\ f,,,-’ ' , - CENTS 2 PER COPY 31iiuiaua Sitttte Homeedition . as 1914, Carrier, 10c; Published at Entered Second Class Matter, July 25. at IDaitu r>. > By Week. Indianapolis, subscription Rates. [ , CENTS. VOL. XXXII. NO. 242. Tnd., Daily Except Sunday. Postoffice, Indianapolis, Ind.. under act March 3. 1879 INDIANAPOLIS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1920. E!sewhere i 2c. By Mail. 50c Per Month. TWO McADOO AND TAGGART RAILROAD BILL WHY? RULES AGAINST DENY REPORT WILSON TO GO UPON STATE’S PROVIDES PLAN Suicide of Woman at City DISCRIMINATION OF ARBITRATION Hospital Discloses Win- BY TAX BOARD PRIMARY BALLOTS dow Guards Removed. SUMMONED DOCTORS; Provides for Temporary Ad- Was the heavy wire safety screen Judge Gause Holds Bank justment Board With Perma- removed from the window of the ward Should Not Pay Upon The name of William Gibbs McAdoo will go on the preferential In the City hospital, from which win- Appeal Body. dow Mrs. Harry Gregory, 1225 Bates ballot candidate for the democratic nomination for president. More nent Indebtedness. as a street-, plunged to her death Friday CAILLAUX TRIAL ON than the necessary 500 names were obtained to McAdoo petitions started at night, and If so by whose orders were SOLONS TO RUSH LAW the screens removed, and why? INVOLVES $112,435 FUND! Huntington yesterday, and today plans were being formulated to make the movement statewide. WASHINGTON* Feb. 17.—A permanent This la the question. Coroner Rob- To prevent the Indiana tax law system of arbitration, which, it is be- FORMER FRENCH will be called on to name an Indiana Yepresentative, who will inson must have answered if bis in- to re- WILSON HASN’T ON TRIAL McAdoo lieved satisfactory to labor, has from being Interpreted so as in this state, and the rep- will be vestigation of the woman’s death is to have authority to conduct his political affairs been agreed ppoq by senate and house i suit in “an unfair discrimination" be complete. RELAPSE, IS UP HAD > PREMIER resentative will be forced by the pressure of public demand to enter his conferees as the finishing touch to the against the Fletcher Savings and set doubt that the railroad bill. Three years ago from a window of the name on the primary ballot. There can no longer be any Indianapolis, Judge The labor provisions were changed at third floor of the new building at the Trust Company of SAYS GRAYSON FOR TREASON people of this state intend to make him a candidate. the last minute because of recommenda- City hospital a child plunged Henry county to death. Gause of the circuit v '•% ,r . fori tions by Hines, Immediately for heavy v 4 Taggart will be nominated made Director General orders were Issued today gave a Thomas represent covering court decision in the Physician iH| Defendant Replies in a Firm regard- which are understood to the wire scr.eens the <^,f democratic ticket, lower half of President’s Personal s^ggJSßfe . '.■<■■ •> fflKffijgg senator on the the county circuit court against of whether be ever announces his views of President TVllson. The plan windows. Marlon ’ ''' -OSfe £mzs!rwM'' - *SPS Preliminary leas by Denies He and Specialist B—MaKflBK --iat's Tone to Ques- willingness to make the race. In all Huntington First adopted is similar to that proposed These screens remained undisturbed the state board of tax commissioners. ■ CT no opposition the president as the means of settling until two weeks ago, when In some of probabilities there will be Judge a of Had Been Summoned. tions in Courtroom. there is the present railway wage dispute. the rooms the safety screens wore re- Gause overruled demurrer to his nomination, but whether in State to Sign the state tax board to a complaint filed will be the nominee and All anti-strike or eomfulsory arbitra- moved and carried to the basement. Cer- or Is not, he tain by the Fletcher Savings and Trust Com- IN not a particle of doubt that he tion features were previously eliminated employes at the hospital say that NO CAUSE FOR ALARM INTEREST HIGH CASE there is McAdoo Petitions pany to prevent alleged double taxation. democrats of Indiana in from the conference report and the new some persons connected with the hospital will lead the He heard the case In Henry county after the campaign. HUNTINGTON, Ind.. Feb. 17.—William system relies entirely upon public opin- had said that the “screens don’t look PARIS, Feb. 17.—Former Premiei a few days they it was venued from Judge Louis Ewbank VIEWS OF DEMOCRATS be formally presented ion for its enforcement. nice." and within were arraigned today Gibbs McAdoo will removed. of the Marlon circuit court to Hamilton Joseph Caillaux was FX COUNTY. voters of Indiana as choice of The conference report, which will be Washington’ MARION to the the county and to Judge ‘The Wolves of Democratic voters of Marion county Huntington county democrats for the submitted to the house tomorrow, creates These safety screens were fastened with j then venued Gause. on the charge of having treasonable Mc- It is said, und at The batik alleged that the tax board The people of the ;/¥?*"■>/.