, TJffTPJW-wrwra- .; twtw&i&r wmmmsm Sj t !WWpnf:I tT mmmwmm EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER ', SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1022 in th rnminr days, with voices miA WORLD'S FIRST BABY dued, eyes dim, shall say: & IrblER SENATOR PEPPER SMASHES 'EM OVER "Hell and Maria" AT BIER n TI., la AnA' " fl INDICTMENT FIGHTING RENEWED FRODS -- BORN iN AIRPLANE Dawes Jeb Dene 0"he Itcadlng New Times said, cd., ferlnllf! . , ra- - "It behooves every clean apert te step 3 French Weman Will Christen Her Continued from Fe One and de honor te Beb Maxwell, one of i I i BOB exponents IS POSSIBLE HERE Infant Guynemer IN DUBLIN STREETS printed here, for Ibis paper Intended OF HELL the intrest, mnsi icuncss ef te clrculntc through the mails. clenn sports that the court, the II' Paris. .Inly 1. Mmlittne Geerges I don't knew hew the president with the ring, the gridiron or ceure i ltreyer. of Lyens, jesterday mhlcfed! before heard en has ever seen. ! a flew of words nevtr tliu distinction of being tliu first wemnni a campus made In the college, but i 'Tiny' is ecnil. Hundreds ef ' out Memery of Sports Assistant Prosecutor Corden te give birth te n child in mi nirpinni'. Irish Regulars Begin te Clear "Hell and Mnrla" was one of the Tribute te nendlng.fans mourn him. Beb Maxwell I Mndnmc. Ilrcver was lit n remote soil- - He was things which put Dawes ever as n Who Died Following died as he lived. ever writing "Convinced Phila. Operations "have rvi)Tt in Southern ituiy wiiwi siie Out New Strongholds Seized HttUgct Director. Te saving Editor about ethers. He died thinking of r warnings f stnrtf frit the first nntiii'c. Shei nmeng people who hnve been In the Accident ethecs. He never thought of his own Bf Were Same as in N. Y. Immediately chartered an for by Insurgents habit of spending like drunken sailors Moter prowess, thnt he was a champion. H Naples, niul when forty miles south of Senater Pepper requires Inrgely a psychological change. never thought of his own hurts. A (iOLK) trut tliut city. feet evor the Mcditer-inncn- "fverlJnr Yeu can't de It with tin account sys- man, n clean sport, a fearless writer." she gave Ijlrtli te the clillil. out" en Yeu need some- IN WILL INVESTIGATE HUGHES WIN PROVINCIAL tem and a let of rules. FUNERAL Damen Rttnyen's Steadying tin pin no, tliu pilot de- POSTS tennis courts nt thing Jars the spenders as "Hell Tribute that Tl.i.r,.. Mft..trf fm.i.n... . . scended slewlv te earth anil landed and Jlnrlit" coming from the lips of a JLnillOIlT,.u... .lllll" ,u.in auiiiuuf. Speri fj, it fnllt'lkit llitllil ,t IlllCi (Ik..,, ill. I national capital. -- twKiiillllll II HHIIini ""HI, "I"" ,,l.-- llll. iiiu..US coliege president jars the faculty. Maxwell gave silent Ine fvrlter. In a specinl editorial sni.i. 1 Convinced flint. I).- - Dier find ..i. v.... m..,i ,,,.,ii...... nv Associated rrett Friends of neb - ...... - uiii-ii- i iii'iiiit. .it. ii...in. iinii iiiv'iiiil The Senater en his job ns "Here wns a man Tiny Max. ethers were ciigngcd in business here ...ii mf Dublin, .Inly 1. The Previsional General Dnwes started proof morning of their respect nnd t ,0tlp nirejy. Uudgct fully made by the pub- this well who had never knowingly com- - ftlmlinr te that which caused the New ...... ,.if.i ...mi i,0 - tenuis Is one Director $ christened Guv- Free Slnte Government tnrneil today licity of his Heuse committee testi- ndmlratlen for him. milieu nu iinaiira ut. in mi. wueic lite, Yerk Ornnd Jury te return sixteen biiw i i,nor e( i he fameiih French of (he authority of a per- te the under, sweet and geed nVlnir.V: "ri.V te' the task of clearing 'the remain best sports mony. He hmj the They went in numbers who wns as te his ff. of Indictment ngnlnst him. AWnnt bough m,t, low-ma- ...ether has sonality. He was nn iconoclast. He Oliver II. Hal', n ns It is possible for un or- i Guy (,eidcm. ,1M M m'',l!, of Insurgents, following the for eno keep taking establishment of District Attorney James ti1(, vtiw souvenir. '"R te n hnd, moreover, the nutherlty of n great dinary inertnl te be, and he is picked '.Tr., today begnn Investigation that j f ,(,,, an f ymlt Courts, their chief condition buslnes" success which was Important 1820 Chestnut street. off In the very Dewer of his career. tn-- v hrlnir Tllnt nml litu ntsnrliitrs ill tilC representative of va- 1 (Iriiml Jury stronghold. ns impressing the little bureau chiefs Thcre were men "It does net seem right. He was Philadelphia office before n been Inw unto men in busi- A here. , The surrender this morning of mere who had hitherto a rious sports nctlvitles nnd the salt of the earth. grnnd fellow. ' RECORD EXODUS themselves. And ngnln he had the au- whom right name was Rebert W. . Before snillni? for Fureiie District fifty w'he holding ness the profeselens. oil of His Max. than rebels had been thority of political position. He was and well, as 'Tiny' he wns h. Attorney Itetnn unsigned Mr. Gorden honor te have ns a but known te out in the Cnpcl street area was hailed a Republican of standing and influence. had counted It an tens of thousands of friends. He was te take full elinrge of the Dier prone. death yes-tcrd- Phillips. as evidence that the meinle of the He- - System New friend this big fellow whose physically a tremendously big man. County Detective Dnrsy publicans had by Uudgct Net who specializes in Investigating biirket TO been weakened the followed an automobile accident Nnture hnd te make prevision for the SHORE BEGINS .fielding of Hery O'Connor and Mam A Republican of standing could net housing of great" shops, has been nt work en the Dlcr have ever the budget. Even n Re- his licart. He was a of Chief Mcllewes. two of their strongest fight- put lflThefunal of Mr. Maxwell, who grand fellow." case under the direction of standing, who was also a e ing leaders. publican e we-n- Wynne. Photestatic copies of