Open Access Austin Biochemistry

Special Article - Kinetics Thermodynamic versus Kinetic Discrimination of of Enzymatic Ligand Binding

Das B1, Banerjee K2 and Gangopadhyay G1* 1Department of Chemical Physics, SN Bose National Abstract Centre for Basic Sciences, India In this work, we have introduced thermodynamic measure to characterize the 2Department of Chemistry, A.J.C. Bose College, India nature of cooperativity in terms of the variation of standard free energy change *Corresponding author: Gangopadhyay G, SN Bose with the fraction of ligand-bound sub-units of a in equilibrium, treating National Centre for Basic Sciences, Block-JD, Sector-III, the protein-ligand attachment as a stochastic process. The fraction of ligand- Salt Lake, Kolkata-700106, India bound sub-units of cooperative ligand-binding processes are calculated by the formulation of stochastic master equation for both the KNF and MWC Allosteric Received: December 26, 2018; Accepted: May 23, cooperative model. The proposed criteria of this cooperative measurement is 2019; Published: May 30, 2019 valid for all ligand concentrations unlike the traditional kinetic measurement of Hill coefficient at half-saturation point. A Kullback-Leibler distance is also introduced which indicates how much average standard free energy is involved if a non-cooperative system changes to a cooperative one, giving a quantitative synergistic measure of cooperativity as a function of ligand concentration which utilizes the full distribution function beyond the mean and variance. For the validation of our theory to provide a systematic approach to cooperativity, we have considered the experimental result of the cooperative binding of aspartate to the dimeric receptor of Salmonella typhimurium.

Keywords: Cooperativity of ligand binding; Free energy; Kullback-Leibler distance; Hill coefficient

Introduction the kinetic experiments [20,21]. However, this method does not yield any details of the stepwise binding mechanism generating the Cooperative binding of ligands to multimeric protein is a very resultant cooperative behavior. Recently, Bordbar et al. proposed important biological process [1-6]. It plays a crucial role in the a theory to characterize cooperativity in terms of ∆G0 and the Hill physiological regulation of protein [7] and enzyme function [8]. coefficient [18]. The theory has been constructed on the basisof Many found in nature are multimeric consisting of two the consideration that only one intermediate step is experimentally or more subunits usually linked to each other by non-covalent separable among all the intermediate binding steps [18]. But interactions [9]. Depending on the binding affinity of the ligands sometimes it is possible to separate more than one intermediate- to the multimeric proteins, the cooperative binding kinetics can be binding steps in the ligand-binding assay. Later we have studied generally classified as positive, negative and non-cooperative [6,10- entropy production of cooperative binding of substrate molecules 12]. The phrase ‘binding affinity’ is a thermodynamic term which on the active sites of a single oligomeric enzyme in a chemiostatic refers how strong the binding is and it is expressed in terms of the condition to characterize spatial and temporal binding in enzyme 0 0 standard free energy change, ∆G [13]. Usually ∆G is determined catalysis [22-24] So construction of an unified theory is essential in terms of the experimentally measurable equilibrium binding which provides the thermodynamic as well as kinetic description of 0 constant, Keq using the relation ∆G = -RT lnKeq where R and T are cooperativity. the universal gas constant and absolute temperature, respectively [1- 16]. This relation can assist to determine the nature of cooperativity, Keeping the above developments in mind, here we have provided particularly if one considers the binding of ligands to the protein in a a thermodynamic characterization of cooperative binding of ligands to a single multimeric protein using the chemical master equation. stepwise manner [1-5,10]. For example, if the value of Keq increases in successive binding steps, ∆G0 becomes more negative and the protein We have considered two seminal models of allosteric cooperativity, shows positive cooperativity [13- 17]. The case is reverse for negative i.e., Koshland-Nemethy-Filmer (KNF) and Monod-Wyman- cooperative process. If the value of K remains the same for all the Changeux (MWC) models to describe the cooperative ligand-binding eq 0 binding steps, no cooperativity will be observed [13-17]. process in equilibrium. We have calculated ∆G for the overall ligand-binding process in both the models. We have introduced a Indeed, the thermodynamic characterization of cooperativity in thermodynamic variable by which the nature of cooperativity as well terms of ∆G0 is a well accepted approach in biophysics [13,14-17]. But, as some thermodynamic information about such cooperative process it is hard to the unavailability of all the successive equilibrium binding can be obtained. To examine the acceptability of our proposed constant values [18,19]. To avoid the problem, experimentalists thermodynamic variable, we have applied it on the cooperative usually prefer to characterize the nature of cooperativity of a protein Aspartate binding to the dimeric receptor of Salmonella typhimurium in terms of the Hill coefficient [20,21] which is defined in terms of and judged the results against the experimental conclusions [25]. It is the fraction of occupied sites, θ that can be easily estimated from observed that the description of the nature of cooperativity tally very

