Hungerford Farm Winchfield

Archaeological Watching Brief

for Anesco

Planning Ref: 15/01777/FUL

CA Project: 770384 CA Report: 16417

July 2016

Hungerford Farm Winchfield Hampshire

Archaeological Watching Brief

CA Project: 770384 CA Report: 16417

Document Control Grid Revision Date Author Checked by Status Reasons for Approved revision by A June 2016 AH DDR Internal Edits REG review B July 2016 AH DDR Draft for Edits REG issue

This report is confidential to the client. Cotswold Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability to any third party to whom this report, or any part of it, is made known. Any such party relies upon this report entirely at their own risk. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means without permission.

© Cotswold Archaeology

© Cotswold Archaeology Hungerford Farm, Hampshire: Archaeological Watching Brief


SUMMARY ...... 2

1. INTRODUCTION ...... 3



4. METHODOLOGY ...... 6

5. RESULTS (FIGS 2-4) ...... 6


7. DISCUSSION ...... 7

8. CA PROJECT TEAM ...... 7

9. REFERENCES ...... 7





Fig. 1 Site location plan Fig. 2 Trench location plan, showing cable trenches and substations Fig. 3 Working shots of ground works Fig. 4 Section photographs

1 © Cotswold Archaeology Hungerford Farm, Hampshire: Archaeological Watching Brief


Project Name: Hungerford Farm, Location: Winchfield, Hampshire NGR: SU 7848 5381 Type: Watching Brief Date: 16 May – 23 June 2016 Planning Reference: 15/01777/FUL Location of Archive: Hampshire Cultural Trust Site Code: HUNG16

An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology during groundworks associated with the development of a solar farm at Hungerford Farm, Winchfield, Hampshire.

No archaeological features or deposits were observed during groundworks for the excavation of an access road, substations and cable trenches. No finds material pre-dating the modern period was recovered.

2 © Cotswold Archaeology Hungerford Farm, Hampshire: Archaeological Watching Brief


1.1 In June 2016 Cotswold Archaeology (CA) carried out an archaeological watching brief at Hungerford Farm, Winchfield, Hampshire, centred on NGR: SU 7848 5381 (hereafter, ‘the Site’, Fig. 1) at the request of Anesco (‘the Client’). The watching brief was undertaken to fulfil Condition 10 attached to planning consent for the solar farm (Ref 15/01777/FUL).

1.2 Planning permission (Ref 15/01777/FUL) for the development of the Site as a solar farm was approved by the Council (HDC) with the following condition (Condition 10), on the advice of Neil Adam, Senior Archaeologist at Hampshire County Council (SAHCC), requiring the submission and agreement of an archaeological watching brief:

‘The developer shall ensure that a suitably qualified archaeologist is present during the undertaking of any ground disturbing works in the development area, so that an archaeological watching brief can be conducted. The archaeological walking brief shall be undertaken to the standards of the Institute of Field Archaeologists. The Local Planning Authority shall be informed, in writing, at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the development of the name of the said archaeologist and no work shall begin until the Local Planning Authority has confirmed, in writing, that the proposed archaeologist is suitable. A copy of the watching brief report shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority within two months of the fieldwork being completed by the archaeologist.’

1.3 In December 2015, HDC agreed to partially discharge the requirements of Condition 10, following the submission of additional information by the Client:

‘With regard to condition 10, the submitted information, specifically that Cotswold Archaeology will be appointed to undertake a written scheme of investigation, is sufficient to partially discharge the requirements of the condition. I would wish to point out that the second part of condition 10 requires the production of a report that outlines the methodology for any archaeological work that is to be carried out on the application site’.

3 © Cotswold Archaeology Hungerford Farm, Hampshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

1.4 The advice from SAHCC to HDC was informed by a Heritage Desk-Based Assessment which accompanied the planning application (CA 2014), which discussed the archaeological potential within the Site and the effects of the proposed development on cultural heritage.

1.5 The watching brief was carried out in accordance with a detailed Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) produced by CA (2015) and approved by Neil Adam, Senior Archaeologist at Hampshire County Council (SAHCC). The fieldwork also followed Standard and Guidance: Archaeological Watching Brief (CIfA 2014).

