Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and Dudgeon Extension Project

Phase One Consultation Summary Report

November 2020

1 Introduction About Equinor

Equinor is bringing forward proposals to extend the Equinor is the UK’s largest energy supplier and we are committed to investing in projects that secure reliable energy for years to come. As a broad energy existing Shoal and Dudgeon offshore company leading the way in decarbonisation, we are a key contributor to the wind farms located off the North Coast. UK’s efforts to meet its net zero carbon target.

Headquartered in Norway, we are one of the world’s largest offshore wind In July and August 2020, we held our phase one community consultation, and developers. We power over one million homes across Europe with renewable invited comments on our early stage proposals. energy from our existing offshore wind farms in the UK and Germany.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our consultation. The feedback we Our current UK offshore wind farms provide enough renewable electricity to received has helped to improve our understanding of the local area, including power over 750,000 UK homes. We are proud to utilise local skills and suppliers any specific considerations or concerns. and support local projects through our community funds.

This Consultation Summary Report provides an overview of the feedback we We have extensive experience developing, building, and operating offshore received during our consultation and what we are doing in response to this wind farms in the UK, and we are pioneering floating offshore wind technology. feedback. We will also explain the opportunities for you and your community to engage with the project moving forward.

Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and Dudgeon Extension Project

The proposed Sheringham Shoal Extension Project (SEP) and Dudgeon Extension Project (DEP) (known as the ‘Extension Projects) will have the potential to generate a combined 719 megawatts (MW) of renewable power, capable of powering 820,000 UK homes.

We are seeking to minimise potential impacts on the community and the environment by adopting a shared onshore footprint for the Extension Projects. This means that we will apply for a joint Development Consent Order (DCO) application, which will be determined by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

2 3 Our phase one consultation

Our phase one community consultation was held in July and August 2020.

We publicised our consultation locally and online by:

Holding a virtual exhibition to display all the information on the Extension Projects. You can still visit our virtual exhibition at

Distributing our community consultation leaflet to over 11,400 local residents and businesses within our core consultation area.

Placing advertisements in a number of local , including: North Norfolk News, Eastern Daily Press, Dereham & Fakenham Times, Evening News and Diss Mercury.

Engaging with your parish, district, and county councillors across the consultation area.

Displaying posters at local information points across our consultation area, such as at grocery shops, post offices and libraries.

Advertising our consultation across Equinor UK’s Twitter and Facebook accounts, including targeted localised campaigns.

Displaying information and requesting feedback on the Extension Projects via our digital feedback platform. This can be viewed at

We welcomed over 1,700 visitors to our virtual exhibition.

During our phase one consultation we received almost 300 pieces of feedback. 4 5 Very informative Quite informative Oppose Not informative Neutral No opinion Support

Your feedback

Our phase one community consultation provided an opportunity for people to view and comment on our early stage proposals.

The feedback we have received as part of this consultation has helped to Agree Agree improve our understanding of the local area and the aspects of the Extension Disagree Disagree Projects that are important for us to consider as we refine our proposals. Don't know Don't know

Aspects important to the local community 95% of respondents agreed that 89% of respondents agreed Aspects important to the local community climate change is an issue which that the UK needs to generate should be addressed. more energy from renewable Traic and access during construction 16.9% sources, including offshore wind

Ecology 14.9% generation.

Visual impact 13.8%

Noise and vibration from construction 13.4%

Recreation and local amenities 11.9%

Tourism and the local economy 9.2% Very informative Oppose Quite informative Neutral Not informative Archaeology and local heritage 8.4% Support No opinion

Fisheries and fishing industry 6.0%

Other 5.5% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 48% of respondents either 61% of respondents found our supported or strongly supported virtual exhibition or consultation the Extension Projects. 34% materials very informative or quite either did not support or strongly informative. opposed the Extension Projects, Agree Agree and 18% provided a neutralDisagree view. Disagree Don't know Don't know

