Autumn Lineup 2016

| Nature & Wildlife | History | Science | People & Culture | Lifestyle | Travel & Adventure | Feature Docs Nature & Wildlife HD HD HD 1 x 30’ 1 x 60’ 12 x 30’ 4K 2016 2015 Cliff Walkers Collar of Duty 2016 African Nostalgia The towering Hindu Kush mountains of Chitral are home to some of mountains of Chitral are home to some Hindu Kush towering The the sheer cliffs, balanced on most spectacular views. Perilously Pakistan’s other each battling young, fiercely their over stand guard goats markhor encroaches everacross the treacherous cliffs. But as human development in this can man and markhor find a way to co-exist further on their territory, harsh environment? Films Walkabout HD 10 x 30’ Animal Files 2014-2015 Summerhill Media Prola - SD Cinematografica Documentaria Film – SD Cinematografica Documentaria Film – Collar of Duty captures the incredible true stories of the service animals working to change people’s lives. From prisons to courtrooms, lives. From classrooms to medical Collar of Duty captures the incredible true stories of the service animals working to change people’s talk to the family of the people who need them most. We emergencies, this series reveals the ways in which animals are making a major impact on the lives explore the latest technologymembers, friends and dedicated animal trainers that help get these animals ready to assist; and we being used in animal training, and meet the engineers vivid series packs an emotional punch: at times moving and other times heartwarming of gadgets. This building the next generation and humorous - as life with animals so often is. As a species, we humans have an unattractive tendency to believe in ourAs a species, we humans have an unattractive tendency think we’re the only ones with an inner life, with feelings We own superiority. explore the unexpectedand morals. But this documentary series hopes to that nature always haswonders of the animal world and helps to show fellow inhabitants of thesomething to teach us. If we could only regard our everyone benefits. planet with wonder and respect, we might find that Wildlife photographer Valter Torri has always been fascinated and delighted by the unique atmosphere of . From the first moment of this extraordinary film From and delighted by the unique atmosphere of Africa. has always been fascinated Torri photographerWildlife Valter An array of colours dry heat in your nostrils. of nature ring out, and you can almost smell the greets the eye, the sounds why. to the final fade, you’ll understand this majesty is always tinged with Valter, elegant wildlife. But for the the flowing river, Every frame bursts with life - the fiery sky, is not your average nature film. This roots from which we all have grown. an unbreakable connection to the’s the continent in all its vastness; perhaps it is a yearning to understand Perhaps HD HD HD 6 x 60’ 4 x 60’ 13 x 30’ 2016 2015 Frontier Vets Frontier 2011 - 2016 Emotions of Italy Emotions Gorongosa Park: RebirthGorongosa Park: of Paradise 8 vet students in their final year are placed into an isolated rural village on8 vet students in their final year are placed into in . Their the border of the world famous Kruger National Park is their first chance at mission: to run an under resourced animal clinic. This real work experience and with patients ranging from dogs and cattle, to lions, is firmly placed on their elephants and rhinos, the livelihoods of their owners shoulders. Green Films Pty (Ltd) Few things can stir the emotion like turning a corner and being hit with the things can stir the emotion like Few natural terrain unique is the a huge Italy’s makes sight of an Italian vista. What in a relatively small geographicalvariety of different environments area. As leaves another layer of patina, the landscape’s each successive generation grows.distinguished character only is a celebration of Italy in all its This and occasional madness. humour, beauty, Documentaria Film – SD Cinematografica Documentaria Film – HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 30’ 2014 2016 Europe’s Largest Desert Europe’s Deosai - The Last Sanctuary The Deosai - Off the Fence/PBS/National Geographic Walkabout Films Walkabout This unique film documents the remarkable rebirthThis of an African wilderness. In the 1980s and 90s, the fabric of life across the million acre Gorongosa national an international team of scientists and the park was shut down and abandoned. Now, By 1983, was shredded during a bloody civil war. park in Mozambique embarks the park. Emmy-winning wildlife cameraman, American-born, African-raised Bob Poole, want to ‘re-wild’ conservationists has assembled to repair it. They one of the most on an amazing adventure: spending two years living in the park, joining the experts in the battle to restore this legendary natural environment. It’s ambitious wilderness restoration projects ever attempted, and we have a front row seat. The Deosai National Park in northof the endangered is the home Deosai National Park Pakistan The only sanctuary in the whole of south Asia It is the Himalayan brown bear. look at the ways are sustaining or increasing. We where bear populations impoverishedthe consider also we but protected, is welfare bears’ the their own for resources the park’s rely on nearby and that live communities survival. Just 70km from the ski slopes of the Pyrenees, the Bardenas Reales natural park is the largest desert in mainland Europe. Rain is scarce and the wind landscape looks there are no trees and the always blows; the soil is poor, more like the moon than Earth. But life can thrive almost anywhere, and the with highly adapted behaviours.remarkable creatures park is home to some survive. But living here isn’t easy and only the toughest will Prod. aka Alvaro Mendoza Genera Doc Wildlife

Nature & Wildlife Nature & Wildlife HD HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 30’ 1 x 30’ 1 x 60’ 2015 2015 2016 Shark Alley The Last Buffalo The Margalla - Urban Wilderness The Great Plains were one of the last areas of the US Great Plains were one of the last The to be colonised during tribes rule the land, supported Native American by the nineteenth century. Even with firearms, the settlers andmighty herds of buffalo. US army could of the Native Americans, so army generalsnot compete with the power needed to the enemy into submission. They eventually decided to starve so they waged war on the buffalo. destroy their supplies, and 51 Prod./Smithsonian Networks Warehouse It is the largest predation of its kind. During the annual ‘salmon run,’ millions like it’s a shark, sardines migrateof Africa. For coast of south-eastern up the black- hammerheads, whalers, Bronze door. your to delivered dinner having tips, duskies, tigers, bulls and great by dolphins, cape white sharks are joined this is one Truly gannets, seals, tuna and even whales in the feeding frenzy. great spectacles. of nature’s Aquavision On the doorstep of Pakistan’s bustling capital city is a most unusual feature, On the doorstep of Pakistan’s wildlife, from leopardsthe spectacular Margalla Hills national park. Filled with most bio-diverse it is one of the to pangolins, and kingfishers to barking deer, can the park and But as urban development marches on, areas in the country. pressure? its inhabitants survive in the face of ever-increasing Films Walkabout 4K HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 1 x 30’ Ice Dogs 2013 2016 2016 Leopards Amongst Us Mysteries of the Rainforests of the Rainforests Mysteries most studied patch of rainforest on Earth.monkeys, howlers and Spider patrolants and frogs of multitude a while canopy, the through leap capuchins proving But the island has been hit hard by El Niño, and it’s the forest floor. towait and watch only can Scientists record. on years driest the of one be to see what this means for the plants and animals. The tropical island of Barro Colorado in the Panama Canal is home to the tropical island of Barro Colorado in the Panama The Walkabout Films Walkabout Ayubia national park is the last refuge of the common leopard in Pakistan. park is the last refuge of the common leopard in Pakistan. national Ayubia is constantly under threat from both logging forest The the swelling and disappears, man andpopulation of the local communities. As the forest with potentially direleopard come into ever-closer proximity and conflict, ensure both the safetyconsequences for both. So how will conservationists stunning animals? of the local communities and the survival of these Smithsonian Networks Homebrew Films & Danie Ferreira Homebrew Films & Danie The Arctic is accessible to man only because of ice dogs. As hunters, haulers Arctic is accessible to man only The of years they have been a vital link to nature.and guardians, for thousands led out of Siberia and, a millennium later, Dogs led the Sarqaq people because he explorers to the North won the race to the Pole Amundsen Pole. returns to Greenland, we arrive in Scoresbysundrelied on ice dogs. As the light worthwith a troop of the only companions having. HD HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 13 x 30’ 2016 2016 2016 Super Snakes the Northern Forest Wolverines: Ghosts of Ghosts Wolverines: World’s Wildest City: Anchorage Wildest World’s Wolverines are one of the least understood mammals in the northernWolverines they are powerful and versatile hemisphere. Members of the weasel family, reality very little is knowncarnivores - but they have a nasty reputation. In they are the and shy, about their lives, habits or social interactions. Elusive But, as this film proves,very embodiment of wilderness and wild places. the eye. often more to nature than meets there’s Compass Media/Canadian Broadcasting Corp. HD 1 x 60’ 2015 Uncharted Amazon Off the Fence/France Télévisions Off the Fence/France Genera Doc Wildlife aka Alvaro Mendoza Prod. Alvaro Mendoza aka Genera Doc Wildlife This film features the incredible stories of the people and animals that live side by side in one of the most remote and extreme cities on earth: film features the incredible stories of the people and animals This Anchorage, Alaska. unique urban wildlife, stylised reconstructions of dramatic animal incidents and observational sequences following Combining specially-shot footage of Anchorage’s biologists, series focuses researchers and conservationists, this is a treat for the eyes and a story to set the mind alight. Each episode of this compelling the city’s these wild animals have adapted to life in the most extremeon a different species, including wolves, bears, moose, lynx, beavers and porcupines, to find out how urban metropolis on the planet. Snakes are found in nearly every culture in the world. 100,000 people die every year because of them. But we also owe our survival to snake predation on rodents. on predation snake to survival our owe also we But them. of because year every die people 100,000 world. the in culture every nearly in found are Snakes attract a mythologysome of the most highly adapted animals on Earth. snakes are They Snakes cheat leaves the truth eating dust, but in reality, which sometimes invisible by blending into their background; predators using ‘mind games’; they can become their prey and confuse their the dark or survive years without see in but others are smaller Some species weight 300 pounds bigger than their own body. do eat, they can swallow huge animals, many times food; and then when they weirdest, aspects of theThis is a celebration of the best, and climb and even fly! most ecosystems and without legs, they walk, swim, than worms. Snakes live in world of snakes. Deep in the jungles of Peru, the seasonal downpours are about to beginDeep in the jungles of Peru, and changingcope with the to strive must animals conditions. rainforest’s the millions of years of evolution they have developed bizarre Through relationships and unexpected strategies to overcome challenges, but the which might be thearrival of a new species on the scene is a conundrum hardest they’ve ever faced. Seedling Media Ltd