the bonks man, might have done was sjierts edUer of the Bvraimi .Pun-m- Yale athletic officials shocked by The menace still net only great business net nationally known death of Mr. Maxwell, will be turned ever te Gorden with the confrentins se. Rut n Republican of standing who hEDOtn and a the who referred Dublin, but the was recognized, held in Chi er transactions marked irreguliir. together Railroads Prepared te Handle nation, was a great business man and had also authority en sports, will be the Yale nnd Harvard game last however, and the Pall of De- ' Cambridge with it full list of the victim1.. Minister WmimmlmmmmmmmmumiamMmmmiKmxmmmmimmmmimmmmmiiimmmm a "Hell nnd Mnrln" reputation could cage. The body was xniien "" lu and the Yale The July New Yerk Grand Jury, Biggest July 4 Crowds in fense, in a proclamation te the troops Dawes was Bates game at New Haven last Sep the und General all there. Inter- vhlch begins work Wednesday, will die of mitienat army, declared: "We We speak of the budget system with Dr'jnmes A. Rnbbltt. of the tember. of firm at a Their History put our hand te this fight In defense of Committee; , for thirty yenrs into the transactions this awe as if It were some tremendous collegiate Football, Rules Ynlti time when it was known as Hughes. & the people's will, and with jour nld we novelty that would somehow save us. ....,." n ....li Ai, TCIntteln. F. nth'ctir director, wns much affected. will see It te a successful issue." GETS budget system, Clinten, Y file football "Beb Mnxweli was one of the finest Dlcr. PEPPER PEP 'BATTLE OF POLES' We have nlwnys hnd a W. D'Oller, Jack ... An n result of this continued Investi ALL TRAINS IN SECTIONS Mere encouraging news was received but a rather loose one. Congress com- star, and Arthur snenei.p football officials in the game and per In- - j ... hundreds gatien it is expected that further from the province early today, includ- mittees would leek ever estimates has-tii.- v, .t ni, ...... nn. thn sennlly nn ideal type of sportsman, ' ilictincnts will be returned and nt j ing accounts of victories for the national bring them into harmony nnd make of Beb's friends who visited Hair s this said Mr. Camp. "I enjoyed his friend" lie troops In least two riillndelphians will in Thej steed nlenc or family groups of ltuncrnna nnd I.etterkenny. appropriations. Whnt Congress cem-mittc- morning. ship, nnd I believe his writings hnve The government forces are declared te ON COURT DARBY n Geerge H. had a grent Influence upon athletics, cluded. them along the curbs eutlde the ferry STIRS UPPER used te de iu few weeks William Hellenbach. and Check books nnil ledgers, as well ns be In control of the entire Tippernry Is new nn Jeb with a Broeke, Dr. Michael Bennett, former especially upon the promotion of cleaner Inside the wait- TK Cleth-Ic- r, missing they steed .1. etben important papers, nru stations or area. permanent bureau in charge of It. coach nt Hnverferd; William athletics. The sport world can HI af- from the Philadelphia office, and evi- ing room and choked and withered visi- Ah far nn Dublin Is concerned, the When tlie housewife leeks ever the William niebnrdsen, owner of the ford te lese him." dence of changed pages have been found bly or they rushed ilesperutelyw 1th plan of notion agninst the irregulars, White outgrown clothes of little Willie and Amcricnn League baseball who have established ho- Makes Daily Use of Telegraph Company Eventually Washington Blew te Tad Jenes by ncceuntant.s who aie new lit work en their baggage through the gates, themsMvcs in finds a suit that will de for little team, and Henry T. Lindsay, former the local books In the New Yerk office. net te expire for another live tels and ether premises will probably Sammy she is n budget system. It Is Tl.,tmnnll, alnr nnrl lifelong friend Ol Tad Jenes and Prof. Mendcll, twei assume the form of an encircling move- Heuse Nets Instituted Meets Waterloo in Housewife ether big Yale men, grieved ever Max- Same Here minutes these hundreds of thousands dull business nnd n bit thankless, but Mr. Mnxweli, nlse were there. Conditions spend ment with intense fields of uctlvity in snvings ns this lias been e well's death. Mr. .Tenes knew him the of foitunate folk destined te the by Roosevelt With Arms Akimbo just such a Se were Fred Gelg, an out wnrin-mer- "Conditions In Philadelphia nre net holidays the seashore. certain nreas. large part of General Dawes' work. sec- - better of the two und dcclnrcd he aN we found in at The player! Jeseph K. Costclle, any different from these Newsboys, taxi ill lvers and mere total casuelties In the three days Ah nn illustration of the sort of Bridge Commission; wais felt perfectly at case when Mr. the New Yirk headquarters." said 15. fighting have net yet been ascertained, accomplished, of thn Maxwell was handling n gridiron con- commuters jostled together, distin- thing Dawes lias the Arr Welrmuller, Hermnn Hlndln, F. Itcls, who is making the account guishable nnl by their Irritated grunts but it Is estimated they will net greatly PLAYS BEFORE BREAKFAST STATE FINALLY CALLED IN Coast and Geodetic Survty wns in need Charles test. Hareld Woodcock, general man- boxing promoters; Jack iieiten, lenju-- ager lug, today. "We have jut started en exceed 100, the fatalities being placed new ships, and asked nn apro-priati- , of the Yale athletic department or tin unshakable aplomb. Policemen nf two ..-.....- Philadelphia books) and it will take - at about forty. $1 ,000,000. Dawes professional runner; menu nnd the man who arranged for Mr, .the pointed lingers nt them, train iinueune- of found -- ..,. .