132 . . [KEJ.-LY'S

• Baker Mrs. 10 ~tO<'kwood crescent Carruthers Andrew V.D., J.P. 3 George Evans Frederick James, 201 Castle street Bangi Celestino, 56 Westbourne road street west Evans Miss, 15 Napier road Barford Abraham, New Bedford road Carruthers Mrs. 78 road Eveling Thos. Kerridge. 129 Tennyson rd Barford Ernest, Meadowcroft. Studlev rd Caspers Carl, 15 Brook street · Eyles Ernl'st lvon, Genesta, Studley road Barford Horace, RosthPrne, Studley road Cawdell Mrs. 34 Cardiff road Facer John, Hart hill Barford Murray. :n Cardiff road Cawley Thomas Arthur, Lea dale, New Fairer John Ernest, 3 Cromwell road Barker Charles, 41 Westbourne road Bedford road Farmer Mrs. 16 Dunstable road Barnard Charles, 2 l3 Ca.'lt]e street Chalkley Alfred J. North side, Studley rd Farmer Ridney. 42 Stnad. stre6t Barnes Gcorge ,Tarn&"!, 15 London road Cha.ntler Mrs. 191 Castle street Felki William, 17 London road Barrett Miss, 21 Cardiff road Chapman Henry, 31 Ashburnham road FeMv-Pirotte Jean Leon Joseph, The Barrett William J. 37 Ashburnham road Cherry Waiter, 31 D.mstable road Elms, New B~dford road Barringer Thomas, 30 Brook street Child Arthur Robert, 37 Downs road Farrier David M. D. Burlingha.m hollBe, Ba.rtlett Edwin, 17 Dunstable road Clark Bertram, IO Cardiff grove New Bedford road Bartlett Thos. Headley, 10 l3rentwood rd Clark Bertram, 253 Dunstable road Field George, 264 Dunstable road Bates F. Fa.irland, Cromwell road Clark Harry, Stanley house, Stanley s• Field Thos. Aldridsze, 35 Stockwood ores Bavister Frederick George, 1 Crescent rd Clemmans Albert S. 28 Brook\ street Firm in Alfred, 21 Dunsta.ble road Bavister Mrs. 61 Castlt' street Coate Rev. Harry [vicar of St. Matthew's, Foot Miss, 1 Rothesay road Beecroft Fredk. Rostrevor, Hart hill High Town], St. Matthew's vicarage, Foster Ernest, 25 road Beecroft Henry, Inglt>side, Hart hill High Town Foster William, 31 Park street west Bell Robert Daniels M.A., M.B. 26 Dun- Cocker Horace C. 1 Kenilworth road Fowell William, 7 Cromwell road stable road Cole Arthur, Culverdene, High Town road Fowler William, 11 Stockwood crescent Bell Waiter, 23 Ashburnham road Cole Mrs. I Crescent rise Fox Albert Edward, 21 road Bennett Ellis, 65 North street Collins Charles F. 25 Westbourne road Foxley Wm. Beechcroft, Lansdowne road Bennett Sydney, Moss bank, Chapel street Congreve .James, fi London roa.d Franklin Benja.min B. 29 London road Bigg Frederick, 73 Tennyson road Cook A. Turlbourn, 13 Crescent rise Furlong Fred~rick, 44 Brook street Billingham William, 39 West.bourne road Cook Douglas, Brooklea., Studley road Fyson William Thorpa, 46 Napier road Bird Arthur H. 17 Moor street Cook Francis Frederick, 30 Moor street Gaber Thomas E. 8 Stockwood crescent Bird Arthur Richard. l Downs road Cook John, 18 Cardiff road Gale Alfred, The Retreat, Old Bedford rd "Bird Charles, 1\laycroft, Dunstableroad Cook Thomas Henry, 33 Downs road Garrard ,John W. 5,1, Napier road Bird Henry Charles, 69 Ashburnham road Cooke Richard Edward, Shirle_v, New' Gaston Charles, 42 Brook stre3t "Bird Mrs. 39 Stockwood crescent Bedford road Gate" John, 51 George st.reet Bloomfield William, 31 Bury Park road ICooke Richard Thomas, 5 Dunstable rd Gentle Amos, 12 Brantwood road

