Technician North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920 MLW,Number Monday, Jmuary 3, 1019

LDC eyes suit on testing firm

bylewm'dI-ustt firm would have sent a there are at least 500 students Assocr'nteEdi'tor dflerentteatform."saidDavb. who consider themselves pre- “She further stated that the and will at some TheLegal Defense Corpora- fi-mhadnointsntionol time take the VAT." Davis tionhasbeenaskcdtoconsider its walk-in policy. Therefore. explained. “Additionally. there arequestforaas'utaneeinasuit consider my administrative are at least 100 other North againuatestingfirminacalled ' exhausted. Carolina students outside of Davis requested that the DAVIS. IN requesting aid this campus who are affected. Donald E. Davis. a pre-vet LegalDefensc Corporation give from the LDC. pointed to a “Also. there are thousands of student. filed an afidsvit with money to support a lawsuit number of students at State students nationwide who take the Corporation saying that the Davrssaidthatoneofthe against the corporation. and and at various places around the VAT. It is probable that testing in the Veterinary pcoplewhohadtakenthetest said that he would retain a the coun who would poten- there are other standardised Aptitude Test. administered twice had told him she had lawyer to seek an injunction tially be by the action. tests given by the Psychologi- the Psychological Corporation. morethandoubledheraeoreain restraining the company from “A substantial segment of cal Corporation. although I do allsections continuingitspolicyof allowing North Carolina State students people to simply walk in and not know of one. and I have not theyactually deserved. “Muchofthetest(Sof5 areinvolvedduetothefactthat sought to learn of one." Inhisaffidavit.Davissaidhe sections) was comprised of had taken the VAT on December 5. and that after- goes without saying that wardshehadspokentotwoof comprehension is greatly in; Plans legislation hisfriendswhohadtakcnitand ' knows whotoldhimitwasexactlythe the content of the article." said same test which had been administered on November DAVIS SAID IE had his here” attorney write the'Paychoiogi— “AS THE VAT IS an cal Corporation about t e NCS L meets here J important criterion for accep- matter. and that they were told by Gresham continued Lawler. consists of27 on a pesticide control bill and a tance into veterinary school." the people who took the teat NewsEditor alchohol reform bill. Davis said his statement to twice were allowed to walk on The Education Committee. the LDC. obvious that s The North Carolina Student chaired by Jack Murphey from No.4“; 4' A' test administered in the above Legislature. a representative Belmont Abbey College. re- N matter is biased because (1) Mammy of studentstrom leased a report to the NCSL sis" photoby Todd Huvard Those benefiting from- a re- . community which shows the results of a Carr...isma peated test are looked upon Pay sta- and technical schools across survey of public high schools to Kenny Carr steps lightly in route to a 44 performance against more favorably by an admis- tedthathadsheknownthat North Carolina. met Sunday for determine atudents’ opinions dons committee because of thiswasgoingtooccll'.the its monthly meetin at the and attitudes concerning politi- University Student nter. cal and educational issues as Ft I Paul Lawler. vice-chairman well as individual self-concepts. ofthe State delegation. said the ‘ The report stated that ‘fi me of the NCSL is to “over 47 percent of the tenth ace bills and resolutions grade students felt that their that will be brought to the grades would improve if they attention of the North Carolina could better comprehend their Keller takes over Ag General Assembly. teachers vocabulary. Seventy- “We are simnply students eight percent of e voting a from colle s a over North students were n actus y Carolina." wler said. “Wears registered to vote; thirty like a mock General Assembly percent did not think that a Research position and introduce bills on vital news per. had a right to issues that concern students criti elected officials. When everywhere." asked about busing. 51 percent Dr. Kenneth R. Keller. a veteran agricultural The NCSL. which began as felt it an inadequate way to research administrator. was named Saturday the State Student Le lature “We can only have 15 voting into ate the schoo ." acting director of agricultural research at here at State in 1937. at met members." Lawler stated. “but Cll WORK ON voter State. with 16 schools partici ting. we switch them around de- registration in North Carolina Chancellor Joab L. Thomas made the Lawler said the NOS now pending on who knows the most has been done by the Voter announcement of Dr. Kcller's appointment encompasses over 45 colleges about whatever issue is being Registration Committee. Gary following approval of the appointment by the with an active membership of voted upon." Thomas. chairman of this State Board of Trustees. about 25 schools. Lawler said at present the committee. said. “We've been Keller is 58 and has been a research THE STATE delegation. State delegation was working Sea “NCSL.” page administrator at the university since 1957. Ni. .. .4 lie succeeds J.C. Williamson Jr.. who was ‘1? dismissed as director of Ilfltultursl research. Williamson charged that his superiors had diverted research money to classroom purposes volunteers for Reagan hit State and called for separate budget and supervision for research activities. Williamson's charges Sec “Williamsmr. " page .9 Kenneth Keller by Robert Pierce take a leaflet. but whether they dent Ford never takes a firm -~ StaffWriter ( read it or throw it away I would stand on many issues." not know. However. there have CBRISTY DOESN'T see As the time for the 1975 been a number of students that Reaganls basically conservative Trustees backband presidential election nears. once they ear us asked where stance on issues like abortion volounteer groups for all to up. ey were eager to and drugs as~ a source of An candidates are stepping up 101mm remarked. blems in seeking support appeal for citizens of North Carolina to support the 848.2 activity. During the past week. CHRIS" SAID there were om college students. million bond issue for capital improvements on the campuses a number of student volunteers about 200 volunteers presently making up the University of North Carolina was issued could be seen canvassing the workin with the movement at “I see little conflict there. Saturday (January 24) by the Board of Trustees of North area in front of the Students this t e. and that many Gov. Reagan has strong person- Carolina State University. Supply Store tunnel handing projects are planned for later in al views on these issues. but he The 13-member Board met on the campus at State. The unseasonable weather we had this weekend out eaflets for former Californ- the year as the campaign picks is also a cat su porter of Citizens of the state will vote on the bond issue March 23. brought back the joys of spring for many. ia Igovernor Ronald Rea n. up. personal reedom.’ Christy The action urging support for the bond issue was in the form ancy Christ . one 0 those commented. of a resolution passed unanimously by the trustees. volunteers.‘ sci the toughest “There are going to be rallies The volunteer also defended The resolution noted that State Treasurer Edwin Gill had problem for the grou is the and dinners. especially during Reagan's controversial propos- endorsed the bond issue. Gill said: ever-present s cter o apathy. the time that Gov. Reagan al that social programming be “The State of North Carolina has a long tradition of Inside Today “It is time or young peop e visits North Carolina. which taken out 'of federal hands and conducting its affairs in a prudent. fiscally sound manner. and will be during the last of laced under control of the to get involved in politics." said January and the first of at the same time meeting the demonstrated needs of its Christy. “A very small percen- February. We also plan to have dividual states. citizens. The bond issue for capital‘improvcments for the Inside in the News...a new sorority house is almost tage of college students even sign paintinger bumper stick- “Gov. Reagan feels that the University fits that tradition. and. as State Treasurer. I ready for occupancy...the Jaycees are going to start a e the time to register to ers. and distribution of printed state ou ht to have more commend it to all North Carolinians." State chapter...and News in Brief. vote. while an even fewer materla " said Christy. responsib ity in dealing with The State trustees' resolution said 82.7 million of the bond number to the polls. This its own problems. A return to issue would be used for an addition to the biological sciences organizat on is attempting to Christy added that she feels more state level governmetn building on the campus. Gardner Hall. Entertainment continues with a Technician tradition. get young people involved in Regan has more support than would cut taxes of the federal “Members of the General Assembly, in an overwhelming the newly-inaugurated Technician Music Awards. the decision-making process. F among young people. vernment almost in half. vote. demonstrated a strong belief in the great importance of which directly affects every- “Reagan as a large amount . this return to more of a these bonds for the future advancement of higher education in In of the most significant women's one." of support. more so than state level of government North Carolina.” the resolution said. ~ 4 games in the state in history will take place Christy added that the President Ford.” said Christy. would allow people to have response from students to the “One The resolution expressed appreciation to the General this week as the women play Carolina on television...a reason for this seems to more influence in the decision- 5 Assembly for permitting the people to vote on the bond issue stery on the Duke game...and one about Kenny cxhortations of the volunteers be the fact that Gov. Reagan is making process. for the state has been varied. notafraldtotsksastand on all law] is much closer to and noted that some of the bond funds would be used for Carr...and an Intramural schedule for Spring.» “Most students will at least kinds of issues. whereas Presi- them." removing barriers to the handicapped. occupational safety and Christy concluded. health projects. and land acquisition. 0plnlon...A. C. Snow. who used to be our technical advisor. recalls some good times and good people .e‘3‘

