A J D H A L . L .



8 1 FU L T N ST O RE ET . I

E n t acc rdi n t o Ac t o f Co n ress i n the ea r 1 8 8 e re d o g g , y 9 ,

M B Y S T R E E T 8: S I T H,

W a s i n n D. C l n the Offi c e o f the L ibra ria n o f Co n ress at h t o . g , g , C O N T E N T S .


I —E a r l Hi s or . y t y

— h of Ca ta i n Co ok — M i s si on ari es — e er s I I e a L . . D t p p

I I Cli ma e a n d N a tu ra l Fea ur e s I . t t

— d u s oms — n h abi a n s an d Sc hoo I V Man n er s an C ls . . t I t t .

V - n du stri e s a n d C omme r c e . I

V — I on u u . . H ol l

VI L — S ome Oth er T own s

— u VIII . Q e en L i l i u okal a m a n d the R e vol u ti on

- T h e An n x a i n I X . t o o f a i i e H .

- X . C on c lu si on

2771 8



AR L Y H I T R Y E S O .

Considerable of the attention and interest in the U nited States has of late been attracted toward the Hawaiian I m slands , which are an i portant group occupying a cen tral position in the North Pacific O cean some twenty - one

hundred miles west of San Francisco , and directly in the commercial track between the U nited Stat es and Au str a I lia on the one hand , and the sthmus of Panama and

e China on the other . These islands will necessarily b come an important commercial centre and resort of ship

i n ping this great ocean . There are eight inhabited islands constituting this L group , namely , , Maui , Kahoolawe , anai , Molo O N kai , ahu , Kauai and iihau ; these comprise an area of

about six thousand seven hundred square miles . The

- largest island , Hawaii , is nearly two thirds of the whole

area in size , being almost equal to the State of Connec ti c ut : I n the past Hawaii has been one of the most iso

lated positions in the world , and the one farthest removed

from the ancient centres of civilization . But by virtue

c o m of their geographical position , the islands belong

mer c i a l l U l y to the nited States, and in political and socia 8 AR Y H S TOR Y E L I .

m h senti ent the ties are even closer , their civilization av i n g been brought about by American agencies , both

Christian and commercial . Hawaii is virtually the half- way house between the continental shores , and is a suitable haven for ships and storage of coal , which in the present day of progress is the important feature of navi gation .

i i Although it is said Spaniards first discovered Hawa ,

m o and so e were even wrecked up n its shores , mingling

m the by inter arriage their blood with natives , whose de s c e n da n ts , the Kekea , show a light skin , Caucasian facial

’ contour and freckled faces ; still Captain Cook s name was the first European to be associated with their di sc o v

1 I n 1 i 8 . ery in 77 5 5 5 Juan Gaetano , a Span ard , is said to have discovered these islands , when sailing from the n coast of New Spai to the Spice I slands .

There is a tradition , though very ancient , about the earlier discovery of these islands by a chief whose name

- was Hawaii loa . This chief occupied a very high posi

tion , and was of purest descent . H e was supposed to be

Ka hiki - ku formerly a fisherman and navi gator in , and when sailing towards the East in one of his cruise s, he m discovered two islands , and na ed them Hawaii and

e - r e Maui . H was so pleased with his discovery that he turned to his native land and brought back to Hawaii

hi s wife and children . They are supposed to be the first inhabitants of the islands , and this tradition is handed down as a legend to this day .

Accordin g to the very early genealogies of the Ha w a iia n s W a ke a , and Papa , his wife , were the progenitors AR Y S OR E L HI T Y . 9

of the race , or were , at least , the first of their line of

h I t W a kea C iefs . is said that had improper relations with m m f a wo an by the na e of H ina , and she brought orth the k m W a e a . island which na ed Molokai Papa , wishing to

take revenge upon her husband for this act of unfaith

fulness , cohabited with a man called Lua , and gave birth to the island of O ahu ; and to this day in memory of the

e a r ly adultery the two islands have preserved the nam es

m - O . arising fro their birth , Molokai , Huia and ahu Lua A number of Hawaiian chiefs follow W a ke a and Papa

in consecutive generations , concerning whom tradition

i but b g ves little of note , until a out the end of the thir

te e n th century , when the warlike Hawaiian chief Kalau

n u i o hu a undertook to conquer the whole group of is

o f lands , each which was governed by its respective ruler

or chief .

I n e . the able account giv n by Mr W . D . Alexander in ” r : his Brief Histo y of the Hawaiian People , he states

Ka l a u n u i o hu a collected a fleet and an army and i n

vaded Maui , where he defeated and captured the leading d chief of that island . Elate by this success he proceeded

first to Molokai , where he was again victorious , and then

O - to ahu , where he defeated and captured the _ chief of r Ewa Waianae . With the th ee captive chiefs in his train

he set sail for Kauai , and landed near Koloa , where he

was met by K u kr u a at the head of the warriors o f Kauai

a r m and totally defeated , his fleet being taken and his v

I n destroyed . fact , the island of Kauai appears to have ever afterward maintained its independence until the present century . AR R I o E LY H I S TO Y .

t i i About a century later hree hi gh chiefs of Hawa , to

u n ko a O gether with L , a Maui chief , invaded ahu , land i n g at the Ewa Lagoon . Marchin g inland they were de

b M a il e k u ka hi feated y at the Kipapa ravine , which is said to have received that name from its having been " paved with the corpses of the slain .

1 0 . This period extended from about 45 A D . to the

time of Kamehameha I .

Jud ge F o r n a n de r de s cribes this time by saying I t m was an era of strife , dynastic a bitions , internal and ex i ternal wars on each island , w th all their deteriorating consequences of anarchy , depopulation , social and intel lectual degradation , loss of liberty , loss of knowledge , loss of arts .

I n un Ka early times each island had a king , but der

h m h m n i me a e a I . a c , who was said to be a of qu k per c e tio n s e the p , shr wd sense and great force , islands were m for ed into one kin gdom .

1 2 When Vancouver visited the islands in 79 , this chief . being desirous of possessing a vessel on the European

model , the keel of one was laid down for him . Ten or

twelve years later Mr . Turnbull found him with twenty

y — fi v e vessels of from twent to fifty tons , which traded amongst the islands . and the kin g afterwards purchased

r others from foreigners . He brought a v e v old ship from

- fi v e California of about one hundred and seventy tons ,

and loaded her full with sandal wood . and then sailed

with her to and from Canton till she went to the bottom .

He encouraged a warlike spirit in his people , and intro duc e d fire arms . Kamehameha also attacked and over AR S OR E LY HI T Y . 1 1

came the chiefs of the other islands one after another , b r until he ecame undisputed master of the whole g oup .

He encouraged trade with foreigners , and derived from its profit a large increase of revenue , as well as the means h of consolidati ng is power .

’ Durin g one of Kamehameha s absences from his own

big island , a rebellion broke out , but he returned in time

to subdue it . Shortly afterwards a plague resembling

’ the cholera attacked the natives . All of the king s lead

- ing men died in a few hours , as well as nearly one half of m e his soldiers . For the time being this see ed to sob r the

fierce old man , and he told his soldiers to go into the m fields and work . He joined the there himself , toiling m hard as a com on laborer ; for , besides the dread plague ,

m . fa ine , with her gaunt face , was at the door A famous traveler who visited Kamehameha at this

time tells the following story of hi m Kamehameha m threw his ar s around an idol , embraced it , and prayed ,

saying : These are our gods ; I do not know whether I I t do right to worship them or not . is the religion of I ’ a n d . our country , worship them with my people I I Kamehameha had written to King George I . August

6 1 8 1 0 m , , desiring for ally to acknowledge the King of

a n d r otec England , to place the islands under British p ff tion , an o er which was accepted . a While in Honolulu , Kamehameh had the British flag

I n 1 1 1 over his stone warehouses and hi s residence . 8

the remaining rich island surrendered to him , and Kame

m w as - ha eha , who a brave , large hearted man , despite his

fo r butcheries , made his old enemy , the chief, foreman AR OR 1 2 E LY H IS T Y .

m life . Kamehameha was a re arkable savage , being high

n c o m a n bor . Chiefs and priests were his kindred and p

ions , and he was not tardy in takin g advantage of his

t high station . Joaquin Miller , in speakin g of this grea

warrior , said The best that can be said of him was

that he was progressive . His trade was the cruel trade

of war , but even in this he was wonderfully progressive ,

for beginning with a club and canoe , he closed with can ” I 1 8 1 non and ships . Kamehameha . died in 9 at the

- age of eighty two years , and was succeeded by his son

iho l iho Ka L , who adopted on his accession the name of

m h me ha I I - e a . This son was a mild , well disposed prince ,

’ i f O n e but who nherited none o his father s energy . of his first acts was to abolish tabu and idolatry through

out all the islands . Some disturbances were caused

thereby , but the insurgents were defeated , and the peace

of the islands has been unbroken ever since .

Tabu was a set of laws of Thou shalt not do this , " that or the other thing , under penalty , depending on

the conscience of the people . The meanin g of the word “ e tabu is sacred , set apart , wh ther referring to religious

or civil matters .

I n 1 82 I I 4 Kamehameha . and his queen visited the U w L nited States and England , and hile staying in on m don , they both contracted the easles and died of it in

July of that year . m m I I I Ka eha eha . was only twenty years old when he

e 1 8 assumed the thron . U p to the year 39 the islands were governed by an absolute monarchy and upon feudal

I n . I I I principles that year Kamehameha . was induced A S O R 1 E R LY HI T Y . 3

n 1 8 0 1 8 2 to sig a bill of rights , and in 4 and 4 to grant consti tutions by which he surrendered the absolute rule in favor of a government by the three estates of king , f nobles and people , with universal su frage , a biennial parliament and paid representatives . The constitution of 1 842 and the civil penal codes were mainly prepared by Chief Justice William L . Lee , an

American . Judge Lee rendered great service to the na tion in confirming to the common natives a third of m the lands of the kingdo , which were formerly owned entirely by the king and chiefs . m V I . 1 8 Kameha eha acceded to the throne in 54 , and

N mb 1 86 after a brief and useful reign died in ove er , 3 .

Kamehameha V . followed . The new constitution which I I Kamehameha I . had adopted had remained in force till this rei gn , when the present kin g abrogated it in

1 86 m August , 4 , and pro ulgated in its place a c o n sti tu

i i m ff t on posing qualifications on su rage , and on eligibility to the legislature , and centralizing the government in the

. hands of the king A voter must read and write , pay his

- fi v e taxes and have an income of seventy dollars a year .

The exclusive power was the king , a privy council , of which the four gove r nors of the larger islands were mem

, bers and four responsible ministers . The legislative

power was the king , and the parliament , composed of y fourteen nobles (of whom six were white), and twent

eight representatives (seven of whom were white). Both classes discussed and voted together . The j u di c ia r v o p wer was a supreme court , composed of a chief jus 1 4 E AR LY HIS T OR Y .

who w a s , tice , , also chancellor , and at least two j udges

four di strict courts and police , and other tribunals .

n lih 1 8 e L u a o was elected in 73 , and on his d ath Kala

. 1 8 . kaua , in 74

And now , having given the brief history of the Kame

h me ha s a , we will return to the European who was first I supposed to discover the Hawaiian slands .

Captain , the celebrated navigator , was

2 8 1 2 8 O c t . L born on , 7 , at the village of Martin ook

shire , where his father was first an agricultural laborer ,

ff a e and then a farm baili . At the g of thirteen years Cap

Str a iths tain Cook was apprenticed to a haberdasher at , W’ a near hitby , but having qu rreled with his master , he

went as apprentice on board a collier belonging to the

port , and was soon afterward appointed mate . From

early childhood he had a love for the sea , and as a navi

gator the merits of Captain Cook were of the very hi gh

. sa est order His commandin g personal presence , his

a c it g y , decision and perseverance enabled him to over m ffi h y co e all di culties , while his umanity and s mpathetic

kindness rendered him a favorite with his crews . His

valuable researches into the nature and use of anti - seor

I l t m ili u edicines proved of the greatest ut tv . He was

a practical , scientific seaman , and was also a sagacious ,

- d self possessed commander ; kin , though strict , to his

a n r v crew , and m rked by indomitable perseverance a d e a d

decision . H e made ma n v valuable additions to our geo m graphical knowledge of the coasts of A erica . and ,

and also in the re gions of B ehring s Straits .

O n D m 1 the ei ghth of ece ber , 777, with his two ships , AR R E LY HI S TO Y . 1 5

R a n d D d the esolution the iscovery , he saile from y I the Societ slands to the northwest coast of America . m m Sailing al ost due to the north , on a Sunday orning ,

1 8 m the eighteenth of January , 77 , he ca e upon the island

O . of ahu . and shortly afterward saw the island Kauai

O n d N the next day he discovered the third islan , ii hau .

As he neared Kauai a boat with some fi shermen cam e

alongside , and traded fish and vegetables for bits of iron ,

but did n ot dare to venture on board . Captain Cook w a s surprised when he found their language closely r e

b I T h e sem led that of the natives of the Society slands . f w da ollo ing y Captain Cook landed , and as soon as he

fi a t touched the shore the natives fell upon their faces , and remained in that very humble position till he made

signs for them to rise . They then brought numerous

the v small pigs , which presented to him , with plantain

r trees . usin g a g eat deal of ceremony . A priest then made

r a v e r w a long p . in hich others of the assembly at times C j oined . Captain ook expressed his acceptance of their proffered friendship by giving them in return such pres c u t s as he had brought with him for that purpose . ab The natives displayed a peace le disposition , showed great readiness to part with anything they had in ex f change for what was o fered th em , and expressed a stronger desire for iron than for any other articles offered t them , appearing to be well acquain ed with the use of the m etal . A trade was soon established . The articles which the inhabitants offered to sell were m the skins of various ani als , such as wolves , foxes , bears , r racoons , dee , polecats , and one in particular , the sea AR LY H S TO R Y 1 6 E I . A otter . dded to these , besides the skins in their native

shapes , were the garments made from them ; also a cer tain kind of apparel man u factured from the bark of a

m O n e o . tree , and various pieces f work anship of the most extraordinary articles brought to be bartered for

ha ii ds were human skulls , and from which the flesh was still clinging , and which showed evident signs of their having been on fire . The things which the natives took in exchange were

' C hisels , knives , scraps of iron and tin , nails , looking

b n ki n a d . glasses and uttons , or y _ of metal Glass beads

did not seem to strike their fancy .

After a short time the natives would deal for nothing but metal , and brass was eagerly sought for , till finally everything that was on the ship was stripped of this arti

’ c e v e n a l l cle , candlesticks , pans , lippers and the buttons

from the clothing , leaving only what belonged to the nec

essary instruments .

Captain Cook and his men rem a ined in the islands till F e b . 2 , when the y started northward on another voy age . Some of the natives were very bitter toward Cap tain Cook , feeling he had brought to their islands dis t ease , and hat he was not cautious enough . Captain e Cook took very precaution that he could , as he knew some of his men had introduced disease into other islands

I n 1 80 ~ which they had visited . 4 a pestilence , called Ahu l a uo kun , the character of which is not known , broke out ,

and the decrease of the population was immense . Cap tain Cook estimated the population at four hundred R E AR LY HIS TO Y . 1 7

i thousand , but histor ans say this was probably too great by one hundred thousand . m As regards cannibalis , it appears that only the heart and live r of the human victims were eaten as a religious ff rite , after they had been o ered in the temple , and that the same parts of any great warrior who was slain in bat d tle were quickly devoure by the victorious chiefs , who believed they would thereby inherit the valor of the de

parted one . m I m When Ka ehameha . died , the chiefs all asse bled to deliberate as to what should be done with his body , as he was such an illustrious m a n and full of daring and

. O n e courage suggested they should eat the body , but i this did not find favor with the others , and he was bur ed m according to the rites and customs of the ti es . Their mode of di sposing of the dead was to embalm the body , which they did by covering it with a glutinous

- liquid , made from the Ti root . This process sealed tightly

the n o t all the pores of skin , so that the air could reach them . The body was then placed in a case , or on some

shelf which nature had mad e , in a sitting posture . These places of burial seem to have been private property , or belonging to the people on whose land they were situ f ated . O f erings were often carried there by the relatives

of the deceased , and prayers said for them .

K u mu ho n u a There is a tradition that the first man , , mm m was buried on the su it of a high ountain , and that one by one his descendants were all buried around and

about him till the place was filled . I n the days of idolatry the only dress which the men R 1 8 E AR LY HI S TO Y .

o f wore was a very narrow strip cloth , which they wound

s round the loin and passed between the legs . The women w ore short petticoats made o f tapa (cloth prepared from

the m the inner bark of the ). Now co mon

o f m e n class wear shirt and trousers , while the better

class o f natives are attired in the European fashions .

T he m ho l o ka wo en are clad universally in the , which i s a loose white or colored garment reachin g from the neck

to the feet . Both sexes delight in adorning themselves with neck f o . laces colored seeds , and with garlands of flowers Amongst the tribes there was alm ost an universal cus to m o f circumcisin g the male child . The priests per m m for ed this cere ony with religious rites . There is a legend that this custom was fi rst introduced by a Ha w a i i a n chief who lived in the early part of the eleventh century . I n an article published in the Nation some years a o I n g , we quote the following the royal families , to subserve purposes of state , father and daughter , brother and sister , uncle and niece frequently united as man and wife . The children of such unions were esteemed of the k highest ran , and strange to say , no mental or physical deterioration seemed to result from these incestuous r e " l i n a t o s .

2 0 A OF CA A N C O O — S S ON AR D E TH PT I K M I I I E S .

m the natives exhibited no anifestations of delight , and they plainly showed the friendship which formerly ex i ste d . was at an end Thin gs went from bad to worse , and

’9 O f D finally the cutter the iscovery was stolen . Cap tain Cook , in order to insure the return of the stolen R boat , planned to bring the king on board the esolu

3 ) tion and ke ep him a prisoner till the cutter was r e ff turned . But the plan failed , and an a ray ensued . The warriors and the natives opened fire and four of Captain

’ Cook s men were killed . The rest swam back to the

boats , and Captain Cook was the only one left upon the m rocks . He tried to ake for the pinnace , which was a small six or ei ght oared boat carried by an En glish m a n o i - n war , and held his left hand agai st the back of his head to guard , if possible , from the stones bein g hurled at

him , and he still carried his musket under his other arm .

A native was seen following him , stealthily , but with a little fear , for he stopped once or twice , undetermined m whether to proceed . At last he ca e upon Captain Cook unawares , giving him a blow on the head , and then fled .

s This stroke stunned Captain Cook at first , and he tag

e r e d an d g a few paces , then fell on his hands one knee , a n d dropped his musket . Before he could rise and regain

his feet , another native stabbed him in the back of his neck with an iron dagger . He then fell into the water . which reached only to his knees , and others crowded about him and tried to keep him under ; but he strug

a n d o t gled strongly g his head up , and cast a look of despair towards the pinnace , as if he begged for their as

si sta n c e . F A A N O — S S O N AR S 2 1 D E ATH O C PT I CO K MI I IE . crew were so confused it was not in their power to save

Though his own boat was only a few yards away , his

him . Again and again the natives submerged Captain

m e Cook , each ti e in deeper water ; but he was able to g t m his head up , and being al ost spent in the struggle he naturally turned to the rock and tried to support himself

by it , when a native struck him a fierce blow with a club and he was killed . They pulled him up out of the water lifeless on the m rock , where the natives see ed to take a savage pleasure

in using every barbarit);to his dead body , snatching the ’ daggers out of each other s hands to have the cruel satis m faction o f piercing their victi . Captain Cook 's body was disposed of exactly as that

s of a great chief , only a few high prie ts knowing where

N o the bones were laid , so they could not be exhumed . m I t one now even ventures to sur ise where they repose . is claimed that Kamehameha was present at Captain

’ o f Cook s death , and obtained some his hair , which he I always prese r ved in great reverence . t was a custom

in the olden times among the Hawa i i an kin gs to make the bones of chiefs they had c o nquered into articles of

various kinds , but more especially fish hooks . This they

v did to show re enge for cruelties , as well as evincing de

I l u ma r v light for victories . t was a so c sto for the friends

of any chief who had been killed to hide his body , so that n the enemies could ot find it . P There was a certain chief named ae , whose sons hid

his body , and months were spent in trying to find his

i e bur al place , but it was fruitl ss . There is a beautiful A A N C OO — S S O N AR S 2 2 DE ATH . OF C PT I K M I I IE .

iil a w e W a i r a n d waterfall called H , in the valley of p , one day while a young priest was gazing at it he observed that a beautiful rainbow seemed ever to hang over these N falls . ow the Hawaiians believed this to be a sign which would show them where a chief lived or was buried . As this young priest was watching the rainbow one day , he

r asked some old p iests who came upon him , what chief lived or was buried anywhere near these beautiful falls . Being thus questioned the priests conceived the idea that

Pae might be buried there . Accordingly a black pig , a

a nd h red fish , a white tapa a w ite fish were taken at night

f . to the waterfall , and used as o ferings After this cere

e o mony was over a ghost app ared , wearing a long cl ak of feathers , who came from the waterfall , passed in front

of them and then retired . Shortly after another ghost

appeared wearing a shorter cloak . When this informa

tion wa s taken to the ki ng he felt su re that the body of

Pae must be hidden near these falls . The king ordered

a man lowered down the falls , and behind the water , in a

cave , was Pae s body , wrapped in red tapa . The cave

had been entirely concealed by the flow of water over it .

