Review Article The impact of obesity on reproduction in women

Lulu A. Al-Nuaim, MSc, MRCOG.

ABSTRACT besity corresponds to excess body fat and is Odefined by a of above 30 kg/m2. Its prevalence has strikingly increased during the past 2 decades, constituting one of the fastest-growing health ,problems worldwide.1 At the turn of the millennium ؤثرت السمنة على الوظائف اإلجنابية من خالل التسبب باضطراب obesity affected 300 million adults throughout the في التوازن الهرموني والتبويض، كما ترتبط السمنة مبجموعة من world, and this increasing prevalence is a major public اآلثار الصحية الضارة كالتي حتدث مع االرتباط القوي بني اجلهاز health hazard.2 This current epidemic of obesity is ,related to the changing pattern of nutrition.3 Further التناسلي وتوازن طاقة اجلسم. تنتج السمنة من عدم التوازن املزمن there is a genetic susceptibility for some individuals to بني نسبة استيعاب الطاقة واستهالكها وهذا التغير في استهالك obesity.4,5 الطاقة يؤثر كثيرا ًعلى اجلهاز التناسلي. ويلعب النشاط البدني Body mass index (BMI) is used widely in من خالل تأثيره على استهالك الطاقة دوراً ًمهما في احلفاظ على epidemiological studies as a good indicator of adiposity.6,7 In the west, 24% of women in England توازن طاقة اجلسم وصحته وبالتالي في حتسني عملية اإلجناب. لذا are obese,8 and 61% of women in the US are either فإن اإلنقاص من الوزن يعد من أفضل وأرخص الطرق املستخدمة overweight or obese. Recent studies demonstrate an لعالج العقم لدى النساء البدينات. escalating incidence in developing countries.9-14 The Obesity can impact on reproductive functions by majority of those are women of reproductive age, and causing hormonal imbalance and ovulatory dysfunction. many of the risk factors that are linked to obesity may Furthermore, obesity is associated with a range of adverse also predispose them to .15,16 The prevalence of health consequences. There is a tight coupling between obesity in Saudi Arabia, however, is 35.5%, approaching the reproductive system and energy balance. Obesity the western community and it is expected to increase results from chronic imbalance between energy intake particularly in women.17 Furthermore, many ethnic and energy expenditure, and therefore changes in energy groups who either migrate to western societies or adopt expenditure impact on the reproductive system. Physical a western life style are prone to obesity in their changed activity, through its effect on energy expenditure, plays environment. This is a result of a chronic imbalance an imperative role in maintaining energy balance and between energy intake and energy expenditure where 18 thus improving health. It is therefore recommended the energy supply is stored as fat. The energy intake that weight loss is the best and the cheapest therapy for has become more calorie dense, coexisting with a decline 3 infertile obese women. in the level of physical activity. This probably explains the cause as well as the consequence of the obesity 19 Saudi Med J 2011; Vol. 32 (10): 993-1002 epidemic. A low level of physical activity is certainly a strong predictor of mortality.20-22 The deleterious effects From the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, College of Medicine of obesity on general health are enormous, including 23,24 & King Khalid University Hospital, King Saud University, Riyadh, social, psychological, and demographic problems. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There is a greater increase in the prevalence of chronic medical disorders, particularly related to cardiovascular Address correspondence and reprint request to: Dr. Lulu A. and type II diabetes mellitus.10,12,25 Furthermore, there Al-Nuaim, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, College of is an increase in the incidence of sleep apnea, arthritis Medicine & King Khalid University Hospital, King Saud University, PO Box 2925, Riyadh 11461, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. and cancer, leading to an increase in mortality and 1,10,20 Tel. +966 505401021. Fax. +966 (1) 4920520. E-mail: lulu. morbidity. In the field of obstetrics and gynecology, [email protected] however, obesity is considered a risk factor for a whole host of conditions related to reproduction.26,27 In

993 Obesity on reproduction ... Al-Nuaim addition, there is an increase rate of complications the strong association between obesity, including during pregnancy such as, an increased risk of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and the potential and raised blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, pathophysiological mechanisms of obesity on PCOS. diabetes mellitus, and subsequently an increase in the This article will therefore, focus on relevant reviews of rate of operative delivery.28-30 Further, wound infection and analysis of current evidence published in the last 5 and thrombo-embolic phenomena are not uncommon. decades. The prevalence of dependent gynecological This article was based on a comprehensive literature tumors, endometrial, and breast cancer are also on the search that has been conducted across all sources relevant increase.31 to reproductive endocrinology in the clinical