"Blows Chas. Ernest L.D.S.Eng. 63 Brook st1Cooke Walt.er Henry, 5 Crescent rise Gentle Harry Amos, Lansdowne road Blows Wesley, 63 Brook street Cookson Charl~>s, 12 Stockwood cresnent Gentle Horace Arthur, 255 Dunstable rd Blundell Henry J.P. 21 Crescent road Cornes Charles, 6 Bury Park road Gt>ntle -lame~, Tralee. Cromwell road "Blundell Percy, Fairholme, Crescent rise Cotehin Herbert, :\3 Upper George street- Gihbon'J Ht>nn·, 20 C-·eseent road "Bolter Mrs. 71 Ashburnham road Cotely Edward, The Maze, Havelock road Gibbs Albert Alexander, 24 Downs road Bone James, 59 Brook street Coveney Jamt>s, Dalmt>ny, Studley road Gibb~ Ern:-st, 76 Dun,table road Bone John Wardle M.B. 39 Castle street Cowley Herbert, 61 Brook street Giddings Ernest, Lyndhurst, Moor street Bonfield WaltPr, 104 Crawley road Cox William Henry, 30 Downs road Giddings Low, St. lvo, Studley road Booth Arthur Frederick, Beachmont, Old Cranfield William John, 160 Hitchin road Giddings Percy William, Rose cot. Moont Bedford road Crawley Francis J.P. Stockwood Gilbert. James, 25 Dunstable road Boutwood AubreyWilmott,61 Leagrave t•d Crew Ba'lardo Thomas, Reculver, Lans- Gilder Ernest, Bramcote, Stud.ley road Boutwood Mrs. 47 Cardiff road downe road Gilder George Wilcox, Myrtle house, Dun· Boutwood William A. Hilldene. Hart hill Croft FrederiC'k, 43 Brook street stable roa.d Bower E. D. 30 Wellington stret>t Cumberland Edwd. A. Greenhurst,Hart hi Gile!i Arthur J. 46 Brook st.reet Bradshaw Ernest William,19 London road Cumbt>rland Hugh, The Lynchets,Hart hi Gillam Horace, 52 W estbourne road :Branson Rev. George B.A. [curate of St. Currant Percy, 37 London road Gillam James, 54 Westbourne road Saviour's], Farley house, Chapel street Dakin Rev. Edward [curate of St. Gillam William "Cooper, 115 Tennyson rd Brenham Charles Henry, 26 Cardiff road Mary's], 37 Rothesay road Gladwin Rev. Thomas J.[Primitive Metho· Brett Rev. George J. [Wesleyan], 45 Dandy William. 63 Castle street dist], The Manse, High town Cardiff road Darvy George Francis, 31 road Godfrey Albert C. 33 Park street west Brewer Joseph, 230 Dunstable road Davey George, 28 Cardiff road Godfrey Albert James, 23 London road Brighton Capt. Edgar, Lingfield, J.ans- Davies James Richard, 9 Cre~cent rise Godfrey Alfred, 29 Church street downe road Davis Mrs. Newson, 4 Lansdowne road Godfrey Arthur F. 21 Stockwood crescent • Broadbent Ernest T. 24 Brentwood road Davis Sidney, St. Cecilia's, West Hill road Godfrey Frederick, 3 London road ""Brodie William Thomas, Rathfarnha.m, Dawson Arthur, 77 Tennyson road Godfrey Gnstavus, 33 Biscot road Dunstable road DawMon Charles, 37 Park street west Godfrey Horace Irving, 65 Ashburnham rd 'Brown David Alfred, 204 Dunstable road Dawson Charles Sidney,63 Ashburnham rd Godfrey Mr~. 