Volunteer Placement Profile Early Childhood Education Volunteer

Escuela Cristiana Ebenezer Diriamba,

www.volunteerbasecamp.com Escuela Cristiana Ebenezer Placement ID: 329 Country: Nicaragua Location: Diriamba Placement Category: Education Placement Type: Classroom Teaching Organization Type: Not Selected Minimum Duration: 8 weeks Language Skill: Intermediate Placement Fee: None Accommodation: BaseCamp OR Host Family Months Not Available: Available all year

www.volunteerbasecamp.com Quick Facts: Placement ID: IND-329 Location: Diriamba, Nicaragua Sector: Education Category: Min Duration: 8 weeks Lodging: Language: Intermediate Job Description

Volunteer Tasks Required

www.volunteerbasecamp.com Organization Details About the Organization

Escuela Cristiana Ebenezer aims to provide children with a quality education by teaching a combination of core classes, values, worldviews and Christian ethics. This unique combination encourages children to contribute to their community and allows them to grow both personally and academically. Although affiliated with the Ebenezer evangelical church, the school accepts children of all denominations. There are currently 140 children who attend Escuela Cristiana Ebenezer and range in age from 3 to 15 years old. Classes are held in the mornings from 7:00am - 11:50am from Monday to Friday. Additionally, every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, Escuela Cristiana Ebenezer hosts two-hour literacy classes.

When the Organization was Founded

This school was founded in 2003.

How the Organization is Funded

Escuela Cristiana Ebenezer is funded solely through tuition, which costs 80 cordobas (roughly US $4.00) per month. Currently, 90 of the 120 students that attend Escuela Cristiana Ebenezer can afford to pay the tuition. 40 students receive scholarships from past volunteers from Spain. These scholarships cover the cost of their tuition. The remaining 10 students do not pay tuition and have been invited to the school as a means to keep them out of the street and in an attempt to keep them in a safe atmosphere, conducive to learning. Escuela Cristiana Ebenezer is vastly underfunded and receives no support from the Nicaraguan government, or private donors.

Role of Religion Within This Organization

www.volunteerbasecamp.com The school is directly affiliated with the Iglesia Bautista Ebenezer Church, however, children of all faiths are welcome.

www.volunteerbasecamp.com Placement Location Information

Escuela Cristiana Ebenezer is a small primary school nestled in a neighbourhood that is vastly affected by poverty in the city of Diriamba. Escuela Cristiana Ebenezer is located on top of a hill, surrounded by houses in a quiet part of Diriamba. In February 2010, volunteers from BaseCamp International Centers provided the school, which was once gloomy and grey, with a fresh coat of yellow paint, creating a brighter atmosphere, conducive to learning. The school has six classrooms where kindergarten to grade 6 classes are held. Currently, the school has a large space where the children play during recess. However, the children are currently playing on hard rocks and dust which is often being blown into their eyes with the slightest gust of wind. Many sharp wires protrude from the ground and from unfinished buildings, making it dangerous for the children to play in the yard. The (state) of Nicaragua is located in the south-west of Nicaragua and is approximately 40km south of the capital city, . This department has an approximate population of 177,000 people and encompasses the 8 cities of: Diriamaba, Dolores, El Rosario, Jinotepe, La Conquista, La Paz de Carazo, San Marcos and Santa Theresa. The cities in the Carazo department are much better known than the department itself. Though the Carazo department has 8 cities within its borders, Jinotepe, Diriamba and San Macos are the three main cities that attract people to the area. San Marcos is the closest to Managua, and Jinotepe is located right on the Pan-American Highway. The main roads to the beaches of La Boquita and Casares start at Diriamba, and Diriamba is also close to the eco-tourism centre, La Maquina. Most of the Carazo department is located on a plateau at elevations up to 700 metres above sea level, however, the department extends all the way to the Pacific Ocean. The entire area is known for its rich and vibrant culture, historic architecture, eco-tourism and its beaches. Carazo is an important producer of coffee, sugarcane and sesame seeds, which are farmed by the people living in rural areas surrounding the cities. Many farmers from rural villages travel into the cities of San Marcos, Jinotepe and Diriamba every day to sell their crops at the markets and on the streets. Carazo has a diverse demographic that encompasses many different types of people ranging from rural indigenous farmers to university students studying at the Universidad