<;s&* were looking on the candidacies of presidential nomination at the Indiana a railway board of labor appeals and locks, were installed j stampeded nor in- dealings with the enemy during thß expense city. ! In the gross value of capital should not be for president and Taggart for sen primaries. More than enough names have allows the formation of railway adjust- considerable to the Today Included the fluenced any way by wild Adoo a they to basement, of trust company $112,435 of in the war, and there is every two viewpoints today, as signed to petitions circulated here ment boards whenever satisfactory to are all said be In the stock the 16 of tho or disability of indication ator from been In interest on deposits, rumors death result of the announcement in The Times two days to Insure the en- both carriers and employes. excepting those in the children's wards accrued which the President which are that the ease will prove the most the last which have not bank alleges was a being out yesterday of the availability of both men trance of McAdoo In the democratic APPEAL BOARD ONLY been removed. Os bona fide Indebted now' circulated of Wash- ha# screens ness. by a pack of lying sensational political trial France for party. presidential primaries and there is an TO HANDLE WAGES. course at all windows there are ington wolves their of regulation whose evident desire for such an event democrats who constitute the_gre.iT understanding that before it is necessary The adjusrmetit boards are of a tem- the type used for keeping DEDUCTION REFUSED. ever known. The out flys on PLAINTIFF is the father of their unfounded the party and who have not for to file the petition authorization for that porary nature and may handle disputes and insects but these /are ALLEGES. - M. Caillaux Is being tried by th® bulk of hinges com years made politics either their business purpose will be received. over hours, grievances and working con- and fasten with only latches and Ttye bank claimed that the tax Woodrow Wilson is alive and vig- French senate sitting as a high court! do pot look, it is said. mtssiocers refused to deduct this item or their pastime were enthusiastic over At an enthusiastic meeting in this city ditions, but not wages. After a failure orous. He will live to confound Ms of Justice. The trial is expected to List! a was from the gross value, In hopes the prospects of dominating two such able last night presided over by W. Lb Ha- of the adjustment boards to agree, an Such screen In the window of but included it traducers who realize that their about there months. mer, announcement was more the third floor room from which Mrs. the plaintiffs assessment. of selzihg the government from the and appeal can be to the appeals - he bad been men satisfactorv candidates. made that taken board holding people before or the Although ill. the do* and a already peti- has- jurisdiction Gregory plunged to her death, but it is In that this indebtedness either at national The old-time politicians number than 500 democrats had which the exclusive of pi 'gram fendant appeared in good health whe-a has said no safety screen was should be deducted, Judge Gause held election depends upon their of influential men whose influence tioned for Mr. McAdoo’s name on tho all disputes concerning wages, this pro in that win- was brought into the courtroom fresn dow. it having been removed days "Os course money by u trnst of "utter destruction” for the fore- he largely been obtained by waiting unr.l i allot and no particular effort had been vision being added to insure uniform some held most figure in the democracy of the automobile which had carried bins before according to at hoe company or bank as a reserve, to take the everything is ’’all set" and then announ- made to canvass the city. Among those wages throughout the country persons the world. prison at Neuflly. He replied signed pita!. fare of a contingency, which may or from the cing their allegiance to the choice of the who have already the petition The makeup of the appeals boar-4 a firm tone to the formal preliminary* ex- Coroner Robinson tne testi- may not happen, would not tie a debt in most powerful, were diffident about were bankers, farmers, merchants, rail- one of the last minute changes of th lias hear.l questions as to his name, age and oecud wage mony of physicians at- which should deducted, as prov.dee. Feb. pressing their choice. road workers and earners from conferees. It had been tentatively agreed and nurses who be WASHINGTON. 17.—Presi- patlon the this Mo practically every industry city. tended Mrs. Gregory, he not by statute, and if this fund is a reserve and like. Particularly was true about In the that the board was to be composed of but has in- dent Wilson is “just as usual today HANGING FIRE Nice vestigated the removal safety j held to take of anticipated interest Vdeo. A number of the friends of BOOM GIVEN IMFETI'S five members, three of whom represented of the care THAN YEAR. screcns. | on deposits not lie a present and continues to improve,” Dr. Cary MORE Marshall expressed themselves IN MASS MEETING. the public, the carriers and the 'm- His attention has been called It would President to safety but, .The case had been hanging fire eotf being personally "strong" for Mc- A number of the more earnest workers pioyes, plan was accepted