context. With regard to obesity and reproduction however, The aim was to perform thorough literature search of it produces a variety of endocrine alterations in journal publications. The English literature search has the reproductive system, thus, creating difficulty covered the period between 1950 and 2011; using in managing infertility.32 It had been reported in 2 Medline, Embase, ERIC, and the PsychoINFO database, Saudi studies that a third of women needing assisted and using the search terms; obesity, BMI, women reproductive techniques (ART) are obese.33,34 Weight impact, reproduction, resistance (IR), infertility, and body mass are known to be of importance to and in vitro fertilization (IVF). These references were the maintenance of regular reproductive cycles. In supplemented with: a traditional hand search of medical some women, obesity is associated with menstrual journals and potential relevant abstracts from relevant irregularities, hirsutism, infertility, and decrease in the international meetings, and secondary sources, such as success of treatment.15,16,35 Because weight loss textbooks. in obese women can correct ovulatory dysfunction, it is Assessment of body composition. Body weight and not uncommon for infertility specialists to recommend its constituent components of fat mass and lean tissue, loss of some amount of weight before proceeding with play an important role in modulating reproductive fertility treatment.36-41 development and function.35 Body weight is often Obesity continues to increase rapidly in the Kingdom expressed simply as mass, which is useful at the population of Saudi Arabia. However, attempts to lose weight are level for describing the ecological relationships, such as not common in the Kingdom. Such an increase in that between the prevalence of low birth weight and obesity will tremendously affect public health, as obesity perinatal mortality. Body weight is also useful when is strongly associated with several health hazards such considering a time series within a population, or an as cardiovascular complications and diabetes mellitus. individual, as it then reflects relative change that itself This review article is timely because of the increasing carries information of value. In addition to absolute epidemiological trends in obesity that we are facing weight, are measures of relative weight, expressed either, in the reproductive endocrine clinics. Moreover, there for example, as z-scores against a reference population is increasing evidence that intervention with fertility or, most commonly, relative to height. This later treatment is not yielding, which can be frustrating, and construct is often expressed as BMI (kg/m2).35 The BMI devastating to both couples and physicians. Whereas, is a simply measured proxy for body composition and when women do things to help themselves with regard is based on the early work of Lambert Quetelet.42 The to weight loss, they can conceive naturally or achieve BMI, is the weight (wt) in kilogram (kg) divided by the good response with fertility treatment and have a good height in meters squared (m)2; BMI: Wt (kg)/height outcome. The aim of this article is to focus attention (m)2. The ideal BMI is between, 19-25 A BMI of 26- on the impact of obesity on menstrual cycles and 29 is considered overweight while a BMI above 30 is reproduction, but not across the life time of the woman. defined as obesity. It will then describe the implications of obesity on the According to the World Health Organization outcome of fertility treatment. This review will also (WHO, 2000), lean is defined as a BMI < 18.5 kg/m2, include effects of obesity on pregnancy and delivery, normal weight as BMI between 18.5 and 24.8 kg/m2, but the implication on fetal morbidity and mortality overweight as BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 km/m2 and will not be tackled. obese as BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2. Variations on BMI include This article will be structured to reflect on the role of Ponderal index (kg/m3), which is commonly used when body weight on reproduction. Specific paragraphs will assessing body composition in babies.43 discuss; (i) the epidemiological and clinical evidence Body weight can also be broken down into constituent of the association between obesity and reproductive components and relative distribution around the body. disorders (ii) the pathophysiological aspects by which For example, models of body composition include obesity may impair fertility, with particular emphasis versions of 2 components (fat and fat-free mass); 3 on disorders; (iii) major factors explaining components (fat, water, and protein); and 4 components

