BEES, BIRDS AND MANKIND Destroying nature by “electrosmog” Ulrich Warnke Effects of Mobile Radio and Wireless Communication A series of papers by the Competence Initiative for the Protection of Mankind, Environment and Democracy Brochure 1 Effects of mobile radio and wireless communication A series of papers by the Competence Initiative for the Protection of Mankind, Environment and Democracy Published by Prof. Dr. med. Karl Hecht, Dr. med. Markus Kern, Prof. Dr. phil. Karl Richter and Dr. med. Hans-Christoph Scheiner Scientific consultants: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Buchner Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Frentzel-Beyme Dr. rer. nat. Lebrecht von Klitzing Prof. Dr. phil. Jochen Schmidt Prof. Dr. jur. Erich Schöndorf Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Warnke Prof. Dr. med. Guido Zimmer Picture credits: Cover page: Nils Steindorf-Sabath Brochure 1 All copyrights reserved ISBN: 978-3-00-023124-7 Kempten, November 2007 Competence Initiative for the Protection of Mankind, Environment and Democracy The founding programme in brief Our banking details: Purchase order: Raiffeisenbank Kempten
[email protected] The Competence Initiative for the Acc. no. 1020 -102, Bank code 733 Price: € 5.00 Protection of Mankind, Environment 699 02 and Democracy was founded in the Keyword: “Kompetenzinitiative“ beginning of May 2007. It is an association of independent scientists, The full text of the Competence doctors, technicians and environ- Initiative for the Protection of Mankind, Mobile radio effects on human mentally committed organisations. It Environment and Democracy health operates interdisciplinary, throughout programme can be viewed at Germany and internationally., where we Conclusions and demands from a medical point of view also inform you of important results of Its foundation was driven by the our work and suggest options for Dr.