Appl. Entomol. Zool. 36 (1): 1–11 (2001) Mini Review Recently-proposed methods and concepts of testing the effects of pesticides on the beneficial mite and insect species: study limitations and implications in IPM

Hiroshi Amano* and Muhammad Haseeb Laboratory of Applied Entomology and Zoology, Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, Matsudo, Chiba 271–8510, Japan (Received 10 April 2000; Accepted 8 October 2000)

Abstract Pesticides have played a significant role in traditional crop protection during the last five decades. Consequently, high yields have been harvested from treated crops. However, man’s eagerness for inventing these much needed chemicals has not allowed for ample establishment of risk reduction measures against their possible adverse effects on non-target organisms. This occurred mostly because crop production was given top priority, and partly because of the poor re- search and development (R & D) resources in the past. After many years of pesticide use, it is now recognized that ap- plication of broad spectrum and non-selective pesticides could pose high risks to beneficial organisms, especially among mite and insect species which usually regulate pest population(s) under natural conditions. Selective pesticides will always be needed in sustainable integrated pest management (IPM) for commercial-crop(s) pests. Pesticide test- ing methods to determine the effects of pesticides on beneficial mite and insect species are gaining priorities in R & D because of their vital importance to crop protection. In this review paper we examine pesticide testing methods and their evaluation and interpretation on beneficial mite and insect species. The limitations and implications of pesticide effects in IPM and their future prospects are also discussed.

Key words: Beneficials, mite and insect, IPM, pesticide testing, natural enemy

on beneficials (Hull and Beers, 1985; Hassan, INTRODUCTION 1992, 1994). Such information is often difficult to Beneficial mite and insect species play an indis- obtain, and even when acquired, may not have gen- pensable role in controlling various crop(s) pests eral applicability in all situations because of differ- worldwide. These species are at the center of con- ences among crop species, varieties, cropping prac- cerns for the development of sustainable IPM (In- tices, varying pest control tactics, natural enemy tegrated Pest Management) and their existence in complexes and genotypes (Stevenson and Walters, nature should be protected. When pesticides are 1983). Nevertheless, such information is urgently applied to control pest(s), care should be taken to needed for the development of effective and sus- ensure that the most important beneficial mite and tainable IPM programs for a number of crops insect species are not adversely affected (Tabash- (Poehling, 1989; Midgarden et al., 1997). nik and Croft, 1985; Waage, 1996). Insecticides Concerning the beneficial mite and insect and acaricides may have both direct and indirect groups, deleterious effects of pesticides are effects on these organisms, but the effects of other strongly indicated by the drastic decline in insect pesticides groups (fungicides and herbicides) are fauna on treated crop and it is reasonable to expect usually indirect and are considered less harmful that any beneficial species, particularly predators (Samsøe-Petersen, 1990). When these beneficials and parasitoids, are likely to be decimated (Lim et are allowed to operate undisturbed in the field, less al., 1986; Soon, 1990; Sterk, 1993). In the present pesticide treatments are needed for pest manage- overview we discuss recently-proposed methods ment. This ultimately has a positive impact on bio- and concepts of testing the effects of pesticides on logical control as well as the diversity of useful beneficial mite and insect species. Study limita- species. The integration of beneficials with pesti- tions and implications in IPM are also included in cides for IPM relies heavily on the validity of the the review and we believe that this information will available information on the effects of pesticides be useful for the execution of future work on pesti-

* To whom correspondence should be addressed at: E-mail: [email protected]

