301) 975-3712 interferometric control systems profit from been disassembled completely to make way email: [email protected] the laser system's increased performance for an improved and upgraded SURF III B206 Metrology Building

along with its decreased cost and generated facility, which is expected to be completed in heat. A new concept in development will June 1998. allow stabilization to produce a constant HIGH-RESOLUTION UV Contact: laser wavelength for interferometric applica- Robert P. Madden AND OPTICAL tions. Advanced low noise tilt and displace- (301) 975-3726 ment sensors now can be designed usefully SPECTROSCOPY FACILITY email: [email protected] and may become widespread when the stabi- Accurate atomic data for neutral atoms B119 Radiation Physics Building lized laser system cost is decreased by one and ions are required in support of high- order of magnitude or more. technology products and manufacturing

processes as well as advanced scientific appli- Contact: MAGNETIC cations. The primary source of such data is John L. Hall MICROSTRUCTURE high-resolution optical spectroscopy. Spec- (303) 497-3126 trometers in NIST's High-Resolution Ultra- email: [email protected] MEASUREMENT FACILITY violet and Optical Spectroscopy Facility are JILA, Boulder, Colo. 80309-0440 The magnetic microstructure of materials the most powerful in the world for observa- can be measured with very high spatial reso- tions of emission and absorption spectra in lution by a technique called scanning elec- the soft X-ray to near infrared regions. The tron microscopy with polarization analysis 10.7-meter grazing-incidence and normal- (SEMPA). An ultrahigh-vacuum electron incidence vacuum spectrographs permit microscope has been modified so secondary observations from 3 nm to 600 nm with electrons from the sample can be analyzed resolving powers of 70,000 to 400,000 and for their electron spin polarization. This wavelength uncertainties as low as 0.0002 allows for a measurement of the surface nm. In the visible and near-infrared region,

an echelle spectrograph provides resolving PHYSICS LABORATORY

powers exceeding 1,000,000. NIST's new CAPABILITIES measurements, for the Earth's surface and high-resolution Fourier transform spec- The ACR is a broadband detector with a flat atmosphere. These measurements are the trometer will be capable of observations response from the visible to the long wave- basis for the study of global warming. A goal from 200 nm to 18 (J,m with unmatched length infrared spectral region. It can meas- of the facility will be the development of resolution and wavelength accuracy. A vari- ure power levels of 20 nW to 100 W at its infrared radiometers, which will be used to ety of discharge sources are used to excite 3-centimeter-diameter aperture within an intercompare large-area blackbody sources spectra of neutral atoms and ions stripped of uncertainty of less than 1 percent. The ACR used by contractors for NASA's Mission to up to 20 electrons. Species up to 40 times has a resolution of 1 nW, and its time con- Planet Earth Project. ionized are observed in plasmas created by stant is about 20 s. This facility is not limited to infrared meas- ablating samples with a high-power laser. APPLICATIONS urements. The capability to make compari- Current NIST research includes development This unique facility can be used to measure sons of large area visible sources also will be of wavelength standards used for calibration total radiant power from sources such as possible. For both infrared and visible of the high-resolution spectrograph on the cryogenic blackbodies. Ongoing improve- sources, users are able to bring their sources Hubble Space Telescope, observations of ments will allow measurement of the spec- to NIST for calibration. This facility also is transitions in highly ionized atoms for tral distribution of radiation from sources used for hosting intercomparisons of field plasma diagnostics in tokamaks, develop- and characterization of infrared detectors radiometers, user sources, and training of ment of a promising new scheme for an and optical components. key personnel. A multipurpose classroom is extreme ultraviolet laser, and precise isotope available where short courses and work- shifts of mercury wavelengths needed to AVAILABILITY shops on radiometry can be held. facility is operated staff in interpret ultraviolet spectra of stars. The by NIST sup-

port of user infrared calibrations. It is avail- Contact: Contact: able for collaborative research by NIST and Carol Johnson William C. Martin outside scientists in areas of mutual interest. (301) 975-2322 (301) 975-3213 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Contact: B208 Physics Building Al67 Physics Building Raju Datla (301) 975-2131 email: [email protected] MEDICAL-INDUSTRIAL LOW-BACKGROUND B208 Physics Building RADIATION FACILITY INFRARED RADIATION NIST operates an electron accelerator as the FACILITY CONTROLLED heart of a new user facility for the medical In the NIST Low-Background Infrared BACKGROUND and industrial radiation communities. The Radiation Facility, radiant background RADIOMETRIC FACILITY Medical-Industrial Radiation Facility noise levels less than a few nanowatts are (MIRF) is based on a rf-powered, traveling- Infrared radiometry has an important role attained in a large (60 cm diameter x 152 wave electron linac donated by the Radia- in space-based civilian, defense, and indus- cm long) vacuum chamber by cooling inter- tion Therapy Center of the Yale University trial applications. A facility to maintain an nal cryoshields to temperatures less than New Haven Hospital. This reconfigured accel- infrared scale for specialized applications 20 K using a closed-cycle helium refrigera- erator provides electron energies from 7 MeV was developed with funding from NIST, tor system. An absolute cryogenic radiome- to 32 MeV at average beam currents of up to NASA, and the Department of Defense. In ter (ACR) of the electrical substitution type 0.1 mA. In addition to the original beam- particular, the capability for measurements that operates at 2 K to 4 K is housed in the steering system and medical-therapy scan- on large-area, vacuum-operational, black- chamber. ner/collimator head, three additional beam body sources operated from 200 K to about ports and a switching magnet have been 400 K is being established. These measure- added at NIST. The flexibility afforded by ments will be traceable to NIST via infrared access to these four beam lines allows NIST radiometry through the radiance tempera- to address issues in radiation metrology, ture of the source. An example of the type of radiation effects, and the uses of electron scientific activity that the NIST facility sup- and high-energy photon beams. ports is the use of satellites for the determi-

nation of temperature, based on radiance PHYSICS LABORATORY


The medical beam line can provide electron MIRF is available for collaborative research EPR dosimetry is operable over many orders doses of up to 5 Gy/min at the patient loca- by researchers from industry, academia, and of magnitude in absorbed dose (10" Gy to 5 tion and is equipped with a target to produce other government agencies under the super- 10 Gy) and impacts many facets of society a 25 MeV bremsstrahlung beam as used in vision ofNIST staff. and industry: high-energy photon therapy. On other beam Contact: • Radiation accident dosimetry. Using lines, dose rates in excess of 1 kGy/s over a Charles E. Dick biological tissues (bone, tooth enamel) or small area have been achieved with elec- (301) 975-5580 inanimate materials (clothing), retrospec- trons, and exposure rates of about 2,500 email: [email protected] tive dose assessment and mapping can be R/min can be attained with suitable C229 Radiation Physics Building accomplished. bremsstrah-lung convertors to produce high- energy photon beams used in industrial • Clinical radiology. Ionizing radiation radiography. ELECTRON doses administered in cancer therapy can be measured for external beam therapy using APPLICATIONS PARAMAGNETIC dosimeters of crystalline alanine (an amino MIRF offers unique opportunities for medi- FACILITY acid) or validated for internally delivered cal and industrial research. At the facility, a RESONANCE bone-seeking radiopharmaceuticals using number of organizations are collaborating NIST is leading a national and international bone biopsies. on a variety of projects: effort in electron paramagnetic resonance

(EPR) dosimetry for measuring ionizing • Industrial radiation processing. Routine • Medical dosimetry. Medical linacs are radiation. Paramagnetic centers (molecules and transfer dosimetry for industrial radia- used for treating approximately 500,000 can- or atoms with unpaired electrons) are pro- tion facilities can be performed using alan- cer patients annually at some 1,300 treat- duced by the action of radiation on materi- ine dosimeters as well as post-irradiation ment facilities in the United States. Among als. In the EPR measurement, irradiated monitoring of radiation-processed meats, the medical dosimetry applications of MIRF materials are placed in a magnetic field and shellfish, and fruits using bone, shell, or are the development and testing of instru- electron spin transitions are induced by an seed. ments and dosimetry systems for use in clini- electromagnetic field of the appropriate fre- cal facilities as well as investigations into The EPR facility also serves as a fully func- quency (typically in the gigahertz range). shielding requirements for the radiation tional materials research facility for analyz- EPR is used as a non-destructive probe of scattered from the patient. ing radiation effects on semiconductors, the structure and concentration of paramag- optical fibers, functional polymers, and • Radionuclide production. Through pho- netic centers. The centers created by ioniz- composites. tonuclear reactions, radioisotopes can be ing radiation are proportional to the

produced with high-energy electron accel- absorbed dose and provide a sensitive and AVAILABILITY

is for collabora- erators as an alternative to the use of versatile measurement method. The EPR facility available industry, nuclear reactors. Applications on MIRF tive research by researchers from CAPABILITIES other government agencies include production tests of radionuclides for academia, and The EPR dosimetry facility is supported by supervision of staff. use in nuclear medicine. under the NIST three state-of-the-art X-band EPR spectrome- Contact: • Radiography. The facility provides for ters capable of measuring radiation effects

F. Desrosiers studies pertinent to industrial radiography on a wide range of materials from inorganic Marc

and computed tomography. In addition, semiconductors to biological tissues. The (301) 975-5639 [email protected] ongoing development on one of the data acquisition system provides full com- email: functions, C229 Radiation Physics Building beam lines is aimed at producing quasi- puter control of all spectrometer

monoenergetic photon beams of channeling including real-time spectral display and

radiation and coherent bremsstrahlung rapid acquisition scan to analyze rapidly

suitable for use in digital-subtraction decaying signals. The data acquisition sys-

angiography. tem is interfaced with an advanced data analysis station for data manipulation and • Radiation effects and processing. Current is capable of simulating and deconvoluting applications include electron-beam treat- multicomponent spectra. ment of waste water, curing of polymer com-

posites, and radiation effects on electronics. PHYSICS LABORATORY

by NIST as Standard Reference Materials for neutron interferometer facility with excep- 10" 3 RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL distribution to the radiopharmaceutical user tional phase stability (5 x rad/day)and STANDARDIZATION communities. fringe visibility (70 percent). The vibration isolation is -7 g; the positional stability, LABORATORY Contact: 2 \im in translation and 1 (j.rad in rotation; Brian E. Zimmerman Radioactivity measurements for diagnostic and the temperature stability, 0.1 K/day. (301) 975-5191 and therapeutic nuclear medicine in the email: [email protected] APPLICATIONS United States are based on measurements at CI 14 Radiation Physics Building Among the applications for the Neutron NIST. Activity measurements for the gamma- Interferometer and Optics Facility are the ray-emitting radionuclides are made using following: 4ttP liquid scintillation spectrometry and NEUTRON 4jiy ionization chamber. The calibration • neutron phase contrast imaging, process also includes identification of INTERFEROMETER AND • neutron tomography, radionuclide impurities by germanium OPTICS FACILITY spectrometry. Recent development work has • neutron Fourier spectroscopy for surface The Neutron Interferometer and Optics focused on therapeutic nuclides for nuclear studies, Facility (NIOF) located at the NIST Center medicine, radioimmunotherapy, and bone for Neutron Research is one of the world's • determination of hydrogen content in palliation. Future work will focus on premier user facilities for neutron inter- materials, intravascular brachytherapy and diagnostic ferometry and related neutron optical meas- imaging. • measurement of bound coherent scatter- urements. A neutron interferometer splits ing lengths, CAPABILITIES then recombines neutron waves. This gives

The radiopharmaceutical standardization the interferometer its unique ability to ex- • small-angle neutron scattering studies laboratory provides calibration services for perimentally access the phase of neutron with perfect crystals, radionuclides and is available for technical waves. Phase measurements are used to • tests and demonstrations of quantum users who must make measurements consis- study the magnetic, nuclear, and structural principles with matter waves, tent with national standards or who require properties of materials as well as fundamen- • higher accuracy calibrations than are avail- tal questions in quantum physics. Related, measurement of the neutron-electron able with commercial standards. NIST also innovative neutron optical techniques for scattering length, and undertakes basic research to develop new use in condensed matter and materials sci- • phase transition studies. methods of standardizing radionuclides for ence research are being developed. diagnostic and therapeutic applications. AVAILABILITY CAPABILITIES time the is available to quali- These studies include measurements of Beam on NIOF Neutrons are extracted from a dual-crystal fied scientists from the United States and decay-scheme parameters, such as half lives parallel-tracking monochromator system, abroad, subject to approval and scheduling and gamma-ray emission probabilities, and providing neutron energies in a range of by the facility oversight committee. identification of radionuclidic impurities. 4 meV to 20 meV. Neutrons are counted with Contact: AVAILABILITY integrating %e detectors or by high-

The customer has no direct use of the facil- resolution position-sensitive detectors (with Muhammad Arif 975-6303 ity. NIST staff can provide calibration serv- a resolution better than 50 (J.m). The sensi- (301) email: [email protected] ices for any previously standardized tivity of the apparatus is enhanced greatly

radionuclide. As part of the same program, by state-of-the-art thermal, acoustical, and A 106 NIST Center for Neutron Research

research associates of the Nuclear Energy vibration isolation systems. To reduce vibra-

Institute produce standards that are certified tion, the NIOF is built on its own founda-

tion, separate from the rest of the building.