The Hawaiians used to believe that fish hOo ks made of chief ’ s bones were so attractive that fish could not keep

away from them , and the king ordered hooks to be made ’ h ki . t e n of Pae s bones When finished , g and all his

hi s men went fishing , and luck was so tremendous he could not pull in the great quantities of fish without the

h Of elp of all his colleagues . This news r eached the ears ’ h he Pae s sons , and was just w at the king desired , for . ’ wished them to see their father s bones were found . ATH OF C A TA C O O — M S S ON AR 2 D E P IN K I I I E S . 3

AS the old king pulled up his line , he cried out E

’ ” - e - - ka R e a O h Pae paa ia , a paa ane , which means , .

Pae , hold fast our fishes .

y n m The sons of Pae were ver a gry , and exclai ed , A l o a a ka ke R o l e a o l a l a il a l o a a o e punana o ia , ia na iwi m I o Pae , eaning , ndeed , you will sooner find the ” the nest of plover than the bones of Pae .

I n saying this they firmly believed no human being

’ could find their father s bones . but were anxious , and

b I t went to the cave , only to find the ody gone . is said m ’ that this hook , ade of Pae s bones , was used by the

o n l v a nd high chiefs , was handed down to all the Kame

h M u ha m e a s . At the present day it is in the Bishop

seum in Honolulu .

a s Happily there is a bright side , as well a dark one .

to the invasion of the whites into the Hawaiian I slands . Before the influences of Christianity the habits of the

e x tr e m e l v people were licentious . Men lived with sev

eral wives , and wives with several husbands . Female

r t vi tue was an unknown thin g , and here was no word

for it . This state of things , however , was greatly altered

by the missionaries .

I n the year 1 809 a brown boy was found crying on the

doorsteps of one of the buildings of Yale College . H e

I . had come from the Hawaiian slands , and his father and

mother had been killed in his presence , and as he was

' escaping with a baby brother th e little one was killed bv

bein g slain with a spear : He himself was taken prisoner .

Circumstance brought him to America , and a kind fate

must have led himto the doorsteps of Yale College . This 2 EATH O F CA TA C O O — M S S O N AR E S 4 D P IN K I I I .

’ ki h was O bo o a . boy s name H e loved his native people .

. D and when kindly received by Mr wight , who was a resident graduate , he expressed great desire to learn to

e read , that he might go back hom and tell his people about the Bible , and that there was a God for them to

pray to up in heaven . About a year after this Obo o kia h

i W i died , but two other boys who came to Amer ca th him

bv e . D were ducated Mr wight , and at the end of ten

me n years they , with a small band of women and , num

bering in all only twelve , left Boston for the Hawaiian I slands . I t h was said to t em as they left Boston , that probably not one of them would live to witness the destruction of

a l idolatry , but when they reached the islands it had

ready taken place . I I t . was Kamehameha who had abolished idolatry ,

and the system of tabu . h D . wo We will now quote from r Bartlett , has written

a very able article on the Hawaiian Mission . By this system of tabu “ it was death for a man to let his shadow

o fall upon a chief , to enter his encl sure , or to stand if

I n his name were mentioned in a song . these and other ways men ’s heads lay at the feet of the king and the ”

chiefs . A woman was not allowed to eat with her hus

t s or c . band , or par ake of pork , fowl , banana ocoanuts ff if These things were o ered to the idols , and they did

e a t them , they must pay the penalty by death .

1 1 820 This small band reached Hawaii March 3 , , and

s it wa news , indeed , to them to find the tabu abolished ,

Kamehameha dead , and the temples destroyed . When E ATH OF CA TA C OO — M S S O AR S 2 D P IN K I I N I E . 5

Kamehameha lay dying he had asked an American m ’ trader to tell him about the A ericans God . m The issionaries arrived none too soon , and were m cordially made welco e . The king , with five of hi s m m wives , ca e out to greet the , and all were nude . The missionaries suggested it would be better to put on some clothes , and the next time the king called , he wore silk sto ckings and a hat . O n e of the first converts to Christianity was a chief ta i n e s s h , who was six feet igh , bearin g the name of

i l n i K a p o a . She gathered the sacred ohelo berries from t he edges of the volcano , and while sin ging Christian y ' h mns , threw them into the lake of fire , defying Pele to

hurt her . After this act , there was a great silence . and

r - all who witnessed it were hor or stricken , but as no

K a i o l a n i calamity followed, the Queen p turned to her

. people and told them of her faith in God After, this b - m rave act of hers , one third of the natives beca e Chris

m I S S I o n a r I e s tians . The formed a Sunday school , and arran ged the people into two classes , Christians , those

'e that said they loved their enemies , and h athens , those

o n e that said they did not . They were simply taught

a n d a w a s thing at first , th t that God , who also created heaven and earth , made them . William Ellis was one of the most successful of the

a mission ries , an Englishman , and he greatly assisted the

i i i I n American m ss onar es their work on the islands .

The first missionaries who arrived were Con gregation

li I n 1 2 a sts . 8 7 a French Catholic mission was estab li she d I n 1 2 n at Honolulu . 8 9 the Ho olulu government 2 6 ATH O F CA TA COO — M S S O N AR D E P IN K I I I E S .

m directed the pri ests to close their chapels , so e of the

fi R proselytes were con ned in irons , and oman Catholic _

missionaries arriving afterwards were not allowed _ to

land .

I n 1 839 the French government sent a fri gate to m m I I I Honolulu and co pelled Kameha eha . to declare f the Catholic religion free to all . The whole number o Catholics on the islands in 1 872 was stated to be about

— twenty three thousand . An English R eformed Catholic m 1 862 ission was sent out in , and met with favor m V . fro Kamehameha , who was less in sympathy with the Protestant missionaries than ‘ his predecessors had been . An Anglican Bishop of Hawaii was appointed ,

m 1 8 0 hi s t who re ained till 7 , and since return in tha year the mission has attracted little interest , and its success m has been small . The total nu ber of Protestant mis s i o n a r i e s sent to the islands , clerical and lay , including

f - w a s fi t . their wives , one hundred and y six The cost of the missions up to 1 869 was

N d 1 8 8 early every native can rea and write , and in 7

- I n there were two hundred and twenty two schools .

' the majority o i these schools the instruction was c o m m u n i c a te d in Hawaiian , but in some of a higher de gree ,

m y p En glish was e plo ed , and as the eople desired it , the language was more and more introduced . There has been a great deal of unpleasantness felt in Honolulu at the sensational accounts that have been

t y written abou Hawaiian lepros , and it is only just and r y ight to sa , that visitors should have no anxiety about n contracting this dread disease , as the gover ment takes


m a n malice whatever to the white , though we brought

them small pox , intoxication and evil diseases , and their numbers have decreased so rapidly since our advent as

n to be now nearly extinct . O the island of Molokai a r e

— R five churches , hospitals oman Catholics and Protest

— ants are equally numerous and houses for the lepers . ff h As a rule the lepers do not su er great pain , and t e l average length of ife at Molokai is four years , after

which time the disease generally strikes some vital spot .

' W m e n n e omen are less liable to contract it than . O

woman went with her leprous husband to Molokai , and

' he when died she married another , and at his death a h

I n hu sba n d n other . all she had four s fia d yet remained healthy . Father Damien felt very strongly that it was not right to part man and wife . H e said to do so gave the suff erers pains and agonies far greater to bear than

the disease itself . And when they ceased to care , it was worse still , for they plunged into a reckless , vicious life . When Father Damien r eached M olokai he found an ff island full of natural beauties . The cli s are tall and

s straight , and are generallyin hadow , but the sun casts long warm rays amongst them . The surf is high , and makes great banks of mist . There are many beautiful

birds , and quantities of wild flowers .

Women and men alike ride astride little ponies , and

O one can ften see the inhabitant sitting in his little door , chatting with his neighbor , or pounding the taro root to m . D make it into the favorite food Father a ien , when he arrived at Molokai , found the practice of distilling drink was carried on to a large degree . The native who A F CA A N CO O — S S ON AR 3 DE TH O PT I K M I I IE S . 9

partook freely of it a n d who succumbed to its influence

m a d forgot all decency , acted like one , and ran m about naked . Father Da ien states that the inhabitants

passed their time , when he first entered amongst them ,

b . y playing cards , dancing and drinkin g Their clothes

~ w were filthy on account of the scarcity of ater , which m had to come from a great distance . Many a ti e when he was visiting the afflicted he had to run outside for a

breath of pure air ; and used to smoke tobacco in order to take away from his clothing the Obnoxious smell of th e lepers Father Damien lived at M olokai ten years before he

contracted the disease , and suspected he had it some m I t time before the physicians confir ed his fear . did not

him s dishearten , and he kept on in his work in the ame

. simple , saintlike . way

ff l e e i' s He was on very a ectionate terms with the p , and m m we quote so e of the na es which he gave them , and C ff e which M r . Edward li ord publish d in an article writ

i t b ’ ten by him . Let e remembered they are boys names

- i n - - R a t - Jane Peter , Henry Ann , Sit the Cold , The Eater ,

- o f— - - m - a - The Eyes the Fire , A Fall fro Horse , Mrs . Tomp ” - D . kins , Susan , The ead House , The Window , etc

m i 1 8 Father Da ien d ed in 8 9. The lepers wailed long

but and sadly for him , he had gone to that eternal land of

“ rest , where God shall wipe away all tears from their

’ e ye s f 0 C M A AN D N AT R A F AT R S 3 LI TE U L E U E .

P R 1 1 1 CHA TE .


I I The Hawaiian slands are the slands of Eden , the ” ’

. L m ma y sun lands , and,as Mr yons writes , the cli ate

“ ” tw o I t be expressed in words , sunshine and breezes .

y v e r v m is g enerall warm , but healthful , the te perature is

equable , and the sky usually clear . H urricanes , tor

n a do e s or typhoons never visit these islands , and the

whole tribe of frosty diseases is unknown . No one “ ” y catches their death of cold . as the do here in this

h a t country , and the most delicate lungs t rive in the m h o sp e r e . Children live out of doors the whole year m around , and it is a Paradise of cli ate both for youn g

n ff u a d old . For people su ering with pulmonary tro ble

the climate cannot be excelled , and there are several sani

ta r i um s on the island , where such patients can be cared

f r o .

The prevailing winds are the northeast trade winds .

These blow generally about nine months of the year . The

l u s ua l l v other three months the winds are variab e . and m from the south . Severe stor s , with thunder and light I t- ning , are conspicuous by their absence . is well to note that a case of sunstroke has never been heard of in these E m m lands . The mean te perature of the hottest onth is

° °

8 1 62 . Fahrenheit , and the coldest month is Fahrenheit The afternoons are shaded w ith the heavy masses of

round clouds , which are blown in from the sea , and AN D A R A A R C LIM AT E N TU L FE TU E S .

m w hich rest against the tops of the ountains , and toward evenin g showers are likely to com e ; but sunlight is in

e . the xcess , it floods everything and is one of thin gs s t rangers first notice . wi i As these islands are j ust thin the trop cs , there is

m u n never any danger of frost , and extre e heats are

i n m known . There is great variety te perature , as the islands are so mountainous in character . There are arctic cold and perpetual frosts high on the top of the

mountains . Torrid heat prevails in sheltered valleys at

m ma sea level . while at the intervening levels any cli ate y be selected .

a n d The rain periods are March April , when the m m sprin g rains co e . Then with May co es fine weather , and June is even more fi n e ; but w ith the sun in a vertical

t m posi ion , the idday heat is felt more than in any other m onth . as there are less winds , but the nights are always m . . N D very cool July brings more rain ove ber , ecem be r a n u a r v e a m y bv , J and F bruary are vari ble onths ear m i vear . So et mes one may enjoy the finest kind of

weather all through the four months . and then again

ma there y come a long continued storm . A noted sign

’ “ of weather with the Hawaiians is as follows : While clouds hang over the sea , and it is clear on the high mountains . then expect rain ; when clear space is over O the sea . and clouds ver the land on the mountains . then ” fine weather .

As may be inferred , the frequent alternation of sun

shine and shadow is favorable to the rainbow , which is

I n very beautiful and brilliant . this connection it may 2 A AN D N A R A F A R 3 CLIM T E TU L E TU E S . be interesting to read of a scene which M r Curtis J . Lyons relates of the bringing back to Hawai i from San

K a l a ka u a Francisco of the remains of the late King . H e .

“ says : As the cortege entered from the street the gate

a nd . way to the spacious grounds , an unusually large brilliant rainbow so formed itself on the background of clouds and showers and mist that covered the mountains , and so over - arched the palace with all its striking array of weeping , trailing Hawaiians gathered on the balconies i and porches , and around their widowed queen , w th m f govern ent o ficials , and native citizens filling the lower and sanded walks , that the edifice was , so to speak ,

framed with sorrowful glory .

i sl a n ds a n d Epidemics scarcely ever visit the / when they do are usually mild . Grave diseases , such as pneu

monia and diphtheria , are almost unknown . Malaria also is unknown .

sta te d the r e a r e i As before h eight inhabited slands , the others being mere rocks of no value to mankind at pres ~

T he ent . area of these islands is as follows

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A AN D N A R A A R C LIM TE TU L F E TU E S . 3 3

Extinct and p a r ti a l l v active volcanoes exist in most of ; the islands Two of the largest volcanoes are Kilauea , which is usually visited by strangers , and Mauna Loa . m Kilauea is not a separate ountain , but is a crater which

M a n n a seems to be at the base of the mountain Loa , and mm the idea has been , and is now co only , entertained , that

h r ea l itv they are the same mountain wit one vent , but in are twenty miles apart . The movement of a volcano is always from the side to

a b the centre , like the rush of a whirlpool , ccompanied y

' n e ma y hissings and roarings . Frequently o see a dozen

fountains of fire playing near the edge , but they are soon

swallowed up in one fierce vortex . At times the whole m lake appears to have the for of huge waves , and dashes

against the sides with large clots of fire , thrown up nearly

to the top of the crater . All is confusion , terror and

maj esty , and the sight cannot fail to inspire one with

great awe . The color is not the crimson of blood , nor the ’ li ht but be whiteness of g , an indescribable something

i n e e r u tween the two . Kilauea was a constant stat of p

1 8 6 1 8 n tion from 5 to 59, and at ight it formed a most ex

u i s i e n e r m q t spectacle . O of the bu ning strea s which it ‘ o ff cast totally destroyed a small fishing village , filled up

m . a bay on the shore , and a pro ontory formed in its place

I n 1 88 7 there were continued earthquake S hocks . This f ’ f k o . t s t e a was a grand display nature s forces O u of . a of forked lightning arose what appeared to be a waterspout

of immense size and height . Then would shoot up a m huge pillar of s oke , which was lighted to a lurid red

the a t by fiery mass below , ccompanied by cons ant trem A AN D A A A R 34 CLIM TE N TU R L FE TU E S . b o m ling and sh cks , which at ti es the inhabitants felt might j erk the houses from their foundations . I t may be interesting to note that in 1 897 specimens of lava which came from the crater of Kilauea were

n analyzed , and found to contai per cent . of silica ,

e r m p cent . of iron , per cent . of alu ina , per

cent . of lime , and per cent . of sulphuric acid .

- P l n I The natives belong to the Malayo o y e s a n race .

Their skin is of reddish brown color , resembling the hue of tarnished copper ; the hair almost always of a raven k blac , the beard thin , face very broad , profile not promi nent , the nose flat , and thick lips . The bulk of the natives m are of oderate height . They are physically amongst t he finest races in the Pacific , and noted for their well

developed muscular limbs .

i i I Kauai is the so called garden of the Hawa an slands . a n d I ts m it is also said to be the oldest . ountainous scenery is noted for its beauty and weirdness ; every con l c e i v a b e variety of crag and peak and gorge . The roads f l a r e e r e et c a . p , of hard red v There are lovely hills , val

x t n s e e w e . leys and plateaus , which are beautiful and I The flowers , shrubs and trees of the Hawaiian slands “ are very numerous . Ferns grow in one hundred and

- fi v e v e r v twenty varieties , from a tree in size , to the m smallest . Palmetto trees grow to a height of fro two

to six thousand feet . The foliage is dark , and the wood I t m . beautiful in anufacture , taking an exquisite polish

. O is nearly as dark as black walnut , and harder ccasion a lly one sees a sandal tree . Their leaves are glossy , and r their flowers very fragrant . There is a b ight ruby col


and variety of fruit trees and plants , which grow in trop ll . a ical luxuriance They supply the wants of the natives ,

and render agriculture almost needless .

The bread fruit is entitled to a place in the first rank , I t being the principal article of food of the natives . is cooked in various ways but is generally roasted or r baked . This tree produces three or four c ops a year . ff There are fifty di erent varieties . The cocoa palm flo u r h y is es alike in the most fertile valleys , on the wildest rock

beach , and on the mountain sides .

The yam , though an excellent food , is not used much . but it is often seen on some of the islands where the land

is rich , and on some of the cultivated terraces .

The taro has a broad and beautiful silver green leaf

and grows in soil which is covered with water . The root

may be eaten at the age of one year , but it attains its per

fe c ti o n at the a ge of two or three years . Both the leaf

and root have an exceedingly pun gent flavor , but in

cooking this is dissipated , and the root forms a very

palatable food . After having been baked and well beaten

on a board with a stone pestle , it is made into paste with

‘ water , and then allowed to ferment for a few days , when

it is fit to eat . This is called poi . From the root of the sugar cane is made a filthy liquor y ' called awa . This is distilled by ver rude means under a

license , though it is often prepared clandestinely . A hol

low log receives the root , which has been softened by

soakin g , a bamboo reed passing thence through the

trough of water and a c a l a ba c h to receive th e condensed

demo r a l vapor . Some years ago , the most shameful and A AN D N A RA A R CLIM TE TU L FE TU E S . 3 7 izing and even murderous effects of drunkenness usually

i n followed the indulgence in this liquor , but since the

du c ti o n tr o of foreign distilled liquors , this horrid stim I t ulus has not been so much in use . is also thought that m this root possesses so e valuable medicinal qualities ,

which in time ma y be developed . m Sandal wood was for erly cut to some extent , and ex

n h a ported to Chi a , w ere it was used in prep ring tapers

for the burning of incense ; but of late years this wood

r has become v e v scarce . y From the inner bark of the paper mulberr , a kind of w cloth or matting is made , hich is used by the natives

b . for various purposes of clothing , edding , etc

The kukui tree yields a nut which has very rich oil .

The natives use the nuts for candle purposes , strin ging a

number of them upon a rush , and rolling the whole in

the leaves .

The grape vine was planted by the missionaries , but was destroyed by the wars

I n i i the climate of Hawa where it is temperate , all

c a ul i flo w e r s vegetables can be raised , cabbages , , beans .

n cucumbers , pumpkins , potatoes , etc . Potatoes and cor

are chiefly raised by the Portuguese and Norwegians .

the l a n ta ti o n The corn is used largely for feed on p , and when ground with the cob is used for feed for working

horses and mules . fl The Hawaiian oranges have a fine avor , and the limes

a flavor and aroma which cannot be excelled . At pres ent there are not enough oranges to meet the demands of

the islands , but they can be easily cultivated .

fi l l 0 0 M AT AN D N AT R AL F E AT R E S CLI E U U .

The animals of the Hawaiian I slands are ‘ not dis-tine

the tive , except in absence of the larger and nobler ones ;

r there are dogs , hogs , rats , the albat oss , tropical birds ,

petrel , heron and wild duck , peckers , turtle doves . p igeons , the English sparrow and various other kinds of

fowl . There is an abundance of fishes , horses , cows ,

d i a n i mules , oxen , sh eep , goats , cats and other omest c i mals have been ntroduced and thrive well .

Pork is now the favorite food of the islander , especially

of the Chinese , and as there are now fifteen thousand of P i . the latter on the slands , there is a local market for it The general method of preparing this meat is to sur

it the round with potatoes , and taro root , and then cover

i n the whole with taro leaves , and let it bake a hot oven .

l u - This dish is called by the natives a u .

Keeping horses in theislands is attended with s c a r c e l v

any trouble . Veterinary doctors would starve out in

. y H onolulu , for the horses are scarcely ever sick The

m a n d roa over the valleys feed upon the native grasses , c onsequently ar e free from any of those ills which befall m their more pa pered brethren . The cost of keeping them is so little it is a luxury which the high and low can f ’ both a ford , and the Hawaiian ladies passion is for riding

a n d ' the horseback , y indulge themselves to a large degree .

The women as a class are very attractive , and smile cheer I t fully . is very agreeable to hear them greet you with ” t “ heir pleasant Aloha .

o f- e There are very few owners sheep , but these few hav . l y arge flocks , and some of the districts are particularl

' il t l e r . W d c a t well suited for cattle raising ange the moune. L MAT AN D N AT R A F AT R C I E U L E U E S .

. O tains , but they are of very inferior breed They are ften shot or captured with the lasso , for the sake of their

e hides , which are imported in gr at quantities .

e as — n . O the islands are small ins cts , such the ear rigs locusts , crickets , cockroaches , beetles , dragon flies and

i moths . There is a great scarc ty of the butterfly , a feature which most people regret .

fi h— The coasts of the islands abound in s sharks . bo n i ts . ray and rock fish ; in the fresh water streams are m found sal on . eels , etc . m The sper whale , the cape whale , black fish , porpoises

and others of this order are abundant in these seas . A sin gle male whale O ften yields seventy to ninety barrels of oil , and fifteen barrels of spermaceti . M AN N R S AN D CU S T O M S — N H AB T AN T 40 E I I S .