The site

1.6 The Site (Fig. 1) is located at Hungerford Farm, approximately 540m east of the hamlet of Winchfield Hurst and c. 780m west of the suburban fringes of Fleet. Winchfield is situated c. 1.9km north-west of the Site, with the village of situated approximately 500m to the south. The Site comprises a large arable field approximately 9.3ha, with Hungerford Farm and the sewage works along Pale Lane situated to the west. The Site lies between 65 and 70m AOD.

1.7 The underlying geology of the site comprises sand, silt and clay of the Windlesham Formation. No superficial deposits are recorded across the majority of the site, river terrace sand and gravel deposits are recorded to the south west and alluvial deposits of clay, silt, sand and gravel in the valley of the River Hart are potentially present to the north east (British Geological Survey).


2.1 In June 2015, CA produced a Heritage Desk-Based Assessment (CA 2014) in relation to the proposed solar farm at Hungerford Farm. The results of this assessment are summarised below.

2.2 There is evidence for prehistoric and Romano-British activity within the surroundings of the Site, including Bronze Age and Romano-British features revealed in a trial trench evaluation c. 450m to the north-east of the Site. However, there is considered to be limited potential for such activity to extend into the Site.

4 © Cotswold Archaeology Hungerford Farm, Hampshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

2.3 From the medieval period onwards the Site is thought to have been located within the agricultural hinterland of known settlements. As such there is the potential for medieval or post-medieval remains associated with agriculture, although such remains would likely be of limited heritage significance. The 1843 Winchfield Tithe Map depicts the Site within two enclosed fields with a small wooded area, part of the Gunner’s Corpse, within the south-eastern part of the Site, and a track crossing the north western corner.

2.4 Evidence of Second World War activity has been identified within the Site. Aerial photographs document the presence of a Second World War anti-tank ditch in the eastern part of the Site. The feature appears to have been infilled on the 1945 aerial photograph, and no associated earthworks were observed on the Site. The construction of the anti-tank ditch is likely to have damaged or totally removed earlier archaeological remains located within the footprint of the defensive feature. Furthermore, although HAHBR records a pillbox within the Site it has been confirmed the feature survives to the west of the Site. The assessment did not reveal any evidence for additional Second World War remains at the site, or cropmarks indicative of former activity.


3.1 The objectives of the archaeological works were:

• to monitor groundworks, and to identify, investigate and record all significant buried archaeological deposits revealed on the site during the course of the development groundworks;

• at the conclusion of the project, to produce an integrated archive for the project work and a report setting out the results of the project and the archaeological conclusions that can be drawn from the recorded data.

5 © Cotswold Archaeology Hungerford Farm, Hampshire: Archaeological Watching Brief


4.1 The fieldwork followed the methodology set out within the WSI (CA 2016). An archaeologist was present during all intrusive groundworks associated with excavations for the haul road, substations and cable trenches (Fig. 2).

4.2 Where archaeological deposits were encountered written, graphic and photographic records were compiled in accordance with CA Technical Manual 1: Fieldwork Recording Manual.

4.3 The archive and artefacts from the evaluation are currently held by CA at their offices in Andover. Subject to the agreement of the legal landowner the site archive will be deposited with Hampshire Cultural Trust under accession number. A summary of information from this project set out within Appendix B, will be entered onto the OASIS online database of archaeological projects in Britain.


5.1 The underlying geology was a mixture of yellow clayey sand and silty sand with patches of river gravel within it. The natural geology was observed at between 0.25 and 0.55m below the surface. Intermittent subsoil was seen between 0.3 and 0.55m below the surface and was a yellowish brown clayey sand. The modern topsoil was up to 0.3m thick.

5.2 The access road was only topsoil stripped to a depth of less than 0.15m which did not impact any natural geology.

5.3 Cable trenches and foundation trenches for the substations were excavated to varying widths of between 0.30m to 1.20m and varied in depth between 0.50m and 1m

5.4 No archaeological features or deposits were revealed during the groundworks and, despite visual scanning of spoil, no artefactual material pre-dating the modern period was recovered.

6 © Cotswold Archaeology Hungerford Farm, Hampshire: Archaeological Watching Brief


6.1 No features were observed within the footprints of the excavated areas monitored by this watching brief. Finds were not recovered from the spoil and no samples were taken.


7.1 The watching brief identified no archaeological remains within the area of observed groundworks. Although the Heritage Desk-Based Assessment (DBA) had identified Bronze Age and Roman activity within the vicinity of the site, the results of the watching brief have demonstrated that this activity does not extend into or is present within the site itself. This concurs with the DBA which had detailed a limited potential for the presence of such remains extending into the site. The watching brief has further established that the site was likely part of the rural hinterland during the medieval and post medieval periods. No evidence of the Second World War anti- tank ditch was identified in the eastern part of the site. .


