A Practical White Repertoire with 1.D4 and 2.C4

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A Practical White Repertoire with 1.D4 and 2.C4 Chess Stars cp,[j@ f.lJI"' Technical Editor: IM Sergei Soloviov Translation by: GM Evgeny Ermenkov Cover design by: Kalojan Nachev Copyright© Alexei Kornev 2014 Printed in Bulgaria by "Chess Stars" Ltd. - Sofia ISBN13: 978 954 8782 98-2 Alexei Kornev A Practical White Repertoire with l.d4 and 2.c4 Volume 3: The Nimzo-Indian and Other Defences Chess Stars Bibliography Books Dreev vs. the Benoni by Dreev, Chess Stars 2013 Complete Slav volume 2 by Sakaev, Chess Evolution 2013 The Modern Benon by Petrov, Quality Chess 2013 A Rock-Solid chess opening repertoire for black by Eingorn, Gambit 2012 A Strategic Chess Opening Repertoire for Whiteby Watson, Gambit 2012 Playing l.d4. The Indian Defences by Schandorff, Quality Chess 2012 The Strategic Nimtzo-Indian. Vol.l: A complete guide to the Rubinstein variation by I. Sokolov, New in Chess 2012 The triangle system by Scherbakov, Everyman Chess 2012 l.d4 volume 2 by Avrukh, Quality Chess 2011 The Nimzo-Indian Defence by Taimanov, Moscow 1985 The Benoni by Kondratiev & Stoliar, Moscow 1981 Electronic/Periodicals 64-Chess Review (Moscow) Chess Informant New in chess Yearbook Correspondence Database 2014 Mega Database 2014 4 Contents Preface ..............................................7 Part 1. Black tries seldom played moves after l.d4 1 l...c6; Englund Gambit l...e5; Lundin Defence l...tt:lc6........ 9 2 l...a6; Polish Defence l...b5; English Defence l...b6 .......... 19 3 Semi-Benoni l...c5 2.d5 e5 3.e4 d6; 2 ...d6 3.e4 tt:lf6 ............31 4 English Defence l...e6 2.c4 b6 .............................45 5 Keres Defence l...e6 2.c4 .ib4+ 3 . .id2........................... 60 Part 2. The Dutch 6 l. .f5 2.ttlc3............................................. 73 7 l..e6 2.c4 ib4+ 3 . .id2 .ixd2 4.'1Wxd2f5 ; Rubinstein Variation 2 ...f 5 ................................95 8 l...g6 2.c4 f5 ; Mujannah Formation l...c5 2.d5 f5 ............116 9 l...d5 2.c4 e6 3.ttlc3f5 ; 3 ...c6 4.e3 f5 .......................123 Part 3. Black tries seldom played moves after l.d4 tt:lf6 2.c4 10 2 ... a6; Queen's Indian Accelerated 2 ... b6 .................142 11 Knight Tango 2 ...tt:lc6 ................................. 157 12 Janowski Variation 2 ... d6 3.ttlc3.if5 ; Ukrainian Variation 3 ...e5 .............................164 13 2 ... d6 3.4Jc3tt:lbd7 4.e 4 e5 ........... ......................178 14 Fajarowicz Variation 2 ...e5 3.dxe5 tt:le4 ................192 15 Budapest Gambit 2 ... e5 3.dxe5 4Jg4 ...... ............ .. 200 5 Part 4. The Benoni. The Volga Gambit l...c5 2.d5 e6 3.c4 exd5 4.cxd5 d6 l.d4 �f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e5; 3 ... e6; 3 ... b5 16 Czech Benoni l...�f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e5 ....................222 17 l...c5 2.d5 e6 3.c4 exd5 4.cxd5 d6 5.e4 g6 wfo �f6; l...�f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.�c3 exd5 5.cxd5 i.d6 ..........237 18 Pawn Storm Variation l...�f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.�c3 exd5 5.cxd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7.f4 ...................................246 19 Volga Gambit Ac cepted l...�f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 .....268 Part 5. The Nimzo-Indian Defence. The Rubinstein System l.d4 �f6 2.c4 e6 3.�c3 i.b44.e3 20 Rare ............................................292 21 Taimanov Variation 4 ...�c 6 ...........................304 22 Botvinnik Variation 4 ...d5 5.a3 ............................312 23 Fischer Variation 4 ... b6 5.�e2 ..........................330 24 4 ...c5 5.�e2 .................... ...............355 25 Reshevsky Variation 4 ...0-0 5.�e2 ........................376 Index of Variations ......................................396 6 PREFACE The final volume consists of five parts. In the first part we analyse some seldom played moves for Black. The second part of the book is devoted to the Dutch Defence. In the third part we deal with the differentdef ences for Black after l.d4 lt:'lf6 2.c4, besides 2 ...c5 and 2 ... e6. In the fourth part we analyse the Benoni Defence and the Volga Gambit. Finally, in the fifthpar t ofthe book, we deal with Black's most reliable opening - the Nimzo-Indian Defence. In this volume, just like in the previous two, we have emphasized on reliability and rationality in our choice of systems for White. For ex­ ample, against the Dutch Defence we have preferred the move 2.li:Jc3, with which White reduces Black's possibilities considerably. Against