Madonna of the Streets Roberto Ferruzzi PRIESTS OF SAINT THERESA’S Reverend Monsignor William M. Helmick, Pastor Reverend Richard S. Bradford Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time IN RESIDENCE Most Reverend Emilio S. Allué, S.D.B. Auxiliary of Boston, Emeritus, Reverend Peter P. Nolan, C.S.Sp. MASS SCHEDULE PARISH STAFF Principal of St. Theresa's School, Mrs. Jean Leahy DAILY : 6:45 A.M. 4:00 P.M. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SATURDAY 4:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. Sister Marie-Julie Seguin, Ellen Klein, Jennifer McKiernan SUNDAY 7:30 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 10:30 A.M., 12:00 N RCIA HOLY DAY VIGIL AS ANNOUNCED Susan Abbott HOLY DAYS AS ANNOUNCED DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Brandon Santini CONFESSIONS SATURDAYS 3:00-4:00 P.M. PARISH SECRETARY THURSDAYS BEFORE FIRST FRIDAY 4:45 P.M. Mrs. Carol O'Brien • 617-325-1300 CONTACT INFORMATION Rectory:...... 617-325-1300 Fax:...... 617-325-0380 Mission Statement School:...... 617-323-1050 Prayer of Saint Theresa of Avila CCD office:...... 617-469-2898 Christ has no body now on earth but yours; Parish Web Page:...... yours are the only hands with which He can do His work, School Web yours are the only feet with which He can go about the world, Yours are the only eyes through which His compassion can The Church is handicapped accessible and air conditioned shine forth. Christ has no body on earth now but yours.


The code of Canon Law requires each pastor of a parish, and each bishop of a diocese, to offer each Sunday what is described as a “Missa Pro Populo”—a Mass for the people of the parish or the diocese. I do this faithfully and gladly Each weekend, confident that God’s graces and blessings will be poured out abundantly on the people of Saint Theresa’s Parish.

When I offer that Mass each week, I am more and more conscious of the enormous part the people of the parish have in our parish life and activity. A host of peoples’ names comes to my mind: the parish staff, the parish employees, the countless volunteers who make so much happen in our par- ish for so many individuals and groups. As I am writing this, I am very mindful of the volunteers who make it possible for Saint Theresa’s Parish to have Children’s Choir, Religious Education, Peer Min- istry, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers, Ushers, and Sacristans, among other things.

Whenever I celebrate the “Miss Pro Populo”, I think of how little would get done without the parish- ioners who volunteer to organize and staff the programs and activities of Saint Theresa’s Parish and Saint Theresa’s School. I am reminded of how actively and generously our parishioners, in large numbers, give of themselves to make Saint Theresa’s the wonderful community of Catholic Faith it is.

When I celebrate that “Miss Pro Populo” I have in my mind and heart the sick, the dying, the elderly, the house-bound, and those who care for them. I have in my mind and heart the parishioners who are experiencing any kind of difficulty, anxiety, sadness, or loss, whatever their age may be. I think in a special way of the inactive and alienated Catholics who live in Saint Theresa’s Parish, and I think of the many parishioners who have been and are so generous in the support of our parish.

My prayer “pro populo” is always the same, usually not even put into any particular formula, but as a prayer from the heart that God will bless and protect the people of Saint Theresa’s Parish, keep them close to Him every day, and keep them attached ever more firmly to the Church- - - - which helps us grow closer to Christ Our Lord, Our Savior.