Austin Biochem - Volume 4 Issue 1 - 2019 Citation: Das B, Banerjee K and Gangopadhyay G. Thermodynamic versus Kinetic Discrimination of Cooperativity ISSN: 2578-9481 | of Enzymatic Ligand Binding. Austin Biochem. 2019; 4(1): 1022. Gangopadhyay et al. © All rights are reserved Gangopadhyay G Austin Publishing Group well with that of the Hill coefficient estimated from the experiment I PKNF () n = n [25]. We have also discussed on another estimate of cooperativity nT , (2) ∑ = In using the relative entropy or the Kullback-Leibler distance [26] n 0 and nI in terms of the standard free energy change. This measure is well KNF KNF ∑ n n θ =n/ nT = n known in the information theory literature and has been used in T , (3) nT∑ n=0 I n various contexts, a particularly relevant case being the measure of where (n)KNF is the average number of occupied sites at steady state. n  n−1 non-exponentiality of waiting-time distributions applied on protein = T ()j Here In  ∏ = Z and the stepwise equilibrium constants are n  j 0 folding statistics [27]. (j) (j) ()()j j (j+1) defined as Z = K [L] with K =k1′ /k -1 (j= 0,1,....,( nT − 1)) In what follows we have discussed on the cooperative binding and . For describing the cooperative ligand-binding process, here we (j) j (0) nT  n( n− 1)/2 (0) n have considered K =f K . So In becomes, In =   f() Z . Hill coefficient from the chemical master equation in section II. Then n  we have introduced a measure of cooperativity in terms of the Gibbs The parameter f induces the cooperativity in ligand binding in this free energy in section III. We have numerically explored the theory scheme. For f >1, the successive equilibrium constants continue to on step-wise Aspartate receptor binding in section IV. In section increase giving rise to positive cooperativity, whereas for f<1, they go V, we have studied the cooperativity entropy in terms of Kullback- on decreasing resulting in negative cooperativity. For f=1, the system becomes non-cooperative with the probability distribution Leibler distance. The paper is concluded in section VI. n KNF nT  []Z P()nc () n =   n , (4) Description of Cooperative Binding n  []1+ Z T using Chemical Master Equation and Hill (j) (0) where Z = Z = Z j and Z = k1/k−1. By inserting the value of Z, the Coefficient above equation can be written as a binomial distribution [38] given by n ()n− n n ∀k   k  T In the protein-ligand binding kinetics, ligands usually bind KNF T 1 −1 P()nc () n =      (5) + + to the subunits of the protein in a stepwise manner with different n k1 k− 1   k 1 k− 1  affinities. This was first proposed by Adair to explain the cooperativity In this case, the average number of occupied sites at steady state phenomenon observed in the -binding to at can be written as KNF Z  k  n= n = n 1 equilibrium [2]. By extending the concept of Adair, later Koshland, ()nc T   T   (6) 1+ Z  k1+ k− 1   KNF Nemethy and Filmer and Monod, Wyman and Changeux proposed n KNF ()nc The fractional occupancy, θnc = is independent of the two different models (KNF and MWC models, implement for protein- nT ligand binding having a large number of steps due to respectively) number of sub-units of the protein molecule. to describe the allosteric cooperativity. In this section, we have The MWC scheme provided a stochastic description of the ligand-binding kinetics for In this section, we have described the cooperativity of the an oligomeric enzyme for KNF and MWC models. allosteric protein-ligand binding kinetics [3] by considering the The KNF model MWC scheme. In this scheme, the sub-units of an oligomeric protein Here we have discussed the cooperative ligand-binding kinetics remains in two conformations, R and T, which are in equilibrium. for a single multimeric protein by considering the KNF model However, they differ according to their affinities for the ligand through master equation approach. The binding scheme is depicted with the R conformation being preferred. The protein exists largely in the T conformation in the absence of ligand. However, as the R in (Figure 1) for a multimeric protein consisting of nT number of identical subunits. The dynamics of the ligand binding mechanism conformation has greater affinity for the ligand, the conformational has been explained by counting the number of sub-units of the equilibrium is gradually shifted to the R state in the presence of ligand. protein molecule occupied by ligands at a particular instant of time. The ligand binding kinetics can be described in terms of the number As the reactions occur randomly so the number of occupied sites of bound subunits with the protein being in R or T conformation. (n− 1) ()n For a single oligomeric enzyme, this quantity is a fluctuating one. becomes a fluctuating quantity [38-40]. Here k1′ and k−1 are the association and dissociation rate constants in the nth reaction step, In (Figure 2), we have schematically described the MWC model for ligand-binding kinetics where the protein has n number of sub-units. respectively. We have taken the pseudo first-order rate constant] T + - (n− 1) (n − 1) Here ks [L] and ks are the forward and the backward transition rates with the constant ligand concentration k1= k 1′ [L]. If ‘n’ number of occupied sites are present at time t, then at time t + dt, the between the dynamical states of the system and [L] is the constant number may increase or decrease by one unit due to an association ligand concentration. The corresponding master equations for the or a dissociation reaction. So the master equation for this cooperative two conformations, R and T can be written as ∂P()R (,) n t + − binding mechanism can be written as =kLnnRT[]( − + 1)( PnR − 1,) tkn +R ( + 1)( PnR + 1,) t KNF ∂t ∂P(,) n t (n− 1) (n+ 1) KNF + − =knnPntknPnt1 (T − + 1)KNF (1,) − +−1 (1) + (1,) + −k[] Ln()(,)(,)()(,)()(,) − nPnt − knPnt − vnPnt+ vnPnt ∂t RTR RR RR TT ()n KNF ()n KNF (7) −k1 ()(,)(,) nT − n P n t− k−1 nP n t (1) Here, PKNF(n,t) is the probability of having n number of occupied and ∂PT () n, t + − (− 1) (0) (nT ) ( nT + 1) sites at time t with k= k = k = k = 0 to match the =kLnnTT[]()()()() − +1 PntknT − 1, +T + 1 PntT + 1, 1− 1 1− 1 ∂t boundary terms. Solving the master equation (Equation 1) at the + − −kLn[]() − nPnt(,), − knPnt()()()()() − vnPnt, + vnPnt, steady state, we obtain the probability distribution, PKNF (n) as well as TTT TT TT RR the fractional occupancy, θKNF as (8)

