Vol. 38, Issue 1 Summer 2019

Rethinking the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation FROM THE EDITOR by Shawn Regan

n a new study published this spring, researchers found what by now should PERC REPORTS Editor The magazine of Shawn Regan Ibe no surprise: Our attitudes toward wildlife are changing. More and more Free Market Environmentalism Managing Editor Americans view wildlife as human-like parts of their social network, while fewer Vol. 38, Issue 1 Tate Watkins believe that wildlife should be managed to benefit people through activities such Summer 2019 Art Director as hunting and . (ISSN 1095-3779) Rachael Hundhausen 2048 Analysis Dr., Ste. A The study underscored trends that have long been acknowledged. Interest in Bozeman, MT 59718 hunting and fishing is declining, while wildlife viewing and other non-consump- tive activities are on the rise. And 15 percent of Americans are what the research- Executive Director Senior Fellows Brian Yablonski Jonathan H. Adler ers describe as “distanced,” having little or no interest in wildlife. Terry L. Anderson Director of Development H. Spencer Banzhaf These realities present challenges for the North American Model of Wild- Rupert Munro Daniel K. Benjamin life Conservation, which refers to a broad set of principles that have guided Christopher Costello Director of Operations P. J. Hill wildlife management in the United States and Canada for more than a century. Monique Dutkowsky Gary D. Libecap Robert E. McCormick This special issue ofPERC Reports is devoted to understanding and addressing Director of Publications Roger E. Meiners Shawn Regan Andrew P. Morriss many of those challenges. Sheila M. Olmstead For one, wildlife conservation under the North American Model has histori- Director of Outreach Dominic P. Parker Holly Fretwell Randal R. Rucker cally relied upon hunters and anglers for funding. But as Shane Mahoney explains Randy T. Simmons Finance Manager Thomas Stratmann (p. 10), today’s challenges require that we continuously scrutinize the model. Jennifer Erickson Walter N. Thurman Matthew A. Turner “The model cannot become an orthodoxy,” Mahoney writes, “nor questioning Office Manager Bart J. Wilson it a violation.” Demographic changes will also test the model’s viability in the Dianna L. Rienhart Senior Fellows Emeritus future, writes Brian Yablonski (p. 18). He suggests that it may require several Policy & Partnerships David D. Haddock Coordinator Donald R. Leal tweaks, including better integration of property rights and markets into conser- Hannah Downey Jane S. Shaw vation efforts, to remain relevant and effective in the 21st century. Richard L. Stroup Senior Program Coordinator Bruce Yandle Adding to the challenges, most wildlife is treated as a publicly owned Colleen Lane Senior Research Fellows resource, yet much of its habitat is found on private land. James Huffman exam- Marketing & Media Manager Bryan Leonard ines ways that U.S. legal statutes and precedents have provided incentives—or Katherine Dwyer Kurt Schnier disincentives—for private landowners to conserve public wildlife (p. 40). Program Coordinator Research Fellows Bonnie Haigh Holly L. Fretwell Despite such obstacles, there’s no denying that the North American Model Laura E. Huggins Executive Assistant Shawn Regan has helped usher in dramatic recoveries of several prominent species. These Stephanie Randall Catherine E. Semcer Michael 't Sas-Rolfes successes, however, have created challenges of their own. Jim Sterba (p. 26) Administrative Assistant Tate Watkins describes the difficulties presented by surging numbers of white-tailed , which Sharie Rucker Jonathan Wood have magnificently adapted to sprawling suburban areas in recent decades. And Development Coordinator Tate Watkins (p. 32) explores the ways that trade in hides and meat from nuisance Megan Shiverdecker helps manage the abundant in . Board of Directors Last fall, PERC hosted a workshop that explored many of the examples Loren D. Bough, Private Investor Reginald Brown, WilmerHale Financial Institutions Group and ideas discussed in this issue. The event assembled a wide variety of experts, Henry N. Butler, George Mason University School of Law Robert Clement, Accenture (retired) including legal scholars, biologists, state and federal policymakers, and leading Christopher T. Corr, Rayonier conservation and landowner organizations. Many of the articles in this issue are Kimberly O. Dennis, Searle Freedom Trust Deborah Donner, Business Consultant derived from, or inspired by, the workshop discussion. Martin Hostettler, Cycad AG James Huffman, Lewis & Clark Law School (emeritus) In the pages that follow, we explore these challenges and their implications Kristina Kendall, New Balloon Investments for wildlife management today—with a willingness to rethink earlier approaches Kameran Onley, The Nature Conservancy Adam Putnam, Ducks Unlimited Inc. and to discuss ideas that are sometimes considered taboo. Along the way, we Gary Rieschel, Qiming Venture Partners Rankin Smith, Jr., Plantation aim to promote and inspire fresh ideas to enhance wildlife management in the K.C. Walsh, Simms Fishing Products 21st century. Christopher Wright, Liberty Oilfield Services

Copyright © 2019, PERC. All rights reserved. without permission is strictly prohibited. Back issues available in PDF format: percreports.org

The Property and Environment Research Center is a nonprofit institute dedicated to improving environmental quality through markets and property rights. Learn more at perc.org. TABLE OF CONTENTS

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THE NORTH AMERICAN MODEL OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATION...... 10 What does it really mean? By Shane Mahoney


New challenges require new solutions for © Larry Smith wildlife management By Brian Yablonski 26 32

WHITETAIL WARS ...... 26 On pitfalls in managing overabundant wildlife By Jim Sterba

THE GATOR TRADERS. . . . . 32 Markets help manage alligators in Florida. What can they teach us about managing other abundant species? By Tate Watkins

Vol. 38, Issue 1 Frontiers...... 4 Summer 2019 10 The Broken Promise of the Grizzly – By Brian Yablonski

Snapshots...... 6 Rethinking the North American Model of Wildlife From the Web ...... 8 Conservation Gone Fishing – By Tate Watkins

On the Lookout...... 40 The Limits of the Public Trust Doctrine By James L. Huffman – Cover: © CSA-Printstock

Impressions...... 44 To subscribe, A Lesson from Africa – By Todd Wilkinson visit percreports.org

The Last Word...... 46 Support PERC Reports The Vegetarian’s Dilemma – By Jonathan Wood at perc.org/donate


The Broken Promise of the Grizzly Living in Yellowstone bear country is a privilege

n the fall, when others can be found so, Ashe says, that the ecosystem is now Species Act. Last September, in response Itailgating for football games, you can “exporting bears.” Grizzlies are venturing to plans by Wyoming and Idaho to go find our family tailgating for grizzly farther into human-dominated landscapes forward with a limited grizzly hunt, a bears up in the Tom Miner Basin near that are less suitable for the bear. Verified federal district judge put the bear back Yellowstone. The bears come out in the grizzly conflicts in Wyoming are at levels on the threatened species list. The judge twilight to feed on caraway root on private not seen in decades, up from an average called the decision to delist “arbitrary and ranchland. As the bear population has of 80 annually in the 1990s to 220 annu- capricious,” marking the second time in a expanded farther north into Montana’s ally in the past eight years. decade that a federal judge has relisted the rural communities, we’ve also seen griz- Yellowstone grizzly. That decision is now zlies on the road to our family cabin in on appeal in the Ninth Circuit. Paradise Valley. And I’ve been backcountry In May, PERC and the Pacific Legal with Yellowstone National Park’s lead “If people feel that no Foundation filed an amicus brief in the bear manager to study and track the matter what they do, case in which we argued that failure to park’s majestic and charismatic grizzlies, delist the Yellowstone population threat- including an occasion where we were nothing’s ever going to ens “not only the continued conserva- charged by a big boar grizzly we awoke change, then they won’t tion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem from a nap. grizzly but also the recovery and conser- All of these awesome experiences invest time in helping vation of other imperiled species.” That’s confirm what federal, state, and tribal with recovery.” because keeping a species on the endan- biologists have known for years—the gered list after it’s recovered precludes a Yellowstone grizzly bear has made a return to state management, which would remarkable comeback since being listed The recovery of the Yellowstone reduce regulatory burdens for landown- under the Act in grizzly is not a partisan issue. The latest ers. The end result is to undermine many 1975. Once down to 136 bears, the grizzly delisting process was started by the of the incentives for recovery. grizzly population now exceeds 700, Obama administration and completed by Yet even if the bear is ultimately 200 more than what federal biologists the Trump administration in 2017. The delisted, a new bill introduced in Congress consider the minimum population size affected states—Montana, Wyoming, and could present obstacles to further recovery needed to preserve the species. Many Idaho, which are governed by a Democrat efforts. The bill proposes to treat the griz- biologists involved in the species’ recovery and two Republicans—all concurred with zly as if it will effectively remain endan- believe the population is closer to 1,000, the decision to delist the bear. As did the gered in perpetuity, essentially stripping if not higher. Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Commit- states of their management authority and Either way, the Yellowstone griz- tee, which was formed in 1983 to help extending permanent federal control over zly is thriving. “The Greater Yellowstone recover the bear and is made up of the key the bear. At a hearing before the U.S. Ecosystem has reached its carrying capac- federal, state, and tribal wildlife manag- House Natural Resources Committee ity for bears,” according to Dan Ashe, the ers in the region. in May, PERC research fellow Jonathan former and Wildlife Service direc- But to this day, the Yellowstone griz- Wood testified that by requiring unend- tor under President Obama—so much zly remains listed under the Endangered ing federal management, the bill “would

4 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG eliminate a key incentive for collaborative over to the states. There is even a transi- valued by hunters thrive under the North efforts to recovery grizzly populations.” tional five-year period of federal oversight American Model. In Montana, with hunt- The recent judicial relisting and to ensure the recovered species carries on. ing allowed, the state manages at proposed congressional action have as Under the North American Model of five times the federal recovery popula- much to do with the grizzly bear as they Wildlife Conservation, states are already tion goal. do with the integrity of the Endangered the lead manager for the vast majority of Yet I have no interest in hunting a Species Act. While more than 1,600 our nation’s wildlife, including wolves, grizzly bear. The spotting scope is my domestic species are currently listed, only mountain lions, black bears, bighorn preferred weapon of capture for this three dozen species have ever been recov- sheep, , , and . The incredible . I agree with Enos ered under the act. Ninety-nine percent three states that would manage the griz- Mills, the famed naturalist from the turn of the species listed have been saved from zly have entered into an agreement that of the 20th century, when he said, “The , yet less than 2 percent of listed would keep populations well above the imagination will be alive so long as the species have recovered. The grizzly bear recovery goal. No state wants to see the grizzly lives.” A walk in the woods in was poised to be an Endangered Species grizzly return to the endangered species grizzly country is no casual matter— Act success story. list. In fact, no species taken off the every snap of a twig or moving shadow The implications make species recov- endangered species list has ever returned provides for a more meaningful experi- ery a challenge. Long-standing recov- to the list as a result of state management. ence in nature, a vivid reminder that I am ery goals established by biologists get As sportsman-naturalist Steven Rinella a guest in another’s home. disregarded. Support from landown- notes, it’s wrong to suggest “states are That’s why it’s important to gradu- ers and states, who shoulder most of the like teenagers waiting to rebel once their ate the grizzly as a “here to stay” bene- financial burden of recovery efforts, are parents leave home.” ficiary of the Endangered Species Act, in danger of washing away in a stream The beauty of state management lest we lose support for the bear, or any of discouragement. In the case of the for a recovered animal is “conservation other species in need of recovery. We grizzly, the bears have comfortably ex- federalism.” Each state has the ability should give the North American Wild- ceeded their official recovery criteria for to experiment to see what works best life Model of Conservation an opportu- 16 years straight. for its bear populations and stakehold- nity to work in the case of the Yellowstone Other species will also be affected. ers, especially working landowners who grizzly bear. Resources will be diverted from those deal firsthand with the cost of recovery. truly in need. And the signal will be that Experimentation for a recovered species Brian Yablonski is the executive director of PERC. In “Frontiers,” he describes certain species will always remain on should be encouraged, including creative how PERC seeks to advance creative the list—that science and biology can but responsible connectivity of different conservation through incentives, easily be displaced by judicial environ- grizzly bear populations. innovation, and cooperation. mentalism. All of these are conservation As for hunting, even the Montana incentive-busters. Wildlife Federation has recognized that As Chris Servheen, former grizzly tightly regulated hunting is a part of bear recovery coordinator for the federal sound wildlife management and that the government, recently told NPR: “The grizzly should be no exception. Species future of grizzly bears is in the hands of the people who live, work and recreate in bear habitat. And if those people feel that no matter what they do, nothing’s ever going to change, nothing’s ever good enough, then they won’t invest time in helping with recovery.” The Endangered Species Act was not created to keep species under federal control forever. The goal is to recover threatened and endangered species to a point that management can be turned


Making a rhino-sized impact. Since 2016, the Zoological Society of London and various partners have been devising an impact investment to bolster the numbers of wild black rhinos. Private investors fund on-the-ground rhino conservation projects that aspire to achieve clear and measurable outcomes, such as boosting net rhino growth rates in priority populations. If conservation groups meet the objectives, “outcome payers” will reimburse the initial investment, plus a percentage that hinges on the outcomes achieved. With the black rhinoceros population estimated at 5,500 today—a plunge of more than 90 percent since 1970—the novel project is a welcome innovation

© Safari Club International Foundation International Club Safari © in conservation for the species.

Who owns the algae? In Maine, there’s been a years-long dispute about who has the legal right to harvest rockweed on private property. The seaweed-like brown algae grows in the intertidal area and fuels a $20 million industry, mostly in fertilizer and animal feed. A marine- products company claimed that harvesting rockweed was a public right as a form of fishing. Last year, PERC and the Pacific Legal Foundation filed an amicus brief in the case in support of coastal landowners and their right to conserve or harvest rockweed as they see fit. In March, the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine sided with property owners, a decision that will avoid a potential tragedy of the commons. © BrotherM© © Northern Jaguar Project

Feline fine in Sonora. Jaguars were extirpated in the United States long ago after being hunted, trapped, and poisoned by settlers and ranchers, who were encouraged by bounties paid by Southwestern states. Since 2003, the Northern Jaguar Project and its sister organization Naturalia have purchased five private ranches

© Foundation for Economic Freedom Economic for Foundation © in northern Mexico to conserve habitat for the big . The project Droning on about property rights. In the Philippines, only about half of also pays neighboring ranchers the country’s 24 million land parcels are formally titled. The Foundation who capture photos of jaguars on for Economic Freedom is working with government officials, academic their properties—in cash, and on researchers, and drone enthusiasts to try to change that. The group uses par with the local bounty for a dead aerial photography captured by drones to create maps that define parcel cat. The effort has built tolerance boundaries. Digitized surveys are then submitted to the government to with neighbors and effectively gain title. By turning informal rights into formal ones, land titles encourage expanded the reach of the 55,000- stewardship and allow landowners to capitalize on their assets. acre reserve in the state of Sonora.