1 2 H. Amano and M. Haseeb cides and beneficial organisms. lus sp.). d) Crops with psylla as pests: Anthocoridae. e) Crops with flies as pests: at least 1 parasitoid CHOICE OF BENEFICIAL SPECIES (i.e., Cynipidae, Ichneumonidae). The identification of beneficial mite and insect f) When soil is treated: at least 1 predator (i.e., species is essential before conducting any pesticide Carabidae, Staphylinidae) as well as 1 soil living tests (Samsøe-Petersen, 1990; Ruberson et al., parasitoid (i.e., Cynipidae, Ichneumonidae). 1998). There is general agreement that these bene- g) Glasshouse crops with whiteflies as pests: the ficials should be relevant to the crops on which parasitoid Encarsia formosa. pesticides are to be used in practice. In this respect, data regarding the importance of the beneficial TESTING PRINCIPLES AND METHODOL- species for a particular pest on single or related OGY crops should be known. Beneficial species of vari- ous crop pests in the field constitute a complex of At the initiative of FAO and in cooperation with species with great taxonomic and ecological diver- international agencies, guidelines for the import sity. They may include predators or parasitoids, and utilization of biological control agents were may be sucking or chewing, monophagous or developed (FAO, 1992). The Working Group “Pes- polyphagous, univoltine or multivoltine living ticides and Beneficial Organisms” of the Interna- in/on soil or on plants, walking or flying, diurnal or tional Organization for Biological Control and In- nocturnal, and their range of phenology ensures the tegrated Control of Noxious and Plants/ existence of active beneficials at any time during West Palaearctic Regional Section (IOBC/WPRS) the growing season of crop(s). This diversity has developed more than 30 laboratory methods in means that each species has in principle a different which a decline in beneficial capacity such as feed- reaction and/or exposure to pesticides, which ing or parasitic or predatory activity is investigated makes the selection of representative species a in addition to mortality. The carabid test is one complicated process. Species selection can be fur- well-known example of the tests with beneficial in- ther complicated by intraspecific variability in nat- sects (Heimbach, 1992). Carabid of the species ural enemy responses to pesticides (Rosenheim and Poecilus cupreus on quartz sand are sprayed with Hoy, 1986; Vidal and Kreiter, 1995). the pesticide, after which insects are monitored for The number of beneficial species to be tested two weeks with regard to mortality and changes in with each pesticide ought to differ according to the behavior and feeding capacity. All IOBC/WPRS crops where the pesticide is to be used. A total procedures are explicitly tied into a three-tier test number of four to six beneficial species for each scheme. This set of rules and regulations is in- pesticide has often been suggested. The choice of tended to globally ensure that just like pesticides, beneficials for the test, taking account of their beneficial species of crop pests do not induce any common use in practice, could be made with the adverse ecotoxicological effects. The selection of aid of the following suggested key by Hassan the appropriate laboratory and further testing in (1983), although not all of the important pests and semi-field or field tests is specified in a very com- beneficial species are given below: plex flow scheme procedure (Felton et al., 1986). a) Crops with aphids as pests: at least 1 aphid The principles for testing are derived from a predator (i.e., Chrysopidae, Coccinellidae, Syr- wish to advise commercial growers so that they phidae) as well as at least 1 aphid parasitoid may choose the pesticides with the least effects on (i.e., Aphidiinae). the beneficial fauna. In practice, these pesticides b) Crops with Lepidoptera as pests: at least 1 egg must be ranked according to their effects on benefi- parasitoid (i.e., Trichogrammatidae) as well as 1 cials. Therefore, it is possible to compare results larval or pupal parasitoid (i.e., Tachinidae, Bra- obtained in different countries under similar envi- conidae, Ichneumonidae). ronmental conditions (Hassan, 1989; Samsøe-Pe- c) Crops with mites as pests: at least 1 predator tersen, 1990). A complete picture of temporal and (i.e., Typhlodromus sp., sp., and/or spatial dynamics of pesticide effects on beneficial Anthocoridae, for glasshouse crops, Phytoseiu- organisms is illustrated in Fig. 1. Although this Testing the Pesticidal Effects on Beneficials 3