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Here P (n,t) (s =R,T) is the probability of the system to remain 2 2 s where σ and σ are the variances of the binding numbers in the state, n at time t. For ion channel, n denotes the state with n coop bino of the cooperative and non-cooperative cases, respectively. The Hill number sub-units in active state (for ligand-binding, n represents coefficient, n is given at the half-saturation point as the state with n number of bound sub-units). ν (n) and ν (n) are the H R T 2 th transition rates from conformation R to T and vice versa in the n nH= 4σ coop / n T (16) state, respectively. The steady state solution of the master equation Thermodynamic Description of the can be written as Cooperative Ligand Binding Process where In this section, we have calculated the free energy change in the PMWC ()()() n= P n + P n RT (9) cooperative ligand-binding process and introduced a thermodynamic n n 0 nT  KLR [] variable defined in terms of the rate of change of ∆G with θ. This PR () n =   (10) n  z()[] L quantity can act as an indicator of cooperativity in equilibrium. We and have also calculated the cooperativity free energy in terms of the n n n nT  Dr KR [] L Kullback-Leibler distance which is widely used in information theory. PT () n =   (11) n  z()[] L Calculation of the free energy change due to binding of Here z([ L ])= (1 + K [ L ])nT + D (1 + K [ L ])nT . The equilibrium R T ligands to amultimeric protein constants are defined as Here we have estimated the free energy change due to the binding KLkLkLKLkLkLrKLK[] = + [] /,− [] [] = + [] /,− [] = [] / [] L  R () R () R () T () T () T () T () R ()  of ligands to a multimeric protein in equilibrium. Let us first consider