6 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG Saving the forest for the trees. When Montana proposed a large timber sale near Bozeman, some residents opposed the project. Since the state is mandated to maximize revenues from its trust lands, a local group hatched an innovative strategy: try to outbid logging companies to keep the trees standing. In March, the group Save Our Gallatin Front did just that—raising more than $400,000 to defer timber harvesting in the area for another quarter century. It’s the first time a “timber conservation © veeterzy © license” has been awarded at such a scale in Montana, an outcome that will generate significant funds

© Jen Goellnitz for the state while compensating for foregone timber revenues. Farming for butterflies. The monarch butterfly is a cherished insect, yet its population has fallen well below historical levels, and it is being considered for listing under the Endangered Species Act. Milkweed is critical for monarch breeding and feeding, but increased herbicide use in agriculture has meant less milkweed available for © Smudge 9000 monarchs. A new program by the Environmental Defense Fund aims Save a species, win a prize. The expansive public lands package signed to conserve monarchs by paying into law in March included a little-known but potentially important tool for farmers to plant milkweed. The wildlife conservation: cash prizes. The Theodore Roosevelt Genius Prizes, Monarch Butterfly Habitat Exchange administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Fish is creating a market for habitat and Wildlife Foundation, will award $100,000 to innovators who devise along the butterfly’s cross-country technological solutions that benefit wildlife. Prize categories include migration paths, benefiting farmers endangered species protection, poaching prevention, and butterflies alike. management, wildlife conservation, and human-wildlife conflict management.

Insuring a future for elephants. Conservationists are piloting an insurance scheme in Kenya to manage human-elephant conflicts that plague rural communities and contribute to poaching. The Livelihoods Insurance for Elephants project, an effort of AB Consultants and the International Institute for Environment and Development, aims to develop a scheme with commercial insurers. The initiative will leverage nonprofit support and link payments to the implementation of preventative measures. Project backers hope the insurance will increase community tolerance for elephants who have killed more than 200 people over the past decade. © Ray in Manila

PERC.ORG PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 7 FROM THE WEB by Tate Watkins Gone Fishing Hunters and anglers help fund conservation. What happens if they disappear?


50 M 30% 50 M 30%

45 M 45 M Share of Adult 25% Population 25% 40 M 40 M

35 M 35 M 20% 20% 30 M 30 M

25 M 15% 25 M 15% Share of Adult Population 20 M 20 M 10% ANGLERS 10% 15 M 15 M

10 M 10 M 5% 5% HUNTERS 5 M 5 M

0 M 0% 0 M 0% 1955 1965 1975 1985 1996 2006 2016 1955 1965 1975 1985 1996 2006 2016

Source: Fish and Wildlife Service and Census Bureau National Surveys of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation

nder the North American Model of term trends of those activities. The share license revenues. Likewise, recent increases UWildlife Conservation, states play a of the adult population that hunts peaked in excise tax revenues have been driven major role in wildlife management, and around 1960 at 11 percent. That participa- largely by activities not necessarily related for better or worse, much of their efforts tion rate had fallen to 4 percent by 2016, to hunting, including growth in handgun have focused on species that are hunted or about 11 million hunters, a decrease sales, target shooting, and gun collecting. and fished. So it’s no surprise that most of of more than 2 million hunters over the Regardless, anecdotal evidence from the funding for state conservation efforts is previous five years. When it comes to fish- state agencies suggests that long-term provided by a particular group of people: ing, participation peaked in 1975 at nearly declines in hunting and fishing are a hunters and anglers. one-quarter of the adult population. That worry given the significant amount of Today, nearly 60 percent of funding rate had fallen to 14 percent by 2016, or funding historically derived from hunters for state fish and wildlife agencies comes about 36 million anglers. and anglers. Whatever the future structure from sources related to hunting and fish- So far, these declines in participation of the North American Model of Wild- ing. The largest portion is revenues from have not been reflected in the relatively life Conservation looks like, it will have state hunting and fishing licenses, which stable streams of revenues that come from to account for the challenges presented by combine to equal about $1.6 billion state licenses and federal excise taxes. One a funding foundation that could be shift- annually nationwide. In addition, reve- explanation is that states have become ing in the 21st century. nues from federal excise taxes on firearms, more adept at pricing hunting and fish- Read more in PERC’s new report “How We ammunition, fishing tackle, and related ing licenses in ways that have maintained Pay to Play: Funding Outdoor Recreation items provide roughly $1.1 billion to state agency revenues—such as charging more on Public Lands in the 21st Century” by agencies each year. for out-of-state licenses and tags. Popula- Tate Watkins. To read the entire report, visit Lately, the reliance on hunting and tion growth also helps offset the decline perc.org/recreation. fishing for state conservation funds has in participation rates, making it easier for Tate Watkins is a research fellow at PERC become a cause for concern given the long- states to maintain—if not grow—their and the managing editor of PERC Reports.


A New Public Lands Report from PERC

Now available at PERC.ORG/RECREATION

10 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC ORG. The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation What does it really mean?


he North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is a unique Tapproach that has achieved enormous success in recovering many large vertebrate species from widespread depletion to healthy or abundant populations today. The model is both a historical narrative and a broad set of principles that, collectively applied, has led to what some have called the “form, function, and successes” of wildlife management in the United States and Canada. From a historical perspective, the North American conservation approach was revolutionary. It freed wildlife from private control so it could be managed by government for the benefit of present and future generations. Sustainable public use became the foundation of management for a plethora of the continent’s wild animals, most nota- bly migratory , ungulates, and edible freshwater . The model also provided solid conservation funding through innovative laws at all levels of government, promoted international cooperation that estab- lished treaties for managing migratory birds and other species, and set legal controls and enforcement for . PERC ORG. PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 11 These were remarkable achievements, almost all of them those subject to human harvest. The Fur Seal Convention of innovations for their time. The model’s core tenants, many 1911 and the Migratory Treaty of 1916 are early North of which were incepted more than a century ago, are best American-led examples of such agreements. Many nations have reflected in seven defining principles that were first articulated followed in providing for international management of wildlife in the early 1990s by the well-known conservation scientist resources in various parts of the world. Valerius Geist: 6. Science is the basis for informed decision-making 1. Wildlife resources are a public trust. The heart of the in wildlife management. Since the days of Theodore Roos- model is the concept that wildlife is owned by no one and is evelt, this principle has been critical to North American wildlife managed by government for the collective benefit of present conservation. The approach was further advanced decades later and future generations. by Aldo Leopold and has led to many advances in the manage- ment and conservation of diverse species. 2. Markets for are eliminated. Unregulated exploi- tation of game animals and migratory birds was replaced with 7. Democracy of hunting is standard. Every citizen has federal, provincial, and state laws that regulated harvests and opportunity, under the law, to hunt and fish in the United States greatly restricted the sale of meat and parts from these animals. and Canada. Such opportunity is not restricted by social class, gender, color, creed, or landownership. 3. Allocation of wildlife is by law. Access and use of wildlife is regulated through public laws and rulemaking Yet despite its principled basis and many achievements for processes. These laws and regulations establish the framework hunted species and their habitats, the North American Model and directives regarding which species can and cannot be hunted, requires thoughtful inspection. Why? Because the model serves which are imperiled and deserve special protection, and other as both a historical narrative for understanding the origins and considerations related to public use of wildlife. gradual development of North American conservation and as the basis for current regulatory practices. It is also a possi- 4. Wildlife can only be killed for a legitimate purpose. ble prescription for future conservation success. All aspects are Killing wildlife for frivolous reasons is deemed unacceptable of great import because the model and our understanding under the model. Moreover, many states have “wanton waste” of it will undeniably influence wildlife conservation in the laws requiring hunters to salvage as much meat from legally 21st century. killed game as possible. MODEL EMERGENCE 5. Wildlife is an international resource. Because many Early European settlers perceived North America’s wild- wildlife species migrate across political borders, international life abundance as a “new Eden”—a vast natural bounty, virtu- cooperation is often crucial for protecting species, particularly ally inexhaustible, waiting to be conquered by the willing and

12 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG Early European settlers perceived North America’s wildlife abundance as a “new Eden”—a vast natural bounty, virtually inexhaustible, waiting to be conquered by the willing and able.

able. Excesses in wildlife harvest occurred first in eastern settle- exhausted. This realization helped provoke a conservation awak- ment areas. Then, as people moved in increasing numbers ening in the United States and Canada. The “citizen-conqueror” westward to pursue land, gold, and opportunity, markets was replaced by the “citizen-steward,” an advocate for wise and expanded, and an extensive trade in wildlife meat, furs, and sustainable use of nature. Since its emergence in the latter part other products emerged. Such trade was significantly enhanced of the 19th century, this approach, now known as the North by railway expansion as well as government policies and social American Model, has helped restore and safeguard many wild- attitudes designed to impoverish First Nations peoples and take life populations. their lands. In this regrettable context, commercial hunters and The movement was largely led by a rising class of hunters their employers became wealthy through unregulated killing committed to democratic access to wild living resources; ratio- of wildlife and destruction of human cultures at a scale never nal use of wildlife for personal, not commercial, reasons; and a before realized in North America, or perhaps anywhere else in fair-chase ethic. At the same time, however, a strong advocacy the world to that time. movement for protection of wilderness and natural systems also These efforts devastated many wildlife species across the emerged, giving birth to an appreciation for nature aesthetics that North American landscape. Many populations, especially of would also have a lasting impact on conservation policies in both large vertebrates, were unable to survive the scale and efficiency countries. Regrettably, the movement would not include the of the settlers’ methods. This soon became apparent, first to continent’s Native American cultures; these were either destroyed the Native Americans and settler hunters who witnessed the or vastly diminished and impoverished by that time. disappearance of game animals firsthand, and eventually to the wider public. Extirpation and also extinction—surely imagined CONSERVATION ECONOMICS as “Old World problems”—quickly became New World reali- The International Union for Conservation of Nature, in ties. populations were reduced from approximately its “Policy Statement on Sustainable Use of Wild Living 10 million to about 200,000 following the arrival of European Resources,” concludes that “use of living resources, if sustain- settlers, while North American elk populations declined from able, is an important conservation tool because the social and about 10 million animals to just 100,000 by 1890. The passen- economic benefits derived from such use provide incentives for ger pigeon, once a prized food source with a population esti- people to conserve them.” As humans, we are inclined to protect mated in the many billions, was extinct by 1914, and the iconic and maintain that which has value to us. This linkage between , which had numbered 30 million or more, conservation success and benefits deriving to people from the teetered on the verge, its numbers decimated in less than two use of wildlife was forged very early as a foundation of the North decades by commercial slaughter. Forests and freshwater fishes American system. were also decimated. The North American Model, therefore, provides a practi- Little wonder, then, that by the mid- to late 19th century, cal example of how incentivizing environmental stewardship North Americans had begun to realize there were limits to can produce positive conservation gains as well as economic the continent’s wild abundance and that this had been nearly benefits. The model’s sustainable-use system gave rise to rich

PERC.ORG PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 13 This linkage between conservation success and benefits deriving to people from the use of wildlife was forged very early as a foundation of the North American system.

supporting industries managed by the private sector—such as historical evidence is used effectively, and impartially, to improve hunting clubs, guides and outfitters, and clothing, ammunition, future conservation and management efforts. Conservation is and gun manufacturers—while generating substantial wealth and never complete. Nor is it ever easy. It is an unyielding problem employment across diverse sectors of local economies, often in that encompasses many of the most difficult social enterprises, rural areas. Such economic outcomes further incentivize support such as economics, justice, and politics. It requires unyielding for sustainable-use conservation policies and help create constit- effort that inevitably plays out in a dynamic social reality. uencies focused on wildlife’s future. Such scrutiny and effort must apply to the North Amer- Currently, economic incentives do not include the commer- ican Model itself. The model cannot become an orthodoxy, cial sale of wild meat. Indeed, this practice is not just discour- nor questioning it a violation. We should ask whether the aged by the model as it is formulated today but is generally ille- extinction of the Bachman’s Warbler, Eskimo Curlew, and a gal in American and Canadian jurisdictions as a result. In recent host of lesser-known species is, in any way, a consequence of years, however, there have been efforts in both nations to modify the model’s focus on a restricted guild of species. Yes, thanks existing laws to allow some regulated commercial harvest and sale to the efforts and financial support of recreational hunters of wildlife. In , for example, a recent proposal sought to and anglers, harvested species have generally made remarkable legalize the sale of white-tailed and venison. Such recoveries, and their populations are mostly stable or increasing proposals inevitably provoke intense debate. However, we should in size today—though there are some recent exceptions, such not dismiss out of hand the idea that limited and highly regu- as caribou. However, in general, it seems reasonable to ques- lated commercialization of wild meat could create a wider appre- tion whether the disproportionate attention given to hunted ciation of wildlife’s value and, therefore, additional incentives species by state and provincial agencies limited efforts that for wildlife conservation. The practice could also help in the otherwise could have prevented of numerous others management of superabundant wildlife populations. over the past century. Indeed, there can be no doubt that the dedicated fund- MODERN REALITIES ing and advocacy by consumptive users has dominated the As we examine the North American Model and its histori- model’s approach. It is not surprising, therefore, that sustain- cal track record, we should recall that while some wildlife species able wildlife management in North America can appear to fared well under its prescriptions, others did not. In fact, many some as biased and self-serving, where conservation efforts by species went extinct in the 20th century, even as the recovery of agencies preferentially target certain species—the ones that “game” or harvested species proceeded in spectacular fashion. “pay their way.” This is a critical perspective for assessing the Most that were lost were less visible or aquatic model’s ongoing relevance. Groups not traditionally engaged species, but terrestrial vertebrates such as the Bachman’s Warbler in hunting and angling have often been excluded from wildlife and Eskimo Curlew also disappeared during that time. policy development, a reality that simply has to be confronted The model has strengths and weaknesses. Recognizing and responded to effectively. At the same time, however, there both is critical for assessing its relevancy and for ensuring that must be a dependable funding source in support of this wider

