Congressional Record-House House Of

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Congressional Record-House House Of 1933 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4913 Second Lieut. William Hamilton Hunter, Ob.valry. boards, commissions, and offices, for the fiscal year ending Second Lieut. Francis Cecil Foster, Field Artillery. June 30, 1934, and for other purposes; and Second Lieut. Francis Elliot Howard, Infantry. H. R. 14562. An act making appropriations for the legis­ Second Lieut. James Wilson Green, jr., Signal Corps. lative branch of the Government for the fiscal year ending Second Lieut. Parmer Wiley Edwards, Coast Artillery June 30, 1934, and for other purposes. Corps. The message also announced that the Senate had con­ Second Lieut. Laurence Sherman Kuter, Air Corps. curred, without amendment, in a concurrent resolution of Secorid Lieut. William Perry Pence, Signal Corps. the House of the following title: Second Lieut. Thomas Morgan Watlington, jr., Field Ar­ H. Con. Res. 47. Concurrent resolution relating to Statuary tillery. Hall. Second Lieut. William· Lewis McNamee, Coast Artillery The message also announced that the Senate had ordered Corps. that the House be requested to return to the Senate joint Second Lieut. Thomas John Hall Trapnell, Cavalry. resolution (S. J. Res. 223) entitled "Joint resolution estab­ Second Lieut. John Raymond Lovell, Coast Artillery Corps. lishing the United States Georgia Bicentennial Commis­ Second Lieut. Raymond Wiley Curtis, Cavalry. mission, and for other purposes," with accompanying papers. Second Lieut. Kenneth Earl Thiebaud, Infantry. The message also announced that the Senate had agreed Second Lieut. Reynolds Condon, Field Artillery. to the report of the committee of conference on the dis­ Second Lieut. Charles Brundy Brown, Signal Corps. agreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Second Lieut. Edward Gilbert Farrand, Field Artillery. Senate to the bill (H. R. 13872) entitled "An act making Second Lieut. Mason Fred Stober, Field Artillery. appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934, and for other purposes." MEDICAL CORPS The message also announced that the Senate had agreed To be major to the amendment of the House to a bill of the Senate of Capt. Arthur Alexander Hobbs, jr. the following title: To be captains S. 4327. An act for the relief of Lizzie Pittman. First Lieut. Frederick Cantwell Kelly. CONDUCT OF JUDGE HAROLD LOUDERBACK First Lieut. William Henry Powell, jr. Mr. SUMNERS of Texas. Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary First Lieut. Junius Penny Smith. inquiry. First Lieut. Harry George Armstrong. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. First Lieut. Matthew Corell Pugsley. Mr. SUMNERS of Texas. I am not advised just what the DENTAL CORPS proper parliamentary procedure is in this situation. The To be captains gentleman from Oklahoma filed the report for the majority First Lieut. Leland Grant Meder. of the committee. First Lieut. Samuel Rush Haven. The SPEAKER. The usual custom is that the Member First Lieut. Mallory Carpenter Jones. who reports the legislation coming before the House is the one the Chair ordinarily recognizes. VETERINARY CORPS Mr. SNELL. Mr. Speaker, we can not hear what is going To be major on. Capt. James Lew Barringer. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Texas has asked CHAPLAIN what the parliamentary situation is, and the Chair has To be chaplains with the rank of major stated that the custom has been that the Speaker would Chaplain Perry Orlando Wilcox. recognize the gentleman who has been directed by the com­ Chaplain Willis Timmons Howard. mittee to report the bill. Mr. SNELL. This is a peculiar situation. I understand the bill has been reported. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The SPEAKER. And the Chair will recognize the gentle­ man who reported it. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1933 Mr. McKEOWN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent The House met at 12 o'clock noon. that those in favor of the resolution be allowed one hour's The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., time, and that I be allowed one hour, and that I divide my offered the following prayer: time with the gentleman from Missouri. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the resolution. 