.1; Transcendental Meditation gets started

by Lynne Griffin in all aspects of life." held every Friday night. sleep deprivation. and improved athletic Sta/I Writerl This objective is accomplished by regular The preparatory lectures prepare _ the performance in speed and cardiovascular meetings for group meditation. opportunities student to be initiate the next day in a special efficiency." In the past five years. there has been for personal Instruction in Transcendental ceremony at which he gains his technique. and Transcendental Meditation is not based on inmssing interest among students on campus Meditation. and regular practice of this he begins a four-day course costing 505. The philosophical attitude. religious belief. psycho in the Science of Creative Intelligence am meditation by individuals. next three nights are spent in group logical suggestion. or mood. according to its practical aspect. the Transcendenta Bill Pearce. president of the State chapter of .discugalons. Pearce. It is actually a definite. specific. Meditation program. SIMS. stated. 31!just a small percentage of the Afterwards. the student is entitled to free systematic technique easily learned by anyone State campus would practice the TM technique. check-up services which. accordingto Pearce. in a short period of instruction. This program. accordingto its practitioners. the entire atmosphere here would change in a give the experience of proper meditation and The local club is just one unit of an includes a scientific technique which is very positive way." ,, insure that the student is practicing his international SIMS. which is responsible for the perfectly adaptable to objective studies and can Presently. thereare just 15 actively involved technique in the most beneficial manner. Science of‘Creativs Intelligence. ' be practiced by the individual without students in the organisation: however. Practitioners of TM meditate at least so “While the TM technique gives the direct requiring any special setting. pr'bparation. or accordingtoPsarcs.therearcover 150 minutes twice 6 day. . experience of more underlying levels of life style. at any time or place. in a perfectly practicing students on campus and over 700.0!” The group‘s plans for the semester include creative into " Pearce remarked. “the straightforward and natural fashion. in the United States. ‘ having speakers present lectures at their Science of Creative Intelligence explores. born State now has an organisation. the Students The club was organised in 1072. but due to ‘meetrngs. offering oncampus checking for 1 thontlcsl viswuoint. the nature. «Uh. international Meditation Society. which gives lackofstudentinteresthjuatnowtsklngan mediators. and launching a strong campaign to range. growth. application. and goal of «native these meditatormths chance to meet together active role on campus. “We organised it populariae Transcendental Meditation on the intelligence " and have group discussions. meditations. and because of the interest meditators to State campus. AccordingtoPearce.theorganisstionisaow speakers. strengthen and spread a good thing." Pearce PEARCE POINTS 1‘0 scientific research commg' tolife. “Nowisthetimetostrlhsl ms: PURPOSE OF SIMS. according to its commented. giving some of the beneficial aspects of TM as Peoplearebecomingmoreandmoreawareof constitution. is “to expediats in every IN ORDER NI A student to become “faster reaction time. increased perceptual the truly beneficial nature of the TM hdlvidual the natural development of creative involved in the TM he would first ability. superior perceptual-motor performan- technique." . ‘htelliguncstowardsincreasingussoffull attend one of the hue introductory lectures ces. improved attention. increased Formoreinformationcsnesrnlng'h-aascsn- potential in studies. career and maestion. heidsvsry‘l‘hursdaynightath:00intheTM ability. improved academic performance. dental Meditationormw TM resultinginmaxhumefficiencyandenisymsnt and one of the free preparatory lectures development of personality. recovery hem Csntsron‘liilbhoreughStrestst D. \a PapsZ/Technlcisn/anusryza,1973

Struggle against odds ‘

house State sororities prepare tomove into new Lynda Bennett. Sigma (a m HOUSE WILL IE car— tributing force on thk Gupta A "mm and in the community. pa president, feels that and air-conditioned. With the completion of the sisters will become much closer living room and recrea- house and get more accomplished by tion room will furnish the girls For many years. the sorori- new du lex sorority living as a group in the same a lacetoentertainortojust ties at State have remained in built by t University to house house. but admits it will be an after classes. Scheduled the background. They have Sigma Kappa and Alpha Delta in early Janu- struggled against numerous Pi. these sisters will finally be adjustment living in close for completion greater recogni— livin together. Since the roximity with so many . ary. the date has now been odds to gain "hment ol‘ sororities on Each sorority will be to moved to February due to tion on campus and unity campus. the sisters have been home lorty girls in the duplex constructiondupk' dflayts‘.adThe méori- among themselves. This spr'ines in addition to providing a t x is oca .on est it looks as if they have reac scattered throughout the cam- My Court. one of their primary goals of pus and the city in dormitories spacious apartment for their and apartments. housemother. Alpha Phi, newly established becoming a working and con- on campus. moved into its house on Clark Avenue last spring. They have been very enthusiastic in working with the other twosororities and the Applications for the vacant seat fraternities interesting a strong Greek-system. President Fran Moiye is excited with Al ha P'h a current progress an is the Publications Authority will looking forward to a successful on spring rush. The sororities work together Government on community projects and be taken in Student cam events through the Pan llenic Council. which is their governingl body. (4130 Student Center) until Thanksgiving t ey had a i office drive for the needy families of ‘\ ”"00an Raleigh. Each April, the Since construction was authorized at the end of last school year, building of the new sorority house on Fraternity sororities hold a banquet in Court has gone well, if a little behind schedule. it is due for occupancy in February. 5 pm. Thursday, Jan. 29. appreciation of Carolyn Jessup, ‘ the sponsor a carnival Crippled Children as its philan- fraternities. They hope to gain tormer Dean of Women, to national philanthropy. Alpha loween recognition for outstanding senior Phi's philanthropy is the for Raleig 's senior citizens. thropy. wider campus honor the Cardiac Foundation. They work They also devote much time The sororities and fraterni- the Greeks through various woman on campus. The Panhel. working with Lambda Chi ties, in working for a stronger pro' s. Tentative plans in- lenic Council also has a service with the Heart Fund each year the interior oi each year. selling lollipops and balloons to Alpha and Tan Kagpa Epsilon Greek system. established the clu le‘oplainting money. fraternities on an aster Seal Greek Council this year. The Rey ’s Coliseum red and Any student is eligible ADDITION TO projects raise project last year. Alpha Delta Council consists of the presi- white and sponsoring a concert sponsored by Panhellenic. the Gerontology is Sigma Kap- campus. individual sororities have a pa's philanthropy. Every Hal- Pi supports the Society for dents of the sororities and on