Nature & Wildlife History HD HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 3 x 60’ 2014 2015 2016 Hemingway Unknown Animals in the Great War Animals Europe’s Last Warrior Kings Last Warrior Europe’s SD Cinematografica Ernest Hemingway spent much of his life as if permanently on holiday, and Ernest Hemingway on holiday, spent much of his life as if permanently film documents this served as a continuous source of inspiration to him. This miracle, the world wars to the Italian economic From his travels in Italy. friendships with both men and women, accompanied by good foodthrough and wine, and with the landscape as a backdrop; the pleasures and tragedies of life were fundamental fuel for the writer. Fighting alongside the men and women in the First World War were a veritable War and women in the First World Fighting alongside the men dogs, horses, pigs and pigeons were used forarmy of animals. Mules, oxen, communications in order to supportmoving units, materials, and the troops. of the relationships developed between film looks at the moving stories This against the backgroundhumans and animals, set of one of the most tragic periods of modern history. Red Film S.r.l a Norman and a SaxonA thousand years ago a Viking, for the crown fought two would be a year, of one small island on the edge of Europe. Within killed in battle, leaving one victorious, rich and powerful beyond his wildest we reveal a fight fordreams. Using the latest analysis of ancient documents, changed Europe. a tale of family feuds and betrayals that culture and belief, Presented by military historian Dan Snow. A BBC Production HD HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 2012 2016 2010 The Ghosts of The the Third Reich the Third 1 x 60’, 1 x 82’ & 1 x 93’ 1 x 60’, Enemies of the People A-Bombs Over A-Bombs SD Cinematografica Old Street Films the Killing Fields of Cambodia remain unexplained. Enter Thet Sambath, an Enter Thet the Killing Fields of Cambodia remain unexplained. decadea spent has who journalist investigative cunning but unassuming who perpetrated theof his life gaining the trust of the men and women his journey to discover why his family died here, we massacres. Through tragedy. of Cambodia’s come to understand for the first time the real story The Khmer Rouge slaughtered nearly two million people in the 1970s. Yet Rouge slaughtered nearly two million people in the 1970s. Yet Khmer The Smithsonian Networks This remarkable film explores the poignant stories of descendants of the of descendants of stories poignant film explores the remarkable This past. Interviews with individuals whose Nazis, as they confront their family’s family members were supporters of the Nazi regime reveal a common desire to distance themselves from the actions of their ancestors. But while the sins of the father should not be visited on the son, is their past too dark to wash away? On 27th January 1951, a plane flew through the dawn darkness aboveOn 27th January 1951, Flat. On board was a 1,000 lb atomic bomb, Frenchman desolate Nevada’s The crew released Able toward the desertnamed Able. At dawn, the floor. testing in the continental USage of nuclear weapons had begun. Through eyewitness reports, documents, photos and film, this is a fascinating classified testing programmelook at the largest nuclear in history. HD HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 3 x 60’ 2012 2016 2016 Icebound History Revealed (WT)History Revealed King Arthur: Legend The On 28th January 1925, newspapers bore a terrifying headline: diphtheriabore newspapers On 28th January 1925, barely enough With had broken out among the children of Nome, Alaska. people, the death toll could potentially antitoxin on hand to treat half a dozen and with one of the was still in its infancy, reach into the thousands. Aviation –dogsled – means ancient only begun, barely record on winters harshest could save the town. Anker Productions HD 1 x 60’ 2016 The Hunt for Transylvanian Gold Hunt for Transylvanian The You might think you already know all there is to know about the world’s most famous disasters. Think again! This series unpicks the secret stories behind the series unpicks the secret again! This most famous disasters. Think all there is to know about the world’s might think you already know You their big brothers. Rare photographsunravel private narratives often just as exciting as biggest world events, to buried in national archives and and footage best in restorative technology us to recreate and investigate. Incorporating the international museums help and high-tech graphics, the images in History Revealed enlighten and entertain.will amaze and astonish, never seen. There’s think you know — told with stunning images you’ve series brims with the stories you This meets the eye. always more to the past than The story unfolds with an epic look into the illicit trafficking of archaeological story unfolds The artefacts across Europe and the United States. Unexpected events and investigative efforts by a relentless prosecutor leads to thirty-three arrests by Romanian Recovery and more than 100 witnesses called to testify. authorities of thirteen unknown ‘golden spirals’ stimulates a re-awakening of identity. ancient Dacian cultural pride in the nation’s 1895 Films Across the centuries, the tales of King Arthurof King tales the centuries, the Across grippedhave the popular imagination. Sirarmour… in shining Knights Arthur Wizard… his King and the Merlin, and dramatic reconstructions and lavish photography Holy Grail… Camelot… Rich with The of ancient heritage sites Round Table… Lancelot and Guinevere… The and mystic Celtic landscapes, this thrilling programme, reveals how the stories of King Arthur have grown The and developed across a thousand years and more. hero-figure and a Camelot for their own age. on screen and in print, intriguing a new generation who are in search of an inspiring Legend is alive and well today, Green Bay Media Kogainon Films/Studio 901 Productions llc