Reverend Monsignor William M. Helmick Pastor


MASS SCHEDULE WEEK OF A UGUST 5 , 2018 Communications Collection MONDAY August 4th / 5th 6:45 A.M. SPECIAL INTENTION MASS 4:00 P.M. GEORGE BRADY —ANNIVERSARY MASS The second collection at all the Masses this weekend is the Com- TUESDAY munications Collection, sponsored by the United States Confer- 6:45A.M. SPECIAL INTENTION MASS ence of Catholic . By supporting this collection, you help 4:00 P.M. JOSEPH AND DOROTHY FAGREY to spread the Good News to people around the country and MEMORIAL MASS around the world. Your gift also makes a local impact because WEDNESDAY half of your donation stays in your diocese to support local com- munications projects. 6:45 A.M. SPECIAL INTENTION MASS 4:00 P.M. DONNA MARIA ZALESKAS —ANNIVERSARY MASS WHERE DO YOUR DONATIONS GO ? THURSDAY For many rural communities in Argentina, the only radio station that 6:45 A.M. MATTHEW J. COFFEY —ANNIVERSARY MASS reaches them is Radio Maria—a Catholic radio station. But many people 4:00 P.M. ELISA CORRA —ANNIVERSARY MASS live in areas so rural that even this station has yet to reach them. Through your support of the CCC, Radio Maria in Argentina has ex- FRIDAY panded to an additional 17 stations, bringing the message of hope and 6:45 A.M. SPECIAL INTENTION MASS mercy to far more people throughout the vast country. The stations pro- 4:00 P.M. DONNA MARIA ZALESKAS —MEMORIAL MASS vide programming to share prayer, catechesis, liturgical celebrations, SATURDAY spirituality, and news. Thanks to your gifts, Radio Maria will be able to 6:45 A.M. NOT SCHEDULED reach an additional 2 million people who long to connect with the broader church community. To learn more about the CCC and the pro- jects it supports, visit . There will be a second enve- lope for this collection at Mass this weekend. Triduum in Honor of Saint Clare Monastery of Saint Clare Parish Baptisms 920 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain During the month of July, we had 7 August 8~9~10 Mass at 7:00 P.M. Baptisms here at Saint Theresa’s. Saturday, August 11, Solemnity, Mass at 11:00 A.M. Those who were Baptized are as If you are unable to attend, Mass intentions may be mailed. follows:

Samuel Franco-Gil Charlotte Lynn Ledo

Grayson John Baxter Conan Antonio Dynes

Second Collection for the Parish Adrianna Grace Walker Sean Patrick Rumley August 11 / 12 The second collection at all the Masses next weekend, August 11 /12, Ambrose Walter Monahan will be for energy expenses, which in our large parish, are significant all year long. Your generous response to these second collections during May the Lord, Who has begun a good work in them, bring it the summer is most appreciated. There will be no envelope for this collection. to completion in their homes and families . THE CATHOLIC CHARITIES FOOD PANTRY remains in desperate need of donations. The situation continues to be urgent for many families with small children who are home for the summer. You can bring your contri- butions of food to the rectory office, Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. On the weekends, please leave your food donations OFFERTORY COLLECTION on the tables in the Pavilion. I am most grateful for your generous re- sponse to this prolonged appeal for food, and I know that the officials of JULY 28 / 29 OFFERTORY : $9,635 Catholic Charities and the recipients of the food are most grateful to you ENERGY EXPENSES : $2,451 as well. Please remember the Offertory and the Grand Annual Collection are our main sources of funds for paying our daily expenses. Reverend Monsignor William M. Helmick Thank you for your generosity! 3 Pastor

EIGHTEENTH S UNDAY IN O RDINARY T IME AUGUST 5, 2018 Hymnal Sponsor Sheet Resilience, Recovery, and Remembrance

Summer Liturgies for individuals and families impacted by addiction

Join us as we gather with other women, men, and their families and friends seeking freedom from addiction. Hymnal sponsorships are still available at $20.00 per book. Pray with us as we seek God’s grace for all those im- The memorials are a wonderful way to honor birthdays, pacted by addiction and remember with love the lives weddings, anniversaries, and holidays. Each week at Mass, . parishioners can remember in prayer the person to whom lost to addiction their hymnal is dedicated .

Please complete the information and return to the rectory with your donation. We thank you for your generosity. Your loved ones will be remembered in the prayers of all those Saturdays who use these Hymnals at all the Masses celebrated at Saint August 18, Theresa of Avila Parish. September 15 Donor’s Name:______7:00 P.M.

Donor’s Address:______Shrine of Our Lady of Good Voyage City:______51 Sleeper Street in the Seaport State:______Zip:______Reception to follow Donor’s Phone:______

Donor’s e-mail______An initiative of love and support from The Father Mychal Judge Center for Recovery at St. Anthony Shrine .(, The Archdi- ocesan Addiction Recovery Pastoral Support Services ( and Number of Hymnals: ______Amount : $______. The -Seaport Catholic Collaborative Amount Paid:______

