Rabbi Avi Berman age, I was taught about the importance Executive Director, of helping them acclimate into Israeli OU Israel society. In high school my best friend and I volunteered with Ethiopian Olim in Bat I am extremely proud of my Chatzor and Chulda. OU Israel Youth Centers staff for creating a very genuine video for the holiday of Fast forward a number of years, and my Sigd last week. Sigd, which takes place 50 best friend married a young woman days after Yom Kippur, commemorates from Ethiopia. Baruch Hashem we have the Ethiopian community’s longing for remained close friends, and participating the Beit HaMikdash. The video, which in their family smachot has further was picked up by a number of Israeli enhanced my appreciation of the beauty media outlets, asked teens to answer inherent in Jewish Ethiopian traditions. questions connected to their knowledge His wife’s sister, Pnina Tamano-Shata, is and views of Ethiopian culture. This was our current Minister of Absorption who a beautiful tribute which shared insights is making incredible strides helping Olim into the views and ideas of Israeli teens, from all over the world. To bring things and I encourage you to watch it on our full circle, the Minister and I have had OU Israel Youth Centers Facebook page: numerous meetings to try and figure out how we can do more for Anglo Olim.

My family made in 1985, soon The beauty of the State of Israel is that after Operation Moses. Growing up, I had we can all learn from each other’s Jewish friends in elementary and high school cultures. It could be that the Jews of North who made Aliyah with Operation Moses America have a unique way of celebrating and Operation Solomon. This provided me Chanukah which others can learn from. with the opportunity to learn about their An example of learning from the customs customs first-hand and gain insight into of various Jewish communities is that many of the struggles unique to the Israeli- Sephardim did not have a Cheder Yichud Ethiopian population. From an early as part of their wedding ceremony. I remember hearing from my Rav, Rav Save a Life - Gain yours Mordechai Eliyahu zt”l that this is such 1 of 78,078 a beautiful Ashkenazi custom that he EFRAT recommends Sephardim adopt it as well. 02-5454500 One of the many beautiful things I

4 TORAH TIDBITS / VAYEITZE 5781 appreciate from the Ethiopian-Israeli community is their genuine longing for the Hosting a Simcha? Beit HaMikdash, which they commemorate on Sigd. After being exiled during the Save Time, Money & Effort period of the first Beit HaMikdash, for over LD Events 2,000 years of exile they thought that our Lenny Davidman Holy Temple was still atop Har HaBayit. Office: (02) 673-0721 They were crushed and sat on the floor Cell: 054-557-3101 in genuine mourning when, after long, [email protected] dangerous journeys, they arrived in Israel only to discover the Beit HaMikdash was destroyed over 2,000 years ago.

Sigd is a reminder to all of us that we are still mourning the Beit HaMikdash. Walking the streets of Yerushalayim, the amount of Torah learning is incredible. There are hundreds of Yeshivot, Batei Midrash and shuls. During regular (non- corona) times the streets are filled with natives and tourists enjoying Torah and , including OU Israel Center Shiurim, restaurants, and museums. While we are blessed to be living during the time period of the Geulah, we must True wholesaler from the diamond boursa with over 25 years experience constantly work to strengthen our unity as member diamond dealers club brothers and sisters and help each other in Engagement Rings ∙ Stud Earrings every way so we can be’ezrat Hashem be Pendants ∙ Tennis Bracelets zoche to experience complete redemption 050-573-9061 [email protected] very soon.

Avi Executive Director, OU Israel

Mazal Tov to Sarah Fishman and family on the marriage of her grandson