History History HD HD HD 4 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 4 x 60’ 2016 2016 2015 The Lost Tapes: The The Real Men of The Advertising (WT) Pearl Harbor (WT) Harbor Pearl Million Dollar American Princesses Million Dollar American Princesses Using interviews with Madison Avenue ad executives, museum curators ad executives, museum Using interviews with Madison Avenue and the creators of the popular TV this series traces the series Mad Men, invention of American consumer culture from the WWII to the end of the series classic ads spanning four decades, the Featuring twentieth century. reveals the impact of advertising with exclusive access on American culture, collections and scholarship. to the National Museum of American History’s Smithsonian Networks During the attack on Pearl Harbor hundreds of Japanese planes took the Harbor During the attack on Pearl using recently soldiers and civilians. Now, lives of thousands of American The this film explores the events afresh. uncovered primary sources, composure, the military leaders fighting forjournalists struggling to keep the Roosevelts. first family, respect, and of course America’s Smithsonian Networks Smithsonian Networks HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 2016 2015 LA Riots (WT) The Lost Tapes: Lost Tapes: The Oil & Gas Pioneers of the Caribbean Oceans Discovery Tobago Smithsonian Networks Smithsonian Networks In 1595, Sir Walter Raleigh used Trinidadian pitch to re-caulk the hulls of his Raleigh used Trinidadian In 1595, Sir Walter ships; he could never have imaginedevents he would set in the chain of and in is the story of oil and gas exploration in the Caribbean, motion. This Wars during World and Tobago particular the crucial role played by Trinidad stillwhich commodity a is It oil. - gold’ ‘black for quest IIand I world’s the in shapes our politics, economics and society today. Join Elizabeth McGovern for a look at the young American heiresses whose real life stories inspired the acclaimed British TV drama Downton Abbey. The series The heiresses whose real life stories inspired the acclaimed British TVJoin Elizabeth McGovern for a look at the young American drama Downton Abbey. and ends in the twentieth into the cash-strapped British aristocracy, new industrial millionaires began to marry begins in the late 1800s, when daughters of America’s Gloria Swanson, and not through wealth, but through style and wit. She explores how Grace Kelly, when a new kind of American Princess wields power century, met tragedy after marrying into royalty, Rita Hayworth how heiresses Barbara Hutton and ‘Kick’ Kennedy rose from Hollywood royalty to part nobility, of European increasing influence brings dramatic and how Peggy in twentieth century art. Guggenheim rose to become a towering figure Through the decades, these women’s the world. change to the European aristocracy and eventually The Riots in 1992 stunned television viewers with graphic Los Angeles Riots in 1992 The and police inaction in the aftermath of the Rodneyviolence, burnings, looting story the tell to riots the of coverage local access we film this In verdicts. King people who lived through these horrific days andfrom the perspective of the sense of the anger and violence. King himselfthe journalists trying to make we all just get along?” pleaded with people, “can’t HD HD HD 7 x 60’ 6 x 60’ 6 x 60’ WWII 4K 2016 Sacred Sites Sacred Sites 2008 - 2014 Sports Detectives 2014 - 2016 Some of the most coveted and valuable treasures from history’s greatest from history’s Some of the most coveted and valuable treasures up to the Sports It’s games and players are missing or misidentified. Follow private investigator Detectives to find the items and get to the truth. and sports Barrows Kevin reporter Lauren Gardner as they travel America on Miracle on Ice flag, medal, Jim Craig’s missing Olympic gold the hunt for Ali’s items. and other legendary first racecar, Dale Earnhardt’s Smithsonian Networks This is World War II War as never seen before. Library footage restored in high is World This definition, eyewitness accounts, declassified documents and photographs, astonishing computer reconstructions and moving dramatic re-enactments help us to relive not only the political and military climate of the time, but take us side-by-side with the soldiers to discover the embarrassing truths that have remained hidden for over half a century. SD Cinematografica HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 2016 2016 Shooting the Pontiff The Unknown Flag Raiser of Iwo Jima Unknown Flag Raiser The Tile Films/Smithsonian Networks Films/Smithsonian Tile Was the remarkable mountain-carved city of Petra once ruled by women? Were prophecies at ancient Greek oracles triggered by tectonic turmoil and electromagnetic prophecies at ancient Greek once ruled by women? Were city of Petra the remarkable mountain-carved Was most remarkable ancientWorld travels the globe to visit some of the Sites of the of Chaco Canyon practice cannibalism? Sacred fields? Did the Pueblo civilisation thesurvive to priests eunuch religious helped have testosterone of lack Could question. taboo or controversial a raises this Often, tell. they stories the and structures, Expertfor example? archaeologists, geologists, anthropologistsand chemists, scientists, context and add in Hierapolis, Turkey, hell’ ‘gate to of the vapors poisonous pagans or indeed indigenous as the focus of rituals by modern in the present day, we also explore how these ancient sites remain sacred offer new insights, and people themselves. Smithsonian Networks In February 1945, a photographerIn February captured the iconic image of US Marines The identities of planting the American flag atop a mountain in Iwo Jima. these men have been thought known for 70 years, but new evidence shows reveal a new hero.This film can finally that one man was never identified. Using modern science and expert the original investigations to examine photo in ways that we have never seen before, we rewrite the history books. On 13th May 1981 as Pope John Paul II crosses St Peter’s Square in front II John Paul crosses St Peter’s On 13th May 1981 as Pope pope collapses. out. The of thousands of cheering people, three shots ring of global scope an investigation Described as the ‘crime of the century,’ with exclusive documentary, generated more questions than answers. This seeks to put the pieceseye-witness accounts and scientific reconstructions, complex affair. of the attack together to finally clarify an extremely Prounen Film - SD Cinematografica

History Science HD HD HD 6 x 60’ 4K Big Wind 2012 2015 1 x 60’ & 1 x 84’ 1 x 60’ & 1 x 83’ 2016 The Carbon Rush The Alaska Air Crash Investigations Alaska Air Hydroelectric dams in Panama; garbage incinerators in India; eucalyptus garbage incinerators in India; Hydroelectric dams in Panama; have in do these projects forests harvested for charcoal in Brazil. What that actually all pay for ‘carbon offsetting.’ But what does common? They groundbreakingmean? Are they really reducing emissions? This film takes us around the world to meet the people most impacted, seeking to uncover the truth about this new global business frontier. Carbon Rush Inc. Alaska Air Crash Investigations will have viewers on the edge of theirAlaska Air Crash Investigations and entertaining,seats. Thrilling six part this series follows the NTSB Crash expose one of the most dangerous places inInvestigation team as they airplanes to move food andWith Alaska dependent upon the world to fly. why so many flights crash in Alaska every year. supplies the team investigates Smithsonian Networks Canada has seen a huge growth which has in wind turbine development, are the so-called ‘green’transformed large swathes of its landscape. But door environmental movement, the to friends it really behind corporations film investigates why governments they have a more sinister agenda? The why power without proper evidence, wind are spending billions of dollars on losing their homes. citizens haven’t been consulted, and why families are Productions Grand Nord HD HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 15 x 60’ Boredom 2013 2016 1 x 60’ & 1 x 90’ 1 x 60’ & 1 x 90’ Air Warriors Beyond Earth New Season 2014 - 2016 and StupidityLaughology ). Elevator Films What is boredom? Where does it come from? Is it really possible to be ‘bored is boredom? Where What by journalist and and other essential questions, are posed to death’? These, filmmaker Albertparts, Nerenberg. Ironic and amusing in Boredom also offers andboredom, education of evolution the on thought for food serious some the younger generation, and our relationship with new technologies. (Also available: Smithsonian Networks The new season of this endlessly popular series takes to the air with the U-2 new season of this endlessly popular The plane with a troublesome crash record; spy War Dragon Lady – a secret Cold Harrier – the vertical which changed the face takeoff ‘jump-jet’ the AV-8B Stratotanker – the gigantic the KC-135 of military air combat; and air tanker 550mph.over of speeds at air, mid in jets refuelling world the travels which dream ticket! lover’s Strap in, this is an aircraft DLI Productions Anyone who saw Neil Armstrong take a step onto the moon were awed byAnyone who saw Neil Armstrong take a step onto his ‘giant leap for mankind.’ Now a new breed of ambitious risk-takers are astropreneurs willing to gamble everything and take us to the taking over, next solar system. Beyond Earth explores what is in store at the next great your seat belts and take a look at turning point in human exploration. Fasten the future of humans as a space-faring species. HD HD HD 1 x 60’ 2013 2011 2013 1 x 60’ & 1 x 89’ 1 x 60’ & 1 x 84’ 1 x 60’ & 1 x Fire in the Blood Fire in the G Spotting: A Story of Pleasure and Promise Google and the World Brain Google and the World In 2002, Google began an ambitious project to scan every book in existence. giantThe library would be available to the public, but the eventual global purpose was to create a higher form of intelligence, as predicted by HG Wells the books scanned were inSince more than half Brain. World essay, in his copyright, authors launched a campaign to stop Google. But is this kind of artificial intelligence an inevitable part of our future? An intricate tale of medicine and malice, Fire in the Blood tells the storyAn intricate tale of medicine companies and governments deliberatelyof how western pharmaceutical AIDSblocked access to low-cost drugs for the countries of Africa in the years have caused ten million unnecessary deaths. Shotafter 1996 – which may background,we explore the four continents, on the improbableand meet group to fight back. of people who decided Ltd (India) Ptv. Productions Sparkwater joyfulThis film explores science, sexual liberation, ideological conflicts, and of course, pleasure! How can there still be myths around female sexuality? provoke argument andHow can the mention of the erogenous zone still ‘G-spot’? G Spotting issalacious laughter? And where exactly is the famous an investigation into the heart of scientific sexology, of the fascinating world and a close-up observation of the G-zone. Zadig Productions Polar Star Films Polar