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Area Jaycees plan new chapter at State News in Brief president of the Garner Jay- puses could become full mem- at the organizational meeting." "Probably the most well- the Miss North Carolina pag- cees. said the meeting would bership chapters." commented Finch said. “But. of course. it known project.” Finch said. "is eant also sponsors contests at An organizational meeting. also be geared toward discus- Finch. “Before that they were will just depend on the the North Carolina Jaycees the local level. Finch said that sponsored by the Garner sion about the different activi- simply associate chapters. turnout." Burns Center at Memorial his particular chapter was Jaycees. will be held Tuesday ties and obkctives of the Right now we have about five The Jaycees. continued Hospital in Chapel Hill. At sponsoring the Miss Garner night at 7:30 p.m. in the Green Jaycees. chapters in the state on college Finch. have two main objec- Christmas time this year. we Pageant and that is a chapter Residence Life "Our objectives in doing this. campuses. Appalachian State tives for its members. “The held “Operation Santa Claus" Room at the Student Center for stated Finch. “is to give the University being the first one.” first objective." Finch ex- was formed at State, a similar any students interested in students at State the same which helped some of the contest could be held with the forming a Jaycee chapter at Finch said the only require- plained. “is for personal devel- ~ needy. We also offer courses in winner going to the Miss North takes applications State. opportunities to help them- ment for membership was to be opment for the members. Then such areas as personal dynam- Carolina Pageant. The meeting. open to both selves and their community between the ages of 18 and 35 the second is community ics. family life development. men and women. will consist of that we have had." . and be a student at State. development." leadership courses and courses “Basically, we just want to The Residence Life department is beginning the selection FINCII SAID THAT only Finch said the Jaycees. on parliamentary procedures." give the people at State a brief talks by the board of recently were colleges allowed Finch also explained mem- which is a non-profit organiza- process for Resident Advisors for the fall 1978 Semester. The directors ofthe Garner Jaycees to have chapters of their own. Finch went on to add that the chance to carry on some of the RA's are undergraduate and graduate students who are who will provide the necessary bership would be open to tion with over 7,000 chapters activities of a chapter were activities that we've been members of the Residence Life staff and are responsible for a information for starting a “Our state president, Jim women tojoin the Jaycettes. an and 311.000 members. has a determined on what the needs involved with." Finch con- Morgen. recently helped get it organization for women. variety of proficts that they of a particular area was. cluded. "We feel it living unit of 50-70 people. The position includes chapter at State. Fallis Finch. changed where college cam- “We definitely want can be very administrative. counseling. and programming duties. women sponsor. The Jaycees. which sponsors beneficial to them.” The Residence Life department is seeking students who are responsible. dependable. creative. personable. and knowledge- able about campus services. policies. and activities. Keller takes over Applications for the RA position are available in the Residence Life Office. Harris Hall. from January 28-February 6. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. In order to be considered for an RA position for the coming academic year. each applicant must fill out a new Williamson now prof application form during this time period. The deadline for submitting applications is Feb. at 5 p.m. No present RA. Wit-ammo] Alvin W. Jenkins as head of the Department of Head Residence Counselor or Area Coordinator will accept were denied. Physics. Arthur L. Sullivan as director of the applications. Each candidate must return the form to the Williamson will return to extension and landscape architecture program. John A. Residence Life Officefland no applications will be accepted. for research work as a professor of economics and Christian. as administrator of food science any reasons. after the deadline. business effective Feb. 1, the date Dr. Keller’s extension. Dr. Clauston L. Jenkins as a Three informational sessions have been organized to explain appointment becomes effective. research associate in the Office of the Provost the RA job responsibilities and the selection process in detail to Keller is director of the tobacco research and Ronald C. Butler as associate dean of candidates. The sessions are scheduled for Feb. 2 at 8 p.m. in program of the ‘Agricultural Experiment student affairs. Lee Coffeehouse, at 10 p.m. in Carroll Lounge, and on Feb. at Station at the university. He was named “Man Faculty appointments approved by the 7 p.m. in Berry Lounge. ' of the Year" for his service to North Carolina trustees were Dr. Charles D. Harrington. The selection process will consist of two interviews with an agriculture in 1969 by "The Progressive associate professor of geosciences; J. Leroy interview team composed of an Area Coordinator/Head Farmer." a regional farm magazine. Hulsey. assistant professor of civil engineering; Residence Counselor. Ra's and students. Candidates must sign Keller is credited with N.C. State’s successful Dr. James W. Meyer as assistant professor of up for the initial interview on Monday, February at the effort to obtain funding from the National plant pathology; and Dr. Donna L. Chmielewshi Residence Life Office between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. This is the only Science Foundation for the construction of the as assistant professor of psychology. . time period in which candidates may schedule interviews. phytotron at the University. The 82.5 million The trustees also issued an appeal for citizens There will be approximately 60 RA positions available. plant science research facility is one of only a of North Carolina to support the $48.2 million Selection should be completed by March 7, 19,76. half dozen of its kind in the world. bond issue for capital improvements on the Other major appointments announced by campuses making up the University of North Chancellor Thomas Saturday were those of Dr. Carolina. Lowenstein comes back Allard K. Lowenstein will be back at State to talk with NCSL works for registration students on Wednesday. Jan. 28. in the North Lounge. 2nd floor of the Student Center at 4:00 p.m. Continued from page 1 17-year-olds who will be 18 by A bill is being sponsored in Lowenstein discussed his involvement in the Kennedy the November election were the NCSL to further student assassinations investigations during an appearance sponsored going around to different not all 'ble to vote in the March rights. Don Rains. a delegate by the Lectures Board in Stewart Theatre last Tuesday. colleges and high schools in the presi ential preference pri- from East Carolina University. Following the lecture. he informally talked with students. state teaching the students mary. However. continued said that a “model bill is being Questions were left unanswered. topics were left untouched about voter registration. We've Thomas, the Attorney General worked on which questions due to lack of time. Mr. Lowenstein wishes to talk with any also sent out letters to local ruled that 17-year-olds would certain procedures such as interested persons. television stations hoping they be eligible to vote in the absentee voting and registra- will put on public service primary. Thomas said he tion.” announcements about registra- commended the Attorney Gen- RAINS SAID the hills which tion." eral for making his ruling and are passed at the NCSL Tourneys planned Thomas said that the Board urged the Board of Elections to convention at the Royal Villa of Elections recently ruled that allow the 17-year-olds to vote. here in Raleigh in March will. Here is the schedule for upcoming campus tournaments. — then be sent to each member of TheTeehnicisnfvoiumeas) publishedevery .m.a Wednesday and’. Jan. 31: Bridge — Duplicate contract bridge. Friday during the 'andafnlc semester. Is 7 the General Assembly. Feb. 2: Billiards — 14.1 Continuous pocket billiards. Advertising ssrvtce; The? 000'" fdr nationalrepresentedadvertising:by ttg"Netlonalifees are "Our recommendationstothe photoby ChrisSeward Feb. 5: Table Tennis located ln Suites 312021 In the University Student center. Cafes Avenue. 'General Assembly are. not ' Members of the State Amateur Radio Club participated’ in Campus and mailing address at PO Box 5690. Raleigh. North Carolina bindin at all." Rains added. ahsirpblated , ,. 0mm champions will receive a free trip to play in the 27607. Subscriptions are 010 per year. Printed by Hinton Press. Inc., “But t ey are very influential. emergency this weekend in coordination with other radio hams. The station, Association of College Unions' international tournament at the ' Mebsne. N.C. Second class postage paid Raleigh. N.C. We've found that generally. set up on the Court of North Carolina, stayed open all night and generated University of Tennessee at Knoxville on Feb. 12-14. 1976. Sign its own power. up ends on Thursday. Jan. 29. 1976. Sign up sheets are at the they are highly regarded." information desk of the University Student Center.

