1876. Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Information. Stealing
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[ PubUshed by Authority. ] This Gazette is published for Police information only, and the Police throughout the Colony a/re instructed to make themselves thorotighly acquainted with the contents. M. S. SMITH, Superintendent of Police. No. 19.] WEDNESDAY, JULY 5. [1876. Circular Orders and Miscellaneous From the storeroom of the Horse and Groom Hotel, Perth, during the night of the 28th ult.,— Information. 421l)s. of twisted stick tobacco, two bottles Hennessy's CO. ''/471,—On the arrival of a vessel at any sea pale brandy, two bottles of brandy champagne port of this Colony from a foreign port, the PoUce (Vineyard Proprietors Co.), branded with a crown over Officer in charge at the port will forward to the three daggers.—C.L 149. Chief Office, with as Uttle delay as possible, a return giving the names. Christian and Surname, of all passengers by such vessel, and any information he is From Keyser's Timber Station, Vasse, on or about able to gather as to who they are, whence they have 20th November, 187S,—five new trace chains, not come, what is their object in coming to the Colony, marked, one long handled shovel, not marked.—C.L and where they are going. 150. This is in addition to the usual Inward and Out ward Report, and refers only to passengers who remain in the Colony. From Henry Adams' Boarding House, Fremantle, The Water Police are instructed to co-operate on the 29th ult.,—one dark tweed coat, the property with the Land Police in this matter. of George Smith.—C.I. 151. Vide Apprehensions. M. S. SMITH, Superintendent of PoUce. From the stable of F. Guerier, Vasse, on the night June 19th, 1876. of the 21st ult.,^one bag of pollard weighing about 160ibs., no mark on bag. James Runham, exp., late CO. "/iso.—When a Certificate of Freedom is Reg. No. 8391, suspected.—C.I. 152. issued at any Police Court, to any convict whose sentence has expired, the officer in charge of such station will forward ^vithout delay to the Detective Vide C.I. 145. Office a report showing the date of issue of such Description of articles stolen—1 new horse rug, certificate, together with the date and place of con brown, with red and black stripes across each end; viction, and nature of crime and sentence, copied 1 pair white moleskin trowsers; 1 Crimean shirt, from the certificate. nearly new, light colored pattern, with patch on left M. S. SMITH, sleeve; 2 white flannel shirts, nearly new, and 7 Superintendent of PoUce. sticks tobacco. Eastward natives Mrmyengur and June 20th, 1876. Murcaramah committed this robbery. Stealing in Dwellings, from the From the hut of Robert Stevens, shepherd, Victoria Person, &c. Plains, on the 13th inst.,—1 tomahawk; 1 butcher's knife; 1 tin pannican; 1 bar soap ; S boxes matches ; From the dwelUng of Thomas Farmer, tailor, 1 new Crimean shirt; 1 old Crimean shirt; 6 lbs. William Street, Perth, some time since tlae 24th sugar ; J lb. tea, and IS lbs. flour. Eastward natives May,—one frock coat (Melton), black liniug, coat Munyengur and Murcaramah committed this rob rather faded but in good order.—C.L 147. bery.—C.L 153. From a cask in the yard of the Devonshu-e Arms, Perth, since the 18th ult.,—about 45 gallons of From the hut of James Joyce, exp., at 7-mile vinegar. John Smith, t.L, Reg. No. 8769, and gully, York road, on the 21st ult.,—1 small looking George Penton, exp., late Reg. No. 9261, suspected.— glass ; 1 small razor, and 1 book entitled " A Word CI. 148. to the Sick." WilUam James, t.l, 9474, suspected. 74 Apprehensions. TOMMY NONGUP, ab. nat. Description—Stout, age about 30 years, height about Sft. 7in., black hair and JAMES CONNOLLY, exp., late Reg. No. 3239, arrested inclined to curl, round visage, black complexion; a at Vasse, by P.C. Parker; charged on warrant, shepherd ; is charged on warrant issued at Beverley, with breach of Masters and Servants Act. Vide on the 13tb ult., with wilfully neglecting his employ warrants issued. ment. Vide C. I. 151. GEOEGE LEAKE, ab. nat. Description—Stout, age JOHN HOWAETH, exp., late Reg. No. 9200, by about 40, height about Sft. 7 or 8in., black hair, has Corporal O'ConneU, at Fremantle, on the 30th ult.; a cataract over right eye, round visage, black com charged with feloniously stealing one tweed coat, the plexion ; a shepherd; is charged on_ warrant issued property of George Smith. Sentenced to 3 months' at Newcastle, on the 1st inst., with leaving the imprisonment. employment of John McPherson, on the Sth ult. THOMAS DIXEY, c.r., Reg. No. 9429, by P.C. JOHN CAEEOLL, exp. Age about 50, height about Dunne, at Perth, on the 27th