Fig. 1. Temporal and spatial dynamics of pesticide effects on beneficials (modified from Jepson, 1989). typical scheme is complex, it presents the whole and Papacek, 1991; Li et al., 1992). The applica- process of testing at micro (laboratory), meso tion of pesticides in the field presents real effects of (semi-field) and macro (field) levels. Consequently, the products used and their impacts on the popula- the exposure, uptake, effect and recovery could be tion and community levels. Overmeer (1985) de- observed at individual and population bases. scribed a number of toxicological methods and also The slide dip assay (FAO, 1984) has been the indicated each method’s advantages and disadvan- principal method used to test the acute effects of tages for the important predaceous mites. pesticides on predaceous mites and has provided a Sequential testing schemes for a number of ben- standard comparison of other assays. Unlike the eficial mite and insect species were devised in the methods in which a pesticide is topically applied or past for P. persimilis (Oomen et al., 1991), Apis contacted as a residue on a treated surface, the mellifera (Oomen, 1986) and Encarsia formosa slide dip is unsuitable for selection projects be- (Oomen et al., 1994). The testing scheme for P. cause mites are glued down and survivors are inca- persimilis is based on the question/test and deci- pable of reproduction. Procedure and protocols of sion-making from laboratory to field tests, and slide and petri dish assays for measuring resistance most of its criteria for evaluation of a product are to permethrin in Amblyseius fallacis and selection based on IOBC/WPRS hazard classification (Has- of permethrin resistance were investigated and san, 1994). The need for further testing or product compared in detail (Thistlewood et al., 1992, selectivity could be investigated by this scheme for 1995). In France, Malezieux et al. (1992) investi- a number of other major predaceous mites (Fig. 2). gated the toxicity of a number of insecticides, aca- ricides and fungicides against P. persimilis under TECHNICAL ASPECTS INVOLVED IN laboratory and field conditions. The methods de- TESTING veloped allow determination of the residual toxic- ity of individual pesticide in practical situations. In recognition of the fact that no single testing Spatial distribution of predatory and pest mites was method could provide sufficient information to as- investigated by using traditional practices under sess the effects of pesticides on beneficials, a com- field conditions for a number of pesticides (Smith bination of tests that includes several laboratory as 4 H. Amano and M. Haseeb well as semi-field and field conditions are recom- beneficial species in the laboratory test are most mended. likely to be selective for the same species in the Pesticides found to be selective to a particular field, and usually no further testing in semi-field or field conditions is therefore recommended. How- ever, further testing is recommended when a pesti- cide is found to be harmful in the initial toxicity test. A test to determine the duration of the harmful activity, a semi-field test to find out the effect of a dry pesticide film on plant or soil, or a field test to show the effect of pesticide on plants or soil inhab- ited by beneficial species should be carried out (Hassan, 1994). Laboratory tests have obvious practical advan- tages, especially when study is urgently needed for a large number of pesticides. If only because of their simplicity, these tests are essential at least as a screening step (Klein et al., 1992). However, proce- dures and protocols in laboratory tests must fulfill certain criteria: the procedure used in the test should, for the most part, be standardized, their re- sults should be reproduced and replicated, results should be easy to manage for statistics, compara- tive data should be available for the evaluation of test results and test(s) should be practicable. Fig. 2. Sequential decision making and testing scheme to evaluate effects of pesticides on Phytoseiulus persimilis in lab- Testing pesticide effects in the laboratory is a oratory and field conditions (modified from Oomen et al., cost-effective tool for quantification of the toxicity 1991). to a range of species on a relevant substrate in field

Table 1. Extrapolation of pesticide testing results and inherent uncertainties in laboratory and fielda

Source of data Uncertainties

Laboratory conditions The influences of physical environmental conditions on the relationship between dose (Single species) and response and the exposure regime are not taken into consideration. A particular life stage in the life cycle is selected as being representative of the whole cycle. A few species, which are easy to breed and control are selected as representative of a large number of species in the environment. Interaction with other species is not considered. Effects at the individual level are applied to the population level without taking compensating mechanisms or behavioral adjustments into account.

Field conditions A specific crop ecosystem is assumed to be representative of a general crop ecosystem. (Species complex) The stress triggered by the tested pesticides is assumed to be representative of the stress from non-tested pesticides. Effects of specific climatic and physical environmental conditions and historical events on the behavior of the ecosystem and insufficient replicates may cause erroneous outputs. Difficulties of gathering data yielded by the dose-response relationship on the ecosystem may be faced. Experimental period in relation to the time required for the ecosystem to manifest an adequate reaction and recover from the interventions may delay its significant role. Effects based on the uneven distribution of the organisms in the field in large ecosystems may limit its application.