this removal of devices, and the Indebtedness; although tills fund | T. Grayson, his personal physician, in- as and this with coroner more than year and the deep public being by their politi- of this group arranged night for said he knew nothing about it j is denominated a reserve, yet it is spe- j Adoo. but bound last the limitation that at least one public declared today in denying reports terest was shown by the large crowd# the enlargement of move- and had never heard before that there : < iflcally alleged that It Is fur interest i cal alliances to await a definite determi- the McAdoo representative must vote for an increase gathered before the Luxembu-ff ment. meeting were had been safety screens at the windows which has accrued and that it consti- that the president had suffered a re- which nation of whether Mr. Marshall would At the resolutions In wages before it -an be in cepted. A J /OSEPH CAILLAUX. palace, is being held. passed calling on the of the City hospital buildings. tutes a debt which does lu fact exist. where the trial eventually seek the presidential nomi- workers In other majority vote is required to make an lapse and that he and Dr. F. X. Der- galleries were crowded and there! possi- parts the state to demurrer ’ The nation. They said there was a of group themselves award. The adjustment boards are com- Tho admits the truth of this neurologist, had were many women present, including* might succeed to together for purpose of boosting ! allegation, and accepting facts as emn, Philadelphia bility that Marshall the .Mc- posed of equal numbers of representa- the I Mme. the work organization can ONE, TWO, THREE! Caillaux. the presidency and. in that event be- Adoo and of was tives of the carriers and the employes. jalleged it not be said that this fund been hurriedly summoned to the Leon Bourgeois, as president of th® opposition, divided among representatives of the TO NAME is a reserve which is held for a come the candidate without PRESIDENT MINERS’ BOOST j con- j whttehouse shortly after midnight senate, presided and the government’* want to a posi- various industries. BOARD MEMBERS. tlngency, a against EVERYBODY PUSH and they did not be In j but Is fund which case was presented by M. Leseouve. Th® Huntington county democrats en- are an exists by i "The president was up early today.” tion where they could 'not declare that were Members of the appeals board to be actual liability virtue of an docu- thusiastic over they were HELD TO COME said Dr. Grayson, “shawed and started in bill of accusation was immense they had been "for Marshall all the the belief that appointed by the president for terms of j the contractual relations between the Creed for City Penned by charges ex- launching a boom In on his usual routine. Ilia improvement ment and specifically the time.” Huntington that two, three and four year*, with the ap- i trust company and Its depositors, and is “acting against safety was bound to continues." Meredith Nicholson. premier with the OF TAGGART become nation wide and proval of the senate, and their salaries an indebtedness which should be dc SUPPORT they OUT OF PUBLIC With regard to rumors that he bad of the state in wartime and conveying ALMOST UNIVERSAL. claimed the distinction of having are fixed at SI. There are nine mem- i ducted. the communicated w.ifh Dr. Dercum, Dr. A creed for Indianapolis intelligence to the enemy." Support of Mr. Taggart was almost been leaders In a national move- bers. "As to the deduction clsimed for taxes permanent Grayson said that he had not been in up by Nichol- GREAT MASS OF universal, only one democrat of any ment. A provision requires that all members Palmer Plan Compared Un- It is generally held that taxes arc not was today drawn Meredith The spontaneous pledgee communication with the Philadelphia son, famous Indianapolis author, which DOCUMENTS. In Indiana refusing to pledge of support to of this board must dispose of any in- a debt and the liability therefor is not prominence physician since Saturday, when the latter city, state More than 7,000 documents are to b® dodged the Issue McAdoo followed the announcement In terests they have in railroad securities. favorably With Garfield’s indebtedness, and It does not will be submitted to every himself to him. He an seem one of periodic to including cablegrams from had already the Huntington employe mem- as the made hts visits the county official, and every organiza- presented, with the statement that h“ Press last week that Mc- The three carrier and three by if legislature Intended that the expressed and Adoo of the community are of six can- Senator. duty whltehouse and himself as Indianapolis. The creed also wilt Count Johann von Bernstorff, former pledged himself to Dr. Carleton B. Mc- was the choice bers selected from lists to pay taxes should be classified progress. tion in and the president by much pleased with Wilson’s hung every schoolroom German ambassador to the United States. for governor and he did not see and would receive the support of didates submitted to as an indebtedness which should he de- wbUehoue,” be framed and in Culloch WASHINGTON. Feb. IT—“lncreased “I spent the night at the Indianapolis, was