The position of the interferometer is main-

tained to high precision by a computer-

controlled servo system. The result is a PHYSICS LABORATORY


In 1956 low-frequency station WWVB NIST also offers an Automated Computer

SERVICES (Ft. Collins, Colo.) began broadcasting at Time Service that uses commercial tele-

60 kHz. It offers several features: phone lines to deliver a digital time code for

computers and automated systems. The serv- • more predictable propagation (at 60 kHz) ice includes the following: TIME AND FREQUENCY than that ofWWVand WWVH, • time accuracy of 1 ms to 100 ms depend- SERVICES • digital time code only, ing on modem and mode used,

o NIST disseminates time and frequency sig- • time and accuracy of 0.1 ms to 1 ms, 0 • frequency accuracy of 1 x 10 for meas- nals by radio, satellite, telephone, and the 10" 11 • frequency accuracy of 1 x for meas- urements over 1 day, and Internet. The time codes for each of these urements over 1 day, and services include advanced alert for changes • telephone-circuit delay measurement and

to and from daylight saving time and • good reception in most areas of the conti- automated compensation for it.

advanced notice of insertion of leap seconds. nental United States. For service call (303) 494-4774. Example

- SHORT WAVE BROADCASTS GOES TIME CODE SERVICE user software is available (specify RM8101

Since 1923 NIST radio station WWV (Fort NIST time and frequency services are Automated Computer Time Service) at

Collins, Colo.) has provided around-the- relayed to most of the western hemisphere (301) 975-6776

clock shortwave broadcasts of time and fre- by satellites positioned high above the equa- timefreq/service/acts.htm.

quency signals. A sister station, WWVH tor. This service offers several features: Contact: (Kauai, Hawaii), was established in 1948 in • cooperates with the National Oceanic and D. Wayne Hanson Hawaii. The stations do the following: Atmospheric Administration using two of (303) 497-5233

• broadcast at 2.5, 5, 10, and 15 MHz; WWV their GOES weather satellites, email: [email protected]

also broadcasts at 20 MHz; Mailcode 847.40 • has an accuracy of 100 \is limited by Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 • reliably cover continental United States information on the location of the satellites,

and the Pacific at time accuracy of 1 ms to • covers North and South America plus 10 ms; and major portions of the Atlantic and Pacific,

10"'. • have a frequency accuracy of 1 x and

Broadcasts include standard frequencies and • includes digital time code and continu-

time intervals, time of day (both voice and ously updated satellite locations.

digital code), astronomical time corrections,

and public service announcements (marine

weather, geophysical alerts, Omega and GPS

status information, and radio propagation


Telephone access: (303) 499-7111 for WWV

and (808) 335-4363 for WWVH. Information

is available at ;

, timefreq. SERVICES NIST provides a wide variety of services SERVICES AND PROGRAMS and programs to help U.S. industry AND PROGRAMS 164 Metric Program improve its international competitive- 165 Small Business Innovation Research commercialize ness, new technology, Program and achieve total quality in all facets of Standards business operations. Services METRIC PROGRAM

165 Office of Standards Services The Metric Program seeks to accelerate the Companies spanning nearly all indus- 165 Laboratory Accreditation Program national transition to the metric system of trial sectors depend on the precision and 165 Technical Standards Activities Program measurement, the preferred system of reliability of NIST measurement services weights and measures for U.S. trade and 166 Global Standards and products to keep their production Program commerce. processes running smoothly, efficiently, 166 Standards Information Program and safely. NIST reference materials, 167 Standards Conformity Program Implementing the 1988 amendments to the data, and calibrations help industry Metric Conversion Act of 1975, the Metric Technology Partnerships maintain quality control in the produc- Program coordinates the metric transition 167 Office of Technology Partnerships tion of everything from aerospace alloys activities of all federal agencies. Research to voltmeters to breakfast cereals. 167 and Technology Applications Program Because of the metric system's importance

Responding to increased emphasis on as an international standard, its use in prod- 167 Industrial Partnerships Program quality standards in international mar- uct design, manufacturing, marketing, and Measurement Services kets, NIST provides information and labeling is essential for U.S. industry's suc- assistance to about 20,000 organizations 168 Measurement Services cess in the global marketplace. The use of and individuals every year concerning 168 Standard Reference Data Program the metric system in federal agency pro- national and international voluntary 168 Standard Reference Materials Program grams relating to trade, industry, and com- and regulatory product standards and merce is intended to support industry's 168 Calibration Program certification systems. voluntary adoption of the metric system. 169 Weights and Measures Program

In addition, NIST offers a user-friendly The program provides leadership and assis- Information Services environment for businesses interested in tance on metric use and conversion to busi- 169 Information Services cooperative research and development nesses, state and local governments, efforts, NIST-developed technologies standards organizations, trade associations, available for license, guest researcher and the educational community. opportunities, technical information, or Current Metric Program initiatives focus on technical assessments. education and public awareness to gain

The most current information is broad-based support for national metrica- available from our web site at http:// tion from industry and the general public. ts. There you can find the lat- Under the banner "Toward a Metric Amer- est information on normative standards, ica," a series of information and public laboratory accreditation, and technology awareness campaigns seeks to build partner- transfer as well as catalogs of calibration ships to accelerate adoption of the metric services, Standard Reference Databases, system in trade and commerce; encourage and Standard Reference Materials. metric system use in all facets of education,

Contact: including the honing of worker skills; and

Peter L.M. Heydemann, Director

(301) 975-4500 email: [email protected] fax: (301) 975-2183 306 NIST North TECHNOLOGY SERVICES

create a more favorable environment for Accredited laboratories are listed in a pub- public acceptance of national metrication. OFFICE OF STANDARDS lished directory and at nvlap. NVLAP is in full conformance with Visit our web site at SERVICES the standards of the International Organiza-

Contact: The Office of Standards Services (OSS) is the tion for Standardization (ISO) and the Gerard C. Iannelli focal point for the Commerce Department's International Electrotechnical Commission,

(301) 975-3690 standards and conformity assessment activi- including ISO Guides 25 and 58. Accredita- email: [email protected] ties. The office formulates and implements tion provides confidence that a laboratory fax: (301) 948-1416 standards-related policies and procedures to can provide the technical services claimed

306 NIST North enhance domestic commerce and interna- and has the quality system to maintain high

tional trade. The office provides repre- levels of proficiency.

sentation to domestic and international NVLAP accredits laboratories in the follow- organizations and federal agencies con- SMALL BUSINESS ing fields of testing: acoustics, asbestos fiber, cerned with standardization, product test- INNOVATION carpet, commercial products, computer RESEARCH ing, certification, laboratory accreditation, applications, construction products, electro- PROGRAM and other forms of conformity assessment. It magnetic compatibility and telecommunica- The Small Business Innovation Research chairs the Interagency Committee on Stand- tions, energy efficient products, ionizing Program provides funding on a competitive ards Policy to implement the Office of Man- radiation dosimetry, and thermal insula- basis to small high-tech businesses that can agement and Budget Circular No. 119, tion. NVLAP also accredits laboratories in carry out research on topics of interest iden- "Federal Participation in the Development these calibration areas: dimensional, tified by NIST's Measurement and Standards and Use of Voluntary Standards," which is electromagnetic-dc/, electro- Laboratories. Annually in October, NIST aimed at harmonizing standards and related magnetic-rf/microwave, ionizing radiation, programs of federal agencies. also issues a list of research and development OSS mechanical, optical radiation, thermo- topics for which proposals are solicited. implements the National Technology Trans- dynamics, and time and frequency. fer and Advancement Act by coordinating There are two phases of awards. In Phase I, standards conformity assessment activi- Contact: awardees can receive up to $75,000 for a and ties of federal, state, local L. Cigler 6-month study to establish the technical and government James agencies and with the private sector. (301) 975-4016 feasibility of a proposed project. Successful email: [email protected] Phase I participants compete in Phase may Contact: fax: (301) 926-2884 II for up to $300,000 to support further Belinda L. Collins 282 NIST North development of the work for a period not to (301) 975-4000 exceed 2 years. email: [email protected] Contact: fax: (301) 963-2871 TECHNICAL STANDARDS 282 NIST North Norman H. Taylor ACTIVITIES PROGRAM http ://ts . nist . gov/ts/h tdocs/2 1 0 . h tm (301) 975-3085 email: [email protected] The Technical Standards Activities Program (TSAP) provides technical support for public- fax: (301) 548-0624 LABORATORY 306 NIST North and private-sector standardization and standards-related activities. TSAP manages ACCREDITATION PROGRAM U.S. representation and participation in the The National Voluntary Laboratory Accredi- International Organization of Legal Metrol- tation Program (NVLAP) provides third- ogy (OIML). OIML is a treaty organization party accreditation of testing and calibration of the international measurement commu- laboratories. Accreditation programs are nity that promotes global trade through har- established in response to mandates or monization of performance requirements administrative action by the federal (regulations) for measuring instruments government or requests from private-sector used to ensure equity in commerce, ensure organizations. public and worker health and safety, and monitor environment protection. TECHNOLOGY SERVICES

TSAP also manages technical support for and the NIS and conducts standards domestic, foreign, and international private- domestic and international standardization related economic and policy analyses. sector standards organizations. SIP responds activities and coordination for U.S. stand- to domestic and foreign requests for infor- GSP staff participate in the activities of inter- ards advisers posted abroad. The program mation on U.S. standards, technical regula- agency groups to establish U.S. government serves as the Commerce Department's tions, and conformity assessment procedures positions on standards-related aspects of (DOC's) technical contact point to investi- and to requests for information about for- major international agreements, such as the gate non-tariff trade barriers for non- eign standards and technical regulations North American Free Trade Agreement. The agricultural products under the Agreement through its access to the network of informa- program also supports work in the Asia on Technical Barriers to Trade of the World tion centers (ISONET) of the International Pacific Economic Cooperation and Free Trade Organization. It administers the DOC Organization for Standardization. Trade Area of the Americas. Staff participate Voluntary Standards Program, providing a in international and regional organizations SIP serves as the U.S. inquiry point under mechanism for private-sector sponsors to covering standards and conformity assess- the Agreement on Technical Barriers to develop standards in the public interest with ment, and also chair or participate in bilat- Trade of the World Trade Organization significant domestic and international trade eral standards working groups. (WTO) to inform the WTO secretariat in impact. Current standards pertain to con- Geneva of proposed U.S. government regula- struction and industrial plywood, wood- GSP recruits and assigns standards experts tions that might affect trade, receives corre- based structural-use panels, and softwood to posts at key U.S. embassies and missions. sponding proposed foreign regulations, and lumber. The program provides the executive Standards experts are currently in place in disseminates them to U.S. industry and cog- secretariat for the Interagency Committee Mexico City, Mexico; Buenos Aires, Argen- nizant government agencies. SIP operates on Standards Policy and coordinates NIST tina; Brussels, Belgium (U.S. Mission to the the U.S. North American Free Trade Agree- participation in the annual U.S. observance European Union); Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; ment (NAFTA) inquiry point, which provides of World Standards Day. and New Delhi, India. These experts work information about standards and-technical with DOC commercial officers, other U.S. Contact: regulations of the NAFTA countries. SIP also government agencies, U.S. business, and for- Samuel E. Chappell operates two telephone hotlines. One, (301) eign organizations to identify and remove (301) 975-4029 921-4164, offers weekly updates on draft technical barriers to trade. GSP staff also email: [email protected] European standards and reports on draft organize and conduct workshops at NIST on fax: (301) 926-1559 standards of the European Committee for U.S. standards and conformity assessment 164 NIST North Standardization and the European Commit- practices for foreign standards officials. tee for Electrotechnical Standardization.

Contact: The other, (301) 975-4041, offers weekly

Mary H. Saunders updates on proposed foreign regulations for

GLOBAL STANDARDS (301) 975-2396 those concerned about regulations and PROGRAM email: [email protected] standards that might create technical fax: (301) 963-2871 barriers to trade. The Global Standards Program (GSP) pro- 282 NIST North vides technical information and support to Contact: federal agencies and industry to assist them JoAnne R. Overman in resolving trade issues related to standards (301) 975-4037 and conformity assessment. GSP monitors STANDARDS INFORMATION email: [email protected] developments in standards and conformity fax: (301) 926-1559 assessment activities in the Western Hemi- PROGRAM 164 NIST North sphere, the European Union, Russia and the The Standards Information Program (SIP)

Newly Independent States (NIS), Central operates the National Center for Standards

Europe, the Middle East, and the Asia- and Certification Information (NCSCI), a

Pacific Region. It supports programs of the central repository for standards-related infor-

Commerce Department's (DOC's) Interna- mation in the United States. NCSCI provides tional Trade Administration, such as the access to standards, technical regulations,

Special American Business Intern Training and related documents published by U.S.

(SABIT) program for technical experts from and foreign governments as well as by TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 1

STANDARDS INDUSTRIAL PARTNERSHIPS OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY CONFORMITY PROGRAM PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM The Standards Conformity Program (SCP) The Industrial Partnerships Program pro- The primary objective of the Office of Tech- has responsibilities under the Fastener Qual- vides assistance in several areas: nology Partnerships (OTP) is to build and ity Act (FQA) (Public Law 101-592 as sustain technology partnering activities • working with NIST research and develop- amended by Public Law 104-113), and the between the NIST laboratories and its ment (R&D) programs; National Technology Transfer and Advance- mission-related organizations. OTP does so ment Act (NTTAA). The SCP also provides • joint R&D relationships; by managing various technology transfer operational support for the National Volun- programs; managing NIST's intellectual • cooperative R&D agreements (CRADAs); tary Conformity Assessment Systems Evalu- property; carrying out assigned technology ation (NVCASE) program. • domestic (U.S.) guest researchers; transfer functions under the Stevenson-

SCP issues final implementing regulations Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 • industry fellow agreements; for the FQA; approves laboratory accredita- and the Federal Technology Transfer • NIST R&D relationship policies; tion bodies to accredit fastener testing labo- Act of 1986; performing industrial and

• use of facilities; ratories under the act and its implementing intergovernmental liaison; and strengthen- NIST regulations; and provides technical advice ing NIST-wide awareness of technology • intellectual property issues; and assistance to the Bureau of Export transfer options and their implications. The • patents; Administration, which is responsible for office assists NIST leadership in reviewing enforcement, to the Patent and Trade- related policies and practices and in helping and • licenses; mark Office, which is responsible for record- to propagate improvements in research and • non-disclosure arrangements; and ing insignia. For more information on the development relationships throughout NIST.