cr-ier RENDEZVOUS #5 sponsored by FREE FILM. The Sight and Sound NCSU SOCIAL DANCE Club meet- RESIDENT ADVISOR lob applica- THE LEARNING Assistane Center THE FRESHMAN Tebnlel Sotety AlChE MEETING Monday. Jan. 26 THE REEDY CREEK women’s International Student Board. Enter- Film Series presents o.w. Griffith's lng: Monday. Jan. 26 at 7 p.m. In the tions for the fall 1976 semester will provides tutoring and assistane with open to all freshman englneers, will at 7 p.m. In the Chapter Room. 115 rugby football bib begins spring tainment would be provided by folk silent classic, "Intolerance" tonight Ping Pong Room. Carmlbael Gym be available In the Residence Life reading and study problems. Call meet on Monday. Feb. 2 In the Green Riddlck. Mr. Fred L. Relg. Senior prade Mondays and Wednesdays. singer Keith Lane. All the wine you at 7 In the Library. old and new members please ome. Office. Harris Hall. from Jan. 26 to Ken Hoyle. 737-3163. or stop by 420A Room, 4106. of the Student Center at Process Engineer with du Pont. will to 6 pm. at the arbery field. All can drink. All the cheese you can Feb. 6. 0 a.m. to p.m. Applications Poe Hall between 0 a.m. and 5 p.m. 0 p.m. Field trip plans and speak about his profession. Free Interested women are welome and eat. All for only 25 cents. Sat. 31. In APPLICATIONS FOR the vacant BLACK STUDENT BOARD will must be returned to the Residence Monday through Friday. newsletter publishing proedures will beer and refreshments after meet needed to play. the Packhouse. at 0:30 p.m. seat on Publications Authority will hold Its monthly meeting Wednes- Life Office by Feb. 6. p.m. No be disussed. Also, two films. ”East ing. be taken In the Student Government day. Jan. 20 in the NCSU Cultural applications will be accepted after SKEET—A.A. HULLS In-—3 ents River Tunnel" and “Memory De- JAYCEES—STUDENTS Interested office (4130 Student Center) until Center. Pan-African will be the topic this deadline for any reason. aplee. No shoots until further notIe. vles" will be shown. REV. JOHN GRAUEL—Offlcer a- In forming a Jayee bapter on the p.m. Thursday. Jan. 29. Any of discussion. We will begin exactly Applicants must sign up for an High house trap being repaired. THE LEOPOLD Wildlife Club will board the ship Exodus and recipient N.C. State empus please attend an Is eliglble. student at 7 p.m. Interview on Monday, Feb. 9 from 0 When fixed shoots will be on THE BLACK STUDENT Board meet Tuesday. Jan. 27 In 3533 of the Medal of Jerusalem as a organizational meeting Tuesday. a.m. to p.m. in the Residence Life Saturday mornings. Anyone Interes- presents "Portraits of Dignity, A Gardner Hall at 7 pm. Dr. Doerr founder of the State of Israel will Jan. 27 at 7:30 p.m. In the Green Office. Informational meetings are ted In going to Durham to shoot all fine Arts Exhibition by James Huff" will present a program dealing with speak at the Hillel House. 210 West Room. room 4106 of the Student THE MEN'S RUGBY football bib WINDHOVER. NCSU literary ma- scheduled for Feb. 2 at 0 p.m. in Lee ma 0512040. at the State Cultural Center on Dan his research In Alberta. Plans will Cameron Street. Chapel Hill on Cehter. The meeting will be short so begins spring praele Monday gazine. now accepting submissions Coffeehouse. 10 p.m. In Carroll Allen Drive. Jan. 2630 from 12 to 9 be made for the Conservatlon Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 0 p.m. The please be prompt. through Friday for the next two of poetry. prose. and drama. Boxes Lounge. and Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. In p.m. For information call 737-2451 Education Program. Members are public is Invited. weeks. 5 to6p.m. atthe arbery field. In english Dept. Offlce in Winston Berry Lounge. THE BLACK STUDENTS Bible and ask for Larry Campbell. reminded to bring their dues. Please IN‘ ORMATION ON the Institute of Come out and join us. Hall and at Information Desk of Study will meet Tuesday at 9:30 pm be prompt. All interested people are HUMAN RESOURCE Development Government Summer Internship Student Center for your submis- SKI CLUB MEETING Thursday in the Cultural Center. encouraged to attend. Option: The Psychology Depart Program may be obtained from RI! THE LIBERAL ARTS Council will sions. Submissions may be mailed to night. Jan. 29 at 7:30‘ in room 2" THE NATIONAL LAMPOON Show ment's Human Resource Develop- Horton. 207 Gold Dorm. 034-6l41. meet Wednesday. Jan. 20 In Harrel~ Windhover. NCSU English Dept. Carmlchael Gym. THE COED AFFILIATES of the will be here January 26. Tibets are ADDITIONS T0 SALS Spring Inter ment undergraduate Option is now Deadline for appllations. Feb. 1, son 124 at p.m. All clubs and Box 5300. Raleigh. NC 27607. If you Pershing Rifles are having their on “'9 now 5' the Student Center i view schedule are: FCX March 9. recruiting students for fall of 1976. I976. organizatlons are asked to attend. want your submissions returned. MAJOR ATTRACTIONS will have a Spring Rush Party. Any girl box offle. Shows are at 7:30 and to. Food Machinery and Chemical Co. Sophomores and Iunlors are wel All Liberal Arts Student Senators please enclose stamped, self- meetlflg Thursday, Jan. 29 In 3118 at Interested In partifpatlng in a drill A I’TENTION STUDENTS and Feb. it. Sign up Immediately, lIl come to apply. Students In this are reminded that attendance is addressed envelope, but you are 5. Everyone urged to attend. team and servle organization is teachers interested in working with Patterson Hall. program get off~campus field expe ECONOMIC SOCIETY meeting. mandatory. urged to send a copy of your work. asked to attend this meeting. young children: Raleigh Dance rience In their area of Interest. as Thursday. Jan. 29. 4:30 in room 124 Please send in all submissions THE 4-H COLLEGIATE Club will Monday. Jan. 26 at 0 p.m. in the Community Workshop—Jan. 31 THE OUTING CLUB will meet at well as on campus classes in human Harrelson. before March 5th. meet Thursday nlght, Jan. 29 at 0 Pakhouse of the University Student from l0 a.m. to l2 p.m., Fred Olds 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Jan. 20 In the service skills and concepts. A great NEW YORK TRIP—planned for in the Brown Room of the Student Center. School. Teacher is Betsy Romland. Blue Room of the Student Center. deal of Independent study Is in- FRIDAY. JAN. 23 was the last day spring break March 10-14: transpor- 00 YOU HAVE A CAR? Volunteers Center. All interested students are SONG AND PRAISE. Full Gospel modern dance teacher and creative This week's program is a slide show volved. To apply for HRD. pick up a to pick up money and unsold books tation via AMTRAK. lodging at Taft are desperately needed to provlde welome. Student Fellowship meets tonight at movement teacher. Format: Ms. on winter trip to the Rockies Preliminary Application Form. at the Student Co-op Bookstore. Hotel. dinner at Momma Leone’s. transportation on a continuing basis 7:30 in the Alumni Building. Come Romland will work with a group of I I from room 640 or room 754 Poe. However. due to the volume of Broadway Theater (Le. A Chorus for retarded children in the Raleigh LA MESA ESPANOLA will meet worship with us. first graders by way of demonstra These forms must be returned to student books and money needed to Line). the Rockettes at Radio City area. Volunteers may- possibly be every Tuesday from l2 to 2 in the tion. A follow up discussion about SENIOR RING ORDERS taken at Virginia Cowgell. Psychology De be yet claimed. students due may Music Hall. Costf 3120. Anyone reimbursed for gas costs. Help those Blue Room In the new Student teaching creative movement in the Students Supply Stores Wednes partmenl, by Feb. 13. For further come to Weaver Labs at 7:30 interested. call Mike Trageser at less fortunate than yourself. For Union. Students in all levels of MED. TECH CLUB first meeting of public school will occur. day. Jan. 20, ‘A .329 sit is information call Dr. Cowgell at Wednesday night at the very latest. 033-719I, or attend planning meeting further Information contactOffice of Spanish as well as native the semester held Monday night. required by L G Balfour ompany 737 22st. After this. books will become in NUB. Monday night, Feb. 2. 7:” Volunteer Services. 3115-E Student .arehinvited to come and ialnspeakers Jan. 26 at 7 in 3533 Gardner. A film property of AZ. p.m. Center. or call 737-3193. . us for and refreshments are planned. THE CIRCLE K CLUB of NC. State un W1" hold its open meeting for THURSDAY LUNCHEON for faulty prospective members on Monday. .-:I .' _ and graduate students: 12 noon. Jan. 26. at 6 p.m. We will have a Jan. 29. Brown Room, University presentation of our proiecls as well :-: In new srn-i-n slilf‘llllilr...“lf‘ most magnificent pffllll’f'arr! - Student Center. Speaker. Dr. Joe as refreshments afterwards, so if or \‘ DAVID 0 Sf lZNICKS Lammi. Professor of Forestry. you’re interested in ioining an "00mhim-r MIOHJNI f Mill Ill HS cla sified "Remote Sensing—from the Brown organisation that helps people. come STUDY AT OXFORD this summer. to Box to Skylab." to our open meeting. Earn up to six hours credit in BABYSITTER WANTED three STUDENT EMPLOYMENT set REFRIGERATOR for sale. approx. Literature. Philosophy. afternoons a week. 3 pm. to 6:15 your own schedule. sell Magnetic 10 cu. ft. Light weight. Excellent History of Ceramic Art. orHistory.Shakes- p.m. 82.00/hr. Must have own Carsigns to business community for condition. sloo. Call 032 7941. peerean Drama. Room. board. and transportation. Call 051-0362. local company. Contact: Apollo “mm all fees for four-week term 8575.”. Plastic Signs. Inc. Dev. night. or LOST: A silver and white bracelet SUPER TUESDAY (‘lAlllifiAlllll «It70ft Contact Dr. Charles Carlton. Dept. ASSISTANT to engineering techni- weekend 701-4657. on Wed. 2lsl. If found. coll Marie at ATM) of History. N.C. State (737-204) or cian — noexperlence M-F hut-5:”. NEEDED: Student to take care of 550-1476. \'l\ll‘.l\' Lllllill Asardi Dean Gerald Hawkins. 210 Harris Transportation may be arranged. two young teenagers from 2:3 to LOST: dental retainer has Susan Ramada Inn South (Apex) (737-3l5l). 0320911. s:mweekdevs. Possibly lnexchenge Keller 2922‘s written In the plastic t l.l‘.Sl.ll-I HOWARD 0 for room. Cell saws: evenings. part. If found. please call l 'e'eo's'.‘ EARN EXTRA MONEY Earn 16ml TEACHERS wanted at all levels. erssm. Tuesday, January 27 (ll.l\l.\ilcll.\\l|.l.r\.\'|) :-' per week in spare time. Become a Foreign and Domestic Teachers. 'k' “tflh ulh»“lkisuitfft In “(N10 (‘3‘ regular plasma doner. Phone 032- Box l063 Vancouver. Wash. 90000. fverything for lhe .va.w... a a 0015. 100 S. Wilmington St. New WANT TO TAKE a cruise to Nassau it:§ii.2;;;;fiizil youngedults donor bring this ad earn extra and Freoportt For more Students: We have Nantucket $5 dollar. tion call your campus informa- - $29 .9 . resin fer yui a: tive of 033-0624. representa- flint-orgies,“ - .. 5.. PARKING FOR RENT: Va block mom Daily-i099 Draft 25'fr0’m 8-9 , :2 8:00 pm it: from NCSU campus. Guaranfbed .10 are. to 6 p.m. 01-6 =3;.-Z §z‘Q: space. Cell m-Slwor stopbyoffice Sun. :-.7'3 g; ‘ 16 Home St. 34 positions now available Shortterm leases Take U.S. “1 South to Hwy. 55 Exit .1.'. ‘5 APARTMENT FOR RENT in block for engineers age 30 and un- ~35 from campus one or two bedroom. der. in good physical con- available. ”00mm” Stewart Th eatre h Call 0345100. dition. graduate of approv- ll30(ubborchsrd 0r. (919) see-s62: ‘ S: ed ECPD school of engin- off am ferryld. $33its ROOMS FOR RENT: Across street eering. Must be willing from NCSU. Furnished kitchen to re- ’6‘?) ' calcdators 051-1910 .. \ privleges. Call ssa-srso. locate throughout U.S. in 'I ' as”. 13:: ; £1 Wednesday, Jan. 28 July, Aug. or Sept. Minimum *SHIPPED. FREEw COLLEGE STUDENTS Part-time starting salary over $10,000 and summer opportunities in sales. annually with noexperience. Ru Io RAIAE'GH ' 80m. INC. \§ No traveling ~ executive type. 30 days paid sit-75ers r8" U. S. 1 ”UT“ AND N. C. u (APEX EXIT) Thoroughtraining program. Income! vacanc.‘ plus - commensurate with performance. many extra benefits. Call W first .aN.c.s_.u. Student $1.00 Career possibilities. Apply between Tom Satterfield or Jim Dot- P.0. m Bruce A. Maser-Manager P. O. Box 2335 9:” a.m. and s:oo p.m.. Suite 516. son at 755-4134. m. .3?“ 2 Iain”. Raleigh. N. C. 27”? 2:1:3;‘-"‘-:':-2;1:::Z5:25;.:1 coo Six Forks Road, Raleigh. N.C. (I!E l3§z=::s:.~::z:::e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.\...‘::::::e:mssasswnsmm§m January 26, 1976 Technician/Page 4 WWWMWWWT