Type of Donation: ___ In Memory of ___ In Honor of

Name of Loved One(s) :______Listen to iCatholicRadio Mobile App ______1060AM Boston CATHOLIC DOCTORS NEEDED : Mission Doctors Association will offer the 2018 Fall Retreat/Seminar , Sept. 28 - 30, 2018 for Catholic Doc- tors, Dentists, Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants considering Project Rachel Short-term mission service . This will be held at Loyola Stritch Medical Do you know someone who is carrying grief and sorrow over past abor- School in Chicago. Working in partnership with Loyola Stritch Medical tions? Project Rachel is the post-abortion ministry of the Catholic School, medical professionals will also have the opportunity to obtain Church to help those dealing with the pain of abortion. Project Rachel CME for attending the weekend.Visit the web- offers confidential support, retreats and referrals for Sacramental Rec- site: or call the office for more informa- onciliation. For more information, contact Project Rachel at tion (213) 368-1872. 4 508.651.3100 or [email protected]


Readings for Week of August 5, 2018 PRAYERS FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL LORD , OUR G OD , HELP OF THE HELPLESS , BE NEAR OUR FRIENDS AND Sunday: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15/Ps 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54 [24b]/ NEIGHBORS WHO SUFFER THIS DAY . G RANT THEM STRENGTH , PEACE OF MIND AND HEART , AND RENEWED HEALTH IF IT BE Y OUR WILL , THROUGH Eph 4:17, 20-24/Jn 6:24-35 CHRIST OUR L ORD . A MEN . Monday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9 [1a, 9a]/2 Pt Gary Anderson, Joseph Anderson, Mary Antonellis, Michelle 1:16-19/Mk 9:2-10 Baker, Marilyn Barry, Stephen D. Barry, Margaret Barto, Cath- Tuesday: Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22/Ps 102:16-18, 19-21, 29 erine Bielawa, Joseph Blackman, Diane Blaskiewicz, Kevin Boett- and 22-23 [17]/Mt 14:22-36 or 15:1-2, 10-14 ger Margaret Bomba, Jr., Damien Brennan, Chet Broderick, Katie Wednesday: Jer 31:1-7/Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13 [cf. 10d]/Mt Broderick, Paul Broderick, Kendall Buczynski, Stephanie Buczyn- 15:21-28 ski, Frank Budukiewicz, Geraldine Bulman, Joan Bumila, Larry Thursday: Jer 31:31-34/Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19 [12a]/Mt Burke, William Burke, Lisa Carden, Maria Cemrania, Jeanne 16:13-23 Clancy, Nicholas Cleary, Brendan Cogavin, Patrick Conneely, Rose Connolly, Mary Connors, Eileen Corrigan, Teresa Costa, Friday: 2 Cor 9:6-10/Ps 112:1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9 [5]/Jn 12:24-26 Maureen Cummings, Tom Cunningham, Richard Curran, Jr., Saturday: Hb 1:12--2:4/Ps 9:8-9, 10-11, 12-13 [11b]/Mt Debra Daum, Gary D’Avila, Mary DeSantis, Cristina Donatelli, 17:14-20 Kristen Doty, John J. Doyle, Kathleen Durepo, John Ellis, Carol Coggio Faherty, Audrey Fallon, Barbara Farulla, Joseph Fede- A WORD ABOUT RCIA : rico, Rose Finn, Joseph Fisher, Griffin Fleishman, David Flynn, Patrick Flynn, Dan Foley, Neil Foley, Terry Forkins, Ben Fox, RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, a process Nora Frasier, John Galvin, Karen Glazer, Louise Gogg, Louise Goodwin, Eleanor Gordon, Andrew Granger, Colin Andrew by which adults “after hearing the mystery of Christ pro- Greco, Patricia Hade, Denise Hamilton, Ann Hanlon, Patricia Do- claimed, consciously and freely seek the living God….By lan Harwitz, Elizabeth Heffernan, Mary D. Hennessey, Jackie God’s help they will be strengthened spiritually during their Hess, Barbara Hickey, Donn Hockman, Louise Marie Hogan, El- preparation and…..will receive the sacraments fruitfully.” In eanor Howard, Janet Hughes, Meaghan W. Hussey, Kyle John- other words, the RCIA is a ’s way to bring son, John “Jack” Keneavy, Mary Kenny, Karen Kostek, Irene together adults who are curious about faith. In a comfort- Kyricos, Herb Langlois, Anna Lemonis, Kylee LeSourd, Madison able, conversational setting, weekly discussion aims to help Paige Losuts, Kevin Lynch, Taylor Anne Lynch, Lois MacDonald, participants