Fastener Quality Act, see Contact: • commercializing NIST technologies.

Jack Williams Under the NTTAA, SCP coordinates conform- Contact: (301) 975-3850 ity assessment activities of federal, state, and Bruce E. Mattson with pri- email: [email protected] local government agencies and the (301) 975-3084 fax: 869-2751 vate sector, aiming to eliminate unnecessary (301) email: [email protected] develop- 213 NIST North duplication and complexity in the fax: (301) 869-2751 ment and promulgation of conformity 213 NIST North requirements. The NVCASE program recognizes competent RESEARCH AND accreditors of laboratories, certifiers, or reg- TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS istrars of quality assessors in order to pro- vide assurances to other governments PROGRAM regarding the conformity of U.S. products The Research and Technology Applications that are exported to regulated markets in Program is located at the NIST laboratories their countries. in Boulder, Colo., and provides information

industry, Contact: on NIST activities and services to academia, and state and local governments Subhas G. Malghan in the western region. (301) 975-5120 [email protected] email: Contact: fax: 975-2183 (301) Bruce E. Mattson 306 NIST North (301) 975-3084 email: [email protected]

fax: (301) 869-2751 213 NIST North 158 TECHNOLOGY SERVICES

for the preferred values. These data activities available to assist users in the application of MEASUREMENT SERVICES are conducted by scientists at NIST and SRMs. A complete listing of the SP260 series, other institutions. the Standard Reference Materials Catalog, The four components of measurement serv- price list, brochures, newsletters, needs The NIST Standard Reference ices data, materials, calibrations, and Database — assessment forms, and feedback cards are series has grown to over electronic data- weights and measures provide U.S. tech- 50 — available at Some of bases in chemistry, physics, materials, build- nologists with access to the U.S. national these publications give practical guidance standards of measurement. Uniform and ing and fire research, software recognition, for using the SRMs while others give addi- and electronics. Versatile interactive accurate measurements order the market- tional information about the certification databases provide easy access to high- place and reduce risk and cost to buyers and NIST process of particular SRMs. Of special note is quality data. Many databases are avail- sellers. Connection to a solid measurement now SP 260-100, Standard Reference Materials able via the World Wide Web. The catalog of foundation is essential to industry in attain- Handbook: Handbookfor SRM Users, by data products distributed by the Stand- ing quality and performance goals, demon- NIST J.K. Taylor, which was written to discuss gen- ard Reference is available strating standards conformity, and Data Program at eral concepts of precision and accuracy as To receive a printed copy removing non-tariff trade barriers. The busi- applied to SRMs and their impact on quality of the catalog, contact Joan Sauerwein at ness of America is business, and the competi- assurance and the measurement process. (301) 975-2208. tive forces within business drive the need for

increased use and accuracy of Contact: measure- Contact: ment. NIST measurement services meet Thomas E. Gills John Rumble, Jr. 975-2015 these needs at the point of measurement us- (301) (301) 975-2200 email: [email protected] age by delivering services directly to about email: [email protected] 10,000 companies. A current emphasis of fax: (301) 926-4342 fax: (301) 926-0416 112 Engineering Mechanics Building the program is to expand service delivery via 113 NIST North accredited, NIST-traceable intermediate service providers. CALIBRATION PROGRAM Contact: NIST calibration services link the makers Peter L.M. Heydemann STANDARD REFERENCE and users of precision instruments to the (301) 975-4500 MATERIALS PROGRAM basic and derived units of the International email: [email protected] The Standard Reference Materials Program System (SI) of measurements. As one of the fax: (301)975-2183 has pioneered and continues to be the leader cornerstones for ensuring the consistency of 306 NIST North in the development of certified reference measurements in the United States and materials for quality assurance of measure- internationally, this measurement transfer ments. Through the Standard Reference system is a critical factor in controlling Materials Program, NIST provides more STANDARD REFERENCE manufacturing, assembly processes, and than 1,300 different Standard Reference marketing as well as assuring the quality of

DATA PROGRAM Materials (SRM®) that are certified for their manufactured goods. Users of these services specific chemical or physical properties. For critical technical decisions, engineers send transfer standards to NIST where they are used for three main purposes: to and scientists in industrial and academic SRMs are calibrated according to a measurement help develop accurate methods of analysis research rely on the NIST Standard Refer- process that is stable, predictable, and statis- (reference methods); to calibrate measure- ence Data Program (SRDP). For 30 years, tically controlled. Currently, NIST provides SRDP has provided well-documented ment systems; and to ensure the long-term more than 500 different calibrations, special adequacy and integrity of measurement numeric data to scientists and engineers for tests, and measurement assurance programs quality use in technical problem solving, research, assurance programs. NIST SRMs in seven major measurement areas. also legally constitute part of the and development. These recommended val- National The Calibration Program distributes selected infrastructure of the ues are based on data that have been Measurement System publications of general interest, including United States and, such, essential extracted from the world's literature, as are the Calibration Services Users Guide transfer mechanisms for national (and inter- assessed for reliability, and then evaluated (SP 250), describing the calibration services national) measurement traceability. The

SRM Program provides a series of publica-

tions, known as the SP260 series, that is TECHNOLOGY SERVICES

NIST provides; the Calibration Fee Sched- develops uniform laws, regulations, and OIS can be reached on the Internet through ule (SP 250 appendix); Guidelinesfor methods of practice that are published by the NIST Virtual Library (http://

Evaluating and Expressing the Uncer- NIST ( When these, a resource that features a tainty ofNIST Measurement Results standards are adopted by regulatory agen- selection of information resources available (TN 1297); Guidefor the Use of the Inter- cies, they become mandatory. OWM adminis- at the library, as well as pointers to other national System of Units (SP 811); and ters the State Laboratory Program, which related information resources available Experimentation and Measurement provides the basis for ensuring traceability through the Internet, including the World

(SP 672). To request these publications, of state weights and measures standards to Wide Web. fax your name and address to the number NIST; the National Type Evaluation Pro- To obtain further information about the below. gram, which evaluates models of commer- NIST Research Library and the specialized cial weighing and measuring equipment to Contact: reference services, online search services, determine compliance with NIST Handbook Sharrill Dittmann and available databases, contact library ref- 44; and the NCWM/NIST Training Program (301) 975-2002 erence staff at (301) 975-3052 or email: for weights and measures officials and state email: [email protected] [email protected]. and industry metrologists. fax: (301) 869-3548 Contact: 236 NIST North Contact: Paul Vassallo Gilbert M. Ugiansky (301) 975-2786 (301) 975-4004 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] fax: (301) 869-8071 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES fax: (301) 926-0647 E106 Administration Building 223 NIST North PROGRAM The Weights and Measures Program pro- motes uniformity among the states in weights and measures standards, laws, and practices to facilitate trade and protect U.S. INFORMATION SERVICES businesses and citizens. It is estimated that The Office of Information Services (OIS) these laws and regulations impact U.S. sales maintains a comprehensive, international of products or services totaling over $4.13 collection of information in scientific disci- trillion annually. The program is known out- plines such as metrology, mathematics, side of NIST as the Office of Weights and physical sciences, computer science, and

Measures (OWM), a name that dates back to materials science. OIS staff serve the techni-

1837 when the program was established. cal information needs of NIST scientists and

OWM sponsors the National Conference on engineers and communicate the results of

Weights and Measures (NCWM), an organi- NIST research to scientific and engineering

zation of state weights and measures offi- communities worldwide.

cials and representatives of industry, OIS programs include selecting, acquiring, consumers, and federal agencies. NCWM organizing, and disseminating primarily sci-

entific and technical information in print

and electronic forms. The NIST Research

Library, with its specialized collection of approximately 200,000 volumes, including

subscriptions to approximately 1,500 jour-

nals, microform collections, and electronic

databases available on CD-ROMs or through

online services, serves the entire NIST scien-

tific and research community. 1


FACILITIES INDEX NIST Center for Neutron Research,* adhesion, interfacial, 135 analytical {cont.) 136 adsorbents mass spectrometry for organics and Acoustic Anechoic Chamber Powder Characterization and fundamental and applied properties biomolecules, 70

Facility, 125 Processing Laboratory, 142 of, 62 measurements, focusing cold Advanced Insulation Facility, 50 Radiopharmaceutical adsorption isotherm measurements, neutrons for, 74 Advanced Network Facility, 108 Standardization Laboratory, 162 gases, 69 separation science methodology, 71 Calibrated Hot Box, 49 Semiconductor Processing advanced annealed fiber coil technology, Center for Theoretical and Laboratory, 93 ceramics, precision machining stable current sensors, 92 Computational Materials Science, Small-Angle X-ray Scattering research, 113 annealing, semiconductor wafers, 93 140 Facility,* 142 image display systems, 81 antenna Computer and Network Security Standard Transient/Impulsive Field insulation facility, 50 accuracy, 36 Facility, 108 Facility, 97 manufacturing calibrations, 95, 96 Concentric Loop Antenna Systems, 96 Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Systems and Networking Testbed, characteristics, 98 Controlled Background Radiometric Facility III, 159 120 diagnostics, 98 Facility, 160 Transverse Electromagnetic Cell, 95 Testbed, National, 112, 118, 124 measurements, 87, 98 Electromagnetic Anechoic Tri-Directional Test Facility, 48 materials patterns, 95 Chamber, 96 Llltralow-Temperature Electronics precision machining research, 113 Range, Ground-Screen, 95 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Facility, 97 Program, 127 systems, concentric loop, 96 Facility, 161 Wafer Probing Laboratory, 94 technologies, ATP projects, 21, 22 API thread gauges, measurement, 110

Fluid Flow Measurement and Network Technologies, division, 101 appearance Research Facilities, 75 optical systems, 113 measurements for coated objects, 41 Ground Screen Antenna Range, 95 SUBJECT INDEX Processing Programs, division, 13 metrology, 42 High-Resolution UV and Optical Technology Program application experts, enhancing Spectroscopy Facility, 159 A focused program descriptions, 8 capabilities of, ATP projects, 13 Integrated-Circuit Fabrication AASHTO, Materials Reference overview, 6 applied Laboratory, 97 Laboratory, 42 programs and competitions, 8 computational chemistry, 56 Large-Scale Structures Testing project absolute cryogenic radiometer, 88, listing, 13 Economics, division, 47 Facility, 48 160 project sampler, 7 architecture Large Environmental Chamber,* 48 ac Proposal Preparation Kit, 12 computer, 107 Line Heat-Source Guarded proposing a focused program, 10 control, 116 signals, generation of, 79 113, Hot Plate, 49 waveforms, 79, 87 Welding Manufacturing System, 118 description languages, 119 Liquid-Nitrogen Flow accreditation aerospace alloys, casting, 133, 134 reference model, manufacturing, 117 Measurements,* 75 laboratories, testing and agreement(s) system, 103 Low-Background Infrared Radiation cooperative research and artificial intelligence, selection of calibration, 1 65 Facility, 160 Program, National Voluntary development, 35, 105, 167 materials, 41 Magnetic Thin-Film Fabrication and Laboratory, 165 facility use, 38 aspheres, measuring figure error, 113 Imaging Facility, 98 ac-dc guest researcher, 35 assembly, materials Magnetic Microstructure thermal conversion measurements, air measurements, 128 Measurement Facility, 159 88 conditioning, dynamic system, 44 ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) Magnetic Engineering Research voltage and current measurements, quality and ventilation, 43 network simulation and Facility, 141 algorithm(s) advanced, 79, 87 modeling, 101 Mass Standards Facility, 125 acoustic(s) automation, reliability, 78 network, testbed, 108 Materials Science X-ray Beamlines, anechoic chamber, facility, 125 computational geometry, 106 product interoperability and 140 emission image compression, 105 standards conformance testing, 10 Medical-Industrial Radiation techniques, 116 large-scale optimization, 104 atmosphere Facility, 160 waveform-based, 135 mass spectral database, 66 chemistry studies Mobile Transient Reception/ measurements mathematical and statistical high-resolution measurements, 157 Transmission System, 97 services, 125 problems, 104 use of laser pulses, 154 Mode-Stirred Chambers, 95 temperature scale, 63 numerical, high-performance measurements, ambient, 72 Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Facility, 94 research, 115 computers, 103 research, 6l National Advanced Manufacturing resonators, 63 signal processing, 58 spectral studies, 153 Testbed, 124 technology, flow measurements, 54 statistical and neural network, 103 thermodynamic data, 64 Near-Field Scanning Facility for waveguides, 63 theoretical, 150 see also environment(al), ozone Antenna Measurements, 98 adaptive learning systems, analytical layer Neutron Interferometer and Optics ATP focused program, 8 Chemistry, division, 69 atom(s) Facility, 162 additives, compatibilizers, and infometrics, 73 cold, trapped, 150 highly ionized, research on, fillers, 134 149

^Available for proprietary research 1


atom (s) {cont.) award, Malcolm Baldrige National bridges and other large structures, ceramic(s)

interferometry, 149 Quality, 33 technologies for, ATP projects, 18 advanced

laser cooling and trapping of, 149 brittle materials, mechanical Powder Characterization and atomic properties, 129 Processing Laboratory, 142

beam frequency standards, 156 BACnet broadband precision machining research, 113 clocks, next generation, 150 Interoperability Testing integrated services digital ATP projects, 24

data, neutral atoms and ions, 1 59 Consortium, 37 network, 101 coatings, 127 -force microscope, calibrated, 110 standard, 36 probes and sensors, calibration, 97 databases Physics, division, 148 Baldrige National Quality budget, 4 ceramic machinability, 128 processes, fundamental, 6l building(s) Program, 33 Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, 128 -scale measuring machine, 110 ballistic imaging systems, 106 and Fire Research Structural Ceramics, 128 spectra, measurement, 149 barriers, trade, 166 databases, 168 division, 126 spectrometry, 70 69, beam stations, NSLS, 140 Laboratory, 40 functional, 131 spectroscopy, fundamental studies, benchmark reference data, 147 codes and standards, 40 machining