5 S~ockwood crescent Brown Henry, Highfield, Chapel street Dawson Oliver Burnett, 228 Dunstable rd Godfrey Mrs. Westbrook, New Bedford rd Brown Henry Cumberland, Hill foot, Day George, 33 Stockwood crescent Goldsmith John Charles, 46 Park street Crescent road Day Herbert William, 137 Tennyson road Goode Mrs. 211 Castle street Brown John Henry, 25 Cardiff road Deacon Arthur, 13 Downs road Goodwin John William, 48 Brook street Brown Miss, 48 Park street Deacon Edwin, 11 Dunstable road Goring Henry, 32 Brantwood road Brown Percy, 187 Ca!:!tle street Deacon \Villiam, 3 Rothesay road Goujon Edmund, 30 Rothesay road Brown W alter E. 36 Rothesay road Dent Mrs. 34 Moor street Grace Arthur, 2 Bury Park road ·Brown WilfredHy.3TheDrive,Crescent rise Dillingham Charles, Elm villa, New Graves-Morris Herbt. Wm. Up. George st Brown Williltrn Henry, 9 Brook street Redford road Gray Archibald, 23 Na.pier road Bryant Ernest George, 16 West Hill roll.f! Dillingham Cyril, 22 Brantwood road Gray Milner, 265 Dunstable road Buckingham Albert, Sunnydale, l\cw Dillingham SidneyGhas.57 Ashburnham rd Greatorex Eyland W. 23 Brook street Bedford road Dnnmock E:lwin, 21 Moor street Green John William J.P. The Larches, Buckingham George, Park view, New Dimmock George, 41 Stockwood crescent New Bedford road Bedford road Dixon William S. Fairlight, Hart hill Green Mrs. 29 Brook street Bucklow William, 193 Castle street 1 Dobson Rev. Samuel [Primitive Metho- Green Sidney Jose ph J.P. The Larches, • Bulman Rev. Thomas [vicar of St. Paul's], dist], 26 Moor street ~ew Bedford road St. Paul's vicarage, London road Oockrill ,To!!eph, 11 Crescent rise Green Tho~. Geo. St. Helen's,Biscot road Bunker William Fredk. 79 Tennyson road Doubble Meredith Sedgwick, 31 New Green William, i7 Brook street Burbridge William, 37 Westbourne road Bedford road Grecnwell Mrs. 2 Cardiff road • }3urdett Miss, 207 Castle street Draper Henry George, 60 Westbourne rd Gregory Henry, 29 D.mstable road · .Bm'gess Edward, Wessenden, New Bed- Duffield William B. I Russell street Grimmer Edmund, Rivington, West m.rd ford rQad. Duncombe 'Villiam, 11 Brook street Grinonneau Geo. Arthur, 63 Lea.gra.ve rd

Burgess Frederick, 27 Bury Park road Dungate Richard Jas. 4 Brantwood road Groom Alfred, 46 Rothe~ay road • B~rgess John, 23 Dunstable road Dunham Wm. G. The Gables, Studley road Grout J ames, 13 Leagrave road ·Burley Richard, 18 Leagraveroad Diirler Henry, White hill, London road Grundy H~>nry, 94 D ..mstable road Burley Thomas, 23 London road Durler Robert, 130 Castle street Haberfield Henry Jas. 86 Dunstable road Burnet Arthur, 84 Dunstable road Earl Alfred, 4 Crawley roa.d IHackett John, 35 Downs road Butcher Ernest, 21 Ashburnham road Ebbs Frank, 45 Rothesay road Haith Waiter, 76 road .Butcher Wm. Bendrol'le, Braithwaite road Edridge Tom. 26 Rothesay road Hall Ephraim, ll George street west Button Ebenezer, Gyppeswyk, Lans- Ellingham Miss, I!? Crawley road Hall John, Hill side, Hitchin road · downe road To:Uis Rev. Ernest Sayer [Wesleyan], 43 Rambling William, 162 Hitchin road Byers Richard Geo. Lansdowne road Stockwood crescent Hamilton Adam M. B., c.M. Wailer street Byfield John Thomas, 33 Ashburn ham rd Ellis Frederick, 3 Brook street Hansell Hubert Stanley, 43 Con way road Cain George, 11 Rothesay road English Albert, 8 Bury Park road Harden Percy, 7 London road .Ce.in Mrs. 61 Clarendon road Escott Charles Wm. 43 Westbourne road Ha.rman George, 20 Stockwood crescent Cain Thomas, 'fhanet, Lansdowne road Eustace Jeffrey, 52 Napier road Harmer George, HI Downs road