Developing and Basic Software by Open Source Model in China

Chen Yue

China OSS Promotion Union CSIP – OSS Center We are…

China OSS Promotion union

2 COPU Mission

• International communication • standardization Technology Community • Project support • Open technology training • OSS IP service OSS • Community support Service • Media support • Business support Industry Training China OSS Promotion Promotion Union

3 COPU Mission

4 OSS Developing Status in China

uIndustry environment for OSS become better in China

u OSS Industry Scale is increasingly growing, Open Source technologies are applied in more and more area.

u OSS policy for Chinese IT enterprises is clearer, and more active for OSS contribution.

uMore international corporation in OSS industry

uSome new OSS public service for companies and communities

5 OSS Projects from China




6 Industry Environment of Chinese Desktop Operating System and Basic Software

u Government policy is beneficial to OS and basic software developing

u OSS and open technology are applied, and convenient for Chinese developing OSS and basic software

u Some Chinese companies have power to cover and developing OS


7 Industry Environment of Chinese Desktop Operating System and Basic Software

uMany OS products, but lack for key technologies and features

u Lack for a long-term talent strategy for IT technology experts and developers

uLack for business support from big companies

uLack for robust industry ecosystem for OS development


8 Developing model for Chinese OS industry

u Government promotion

Such as Redflag, COS

rd u The 3 party organization + community

Such as ( CCN Lab )

u Private enterprise + community

Such as OS

9 Case one:

• WPS Office – Corporating with kingsoft

• Netwoking disk – With kingsoft

• Sogou input – With sogou

• Software center

• Uker tools – System management tools

10 Case one: Ubuntu Kylin

uDesktop environment

uSDK for developers

11 Case one: Ubuntu Kylin

12 Case one: Ubuntu Kylin

13 Case two: Deepin OS

A new based on web technology Some high quality desktop application for end users 30+project,3million lines source code

深度系列应⽤ Linux应⽤ Windows应⽤( QQ, 深度⾳乐 , 深度影院 , 深度翻译 , 搜狗输⼊法 , WPS, ⽕ OFFICE, PhotoShop等 ) 软件中⼼ , 游戏中⼼ ...... 狐浏览器 ...... DeepWine( Wine中间层 ) 深度桌⾯环境 深度系统设置服务 (Deepin Desktop Enviroment) ( Deepin Setting Deamon) 系统内核( kernel) 与底层服务


14 Case two: Deepin OS

15 Case two: Deepin OS

16 Case two: Deepin OS

17 Tizen

Using Open Source, rooted in the Chinese IT industry

Not Only Open Source

18 Let’s Open Source

Open Source is Opportunity for Us, also for China.

19 谢谢 Thank You

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