CIVIL NUCLEAR POLICE AUTHORITY H280 Hinton House Risley Warrington Cheshire WA3 6AS Mr xxxxxx xxxxx
[email protected] 27 August 2009 Ref: FOI 2009-038 2. How many of these staff are Officers, and at what level, for example, Chief Inspector, Inspector, Sergeant, PC, PCSO, etc? The following is information gathered from the most recent assessment of officer numbers so will differ slightly from the 2008/09 figure above due to recruitment etc. which has taken place since. 1 Chief Constable 1 Deputy Chief Constable 1 Assistant Chief Constable 1 Chief Superintendent 5 Superintendents 8 Chief Inspectors 30 Inspectors 111 Sergeants 623 Police Constables 781 Total 3. What is the Civil Nuclear Constabulary's Management Structure? The following information is found on page 9 of the Civil Nuclear Police Authority Annual Report and Accounts 2008/09: "The day-to-day management on behalf of the Authority is carried out by the Command Team, which during the year consisted of: Richard Thompson, Chief Constable; James Smith, Deputy Chief Constable to 30 June 2008, John Sampson, Deputy Chief Constable as of 1 December 2008; Alan Cooper, Assistant Chief Constable; Douglas Percival, Interim Director of Corporate Services as of 30 June 2008.” 4. How many members of staff classify themself as either Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT)? To attempt to retrieve this information would require the manual searching of records for 856 police officers and staff. Following guidelines set out in the Freedom of Information Act, it has been calculated that this would cost in the region of £1775.00. This figure has been obtained based on the assumption that it would take on average 5 minutes to manually search a personnel file for the information required, therefore to check 856 files would take 71 hours.