The domestic labor in Honolulu and in all parts of the island has been performed for many years by the

Chinese males . They make excellent servants , and with h m t e perfection of the climate , and the absence of any ills which the housekeepers of America have to contend

it . against , has made the art of entertaining not a tax

upon the hostess , but a real pleasure As neither the d theatre nor the opera has as yet appeared in the islan s .

the people are thrown upon their own resources , and

substitute dinners , luncheons and picnics . H ospitality is

second nature both with the natives and foreign residents . They vi sit each other without even the ceremony of e knocking , and evening s ems to be the general hour for

calling . ‘ Mark Twain gives a very amusing account o f hi s visit

1 866 to these islands in . H e writes that he saw houses

“ surrounded by ample yards , and shaded by tall trees , through whose dense foliage the sun could scarcely pene

a tr te huge bodied , wide spreading forest trees ,

— with strange names , and strange appearance trees that

- cast a shadow like a thunder cloud , and were able to

e I n stand alone without being tied to green pol s . place

a i n of fish wriggling around in gl ss globes , assum g count M AN N R S AN D C S T OM S — N H AB TAN T 1 E U I I S . 4

‘ less shades of distortion thr o ugl f the magnifying and

I — diminishing quality of their prison , saw cats Tom cats ,

- - Mary Ann cats , long tailed cats , bob tailed cats , wall

- eyed cats , cross eyed cats , grey cats , black cats , yellow cats , striped cats , spotted cats , tame cats , wild cats , singed

cats , individual cats , groups of cats , platoons of cats ,

companies of cats , regiments of cats , armies of cats ,

multitudes of cats , millions of cats , and all of them sleek , I a n d . fat , lazy sound asleep looked on a multitude of

people , some white , in white coats , vests , pantaloons and

s even white cloth hoes , made snowy daily with chalk laid on every morning ; but the majority of people were a l

— most as dark as negroes women with comely features ,

vo l u fine dark eyes , and rounded forms , inclining to the p

t uo u s - , and clad in a single bright red or white garment

that fell free and unconfined from shoulder to heel , long black hair falling loose and encircled with wreaths of natural flowers of a brilliant carmine tint ; plenty of dark

h . men in various costumes , and some wit nothing on but


a battered stove pipe hat , tilted oh the nose , and a very scant breech cloth ; ce rtain smoke - dried children were clad in nothing but sunshine— a very neat -fitti n g and pi e ”

tur e s u e . q apparel , indeed The changes that have taken place in over thirty years

n e since his visit are remarkable . O no longer sees the

- native arrayed in silk hat and breech cloth , and the

women are attired in fashionable gowns .

I n the city are horse car lines , electric lights , police ,

water works , shops which are well filled , and very hand i some residences and v llas . AN N R S AN D S O — A AN M E C U T M S INH BI T TS .

O n O i i the islands of ahu , Kauai and Hawa are tele phones to every accessible point . The rent for these ma chines is very moderate , and a small charge is made to

i n str u any one wishing to use them , and who has not an ment of his own . The breakfast hour in the islands is usually betw een 8 the hours of and 9, and the meal is much like our Amer ican breakfast . Fresh fruit is first served , oranges , or g uavas sliced , or strawberries , which they are fortunate

n enough to have all the year rou d . After that there are

steaks , chops , or fish , eggs on toast , and potatoes cooked

. in, many ways o The people als indulge in hot cakes of various kinds ,

their favorite being one made from the root of the taro . a f y a r e . Like the Americans , the gre t co fee drinkers

Their luncheon als o resembles ours . Cold meats,hot

. y bis cuits , potatoes , ca ke , fruit and tea This is the onl e tim when this beverage is indulged in , for there are very

’ fi e few houses where v o clock tea is served . Their dinner

‘ fhe i r also is like ours , and wine is chiefly claret , cham

pagne being partaken of only on festive occasions . Ladies

have their reception days , and are very conscientious

about returning calls . Strangers are always received with

great kindness and hospitality . There are no such horsewomen in the world as the

Hawaiians . They all ride astride the saddle , and wear di

e vi d d skirts . Over the roughest roads they go like the

’ wind. At the time of Miss Mary K r o ut s visit to Hono G m lulu , Miss the daughter of the Ger an Consul ,


with their bodies face downward upon their surf boards .

The swimmers keep themsel ves on the highest edge of the billow , and by dexterously manipulating hand and

w a e O n foot ever seem to slide down the topping v . they come , a little ahead of the breaker , and j ust as you would expect to s ee them dashed to pieces against the rocks , they quietly vanish , and are out at sea , ready for another perilous ride . The great art attached to this aquatic feat is in mounting the breaker j ust at the proper ld t . O ime , and to keep exactly in its curl men and young girls often j oin in this amusement , and are wildly cheered by the spectators .

O Very ften when luncheons are given , and the guests

a s s e mbl e dd : i ‘ have , the question is asked W ll you have a swim ? This is nearly always answered in the a ffi r ma s tive , and the gue ts go to rooms , adorn themselves in bathing suits which are provided for them , and take a

n swim before luncheon is announced . M en and wome bathe together after our Ameri can fashion , and there is no such prudery regarding this custom as is shown by our English cousins . Another favorite form of amusement is riding out on a mo o l i ht i ha y i n g night to Waikik , g a swim , a jolly supper .

’ ” and arriving home in the wee sma hours . An Ameri can gentleman and his wife occupying a villa at Waikiki

ffi . . . gave a ball to the o cers of H M S Garnet , and to the

o offi cers on b ard the American cruisers . They danced h until midnight , w en they all departed to rooms assigned them , and changed their festive gowns and uniforms fo r

h s I wa s a b h h b . t o n at ing dresse eautiful sig t , wit a full m o , — N A AN M AN N E R S AN D C US TOM S I H BIT TS . 45 and they swam instead of dancing to the strains of the

music . When they tired of this they once more adorned themselves in their ballroom attire , and danced till morn

ing .

Ease , flowers , music and plenty to eat seem to be h t e . amongst the essentials of life with . Hawaiians There is none of that rush and bustle so prominent in the large U cities of the nited States , for in Hawaii every one is content to drift along in a dolce far niente sort of way . I t does not require a great deal for the maintenance of life on the islands . Having no winter , the demand for fuel is light , as is also the outlay for heavy clothing , both articles being so necessary in a colder Climate .

Besides the riding horseback and the bathing , which are indulged in so frequently , the islanders have many other forms of amusement . Tennis is played a great deal , and since the birth of the Valley Club many tourna ments have taken place .

’ c c l o me r e s whe e l me n s There is a y track , where eries of contests are frequently given . There are several cycle agencies established in the islands , and a wheel may be rented for a very moderate sum . There are a Hawaiian R a R ifle Association , a Hawaii n owing Association , and three boat clubs . Every Fourth of July a rowing and

i n yachting regatta takes place , and the people in their te r e st and enthusiasm crowd the wharves as early as 8

’ o clock in the morning . f m An ef ort has been ade to establish a cricket club , as

there are numerous baseball and football teams . AN N R AN D O — A A 4 6 M E S CU S T M S INH B IT NTS .

O n e O f the favorite amusements with the common ’ bl u n t da r t people is the throwing of a . , which varies in

i n length from two to five feet , and is thickest about six o ches from the p int , after which it tapers gradually to the

a re m other end . These darts ade of hard wood and are

highly polished . They require great care and ingenuity

The is in the modeling . ground upon which this game Off played is laid into a court , fifty or sixty yards long .

- o r e Two mor darts are laid down , three or four inches

apart . The darts are then thrown with great force and h e . wo xactness along the level ground H e , in a given m nu ber of times , throws his dart most frequently between m the stationary darts without striking either of the , wins

the game . The play is principally a trial of strength . A y mark is made in the ground , at which point the pla er

a t must throw his dart . With the d r balanced in his hand ,

r he ret eats a few yards from the starting point , and then


makes a spring forward , and throws it along the ground

with great force . All the darts are left in place wherever h t ey strike , until all are thrown , when each player rushes

to the end of the course to see which one i s mo s t s uc

c e s s ful I n w . thro ing darts , casting spears and dodging ,

the Hawaiians are great experts .

fa v o r ite ' n a ti o n a l Boxing is also a game , and is regu m lated by fixed rules , and u pires . A nother popular sport is sliding down hill on a long .

narrow sledge .

The Hawaiians are also great gamblers , and their faces m portray anxiety and rage when playing . The fe ale

would bet her beads , cloth , beating mallet, and every N R AN D S O S — JI N HAB I T AN T M AN E S CU T M S . 47

i p ece of clothing in her possession , except what she would

m m i n have on . The ale would hazard his imple ents of du str y , and even the pallet on which he slept . When they lose they tear their hair , and become wild with rage .

Very often these scenes end in serious quarrels .

m i s Another ga e resemblin g our checkers played .

“ \Vr e st1i n g is practiced by the youths , and games of tug ” of war are often indulged in . y y Horse racing is a ver favorite sport , and on nearl

all the islands there is a well regulated track , where the

races are hotly contested . There is plenty of game in

h a s the shape of quail , which been imported from Cali

f n i h o r a . Japanese and Chinese pheasants ave also been

I n . ar e imported , and do well the winter there wild

ducks and fowls and sport is exceedingly fine . There

a e . r also dove shooting , and plenty of upland plover

“ ” The native luau is one of the characteristics of Ha =

w ii a n m hospitality . and fro its beginning to its end is ex I i tr e me l y interesting . t s generally given by several

o . O n e pers ns , each one adding variety to the edibles will ie t contribute p , another pig , dog , or fowl , and o hers fur

nish the fruits and fish . They all meet at a desi gnated

place , and the natives work harder then than at any other

m ki - s . y ti e Some gather the ferns , and leave , which the

u se in decoration ; some dig the oven in the ground , and great care has to be exercised in selecting stones that m will not explode as they beco e heated .

After the food is prepared , and placed in the oven , a

i - spread is made on the ground of ferns and k leaves .

n Wh e the food is cooked , it is placed upon the table pip A N R AN D C O S — N A AN 48 M N E S US T M I H BIT TS .

ing hot , and every one squats on the ground , with legs

folded under the body . Then the feast begins . All eat

w , . ith their fingers and cheer and ~ good will prevail The participants gorge themselves to such an extent that after eating they lie upon the grass and never have a thought

for the morrow . O n all festive occasions both the males and females

adorn themselves with wreaths of flowers called leis , and even i n every day life one hardly ever sees a native that

is not adorned with these garlands of flowers . They are

also considered a national decoration .

These garlands are made of yellow coreopsis , tube

l u ma r i a roses , marigolds and p , and the blossoms are

n strung in a solid wreath on a bit of cocoa fibre . O the narrow sidewalks of Hawaii one can see the women

the i r ma ts spreading . and setting out their baskets of

fl so owers , preparatory to stringing leis , and while doing h t ey smoke and gossip . These garlands are worn around

the neck and upon the hat , some being two yards in

length .

' ’ The second o f S e pte mbe r commemorates L il i uo ka l a n i s

birthday , and on these anniversaries , while she was

“ ” Queen , she gave a luau and a dance in the palace

gr ounds .

The hula resembles very much the c o o c he e c o o c he e

dance , and none but the most depraved could enjoy wit

n e ssi n m g it . Sometimes it is perfor ed to the music of an

orchestra , sometimes by the singing of a wierd song and

the thumping of calabashes .

a the The hula girls we r a short frock reaching to knees , M AN N R S AN D C S TOM S — H AB TAN T E U IN I S . 49

their legs bare , and their ankles encircled by grass fringe . Their heads and shoulders are always ornamented with

“ strings of leis . The dance requires years of traini ng , m and cannot be learned by an adult , any ore than an old person could be made an acrobat .

I n the early history of the Hawaiians the natives were ,

e and continued to be , very eloquent speakers . Th ir male m singers often chanted love songs , and at ti es these were very excellent , but they had no literature . When the m i son of the English ssionary , Mr . William Ellis , died , the following poem was composed in honor of him ! ! Alas alas dead is my chief , Dead is my lord and my friend ;

My friend in the season of famine ,

My friend in the time of drought ,

My friend in my poverty ,

My friend in the rain and the wind ,

My friend in the heat and the sun ,

i n n My friend the cold from the mountai ,

‘ M fr i e n d y in the storm , n My frie d in the calm ,

My friend in the right seas . ! ! Alas alas gone is my friend , ” And no more will return . With the connections of the early schools of the ‘ isl ands , there is much interest attached ; for there were no school books — j ust a few printed leaves on certain sub

e c ts j which comprised the whole set of text books . The

- pupils would gather from far and near , with these few leaves in their hands .

The school houses were of the very simplest c o n str uc tion , with only a few openings for windows and doors to N N R AN D O — A AN 5 0 M A E S C U S T M S INH BIT TS .

I t let in light and air . was a common method to bring

the people together by the blowing of a conch shell , and

- that fashion is still in vogue to day . When schools were

first in session , its voice was very powerful . There were

n o early one thousand scho ls at one time , attended in the

days of popularity and success by fi fty-two thousand

e pupils , most of whom wer adults .

Little was taught except reading , writing , simple arith

I n 1 8 2 metic , and geography . 3 a geography was printed

and bound without maps . This lack was largely over i come by hang ng on the walls large hand drawn maps . The method of instructing the pupils was to have them

i r e c ite i n m concert . I agine the din created by these reci

ta ti o n s , as their voices were not trained to gentle speak

! I n o ing twelve years a great deal was acc mplished , and , s d thousand coul read .

‘ a o n a ti v w ho Some years g a d was a fisher maiden , fell m m in love with a Kauai gentle an of pro inence , and the hi m b following letter was written to y her , though it is

n ot i the usual mode of love making in the sland .

R To you Mr . Willy - Will you please that K a i a n e a bv my marriage

H usband . if you said yes I I want him . heard it was a workman for you and I want hi m to keep myself and I to keep his

self two . if you are willing you answer my letter if you know Said yes y o u sent back my letter and yo u I excuse me , and sorry

N R AN D C S O S — N HA AN 5 2 M AN E S U T M I BIT TS .

o l ul u t , a school was es ablished which was chiefly for the

e ducati on of the children of American missionaries

although from the very first it was attended by others .

I n 1 8 O 49 it was chartered as ahu College , and the very

finest teachers have been engaged as instructors , and I t thorough education given . is a noted fact that the

graduates from this school , that have entered college in the Eastern States have always stood high in scholar

ship .

The present intention of the trustees is to offer every

inducement to parents or guardians in foreign countries , whose children or wards require a milder climate than offered in the U nited States, to place them there for

education . The influences and surroundings are of the

highest character , and no one need fear any comparison

with the work done in the U nited States .

O . The president of ahu College is Mr F . A . Hosmer , a m gentleman of much ability and the highest attain ents .

R s The oman Catholic Mission has schools , and book

are supplied from their own press . There is also a board

ing school , under the direction of the Bishop of the

Church of England . This school was established about

62 1 8 .

' There are certain laws attached to the school which

make it compulsory for children between the ages of six

and fifteen to attend , thou gh in cases where boys of

thirteen are particularly stron g and active , they are per

mitte d m to leave upon passin g certain exa inations .

I Morality is taught , but religious nstructions are pro hibi ted . M AN N R S AN D C S TOM S — N HAB A E U I IT N TS . 5 3

' No person in holy orders is allowed to be president o f the Board of Education . This board consi sts of six

members , and none of them receives a salary . The

’ executive officer receives a salary of two hundred dollars

o a month . There is an inspect r general , who is required to visit all the schools from time to time . The school population I n 1 894 numbered about fifteen thousand , of whom were ,

2 were part Hawaiians , were Portuguese , 5 9

2 8 1 8 1 1 Chinese , 5 Americans , 4 British , and 3 Japanese , the remaining number consisting of a variety of nation

l i i f 8 1 a a t e s . O the 4 3 teachers in 897 there were 64 H wa i ia n s 6 2 26 6 , 3 part Hawaiians , Americans , 7 British ,

8 6 1 Germans , 7 Belgians , 5 French , Scandinavians ,

D 1 1 2 2 . utch , 3 Portuguese , Chinese , and Japanese

U se of tools is taught , tailoring , fitting and sewing ;

these are all regular branches of instruction . The go v

e r n m e n t w h o u r schools , hic are the same as public h f e . schools , employ half of number of the teachers given

An excellent kindergarten school is also maintained . About three hundred thousand dollars is expended each

n year to support the gover ment schools . The Board of Education is kept in touch with the U schools of the nited States and Europe , and reports of

the schools and their literature are exchanged .

‘ I n i R the slands are Protestants , oman

s Catholics , and Mormons . This , of course , doe

n ot include all the population , as there are Japanese and

Chinese , who are in all probability Buddhists The following are some of the H awaiian proverbs AN N R AN D C S O S — N A AN 5 4 M E S U T M I H BIT TS .

I t is better to fall in battle ; many will be the com ” panions in death . R ighteousness enriches a nation , but wicked kings ” make it poor . The breath of the land is established in righteous ” n ess . N S TR E S AN D C OMM R C I DU I E E . 5 5 ,



There is room on the Hawai ian I sla nds for at least ten

i s o . t me its present p pulation Climate , soil and social conditions all tend to make a desirable home for those

h a o willing to work , who ave energy and m derate cap i i ital to beg n w th .

The soil of the islands is red or yellow . The red soil is y the y generall considered good , and ellow poor ; cer ta i l ar e y n red soi s very fertile , while man yellow ones are

r I n r st er ile . Expe ience has proved to men engaged ag i culture o n the island that while ar eas of red land are ve r y

i ar e h rich and fert le , there still other red soils on whic

‘ w i e a ct ually nothin g wil l gr o . Certa n of th yellow soils

0 when first cultivated will yield good cr ps , but the source

f S - o fertility is hort lived .

O n the island of H a waii are numerous suga r planta

e o f tio ns . There are several hundred plantations where fe e has is raised , and the owners ran ge from the man who

him r tw o hundred thousand trees to who has only an ac e . At present ther e are thousands upo n thousands of acres un ti e i cul vat d , awaiting sturdy arms , and enterpr sing

brains to develop t hem .

fi n e b i Maui is a very island , and es des its sugar planta ti o n s has numerous coffee lands e specially in the eastern

a b n ff e l s p rt , which are now ei g o ered . H re a so are farm 6 N R AN D R C 5 I DUS T I E S COMM E E .

where potatoes , corn , beans and pigs are raised . Thou i sands of acres lie idle here as well as in Hawai .

O n O the island of ahu , a line of railroad has been constructed , and runs from the city of Honolulu to a dis

I n h s tance of thirty miles , along the coast . the future t i R road will be continued around the island . ich farming ff and co ee lands will be opened up , and every means of

be ~ ff e r e d transport for the produce will o . This road ff o ers special inducements to any one wishing to invest , and special rates should they settle . Land can be obtained from the government in two ff di erent ways . The cash freehold system , and the right U of purchase leases . nder the freehold system the land

- is sold at auction . The purchaser pays one quarter in cash , and the rest in equal instalments of one , two and I three years . nterest is charged upon the unpaid balance at a rate of six per cent . U nder this system the pur chaser I s bound to maintain a home from the commenc e ing of the second year to the end of the third year . The right of purchase leases are drawn for twenty - one i years , at a rental of eight per cent . on the appra sed value of the land . The lessee has the privilege of purchasing the land after the third year , at the original appraised

- fi ve . value , provided twenty per cent of the land has been cultivated , and other conditions of the lease filled . I n this case a home must be maintained from the e n d f O the first year to the end of the fifth year . The homes tead leases are intended to provide person s

w s . ithout capital , and their heirs , with permanent home

T h - to ey run nine hundred and ninety nine years , subj ect R I N DU S T R I E S AN D COMM E CE . 5 7

Of continuous use of the same as homes , and payment

. taxes , and certain conditions of improvement There is no rent and no purchase price . They are limited to eight acres in first class , and sixteen acres in second class agricultural lands . The limit of first class agricultural land obtainable is m o ne hundred acres . This a ount is increased on land of

a l i inferior quality . U nder the above conditions the pp cant must be eighteen years old , and obtain special letters o f denization . Land can also be obtained from the various land a n d

m a nfe s c o . investment p , and from private parties All males between the ages of twenty and sixty pay a

do ll a r s n a me l — personal tax of five / y poll tax , one dollar ; a road tax , two dollars ; school tax , two dollars . L nd pays a tax of one per cent . on the cash value , and per sonal property a similar rate . Carts pay two dollars ,

a . D brakes three dollars , carriages five doll rs ogs one dollar , and female dogs three dollars . The sugar industry was first started in the Hawaiian I slands by its very earliest settlers . When they arrived there they found the sugar cane growing wild in great

y . luxuriance , both in the valle s and on the flats Captain Cook in his visit to the islands speaks of it as being of ” I n 1 8 large size and of good quality . 37 the white cane

' on the edges of the woods in Maui was at an elevation

' thr e e fho u s a n d of from two to feet .

There are several varieties of cane on the island , and

Ko ke a four or five of them are natives . There is the ,

i P a a a which is a greenish wh te cane ; D , a purple cane ; 8 N S T R E S AN D CO MM R 5 I DU I E CE . P alani , a dark red cane , which looks like black Java , and

Ai n a kea C I n 1 the , a green and yellow ribbon ane . 860 a n d 1 8 a 75 yellow and green cane , which was called l P ua r e . , was popular This cane is large and sucrose , a n d fl having no ower , it did not tassel , so could be planted and milled at any season of the year .