HD HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 2016 2015 2012 Forever Young Forever The Gene Doctors The that for the first time target ​ The Challenge of Venice Challenge The A girl to walk years after his who is blind regains her sight. A boy continues follows an elite film untreated brother with the same disease cannot. This cadre of medical pioneers devising treatments the root causes of genetic illnesses. Zeroing in on single-gene defects such disease, muscular dystrophy and blindness, can this progress as Huntington’s then lead the way to the treatment of cancer and autism? SD Cinematografica Venice is synonymous with the waters which surround and flow through is synonymous with the Venice survival. are also the greatestit. But these very waters threat to the city’s governance, always been a concern for the city’s Regulating the water has interventions have been made to protect theand over the centuries countless the latest attempt: a massive network film documents delicate balance. This hold back the tide forever? Venice of mobile barriers. But can Bank Studios Tangled Tell Tale Productions Tale Tell Death is the ultimate insult to the scientific mind. While science, technology, While science, technology, Death is the ultimate insult to the scientific mind. humans have still notand medicine have advanced in leaps and bounds, to overcome mortality. cracked the most elemental challenge of all: how reveals explores the age-old pursuit of unlimited longevity, Young Forever immortalityfor quest our where challenges usand us, take eventually could and death. to reconsider our conventional notions of life, ageing,

Science Science SD HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 75’ Stupidity 2009 2009 2003 1 x 60’ & 1 x 85’ 1 x 60’ & 1 x Web Warriors Web Pax Americana Pax The film investigates the little-explored topic of space weaponry and the weaponry space of little-explored topic the film investigates The of Earth prospect The politics which surround it. being ruled from space is no Featuringsci-fi, as technology purely longer to weaponise space. exists now and former USinterviews with present military personnel, space-policy peace activists, and even actor Martinanalysts, politicians, diplomats, Sheen, no documentary has gone before. this film boldly goes where Web Warriors explores the escalating global battle taking place in cyber space.the escalating global explores Warriors Web Yahoo, Amazon, Meet hacker Michael Calce (aka Mafia Boy), who shut down (aka CNN, hacker Donnie Werner and Dell – all from his bedroom. Watch mafia after come face to face with the Russian cyber Morning Wood) digital era of searching for the creators of a new computer virus. The warfare is truly upon us. Productions Tale Tell Lowik Media a success strategy?Is our culture hooked on deliberate ignorance as From Adam Sandler to George W Bush, to the origins of the word moron, Stupidity opinions Featuring examines the ‘dumbing down’ of contemporary culture. Stupidity Maher, Selma Hayek and Bill from John Cleese, Noam Chomsky, to information, humans continue to access reveals that, despite our culture’s and Boredom). (Also available: Laughology choose stupidity. Elevator Films SD HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 1 x 75’ 2016 2014 2009 Laughology Boredom and Stupidity). The Virus Hunters: Hunters: Virus The Singapore’s Field of Dreams Singapore’s Stopping the Next Outbreak Tangled Bank Studios Tangled In 2015, a mysterious virus, eventually identified as Zika, first appeared in world watched inThe year before, the Brazil, flooding clinics with patients. the Ebola virus tore through the heartAfrica, leaving somehorror as of West the number of ‘spillover’12,000 dead in its wake. Over the last half-century, follow scientists and experts We into the Why? diseases has increased rapidly. hot zones in a search for answers. world’s Elevator Films An exploration of the contagiousness of laughter, with Canadian filmmaker An exploration of the contagiousness of laughter, been have may laughter that case the makes film AlbertThis Nerenberg. the original that the human ability to share and transmit peace signal and film also key to the rise of human civilisation. The laughter may have been phenomenon such as laughter partieschronicles unusual laughter and the available: laughter epidemic. (Also 1962 Tanzanian Beach House Pictures How do you build the world’s ultimate sports ultimate complex? Costing more than How do you build the world’s aquatics centre, a multi- $1bn, the project includes an ingenious indoor purpose arena, and a water sports cutting edge centrepiece is a centre. The Over two domed roof. 55,000 seat national stadium with a unique, retractable the tightest of deadlines,years we follow the construction team as they face unexpected obstacles, and high-risk construction procedures. After Elizabeth II: The Monarchy in Peril? Bert Stern: Original Mad Man 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ & 1 x 89’ This documentary looks at the future of the royal family once the crown is In this unconventional documentary, the original Mad Man photographer passed to Prince Charles. The Prince of Wales is not widely loved in Britain or reveals himself for the first time. Bert Stern’s 1953 ‘Driest of the abroad and many look to his son Prince William. But ‘Wills’ seems a reluctant Dry’ advertising campaign for Smirnoff introduced America to vodka. royal, and his brother, Prince Harry, is best known for a series of scandals. We Photographing the world’s most beautiful women, the kid from Brooklyn was investigate the gathering royal storm and ask the once-unthinkable question: living a dream. But then it all went wrong. We explore creativity, celebrity, and can the monarchy survive after Elizabeth II? desire through the eyes of a man who got everything he wanted… almost. Kaos Productions Inc 2009 HD Magic Film Productions 2011 HD Culture People &

Bettie Page Reveals All Birders: The Central Park Effect 1 x 60’ & 1 x 101’ 1 x 60’ With her vivaciously innocent flair, there never was a pinup like Bettie Page. We reveal the extraordinary array of wild birds that grace Manhattan’s Central Through Page’s own words, we explore her extraordinary life. After a troubled Park, and the equally colourful New Yorkers who schedule their lives around childhood, Page challenged the repression of the 1950s with uncommon the rhythms of migration. This film reveals that Central Park acts as a magnet grace until she walked away at the peak of her career. A great cult icon, for the millions of birds migrating along the Eastern Seaboard twice every Bettie Page recounts the true story of how her free expression overcame year. Desperate for a rest-stop, the tiny birds funnel in to this oasis of nature government witch-hunts to help launch America’s sexual revolution. amid the sea of steel and concrete. Single Spark Pictures 2012 HD Alternate Image Productions 2012 HD

Chasing the Royals: The BorderLine Media and the Monarchy 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ BorderLine explores the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks as experienced The monarchy and the media are like a feuding couple who can’t afford to by people living along the Canada/US border. The film follows award-winning divorce. Nothing sells newspapers like a royal scoop, so journalists are always filmmaker Daniel Sekulich as he treks across North America on both sides looking for the next one. The monarchy cannot retreat from the public without of the international line. The film considers how recent initiatives like the alienating it, so they court the media they detest. This film explores the battle Beyond The Border agreement might threaten our privacy, civil liberties, and between the right to privacy and the right to a free press. But as young royals perhaps even Canadian sovereignty during the next decade. become more media-savvy, what does the future hold? Tell Tale Productions 2012 HD Kaos Productions Inc 2011 HD People & Culture HD HD HD 1 x 83’ 2016 2009 2008 2 x 60’ & 1 x 60’ 2 x 60’ & 1 x Gary Gilmore Genius Within: Genius Within: Forgetting Dad Forgetting 1 x 60’, 1 x 85’ & 1 x 108’ 1 x 60’, The Execution of Execution The The Inner Life of Glenn Gould Inner Life of Glenn The An enigmatic musical poet and the most documented classical musician pianist Glenn Gould continues to captivate international of the last century, weaves together film audiences twenty-six years after his untimely death. This an unprecedented array of unseen footage, private home recordings and intimate friends most with Gould’s as compelling interviews as well diaries, and lovers, piercing through the myths, man beneath. revealing the White Pine Pictures White In 1977, Gary Gilmore spoke his last words, ‘let’s do it,’ and was executed do it,’ and was his last words, ‘let’s In 1977, Gary Gilmore spoke the death penalty in the UnitedThat simple act re-instated by firing squad. 1977 since and opened, floodgates The moratorium. ten-year a after States executions have taken place in the US.over 1,000 state sponsored Exclusive the Gilmore saga to life - re-telling a crucial story offootage in this film sparks what happens next? American justice, and asking, Films Productions, Inc./1895 WS Richard Minnich wakesA week after an apparently minor car accident, his wife and children,up with total amnesia. He no longer recognises re-christens himself ‘New Richard’ and begins a completely new life. A psychological detective story in the best sense, this award-winning film membersfamily with interviews through memory lost Richard’s for searches and co-workers, eventually uncovering startling facts about the amnesia itself. Rick Films