the Nimzo-Indian Defence we analyse the Rubinstein System - 4.e3, followed by lt:'lge2, in which White's first task is to avoid compromising of his pawn-structure. The author wishes to express his deepest gratitude to Margarita Schepetkova for her invaluable help in the creation of this book. Alexei Kornev 7 Part l Black tries seldom played moves after l.d4 followed by b7-b5, l...bS and 1... b6. The third chapter will be de­ voted to the move l...cS. In Chapters 4 and 5, we will deal with the move l...e6, mean­ while Chapter 4 will be devoted to the somewhat dubious move 2 ... b6 (after 2.c4). In Chapter 5, we In the first part we will discuss will analyse the more solid move some rarely played lines for Black 2 ...�b4 . on move one. The power of Black's alterna­ tives in the first part follows the In the first chapter, we will path of increasing popularity. If have a look at l...eS?!, l...c6, fol­ the move l...eS seems to be quite lowed by b7-b5 and l...l2lc6. dubious and he is immediately on the verge of disaster, then the line In chapter two, we will ana­ in Chapter 5-l.d4 e6 2.c4 �b4+ lyse the systems connected with creates serious problems for White the fianchetto of Black's light­ and it is not easy for him to obtain squared bishop; these are l...a6, an advantage in the opening at all. 8 Chapter l l.d4 e5 l.d4 c6 l.d4 tiJc6 This is White's simplest and best response. In the first chapter of our final volume we will analyse three of the not so popular replies for Black against White's .first move 2 ...�c6 with his queen's pawn: A) 1 ... Black conceals his further e5?!, B) l ...c6 with the idea b5 plans for the moment. and C) l ...�c6. 2 .. .'�e7 3.tt:lf3 �c6 4 . .if4, or 2 . .f6 3.e4 tt:lc6 4.tt:lf3 - see. 2 ... �c6. A) l ...e5? ! This move has been tried in After 2 ... d6 3.exd6 .ixd6 4. more than 2000 games and even tt:lf3, Black's compensation for the A. Alekhine has tested it several sacrificedpawn is insufficient, for times; nevertheless, it is quite du­ example: 4 ...�c6 5.tt:lc3 tt:lf6 6. bious. Later, Black will have to tt:lb5.This is an important move. continue either a pawn down, or White wishes to trade his oppo­ lose plenty of time to regain it fall­ nent's powerful bishop and to ing back considerably in develop­ compromise his pawn-structure, ment. so that he can maintain a posi­ 2.dxe5 tional advantage besides the extra 9 Chapter 1 pawn. Later, in the game Elliott - opening books stop their analyses Lampon, IECC 2009, there fol­ of the variation afterthe move 6. lowed 6 ...0-0 7.t'Llxd6 cxd6 8.e3 t'Llg5. This seems to me to be 1"1e8 9 . .ie2 .ig4 10.0-0± Black has somewhat premature, since fol­ no compensation for the pawn lowing 6 ...!c5 7.t'Llf7, there arises whatsoever, because he cannot a position from the Traksler coun­ organise an attack against the en­ ter attack, (except that without emy king. After White completes the pawn on d2). We have already the development of his queenside, mentioned this to be in White's his advantage will become deci­ favour, but he still needs to play sive. some· more accurate moves. 7 ... hf2+ 8.Wxf2 t'Llxe4+ 9.We3 �h4 10.g3 t'Llxg3 1l.hxg3 �xg3+, Steu­ er - Stummer, corr. 1992, 12."lNf3! �xf3+ 13.Wxf3 0-0 14.We4+­ This is a very picturesque posi­ tion. White's king is leading per­ sonally the offensive of its army. After3 ... d6, contrary to 2 ...d6, White can develop his bishop with tempo. 4.ig5!? �d7 5.exd6 hd6 6.t'Llc3± and once again Black has no compensation for the sacri­ ficed material at all, Kopylov - 3 •••Wfe7 Faika, Hamburg 2012. This is the main line for Black after which he at least regains the Following 3 ...ic5 4.t'Llc3 f6 5. sacrificedmater ial. exf6 t'Llxf6 6.ig5 d6 7.e3 h6, Dorner - Schmidt, Email 1997, Following 3 .. .f6, the simplest White maintains a clear advan­ possibility for White would be 4. tage after 8.hf6 �xf6 9.t'Lld5�f7 e4 and after 4 ...fxe5 5.�c4 t'Llf6 6. 10.ic4± t'Llg5, there arises a position simi­ lar to the Two Knights Defence, It may be interesting for Black except that White does not have a to try 3 ...t'Llge7 - he wishes to re­ pawn on c2 and Black does not gain his pawn after 4 ...t'Llg6, but have a pawn on f7.This difference contrary to 3 ...�e7, his queen will is in favour of White, because his not be attacked by White's pieces. bishop on c1 takes already part in 4.t'Llc3 t'Llg6 (The attempt to pre­ the actions, while Black's king is vent the move 5.�g5 with 4 ...h6, vulnerable. The authors of some would lead to an even greater lag 10 l.d4 e5 2.de of development for Black.
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