- U8 nu see next receive a Staff Cerreipcndent nuu-j T).i .. rriinrtcF ceach: Maxwell handle Yale games, home time. Dler trnn ii. j ulmiile.l tiinLLiiiriiu i ttinm Thin The area te atawcai Pv Whnt is nn irate citizen? that the navy had n great number of line.i. nmr " i te said: i Dallns, former president of ferred nil the big business te his New (l,,vc,, docilely, 'dispiritedly, save these will probably he the Sackvllle street Washlnefen. July 1. Almest nny In I'pner Darhv von will find them mine sweepers, better fitted for the Samuel J. "He was one of the most pleasing office and made this his principal district, several blocks east of the Four between i of the Geodetic Survey the A. A. U. ; Heb ;;vy fellows I have ever dealt with In fork ,.,. m.s .uh thermos bottle souls. clear morning these day, standing en street cerneis, collected work than the Whar- .vv- - where Itepuhlicans well-kn- it "Ruck" euu'p. r.veiyiiiiiic in inn wuj m Courts, the last nnil S o'clock, n tall, figure ii ,i, ..Memr.,,.. ii..i,,,c ''...... i vessel it hnd sought te acquire. He football conch; Dr. football officials. Like most In night n in- meter race ettrltles mid ensh that was taken in in Autes landless Stream took ever block of buildings with gray can be seen swinging , holding disgruntled suggested thnt tlie navy turn ever two eon, nnd Jimmy Hunter, big fellows. Mnxweli was full of geed cluding the posteffice, hair forth In loud and Philadelphia was turned ever te New The stream of ni tomeblles was and the Greshnm. n wickcii iciinis rucnet mi mt " " voices mine sweepers te the Geodetic Survey. blcycle rider. humor and nlwnys looked at things xeric. less one could count a thousand In a Granville nnd Ilnmman's hotels. The Heuse court the "Uoescvelt tennis Theodere Itoesevelt. acting Seeretnry The sister of one of Mr. Maxwell s from the geed-nature- d standpoint. All l The Postal Telcgranh Cemnnnv is f.'PliA.. mrtlinil ...nf tlilu tt.rnnvnr tint i .!i:... I ..!.. il.n- guests of the hotels were summarily or- Navy, protested with te her knees Ynlc men hnve ...... v...... 'v Dlir.' IllUM'll IIUHIIU-.-i....in.. .mC. ni-- in'- court," they cell It, where the "tennis erecting poles along the high- of the the same newspnper associates sank admired his work en the ' leave, were State quite clear, but I think wn may be stream of pedestrians dered te and turned out Inte Cabinet" of the Uoescvelt Administra- way that runs through Fpper Darby, force nnd energy that characterized his by the bier, nnd in teaiB, prnjed. lentuaii neiti, nun in important con- able te show just hew many hundreds i,,., had Its beginnings en Market. the descried street carrying their tion gathered for its sessions. and distinguished father. He declared that tests we nlwnys sought him. Person- ' therein lies the secret. Flowers In Profusion of thousands came from Philadelphia Walnut nnd Arch streets us Three ether buildings en the It is Pepper, of Pennsyl- - there was no warrant whatever for ally, I have enjoyed bis sport articles Chestnut. Senater Fer years the citizens fought- dim-li- com- be- -' ., same block were occupied. for navy up first-cla- ss In n t and what became of it. Of course, fnr mvnv N'tntli. Kmbi fountains vania, put the court In regular n asking the te give two Mr. Maxwell lny nnd comment, for he had a thorough It is reported en geed lie has sldewu'k en which they might stroll geld, where, the t fore Dler came te New Yerk the petty nIid lemonade stands along the way authority that use for the first time in several jears. in ships without direct compensa- partment of white nnd understanding of athletics nnd the pce-pi- e Kamen de Vulera Is In personal charge safety. Finally, they wen, nnd n President Harding hnd finnlly mnsses of flowers filled ensn. books in the I'htlmlelplila eilice picked up profits at an Immense cost And back of It Is a story. nice, clean sidewalk built. tion. te fragrance of associated with them." Miew large withdrawals, but the of the S.iikvllle area for the nepuh-licin- s. been devoted te win be cnlled into the controversy, but in the men who were closest te him in ills Percy Sanderson, n sports writer for reall0f uersptratlen. Srnnter Pepper has And new. right in the middle nf the nnvy gave up big money was used bj the heads tie-up- s. who are reported te be making been the end the the ships. life nnd work, the sports writers. the Evening Pubme Lkdgeb that fliere were few iams or athletics all bis life. He has none-toe-wi- wnlk, have sprung up under - elaborate preparations repulse any Then Mr. Dnwes discovered the been sent of the Arm te buy their handsome homes Although tin- crowd is the greatest of te n liHtinner thrower, n swimmer, a nke mushrooms thnt Flowers in profusion hnd the name of "Sandy McNlbllck," who attack, even breaking through side- - tnll wooden poles, nnd vessels needed nheut S10.000 of were - and lavish costly jewels en their wives bv the It fisherman, n track ,,, , worth by friends and associates. Thcre wns riding- with Mr. Mnxweli nt the this vear and te he matched enl.x tinter. n hiker, a ,ls t1PV ,.,. ter) (() ., for which the CVnst was drawn out of the linn s hank ac- - icnr"-- . walls In order te connect nil the build - rcpnlrs, nnd'Oeedetlc wreaths and large clusters from the time of the accident, is still in a seri- m. of Inst the vnllrends seem man, a hall player loetonii ami """- pedestrians strolling in pairs must sen- - no appropriation. count. Seme of these checks we have, lugs. This morning the windows , Survey had He told Rnseball Writers' Association of ous condition at the Montgomery County fullv te have urenared for it ball and a few ether things lequinng unil0 erll(,r ,,, th,m these, ships but 'there are quite a number missing, bristled with rifles. n Mr. Roosevelt thnt should be Amcrlcn and. the Sports Writers Hospital. Although no official estimates could physical strength, endurance and I(St n8,lt fmm vnreus ,ntH , repaired before they left the and I cucss they will net be found mul.. InLln tm nt Mint W'M. tilll 1. 1.. ..I a.. . t. . . . hands of of Philadelphia. The ether occupants of the automobile be made by the railroads, they are ii,.i,ilnnit,,,., "10 nle"... 