written The documentary evidence further in- it be possible to nominate that paper. the railway executives and organized ducted from the gross value of the in it by Mr. how would wages granted soft coal miners by agree- cap declared Dr. Grayson, "but there Is noth- by the In a candidate RAII. KO VI) MEN labor. The preaident selects three mem ital stock." Nicholson for the board in charge of cludes papers seized French a candidate for senator and ment with Attorney Fulmer fall ing unusual in this. I have done so with Indianapolis. ALL FOR M’ADOO. bers himself General arrangements for the convention of the AUace. relating to M. Caillaux's pre-war for governor from on the general, public,” Frank Bergan, QUESTION OF OWNERSHIP the exception of one or two nights ever was a power that regardless Huntington is division headquarters of To guard the right* of unorganized Associated Advertising Clubs of the policy while he in th® It has become evident representing Corpora- INVOLVING president's illness." * labor, the blli allows the board to the Public Service LEASE/ since the World, in June. It French government. These papers are ex- wishes of some of the old-line the Erie railroad and contains large take Jersey, The court Grayson did not to be held here of the up any dispute upon the petition of 100 tion of New told the senate In- held that the real question Dr. said that while ho • pected to show M. Caillaux's attitude to- democratic leaders in Marion county the shops. The railroad men ate for McAdoo commerce today. In the case is whether believe XVI Ison w-ould call a cabinet meet- follows: unorganized workers. terstate subcommittee the bank in in- Germany democracy will swine into line for almost regardless of politics and a large amounting vesting week, he LEND A HAND FOR INDIANAPOLIS! ward local of are final, “The Increased wages to It sd39,oot> of Its capital Fund In ing this he could "have one ls fifty already of number republicans announced Awards the appeals board per a building Indianapolis is the capital of the More than witnesses have William Gibbs McAdoo. The demand of known penalties cent have Increased the price of coal erecting on ground, upon wanted it.” th.- non; but no are provided for viola- been summoned. When the former pre- the wage earners, who constitute bulk that in the event of the 1nation of 3D ceut* a ton, which iuerejse must be which it holds a ninety-nine year Secretary Tumulty talked with the land of opportunity. tions. All alleged violations be In- lease, Indianapolis, arraigned it was stated that of the party, for McAdoo can not be side- McAdoo they would cast their rotes for will assessed ou the consumers,” Bergan said. with the privilege of renewal for ninety, president half an hour as be took hi* Bring your dream* to mier wss state vestigated by found to vision, place where court probably tri-weekly or overcome. Democratic him. the board and If net assess public nine‘more years, acquired an morning airing his on the city of a the would hold tracked contrary to so de- “If we can the our ownership In wheelchair the sessions and that a recess headquarters were visited yesterday by Among those who participated in the be the award will be credit depreciates and the company is in real estate. south portico of the whltehouse and dreams come true. would be taken clared publicly. Thursday today'* session. leaders among laboring men and railroad meeting night were Hamer, to develop." The court of opinion found him "splendid condition,” he The pulses of the city throb with until after last W. D. EXPECTED unable Is the that when- In Is guilty men who called to indorse the stand M. H. Ormsby and is- ACTION HEED TO RETARD ever a hank or trust company said. an energy drawn from the most fruit- If M. Caillaux found he could the democrats who TO BE RUSHED. shall have taken by The Times and to declare their sued the call for it. The latter include INDI STRY IN STATES. acquired an ownership estate, no meeting of ful soli in all the world. be sentenced to death under the Frenclk McAdoo The house expects in real There was President willingness to "go to work for .Tobn M. Roush, Frank Canaday, C. M. to rush the bill “Such a situation retards the industrial then the amount of tho Investment In Wilson’s cabinet today. The president is LEND A HAND FOR INDIANAPOLIS! law. men's to passage and the senate la expected the does whenever wanted.” In the railroad Buzzard, M. J. Snyder. William Young. development of states, It not?" real estate which Is carried in the capita! able to preside over a cabinet, meeting, One hundred years ago destiny EXPECT SENSATIONAL Indianapolis were to follow with speedy Frelinghuysen, districts of there dem- J. L. Prlddy, Dr. W. D. Bonlfleld, J. G. action. Senator chairman of the stock account sHaii be deducted from the but hss expressed no desire to do so for marked Indianapolis for steady and DISCLOSURES IN TRIAL. took The following general provisions are onstrations in favor of McAdoo that Bprowl, George D. Kriegbaum, Ovid A. subcommittee, asked. gross valuation of the capital. present, it was stated at the white- triumphant progress. It is the M. CaillAUx is alleged to hav# meetings at agreed on the certainly the the form of little group Pulley, J. E. Norton, J. F. Spahr, Peter In reports: "It does," Bergan answered. Continuing, the court said; "The com house. natural center of distribution for linked with the premature cabal that in- which expressions of willingness to do Foster andd J. Edward Griffiths. The lntersta.o commerce commission "Is there a fuel administration to plaint allege* that $639,000 of the gross North Our volved 8010 Pasha and former SenatoC nominate which you protest against America. commerce and everything necessary to him shall establish rates shall yield on which can the In- capital account of the hank is invested Industries have a continent for their Humbert. 