I n 1 8 1 8 a ha i r n a 54 and 5 5 Cuban cane , known as the L , was introduced , and it has proved the most profitable cane of any in the islands . This is also the favorite cane I t in Cuba . is j uicy , rich in sucrose , and the wood is I h t . t ard , which preven s rats from boring it also fur n ishes fuel for the sugar factories . The earliest sugar manufacturer is said to be a China

1 802 man , who came to the islands in , trading for sandal wood . I t i s quite certain , however , that syrup and molasses were manufactured before sugar .

n 1 r I 83 5 Messrs . Ladd Company had the first suga mill of any importance . Everything then was very crude


s u a r w a s . and primitive , and only one grade of g made

but The market was limited and uncertain , under many discouraging diffi culties the industry was kept alive till

1 8 5 7, when there were only five plantations on the i slands . I n 1 858 and 1 859 steam was adopted as the motive

I n 1 86 1 m Of power of the mills . the nu ber the planta tions had increased to twenty - two ; nine used steam for w l grinding , twelve ere driven by water , and one by anima power . At this time the Civil War in the U ni ted States wa s

N S R AN D C O R 6 0 I DU T I E S MM E C E . two instances two or three small plantations consolidated

r into one . This will account in pa t for the above de

i n i s crease the number of plantations , but it due mainly to plantations that have been abandoned . The first exportation of sugar and molasses that we

1 8 have any account of was in 37, when the sugar ex ported was pounds and gallons of molasses . We now export pounds of sugar and gallons of molasses . This is undoubtedly the maximum amount that will be produced on the islands . He also goes on to state that “ the diffusion process was first introduced into the country seven or eight years a m g o . This is a process of extracting the j uice by eans of a battery of cells , consisting of from twelve to fourteen t large iron containers . The cane is firs sliced up fine

ma c hi n e s a n d v with slicing , . then con eyed on carriers to h u t e . s battery Each cell is filled alternately , and the crose is extracted by means of water heated to 1 5 0 de

' 200 t grees and degrees Fahrenhei , which is circulated ff through the battery . The first di usion plant was erected at Kealia , Kauai , a plantation owned by Colonel

L . S . Spalding . Colonel Spalding deserves the credit of havin g introduced and made a success of this method ff of extracting juice . Since then five di usion works have

i S i x I n been erected . mak ng all ; of these four are now

a . running , and at least three doings tisfactory work The ff di usion plants . when properly constructed and success fully worked , have obtained better results than the best

the mill work in country , with the exception perhaps of a large nine roller mill lately erected on the Ewa Planta this m i ll ( 1 895) has

m i I ed . The loss in ill extract on S from ten f . i to eighteen per cent , whereas dif usion extracts to with n

f n fi ve per cent . We have both di fusio and mills on the

I I i i p lantation am interested in , and give it as my op n on m that with more powerful mills , and ore rollers in our mills than we have . the result in extraction will be nearly

ff m a n d as great as in di usion , the cost of anufacture less , ’ ” r ul m r in general the e s t o e satisfactory .

' The P a c ifi c coast and the U nited States have alway s a been the principal markets for H waiian sugar . Ship A N ments have been made to ustralia , and ew York and

Canada has been talked of as an outlet , but California h a s been the best market so far . The islands have all the latest implements used in agriculture . Where the land permits , the steam plough

‘ e i s . used Most of the plantation fi lds are irrigated , with th the exception of those on the island of Hawaii . As e i nteriors of the islands are mountainous , the sugar planta tions are near the seacoast , and some yield an average of six or seven tons of sugar an acre .

- N early all the labor on the plantations is done by Ha w ii n s - a a . T , Portuguese . Chinese and Japanese They are all a a re m good workers . The Hawaii ns good tea sters ,

Portuguese do the heavy work , and the Chinese and

n o t Japanese factory work . The Japanese are so easily w ma n e o a g d as the Chinese . For those P rtuguese and

' w ho c a n n o t Japanese defray their own expenses , the

planter will advance money for their passage , and they ” n then work o contract for a given time . N S R S AN D CO R C 6 2 I DU T I E MME E .

Engineers on plantations receive from to

per month , house and firewood furnish ed .

Sugar boilers receive from to per month , house and firewood furnished . Blacksmiths on

i fi r e plantat ons , to per month , house and wood furnished . Carpenters on plantations , to m per onth , house and firewood furnished . Loco m m otive drivers , to per onth , room and e board furnish d . Head overseers , to per U month . nder overseers , to per month ,

with room and board . Bookkeepers on plantation ,

- to per month , with room and board .

Teamsters (white), to room and board .

a n d Hawaiians , to no board . Field labor ,

i i e r Portuguese and Hawa ans , to p month ,

no board . Chinese and Japanese field labor , to

per month , no board . Bricklayers and masons

6 e r in Honolulu receive from $5 to $ p day ; carpenters ,

to machinists , to per day of nine

The hours . domestic labor in Honolulu , and in fact all

a y parts of the isl nd , as has been said before , has for man

few years been performed by Chinese . During the last years Japanese have entered this field , and the Japanese

women are in special demand for nurses .

Chinese and Japanese cooks get from to per

. N week , board and room urses and house servants , m to per month , room and board . Sea

~ stresses ge t per dav and one meal .

I n the year 1 895 the exports amounted to 3 “ N R AN D I DUS T I E S C O MME R CE . and the i mports to O f the exports

were accredited to sugar . Of the imports came from Pacific ports U a of the nited St tes , from Atlantic ports , a total of leaving but for every other nation that the Hawaiian I slands have commercial

1 1 I n 8 . relations with . 95 , 9 per cent of all the whole b usiness of the island s was done with the U nited States .

a u After sug r , the next greatest ind stry of the islands ff ff is co ee . No finer co ee in the world is produced than t I hat of the Hawaiian slands , but it requires the greatest

no t care , and a crop is produced till the third year from

I n the time of planting . the fifth year a good realization i s made upon the investment .

I n case any of the readers of this book should desire

m e i the to e igrat to the slands , a condensed description of m ff ethod of cultivating the co ee plant is given .

ff . Co ee is a shrub , and it requires a loose porous soil

I n y w heav , clayey ground hich holds much water it does

h the not thrive well . Still t ere is very little such land in

I . Hawai ian slands , for the soil is generally porous

' Coffee thrives well and gives good results in various

I n conditions of soil and heat . these islands it grows and produces from very nearly at the s ea level to the

nt elevation of feet . With such a range it is evide that i n a tropical climate the cultivation of coffee presents greater oppo rtunities for an investor than other tropical

I n products . almost any part of the island practical ex

e r i e n c e p has shown it can be grown with Success . The beginning of the coffee i ndustry on a large scale in 6 N R S AN D C O R 4 I DUS T I E MM E C E . f the Hawa i i an I slands was at the time when the Q laa por tion of the Puna district was opened up by the making

of a good macadamized road from Hilo to the volcano . Now there are fifty coffee plantations where six years ago

ta n l e d ' a n d I n stood g overgrown forests . this location

there are still ten thousand a cres not in use . This loca

tion is most desirable , as it has direct communication

with Hilo , by a good road , and a crop could be easily

a n d taken to any shipping point , before long a railroad

will be built . The soil of this district is deep and very

' O e u al l fe r til e prolific . ther portions of land are q y and

show good results . Many plantations are carried on simply from th e sav

ings of people who are at work in Honolulu .

ff Ol a a The greatest co ee districts are the , Puna Koua m k and Ha a ua . As fast as circumstance permits govern

I n ment lands are being opened up . order that satis factory results may be obtained the coffee should be

properly planted , and during its life given frequent and

intelligent cultivation .

After first obtaining possession of land , a nursery

should be planted , in order that as soon as possible the

plants may be strong and healthy . The best plants are

those that have been gr own from a properly prepared I t nursery . The next best are nursery stumps . is

strongly advised for a beginner to purchase his plants , but the seco nd year he should have a nursery of his own

O n e to select the best and strongest from . acre of plants

- O n e is sufficient for a plantation of seventy fi v e acres . should select his nursery land as near his plantation a s R AN D R INDU S T I E S COMM E C E . 6 5

a n d s possible , to insure good drainage it hould be on a slight slope . The ground should be free from rocks and

stones . After ploughing the soil it should be made as h fine as possible . Beds should then be made , six inc es h h high and t ree feet apart , and the seeds planted six inc es

- n apart and three quarters of an i ch deep . The seeds should be placed flat down and covered by brushing over

e the surface of the bed . The soil should always b kept m u oist , and in case of lack of rain , sho ld be well watered .

I n six or seven weeks the sprouts should begin to appear .

I n transplanting only every other plant should be taken m up . Thus more roo is given for those left to grow and become stocky .

After cleaning your land , which can be done for from

twenty to fifty dollars an acre , by a gang of Chinese or

y o u n Japanese . holes are dug for the receptacle of the g

trees . The distance at which these trees should be placed m ff is a atter of much argument , and in di erent countries it varies ; but a distance of six feet five inches apart is the I a general method in the Hawaiian slands . Trees pl nted

this far apart yield better than trees planted closer . The e rows are usually pegg d out , and pieces of red cloth are

laid where holes are to be dug . These holes should be h eig teen inches wide and eighteen inches deep , and m should re ain open as long as possible , and only filled I in a week or so before planting the trees . t is always well to see that there are no-s tones or rocks at the bottom

of the holes . The most extreme care S hould be taken in planting out the young trees . The trees will never thrive if the N R S AN D C O R C 6 6 I DUS T I E MM E E . l m s ender top root i s doubled up , or shortened too uch .

T he S foliage will turn yellow , and the trees how every sign of decay . The top roots should be placed perfectly

straight in the ground , and the lateral . roots in a natural

“ position . Then comes the time for weeding , and a stitch ” in time saves nine has its fullest meaning in a coffee

estate .

O n the Haw aiian I slands there are no weeds which

t a run to seed in less h n thirty days , and if care is taken in going over the fields once a month and pulling and bury w ing any eed that is found , the labor of weeding amounts I f to very little . taken at the proper time one man can

- fi do the weeding of twenty v e acres and keep it clean . During the first year after the trees are set out all that i s s necessary to do is to keep the field clean of weeds ,

o r a and to replace any sickly trees , those th t do not look m . y e a r strong , fro the nursery The second the trees will

have acquired a good growth , and require handling or

prunin g . This is quite an art , and it needs a great deal

a e e s ! of p ti nce to br ak in laborers to do thi work well .

be When steadily persisted in , however , the operation m m comes ore si ple .

During all the second y ea r the fields should be gone

se e over at least once in every two months , and all o n da r i e s , which are branches growing out from the first

e b b O ff a e . br nch s , should rub ed This can be easily done by the fin gers , if they are not over three inches lon g .

y e a r m Durin g the third the tree blosso s . They vary

from ten to fifteen clusters on one branch . and from

- in fifteen twenty berries in a cluster . Some trees thrive


’ Manager s house and water tank Laborers ’ quarter's and Water tank 0 Clearing 5 acres of land at per acre . Fencing P urchase of I - year - old coffee plants at per M ' 0 Lining , holing and planting 5 acres ’ 1 Managers salary , year 6 1 1 L . abor of Japanese year , at $ 5 per month Purch a se of tools and starting nursery

D R SEC O N YEA . Manager ’s salary Labor 6 Japanese 2 Extra labor linin g , holing and planting 5 acres

S u n dfi e s

I R R TH D YEA . ’ Ma nager s salary Labor 9 Japanese Pulping shed and drying house

Pulper , with en gine and boiler

Extra help for picking , pulping and drying

‘ pounds of coffee fr o m 5 o acres (at 4 cents per pound)

H ullin g and polishing and grading lbs . ff 1 of co ee at cent .

r Sund ies , bags , freight , etc


B f 1 y sale of lbs . of co fee at 8C N S R E S AN D C O R C 6 I DU T I MM E E . 9

R R F O U TH YEA . ' M a nager s salary Labor 9 Japanese L i abor extra pickin g , pulping and dry ng ff m 0 lbs . of co ee fro 5 acres (at 4

cents per lb . )

- - 2 . lbs . from 5 acres (3 year old trees)

H ulling , polishing and grading lbs . at 1 cent

Sundries , bags , freight , etc

Credit— 4 f i By sale of lbs . cof ee at 8c

F I FTH YEA R . Manager ’s salary Labor 9 Japanese f Picking , pulping an d drying lbs . cof ee

m 0 . 2 fro 5 acres , and lbs from 5 acres , at 4 cents i Hullin g , polishing and grad ng lbs . at 1 cent per lb

Sundries , bags , freight , etc

Credit f 1 By sale of lbs . cof ee at 8 cents Balance on hand I X S TH YEA R . ’ Manager s salary Labor 9 Japanese ff Picking , pulping and dryin g lbs . co ee 0 2 from 5 acres and lbs . from 5 acres ,

I oo ooo . , lbs at 4 cents R AN D R 79 I N DUS T I E S C O MM E CE .

n 1 00 000 . H ulling , polishi g and grading , lbs at 1 cent

Sundries , bags , freight , etc


f 1 8 . By sale of lbs . of co fee at cents Balance on hand

R SEVENTH YEA . Manager ’s salary Labor 9 Japanese n Pickin g, pulping and dryi g lbs . of coffee at 4 cents

Hullin g , polishing and grading lbs . at I cent

Sundries , bags , freight , etc

$ 1 1 0 0 0 Credit

ff 1 . By sale of lbs . of co ee at 8 cents Balance to credit of plantation at end of seventh y e a r

The yields as given in this estimate are far below what

be may attained by thorough cultivation and fertilizing . The coffee tree responds readily when under good treat i ment , but if neglected it d sappoints its owner . ff While a co ee , planter is waiting for his trees to grow and yield returns on his investment , living must be close , a n d cash must be paid out for the necessary i mprove l ments , but he can p ant other things which will provide m food for himself and his fa ily . and which will also yield

' l a moderate income . The soil and climate will grow a R I N DUS TR I E S AN D C OMM E C E . 71

most anything that grows in other countr ies . The land m is there , the cli ate is there , it only requires brains and

m m e a s all capital co bin d with energy to realize , in one m m fourth the ti e , such co fort and independence as can not be realized i n old countries .

I . Green and sweet corn . rish and sweet potatoes , beans

tomatoes . lettuce . radishes . cabbage . cauliflower , pump

kins , and squashes all grow and thrive well . Straw

berries and raspberries grow the year around . A native m peach does well . and bears fruit in two years fro seed . y m y The are smaller than our A erican peaches , but ver m y . sweet and j uic . and ake delicious preserves There is a w lso the mango . a tropical fruit free . hich is much liked ' m by every one . and the fruit when green is ade into

mb . Po preserves . rese lin g our apple butter The ha is a

quick growin g shrub , bearing a berry that makes ex

' l A o ha s - i n c e l e n t j a m . patch of p planted a garden

grows one to four feet high , and yields a supply of fruit

almost without cultivation . ff Any land that will grow co ee will grow bananas . and there is no lim i t to the productions of this fruit on the

large islands of Hawaii . They can be raised at an ex tre me l y low rate . and although it is still in its infancy . the

trade amounts to one hundred thousand bunches , valued

a t one hundred thousand dollars . m There is also no li it to the production of pineapples .

I n 1 895 the pineapples sent to San Francisco amounted

- to . the value of nine thousand dollars The guava , which

‘ r s g ow wild , could be put up p rofitably for the manu R AN D C O R C 72 I N DUS T I E S MM E E .

facture of guava j elly . Well made guava j elly can find

a market anywhere . The cocoa or chocolate tree will grow and yield fair r e

turns in certain districts . Among other trees and plants which will yield after the lapse of a few years are the

a m r Ceara rubber tree , the Par rubber tree , and the ca pho

tree . This latter tree will grow almost anywhere on these f islands , where there is a su ficient rainfall . Camphor is obtained from the wood and roots by distillation .

R c a n ’ c ul ti ; ice , neither the European or American I t vate , as laborers . requires working on marshy land , and though on the islands it yields two crops a year , none

’ h hi n m n but t e C a a can raise it successfully .

ma n u fa Cfur e d . Maize and wheat are raised , and flour is

m I n A fibre plant of great pro ise is the sisal plant . some respects the prospect of this industry is greater than ff the bowstring hemp , by reason of the totally di erent character of the soil required for its successful cultiva

tion . While the bowstring hemp requires a rich , wet

land to do well , and gives a large yield of fibre per acre , the sisal will thrive and give the best results on the dr ye St

r o v id lands that are to be found on the islands , always p

ing there is sufficient soil for the roots to get a foothold . There are thousands of acres of such lands that are prae

tically useless , but which by the means of the sisal plant

may be made to support thousands of people , and add to the wealth of the country far beyond the dreams of the

most sanguine .

Cotton is a possible industry , as it is well suited to the

climate and soil of the islands . n 1 8 ff 2 2 I 95 the exports accredited to co ee were $ , a 8 to ban nas , and pineapples , $ ,

There has been a steady increase in the importation of m musical instru ents in the past three years , the list com

fift - prising y four pianos , twenty parlor organs , five hun

— - dred and sixty nine guitars , thirty three banjos , twen t - m - a y eight andolins , forty seven violins , and other music l instruments . Plantation labor statistics from the latest report of the

I 1 8 Secretary of the Bureau of mmigration , 97, are as fol

: O n e lows thousand six hundred and fifteen Hawaiians ,

1 1 I sl Portuguese , Chinese , 5 South Sea m 600 . anders , and all others The arket for all kinds of labor is overstocked , so it would be very unwise for any o n e o e to g to the islands without capital , on the mer chance of getting employment .

The total value Of fresh fruits imported to the is lands during the year 1 896 was most of which was

m a a n d received fro Californi her sister States . There

- i were forty four barrels , and seven thousand and n nety

s a nd nine boxes of apples , one thou and four hundred six t - - fi ve y eight boxes of oran ges , six hundred and seventy

- o f boxes of limes , four hundred and seventy six boxes

hu n dr e c pears , two hundred and eighty of plums , one .

- and eighty of cherries , and one hundred and thirty seven

of peaches . l There are twenty - fi v e m i les of ra i lroad i n op er ati on on

u - fi the island of Hawaii , seven miles in Ma i , twenty ve S T R E S AN D C OMM E R C INDU I E .

s i n O v b mile ahu , in the icinity of Pearl Har or , and

t - teen miles at Wiane ; total leng h of seventy two miles .

6 H ON O 7 LULU . within by the outlying reef which bounds the inner har

bo r . As soon as the whalers began to frequent the place in

1 numbers , a town quickly sprung up , and in 82 0 Hono

lulu contained six or seven thousand inhabitants , while

- to day its population reaches thirty thousand . Many persons ha v e variously described the view of

Honolulu as they approached it from the sea . Some n have gone i to raptures over it , whilst others have been

disappointed . U nless the traveler has been led to ex

peet something extremely wonderful , he cannot fail to be charmed with the v iew of the city and its surrounding

a n scenery , as seen from the deck of incoming steamer . I t is quite true that the hills of Oahu have not that same luxurious vegetation that so many islands of the

o r Southern Pacific are noted f , and the city has no par

ti c ul a r w building to attract attention , but ithout doubt Honolulu is a prettier place to gaze at from the sea than nineteen out of twenty cities to be found anywhere on “ I t the face of the globe . has been rightly called a city

in a grove .

To me , standing upon the top of the Punch Bowl , the

city is a mass of beautiful green foliage , with here and

there a flag pole , indicating that somewhere beneath the

- fi v e tree tops is a dwelling . Twenty years ago little

e could b said of praise in regard to the city , however pleased o n e might be with th e surrounding scenery . The

s s t treet were dusty , houses insignificant , irregularly buil

. a n d located , with scarcely a tree anywhere to be seen

All this is now changed , and by nothing more than th e O O H N LULU . 77

b e f growth of the trees , at present so universally to ound throughout town and suburb .

a b The city is very clean , and one is struck by the sence

m ~ . s o ke o r of poverty and squalor There is no soot . and

e scarcel y any dust , for the streets are constantly sw pt .

m o The filthy alleys and unsightly pre ises , which so ften

f m m to iv n s o fend the sight and s ell in A erican , are never

o c found in H onolulu , and even about the tiniest houses c u pi e d by Chinese and Portuguese one may see ne a t fences , gardens with a variety of flowers and vines trained

against the walls . where figs can ripen upon the trellises .

Honolulu is built on low ground with tow e r ing hills at I i y . t a c e her back , and the lovel sea in front is , indeed , y of foliage , whose tropical trees are laden with a variety of bloom and fragrance . A few of the most important buildings reach the tree tops . but for the most part the houses and stores are com l pl e te y hidden by rich evergreen foliage . This alone gives a character of its own to Honolulu which , charming as it is when seen from the sea , is still more deli ghtful when its cool shade is experienced in the streets and gardens of the town . The first evidence of commercial activity Of the port which the visitor sees is the large and very substantial

wharf , or dock , as it is usually designated . Here the l arge steamers of the Mail Service can and do lie along

O n side with ease . the wharf is an immense landing

shed , and back of this a large stone buildin g , occupied as

a warehouse for bond ed goods . Along the shore to the

the o n e the west is a series of wharves . Next to used by N 78 H O O LULU .

. Co . steamers is the wharf of M essrs Wilder , who are

a n d extensively engaged in the lumber trade , they are

“ " m - the owners of the stea er Like like , which runs to the other islands ; this wharf is a very busy one . Next to this lumber dock is one which is owned by the m Go vernment , and is used al ost entirely by foreign ves sels .