14 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG view and the set of responsibilities toward nature that flow THE FUTURE from it. Conservation is never free. The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is Perhaps most regrettably, though, are biases with respect currently the subject of considerable debate among diverse to the model’s influence as a historical conservation narrative. stakeholders. Since the inception of its conservation move- The model has never emphasized nor acknowledged the already ment more than a century ago, North America has witnessed established systems of wildlife use and habitat management that vast social, cultural, and economic change. This evolving indigenous peoples had in place long before European coloni- context presents ongoing challenges to conservation policies zation. Nor has it acknowledged the deep, experiential knowl- and approaches. Increased urbanization, decreased personal edge of wildlife these peoples had acquired and applied through engagement with animal death, and new insights to animal millennia of dependency and co-existence with the wild living intelligence and behavior are all leading to substantial changes resources of the continent. The North American Model we recog- in society’s general attitudes toward animals and our accep- nize today is, of course, a European immigrant construction that tance of using them for human purposes. It is little wonder was both required and made possible by the destruction of the that these attitudes can alter broad social interpretations of continent’s pre-Columbian wildlife abundance and its extraor- the North American Model and lead to reduced participation dinary diversity of human cultures. The ecological views of these in activities long supportive of it, such as recreational hunt- peoples and their unique valuation systems toward wild nature ing and angling. were never incorporated within the model, a reality fraught with These shifting values are unlikely to be reversed, predict- consequences. Much has been lost in the silence and neglect ing increased influence by these movements over time. Their surrounding this issue. combined effect will be to potentially incite substantive change Today, tension often exists between the continent’s indige- in the model. Certainly, such social perspectives will predict- nous communities and other users of wildlife. From the latter’s ably lead to increased debate over North America’s conserva- perspective, indigenous rights to hunt and fish can be viewed tion approach and will determine how relevant the model itself as disproportionate or preferential, though indigenous peoples will remain. perceive such rights as only natural. This tension is real and The model’s ongoing relevancy is also affected by new deeply felt. It poses challenges legally and from a conservation realities regarding public and private land, especially in the policy point of view. It has deep implications that cannot be United States, where more than 60 percent of land is privately remedied without reference to the historical realities that gave owned and about three-quarters of endangered species rely rise to it. In the meantime, it is clear that democratic access to on private land for habitat. Despite North America’s success hunting opportunities, one of the key principles of the model, in establishing a state-based system of protected areas and the is now confronted by a dichotomy of communities, one indig- positive extension of land protection by non-governmental enous and the other settler-derived, whose legal access to wild- organizations, the best available science shows the set-aside of life for harvest and consumption can and do differ, sometimes land remains insufficient to address landscape-level require- to dramatic extents. ments for ecological connectivity. Any geographically extensive

PERC.ORG PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 15 Despite some obvious limitations, the model exemplifies the great hope that concern for wildlife’s welfare can indeed unite disparate groups in fruitful cooperation.

conservation effort in North America, therefore, must include even if we differ in our views of how best to protect it? Or is private land if it is to have any chance to be effective, and new conservation to be an ideology, exercised at the expense of that engagement by private landowners as “citizen conservation- for which it was conceived? ists” is critical. There can be little doubt that the North American Model THE GREAT HOPE needs to address these challenges and the criticisms arising from The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation repre- them. Conservation approaches must continuously innovate. sents a singular achievement. It has demonstrated that it is possi- They must also create institutions capable of assuming long- ble to reverse declines in natural diversity and abundance across term leadership responsibility for sectoral issues such as science vast geographic areas while maintaining multiple uses and public and scholarship, management, policy, law, and law enforcement, access to wild, renewable resources. Globally, the model’s impor- but also for wildlife and nature economics. Above all else, conser- tance lies in its demonstration that use of wildlife, where sustain- vation institutions must remain sensitive to the social as well as able, can indeed contribute to human needs while maintain- physical environments in which they operate. In the absence of ing thriving wildlife populations. Conservation need not be an this, existing approaches that are no longer effective may be inap- either/or proposition. propriately maintained, ill-conceived alternative approaches may Of equal importance, the model has shown that these broad be embraced, and the risk of wildlife extinction may dramati- principles of conservation can be applied across great cultural and cally increase. political divides. Through its example, we discover that human So, what is the future of the North American Model? The diversity and social complexity are not insurmountable barriers model’s great conservation success was built on an appeal to the to conservation success. This, too, is a vital lesson for the world. citizenry, which led to the formation of prideful constituencies Despite some obvious limitations, the model exemplifies the who defined themselves as conservation advocates. For wildlife great hope that concern for wildlife’s welfare can indeed unite to thrive, citizens must continue to be engaged. But, of course, disparate groups in fruitful cooperation. Such a reality closely the citizenry is changing, and therein lies the model’s greatest approaches the holy grail for the conservation prospector today challenge: Can it adapt fast enough while securing the basic prin- and is of certain value to the international conservation commu- ciples and mechanisms required to retain both public support nity as it pursues solutions to global conservation challenges. and wildlife abundance? Even wider questions remain: Are the existing energies for Shane Mahoney is president of Conservation conservation, regardless of viewpoint, sufficient to its needs? And Visions, deputy chair of IUCN’s Sustainable Use for whom is wildlife managed and for what purpose? Indeed, and Livelihoods Specialist Group, international will wildlife be managed at all in the future? These are not new liaison for The Wildlife Society, and executive director of the High Lonesome Institute. His questions, of course, nor are the corollaries: Who will care suffi- new book, The North American Model of Wildlife ciently to pay for the conservation paradigm of tomorrow? Can Conservation, co-edited with Valerius Geist, will we be united in our human affection for nature and wildlife, be published in September.


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To become a monthly member, please visit perc.org/monthly or contact Rupert Munro at [email protected] or 406.587.9591 Rethinking the North American Wildlife Model New challenges require new solutions for wildlife management


18 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC ORG. or anyone who has heard the ghostly gobble of a wild Three great challenges face the Fturkey in the pine woods, listened to the seductive bugle of a bull elk in early autumn, witnessed an elusive bighorn North American Wildlife Model in sheep navigate an impossibly steep mountainside, or watched a the 21st century. If we want our bounding pronghorn seemingly float above the plains, you can thank a little-known conservation playbook called the North wildlife conservation efforts to American Model of Wildlife Conservation. succeed over the next century, we As a former state wildlife commissioner, the model was orthodoxy—a set of principles with roots going back 100 years will have to meet these challenges. that are used by wildlife professionals to manage species and habitat. It has been the basis for responsible regulation married with conservation law enforcement and science-based manage- When it comes to the third challenge, let me do a little ment married with a conservation ethic. And the hunter-led Florida math. My old home state has 21 million residents, and model has provided its share of success stories, with rebound- only about 240,000 are hunters—roughly 1 percent. Assume, ing game and non-game populations, reliable funding sources based on surveys, a full 20 percent are opposed to any kind of for conservation, and extensive habitat protection. hunting. That means that approximately 79 percent of Florid- But the Nostradamus in me says that as wildlife manage- ians neither hunt nor are anti-hunting—these 79 percent are ment and our demography continue to evolve, we will see the the swing voters. How do we make the North American Model model’s adaptability tested in new ways. To my eye, three great relevant to them? Are hunters like me, the 1 percent, focus- challenges face the North American Wildlife Model in the 21st ing on what matters to the 79 percent swing voters, or are we century: 1) managing for growing wildlife numbers, 2) account- simply preaching to the 1 percent who are already converted? ing for the interplay between public wildlife and private habi- And Florida is just one example. In terms of ongoing demo- tat, and 3) developing more hunter-conservationists while being graphic changes, your state is more likely to start looking like more inclusive of non-hunting conservationists. If we want our Florida today than Florida will start to look like yours. wildlife conservation efforts to succeed over the next century, we will have to meet these challenges. ECONOMIC INSIGHTS Is the North American Model, as currently built, ready to THREE GREAT CHALLENGES take on these challenges of tomorrow? And what does econom- The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation was ics have to say about the model? born out of wildlife scarcity, but in the 21st century, we have a Private ownership and free markets can be forces of good, new challenge: wildlife abundance. Today, North America is home and profits can be a powerful incentive. In 1908, President Theo- to 30 million whitetail deer, 8 million turkeys, 6 million wild- dore Roosevelt convened the White House Conference of Gover- hogs, 6 million geese, 5 million alligators, 5 million beavers, and nors at the nation’s first conservation conference. The gathering half a million black bears. Given the monumental growth of these featured luminaries including Oliver Wendell Holmes, Gifford species after their near decimation, wildlife conflict has become the Pinchot, C. Hart Merriam, Andrew Carnegie, Samuel Gomp- new sign of success. Expanding grizzly populations are encounter- ers, and William Jennings Bryan. Each governor was allowed to ing ranchers’ cows for the first time ever, and abundant deer are bring three guests from the field of natural resources. meeting automobiles with dire results. When wildlife becomes a At the conference, T.R. launched into a spirited defense liability to people rather than a benefit, how do we keep Ameri- of public conservation policies. Among Roosevelt’s remarks, cans from viewing them as pests, vermin, and nuisances? however, the transcript contains a nugget related to the power- Secondly, while wildlife is publicly owned, most wild- ful incentives that private ownership can provide: “We want life habitat is private. The things that motivate a private land- to see a man own his farm rather than rent it, because we owner may not be the same as those that motivate society at want to see it an object to him to transfer in better order to large. Altruism has its limits, so shouldn’t the North American his children.” Model recognize who actually owns ecosystems, and appeal to At its very roots, economics is the study of trade-offs and them? Because private ownership provides incentives to take how human beings make choices in response to incentives. And care of resources, it only makes sense to explore ways to harness Roosevelt seized on the power of economic incentives. In his farm those incentives. example, ownership creates incentives to protect and improve

PERC.ORG PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 19 the farm. When it comes to wildlife management, markets, the Yellowstone 87!” But in 2014, with the state’s approval, ownership, and profit can often provide the best incentives 145 bison cared for by Turner were transferred to the Fort Peck for conservation, leading to positive outcomes for both owners Indian Reservation to grow another herd. Despite the early and the environment. protests, it was a great conservation success—and it cost the The North American Model, however, essentially outlawed federal government nothing. the use of economic incentives. Market hunting, commercial- To take another example, in Florida there are nuisance alli- ization, and private ownership are all considered taboo under gators—some of which find their way into backyard swimming the model. pools or consume small —meaning that Florida also has But today gives us new opportunity. We have perhaps nuisance trappers. As Tate Watkins explores in these reached a point where can take a fresh look at economics, pages (see p. 32), nuisance trappers are paid primarily not by markets, and private-ownership incentives and examine whether government but by allowing the trappers to sell alligator hides it’s possible to use them as tools for better wildlife manage- and meat on the market. This sort of commercialization may ment. What if in some cases free markets, profits, and private run counter to how most wildlife are managed in the United ownership bring not only a private benefit to landowners States, but it could be a model for other abundant species. In but also a significant public benefit to wildlife and natural fact, there may not be enough traditional hunters to fix some resources? In the 21st century, market-based incentives can play of the management issues we have, or will have in the future, various roles in the North American Model—and in fact, some with some wild animals. As Jim Sterba notes in this issue (see p. already are. 26), in the name of population management, we may need to create some sort of system of hunter-harvesters for overabun- CHALLENGE 1: MANAGING FOR dant whitetail deer. Such a system would bring game products WILDLIFE SUCCESS to market, rather than having to give the meat away or allow it When it comes to managing for growth, some species to go to waste. have proliferated to such an extent that they have spawned new problems. CHALLENGE 2: MAKING HABITAT Yellowstone’s bison, for instance, have reached a population WORTHWHILE FOR LANDOWNERS of nearly 5,000 animals in the national park. These are some of Aldo Leopold is known as a conservationist, but did you the only genetically pure bison in the United States, meaning know that he was a capitalist too? In his 1934 paper “Conserva- they contain no cattle , which makes them particularly tion Economics,” Leopold wrote, “Conservation will ultimately valuable to some people. But given their population growth, boil down to rewarding the private landowner who conserves some of these migratory bison seek forage outside of the park the public interest.” In a collection of Leopold essays, editors into Montana during the winter. This has made brucellosis, a Susan Flader and J. Baird Callicott noted that Leopold recog- disease that could potentially be transmitted from bison to cattle, nized “the geography of conservation is such that most of the a threat to livestock. best land will always be privately held . . . The bulk of responsi- Almost a decade ago, state and federal agencies quarantined bility for conservation thus necessarily devolves upon the private 87 of these spilled-over Yellowstone bison to ensure they were custodian.” So how do we reward private landowners in ways that brucellosis-free. The state could have simply slaughtered them, serve the public interest? Our next frontier is to make it worth- as it often does, but it wanted to use the bison to seed new herds while for the private landowner to protect and restore wildlife across the state. There was one problem: The state had no place habitat. We must make public wildlife a valuable asset, not a to put them for the required five-year quarantine because no liability, to owners of habitat. facility was ready to take them. To take one example, a few years ago Florida initiated a This is where Ted Turner came in. He offered to maintain program called the Private Lands Deer Management Program. and care for them on his nearby private ranch—at no charge Landowners with at least 5,000 contiguous acres who manage to the government. All he asked for in exchange was ownership their lands for wildlife stewardship agree to furnish data on deer of 75 percent of the offspring born over the five-year period. populations and also provide opportunities to get youth involved Turner had a private incentive to have more genetically pure in hunting. If an owner enters the program, then they can receive bison among his own herd—that was important to him. greater flexibility on the hunting season dates they can offer and At the outset, some environmental organizations protested the method of legal take. For example, they might be allowed to this so-called “commercialization of wildlife.” Some cried, “Free choose to use rifles during bow season.

20 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG Our next frontier is to make it worthwhile for the private landowner to protect and restore wildlife habitat . We must make public wildlife a valuable asset, not a liability, to owners of habitat .

PERC ORG. PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 21 © Air Force / Samuel King Jr.

