Allies Knew Germany Was Violating Pacts
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FWr, aUgfatiy colder toaigbtt Thnraday fair. ^ (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTB^ ALLIES KNEW GERMANY WAS VIOLATING PACTS U. S. Department of State 200,000 Ton of Rock Had Evidence All Along Topples at Niagara That Hitlerites Were Per- Niagara Falls, N. 6. —($;had changed the contour of the falls mitted to Manufacture (A P)—A slice of rock estimated to i convex to concave. foBolulu, Dec. 5.— (A P ) —Into a Maintenance Cost Is Kept , ! The pile of rock 1. the water waa . weigh 200,000 tons dropped Explosives Because It rk drizzling dawn 27 planes took ' visible where It fell when mist and Table Rock of the Canadian Falls ’ from Wheeler Field today to re- 331*3 Per Cent Below the spray cleared momentarily in gusts here late last night to change the of wind. 'sume search for Flight Lieut. C. T. "Swelled the Reparations contour o f the huge cataract for It was the third slide at Niagara P. Ulm and his two companions, Falls In recent years. Engineer’s Estimate; In- the second time within five months. wrlth only a “ bare chance” they A large curve developed In the Fund.” No water was falling ovef Table American Falls, the smallest of the could find the Australian fliers who terest on Mortgage Paid. Rock when the huge block broke two cataracts In 1031. A t that time were forced down at sea yesterday and plunged into the gorge on the a slice of rock 150 feet deep and 300 Washington, Dec. 5.— (A P )—K In their flight from Oakland, Calif. feet wide fell Into the Niagara Twenty-four naval planes and Canadian side. The new break was statement that Nobel, Ltd., British river. It was estimated to weigh three Arm y ships roared Into the The Manchester Water and Sewer believed to have been from 60 to 60 80.000 tons. munitions firm founded by the overcu t skies. Aviators, experi- department has completed the first feet long and about 100 feet wide. The second big fall five months donor of the International peaca enced In flying the stretches of wa- The rock which fell was part of a year imder municipal ownership ago, brought down rock 100 feet ter between the islands, said It New and startling revelations were expected as the Senate Munitions Inquiry resumed Its hearings at sector on which spectators often prize, was guilty of “ winking” at with a surplus, after all expenses of wide and fifty feet or more deep would be “a miracle" If the search- Washington, D. C. Left to right are the committeemen and their ald.s: Senators Arthur Vanclenburg, VV. stood to view the wonder of nature the rcarmln„ of Germany In viola- from the Canadian cataract. Table ing planes were able to sight the maintenance and allowances for de- Warren Barbour. Gerald P. Nye, chairman; Alger Hiss, Investigator; Senator Bennett Champ Clark; Ste- when they came here. tion of the Versailles 'Treaty waa Rock' was close to this point. .lost fliers, considering weather con- preciation have been deducted, of phen Rausbenbush, committee counsel, and Senator James F. Pope. Ellison Kaumeyer, general man- presented today to the Senate mu- Kaumeyer said the new break waa ditions. 313,812.18, Fred H. Parker, superin- ager of the Niagara Parks commis- nitions committee. sion estimated the fall of rock at probably caused by erosion by wind The committee also received evi- One aviator doubted that, except tendent, said today. When the utili- by accident, the searchers would ty companies were placed under 200,000 tons. He said the break and rain. dence that the State Department in 1925 recognized the Allies were fii^ the men, even If they were cer- municipal supervision, estimates of BOOTLEGGERSTILL tain to be within a known area of probable expense for the year begin- conniving with Germany in violat- REPEAL MADE MILLION ing the Versailles Treaty becausa 50 miles square, adding “ that’s 2,- ning Sept. 1. 1932 and ending Sept. 500 square miles to search over. permitting the Illegal manufactura 1, 1933, were given by Bennett & There’s just a bare chance, no Terry, appraisers of the former Che- ACTIVE IN NATION of explosives In Germany "swelled RUMOR SAYS HAMILTON the reparations fund.” more.’’ ney Brothers properties and by FOR STATE IN ONE YEAR Correspondence between the Du Slim Chance Superintendent Parker. A chance, and It w u considered Pont company and it: foreign de- Estimated Cost partment drew the charge of slim, still existed that Ulm, bis co- Bennett * Terry estimated that Sec. Morgenthau May Make IS IN FEDERAL HANDS “winking” from Senator Vanden- pilot, George Littlejohn and N avi- the probable average monthly bud- gator J. Leon Skilling, may have Nearly 6,000 Permits Issued PRESIDENT ENDS berg (R., Mich.), who was conduct- get for maintenance would be 33.