HD HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ 2012 2012 2013 1 x 60’ & 1 x 80’ 1 x 60’ & 1 x 80’ Fouad’s Dream Fouad’s Dollars for a Saint Dollars for Fight Like Soldiers, Die Like Children We follow Montreal civic leader Fouad Sahyoun’s return to Haifa, the city of Sahyoun’s follow Montreal civic leader Fouad We his birth. remembers Haifa as a jewel of Arab-Jewish-Christian multi- Fouad exodus before his family joined the Palestinian faith, multi-ethnic harmony, dream is to establish business and cultural links between in 1948. Fouad’s his world and Haifa, but that is fraught with difficulties. Can entrepreneurship succeed where diplomacy and war have failed? Avra GeorgiouAvra Messolonghi, a small coastal town in western Greece, is inhabited by twoby inhabited is Greece, western in town coastal small a Messolonghi, diverse groups, gypsies, locals and who have developed a harmonic co- feast. During the celebration, the St Symeon existence, sealed by a communal feast, gypsies music and eat traditional food, creating a joyous play traditional celebrates the residents’ St documentary This atmosphere of collaboration. generation. feast as it is handed to a new Symeon Productions Grand Nord White Pine Pictures White When you’ve been to hell and back, how do you shake the memories? That been to hell and back, how do you shake the memories? That you’ve When 1994, when he was UNquestion has haunted General Roméo Dallaire since Dallaire is embarking during the Rwandan genocide. Now, Commander Force he succeed where so many on a mission to end the use of child soldiers. Will and Northhave failed? Shot across Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan, America, heart magnetic personality is the beating of this striking film. Dallaire’s HD HD HD 1 x 60’ 2016 2009 2015 2 x 60’ & 1 x 90’ 2 x 60’ & 1 x 2 x 60’ & 1 x 60’ Mighty Uke The Murder The of JonBenét Real Pakistan Real Pakistan A Journey into the A Journey Think of a ukulele and you imagine of a Think grass skirts, lyrics. slide guitar and kitschy ensembles are sprouting But the ukulele is making a comeback. Clubs and their grandparents’up around the world, and a new generation is pulling the Redwoods of California to swingingukase out of the closet. From high-rise canyons, Mighty Uke discover why so many are London to Tokyo’s with each other. turning to the ukulele to connect with the past, and Tiny Goat Films Tiny Decorated veteran Robert to explore a country travels to Pakistan Gallimore dangerous country in the world’ threatens to whose status as ‘the most Gallimore challenges the western ancient history. overwhelm its rich and if not the most unexpected, unexplored side of, narrative, and unveils the misunderstood country in the world. dangerous, perhaps the most Concious Captivation Who killed six year old beauty pageant queen JonBenét Ramsey in the killed six year old beauty pageant queen JonBenét Who discovered inwas body the child’s after years Twenty night? of the dead Colorado home, the mystery Boulder, the basement of the Ramsey family’s and director Lawrence Schiller explores the story remains unsolved. Writer with exclusive images and interviews, and uncovers fresh information from killing like never before. those involved to tell the story of JonBenét’s Productions, Inc/1895 Films WS HD HD HD 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ Mugshot 2014 2011 2009 1 x 60’ & 1 x 75’ 1 x 60’ & 1 x Karsh is History Italy: Love It or Leave It Italy: Love Gizmo Films Productions Grand Nord Luca and Gustav are two young Italians. Many of their friends have moved young Italians. Many of their friends have moved Luca and Gustav are two or Barcelona; tired of a country that seems mired abroad, to Berlin, London, givein quicksand. They months to see if they can fall in love themselves six road trip in an old Fiat 500, they try to with Italy again. On an emotional dream, abroad people make to power the have still to appears it why unravel past and uncertainto make sense of its celebrated future. Think Hugh Grant, Justin Bieber, Charlie Sheen. Far beyond its law Charlie Sheen. Far Hugh Grant, Justin Bieber, Think enforcement purposes, the mug shot has become the iconic visual image of VIP culture, exploited misadventure. Sensationalised through our celebrity by the leniency of freedom of information, they have even captivated the attention of the art stories of those world. Mugshot explores the personal whose lives have been transformed by these often defining photographs. Martin Audrey Churchill, Picasso, Luther King, Einstein, Fidel Castro, Winston picture of every one of Hepburn: we all know that single, most famous photographerthem. Behind the camera for each was the legendary Yousuf attach philosophers the ways critics, curators and film explores This Karsh. meaning to iconic portrait photographs,the singular career of and considers Karsh - the ultimate myth maker. Yousuf HIQ Productions srl.s

People & Culture Note by Note: The Making No Word for Worry of a Steinway L1037 1 x 60’ & 1 x 89’ 1 x 60’ & 1 x 90’ As one of the last indigenous Moken sea nomads, Hook wonders what the The most thoroughly handcrafted instruments in the world, Steinways are future holds. Raised with the ocean as his universe, learning to swim before as full of personality as the world-class musicians who choose them above he could walk, today his lifestyle is under threat. Hook’s voyage forces him to all others. This engrossing documentary follows the creation of the latest confront his intransigent family, and at the same time brings him face to face Steinway concert grand, #L1037. It explores the relationship between with ‘new’ values from the modern world. But how do you face the future musician and instrument, chronicles the manufacturing process, and when in the Moken language there is no word for ‘worry’? investigates what makes each Steinway unique and why that’s important. Ten Thousand Images 2014 HD Plow Productions 2007 HD Culture People &

On the Bride’s Side Pets on Prozac 1 x 60’ & 1 x 98’ 1 x 60’ A poet and a journalist meet five Palestinians and Syrians in Milan, the latter Nowadays, pet spas offer ‘paw-dicures’; chefs run pet delis; and everything having fled from Syria. The group hatch a plan to complete their journey to from braces to heart surgery is now available for your cat or dog, assuming Sweden… by faking a wedding! With a friend dressed as a bride and a dozen you can afford it. The newest trend is psycho-active pet drugs. Identifying more as wedding guests, they cross half of Europe on a journey of 3,000km. a huge untapped market, ‘big pharma’ has released drugs for aggression, This emotion story celebrates a supportive and irreverent Europe whose ‘till separation anxiety, obesity, and diminished mental capacity. So is this a death us do part’ spirit is inspiring and fulfilling. humane new medical option, or are we barking up the wrong tree? Gina Films di Antonio Augugliaro & Co 2014 HD White Pine Pictures 2009 HD

Royals and Animals: A Promise to the Dead Til Death Us Do Part 1 x 60’ & 1 x 90’ 1 x 60’ Join us for exploration of exile, memory, and democracy through the words Britain is pet crazy, and has a monarch to match. “The Queen’s private and memories of playwright/author/activist Ariel Dorfman. Born in Argentina, passions follow this order,” says former royal butler Paul Burrell, “horses, growing up in New York and Chile, Dorfman became cultural advisor to dogs, husband and kids.” For the first time, this film documents the socialist president Salvador Allende in Chile. When the Allende government extraordinary relationship between the Windsors and their animals. We meet was toppled in the military coup of 11 September 1973, Dorfman was the staff who cook and care for them, the footmen who walk the Queen’s among a handful of Allende’s inner circle to survive. This is his story. corgis, and the chefs who cut carrots for her horses. White Pine Pictures 2007 HD Kaos Productions Inc 2014 HD Serving the Royals: See No Evil Inside the Firm 1 x 60’ & 1 x 72’ 1 x 60’ This poetic documentary follows retired apes as they look back at their lives. They iron the Queen’s sheets and squeeze Prince Charles’s toothpaste - the We meet Cheetah, star of Tarzan films, who eats porridge with a spoon and 700 members of the royal household are privy to the most intimate royal grows his pension by making abstract art; and Kanzi, who is regarded as details. A great asset but also a great liability, the spotlight is on these long- the cleverest monkey in the world, and who was filmed in a study about suffering helpers: from valets and maids to chefs, protection officers and acquiring language. This is an investigation into the intriguing relationship secretaries. Round the clock they toil, often thanklessly, but they see and between chimp and man, as ‘remembered’ by the protagonists. hear almost everything. Here are some of their stories… Dieptescherpte BV 2014 HD Kaos Productions Inc 2012 HD Culture People &

Shake Hands with the Devil The Team 1 x 60’ & 1 x 90’ 1 x 60’ & 1 x 80’ In 1994, in one of the greatest tragedies of the twentieth century, nearly Kenya has been called Africa’s success story - relatively stable and ethnically 800,000 people were murdered amid civil unrest in Rwanda. This harmonious. But following the December 2007 presidential election, documentary tells the story of Roméo Dallaire, a Canadian general in charge everything changed, and Kenya edged towards civil war. In this eccentric of the UN’s unsuccessful peacekeeping mission in the country prior to the story, we follow a group of Kenyan TV makers, who club together to create a killings. Returning for the first time in ten years, Dallaire recalls his painful soap opera about a soccer team, hoping to bridge ethnic divisions. Can the memories and wonders if he could have stopped the disaster… lowliest of art forms achieve the loftiest of goals? White Pine Pictures 2007 HD White Pine Pictures 2010 HD