ult., with being drunk Sft. 8in., dark brown hair, turning grey, long visage, and disorderly. Fined IOs., and to forfeit his Con dark complexion, middling stout; a shepherd; is ditional Release. charged on warrant issued at Williams River, on 27th ult., with deserting service of John Eddie, and SAMUEL P. SLACK, t.L, Reg. No. 9877, by L.C. wUfuUy causing the loss of sixty sheep. Connor, at Perth, on the 30th ult.; charged with embezzling the sum of eleven shillings, with intent MATTHEW AEMSTEONG, free; is charged on war to defraud Thomas George Molloy his employer. rant issued at Gwalla, on the 22nd ult., with dis Sentenced on the 1st inst. to 12 months' hard labor. obeying a summons charging him with using obscene language at Northampton, on the 27th AprU last. CHAELES PUGH, an expiree, late Reg. 7229, by Vide Apprehensions. Sergeant McLarty, at Perth, on the 30th ult.; charged with being a loose, idle, and disorderly person. Sentenced on the 1st inst., to 2 months' hard labor, as a rogue and vagabond. Property Found. On the 28th ult., in High Street, Fremantle,—2 JOHN CALLAGHAN, exp., late Reg. 4222, by P.P.C small keys attached to brass chain. Now at Fre Eatch, at Perth, on 30th ult.; charged with being a mantle Police Station. loose, idle, and disorderly person. Sentenced on 1st inst., to one month's imprisonment hard labor, as a rogue and vagabond. On the 24th ult., about 3 miles from Mandurah, on the North Beach,—one double ship's block, (one Vide WaiTants issued. side broken,) and one single ship's block, branded in MATTHEW AEMSTEONG, free, at Gwalla, by L.C. four places with the letters J.C.M. Now at Man Houlahan, on the 24th ult., and charged on the 26th durah Police Station. ult. with disobeying a summons. Fined 5s., and 3s. 6d. costs. Found in Marine Terrace, Geraldton,—a broken Meerschaum Pipe, with silver ferrule, and amber Vide Police Gazette, page 63. mouth piece. Now at Geraldton Police Station. WILLIE CAEEINGUT, by P.Cs. Edwards and Lavery, at Marra Mucking, York District, on the 28th ult.; Found in St. George's Terrace, Perth, on the 2nd charged at York, on the 26th ult., with deserting the inst.,—a lady's black alpaca cape, trimmed with service of J. H. Meares, and discharged upon agree crepe and black lace, and a bow behind, near waist. ing to complete his engagement. Now at Detective Office. Warrants Issued. Found near Perth Bridge, on the 1st inst.,—a lady's black velvet bag, beaded, and trimmed with JAMES CONNOLLY, exp., late Reg. No. 3239. Des black fringe, containing one white cambric haudker- cription—Stout, age 44, height Sft. l^in., dark brown chief, and one black silk bow. Now at Detective hair, dark hazel eyes, round visage, fresh complexion, scar on forehead, a stockhunter; is charged on Office. warrant issued at Busselton, on the 28th ult., with being absent from his employment. Vide Appre Found near the Perth Causeway, on the 1st inst., hensions. by John Cable,—a TarpauUn, and now in his possession. MICHAEL COCKLIN, exp., late Reg. No. 8810. Description—Stout, age 32,. height Sft. 7in., dark brown hair, Ught hazel eyes, round visage, sallow complexion, scar on right wrist, wart on left hand, a A Certificate of Freedom labourer; is charged on warrant issued at Busselton, has been issued to undermentioned Convict, whose on the 28th ult., with using obscene and dis sentence has expired:— gusting language towards George Simpson, Manager Richard Bennett, Reg. No. 9077, received a Cer W.A. Timber Company, and with threatening the tificate of Freedom, at Geraldton PoUce Court, on Ufe of Sergeant Back. 26th ult. Convicted at Stafford, in Staffordshire, on 17th October, 1864, of horse steaUng; Sentenced to JAMBS IEVIN, exp., late Reg. No. 8591. Des 7 years p.s. cription—Middling stout, age 35, height Sft. 6iin., dark brown hair, dark hazel eyes, long visage, sallow complexion ; a blacksmith; is charged, on warrant issued at Busselton, on the 28th ult., with using Conditional Eelease obscene and disgusting language towards George granted to:— Simpson, and with threatening the life of Sergeant Back. Reg. No. 10009 William Barrett, and forwarded to York, for issue, on the 29th ult. 75 they had recovered sufficiently to admit their being Miscellaneous. conveyed en route to WilUams River. At the Vid.e A_pprehensions, page 50. WUliams, on the 26th ult., P.Cs. BoveU and Hogan EDWAED STATHAN, free, brought up under remand, charged the above-mentioned natives with assaulting at Fremantle, on the 28th ult. Committed for trial. the Police, with intent to break their arrest. Each was sentenced to 12 months' hard labor at Rottnest. Vide Apprehensions, page 69. JOHN SIMPSON, free, brought up under remand, at Mrs.