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(fat, water, protein, and osseous mineral). Percentage of Furthermore, recent data suggest that excess adiposity body fat is best determined by displacement, however, during childhood may influence pubertal development clinically, this is impractical, but BMI corresponds as well. In particular, excess adiposity during childhood closely to densitometry measurements44 and is a good may advance puberty in girls. Obesity in peripubertal indicator of adiposity.6,7 Although not commonly girls may also be associated with hyperandrogenemia used, parameters for the assessment of obesity include; and a high risk of adolescent polycystic ovary syndrome waist circumference and waist: hip ratio.45 A waist (PCOS).52 and compensatory circumference of >80 cm in women is an accepted may represent a common thread indicator of visceral fat accumulation.45 In addition to contributing to many of the pubertal changes reported the rudimentary measurement of BMI, techniques of to occur with childhood obesity.53 Weight and body mass body composition assessment35 are shown in Table 1. are known to be of some importance to the maintenance The distribution of fat, central compared with of regular reproductive cycles. Certainly, either excess peripheral, or visceral compared with subcutaneous, is weight or marked weight loss can be associated with important because of the regional variation in cycle disturbances; and delayed conception. metabolism. Most methods estimate total adiposity; skin In a larger scale retrospective study, Rich-Edward et al54 folds, DEXA, CT, MRI, or ultrasound can distinguish found that women with a BMI > 24 kg m-2 at the age central from peripheral fat. However, CT, MRI, or of 18 years were at a significantly higher risk of primary ultrasound can further subdivide central fat into anovulatory infertility. visceral and subcutaneous.45,46 Each of these methods Metabolic effects of obesity on . A BMI constitutes a different balance of precision, participant greater than 30 is associated with abnormalities in burden, cost, and relevance to the causal pathway and estrogen metabolism. Fat acts as a steroid reservoir and a outcome of interest.35 precursor for the synthesis of to oestrone and Body weight and the onset of puberty. Fifty years ago, oestradiol and hence to oestriol by enhancement of the 54 Tanner47 observed from the Harvard Growth Study that 16-hydroxylase pathway. Oestrone, while not a potent early maturation, based on age at peak height velocity, steroid, upon sustained exposure, has a significant estrogenic activity particularly on the was positively associated with a higher weight/height 55 ratio. It has since been argued that menarche (the onset (lining of the womb). Fishman et al examined of menstruation) occurs at a critical level of ‘fatness’ and the influence of body weight on oestradiol (E2) it appears that hypothalamic events leading to pubertal metabolism. They demonstrated that weight influences development and the achievement of reproductive the direction of E2 metabolism. Also, body weight may competence may be triggered by metabolic/ play a significant role in anovulation, since obesity is endocrinological changes due to an increase in fat.48,49 associated with hormonal aberrations, decreased sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), elevated serum This has been confirmed in a study demonstrating that 56 57 percent body fat (FAT%) using bioelectrical impedance E2, and elevated levels of androgens. was related to age at menarche, and duration of menstrual Obesity and PCOS: Pathophysiological aspects. cycles in ballet dancers.50 There is a related body of The PCOS is one of the most common endocrine disturbances in women.58 It accounts for 90% of women research indicating that obesity in females as assessed with anovulation who attend infertility clinics.41 It is a by BMI is associated with an early onset of puberty and heterogeneous disorder, the definition of which has been early menarche, menstrual irregularity, and long cycles.51 refined through the years.59 The syndrome’s cardinal features are; characteristic ovarian morphology on ultrasound, menstrual irregularity, hyperestrogenism, Table 1 - Techniques of body composition assessment. decreased SHBG, , and IR. The

45 latter 2 disturbances have significant reproductive and 1 Skin fold thicknesses and waist-hip ratio metabolic consequences.30,60-61 Abdominal/truncal 2 Total body water using isotopically labeled water (increased waist-to-hip ratio) obesity is another 3 Hydro-densitometry based on underwater important feature of PCOS, which worsens the clinical, weighting endocrine and metabolic features of the syndrome.45,62 4 Air-displacement plethysmography This type of obesity is associated with more pronounced 5 Bio-impedance analysis hyperandrogenism and IR.35 These 2 lead to chronic 6 Total body potassium anovulation, through mechanisms primarily involving 7 Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry the insulin-mediated overstimulation of ovarian 8 Computed tomography steroidogenesis and decrease in SHBG concentration. 