R n . Wharves of Messrs . Allen and obinson a d M essrs

Brener Co . follow next , and then the Fish Market wharf .

All of these docks have deep water at thei r side s . - t The ship building yards of M essrs . Tibbe t and Soven m sen and Mr . E mes are also here , and they have aecom mo da ti o n s s for vessel of considerable size .

Facing the Government wharf , which is termed the ” Esplanade Wharf , are the large Custom House bui ld

- f. in gs . These buildings are constructed o solid looking

‘ th e stone , and with corrugated roofs , rendering them safest stores in town , and they are recognized as such by

he n all t i surance companies . They occupy a block in themselves , having open ground on three sides , and a wide street on the fourth .

When one arrives at the wharf from the steamer , he finds individuals from almost every nationality waiting to hi m greet , but the Kanaka and the American certainly m predo inate . Should the steamer come from San Fran cisco , the Chinese element is most in evidence . The Hawaiian Hotel is the pride of all the whites in

Honolulu , and was built by the Government at a cost of on e hundred and twenty thousand dollars . ON O H LULU . 9

I t is always full and overcrowded when a steamer is in I t port . has good water supply and is furnished with electric lights . The verandahs are very broad and airy , and made inviting by numerous chairs and wicker m . t lounges . At one end is a Lanai This is an apart en

O which is pen on three sides , and should it rain , there are curtains of mattin g which c a n be used to shut out the in I t clement weather . is hung with Japanese lanterns , fans

I t t and umbrellas . is pre tily furnished with wi cker tables m and chairs . The drawing room is cheerful and co fort able , but one scarcely ever sits there , the piazzas being

I n the preferred . drawing room is a handsome bust in i marble of the late King Victor Emanuel , wh ch was pre sented to Ki ng K a l a ka u a when he visited I taly during hi l a ka u a s tour of the world . The late King Ka

a ve m m g it to his M or on Pre ier Gibson , and he or his

heirs presented it to the hotel .

i s y The dining room an thing but attractive , being big

y . and bare . and one is waited upon b Chinese servants

I n Honolulu are sixty - seven miles of streets and

drives ; they are not straight , and yet it is very easy to ,

w o u find your way about the to n , as soon as y have

learned the names of the principal streets . The only

street which gives you a long vista is Nuuanu avenue , which leads out of town to the northern part of the isl a n d

The Government buildings are plain , but of handsome

c fe dit structure , and are a to the city . The large central

hall and staircase of the building are lighted by a lantern b tower , which is one of the most conspicuous o jects in O O 80 H N LU LU .

any view of the town from the sea or shore . The offi ces of the several M inisters of State are in this buildin g , also

I ~ the Board of Health , Board of mmigration and Educa tion Board . U pstairs is the hall where the Supreme Court holds its ‘ fli s n o c e . O sessions , also the of the law courts this same N floor are the ational M useum and the Library .

The library i s a very creditable one , and as one might expect , it is particularly rich in works on the Hawaiian I slands , their people , lan guage , flora , fauna , etc . The library is always ope n for purpose of reference to the public . The readin g room is supplied with newspapers A from all parts of the U nited States and Great Britain . large number of American and English magazines and reviews are to be found here .

O n R the Erra oad , which leads out from the town , is

I t - the I nsane Asylum . consists of a series of one storied

’ buildings which are detached from the superintendent s

house . The trade wind is almost always blowing down N the uuanu Valley , and the asylum could not be better

- situated to catch this health givingbreeze . Although the r t g ounds are not extensive , here is plenty of shade for the

th e inmates . Some of patients are able to work , and can raise the taro for their own use .

A short way back in the direction of the town , about a mile from the city , is another Government institution , the

I n dustrial and R eformatory School for boys . The

r g ounds occupy about six acres , half of which is taken u an d p by building play grounds , and the rest is planted

n - with bana as . The building is a two story one , and on 8 1 H ON OLULU .

the ground floor is the school room , class room and din


ing room . The second floor is used for sleepin g pur

‘ poses only . There are a number of outhouses , such as

hospital , cooking shed , bathing shed , etc . The school

has also , in addition to these grounds , about twenty acres

. on another street , which is , planted with kalo t The O ahu prison is on the west side of the own , and I t mo ri ght at the mouth of the Nuuanu Valley . is delled


after the Charlestown prison , and thus far has proved m large enough to contain the cri inals of the country . All prisoners who are sentenced for over three months are I t m sent there . acco modates one hundred and seventy , and the usual number of inmates average about one hun di . D dred and fifty etached from this buil ng is a small ,

but neat and airy hospital , which contains twelve beds .

A physician visits this institution daily , and although

there have been epidemics of measles and mumps n o

deaths have occurred . o As one looks seaward fr m the prison , one can see the I t Quarantine Station , which is erected upon a reef . is

well equipped with a modern hot air and steam di s i n

fe c ti n g plant of large capacity , so that quarantine matters

l ffi i n tr o du c are handled intelligent y and e ciently , and the y m tion of disease b forei gn stea ers is of rare occurrence . The most important schools in Honolulu are th e O ahu

’ I o l a n i College , College , which is also called Bishop s

. a College School , St Andrews Priory , Sisters of the S

Ka n a i a ha o R y l cred Heart School , Female Seminary , o a

’ P o hu ka i n a School , Girls School , Kindergarten on the m Froebel syste , and many small schools . 8 2 O N O H LULU .

Besides these schools there is a Theologi cal College N I called The orth Pacific Missionary nstitute , presided

R e v . . D . D . over by Charles M Hyde , This is a train i n o sto r s mi s io n a r g school for native p , and the youn g y is taught not only theology , but how to live . With their m families established in co fortable apartments , they learn m i how to keep a odel home , a train ng which is of the t greatest value to the fu ure parish .

“ tb Honolulu has been called a city of missions , and Hawaiian I slands certainly present a broad field for work m with their in gled nationali ties . The annual report of the Hawaiian Evangelical Asso

C I a t i o n for 1 897 shows under its control twenty —one na

M O 10 tive churches in Hawaii , seventeen on Maui and

O m e m kia , ten on ahu and seven on Kauai , with a total

- hership of four thousand one hundred and sixty seven .

I n the city of Honolulu the native churches of Kawaia

Ka u mak a hao and are in a flourishing condition , and have

m O n e over one thousand embers . of the most powerful a U gencies for good is the Central nion Church , which is

R e . under the charge of the v Douglas Birnie . A more active and reli gious body is scarcely to be found any I where i n the U nited States . t has five hundred and twenty - three members and five hundred in the Sunday

School . With the help of good friends it supports mis m sions a ong the Hawaiians , Portuguese , Japanese and

Ho l o l u l u Chinese , not only in , but in all parts of the isl m . . D ands Mr Frank a on , who has charge of the Chinese m f M ission , has been ost success ul in his work .

The Chinese church ha s one hundred and twenty - four

ON O 84 H LULU .

O n Saturday all the people who can come into town

o . N but do so , and g to the fish market ot only fish ,

fruits , vegetables and meat can be purchased there . The m fisher en and those who sell the fish are chiefly natives . and this is the place to see them dressed in their quaint y garments , with their garlands of leis about them , wholl

b da absor ed in the business of the y . I t may be interesting to the reader to l earn the price of

o f some the provisions in the market at Honolulu .

- fi v e Fresh Hawaiian butter , twenty to fifty cents per

‘ m e c e n ts a pound . Ha s , sixt en to thirty pound . Bacon ,


. C tw e n t to sixteen to twenty cents a pound heese , y

- fi v e . thirty a pound Family pork , fifteen to eighteen a

pound . Corned beef , geven cents a pound . Fresh meat ,

to . fi f six fifteen a pound Porter house ste aks , six to

- fi a . v e teen pound Tinned fruits , one dollar seventy to

two dollars and a quarter a dozen . Golden Gate flour ,

one hundred pounds , two dollars and a half . Lower

grades two dollars and twenty cents . Hawaiian rice three

fi v e . to dollars for one hundred pounds Bananas .

— fi v e . P twenty to fifty cents a bunch otatoes , one to two

- fi v e . cents a pound . Eggs , twenty to fifty cents a dozen

I c e A case of rolled oats , five dollars and a half . , in small ' y quantity , one and a half cents a pound , and over fift

pounds , at one cent a pound .

a ll Water pipes are laid nearly over the town , and the city i s li ghted with electric lights . Honolulu has a com pl ete telephone system .

v Surface cars , drawn by mules , run at short inter als along the principal streets , and continue out to Waikiki , O N O H LULU . 85 i which s the sea bathing resort , and to the public parks , four miles from the city . An excellent musical band composed almost entirely of Hawaiians , and numbering between twenty and thirty , performers , who execute com plicated European music with accuracy and pleasing c i

feet , play at the Park every Sunday afternoon .

- Twenty eight years ago a branch of the Y . M . C . A .

' i h a n fo r was started in Honolul u wt S d d B . Dole as its

- first President . To day the association occupies a hand

d i n some brick e ifice the heart of the city , with hall , read ing room , parlors and gymnasium .

The Bishop Museum is a very handsome building of modern design , and costing over one hundred thousand I t dollars . is built of native stone and the interior is h finished with kra and kru woods , w ich take on a very

a n d o u r high polish , are very beautiful , excelling many of

fi n i hi n s hardwood s g . A stranger is both surprised and

m II interested at the extensive collection in the u se m . A

r large addition is being erected , at a cost of fo ty thousand dollars , in order to have more space , so the collection can be enlarged .

There are four banks in Honolulu , all having large

capital stock and deposits . The legal tender is gold , with

a money circulation of gold , silver and silver certificates .

Money may be obtained on first class paper , bond or mortgage , at six per cent . interest . There are many beautiful drives one can take in Hono

P u n c h lulu , one of the most interesting bein g to the

Bowl , which is an extinct volcano , about five hundred u feet high , j st back of the city . From this point many O O 6 H N LULU .

b charming views are o tained , and H onolulu looks like a large park on the border of the sea .

Another beautiful drive is to Waikiki , which is about three miles and a half from the business portion of the

city , and is quite a seaside resort , with many handsome

. y residences and cottages The beach is ver sandy , and t the wa er , at a delightful temperature for bathing , is safe

from danger by its guarded reefs . D A short distance beyond is iamond Head , which is

' fi ft e e n hu n dr e a rock about d feet high . This is the first land seen when one is entering the harbor , and last viewed when leaving .

Another drive is a trip to Tantalus , a mountain peak

o v r l o o ks n o t two thousand feet high , which e , only Hono lulu , but the whole stretch of country from Coco Head

’ to Barber s Point . A good carriage road can be found the whole distance , which winds through shady forest glades and wild shrubbery .

W i Honolulu has many fine stores , and the ndows are l dressed with mus ins , calicos , silks and laces , and resem bl e our American shop windows , while the prices are

s about the same . There are book stores , china store , picture stores and art stores , and if you ask for a thing

' i f r n e the proprietor may not have he will order t o you . O m merchant , whose na e is Ah Fon g , married a woman half American and half Hawaiian , and he has made such a large fortune that both he and his family occupy a high place in society . His family consists of four sons and thir t een daughters . Four of the daughters have become f ff w a s; o . Americans , one of whom is a naval o icer O O H N LULU . 7

i i There are a number of eng ne and hose compan es , one m of which is co posed of well disciplined Chinese , who raised enough money among their own countrymen to m buy their engine and unifor s , and to erect their own

. v engine house There are three e ening papers , pub l i she d daily , one daily morning paper , and two weeklies . i a Bes des these there are papers published in H waiian ,

r Po tuguese , Japanese and Chinese languages , and

monthly magazines as well .

o c H olidays and anniversaries , national or otherwise , c upy a very prominent place in the minds of the

- h Hawaiians , if not in their heart ;for with the light earted .

- m a r e easy going race , who are more i pulsive than they y prudent , the occasions for gaiety , festivi t , feasting and

“ excitement touch them as may be said , right where they ” live .

1 s t N The holidays which they enjoy are January , ew

’ D 1 o f Year s ay ; January 7th , anniversary the downfall of the monarchy (this has been observed regularly since

1 8 93 , but not made a national holiday till Chinese

’ N D 2 2 d ew Year s ay . February I st ; February , Washing

’ ’ 1 h ton s Birthday ; March 7t (this is not St . Patrick s Day m I I y . in Hawaii , but the birthda of Kameha eha , which is commemorated because of his consideration for the people in giving them lands); Good Friday ; Queen Vic

’ ’ to r i a s M a 2 th D D M a y B irthday , y 4 , and ecoration ay ,

3oth .

’ 1 1 th June , Kamehameha s day , which has been in ex i sten c e since the latte r part of the reign of Kamehameha ON O 88 H LULU .

V . D i i , but which is , in fact , the erby day of Hawa , the

K a i l a n i annual races taking place at p o Park . th t R July 4 , hrough declaring the epublic of Hawaii in

' 1 8 o t o Ame r i c a n I 95 on the anniversary ndependence ,

has since been a dual celebration . The third Saturday in

R D e n c o ur September is set apart for egatta ay , and to

a e . D y g aquatic sports Thanksgiving ay , the anniversar

I N 2 8 of Hawaiian ndependence , ovember , and Christmas

Da n l y . O this latter day the lepers at Molokai are a

w ays generously remembered . S a n Francisco and Victoria are the two points of de

o r a ti o n th I n e p t for e Hawaiian slands . O steamer sails

fo r Honolulu , stays a few days , and returns to San

Francisco , and the other stops at Honolulu ; and then

goes on to Australia . There are now seven steamship lines crossing the Pacific from the U nited States and British Columbia

ports , to China , Japan and Australia , and to six of these

Honolulu is a port of call . The residential portion of the city is composed of ’

beautiful villas , many of which would compare favorably

with some of the fine residences of America . Each home

s tead is surrounded by large gardens , with tropical trees

a D and pl nts . The etroit Free Press gives the following

° description of th e residence of Mr . Fred . J . Lowry “ I n - the center a marble pool with a dainty , fairy like

fountain , wh ose waters at will can be made to ascend as high as the third story up through the air shaft over the h pool , upon whic the bedrooms look . To the right of

the o n the - pool , as e enters , is music room , with its grand HON U dL L U . 89

be l o i i n s piano and appropriate i g g . To the left of the pool

is the space devoted to the dining tabl e, while all around

the pool one finds cosy lounging chairs , books galore , t statuary , po ted plants , all the appurtenances of a well ordered library , the three sections of this lower floor combining in one deli ghtful expanse of polished floor and Turkish rugs , undivided except for the Greek col u mn s at the four corners of the pool .

Most of these vi llas have Tanai , or open air living

‘ h ‘ h rooms . When t e w e a t e r permits the meals are served here , calls are received , the sewing done ; and all the y e ar around this living room is one of the chief attractions of

a Honolulu residence . Too much cannot be said of the American and Eu

o ea n r p society in Honolulu . Nearly all the younger generation who are identified with the business interests of the islands have been e du c a t m e d in the best colleges of A erica . Most of the women U have received their education in the nited States , and are naturally well informed . Generosity and hospitality

o r g hand in hand in the islands , and are a pa t of the daily life O f the inhabitants .

’ The following is Mark Twain s tribute to Hawai i “ N n o alien land in all the world has any deep , stro g charm for me but that one ; no other land could so lov

' i n l sl e e i n a n d g y and beseechingly haunt me , p g waking , O through half a life time as that one has done . ther

things leave me , but it abides ; other things change , but i t remains the same . For me its balmy airs are always

a fl blowing , its summer se s ashing in the sun ; the puls O 90 H N O L ULU .

m e a I i n g of its surf beat is in y r . can see its garlanded c m y raigs , its leaping cascades , its plumy pal s drowsing b the shore ; its remote summits floating , like islands , above I the cloud rack . can feel the spirit of its woodland soli tude ; I can hear the splash of its brooks ; in my nostrils still lives the breath of flowers that perished twenty years

U ago .

R AN AN D WN 92 S OM E O TH E IS L DS TO S . the man who has two hundred thousand trees to the o n e who may have only an acre .

- Hilo is a famous sea shore resort on this island , and from Honolulu by a direct sea route the distance is e s

- timated to be almost one hundred and ninety two miles , and a steamer of moderate speed can accomplish the

- n ma trip in almost twenty four hours . O the p Hilo Bay y m ’ is frequentl arked Byron s Bay , after Captain Lord the Byron , who was first to make an accurate survey of

1 82 . it , which he did in 5 The proper native name for

i s Hilo Bay is Waiakea , but as is quite natural , it called from the town itself .

Hilo Bay has an excellent harbor , and if commerce needs it , can be rendered safe and commodious by a breakwater which runs out from the s hore to Cocoanut

I n e c e s sland . There is room for a whole navy here , if

fo r sary , and the water is deep enough the largest ship

n e afloat . The town is well laid out and very pretty . O can see great stretches of cane fields all yellow and green . and the tall , graceful cocoa palms with their plumy

t n . n o o e branches As the roads in Hilo are very good , must either go about on foot or on horseback .

The prominent business street fronts the bay , with

stores which meet / with the requirement of all . The

town is quaint and pretty and has beautiful surroundings . O n Church street are the residences of the majority of

’ the town s people , who are not natives , although on King m i street are any more fine residences , and also on th s

o latter street is one of the most useful institutions of Hil ,

’ Dr s . Kittredge Sanitarium . This is a medical boarding S O M OTH E R LA S AN D OW E IS ND T NS . 95 ho u s e ‘ a nd ma be m , yet travelers y accom odated and find m everythin g comfortable at a oderate charge . The Court House and Post O ffice occupy the centre of a large square , and the lawns are planted with beautiful exotic trees . There are a number of excellent schools

b . in Hilo , both for oys and girls The tourist can make many pleasant excursions from bl Hilo , and one of the most agreea e is to Cocoanut Point , m m which is al ost a mile and a half fro the town . A great many picnics are held at this point , and the natives ha v e this fa mous tradition in regards to the place : There

M o ku o l a is a large rock out from Cocoanut Point called , and the natives belie ve if any one is suff ering from a n y m m ‘ ail ent , if he will swi out around the rock and back ag ain he will be healed . Not a week passed but some one undertakes this swim , but if the cure is permanent we are not prepared to say .

O n the south side of the bay , further on from Cocoa

n e nut Point is Keokea Point . O can ride out from Hilo to this place in about half an hour and obtain a most beautiful view of Hilo and its surroundings . From the ba y in front you have a dozen miles of the coast line spread before you in the shape of a cocoanut , and at your back the land slopes gradually upwards till it reaches the forest . Another charming trip is to the falls of the Wailuku R R iver , the ainbow Falls as they are generally called ,

n . and which are o ly two miles from H ilo These. falls

v e r are said to be y beautiful , and when the afternoon sun strikes . them they look like a perfect rainbow . Miss AN AN D OWN 94 S O M E OTH E R I S L DS T S .

Krout in describin g her ride to these falls says that she m passed nu bers of interesting Japanese houses , neat as t he u ho ses of a toy village , each with its bit of garden , in whi ch tapioca and ginger were growing and thriving . m Portuguese , who are even more successful far ers than

th e it the Chinese , were standing in the verandas of s m ff at mall houses and s iled a ably us , surrounded by f I f swarms o young children . they had been encouraged

' and could have o bta i n e d l a n d the Portuguese would long ago have redeem ed the waste places of Hawaii and made m R the desert place blosso as the rose . emoved from the tyranny of a State religion they become liberal and pro s i r e s s v e . g , no longer the servile tools of the priests They are a most temperate , industrious and peaceable people ,

' prizing above all things the l ittl e home which each as

pires to acquire and hold ; and they are in every way

most desirable as colonists . At the end of one long and unutterably boggy lane we met a handsome Hawaiian

u s boy carrying home a sackful of grass . He wore the

bOt h ual white cotton shirt and blue cotton trousers ,

soaked with rain . H e was barefooted , and round the

c m rown of his hat was wound a s all American flag , the

blue of the ground faded into the white stars , which the

running dye had completely blurred . Portuguese , Jap

anese and Chinese we had passed in that ride , and here at the partin g of the ways stood youthful Hawaii pen

s iv e l y surveying us , his black eyes looking out from ” u m nder that little wet fla g above his hat bri . m All kinds of fruit grow in Hilo ; figs , peaches , ta a

rinds , oranges , apples , and bananas raised in Hilo are O O R AN AN D WN S M E TH E IS L DS TO S . 95

‘ a n fo u n d said to be finer than y elsewhere in the world .

b be All kinds of vegeta les can grown , and the climate is most enjoyable . il Another trip is to the volcano K e a u e a . The road m fro Hilo is a gradual ascent . and one drives throu gh the

Chinese quarter , with its quaint shops , and little children y m pla in g in pink , blue and yellow costu es , and the boys queues lengthened by threads of rose color interwoven m . r in the Beyond the Chinese qua ters are the cane fields , in which great bands of Japanese find employment , for they can labor and endure t he heat and dust of the cane

fields and are also very swift in cuttin g the cane . The flow of the crater Kil e a u a is said to be three miles y in width . and is reached b a descent of twelve hundred

feet . The lake of fire is on the farthest side of the vol

cano . and its billows rise and fall like the surges of a m bloody sea . Tourists fro all over the world have vis i te d this volcano . and at the hotel is a register upon whose pages are the names of many very distinguished I guests .

