Double-think by the State-run TV: the TUT.BY case is that of tax fraud, but they are still the enemy of the state

Monitoring of State TV Narratives in (17/05/2021 – 23/05/2021)

The purpose of this monitoring is to study how the Belarusian state conveys its ideological narrative. The most important mechanism for conveying its narrative is the evening broadcast. Then the informational function of media is complemented, and sometimes replaced by, the broadcasting of official ideological messages. We monitor the outputs of the Agency of the Television News (ATN), which prepares the news broadcasts for the Belarus- 1 channel (“Panorama” and Sunday’s “Main Airtime”), the channel ONT (“Our News”, “Saturday’s Edition” and “Contours”), and the channel STV (“24 Hour News” and “The Week”). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

During the week, the state-run channels carried out several information campaigns concerning the TUT.BY case, the ongoing struggle against the "glorification of Nazism" and the crash of a military plane.

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The death of the pilots was used, among other things, to lash out at the opponents.

Key narratives can be found in APPENDIX 1.

Maintaining safety and preventing risks was one of the main narratives of the week. Traditional descriptions of external and internal threats were used to substantiate the need for an earlier adopted Decree and expanding the powers of the Security Council. The general message was the need to hedge against attempts to forcefully change the status quo.

One of the main conflictogenic subjects was the TUT.BY case. The state channels were not very consistent. On the one hand, they tried to prove the purely economic corpus delicti of the case. On the other hand, they also denounced the anti-state bearing of the portal. Special focus was on the topic traditional for the state-run TV — lamenting the wealth the company leached off at the expense of benefits offered by the state.

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Within the framework of attacks on opponents, state channels repeatedly try showcasing new "sensational footage".

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This time, the spotlight was on the prank of Vovan and Lexus, which, according to state channels, proves the deep involvement of American funds in the affairs of Belarus, and on the testimony of Semyon Semenchenko, which was also interpreted as evidence of Kiev's active operation against the Belarusian authorities. Sunday news programs already included stories about the flight incident. The presenters argued that the forced landing was justified and fully in line with international rules, and the Belarusian authorities only provided the necessary assistance. Roman Protasevich was referred to as a sacrifice by the opposition, but the anchors acknowledged he was deemed an important source of information.

Reform attitudes during the week were associated with the promotion of a single voting day, the strengthening of the Security Council, the possibility of expanding the powers of the capital city local self-government.

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The project “Monitoring of State TV Narratives in Belarus” is implemented by Sense Analytics in partnership with Press Club Belarus. The author of the weekly reports is Maxim Stefanovich, the editor and coordinator of the project is Artyom Shraibman.

To see the full version of the report in Russian click here.

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ANTI-PROTEST NARRATIVES ● “In a situation where, save for from pain and compassion, a normal person cannot think of anything else, the so-called “incredible ones” again struck with their cynicism and inadequacy. It seems that this is the feature of this community — to exploit the tragedies and lives of people for the sake of exposure." ● “Beating up the police, hating the army, destroying the national economy. Striking, not paying the bills. And, apparently, ceasing to live altogether. This is a recipe for change from the builders of the country for life under the white-red-white flag.” ● “The couch warriors were dancing dashingly at the TUT.BY grave yesterday. One might only wonder how much meanness and hypocrisy they harbor. Polish extremists, an alcoholic, Tsikhanouskaya, Protasevich and Motolko, and other smaller minions. All of them chanting a well-rehearsed lament about repressions." ● "The Ministry of Internal Affairs continues to monitor the Internet, identifying everyone who undermines the constitutional order and incites social enmity on the Web." ● “In social media, every now and then one sees the couch warriors’ statements on these people being the disabled biological waste, and large families being cattle, and there is a need to cleanse society of such people.”