8010 Pasha was executed b* aggregate property crease wage* granted by attorney DR. DERCUM SPIKES was were frequently heard. the value of all roads in the In the building, on market. The Indianapolis guar- a firing squad and Humbert ban- Frellnghuysen which is erected the label MPtGLED SENTIMENT In each rate-making district as set forth general?" asked. land upon which It hold* a ninety-nine SENSATIONAL RUMORS antees an honest Job and an honest ished. The ex-premier amassed a greai a net operating income no place where, we can pro- public AMONG REPUBLICANS. NEWBERRY MAN of 5Vi per cent, "There is year lease, w-lth privilege of a renewal price. fortune while in life and for ti there test against PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 17.-~Dr. Tran- ttg Tn the camp of the republicans to which may be added one-half of l this burden except this com- for a like term, and time seared as minister of finance in that the state board, ois \. Dercum. famous neurologist, who LEND A HAND FOR INDIANAPOLIS! was a mingled feeling of consternation per cent to be applied to nonproductive mittee.” Bergan answered. nets, seeking French government. He was nominally hj' Its is to subject' this has been attending President Wilson, de- From this city of homes James some genuine pleasure. Republicans improvements, snch stations, termi- Senator Frellnghuysen read the testi- sum a of partjr. and FOOLS SAILORS ajs to taxation as a part of its capital clared today the president has Riley sent wlngiDg member the socialist who realize that McAdoo is, aboYe all, an nals, mony of former Fuel Administrator Gar- that now Whitcomb his In addition to political Intrigue® th® straightening rights-of-way, etc stock value, whereas it Is invested In preside songs of light to gladden were glad ‘to see a movement field in which he said the increase, ac- recovered sufficiently to at cabinet and cheeT trial is expected to throw light upon ML American, real estate upon which taxes are col- meetings. a sensa- a Riley !n democratic ranks for the selection Gets Great Lakes Signatures cording to what was known as the Gar- Dr. Dercum denied the hearts of nation. The Csillaux'e love affairs. His wife shot ana the lected and, It Is claimed that. If is Washington spirit Indianapolis spirit of of so capable a man. Others who have Inland field plan, would have been absorbed by It tional rumor current in last Is the killed Gaston Calmette, editor of I for Ford’s Dummy Rival. Wireless O. K. subjected to taxation both a capital night to hope. at heart the interests of Senator .Tames the operators. and that he had been summoned the confidence and Figaro, in 1914, because the editoi as real estate, It has the effect of double by long-distance telephone for A gave expression of regret to After COMPARED WITH whlfehouse LEND HAND FOR INDIANAPOLIS! threatened to publish some of Calllanx*# E. Watson Mich., End of Month taxation. a consultation. the prospect of having Taggart as an GRAND RAPIDS, Feb. 17 GARFIELD PLAN. This best of dittos rests solidly love letters In a political campaign than Michigan sailors serving at the “It ac- enduring opponent the polls. Great Feb. 17.—Naval con- “Under the Garfield plan the Increase is conceded that Ls the bank has upon the foundation of was swing Bfcd at AH conceded that WASHINGTON, quired an ownership then in full in France. with McAdoo and Taggart before the Hakes naval station In 1918 unwittingly trol of Inland wireless stations will in wages w-ould not have been passed on in real estate then American liberty under law. By was acquitted after a long and sens*® plot by the money invested in building voters there woold be a “real scrap" in aided the workers for Senator cease at midnight on Feb. 29, by presi- to the public,” Frellnghuysen said, “but this serving my city I serve my country. tlonal trial. should be deducted capital Indiana this fall. Newberry In launching the candidacy of dential proclamation, Secretary of Navy under the Palmer agreement It is a tax from the ac- Leader of Drys Each day 1 will help, not hinder; public.” count, but the board contends that the The extent to which the repnblican .Tames TV. Helme, democrat, to oppose Daniels announced today. Control of on the work, not shirk. Ford, today. George bank has not acquired an ownership In workers and press have influenced the Henry it was testified The coast and sea stations by the will The .committee will benr Well- LEND A HAND FOR INDIANAPOLIS: navy tho real estate on which it holds the Thieves