0 Thou who art the revelation of eternal love, let us The Clerk read the resolution, as follows: constantly seek to be filled with Thy blessed spirit. Thou hast revealed to us with clearness and power the divinest House Resolution 387 law in all this universe, namely, the law of love. Do Thou Resolved, That the evidence submitted on the charges against Hon. Harold Louderback, district judge for the northern district enthrone this wonderful grace within our souls. Take out of California, does not warrant the interposition of the consti­ of our hearts that which is harmful and destructive. If tutional powers of impeachment of the House. they are blighted with vanity, greed, or envy, forgive us and set us free, our Heavenly Father, and let in the sover­ Mr. SNELL. Mr. Speaker, when they report back a reso­ eignty of love. With our spiritual eyes open and uplifted lution of that kind, is it a privileged matter? we shall see the light, which may be delayed but not denied. The SPEAKER. It is not only a privileged matter but a Each day inspire us to quit ourselves like men, by being highly privileged matter. strong, courageous, and true. May we now declare it can Mr. DYER. Mr. Speaker, this is the first instance to my be done, because it ought to be done. Amen. knowledge, in my service here, where the committee has reported adversely on an impeachment charge. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read The SPEAKER. The gentleman's memory should be re­ and approved. freshed. The Mellon case was reported back from the MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE committee, recommending that impeachment proceedings 4 message from the Senate by Mr. Craven, its principal be discontinued. clerk, announced that the Senate had passed with amend­ Mr. SNELL. Was that taken up on the floor as a privi­ ments, in which the concurrence of the House is requested, leged matter? bills of the House of the following titles: The SPEAKER. It was. H. R. 14458. An act making appropriations for the Execu­ Mr. B~AD. Will the gentleman from Oklahoma tive Office and sundry independent executive bureaus, yield? What I am curious to know is whether this is in- 4914 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY 24 tended as a vindication or an exculpation from the charges be an opportunity to vote upon the substitute for the ma­ against him? jority resolution. Is that correct? Mr. McKEOWN. The report of the committee is that Mr. McKEOWN. Yes. there is not sufficient evidence to warrant the House in The SPEAKER. Then the Chair suggests to the gentle­ exercising its high privilege of impeaching a judge. man from Oklahoma that he ask unanimous consent that Mr. BANKHEAD. I am sure the committee is well within general debate be limited to two hours, one-half to be its rights, but why is it necessary to make an adverse re­ controlled by himself, and one-half to be controlled by the port if the evidence does not sustain the charges? gentleman from New York. · Mr. McKEOWN. The minority members have signed a Mr. McKEOWN. I want one-half of my time to be report recommending impeachment. yielded to the gentleman from Missouri, and that the other Mr. BANKHEAD. Mr. Speaker, I think it ought to be hour shall be controlled by the gentleman f1·om Texas. reported first, so that we may understand the real issue. The SPEAKER. Then the Chair suggests that the gentle­ Mr. LAGUARDIA. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? man from Oklahoma control all of the time. Mr. McKEOWN. Yes. Mr. SUMNERS of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I am quite willing Mr. LAGUARDIA. I want to make clear to the gentle­ that the gentleman from Oklahoma may control the time, man from Alabama [Mr. BANKHEAD] that in the course because I am sure that he will make a fair distribution of it. of the consideration of the majority resolution, articles of Mr. McKEOWN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent impeachment will be offered from the floor of the House. that the time for debate be limited to two hours to be con­ Mr. BANKHEAD. That somewhat clarifies the situation. trolled by myself, that during that time the gentleman from Mr. MICHENER. Mr. Speaker, in answer to the gentle­ New York [Mr. LAGUARDIA] be permitted to offer a substitute man from Alabama, let me make this observation. The for the resolution and at the conclusion of the time for de­ purpose of referring a matter of this kind to the Com­ bate the previous question be considered as ordered. mittee on the Judiciary is to determine whether or not in The SPEAKER. Then the Chair submits this: The gen­ the opinion of the Committee on the Judiciary there is suf­ tleman from Oklahoma asks unanimous consent that debate ficient evidence to warrant impeachment by the House. If be limited to two hours, to be controlled by the gentleman the Committee on the Judiciary finds those facts exist, then from Oklahoma, that at the end of that time the preview the Committee on the Judiciary makes a report to the House question shall be considered as ordered, with the privilege, recommending impeachment, and that undoubtedly is privi­ however, of a substitute resolution being offered, to be leged. However, a custom has grown up recently in the included in the previous question. Is there objection? Committee on the Judiciary of including in the report a Mr. BANKHEAD. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to censure. I do not believe that the constitutional power of object for the purpose of getting the parliamentary situation impeachment includes censure.
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