The program makes the landowners’ hunting leases more development activity, Florida conserved more than 22,000 acres valuable, meaning more profits in exchange for more conserva- of upland tortoise habitat. Markets can work. tion—a clear public benefit. A similar program in Colorado, In both the hunting and tortoise examples, wildlife known as Ranching for Wildlife, has provided incentives for was transformed from a liability into something of value. landowners to open up public access to more than 1 million Paying people who own the habitat and are in the best posi- acres of private land for hunting. tions to manage it gives them incentives to conserve. That’s A second example comes from Florida’s gopher-tortoise economics. economy. It’s true—for a long time, property owners and devel- opers in the state buried gopher tortoises. Burying creatures CHALLENGE 3: USING MARKETS TO GROW alive is very bad policy, to say the least. But in those old days, HUNTER-CONSERVATIONISTS the state would take money from developers building a home While hunter-conservationists have led the way on wildlife or community and allow them to bury a tortoise that had conservation, our numbers continue to decline. The latest survey been found living on the land to be developed. They would by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service indicates that the number then use the money to buy upland tortoise habitat as the of hunters dropped by 2.2 million between 2011 and 2016, a penance. But that didn’t help the tortoise, and many other decline of 16 percent. The North American Model needs to do species, that died. a better job of not only growing the next generation of hunt- Under a new market-based program, developers instead pay ers but bringing non-hunters to the table. If hunting is conser- willing landowners to relocate tortoises that are in harm’s way, vation, which it is, then the model should reflect an “all hands and those landowners protect them in perpetuity on their own on deck” approach. property. In this way, Florida has created a private market— That should include using all tools, including markets. a true gopher-tortoise economy—based on the rate of impact How might we use markets to recruit and retain hunters or to to existing tortoise habitat. A conservation-minded landowner get more Americans interested in hunting or the model, even if today who adopts one relocated tortoise is paid $800 to $1,500 they never pick up a bow or a gun? by the developer. Today, we are going through an unprecedented foodie Over the 20-year life of the old program—killing tortoises movement that goes by many different labels—slow foods, and taking the blood money—about 20,000 acres were organic foods, sustainable foods, the locavore movement, farm- conserved. In only the first seven years of the new market-based to-table. It all essentially means the same thing: There is a grow- program, and during an upside-down economy with limited ing cultural shift by many Americans to be close to their food, to

22 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG know what they eat, and to make their food experiences authen- There is a growing cultural shift tic. And the majority of them are not hunters. Hunters were well ahead of this trend. We were the orig- by many Americans to be close to inal Whole Foods. Food that is hunted is sustainable, organic, their food, to know what they eat, hormone-free, antibiotic-free, and it usually comes with a hell and to make their food experiences of a good story. Montana conservationist Steven Rinella, host of the authentic. And the majority of them Meateater television show and podcast, has tapped the conver- are not hunters. gence of hunting and its culinary benefits while reaching out to our non-hunting brothers and sisters. Shane Mahoney, one of the leading experts on the model and who’s also featured in this issue (see p. 10), is engaged in a multi-year study on the BULLY FOR YOU numerous benefits—economic, nutritional, environmental— If your reaction to all of this is to recoil, to show a little of wild-harvested protein, something that a limited market righteous indignation, or maybe even to show some disgust, could promote. then that is a good thing. It shows that our conservation ethic But while there is demand for authentic wild game meat, is strong. It shows we have a great appreciation for our wildlife our community, following the North American Model, has history. It shows we’ve learned lessons from that history. “Bully dug in for obvious historic reasons against providing a supply, for you!” T.R. would likely say. even when it would include conservation benefits in managing But thanks to the North American Wildlife Model, the abundant game populations such as whitetails. We have also world of conservation has grown up. We are much more sophis- dug in while allowing for notable exceptions, such as proven, ticated about conservation today than we were 100 years ago. regulated, sustainable markets for furs from fur-bearing animals We have a federal wildlife management apparatus. We have 50 such as mink, fisher, marten, and foxes. state wildlife commissions that work together. We have science- At the same time, there is a market for wild fisheries, and based management. We have regulations galore and well-trained in that case the market is allowed to grant a supply. It’s enough law enforcement. We have the vigilance of our stakeholders, the to confuse a guy like me who once managed both fish and wild- hunter-conservationists, and their many organizations. And we life: Are wild-harvested animals and wild-harvested fish really have a strong conservation ethic—these are our guardrails. so different? As wildlife managers, we are charged with managing the In Florida, there is a big “Fresh from Florida” movement public trust, and part of that solemn obligation is to use all the to market wild seafood—shrimp, stone , oysters, grouper, tools that can most effectively bring about public benefits. If snapper. There is even a Gulf Wild program that tracks who there are ways to leverage capitalism, markets, and profits to harvested your fish and where it came from in the Gulf. Given bring benefits to society, then we owe it to the conservation- the tremendous success of such programs specifically and the ists of today and the past to explore and embrace them where farm-to-table movement generally, should we be considering appropriate. a “woods-to-table” movement? Perhaps a limited and highly We should not be afraid to try new things, to experiment, regulated form of selling wild meat at farmers markets or nor should we cling to dogma and belief systems simply because to restaurants? Or will we choose to limit the people who can they worked in the past. The wildlife management challenges of experience wildlife as a delicacy only to those of us who are today are unique and different from what they were 100 years fortunate enough to have the time, resources, ability, family and ago—they have evolved. If we are to have success with a North friends, and access to hunt? American Wildlife Model during the 21st century, then our This could be our chance to educate and connect “the solutions must evolve too. 79 percent” to the benefits of hunting. We could excite them about hunters and their many contributions to conservation and connect them to the fruits of the North American Model. We may end up encouraging them to take up hunting, as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg did several years ago. This Brian Yablonski is the executive director of may also be the chance to make hunting “conservation-cool” PERC and the former chairman of the Florida for millennials and Generation Z. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

PERC.ORG PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 23 or outdoor enthusiasts, there is little better than a fresh powder Fday skiing, a weekend exploring backcountry trails, or a morning fishing a favorite honey hole. As conservationists, we also recognize that humans play an important role in shaping the natural environment.

It’s something that I’m lucky to see from a unique perspective when I fly across the country as the director of development at PERC.

My alternate office at 30,000 feet lets me see our continuous interactions with the landscape. From the parks and gardens of Manhattan, across the farms and ranches of the Great Plains, to the lush shores of the Pacific Northwest and California coast, we are in constant contact with the land.

This is something we understand at PERC: Conservation means engaging with our environment and stewarding it for the betterment of nature and our enjoyment.

From protecting migration corridors and managing forests to reduce wildfire risk to emphasizing the critical role of working lands, as sportsmen and outdoor recreationists, we seek real-world conservation success. But we also know that more must be done.

By joining us with an investment in PERC, you will reap rewards for conservation and help us grow a coalition of innovative conservationists. We are improving outcomes, building trust between land users, and, most importantly, achieving real conservation success.

Together, we will achieve a lasting impact that conserves our land, water, and wildlife for our children and generations to come.

We look forward to welcoming you to the PERC family!

With gratitude,

Rupert Munro Director of Development

Whitetail Wars On pitfalls in managing overabundant wildlife

BY JIM STERBA © Carl Wycoff

26 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG n the four centuries after the arrival of Columbus, explorers, was accommodating 40, 80, or even in excess of 100 deer per Itraders, and settlers, abetted by Native Americans, pillaged square mile. Such places provided plenty of forest edges for the North American landscape of its wild animal and bird hiding, feeding, watering, and bedding. They also contained populations for food, fur, , and fun. One of their favorite lots of people against hunting. As the National Zoo’s William targets was the white-tailed deer. European bankers who staked J. McShea put it, sprawl became “deer nirvana.” trans-Atlantic settler migrations were often paid back with deer By 2000, American drivers were hitting 3,000 to 4,000 hides and beaver pelts. As immigrants poured in, wild venison deer per day. Whitetails themselves were also a mass transit was cheap protein for pioneer-family pots. Commercial deer system for ticks carrying Lyme disease and other bacterial infec- hunters sold venison to butchers, restaurants, railroad crews, tions. Their browsing habits were causing billions of dollars and lumber camps. By 1890, a pre-Columbian deer population in damage to crops and landscaping. They were cleaning out thought to number more than 30 million had been reduced to the understories of forests—eating away tree seedlings to the an estimated 350,000. Many states—Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, point of stopping forest regeneration in some areas. When forest Pennsylvania, and Vermont among them—had no whitetails ground plants are eaten away, insects that baby birds depend left at all. on become scarce. With native plants gone, invasive species Fast forward to the end of the 20th century and, after move in. one of America’s great wildlife comeback stories, white-tailed Tom Rawinski, a U.S. Forest Service botanist in the North- deer had become seriously overabundant across much of their east, calls overabundant whitetails “the greatest conservation historic range, inflicting mounting damage on people, crops, challenge of our time.” In the 2018 summer newsletter of and forests. By the 1980s, whitetail populations started to the New York Flora Association, he described the predicament explode, especially in suburban, exurban, and rural-sprawl thusly: areas where more people were living and where hunting was This one , the white-tailed deer, [has] highly restricted. placed millions of forest acres at risk. It has been called the Hunting had long been the primary management tool for greatest mistake in the history of wildlife conservation … deer, yet even in many areas where it was allowed, hunters had once beautiful forests have become ecological slums with become unable to stabilize, let alone reduce, whitetail numbers. crumbling infrastructures. Forests are no longer resilient. New control methods were slow to be tried. Instead of five to Forests are disintegrating. Sustainable forestry is totally 15 deer per square mile, as was common in rural areas, sprawl out of the question.

PERC.ORG PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 27 In a 1997 book, The Science of Over- But society-level transitions were but in this vast middle muddle called abundance: Deer Ecology and Population slowly changing many circumstances: sprawl. Which is not a bad place to live Management, 42 wildlife scientists listed where people lived, how they lived, what if you’re a person, or a deer. four criteria for determining when a they thought about wildlife and nature, By sprawling out, we encroached habitat had too many deer: 1) the popu- and how they perceived animal welfare. on wildlife habitat—but that’s only lation threatens human life or liveli- All of these factors helped create a cata- half the story. As wildlife populations hood; 2) it depresses densities of favored lyst for whitetail overabundance. multiply and spread, many wild crea- species, such as songbirds; 3) it becomes Demographic changes were signifi- tures encroach right back. The reason is too populous for its own good; 4) its cant. Early conservationists didn’t envi- simple: Our habitat is often better than numbers cause ecosystem dysfunction. sion sprawl. Until the end of World War theirs. We offer up plenty of food and Whitetails fit the criteria. II, the idea that people would abandon water. We plant grass, trees, shrubs, and Deer had become demonized as a their towns and quit their farms for a gardens. We put in ponds and put out scourge, called long-legged rats in some home in a cul-de-sac off some exit ramp birdseed, mulch, and garbage. We fill up places and mountain maggots in others. or on a rural road didn’t make much sense. dumpsters. All of this amounts to a giant “Forgive us if you are among the millions Never in history had people lived this buffet for all sorts of critters. And it’s the of gardeners, farmers, bird-watchers, driv- way. But from the post-war Levittowns reason that sprawl’s biological carrying ers, fence builders, claims adjusters, body- capacity—that is, the population limit shop operators, roadkill scrapers, 911 the food and habitat can sustain—is far dispatchers, physical therapists, and chiro- greater than in an unpeopled rural area. practors who know this already,” began Society-level transitions Sprawl Man offers wildlife ample a 2005 editorial in The New York Times. were slowly changing shelter and protection, too. While much “White-tailed deer are a plague.” many circumstances: of the privately owned American land- scape is papered with “No Trespassing” CERVINE SPRAWL where people lived, and “No Hunting” signs, in the sprawl If deer have become a plague, then how they lived, they are ubiquitous. Suburban towns, decades of human decisions about how townships, and even whole counties have to manage them are responsible for help- what they thought adopted firearms and hunting restric- ing spread the epidemic. By the early 20th about wildlife and tions. For example, in Massachusetts, century, court rulings, new laws, and prin- which is the third most densely populated ciples handed down over time propelled nature, and how they state, it’s not legal to discharge a firearm a budding conservation movement. The perceived animal within 150 feet of a hard-surfaced road tenets that developed became known or within 500 feet of an occupied build- collectively as the North American Model welfare. All of these ing without the owner’s written permis- of Wildlife Conservation. Commercial factors helped create sion—which isn’t easy to get in the burbs. hunting was outlawed. Wildlife became These two restrictions alone put almost a public trust available to all citizens a catalyst for whitetail two-thirds of the Bay State effectively off- under rules set by governments. Deer overabundance. limits to hunting. And almost half of the hunting was confined to strict seasons state’s 351 municipalities impose further and bag limits. So-called “buck laws” on the edges of cities, people moved prohibitions and restrictions, including mandated that does be spared to repro- farther and farther out on improved on bow-and-arrow hunting. Lots of states duce. The goal was to rebuild the herd. roads in affordable cars burning cheap have rules like this. They create huge It worked. Healthy whitetail populations gasoline. By 1960, we were about evenly patchworks of deer sanctuaries. slowly returned. By buying licenses, hunt- split: one-third urban, one-third rural, Many of these restrictions came ers paid states for the right to do what and one-third suburban. By the 2000 along before deer populations ballooned. wildlife biologists wanted done: manage Census, more than half the population— Public safety was the aim. But hunters are the herds at sustainable levels that hunt- an absolute majority for the first time— relatively safe. These days, while firearms ers liked and others accepted. lived not in cities or on working farms kill more than 40,000 people a year in

28 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG will inevitably question the validity and accuracy of the surveys. Any argument that stops or postpones the prospect of deer control is used. Lawsuits are threat- ened, and sometimes filed. It takes only a few people using these tactics to put off dealing with the problem by deny- ing it exists. Even after a community decides it has too many deer, residents divide over lethal versus non-lethal control. Contra- ception always comes up because it holds the promise of sparing animal lives. (There’s no easier way to raise money in this country than to tell donors you can save animals from human harm.) In

© Vicki L. Miller / shutterstock.com any case, deer contraception is a humane alternative to killing—if only it worked. this country, hunters kill only about 50— But whitetail reduction is made even It may be tomorrow’s silver bullet. But usually each other, in cases of mistaken more difficult by today’s conflicting atti- practical and affordable deer contra- identity. Deer-vehicle collisions kill tudes about wildlife and animal wel- ception was “just around the corner” upwards of 300 people and hospitalize fare. Many people simply don’t believe 30 years ago. It still is. nearly 30,000 more annually. there are too many deer. They like seeing You can surgically sterilize does— Research suggests that the biggest these elegant ungulates around. They are that is, put them on an operating table predator of deer since the end of the often against killing them. They some- and remove their ovaries—like they’re last Ice Age has been man; Paleoamer- times argue that deer problems are really doing in East Hampton on New York’s icans and Native Americans probably people problems that can be solved by Long Island. That costs around $1,200 killed more deer than all other preda- driving carefully, fencing off landscaping, per animal. All you need is deep pock- tors combined, including and checking for ticks, and so on. They often ets. Likewise, New York City is funding wolves. What this means is that restric- campaign to save deer from hunters more a $3.3 million first-in-the-nation exper- tions imposed on human predators in vigorously than those who want to save iment to perform vasectomies over three just the last few decades have for the first forests, crops, and gardens from deer. years on every one of the more than time in 11,000 years put giant swaths of At any one time, literally hundreds 1,000 bucks on Staten Island. the whitetail’s historical range off-limits of communities are divided and fight- Hunter groups are often not much to its primary predator. ing over whether they have too many help. Hunters like seeing lots of deer— Where allowed in the United States, deer, and, if so, what to do—or not especially on the opening morning of some 11 million hunters kill about do—about it. These fights usually take hunting season. Measures to reduce over- 6 million deer annually—not nearly several years, during which time the all deer populations irk some. Keeping enough to stabilize, let alone dent, popu- deer damage worsens. The first question hunters happy is important because the lations. The rule of thumb is that just to communities confront is: Is there a prob- money they spend on licenses is a signifi- keep an area deer population stable, two- lem? That question alone can stall action cant source of state wildlife management thirds of the females have to die annu- for a long time. One side will ask: How funding. And that money is declining as ally. Even if you count deer that die of many deer do we have? It’s a good ques- baby-boomer hunters die off and their other causes—such as vehicle collisions, tion—but is it worth spending thou- kids don’t take up the sport. disease, and predators—it is clear that sands of tax dollars doing surveys, includ- Many communities eventually de- many more deer must die to actually ing helicopter infrared flights, to deter- cide that the lethal control option is reduce the population. mine numbers? After that, some people the only feasible course, and they think