6 7 How we’ve listened Theme Your comments What we are doing

Ecology People expressed As we refine our proposals it is There were a number of key themes which emerged from the feedback we and nature concerns regarding important to us that we avoid or received. These are listed below with information on what we are doing in conservation the potential impacts minimise any ecological impacts. response. of the proposals on A range of ecological surveys are Theme Your comments What we are doing wildlife, both onshore currently underway to collect data and offshore. about the habitats and species within Traffic and Across the We understand that traffic and access Respondents also the onshore and offshore study areas. access consultation area during the construction of the Extension highlighted a number This data is being used to further during people expressed Projects is one of the most important of Sites of Special develop the layout and engineering construction concerns about local issues. We are working with Norfolk Scientific Interest design of the Extension Projects. For disruption, caused by County Council and Highways England (SSSIs) that should example, we have routed our onshore construction traffic to establish a construction traffic routing be avoided, such as cable corridor to avoid important and access, to the strategy which will be submitted as part Swannington Upgate habitat areas, such as woodland and narrow road network of the DCO application. Common and ponds, while investigating sensitive in Norfolk. Alderford Common cable installation methods where An important consideration for this will near Swannington. habitats cannot be avoided. Key roads included be the avoidance of single carriageway Mangreen Lane and roads where possible, and routing of Residents also Available results of the ecological Hickling Lane near construction traffic away from villages highlighted a surveys will be shared in the Preliminary Swardeston, Chapel and properties. number of important Environmental Information Report Street in Cawston, species, such as (PEIR) at phase two of our community and the A148 near As part of our DCO application we will bats, badgers, great consultation. Bodham. Beach Lane also be producing a draft Construction crested newts, along in Weybourne was Traffic Management Plan, which will be with migrating birds The PEIR will include an assessment of also of concern. informed by baseline traffic information along the coast. impacts to ecology, including how we and include an anticipated number of plan to avoid, reduce, and mitigate any Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) movements impacts. as part of the onshore works. We are currently gathering baseline traffic flow In addition, we are also collecting data and road safety data to inform our on the condition of habitats within the assessment work. At our phase two onshore study area to help us identify consultation we will be presenting this where biodiversity can be improved. assessment of potential impacts on driver We will present areas which can be delay, pedestrian and cycle amenity, improved for biodiversity in our final pedestrian and cycle delay, and road DCO application. safety – as well as outlining proposals for mitigation measures.

8 9 Theme Your comments What we are doing Theme Your comments What we are doing

Visual A number of people We are taking careful consideration Noise and Noise and vibration Understanding the noise and impact were concerned of how we can minimise and mitigate vibration from construction vibration associated with about the potential visual impact. At our phase two from was also highlighted construction will be important, visual impact of the consultation, planned for spring construction by respondents as a and a noise and vibration impact onshore substation, 2021, we will be seeking feedback key concern. assessment will be included within especially from the on a preliminary visual impact the PEIR. This will provide details Tas Valley. assessment of each substation Most frequently, of the noise and vibration levels option from surrounding viewpoints respondents associated with construction People were also agreed with the relevant local questioned what and any management measures concerned about planning authorities. noise will be required to control and limit noise how visible the associated with and vibration. turbines would The findings of the visual impact construction, how be from shore, assessment, and feedback from our long this would last This assessment will also include especially given phase two consultation, will help us for, and what hours information regarding normal hours the proximity of the to identify which of the substation construction would of working and permissible noise existing wind farms. area options will be taken forward be taking place. levels. These noise levels would for the DCO application. be agreed with the Environmental Health Officers from each District At our phase two consultation we Council and set out within the will be able to show imagery of what application documents. the design of our onshore substation could look like. These measures will then be secured through the DCO and will We will also be assessing the visual be a requirement for all contractors impact of the offshore wind turbines working on the Extension Projects. for the Extension Projects, from a range of sites along the North Norfolk coast.

10 11 Theme Your comments What we are doing Theme Your comments What we are doing

Public Rights Local residents We understand the importance of Historic Residents highlighted We have avoided direct impacts to of Way highlighted the PRoWs to the community and we environment the importance of designated heritage assets such importance they will be taking into consideration how and local local archaeological as Listed Buildings and Scheduled place on the Public the Extension Projects interact with archaeology sites, such as Caistor Monuments as part of our site Rights of Way PRoWs, such as footpaths, cycle St Edmund, Kett’s selection process. (PRoWs) across the routes and bridleways. This will be Oak near Hethersett area, including the done as part of the Environmental and a number of Surveys are currently ongoing to Coastal Path. Impact Assessment (EIA) process. World War II sites. investigate the archaeological potential within the onshore study We will be creating a strategy for area. This will inform further decisions how PRoWs will be managed as part about the site selection process. of our DCO application, which will be agreed with Norfolk County Council We will also consider indirect impacts who are responsible for all PRoWs to heritage assets in the PEIR that and National Trails in Norfolk. will be published at our phase two community consultation. We will carefully consider how to maintain safe access along PRoWs Cumulative People also raised We understand that there have been for members of the public through impacts concerns about the multiple developments in the area management and/or the use of cumulative impacts and are working hard to avoid and short-term temporary closures of other projects minimise any potential cumulative and diversions where necessary. At in the region, such impacts with other proposed our phase two consultation we will as other energy developments. This will form a key part present an assessment of impacts projects, the Norwich of the EIA and we have been studying on PRoWs as well as our mitigation Western Link and all of the information available so proposals. A47 dualling. that we can understand potential interactions with other projects.