for 1975 Technician music awards aul Crowley, Nancy Williams and Arch McLean Allittaheaisoneglaneeat m“At Seventeen"In The- ’JanisPine."lsn Most Promising I lest Cover Art Producer The lest Female theToplilliorlflStorealin Impersonator what kind of year it was mental Murphey New Male Artist at the Year Changing-Horses- musically.Fromthe Number . ‘m ln-Mid-Stream 0aesingleottheyear.“Leve Neil Sedaha Will Keep Us T by the Worst Singles xm’““°i.l?ci“m‘ A...“ ' and Te . to Number Wainwright and New Riders) Smooth Move 1w. “Never Can Say Goodbye" “High Cal ,, _ John Denver by Gloria Gaynor. the music “Chevy Van" - Sammy Johns Helen Reddy for following “I oi the Year was diverse and the artists Am Woman" with “No Way To Reunion Treat A Lady” The Carpenters (for firing Neil or the Year Sedaka from their tour; Seda- lest lyrics ka's comment “It's the first David Clayton~Thomas and Joixe oi the Year time I've been asked to leave “TheEyesOtAnOnlyChild'- “1 Was A Witness To A War" - Blood. Sweat and Tears because of good performan- 1'0me By Bobby Scott and D. Meenan Bay City Rollers eee") .stom Donny Osmond finally (as performed by Blood. Sweat reached puberty. we think 3., . => ._ minimum and Tears) “Vendan 8—mer" - Lenny .. . _ J White Pin Up olthe Year , The Dishonorable (he's not saying.) Tom Jane A scab-erg iartistsi' gleap-the "4, a. We-i-iope-’ Mention to cash in on the '"n I'm, Most Promising The Midas Touch They-Maize-It David Geddes (“Run.Joey. entertainment dollar. Jefferson ; Women Bleed" - Alice Airplane/Starship received 7‘ “Only New Female Artist Award Run" and “Last Game of the latinum honors for “Bed Cooper and Dick Wagner A.“ Season")—Anything he has or "Simon and Garfunkel ever will do should be on the were sneeesaiul separatez and The Tubes “Worst" lists for years to come. together; and “Society’s lest Male Artists Janis Ian emerged with some at the most insightful material of the year and several Grammy nominations. Bruce Springsteen took the world by surprise. seemingly coming up out oi nowhere to appear on the cover of CarlySimon everything but Pla girl. ‘Nufl said. The ollowing is what we consider some of the Cover loy best music at 1915. There will inevitably be disagreements in oi the Year ' ' but such is the ease with musical tastes. (through. no tault oi his own) lest Albums at “Vennsisn Summer” - Lenny White lest Concept Albums

Dan Fogeiberg Dance n (for maltlnz the cover Time. Newswse lest Female Artists ._ ..«...._,__ " and Record World)

The letter-Luci:- Nest-Time “listen To The City" 0 Tim Award Weisberg Charlie Daniels “Nightrider” Kris Kristofferson - "Who's To Bless And Who's To Blame” Jerry Jeff Walker ‘ “Ridin' Earth. Wind and Fire ' hll Neil Young - “Tonight's The lest Jan Group Night"

The i-Can-Colnpromlse- "do-0" My-Styie-‘i’o- “The Snow Goose" - Camel Kerr-Ur- With-The-‘I’imes Charlie Daniels (seen here in an interview with the Technician last semester), Atlanta Rhythm Section “My Little Town" - Simon and Award at UNC-G tonight at 8 Garfunkel and Grinderswitch will be “1 Am have" - Jackson Five pm. “Over My Head" - Fleetwood Bee Gees (for “Jive Talkin' ") “Breakaway" - Art Garfunkel Mac ##3##-:°I-:-2-2-I°l-:-2-.-...... -...... 22 2-2-24~2-232:232:2:Z:1::5:132:23:$3255:33:31:::2:1:2:i3Z:I:I3I:2gI3::I:::2:I:2:::2;::2:2:2::$_._...... :._..._._._._.V....._._._...,._.. t . . ,... Excellent summer counseling opportunities ior men and ~ swimming and canoeing). yet women who are interested in an added emphasis is placed on serving boys and girls ages land sports (general athletics. 7-46 guiding them in their tennis. goti. archery, riiiery, 600 Creekside Drive physical, mental, and spiritual and backpacking). Horseback . i Ihdcigh, North Carolina 27609 development. Only those riding, white-water canoeing, persons who dedicate their and tripping are extras in our whole-hearted ettorts to help excellent program. each individual child developto For turther iniormatlon write his or her fullest potential or call 6. William Climer. Jr.. should apply. Camp Thunder- Director Camp Thunderbird. Monday Night... College Special blrd. located )1 miles south of Route4, Sex lee-A, Clover, s.c. Charlotte. N.c., is AN A.C.A. 29110. (so:mam) Ladies with college iD accredited camp member Guys $2.00 with college iD specializing in water sports (sailing, water skiing, Happy Hour 7:30-9:00 KEGS “/m‘fi The mazemeammmms:2222:5232:7:922:22:. 9 Tuesday... Dollar Night - All members $ LOO 5. :3: Wednesday... Ladies Night - Allladies free i ii Thursday... VlP Night - All VlP's free

Friday 8. Saturday... New Reduced Rates“

Sunday... All the Spaghetti you can eat—S l.OO PAINT a: BODY SHOP. INC.