0I inmiiy went navy, nnd the cost i cither. in, best et ,""" '",f tnt the that should be were sent by the W ashingten who were injured when It collided with gathering every available coach and BOY, 6, BITTEN BY DOG tennis Is bis gaine.'"!,,,;,",it ,iIt.r lnmPS , rpp(,r n,,,.), v. Wern met from the naval repair appropria- Flowers f "We would like te knew the exact use in sections und of the Pepper diet. , Baseball Club. Clurk Griffith. William n truck leaded with Bey Scouts ure Pullman car te extra all. It's part mll fleln ,)nVi ,ilcv p hd-wi- I blllcSf, tion. Antheny, n improving. They Mrs. amount of securities and cash that was special When he came te the Senate he found j Ilf) , ,,,, Richardson, Wnlter Y. nre Sanderson trains. mnnil p f Again wns n great bowl pre-tes- t, - (u, there of general passenger agent nnd Miss 1033 rushed te Philadelphia te keep the firm Thi number who will make the Lad Attacked as He Plays en Street. ngeln Rudget h. Lewis, Florence Oram. North opperiuniiics ier mutei- tnelr respective wives had fed them. but the Director had Shibe, Thirty-thir- d off the rocks in May of last jcar." Fourth of July holiday a four-da- y af- restricted. Time was limited.''""'--Therei men, many of the Reading Railway; Themas street. Leg Lacerated the strong, collected en the his way. The ships were turned ever te Athletics; Jehn 11. Te Investigate Colonel Hughes fair proved much larger than expected, are hundreds of tennis courts nnd n corners and began offering the pretest the survey nt least u couple of years president of the Indicated b the general egress Frank Ciele, six years old. of OH golf links In nnd near the Shibe. Cennie Mack, tlie Brooklyn Rate, the meantime while investigators as was dozen or se which nearly ended in a massacre befeie th'ey possibly could have acquired Deaths a Day In which started last night. Seuth Third street, Camden, was bit- capital, but few "close In." These In the tlie navy get ball Club and the Velodreme Track. of New Yerk of poles. them otherwise; rid of He.vd-le- r, here and In are checking up Net only did the railroad companies ten by a deg while playing parks are se enmeshed In red tape The Nntiennl League, Jehn A. idea of nrese- - nt Third the "Let's tear 'em ," rolled some two of its numerous "white elephants." Na- with the further criminal notice the incrense In travel, but mo- takes time nnd trouble te obtain Seeretnry Mellen kept its president; the Philadelphia Mrs. Ellen F. Blddle agniust his j and Iteckett streets, Camden, last night. it energetic soul, nnd "tear 'em down" and $1,000,000 (Mum many cutlen Dier and associates spend the week-en- d ploy en them. tional Lengue Baseball anil torists who will boy permission te was the watchword tiie town com- of tlie taxpayers' money that would eth New Yerlt, July 1. Mrs. Ellen - a check en Colonel Hughes, who nns began fer- The was taken te Cooper Hos- seldom until ether organizations nnd Individuals arc at the shore te in rive et the Se Senater Pepper pined, but missioner, erwise iiafe been expended locked In his McGowan Riddle, widow of Gen-or- al associeted with Dlcr In the heighth of pital with a flesh wound in his Walter Fetters, went te the sending flowers te Chicago for tlie Fisli ries In increasing numbers. left phi.fcd. vaults. U. S. Wash-ingte- n, his prosperity, is nlse being made. leg. rescue and reasoned with the men te ' James Blddle, A., of About a month age he pccempanled wait twenty-fou- r This is enlv one of many illustrations died yesterday in the home of It is expected that Dler will furnlh Werii Hushed en Ferry Slips Frank said (lie deg ran after him McHenry, hours. memory, it was nrrnnged nn effielnl committee te Fert morning, of the transfer of materials from one In Beb's daughter, Mrs. Leuis Kvnn Ship-ma- n. ail today for his appearance in court. and grabbed hk leg as he ran This nrms nklmbe, Mrs. bnscbull games in tlie Phila- her uahed around Md., for the dedication of the new Campbell department te nnether. A saving nf for nil In her eighty-secon- d year. The district Attorney Iianten had the ns- - Werk is heln i en the new the corner. Police slnrtcd a search for Kev, James bat upon her perch, delphia and Montgomery ftllpa, both Camden and memorial te Francis Scott author refusing have $.7.000,000 lias been effected in this Suburban funernl services will be held next Mon- jrances of counsel that Dler will ap- - ferry, at Phila- tire deg. If found-i- t will"be killed. Spangled te n bole dug in the way Ceuntv Leagues te halt for three min- delphia, te provide additional room for of "Tin Star Panner." pavement befeie her Already alone. day at Arlington, Vn. Mrs. Blddle was ear. .In the event of his net doing se. Hauling spoke. When the heue. utes nt ! o'clock this afternoon. no the crowds (luring rush hours. It Is President there were tluee poles there. .Many Savings Kffccted I'nrl; Ttrend the daughter of the late Cuptain Jehn eucfj nerc win nsiieii te ioei; him ceremonies were ever the President and I'l... ilnn nt s!lirt;llne McGowan, lT. S. up. s living expected trie new sups win dc 1 LIFE OF ALIEN'S DOG PET The workmen could de nothing, through N. Her surviving IJicr wife lins been with in actual Harding Invited Senater and Mrs. nnd Glancing the detailed item nnd Rigler streets, has been put at half children, in Mrs, Shipman, parents in operation Tue-dn- s In tune fur the hcav Mrs. In front of the house, en the very spot report Rudget addition te her Overbroek. SPARED BY MAGISTRATE Pepper return te Washington with in the of the Director, staff. nre Nicholas Blddle, of New Yerk, nnd r,.tnfniiii tnnt'l In tlie afternoon nnd te where the hole was te be, sat u man we discover that en October 4 fifteen them In the White Heuse car. They defying Frem nil ever the country messages Colonel David Blddle. I'. S. A., and cm ning. golf and the weikmen te