a Modified from Römbke and Moltmann (1996). Testing the Pesticidal Effects on Beneficials 5 conditions. These tests may be designed to answer The Environmental Protection Agency reported specific questions concerning the relative toxicity a unique procedure to be adopted for the identifica- of parts of sprayed crop canopy, relative suscepti- tion and management of risks associated with bilities of species, the toxicity of different pesti- chemicals or their compounds in the environment cides and the persistence of the toxic effects. Ex- (Römbke and Moltmann, 1996). The procedure trapolation of pesticide results recorded in labora- deals with hazard identification, its assessment, tory and field conditions may face certain uncer- risk characterization and its management (Fig. 3). tainties if not planned clearly and objectively prior To understand the effects of pesticides on ecosys- to testing (Table 1). However, great care must be tems, it is necessary to examine a spectrum of ef- taken if the results of tests are to be extrapolated to fects from lethality to subtle changes in reproduc- the field. Results may not be reflected under actual tion, beneficial performance, behavior, and vital field conditions because they may sometimes over- organ physiology (Brown et al., 1992). A number estimate mortality of organisms by the residues. of potential assessment and measurement end- For example, cypermethrin has an intrinsically high points are usually considered prior to pesticide test- toxicity to honeybees, but in the field its toxicity is ing at individual, population, community and not realized because of repellency (Delabie et al., ecosystem levels (Table 2). In this respect the acute 1985). However, they may aid the interpretation of toxicity (mortality) and chronic toxicity (growth, field trials (Unal and Jepson, 1991) and short-term reproduction, juvenile development, morphological effects of pesticides on a given species could be effects, biochemical or physiological effects, be- predicted in developing IPM strategies, for exam- havioral changes, teratogenity, mutagenity and car- ple, determining optimum dose-rates (Jepson et al., 1990). Table 2. Potential assessment and measurement endpoint used in pesticide testing in laboratorya

Assessment endpoint Measurement endpoint

Individual Generally not used in Death ecotoxicological Growth assessment except in Fecundity limited cases, e.g. with Overt symptomology rare or endangered Biomarkers species Tissue concentrations Population Extinction Occurrence Abundance Abundance Yield/production Yield/production Age/size class structures Age/size class structures Massive mortality Frequency of mass mortality Frequency of mass morbidity Reproduction Community Market value Number of species Recreational value Species evenness/dominance Usefulness/desired type Species diversity Pollution indices Community quality indices Community type Ecosystem Productive quality Biomass Productivity Nutrient dynamics

Fig. 3. Summary of the risk and hazard assessment a Modified from Suter (1989) and Kapustka and Reporter process (modified from Römbke and Moltmann, 1996). (1993). 6 H. Amano and M. Haseeb