69 bidirectional characterization, control Consortium, 37, 131 structure, 150 optical scatter, 154 BACnet, consortia, 37 program, 131 total energies, results, 147 biocatalyst development, systems, 36, 44 mechanical properties, 129 atomization of steel, 133 industrial, 52 Environment, division, 43 phase equilibria diagrams, }b automated biomaterials heat transfer, 43 powders, nanometer-scale, 7 approaches; instrument control. macromolecular structure, 52 indoor air quality and ventilation, 43 processing drift, and interference measurement methods, 52 Materials, division, 41 Characterization Consortium, 38, 132 corrections, 70 see also construction research, biomimetic materials, 53 36, 132 chemical analysis systems, certification 73 biomolecular materials, 53 Computer Time Service, 1 63 biomolecules c conformity assessment activities, 165 conversion of machine-printed analytical mass spectrometry, 70 calibration information, 166 documents to electronic form, chemical characterization and control, 53 and Research Laboratory, 103 analysis determination of, 71 Large-Scale Metrology, 112 data entry from handprinted form NIST Center for Neutron markers for health status, 70 laboratories, 165 images, Research, 103 bioprocess engineering Measurement Services, 168 138, 139 design and manufacturing with systems, measurements, 52 methodologies, coordinate neutron beams, 74 manipulating dynamic objects, equilibrium constants, 64 bioreactor, desktop, ATP project, 7 measuring machine, 111 106 kinetics, 64 biosensors Program, 168 57, fingerprint classification, 103 measurements, improving automated sample preparation, 73 services, 168 generation of tests for specifications, quality of, 61 biomimetic surfaces, 53 calorimetry, low-temperature heat formal methods, 100 microsensors, solid-state, 57 99, bioseparations, preparative, 53 capacity, facility, 64 modeling, methods for mechanism generation, biotechnology camera, thermal imaging, 152 drug design and, analysis, and reduction, ATP projects, 20 57 applications, 53 cancer therapy, clinical Production Technology, division, 113 radicals, fundamental atomic and ATP projects, 20 radiology, 1 6 sample preparation sensing, molecular processes, 6l and 73 Center for Advanced Research candela, detector-based, 151 sample treatments, 70 reactions in, 52, 53 capacitance, fundamental standard, welding, dynamics, 154 118 division, 52 88 automatic speech recognition pressure-dependent, 65 health-related, ATP projects, 20 capillary, electrophoresis technology, Science and Technology 102 industrial and agricultural, automated sample preparation automation Laboratory, 51 ATP projects, 21 methods, 73 thermodynamics, 64 construction, 41, 44 blackbody DNA detection, 52 vapor deposition electronic design, 81 and band-limited IR radiation, 88 mass spectrometry, 70 laboratory technology and materials processing, 55 cryogenic, 153, 160 trace-level determination, 71 reactions, 65 standards, 73 heat-pipe, 152 carotenoids in food and serum, 71 semiconductor processing, 94 automotive large-area, development, 152 catalysts, NCNR studies, 139 chemistry AutoStep, pilot project, 122 sources, 160 catalysis and biocatalysis technologies, Composites and chemical engineering, Consortium, 135 bone palliation, 162 ATP focused program, 9, 17 ATP projects, 20 manufacturing monitoring and Bose-Einstein condensates, 150, 158 cement and concrete and Life Sciences Office, ATP, 17 control technologies, bound coherent scattering lengths, Reference Laboratory (CCRL), 42 ATP project, 12 ATP projects, 20 measurement, 1 62 research, 41 measurements and standards, computational 36 brachytherapy, intravascular, 1 62 Center for Advanced Research in applied, 56 parts, liquid composite molding, 135 breadboard heat pump, refrigerants Biotechnology (CARB), 52, 53 program, 64 product design, SIMA, 120 and refrigeration cycles, 43 see also vehicle databases, 168 electroanalytical, 72 1


chemistry (cont.) colloidal computer(s) (cont.) consortium (cont.)

in thermal reactors, flow and, 56 mixtures, NCNR studies, 139 -aided Manufacturing Engineering Computer-Aided Manufacturing

of materials processing, 55 solutions, dynamics, 68 Consortium (CAME), 37, 121 Engineering, 37, 121 WebBook, 65 suspensions, studies, 67, 143 assisted tomography, 148 Enhanced Machine Controller, 37 chemometrics research, 6l combustion emergency response team, 108 electronic solders, 134 chlorofluorocarbon research, 36, 66 chemical kinetic mechanisms, 57 graphics, techniques, 103 Environmentally Friendly New Flame chromatographic retention indices, chemistry, use of laser pulses, 154 -integrated Retardants, 37

analysis of natural gas, 62 data, measurement technology for construction, 44 Flowmeter Installation Effects, 37 chromatography benchmark spray, 54 knowledge system, construction Machine Tool Performance Models

and electromigration techniques, 70 polymer, research of, 3, 47 materials and systems, 42 and Machine Data Repository, 38 capillary, 71 turbulent, models, 106 manufacturing, standards Monolithic Microwave Integrated

gas, 71, 72 commerce development, 120 Circuits, 37, 86

liquid, 70, 71 domestic, 165 massively parallel processing, 150 National Industrial Information

supercritical fluid, 71 electronic modern architecture, performance, Infrastructure Protocols, 122 clays, properties, 67 in scientific and engineering 107 National Storage Industry, 141 clocks data, 145 network security, statistical process NIST-EPRI Ultrasonic Flow Meter

atomic of component information, 81 control paradigm, 105 Testing Program, 37

next generation, 150 of printed circuit assembly security North American Integrated Services

NIST-7, 156 services, 82 division, 100 Digital Network Users' Forum, 37

high-performance, noise of technical information, 44 technology, 100, 101, 108 Optical Properties of Materials, 37 processes, 157 STEP, 122 simulation Orthopedic Accelerated Wear

synchronized, hardware, 107 commercialization, NIST air and contaminant transport, 43 Resistance, 37 closed-loop technologies, 39, 167 formation dynamics and PlantSTEP, Inc., 44, 120

control, 56 Common-Criteria-based testing structure of gels, 67 constant(s)

manufacturing program, 113 program, 101 measurement process, 111 elastic, resonance spectra, 135 coatings complex thermodynamic and transport fine-structure, determination of, 88

appearance measurements, 41 coupling, high-temperature reacting properties of fluids, 67 fundamental, data center, 145

ceramic, 127 flows, 57 virus laboratory, 108 optical, multilayer materials, 146

diamond deposition and multilayer Form Metrology Laboratory, 110 computing physical, redetermining, 72

materials, AT projects, 22 reactions, 65 and communications, high- rate, estimation of, 57, 65 electrodeposited, evaluation of component-based software, ATP performance constraint representation, design

methods used to optimize focused program, 8, 13 information storage and tools, 121

properties, 134 composite(s) interconnect systems, 107 construction

modeling appearance of, 42 particles with enhanced magnetic Systems Integration for computer-integrated, 44

organic, 42 and structural properties, Manufacturing Applications, 120 Materials and Systems Program

Service Life Prediction growth, 55 parallel, 107 (CONMAT), High-Performance,

Consortium, 37, 42 polymer, 134 scientific, 106 41,42

steel, 41 structures, manufacturing, ATP concrete Materials Reference Laboratories cold focused program, 9, 18 frame structures, strengthening (CMRL),42

atoms, laser cooling and compositional mapping, 61, 74 methodologies, 41 seismic standards, 40

trapping, 149 compression, image, 104 high-performance, 41, 42 see also building(s) neutrons computational condensed matter, 147 contaminant(s)

analytical measurements, 74 algorithms, near-field optics, 150 conformance testing environmental, 71

depth profiling, 138 chemistry, 64 information technology, 100 gases

prompt-gamma-ray activation fluid dynamics STEP project, 123 measuring in ultrapure materials, 72

analysis, 138 capabilities, 75 conformity assessment measuring partial pressure of, 59

reflectometer with polarized large eddy simulation techniques, 45 activities, 165, 1 66, 167 particle

beam option, 137 metering research, 54 Systems Evaluation, National formation, detection, 56

source and guide hall, 136 geometry, 104 Voluntary (NVCASE), 167 nucleation, simulation, 57

trapping of polarized, 105 materials research, 140 consortium transport in buildings, 43 collaborative research, 3, 35 metrology of manufactured parts, 1 1 Automotive Composites, 135 contract(s), research and collision computer(s) BACnet Interoperability Testing, 37 development, 35

-induced dissociation, analytical -aided design Ceramic Machining, 37, 131 controller(s)

problems, 70 semiconductor devices and Ceramic Processing enhanced machine, 37, 116, 119

phenomena, ultracold neutral atom packages, 84 Characterization, 38, 132 real-time, software engineering, 119

traps, 150 software, 121 Coatings Service Life cooperative research and

STEP standard, 122 Prediction, 37, 42 development agreements

assistance, 167 1 1


cooperative research and data {cont.) daylight saving time, advanced digital (cont.)

development agreements (cont.) dictionaries, online, 81 alert, 163 signature

joint research efforts, 35 Encryption Standard, 101 deadweight standards, 115 fingerprint biometrics, 36

statistical engineering, 105 estimation decay-scheme parameters, standard, 101 coordinate measuring machines, computational chemistry, 56 measurements, 162 video

instruments, and systems thermochemical and kinetic, 57 degradation in information networks, ATP

calibration methodologies, 1 1 exchange, 120 chemical and physical mechanisms, focused program, 8, 14

large-scale, standardization, artifact fire, 45 135 Interoperability Testbed, 108

development, and calibration, 112 for electronic structure electric power, sources and presence, supercomputer, 81

laser tracker, 112 calculations, 147 80 technology development, 101

measurement traceability, 36, 105 machine-tool performance, 114 mechanisms and methods, 41 tools and management capabilities,

metrology, 1 1 manufacturing, 121, 123 dental ATP projects, 14 temperature- and humidity- materials and medical materials, 127 dilute-solution thermodynamics, 68

controlled environment, 110 characterization, 86 ceramics, abrasive finishing and dimensional

tolerance standards, 120 evaluated, 128 wear, 131 measurement corrosion Measurement Services, 168 design capabilities, 110

detection and characterization, 55 metals, 133 advanced, chemical measurements, coordinate measuring systems, 120

Performance Database, NACE/NIST, optical, storage, 92 61 traceability, complex forms, 110 128 polymer characterization, 130 automation, electronic, 81 diode

resistance of rapidly solidified process, 124 research, engineering, 121 high-frequency, capabilities, 88

nitrogenated steels, 134 product, 81, 122, 145 detector(s) lasers coulometry, high-accuracy, 72 Program, Standard Reference, 168 characterizations, 91 frequency-stabilized, 159 coupling coefficients of the weak repository, 114 fire protection, 45, 46 high-performance, 157

interaction, 155 scientific and engineering, electronic infrared semiconductor devices, 93 cryocooler(s), research and commerce in, 145 characterizing, 153 disabilities aids, 117

development, 68 sets, web service, 105 long wavelength, 88 disaster response planning, 46 cryoelectronics, nanoscale devices, 88 spectral, 153 metrology, spectral radiometry, 152 discharges cryogenic(s) spray combustion, 54 photodiode, for radiometry, 146 low-current dc Townsend, 80 current comparator storage technologies, characterizing low-temperature, 80

calibrating resistors, 78 digital, ATP focused program, 8, 13 appearance, 42 radio-frequency, 80

precision electrical measurements, 7 ultrahigh density, 141 X-ray, 97 dispersion

flow measurement devices, thermochemistry, Si-O-H and diagnostic(s) and rheology, ceramic processing,

calibration, 75 Si-P-H, 57 DNA, tools for, ATP focused program, 132

radiometry, 91. 152 thermodynamic, 64 9, 19 standards, 91

temperatures, 68 time-series, statistical analysis of, 157 for process control, online, 56 display(s) cryptographic security, technology database(s) imaging, 162 and graphic image manipulation,

and standards, 100, 101 adsorption isotherm measurements, low-temperature discharges, 80 ATP projects, 16

crystal 69 predicting failure of electrical flat-panel, metrology for, 81

components, subsurface damage in ceramic machinability, 128 insulating materials, 80 information, light measurements,

single-, 114 fire data management, 45 software, 99 151

Data Center, 128 hexapod metrology, 112 dielectric(s) quality, issues, 81

diffraction techniques, 151 high-Tc superconductivity, 128 materials and devices, 93 systems, advanced image, 81 growth, mathematical modeling, 103 indoor air quality performance, 43 reliability, metrology, 84 technology systems, advanced, 107

properties, 129 NACE/NIST Corrosion Performance, research, 80 DNA

shapes, modeling three-dimensional, 128 thin-film, 83 chemistry, 52 141 NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral, 66 diffractometer diagnostics, tools for, ATP focused

structures, studies, 139 NIST Research Library, 169 for residual stress, texture, and program, 9, 19 crystallography optical constants, high-accuracy, 83 single-crystal (DARTS) studies, profiling, 52

analysis, 136 over computer networks, 136 sequencing technology, ATP project, 7 automated, X-ray, 53 dissemination of, 145 high-performance, multiaxis, 150 document conversion, current measurements, Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, 128 neutron powder, high-resolution, 136 103 annealing, domain-engineered geometries, advanced, 78, 79 Physics Laboratory, 145 diffusion, oxidation, and software errors, faults, and 93 bulk and thin-film ferroelectric

