twist hop step and pop - what defines modern ? “It was love at first sight,” Sean McColl “With no holds and just a few huge plywood boxes, the style became less obvious, and m o d e r n vastly more physical,”Percy Bishton “The style of comps goes a lot into dynamic power and coordination, which is very rare to find on the rock. Flexibility and a willingness to take risks might be the only thing that is b o u l d e r i n g required for both.”

“It seems like the fast-paced, high-risk nature of this type of “jumping around” represents a shift in the last decade climbing often gets the crowd more hyped up and keeps them as the International Federation of more engaged than slower, static, technical climbing,”Angy (IFSC) World Cup’s competition style has shifted Payne toward a more audience-friendly “skate style,” applying wild, dynamic moves and elements of parkour to boulder problems and routes.

“Honestly, I’m not that big of a fan of jumping around.” m o d e r n b o u l d e r i n g

Goal of competition remains the same - challenge competitor and create exciting event what has changed ? Competition - bigger arenas - new regulations/ compeition format developement - incrising numbers of participants at comps Media

- sport is widely televised - social media - livestreams Competitors

- rapid improvement in performance of the athletes - new training methods, more tools to train, - traveling, sharing, exchanging skills

Routesetters - new tools boost creativity - route setting became a profession - setters exchange and share ideas via social media, books, newspapaer, movies tools/ materials/ walls - more materials, more brands, more ideas.

Volume manufacture and design innovations influenced a new, more imaginative setting style. “With no holds and just a few huge plywood boxes, the style became less obvious, and vastly more physical”. Films:

Articles: Thank you, see you and enjoy !!!