9 Magnetic resonance imaging The prevalence of obesity in PCOS has been 10 Ultrasound35 estimated to be around 40%.63-65 However, marked Saudi Med J 2011; Vol. 32 (10) 995 Obesity on reproduction ... Al-Nuaim variation has been noted in this frequency, which also Further, there is a confirmed link between nutrition and varies according to ethnicity and geographic location.66 reproduction.77 Whereby, extremes of weights impact on The pathogenesis of obesity in PCOS is unclear however. fecundity, by increasing the probability of anovulation.78- Obesity could be the consequence of genetic factors,4 or 80 Fecundity is used to define the monthly probability alternatively due to life style factors such as diet and of conception for a couple that is sexually active, not a sedentary existence.67 More specifically, the role of using contraception and capable of getting pregnant. diet in the genesis of obesity and lipid abnormalities It is the biological capacity of reproduction, whereas in women with PCOS has not been established. In the fertility is the actual production of a live offspring.81 The general population and in certain ethnic groups, it is mechanism by which underweight impacts on ovarian well-known that high fat/carbohydrate diet markedly function is by disturbing the hypothalamic control of influences the prevalence of obesity and metabolic gonadotrophins (Gns) secretion. While the ovarian abnormalities. Obese women with PCOS are more dysfunction in obese women is as a result of different likely to have menstrual irregularities and anovulation endocrine and metabolic alterations, such as effects on than lean women with PCOS.68,69 Furthermore, IR in steroids metabolism and altered secretion of and action women with PCOS appears more common than in the of insulin and other adipokines, such as resistance general population.70,71 and .82-85 These are emerging as potential Insulin resistance and, thus, secondary agents in the pathogenesis of hyperandrogenism and hyperinsulinemia may contribute to the anovulation in obese women. Leptin is considered the hyperandrogenism, anovulation, dyslipidemia, and main peripheral signal that affects food intake and energy intolerance in women with PCOS. The balance. Obesity is a classic condition of circulating gonadotrophic effects of insulin on ovarian steroid leptin excess. Leptin is found to have an inhibitory hormone synthesis were shown in vivo and in vitro.72-75 effect on ovarian functions leading to anovulation.85-87 The exaggerated insulin action on the ovarian tissue Leptin is the main product of body fat, it regulates the may present the pathogenic mechanism leading to the Gn surge that initiates the development of prepubertal disturbances of the endocrine profile and menstrual cycles stage (Figure 1).85,88 and hence to infertility in some obese women.72-74 The association between abnormal weight and Obesity and fertility. Worldwide, several authors infertility has also been well documented.15,63,79,80 have shown that the risk of anovulatory infertility ,89 Support for this association is provided by studies increased in women with increasing BMI values.1,39,63,76 documenting resumption of and improved

Figure 1 - Diagram illustrating the complex nature of the relationship between obesity and reproductive abnormalities in simple obesity and obesity-related PCOS. The diagram illustrates how factors related to obesity may participate in the complex interaction between androgens, neuroendocrine centers, insulin and insulin resistance, leptin and other factors and gonadal and extragonadal mechanisms leading to reproductive disorders in simple obesity (the abdominal phenotype) (box A), and particularly when it is associated with PCOS (box B). PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome, SHBG - sex hormone-binding globulin, THF a - tumor necrosis factor, IGF - insulin-like growth factor. Adapted with permission from: Pasquali R, Gambineri A. Metabolic effects of obesity on reproduction.Reprod BioMedcine Online 2006: 12: 542-551.24

996 Saudi Med J 2011; Vol. 32 (10) Obesity on reproduction ... Al-Nuaim fecundity following weight loss.37,38,80,90 Mitchell and and the dosage of CC.95-97 However, there are no data Rogers91 reported in a prospective control study that, concerning the influence of weight, and the optimal 13 of 15 obese women with amenorrhoea resumed dose of Gn therapy needed in order to achieve successful menstruation after weight reduction alone. Kiddy induction of ovulation while minimizing adverse et al69 have shown that weight reduction improves affects of ovarian hyper-stimulation and multiple menstrual pattern. In addition, in women presenting pregnancies.98,99 A direct influence of body weight on with anovulatory infertility, weight reduction may ovarian response to exogenous Gns has been shown for restore ovulation and conception.92 Furthermore, women requiring larger dose of Gn therapy to affect an Hollmann et al38 found an improvement of menstrual optimal response.69,81,100 function and ovulatory pattern in 80% and pregnancy Hamilton-Fairly et al99 suggested that even moderate rate of 29%, which was accompanied by a significant obesity adversely affects the response of women with decrease in plasma insulin and androgen levels after PCOS to low dose Gn therapy. The association of weight reduction. Based on ovulation induction with obesity with a poor pregnancy outcome is reinforced by Gns in normogonadotrophic anovulatory women, it a similar finding in the