- been picked up by a slow Japanese ing the inquiry. 446, and Superintendent Parker’s a Radio Appeal to the sampan, several htmdred .miles at One of the lettera plainly said sea. Because the sampan’s are not estimate was 32,258 per month. The m Past 12 Months - 93 yiSIT TO GEORGIA mow of “U i Face” Nd- AUSTRIA, GERMANY Nobel could have brought pressure water and sewer department, tn Its on the British government to stop equipped with radio, news of such Country’s Drinkers. a rescue would be delayed. first year of operation, has effected Revoked— 734 Dropped ___ violation o* the peace pact by Ger- a saving in maintenance costs of ap- 50K Has Been Under BETTER RELATIONS man manufarturen in 1926 but did I f the fliers had maraged to reach proximately 33 per cent less than not do so because o f ita German shore their presence would be al- Washington, Dec. 5— (A P ) — On most Immediately reported, since the engineer’s estimate. Out Themselves. Leaves for White House connection. Arrest Since Thanksgiv- ---- the Islands are Ml connected by ra- A total of 354,250 interest on first I repeal’s first anniversary today the The Evidence diophone. niortgage bonds, assumed by the After Holding Conference! ^oo^'esger remains such a menace . The evidence about the State De- The liner President Coolldge town when the utility companies By ASSOCIATED PRESS " 1 to the government revenues and the ing, Officials Say. Reich Envoy Succeeds in partment was In a letter from Aiken Simona, Du Pont Washington came Into port early today, appar- were purchased, and Interest on the legal trade that Secretary of the Today was an anniversary to representative, to his company, re- ently having given up the search. 3650,000 Issue o f bonds floated for Treasury Morgenthau is reported to many Connecticut residents who On Fanners’ Problems. Efforts to Improve Friend- porting on a conversation be had It had turned from its course yes- the purchase, have been paid. This be preparing a radio appeal to con- Chicago, Dec. 5.— (AP) — Pos- terday when the plane radioed its amount, a fixed charge each year, celebrated the repeal of the 18th with Allen W. Dulles, chief of the sumers to buy only legitimate stuff. sibility that John Hamilton, ace gun- department’s Near Ekstern division. fuel w u exheusted u d It w u land- amounts to a little more than 31.000 Amendment, December 5, 1933—a ship; Concludes Visit. Warm Springs, Ga.. Dec. 5.— Strong demands that taxes be ner of the Dtllinger gang already The letter said In refereiu:e to ing on the water.. slashed are being prepared for the a week. year ago. was under arrest was among a num- manufacture and export of explo- Naval Shipa Search Provide Bond Payment (A P )—President Roosevelt leaves For a one year old Infant, repeal sivea from Germany In violation of Throughout the night 35 naval When the water and sewer com- hla southland study home today (Contlnnod on Page Tw o) ber of rumors that cropped up today Vienna, Dec. 5— (A P )— Franz von vesMls swept the darkness with has done mighty well for Connecti- following revelation that Mrs. Helen the Treaty: panies were purchased, it was stipu- firmly committed to the New Deal Papen, German minister, ia return- searchlights and continued cruising Glllis, widow of "Baby Face” Nelson "Mr. Dulles said he was well lated in the contract that none of cut— at least from a revenue stand- experiment to bring parity for aware of this and that he was also for the lucklcM fliers today. point— having brought more than a has been held by Federal agents ing to Vienna today, presumably The theory grew among naval of- the serial bonds would have to be re- farmer.s througn acreage control. aware that powder and other muni- tired until September 1, 1936 at million dollars into the coffers of several days. bearing the Christmas present of ficials that Ulm’s plane had landed Mr. Roosevelt is convinced there STUDENT SUDDENLY Government man hunters seeking tions were continually shipped out which time 317,000 In serial bonds the state. better relations with Austria. short o f Oahu and to the nortbeut. Is little opportunity for measurable Hamilton as the accomplice of N el- of Germany with the connivance of would come due. In the accounting Tax commission figures disclose The belief was expressed in outlets of American agriculture son In the slaying of Department of the AUies since the resulting a a l « made to date provision for payment an estimated revenue of 31,150,000 authoritative quarters that Von of munitions swelled the reparaUoa (Oontinaed on Page Three) surpluses abroad because of in- Justice Operatives Samuel Cowley for the short time liquor has been DIES IN GYM GAME Papen, coming from conferences of one-half of the serial bond due on creased synthetic processes there and Herman E.