.... Collier, Meredith <:> ~ TN: 276777 eo o Q,l C:::=r 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 c c "" ....:l = ~;:!l Lending Library: EXC ....:l,s<<:> - ~.c < Title: Jane in the Orient, ~;.:::~ ~ ~ Author: Swinehart, Lois Hawks. o:9~:: - ... U'E§:t C ...... e ...... Due Date: 04/16/10 e ~ Pieces: 1 E'=CS~ot; CQ;U~ :9..,.I-<:>U ....:l No Renewal -"41 ILL Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8am to 5pm Z o e-Mail:
[email protected] Phone: 617-552-3209 ~is!CJttirStaizehorl ne In The Orient By LOIS HAWKS SWINEHART Southern Presbytericm Miu;on, Kwangju, Korea With Introduction by EGBERT W. SMITH, D.D. Executive Secretary of Foreign Missioru Presbyterian Church in the U. S• • New Yurk ClzicaEu Fleming H. Revell Company Lrmdan and Edinburgh Copyright, 1924, by FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY To L.S. B. and M.L.S. Calvi!..' Coaeg~ N.~, ",J?Z"~,-s9 Z~ ~ New York: 158 Fifth Avenue Chicago: 17 North Wabash Ave. LondQn: 21 Paternoster Square Edinburgh: 75 Princes Street ~ .. \ Introduction HE author of this tittle story of love and missions has been for thirteen years an T efficient member of the Korean Mission of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, her husband being Mission Secretary and Treasurer. From her own experience and observation have come these charming pictures of Japanese and Korean life, needs, customs, scenery, strung like pearls on the thread of a narrative which happily blends humour, romance, and information down to the good old happy-ever-after ending. But surely that is not the end of Jane. Unless we have wholly misinterpreted the character of that capri cious, fascinating, and irrepressible young woman, she will be heard from again.