THE .YEEK's BILL. Bratton, Which Opened at Soutnr
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ta . rn _¦ a m £9 ^^ ^e-WmfV M rvr. /JM3 FOOTLTOnm±m\W .___¦¦ ¦_¦_¦ ____> lUl- ^^M^M t paattag eaanpaay, the princlpal of whlch are Far¬ OY 77//; PACIFIC SLOPE. the Broadway Theatre ren . THE .YEEK'S BILL. Bratton, which opened at Soutnr. a ->n of Nellie Farren. who waa last Monday, has tweiity-two muslcal numbers, the leading aosBMNBaauaa of musical playa on the presented by prlnelpals and chorus. The music ia Strand; Fr-d Wright. who will be remembered for all of tha character which sets everybody whlstling. hla work in "The School Girl" lrast season; Fred /. 8 tts Strength in San Fran¬ j but none Kay. who antntd h. re orlginally in The Gaiety Mir.y Shows, from Shatc to C'lit- i Mr. Bratton has written several scorea. Girl." tind who hn- since been the leading charac¬ whlch hava furnlshed so many numbere for the ter comedian of Daly's Theatre. Dondon; Tallleur cisco.Danger from Hook Worrn. To Be Seen. whlstler. Among the prlnelpals are Edwln Stevens. Andrews. who waa the chief tenor of .'The School tcring Spectacle, Harrv MaoDonough, George Blcbards. .Sager Olrl" t. aeaaon; the three danc- Ban Fr-trcisao, Au*. M RepuMtcaa* Granvllle, Miss Qertle Carlisle. Gaiety Theatre Midgelev, Taylor Miss Carol ers. Miss Margaret Fraser. Miss Bert Slnden and League h. li thai The reguli :.t the Xew-York la Hawley, Mlaa Ethel Johnson. Miss Vivlan Vowles, wh bead an clever Ho¬ Miss Kathryr: HirU'hinson. A e*on- especlally :ectgi will 1.. n;_-',-.t. arith Qaorijei V. the dancing contingent; M!ss Jane May aml Mlsa apicuous feature of the Rei -9-_.M-<-e is great an who ha_ bart'. Itle, -The Ham Tree," chorus. wbich has sonie*' really girls. whlch Milton. English actress. played legitl- of defeathij: >1 oS) >n"* pretty mate roles wlth Henry Irving and others. The la whieh >' _:h art* to appear. is in itself sufll.ler.tly unusual in a Broadway French music hall dancers are Mme. Martha Du- hsmpg < ns tlie show to be worthy of remark. trodurlnc haia.-tcr typ.s frene and Mlles. Ellse I). lyslo. Stl* nne Mautle. a uiaJafMy 1 -: ; Ifl Mr. Ho- Germalne Valreal. Germalne Manges. Angel Lori- centre muni' ipal : a g >od man ls nom. foarts and Heath appear not Edward Pegte, author of "The Prince Chap," deau. Jeanne I/epage, Suzanne Malllof. Thla pro- comedy Mclntyre ductlon ls under the stage direction of Ben Teal. nated for he wiil re..-<-tv# many Lenio-* only bi ibera of a Oebrg-B minstrel which Walter X. .Lawrence will brlng out at the Mayor la flrst votes. l'l-.e le.ia th the Re company, but also in a burlesque porttayal of an Madison Square Theatre September 4 the cratic lead¬ charles Frohman wUl open the Empire Theatre Indi.*n and n.nee. Klaw A Erlanger in known dramatlst to show* tho evolution of hls can and _)_.aoerpttc ; \ rajab we.l for Its thirteenth season Monday night. their eorapany baae provided not only some lng woman character by presenting her ln the September combination and ln thls way prevent a v. * . ot when be wil! new com¬ ra, but also a vouthful aggregatlon three of when she ls ii baby of 4, present John Drew ln a sijctv b - girta, each of whom was se- periods early life, edy, entitled "De Auguatus Thomas. strength, whlch wi i!d giv- "B f mS*A% Jerome a child of and a woman of eigh¬ Lancey," by leete.' for nbilltv as a dancer and singer. flve, eight, young Thls wUl also of Drew'a thir¬ May.r .S.hmltz a i and Bebwara made the lyrit-s and music. Tb.e teen. The drama shows the early life of a char¬ be the beginning Mr. storv is in three acts. with scenes whlch teenth season as a star _nan- developed a between chlld- under Mr. Frohman's a ln >*. C. a water tank acter wlth lapso of many years hotel Marlon. the r.ote.l Ar . repr-sent and hood and tvonmnhood. aganaari mmr§ trmt Da-Ja, who has b»-.