Table 3. Major toxicity parameters involved in the pest species. Ecological selectivity may result a pesticide testing in laboratory from differences in behavior and biology or be a function of pesticide distribution, spray timing, dif- Parameter Description ferences in bioavailability achieved by formulation Acute toxicity or physiochemical properties (Croft, 1990). Mortality Number of dead individuals Corresponds to immobility in some invertebrates EVALUATION AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS Chronic toxicity Growth Changes in biomass or body Evaluating the effects of pesticides on beneficial length during the test, measured mite and insect species in pest management has in relation to the control or to the starting value historically concentrated on assessments of mortal- Reproduction Indicated differently, depending ity, despite early recognition of the existence of on type, e.g. number of eggs or sublethal effects on these organisms. Sublethal ef- immature animals, clutch size or fects, which alter the ability of these beneficials to hatching rate regulate the density of their prey or host ultimately Juvenile development Included in some reproduction affecting their long-term survival within the agro- tests, otherwise as a separate measurement; in relation to con- ecosystem are of particular concern. The efficacy trol of natural enemies may be reduced by changes in Morphological effects External damages such as their intrinsic rate of increase through effects on wounds in animals; difficult to development rate, fecundity, longevity and sex quantify ratio and by changes in their feeding behavior, host Biochemical or Changes in enzyme synthesis physiological effects or activity or in respiration foraging efficiency and dispersal. Changes in per- Behavioral changes Observation of non-typical formance of beneficials are more sensitive indica- behavior; parasitization activity, tors of pesticide effects than measure of mortality haunting activity in predators, alone (Franz, 1974). Morphological, biochemical mating and searching activities or physiological effects and behavioral changes etc. may occur in both acute and chronic tests and are Teratogenity Inducement of defects in embryos generally difficult to quantify or evaluate statisti- Mutagenity Irreversible changes of the cally (Table 3). In addition, topical assays are often genome used because of ease in managing dosages, but Carcinogenity Formation of tumors through these are not necessarily valid predictors of field transformation of a differenti- results (Stark et al., 1995). Evaluating pesticide se- ated body cell to a cancer cell which multiplies uncontrollably lectivity to beneficials is further complicated in systems where the beneficials complex is large and a Modified from Römbke and Moltmann (1996). diverse and where multiple species play important roles. Screening pesticides against such complexes cinogenity parameters) could be observed under is a challenging but daunting task. laboratory conditions (Table 3). In the past, selectivity ratios of (LD50 of a bene- A pesticide is considered to be selective when it ficial species)/(LD50 of a pest species) based on is more toxic to a pest than to a beneficial species. topical data have been considered sufficient to Selectivity can be expressed in both physiological make decisions about the use of pesticides in crop and ecological terms (Pickett, 1988). Physiological protection. Although physiological selectivity is selectivity resulting from differences in uptake, theoretically important (but rarely considered in detoxification process and excretion that exist be- IPM) (Graham-Bryce, 1987; Croft, 1990; Pfeiffer, tween different species is rarely recog- 2000), extrapolating topical toxicity data to field nized in IPM. Ecological selectivity is more com- effects may not be as straightforward as it may plicated because it arises through differences in ex- seem (Stark et al., 1995). A hazard ratio for benefi- posure to pesticides, with the beneficial species cial mites and insect species, which determines the being exposed to less pesticide per individual than toxic dose per unit area may be more useful in this Testing the Pesticidal Effects on Beneficials 7 respect (Smart and Stevenson, 1982) and it is ex- Table 4. IOBC/WPRS hazard assessment classes pressed as: based on the total effects of pesticides Hazard ratioϭ(recommended field rate Categories % Mortality/RBCa (g[AI]/ha))/LD (mg/pest species) 50 Laboratory In the United Kingdom, insecticides with hazard Not harmful Ͻ30 ratios to honeybees of smaller than 50 are consid- Slightly harmful 30–79 ered harmless and 50–2,500 are slightly to moder- Moderately harmful 80–99 Seriously harmful Ͼ99 ately toxic; when the ratio exceeds 2,500, the pesti- cide is considered dangerous (Felton et al., 1986). Semi-field (persistent activity) Ͻ Several factors must be considered when trying Short lived 5 days Slightly persistent 5–15 days to predict the effects that a pesticide might cause in Moderately persistent 16–30 days the field (termed “risk” by ecotoxicologists). Over- Persistent Ͼ30 days meer and Van Zon (1982) proposed a formula for Semi-field and field estimating the “Total Effect” (E) of a pesticide on a Not harmful Ͻ25 population of predatory mites (may also be used to Slightly harmful 25–50 evaluate pesticide effects on certain beneficial in- Moderately harmful 51–75 sect species). This took into account both direct ef- Seriously harmful Ͼ75 fects (i.e., mortality of adults) and indirect effects a Reduction in beneficial capacity. (i.e., reduced fecundity), as explained below: A value for corrected mortality (M%) is derived using Abbott formula (Abbott, 1925) (1), treated sample to that in the control, R2 is the % hatched eggs and R is the % mortality of early in- Mϭ(M ϪM )/(100ϪM )ϫ100 (1) 3 t c c stars. where Mt is the percentage mortality of the treated The Working Group of IOBC/WPRS (Hassan, group and Mc is the percentage mortality of the 1992, 1994) recommends that the values for total control group. effects should be categorized according to the pes- A value for the treatment effects on the repro- ticide effects under laboratory, semi-field and field ductive capacity (R) of the test organism is derived conditions (Table 4). Certain modifications of such from formula (2), hazard classifications are, however, needed, espe- cially in the following categories: i) number of RϭR /R (2) t c classes may be reduced since experience has shown where Rt is the average number of eggs produced that the variability of the results obtained with per treated female survivor in the treated group and carabid tests renders the use of so many classes im-

