1876. Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Information. Stealing
[ PubUshed by Authority. ] This Gazette is published for Police information only, and the Police throughout the Colony a/re instructed to make themselves thorotighly acquainted with the contents. M. S. SMITH, Superintendent of Police. No. 19.] WEDNESDAY, JULY 5. [1876. Circular Orders and Miscellaneous From the storeroom of the Horse and Groom Hotel, Perth, during the night of the 28th ult.,— Information. 421l)s. of twisted stick tobacco, two bottles Hennessy's CO. ''/471,—On the arrival of a vessel at any sea pale brandy, two bottles of brandy champagne port of this Colony from a foreign port, the PoUce (Vineyard Proprietors Co.), branded with a crown over Officer in charge at the port will forward to the three daggers.—C.L 149. Chief Office, with as Uttle delay as possible, a return giving the names. Christian and Surname, of all passengers by such vessel, and any information he is From Keyser's Timber Station, Vasse, on or about able to gather as to who they are, whence they have 20th November, 187S,—five new trace chains, not come, what is their object in coming to the Colony, marked, one long handled shovel, not marked.—C.L and where they are going. 150. This is in addition to the usual Inward and Out ward Report, and refers only to passengers who remain in the Colony. From Henry Adams' Boarding House, Fremantle, The Water Police are instructed to co-operate on the 29th ult.,—one dark tweed coat, the property with the Land Police in this matter. of George Smith.—C.I.
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