Take $11.45, democrats city by their talk of defense has acknowledged fostering the continue under wartime regulations. cott. representing the national commis- Riddles Claims of the tho on gas ninety nine-year lease and upon !t Wilson’s "Usability” was early evident. Helme condidacy. sion and electric service; A. XV. which $10(1 has & cost, Overlook Bruce, president of the Traction erected building at a of $039,- but There are a of intelligent demo- Kenneth O. Throckmorton. Grand Rap- .Union 000.” number Company Indiana; L. For Wet Ships crats have beep so influenced by ids, a defendant in the trial for election of diaries Edgar, Burglars overlooked more than SIOO who president of the Boston Ddlson Company: Judge Gause thou gave an exhaustive LANSING TO BE the lies concerning Wilson that have been fraud, asked him to go to . visit to Petrovich’s grocer#! SOVIET ENVOY Paul Thomas, president discussion on the words “own,’’ “owner" their John spread state through ‘‘l met Rice at the Briggs house, Chi- vice of the Wayne Wheeler Ridicules .4 s- Washington broadcast over the United Gas Improvement Company of and "ownership” ns defined by the stat- store. 551 West street, ear!#* they cago," he stated. ‘‘Three other sailors SENATE THEME today. republican channels that really ex- Philadelphia; M. H. A.vlesworth, National utes and court decisions. The court held sertion Foreign Liners presidency were with me. Rice gave us Helme pe- was The thieves, however, pect. him to relinquish the in REFUSES FACTS Electric Light association; Fog*. that It the apparent Intention of the found $11.45 ** titions. also gave me or O. M. legislature a pan* favor of Vice President Marshall. These He 51 $2 for American Gas association, and S. E. that if any money was in- Will Benefit. New Treaty Reservation to the cash drawer. They knocked democrats apparently have not given carfare. Martens Tells U. S. Senate He Wolff, representing the Michigan Utilities vested in property that was already bear- nel out of the rear door, reached thronghi thought to the fact that Mr. Marshall “I circulated a petition among the Corporation, lng ltg burden of taxation, then the WASHINGTON, Open Path for Debate. and unlocked the door. Not far frotqt this afternoon. money Feb. 17.--“Prohibition would not now be seeking to be sent to sailors and secured many signers. Other Is Under Orders. as invested should be relieved. can not be used as the goat to cover the cash register where they stole the San Francisco as a delegate if he had sailors brought signed petitions to me up the real conditions of our shipping WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.—Former Sec- $11.45. Petrovuch had concealed more than and I seut them to Grand Rapids.” retary resignation SIOO, burglars were in too any idea of going as a candidate, or if WASHINGTON. Feb. 17,-Ludwlg C. A. industry," Wayne B. Wheeler, general Lansing’s and the long hut the muett he believed that before the counsel for the Anti Saloon league, as- chain of events leading up to it, includ- of a hurry. Motor Police Landers an® convention K. poriet representative In the THRIFT SQUAD be would be sitting in the presidential Martens, ’S i-erted today in a statement in reply to ing Lansing’s disagreement with Presi- Golder investigated. chair. For 16-Page Dailies, United States, today defied the senate declarations from Chairman Payne of dent Wilson at the peace conference, J. K. Meiser. 3544 College avenue, re- foreign probably injected peace ported today relations’ sub-committee and re- INVADES CITY the shipping board that the dry passen- will be into the to the police that hi* APPROVING RESPONSE today. COMES FROM STATE. 48 Pages on Sunday BEE BUZZING ger liners of the government could not treaty debate tn the senate traveling bag had been stolen. It was fused to disclose secret Instructions from Brandegee, republican, of The Jockeying for position that was bis government. compete with wet passenger liners of Senator of Con- black leather a.;d contained three sHfc WASHINGTON, Feb. IT.—Daily news- Treasury Department Agents necticut, is preparing to play what he shirts, a box cigars and other evident among some of the democratic These documents have been bidden, he Missourian May Run for Presi- foreign registry. of wearing politicians Indianapolis papers would be limited to sixteen pages “If prohibition wsa the only handicap and other senators opposed irrevocably apparel worth $125. of was in marked Sunday papers said, and he declined to disclose their to Tell Workers to Save. being contrast to the attitude of democrats and to forty-eight under location. dent or Senate. to successful American passenger ship to the American people thrust into A burglar attempted to enter the homo a by Representative Some have been destroyed, he league of regard as a throughout the state. As soon the bill Introduced said. service not a ship would be sold,” con- the nations trump of Mrs. Dora Patterson, 717 North Ala* as as- republican, A A "flying squadron” from the treasury surances reached other cities of Indi- Fuller, Illinois. limit of Martens was tinued Wheeler. “The advent of pro- card. bama street, av 1 o’clock this 100 pages placed magazines, cross-examined for the WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.