D failures, 99 digital materials, 93 Standard Reference Data data storage, ATP focused program, dopant(s) data Program, 128, 168 8, 13 concentration profiles, evaluation, 93 Center, Fundamental Constants, 145 structural ceramics, 128 display interfaces, 107 profiles, two-dimensional, 83 chemical, 65 thermochemical and kinetic Library of Mathematical Functions, crystallography, 128 properties, 65 104 1 1


dosimetry electromagnetic electronic(s) (cont.) etching, semiconductor processing, chemical, 155 characterization of materials, 86 marketplace, 145 94 electron paramagnetic resonance, emission, radiated, 95 packaging, interconnection and evaluated data, materials, 128

161 fields assembly, 128 experiment design, 105

medical, l6l division, 85 product data, exchange, 81 EXPRESS, formal description neutron, 156 generation, 96 structure language, 123

NIST Center for Neutron Research, immunity measurements, 95 calculations, data for, 147 extreme ultraviolet 139 interference and compatibility, 87 in matter, 150 microscopy, 148

radiation accident, 1 6 noise, effects, 79 systems, testing, 79 optics, 146

drug(s) probes and sensors, evaluating electrostatic discharges, measurement

design and chemical modeling, impulse response, 97 of fields radiated from, 97 F

Technology, division, elemental ATP projects, 20 87 face recognition, image-based of abuse in urine and hair, waves, mathematical modeling, analysis, 74 71 103 systems, 103 drying, mechanism, 132 electromigration isotopic metrology, inorganic and, 6' facilities, use agreements, 38 durability of construction materials and stress voidage, 128 ellipsometry, multiple wavelength, 94 Fastener Quality Act, 167 systems, 42 reliability testing of energy conservation, buildings, and magneto- 36, fast-pulse and waveform acquisition resistive heads, 105 43, 47, 48, 49 standards, research, 79 techniques, engineering 70 fiber optics electron(s) design research, 121 earthquake characteristics, 92 accelerator, 160 for near- engineering, National Earthquake measurements and metrology, research, 91 and Optical Physics, division, 146 supercritical processes, Hazards Reduction Program, 40, 48 55 sensors, 92 attachment sections for etching ontologies, design tools, 121 simulation, Large-Scale Structures cross film, see thin-film gases, 80 enhanced machine controller, Testing Facility, 48 37, fine-structure constant, beam ion trap, 149 116, 119 system to predict spread of fires, 45 determination, 88 density of states in solids, enthalpy see also seismic 159 fingerprint classification in solids, interactions, 147 of adsorption economic(s) automated, 36, 103 Paramagnetic Resonance chlorinated trace constituents of Applied, office, 47 holographic storage, 107

Facility, 1 6 natural gas, 62 Assessment Office, ATP, 12 finite-element modeling of complex spin-dependent contrast clay and carbon adsorbents, 62 software tools for evaluating cost physical and chemical processes, 6 measurements in STM, 146 of combustion, 64 effectiveness of capital fire(s) transfer processes, intra- and of formation, 64 investments, 47 -emulator/detector-evaluator, first inter-protein, environment(al) electrical 52 generation, 46 electronic(s) atmospheric and chemometric characterization of plasma detection and alarm, 45, 46 Electrical research, 61 parameters, 56 and Engineering dynamics, 45 Laboratory, building, discharges, production of toxic 76 43 large, 45

byproducts, 80 and electrical systems, new chamber, large, 48 measuring accurately, 46 materials/manufacturing, ATP contaminants, 71 insulators, dielectrics used as, 80 oil-spill, 45 projects, 17 exposure of building materials, 42 interconnect reliability, integrated research and optical systems, noise in, 157 Friendly New Flame Retardants circuits, 84 grants, 39 Consortium, power systems ATP projects, 16, 17 37 Information Service, 45 commerce impact of gaseous dielectrics, 80 dielectrics used as electrical resistance of construction materials in scientific and engineering data, trace gases, 72 insulators, 80 and systems, 42 metrology, 80 145 virtual, 119 Safety Engineering, division, 45 of information, 81 see also atmosphere, ozone layer precision measurements, component Science, division, 46 high-temperature superconductors, of printed circuit assembly enzyme(s) sensing, advanced, 46 services, 82 -catalyzed reaction project, 78 service, law enforcement of technical information, biothermodynamics, 52 properties of materials, non-invasive 44 standards, 77 STEP, 122 characterization, 53 evaluation, 97 suppression, 45, 46 representations, object- designer, substitution, measurements, 152 component 52 flame(s) oriented, 82 epitaxial growth, nanometer-scale systems, reliability and safety, 80 extinguishers, 46 science, 146 transport measurements of databases, 168 fundamental processes, 69 kinetic-energy-enhanced, superconductors, 89 design epitaxy, retardants, polymers, 47 automation, 81 microscopic basis, 158 Electricity, division, 77 Retardants Consortium, Integrated Infrastructure for, error(s) electroanalytical chemistry, 81 Environmentally Friendly, 37 engineering problems analysis techniques, 113 inorganic, 72 handbook, flammability, properties, 47 and software applications, 120 correction codes, image electrodeposition techniques, metals information technology and, ATP, 8 compression, 105 processing, 133 Manufacturing, Integrated sources, coordinate measuring

Infrastructure for, 82 machines, 111 INDEXES 175

flat-panel displays focused program (ATP) (cont.) gear involute artifacts, health (cont.)

metrology, 81 photonics manufacturing, 9 measurement, 110 -related biotechnology,

test methods, technology, and premium power, 10 gels, properties, 67 ATP projects, 20

standards, 107 selective-membrane platforms, 9 geographic information systems see also medical flow technologies for the integration of (GIS), 100 hearing aids, development, 125

and chemistry in thermal reactors, 56 manufacturing applications, 9 geometry, computational, 104 heating, dynamic building system, 44

-injection technology, tissue engineering, 9 giant magnetoresistance heat transfer

optimization, 70 tools for DNA diagnostics, 9 effect, magnetic multilayers, 129, 147 measuring with calibrated measurement vapor compression refrigeration read-heads, 141 hot box, 49

liquid-nitrogen, 75 technology, 10 gigabit networks, instrumentation, research, 43, 55

research and standards, 54, 75 force, measurement, 115 107 Henry's constants, dilute-solution

-meter free radical (s) glass fiber materials, automotive thermodynamics, 68

development of low-gas flow damage to DNA, 52 applications, 135 hexapod

acoustic, 59 kinetics, studies, 64 global machine tools, 118

installation effects, consortium, 37 optical detection, 64 Positioning System metrology, 112

Testing Program, NIST-EPRI, 37 frequency GIS support, 100 high-performance

thermal mass, characterization, 59 -domain satellite-based navigation system, 117 computing and communications

reacting, simulation, 57 performance of sampling and time transfer, 157 information storage and fluid(s) digitizing systems, 79 Standards Program, 166 interconnect systems, 107

and fluid mixtures, properties, 66, techniques, optoelectronic warming, 160 Systems Integration for

67, 68 measurement, 91 GOES Time Code Service, 163 Manufacturing Applications, 120

flow -stabilized lasers, 159 grants Construction Materials and

mathematical modeling, 103 standards, 156 fire research, 39 Systems Program, 41, 42

measurement and research fundamental materials science and engineering, 39 diode lasers, 157

facilities, 75 and applied properties of precision measurement, 39 sensors, infrared detectors, and simulation, 68 adsorbents, 62 research, 39 mixers, 88

software libraries, 107 Constants Data Center, 145 Small Business Innovation Research Systems and Services, division, 106

grinding, chemical and physics, 139, 156 Program, 39 high-speed

chemomechanical effects, 131 properties Standard Reference Data, 39 communications, optical fibers, 105 fluorescence, planar laser-induced, for membrane separations, 63 graphic(s) microelectronics, digital circuits, 86

56 of trace components of natural computer, techniques, 103 networks, 101 fluorocarbon(s) gas, 62 image manipulation, displays and, optoelectronic measurements, 91

chemistry of, 56 studies of atomic spectroscopy, 69 ATP projects, 16 high-temperature

plasmas, etching and chamber scientific, 106 superconductors

cleaning, 56 graphical multivariate data applying to precision electrical exploration, chemical measurements, 78 refrigerants, novel applications, 43 Gaseous Electronics Conference flux pinning in materials. measurements, 6l database, 128 reference cell, 56, 80 graphite-reinforced composites, electronics, examination, 129 gas(es) 89 foams, mathematical modeling, marine and infrastructure interfaces and electrical transport, 89 103 analyzers for semiconductor process focused ion facility, applications, 135 materials for wire and magnet beam, 82 control, residual, 59 green body characterization, ceramic applications, 128 focused program (ATP) atmospheric, characterization, 61 processing, 132 thermocouples, 58 adaptive learning systems, 8 chromatography, identifying organic library, holographic storage, 107 catalysis and biocatalysis compounds, 66 Green's function 141 guest researcher agreements, hotline(s) technologies, 9 contaminant, measuring partial 35 component-based software, 8 guided-wave microwave standards European standards, 166 pressure of, 59 descriptions, 8 and measurements, 85 technical barriers to trade, 1 66 densities, measuring low, 59 Guide to Available Mathematical Hubble Space Telescope, digital flow acoustic flowmeter, low-, 59 Software, 104 high-resolution spectrograph, 160 data storage, 8 -phase Human-Computer Interface video in information networks, 8 species concentrations, 56 H Technologies, 102 information infrastructure for synthesis, nanoparticles, 55 humidity measurement techniques, healthcare, 9 pure, precise isotopic reference halon fire suppressants, 46 new generation, 59 manufacturing composite standards, 59 handprinted forms, automated data hybrid fiber-coaxial systems, 101 structures, 9 semiconductor processing, entry from images, 103 hydrocarbons materials processing for heavy thermophysical properties, 63 hardness, standard test decomposition in complex manufacturing, 9 thermophysical properties, 63 techniques, 105, 130 mixtures, 65 microelectronics manufacturing trace, analysis, 72 health polycyclic aromatic, 71 infrastructure, 10 transport-property relationships, -care, information infrastructure, vehicle refrigerants, novel applications, 43 motor manufacturing membrane separations, 63 ATP focused program, 9, 14 technology, 10 source of, 53 ) 6)


hydrofluorocarbons, infrared (cont. intelligent (cont.) ISDN Users' Forum,

thermochemistry, 57 Radiation Facility, Low-Background, systems (cont. North American, 37 hydrogen content in materials, 1 62 153, 160 component-based approach, 119 isotopic

radiometers, development, 160 division, 1 1 metrology, inorganic and spectral radiometry, 153 RoboCrane, 118 elemental, 69

infrastructure vehicle systems, 117 reference standards for pure gases, 59 identity profiling, DNA , 52 imaging development technologies, interactions of cold, ATP projects, 14 trapped atoms, analysis, computerized, 41 150 for healthcare, information, interconnection, materials needs, 128 and measurement technology, JILA, 158 ATP focused program, 9, 14 interconnect reliability, metrology, 84 ATP projects, 23 joining, cutting, and grinding, microelectronics manufacturing, interface (s) -based measurement devices, 42 ATP projects, 22 ATP focused program, 10, 21 and adhesion, measurement, 128 compression, 104 Joint Army/Navy/Air Force (JANAF) inorganic and networking, sensor, 114 diagnostic, 162 Tables, 64 and elemental isotopic metrology, integrating "smart" transducers, display systems, advanced, 81 69 36 Josephson building materials, 41 studies, for magnetic recording technology, NCNR 139 array

compounds, thermodynamic data, 64 program, operator, 1 nanoprobe, 90 19 development, 87 electroanalytical chemistry, properties of, medical, tomography, 148 72 153 device, 78 materials, crystallographic data, 128 specifications for advanced nuclear magnetic resonance, standards, fabrication, 97 inquiries, general, 4 manufacturing systems, 120 drying, 132 3. -effect, voltage standards, 78, 87 inspection system, in-process standards, techniques, advanced, 148 and 118, 119 junctions, high-temperature post-process, 116 superconductor, visual, 42, 103 89 superconducting, 89 insulation interfacial effects in polymer immunity testing, electronic Journal of Research of the National facility, advanced, 50 blends, 134 equipment, 95, 96, 97 Institute ofStandards and measuring conductivity with immunoassay-based techniques, thermal international Technology, 4

hot-plate apparatus, Organization of Legal Metrology, 1 automated sample preparation, 73 49 65 thermal performance of, standardization activities, 166 indoor air quality and ventilation, 43 43 K integrated circuit(s) industrial System of Units, 145, 150, 151, 168 kinetic-energy-enhanced epitaxy, electrical interconnect reliability, 84 trade, standards-related policies and fellow agreements, 1 67 microscopic basis, 158 fabrication procedures, 1 65, 166 Partnerships Program, 1 67 kinetics, chemical, 64 process reactor simulations, 56 infrastructure, 83 Internet Laboratory, Commerce for Manufacturing infometrics, analytical, 73 97 information Semiconductor Processing project, 82 laboratory Assurance Partnership, National, 101 Laboratory, 93 next-generation, 102 accreditation incorporating capacity improvements for ultrasmall metal security, 101 fastener testing, 167 transmission and distribution, tunnel junctions, 97 see also World Wide Web Program, 165 manufacturing processes, interoperable systems ATP projects, 14 automation technology and infrastructure characterization, 84 BACnet, consortia, 37 standards, 73 measuring North American ISDN Users' for healthcare, ATP focused testing and calibration, 42, 165 features, 36 Forum, program, 9, 14 37 language Protocols Consortium, National patterned layers, 111 interoperability process specification, 124 metrology, 111 system projects, 14 Industrial, 122 components, ATP technology, spoken, 102 mixed-signal, testing, testing networks, digital video, ATP focused 79 large-scale new materials, ATP project, 7 building controls, 36, 44 program, 8, 14 manufacturing, intelligent systems next-generation, standard, development, Program, Standards, 166 83 107 integration testbed, 118 ultra-large-scale, 105 STEP, 123 retrieval, search engines, 105 measurement, laser tracker, 112 see also semiconductor(s) inventions, NIST-patented, services, 169 39 Metrology Calibration and Research integrated infrastructure inverse problems, standards-related, 166 103 Laboratory, 112 storage and interconnect systems, 107 for Electronics Design, project, 81 ion laser(s) technology for Electronics Manufacturing, 82 cluster, mobility of, 158 cooling and trapping, 149 integrated optics, metrology, 92 implanter, semiconductor and Electronics Office, ATP, 8, 13 deposition of thin films, 158 intellectual property, processing, ATP projects, 16 94 diode, high-performance, 157 managing, 167 lithography, source, 149 Laboratory, 99 35, Doppler velocimetry, validation of intelligent /molecule reactions and clustering visualization, 103 flow meters, 54, 75 infrared building mechanical systems, 44 processes, kinetics and focusing of atom beams, 147 of thermochemistry, 64 detectors machining ceramics, 131 ionization of diatomic molecules in storage research, characterization, 160 processing of materials, 132 156 dense vapors, 149 systems trap technology, 70 Comparator Facility, 153 isotope separation, 149 long wavelength, 88 architecture, 117 Ionizing Radiation, division, 155 automated welding, 118 irradiation facilities, 139 1 1