At Hakalau . another town on the island of Hawaii . is r the la ge sugar plantation owned by M essrs . Claus

‘ mil e s fr o m Spreckels Co . This is about fifteen Hilo .

and everythin g is carried on in a very extensive way . All the modern i mprovements as regards the mill and y m plantation are of the finest . and ever thin g denotes fro the appearance of the surroundin gs that all is c a r i'i e d on

in the best manner possible . Mr . Spreckels has proved himself to be the right man in the right place , and stands in the foremost rank as a sugar planter . WN 96 S OM E OTH E R I S LAND S AN D TO S .

' r At Laupahoehoe and O okala are numerous othe . sugar plantations in thriving conditions , but few people besides those interested in the plantations live there .

- Ha m a k u a Forty two miles from Hilo is , which is beau ti full m y situated almost a mile fro the sea , and here also I t m is a very large sugar plantation . see s as if the whole country round about was created on purpose to grow the

a sugar cane . All over the island the sugar pl ntations are v e r y numerous and equally thriving . Every M onday afternoon a boat leaves Honolulu at four o ’clock for the island of Kauai,arriving there at six the following mornin g . The first stopping place is

N Ha u a ma u l u . awiliwili , then to , Kapoa and Kilama This first island is called the “ Garden I sland ” because it is so well watered and is so luxuriant in vegetation . The fern forests of Kauai are beyond description in their love li n e ss .

Besides the cultivation of sugar on this island it ha s a l so ff many rice plantations , and co ee could be grown t here with much success . The climate of Kauai is mos 8 delightful , never hotter than 5 degrees and never lower

60 r than degrees . Nea ly everythin g grows on this

I n e x c e l e d . island , and fishing and shootin g cannot be the different towns on the island are handsome residences

and a number of schools . m A stea er also sails weekly for the island of Maui . i a Somet mes the pass ge is a very rough one , for the O channels between the islands of ahu , Maui , Molokai and Hawaii are said to be the roughe st waters on the globe . N D WN S OME O TH E R IS LAN DS A TO S . 97 Wailuku and Kahului are the two most i mportant

a r e towns on this island , and both largely devoted to the raising of sugar cane . Mr . Claus Spreckels owns a large h sugar plantation on the island also , and Maui owes muc of its wealth to him .

N i s ine miles from Wailuku a large dairy ranch , and

’ the country abounds in fine pastures . The hedge rows h are of cactus , w ich grows from five to ten feet hi gh , and

are very curious in appearance . These cacti serve the

s cattle in dry weather as a substitute for fodder , as horse as well as cattle thrive upon them ; and when boiled pigs m will eat them with ski milk . All around the country is beautiful and on the mp t s y of the homesteads are groves of the eucal ptus , the gum

n tree of Australia . There are thousands of fine acres o this island that only need industry to m a kt them pa y a settler a ten - fold reward for any privation or trouble he

may have to bear at the beginning of his enterprise .

O n O s i x the south side of the island of ahu , and miles

y e n awa from the main sierra , is Pearl Harbor . The trance to this harbor is seven miles west of H onolulu h e arbor , which , though very good , is in comparison a mer

pocket in the fringing reef .

Mr . S . E . Bishop describes this harbor in this way

Pearl Harbor proper is a n inland lake of nearly oval

i I t ~ form . six m les by three , lying east and west . is sep a r a te d from the ocean by a belt of coral lowland two and a h a lf miles in breadth;together with a reef which is o n e

e and a half mile s more seaward . There are thus ov r

he four miles between the harbor and t open sea . A 3 S O M E OTH E R S L A S AN D TO WN 9 I N D S . passage of one - third mile in width connects the harbor w ith the ocean . The Outer end of the passage through the reef is at present obstructed by a sand bar . which can easily be removed by dredging in the same way that the entrance to Honolulu Harbor was dredged a few years e ago . The map of P arl Harbor thus resembles an oval n fan , with the ha dle on the longer side . The oval lak e is crossed from north to south by two low peninsulas and an island which divides it into four locks containing

- o m o i areas in all of ab ut eight square iles water .

“ ’ The northern or inland portions o f the s e areas are s d f . O r e hoal , owing to the wash of the uplan s the m a i n de r about th r ee square miles are from fi v e to ten

. m fathoms deep , ad itting the largest ships . An equal a m rea is from two to four fatho s . At several points the ‘ water is fr o m fo u r to seven fathoms deep c lose alongside f of the low coral blu fs . M uch of the deep water is in

ff - channels between such blu s , from one third to one mile ” wide .

‘ About Pearl R iver harbor are numbers of localiti es where several hundred of acres of level land can be se

o ‘ cured close to deep water , and which w uld be most suit able for a naval station . n The climate is simply perfect , and the mild trade wi ds m sw eep across the country . The summer te perature is

0 80 6 8 from 7 to degrees , and the winter from 5 to 7 de

a n . grees . There is scarcely y rain , except when there is a gale from the south and a great storm endangerin g ships Of in the harbor is never known . O wing to the absence

h . umidity , malaria is an unknown quantity

o S OM E OTH E R S A S AN D OWN S t o I L ND T .

and then again it is too near the open sea for security . For thousands of miles both west and south there are n o

enclosed harbors in any of the groups of islands .

N U a ow that the nited States has Pe rl Harbor , we pos sess the complete monopoly and mastership of the Pacific

O . cean , north of the Equator

From a n a va l point of view it is easily seen that Pea rl

’ “ I t Harbor is the prize j ewel of the Hawaiian group . is the main element which perfects the incalculable strate h ” gic value of t e group . I f an enemy to the U nited Stateshad possession of the Hawaiian I slands and Pearl H a rbor he would be within easy striking distance of the Pacific ports of the U nited m States , and could at once kill all the co merce of these ports . Now that Pearl Harbor belongs to the U nited States an enemy has no coaling or supply station “ near enough for efficient damage . This has been fully demonstrated i by Captain Mahan and other American naval authorit es . O A AN AN DT H R O ON 1 0 1 LILIU K L I E E V LUTI .



I n 1 875 a reciprocity treaty was negotiated with the U nited States , under which sugar grown in the Hawaiian islands was admitted to this country free of duty . This m stimulated the production of sugar enor ously , until the amount of the duty rem itted on Hawaiian sugar reached

a year . American capital flowed into the country , and all the lands suitable for growin g the sugar

n a ti ve cane passed into the hands of foreigners . The

i n Hawaiians , though more vigorous , intelligent and du stri o u s P o l n e s i a n s w e r e y , than other y _ not emplo ed by

the new owners , who introduced the system of contract

labor . Being unable t o supply themselves from the Poly n e s i a n islands , they imported Chinese coolies and

' a n d a l s o Japanese under treaties with their governments ,

Portuguese from the Azores and Madeira .

The early planters employed the natives as laborers , and lived among them on their estates , which earned but

n ' r e c ri u s moderate a d p a o profits . After reciprocity the estates were converted into joint stock companies , and

who influences were brought to bear on the King , was

Ka l a ka ua L , and the egislature , to remove the restrictions

m the on Chinese i mi gration , and introduce kind of semi

- slavery known as the contract labor system . L A AN AN DT H R VO T N 1 0 2 LI IUOK L I E E LU I O .

Between 1 876 and 1 877 the immigration was i n cluding Chinese , Japanese and

Portuguese . The missionaries whose sagacious and unselfish coun y sels gave an enlightened political system to the countr ,

and fostered civilized acts and customs , industry , com merce , education , religion and j ustice , were succeeded m b . y more selfish and ambitious states en Their children , ff accomplished men of a airs , now reaped rich benefits

m t he fro tide of prosperity which flooded the country .

K a l a ka ua King revived sorcery , removed the ban from the sale of liquor , and so instigated race hatred that dis

o f trust the leaders permeated native society , and became acute when the natives found themselves left compara ti v e ly desti tute amid the sudden expansion of national

wealth , of which the thrifty among the Portuguese , the l Chinese and the Japanese settlers obtained a share , whi e the natives alone were excluded .

m a r t o n Fro this cause a native p y sprang up , cryi g, a : H waii for the Hawaiians , and disgraced foreign in t r i u er s g against American influence .

Speculators more unscrupulous than any in the mis~ s i o n a r m m y party , leagued the selves with the alcontents when they saw that the majority of the electorate and the

m z m King sy pathi ed with the move ent .

1 88 b i At last , in 3 , there was an a solute major ty of the n m o ative party in the Asse bly , and the King cut l ose m from the issionaries , and appointed an American , Mr .

m r the e W . M . Gibson , as Pre ier , and th ee natives to oth r posts in the Cabinet .


kalani , attempted a counter revolution for the purpose of

n 2 restoring the old constitution . O July d of that year

‘ they seized the palace and Government buildings , forti

fle d them , and planted artillery , but could not use the f guns e fectively , and were no match for the trained white

militia , who without the loss of a man captured the build

ings and drove out the defenders , killing seven , and

w . 1 8 1 oundin g twelve The King died in 9 , and he was

“ succeeded by his sister , Liliuokalani . Her heiress pre

’ s u m ti v e a n O 1 6 p was Princess Kaiul i , born ctober th ,

' 1 8 75 , the daughter of the Queen s deceased younger sis ter , and Mr . A . S . Cleghorn , a Scotchman , who was Gov

’ e r n o r O of ahu , after the death of the Queen s husband ,

Mr . Dominis . Queen Liliuokalani was born near the city of Hono ’

2 d 1 8 8 . wa s Ka lulu , September , 3 Her father s name

’ a a ke a K e h ka l e H r o o o . e p , and her mother s l great

K a i r ha n i grandaunt was the celebrated Queen p , who was

to one of the first converts Christianity . Her father lived

' b r in a large grass house , which was surrounded y smalle ones , the homes of those who were connected with his

service . B ut she was not destined to grow up in the

her home of her parents , for almost immediately after

birth she was wrapped in the finest of cloth , made of b tapa; and taken to the a ode of another chief , who adopt

. i a n d ed her H is name was Pak , that of his wife s Konia .

the latter being a granddaughter of Kamehameha I .

Their only daughter , Bernice Panaki , afterwards became

R . . the wife of M r . Charles Bishop Although her own father and mother had in all ten L O A AN AN D T HE R E VOL T O ILIU K L I U I N . 1 0 5 children , when Liliuokalani met them in after life it was

as strangers ; the only sister she ever knew was B ernice ,

’ m - k and she would cli b upon her foster father s nee , and he would caress and kiss her , as though she were his own

W he n x il i u k l n i . L o a a child reached the age of four , she R was sent to what was then known as the oyal School . I t was called by this name , because only exclusive per sons whose claim to the throne was acknowledged were permitted to go there . The instructors were very par ti c ul a r in teaching the pupils the En glish language , and the family life was made pleasant .

I n the year 1 848 the school began to decline in i n flu L ence , and iliuokalani was taken from there and sent to

R e v . . the day school of the Mr Beckwith , who was one of the American missionaries . Being a very studious girl , she acquired much knowledge , and to this day she

I n 1 1 - ha s a great passion for learning . 85 her foster father

‘ built a large house , but lived in it only a short time , as he

died four years later . This house is now known as the i Arlington Hotel . Her g rlhood was passed in this

house , and it will ever be a spot of interest to her . Her

sister , Bernice , married in her ei ghteenth year , and when

P L e aki died iliuokalani went to live with Bernic , and it was at that time that she became interested in her future h O . D husband , John ominis , althoug in her school davs they had been near neighbors . “

a : . . Liliuokalani s ys A Mr and Mrs Johnson , a mar ried couple of rather advanced age , established a day school for children of both sexes in the house next to that of the R oyal School their lot was separated from ours bv A A AN D T H R O ON 1 0 6 LILIUOK L NI E E V LUTI .

- b a high fence of adobe , or sun baked rick . The boys used to climb the fence on their side for the purpose of i looking at the royal children , and amongst these cur ous urchins was John O . Dominis . His father was a sea captain , who had ori ginally come to Honolulu on Cape

Horn voyages , and had been interested in trade , both in

China and in California . The ancestors of Captain I Dominis were from taly ; but Mrs . Dominis was an

de s c e da n t American , born at Boston , and was a of one of ” the early English settlers .

At the royal wedding O f Alexander L iho liho and R Emma ooke , Honolulu was the scene of great festivity .

u e 1 1 8 6 . This occ rr d June 9th , 5 Liliuokalani was one of the bridesmaids , and in speaking of this fete , she savs “ The King was returning from M o a n l ua with a large

c a l v a c a de o escort , a of perhaps two hundred riders of b th

. . O . D sexes Amongst these was General J ominis , then a young man on the staff of Prince Lot . He was riding bv mv side when an awkward horseman forced his horse

u s a n d . D i i between , _ in the confusion Mr om n s was

a n hi thrown from his horse d s leg broken . H e gained

a c c o m a n i n the saddle , however , and insisted on p v g me h m n to my ome , where he dis ou ted and helped me from my horse . He then rode home ; but by the time he had rea ched his own house his l e g had become so swollen and painful that he could not dismount without as si sta nz e m , and for some ti e , until the bone had become

united , was confined to his house .

N o The followin g vember , on account of the illness of L H her mother , iliuokalani went with her to awaii for her


brought in , and meekly explained that the telegram read

‘ ’ Prepare a lunch of sandwiches for the King .

Ka l a ka ua was in no way related to the royal family of

’ r e Kamehameha s ; he was only a high chief , and was

ute d p to be the illegitimate son of a negro cobbler , who I had gone to the Hawaiian slands from Boston . Before

he assumed the throne , he was a police court attorney ,

and was chosen by the Legislature , supported by the

American residents .

The King drank and gambled inordinately . H e was

n d a d superstitious , corrupt and sensual , a his principal

- viser was an unscrupulous ex Mormon missionary . Mr . “ Lucien Young says that as late as 1 890 the King came

out upon a dais , stripped to the skin , and in the presence a of several hundred p gans , at a secluded place near

Honolulu , fully proved himself an adept in all th e filthy performances required by his native followers

performances that , if described , would cause a shade to pass over the cheek of the most depraved frequenter of ” the slums of Gotham .

' ’ Ka l a ka ua s fa v o r ite pa stime was to witness the hula

dance , and he kept a dancing troupe of his own , for his

amusement , as well as that of his friends . This dance

fl se c r e c v . was very vulgar , and is now chie y carried on in The strong and athletic constitution of the King broke

s r e down under his excessive dissipation , and seeking to

gain his health , he went to California , but died at the Pal

h 1 20t 1 8 . a c e Hotel , San Franci sco , January , 9

Nine days after his remains were brought to Honolulu , O AL AN AN D T HE R VO T ON 0 LILIU K I E LU I . 1 9

. D ili u his sister , Mrs ominis , was proclaimed Queen L o

kalani , and took the oath to support the constitution . Liliuokalani possessed greater courage and was more

b i s u e r sti politic than her rother , but , l ke him , she was p

' tious , and selfish , and a hater of the whites . She made many people believe she was a stri ct believer in the

Christian religion , when in reality she was an idolatress .

I n . : speaking of her , Mr Young says She kept around her a lot of kahunas and heathen sorcerers to counsel and assist her , and women of openly bad character were her

constant personal attendants . She was addicted to the

O fl grossest social vices , while her amours were pen , ag

rant and notorious . When not under the gaze of her

Christian friends , she delighted to take part in j ust such u deba ches and savage orgies as her royal brother , Kala

kaua , had so frequently indulged in before her . The

’ Queen s first O ffi cial act was a refusal to recognize the

the u o n ministers of the late Kin g , and y , p advice of the . m Supre e Court , resigned , and a ministry was appointed m in th eir stead , co posed of men she selected under prom

ise , made in advance , that they would appoint her favorite f paramour to the marshalship of the kingdom . This o i l m l fi c a had absolute com and of the po ice force , and dur

’ ing the Queen s rei gn he was really vested With the Hi s powers of a dictator . advice was paramount over

b u n c o m that of the Ca inet Ministers , and it was not an mon procedure for him to openly and in the presence of ” n ull ifv r e m her ministers oppose or thei cont plated acts . L i iliuokalani was not a favorite w th the natives , and A AN AN D T HE R E O O N 1 1 0 LILIUOK L I V LUTI . when she made tours through her realm was received with sca n t hospitality .

T he a aver ge native H awaiian is weak , not wicked , and

r l l nat u a y conservative .

' T he l a l a ka u a family have been the v e r v worst ene l mi t s the natives could have . Ever since Li iuokalani and he r brother came into pow er their influence has been de gradin g , with love for their own personal , selfish ends . I f b it had not een for them , the monarchy and native

r gove nment might have retained power indefinitely ,

’ w ithout the whites interference or opposition . There w a s m uch dissatisfaction on the part of both natives and i whites , and it led to a secret organization , hav ng for its purpose the remedy of existing evils .

u s The Queen , learning of this , conceived the idea of ing those engaged in the conspiracy in the promulgation m of a new constitution , and if not successful , to beco e familiar with their intentions so she could at a n y mo ment remove every danger of disturbance in her con

' l the m i n te m a te d . p coup She encouraged their designs , and by diplomacy O btained from thema promise of neu

tra l it . y , if not acquiescence Then she had prepared a constitution which granted he r the powers she craved , and which she proposed to proclaim , relying upon the absolute support of the royal l guard and po ice force .

' Just as thin gs were progressing to the Queen s satis

a faction large number of men , who were hostile to her , were admitted to membership .


The American minister realized the situation,as he was associated with the R eform party and was able through them to check any moves which might be detr i mental to the U nited States interests . The English min N R ister favored the ational eform party , and in public and private did all he could to obtain any advantage which would benefit his country . As he had resided in the islands a long time and was the head of a large fam

w . ily , he had great influence ith his party B ut not pos

O f sessing the virtue tact and diplomacy , he relied upon a class of people who told all his secrets .

O u r . . sagacious diplomat , Mr John L Stevens , sat in his O ffice quietly pulling all the wires to bring American interests to the front , and he played his cards so well that he was universally hated by the leaders of the R eform i and Liberal part es .

The Queen , pretending to have the most cordial rela U “ tions with the nited States , concocted a plan of nego tia ti n ga loan in England upon a fi r st - class mortgage of ” the port dues of Honolulu . f A bill to this e fect was later introduced , but was voted down . Everything was in a perilous state and ruin stared‘ on all sides .

M r . Young says : The large sugar estates that came

O f tr ea t o f into existence through the gratuity the y _ reci U procity with the nited States were , in addition to the

’ a fl a i r s f s agitated conditions of , af ected by the provision

M c K i n l e ff of the y tari , and plainly foresaw that unless something was done toward establi shing closer relation s L O ALAN AN D T HE R E VOL T ON 1 1 LI IU K I U I . 3

U f with the nited States they would suf er , and they therefore became more active in support of the R eform

r t pa ty , which was the par y most strongly favoring Amer ” ican interests . I n the turmoil and agi tation incident to this state of things the Legislature was split into factions and bills

e s were passed that were obnoxious to the American s,

e c i a ll i p y one licensing a g gantic lottery company , which they considered to be a measure not only demoralizing U to Hawaii , but unfriendly to the nited States , where the

lottery had recently been suppressed .

O m The proj ect of an piu monopolywas revived also . N ot being able to check the tendency to loose , corrupt and hasteful legislation the Americans who had aecom

l i she d 1 88 a p the revolution of 7, men who had taken leading part in the political and commercial development b of the country , and were connected with or upheld y principal sugar plantin g and other property interests , took up again the project O f annexation to the U nited

r 1 88 States , which they had harbo ed in 7 y m The Queen , ielding to pressure fro one quarter and e another , changed her ministers sev ral times , and at last angered the R eform party by choosing a Cabinet that

was favorable to the lottery , which would uphold her , as she s O l d was led to uppose , in her design to restore the

constitution .

n I 8 O . 1 L Saturday , Jan 4 , 93 , the egislature was pro o il r gued , and on that day the Queen si gned the lottery b l , which was suspected to have been passed for the benefit of the owners of the lottery that had b e e n abolished i n O A AN AN D T H R VO ON LILIU K L I E E LUTI .

L ouisiana . M inister Stevens denounced the act as a di r ect attack On the U nited States Government . A meeting of nearly one hundred citizens to ok place in f . O . O . the office of Mr . W Smith on the afternoon Jan

1 4 .

’ The Queen s ministers , Colburn and Peterson , were

to present , and the former counseled armed resistance the revolutionary purpose of the Queen , which she had not yet been persuaded to abandon or defer . These citi zens appointed a committee of public safety , composed of

m s thirteen me bers , to consider the situation and devi e w ays and means for the m a intenance of the public peace

and the protection of life and property . The committee decided to depose the Queen and establish a provisional government .