As part of our commitment to reduce impacts on local communities from multiple projects, we decided to take a joined-up approach and bring together two separately owned offshore wind farm extensions into a shared onshore footprint as one single DCO application.

12 13 Theme Your comments What we are doing What’s next?

Offshore A number of local We understand that there are a Over the coming months, we will be developing our proposals for the Extension coordination residents noted number of windfarm projects planned Projects based on feedback received during our phase one consultation. project that the North in the local area and as part of our Norfolk area has commitment to reduce impacts on We plan to hold our second phase of community consultation in spring 2021, been subject to local communities, we decided to where we hope to hold face-to-face consultation events and present our latest multiple windfarm take a strategic approach and bring proposals in person. Face-to-face events will be dependent on COVID-19 and developments and together two separately owned UK government advice and restrictions on public gatherings. questioned whether offshore wind farm extensions into an offshore ring one single DCO application. It is our In the meantime, we will be continuing engagement with all stakeholders, main could be used intention to install both cables within a including parish, district and county councillors. We will be setting up locally as an alternative. shared onshore footprint, to minimise specific stakeholder forums to focus on key aspects of the proposals for the disruption. Extension Projects. We will also ensure to keep you updated with latest plans via regular community newsletters. We are also actively engaging with the Government’s Offshore Transmission Network Review and Stay informed are fully supportive of efforts for greater coordination in the offshore You can sign up to receive project news via our digital engagement platform wind sector. We continue to use our ( or communications channels, as listed on position and experience to promote the back of this leaflet. this idea with the Government and are working closely with trade body Viewing our materials Renewable UK to feed into the Government’s review. In the absence All information regarding the Extensions Projects is available to view on our of a legislative proposal to support website ( This includes our interactive map a coordinated approach, it is not where you can view areas of interest in more detail, and PDF maps which can possible for us to integrate that be downloaded. option with the Extension Projects. All of our consultation documents will be available to view and download from our consultation website. Alternative methods of receiving documents can also All comments received to this consultation will be responded to in our be arranged at no extra cost for those without computer or internet access. Consultation Report, which will be submitted as part of our DCO application.

14 15 Catfield

Sparham A149 Swannington Coltishall

Lenwade North Norfolk Lyng B1150 Potter Heigham A1067 Felthorpe Frettenham Ludham Newton St Faith Horning 320000 340000 360000 380000 400000 420000 440000 Horsford Bastwick Key: The Sheringham Shoal Dudgeon Extension Project Area Sheringham Shoal Extension Project ± Extension Project will be Breckland Dudgeon Area approximately 17.5Extension km Refining our proposals Onshore Scoping Boundary Rollesby (11 miles) offshore at the Study Area Thurne nearest point to shore. Taverham Offshore Cable Corridor This feedback we received has helped us to refine our proposals and shape Dudgeon Dudgeon Shortlisted Onshore Substation Oshore the design of the Extension Projects. Windfarm Area Options Drayton Hockering 5900000 5900000 Great Yarmouth Sheringham Norwich Airport Extension Dudgeon Fleggburgh Broadland Extension Kingston upon Hull-Zeebrugge Mattishall Sheringham Shoal Hellesdon Upton Landfall location North Sea Little Plumstead Pedham We will be using your phase one consultation feedback, alongside our EastonSheringham Shoal Oshore The Dudgeon Extension Sprowston constraints screening and technical and environmental surveys, to identify an Windfarm Project will be initial 200 metre landfall location for the Extension Projects. During our phase

5880000 Colton approximatelySweet 31 km Briar (20 Road Industrial5880000 Estate two consultation we will ask for your feedback on this proposed landfall location. Acle miles) offshore at the Kingston upon Hull-Rotterdam Stokesby nearest point to shore. Thorpe St Andrew Onshore cable corridor A47 We will be using your phase one consultation feedback, alongside our Norwich Lingwood Barnham Broom Barford Brundall

Norwich Projects for the Extension proposals and offshore 1: Our onshore Figure constraints screening and technical and environmental surveys, to refine our We are committed to undertaking a The Norfolk Broads more focussed ‘study area’ to a 200 metre wide cable corridor. We will ask for Little Melton robust and extensive EIA. This process j 5860000 Wells-next-the-Sea Morston Eaton 5860000 Stikey will consider all environmental, social, your feedback on this 200 metre wide cable corridor during our phase two Blakeney Sheringham j Weybourne and economic impacts caused by the consultation. Beeston Regis

