countdown demonstrationforArtemisIonDec.14,2018. An overallviewofFiringRoom1atKennedySpaceCenter’s LaunchControlCentershowsthelaunchteamatworkduringaterminal National andSpaceAdministration servers andinformation technologytoprovide afast computers, signed totake advantageofmodern Shuttle Program fleetwas retired in2011.Itisde software to be developed for NASAsince the The SCCSisthefirstnew processing andlaunch Range andotherNASAcontrolEastern centers. insideOrion,controllers attheAirForce allow controllers atKennedy tocommunicatewith Launcher andatLaunchComplex39B.Italsowill areas suchastheVehicle AssemblyBuilding,Mobile to theSLSrocket andOrion spacecraftinprocessing Center atNASA’s KennedySpaceCenterinFlorida operators inFiringRoom1insidetheLaunchControl a suiteofcomplexsoftware linkingthelaunchteam andOrionspacecraft. TheSCCScomprises equipment forlaunchoftheSpaceLaunchSystem tems willoperate,monitorandcoordinate theground in developmentbyNASA’s ExplorationGround Sys The SpaceportCommandandControl System(SCCS) Controland System Command - - - the SCCS include the Ground and Control System, System andOrion .Themajorelements of tailored to the uniqueneedsofSpace Launch The SCCSrepresents asuiteofadvanced software signed tocarryastronauts intodeepspace. built, alongwiththefirstspacecraft sinceApollode the countdownandliftoff ofthelargest rocket ever cise control overoperations atthelaunchpadduring the processing oftheSLS andOrion,offer pre intovehicleandsystemstestingthroughout software inthatitwill give controllers unprecedented improvement overprevious processing andlaunch Once operational,theSCCSwilloffer asignificant advanced versions. flown in different configurations and in increasingly adaptable tothelauncherandspacecraftastheyare gone before. Italsoisdesigned tobeupgradedand er, saferandmore reliable networkthananythathave

- - NASAfacts the Launch Control System and the Ground-to- Applica- tion Software. Installed throughout Firing Room 1, the SCCS is the final element of a modernization effort that began with the removal from the firing room of outdated computer systems – some dating back to – and replacing them with updated computing hardware that offer controllers more flexibility and precision. The software system also will take advantage of a refurbishment of the cable and wiring networks inside the VAB and leading out to Launch Complex 39B.

The SCCS software, SLS rocket and spacecraft will come together for the first time for the launch of I, an uncrewed flight calling for the massive SLS rocket to Orion on an excursion to lunar lasting about three weeks. Orion will return to to end the mission with a descent through A member of the Artemis I launch team participates in validation testing Earth’s and off the coast inside Firing Room 1 on July 11, 2019. The team includes personnel with of California. NASA’s Ground Systems and Jacobs Test and Operations Contract.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration John F. Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899
