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By Roy Schestowitz Created 02/01/2021 - 4:15pm Submitted by Roy Schestowitz on Saturday 2nd of January 2021 04:15:21 PM Filed under HowTos [1]

Richard W.M. Jones: Read and writing VMware .vmdk disks [2]

One advantage of this approach is that it exposes the extents in the disk which you can iterate over using libnbd APIs. For a backup tool this would let you save the disk efficiently, or do change-block tracking.

Restic Backups, A Flexible & Powerful Backup Solution - Front Page [3]

The backup solution space is crowded. There are a multitude of applications, commands, and methodologies that are available. Choosing the right one is a daunting task that can definitely leave your head spinning. After having tried a few of the options out there, I have settled with Restic and here?s why.

Side for informatics: TDF-planet [4]

As I wrote earlier in a blogpost now we have the test framework integrated into Collabora Online codebase. We use this test framework to run automatic tests against the code base as part of the CI process. When a test fails it's crucial to have proper logging to make it easier to find out, why a test fails. Also, we need a way to add additional logging messages for debugging a test case in detail. In this post, I'll try to summarize the different loggings available for cypress tests. How to Install Tor and Tor Browser in 20.10, Ubuntu 20.04 | UbuntuHandbook[5]

This is a beginner?s guide shows how to install and setup Tor service and Tor Browser in Ubuntu 20.10, Ubuntu 20.04, 20. It should also work in Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 16.04.

Tor, The Onion Router, is a free and open-source service enables people to browser the internet anonymously. While Tor in Ubuntu main repositories is always old, here?s how to install the LATEST version and receive updates via its repository.

How To Rollback Fedora Silverblue To Previous Version - OSTechNix[6]

We already knew how to upgrade Fedora Silverblue to next available version. What if there is a problem with an update or upgrade? No worries! Fortunately, Silverblue keeps a record of previous previous, so we can easily downgrade or rollback Fedora Silverblue to previous version in no time. This can be helpful if the new version is unstable and/or not working properly.

How to Set Up ModSecurity with Apache on /Ubuntu [7]

This tutorial is going to show you how to install and use ModSecurity with Apache on Debian/Ubuntu servers. ModSecurity is the most well-known open-source web application firewall (WAF), providing comprehensive protection for your web applications (like WordPress, Nextcloud, Ghost etc) against a wide range of Layer 7 (HTTP) attacks, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and local file inclusion.

How To Install Deepin on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - idroot[8]

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Deepin Desktop Environment on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. For those of you who didn?t know, Deepin is a default desktop environment for Deepin . It is developed by a Chinese company Deeping Ltd. It is a sleekest and most beautiful and user-friendly desktop environment. Deepin comes with pre-installed Samba, Font Installer, Cloud Printing, and Application Store.

This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the , and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ?sudo? to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you through the step by step installation of the Deepin Desktop on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa). You can follow the same instructions for Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04, and any other Debian based distribution like Linux Mint.

How To Install Latest Node.js on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS [9]

In this guide, we?ll show you how to install latest Node.js and NPM on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. We need to add Node.js PPA to your Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS systems and install it. Latest version of Node.js ppa is maintaining by its official website on Github. Node.js is one of the most popular web technologies to build network applications quickly.

Same instructions you can apply for any Debian based distribution, including , Linux Mint and Elementary OS.

Install HPLIP 3.20.11 In Ubuntu 20.10 / Debian | Tips On UNIX [10]

This tutorial will be helpful for beginners to install HPLIP 3.20.11 in Ubuntu 20.10, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, LinuxMint 20, and Debian 10.6.

HPLIP ? HP Linux Image and Printing, developed by HP for Printing, scanning, and faxing with HP inkjet and laser-based printers in Linux platforms.

Installing the official nvidia driver for a GeForce GTX970 |[11]

In this other article we install via pacman. That is the preferred way. Then pacman can actually manage the package. In this article we will use the .run file from

First look at the beneath to understand the steps we will have to take.

The first video is for hybrid display laptops (Intel and Nvidia).

Get to know Oracle VM VirtualBox 6.1 and learn to install it [12]

Oracle VM VirtualBox 6.1 enables admins to import and export VMs from Oracle's Cloud Infrastructure, as well as create multiple VM instances. The new version also improves paravirtualized images and boosts support for nested virtualization.

Oracle VM VirtualBox is an open source hosted hypervisor first released in 2007. Through a series of corporate mergers and acquisitions, Oracle became VirtualBox's official sponsor. IT administrators can download VirtualBox from Oracle's website. Oracle uses the GNU General Public License GPL version 2 for VirtualBox as opposed to the more recent GPL version 3.


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