TUT.BY CASE, STATE CYBER-SECURITY ● “But what about the law? You are all against the lawlessness, right? Why then the sketchy tax dodging? The answer is simple: talking about freedom of speech, truth and the new Belarus is all good, it is good for morale, but money... well, in cash we trust. Investigators emphasize that this is primarily an economic crime. It was the same with and Viktor Babariko — they were detained for bribes and money laundering.” ● “TUT.BY was cynically, meanly, purposefully destroying our state, corrupting society with liberal metastases. But yesterday an peculiar thing came to light. I mean, what impudence and meanness it must take to strive for the destruction of one's homeland, while going out of their way to help themselves to the preferential treatments offered by the state." ● “TUT.BY and Onliner were the incubators of these degenerates. We have dealt with the one cesspool, and the time will come for the second one.” ● "There was information about the super profits of those who indulged in criticizing the state and paid lip service to doctors, pensioners and veterans." ● “The portal was exploiting the benefits received from Lukashenka, accusing Lukashenka of all cardinal sins.” ● “What was the reason for the arrival of the security forces? An attack on the media? Crackdown on free speech? A mere administrative offense. Article 23.5 - “Illegal production and distribution of media content”. ● “As for the aspects related to the information activities of, I have repeatedly said, both as a political expert and as a member of the Board of the Union of Journalists, that this

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resource is biased, non-objective, it would often publishes what can be called deliberate misinformation”. ● “Some tech staff of the company tried to urgently leave the country. Such haste is treated by the investigation as confirmation of illegal activity. Law enforcement agencies intend to soon contact the authorities of other countries seeking legal assistance in the investigation of this criminal case."

PERSONALISM ● “Alyaksandr Lukashenka expressed deep condolences to the families of the victims. According to his press secretary Natalia Eismont, the head of state "gave all the necessary instructions, took the investigation under personal control and is awaiting results ..." ● “Let us remind you that the strategic task set by the head of state is to bring the Chernobyl regions up to a new quality level of life.” ● “The President also asks about the mood of the townspeople, because since they tried to paint white and red, it means someone needed it. Alyaksandr Lukashenka is waiting for proposals — what the authorities can do in order not to give ground... Moreover, summer is coming — the time of mass events.” ● “More than 300 young people will be incentivized. Presidential scholarships have been awarded to 187 students and cadets. In addition, the winners of a number of international competitions and national contests will receive cash prizes." ● “All the leaders will say that the time has come to unite. More vocal than others is Alyaksandr Lukashenka. The president is clearly tired of the pandemic. The President of Belarus publicly advocates opening the borders within the EAEU as soon as possible.” ● “Why, in the historical aspect, Belarus need specifically Alyaksandr Lukashenka? Evgeny Pustovoy's opinion”. They will write about this in history books, this phenomenon is already being studied in Langley offices. The failed rebellion and the failed destruction of the political leadership."

THE STATE’S OWN SAFETY NETS – SECURITY COUNCIL, EDICT, LAW AGAINST NAZISM ● "At this stage, it is important not only to expand the functions of the Security Council, but also to raise the status of this collegial agency." ● “And here only clear and systematic actions on the part of the state can protect from promoting the idea of personal superiority over the others. The law "On Preventing the Rehabilitation of Nazism" has become a response to the challenges facing our society." ● “After all, both Nazism and extremism are related phenomena underpinned by the same thing — radicalism. And it is aimed, first of all, at the destruction of the country and society.” ● “The decree itself is one of the many instruments of Belarusian sovereignty, which include the economy, and the social model, and the independent foreign policy, and allies, and the broad social contract”. ● “Better to have a dictatorship. The dictatorship of conscience, morality, the dictatorship of the ideal, the dictatorship of holiness. " ● “Belarus, as it was, remains at the fault line of civilizations and interests. There is only one way out ‘— society must remain monolithic, the authority must be strong."

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● “Today the President signed laws aimed at strengthening the security of Belarusians. The circle of officials subject to state protection is getting expanded — civil servants, judges, media workers, members of election commissions, as well as their families." ● “You should be happy that the state is taking additional measures so that we do not have Nazi manifestations. Every normal person who thinks about the future of his family, country, development, will always support legislation that is aimed at strengthening sovereignty and national security."

