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NEW 1:ORK HERALD, TUESDAY , JUNK 8, 186'J..TttfPLE: SHEET. 5 te me le bete been at the Aioree, Uon of exoeaslve on the of the publU Indeed, appear* equipped loyalty part loiguln road, I a (or gun an<l not to England at all. URUKUK MKLUHH. DEBBY DAY IN ENGLAND. illoiv <t to i .ieii tueirataml noir tli they surprise 'urym curiae*), EUROPE. No. llAUCouitr Feb. anil*they»were CUBA. rblcli waa conveying war material, eec-irt»I oy a large nn» $ Buiijiimob, #, 1863. box wlih only a lai/it cheer. were ai j«r of reeiitaun: and mad* We ooncur In tie opluloua given Mr. Melllah on Judges' They Insurgauta. Tnese offered torn* entirely by be companies by the rnncoHM' brouier, tuo Crow wo dl»r.har«e« ou tha troops; but at the about of tbo statement* laid before him, and oar opinion would out Viva al the The inman of Captain altered If tbe fact were that Urntber* knew Trim#* r Denmark, and other riwcilu whom 1 nav 0 The It event Revolution In UaTMs-Tolu* c hspana!" uudt by our soldier* wj steamship city Baltimore, Vnuri. Laird FROM OUR LOHDOM CQMSPQWENT. oimnenoament of tbu tbe fled In a they were bunding tke Alabama for an a««tit of the noi tiro honor of knowing. Straime to nay, th ® * attack, enemy Boakoll, from Liverpool May 21, via Queenstown the H. M. CAlKJNH. box tn connei teerx Demand the Ileal of Pelacx and Ab- owardly manner, abandoning Lie urn munition! and other goTeriiuu'nt. Confederate London, May 21, ltoo. Kpaom management have no royal iaieria.», and several of on the asm, arrived at this yesterday. She A I'llll. 17, IMS. JAMKH K KM PLAY. Uon with tiiuir aland, anil a* tliu ITtuce of Wale a dlentlon of I>nlce.The on Outrd- r leaving carriage! artillery port brlngB tbi cooxnvtb anfc ti1k1k Hefilara uad, besides many war utenelln and provisions. Tbe column details of oar cable up to date of sailing. We also give the opinion of Chief Huron Pollock, w*h on previous oecaaioiw accustomed to take ni 1 The la Villa Clara. ontlnned It* march till It arrived at tbe central building on telegram* were some on the bill and at ha People Quiet.F1«ht £ho oil the trial of the Alexandra, Juno, 1803:."Man; people c*hnivatThereuiauO place among hit noble* ami no royal princeaa Prit- » nenlnsula, from which eoiue of the rebel* that bau Tbe King of lYuMsiH intends to restrict bis journey ha I>antliuK of Anna.Arrival of Political there for tbe of the rear of a Bad.regained allusions In the coarse oi this case had been made Rpsoui yesterday who ventured to usacrt that the ever before honored the race* uo provision |J he protection convoy to Ifrcmen and Oldenburg. It If) rumored to the but he held that an vessel left lH»en made for them. were Indebted for thel r oneru OtMrlal Report of Landloi at Bay of i position being taken, several reconnoitrings were Hanover, Alabama, that attendance waa iesa than and some others They from one o'clock until It became to that the Minister of Finance hat* tendered bis unarmed, and as a she usual, present Detrition to the kindne-w of Mr. Tod Ileatlev » onwardi, uecesaarypraoIseJ, Liverpool simple ship, the or the who to Princes? Nlpe. eeonoentrate, in cooeequanca of a heavy ihower of rain, no unlawful act, and we had notliiujj tocommuteddo who had survived perils rood held that the gave np tliera IiIh private stand. The ' Havana, June 2,1889. ritbout eeen mure of the thle ope resignation. ax well as hei looked wel J having any enemy. During atlou with the fact that at a subsequent period she was patrons of that mode of getting to the Downs were who, husband, remarlrably The such an « several war materials were found, ae described In tha In of the continuation of Monsignor armed and converted into a of war at waadreHsed in dark the being biac part bas been a night of excitement, cooinpauylng Hat. All of which le made known order af consequence vessel off The former l materials, jacket ^ in by Talbot's bis in tHe '"a household Terceira."fallMur year by year. opinion stoutly silk, trimmed with gold. 1 ought to mention, bow r. lias been scarce surpassed since the outbreak of the ( Kicelieucy the Captain General for tbe Information of tha illness, post l'op to the tatter, with sumo I am ever, that far the most color wan blue tubllc. CAKLOS NAVARKO, We have stated that «bc Alabama left the Meroej combat; misgivings, by popular >. insurrection. The volunteers, in the Chief of kilaff. baa been given to a Neapolitan prelate, Monslguor an unarmed was not as which wan worn In of make-up. Wlihi " disappointed Brigadier, ship, and