Waking the Green Tiger, A Green The Truth Behind the Headlines Movement Rises in China 35 x 30’ 1 x 60’ & 1 x 78’ How often does a big news story dominate the headlines, only to be Seen through the eyes of activists, farmers, and journalists, Waking the forgotten the next day? Can you remember the looming dangers of last Green Tiger follows an extraordinary campaign to stop a huge dam project year? So what really happened to yesterday’s news stories? This series is a on the upper Yangtze river in south-west China. When a new environmental timely counterweight to today’s 24/7 news, peels back the layers of some law is passed and ordinary citizens are given the democratic right to speak of the most perplexing news stories of our past. Including episodes on the out about government decisions, activists test their freedom to save a river. Challenger shuttle, the Exxon Valdez spill, and the 2000 Florida recount. The movement they trigger has the potential to transform China. Retro Report 2016 HD Face to Face Media 2011 HD Counterfeit Culture Driven to Love 1 x 60’ 8 x 60’ Counterfeit Culture explores the dangerous world of imitation products. An Ray J serves as driver and expert wingman as he sets one sexy singleton industry that once dealt in fake handbags and shoes has exploded into a up with five potential dates in the back of a tricked out love taxi! Shocking global epidemic of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, foods, toys, electronic games and fun surprises steer the dater to their perfect match. Some suitors goods, car parts and microchips. Counterfeit goods are now worth more get kicked to the curb on the streets of NYC, but only one can get Driven to than $1 trillion and represent nearly 10% of all global trade. The film goes Love on a dream getaway with our dater. This is the show that gives ‘pickup’ undercover to reveal what’s being done to combat this deadly spread. a whole new meaning! Tell Tale Productions 2013 HD Lion Television 2016 HD

Ex Isle Exhale 10 x 60’ 24 x 60’ Ex Isle is a groundbreaking new dating/un-dating series. Five on-again/off- An episode of Exhale is an hour full of honesty, entertainment and surprises, again couples are secluded on a remote island, undergoing intensive therapy and no topic is off limits! In this provocative new talk series, hosts Angela to detoxify their relationships. Host Carmen Electra guides them on a process Burt-Murray, Erin Jackson, Issa Rae, Malinda Williams, Rene Syler and their for getting over their ex, led by relationship therapist Dr Ish Major. But in a special guests let it all out in candid discussions on family, relationships,

shock twist, the arrival of ten eligible singles gives the exes a fresh chance at money, faith and everything that African American women are talking about. Lifestyle love, and others a dose of heartache. 495 Productions 2016 HD ASPiRE 2013 - 2015 HD

Facebook Follies: The Unexpected Consequences of Social Media Ghosts in the Hood 1 x 60’ 6 x 60’ Our relationships, our thoughts, our pastimes, our memories, our lives and We might be used to seeing ghosts in haunted houses, and deserted deaths - all are now routinely recorded on Facebook. But this vital film takes a graveyards, but have you ever seen a ghost in the hood? This entertaining look at the unexpected consequences of using social media. We meet people series follows Official Paranormal Operations - a hilarious ragtag group who lost their jobs, their marriages, or even ended up in jail - all because of of multi-ethnic ghostbusters who solve the paranormal problems other Facebook. It’s an engaging journey through one of today’s most pervasive operatives can’t. With more ‘hood credibility’ than your average haunted forces of social change. hunter, they ain’t afraid of no ghosts. Tell Tale Productions 2011 HD Gurney Productions 2016 HD Growing up Girls’ Night Out Hip Hop 1 x 60’ 6 x 60’ An intimate, all-access journey into the world of young women binge Heirs of hip-hop royalty step out from their iconic parent’s shadow, in a drinking. Among young women it is an epidemic. The statistics are alarming: fight to establish their own legacies. But as they hustle for independent alcohol is the leading cause of death for American women aged 18-24. This success, will they triumph or be crushed by the weight of their extraordinary film explores the glamorisation of drinking in celebrity pop culture, targeted worlds? Featuring: Romeo Miller (Master P’s son), Angela Simmons (Rev marketing by alcohol companies and how drinking has become the go-to Run’s daughter), TJ Mizell (Jam Master Jay’s son), Kristinia DeBarge (James solution in this self-medicating, low self-esteem, anxiety-driven culture. DeBarge’s daughter), and Egypt Criss (‘Pepa’ Denton’s daughter). White Pine Pictures 2016 HD E One Entertainment 2016 HD

Hot Grits Inside Superyachts 8 x 60’ 6 x 30’ Welcome to Valdosta, Georgia, United States. It has everything you might Inside Superyachts takes the audience on an exclusive journey behind the expect from a small southern town: warm air, picturesque sunsets, and true scenes of some of the world’s leading superyacht designers. The series hospitality. It’s also home to some of the most beautiful girls in the US. Hot focuses on the craftsmanship and design of the yachts from the initial Grits follows the exploits of a group of brash and hilarious southern girls. The sketches by concept designers through to the build and fit-out by yacht

Lifestyle girls may have a similar southern twang in their voices, but they all wear their builders and interior designers. We also explore some ground-breaking Daisy Dukes a little differently. achievements in marine technology, and the latest super-toys and gadgets. New Pop Culture Productions for VH1 2015 HD Inside Luxury Productions 2016 HD

Jim & Chrissy: Vow or Never Kendra on Top & The Untold Story 6 x 60’ 80 x 30’, 5 x 60’ & 8 x 90’ Hip hop duo Jim Jones and Chrissy Lampkin move to Miami and decide Former wild-child Kendra Wilkinson, glamour model and ex-girlfriend of it’s finally time to tie the knot after 11 years together. But when Jim insists Hugh Hefner, doesn’t do things by halves. In this series, Kendra’s career on televising the nuptials live, Chrissy begins to have doubts given their on- grows to new heights, she battles to balance her celebrity lifestyle with being again, off-again track record. Meddling friends and longstanding family feuds a full-time mum, and drama unfolds when her husband Hank is accused of push the couple to the edge. It’s their last shot at happily ever after. Will Jim having an affair with a transsexual model. Kendra is back again with a new and Chrissy finally make it to the altar? series, and we can expect a whole lot more drama! Ish Entertainment 2016 HD Prometheus New Season 2012 - 2016 HD Lifestyle HD HD HD 20 x 30’ 10 x 60’ New Season 2010 - 2016 2016 Love & Hip Hop Love & Hip 222 x 60’, 8 x 30’, 1 x 90’ & 1 x 120’ 1 x 90’ 8 x 30’, 222 x 60’, Mario Lopez: One on One 2012 - 2013 Million Dollar Matchmaker Evergreen celebrity reality show Love & Hip Hop returns across New York, Evergreen Love & Hip Hop returns across New York, celebrity reality show with returning players and some new Atlanta and Hollywood franchises, their and the game know no boundaries. With faces proving that love, music as always, the game takes eyes on the prize of fortune, fame and family, Expect an over-the-top celebrity- professionally. its toll, both personally and tears, drama, and tons of swag! studded celebration with for VH1 Culture Productions New Pop sits down for a series of one-to-ones with Hollywood insider Mario Lopez most influential Latino superstars. hottest celebrities and some of today’s talking about are talking to Mario, and nothing is off everyone’s stars that The Rubio, season the special guests include Cheech Marin, Paulina limits! This and many more. Peña Michael , fuse tv HD HD 6 x 60’ 12 x 30’ 2016 Love Blows 2016 Kingin’ with The world’s most renowned matchmaker is back and more outspoken than ever! Patti Stanger, along with her dynamic team, has upped her game in matchmaking. along with her dynamic Stanger, most renowned matchmaker is back and more outspoken than ever! Patti world’s The has taken over the 21st floor of an exclusive high-end resort Patti where she will go head-to-head with her most this season of Million Dollar Matchmaker, For eyes and ears are everywhere. After an be checking into the resort. Every week, two new millionaires will challenging Unbeknownst to the clients, Patti’s clients ever. dater must choose a catch! The But there’s is chemistry. extensive recruiting, each millionaire will go on two dates each with two potential matches to see if there retreat, who will check out in love and who will leave alone? the millionaire back or they will be forced to check out alone. So, at the end of a week-long intense We follow the unconventional family behind Chicago’s premier matchmaking the unconventional family behind Chicago’s follow We and wife team, ably assisted by owned by a husband service, LuvBiz. It’s got the new spouse! It’s their two kids, as well as his former mistress and her previously a partner of Stanger, seal of approval from star matchmaker Patti as their number one consultant, while headed to Chicago LuvBiz. Now she’s dreams. Patti’s owners Jim and Lisa plot to find the man of ThinkFactory Media ThinkFactory 495 Productions Eyeworks USA/3 Ball Entertainment for MTV2Eyeworks USA/3 Come backstage for a behind-the-scenes look at the life of hit recording hit life of the at look behind-the-scenes a for backstage Come and his crew as they attempt over-the-top series follows Tyga The artist, Tyga. million 5 him brought has which lifestyle lavish the in indulge and stunts and HartInstagram from Kevin guest appearances and T-Rell, followers. With pranks, and a lot of gold; if you want to know featuring helicopters, sharks, this is the show for you. how a rapper really lives, Money. Power. Respect. My Life is a Telenovela 6 x 60’ 8 x 60’ Six ambitious entertainment attorneys use all the tricks of their legal training Set against the sun-drenched, glimmering backdrop of Miami Beach, this to get Money, Power and Respect in their personal and professional lives. series follows the most recognisable and fiery actors and actresses on the Getting ahead is the name of the game, and you can be sure they won’t stop Latin telenovela scene. It’s hard to believe, but the drama of their own lives is at anything to achieve it. often even more outrageous than that of the characters they play onscreen. For many, their aim now is to break through and achieve fame in the coveted English-language market. But not everyone can make it… Eastern TV 2016 HD Matador 2016 HD