O n the following morn i ng Colburn and Peterson were invited to take charge of it ; but the ministers , who had meanwhile induced the Queen to recede fr Om her pur pose , declined . The committee resolved to abrogate the monarchy and treat for the annexation of the islands to n the U ited States .

n a n 1 6 O the afternoon of J . two mass meetings were held , one by the supporters of the Committee of Safety , and one by the friends O f the Government . The former voted the following resolution “ We do hereby ratify and appoint and indorse the a c tion ta ke n ‘ a n d report made by the said Committee O f

c o mrriit Safety , and we do hereby further empower such tee to further con sider the situation and further devise s uch ways and means as may be necessary to secure the

A AN AN D T H R O ON 1 1 6 LILIUOK L I E E V LUTI . o force , and accompanied by threats of violence and blo d

to shed from those with whom she was acting, attempted ' c proclaim a new onstitution , and while prevented for the

time from accomplishing her object , declared publicly that she would only defer her action . “ This conduct and action were upon an occasion and u nder circumstances which have created general alarm

and terror . “ We are unable to protect ourselves without aid , and therefore pray for the protection of the U nited States ” forces . Minister Stevens addressed a written request to Cap “ ” tain Gilbert C . Wiltse of the Boston , and commander

of the American naval force , as follows

I n View of the existing critical circumstances in H on o l ul u I ou , indicating an inadequate legal force , request y to land marines and sailors from the ship under your command for the protection of the U nited States lega t U ion and the nited States consulate , and to secure the ” safety of American life and property . Captain Wiltse ordered a detachment O f marines to l u and , under the command of Lieut . Com . Swinb rne , to whom he gave these instructions “ You will tak e command of the battalion and land in

an d Honolulu for the purpose of protecting our legation ,

‘ a n d r o e rt the lives p p y of American citizens , and to assist i n the preservation of public order . Great prudence must f be exercised by both o ficers and men , and no action taken that is not fully warranted by the condition of a f f airs , and by the conduct of those who may be inimical O A AN AN D T HE R E V O T ON LILIU K L I LU I . 1 1 7

to the treaty rights of American citizens . You will i n form me at the earliest possible moment of any change ” in the situation . The Committee of Safety felt they had been hasty in asking for the intervention O f U nited States troops and sent a committee to Minister Stevens asking him to de

f . o . 1 60 lay the landing the men B ut the troops , of men . had already landed . Some were accommodated at the

. y American legation , and some at the consulate Finall

Arion Hall was secured for them .

When Mr . Thurston and two other delegates of the Committee of Safety told Minister Stevens that they were not prepared to have the troops land so soon , he said to them

“ ‘ ’ t he Gentlemen , troops of the Boston landed at five

’ o clock this afternoon , whether you are ready or not .

’ The Queen s Minister of F o reign Affairs sent this pro test to Minister Stevens “ I have the honor to inform your excellency that th e

‘ ’ troops from the U nited States steamer Boston wer e

’ landed i n this port at five O clock this evening witho u t

’ the request or knowledge of Her Maj esty s Government . As the situati on is one which does not call for i n te r fe r U ence on the part of the nited States Government , my colleagues and myself would most r e spe c tfu ll v request of your excellency the authorship upon which this action I was taken . would also add that any protection that may have been considered necessary for the American l egation , or for American property and interests , would 1 1 8 O A AN AN D T H R VO T N LILIU K L I E E LU I O .

have been cheerfully furnished by Her Maj esty ’s Govern ” ment .

Another protest came from the Governor of the island , who wrote

“ I t is my duty to solemnly protest to your excelle ncy

s against the landing this evening , without permis ion from the proper authorities of an armed force from the ‘ s U nited State ship Boston . “ Your excellency well knows that when you have de sired to ‘ land naval forces of the U nited States for the purpose of drill , permission by the local authorities has

e n . O been readily accord d the present occasion , how f ever , the circumstances are entirely dif erent , and os tensibly the present landing is for the discharge of fun c tions which are distinctly responsible duties of the Ha

ii n wa a Government . “ I Such bein g the case , am compelled to impress upon your excellency the international questions involved in m this atter , and the grave responsibilities thereby as ” sumed .

to Mr . Stevens on the following day sent this answer

Mr . Parker

“ Yours of yesterday in regard to th e landing of the U nited States naval forces in Honolulu duly received and m its i port considered .

“ I n whatever the U nited States diplom at ic and naval representatives have done , or may do , at this critical hour

ff be b - of Hawaiian a airs , we will guided y the kindest views and feelin gs for all parties concerned , and by the


suppressing the revolt , or , if he did not wish to do that , to remove the U nited States troops back on board the

“ r n Boston , as the Gove nment had ample forces . He a s we r e d that the troops were there for the specific pur

o f pose protecting American life and property , and would not take sides either with the monarchy or those who were creating a new government . The minister and naval commander in landing troops without the request and keeping them on shore against the protests of the established authorities acted on stand ing instructions first issued by Secretary of State Bayard

N 1 88 and the Secretary of the avy in 7, according to which American troops should be landed in H awaii when necessary for the protection of American life and prop e r t y, and for the preservation of public order .

The Committee of Safety met that evening and organ s i z e d a provisional government , and Mr . Smith read a proclamation ending with this declaration

“ e i i I We , citizens and resid nts of the Hawa an slands , organized and acting for the public safety and the com

: mon good , hereby proclaim as follows “ The Hawaiian monarchical system of government is hereby abrogated . “ A provisional government for the control and man a ge me n t of p u bli c a ff a i r s and the protection of the pub l i c peace is hereby established , to exist until terms of u nion with the U nited States of America have been n e -i i ” go t a te d and agreed upon . After the reading of this proclamation Minister Stev

O ffi ens , having sent his aid , and Captain Wiltse an cer to L L O AL AN AN D T HE R E VO L T O 2 1 I IU K I U I N . examine the Government building an d see if the provis i o n a l m t govern en was in actual possession , formally rec o gn i z e d the Provisional Government as the de facto Go v e r n m e n t of the country .

I n regard to this resolution , Mr . Stevens says When Captain Wiltse and myself on the “ Boston arrived in the harbor of Honolulu on the forenoon of

I I wa s m Jan . 4 , co pletely taken by surprise at what the

Queen , the palace associates , and the lottery gang had

accompli shed in ten days . The remonstrances of the Chamber of Com merce Of the numerous petitions of m so e of the best people of the island , both whites and i nat ves , and the earnest pleadin gs of those who had pre v io u s l m b y adhered to the onarchy , had een defiantly dis

I i n regarded . found the city great excitement , and learned that for m any hours there had been an anxious e “ ” d sire for the return of the Boston , and this desire was strong among the thoughtful supporters of the monarchy as well as among the great body of the responsible citi

zens . The surging , irresistible ti de of revolution was then obvious to all persons not willfully blind Without n “ sleep for two days and ights on the Boston , without I stopping to change dress , as soon as possible sought to c o - operate with the English Minister to get access to the Queen and to try by friendl y advice to avert the revo l uti n I t o . was too late ; the mob of royal retainers were already gathering at the palace to aid the Queen to carry ” o ut her plan of overturning the constitution .

. D P P Sanford B ole , the resident of the rovisional Gov A AN AN D T H R O O 1 2 2 LILIU OK L I E E V LUTI N . e r n m e n t U , requested that the nited States troops should

: preserve order , saying

“ We have conferred with the ministers of the late Go v e r n m e n t , and have made demand upon the Marshal to

surrender the Station House . We are not yet actually

a a in possession of the St tion House , but as night is p pr o a c hi n g and our forces may be insufficient to maintai n m U order , we request the i mediate support of the nited m States forces , and would request that the co mander of the U nited States forces take command of our military forces , so that they may act together for the protection of ” the city .

I t is claimed that the Queen had a well - armed force of

seven hundred men , headed by her favorite , Wilson . B ut Mini ster Stevens says “ The representation that Wilson had sufficient force in the limited area of the Police Station to sustain the monarchy is notoriously absurd to all honest persons f the . I acquainted with facts the Queen had this force , why had it not been exerted while the outraged people

were openly holdin g their great mass meeting and male ing their arrangements for the establishment of a new Government ? Why did Wilson and his s o - called force wait until the outraged citizens gathered with their rifles and bottled them up in the Police Station House ? W hv

’ did the Queen s representatives c all at the U nited States Legation on the 1 7th and ask the aid of the U nited States forces to support her ? The Station House and Barracks were still in the pos

’ s ess ion of the Queen s forces . When a demand was


I n read . a dispatch announcing the assertion of a pro te c to r a te : , M inister Stevens sai d

“ The Hawaiian pear is now fully ripe , and this is the ” golden hour for the U nited States to pluck it . O n the receipt of his dispatch Secretary Foster wrote

’ F e b 1 1 im . , disavowing the minister s action so far as it

“ plied the establishment of a protectorate , which is in fact the positi ve erection of a paramount authority over t l or in place of the duly constitu ed ocal Government , and the assumption by the protector of the especial r e spo n

’ sibil iti e s attached to such formal protection , or so far as it impaired “ in any way the independent sovereignty of the Hawaiian Government by substituting th e flag and the power of the U nited States as the symbol a nd mani ” i n fe sta t o of paramount authority . The flag was kept flying and the American garrison maintained until after the Democratic Administration

came into power at Washington . Captain Wiltse was

R Ha recalled , and ear Admiral Skerrett was ordered to

' O f waii by command of President Harrison . Secretary the Navy Tracy told him before he took his departure “ that the Government would be very glad to annex Ha

o waii , but as a matter of course n ne but the ordinary legal means can be used to persuade these people to ” I n come into the U nited States . Hawaii there was fear

of British interference , and when the British cruiser “ ” Garnet arrived shortly after the American flag wa s h m oisted , preparations were ade for a defense .

' n 1 o n O Jan . 9 the Commissioners sailed a specially

th e chartered steamer for , San Francisco , bringing I L I O K AL AN I AN D T H R VO ON 2 L L E E LUTI . 5

’ r draft of a treaty of annexation . The Queen s a tto N m ney , Paul eu ann , applied for passage on the same

he steamer , in order that he mi ght present her case to t

m but a s American Govern ent , it w refused .

The Annexation Commissioners arrived in Washin g ton Feb . 3 , and discussed the treaty with the Secretary of

I 1 State . They had another interview on the th , when the

1 terms were practically agreed upon , and on the 4th the treaty was formally concluded . The treaty provided “ that until Congress determines otherwise the existing laws of Hawaii will continue , sub

e f j c t to the paramount authority o the U nited States . A resident Commissioner will be appointed with power to m veto any act of the Govern ent . U ntil the necessary legislation has been enacted th e existin g fo r ei gn and

i im commercial relat ons will be continued . The further

e migration of Chinese will be prohibited , and the Chines n o w in Hawaii will not be pe rmitted to enter the U nited U States . The nited States will take over the public debt amountin g to and will pay an annual allow ance of to Queen Liliuokalani and a lump sum of

to Princess Kaiulani . The sugar producers will n o t take part in the bo u n ty un der the M c Ki n l ey law u n ” less Con gress so enacts . I n accordance with international law treaties between countries expi re if either contracting p a r tv ceases to be i an independent state . The treaties concluded by Hawai m therefore ter inated upon annexation . Amon g the documents accompanyin g the treaty as it wa s submitt ed to Congress was a letter from the deposed 1 2 6 I I O K AL AN I AN D T HE R E VO L T N L L L U I O .

e n Qu en to President Harrison , prayin g that no actio

should be taken until her envoy could be heard . The treaty was laid beforethe Senate for its action on

1 . i I n Feb . 5 President Harr son his message submitti ng m the treaty , which was based on the state ent of facts em

i n bodied a report of Secretary Foster , said

‘ “ I t is deemed by tlI e Go v e r n m e n t more desirable to

annex the islands than to claim a protectorate over them . The U nited States in no way promoted the overthrow of i the monarchy , which or ginated in what seems to have been a reactionary revolution against the policy of Queen I L . t iliuokalani , imperiling forei gn interests is evident

’ that the monarchy was effete and that the Queen s Go v

e r n m e n t has been a prey to designing persons . The res

ti o n to r a . of the monarchy is undesirable , if not impossible I t is essen tial that none of the other great powers shall

secure the islands , as this would be inconsistent with our ” ‘ safety and the peace of the world .

I n conclusion the message declared that no Govern

ment had protested against the projected annexation .

Prompt action was desirable and legislation on the sub ~

j e c t should be characterized by great liberality and a

high regard for the rights of natives and foreigners .

1 2 8 T H A N E AT ON OF H AWA E N X I I I .

which Minister Stevens strongly urged him to accept , but m he preferred to re ain at a hotel .

n O the day after his arrival he was introduced by Mr . D P Stevens to President ole , and presented resident


Cleveland s letter to him .

n l s O the 3 t Mr . Blount gave notice to President Dole m of his intention to ter inate the American protectorate , and on April first the naval authorities hauled down the

American fla g and withdrew the garrison of marines to

I n the ships . the evening Mr . Stevens called on the commissioner to urge the necessity of keeping the troops

on shore to prevent Japanese interference , as it was sus

pe c te d that the Queen had arranged with the Japanese commissioner to have tro ops landed from the Japanese

“ ” — f— man o war Naniwa to reinstate her . m The Japanese Com issioner , when he learned that the presence of the “ Naniwa ” had given rise to such a sug

gestion , requested his . Government to order the vessel

away , and expressed regret to Mr . Blount that any one

’ tha t ~ the should charge Empire of Japan , which had so many reasons for valuing the friendship of the U nited

ff e n States , should consent to o end that Government by I tering into the conflicts of the Hawaiian slands .

th ! Mr . Blount sent word May 4 that he felt a great ma

j o r ity of the people on the island were opposed to annexa

tion . ‘1 M r . Stevens was recalled in May , and Mr . Blount was

made minister plenipotentiary . Mr . Albert S . Willis of

Kentucky , was appointed Minister to Hawaii to succeed

M r . Blount , who returned in August . T H 1 2 E II . 9

m e n ti a l Secretary Gresha sent a letter to M r .

. rt Willis , drawn by the President from Mr Blount s repo , and his plan for reinstating the Queen by moral force

under certain conditions . H e says “ The Provisional Government was not established by the Hawaiian people or with their consent or a c qu i e s

cence ; nor has it since existed with their consent . The Queen refused to surrender her powers to the Provisional Government until convinced that the Minister of the U nited States had recognized it as the de facto authority and would support and defend it with the military forces

o f U r e c i i the nited States , and that resistance would p p

tate a bloody conflict with the force . She was advised

and assured by her ministers , and by the leaders of the

her movement for the overthrow of Government , that if she surrendered under protest her case would afterward

be fairly considered by the President of the U nited States . The Queen finally nicely yielded to the U nited States

then quartered in Honolulu , relying upon the good faith

and honor of the President , when informed of what had

i occurred , to undo the action of the Minister and re nstate

her and the authority which she claimed as the c o n stitu

ti o n a l I sovereign of the Hawaiian slands .

The President has , therefore , determined that he will

not send back to the Senate for its action thereon th e treaty which he withdrew from that body for further con

s ide r a ti o n i on the ninth day of March last . O n your arrival at Honolulu you will take advantage of

a n early o ppo rt u n itv to inform the Queen of this deter ' mination , making known to her the President s sincere 0 T HE AN N E AT ON O F H AWA 3 X I II . regret that the reprehensible c o n drfc t of the American e Minister , and the unauthorized presenc on land of a U i military force of the nited States , obl ged her to sur

e r nder her sovereignty for the time being , and rely on the j ustice of this Government to undo the flagrant wron g .


You will , however , at the same time , inform the Queen that , when reinstated , the President expects that she will pursue a magnanimous course by granting full amnesty

m i n to all who participated in the ovement against her , cluding persons who are or have been officially or other e wise connected with the Provisional Governm nt , de pr i v i n g them of no right or privilege which they enjoyed

- before the so called rev olution . All obligations created by t he P r o v i s i o a l Government in due course of a dm i n i s

tr a ti o n should be assumed .

’ ' Having secured the Q u e e n s a gr e e me n t to pursue this w ise and humane poli cy , which it is believed you will y speedil obtain , you will then advise the Executive of the Provisional Government and his ministers of the

President s determination of the question , which their a him ction and those of the Queen devolved upon , and that they are expected to promptly reli nquish to her her h constitutional aut ority . Should the Q ueen decline to pursue the liberal course

h n suggested , or s ould the Provisional Gover ment refuse ’ bV s to abide the President decision , you will report the ” facts and await further directions . The Queen refused to accept the conditions laid down

a by President Cleveland , declaring th t nothing but the

T H A E A O N OF AWA 1 3 2 E NN X TI H II .

i ff old government . The Hawa ian natives su ered for want

I n of food and grew restless and discontented . the elec tion for Senators and R epresentatives the American I U nion party won every seat in the sland of Oahu . The U nited States Government recognized the republic as

' o w e r s a v e soon as it was organized , and other p g it formal

\ h r recognition in t e c o u s e of the year .

A royalist uprising that occurred in the env irons of 8 y 6 1 . Honolulu on Januar , 95 , was quickly suppressed Twelve insurgents killed and five hundred taken . were

. O n . L . pri soners the Government side C Carter , late

m I n U Wa s . Com issioner of the nited States , killed one of

- y . the improvised forts thirt six rifles , with ammunition

n a d two dynamite bombs were found . A second fight

va ll e y i n occurred January 9 in the Manon , which several

insurgents were slain . Among seventy persons arrested m for complicity in the atte pted rebellion , ten were Ameri

the can citizens and ten British subj ects . The leaders in

N o w l e i n uprising were Samuel , formerly colonel of the ’ y R d Queen s bod guard , and obert Wilcox , who directe

1 the uprising of 887.

E x - Q ueen Liliuokalani was arrested on January 1 6 and imprisoned on the charge of complicity in the i n s u r r e c

i n . n 2 D tion O January 4 she sent a letter to Minister ole , the hope of obtaining clemency for the misguided Ha w a ii a n s and others who had engaged in a rebellion for her restoration , but asked no indulgence for herself, and solemnly renounced all her claims to the throne and a b solved her former subjects from all allegiance to herself and her heirs and successors , declaring her intention to AWA 1 T HE AN N E XATI ON OF H II . 3 3 live henceforth in absolute privacy and retirement from ff ff public a airs , and o ered to take an oath to support the republic and never encourage or assist , directly or indi r e c tl e o v y , in the r storation of a monarchical form of g

m n e rn e t .

Attorney - General Smith accepted the renunciation of s overeign rights and oath of allegiance on the under standing that the ex - Queen was in no degree exempt ! from liability to punishment for complicity in the rebel lion , and with the reservation that her sovereign rights

2 1 8 t o ceased to exist on January 4 , 93 , when she refused

be longer bound by the fundamental law . He also promised to gi ve full consideration to her unselfish appeal for clemency for those who took part in the insurrection .

Liliuokalani , in speaking of the sentence imposed upon “ ' : 2 th her , writes At two o clock on the afternoon of the 7 of February I was again called into court and sentenc e ‘ I t passed upon me . was the extreme penalty for mis

’ prision of treason — a fine of and imprisonment at I hard labor for five years . need not add that it was never

i n te n executed , and that it was probably no part of the tion of the government to execute it , except , perhaps , in I t some future contingency . s sole present purpose was m to terrorize the native people and to hu iliate me . After m y Major Potter had read to me y sentence , and carefull pocketed the paper on which it was written , together with the other papers in the case (I mi ght have valued I them as souvenirs), was conducted back to my place of ” confinement .

The E x - Queen was not allowed to have newspapers or 1 T H AN N E AT ON OF H AWA 3 4 E X I II .

any general literature to read ; but writi n g paper and

- e r pencils were given to h er , and during h confinement she m composed and translated a nu ber of songs , one being “ ” “ F Th ” O e . the Aloha , or arewell to ee

- I n 1 8 95 an epidemic broke out on the island , said to o be a form of Asiati c cholera . Many deaths resulted fr m

an d m it , it was three onths before normal conditions were

restored . The ex - Queen goes on to relate that on the sixth of I September , about eight months after my arrest , was notified by Colonel M c L e a n that he was no longer t e n at ’ spo sible for my custody , and that three o clock that

aftern oon I might leave the palace . A carriage was I called , and was driven from the doors of the beautiful

u edifice which they now style Executive B ilding , and was I assured that was under no further restraint . My par it don . as was called , arrived at a later day . All the inter

v e n i n I s g time was suppo ed to be under parole , and could

have been arrested and recommitted at any moment .

O n i m d the follow ng orning Mr . Wilson informe a I me th t had been released only on parole , and had been ” a D pl ced in his charge by President ole .

O n 1 8 6 - the sixth of February, 9 , the ex Queen received

her release from parole as prisoner , but was forbidden to

O . leave the island of ahu Some days later , in company with some friends , she went to Waialua , where she passed

I n - two weeks . O ctober the ex Queen received her full r elease and , wishing a complete change of scene , she de t er mi n e d to go abroad . Her first destination was Cali

fo r n i a n h , and from there she we t to Boston , w ere she


Congress for the government of the newly incorporated

h be d . s u c omain O nly Hawaiian laws , however , are to thus provisionally continued in fOr c e as were not enacted

a r e for the fulfillment of distingui shed treaties , and as not i the ncompatible with the Constitution , laws or treaties of ” U nited States . The five commissioners to be appointed by thePresi

Of n dent , whom two are to be residents of the Hawaiia I slands , are not , as has been taken for granted in some quarters , to be intrusted , necessarily , with executive func i tions . Their spec fic duty , as defined by the treaty itself , is the recommendation to Congress of such laws concern ing the newly acquired territory as they shall deem n e c e s

s . ary or proper To such advisory functions , however ,

a administrative powers may be added by the President , t

s his discretion , for the third article of the treaty provide

that , until Congress shall arrange for the government of

e x e r the island , all the civil , j udicial and military powers c i s e d by the officers of the existing Honolulu Govern ment shall be vested in such a way as the President of the

M c Ki n l e e . . Unit d States shall direct That is to say , Mr y may either allow the Hawaiian officials to retai n tfi ei r

s posts or he may replace them by American citizen . D M inister ole , of Hawaii , visited Washington , and created a very favorable impression at the White House f and in o ficial service , and he left that city with the assur ance that the R epublican Administration would settle the

H awaiian question . April z r st war broke out between the U nited States a n d

o f Spain , and it brought very suddenly the importance T HE A E AT ON OF HAWA NN X I II . 1 3 7

havin g Hawai i in our possession , and on Thursday even i n th 1 8 M c Ki n l e g , July 7 , 98, President y approved the

Hawaiian annexation .