This Week Dennis Yost, 9 1022‘8outh Sanders St. Tuesday—Sunda . .' , one 828-3100 Technician/Page 5 I/POIQW January 26, 1976 eIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllflllllllll"III"lllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllll"IIIllllIIIllIIII"I"IIIIllIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: State burn-s Devils E «a. in lOo-lOl scorcher Pack, Heels by Jimmy Carrel ' down. Al Green hit some zit-footers.” lamented Sports Editor Duke coach Bill Foster. “They shot extremely well...about 110 per cent I believe.” Atlantic Coast Conference basketball at its While the Wolfpack wasn't quite as hot as finest---that's the best way to describe Foster figured. it was by far their top offensive vie tonight Saturday’s run-and-gun affair between 11th- display of the season. ranked State and scrappy Duke. probably the Carr's 44-point total was his second highest by Jimmy Carroll nation's best 97 team. ever. He scored 45 in the Big Four Sports Editor Kenny Carr. a devastating performer with Tournament. oddly enough. against Duke. few peers. provided the punch for the rapidly “Duke's a team that scores slot. We get the Possibly the most exciting. probably the most critical and definitely the improving Wolfpack. hitting 17 of23 field goal ball more. and Kenny's our leading scorer. It's most significant women's basketball game in the history of the state will attempts. scoring 44 points and pulling down just natural that he is going to have the ball take place tonight at 8 p.m. in Reynolds Coliseum. 13 rebounds in the 106-101 State win. The more and score more." Sloan explained. “It's The eyes of North Carolina will be tuned in via a National Education victory upped State's record to 13-2 overall not that Duke does anything differently." 'Network telecast as State brings a four-game winning streak into the and 3-1 in the ACC. Duke fell to 2-3 in bague Foster couldn‘t stop praising Carr. despite game with its unbeaten rivals from North Carolina. p y- the fact he had wrecked the Blue Devils for the NUI' ONLY WILL IT BE THE FIRST women's basketball game in IOI'II TEAMS DISPLAYED a furious. second time this year. North Carolina to be televised. but the clash will also be crucial in the racehorse style of play. matching each other 'llElllSSEDONEshotinthesecondhalf. Division I race for the top seeding in the state tournament. basket for basket nearly the whole game. much and I thought they were gonna pull him. "Right now it's obvious whoever wins this game is going to have the to the pleasure of the 11,950 Reynolds Things were getting serious." quipped Foster. edge on the No. 1 seed in the state tournament." agreed State coach Kay Coliseum fanatics. State was able to break out “Has anybody recommended him to the NBA Yow. “We're on TV. the first women's game ever to be televised in North to a 10-point lead midway the second half. and draft as a hardship case?” Carolina. It's everything. but most of all it's State playing Carolina." Pack held that margin for most of the final Carr was 11-for-15 in the first halfand 6-for-8 The Wolfpack and Tar Heels met in both teams' season openers on Dec. period until Duke closed it to five in the final in the second. He also burned the Blue Devils 6. Carolina demonstrated a redhot shooting hapnd and downed State 74-61 minutes. with his board play. His 13 rebounds were high in that encounter. State shot a sizzling 62.3 per cent from the for the game. It was the eighth consecutive “We're a completely different team now." explained Yow. “Our offense floor with Carr. Al Green (9-for-14) and Phil game that Carr has been State's leading scorer is entirely different. and we've changed defenses as well. We're a totally Spence (9-of-15) doing most of the damage. As and rebounder. different team." a team. the Wolfpack hit 43 of its 69 attempts Freshman Dirk Ewing. a crowd favorite. Totally different and totally improved. Yow feels her team. now 4-2 is from the floor. Duke was also hot. connecting saw his first starting role. and he was praised getting better with each game. and Saturday night's 88-46 shellacking of a on 42 of 74 shots for a 56.8 percentage. Junior by Sloan for standing up against the pressure respectable Old Dominion team only strengthened her contentions. guard was the Blue Devils' that faces a youngster who's on the spot. “WE JUST PLAYED A GREAT GAME.” she beamed. “It was by far leading scorer with a career-high 34. 26 in the “I think pressure raised its ugly head at our best game. Everybody played a super game. just everybody. second half Dirk.” said Sloan. “But Dirk didn’t let it bother “I wish we could play again Monday like we did Saturday. I think games him. He fought back and had a good second like that just increase'your overall confidence. We really have a lot of half." players who can do the job." Ewing was 0-for-4 from the field in the first The main player who can do the job is Kay's younger sister Susan. a half. 3-for-3 in the second. bonafide All-America selection last season. A deadly shooter, a tenacious Green scored 18. and it was his spurt that rebounder and an intelligent all-around fundamentalist, Susan is the sent the Pack on its way in the middle of the team's top scorer and rebounder. Her entire game has been as steady as second half. “Al had a more relaxed. more Matt Dillon's trigger finger. but her coach admits she wishes Susan would normal shooting night than he’s been having." shoot more. Freshman Sloan admitted. “I think he's coming along fine “Susan's shooting around 68 per cent. Cristy (Earnhardt) is around 40. Steve now." and everybody else is below 40 per cent. But they shoot as much as Susan. Walker Spence was able to get open inside behind It doesn't make sense," said Kay. who says her pleas with Susan to take ...nine assists Willie Hodge's defense for 20 points in a more shots have gone unheeded. “She hit her first three shots against generally overlooked effort. Spence added UNC-G. then she missed two. She stopped shooting because she said she seven rebounds. and Duke barely edged the wasn't hitting. I told her she wasn't hitting because she wasn't shooting. Wolfpack off the boards 35-34. “I DON'T WANT TO HAVE A ONE-MAN team, but we're dependent POI DUKE. Armstrong was scorching in on Susan for a lot of our scoring." Kay continued. “I do want a team effort, the second half. He was only 4-for-10 at Susan's been playing good ball, she's been very consistent. Even though halftime. but he hit 10 of 12 tries from the field she's not shooting as much as we'd like. we've just got to count on 20 in the second half to finish with the first points from her, when it could be 40. and a good defensive game." 31-point total of his career. Kay was elated with the play of several others in Saturday night's “I'm very happy with the way our basketball "The shots were just there." said victory at Norfolk. team has played the last two games." said Armstrong. “We had to score quickly and I “Stephanie (Mason) had a super game. It was her best game of the State coach . “We were poised took what was open. They were falling. It year." said Yow of the Statesville sophomore who grabbed 19 rebounds. tods and "_.°.‘..P"I°d better on defense and wasn't anything superhuman I did." Arm- “Donna (Andrews) had one of her best shooting nights. and she made hot.~ .:g . .. know lt'shardtotesllike u. strands previous career high was 28 against some good defensive plays. you plif'y’ ‘gti'oddefense when your opponent Clemson just two weeks ago. . "Sherri (Pickard) has had her bestefforts in the last couple of games. scores 101 points. but Duke isn't reluctant to Despite a superb shooting effort by She's been gettingsmoother. She's been in somewhat of a slump. but she's put the ball up. You've got to have a good Armstrong. an ll- performance by coming out of it. It's just a matter of time. She's had to change her style of offensive game against Duke or you're in senior George Moses. and 56.8 per cent play and she's beginning to make the adjustment." trouble." ‘2 hhooting for the game. Duke was unable to One of the big surprises has been the sparkling play of reserve State certainly had a good offensive game. come out on top. frontliner Joy Ussery. “Every time Joy Ussery plays. she gives it 100 per scoring from inside and outside. Carr hit from “I can't say anything bad about our guys. cent plus." said Yow. “She's getting loose balls and putting them back up. downtown and was also strong inside on They played well." said Foster. “I don’t know if She's one of our best players for ‘garbsge' points. She's got strength plus layups. getting several nice passes from Statejust had a great shooting day or if it was desire." freshman Steve Walker who finished the game our defense. Maybe it was a combination of A new face in the Wolfpack lineup tonight will be guard Lulu Eure. a with nine assists. both. A team that hits 43 of 69 isn't going to starter on last year's team who was not in school last fall. She becomes “STEVE WALKER had an excellent game I lose too many times." eligible tonight. and Yow is counting on Eure to help solve the point guard thought." said Sloan."Each of the players had Hodge finished with 26 points. hitting 12 of vacancy. Susan Yow has been operating at the point. but her rebounding ‘ their moments. andI think this was Walker's." 17 shots before fouling out. Freshman Jim strength is needed at forward. ' It was also one of Green‘s best games. The Spanarkel also fouled out. but he had 15. and “I DON'T PLAN TO START LULU." said Kay. “That might be unfair New York City native hit six quick points Mark Crow chipped in with 12. to her. Even though she's practiced with us. she hasn't practiced that midway the second half which propelled the State travels to Maryland Wednesday and much with the first team. She's never played with a majority of the wo'lfpack into the driver's seat of what had Virginia Saturday in a crucial week of ACC players. I just wish she could have played one game before this one." been a neck-and-neck contest. contests. Duke takes a breather at home Yow plans to start the lineup that has opened most of the games this “As soon as we seemed to quiet Kenny against season: Yow and Pickard at guard. Mason and Andrews it forward and Carr Davidson Tuesday. Ii Earnhardt at center. statt photo by Todd Huvard “I think the keys will be how we hit B t C l' ' Leading scorer and rebounder Susan Yow the boards and our shooting ea aro .‘l See "Women.” page 6 ' 'GREEN DOOR’ ma . IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIllIllllllIllIllIllIll"lllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllrt 1:15 Siudiol 3:55 6:35 In 9:10 I ’EVE’ 11:50 am fl 'iill Hell freezes over This coupon good for — 2:30 5:10 a. Right on your campus . . . right in your FREE 7:45 PM home town. . . right in your face! HAPPY This year’s biggest off-Broadway musical comedy hit! HOUR Beverage of your choice ‘THE IVOR SNOW GlRL’ 2pm 5pm 0 7pm Midnight at Mr. Ribs. OPENIDAYSAWEEK! expires Feb. 13 12ml