ALLIED CONFRONTATION WITH THE WEST ● “This difficult time made me think once again about how important it is to be together, because this way we are much stronger”. ● “The key to the development of all participants in the world market is healthy, fair competition, and not the language of reproaches, restrictions and barriers, which some in the West are so used to communicating.” ● “Counteracting sanctions pressure and approaches to the formation of a common energy market. Perhaps these are the main topics of the Eurasian Economic Union summit, which was held today once again in the format of a video conference." ● “Today the reality is that both Russia and, of course, Belarus began to respond to such attacks adequately and in a reciprocal manner”. ● “In particular, they talked about the need for allied parliamentarians to strengthen legislative responses to the security threats faced by our countries due to Western interference in internal political processes. For example, there were reports on trainings in the Czech Republic for involving teenagers in illegal actions through TikTok.” ● “There is no doubt that external players are behind the attempted military coup in Belarus.” ● “It is indicative: the leaders of NED were targeting both Belarus and Russia at the same time. This confirms the very argument by Lukashenka: that Belarus in August was a springboard or a test drive before launching an assault on Moscow."

FORCE-FEEDING PATRIOTISM, PRO-GOVERNMENT ACTIVISM ● “Creation of the Belarusian union of bloggers, work in the media space and information security on social media. These topics on the agenda of the forum of bloggers and opinion leaders today.” ● “Let everyone independently decide what the Motherland means for them and how to manifest their patriotism. The state will steer the implementation in each case, and the Motherland will not forget you." ● “The family in our culture, in our mentality, in basic religions is seen as a union of a man and a woman with childbirth. The Belarusian Orthodox and Catholic Churches urge the people to not take after the modern European trends that lead to moral degradation and physical health problems, but to inherit the traditions of the ancestors and live by the biblical commandments." ● “Everyone can become a part of the big team of the International Festival of Arts. Active, stress-resistant, executive, punctual, benevolent and energetic people wanted."

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PATERNALISM, DIRIGISME ● “To prevent a decline in the standard of living of people and to properly fulfill all financial guarantees of the state. There will be no reversal and weakening of social support for citizens in the state policy of the country.” ● “On the whole, we passed the test of the pandemic and political turbulence: the entire social sphere of the country is functioning without failures”. ● “Organ transplantation at the Minsk Scientific and Practical Center for Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology is provided to Belarusians free of charge, also because of the revenue brought in by the export of medical services .” ● “Well-thought-out wastefulness or inept thriftiness. The Board of the State Audit Office analyzed the implementation of the state program "Energy Saving". "The well-known slogan "the economy should be economical" is becoming more and more relevant over the years." ● “And also Belarus has always been and remains a peaceful and hospitable country. The beginning of the summer season is time to think about your vacation. For those keen to spend the vacation within the country there are options for every taste and budget." ● “There is balance of the economy and stability in the foreign exchange market. The Belarusian ruble has appreciated against the currency basket by almost 2.4% since the beginning of the year. And it will probably continue to move in the same direction."

“ACCIDENTAL” ARREST OF PROTASEVICH ● “Minsk Airport received the message at 12:50 pm. The flight was transmitting code 7700 — this is the Mayday code, indicating an emergency on board. By the decision of the aircraft commander, already at 13:15 the plane made a successful landing at the .” ● “Alyaksandr Lukashenka unconditionally instructed to turn the plane around and receive it in Minsk, in this situation the most important thing is the safety and lives of people.” ● “And here comes another interesting thing. Roman Protasevich, a radical, one of the creators of the extremist channels involved in riots in Belarus, was also aboard this plane. He was coming back from vacation, not alone. His trip ended then and there." ● “After the plane landed, exactly eight minutes later, the notorious Mrs. Tsikhanouskaya was already posting on her blog that Protasevich was there. It seems to me that the special services and all their henchmen simply threw Protasevich under the bus and made a sacrifice out of him." ● "Protasevich is on KGB’s list of organizations and individuals involved in terrorist activities." ● “Such an unexpected twist in the story of Roman Protasevich stirred up the discussions on the Web about the supposedly impossible coincidence of his return from a vacation in Cyprus and such a landing in Minsk. Those familiar with international air travel regulations are not surprised by what has happened." ● "Reportedly, Protasevich has already managed to go through the customs and border control without any problems, and only after Motolko's posted his photo he was detained by the police."

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