www.volunteerbasecamp.com Nacional (National University) or one of the private universities in Jinotepe. Carazo is well known for its friendly people and warm atmosphere. Carazo offers many different options for tourism and is easily accessible from the capital of Managua. It is a great location to visit while in Nicaragua!

City Description

The Carazo Department (state) of Nicaragua is located in the south-west of Nicaragua and is approximately 40km south of the capital city, Managua. This department has an approximate population of 177,000 people and encompasses the 8 cities of: Diriamaba, Dolores, El Rosario, Jinotepe, La Conquista, La Paz de Carazo, San Marcos and Santa Theresa. The cities in the Carazo department are much better known than the department itself. Though the Carazo department has 8 cities within its borders, Jinotepe, Diriamba and San Macos are the three main cities that attract people to the area. San Marcos is the closest to Managua, and Jinotepe is located right on the Pan-American Highway. The main roads to the beaches of La Boquita and Casares start at Diriamba, and Diriamba is also close to the eco-tourism centre, La Maquina. Most of the Carazo department is located on a plateau at elevations up to 700 metres above sea level, however, the department extends all the way to the Pacific Ocean. The entire area is known for its rich and vibrant culture, historic architecture, eco-tourism and its beaches. Carazo is an important producer of coffee, sugarcane and sesame seeds, which are farmed by the people living in rural areas surrounding the cities. Many farmers from rural villages travel into the cities of San Marcos, Jinotepe and Diriamba every day to sell their crops at the markets and on the streets. Carazo has a diverse demographic that encompasses many different types of people ranging from rural indigenous farmers to university students studying at the Universidad Nacional (National University) or one of the private universities in Jinotepe. Carazo is well known for its friendly people and warm atmosphere. Carazo offers many different options for tourism and is easily accessible from the capital of Managua. It is a great location to visit while in Nicaragua!

Points of Interest

www.volunteerbasecamp.com Carazo has a rich history and was home to many indigenous people before the arrival of the Spanish. The city of Diriamba was home to an indigenous leader named Dirianger who was a great example of the spirit of native resistance against the Spanish. One legend has it that once Dirianger realized that colonization was inevitable, he sacrificed himself by walking into a cave full of tigers rather than negotiate with the Spanish. i Around the 17th century, a satirical play called El Gueguense was produced by an unknown author. The play was passed down in oral history until 1942 when it was finally written and made into a book. El Gueguense is a way that the indigenous people mocked the Spanish and the play is performed in January during the feast of San Sebastian in Diriamba.

Weather in the Area

Nicaragua is a tropical country that has two seasons: a wet season and a dry season. Temperatures in Nicaragua vary little with the season and it largely depends on the elevation. The wet season is between May and December and the dry season is between January and April. Rainfall varies throughout the country and the eastern area gets more rain than the west. In the east of Nicaragua, the rainy season can often last longer than the usual 6 months. There are three different climate zones in Nicaragua. The lowlands, which have an altitude of up to 750 metres above sea level and have temperatures that range from 22 degrees Celsius at night to 30 degrees Celsius during the day. The Central highlands at an elevation of 750 metres to 1,600 metres above sea level have temperatures that range between 15 degrees Celsius at night to 25 degrees Celsius during the day. The highlands, often referred to as the “tierra fria” (the cold land) have much lower temperatures than the other two climate zones and temperatures get to below 15 degrees Celsius at night and peak at around 22 degrees Celsius during the day.

Transportation From BaseCamp