a linear chemical reaction network with nT number of species like and D= vRT(0) / v (0) . Here D is independent of the concentration of ligand. By using the solution of the master equations, the average fractional occupation, θMWC can be written as nT ()rec MWC n P()() n+ P n The free energy change of the overall reaction, ∆Gtot is given by MWC ∑ n=0 ( RT ) − − θ = = nT 1 nT 1 n/ nT ()rec 0 []X i+1 n −1 n n −1 ∆G = ∆ G + RT ln T T T tot ∑XXi, i+1 ∑ (17) ()1+KR [] L + Dr()1 + rKR [] L i=1 i=1 []X = KL[] , (12) i R z()[] L ∆G0 Here XXi, i+1 is the standard free energy change due to the MWC where (n) is the average number of occupied sub-units of the ∆G0 transformation of species Xi to Xi+1 and is defined as XXi, i+1 = − protein at steady state when the ligands bind to the protein according RTln K eq Keq = k/ k i with i i− i . [Xi] is the concentration of the species to the MWC scheme. Xi. Estimation of hill coefficient Using (Equation 17), we can determine the free energy change

Traditionally cooperativity is characterized by the Hill coefficient of a proteinligand binding kinetics where nT number of sub-units of [34,35,41]. For positive and negative cooperative cases, the Hill a single protein get gradually occupied by the ligands. In this case, coefficient becomes greater than or less than one, respectively. The the concentration terms of (Equation 17) should be replaced by the non-cooperative case has unit Hill coefficient. Experimentally it is corresponding probabilities of the relevant binding states and R would obtained by determining the fractional saturation, θ (= (n)/nT ) at be changed to the Boltzmann constant, kB. The reaction scheme of various ligand concentrations [L], constructing the Hill plot [34] this linear chemical reaction is similar with the scheme of the KNF (ln(θ/1- θ) vs ln[L]) and then finding the slope at the halfsaturation model of allosteric cooperativity (Figure 1). Therefore, the overall free ()KNF point, θ = 0-.5 or at a point where the slope deviates maximum from energy change for the KNF scheme, ∆Gtot can be calculated as nT nT nT P() n P() n unity. On the other hand, Hill coefficient is theoretically defined as ∆G()KNF = ∆ G()KNF = ∆ G0()KNF + k T ln = ∆G0()KNF + k T ln T tot ∑()n−1 , n ∑()n−1 , n ∑ B − tot B the ratio of the variances of the binding number of the cooperative n=0 n=0 n=0 P() n 1 P()0 (18) and non cooperative cases at the half-saturation point [31-34,35]. Here P(n-1) and P(n) are the steady state probabilities of the Here we briefly mention the features of the Hill plot for both the conformations, (n-1) and n, respectively. ∆G0(KNF ) is the standard KNF and MWC model binding schemes. The Hill slope, H can be (n− 1), n free energy change due to changing the (n-1)th protein’s conformation generally written as [35] to nth conformation. ∆G0(KNF ) is the standard free energy change for [][]L(/ dθ d L tot H = . (13) the overall process. P(0) and P(n ) are the steady state probabilities θ()1− θ T of the protein’s conformations when it remains fully vacant and Now the fractional saturation in our case can be written as see 0(KNF ) fully occupied by the ligands, respectively. At equilibrium ∆Gtot (Equation 3) n nB[] L becomes zero. So (Equation 18) becomes θ = ∑ n n n , (14) 0()KNF P() nT nT∑ B n [] L ∆Gtot = − kB T ln (19) n P()0 Now substituting the values of P(n ) and P(0) from (Equation 2) n  n−1 T B = T K ()j where n  ∏ j=0 with B0 = 1. Then one gets into (Equation 19), we obtain n  0()KNF ∆G −tot = −∆G = nln Z()0 +() n − 1 ln f (20) 2 − 2 T T n n 2 2 kB T H = = σcoop/ σ bino , (15) 0(ForKNF ) notational simplicity, here we have considered. From nTθ()1− θ ∆G tot = ∆G (Equation 20), it is observed that ∆G depends only kB T