--Rpresents- Brandegee proposes to ana that It was not only possible,hut pos- would be on first time by W. H. department of the United States govern- hibition simply serves as an excuse for offer anew res- Mrs. Patterson saw the man, who sba end publishers to Ellis, attorney for speaker upon the pres- itive that the democrats could have both falling comply would the ment arrived in the city today to preach tlvc Champ Clark, formot of the covering up other conditions which havo ervation that the failure of described as a large man wearing a felt be denied second-class mall privileges. committee. ident to deposit the treaty at Paris with- McAdo anod Taggart for candidates, “Do you still refuse house, today stated that be has not an- more to do with passenger ship troubles hat. She called the police, but thaj Representative Fuller also a to submit your thrift In big industrial plants of the city. in thirty days after Its ratification by the there were general expressions of satis- introduced Instructions and than the absence of liquor. prowler disappeared before the officer* bill to prohibit correspondence, secret squadron composed of nounced himself as a candidate for the senate the act ratification shall be con- faction and special expressions of desire the export of wood pulp and otherwise?” The is Arthur “Other nations operate their ships un- of arrived. and print paper for Ellis asked. the presidency, treaty to help nominate them. one year. replied F. LaForce, Arthur Brackwell and E. B. senate, "or for either.” der favorable ab to sidered nullified and the “dead’’ “I do.” Martens. “We can not more conditions so the is No word Hunting- our secret representatives He added, however, that he “might, wages, service far as United States concerned. sooner had reached reveal code.” Jeralsman. These of the i cost of and fewer handi- It is apparently intended to compel ton, of a large en- you caps encouraged by legislation.” the r the home number of ‘‘Have destroyed any of these doc- treasury department an make such announcement soon.” I and deposit reject the Contempt thusiastic McAdoo Mr. President Saves will make effort president to either or Law3 er’s men. that McAdoo uments?” treaty on basis of the Lodge might safely be regarded as available very only to stimulate the habit of saving and ask the reserva- for “Not many, part of them.” to ot Case Set for March 4 the presidency than plans were laid to Convicted ‘Slacker* all employers to take up the matter of tions. which he is opposed, instead merely pigeon-holing or pocketing it. become the “original McAdoo boosters,” assisting employes to Invest in "Baby RENEW DEMAND The trial of Paul P. Glaser, attorney af meeting was WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.— J. C. AMY O’CONNOR Its real purpose, though, is believed and an enthusiastic held to Zeback, Only Bonds," and thus encourage of Gary, Ind., who is charged with plan vigorous action. wealthy miller and banker of Red Wing, One Flu Case the habit to be to provoke a debate that will swing con* saving which developed out of the wai. Lansing resignation tempt of court, will be resumed in fed* OF Minn., will not have to serve a term in around the and the TEELS LABOR’S Reported in Arrangements have been made by GETS HER SIO,OOO FOREX-KAISER president’s accepting eral court, March 4. SUPPORT OF McADOO. the penitentiary for disloyalty, upon Day reason for it. charge which SIOO and SI,OOO Treasury Ravings Glaser’s trial was interrupted two Wage-earners are strong for Mr. Mc- which he was convicted in a fed- eral Only one case of influenza was re- Certificates can be purchased through weeks ago due to the illness of Judge Adoo for the presidency, according to court, President Wilson decided to- Allen Gray Fails to Contest Allied Note Warns Holland of E. day. ported to the board of health today. banks on weekly or semi-weekly pay- Opposes Reading A. B. Anderson. The date for resuming K. Welch, s leader among the Zebach, after a sensational trial, as boiler- There seems to a ments. Banks are also adding the hearing was set today. makers of Indianapolis. Mr. Welch was was convicted and sentenced to two be decided decrease “nest Award to ‘lrish Rose’. Effects of Stand. years In the pldemlc of respiratory infections egg" deposits of $1 for each certificate Ambassador to U. delighted at announcement aval* in Ft. Leavenworth prison and to S. the of In city, according to Dr. purchased. , ability of secretary of the pav a fine of $3,000. the Herman Judgment for SIO,OOO in favdr of.Amy LONDON, Feb. I?.—The new the former secretary of government allied LONDON,' Feb. 17.