Selling It In The ATL 6 x 60’ Atlanta is booming and women are taking over the real estate game. The world of real estate in Atlanta is ever-changing, so to keep up with the market you have to keep up with the top-selling ladies in the industry. Tensions rise as seven realtors compete to claim their stake in prime ATL properties. With clients ranging from NFL players and music industry giants to CEOs and foreign diplomats, these boss women use their business acumen and large personalities to close deals. When the old and new South clash and alliances shift, can profits prevail over personal drama? Black or white, veteran or up-and-coming, the women of Selling It

Lifestyle In the ATL are cut-throat on and off the market.

World of Wonder 2016 HD

Sisters in Law Unscripted 8 x 60’ 177 x 22’ HD & 12 x 22’ SD & 1 x 60’ This series follows a powerful, elite group of black female lawyers in Houston You know their names, you know their work, but you’ve never had them as they tackle tough cases, fight injustice, and battle controversy - all while tell you their story in their own words. Until now. We take you on a visual struggling to maintain their decades-long friendship. They are each other’s journey inside the life and work of a Hollywood entertainer, author, politician, adversaries and allies. They may differ in point of view as criminal or civil spiritual guide or journalist. Celebrities include Ricki Lake, Kris Jenner, Jackie lawyers, but their ability to win cases in a traditionally white, male-dominated Collins, , Nigel Lythgoe, and many more! profession is a bond that can’t be broken. Collins Avenue 2016 HD TMG Inc 2009 - 2010 HD Aerial Africa 6 x 60’ Aerial Africa reveals the fascinating stories you’d never find if you weren’t in the air. This epic series offers magnificent aerial views of the majestic waterfalls, vast drought plains, red dunes touching the horizon, and spectacular sweeping herds of Africa. And we see it all from a unique vantage point, thousands of feet in the air. We begin our journey in the colourful Cape, then follow the Skeleton coast to , fly through and Zimbabwe and come full circle with the eastern coast of South Africa. As well as celebrating the natural wonders of the continent, we also consider humanity’s impact on it. From Namibia’s Fish River Canyon to the sprawling megatroplis of Johannesburg and the diamond divers at Port Nolloth, this is an adventure for the mind and for the senses.

Smithsonian Networks 2016 4K HD

Aerial America : Specials 52 x 60’ 15 x 60’ Take off on a thrilling flight to explore America from the air. Swoop over Aerial America: Specials brings us more episodes showcasing the best of California’s Hearst castle, around Alcatraz and under the Golden Gate bridge. the US. We travel across the country to uncover the greatest US manmade Watch bears catching salmon in Alaska’s rivers, surge over a mountain ridge marvels, discover the secrets of the south and revisit the best of New and float over one of the largest volcanoes in North American; glide over the England! Among our new episodes, we’re also taking off from the mainland Nevada desert, and explore Colorado’s Great Lakes. America will never look to visit a group of Caribbean Islands simply unrivalled in their tropical beauty. the same from the ground again. Smithsonian Networks 2007 - 2015 New Episodes HD Smithsonian Networks 2013 - 2016 New Episodes HD Adventure Travel &

America’s National Parks at 100 Mumbai 1 x 60’ 1 x 60’ The National Park Service has, for over a century, preserved and protected Mumbai is the financial capital of the Indian sub-continent, a city of 16 over 400 parks across America, from the wild and natural to the man-made million, and home to the largest slum in Asia. The population of Mumbai and historic. Take a tour through iconic Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon to will have reached 33 million by 2025, with areas of poverty that will have discover smaller, hidden treasures throughout the country. With rare footage become intolerable. So how do the cities - the pukka city of the rich and the and stunning aerial views, we celebrate the sites and stories of the national kutcha city of the poor, the solid city of concrete and glass and the flimsy city landmarks that reflect the US: past, present, and future. of cardboard and plastic, co-exist? Smithsonian Networks 2016 4K HD SD Cinematografica 2008 HD On the Trail of the Glaciers 3 x 60’ Is it really possible to predict the fate of our planet? Photographer Fabiano Ventura has taken up the challenge: for the first time, filming and photography on the most remote glaciers in the world provide visual evidence of the climate change that has occurred over the last century. This thrilling quest travels to Karakorum, the Caucasus, Patagonia, Alaska and the Alps in an attempt to understand the destiny of our planet.

SD Cinematografica 2010 - 2015 HD

Raw Travel The Travel Bug 50 x 30’ 65 x 60’ Raw Travel strips the traditional travelogue of all its trappings and gets back Travel Bug returns for a sixth series exploring the destinations we long to see! to basics. Robert Rose invites viewers to shed their fears, crack out their In this series, Morgan Burrett heads to the south coast of Australia for some passports, and strap on their backpacks. No celebrities, just real, ordinary much needed sun, before making tracks to Japan for a winter adventure people having extraordinary experiences. From Colombia to Trinidad, Mexico in Hokkaido. Morgan also takes us to Korea, including the spectacular Jeju City to New York City, this is travel as it should be: raw. Island, as well as the pacific jewel of Tahiti. This is a dream ticket to paradise!

AIM Television 2013 - 2016 New Season HD The Rusty Cage 2010 - 2016 New Season HD Adventure Travel &

Through the Unknown 1 x 75’ What motivates an individual to challenge the void? This is the story of a unique adventure, of three years dedicated to a visionary project: the winter ascent of Nanga Parbat. The ninth-highest mountain in the world, numerous mountaineering deaths in the twentieth century have lent it the nickname killer mountain.’ But if you can reach the summit, the rewards speak for themselves.