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(0) on the equilibrium ligand-binding constant of the first step, Z , the For non-cooperative cases, the Hill coefficient nH becomes unity cooperativity inducing parameter, f and the total number of sub- and the corresponding value of S will be 4nT. For positive cooperative units, nT . Using this relation, one can easily determine ∆G for a cases, the value of nH is greater than unity and for the negative non-cooperative ligand-binding process by measuring only Z(0) as f cooperative cases its value becomes less than unity. Hence, at θ = 0.5, becomes unity for this process. However, for positive and negative the value of S will be greater than 4nT for negative cooperative cases f ≠ 1 cooperative cases, when then it becomes essential to measure and for positive cooperativity, S should be less than 4nT. Therefore, the individual equilibrium binding constants experimentally to the quantity, S can characterize the nature of cooperativity in terms determine f. of the thermodynamic quantity, ∆G0. It is also important to note that by using the Hill coefficient one can identify the nature as well as the To compare the standard free energy change for positive degree of cooperativity. However, no information about the efficiency and negative cooperative processes, we write the above equation of the ligand binding process can be directly obtained form it. From (Equation 20) as the thermodynamic approach, one can also get some information − ()0 ± −∆G± = nln Z +() n − 1 ln f c T T (21) regarding this. Using the expression of nH from (Equation 16) and putting this into (Equation 24), we obtain The notations +c and −c indicate positive and negative 2 n  cooperativity, respectively. Similarly, f+ and f− are the cooperativity s = T  (26) θ =0.5 σ  inducing parameter for positive and negative cooperative processes, coop  By determining the distribution of a cooperative ligand-binding respectively. For simplicity, process, one can easily calculate the variance of the binding number here we have considered f+ = f =1/f- . Then we obtain and hence, S at θ = 0.5. + f 2 −∆−−∆=−G+c   G−c  () n T 1 ln(− ) =−()nT 1 ln() f = 2() nT − 1 ln f     f Cooperativity entropy and free energy: Kullback-Leibler (22) formalism As f ≥ 1, so we can say that standard free energy change of a In defining the cooperativity index in our earlier work, we had positive cooperative binding process will be always greater than that used the probability associated with the fully bound state of the of negative cooperative process. protein and not the binding probability distribution. Now in this work it is useful to compare the entire probability distributions Free energy as an indicator of cooperativity corresponding to the cooperative and the non-cooperative cases that For a better understanding about the cooperative binding process should, in principle, give further understanding of the phenomenon. from the thermodynamic point of view, here we have calculated the A natural choice comes from the field of information theory called change of the conformational free energy, ∆G with respect to the the relative entropy or the Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance [26]. The fraction of binding sites, θ. Taking the derivative of the expression of KL distance between two probability distributions u(n) and v(n) is ∆G in (Equation 20)with respect to θ, we obtain defined as d∆ G n d[] L u() n  − =S = T D() uυ = u() n ln   θ θ (23) ∑   (27) d[] L d n υ ()n  Now for a certain increment of θ, the required change in ligand where we take u(n) to be the reference distribution [36,26]. D(u||v) concentration is smaller for positive cooperativity compared to ≥ 0 always but it is not a metric [36]. Here we give an information d[] L that of the negative cooperativity. Therefore, the value of dθ in the entropic estimate of the amount of cooperativity in the ligand binding right hand side of (Equation 23) is expected to be less for positive in terms of the KL distance where obviously the non-cooperative cooperative cases than that of the negative one. As a result, at a certain system with binomial distribution is the reference. Hence we can ligand concentration, the rate of change of ∆G with θ becomes measure the amount of cooperativity quantitatively in terms of the smaller for positive cooperative cases than negative cooperativity. relative entropy between the binomial distribution, P(bino)(n) and the In thermodynamics, the Gibbs free energy is related to the non- distribution of the cooperative system as P()bino () n mechanical work performed by the system. So we can say that work D( P()bino P ss )= P()bino ( n )ln = −S()()bino − Pbino ( n )ln( Pss ( n )) coop ∑ ss sys ∑ coop done due to a certain increment of θ is smaller for positive cooperative n Pcoop () n n (28) binding than that of the negative cooperative binding indicating d[] L ()bino more efficient binding in positive cooperativity. Now putting Here Ssys is the system Shannon entropy or information dθ from (Equation 13) into (Equation 23), we obtain entropy [36] associated with the binomial distribution and the   nT cross term in the above equation actually gives the contribution of S =   H (1−θ ) θ  (24) ss ()bino cooperativity. With Pcoop ()() n= P n ∀ n , the KL distance becomes In (Equation 24), the Hill slope H, fraction of occupied site, θ zero for a non-cooperative system. So here we call the relative entropy and total number of sub-units, nT all are experimentally measurable as the cooperativity entropy, Scoop because a non-zero value of Scoop quantities. Hence, by using this expression, one can easily calculate indicates the system to be cooperative. As it can not be negative, it the standard free energy change with θ. Usually experimentalists is unable to detect the nature of cooperativity. Despite that, if one measure the Hill coefficient,n H which is the Hill slope at θ = 0.5 where knows the nature of the cooperativity by some other means then the (Equation 24) becomes variation of the cooperativity entropy with ligand concentration can