PERC.ORG PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 29 that all they have to do is allow hunting gratuitous. You can donate deer to even after the law has been on the books and their deer problems will disappear. Hunters for the Hungry or other such for more than half a century. Limited Not so, says Anthony J. DeNicola, pres- programs, but money for butchering commercial-sale experiments have been ident of White Buffalo, a nonprofit orga- costs is in short supply. proposed in other states but have met nization that specializes in all types of Depredation permits, issued to strong resistance. deer reduction, including culling and reduce deer damage to crops and land- Perhaps the lack of progress on the sterilization. scaping, are on the rise. But more drastic commercialization front is why culling by The problem, DeNicola says, is that measures, such as offering deer bounties, sharpshooters is an increasingly common, hunters see “a recreational opportunity have not been raised—at least not yet. but expensive, use of taxpayer dollars—at and not a management solution.” This around $300 per deer. It usually involves can result in bad management, he says, EXCEPTIONAL SALES teams of specially trained shooters using adding: “Hunters are so spoiled now More than a century after the North rifles, often .223 caliber, equipped with that any herd reduction below 40 to 50 American Model of Wildlife Manage- night-vision scopes and silencers. Groups deer [per square mile] is unacceptable.” ment came to the fore, there seems to like White Buffalo carry out such culls, as Whitetails are so plentiful these days that be one clear incentive that could keep does the U.S. Agriculture Department’s very little real “hunting” is required to hunters hunting and help communities Wildlife Services branch. Besides culling bag one. As a result, hunting skills have pay for the costs of hiring sharpshoot- costs, communities must also pay butch- lapsed. Only serious hunters—say, those ers: once again allow commercial sale of ers to process the dead deer so that the after a particular wily buck—need them. wild venison. venison can be donated to food pantries. State wildlife managers have tried various Vermont permits this to a very limit- But what if that venison could be measures to increase hunter deer harvests, ed degree. A little-known provision in a produced by trained residents and then such as lengthening the hunting season 1953 state law grants the following: “A sold at local farmers markets? Suppose and increasing bag limits, with limited person shall not buy or sell a wild deer a town hires sharpshooters to conduct success. In some states, a hunter can kill within the state except during the open an initial culling and at the same time a deer a day for more than 100 days. season and for twenty days thereafter” trains local residents—police, firemen, But why would they? Once a hunter’s (emphasis mine). hunters, and others familiar with fire- freezer is full and a neighbor befriended Suffice to say, Vermont still does arms—to conduct future culls. The first with a gift deer, killing more deer seems not have a booming market for venison year, perhaps, the locals would observe and learn techniques. The second year, the locals would set up the cull under professional supervision. The third year, the locals would be on their own. Culling costs would gradually go down, and selling the venison locally would further offset costs by tapping into its locavore appeal. As celebrated hunter and writer Steve Rinella put it in “Loca- vore, Get Your Gun,” a 2007 column in The New York Times, such venison could accurately be labeled “free-range, grass- fed, organic, locally produced, locally harvested, sustainable, native, low-stress, humanely slaughtered meat.” A great irony is that an estimated 85 percent of the venison sold in restau- rants and at meat counters in the United

© Scott Robinson States is imported from red deer farms

30 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG State wildlife managers have tried various measures to increase hunter deer harvests, such as lengthening the hunting season and increasing bag limits, with limited success. In some states, a hunter can kill a deer a day for more than 100 days. But why would they? © Lovz2hike

in New Zealand. And it isn’t cheap—the published a forward-looking article: divided within and without. Here and ground variety sells for three to four times “Regulated Commercial Harvest to there efforts have been made, proposals the price of ground chuck. Manage Overabundant White-Tailed put forward, even legislative bills intro- Why not substitute local Ameri- Deer: An Idea to Consider.” Its authors duced. Still, nothing. can wild venison for the New Zealand were seven academic and government There is a general reluctance to get imports? Because doing so would violate wildlife scientists. They urged pilot proj- out in front on the commercialization a key tenet of the North American ects, carefully circumscribed, to see if issue, as if doing so signals a betrayal Model, which eliminated commercial commercialization might be a useful of the entire North American Model markets for wild game, especially meat. new tool in the deer-management tool- of Wildlife Conservation. But we must The model has seeped into the DNA box. The silent reaction was deafening. face the fact that other incentives to get of state and federal wildlife managers The subject did not even get on the people to kill more deer haven’t worked. and scientists, and for many, altering it agenda at the Wildlife Society annual A failure to try commercialization year in any way would be akin to rewriting meeting until 2013. So nervous were after year as deer problems continue the Ten Commandments: “Thou shalt its organizers that a professional facil- to escalate amounts to kicking the can not kill, except in certain circumstances itator was hired to maintain decorum. down the road—inaction that’s not …” At national conventions, just bring- Not necessary, as it turned out. About going to benefit the future of wildlife ing up the idea of commercial sale was 70 attendees talked and listened for four management in America nor the land- long considered to be so heretical that hours—many open to the idea, albeit scapes and communities that live with proposed forums were squelched. with reservations. these wild species. Of course, this tenet of the model Yet virtually nothing has come of the is rife with exceptions already. Fur idea in the last five years. To implement bearers can be bought and sold. Ditto even minor experiments in commercial- for deer parts—antlers, skulls, and ization would require the cooperation Jim Sterba is the author of Nature Wars: The hides. Deer urine is sold. Wild fish are of state fish and wildlife departments, Incredible Story of How Wildlife Comebacks commercially traded. government food safety agencies, legisla- Turned Backyards into Battlegrounds. He was a foreign correspondent and national reporter In 2011, the Wildlife Society Bulle- tures, governors, hunter groups, and for four decades, first for The New York Times tin, a peer-reviewed scientific quarterly, local communities—all of whom are and then for The Wall Street Journal.

PERC.ORG PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 31 The Gator Traders Markets help manage alligators in Florida. What can they teach us about managing other abundant species?


A nuisance alligator snared during a demonstration by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Comission has its jaw and legs secured with tape. © Tim Donovan/FWC

32 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC ORG. PERC ORG. PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 33 Kayakers set off down the Verde River from a bridge access point outside of Camp Verde, Arizona.

was a roofer for 30 years,” Broderick Vaughn says. “I still immediately turned and started to swim right at Vaughn. Alli- “I have my license, but hope I never have to use it again.” gators are opportunistic feeders, and their most dangerous pred- We were riding in his lime green Dodge pickup truck about ators are often other alligators—hatchlings make an ideal meal 20 miles northeast of Tallahassee, Florida. A few days prior, for a juvenile gator. Vaughn reared back with his spinning rod, Vaughn had gotten a call from a small quail plantation owner on cast, and then reeled his line in right on top of the gator, snag- Old Magnolia Road, which turns to dirt, then back to pavement, ging it with the treble hook dangling on the end of the line. and then back to dirt as you drive north, a giant live oak forming The gator thrashed a few times and wriggled loose. a roundabout in the middle of the red clay road at one point. It took Vaughn another 20 minutes and a few more casts, Vaughn, who lives just a couple of miles away, was putting to use but he eventually pulled the alligator onto the bank, where he the other license he holds—the one that makes him a nuisance secured its snout and legs with black electrical tape. It measured alligator trapper for the state of Florida. 3 feet, 9 inches. Nuisance trappers can keep the gators they capture and sell the hides and meat, but only if the animals Today, there are approximately measure 4 feet or longer, so later that day, he would take a ride 1.3 million alligators in Florida on an airboat to release the juvenile into nearby Lake Micco- sukee. His only compensation for his afternoon of work would alone, and residents routinely call be the $30 stipend that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conser- nuisance trappers like Vaughn to vation Commission pays for each nuisance gator captured—at least, that should have been his compensation, but the agency remove gators from swimming pools, had already exhausted its annual pot of money for that purpose, neighborhood lagoons, and pretty as it tends to do during the fourth quarter of the program year. much any other body of water they Vaughn grew up hunting hogs and deer in North Florida, and now that he’s hung up his roofing tool belt, he processes find their way into. wild game at a facility behind his house, in addition to respond- ing to gator complaints. He says he wishes the program were The owners had called the “SNAP line”—short for the better funded, but, given how much he enjoys what he does and Statewide Nuisance Alligator Program hotline—to request the the fact that he’s providing a service to residents in need of help, removal of several small alligators from a pond in front of their he’s not too bothered by the afternoon of work without pay. house. Small gators aren’t usually a threat to people, but the “I went from never harvesting a gator to getting my first owners called because they were concerned for their pets. As we one that was 10-foot-4,” he says, referencing his first alliga- approached, Vaughn spotted a gator in the middle of the pond. tor hunt, a few years before he became a trapper. “The second He pulled out a bluetooth speaker, set it on the bank, one was 11-foot-4, and then I was hooked.” In 2018, the 110 and started to play a recording of hatchling alligators making nuisance alligator trappers in Florida harvested 8,139 nuisance their typical high-pitched, muffled squeak. The juvenile gator alligators from more than 14,000 complaints.

34 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG The laws and policies that allow gator skins and parts to be sold is an exception to how most game species are treated under Pictured from left: Broderick Vaughn reels in a small alligator; the the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, which captured gator; hooks set by Vaughn in response to a nuisance forbids sales of most wild-animal products. But the market- alligator complaint are baited with raw chicken legs and monitored based system seems to be working in Florida, and it could be by a remote camera; a tanned gator skin lays on a table in Vaughn’s processing facility. informative for other wildlife management challenges in the 21st century—especially ones having to do with too much, rather than too little, wildlife. Soon after, poachers were convicted in several high-profile ENDANGERED TO ABUNDANT cases. With trade in products stymied, the alligator popu- About half a century ago, the American alligator became lation rebounded rapidly—extremely rapidly, in fact, at least one of the original endangered species. Today, there are approx- in Florida. The recovery was so quick that Dutton says biol- imately 1.3 million in Florida alone, and residents routinely call ogists today mostly share a consensus that there was always a nuisance trappers like Vaughn to remove gators from swim- strong core population of alligators in Florida, even when the ming pools, neighborhood lagoons, and pretty much any other species was listed as endangered. As he tells it, poachers would body of water they find their way into. For the nuisance trap- kill gators in easy-to-reach and lakes, but the majority pers across the state, markets and commercialization are part of of were inaccessible and therefore sustained healthy the foundation that helps manage this now-abundant species. and strong populations all along. So how did alligators go from endangered to nuisance status? As the species recovered, its protections were gradually “The value of that hide has always been regarded as some- reduced throughout its geographic range. It was downlisted in thing exceptional,” says Harry Dutton, leader of the hunting Florida and in coastal areas of several other states in 1977. In and game management division of the Florida Fish and Wild- 1987, it was declared fully recovered everywhere. life Conservation Commission. Dutton, a wildlife biologist, Once the species was downlisted in Florida in 1977, the explains that because those valuable hides can be used to fash- state established a nuisance program to control problem gators. ion items like luxury handbags, belts, and wallets, poachers had Subsequent changes at the federal level authorized the sale of decimated alligators by the mid–20th century. Florida outlawed and export of hides, and in 1981, the state insti- gator hunting in 1961 due to the decline, and other states tuted experimental and limited hunts. By 1988, the year after followed with their own bans. Later, a 1967 federal regulation the species was declared fully recovered, Florida authorized state- deemed the species to be “threatened with extinction.” But it’s wide alligator hunting. The alligator population was thriving, widely recognized that illegal hunting wasn’t truly curbed until and the state needed to manage the numbers. With more than a 1970. That’s when the Lacey Act, which prohibits trade in wild- million gators spread across the state today, that’s still the reality. life products taken or transported illegally, was amended to “My biggest fear isn’t that we don’t have enough gators,” extend its protections to reptiles. says Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission executive

PERC.ORG PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 35 © Flagler County Sheriff’s Office

director Eric Sutton, “it’s that we don’t have enough nuisance The economic realities of these gator-trapping gigs are trappers.” Capturing ornery alligators that average nearly 7 feet made clear in the state’s application: “Trappers may need to long is a specialized skill, to say the least. Sutton describes the have additional employment, because being a nuisance alliga- state’s contracted nuisance trappers, who have to pass a back- tor trapper may not provide sufficient income to support an ground check and participate in regular reviews, as a “tremen- individual or family.” That’s one reason the program includes dous asset” and “an extension of the workforce” of the wildlife an eclectic group of people. When it began back in the ’70s, commission. (He notes that he considers hunters, who play an some of the first nuisance trappers were reformed gator poach- important role in helping manage wildlife, to be a similar exten- ers, good-ole-boys who decided to go straight and narrow— sion of the workforce as well.) and might have been missing a digit or two from their poach- “There are two habitats for gators in our state,” Sutton ing days. Today, the cohort includes retired engineers and other says. “Where they should be, which encompasses a lot of our professionals, as well as those who turned a gator-hunting hobby landscape, and where they shouldn’t be.” A 9-foot gator in a into a side gig. stormwater pond in the middle of an apartment complex is Lane Stephens is one of the latter. A lobbyist who works a recipe for disaster, he says. “That type of incident can turn a few blocks away from the state capitol in downtown Talla- public favor against alligator conservation, which is one of our hassee, Stephens has the mounted head of a 14-foot gator primary responsibilities.” he trapped in 2012 sitting on an end table beside his desk. The nuisance program, therefore, plays a crucial part in He says he was hooked after going on an alligator hunt with managing the species. But with an annual budget of $210,000 a client more than a decade ago. He applied for the Gads- for compensating trappers, and a $30 stipend per nuisance den County nuisance trapper job when it came open in 2010 gator, the funding runs out before the alligator complaints thinking he would trap a couple dozen gators a year. Two years do. That means that late in the program year, proceeds from later, he ended up capturing 72 nuisance gators—including hides, meat, and other gator parts are the only compensation the 14-footer, the biggest he’s ever caught and not far off the trappers get—a proposition that’s largely tied to swings in the state record. hide market. And in any event, the stipend may only cover gas “The market is horrible right now,” says Stephens, referenc- money for a trapper to respond to a call, if even that. ing the hide market. “If it weren’t for the meat sales my market