SD Cinematografica 2016 HD Feature Docs 82’ 86’ 90’ 2011 2005 2016 60’ 60’ 60’ SD HD HD WildBear EntertainmentWildBear Teddy Bear Films Inc Bear Teddy Curse of the Gothic The Symphony Said to be cursed, for over 80 years the immense ‘Gothic’ symphony has unperformedremained entirety. in its At over two hours long, requiring two five and bands brass four orchestras, unsurprising. perhaps is this choirs, full Filmed over five years, this colourful and quirky documentary follows the journey of a brave and committed group of musicians, who attempt to break the curse and stage this epic work. China Blue this film Shot clandestinely in China, don’t exposes what retail companies want us to see - how the clothes we buy are actually made. China Blue takes where two us inside a jeans factory, girls,teenage are Orchid, and Jasmine trying to survive the near-impossible conditions. But when the factory owner agrees a deal with his western client that forces his teenage workers to work around the clock, a confrontation becomes inevitable. DLI Productions Beyond EarthBeyond take a Armstrong who saw Neil Anyone by his were awed the moon step onto ‘giant mankind.’ Now a new leap for risk-takers are taking breed of ambitious willing to gamble astropreneurs over, everything take us to the next solar and Earthsystem. Beyond explores what is next greatin store at the turning point your seat Fasten in human exploration. the future of belts and take a look at species. humans as a space-faring Director: Abbey Jack Neidik Director: Randall Wood Director: Micha X. Peled 80’ 87’ 90’ 2013 2011 2013 60’ HD HD HD Red Zed Films Teddy Bear Films Inc Bear Teddy Mundo Films The Condemned The takes viewers into the Condemned The most Russia’s of one of world hidden impenetrable and remote institutions: maximumColony 56, a security Penal prison exclusively for murderers. Deep inside the land of the gulags, this is the end of the line for some of Russia’s men 260 - criminals dangerous most 800 nearly killed collectively have who people. Bitter Seeds about the Bitter Seeds raises questions human cost of genetically-modified agriculturewe how of future the and grow is the final film in Micha things. This which Globalisation Trilogy, X Peled’s have won 18 international awards, aired on 30 television channels and screened have They festivals. film 100 over in campaigns connected viewers to NGO and encouraged western consumers to understand their impact on the rest of the world. American Commune American a hippies founded 1,500 In 1970, Members Tennessee. in rural commune grew food, delivered babies at their own a self-sufficient society. home and built Beverly from mother Jewish a by Raised PuertoHills and a Rican father from sisters Rena and Nadine the Bronx, first time since 1985. return for the finds that, perhaps American Commune alive communal values are surprisingly, and well in the next generation. Director: Micha X. Peled Directors: Nadine Mundo & Rena Mundo Croshere Directors: Nadine Mundo Director: Nick Read 94’ 78’ 76’ 2009 2013 2013 HD HD HD Kovno Communications Kovno In 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, a leading strategist,war that concludes Vietnam on role in the war is based America’s decades of lies. He leaks 7,000 pages of York New the documents to top-secret daring act of conscience that a Times, President Watergate, to directly leads resignation and the end of the Nixon’s Ellsberg and a who’s-who War. Vietnam movers and shakers of Vietnam-era give a riveting account of those world- changing events. The Most Dangerous Man in Most Dangerous The America: Daniel Ellsberg and Papers the Pentagon Salted Media Reaching far beyond Hollywood’s Hollywood’s far beyond Reaching the fatales, femme hypersexualised explores the relationshipfilm candidly violence and the modernbetween gun encompassing issuesAmerican woman, and feminism. This power, of protection, meditation on a deadlyis a thoughtful who’vewomen meet We issue. serious a home in the guncarved themselves personal journeys but their community, every womanreflect the same issues faces today. A Girl and A Gun A and A Girl Magic Camp growingof escape the pressures To up, magic-obsessed kids congregate at the one place they can be themselves. Magic Camp is the oldest and Tannen’s most prestigious training ground for young magicians - a Hogwarts for the want to prove their real world. They worth on the stage where heroes like Blaine and Copperfield once performed. But to get there, they need to learn more have to find than sleight of hand. They the magic inside. Flatbush Pictures Directors: Rick Goldsmith & Judith Ehrlich Director: Cathryne Czubek Director: Judd Ehrlich 75’ 72’ 84’ 2011 2013 2012 60’ 60’ HD HD HD Eames: The Architect and and Architect The Eames: Painter The of Charles wife team husband and The most America’s Eames were and Ray and importantinfluential industrial for their creations designers. Admired as individuals, they and fascinating iconic status in American have risen to on a treasure film draws culture. This material, as well as new trove of archival capture the personal story interviews, to them while placing of Charles and Ray, their fascinating firmly in the context of times. Miss Nikki and the Tiger Miss Nikki and the Tiger Girls Girls mirrors Miss Nikki and the Tiger the remarkable change taking place in Burma, a metaphor for a country suddenly thrust onto the world stage. In September 2010, people are looking with tired cynicism at the prospect of yet another bogus election. But the story girls’the of look uplifting an is journey against all the odds, and at Girl Power is released from when Aung San Suu Kyi may house arrest, it seems their world be turning. I Love Venice each attracts 30 million tourists Venice is expected to year and this number rise. Everybody wants to see this city of dreams, a fairytale place built on water. Meanwhile inhabitants are fleeing the turning into simply a town. Is Venice story the tells Venice Love I park? theme of the people still living in the most beautiful city in the world and of its citizens taking protest to the streets to save the city as a real community. Catticus Corporation Snow White Films Snow White Iris Pictures Directors: Quirine Racké & Helene Muskens Directors: Jason Choen & Bill Jersey Directors: Jason Choen Eames Starring: Charles and Ray Director: Julie Lamont Hnin, Htike Htike, Cha Cha, Ah Moon, Wai Featuring: Kimmy & Nikki May

Feature Docs Feature Docs 80’ 90’ 77’ 2015 2012 2014 60’ HD HD HD Some Kind of Spark follows kids from New film This as they begin the life-changing York experience of studying on Juilliard’s music advancement programme, an outreach class for communities that are underrepresented in the arts. This is a new world for these children, and the film demands are high. Ultimately, aims to serve as an inspiration for other programmes to nurture two of our most valuable national treasures: our children and our musical heritage. Plus Pictures Productions Tale Tell Plow Productions Santa Quest DunsworthCanadian actor John is challengingtackling one of the most career - Santa roles of his illustrious journey feature follows John’s Claus. This to bring home the gold for Canada at the Along Sweden. in Games Winter Santa he hopes to discover what Santa the way, John, and Christmas are really about. For the journey is an opportunity to explore religion, belief systems, existentialism, and his own achievements and failures. Rent a Family a Rent ‘I Japanese company runs a small Ryuichi and operates Up Ltd,’ Cheer You To Want mobile phone. He rents it from his family members, friends, out people: others, to help customers colleagues or life their make or secrets their hide appealingly successful than appear more family the surface,it really is. On Ryuichi’s enough. But he is most life is ordinary impersonating happy when he is at work someone else. Director: Mette Heide Narowynski Director: P.J. Starring: John Dunsworth Director: Ben Niles 84’ 89’ 76’ 2015 2008 2001 SD HD HD The Real Shaolin Real The two Chinese movies, Fu by Kung Inspired to the journey westerners and two known as the in China, Shaolin Temple and Zen Buddhism, birthplace Fu of Kung year of rigorous martialto undergo a arts hopes of becoming Kung training in the of excruciating warriors. In the course Fu martial arts their fantasies collide training, the Shaolin Temple as with harsh reality, is the ultimate test for martial artists from all over the world. Scottsboro: An American Tragedy In 1931, two white women stepped from a train in Alabama to make a shocking accusation: they had been raped by nine black teenagers. So legal significant most the of one began The trial fights of the twentieth century. of the nine falsely accused teens would draw the north and south of the US into their sharpest conflict since the civil war, yield two momentous supreme court decisions and give birth to the civil rights movement. Salam Neighbor Americans head to the edge of Two Syrian just seven miles from the war, 80,000 refugees in among live to border, Za’atari refugee camp. As the first Jordan’s the by filmmakers allowed to set-up UN a tent inside a refugee camp, Zach and Chris plunge into the heart of the world’s They crisis. humanitarian pressing most uncover inspiring stories of individuals their rebuild to odds, all rallying, against lives and those of their neighbours. Anker Productions Living on One/1001 Media Bull in a China Shop Productions Directors: Daniel Anker & Barack Goodman Directors: Zach Ingrasci & Chris Temple Director: Alexander Sebastian Lee Director: Alexander Sebastian 78’ 2014 60’ HD We live in a hypersexualised world. But live in a hypersexualised We about shy deeply still are women many a gold produces This their own body. mine of opportunities for money-making 3.0 looks at sex Vulva cosmetic products. airbrushing the education, censorship, pornography, bodies in of women’s and the work of surgery, cosmetic genital female genital mutilation activists against the diversity - and in doing so celebrate of the female body. Vulva 3.0: Between Taboo Taboo Between 3.0: Vulva Fine-Tuning and MMM & Film Zimmermann Co. GmbH Directors: Ulrike Zimmermann & Claudia Richarz Directors: Ulrike Zimmermann 84’ 2012 HD Unraveled Productions LLC Unraveled Productions Unraveled: The 750 Million Million 750 The Unraveled: Thief Dollar moral the age old explores Unraveled could thought you if you question: it, and get away with commit a crime a prominent Marc Dreier, would you? was arrested attorney, Manhattan He to do just that. for attempting a massive fraud scheme orchestrated funds. hedge in $750m over netted that candid weaves Simon H Filmmaker Marc and archival first person interviews reckless path footage to unveil Dreier’s to destruction. Director: Marc H. Simon Starring: Marc Dreier

Feature Docs Off the Fence

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