draw closer to God, learn about the Bible, Kathleen Maloney, Shawn Patrick Maloney, Elizabeth Matalobos, prayer, and the tradition and life of the Catholic faith. Andrew McCall, Margaret McCall, Jason McCann, Michael The RCIA is for: McCarthy, Patrick McCarty, Linda McClelland, Mildred McDer- people who were never baptized, or mott, Kara McGonagle, Erin McGuirk, Jessica McKenzie, Joanne McKenzie, Neil McLaughlin, Paul McNamara, Hilda Mendise, those baptized in another faith, or Mary Merner, Mary Ann Mignone, Anna Minotti, Cynthia those who were baptized Catholic but have never re- Monahan, Joe and Cindy Morello, Deanna Morrissey, Maryellen ceived the sacraments of Eucharist or Confirma- Mulkern, Pat Mullen, Honora Murphy, Annie Murray, Maria Na- tion. dile, Michael Nadile, Donna Nazzaro, Bruce Newman, Mary Nor- If you are interested in the Catholic faith, or have a friend or ton, Billy O’Brien, Mary O’Brien, Sister Mary O’Brien, Daniel relative who may be interested in exploring the possibility of O’Connor, Jay O’Connor, Natalie O’Connor, Patrick O’Connor, making this journey of faith, please invite the person to William O’Leary, Barbara Page, John Palumbo, Virginia Palumbo, email [email protected] for more information .. Steve Papia, Sheila Papia, Nicole Pellagrino, Marie Polo, Virginia Prendergast, Sister Emily Raftery, l.s.p., Barton Ramos, Jose- phine Rappa, Lillian Ricchiuti, Steven Ricchiuti, Theresa Ricco, Silver and Golden Wedding Joel Rivera, Kate Robbins, Irene Russo, Kathleen Ryan, Merry Samonte, Lawrence Samonte, Stephen Shea, Jeannie Schlosky, Anniversary Mass Gina Scrima, Kevin Shea, Zachary Shea, Claire Sloane, Terry His Eminence, Cardinal Sean Smart, Catherine Spellman, William Spicer, Albert Spiniello, O’Malley, invites all couples celebrating their 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary to join him Diane Carr Staton, Philomena Stocker, Barbara Sullivan, John for the Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass to be Sullivan, Patsy Sullivan, Philip Sullivan, Timothy Sullivan, Irene celebrated on Sunday, October 28 at 4:00 P.M. at Saint Mary Parish, Supino, Mary Timony, Ellen Tobin, Judy Toomey, Edward Tre- 133 School Street, Waltham. To register, please go to boston- seler, Jr., Edward Treseler, Sr., Peter Usherwood, Stephen Ush- For more information, please erwood, Carmela Villante, Albert Vincentio, Ellen Vogel, Mary contact Kelly Tolman at 617-746-5803 or at [email protected]. Formal Walsh, Paula Ward, Catherine Watson, Brian Webber, Cassandra invitations will be mailed to the Anniversary Couples approximately 2 Welles, Bill Whitcomb, Anthony Young, Florence Yu weeks before the Mass. 5 William J. Gormley West Roxbury Owned and Operated by the Gormley Family Traditional Funerals or Your Neighborhood Richard, Mary and Michael Gormley and Ronald P. O’Keefe Cremation Services Funeral Home for Pre-Need Arrangements 5 Generations 2055 Centre Street • 617-323-8600 • West Roxbury • Available Francis M. Walley Insurance Agency, Inc.

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July 27 , 2018

Rev er en d M sgr. Will ia m M. Hel mi ck St. Theresa of Avila Parish 10 Saint Theresa Ave West Roxbury , MA 02132-3416

Dear Monsignor Helm ick,

Allow me this opportunity to express my gratitude for your pastor al leadership at St. Theresa of Av ila Parish , and in a particular wa y for your efforts on behalf of this year 's Catholic Appe al. Your personal commitment made a sig- nificant difference for your parish having achieve d its goal.

Please also share my sincere thanks with your parishioners , for th eir financial contributions and for all that the y do to e vangelize through their witne ss to our faith. Their generosit y pro vides much needed support t o ministri es throughout the Archdiocese and their active participation in the lif e of the Church gi ves us hope for the future.

With the assurance o f my pra yers for you and all th ose entrust ed t o y our care , I r emain ,

Frat ernall y yo urs in Chr ist , + Sean, ofm cap Archbishop o f Boston