Source: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

“My biggest fear isn’t that we don’t have enough gators,” says Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission executive director Eric Sutton,

“it’s that we don’t have enough nuisance trappers.”© Matthew Paulson

would have dried up.” An expanding global supply from alli- a hunter to take two gators.) A resident permit currently costs gator farms in and farms in Australia has $272 (out of state permits run to $1,022), and the statewide put downward pressure on hide prices. These days, the high- hunt generated about $1.8 million last year. Perhaps more of end buyers like Gucci and Louis Vuitton that drive much of that funding could go toward compensating trappers, although the market prefer farmed skins, which have fewer blemishes. any change to the stipend amount paid to trappers would be Wild skins harvested by nuisance trappers or hunters generally up to the state legislature, not the Fish and Wildlife Conser- require more time, attention, and craftsmanship to transform vation Commission. from tanned leather into finished products. “Ten years ago when I started this,” Stephens says, “it was A few decades ago, when the market was booming, Flor- to help provide a needed service and have a little fun. When it ida wild gator hides reportedly sold for up to $35 a linear foot. becomes a job, it makes it a lot harder to get up at five or six in Now, trappers hope their skins might fetch $7 a foot if they’re the morning to go get gators. If I can’t recoup my expenses sell- fortunate. (Stephens, who has been a nuisance trapper for less ing my hides, then I might have to think about giving this up.” than a decade, says he once sold hides for $28.50 a linear foot but now can hardly find a bulk buyer.) Plus, Stephens explains, MODEL MANAGEMENT he and others in the sector fight the perception that “you trap- Nuisance trappers face their share of challenges with the pers are getting rich off the hides,” as he says a state politician alligator market, but the fact that trappers can sell their catch at put it to him once. He showed the legislator his mileage logs all is an exception in the world of game animals. When Europe- for nuisance calls. At a cost of nearly $200 per gator, Stephens ans first arrived to North America, they encountered a thickly says he was much closer to breaking even than getting rich forested continent teeming with wildlife. Settlers treated game from trapping. like an open-access resource, with predictable results. By the Alongside the nuisance alligator program is a statewide 19th century, market hunting and trapping had compounded gator hunt, which is designed to help manage the population habitat loss from clearing land for agriculture and development but also generates real revenue for the state. The wildlife to decimate species ranging from bison to passenger pigeons to commission issued more than 6,000 harvest permits in 2017, beavers. With game populations in decline, the North Amer- when roughly 6,200 alligators were killed. (Each permit allows ican Model of Wildlife Conservation emerged with a distinct

PERC.ORG PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 37 © DaveLongMedia © DaveLongMedia

In a 21st-century context of abundance, some have started to question whether, from a wildlife management perspective, it still makes sense to shun markets.

38 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG pillar: eliminating markets for game and wildlife products. (See National Geographic recently reported: “Global brands such Shane Mahoney on p. 10 for more background on the model.) as Nike, Puma, and Adidas buy strong, supple ‘k-leather’ to Early conservationists and sportsmen played an influen- make athletic gear. And kangaroo meat, once sold mainly as tial role in developing the model. A 2012 report published by pet food, is finding its way into more and more grocery stores the Wildlife Society and the Boone and Crockett Club, for and high-end restaurants.” Australia sells kangaroo products instance, describes actions taken by members of the New York to more than 50 countries and earned $29 million in exports Sportsmen’s Club: “At a time when there was limited or no from the animal products in 2017. government oversight on wildlife, they drafted, led efforts to In a 2012 article in the Wildlife Society Bulletin, seven enact, and enforced the first game laws directed against market wildlife researchers proposed using “commercial deer harvest hunting.” States eventually established hunting licenses, seasons, licenses” to help manage out-of-control herds in the United and bag limits in recognition that treating wildlife as an open- States. “Regulated commercial harvest would help state wild- access resource was sure to lead to extirpations, if not outright life agencies manage overabundant populations of white-tailed extinctions. In 1900, the last known wild passenger pigeon deer and allow hunters to sell all or parts of harvested deer,” was shot in Ohio. That was the same year that Congress passed the researchers wrote. That’s not so different to the approach the Lacey Act, which “effectively made market hunting illegal taken with kangaroos in Australia, or to alligators in Florida nationwide and remains the most powerful legal tool to combat given that hunters can market the meat and parts from their this activity,” as the report put it. quarry. Vaughn, the nuisance trapper and game processor, has Over the next century, the model helped recover many felt the effects of a down hide market, but he also does brisk wildlife populations—but in some cases it might have been too business selling alligator meat to restaurants and other buyers. successful. The deer population in North America has skyrock- Last fall, he even sold a few hundred pounds of gator sausages eted from a few hundred thousand at the beginning of the 20th to Florida State University’s football stadium before the rivalry century to perhaps 30 million today. (See Jim Sterba’s essay on game—against the Florida Gators, naturally. p. 26 exploring the many challenges presented by this trend.) Sutton, the wildlife commission director, notes that the In a 21st-century context of abundance, some have started North American Model emerged during a different era—a time to question whether, from a wildlife management perspective, when bison were being slaughtered indiscriminately on the it still makes sense to shun markets. After all, there have always plains. “At some point,” he says, “when an animal has gone from been salient exceptions to the no-commercialization tenet— protected to virtually nuisance, then the rules should change.” notably when it comes to fur-bearing species such as beavers In Florida in the 1980s, it was clear that had to happen with and mink. Historically, the model has permitted trappers to alligators. Once they had recovered and been removed from commercialize the valuable furs of such species. the endangered species list, everyone could see that something “If the modern system of regulations and law enforcement would have to be done to control nuisance gators and manage is enough to guarantee that fur can be taken sustainably,” Chris the population. Today, perhaps wildlife managers could bene- Madson, retired from the Wyoming Game and Fish Depart- fit from more experiments to help wrangle other abundant ment, has written, “then I struggle to understand why it can’t species, whether whitetail deer, geese, wild hogs, or anything regulate the market in other wild animals.” Even the Wildlife else. If markets can work for alligators, kangaroos, and fur-bear- Society report acknowledges that “where overabundant game ing species, then surely there are other opportunities for them species such as white-tailed deer and Canada geese result in to improve wildlife management in the 21st century. human-wildlife conflicts, and where the opportunities afforded sport hunters have proven inadequate to meet population goals,” regulated markets could provide incentives for “implementing population control and mitigating conflicts.” That’s basically the approach that Australia has taken to manage its estimated 50 million kangaroos, which damage crops, forage pastures, and destroy fairways across much of the country. Licensed cullers are permitted to hunt ’roos and sell their game products to processors and distributors. In recent Tate Watkins is a research fellow at PERC years, the kangaroo market has evolved and broadened, as and the managing editor of PERC Reports.


The Limits of the Public Trust Doctrine Does the public trust doctrine apply to wildlife conservation?


© PamWalker68

mong the many ambitions for a revived and expanded waters. Such a shift in the law would upset long-settled expec- Apublic trust doctrine has been a call for its application to tations, result in a massive taking of private property, and create wildlife and wildlife habitat. A 2010 report published by the a powerful disincentive for private wildlife conservation initia- Wildlife Society, titled “The Public Trust Doctrine: Implications tives. for Wildlife Management and Conservation in the United States and Canada,” is illustrative. The first sentence asserts: “The Public THE PUBLIC TRUST DOCTRINE Trust Doctrine, with its origin in Roman civil law, is an essential The public trust doctrine has its origins in English law and element of North American wildlife law.” was later applied in the North American colonies as well as part But asserting something does not make it so. With rare of the common law by the individual states after the American exceptions, courts have declined to extend the public trust Revolution. Historically, the public trust doctrine guaranteed a doctrine to upland wildlife and their habitat. As a matter of public right to commercial navigation and fishing on navigable law, a major challenge for those advocating application of the waters. Over the past few decades, however, courts in several doctrine to wildlife (beyond fish in navigable waters) is overcom- states have expanded the doctrine beyond its historical reach. ing the narrow precedent of the much more limited common But despite frequent proposals to apply the doctrine to upland law precedent. resources, including wildlife, those expansions have been limited Applying the public trust doctrine to wildlife or its habitat to public uses of waters. would have major implications. For one, it would effectively The rights guaranteed by the public trust doctrine are create a public easement on private property in the same way understood to have existed from time immemorial. As a result, the common law recognizes a public easement over and on judicial expansions of the doctrine have the effect of curtailing privately owned submerged and riparian lands on navigable vested private property rights. Takings claims under the Fifth

40 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (and under similar provi- Over the past few decades, courts sions in every state constitution) are thus circumvented because the private rights are, by definition, subject to the theoretically in several states have expanded the preexisting public rights. doctrine beyond its historical reach. Broadening the set of preexisting public rights protected by But those expansions have been the doctrine dramatically expands the scope of regulation. What might have been considered a regulatory taking—in which the limited to public uses of waters. value of someone’s property is diminished as a result of regu- lation—is rendered a case in which the property owner never possessed the right claimed to be taken. If property owners never the Supreme Court overruled Geer in Hughes v. , had a right to exclude those seeking access to such resources, for stating that “the general rule we adopt in this case makes ample example, there can be no taking when the government enforces allowance for preserving . . . the legitimate state concerns for that public right. conservation and protection of wild animals underlying the In addition, an expanded public trust doctrine would 19th-century legal fiction of state ownership.” impose affirmative duties on government to act for the purpose Thus, the states’ authority with respect to wildlife derives of protecting public rights. Failure of governments to meet such from their police power, not ownership, and is therefore limited duties can, in turn, result in enforcement actions in the courts. by the constitutional enumeration of federal powers and the Thus, an expanded public trust doctrine increases the power constitutional protections of private property. Clearly, states can of the courts and puts courts in the position of overriding the regulate the hunting of wildlife, including on private lands, but actions of the legislative and executive branches of government. they cannot impose regulations that would result in an uncon- For advocates of a broader government role in the conser- stitutional taking of those lands. Correspondingly, private land- vation and management of wildlife, the public trust doctrine owners can prohibit and permit access to their lands by hunt- thus holds great promise—as long the historic doctrine can be ers, just as they can control access for any other purpose, with expanded beyond what legal scholar Joseph Sax called its “histor- very narrow exceptions. ical shackles.” It expands the power of government, imposes Thus, the concept of the “public trust” imbued in the duties of government to exercise those powers, and eliminates the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is only tangen- costs of defending against or compensating for takings claims. tially related to the common law public trust doctrine. Both have to do with the public’s interest in the use and conserva- THE MYTH OF STATE OWNERSHIP tion of natural resources. But in the case of wildlife, the public But, in fact, the assertion that the public trust doctrine merely “trusts” that its interests in wildlife conservation will be applies—or should apply—to wildlife rests on shaky legal advanced, like all other democratically declared interests, by a ground. A familiar argument in favor of applying the public responsible and accountable government; whereas the public trust doctrine to wildlife has been that states own wildlife on trust doctrine recognizes public rights in the form of easements behalf of the public. But the argument is founded on a mistaken on navigable waters and their associated submerged lands. The understanding of the law relating to ownership of wildlife. Under public trust of wildlife conservation is enforceable only at the the common law, wildlife is considered res nullius—meaning it ballot box. The public rights guaranteed by the public trust is unowned until it is captured and reduced to private posses- doctrine are enforceable in the courts. sion. Thus, living wildlife species are neither owned by the state nor by private individuals. PUBLIC VS. PRIVATE MANAGEMENT The concept of state ownership emerged from several state The usual case for expanding the public trust doctrine to statutory and constitutional declarations of public or state include upland wildlife and habitat is based not on an assertion ownership. It was encouraged by dicta in the 1896 U.S. Supreme of state wildlife ownership, but rather on a presumption in favor Court case of Geer v. Connecticut but later dismissed in 1948 in of public management of those resources. But even assuming that Toomer v. Witsell “as but a fiction expressive in legal shorthand of public wildlife managers have all the best knowledge and tools, the importance to its people that a State have power to preserve a purely public management approach is destined to fall short and regulate the exploitation of an important resource.” In 1979, in a nation in which 60 percent of the land is privately owned © Nelson Minar

PERC.ORG PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 41 A negative consequence of the constituted a massive expansion of the historic common law doctrine, in terms of both waters and lands affected and uses to Montana Supreme Court’s ruling which the public has a right. in the Mitchell Slough case was An obvious negative consequence of the Montana Supreme Court’s ruling in the Mitchell Slough case was that the land- that the landowners had less of an owners had much less of an incentive to invest in maintenance incentive to invest in maintenance and improvement of the fishery and wildlife habitat. Although they could still exclude the public from accessing the slough of the fishery and wildlife habitat. across their lands, they could not preclude access from the Bitterroot River nor manage fishing practices, even though they continue to own the lands underlying and adjacent to the slough. (ranging from 98.5 percent in Rhode Island to 4.2 percent in The landowners would have no more incentive to invest in a Alaska). Private lands provide vast areas of wildlife habitat and fishery freely available to the public than to invest in crops and have the capacity to provide much more if they are provided livestock that could be harvested by any passerby. Of course, a the right incentives to do so. A presumption of exclusive public cruel irony in this result is that the privately financed improve- management and a public trust doctrine that implies unlim- ment of the Mitchell Slough benefitted the fishery in the Bitter- ited state authority to regulate on private lands has the oppo- root River, to which the slough is connected and to which the site effect—it gets the incentives for private landowners wrong. public always had a right of access under the historic public Take the case of the Mitchell Slough, located adjacent to trust doctrine. the Bitterroot River in western Montana. For a century, private owners of the lands on which the slough is located invested in JUDGE-MADE LAW? various improvements to create a reliable supply of water during It is well settled that state governments, exercising their the irrigation season. No one questioned that the private land- police powers, and the federal government, within its consti- owners had exclusive access to the slough’s waters and could tutionally enumerated powers, have authority to regulate the exclude others from their lands. Beginning around the turn of taking of wildlife on private lands. These powers are exercised at the 21st century, some of the farms on the slough were acquired the discretion of state legislatures and Congress, subject to the as vacation properties, and the new owners continued to invest limitations imposed by state and federal constitutional guaran- in maintaining and improving the flow through the slough— tees of due process, equal protection, and just compensation for but now for the purpose of providing habitat for fish and other takings of private property. To the extent laws enacted pursu- wildlife. As the fishery in the slough improved, members of ant to these regulatory powers are thought to be inadequate— the public ventured off the Bitterroot and onto the slough in because of either political or constitutional obstacles—some pursuit of better fishing. When the slough’s owners sought to wildlife-conservation interests have advanced theories that would exclude the public as trespassers on their private land, contro- circumvent both politics and the Constitution. An extension versy over access to the waters eventually led to a 2008 case in of the public trust doctrine to upland wildlife would establish the Montana Supreme Court. senior public rights and thus render takings objections moot— In Bitterroot River Protective Association v. Bitterroot Conser- the government cannot take what the individual does not own. vation District, the Montana court ruled that the public does have An expanded public trust doctrine also circumvents political a right of access to the Mitchell Slough. Although the ruling held opposition by shifting decisions from legislatures to the courts. that the Mitchell Slough is a “natural body of water” under the The usual justification for judicial expansion of the public state’s Stream Access Law of 1985, the outcome was firmly rooted trust doctrine is that common law courts have always had author- in the Montana Supreme Court’s earlier decision in Montana ity to adapt the law to changing circumstances and evolving Coalition for Stream Access v. Curran. That decision held that public values and priorities. The common law is often referred “under the public trust doctrine and the 1972 Montana Consti- to as judge-made law. But the common law has never been tution, any surface waters that are capable of recreational use may judge-made law in the same sense that statutory law is made be so used by the public without regard to streambed owner- by legislatures. Legislatures have authority to pass, amend, or ship or navigability for nonrecreational purposes.” The ruling repeal whatever laws a majority supports—in other words, to