begin. dollars wn.s saved by having it three-te- n in. of running nil Unusual State Law Is Attacked at did. And they talked about It. W. Truet, a Kdgcwntcr of condolence have been pouring J. M. Blddle, of Washington. The plin shore train representative of truck furnished the tlie Kvr.NiNO In M'ctliuis will lie continued tennis. the Postal Telegraph, Arsenal by the Nnvy Department, They have been sent te this after- "Trial" of Animal absence went Inte the and n well S Senater Pepper spoke of the Wnsh-inge- 1'i'MTtn niul In Mr. Max Dr. S. B, P. Knox noon, tomorrow and Monday and Tues. Dick, Campbell home and attempted te make that $l)".'J.R8 was saved in the n the St. Ilernard deg owned by nf recreational facilities near his hotel, peace, parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Mnxweli, . Magazine Section day. Tins will necessitate the railing X'lieb en hut with no appreciable success. Postoffice by the use of War Santa Barbara, Calif., July 1. Dr. Sllfcrmnn. Orfille, P.i.. trial which is two blocks from the White Chicago. -- into ire of s(.v(.ial hundred reaches And se. until the State highway rep. Department trucks during the Christ- 01 West Marquette read. S. B. P. Knox, eight four years old, serf for his life jesterday afternoon nt Heu-- e. He observed that ills gnme was m A Snejlenliurg's nrri'ves holidays. Through a system of W. (). .Mct.celieti, sports ciiiter of the late C. Knox, thousand members of l.ansilale, was acquitted by Magis- re.'entntlve from Hnriisburg te inas wires: "The brother Philander in Tomorrow's Welf.iie Assei will go tennis. assure Mrs. Campbell cheeking up the use of the telegraph the New Yerk Herald, died suddenly nt his home Thursday Features latten te Ocean trate Heward P. Iioerse. "Why don't you come ever nnd U'e that there Isn't of Beb Maxwell is a great less City Sunday te vMt the camp estab- "something funny somewhere," the in tlie State Department, including death night. The cause of death wns be- Sihennan is a Russian, and Dirk the White Heuse court'" the President methods of ceding nnd routing, $13(i,Ll)(f te tlie newspaper profession, Rebert SUNDAY lished by the Snellenluiig cadets,' A was a law el workmen will be unable te dig the lieved te be heart disease. Dr. Knox tiled under State dune i. sled hole. was saved In nine months. In tlie War Maxwell was a clean, square sportsman had been a of special train will be run for members lHUS, which condemns te death nil dogs 7 o'clock he toe early?" resident Sunta Barbara "Would Department u change in tlie size of nnd a gentleman." forty years nnd practiced medicine until of the Walstmakers' I'nlen. who will Deiengiug te unnaturalized citizens. s.mnter Primer innulrcd. filing iu A. Stansbury. athletic director PUBLIC LEDGER the holiday at Orvilla. steel cabinets resulted nn H. two years age, when he retired. &Ste pass Pa. As the beautiful deg hounded through "You'll have no competition nt that TO BURY AIR CRASH VICTIM economy of $KS7!(, while the adoption of West Virginia I.'nlveislty, wires: Tuesday is expected te lie the great- the doer, the "order" which the Judge hour," was the response, using blank my sincercst s.finpnthy te rel- of the period. of a plnn of paper, in lieu "Kxlend Funeral of H. M. Cooper Facsimile of est rush da.f It will had demanded was broken lij murmurs Se about the hour the White Heuse nf a printed form in another case ative of Reb Maxwell, who was held Souvenir y one-da- Gee. include the vast throng of fieni the men who crowded the room, Ktaff Is getting in mind te breakfast, Services for C. Thompson Mon- ij'JeO. highest esteem by college people The funernl of Heward M. Cooper, seashore, sufed the department in tlie the "Declaration of visitors te the who will leave ami sobs from the women and children. Senater Pepper can usually be found day Second Bedy en Way Here There Is nothing spectacular iu nil und newspaper people everywhete." prominent Camden ntterncy, will be city the morning i the li' te return lu ntitiTiiiiiu iiiiiim-i- was cr.xnm' us ni' ..He-len- in a fast singles or i euiilcs i r.ii,,..H. .. ery It re- held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from i:n..nr.. .r...... r I WHO U1IS this, but for this reason "Sporting world suffers less of one Independence" the even.ng. steed in the with Ills two daugli . I .... .!. - l'l.l,. lln.,in- ,.. iiinil'HI llirillfisue, his home nt K!3 lerner innicn en wn- "".- ..mi- fe quired force te de It. General Danes interpreters Penn sireet. Mr. """;lled when his pane nt San of its most sympathetic seventy-eigh- full-pag- The return te the city of the week- ters. rminie and Relit n. v.ntchlng plays. Cooper, who was t years A e facsimile of th erlglnnl nnether Senater ,,, Tl.x., Wednesday, will be burled had thu force. and able efiiclnis." is the message from enders v. Ill also be.tln Tuesday night. "his best friend" ns he culls the deg. .'InglfH, Is old, ns document, se dear te the heart et often. In his opponent .,, Monday Gazette-Time- s died the result of the infirmities . miltnrv honors afternoon Harry Keck, Pittsburgh every true American, reproduced In Fer this rush the railroads are doing On Magistrate Iloerse's desk were Kugene New-bold- nnd of nge. He wns a direct descendant rote-gravu- f,m Ulf. home of his aunt. .Mrs. Rebert editor. "The big beautiful repia tones, by everything possible te provide speedy letters from all parts of the coun- the office. sporting nf the founder of Camden, ami hnd process, as an approprlate nsslstunt in Senators x. Kelse. Tli:t Seuth Flftv-even- th Give Up Children? fellow will be sadly missed." travel. try, demanding that the deg's life tennis, a hewcr, brenk- - .,..,,. e been president emeritus of the Cam- of birthday of our An hour, of i.,i..' u'..i.i..,' i i...... the The severest test upon the prepara- ne spared, ttn hand et tsamucl , ...... !.... I. l " '.. "1 freedom in