Fieldwork was undertaken by Adam Howard, assisted by Tina Tapply and Tony Brown. The report was written by Adam Howard. The illustrations were prepared by Aleksandra Osinska. The archive has been compiled by Tom Rowley, and prepared for deposition by Jess Cook. The project was managed for CA by Damian de Rosa.


BGS (British Geological Survey) 2015 Geology of Britain Viewer Accessed June 2016

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2014 Hungerford Farm, Winfield, Hampshire Heritage Desk-Based Assessment (CA Report number: 15295).

CA 2015 Hungerford Farm, Hampshire: Archaeological Watching Brief Written Scheme of Investigation

7 © Cotswold Archaeology Hungerford Farm, Hampshire: Archaeological Watching Brief


Depth/ Trench Context Context Type Description L (m) W (m) thickness No. No. interpretation (m) Dark greyish brown clayey loam 1 100 Layer Topsoil 71 1.2 - 4.4 0 – 0.37 compact Mid greyish brown clayey silt 1 101 Layer Subsoil 71 1.2 - 4.4 0.37 – 0.67 compact Mixed yellowish greyish brown 1 102 Layer Natural Geology 71 1.2 - 4.4 0.67+ silty clay irregular gravel Dark brown silty clay green sand 1 103 Layer Modern Dump inclusions crushed rubble and 71 1.2 - 4.4 0.37 - 1.25 brick 2 200 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown sandy clay 6.5 3 0 – 0.3 2 201 Layer Subsoil Light greyish yellow clay 6.5 3 0.3 - 0.45 Orange yellow sandy clay 2 202 Layer Natural Geology 6.5 3 0.45 - 0.55+ pockets of gravel 3 300 Layer Topsoil Medium grey brown sandy clay 6.5 3 0 – 0.25 3 301 Layer Subsoil Light greyish yellow 6.5 3 0.25 – 0.35 Yellowy orange sandy clay 3 302 Layer Natural Geology 6.5 3 0.35 – 0.45 pockets of gravel 4 400 Layer Topsoil Medium grey brown sandy clay 6.5 3 0 - 0.35 Light to medium greyish yellow 4 401 Layer Subsoil 6.5 3 0.35 - 0.55 silty sand Orangey yellow sandy clay 4 402 Layer Natural Geology 6.5 3 0.55+ patches of gravel 5 500 Layer Topsoil Medium grey brown silty sand 130 0.8 - 1 0 - 0.3 Orange yellow sandy clay 5 501 Layer Natural Geology 130 0.8 - 1 0.3 - 1.2+ pockets of gravel 5 502 Layer Natural Geology Light grey whitish sandy clay 130 0.8 - 1 0.3 - 1.2+ 6 600 Layer Topsoil Modern chippings 7 5 0 - 0.25 Redeposited 6 601 Layer Mid brown grey friable sandy silt 7 5 0.25 – 0.3 material 6 603 layer Subsoil Grey brown soft silty sand 7 5 0.3 - 0.5 Grey brown soft silty sand and 6 604 Layer Natural Geology 7 5 0.5 -1.5+ flint gravel Dark greyish brown sandy silt 7 700 Layer Topsoil 40 0.8 0 - 0.3 friable Modern Hard 7 701 Layer Reddish grey sandy silt compact 40 0.8 0 - 0.3 Standing Light yellowish brown sand 7 702 Layer Subsoil 40 0.8 0.3 - 0.55 compact Light greenish grey and mid 7 703 Layer Natural Geology yellowish brown clayey sand and 40 0.8 0.55 - 1.3+ gravel Dark greyish brown sandy silt 8 800 Layer Topsoil 100+ 0.6 0 - 0.25 friable Light yellowish brown sand and 8 801 Layer Intermittent Subsoil 100+ 0.6 0.25 - 0.32 gravel friable 8 802 Layer Natural Geology Light yellow silty sand and gravel 100+ 0.6 0.32 - 0.55 Dark greyish brown sandy silt 9 900 Layer Topsoil 100+ 0.6 - 1.2 0 - 0.25 friable Light yellowish brown sand and 9 901 Layer Subsoil 100+ 0.6 - 1.2 0.25 - 0.35 gravel friable

9 902 Layer Natural Geology Light yellow silty sand and gravel 100+ 0.6 – 1.2 0.35 - 0.55+

8 © Cotswold Archaeology Hungerford Farm, Hampshire: Archaeological Watching Brief



Project Name Hungerford Farm, Hampshire Short description An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology during groundworks associated with the development of a solar farm at Hungerford Farm, Winchfield, Hampshire.