Binham High Kelling Overstrand Extension Projects. Field Dalling Aylmerton Zeebrugge-Kingston upon Hull Surlingham Holt West Beckham Little Walsingham B1105 Bessingham Roughton Mundesley Kimberley Hall A148 Hethersett j Bramerton Trunch Onshore substation search area Melton Constable

B1110 Wickhampton Following your phase one consultation feedback, as well as results from our B1355 Fakenham environmental and other technical surveys, we have selected twoB1108 options Saxthorpe 5840000 Hindolveston 5840000 Southwood Stibbard Rockland St Mary A1065 for the location of the onshore substation area, both within proximity to theWicklewood Ketteringham Eccles on Sea existing Norwich Main Substation. One option was presented as field 1 at our Sea Palling Limpenhoe consultation and the other is a combination of field 2 and 4. Foulsham B1150 Field Whissonsett 2 / 4 Framingham Earl Booton East Carleton Sutton North Elmham A140 Wymondham Catfield

B1145 Yelverton Mill Street A149 Lyng A1067 Felthorpe Horning Field 1 0 5 10 15 20 Kilometres Beeston Horsford Wroxham Martham South Norfolk Base Map: © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors,Hemsby CC-BY-SA B1332

To view a more5820000 detailed map, please visit: 5820000 Dereham Taverham Mulbarton Swainsthorpe Morley St Botolph Drayton Thurton This map will be updated and A47 320000 340000 360000 380000 400000 420000 440000Fleggburgh made available during our phase two consultation. Mattishall Hellesdon Little Plumstead A47 West Caister Acle Morley St Peter Shipdham A11 Norwich Brundall The Norfolk Broads B1108 Little Melton Eaton j 25 km

Great Yarmouth 6. Chedgrave Saham Hills Ketteringham Hingham A146 Loddon SpoonerWatton Row Bradwell Wymondham B1113 Newton Flotman Gorleston Mulbarton 17 16 17 17

Chedgrave A143 0 A140 Hopton Thompson Loddon HERE, Esri Rockland All Saints B1332 A143 A1075 Attleborough

B1111 B1113 Hales Consultation timeline Community Liaison Officer

2019 All our communication channels overleaf remain open for you to get in touch and ask any questions. You can also contact our Community Liaison Officer October 2019 (CLO), Nigel Tompkins, who is based locally and available to answer any Scoping Report questions about the Extension Projects. published and public information day at Aylsham November 2019 Should you wish to speak to Nigel or meet with him, please contact him using Scoping Opinion received 2020 from the Planning the details below: 2020 Inspectorate Spring 2020 Start of onshore Email: [email protected] environmental surveys and studies July 2020 Publication of Telephone: 01263 822427 or 07860 206565 the Statement of Community Consultation July 2020 We held our phase one consultation Landowner interests in July and August 2020 November 2020 If you are a landowner, have an interest in any of the land which interacts with Publication of our our proposals, or if you have any questions relating to land interests in the phase one Consultation Summary Report area, please contact the Dudgeon and Sheringham Extension Projects Land Team at Dalcour Maclaren by:

: 01869 352725 2021 Calling Winter 2020/21 Ongoing engagement with the local community Emailing: [email protected] and stakeholders on refinement of project proposals Spring 2021 Commencement of Alternatively, you can write to Simon Hinchliffe or Rhiannon Price at: phase two community Dalcour Maclaren, 1 Staplehurst Farm, Weston on the Green, consultation. We will also publish our PEIR for Oxfordshire, OX25 3QU consultation

End of 2021 Final DCO application submission to the Planning Inspectorate

18 19 Contact us

You can get in touch with our community relations team at any time by any of the methods below:

Send us an email: [email protected]

Call our Freephone information line: 08081 963 673

Visit our website:


Should you require this document in large print, audio or braille then please contact us using the details provided.

When responding to our pre-application consultation your personal data will be stored in compliance with GDPR by Equinor and will not be shared with third parties. Your details may however be passed on to the Planning Inspectorate to ensure that our pre-application consultation is sufficient and in line with the planning process.

Follow us on Twitter: @Equinor_UK #SEPandDEP

All image and graphics for illustrative purposes only. For all sources please visit our website or contact a member of our team. 20 This has been printed on FSC certified paper.