Rc is the average number of eggs produced per fe- practicable; ii) definition of individual classes may male of the control group. be changed since harmful effects may indeed exist The overall treatment effect (i.e., the reduction below an effect of 100%; iii) the categorization of- in beneficial capacity) is calculated from formula fers no indication of the dose-response relation- (3), ship. Furthermore, pesticide legislation in most countries has emphasized testing on honeybees, Eϭ100%Ϫ(100%ϪM)ϫR (3) silkworms, fish, some mammals and birds etc., and This formula was further elaborated by Angeli et has had little regard for beneficial mite and insect al. (1997), to ascertain female mortality and fecun- species. Consequently, the results are evaluated dity as well as egg fertility and neonatal mortality. based on the survival of organisms in treated and The formula may be expressed as: untreated groups (Table 5). In crop protection, however, beneficial mite and insect species are fre- ϭ Ϫ Ϫ ϫ ϫ Ϫ E 100% (100% M) R1 (1 R2/100) quently exposed to various pesticides because of ϫ Ϫ their close association with the prey and host (1 R3/100) (4) (pests). Studying only the lethal effects of pesti- where R1 is the ratio of the number of eggs in the cides may not completely achieve the targets, be- 8 H. Amano and M. Haseeb

Table 5. Evaluation and interpretation of effects of acute toxicity at fixed dose levelsa

Dose Ϫ Results based Interpretation based (mg kg 1 on survival on compounds body weight)

