Th e New Hampshire Gazette, Friday, October 16, 2015 — Page 1 First Class U.S. The New Hampshire Gazette Postage Paid A Non-Fiction Newspaper Vol. CCLX, No. 2 The Nation’s Oldest Newspaper™ • Editor: Steven Fowle • Founded 1756 by Daniel Fowle Portsmouth, N.H. Permit No. 75 October 16, 2015 PO Box 756, Portsmouth, NH 03802 •
[email protected] • Address Service Requested Th e Fortnightly Rant Another Fine Predicament A fortnight ago, there was a in history as a partisan charade plan. John Boehner would spend actually intended to hobble a his fi nal month as Speaker per- challenging political opponent, forming certain House-keeping Mr. Won’t-Be-Speaker. chores, so as, in his words, not McCarthy’s injudicious use of to “leave [his] successor a dirty language is only one, and perhaps barn.” (Befi tting a man of his the least, of the possible reasons humble origins, Boehner was be- for his withdrawal from the race ing modest; as it is presently con- for the Speakership, though. stituted, cleaning up the House Much as we hate to sully these would be a Herculean task.) pages with lewd rumors of erot- Kevin McCarthy would then be ic shenanigans, the Republican elected Speaker, and Congress Party plays a large role in civic af- would go on about its business. fairs, and therefore that is some- To quote Rick Perry, “Oops.” times often perennially necessary. Boehner’s impending retire- On October 6th, Rep. Walter B. ment had come as a bit of shock, Jones [R-N.C.] circulated a let- despite being widely anticipat- ter among members of his caucus ed.