laser(s) (cont.) luminescence spectral manufacturing (cont.) mathematical (cont. )

lead salt, 153 radiometry, 151 heavy, materials processing, functions, 104

magnetic resonance, 157 ATP focused program, 9, 21 modeling, 103

optical techniques for temperature M infrastructure, microelectronics, representations of concrete and concentration measurements machine ATP focused program, 10, 21 microstructures, 41 in fires, 47 knowledge-based, projects, software, controller, enhanced, 116, 119 ATP 104 polarization of neutron beams, 155 data repository, 114 22, 23, 24 Matrix Market, 104 pulses net-shape, tool performance models and ATP projects, 21, 22 measurement(s) femtosecond photonics, ATP focused program, and Standards Laboratories, machine data repository, 38, 114 9 35 sum frequency generation, 153 product data exchange standards, 122 of partial pressures and moisture, tools, ATP projects, 22, 23 time-resolved infrared machining program, closed-loop, 113 quantitative optical, 59

spectroscopy, 154 ceramic, 131 resource data, 123 process observations, 154 simulation, software, 121 evaluation, 105 Research Facility, Precision, 113 radiation, fundamental atomic and Systems Integration, division, simulation, virtual, 114 120 111 molecular processes, 6l macromolecules technology, motor vehicle, services, 168 radiometry, measurement methods ATP focused program, 22 System, National, 168 biological structure and function, 53 10, and standards, 90 Testbed, National Advanced, technology for benchmark spray molecular geometry of, NCNR scattering system, thin film, 158 118, 124 combustion data, 54 studies, 139 112, spectroscopy, manufactured parts traceability, Standard Reference 149, 158 potential components of devices, 53 recognition, computational Materials Program, 168 stabilized, 159 studies, fluid behavior, 67 tracker, metrology, 112 magnet(ic) schemes, 104 uncertainty, 105, 145 ultraviolet, extreme, 160 three-dimensional, 111 mechanical properties, Engineering Research, facility, 141 vertical-cavity surface-emitting, mass brittle materials, 129 93 facility, 16 law enforcement standards, flow converters, medical 77 instruments, characterization, 90 63 layer(ed) fundamental unit, 115 and dental materials, 127 levitation solubility instrument, 63 diagnostics, ionizing radiation, measuring patterned, 1 1 materials research, 115 155

Standards, Facility, 125 dosimetry, 1 6 structures, NCNR studies, 139 mathematical modeling, 103 lead artifacts, measurement, 1 10 mass spectrometry imaging studies, 129, 155 leap seconds, advanced notice, see spectrometry magnetic resonance, 155 163 microstructure, 147, 159 material tomography, 148 length standards, sources, 157 multilayers, investigations, 137 (s)

r advanced technologies, -Industrial Radiation Facility, 1 60 librar> recording technology Research, ATP projects, 21, 22 see also health NIST, 169 ATP projects, 14 and Manufacturing Office, membrane(s) virtual, NIST, 169 metrology, 89 ATP, platforms, selective, ATP focused licenses, 39, 167 nanoprobe imaging, 90 21,23 brittle, program, life-cy cle costing, 47 scanning micromagnetic mechanical properties, 129 9 building, organic, 41 separations, fundamental lifeline systems, seismic recording system, 89 characterization, electromagnetic, 86 properties, 63 performance, 40 resonance imaging, 155 construction, 42 mercury-containing dental alloys, light scattering studies, 137 databases, 168 hazards, 128 measurements, 151 superconducting, 89 handling, intelligent vehicle message passing interface, 107 scattering systems, NCNR studies, 139 characterization, systems, 117 metallic alloys, dendritic growth, molecular mass -tesla, 78 magnetic, software libraries, 107 studies, 67, 153 Thin-Film Fabrication and 90 observations, Measurement Services, 168 metallurgical surface 62 Imaging Facility, 98 of, facility, monitoring electrical linear systems, solution of large manufacturing Optical Properties consortia, 37 processing properties of materials, 78 sparse, 104 applications, technologies for plate, chemistry of, 55 techniques, resistance standards, 77 line heat-source guarded hot 49 integration of, ATP focused liquefaction, techniques for for heavy manufacturing, Metallurgy, division, 126 program, 9, 15 ATP focused program, 9, 21 metals determining, 41 ATP projects, 23, 24 reactors, growth, 57 data and characterization, 133 liquid-nitrogen flow measurements, competitiveness, 25 Program, Standard Reference, 168 deformation, 141 75 composite structures, ATP focused lithography, X-ray, Reliability, division, 126 hydrogen in, NCNR studies, 139 113 program, 9, 18 science and engineering processing, 133 low-flow standards, measurement, 59 Engineering grants, Metric Program, 164 low-temperature Laboratory, 109 39 physical Laboratory, 126 see also International System of Units discharges, chemical and tool kit, 37, 121 structures, NCNR studies, 139 metrology processes, 80 Extension Partnership mathematical dielectric reliability, 84 plasmas, 148 center locations, 28 and Computational Sciences, electrical power systems, 80 refrigeration, advanced, 68 overview, 25 division, 103 fiber-optic, 91 lumen, measurement accuracy, 151 success stories, 26 flat-panel displays, 81 ) 1 1 )


metrology (cont. microscopy (cont.) model (ing) (cont.) molecular (cont.

hexapod, 112 scanning fluid/solid-particle systems, 68 kinetics and excitation, 159

interconnect reliability, 84 capacitance, 83 Henry's constants, 68 mass characterization, polymers, 130

isotopic, inorganic and elemental, 69 electron, 41, 42, 61, 105, 110, 111 HVAC control system, 44 measuring machine (M-cubed), 110

magnetic recording, 89 electron with polarization life-cycle costing, 47 processes, fundamental, 6l

manufactured parts, analysis, 106, 147, 159 Machine Tool Performance, recognition technology, ATP

computational, 1 1 near-field magneto-optic, 98 consortia, 38 project, 7

microwave and terahertz, probe, 83, 90, 98, 110, 111 magnetic materials, 129 studies, equilibrium and

HTS devices, 89 tunneling, 58, 90, 146, 147, 158 materials, 135, 140 non-equilibrium systems, 67 modeling and simulation, 84 X-ray, 148 mathematical, 103 monolayers, self-assembled, 58

nanoelectronics, 82 microstructure(s) measurement process evaluation, 105 monolithic microwave integrated

optical characterization, 82 and dynamics of frustrated micromagnetic materials, 140 circuits (MMICs), 37, 86

process and tool control, 84 materials, 140 microstructure, cement pastes, 41 motor vehicle

scanning probe microscope, 83 and magnetism, correlation, 146 MOIST, prediction of moisture see automotive, vehicle(s) silicon-on-insulator, 83 atomic measurement techniques, 60 transfer within building, 43 multilayer

thin-film process, 83 control, intelligent processing of multivariate statistical, solution magnetic processing, 129

micelles, properties, 67 materials, 133 processes, 63 materials, synthetic, production and

microbeam analysis, 60 development, ceramic processing, 132 nanostructures, 150 characterization, 150

microcalorimeter, microwave power electronic and structural behavior, 82 numerical, dielectric materials and multimedia

measurements, 86 interfacial, polymer composites, 134 devices, 93 and digital video, 101

microeconomic analysis, 47 magnetic, 147, 159 residual gas analyzers for test methods, technology, and

microelectromechanical systems metals, 133, 135 semiconductor process control, 59 standards, 107

(MEMS), 61, 85, 97 stresses in brittle materials, 130 organometallic vapor-phase mutation detection, methods and microelectronic(s) studies, 139 epitaxy, 68 standards, 52 components, manufacture, 56 microwave optimization, 47 ~ high-speed, 86 -digestion technology, organic building materials, N

manufacturing optimization, 70 degradation, 41 nanoelectronics infrastructure, focused guided-wave standards and primary pressure standards, ATP 59 metrology for, 82 program, 10, 21 measurements, 85 processes, 62, 121, 132, 133, 135 molecular measuring machine, 110 measurement procedures, 93 measurement, high-temperature product, 121 nanofabrication materials measurement and superconductors, regenerative cryocoolers, 89 69 source, electron beam ion trap, 149 standards issues, mirror systems, multilayer, 113 semiconductor devices and 128 with atom optics, 147 packages, system-level thermal mobility packages, 84 nanometrology, 82

performance, 84 of cluster ions, 158 smoke movement, 45 nanoparticle formation, molecular

processing, chemistry of, 57 outdoor, 1 17 standard solder interconnect dynamic simulations, 57 products, reliability, 84 model(ing) geometries, 140 nanoprobe imaging, magnetic programs, 77 aerosol, 57 turbulent combustion, 106 recording technology, 90 microfluidics, 73 appearance of coatings, 42 terrain, large-scale, 104 nanoscale

microform measurement, surface ATM network, 101 thermomechanical behavior of cryoelectronics, devices. 88

finish and, 110 BEES, decision support system, 47 coatings, 127 devices, research and metrology, 82

microhotplate designs, building envelope, heat, air, and thermophysical properties of fluid systems and metrologies, theory, 150 microsensors, 57 moisture transfer, 43 mixtures, 66, 67 nanostructures

micromagnetic materials, cement and concrete structures, 41 Wulffman, three-dimensional electronic properties, 146 140 chemical, crystal shapes, 141 modeling, 20, 65 fabrication of, 82 moisture microphones, micromachined CONTAM, air contamination, 43 titanium thin films, production, 55 silicon, development, coordinate measuring machines, measurements, ceramic 125 vapor-phase synthesis of, 55

microscopy errors, 111 processing, 132 nanotomography, X-ray, 148

atomic-force, 83, 90, 106, 149 design tools for process quantitative optical nanotribology, magnetic hard

electron, 106 equipment, 56 measurements, 59 disks, 129 extreme ultraviolet, 148, 159 disaster planning, 45 transfer within building, model, 43 national infrared, 159 display characteristics using molecular Advanced Manufacturing

magnetic Princeton Engine, 81 -beam epitaxy, 82, 94, 137 Testbed, 112, 118, 124

force, 90, 98, 147 eddy simulation, fires, 45 biology, facilities, 53 Center for Standards and

resonance force, 98 error, testing electronic systems, 79 data, chemistry WebBook, 65 Certification Information, 166 magneto-optic Kerr, 147 film systems, 131 drag gauges, 59 Conference on Weights and near-field scanning optical, 154 finite-element, 68, 14 dynamics Measures, 169 optical, 94, 106, 111, 115, 150 fire hazard and risk prediction, 45, 47 mathematical models, 103 Earthquake Hazards Reduction

flammability properties, 47 particle nucleation and growth, 55 Program, 40, 48 fluid properties, 67, 68 studies, 139 6 9 6 )


national (cont.) neutron {cont.) odorants, measurement in natural optical {cont.