inst uiki ine eiii i. "". iv in niuuu'I rell. who was also ''..."'""killel. is new en Cries "A Sterling Character" den Bnr Association and the Camden nation's re- - its "Ne!" Mether tions will be encountered with the Conver. attorney for Silverman, ff as M'rl-Stat- wns .. ... wn.f te his home nt ,".7J0 Cumhridgu Tlie e News Bureau ex- County Historical Association. He turning crowds and s .....in.... l'l..!.!...11!": operating nriimge-nenl- Mrs. Such Is the Pepper program. presses Its sincere regret for the "un- a member of the Society of Friends. Restricting have been made te Moere, et liilladelphlii, en which sireet. Centlniird from Puare One "deadhead" her Thompson was twenty-tw- o distinguished mem- biiik, from Camden and daughter. Virginia, hail seemed the years old timely dentil of the Immigration Philadelphia and the son of the lale Geerge A. neat appearance. Her hands bear the ber of Merse Is Freed and 'all cars as fast ns they arrive, in order signatures of lfiO persons, pleading for $80,000,000 AUTO MERGER and jour staff." Rearrested W. Commissioner Margaret C. Thompson, 474.' North minks of hnrd work. The lines hnve T. A. Price, of the Portland, Me., July 1. W, Hen. W Husband, te keep as large a supply at the shore the deg's life, Mnrvlne been deeper lately because her Frem editor Charles General of ImmlRrntlen, vividly street. Retli parents died husb.iud Mass., Times, comes tills Merse and Rupert M. Much, In- as possible. Frank R. Rutherford, of the S. P. C. Moter Formed while was of employment New Redfenl. under depicts what would happen from a Associated Industries he in tlie service. bus been out for several message: accept my sjmpa-th- v for conspiracy A., made a pica for the deg, saving weeks. "Please dictment te defraud the lacK Ol wise uuiniHi iiiue laws. Added Iteturn Trains that William A. Glasgow. Philadelphia by Combination of Seven Plants en the less of a sterling charac- Government en Shipping Beard con- Every loyal citizen will want te "When they told me T would hnve te Frem Atlantic City te p. 1 I were discharged digest his thoughts thoroughly. Philadelphia attorney, and Wendell Rowman, Dayton, O., July illy A. P. TWO NEGROES LYNCHED I ter." tracts, from custody 1 pnv SO.'Je wes se nerfeus," tnid Mrs. all returning trains en July will n counsel for the S. P. C. A., hnd made issii.OOO.OOU consolidation of nianii-fiieture- W. A. Phclen, Times-Sta- r, Cincin- yesterday by the United States Comiuls-lene- r An Ri'iriy, "iluit I said I would net pay operated in uddltinnnl sectiei.s, as r- - statements te him, sa.flng they hoped of niitouieblles, trucks and nati, wires: "Tiny Mnxweli was tlie Chapman en the ground of n tech- DicingWith Death for a deg'is Taken Frem Deputy Sheriff While it, but I le net went te give Mary complaint they illlired. tl.e life would he spared. nute parts with factories in seven speak best of sports end best of writvis. A nicality in tlie en which Returning travel from Wildwood, Being Removed away. I cniiuet or understand grnnd geed fellow has gene." were nrrcsted. They were almost ltu $6,000,000 Stake Suites has been completed here under te Savannah Kuglish well and didn't knew what they Ocean Citv. Cape May, Stene Harber, In- -- H. Ruslinell, graduate man- mediately icnrrcstcd. In the held the McDEVITT TAKES OATH the name of tlie Associated Moter .lesup, Ga., July 1. (!! A. P.) were talking about half the Kdward .Call thn treasure et Sea Isle City , etc., will be accommo- Will I Ohmer, nf Dayton. time. ager nf athletics nt tlie Fnivcrsily of he recovered? dustries. James Harvey and Jee Jerdan, Negroes, bus-bnn- d - Lusltania ever dated en July 4 by special late trains, merger "I have sefen children nnd my Pennsylvania, said: was terribly You'll be Interested In Captain Is chairman of the beard. The convicted nf cilmlnal assault and re- has net worked for a long time. "I IUIATMS hopes and plans de It. leaving nt such hours ns the city au- Sworn In as Judge te Succeed J. nnd by shocked te lenrn of Reb MiiNwell's Leavltt's te Includes seven automobile truck spited Governer Hunlwlck, were 1 would pny 100 times SO keep HANNIC1AN. Juna 30. ANNA MAY, thorities tnny desire, probably after M. in body, rather te denth. I had valued his friendship llunnlgun Stnrfv) Patterson at City Hall factories, addition te meter, taken from n deputy sheilfi' near Lanes my baby, but I don't make enough here duushier nf Klertme Inte Twe-- the conclusion of the fireworks. On gear, ignition and ether part manu- Ilridge, Gn., and lynched early highly since his student days nt and the lale Bdnnrd O. llann.Kan. aeeJ 10. The Masens' i ,ri Harry S, McDevItt, seeretnry te today, iu the restaurant. I .give her up and fronds le funeral the morning of July another extra Offices be won't Swarthmore. His death is a great less Hclallfes lnltcl Governer Sproul. appointed Judge in facturers. will here. a telephone message te Sheriff Rogers nnd would net let any one away Monday S A. M . f.mn till rfalilinee of her will he operated from Wildwood te lake her te the cause of clean athletics. Rj his Storey. 1SU8 rt, Millien Dellar Common Pleas Court Ne. 1 te succeed A number of ether manufacturers of heie said. me KnimlBVitlier. Mrs. Catharine Market wharf, leaving from for any amount." 