3 day special:

Mon, Tue: 8: Wed only 11:00 am — 10-30 pm

'/2 lb. chopped steak covered with mushroom gravy, Baked Potato If Warning:this show has strong political and sexual relerences. ll you're uptight with Sour Cream, Salad and Drink aboutopen reference to relations between the sexes. or teal that the incumbent president is doing an extremely capable job under dillicult k § circumstances, or that religion. earthy language. and music and lyrics $2.00 tax Included 5??E:3 S Uas expressing dubious moral activities should not be presented on stage. may :3- we rotor you to a dandyWalt Disney film playing just down the block. (51'. Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Salad and Drink entertainment board $2.00 tax Included .1? O O' 0 resen s o o o “7.3”“ emu BEST PIZZA IN TOWN WWW. M StudentsOZjO muse 04.1!) OPEN days a week 334-5590. #910 Hillsborough St (next to Ferguson's Hordvvare) Page 8 / Technician January 26. 1978

44 against Duke ’Cause it’s Carolina State plays Carolina tonight. and that fact alone is Carr accelerates enough to get a whole flock of students and fans from both schools to Reynolds Coliseum for the 8 pm. tipoff. The mere mention of a “State-Carolina game" brings Jimmy out the deepest hatred imaginable. Tonight it’s win women's basketball. but it would be a significant event in Wolfpack brick laying. ‘if it were tree—climbing. hog calling or Carroll by David Carrol Moses. In the aftermath of the Pack’a Tonight's game has some added attractions. Number Assistant Sports Editor 106-101 triumph. Moses was a picture of one is that it will be the first women’s basketball game l total frustration. to be televised in North Carolina. a giant step in the man has the ability to completely “Carr played a great game." he growing process of women's athletics in’ the state. The “He is a great offensive player will have an almost flawless attack. dominate the action on a game-to-game landed. Secondly. it's a crucial Division I confrontation. The won't be a lot of fancy passes except for an basis. He also doesn't mind showing the and he goes to the boards well. He can winner will probably gain the top seed in the state There Blue Devils how the forward hit shots from 15 to 17 feet consistently. game occasional dazzler by Sherri “Pistol Pete" Pickard. Duke All you can do is try to get a hand in his tournament in March. Third. Carolina enters the Pickard came from Elan last season and has been position is meant to be played. to keep him from getting unbeaten and State is sporting a four-game victory She's starting to break His name is Kenny Carr. He plays the face. We tried are slated to attend (and slumping somewhat this year. game of basketball with the skill of a pro. the ball. but it didn’t work. He's a damn string. Fourth. both pep bands out of her shell. and she'll add a lot of excitement. T and he augments it with an uncanny good shot. I don't recall playing anyone you know what that means). The steadiest player besides Susan Yow has been to be at the right place at the as tough as him. His size... his For those who haven't seen State's women yet. or for Earnhardt who scored‘28 against East tendency mobility... his great ability to play both those who don’t plan to see them. you're only denying freshman Cristy right time. Consistency is his trade. amazing." Carolina. Earnhardt is a real battler under the boards. mark. Carr. who entered Saturday's outside and inside is yourself some exciting action. The “minor" sports and she's taken her share of the lumps while being conference clash against Duke sporting Carr also earned the respect of the program at State is one of the best in the country with called for a lot of fouls at the same time (usually on the the fourth best scoring average in the Blue Devil's Mark Crow. swimming. golf and baseball already boasting same play). nation (28.8). continued at his blistering “He's so strong he can shoot a nationally prominent programs as wrestling. track and The real hustler is reserve Joy Ussery, who gives 200 pace. scorching the nets for 44 points. 23-footer and still keep his form." stated field and soccer quickly reaching that plateau. percent at all times. Point guard has been a problem for He also hauled down a game-high 13 the 6-7 forward. With the hiring of Kay Yaw as women's athletics the lineup tonight rebounds. It was the eighth consecutive Both State coach Norm Sloan and already won half the the Pack. but Lulu Eure returns to the Hyattsville. Md., words of coordinator in July. State has and should solve those headaches. Eure was the game that Duke coach Bill Foster had battle to building a nationally recognized women's handling and sophomore has led State in both scoring praise for the immensely talented big necessary to spearhead gkplu of last year's team. and her ball and rebounding. man. program. They have someone b“ will be of immeasurable value. IT WAS ALSO CABB’S second “All around Kenny played one of his the young women's program. The women's basketball Stephanie ason, a solid rebounder. and Donna straight spectacular performance best games." assessed Sloan. team is only in its second season as a varsity sport. but Andrews. who's looking to regain last season's form against Duke. Earlier this season in the Foster's comments had a touch of already it's challenging for the state championship. when she was the team's leading scorer. remember Big Four Tournament the proflic scorer sarcasm. Tifnight's game could go a long way in determining who vividly when Carolina crushed State twice last season bombarded the frustrated Blue Devils “CARI! WAS SUPER in the first half. t at is. by nearly 30 points. They'd like nothing better than to by rolling up 45 points. But unlike the He missed one in the second half and I get some revenge. previous performance. Carr did most of thought they were going to pull him. 7 THE game tonight like anything better than his damage Saturday on 15- and 20-foot Things were getting serious. I Wouldl' Canyonel' 7from State jumpers rather than driving moves to Every sport on campus has its big games. they who is the "I didn’t want to give Carr anything." the basket. The redhot Carr. continued the second-year Blue Devil simply come more often in football and men's ACC's leading scorer. methodically wanted to try Kenny. We basketball. When the wrestlers face Virginia, when the ‘s ’T. rattled in 17 of 23 from the field, and coach. “We anybody plays tossed in 10’of 13 free throws. Carr felt wanted to keep him from getting the swimmers meet Alabama or when that his scoring spree was due to having ball. Our "monster" defense did a good Carolina. it's an extra big game. Tonight is THE game found the range and good overall job on him. That's when Al Green hit a for the women cagers. movement on offense. couple from Creedmoor. Has anybody For the benefit of students who aren’t familiar with “I can't remember ever taking that recommended Carr to the pros in the the women, there are a few pointers you need to know many shots from the outside.“ ex— hardship draft? I will gladly lend my before you can appreciate all the action. pounded the strong 6~7 forward. “I was game films to anybody. They're just The rules are the same as those for the men with the just hot today and let it go. I didn't Kenny Carr highlight films." of a 30-second shooting clock which the until I The pro scouts are undoubtedly exception notice how far out I was shooting probably drooling women employ. There is also no backcourt violation. In shot one that took a long time to get to watching him — and you have 30 seconds to get the ball down the basket. I had been shooting well in at his every move. The Wolfpack's other words, practice this week.