Electronics Manufacturing scattering gas, 62 technology

Initiative, 82 Center for High Resolution, 137 oil appearance parameters, 42

Industrial Information Infrastructure density, 137 production, technologies for division, 151

Protocols Consortium, 122 small-angle, 136, 162 offshore, ATP projects, 18 waveguide, planar geometries, 92

Information Assurance surface observations, 62 -spill fires, 45 optics

Partnership, 101 techniques, 129 online search services, NIST atom

Measurement System, 168 spin rotation, measurement of parity Research Library, 169 developing, 150 Quality Program, 33 non-conserving, 156 on-wafer metrology, research and nanofabrication with, 147 Semiconductor Metrology Program, standards and dosimetry, 139 development, 86 extreme ultraviolet, 146

tomography, 106, 155, 162 open integrated, metrology, 92

Technology Roadmap for next-generation architecture controllers, 1 1 optimization

Semiconductors, 77, 83, 84 data communications, 93 systems architecture and computational geometry, 104 Transfer and Advancement data storage, 93 standards, 117, 118 design tools, 121

Act, 165, 167 display, 93 operator interface, 1 1 real-time, chemical processes, 153

Type Evaluation Program, 169 inspection system, 1 1 optical optoelectronic(s)

Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Internet, 102 absorption, software libraries, 107 division, 90

Program, 165 NIST-7, atomic frequency adsorption-based standard for measurements, high-speed, 91 natural gas standards, 156 measuring low gas densities, 59 semiconductor devices, 93

properties of trace components, 62 NIST Center for Neutron Research, cells, in-situ measurements, 55 sources and detectors

systems, thermophysical 126 -character recognition characterization, 90

properties, 66 noise image-based systems, 103 temporal properties, 91 near-critical processes, engineering in electronic and optical systems, 157 research, 107 orbital eigen-values, elements, 147

measurements for supercritical optoelectronic measurements, 91 characterization metrology, 82 organic(s) and, 55 processes in high-performance data storage, measurements, 92 building materials, 41 near-field clocks, 157 detection, free radicals, 64 compounds

data, analysis of spherical, 87 temperature and figure diagnostics, synthesis of analytical mass spectrometry, 70 measurements measurements, radiometer, 86 nanoparticles, 55 Henry's constants, 68

photonic structures, 154 non-destructive /electro-optical components and thermodynamic data, 64 power, 96 evaluation methods systems, ATP projects, 17 trace levels, 70, 71

optics, 150 bulk and thin-film ferroelectric fiber(s) interaction of pollutants with clay, 67 scanning materials, 93 characteristics, 92 spectral "fingerprints," 66

characterization of antennas, 87 composites, 135 power, measurement services, 90 organizational structure, NIST, 5

facility for antenna material-property and defect, 116 sensors, 92 orifice pulse tube refrigerator, measurements, 98 microstructure, 135 Standard Reference Material, 91 cryocooler, 68

optical microscopy, 154 sensor development, 133 filters, Standard Reference Orthopedic Accelerated Wear

network(ing) testing methods for structures, 41 Material, 72 Resistance Consortium, 37

high-speed, 101 non-disclosure arrangements, 1 67 manipulation of atoms and osmometry, molecular mass

security, 101, 108 North American Free Trade molecules, 157 characterization, 130

sensors, 114 Agreement, standards-related measurements oxidation, semiconductor wafers, 93

standard interface, 36 aspects, 166 non-linear, 153 ozone layer, destruction of, 36, 43,

synchronization, time transfer, 157 nuclear partial pressures and moisture, 59 46, 64, 66, 153

neutron (s) magnetic resonance, 52, 143 properties see also atmosphere, environment

activation analysis, 74, 138 medicine, radioactivity materials, 159

beams, chemical analysis, 74 measurements, 162 of Materials Consortium, 37 p

beta decay, 155, 156 reactors, neutron dosimetry, 156 of nanostructured materials, packaging, electronic, 128

cold, 74, 136 numerical control program mapping, 154 paint, Coatings Service Life

depth profiling, 74, 138 verification, software, 121 radiation, measurement, 152 Prediction, consortia, 37

diffraction, properties of gels, recording technology, parallel computing, 107

micelles, and clays, 67 0 ATP projects, 13 partial differential equations, reflectance, 106 dosimetry, 156 object-oriented 103, 104 scattering measurements, 153 -electron scattering length, 155, 162 electronic component particles (s) systems interferometry, 139, 155, 162 representations, 82 charged, fundamental atomic and advanced, 113 lifetime, beam measurement, 156 finite-element modeling of molecular processes, 61 noise in electronic and, 157 phase contrast imaging, 162 composite materials, 141 dynamics, software libraries, 107 space-based applications, 113 physics, 139, 155 numerical software design, 104 nucleation and growth, molecular techniques radiography, 139 technologies, 44, 122 dynamics, 55 reflectometers, 137 for trace-gas analysis, 72

research, 136 high voltage testing, 80 INDEXES

partnerships plasma(s) premium power, ATP focused prompt-gamma-ray activation

industrial, 167 diagnostics in tokamaks, 160 program, 10, 23 analysis, chemical analysis, 74 research, 35 etching processes pressure proprietary measurements, 38 technology, 167 low pressure, 56 -dependent chemical reactions, 65 proteins(s) patents, 39, 167 chemical kinetic mechanisms, 57 quantitative optical measurements of folding, NMR measurements, 52 pattern formation in filled fundamental processes, 69 partial, 59 spectroelectrochemistry,

polymers, 141 low-temperature, 148 vacuum, and low-flow standards, 59 measurement methods, 52 permeability measurements processing and chemistry Princeton Engine, video public domain prototype retrieval bulk materials, 86 materials processing, 55 supercomputer, 81 system, 102

gases and gas mixtures, 63 research, 80 printed wiring board, advanced public key infrastructure, computer permittivity measurements, semiconductors, 56 manufacturing technologies, ATP security, 100

bulk materials, 86 -spray research, 127 project, 12 pulse(s) pesticides, 71 "plug-and-play" PRISE system, text search and and waveform acquisition standards, pharmaceuticals, macromolecular compatibility, standard interfaces, retrieval, 102 fast, 79

structure, 52 114, 118 probe(s) -echo techniques, 116 phase factory, 82 broadband, calibration, 97 laser

behavior in polymer blends, 134 polarization-dependent loss and calibrations, 98 femtosecond

composition, 143 gain, optical communications, 92 electromagnetic, evaluating impulse sum frequency generation, 153 contrast imaging, 155 pollution response, 97 time-resolved infrared diagrams atmospheric, 6l proximal, fundamental atomic and spectroscopy, 154

alloy, 134 indoor, 43 molecular processes, 61 observations, 154

for ceramic materials, 129 see also atmosphere, environment process(es) measurements, ultrashort, 93 for ceramists, database, 128 polychlorinated biphenyls, 71 analysis and spectroscopy standards radiolysis of aqueous solutions, 64

shear effects, 134 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 71 and, 72 ultrashort laser, condensed phase

equilibria polymer(s) and tool control, metrology, 84 chemistry, 154

diagrams, 36 blends and processing, 3, 134 control, 116, 132, 133 measurement, 63 characterization, 130 online diagnostics, 56

measurements, 162 combustion research, 3, 47 data, 124 quality

transition studies, 1 62 composites, 134 manufacturing, 113 air, indoor, 43 photodiode division, 126 measurements assurance, Standard Reference

detectors for filled, division, radiometry, 146 141 54 Materials, 168 evaluation, metrology, solid-state, 152 -matrix composites, 41, 42 105 construction materials, 42 photolithography mathematical modeling, 103 near- and supercritical, engineering measurement and data analysis, film thermal converter structures, 79 potentiometry scanning, 90 measurements, 55 chemical measurements, 61 semiconductor wafers, powder planning software, 121 94 tools for, 72 composites, photometry, 151 atomization processes, 134 polymer 134 control, methods, 155 photonic(s) characterization and processing, 142 Specification Language, 124 measurement assurance, 155 projects, 16 diffraction data, surface dynamical, 61 ATP 136 Program, Baldrige National, 33

devices, electronic and structural processing, 132 processing quantitative optical measurements of behavior, 82 synthesis, ceramic, 132 143 partial pressures and moisture, 59 information processing, test power intelligent, 132 quantum methods, technology, and laser, measurement, 90 materials chemistry methods, 64 optical fiber, chemistry of, standards, 107 measurement, 90 55 Hall effect, national unit of

manufacturing, ATP focused premium, ATP focused program, intelligent, 132 resistance, 78

program, 9 10, 23 metals, 133 physics semiconductors, structures, near-field measurements, systems plasma, 56 division, 158 154 dielectrics used, 80 polymers, 134 fundamental questions, 162 metrology, electrical, visual image, Physical and Chemical Properties, 80 103 principles, tests and demonstrations,

division, 62 pre- and post-flight X-ray product 162 physics calibrations, 151 data processes, modeling, 150

databases, 168 precision exchange quasicrystal structures with

Laboratory, 144 electrical measurements, electronic, 81 icosahedral symmetries, display, 106 neutron, 155 superconductors, 78 National Initiative, 145 plane waves, incident, 96 Engineering, division, 110 standards, 122 R plant layout, software, 121 Machining Research Facility, 113 management, software, 121 radiant power, high-precision measurement grants, 39 testing, activities, 1 65 measurements, 153 X-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy, production, System Engineering

150 Tool Kit, 121 11


radiation recording, magnetic, 89, 90 sampling and digitized systems, semiconductor(s) (cont.)

accident dosimetry, l6l reflectivity, dissipative time and frequency domain measurement and standards,

continuous wave, laser sources and macrostructures, 97 performance, 79 measuring patterned layers on

detectors. 90 reflectometry Sapphire Statistical Characterization integrated circuits, 111

effects and processing, l6l in fiber, 91 and Risk Reduction Program, 115 Metrology Program, national, 77, 128

industrial, processing, 16 neutron, 137 satellite(s) microelectromechanical systems, 85

interactions with matter, 159 thin-film, 94 communications antennas, 36 molecular-beam epitaxy, 82, 94

ionizing refrigerants, alternative, 36, 43, 63, determination of temperature of nanometrology, 82

measurements, 155, 1 6 66, 153 Earth's surface and atmosphere, ) optical characterization, 82

processing, 155 refrigeration global positioning system, 117, 157 optoelectronic devices, 93

quality assurance, 155 low-temperature, advanced, 68 GOES, 163 plasma processing of, 56

measuring unintentional emissions, machinery, 43 scanning microscopy process and tool control, 84 87 technology, vapor compression, see microscopy process control, residual gas

protection instruments, 156 ATP focused program, 10, 23 scattering analyzers, 59

ultraviolet, SURF, 159 reliability Center for High Resolution Neutron processing radioactivity measurements, 36, 162 dielectrics in thin films, 84 Scattering, 137 equipment, effectiveness, 84 radiofrequency, radiation, biological electrical interconnect, 84 inelastic, 137 gases, thermophysical properties, 63

effects, 96 powder properties measurement light Laboratory, 93

radiography, industrial, 161 techniques, 132 molecular mass characterization, : low-temperature plasmas, radioimmunotherapy, 162 remote studies, 67, 153 properties, 148 radiology, clinical, l6l manufacturing, 119 surface observations, 62 reference material, 36 radiometry monitoring, 72 magnetic, studies, 137 scanning probe microscopy, 83

cryogenic sensing, 152 measurements, optical, 153 silicon-on-insulator, 83

absolute, 88, 160 research optical, measurements, 153 thin-film

high-accuracy, 91, 152 and development reference instrument, multi-angle, process, 83

infrared agreements, 35 154 standards, 150

facility, 160 contracts, 35 X-ray, small-angle, 142 thermal process modeling, 84

spectral, 153 programs, 1 67 S-Check, instrumentation product, see also integrated circuit(s)

laser, 90 relationships, 167 107 sensing, automated sample luminescence-spectral, 151 and Technology Applications, scientific preparation and, 73

near ultraviolet, 152 Program, 167 computing, 106 sensor(s)

photodi ode detectors for, 146 grants, 39 visualization, 106 -based process control, 116

spectral, 152 resistance standards and materials security technology broadband, calibration of, 97

thermal, 152 quantum Hall effect, 78 computer, 100, 101, 105, 108 characterizing plasmas, 56

vacuum ultraviolet, 148 research, 77 law enforcement standards, 77 electromagnetic, evaluating impulse radionuclide retrieval surveillance, intelligent vehicle, 117 response, 97

production, l6l system, public domain prototype seismic design and construction fast-response, 134

measurements, 162 retrieval, 102 standards, 40, 48 fire, 46

radiopharmaceuticals, 36, 162 technology, 102 see also earthquake high-performance, 88 radio stations WWV, WWVB, and reverberating chambers, 95, 97 selective-membrane platforms, infrared, 68

WWVH, 163 risk management software, ATP focused program, 9 interfaces and networking, 1 14 radon, entry and transport, 43 evaluation, 108 self-assembly magnetic, 129

Raman spectroscopy, standards, 60 robots, RoboCrane, 118 biomimetic materials, 53 magnetoresistive, 89

random processes, 103 Rockwell C hardness indenters, monolayers, 58 materials, 155

rare-earth doped solid-state measurements, 110 semiconductor(s) micro-, solid-state chemical, 57 multianalyte measurements, waveguide lasers and amplifiers, 93 role-based access control, first formal assessment of wafer materials and 58 reacting flow simulation, 57 model, 99 homoepitaxial overlayers, 151 optical fiber, 92

reactions roofing materials, 41, 42, 43 chemical composition, NCNR process, 113, 132, 135

chemical, pressure-dependent, 65 roughness, Standard Reference studies, 139 production-line, 135 dynamics, 154 Material, 110 devices smart, 36, 114

reactor(s) and packages, modeling and technology, 133

research, N1ST Center for Neutron simulation, 84 separation (s) materials, and fabrication, chemistries, microwave-digestion Research, 136 sample(s) ATP projects, 16 and flow-injection technologies, 70 thermal flow and chemistry in, 56 automated dielectric reliability, 84 processes real-time preparation and sensing, 73 Electronics, division, 82 adsorbents, 62 controllers, software engineering, 119 research, 70 etching discharges, 80 alternative solvents, 62 control system, 117 preparation, chromatographic and interconnect reliability, 84 use of membranes, 63 video processing, Princeton electrophoretic approaches, 71 Engine, 81 ion implantation, 77 ) )


separation(s) (cont.) software (cont. spectrometry (cont. standard(s)

technology development paradigms, creating, mass 70 and Certification Information,