42 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG Bitteroot River near Victor, Montana © Roger Peterson/USFS make public policy. Common law courts do not have authority those states where judges are not elected. Surely elected legisla- to make public policy. Rather they are in the business of trans- tures have better authority than courts to speak for the public lating the customs and practices of society into concrete rules and declare what constitutes the public interest. for application in particular cases, subject to the authority of Putting aside these principled, constitutional objections the legislature to limit, repeal, or replace those rules. As social to judicial expansion of the public trust doctrine, an activist, customs and practices change over time, common law courts lawmaking judiciary undercuts the rule of law and thereby upsets have adapted their earlier precedents accordingly. But with rare the legitimate expectations of those regulated by the law. Prop- exceptions, common law courts have not purported to have the erty owners have only the law and the goodwill of their neigh- authority to amend the law on the grounds of their or others’ bors to rely upon in making investments, including investments policy preferences. in wildlife conservation. As the Mitchell Slough case makes clear, This historic distinction between the legislative and judi- judicial expansion of public rights in the name of the public trust cial roles is particularly important where a constitutional sepa- doctrine upsets expectations based on preexisting rules and can ration of powers exists. Even if the English common law courts discourage future investments in wildlife habitat improvement occasionally took it upon themselves to enact new laws from and protection—a prospect that should unsettle wildlife advo- whole cloth, American state and federal courts are constrained cates of all persuasions. by the constitutions under which they were created. Although there is not always a clear line between judicial lawmaking and judicial adaptation of the law to shifting custom and practice, there can be little argument that application of the public trust doctrine to wildlife constitutes judicial lawmaking in violation of James L. Huffman is dean emeritus of the Lewis & Clark Law School and author of the the separation of powers. It also constitutes an affront to repre- books Private Property and State Power and sentative democracy, particularly in the federal system and in Private Property and the Constitution.


A Lesson from Africa How Namibia is a lens for thinking about local control of wildlife

BY TODD WILKINSON © Martin de Lusenet

ast winter, two renowned conservationists from Namibia— day regard them as valuable assets, not liabilities, the survival LGarth Owen-Smith and Dr. Margaret Jacobsohn—came of wildlife will always be in jeopardy. to Montana and offered a perspective that left some Americans For many in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem accus- believing they were speaking heresy. tomed to seeing conservation victories achieved only through The message: Public wildlife in southwestern Africa was strict federal regulation and government agencies forcefully rescued from the brink of decimation by removing federal playing a role in stewardship, it seemed counterintuitive. controls over animal and plant management and ceding it over A decade earlier, Christopher Joyce, a reporter with National to the authority of local tribal entities. Public Radio, traveled to Namibia and looked into the pioneer- Achieved through the creation of “communal conservan- ing paradigm Owen-Smith and Jacobsohn were instrumental in cies,” the bold strategy, endorsed even by World Wildlife Fund, bringing to Namibia called Integrated Rural Development and allows rural communities adjacent to federal protected areas Nature Conservation. Joyce interviewed a cattle herder named to more directly capitalize on wildlife by selling lucrative sport Elias Neftali who for years had battled lions, cheetahs, and other hunts, partnering with eco-tourism companies that cater to non- predators preying on his livestock. He realized that he and his consumptive viewing of animals, and permitting harvest for neighbors could prosper more by carefully monetizing wildlife. purposes of daily subsistence. “There are others like Neftali, people who have left rais- As Jacobsohn told an audience at the Museum of the Rock- ing livestock to participate in a radical experiment in Namibia: ies in Bozeman, unless people who co-exist with animals every helping wildlife survive by putting their fate in the hands of the

44 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG people who share their lands,” Joyce observed. “It’s as though the He knows that trophy hunting is increasingly a controver- U.S. government said to the people who live around Yellowstone sial topic, with western animal rights activists condemning it as National Park, ‘You know what? All those wild animals in the immoral and anachronistic in the 21st century. However, Sutton park—the grizzlies, the bison, the wolves—they belong to you.’” says, under the community conservation model in Namibia, it’s Now, decades into the program, the arrangement is far from generated millions of dollars for local economies and provided perfect and is highly controversial for some, but the statistics incentives for locals to protect wildlife. speak for themselves, Owen-Smith said. “Without trophy hunting there would be no wildlife. But Elephant numbers have risen in Namibia from about 7,500 trophy hunting is just one of several different ways to put a finan- in 1995 to an estimated 23,000 in 2018. Today, Namibia is also cial value on wildlife in areas where photo-tourism is insufficient home to the largest free-ranging numbers of critically endan- to make a difference,” Owen-Smith told me. gered black rhino, which in 1980 were on the verge of extinction Tourism needs to generate income for people who live with in the wild. Rhinos are under constant threat by poachers, yet or near wildlife, and importantly, to cover the costs of living when they are regarded as village assets, their gauntlet of home- with wild animals, Owen-Smith said. “What wild animals need grown game-guard protectors has proven to be more effective most of all is land. In some instances, in several parts of Africa, than just relying on government rangers. trophy hunting is all that prevents wild habitat from being used Namibia became a country in 1990. It is, like all nations for farming or mining,” he noted. “So yes, at this stage we need located in the wildlife-rich southern horn of Africa, reeling from trophy hunting. Wildlife has to be valuable to rural people, not the after effects of European colonization, which resulted in just financially, but also socially and culturally.” political boundaries and jurisdictions of nation states that do Owen-Smith and Jacobsohn refrained from weighing into not conform to original tribal homelands. the topic of whether Greater Yellowstone grizzly bears should “In the 1970s, the plague of poaching became an epidemic, be sport hunted once they are removed from federal protection. and by the 1980s there was very little wildlife left,” Owen- With non-consumptive wildlife viewing of bruins and Smith says. wolves in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks contrib- Namibian community conservation has produced “the uting to an estimated $1.3 billion in annual nature-tourism greatest modern conservation story in Africa,” some observ- revenue for the region, he believes Greater Yellowstone is lead- ers say. While systems of federal protected areas have arisen to ing the way in showing that those species are worth more alive safeguard iconic species, local communities situated adjacent to than dead. parks often did not reap the benefits of international eco-tour- Still, on the private lands surrounding the park, the chal- ism dollars flowing into the region. lenge remains how to promote habitat protection for elk, deer, Over the past 25 years, nearly 100 communal conservancies pronghorn, and other species and to engender tolerance for bears have sprung up, bringing a different way of approaching conser- and wolves. vation to nearly a quarter of Namibia’s land mass and making What Owen-Smith, Jacobsohn, and others have done is rural people stakeholders. forced proponents of conventional wildlife protection and the In 1982, populations of oryx, springboks, and zebras were North American Model of Wildlife Conservation to broaden reduced to a few hundred in the Kunene region—home to the their thinking, Sutton says. “The United States may have given Himba ethnic group and herding culture. Today, oryx number the world the idea of national parks like Yellowstone,” Sutton in the tens of thousands, springboks in non-drought years noted. “But what Garth and Margie fostered in Namibia has at upwards of 200,000, and zebras at more than 15,000. In since been carried out all over the world and is sorely needed turn, they support healthier populations of lions, leopards, and in rural America today—that is landowners realizing economic cheetahs. benefits and being rewarded when environmental stewardship Mike Sutton today oversees the Goldman Environmen- is carried out.” tal Prize—considered the Nobel of global wildlife conserva- tion—which was awarded to Owen-Smith and Jacobson in Todd Wilkinson is a journalist based in 1993. Sutton previously worked in Africa as a senior strategist Bozeman, Montana. He is the author of Last Stand: Ted Turner’s Quest to Save a Troubled for World Wildlife Fund, worked on anti-poaching investiga- Planet and Grizzlies of Pilgrim Creek, An tions for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and served on the Intimate Portrait of 399, the Most Famous California Fish and Game Commission. Bear of Greater Yellowstone.


The Vegetarian’s Dilemma Can the North American Model incorporate more non-hunters, like me?


have a confession to make. I’m one of the challenges to the can. By requiring hunters and anglers to purchase a license or I continued success of the North American Model of Wildlife permit, sportsmen can’t hunt or fish without paying into the Conservation that you’ve been reading about in these pages. The conservation coffer. grandson of an avid hunter and son of a lifelong fisherman, I’m But how do you effectively exclude people from observing an urban-dwelling vegetarian with no interest in either activity. wildlife in their own neighborhoods or in public spaces? Or, To put it bluntly, I’m not even one of the “swing voters” that to make the challenge even harder, how do you reach people Brian Yablonski appeals to (p. 18) earlier in this issue. who primarily enjoy wildlife for its existence value—the joy of Yet there’s an inherent irony to being simply knowing that there are wild bears a non-hunting conservationist. The bene- and caribou in Alaska even though they fits I receive from viewing wildlife—or may never see them? simply knowing wild animals exist—are Markets can Assigning a value to these non-use due, in significant part, to conservation benefits is difficult, but we can be reason- efforts undertaken or funded by hunters help incorporate ably confident that it is a large number. and anglers. conservationists like In 2016, Americans spent $75 billion Hunting has been critical to the on wildlife watching, compared to just North American Wildlife Model, as both me into the model $26 billion that was spent on hunting. a management tool and source for conser- by empowering us But, due to license fees and taxes levied vation funding. As the number of hunters on hunting equipment, the latter contrib- continues to shrink, as it has for decades, to express our values uted more to conservation. how will we continue to pay for the wild- while also contributing Markets can help incorporate conser- life you and I enjoy? vationists like me into the model by Fortunately, the decline in hunting directly to conservation. empowering us to express our values while does not reflect a decline in our interest in also contributing directly to conserva- wildlife. The same U.S. Fish and Wildlife tion. Consider the response to Wyoming’s Service survey that found the ranks of hunters has declined by planned grizzly hunt after the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 16 percent from 2011 to 2016 also found a 20 percent increase grizzly was declared recovered under the Endangered Species in the number of people engaged in wildlife watching. Can Act—a determination which is the subject of ongoing litiga- these and other non-hunting conservationists be incorporated tion. Outraged, non-hunting conservationists from the “Shoot into the model? ‘em With a Camera—Not a Gun” campaign sought hunting One obvious difficulty is that we non-hunters cannot be tags with no intention of using them. Their aim, instead, was excluded from the wildlife benefits we enjoy as easily as hunters to block someone else from harvesting a bear.

46 PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 PERC.ORG © Ashley Spratt/USFWS PERC.ORG human-wildlife interactions.If allofus who enjoy thebenefits we’d prefer toavoid, damagingproperty, or spurring negative life comeswithacost,whether it’s alteringecosystems inways built since1990have goneupinsuchareas. But abundant wild Byurban interface. oneestimate,60percenthomes ofallnew strated by thedramaticincrease inpeoplelivingthewildland- roam yours canbemore difficulttoassess. the foxes that roam my neighborhood and the deer that may ment poolisadangerous nuisancethatshouldbeavoided. But occupy butalsoforsurrounding communities. has consequencesnotonlyfortheenvironments theseanimals depleted species are now abundant, perhaps overly so. This can Wildlife Model hasbeensosuccessfulthatmanyformerly (p. 32)describeelsewhere in these pages, the North Ameri wildlife populations.AsJim Sterba (p. 26)and Tate Watkins thatcould efforts reduce theunintendedsideeffectsofabundant tion efforts. but wouldalsogeneraterevenue tofundadditionalconserva other. Competitive biddingwouldnotonlyreveal thesevalues would betoallow huntersandnon-hunters to bidagainsteach more alive thanastrophies. Itendtoagree, test butthetrue Living nearabundantwildlifeholdsgreat appeal,asdemon Most would probably agree that an alligator in an apart It wouldalsoallow more ofustocontributemanagement wasthatgrizzlies forthiseffort are worth The rallyingcry - - - - -

of us to contribute to advancing the wildlife values we all share. Model, version thatasksmore we shouldbuilda21stcentury on thesuccessof20thcentury’s North American Wildlife vation islargelydependentonasubsetofus:sportsmen. To build species, includingnon-gamespecies. also improve amore theincentives diverse toconserve arrayof thewildlifeandecosystemswewill helppreserve cherish.It could resisted suchefforts.) groups sofarhave other gearalsocontribute?(Outdoor industry why shouldn’t theproceeds from ourbackpacks,binoculars, and wildlife. If hunterspitch in through taxes on their equipment, have alottogainfrom bearingmore ofthecostmanaging like mehave enjoyed thefree have given ridesportsmen us,we pay-to-play concept to outdoor recreation. As much as folks effective managementmeasures,to support including hunting. of wildlifealsofeltthesecosts,we wouldhave greater incentives The modern conservation communityisdiverse.The modernconservation Yet conser More of us giving our fair share for the benefits we enjoy PERC haslong explored thepossibility of expanding the Foundation. atthePacificLegal PERC andanattorney Jonathan Wood PERC REPORTS SUMMER 2019 is aresearch fellow at - 47 Where Markets Meet the Environment 20th Anniversary Issue Where Markets Meet the Environment Where Markets Meet the Environment Where Markets Meet the Environment