4nT  give valuable insight on the evolution of such cooperative behavior. s θ =0.5 =   (25) nH  The cooperativity free energy can be interpreted in terms of the

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Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the KNF model and are the association and dissociation reaction rates of the dynamical states of the system expressed in terms of the number of occupied sites by the ligands and [L] being the constant ligand concentration.

Kullback-Leibler distance using the following way. From (Equation 0(conf ) ()eq Figure 2: Schematic diagram of the MWC model. k +[L] and k −(s =R, T) are G( n )= − k T ln P ( n ) s s 18), it can be written as, B . So the standard designated as the forward and backward transition rates of the dynamical free energy of the nth ligand-binding state for cooperative and non- states of the system and [L] being the constant ligand concentration. νR(n) cooperative binding cases can be expressed as and νT(n) are the transition rates from conformation R to conformation T and vice versa, respectively, in the nth state (for detailed description see main 0(conf ) eq text). Gc () n= − kB Tln P c ( n )

and ′ −1 Table 1: The stepwise Aspartate binding constants, K1′ and K2 ( in µ M ) for G0(conf ) ( n )= − k T ln P()eq ( n ) (29) different amino acid residues at position 68 of Aspartate receptor taken from the nc B nc experimental study of Kolodziej et al [25]. The cooperativity index, C is determined 0(conf ) 0(conf ) at the ligand concentration where θ= 0.5 and also at the limiting condition (very respectively. The difference between G() n and Gnc () n gives c high ligand concentration). C characterizes the cooperative behavior successfully the standard free energy change due to cooperative ligand-binding as can be seen by comparing it with n . th H processes for the n binding step and it can be estimated as (0) (1) Amino acid K(= K′′ ) K ( = K ) n