-n Mr. Drew's Sir Patrlck Manson, on a railroad in Delaware, where Mclntyre the author for four seasons. will eontinue wlth Heatn m old characters of Alexander Ham- In bringlng forward this character. leading lady surgeon who la dellverinc a c -«» dream of calls upon three people to illustrate the evolution hlm ln that capaclty during the present seaaon. bletonlan and Henry Jones relate their Of here on troptca' riisea. es, warm San FraneiacaM rhe ham a near a water tank, and a of the part.two children and an actress gentle- tree: wood manner What man.lon «*n 5th-ave. ness and BWeetnOas of and of youth. of the danger of introduting th_ hook ls possible to the novellat become. a dlfflcult tabit Robert Kdescn, who presented **Strongheart" w-ye^ for the drnmutist, and a more dlfflcult one for the under the management of Henry B. Harris tor from Chlna. He decl-.res lt la one of the vr.opS, For this week Kelth's offers a bill headed by the munager. who lves te. select the actors. Mr. Law¬ three months at the Hudson Theatre. last season. dari^e:"us complamrs, as It spreads rar-. r. Great Lafayette, with his company and mllitary rence believes he has found three people who make Claudia a living and natural being. He has ehosen a meiist cllmate. of a colony <>f Port<. R."insj llttle Helt-n Pullman for the baby period. Edith who came back here fron. Speare for the child of eight. and Miss Grayce % Seott for the young woman of eighteen. were affected by hook worm. .'Woodland'' will continue at the Grand Opera Testlmony ls beir.g taken in thls eirv tn thea House for another week. after whlch Henry W. federal court ln regard to th** a! eg»d I j Savage's organlzation will start on the road. of the watera of th- T % Mme. Kallcii ls studylng ihe tltle role of " Florlaton Pulp ar.d Paper Vanna" at a nearby seaside resort. She will mill is In Nevada County. Tbeeom*. % appear ln the Maeterlinck play.her flrst essay the Unlversity of Nevada and tft-i aity of R-rw^ under the direetion of Harrison Grey Oc¬ both of which get water frorn the Tr tober. This productlon is expected to be one of the -^ most elaborate wlth which Mr. Fiske has been as- An analysis of river water. lt *A a.. will Mine. sociated. and the company that support cates tha. lt is poasone 1 by chi . Kalich will be organized wlth ull the care that has dlstlngui.hed the management of the Manhat¬ paper mill refuse. tan as to other t-xeeptional plays. Orthodox Hebrews hav begun -. -| Kyrle Bellew will sall for Xew-York on Septem¬ to close the Une i on 3atm*aa| ber 9. He will his season ln Montreal. Sep¬ open day, the Jewish Sabbath. Ther* are r<-, % tember H5. from wbence he goes direct to the Hollls Street Theatre, Boston. in many courses and freq'i°nr »xa- -^ SCENE FROM "THE COLLEGE WIDOWER." Saturdays. and it is pointed out that the w The new "The play by Hall Calne. Prodigal Son." Marie Dressler and Trixie Friganza at Joe Web.-r's Music Hall on August £*.. atudenta must either neglect thelr studl»s om which has been ln rehearsal at the Xew-Amster- stay away from thelr synag^gue. p dam Theatre for the laat live weeks, will open at hls twe.nty-flve will sall on the St: I_ou.s bn 'September 30. Miss three wrives. Ernest Hogan and ot Jews at the Unive»rsity of Callfon s the new Xational Theatre, Washington, to-morrow thelr flnal appear¬ Xethersole comlng a week later on the Deutschland. Mempbls students will also make while those at Stanford mny 1 « night. The Xational Theatre has been undergoing The ance. Three KIos Sisters in thelr athletic ex- extenslve repairs, and night an.l day work has been tour will begin in Washington, and subse- The flngera o* tw«> hands. reejulred to get the theatre ln shape. Following the she wlli be seen in Chlcago prlor to her hibltion, Rice and Provost. tho Zantzlgs, Goolman'a week ln Washlngton the attraetion will come di¬ opening ln Xew-York. Miss Xethersole's new:lead¬ trained dogs anel cats. the juggllng McBands, the rectly to the Xew-Amsterdam Theatre. lng man ls Hubert Carter, who was leadlng man for muslcal Johnstons nnd. for the flrst time on the Friends of John Muir ar* ir.'.h a'ar--.e ~rm*m. Miss Ellen Terry at the Imperlnl Theatre. Last roof thls Paul Conehas. the herculean can- Ha la la Arlaona ani i* Mr. Carter ln "Othello" ln London. season, hfs condition. «'ir»rin'| gprlng appeared non ball luggler. will appear. On Monday, Septem¬ - Miss Elsie Janis's last week ls announced. Wlth ber 4, the for-nal reopening of the Victoria Theatre from nervoua cnllapaa. following the -.-» the close of Wlstarla Grove the llttle lmltator will will take death of hls wife and the dangerous l'.lness oA It will be cbildren*8 night to-morrow night at plaee. bid farewell to thls city. Everybody la sorry, too. his daughter Helen. The latter accompanled he*) La Domino also leaves thls next week. Paln's Port Arthur, Manhattan Beach.