Idea of Ga Gamow. Chemical Properties

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Idea of Ga Gamow. Chemical Properties Odessa Astronomical Publications, vol. 31 (2018) 33 DOI: CONDENSATION OF COLD NEUTRONS – IDEA OF G. A. GAMOW. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE NEUTRON MATTER AND ITS PLACE IN THE PERIODIC SYSTEM OF ELEMENTS G. B. Ryazantsev1, G. K. Lavrenchenko2, I. N. Beckman1, I. M. Buntseva1, S. S. Nedovesov3 1 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, Russia, [email protected] 2 LLC «Institute of Low Temperature Energy Technology», POB188, Odessa, Ukraine, [email protected] 3 Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected] ABSTRACT. Today, the neutron matter and neutron Слід зазначити, що Г. Гамов вперше розповів про stars are already substantially rooted in the nuclear phys- конденсації холодних нейтронів (1946). Рідко згаду- ics and astrophysics, and it is logical to have their consid- ється ця ідея, яка з часом знайшла застосування в тео- eration of them in terms of chemical properties and prin- рії нейтронних зірок. Гамов в 1937-38 рр. Показав, що ciples of general chemistry. The formation of a neutron при стисненні нейтронного газу виникає новий substance, in addition to gravitational neutronization, is надщільний стан речовини. considered, other mechanisms, such as the condensation Нейтронна речовина – це дуже конкретна фізична of ultracold neutrons (UCN) and neutronization due to a реальність, що вимагає законного місця в ПС і ви- critical increase in the atomic number in the Periodic sys- вчення не тільки фізичних, а й хімічних і, можливо, tem of elements (PS). The stability of the neutron sub- навіть в найближчому майбутньому інженерних і тех- stance is substantiated already at the micro level due to нічних властивостей. Ми також розглядаємо можли- Tamm interaction and not only at the macro level due to вість «хімічної» взаємодії УХН з молекулами речовин the gravitational interaction, as it is now considered in з непарним числом електронів. astrophysics. A neutron substance is a very concrete Пропонується розширити ПС за межі класичних хі- physical reality, urgently demanding its rightful place in мічних речовин і охопити набагато ширше коло мате- the PS and studying not only physical, but also chemical, рії у Всесвіті, заснований на забутих ідеях Д.І. Менде- and possibly even in the near future, engineering and лєєва. Більш того, ПС починається з нейтрона і його technical properties. We also consider the possibility of a ізотопів (дінейтрон, тетранейтронов і т. д.) і закінчу- "chemical" interaction of UCN with molecules of sub- ється нейтронною зоряною речовиною. stances with an odd number of electrons. It is proposed to Ключові слова: нейтрон, нейтронні зірки, нейтронна extend the PS beyond the limits of classical chemical sub- речовина, періодична система елементів, нейтроніза- stances and to cover a much wider range of matter in the ція, взаємодія Тамма, конденсація УХН. universe, based on the forgotten ideas of D.I. Mendeleev. Moreover, PS begins with neutron and its isotopes (di- 1. Introduction neutron, tetraneutrone, etc.) and ends the neutron stellar substance. Neutron matter, from the point of view of General Keywords: neutron, neutron stars, neutron substance, pe- Chemistry, can be formally attributed to chemically sim- riodic system of elements, neutronization, Tamm interac- ple (i.e., it can not be decomposed further into simpler by tion, condensation of UCN. chemical means), then inevitably the question arises about the Element, it corresponds to, and its place in the Peri- Сьогодні нейтронна матерія та нейтронні зірки вже odic System (PS). Based on the logic of the Periodic Law істотно вкоренилися в ядерній фізиці і астрофізиці, і (PL) – (atomic number =electric charge) – atomic number логічно їх розглядати з точки зору хімічних властиво- of neutron matter will correspond to zero, which brings to стей і принципів загальної хімії. mind the Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev's idea of the zero Розглянуто створення нейтронної речовини на до- group and period. D.I.Mendeleyev assumed existence даток до гравітаційної нейтронізаціі, по іншим механі- before the hydrogen elements X and Y. Element X (Men- змам, таким як конденсація ультрахолодних нейтронів deleev calls it "Newtonium") got its place in the periodic (УХН) і нейтронізаціі через критичне збільшення system – in the zero period of the zero group, as the light- атомного номера в Періодичній системі елементів est analog of inert gases. In addition, Mendeleev allowed (ПС). Стійкість нейтронної речовини затверджується the existence of one more element lighter than hydrogen вже на мікрорівні завдяки взаємодії Тамма, а не тільки – the element Y, "Koroniya"(Mendeleev, 1905; Ryazant- на макрорівні, зумовленого гравітаційною взаємодією, sev et al., 2014) . It should be noted that even after D.I. як це зараз розглядається в астрофізиці. Mendeleev's question about "zero" elements was repeat- 34 Odessa Astronomical Publications, vol. 31 (2018) edly raised by many authors both in the past and in the in more detail. The problem of the stability of superheavy present centuries, however, for brevity we mention only atoms was described by Zeldovich Ya. B. and Popov V. S. the very first and famous: for example, Ernest Rutherford back in 1971. The question of the electronic structure of in 1920 ( Ryazantsev et al., 2014; Kikoin, 1991) and An- an atom in a supercritical nuclear charge (Ζ> 170) is of dreas von Antropoff in 1926 (before the discovery of the great fundamental interest. In 1928, Paul Dirac showed neutron itself) as a designation for a hypothetical element that in the Coulomb field of a point charge Ze the solution with an atomic number zero, which he placed at the be- of the relativistic equation for an electron becomes singu- ginning of the periodic table (Antropoff ,1926). A. Antro- lar for Ζ = 137. Introducing the finite dimensions of the pov also proposed the term "Neutronium" for the first nuclear, I. Ya. Pomeranchuk and Ya. A. Smorodinsky in time, although at that time this term was understood only 1945 showed that an accurate calculation leads to a critical by the yet not discovered, but already expected neutron. charge (Zc = 170). In the work of S. S. Gerstein and Ya. At the present time, both the dineutron, tetraneutrone, and B. Zeldovich in 1969, it was assumed that, with a super- octaneutron can claim this place in the PS, the information critical charge Ζ>Zc, a bare nucleus Ζ spontaneously about which has already appeared in the press (Marques et emits positrons. An atom with a filled K shell, with an al.,2012; Aleksandrov et al.,2005) and which can formally increase in the charge of the nucleus Ζ>Zc (with increas- be considered as neutron isotopes. It’s not difficult to see ing Ζ, the internal electronic levels continue to drop, and that the very substance of neutron stars, which in 1937 the size of the nuclei grow) directly passes to the critical predicted L. D. Landau and discovered in 1968 by as- state Ζ = Zc, not emitting positrons, but by trapping the tronomers from Cambridge, can be considered from the electrons by the nucleus. The authors also consider the point of view of the isotopy of the element Neutronium. possible contribution of the phenomenon of vacuum po- larization and the production of pairs of particles and anti- 2. Neutronization particles in the field of critical nuclei. Thus, the zero position in the PS corresponds to the no- However, we can not but make a few critical remarks: tion of it as a "singular point" in which to unite the mi- cro- and mega-worlds, about the unity of which many 1. With the unconditional heuristic value of the article philosophers and outstanding natural scientists have re- by Zeldovich and Popov, they did not go any further – peatedly spoken. The process of transformation of ordi- they did not make a direct conclusion about the almost nary matter into neutrons under the influence of gravita- complete neutronization of supercritical nuclei, although tional forces in the process of the evolution of certain stars they laid the groundwork for this. was called Neutronization. The reaction of electron cap- ture by atomic nuclei (A, Z) (A is the mass number, Z is 2. Their conclusion (the 4th conclusion on p. 410 ) that the order number of the element) has the form: the properties of the outer shells of an atom (which deter- mine, in particular, Mendeleev's periodicity of chemical (A,Z) + e- (A,Z-1)+, (1) properties) naturally continue to the supercritical region-is questionable. The energy threshold of the reaction is large, therefore, only at high material densities, characteristic of the final 3. They underestimated the role of vacuum polariza- stages of the evolution of some stars, the electron energy tion. Although there were papers (Panchapakesan, 1971), may exceed the critical value of the Neutronization which state that the vacuum polarization grows unbound- threshold. Gravitational neutronization is widely described edly at ZZc. This contradicted their conclusions, how- and discussed in detail, but other mechanisms for the for- ever, in our opinion, this is closer to the truth and this mation of neutron matter are possible, for example, con- leads to the inevitable and almost complete neutronization densation of ultracold neutrons (UCN) and neutronization of supercritical nuclei. due to a critical increase in the atomic number of the ele- ments in the PS. First we turn to the consideration of neu- Of the modern works specifying the value of the quan- tronization due to a critical increase in the ordinal number tity Zc, we can indicate the work "New method for solv- of the elements in the PS. In general, the question of the ing the problem Z> 137 "and determining the energy lev- "ultimate element" was repeatedly raised by different au- els of hydrogen-like atoms" V.P.Neznamov and thors and has its interesting "intrigue". The final element I.I.Safronov in "Advances in Physical Sciences" in 2014.
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