1 2 H n KNF ∂P(,) n t =knnPntknPnt(n− 1) ( − + 1) (1,) − +(n+ 1) (1) +KNF (1,) + H ∂t 1 T KNF −1 ()eq P() n (half- 0(conf ) −0(conf ) = ∆0(conf ) = nc (expt.) (theo.) Gc ( n ) Gnc ( n ) Gcoop ( n ) kB T ln ()eq (30) saturation) Pc () n ()eq serine 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.696 11.483 Now multiplying both side by Pnc () n and summing over all n, we obtain cysteine 0.5 0.2 0.8 0.775 10.325 nT valine 1.0 0.8 0.9 0.944 8.472 (eq ) 0 0 ()()eq eq ∑ PnGnnc ()()∆coop = ∆ G coop = kTDPnP B( nc ( )c ( n )) n=0 (31) aspartate 0.1 0.1 1.0 1.0 7.999 ()eq ()()eq eq nT ()eq P() n alanine 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.0 8.000 D( P ( n ) P ( n )) = P( n )ln nc where nc c ∑ n=0 nc ()eq is the relative entropy Pc () n or the distance from the non-cooperative probability distribution, threonine 0.4 0.9 1.2 1.199 6.667 ()eq ()eq Pnc (reference distribution), to a cooperative distribution, Pc leucine 0.3 1.1 1.2 1.314 6.089 (target distribution). From (Equartion 31), it is observed that this KL asparagine 0.1 0.5 1.3 1.382 5.789 distance measures the ensemble average standard free energy change 0 isoleucine 0.4 2.8 1.4 1.451 5.512 due to cooperative ligand-binding processes, ∆Gcoop [36,26] in equilibrium. Here our main aim is to find out a thermodynamic quantity Cooperative Aspartate Binding to the Dimeric by which we can characterize the nature as well as degree of Receptor of Salmonella Typhimurium cooperativity like the Hill coefficient for better understanding about the cooperative ligand-binding processes. As a first step of Understanding of structural basis for cooperative binding investigation, we have plotted ∆G as a function of [L] for the amino mechanisms with detailed information of interactions responsible acids showing negative, non- and positive cooperative behavior in for a protein to being allosteric, comprises a large volume of recent (Figure 3a,3b,3c) , respectively. It is observed that in all the cases, literature. In the spirit of the experimental report of Kolodziej et al., ∆G becomes more negative with increasing [L] indicating that the we have theoretically investigated the origin of cooperative binding of ligandbinding process becomes more efficient with increasing [L] at the aspartate to the dimeric receptor of Salmonella typhimurium. The equilibrium. From (Figure 3a), we observe that the magnitudes of ∆G aspartate receptor is a dimeric one that binds aspartate with negative at a particular ligand concentration for different amino acids does not cooperativity. Serine68 residue located within the aspartate binding follow the trend shown by the corresponding Hill-coefficients, nH see pocket and at the subunit interface, acts as an allosteric switch in this (Table 1). According to nH value, amino acid serine shows highest receptor. From their experiment, it is observed that mutations at this negative cooperativity but in terms of ∆G , valine shows the highest position (68) by several amino acid residues show different types of value. Similar behavior is also observed for the amino acids showing cooperative behavior. For example, amino acids threonine, leucine, positive cooperativity. Therefore, we can say that the standard free asparagine and isoleucine show positive cooperativity whereas energy change of a cooperative process does not depend on the cysteine, valine show negative cooperativity. No cooperativity is degree of cooperativity. From (Equation 20), it is observed that the observed for amino acids aspartate and alanine. value of ∆G depends on the first equilibrium binding-constant, (0)Z ,

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1.1 1.6 a) b) c) 1.2 1.4 serine aspartate cysteine alanine valine 1.2 H 1 1

1 threonine leucine 0.8 asparagine isoleucine 0.8

0.6 0.9 0.6 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0

Figure 5: Plot of Hill slope, H with the variation of θ. (a) negative cooperativity (b) no cooperativity and (c) positive cooperativity. Figure 3: The variation of free energy change of cooperative processes, K1′ is plotted with [L] for amino acid residues showing (a) negative, (c) positive and (b) non-cooperative cases, respectively. cooperativity. Next, we have plotted S as a function of θ in (Figure 4a,4c) for the amino acids responsible for showing negative and positive cooperativity, respectively. For the non-cooperative case, the 20 20 20 a) b) c) same plot is drawn in (Figure 4b). From these figures it is observed serine aspartate threonine cysteine alanine leucine that all the curves passes through a minimum at θ = 0.5. In (Figure valine asparagine 4a), we observed that the magnitude of S at θ = 0.5 for the amino acids isoleucine showing negative cooperativity follow the similar trend as exhibited by the corresponding Hill coefficients. Similar trend is also observed S 10 10 10 for the amino acids showing positive cooperativity which is depicted in (Figure 4c). However, for the non-cooperative case, the magnitude of S becomes equal for the amino acids, aspartate and alanine. This can be easily understood from (Equation 25). For non-cooperative

cases, the value of nH is unity and as here nT = 2, the value of S should be 8 at θ = 0.5 for all the amino acids showing no cooperativity. S 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 value greater than 8 indicates the negative cooperativity whereas for positive cooperativity, the value of S becomes less than 8 which is also Figure 4: Plot of S versus θfor the amino acids showing (a) negative cooperativity (b) no cooperativity and (c) positive cooperativity, respectively. observed from (Figure 4).

