Madame Rouges Madames Prologue


3 years after the final battle between the Teen and the Brotherhood

Belle Reve corrections office Garrett Le Sueur was providing security to transport team 2 that night. Tonight was special because they were taking custody of a large number of super-villain’s from a group called the . For him it was just another night of transporting more freaks. “At least they’re on ice” he thought to himself. Garrett hated the job. Yes it paid better, and allowed him to save up enough to put both his kids through college, but the hours were long, and he’d had one too many close calls with the freaks in his 5 years since transferring out of regular prisons. When the call came through for a security detail to transport frozen super-villain’s, he couldn’t have jumped faster at the opportunity to work outside of the the island. From what he had heard, a group calling themselves the had some kind of big battle and managed to capture the brotherhood of evil. Along with a few others also on the Silver list: a list of super-villains wanted by the DOJ.

Tonight Garret would provide security for the last frozen freak in the lot, which according to the manifest was a woman named Madame Rouge. As he sat in his seat, holding his M4, he thought to himself, “Why do all the good looking super-villains have to be so evil?” They were less than 5 miles outside Belle Reve, when an oncoming car sped towards them. Inside a drunk driver, who had lost his bottle of beer, and bent down to pick it off the floor. Completely oblivious to the approaching Prison transport Semi and causing the driver to swerve in an effort to dodge the incoming drunk. The last thing Garret felt was weightlessness as the semi veered off towards the ditch, and went airborne as it crashed into trees on the side of the road, slamming his head into the back of his seat, and knocking him out cold..

5 minutes later

Garret woke up. His head throbbing as if it had been crushed in a vice. “Roy? Todd?” He weakly spike into his radio. No response. “Drivers are probably done for,” he thought to himself. He didn’t know how bad the crash was, or if it was even accident, but the sound of an alarm made his heart jump. He looked over at the Cryotube holding Madame Rouge, which had sparks coming out of the base. He looked at the display on the bottom and saw a horrifying message.

Subject: Madame Rouge Status: Stable WARNING! Catastrophic system failure. Subject Defrosting!

He got on his feet, and limped on his injured leg towards his discarded weapon as Madame Rouge, who had been frozen blue from her last battle with the titans, was starting to regain her former color. Just as she finished defrosting and was starting to become aware of her surroundings, Garret managed to get his hands on his M4, switch to full auto, and began blazing away at the villain in an effort to cut her down. Madame rouge simply stretched her arms like she was waking from a deep sleep. Ignoring the small man shooting at her while the bullets ripped through her upper chest. Once he ran out of bullets, she finished her stretch, and turned her attention to him. “That was cute. It almost tickled” she said mockingly.

Garret panicked as he tried to quickly reload. He had managed to eject the spent magazine when she lunges forward and wrapped her torso around him like a Python before she began squeezing him tightly. He screamed out as she began crushing him and lifting him off his feet. Immediately he began squirming and kicking his legs uselessly while she reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. She then grabbed his hand with her own, before using her other thumb to unlock the phones fingerprint reader. She scrolled through the phone to look at the date. “So. Three years,” she said as she pocketed her new phone. “That’s an awfully long time for a woman,” she said sensually as she placed her hands behind Garrets head. Holding it in place so he couldn’t break her gaze. “Wait! Please!” But it was too late.

Her lips moved forward and pressed up against his as she began to passionately kiss him. Suddenly he felt her tongue enter his mouth and force its way down his throat. At this point he had nothing left to lose as he began kicking and screaming, muffled by his attacker. In the end, it was useless. He had spent so much precious oxygen that he started to pass out. Madame Rouges, sensing the end of the struggle began to absorb her meal. Her coils began to merge together as Garret began to sink. Madame Rouges lips broke aww my, but her tongue elongated to stay in his throat as she pushed his head down between her breasts and into her body. Once Garrets head was inside her, she pulled out her tongue and moaned out in delight as she resettled into her normal form aside from the giant bulge in her belly that made her look pregnant. She pulled out the smart phone and began searching the internet for news about her Brotherhood of evil. While she learned what she could about the last thee years, she rubbed her stomach as it shrank back down to size while she absorbed the body of her foe.

Once she finished absorbing Garret, she went to the back of the transport, and used Garrets palm print to open the locked door. She Jumped out the back, went to the highway and began walking away from the crash. Away from the lights of Belle Reve prison behind her. “Sorry boys, but it’s time for my empire,” she said aloud to herself as she walked down the road.