ATP projects, 20 ATP projects, 13 inductively coupled, 68 National Center for, 166 membrane, fundamental Diagnostics and Conformance isotope dilution, measurements, 69 capacitance, 88 properties, 63 Testing, division, 99 laser resonance ionization, 69 Conformity Program, 167 techniques for trace organic economic, 47 organics and biomolecules, Data Encryption, 101

analysis, 71 engineering for real-time analytical, 70 Digital Signature, 101

shear controllers, 119 thermal ionization, 69 experts at key embassies and

deformation, 134 libraries, 107 spin-echo, 138 missions, 166

effects on phase diagrams, 134 machine tool and robot control, 116 triple-axis, 137 fast pulse and waveform flow on mixing and separating, 134 materials modeling, 147 spectrophotometers, acquisition, 79 -induced phenomena, NCNR studies, mathematical, 104 measurements, 72, 106 guided-wave microwave, 85 139 quality, 99 spectroscopy Information Program, 166 strength of masonry walls, 41 recognition, databases, 168 absorption, 59 low-flow, 59

shearing cell, neutron scattering standards, future, 100 applications, 153 magnetic moment, 129

studies, 67, 68 testing, 100 atomic manufacturing, 120

shielding effectiveness tools, interaction with STEP, 122 and molecular absorption, 159 organic building materials, 42

external radiation, 98 solar energy generation, fundamental studies, 69 Policy, Interagency Committee on,

electromagnetic fields, 96 high-frequency diodes, 88 cavity-ring-down, 59. 64 165, 166

materials, automobiles, and solderability, measurement, 128 dynamic time-correlation, 67 pressure, 59

aircraft, 95, 97 solder interconnect design, far-infrared, 157 product data exchange, 122

radiofrequency applications, 95 modeling, 140 femtosecond laser, 61 Program, Global, 166 structures and walls, 97 solid-state Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy, 60

signal processing chemical microsensors, 57 infrared 42, 72, 143 Reference Data

algorithms, 58 imaging, 143 near-infrared, 73 for semiconductor industry, 80 techniques, 115 photodiode metrology, 152 Raman, 73 grants, 39 silicon reference standards, 78 infrared near-field optical, 61 Program, 128, 168

CMOS technology, 77 solubility measurements laser, 149, 158 Reference Materials Program, 168 -on-insulator metrology, gases and gas mixtures, 63 microRaman, 143 -related information, 166

semiconductor fabrication, 83 of solids in vapors and supercritical multiphoton ionization, 64 Secure Hash, 101

processing facility, 78 fluids, 68 multivariate infrared, 73 Services, Office of, 165

wafer of substances in liquid solvents, 68 neutron Fourier, 162 software, future, 100

measuring sheet resistance, 106 solute retention, chromatography nuclear magnetic resonance, 52, 53 Standards Activities Program,

processing, facilities, 97 and electromigration techniques, 70 optical, 159 Technical, 165

simulation solution (s), thermodynamics, photoelectron, 159 superconductor, 88

contaminant particle nucleation, 57 dilute, 68 photon-induced ionization, 59 vacuum, 59 large-scale chemistry, 57 solvents, environmental and polarization, 72 voltage

molecular dynamic, nanoparticle health risks, 62 precision X-ray and gamma-ray, 150 ac, 79

formation, 57 sonar arrays, development, 125 Raman, 55, 60, 73 Josephson-effect, 78

reacting flow, 57 source identification, pollutants, 61 standards and process analysis, 72 voluntary, 165, 166

semiconductor devices and Special American Business Intern time-resolved infrared. 154 Standard Reference Material (s) packages, 84 Training, 166 tunable calorimetric, 64

techniques, 140 spectral diode laser application, 72 ceramic processing, 132

virtual machining, 114 data far-infrared, 157 coordinate measuring machines, 112

sites, NIST, 4 Chemistry WebBook, 65 ultraviolet, 159 insulation, 43

Small Business Innovation Research NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral ultraviolet Fourier transform, 69 law enforcement, 77

Program, 39. 1 65 Database, 66 speed measuring equipment, 77 linewidth/pitch for photomasks, 111 smart irradiance standards, 152 spindle design, ATP project, 7 magnetic materials, 129

buildings, 37, 44 spectrochemical analysis, 70 splitters, optical communications, 92 metals processing, 133 token technology, 108 spectrometry spoken language technology, 102 optical

transducers, 36 accelerator mass, 6l spray fibers, 91

smoke atomic, 69, 70 combustion filters, 72

plumes, oil-spill fires, 45 disk chopper time-of-flight, 138 data, 54 retardance, 92

production measurement, 47 Fermi-Chopper time-of-flight, 138 testbed, 54 polymer characterization, 130 software Fourier transform, 149 -deposited ceramic coatings, 127 radiopharmaceutical, 162

component-based, ATP focused Fourier transform infrared, 153 stabilized lasers, 159 roughness, 110

program, 8, 13 high- staff, NIST, 4 scanning electron microscopy, 110

conformance testing, statistical flux backscattering, 138

methods, 105 precision gas isotope ratio mass, 6l 6 ) 1


Standard Reference Material (s) (cont.) substrate characterization, thermal (cont.

spectral range. 154 calibration of disc birefringence T radiometry, 152

thermal performance of windows. 43 testers. 92 technical reactors, flow and chemistry in, 56 wavelength calibration, subsurface in single-crystal -spray-deposited ceramic 92 damage barriers to trade, 166 state components, 114 coatings, 127 Standards Activities Program, 165 Laboratory Program, 169 sum frequency generation. technology voltage, 79 weights and measures, 169 non-linear measurements at at a Glance, 4 thermistor mounts, static analysis tools. Unravel. interfaces, characterization, 86 153 integration of manufacturing analyzing changes to C language superconductor(s) thermochemistry data, applications, ATP focused source code, 99 high-temperature hydrofluorocarbons, 57 program, 9, 15 statistical applying to precision electrical thermocouple (s) licenses, 39 analysis of time-series data, 157 measurements, 78 high-temperature, 58 services, 164 Engineering temperatures in fire database, 128 transfer measuring collaboration. 105 electronics, environments, 4? 89 and Advancement Act, division, 105 materials for wire and magnet thermodynamic(s) National, 165, 167 steel applications, 128 programs, 167 and transport properties of fluids and high-performance, 42 integrated circuits, fabrication, 97 SIMA. 120 fluid mixtures, 67 chemical, 64 nitrogenated, corrosion resistance, interfaces and electrical transport, 89 telecommunications, fiber-optic quantum interference device data, biotransformations, 52 134 metrology, 91 powders, atomization of. magnetometer, dilute-solution, 68 133 78. 98 telephone systems, wireless, 36 protective for. thermometers coatings 41 standards and technology, 88 terrain, modeling, 104 structure and magnetic reference, wire and thin-film STEP testbed (s) conformance and interoperability characterization. 129 Advanced Manufacturing Systems thermocouples, 59 testing, 123 systems and devices. ATP projects, 17 and Networking, 120 transition-edge, 88 design information. 121 supercritical Advanced Welding Manufacturing ultrasensitive, 88 thermophysical properties National Industrial Information fluid mixtures, thermophysical System, 118 Infrastructure Protocols properties, 62 ATM network, 108 alternative refrigerants, 66 fluids and fluid mixtures, 67 Consortium. 122 processes, engineering computer-integrated construction, 44 for near- and, gases, registry, 122 measurements 55 Digital Video Interoperability, 108 63 natural gas systems, 66 storage surface(s) engineering design. 121 semiconductor processing gases, data, 141 and interface chemistry high-performance construction 63 supercritical fluid mixtures, 62 digital data measurements, 143 materials and systems, 42 thin film(s) ATP focused program, 8, 13 and Microanalysis Science, intelligent systems integration, 118 test methods, technology, and division, 60 National Advanced Manufacturing, deposition, chamber, 146 fabrication standards, 107 characterization, 159 112, 118, 124 high-performance, 107 dynamical processes, 6l next-generation inspection and Imaging Facility, 98 107 modification, ATP projects, 21, 22 equipment, 89 holographic, system, 1 1 process metrology. information, 107 reactions, biomolecular processes, 53 outdoor mobility, 117 83 images, 158 optical data, 92 texture measurement, standard, 110 spray combustion, 54 STM, laser deposition of, 158 research, ion, 156 surfactants, surface modifications of testing and calibration magnetic, research facility, 159 strength and ductility, adsorbents, 62 laboratories, 165 transfer measurements and standards, precast concrete structures, 40 synchronization, time and text search and retrieval, 102, 103 ceramics, 13 stress (es) network, 157 texture, determining, 135 NCNR studies, and moisture in plastic packages, 128 synchrotron radiation theory, condensed matter, 147 139 in brittle materials, resolution, 148 thermal production facility. 150 reflectometry, semiconductor microstructural, 130 SURF, 159 analysis, materials selection and processing, voidage, 128 synthesis of precise signals, 79 degradation, 41, 42 94 reliability, 84 structural synthetic multilayers, production conductivity standards, development, 150 control, 41 and characterization, 150 building insulation materials, 49 time performance. 42 systems plasma-spray coatings, 127 frequency structure(s) and network security, 101 conversion measurements, ac-dc, 88 and division, 156 division, 40 and Networking Testbed Advanced converters, special multijunction, 79 services, electronic, data for, 147 Manufacturing, 120 imaging camera, 152 1 63 -domain in biological membranes, Integration for Manufacturing performance performance of sampling and investigations, 154 Applications (SIMA), 44, 120, 123 advanced insulation systems, 50 digitizing converters, 79 large-scale testing facility, 48 intelligent, architecture, 117 buildings, 48 techniques, optoelectronic photonic, near-field, 154 manufacturing, 120 walls, 49 measurements, 91 technologies for bridges and other windows, 43 large, ATP projects, 18 )


time (cont. virtual wavemeters

GOES satellites, 163 environments, 103, 119 Fabry-Perot, 149

-resolved infrared spectroscopy, 154 ultrasonic(s) inspection module, 114 Fizeau, 148 -series data, statistical analysis, 157 library, NIST, 169 wave propagation, characterization of materials, 135 95, 135 Service, Automated Computer, 163 Flow Meter Testing Program, machining and inspection, 38, 114 Wear Resistance, Orthopedic transfer network manufacturing environment, and NIST-EPRI, 37 114 Accelerated, consortium, 37 synchronization, reality weights and 157 non-contact, 135 measures tissue engineering, ATP focused interfaces, 121 lab projects, non-linear, 135 36

program, 9, 19 research, 116 Modeling Language, 103 Measurement Services, 168 diagnostics, technology, tokamaks, plasma 160 ultraviolet NAMT, 124 Metric Program, 164 tolerancing and metrology viscoelasticity of polymers, 130 National Conference on, laser, extreme, 160 169 research, 120 visual Program, microscopy, extreme, 159 169 tomography radiation image processing, 103 state standards, 169 computer-assisted, 148 perception, 81 Welding Manufacturing System, biological effects, 152 high flux X-ray, 106 visualization Advanced, 118 SURF, 159 neutron, 162 factory floor assembly lines, 106, 155, radiometry, near, 152 103 wind tool(s) information, 103 engineering capability, 46 uncertainties, measurement, 73, 105, control, metrology, 84 scientific, 106 load design standard, 41 111, 112, 145, 169 focused three-dimensional, windows, thermal performance, for DNA diagnostics, ATP user interface and 103 43 program, 9, 19 efficiency-enhancement vitamins in food and serum, 71 wires, superconducting, 129 kit VLSI Multikron clock chips, 107 World Wide technologies, ATP projects, 15 Web Manufacturing Engineering, 37, 121 volt(age) electronic marketplace, 145 Production System Engineering, 121 V high, testing, 80 NIST topography, 115, 116 measurements and Your City, 5 vacuum trace ac-dc, advanced, 79 in Your House, 5 measurements, standards, 59 components electrical characterization of programs and services, 4 ultraviolet radiometry, 148 microbeam analysis, 60 plasma parameters, 56 Physics Laboratory databases, 145 vapor natural gas, properties of, 62 ratio, 78 servers, reference implementation of compression refrigeration organic compounds, 70, 71 -meters, precision digital, 78 role-based access control, 99 technology, ATP focused program, elements, detection, 149 standards service, reference data sets, 105 10, 23 -gas analysis, 72 ac, 79 SRD database accessibility, 168 -phase synthesis of nanostructures, 55 impurities, sensing, 157 Josephson array, 87 SRM catalog, 168 pressure measurements, 62 traceability Josephson-effect, 78 see also Internet vector network analyzers, six-port, dimensional, 110 voluntary Wulffman, modeling three- 85, 106 flow measurement, 54 Laboratory Accreditation dimensional crystal shapes, 141 vehicle(s) ionizing radiation measurements, Program, 165 intelligent systems, 117 155 standards, 165, 166 motor measurement, SRM Program, 168 X-ray control, intelligent systems, 117 w tracer gas methods, indoor pollutant absorption fine structure, 140 manufacturing technology, concentrations, 43 wafer(s) and gamma-ray spectroscopy, 150 ATP focused program, 10, 22 trade agreements, standards-related Probing Laboratory, beamlines, materials science, 140 technologies, ATP projects, 18 94 aspects, 166 silicon-on-insulator, detector see also automobile 83 training waveform (s) cryogenic device, 88 ventilation, buildings, 43, 44 applied economics, 47 acquisition standards, time- and superior energy resolution vibration research, 115 fire detection and alarm, 45 frequency-domain performance, and speed, video 97 Special American Business diffraction display 79 Intern, 166 ac, synthesis, 87 imaging, 140 terminals, emissions, 96 79, weights and measures officials, 169 measurements, electrical materials selection and visual performance, 81 transfer mechanisms for characterization of plasma degradation, 41 in information networks, digital, measurement traceability, 168 parameters, 56 measurement capabilities, 131 ATP focused program, 8, 14 transport properties waveguides, optical, microscopy, 148 Interoperability Testbed, Digital, 108 92 molecular-level prediction, 63 wavelength nanotomography, 148 multimedia and digital, 101 of fluids and fluid mixtures, 67 calibration, scattering, small-angle, 140, 142 processing, 81 SRM, 92 transverse electromagnetic cells, 95 measurements, precise, 150 technology, applications of, 151 Technology Laboratory, 81 149, trapping mercury, precise isotope shifts, 160 topography, 115 tools and management capabilities, atoms, 149, 150 standards, calibration of Hubble digital, ATP projects, 14 ions, 156 high-resolution spectrograph, 160 Type Evaluation Program, National, 169 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE William M. Daley, Secretary

Gary Bachula, Under Secretary for Technology

National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Md. 20899-0001 (301) 975-2000 Boulder, Colo. 80303-3328 (303) 497-3000

N1ST Special Publication 858

July 1998 edition

Production Virginia Covahey, Susan Ford,

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