To compare nH and S, we have also plotted the Hill slope, H as number of sub-units, nT and the cooperativity inducing parameter, f. a function of θ for negative and positive cooperative cases which In the right side of (Equation 20) there are two terms; the first term is depicted in (Figure 5a,5c), respectively. H is less than one for (0) nTlnZ and the second term (nT −1)lnf. For the positive and negative negative cooperativity, greater than one for positive cooperativity cooperative cases, ∆G is strictly governed by the first term for the step and remains equal to one for the noncooperative case, shown in wise equilibrium constants considered here from the experimental (Figure 5b). Therefore, we can say that the quantity, S is an alternative work of Kolodziej et al.. However, if the first term becomes same due thermodynamic measure to characterize the nature as well the to having same initial equilibrium binding constant, then the second degree of cooperativity like the Hill slope. The only difference is ∆ term governs the G . For example, the amino acids threonine and in the reference frame, i.e., the magnitude of H and S for the non- (0) isoleucine showing positive cooperativity, have same K as well as cooperative case. For more clarity, we have illustrated the utility of the (0) Z values. As isoleucine has higher f value so the magnitude of ∆G S in detecting cooperativity by comparing it with the Hill coefficients is grater than that of threonine for this case. Therefore, the variation determined in the work of Kolodziej et al. [25]. The theoretical values of ∆G with [L] does not have a direct connection to the degree of of Hill coefficients calculated for different cases tally very well with the cooperativity. Next, We have plotted the variation of standard free experimental data [25]. It is evident from (Table 1). that S detects the energy change, ∆G with the fraction of occupied sites, θ for getting presence and absence of cooperativity successfully. Also the extent some answer about the question, ‘How the nature of cooperativity or degree of positive or negative cooperative behavior is equally can be characterized in terms of the thermodynamic quantity’. In well characterized by S. This can be seen by comparing the values (Figure 3d,3e,3f) we have plotted ∆G as a function of θ for the amino of nH and S for the cases of serine and cysteine showing negative acids showing the negative, non- and positive cases, respectively. For cooperativity as well as for threonine and isoleucine showing positive all the three cases, the nature of the plots are similar. The value of ∆G cooperativity. Therefore, the thermodynamic parameter, S can is positive when θ < 0.5. It passes through zero at θ = 0.5 and becomes characterize the nature as well as degree of cooperativity very well. negative when θ > 0.5. Therefore, these plots can not characterize the We have plotted Scoop with [L] in (Figure 6) for the cases studied nature as well as do not provide any information about the degree of by Kolodziej et al [25] as mentioned already. We have compared the

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cooperativity in terms of the change of standard free energy involved C with the fraction of ligand-bound sub-units due to binding of ligands ooco 0.2 a) serine 0.5 b) threonine on a protein in equilibrium. The proposed criteria of cooperativity in peop cysteine leucine valine asparagine terms of Gθ is shown to be similar to that of the Hill coefficient which is ra 0.1 isoleucine defined kinetically and it is valid at any constant ligand concentration tiv at equilibrium. We have thoroughly analyzed the connection of Gθ ity to the Hill coefficient using some relevant experimental data on 0 0 en 0 50 100 0 50 100 cooperativity and demonstrated that Gθ successfully characterizes the tr c) d) threonine cooperative behavior. A Kullback-Leibler distance is also introduced 0.2 leucine 0.1 cysteine op serine which indicates that how much average standard free energy will y, be involved if a non-cooperative system changes to cooperative S one and it is applied for the aforesaid aspartate binding case, giving a quantitative measure of cooperativity as a function of ligand 0 0 0 50 100 0 50 100 concentration. The proposed information theory approach gives an [L ] ( in µ M ) understanding of the mechanistic development of cooperativity over the traditional approach of Hill coefficient at half-saturation point. Figure 6: The variation of cooperativity entropy, Scoopwith [L] for amino acid residues showing (a) negative cooperativity and (b) positive cooperativity. In The probabilistic approach uses the full distribution function beyond (c) and (d) we compare the cases of the amino acid residue pairs leucine- the mean and variance. 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