
Beyond Belief 02 – Why Something Rather than Nothing Beyond Belief 02 – Why Something Rather than Nothing 9-13-20 9-13-20 “The first question that should rightly be asked is, ‘Why is there something rather than nothing?'” Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) I. Nothing Is Simple Why Something Rather than Nothing – Discussion Questions 1. Nothing seems likely 1. When is the last you were amazed by this life (struck with wonder at some

aspect of this )? What was it? 2. Has this always been here? Always existed? 2. Does this of wonder happen to you often? If not, why not?

3. The best astrophysical evidence we have suggest that this cosmos came into 3. This universe is a big and impressive something (with no pre-existing , space, time, or energy) Why might many

atheistic astronomers resist that data? Why should a Christian embrace it? (See 4. How do people answer the question? Gen 1:1)

4. There are two possible answers for the “something” that is here: accident or II. Uncanny Cosmos . Can you explain why those are the only two options? 1. This life is uncanny 5. Explain the term “uncanny”. Describe ways int which this cosmos is uncanny.

6. We closed the message today by talking about the quest for . In what 2. A universe of order (rules) ways are people in our trying to find meaning?

7. How is meaning tied to this topic? How does the discovery that there is an 3. A universe that allows for life intention behind this universe alter the quest for meaning? (Apply the terms

objective and subjective from last week to your answer) 4. Life that replicates (family by design)

5. Life that interacts (sensory equipment)

6. Life that thinks (awareness of environment)

7. Life that thinks about thinking (self-aware and aware of self awareness)

III. The Quest for Meaning 1. The quest for meaningful

2. Quest For Meaningful Relationships

3. A Quest for the Uncanniest Encounter