general population.98,99 was found in a meta-analysis,93 that there is a positive However, the factors that affect the dosage of Gns and association between the level of obesity and total the duration of treatment necessary to stimulate ovarian amount of Gns administered. Moreover, longer periods response leading to ovulation and pregnancy remains of ovarian stimulation with higher cancellation rates obscure. Obesity is associated with abnormalities in have been found in obese women undergoing ovarian estrogen metabolism, and the distribution of drugs stimulation.79,89,94 Therefore, any increase in body fat in the body is dependent on the amount of adipose exacerbates the condition, and this explains the need tissue.89 Exactly why women with greater body mass for using higher doses of induction of ovulation agents require higher Gn dosage is unclear. However, it may be such as clomifene citrate (CC) an anti-estrogen, or related to the larger amount of body surface, inadequate Gns in such women. Commonly, these obese women E2 metabolism, and decreased SHBG, which may alter do not respond easily to the usual treatment with the adequate induction of estrogen receptors. Possibly, anti-estrogen CC and Gn.63 It is therefore, strongly the intramuscular absorption of the drug is slower or recommended that weight loss is the best and the incomplete in obese women due to fat infiltration of cheapest therapy for infertile obese women. muscle, or decreased muscle vascularity and increased Excess body weight is known to impair the response subcutaneous fat. to CC and it has been suggested that obesity per se In normally cycling women, Halme et al,101 is associated with an altered pituitary response to demonstrated an increased response to Gn injection endogenous luteinizing releasing hormone from the in women with lower body fat. Others have found a hypothalamus. Conversely, women who are underweight, positive relationship between body weight, and both commonly show a disturbance in the hypothalamic - the number of days and dose of Gns required to induce pituitary-gonadal axis and a loss of CC responsiveness. superovulation in ART in women with normal cycles.102 95 Shepard et al in a retrospective study, analyzed several Lewis et al103 showed that body weight did not markedly factors relating to the induction of ovulation with CC. influence the response to ovarian hyper stimulation in They identified that body weight is significantly different normal cycling women. in responders and non responders and found a positive Obesity and ART outcomes. High BMI has been linear relationship between body weight and the dose 95 96 shown to adversely affect the outcomes of ART of CC required to induce ovulation. Lobo et al, in a treatment.82,104-106 However, the effect of body weight on prospective study, found that weight and obesity were the outcome of IVF has not been well established. The correlated positively with the dosage of CC required to apparent absence of an adverse effect of excess BMI on achieve ovulation. Although once ovulation occurred, IVF outcome has been described by Lashen et al.107 Some obesity did not influence the ability to conceive. Obese studies however, have shown lower IVF success rates in women with PCOS are less likely to respond to CC obese women while others could not find a negative 89,96 than lean women with PCOS. They are therefore effect.107,108 Obesity has adverse effect on the outcomes more likely to be referred for Gn therapy. However, of ART, impairing fecundity and reducing pregnancy moderately obese women with PCOS respond more rates.109-111 This appears to be impaired by several poorly to Gn therapy than their lean counterparts. factors including androgens,112 insulin,113 and leptin.114 These women are again less likely to ovulate and, if they Salha et al115 indicated that high BMI is detrimental to do respond, they would require a larger daily dose of Gn the success of IVF and has an important influence on and a longer duration to affect an optimal response.89 the distribution and metabolism of human chorionic A number of articles in the literature revealed a gonadotrophin; the trigger of ovulation. A systematic relationship between weight, induction of ovulation, review of IVF outcomes among overweight and obese Saudi Med J 2011; Vol. 32 (10) 997 Obesity on reproduction ... Al-Nuaim women demonstrated that the does of Gns required are lower fasting insulin levels, which would then lead to higher in women with BMI of ≥ 25 kg/m2 in comparison regularizing menstrual cycles and thus an increase in the with BMI of ≤ 25 kg/m2. Further, Gns requirements frequency of ovulation and spontaneous conception, were higher in obese women BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 when and further can enhance success with fertility treatment compared with none obese women.116 Li et al117 showed if the need arise.38,119 in a large cohort study that overweight women required For someone who is eagerly wishing to conceive, more ampoules of Gns, and faced an increased risk of weight loss can be difficult. However, giving an insight