5 Ͻ100% VERY TOXIC 100%: but TOXIC evident toxicity 100%: no Compare at 50 mg kgϪ1 evident toxicity 50 Ͻ100% May be TOXIC/VERY TOXIC Compare at 5 mg kgϪ1 100%: but Harmful evident toxicity Fig. 4. Evaluation of risks posed by pesticides in the Ϫ 100%: no Compare at 500 mg kg 1 Third World with consideration of specific exposure condi- evident toxicity tions (modified from Römbke and Moltmann, 1996). 500 Ͻ100% May be TOXIC/HARMFUL Compare at 50 mg kgϪ1 100%: but No significant acute toxicity IMPLICATIONS OF PESTICIDE EFFECTS evident toxicity IN IPM 100%: no Compare at 2,000 mg kgϪ1 evident toxicity Use of selective pesticides is the first prerequi- site for a sound IPM in any crop production. With- 2,000 Ͻ100% Compare at 500 mg kgϪ1 100%: with or No significant acute toxicity out pesticide testing on beneficial mites and insect without evident species, the selectivity, risks and hazards associated toxicity with the needed pesticides in pest management cannot be determined. Pesticides, which are selec- a Modified from Richardson (1996). tive against the beneficial mite and insect species but are important for pest control, will always play cause sublethal effects of pesticides on these or- a useful role in IPM programs. ganisms may not be sustainable for crop protection Approaches to management of various crop if not investigated and evaluated properly (Bakker pests in crop protection have evolved over time. et al., 1992; Haseeb et al., 2000a, b). During the last three decades, IPM has been con- There is a deficit of basic knowledge on pesti- firmed as a valid approach for addressing and solv- cide testing, appropriate ecotoxicological methods ing pest problems in crops. It emerged as the strat- and the corresponding assessment criteria in most egy for pest control as a result of the significant of developing countries. In advanced countries, a change in attitude promoted by the excessive use of tiered test program, ranging from pre-registration persistent pesticides during the 1950–1960s in Eu- laboratory tests all the way up to field monitoring rope and USA and almost a decade later in South of usage, should form the foundation for the defini- Asian countries (Baloch and Haseeb, 1996). Ini- tion of ecotoxicological measures. Moreover, focus tially IPM employed optimal combinations of bio- has to be placed on assessing the changed exposure logical, physical and chemical tactics for pest con- situation (Fig. 4). In other words, the objective trol, which has to be integrated into a harmonious must be to adapt the methods and concepts in the strategy designed to provide durable and sustain- industrialized countries to the special conditions in able crop protection. It represented a complete the Third World, such as poor quality modes of ap- change in the philosophy of pest control from pest plication due to limited financial and personnel re- eradication towards pest management. Oomen sources (Römbke and Moltmann, 1996). Further- (1992) discussed the critical relationship of biocon- more, regional differences originating from cli- trol and chemical control in pest management. Pest matic conditions and ecosystem must be taken into control through pesticides has both desired (effi- consideration for each situation. cacy) and undesired effects, depending on the con- Testing the Pesticidal Effects on Beneficials 9 ditions under which the crop protection measures species or their beneficial performance will remain were undertaken. a grave concern. Therefore, their potential risks to Parallel to these moves to reduce pesticide use, beneficial mite and insect species must not be bal- there have been considerable efforts to develop na- anced merely against marketable crop yields. We tional strategies that actively foster the adoption of clearly need to protect these beneficial organisms. integrated management practices. Such practices This can be achieved by using proper research and are called IPM programs in the United States, development to ensure that the adverse effects of Japan, other Asian countries and Australasia or in- non-selective pesticides do not increase. tegrated crop management (ICM) programs and in- Most advanced countries have adequate infra- tegrated farming systems (IFS) in Europe. The structure to promote research on the effects of pes- world’s agrochemical industries are also embracing ticides on beneficial mite and insect species includ- the notion of IPM. The promotion of IPM by ing institutional capabilities, skilled manpower and multinational companies is a sign of the changing financial resources, which enables them to assess, era in crop protection, although certain analysts monitor and even enforce their toxic chemical laws have considered that it may reflect the concept of and policies. The assistance of international coop- pesticide itself more than pest management. Global eration led to the initiation of the same research Crop Protection Federation also uses the same defi- work on beneficial mite and insect species in some nition of IPM given in the FAO’s International developing countries simultaneously. However, in Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of many developing countries it is still a new phe- Pesticides (GCPF, 1997). We are optimistic about nomenon. Most developing countries do not have this approach and hope that the industry(s) will basic legislative framework or an administrative in- further augment its role in producing and market- frastructure that can manage the implications of ing those pesticides which may pose no or negligi- pesticidal effects in IPM. Moreover, the skilled ble risks to beneficial species. We appreciate that human and financial resources as well as an institu- this will further strengthen sustainable IPM pro- tional framework including analytical laboratories, grams worldwide. field research, monitoring and regulatory agencies and law enforcement and availability to rapidly evolving information on pesticidal effects on bene- FUTURE PROSPECTS ficial mite and insect species are not readily avail- To protect losses of crops due to various pests, able to most developing countries. pesticides are usually applied worldwide. Benefi- Pesticide regulatory processes would be greatly cial mite and insect species live together with their facilitated by improved information, increased clar- prey or hosts and the probability of pesticide risks ity and more consistent policies. Risk standards to these beneficials appears to be high as compared need to be clarified and applied consistently with with honeybees, silkworms, fish, some mammals, scientifically sound risk assessment methodologies birds, etc. Research and development (R & D) in and logical consistent assumptions. More research the area of pesticide testing on beneficial mite and and field-testing efforts should be invested in de- insect species is still in its infancy in a number of veloping actual persistent data and pesticide dissi- countries, especially developing countries. Aware- pation curves under known conditions of field use, ness of environment-friendly products and processes in each major climatic region within which a given are increasingly being adopted in certain advanced crop is produced. Therefore, more timely, accurate countries; and developing countries should realize data are needed on actual pesticide use patterns to initiate similar procedures if they are to trade in viz., number of applications, rate of applications, international markets. and preharvest intervals. Special efforts should be Pesticides will still be required to control key targeted to newly introduced pesticides, for use pests of crops and their application leads to more with unusual pest problems and for new cropping intense use in crop protection in the near future. patterns. For pesticides not currently detectable, Although, even if, for some reason, total pesticide new low-cost and practical methods should be de- usage is significantly reduced, the possibility that veloped with special emphasis on widely used pes- pesticides will continue to deplete either beneficial ticides. We believe that all these steps are urgently 10 H. Amano and M. Haseeb needed to devise sustainable IPM strategies to con- adegma semiclausum (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a trol crop(s) pests worldwide. primary parasitoid of the diamondback moth. Bull. IOBC/WPRS 23: 39–48. REFERENCES Hassan, S. A. (1983) Procedure for testing the side effects of pesticides on beneficial as being considered Abbott, W. S. (1925) A method of computing the effectiveness by the International Working Group “Pesticides and Ben- of an insecticide. J. Econ. Entomol. 18: 265–267. eficial Arthropods.” Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Angew. Ento- Angeli, G., D. Forti and R. 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