ntted or furnished disposed to give In my adherence. I don't think 1 every variety oft-repeated assurances them that "the trl- List of Blsogno. a man-of-war. Tins is confirmed by the following a dozen yard* from the royal visitors watt Heated at given ®^ the principal war materials captured or Tbe announcement relative to the offer of the extracts frttm the letters and speeches of Lord cver«saw »u<:u u cruwu Kiuuureu on mat trreai nurrey other Illustrious personage, no less than the Nawa i, umph of the Spanish cause in Caba is Inevitable, it tiy tiie coluiua ot operations la the peninsuladotroyed and bir Koundull which is almost as ruinous iu tlie of of surrounded with a brilliant unite dresue it it Hiiiuuu. iu the of crown to 1'rlnce brother to tbe i'almer, the bollcHor Clarendonupland, history Bengal, Is imminent, the insurrection la controlled, ia con£ iiay Nlpe:. Caryulto, reigning in al litlie colors or the rainbow and some othert _ CAFTUBID. General:.KuKlund as battle holds of another kind. Aa to the quered," and each more of the au- Three King of Portugal, and of his proposed marriage LOUD The two,partlea did not seem to be acquainted witJ day suspicious f Armstrong cannon of twelve centlrattrea; CLABENDON'S LRTTKB TO MS. ADAMB, DIOIVBII road, I do believe that It u hardly bo each and no betwee; wo gun for on« with tbe second daughter of tbo Duke of 2, 1866, gUOTBU IIT 1A1LL BUBBELt- III UIS BFEEi H, popular other, cummunlcaUoos painted a murines, bave broken oat in open, threatening, J carriages ditto; one ambulance; MAiteu 27, 1868. aa It was in the days ef my youth, when them. The English "blood'* disappeared to luncheoia irtlllery car of munitions; 167 grenades of eighteen It people riotous demonstrations, wnich like to bare resulted c gains consistency. Montpeiiaer, li, nevertheless, my duty, in cloelng tbla correspondence, turned their uoaes at the Idea of the rail. for an hour before the Derby and rode oif liumedi entliuetres; eight grenades of twelve centimetre#; There is no truth whatever in tbe statement that to observe that no armed vessel departed during the war from up very atc<y alter It was decided. The Orientals stuck tq in the death of the Captain General, followed by OQr canUterg of Shot: aluhtApn ImiM anlr.k a Mritisb port to crulae against tbe oomineroo of tbe United There are classes who even when oan be J three tbe Kussiau government lutendj to code Hamarcund Suttee. yet, you the last and saw the whol<?proceedings. Heaven only knows what. While the feeling has latches; levelling screws; eighteen piston lauded within Ave minutes' walk of the race course TI1K DO!Mis IN THE HADDOCK. g una; three cannon sponges of twelve centimetres; to tbe Is to become one oi the SOUCITOK (tE.NKKAI.'H (BIB BOUNDBLL FAI.MKB'S) SFESOI1 been a long time Its immediate occa- uine Emir; Kaniarcand IN TUB IKH'SE or As usual the paddock was crowded before th ° culminating catiDon sponge of eight centimetres; one worm OOMMONH, MAHOli 27, 1863. for something like kalf a dollar, would thiuk it a long sion was jr ten largest depots of Rnssla In Central Asia. ** hw uuv iiii iuv Aiaifuiim reucueu lue A/urea iuuv »ud time Uxed for the '/real race, and the interest of th the recall and arrival here of drawing wail.-t; bayonets; one box cartridge* of the to travel over the iron Jjr UllBfiLitlia l«'a /11 I)<inhu hap tr\ tha Vlflnrnv nf hor (dure*, her captaia or her papers, and that sheit»oelTi'iidesecration Derby day connoisseurs hi the cracks was profound. It is an>. General Pelaez, who, as Is known to the Spencers; three signal lanterns. boiateil Hie Confederate It ia abe " tlay. not true that departed Instead of the macadamized high road.the "a we'll, necessary to give any details of the appearance o ers of DIMTROYKD. Mgypt, arrived at Vienna about the Will ultimo, from the ahurea of tbla country a* a ahlp armed lor war. the various that the Hskald, has been in command of troopsreadt One press, with to-wit, who go down in the family carriage*, or the candidates; but I may stale Mi * portable printing lithographic m route for Switzerland, whore lie w U> apcud uio Lord Palmerston also, in the debate of Mnreh 27, Merry's Helladrutn, who has all along been the seu£ operating in the jurisdictions of Clenfuegos, Villa tone; one campaign forge: four munition earn; two makes the following statement:."I have aristocratic drags; the young city men who cannot sation horse of tho year and the lduil Clara and He la of the new mbulance cara; one field gun carriage; thirty rifles, nmmer.