111 end Hnlenili maun requiem at I street Wildwood President Judge cars are being considered in the con- The Negroes were being personal example and in oferythiiig lie si. al Crest nt ,ri:L,5i A. M.. time, Jehn M. Patterson, removed from "Did .feu punish Mary for breaking liiuiiii of HI. ThemHB A'lUlnaa. U.SO A. M. Memerial standard wa, sworn In 10 o'clock solidation and some additions mny lie Wayne County te Sawinnnh for safe- wrote he steed for honesty in ath- Intel ment Hely I'reaa ivmatery. An ejctrn train will be operated from at this the window " letics, I account, nmply Illustrated with morning, announced seen. keeping. J. II. Tyre, deputy in charge I NAOI.K tune .10 102'., al Atlnntl City, A full Reach Ilnfcn te Mnrket street whnrf "Well. scolded her." she smiled. . und designs. This great The was administered by of the prisoners, reported the lynching. "His criticisms weie founded en rt N, J.. MARY OEimU'DI-:- wlftf of Waltar pictures leaving at (l P. M. oath Judge "She Is a geed girl most nf the time and frlendu invited te letnpi" le ,,u ut l in- - ncMiiHina, Shoemaker, commissioned li the Gov- nnd comprehensive knowledge nnd Nasi Hdulhes great Arrangements hnve been made op- 14, DROWNS nnd helps me around I lie house quite funeral serica Mendav. 1S..10 I". M., nt Vu., will be nnether addition te ereor as President Judge, 'Many law- GIRL SWIMMER, tempered with the sort of geed humor All Mainta' tfiilscnpal Churrh. Interment monuments archl-tectur- ej a let. te American of erate additional sections, ns required, yers end politicians, Including W. BURGLARSR0B DRUGSTORE that he always radiated. His death is prlfate, Weat Laurel Hill Cemetery. eeiweeu .ew anil Tears Knd Her Story mop-- ' in j.eng urniiell, Hurry Raker, chairman of tlie Republi- Philadelphia Child Lest In the Dela- greetl.f regretted among the alumni and Mejrriyrr June se. mahv f. Asbury Park, etc, and nlse te take "I want them te go te school," she I'KTT, dauBhUr of Iho late Patrick nil! can Htnte Committee, attended the Cash, students of the University of Pennsy- OTJenn-ll- ). care of the increased el between ware at Bristel $1000 Cocaine Werth $400 added, "t-- they Mursarei Hhlelde Inee rteatlf Did Aster's Millions trnf ceremonies in Cjtj Hall. will Knew something lvania." and friends Invited te futuial Wednenday. Philadelphia and Asbury Park, Leng Caught in the side wnsli of the Stelen Frem Sixth St. Pharmacy about their country and net have te be S SO A. M.. from lale renliV-uee- , 1!710 3. Mr. McDevitt. who lives nt Hl'J Tim Philadelphia Inquirer paid n Start With Captain Rrnnch. Seaside Park, etc., and be. T.ecust street, has a stenmer Delphin when swimming In the Thieves entered the Loce Pharmacy, like their father. I de net mnke 18th it. Solemn mans of reiiutem at Churrh been member of tribute te Mr. Maxwell tills morning in of Hi. Menica, te A M. Interment Caths-dra- l tween Philadelphia and the Delaware the bar since HUH. He formerly was n Delaware at Hiistel jesterday. Sixtli and Filzwater stieets, last night much here. Hew I will pa I de net Cemetery. Kidd's Treasure 111.1 1 of nil en Water Gup and Pecene Mountains. newspnper nnd Mertz, fourteen .fears old, Clemen- nnd stele $1000 from the cash knew. will pay a dollar a' week until the form editorial its spurts uiaii was named a register page. The editorial, which is OJVl'ON. June 2ft, t'HARLKH II . JP.. Chest? executive secretary of tlie State Health tine street, this city, was drowned and cocaine worth from the safe, It's nil paid. Thai will mean that two headed aen of Chnrlca K. and laabellu Orien (nee Department the beginning aid could reach her. She had swum the key which wns hidden in of the children will have te de wltneut "Te Tiny,"' follews: Zeller). aeed IS months, Relatives and I" be contention of Frederick j HELD IN BOND at of the te the te Monday, Thta CHEF THEFT Sproul from the shore, where she had been shop. buries . 1 don't " "Tiny Maxwell Is dead! Te these fl Uinta Imlted funeial service ' Law Olmstend, the famous land-- y Administration. J P. M.. MUH Malcolm al. Interment Jit. scape architect, who has bieught bathing with ether children, te the mid- William I.oliesco, proprietor of the Overienie by her troubles then she of us who knew him ; te these of us who Merlah lVnietIJ for flve million dollars against Empleye of Woodvale Club Accused dle of the river ufter n floating leg, drug store, reported the less te the no- - huist into tears. considered his friendship us one of the NKI.HON June 30, ri!ARIi:H A., liua-hat- id f ' suit tliree-yeiir-eh- Jten-da- heirs. COMPLAIN AGAINST GARAGE when vessel came along. K n Klizalieth. n l, nf Lena Iheii Kunfrul tervUea , '; the Aster of Looting Lecker the lice. trance was made through a put her treasured assets of our lives, M'lny will 'J 1' M. 4110(1 .Mauler at. Interment Andrew Monre made an unsuccessful side window. The police chubby hands aieiiud her mother s think the neck. remain forever, enshrined us a sacred Fcrnwned f'etni Ur , Accused of stealing, bends valued nt North 19th Street Residents Tell effort te save the girl by swimming te burglnrs were familiar with the store "Don't lei 'em take Mary away, memory. DAI.TON, June SO, lf)2-.'- I'RANCIS J., f, This Week's Fiction, SSIOO, n geld watch and five stickpins lielesed ami of Jnnira and tha late Cala- " tlie spot, but she had d'.sippfnrcd when and its management. miifver," she said. cast Reb In n big meld. (uue n. Mayer Taxlcabs Are "Natuie mine Dallen Unify), end from the ffemlvule I'luti, ur Wissa-hleke- Toe Noisy he get there, Her body wits recovered an "Don't mind, they won't," ItelatHm Humer and . rentencd n giant body te carry the heart friends, alto Catliellv Sanctuary Alumni, St. 7 last Wednesdaj, Rebert Thomp- A petition signed by of the by police Mi-m- m residents hour later Rrlstel and brought Rarry. of him ; lie required it frame Rese of I.lnui Catholic Cluli Invited son, thirty-fou- r years old, 077 1I100 block of North REED TAKES OFFICE TODAY his te house funeral Tuiday. A. M., from hl lata) Scientific News North Nineteenth street, te Philadelphia. ,1.. ...!! ,.i 1.1... viA.nnnn. ... ii . 