Nation-Building Through Compulsory Schooling During the Age of Mass Migration Oriana Bandiera, Myra Mohnen, Imran Rasul, Martina Viarengo¤ April 2015 Abstract By the mid-19th century, America was the best educated nation on Earth: signi…cant …nancial investments in education were being undertaken and the majority of children volun- tarily attended public schools. So why did US states start introducing compulsory schooling laws at this point in time? We provide qualitative and quantitative evidence that compulsory schooling laws were used as a nation-building tool to homogenize the civic values held by the tens of millions of culturally diverse migrants who moved to America during the ‘Age of Mass Migration’. Our central …nding is that the adoption of compulsory schooling by American- born median voters occurs signi…cantly earlier in time in states that host many migrants who had lower exposure to civic values in their home countries and had lower demand for common schooling when in the US. By providing micro-foundations for such laws, our study highlights an important link between mass migration and institutional change, where changes are driven by the policy choices of native median-voters in the receiving country rather than migrant settlers themselves. JEL Codes: D02, F22, I28, O15, P16. ¤Bandiera: LSE (
[email protected]); Mohnen: UCL (
[email protected]); Rasul: UCL (
[email protected]); Viarengo: The Graduate Institute, Geneva (
[email protected]). We thank Ran Abramitzky, Toke Aidt, James Banks, Sandra Black, Richard Blundell, Kenneth Chay, Ernesto Dal Bo, Melissa Dell, John De Quidt, Christian Dustmann, Claudio Ferraz, Frederico Finan, Rachel Gri¢th, Richard Hornbeck, Joseph Kaboski, Alex Keyssar, Valentino Larcinese, Peter Lindert, Omer Moav, Joel Mokyr, Kaivan Munshi, Suresh Naidu, Torsten Persson, Morten Ravn, Bryony Reich, David Stromberg, Ludger Woessmann, Yoram Weiss, Noam Yuchtman, Ekaterina Zhuravskaya and numerous seminar participants for useful comments.