No archaeological features or deposits were observed during groundworks for the excavation of an access road, substations and cable trenches. No finds material pre-dating the modern period was recovered Project dates 16 May to 23 June 2016 Project type Watching Brief

Previous work Hungerford Farm Winchfield Hampshire Desk Based Assessment 2015 Report Number 15295

Future work Unknown PROJECT LOCATION Site Location Hungerford Farm, Hampshire Study area (M2/ha) 9.3ha Site co-ordinates SU 7848 5381

PROJECT CREATORS Name of organisation Cotswold Archaeology Project Brief originator Cotswold Archaeology Project Design (WSI) originator Cotswold Archaeology

Project Manager Damian de Rosa Project Supervisor Adam Howard MONUMENT TYPE None SIGNIFICANT FINDS None PROJECT ARCHIVES Intended final location of archive Content

Physical none Paper Trench sheets, photographic register Digital Digital photographs, survey data BIBLIOGRAPHY

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2016 Hungerford Farm, Hampshire: Archaeological Watching Brief CA typescript report 16417. Project No. 770348

9 © Cotswold Archaeology Hungerford Farm, Hampshire: Archaeological Watching Brief


10 EP

WL 67.97

top 0.55


WL 68.01 A01 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A02 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A03 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 1 1 1 300 SC2 A04 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A05 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A06 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A07 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 2 2 300 2 SC3 A08 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A09 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A10 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A11 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 3 3 500 3 SC4 A12 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A13 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A14 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A15 - 126 modules - 6 x 21

4 4 700 MAST 4 94.11 SC5 A16 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A17 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A18 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A19 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 5 5 850 5 71.64

71.66 SC6 71.70 A20 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A21 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A22 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A23 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 DNO 71.53 71.54 6 6 1050 6 71.52 71.58 Substation SC7

71.32 A24 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A25 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A26 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A27 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 7 EP 7 1250 7 SC8 A28 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A29 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A30 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A31 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 Hardstanding 300 3 8 Area 8 1450 8 Site Entrance 300 SC9 A32 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A33 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A34 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A35 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 9 9 1650 9 back SC10 front A36 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A37 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A38 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A39 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 9 10 700 500 6 7 1250 A 10 SC11 Customer A40 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A41 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A42 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A43 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 11 Substation 6 1050 11 SC12 A44 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A45 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A46 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A47 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 12 5 850 12 HV Cable Route SC13 A48 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A49 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A50 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A51 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 LV Cable Route 13 4 700 13 SC14 Cat 6 Cable Route A52 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A53 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A54 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A55 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 14 Zone A 3 500 Zone A 14 Pyranometer SWA Cable Route SC15 A56 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A57 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A58 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A59 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 15 2 300 15 SC16 A60 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A61 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A62 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A63 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 300 Pyranometer SWA Cable Route 16 1 300 16 SC17 Area Reserved A64 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A65 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A66 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 A67 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 - Minimum trench width 17 for ESS 17 LV 700 SC18 required B68 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B69 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B70 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B71 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 18 1 300 18 - Minimum trench width SC19 HV 300 B72 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B73 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B74 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B75 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 required 19 2 300 19 SC20 LV 4 B76 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B77 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B78 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B79 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 - Number of cables in trench 20 3 500 20 HV 3 SC21 (within that section) B80 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B81 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B82 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B83 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 21 Zone B 4 700 Zone B 21 SC22 B84 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B85 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B86 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B87 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 22 5 850 22 SC23 B88 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B89 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B90 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B91 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 EP 23 6 1050 23 SC24 300 3 B92 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B93 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B94 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B95 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 11 24 7 1250 2000 24 SC25

B96 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B97 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B98 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B99 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 back front B 7 Minimum width of trench Trench Width 1250 depends on 25 8 1450 25 500 No. of Cables Ground SC26 SC27 Level B100 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B101 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B102 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B103 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B104 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 6 26 500 9 1650 26 Indicates number of cables Trench backfilled 2 300 SC28 3 with topsoil B105 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B106 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B107 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B108 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B109 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 27 7 1250 27 SC29 SC30 900 B110 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B111 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B112 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B113 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B114 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B115 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 1120 28 2 300 5 850 28