« Today I was open for opponents are hating and venerating and shoot it. shots because I was moving well. him. And the State faithful are M V i when”... The coach. of course. is Kay Yow. and she's a marvel a lot of appreciating and loving him - more and Ill" M by Pltll Km to watch. She. doesn't throw chairs onto the court. a la The whole team was moving well." players like ONE OF THE DEFENDEBS who more as he continues his daily onslaught A routine two—pointer for Kenny Carr Bill Fitch. She doesn't punch out opposing Carr took to lunch was Duke's George on opposing defenses. Al Attles. She doesn’t even wave hankerchiefs like Duke's Bill Foster. But she does her fair share of ranting and raving. Most of all. however. she spends UNC her time coaching. Don't be surprised when you Women host discover she knows 10 times more about basketball Continued from page than you and I. The best thing about Kay Yaw is that percentage." said Yow. “The last time we played them we didn't rebound she's not only building winning records but she's or shoot as well as we'd like." building winning character and attitude in her players. Earnhardt concurred that hitting the boards would be a big factor. ' “We've got to stop them on the bffensivt‘boards and keep them from “superstar getting second shots." the Rockwell freshman said. “I think everybody's Modest going to be ready. I don't think it's so much revenge as it is just a big The players are led by Susan Yow who would tell you rivalry." she's no more an All-America than anyone on the team. Coach Angela Lumpkin's Tar Heels. 7-0, are led by center Cathy this Shoemaker and forward Courtney Peck. Other Carolina starters are likely She'd also be very wrong. If a student leaves to be Cathey Daniels at forward and Linda Matthews and Joyce Patterson university without seeing Susan Yow play, he's missing at guards. Freshman Fran Hardison came off the bench to snare 15 quite a show. She's no David Thom son. she certainly rebounds against State in December. doesn't claim to be. However. you ll never see many “Being on television. I think Angela and I both hope its a well-played better pure shooters or a more fundamentally sound game." said Yaw. player. They also don't come anymore modest. Don't “I think the fans will do a lot for us. You can't even begin to say how expect many 30 point games from her. It’s not that she much difference they make. The fans are your homecourt advantage. If can’t score 30, it’s that she’d rather her teammates people on campus know we're playing Carolina. we can count on their score 15 while she settles for 20. memoby Todd me support." suffering from seemingly unsolvable Admission to the two-hour lesson in brotherly hate is free. State has been Sherri Pickard soars turnover problems, causing play to be extremely staff photoby Todd Huvard VvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvAAAAAAA‘AAAAAAAAAAA ragged at times. If the turnovers work themselves out. they should with more experience. the Wolfpack Freshman Cristy Earnhardt puts up two infanflufiwls.’ ‘vv which vt)-f)-()-(l-().0-0-0-0-0-0vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ITALIAN DELITES l Harris Wholesale Esquire Barber & Pizzeria Restaurant ‘ [SPAGHETTI (Next to Crabtree Valley Twin Theatres) SPECIAL Style Shep .0-( Tuesday 5-9 pm EA TJN SPECIALS welcomes Students 8: Faculty Reg. Spaghetti Dinner includes 0...... e Bring your date to a “Broadway Special” (Dinner an. m A... (My Salad 8. Garlic Bread Spaghetti, it'd Amara wed/u MW" Show) $1.00 off with your theatre stubs $1.20 plus tax Pf)-0-()0-0-0-()-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 a Student Special any day of the week, $1.00 off any regular cuts - hair shaping —" layer - shag check over $5.00 with your school [D same block as DJ’s Bookstore e 99‘ Combo Lunch Special from 11 am.2 pm Mon—Sat no appointment necessary closed Mon 2402 Hillsborough 821—4259 FREE Delivery To Campus with a $5.00 order THOMPSON ‘THEGTRE and v A ~Hut. 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I I I ReSIdence and fraterm I I Women’s calendar l I EVENT STARTING DAT. :I [VIII STARTING DATE Independent Softball Mar 18 Hardball :::"JJ:L137 W Sgt-man“: swim Meet' v“ Fab. it Track Meet (Field Events) April in . r. ndependan loyba Feb. 2‘ (Track Table Tennis gar-FF: I‘o2 SWIM M“? elm-"awn": : Tennis (Res. and Sorority) Mar. I5 CoRec Events)Day AgiiiA ‘l ais II Frat.---Feb.. 23 Big Four Day AW"r I) pan”. Hill) ' Softball (Res. and Sort. Mar. is Big' Four Day April‘ 12 Ras.---Feb. as Co-Rec Dev ii a Oneon-One Basketball Frat.---Mar. i Track April 1“; rI - - — - - —- - Ros.---Mar. :i Mums Night April as I ------I I ——--———--—.---—.-—-———.-——---———-—-—————---—-——---q- ' I I I I I I I I AC'HVITY Day TIMI TINIIIS COURTS are also avail- RECREATIONAL SWIMMING ' , able behind Carmichael cym on a will vary according to pool usage. Haridbalt, 5mm, Mon-Thur a pm tirst-come-tirst-sarve basis until Hourstor recreational swim may be Il Weight no", :3 : am, 36133,” reservation policy will obtained treat the Physical Educa- I of .m- i . tion onice. 731-201. Sun Ipm-s IASKETDALL: Mon-Thur court caeMicuaaL av»: Students, ' CI-Ul “0' usage is limited during the intra- taculty and statt are reminded that I "Bio"? Prion: urcommo eveurs mam“ ”m, but courts mywmusr present iD card 3° ",9 I Badminton Sears 0099 029-9709 "we” Education and lntra- O tome-tint- ng supervisor when entering I , Practices 4 4:50 Tues a Thurs .MWCI WWI" MW "ml" M? ”I V. “3" m weekends. "'IC gym. l 8.750" E'm' Mn"! — DGIIYUpcomingafternoonmatches planned this schedule. Reservations tor practices, Room ”5 ".06.." courts may be m“. I atCYCIC PhlllD Dean 7076173 "“"u'ima' ""in9 me" Feb 7‘ :ven'tsnannounced in club “wk“... Gym on the day on. : Bowling lob Clutts 834-63" Practice“'59 °’sessions 4 600 “mun".y. vanmm‘” Western Lanes each Tues or Monday. Jan. so are: Mon-Thur ,_ next home match Jan 24 M .m.. Fri. 3-1 .m. I 0"" 5'" Pom-“er m-aosz Valentine Dance P 9 : Gymnastics George Stearns est-ans Daily practices beginning at 4 30 pm ______-______. I Outing ' Bruce Meneghin - Weekly meetings Wed. 30 pm Blue ------. ‘ RoomotStudent Center Sailing Cothran Harris 155-9305 Plans tor participation in several I regattas this spring Scuba Tom Howick 033-42" al-monthly meetings Student Center . I Look tor notices in "Crier" ' Skeet Dick Drama 051-2840 ingotsFeach Saturday morning 9:30 am : Table Tennis 0'” LVIO mam Practicesara armseach Thurs. 7:30 pm EVENT SIDII-IIP DATI! §TAflf|flo 9‘11; : Volleyball J0” Carter sznm MonCarmichaeland WedLoungepractices 8:00 lo;oo when Bowllno Jan. 12-22 Jan, 2‘ | volleyball courts are available HM" \ Jan. ”-Fob. I2 p91,. 1‘ | Practice sessions may vary trom 500“" Jim "‘FOIl- ‘2 Feb, IO week to week depending on the Volleyball Feb. 2-Feb. 25 M", l availability at iacilities sortbaii ‘ Feb. 2-Port. it Feb. 24 ' Addit‘ arr".ec enn s StimW’”. r. Mar.mmts . mm m. €2t.2".’.:2°"’ Collar: Table Tennis Fab. 23-Mar. May, 15 ' ArcheryNow Forming: gala-11819:: Brothers “3" '“m'm‘” NW- ‘H‘W‘ 1‘ Mar. 29 I Water Ski i show Ski rat-aiozam c w Gym I

All team and Individual entries must sign up in room 210 ct Carmichael Gym. tntormatlon re- Pickup Phone numbers garding Open Tournaments may be . . obtained at “'fi‘areduetnthesign-uplntramuratotttceoy'!times. Allentries Clemson tickets p.m. on the final sign-up date. Intramural Directors-lack Shannon;~s-.: ‘zhis week 737-3161

Women JV cogers Women’s Intramural Director Athletic Directors who were obtained irom room no at Carmi- unable to attend the first organiza- chael Gym. For weekly scheduling host ECU Lynn Berle, 737-3162 tional meeting tor the spring iniormation. please call 737-3161 semester should stop by the intra- 737-3t62. or mural Ottice and pick up a semester OFFICIALS NEEDED: Sign up today calendar at events. tntormation to be an intramural sottball oitlciai regarding Intramurais may be starting Monday. Feb. to. Sports Club Coordinator at 5 pm. ° Joel Brothers 737-3162

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I '


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