PERC REPORTS PERC REPORTS PERC REPORTS PERC REPORTS VOLUME 20 NUMBER 2 JUNE 2002 Volume 18 Number 4 December 2000 502502 SouthSouth 19th19th Avenue,Avenue, SuiteSuite 211, Bozeman, MontanaMontana 59718 Volume 19 Number 1 March 2001 502502 SouthSouth 19th19th Avenue,Avenue, SuiteSuite 211, Bozeman, MontanaMontana 59718 Volume 19 Number 2 June 2001 502502 SouthSouth 19th19th Avenue,Avenue, SuiteSuite 211, Bozeman, MontanaMontana 59718

Volume 17 Number 2 March 1999 502 South 19th Avenue, Suite 211, Bozeman, Montana 59718 Volume 16 Number 4 December 1998 502 South 19th Avenue, Suite 211, Bozeman, Montana 59718

Special Issue FREE MARKET LEGISLATING ENVIRONMENTALISM THE CARIBOU IDEALS CLEAR-CUT REVISITED QUESTION by David Schoenbrod by Terry L. Anderson by Wallace Kaufman and Donald R. Leal by Deborah Jacobs

3 3 NON PROFIT COVER STORY 3 The story is the same 3 around the world: Local decisions are © James Lindquist U.S. POSTAGEusually based on 3 COMMUNITY FORESTRY IN INDIA AND NEPAL better information After years of national control, governments allow local people to share the resource. By Trupti Parekh Mehta WHY I AM AN ENVIRONMENTAL MORE MARKET than decisions ORGANIC FARMER EDUCATION PERSPECTIVES imposed from on 6 WHY DID THE GREENS WIN? CHANGES IN WAR AGAINST ZONING AND high. Above, in Free market environmentalists wonder why their message sometimes GOVERNMENT FOREIGN POLICY MODERN THE LEGACY OF ANTIQUE APPLES: TAKING ON THE falls on deaf ears. Five people share their views. ATTITUDE THE STATES SMART GROWTH PAID Bhimeshwar, Nepal, The rewards outweigh Why a teacher wants See essays on water, RECALCITRANCE GOES GREEN AGRICULTURE THE DDT BAN A MARKET TASTE? COMMONS members of a local 11 HOW THE MILESNICKS FOUND MARKETS As fishers flocked to their trout streams, a Montana ranch family the difficulties. more economics. fossils, and climate. forest users’ group Noting twenty years of The EPA muddies efforts Why should we zone discovered how to spur cooperation. By Kris Kumlien by ENVIRO-CAPITALISTS Federal agencies reject Mouthing goals, slowing Boon or bane for the Malaria makes a Does commercial activity Local control preserves meet with govern- market approaches. to restore brownfields. land use, anyway? Post Falls, ID ment officials to 14 THE FIRES THIS TIME Clay J. Landry liability for toxic harm. progress. environment? comeback. destroy diversity? Maine lobster fishing. It’s fire season again. The blazes signify deeper problems at the J. Bishop Grewell � Nature’s Entrepreneurs � discuss forest Forest Service. By Roger Sedjo by by Matthew Brown Letters from management. 16 GREENER PASTURES Robert Quinn Kathryn Ratté Daniel K. Benjamin 5 8 12 Based on the book by Terry L. Anderson and Donald R. Leal Comments from James R. Edwards, Golf courses go wild. Sea water irrigates a farm in Eritrea. An PERC friends by Martin S. Harris, by PERMIT NO. 32 executive farms organically. By Linda Platts and acquaintances 6 Dana Joel Gattuso 14 and David H. Vice 17 by by by Roger E. Meiners by by 18 TANGENTS Bruce L. Benson 5 J. Bishop Grewell 7 Indur M. Goklany 12 and Andrew P. Morriss 6 Jane S. Shaw 8 Alan Ehrenhalt 12 If congressional efforts to curtail interstate trash disposal succeed, 2048 Analysis Dr ., Ste . A costs will go up. By Daniel K. Benjamin

Bozeman, MT 59718 Volume 23 Number 2 June 2005 Volume 21 Number 4 December 2003 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER 2004 Volume 22 Number 4 December 2004 SPECIAL ISSUE: AFRICA VOLUME 22 NUMBER 2 JUNE 2004

VOLUME 21 NUMBER 2 JUNE 2003 VOLUME 21 NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER 2003 The Magazine of Free Market Environmentalism

Property and Environment Research Center PROPERTY AND ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH CENTER Property and Environment Research Center PROPERTY AND ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH CENTER


Ethanol: For as long as CONSERVATION a politician’s humans have EASEMENTS IN dream but a 3 ENVIRONMENTAL PHANTASM been discarding 3 RECYCLING RUBBISH The benefits of ethanol are largely a myth, but its political life is “Eight great myths” about waste disposal still abound. This CRISIS? taxpayer’s nothing short of miraculous. By Gary D. Libecap rubbish, other article refutes them. By Daniel K. Benjamin nightmare. 6 PROTECTING THE PAST humans have 7 KEEPING FORESTS GREEN Bruce Selyem doesn’t just photograph old grain elevators, he sifted through it Certification informs consumers about forest management. This ethanol- also saves them. By Ashley Fingarson By J. Bishop Grewell for items of value. powered “corn 9 THE WRONG WAY TO RESTORE SALMON 10 MANGROVE ALCHEMY bus” plies the The federal government pours cash into the Columbia basin, but The process is Regenerating coastal mangrove forests depends on recognizing what fish really need is water. By Clay J. Landry the property rights of local people. By Samuel S. Nugent streets of literally as old Valles Caldera : 12 MAINTAINING TRUST 13 UNDAMMING WINS PRAISE Peoria, Illinois. Private land trusts generally are prudent stewards, but tax as humanity; Wisconsin leads the way in deconstructing dams that obstruct A new paradigm for federal land? WHAT EVER advantages can sway their decisions. By Dominic P. Parker scavenging may its many rivers. By Ashley Fingarson 15 GREENER PASTURES 15 GREENER PASTURES HAPPENED TO well be the oldest ARE WE RUNNING OUT OF OIL? Turning garbage into oil; spreading sunshine indoors; and Conservation groups save sharks and rangeland; innovative COVER STORY: INVASION OF ALIEN SPECIES hunting feral pigs on Santa Cruz Island. By Linda Platts profession. For teenagers combat invasive weeds. By Linda Platts SMART GROWTH? 17 TANGENTS more about 17 TANGENTS A study of Wyoming oil drilling reveals that regulatory costs are High demand for wood products can foster the resurgence of higher on federal land. By Daniel K. Benjamin recycling, see forests. By Daniel K. Benjamin 19 LETTER TO THE EDITOR page 3. 19 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR George Reiger warns us to choose words like “management” and Turkey oil, oil, and ethanol. Letters from John D’Aloia and “protection” more carefully. Ernst Habicht

Volume 23 Number 3 September 2005 Volume 23 | Number 4 | December 2005 VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 1 | MARCH 2006 VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 2 | JUNE 2006 VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 3 | SEPTEMBER 2006 VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 4 | DECEMBER 2006 : $2.50 VOLUME 25 | NUMBER 1 | SPRING 2007 : $2.50 Enviropreneur Issue

The Magazine of Free Market Environmentalism The Magazine of Free Market Environmentalism The Magazine of Free Market Environmentalism THE MAGAZINE OF FREE MARKET ENVIRONMENTALISM The Magazine of Free Market Environmentalism The Magazine of Free Market Environmentalism THE MAGAZINE OF FREE MARKET ENVIRONMENTALISM WEALTH OF NATURE IRRESPONSIBLE TENURE FOR TIMBER These lands are POLICY SPECIAL ISSUE How Canadian Provinces your lands Congress, Not EPA, Foster Community Forestry Should Make the Laws

ADVERTISING FOR A KERNEL OF SUPPORT The road to an epiphany INSIDE CLEAN WATER FOR ETHANOL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE Doing Good While Doing Well Debating the Tax Breaks AMERICAN WEST PAGE 3 From farms to FME THE SHIFTING Mushrooms ROLES OF NGOs FOREVER Blue, FOREVER Green Meet Brownfields Moving Toward a “Superpower” The Many Sides of Chuck Leavell CAN ECOSYSTEM A eureka moment VALUATION CREATE THE QUEST FOR MARKETS? PAGE 7 MORE WATER Why Markets are Deadbeat Dams Tapping the market Inevitable for a cleaner environment THE SIMON-EHRLICH WAGER REVISITED PAGE 16 SURVIVAL OF THE SEA RESTORING LIFE Cayman Turtle Farm Enviropreneurs TO DAMAGED LAND Starts Over in Action And Why Are the Tiptons Ignored? HUNTING FOR Bees & CONSERVATION Barbed Wire THE ST. JOE COMPANY IN SAVING THE TIGER “Barons of Preservation” in the Red Hills For Water NORTHWEST FLORIDA PAGE 12 HOG FARM JUSTICE China and India Move in Celebrating 15 years of Communities Split over “CAFOs” SPECIAL ISSUE: AMERICAN INDIANS AND PROPERTY RIGHTS Radically Different Directions On the Bolivian Frontier Free Market Environmentalism

SPECIAL FORESTRY ISSUE Volume 26 • Issue 2 • Summer 2008 • $2.50 VOLUME 25 | NUMBER 2 | SUMMER 2007 : $2.50 Volum e 25 | Number 3 | FAll 2007: $2.50

THE MAGAZINE OF FREE MARKET ENVIRONMENTALISM The Magazine of f ree MarkeT e nvironM enT alisM Water leasing in Montana through Trout Unlimited’s eyes Save a SpecieS Yellowstone fires of ‘88 Trading out of trouble The Magazine of Free Market Save on taxeS Twenty years of reflection in the Land Down Under National park goes local Blue ribbon management for blue ribbon fisheries Friedman’s Environmentalism legacy for freedom Only a market can and the environment A family forest clean up the Bay 100 years of experimental forests Warning: army corps of engineers Living on the edge project ahead Protecting forests of the Swiss Alps BUY THAT FISH A DRINK PERCReports.org BISONOMICS

Volume 26 • Issue 3 • Fall 2008 • $2.50 Enviropreneur Issue Volume 26 • Issue 4 • Winter 2008 • $2.50 Water & Wildlife Access Issue Volume 27 • Issue 1 • Spring 2009 • $2.50 Volume 27 • Issue 2 • Summer 2009 • $2.50 Volume 27 • Issue 3 • Fall/Winter 2009 • $2.50 Volume 28 • Issue 2 • Summer 2010 • $2.50


Halibut dilemma Money grows on trees in New Zealand Former senator sees river as a magnet Shooting the wild EnvironmEntal Celebrates Tax credits for conservation In the eye of the wildlife storm justice for ALL Finding Our Way Out Markets for water quality A Utah desert’s unlikely gem Public access muddies waters Revitalizing African agriculture Markets for biodiversity FUElinG Exploring Nature the future ye30s in Cyberspace ar morro BaY Fishery National Parks StEGnEr’S Nature's Lost Children Quotable Words

ENviroprENEUr The noT so Wild, Wild WesT . saving The Wilderness . ProPerTy righTs sNApshoTs stream access across the west ENvirONmENtaL EduCatiON evolve in Marine Fisheries . BooTleggers, BaPTisTs, & gloBal WarMing

M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust—Western Lands Issue Volume 28 • Issue 3 • Fall 2010 • $2.50 EnviroprE n E ur i ssuE E nviroprE n E ur i ssuE Volume 30 • Issue 1 • Winter/Spring 2012 M. J. Murdock charitable trust—econoMic developMent and tribal culture Volume 32 • Issue 2 • Fall/Winter 2013 Lone Mountain FeLLows i ssue Volume 29 • Issue 3 • Fall 2011 M. J. Murdock charItable truSt—Wealth oF NatIoNS ISSue Volume 30 • Issue 2 • Summer/Fall 2012 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • Winter/Spring 2013 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • Winter 2011


The ConservaTion and Ecology road less Traveled be Reconciled? enviropreneur snapshoTs Will Economic

Mud people and super FarMers Growth Erode or Enhance Tribal Culture?


CREATINg ECONOMIC dEVELOPMENT ON INdIAN RESERVATIONS p.14 The greaT plains . moving The wind . ecosysTems aT your service STEMMINg NEW ZEALANd'S OCEAN CONFLICT p.22 YEARS OF s Q u EEZinG proF i T s F roM En DAn GEr ED spECi E s p.6 THE s ECr ET Li FE o F Tr EEs p.12 BERINg STRAIT FuRS gO gLOBAL p.30 a Tale of Two ranches . The accidenTal environmenTalisT 10 ENVIROPRENEURS THE unDEr WATEr E nviroprE n E ur p.20 WHEr E Fr EE MAr KETs MEET FAi TH p.26

Vol. 35, Issue 1 Vol. 36, Issue 2 Vol. 34, Issue 2 Vol. 35, Issue 2 Vol. 36, Issue 1 Vol.33, Issue 2 NN NNN Vol. 34, Issue 1 Summer 2016 Winter 2017 Fall / Winter 2014 Summer 2015 Winter 2015 Winter 2016-17 Summer 2017



Frackonomics Page 8 The Economics of Land-use Regulations Page 16 Paying to Play in the Great Outdoors Page 28

NATIONAL PARKS MARKET ADAPTATION to CLIMATE CHANGE LEAVE PRIVATE CONSERVATION Zinke Rides In Page 14 The Future of the Forest Service Page 18 Page 24 Environmentalism Without Romance Page 6 Climatopolis Revisited Page 6 NO TRACE? in the PUBLIC INTEREST The Valles Caldera Experiment Page 26 Stephen Mather’s Ghost Page 8 Ecosystem Services and Public Policy Page 16 Amber Waves of Change Page 14 Money to Burn Page 6 Banking on Endangered Species Page 14 Reining in the Wild Horse Program Page 34 How Humans Spare Nature Page 22 Climate Change and Coffee Page 22 Property Owners vs. Prairie Dogs Page 12 Franchising Parks Page 16 Hatching a Better Plan for the Sage Grouse Page 18 Human-Wildlife Confl icts Come East Page 40 Drought and the Mighty Page 28 How (Not) to Buy Property in Nigeria Page 16 The New West Page 22 Better Bred Than Dead Page 30 e Bear, e Bison, and the Business of Yellowstone Page 22 Sailing the Sagebrush Sea Page 30 How Capitalism Saved the Bees Page 30 Isle Royale’s Dilemma Page 28 The Quest to Define WOTUS Page 38

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