—A strong attack Gen. Pershing treasury general The case came before, president G. Morgan, the board of The is not pushing the notes to Holland on extradition of the Attends and director of railroads the campaign O'Connor, the “Irish Rose,” against against the proposal to send Earl Read- for he health. The death rate is also decreas- so much to raise funds as it forther Germany for the presidency. review and approved the rec- millionaire, , kaiser and to on sur- ing, the lord chief Justice, to Washington ing, there having been only ten deaths is to stimulate the habit of saving by Allan Gray, Evansville has allied war guilty, Mardi Gras Carnival "The democrats and all working men ommendation of Attorney General i render of the list of British ambassador, was printed by from pneumonia reported within the last the general public, according to Robert been entered !n the federal court. as be foolish they were not for Palmer that Zebach merely pay fine were made public officially here last the Morning Post today. would if the twenty-four hours. Springsteen, postmaster. Spring A petition for Judgment was presented NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 17.—Gen. Persh- presidency.” Imposed. The president commuted E. Mr. night. Mr. McAdoo for the he said. the todfty Saturday. by court “If Earl Reading is sent to,the United ing Is attending the 1920 Mardi GTas car* < steen said that there to It was entered the regrets “From opinions I have heard all over prison terra. seemed The note to Holland that the a scandal,” be a growing among yesterday afternoon. States it would be said the nival, on here today, the first since 1917. the country he is looked upon .as the best habit of thrift the Dutch government has never offered "to Morning people,/which The amount allowed is for damages in Post. possible candidate for the presidency. is indicated by the in- hold the former emperor at a distance The newspaper refers back to crease in savings through the purchase the sensational $500,000 breach of promise/ crimes, making It the sen- He is the only subject of conversation Poincare Out as against from the scene of his sational litigation in England over the * government suit of Miss O'Connor Gray, when they talk politics.** of certificates. impossible for him to exert a disastrous in which was tried last week. The costs transaction Marconi wireles3 stock in Mr. Welch said he plans to begin ppTHE of influence on Germany in the future.” which the lord chief Justice was in- Landlord Cuts Rent French President the case amount to practically $265. active work for Mr. McAdoo immediately WEATHER. “Although a proposal of this nature volved. He said he expects traveling over PARIS, —Raymond Poin- Motor Truck Called would not correspond fully to the re- as Tenants Strike while Local Forecast—Generally tonight Feb. 17. the country to obtain the support of fair care’s eventful seven-year 'term--as quest of the powers, it would at least and Wednesday; warmer tonight; lowest Freight can CHICAGO, Feb. —Apartment ten- leaders In workers’ organiza- temperature nbout president of the French republic c®me of Future Masson Is Democrat afford proof of the feelings Holland Prevost Charged With 17. railroad 30. won first tions and to urge them to set to work HOTKEY TEMPERATERE. to an end today. His farewell message not fail to possess," the note added, ants called and their strike CHICAGO, Feb. 17.—Transportation by on bearing the former emperor After forming a at once to crystallize sentiment in favor fl a. m 44 was read In the senate chamber this Election Board out. forecasts Murder of Brown here. union and of Mr. McAdoo. 7 a. m 44 motor truck will solve the fi-elght con- may be sent to the Dutch Indies. agreeing to rack themselves and their * afternoon. gestion problem, Elgin, 111., today belongings FINANCIERS POINT a. m 2 .t. C. Amos, Woodburn Masson was named as MT. CLEMENS, Mich , Feb. 17.—Lloyd elsewhere if R. J. Frels, TO / He urged constant watcli on Ger- 0 a. m 30 traffic manager for the Illinois Retail the democratic member of the county PASS THE SIGN BUCK. was over landlord, to MeABOO’S WAR FINANCING. many Prevost bound to the circuit their held his determina- ID a. m 32 , and unity throughout France, Hardware association, tn convention commissioners, PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 17.—Proprie- a charge degree Finaucial Interests as as a. m. f here, hoard of election accord- court on of first mur- tion to raise their rent, the occupants well labor are 111 35 \j “like brothers helping a convalescent today. ing today * said to an announcement of Richard tors of saloons have been arrested for der In connection with the slaying of of a large flat building forced Frels favorable to the candidacy of the former 112 (noon) 30 mother.” \ secretary Sun sets today, 5:28; rises The convention discussed plans for mo- Sipe, county clerk. The republican mem- refusing to take down beer signs. They J. Stanley Brown, wealthy of to lower contemplated rental fig. of the treasury, as a result tomorro'% il Desohanel the resident his position 6:34; Jets, 5:24, 1 will assume tor truck service to handle hardware ber of the board la Jackson Carter, an ebilu’ said signs belong to the breweries. this city, found murdered in his auto- ures. Other , of his work in that in carrying tomorrow. shipments tenants’ “unions” are (Continued One Fear ago today, highest tempera-1 and eliminate serious delays attorney. Mr. Sipe is the third member Officials say the breweries will be noti- mobile a lonely road Mt contemplated. on Pago Five.) lowest, on near Clem- tore, 3fi 28. a caused by the present tall congestion. of the board. fied. en* last Decernben.