0 Kleventli street, was nrrnsted today. (emplnlning of undue noise and dis- ier sin. ii. ei in. i.. uui i.vuus un n lien, ifaidenre, 13.1H N. fiBth at Helemn requlem Bden ;phlllpetts Ivends the usual dig. TO simple as a child, lie was a nobleman innaa ut Church of Kt. Iteaa of Lima, 10 Jbjjiplay of Action te He was held In S500 hnil for further turbance cnused by the garage of CHANGE STREET GRADES Interment llelf Cress Cemetery. notable be found heurlng July (1 by .Magistrate company CORK CO. BUYS PLANT Blair County Man Becomes Sur- of nature nnd the noblest work of Ged AJI. Klin the Publle Ledger Sunday Maura. Dern In a taxicith nt l.TJD North Walna each week, Itlnir Unlnpr the Mnnnyunk police station. Nineteenth street, was submitted te veyor of the Pert Mayer nn honest man. HKI.I' UANTKD fl I.K nnd Signs Bill te Revise City the shock of his HUPKRINTKNlfKNT Hemer Unlmy and the wild I Thompson his wife, who is being Mnyer Moere today. Armstrong Concern Purchases River "In death feeble IllMI.DINd waniadi humor. Reed, the new tlrtt-ilai- s wruwa held as a witness, A. Heward surveyor Plan Affecting words cannot pny the tribute Unit he inn i for concrete Jeb. K who noeiu unimnn, Ariz were employed as At the snme time wnrrants were of Frankford se VIM LmUiT contribute thu humor. Rene Frontage at Gloucester of customs Philadelphia, will assume richly deserves, He met h I' llfflic. Hache cooks at the club. Last Wednesday, sworn out against A. K. Simons, presl-de- of ellicu today. Majer Moere tediif signed an ordi- ileal as lie tells what's what In the Scientific the river-fron- t' the duties Ids according te police, the man broke into of tlie company, and tieerge Jauff, Purchase of plant of nance recently passed by Council pro- faced life, courageous, smiling niul hki.i' n.NTi:i- - x;km.U:: , .WerJiJ.. Anceiiln Printing Company nt Glou- The new survejer ienics from Rlalr great. Tiny Maxwell xivrlrncij. the locker of Walter G, Greshen. The superintendent of the garage, A hear- the County und succeeds Charles Kurtz, viding that tlie city plan be again ffiis n RIG Man, l'l.i:ilK rrteril: ultli accurals jewelry was recovered in n pawnshop by ing lias been set for next Hnturday. cester by the Armstrong Cerk Corpora- iu order that and te knew him was te respect, admire Hlierit'nij sbllllvi niu't te fnt uerlf'N LU Rote-- who held the office for ever eight years, street grades In heuiH S.4." te If t'hepr. Mim ,fti lieiinetl for ,A this, the beautiful ' detectives. tion was announced today. Twe ad- the Frankford section muy and iherlsh him. ntx-png- sent in his resignation conform ,iprn ntiniMii. l.eml'Ri'il nrcM gravure Section, the e joining properties were also atipilred by Mr. Kurtz It Is raid Thompson offered Ids land- - $75,000 Fire Near some time age, hut It was net mere nearly te the grades established alt-tt- er Pottstown The price paid accepted Spirit Will I.lve Forever Comic eheetii nnd the leul tlie bends for his rent. The tlie corporation. was wus prier te 1II0L'. KliXT IIIIIHI.fMl IIWCIUTS man's Rending, Pa.. July 1. S'27.1.000. until Ills successor continued. i - Ink Picture Boek arc in suspicions were amused and he Fire late Inst At time "His body mny die, but ids spirit RVIMtuuM inlliis-'- un lilKii liljlf, merloek- ygic neti night totally destroyed stone-crushin- g that an ordinance wns pnssed ' i If un nnd witer; the large The company intends te use the prop- will live forever among these ku-.- lnt it runn'm Jinn ler tdiitjpn te the comprehensive fied the police. Until Thompson and giving the Connecting who scSKin. I'. IIKI'K i (I'l I'lnatnut at., t'hlla. plant of Herace Hters, nt erty as a receiving station for raw ma- Nayal Reservists Here Sail Rallwnv. a sub-- s liis bigness and his gicntnesh. of week's Ills wife were intoxicated when they dary company of and the KINK enttnue, all rn eunv, ; nn Mill rtect(enai this Pine Ferge, near Pottstown, causing a the Pennsylvania meili - terials. Naval Reservists of Philadelphia Rul read, an v ,.,,... .. best tribute thnt can be paid te Ids hlKli ceriur let, nrar riveri $'Wn Mr t'i- were nriested in their rooms, police less of Firemen Potts-tow- n her in $7,,000, from snlled from the navy yard today for a memory is thnt when ' riill.i...P. f sOnday say. were summoned te the scene. The neeting railroad In the Twentv. third Nature melded f RKHTRICTINO IMMHJHATION three, days' cruise In Fugle Reut Ne. M'lny she gave form and substance in origin of the fire is unknown. Tlie We art Dill living up te Ilia wise fore. a HKAl. r.HTATK HAUt IH.1.XWIIK ,TJ. Authority for tha crulsn did , ,. ,, frame te a spirit that wns i will be theuwht nt our feielMhurn, fiaya lien. W. W. net ...,.., mug be- honorable, NKfV HOLHtJ nil cenvnln-es- let 6by Challaplne Gees te Germany plant rebuilt, for It has a large lint-talle- ull miics HJBLIC LEDGER for Huibaur), U, ,s Conimlislener Cieneral e( reach henilqunrters of the Third n tween Irankferd grand nnd wonderful. t.M). 'J'4 tilucka from ami nn; cnll for i&i Moscow. July 1. lily contract ballast for the Reading tinnilarutlmi, The rauttrnphe thui would here until yesterday. station and Frent imlnlmi'nl. Onenis f.ns J. Ifniie. A. P.) a lack of street stat en. "Meager words cnV never describe I'ric ' Chnllaplne, re- Railroad. rtbull from nlia linmlarutleii law Theoder Russian basso, la flvidly depleted by th en man in Iht the sense of let.fi that friends will feel HAI.K HTOBKS A Nit l)fVKI,MN(IK . xmmePM bmt cently reported 111 In Petrezrnd. has country who kne.vi most about th aubjoet, nn vnu kv RRAIl TIIK PARCKt, I'OHT for ly,f.vv.!ti.W IT'S A ,,'tflKD AtrrOMOIIII,R tha Sunday IK YOU WANT AIMtTOJiO OH A PIANOr 'lllc Meb.' Time rannet assuage THRKK-HTOII- ull fi'l ' S left that pert by beat XerGerniany. IF YOU in Mnauzlnn Hcetlen of tha fua column!? ...Tfrty'r lalercatlns. we PMQ Loek under Mualcal nor .ter and dwtlllnx! Iff J want, you'll flud t en paf 18.Adv . .110 LKiusn, "ALike It a Uablt."r--4dV- i Jnatruincnta en pase the year, ease the Kief that will nS, I'Snadewnt. ae. Apply felt by everybody I.nrtitAN'U Heal Estate Office, HOI K , MJh$m;.lv.. . .1 wlkuew him, who fOtb IU L ' Ol 'Mfifttr; z. l..l,fM inl,.i. n. .Mi, ii..t'..lM.r,.l. t.- T! miLi J' J ),' Lam.a Vi(i it,Tti.' ( AiL