cycle cancellation due to poor follicular development. on the implications of central fat deposition on the A recent study showed that overweight women have hormonal milieu that is pertinent to ovulation and significantly lower retrieval in comparison with conception would increase the women’s motivation and normal weight women.109 Whereas Metwally et al118 compliance to losing weight. Weight loss can be achieved had demonstrated that quality is unaffected by through various means. However, simple life style BMI. Although there is evidence linking obesity with modification can be very rewarding.125,126 Also, weight 119 poor implantation and pregnancy rates, more robust loss can be achieved through diet restriction, physical studies are needed to substantiate these findings. activity both individually or in a group. Furthermore, Obesity and pregnancy. Weight in pregnancy is pharmacological measures such as Metformin (insulin composed of both weight gains during pregnancy sensitizing agent), or Orlistat (a lipase inhibitor that and pre-pregnancy weight. Pre-pregnancy obesity was reduces gastrointestinal fat absorption) can be helpful associated with poor pregnancy outcome. Maternal in this regard.127,128 In rare instances however, bariatric obesity in pregnancy carries significant risks for both 119 mother and fetus such as; an increased rate of miscarriage, surgery is a last resort. It is therefore, recommended gestational diabetes, macrocosmia, pre-eclampsia, that the overweight and obese couple attending fertility cesarean section and still birth.28,46,118,120 There is an clinics should be advised and supported to lose weight, increase in congenital malformation, especially neural to raise their awareness on adopting a sustainable tube defects.121,122 It has also been suggested that central healthy lifestyle. The couple should be reassured that, compared with peripheral fat is more closely related in the process of losing weight, the couple have the to birth weight, gestational carbohydrate intolerance, likelihood of conceiving naturally or do so on the first and hypertension.46 Further, it has been demonstrated trial of intervention. Weight loss can have short term that maternal pre-pregnant BMI predicts infant’s and long-term benefits on the individual, offspring birth weight, and childhood obesity.122,123 This would and society.30 However, advice against rapid weight eventually, establishes a risk profile for the development loss and excess energy should be stressed, as this may of subsequent metabolic disease in children.124 have a negative impact on the individual and treatment Positive energy balance and reproduction. A outcomes.129 The British Fertility Society has issued sedentary lifestyle leading to obesity, is associated with policy and practice guidelines advising specialists to significant health hazards, including increased risk of encourage women to aim for a normal BMI prior to cardiovascular, metabolic diseases and cancer. These commencing fertility treatment.130 diseases are associated with higher rates of mortality Physical activity and its effect on reproduction. The and morbidity. These individuals are also susceptible to reproductive system is tightly coupled with energy the development of several reproductive complaints and balance, and changes in the status of energy balance the ultimate fate is reduced reproductive outcomes and through changes in physical activity can impact on infertility. Nevertheless, in many cases of positive energy the reproductive system.14 According to the Centre of balance, reproductive function can be restored with Disease Control, physical activity is defined as, “any simple changes in lifestyle habits that lead to reduction bodily movement produced by skeletal muscle that in body weight and body fat and improvements in 131 insulin sensitivity.18 This again strongly suggests that, result in expenditure of energy” In an effort to combat weight reduction presents cause-related and the cheapest the increasing secular trend of overweight and obesity, treatment of hormonal imbalance in obese women. several organizations including the WHO and the The implication of weight loss on fertility.Overweight American College of Sports Medicine, have announced and obesity have been observed to impair both natural recommendations to the public for physical activity. and assisted conception, and so, the benefits of weight They advocated that to reduce the risk of chronic loss have been discussed in various contexts in this diseases and improve overall health status, people of article. However, to emphasize it further, Clark et al37,39 all ages should perform a minimum of 30 minutes of recommended that as little as 10-15% of weight loss moderate-intensity physical activity on most days of the can improve fertility outcomes. This success is achieved week, but also emphasize that greater health benefits can through improvement of endocrine profile, such as; be derived from physical activity that is more vigorous decrease in free , , and and longer in duration.132

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