75 75mm Sand cover SC31 above cables

Note: For Road/ Solar Farm ONLY. B116 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B117 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B118 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B119 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B120 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B121 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 HV cables 29 1 300 29 70mm² Solid Drawn SC32 SC33 3 copper earth located B122 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B123 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B124 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B125 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B126 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 500 50 1 200 on side nearest substation 30 300 1 300 30 (check earthing plan) SC34 B127 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B128 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B129 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B130- 126 modules - 6 x 21 B131 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 50mm thk Sand blinding TYPICAL 33kV 31 1 300 31 SC35 300 CABLE INSTALLATION B132 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B133 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 B134 - 126 modules - 6 x 21 Scale 1:25 32 2 32

Minimum width of trench Min Trench Width 1250 to accommodate required no. of cables Trench backfilled (See Plan) 7 with topsoil Indicates number of cables

Cable Marker Tape

Min 450 Cover 25mm Sand cover above cables

LV cables EP Cable spacing to achive 25mm Sand cover minimum separation of 150mm below cables 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 TYPICAL LV TRENCH Scale 1:25

Revision Description Revised By Approved By Date Installation Address Project Installer Details Comments A Issued for comment RK 11/04/2016 B Customer Substation added RK 21/04/2016 HUNGERFORD SOLAR FARM Anesco Ltd, C Customer Substation amended RK 24/05/2016 The Green, D Cat 6 cable added Cust. Sub to DNO sub meter rm.DNO sub amended PJB 31/05/2016 Hungerford Farm, Title Easter Park, Winchfield, Benyon Road, Hook, MINIMUM TRENCH WIDTHS Reading, RG7 2PQ RG27 8SW Tel: 0845 894 4444 Scale Drawn By Checked By Signed by PM Date Checked Drawing No. Rev. Page Sheet 001818_05 1:750 @ A1 RK 1 of 1 A1 D 77 78 79 80






SU H A TF M R Andover 01264 347630 S HE N OXFORDSHIRE H Cirencester 01285 771022 IR E Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 READING SLOUGH Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 area w WEST e [email protected] BOUROUGH OF BERKSHIRE SWINDON PROJECT TITLE WINDSOR AND TSHIRE MAIDENHEAD Hungerford Farm, Winchfield SURREY Hampshire HAMPSHIRE FIGURE TITLE Site location plan 0 1km WEST SUSSEX FIGURE NO. Reproduced from the 2016 Ordnance Survey Explorer map with DRAWN BY AO PROJECT NO. 770384 CITY OF the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller CHECKED BY LM DATE 18/07/2016 SOUTHAMPTON of Her Majesty's Stationery Office c Crown copyright Cotswold Archaeology Ltd 100002109 APPROVED BY DDR SCALE@A4 1:25,000 1 H 783 785

784 C 786







site boundary trench modern field drain

Gunner's Copse



0 50m

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey digital mapping with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office ‹&URZQFRS\ULJKW&RWVZROG$UFKDHRORJ\/WG

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Exeter 01392 826185 Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w 537 e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Hungerford Farm, Winchfield Hampshire

FIGURE TITLE Trench location plan, showing cable trenches and substations

DRAWN BY AO PROJECT NO. 770384 FIGURE NO. SU CHECKED BY LM DATE 18/07/2016 APPROVED BY DDR SCALE@A3 1:1250 2 P:\770384 Hungerford Farm Hook Hants WB\Illustration\Drafts\770384_Fig02.dwg Trench 1, looking north (1m scale) Trench 6, looking north-west (1m scales) Trench 7 during excavation

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected] Trench 8 during excavation Trench 8 during excavation Trench 9 PROJECT TITLE Hungerford Farm, Winchfield Hampshire FIGURE TITLE Working shots of ground work

DRAWN BY AO PROJECT NO. 770384 FIGURE NO. CHECKED BY LM DATE 18/07/2016 APPROVED BY DDR SCALE@A3 N/A 3 Representative section of Trench 4, looking east (1m scale)

Representative section of Trench 7, looking north (1m scale)

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Hungerford Farm, Winchfield Hampshire FIGURE TITLE Section photographs