O n 1 6 1 8 8 m the th of August , 9 , the A erican flag was

b R - m raised in Hawaii y ear Ad iral M iller , of the Pacific

“ ” coast . The New York Sun gi ves the following inter esti n g description of the event America has garnered the first fruits of the Spanish I t c ’ war . was the e ho of Dewey s guns that was heard in

1 2 th Honolulu on August , when one flag went down amid a roar of saluting cannon and another went up to take t m its p lace . The si ght was mos i pressive , not because of

the size of the crowd , for it was not large ; not for tumult ,

for there was little noise ; not for length of ceremonial , for the exercises were as simple as they should be when one republic absorbs another , but because one nationality was f snuf ed out like a spent candle , and another was set in I t its place . was but another roll of the Juggernaut car in which the lordly Anglo - Saxon rides to his dream of m I t universal e pire . was not as joyous an occasion as far

ff . o America may imagi ne When it was over , women who wore the American emblem wiped their eyes , and men who have been strong for annexation said , with a

. ‘ throb in the throat , How sad it was “ I t As for Hawaiians , they were not there . was self

denial on their part , for the Kanaka dearly loves a crowd and that invisible fluid that floats from man to man and which we call excitement , but on this day of days the

Hawaiians were closely housed . They were not on the

. streets , they were not at the stores They were shut up AWA 1 38 T HE ANN E XATIO N O F H II .

’ i n their houses , and from the Queen s stately home to the

s - t e meane t shed , the open windows and closed shu ters wer lonely and sombre as places of death . Those who were obliged to be abroad slipped by through back streets and

narrow lanes . They wore on their hats the twisted

golden ilima that tells of love of royalty , or on their

breasts H awaiian flags and badges . So few Hawaiians

were in front o f the Executive Building that it might hav e

been almost any capital except Honolulu . There were

P o r tu u e s e a a n e s e Americans , g , J p , Chinese in numbers , but

no Hawaiians . About the ceremonies there was all the I t tension of an execution . was more funeral than fete ,

more a solemn ceremony than a gay event . There was something fine and strong in the restraint the annexa

ti n i h r o sts put upon themselves in the Ou of their triumph .

There was little of blowing of horns and . tooting of

whistles . O nly one man drove about in a carriage groan

ing under a load of red , white and blue , and he was not —

a a . an Americ n , but Greek “ m There was absolutely no speech aking , except a few

dignified words from M inister Sewall ; no spread - eagle

ism ; no procession and no cheering . “ There were six Hawaiians on the platform reserved m b for distin guished folk , where diplo ats and Ca inet ladies and Ministers ’ wives were seated in order of their

’ O n e m husbands prominence . of these native wo en is the

wife of a prominent n ative lawyer and politician . He

e r e came for business reasons , and she came becaus he

I n quired her to . facial characteristics she is not unlike

the - n il i uo ex Queen , and ma y people mistook her for L

1 0 T H AN N AT ON O F HAWA 4 E E X I II .

’ which lights tragedy s face when the National Guard P ’ marched down to meet and escort the hiladelphia s men .

The Guard marched well . They were preceded by a f corps of police o ficers , most of them natives , with the same r o tii n di ty which characterizes the peace officer all

over the world . These men seldom march and never drill , and when ordered to stand in line they did not know

whether to make the line at their toes or their belts . The

orders were as amusing as the marching .

‘ All ready there sung out the military officer . The

policemen nodded sagely .

‘ ’ ‘ o o ffi c err Well , g ahead then , yelled the They went

a hea df

“ ’ P . The hiladelphia s men are raw recruits , who had

a o ffi never seen each other a month g , but as their o cers fi refrained from attempting any dif cult evolutions , they

appeared as veterans beside these men . Long before the military procession reached the Executive Building a crowd was gathered through the

‘ ’

. fl makai gates , opened to receive it The scene of the ag

‘ ’ I o l a n i P raising , christened alace , dates from the times of

Ka l a ka u a , and is a beautiful building planned on noble

and stately lines , and set in a square of dense tropical

shade , cut out in four avenues , which are bordered by stems of gray and green royal palms and lead up to four

‘ ’ O n m great doors . Mauka side , that is toward the oun

ha d tain , the stand been built , upon which one of the most

' impressive ceremonies of the century was shon to take

place , the ceremony of making a foreign territory Ameri T H A N A ON O F AWA 1 1 E N E X TI H II . 4

can soil , and of adopting thousands of people whose lan guage is not our language , nor their ways our ways . “ The p e o p 1 e who flooded in through the gates w e re of l m a l classes . The moderately rich ca e in hacks and the o very wealthy in their own carriages , with many on fo t ,

i O n the in democratic fashion . the lawn , in the shade of m m o royal pal s , under the leaves of ang and papaya trees , b m b m where scarlet hi iscus tossed its fla ing losso s , seats had been erected on the soft , natural sward . While the m m ornin g was yet cool , Chinese wo en , with little almond m eyed babies , and Portugese wo en , with children in m arms , their eyes black as sloes , came and pree pted these

seats , which were outside the rope . Special guests were admitted through the lower hall of the great stone build I t ing . was a tremendous task to seat these special

a ba l c o n v guests . M ny seats on both upper and lower ‘

were reserved merely for first comers , but beyond , in the

O fli c e stand , representatives of the Foreign , literally

buried beneath gold braid and brass fringes , had a dread ful time seatin g dignitari es of the little republic whose

minutes are numbered . “ They have always been sticklers for precedence in

Hawaii . Perhaps it is a legacy from their recent mon

m i n archy , but at any rate one ust be up in the peerage

order to seat a dinner party correctly in Honolulu . All

these rules were strictly adhered to on this last but o n e

u a l p blic appear nce of the tiny court of the is and republic .

The gorgeous officials of the Forei gn O ffice acted a s

h . u s ers The platform , decorated with entwined H a wa i i an

and American flags without , was divided into hal ves 1 2 T H AN AT O N O F H AWA 4 E N E X I II .

n wa s withi . The front row of seats on one side left vacant for President Dole and his Cabinet ; that on the other for

f . Minister Sewall , Admiral M iller and his staf Beside

each gentleman sat a lady of corresponding rank . The wife of the President had the place of honor on one side

a n d the wife of Minister Sewall had the same place on the

. N . D c other side ext to Mrs ole , in her black fro k and e black and whit bonnet , came Cabinet ladies , and behind them wives of M inisters and ex — Ministers seated next m their husbands , and then foreign diplo ats and consuls

and their wives . About the last to come on the platform , i which was a kaleidoscope of gay colors , plenti fully m xed

with the white of the tropics , were several native gentle

m n men and ladies . The e were all politicians , men who

K l a ko ff . . o u u could not a ord to stay away There was M r ,

o f r a s Speaker the last Hawaiian H ouse of R ep esent tive , Councillor of State Kane and his wife and Circui t Judge

l l w m n Ka a u a . b o a Martial music , g through the trees ,

n o u n c e d N the coming of the ational Guard of Hawaii . Preceded by the Government band they cam e through

‘ ’ Mauka gate with the Hawaiian flag floating and the m band playing Hawaiian music . Behind the were the

bluejackets of the Philadelphia , as American in looks as

the guard is forei gn . Separated from the Philadelphia s

k P hil a del men , wal ing apart , were three men from the

- . o phia , with a great roll in their arms This prosaic lo k

i n g bundle was the American flag , soon to be raised . The a venue of palms was full of rows of sailors in blue and

s white . The spaces to the side were crowded with soldier

with brown faces .


States the cession formally consented to and approve d by

’ the republic of Hawaii .

“ ’ The square blue envelope went under President Dole s arm and that gentleman replied ‘ l i a n d A treaty of po itical un on having been made ,

cession formally consented to by the republic of Hawaii , U I having been accepted by the nited States of America ,

now , in the interest of the Hawaiian body politic , and

with full confidence in the honor , j ustice , and friendship i of the American people , yield up to you , as representat ve

U e t of the Government of the nit d States , the sovereign y I ’ and public property of the H awaiian slands .

’ M r . Sewall s reply was ‘ : I n I Mr . President the name of the U nited States a ccept the transfer of the sovereignty and property of the m Hawaiian Government . The Ad iral commanding the U nited States naval forces in these waters will proceed to

perform the duty intrusted to him .

“ 1 2 t By this time it lacked but six minutes of , and fai n ,

‘ ’ quavering strains of Hawaii P o n o l were heard coming

up with but half their usual volume . 1 D C0 . President ole made a signal to Soper , who

waved a white handkerchief to some one in the crowd .

' fa r The troops presented arms , and away was heard the boom of the Philadelphia ’s salute and the nearer tremble

- of the Hawaiian battery . There were twenty one guns ,

the last national salute to the Hawaiian flag . Before the

s alute there was vigorous wig - wagging of signal flags f rom the central tower , upon which , as well as upon side

to . s wers , men had been posted all the morning Bugle A F AWA 1 T HE AN N E X TI O N O H II . 45

‘ ’ a t ' l hi y r ose and fell last in melancho y taps , and w le ever

fla ‘ o n e held his breath , the beautiful g of Hawaii shud a dered for an instant , then st rted and slowly sank to the ground , where it was caught and folded . “ Just as it started in its descent the clouds broke and a square of blue sky showed itself . Every man within sound of the saluting guns uncovered , and far away at the water front Kanaka boatmen plying their trade bared and bowed their heads , the Admiral nodded to Lieut . ‘ ’ o ff Winterhalter , who gave the order Colors roll , and

- cheery American bugles cut the air . Then the well loved

‘ ’ strains of The Star Spangled Banner came from the

’ Philadelphia s band and the flag commenced its ascent . I t was an immense piece of bunting , what is known in

‘ ’ m I t navy parlance as a nu ber one regulation . was

thirty feet long and eighteen feet wide , and as it went up the halyards it seemed to cover entirely the front of the

building . Almost simultaneously smaller flags were run to their places on the side towers and again was heard

the salute of the guns to the new sovereignty . The Con

' tral fla g w a s so immense that it hung limp and lifeless for m a mo ent . Then it caught the breath of a passing breeze and flung itself wide . Then for the first time there was a cheer from the places where sat America ’s new citi zens of a lien blood .

“ Then came the readin g of the proclamation by Min

ister Sewall . Briefly , as previously indicated , the

proclamation provides that the civil , j udicial and military powers in Hawaii shall be exercised by the offi cers of the r epublic of Hawaii as it existed j ust previous to the trans AWA 46 T HE AN NE X ATI ON O F H II .

’ fer of the soverei gnty , subj ect to the Governor s power to remo ve such officials and to fill vacancies . All such offi cers w ill be required at once to take the oath of a i l e gi a n c e to the U nited States and all military forces will b e required to renew their bonds to th e Government of

tr e me n the U nited States . This was all . There was no

o ff ffi . dous political surprise . No chopping of o cial heads n B urr followed Mr . Sewall , and co gratulated his hearers as fellow countrymen on the consummation of the na ” ti o n a l policies of the two countries .

’ O - William . Smith , the Attorney General , went to

1 8 Washin gton in February , 97, to open negotiations in conj unction with the Hawaiian M inister for a new treaty

of annexation . Subsequently Lorin A . Thurston and m e Willia A . Kinney were associat d w ith the Hawaiian 6 . 1 y M inister , Francis M Hatch , and on June , Secretar

Sherman si gned for the U nited States a treaty with these

plenipotentiaries . The preamble of the treaty states that the U nited States

th e R and epublic of Hawaii , in view of the natural de

e n de n c e I U e p of the Hawaiian slands upon the nit d States ,

mi the of their geographical proxi ty thereto , of . preponder ant share acq uired by the U nited States and its citizens in

the industries and trad e of said islands , and of the ex

pressed desire o f the Governmen t of Hawaii that those islands should be incorporated into the U nited States as a n l integra part thereof and under its sovereignty , have determined to accomplish by treaty an object so im

t a por ant to their mutual and perm nent welfare .

ti the R a bso By the first ar cle epublic of Hawaii cedes ,

1 8 T H AN AT ON O F H AWA 4 E N E X I II . hereafter be concluded between the U nited States and such foreign nations , but that the municipal legislation of I the Hawaiian slands , . not enacted for the fulfillment of the treaties so extin guished and not inconsistent with this treaty nor contrary to the Constitution of the U nited e U States nor any xisting treaty of the nited States , shall remain in force until the Congress of the U nited States e shall otherwise determine , and until l gislation shall be enacted extending the U nited St a tes customs laws and I regulations to the Hawaiian slands , the existing customs relations of the Hawaiian I slands with the U nited States

i a and other countr es shall remain unch nged .

I Re Ha By Article V . the pu blic debt of the public of waii lawfully existin g at the date of the exchange of rati

fi c a ti o n s , including the amounts due to depositors in the m postal savings bank , is assumed by th e Govern ent of

U the U the nited States , but liability of the nited States in this regard shall in no case exceed and the m existin g Government , so long as it is aintained , and the present commercial relations of the Hawaiian I slands r e

main unchanged , shall continue to pay interest on the

debt .

n I Article V . it is provided that there shall be no fur t I her immi gration of Chinese into the Hawaiian slands , except upon such conditions as are now or may hereafter U t be allowed by the laws of the nited Sta es , and no Chi n ese , by reason of anything contained in the treaty shall

‘ be allowed to enter the U n ite d States from the Ha ii I wa a n slands .

Article V I . provides that the President shall appoint A O F AWA 1 T HE AN N E X TI ON H II . 49

m five commissioners , at least two of who shall be resi f I dents o the Hawaiian slands , who shall as soon as is rea sonable and practicable recommend to Congress such legislation concerning the Territory of Hawaii as they

shall deem necessary or proper . I I Article V . provides for the ratification of the treaty by the President , by and with the advice and consent of D the Senate , and by President ole , with the consent of

Co n stitu the Hawaiian Senate , in accordance with the

r a tifi c a ti o n s t tion , and for the exchange of at Washing on as soon as possible . The Hawaiian annexationists believed that the country would have a stable government if incorporated in the U American nion , under which it would become more prosperous than in any past period and the people would be more contented ; that the U nited States would share in this prosperity and would secure a naval station of i n m esti able strategic value ; that , in short , it is the manifest destiny of the Hawaiian I slands to become a part of the

U nited States . The opponents of annexation in Hawaii believed that the Hawaiian natives never would submit to h y the extinction of their national existence . and t at the still looked forward to the restoration of the monarchy . or a native government ; that after annexation they would have no voice whatever in the government ; that the pros

e r it p y of the islands would be doomed , because contract labor would not be available under the laws of the U nited y States , and the sugar plantations could not be profitabl t worked by free labor ; and hat , as the territorial govern

m U im a ents of the nited States , which would be the form 1 0 T H A E AT O N O F H AWA 5 E NN X I II .

posed on Hawaii , had invariably been incompetent , cor

ha rupt and unj ust , the people would be plundered and - r a s s e d by political adventurers and c a r pe tba gge r s in the

n f n n e x fi n e v e t o a a o .

i i 8 The Hawa an Legislature , which met on September

in extra session for the purpose , ratified the treaty by a

u 1 0 nanimous vote on September , but not without a pro t — est from the anti annexationists , who called a mass meet

ing on September 6 and adopted resolutions asserting that the native Ha waiians and a large majority o f the peo

“ t n ple of the islands were in direc opposition to annexatio ,

a n d fully believed in the independence and full autonomy

a of the isl nds , and in the continuation of the Government of Hawaii as of a free and independent country governed

by and under its own laws .

Great Britain in recent years has established a pr o te c

to r a te over a numberof outlyi ng islands o ve r which Ha

waii had claims . The occupation of Johnson I sl and was countermanded and the island was acknowledged to belong to Hawaii on

condition that the right to land a cable was conceded , if

desired .

The British flag had been raised over the Phoenix

group , composing the islands of Phoenix , Birnie , Gard I e ner and Sydney . Jarvis sland had also be n declared a

British protectorate . The uninhabited guano island of

Ha Palmyra , situated one thousand miles southwest of

a a P r iti sh 1 888 w ii , had been claimed as possession since ,

1 8 and in May , 97, a British gunboat visited it , and hoisted

1 5 2 C O N C LUS I O N .


C O C L S O N U I N .

I t The annexation was now a settled fact . had been advocated and opposed by some of the most brilliant men both in this country and in others . The U nited States had now branched out and to a cer tain extent changed its policy . But , at the present time

of writing , it does seem as if the policy of territorial ex pa n si o n was a good one and that the establishment of colonies is necessary to the development of the trade and commerce of the U nited States .

I n a brilliant speech at the Boston Boot and Shoe Club ’s banquet Senator H enry Cabot Lodge of Massa c hus etts spoke as follows on the subj ect of expansion “ I come now to what I think the government ought to

do . The success of the English speaking race which has carried it all over the world and made it the great indus trial and commercial people of the earth to - day has been l due to the principle of self he p . But there are certain things which the spirit of American enterprise must look to the Government to do . You cannot expect men to carry your products and to extend your trade by establishing themselves in dis tant portions of the earth unless you have a government ON C S O N 1 C LU I . 5 3 that is ready to protect them at all ti mes and at all haz a rds

’ We want no commerce at the cannon s mouth , but we do want it understood that wherever an American is e n gaged in business there he is to be protected and that there is a navy of the U nited States big enough to guard

. I him wherever he sees fit to go Therefore , say that we need a large navy as a protection to commerce on the sea as well as on the land .

“ The que st ion that confronts us is a larger one than what we shall do with the Philippines . They say we are

not an Eastern Power unless we hold those islands . We

- are to day the greatest Power in the Pacific O cean . We hold one entire side of that ocean except the outlet which

England has in Canada . We hold the halfway house in N Honolulu , where all ships must stop when the ica ragua Canal is built , as it will be . Are we going to allow the ports of the East to be closed to us and open to R u s

? O r sia , France and Germany alone are we going to stand up and say with England and Japan , The ports of China must be closed to all or they must be open to all ?

“ I t is going to be a struggle , in my j udgment , between

- I t the maritime nations and the non maritime nations . is going to be a struggle to see whether the people who speak the English tongue are to go to the wall ,. or whether they are to have their share in the commerce of I the earth wherever they fly their flag . believe that the U nited States is entitled to its share of the ’ I world s commerce . do not believe that we should be s I i s t hut out from it , and do not think that there the leas C O C S O N 1 5 4 N LU I . danger of war anywhere if we are farsighted enough to make it known to the world j ust what we want and j us t

what we intend to do . Let our government have wisdom

m o f t in its forei gn policy , and its treat ent our merchan m arine , and the genius of American invention and enter prise will do the rest A most important matter is that to which Senator Lodge alluded when he spoke of Honolulu as a half

way house in case the Nicaragua Canal is built .

I t m a y not be out of place in this connection to quote

' from President M c Ki nl ey s message to Congress early 1 D 1 8 8 . N in ecember , 9 Speaking of the icaragua Cana the President says :

“ N r The icaragua Canal Commission , unde the chair

R . manship of ear Admiral John G Walker , appointed

2 1 8 Of July 4 , 97, under the authority a provision in the d y Sun ry Civil Act of June 4 of that year , has nearl com

' l e te d i i n u r v its labors , and the results of its exhaust ve q

m u . into the proper route , the feasibility and the cost of

struction of an interoceanic canal by a Nicaraguan route t

I n the m a will be laid before you . perfor ance of its t sk the com mission received all possible courtesy and assist

t a n c e from he Government s of Nicaragua and Cos t a R i t im ca , which hus testified their appreciation of the portance of giving a speedy and practical outcome to the great proj ect that has for so many years engrossed the

attention of the respective countr i es .

“ As the scope of the recent i nquiry embraced the whole

a im subject , with the of making plans and surveys for a

i n canal by the most convenient route , it necessarily

N C ON 1 5 6 CO LUS I . ibili ty of its plans is necessarily not embraced in the r e port of the Canal Commission . All these circumstances suggest the urgency of some definite action by the Con gress at this session , if the labors of the past are to be utilized and the linking of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans b e y a practical waterway is to be realiz d . That the con struction of such a maritime highway is n o w more than ever indispensable to that intimate and ready intercom mun i c a ti o n between our eastern and western seaboards demanded by the annexation of the Hawaiian I slands and the prospective expansion of our influence and com merce in the Pacific , and that our national policy now

' more imperatively than ever calls for its c o n tr o l by thi s

I t he Government , are propositions which , doubt not ,

Congress will duly appreciate and wisely act upon . “ A convention providing for the revival of the late U nited States and Chilian Claims Commission and the consideration of claims which were duly presented to the late commission , but not considered because of the ex pi r a tio n of the time limited for the duration of the com

2 1 8 un mission , was signed May 4 , 97, and has remained

fo r acted upon by the Senate . The term therein fixed

ff r a tifi c a ti o n s e ecting the exchange of having elapsed , the convention falls unless the time be extended by I amendment , which am endeavoring to bring about with ” the friendly concurrence of the Chilian Government .

I n n regard to the a nexation of Hawaii , the President said in the same message : “ Pending the consideration by the Senate of the treaty '

- 1 6 1 8 P signed June , 97, by the lenipotentiaries of the N ON CO C LUS I . 1 5 7

U nited States and of the R epublic of Hawai i providing for the annexation of the islands , a j oint resolution to accomplish the same purpose by accepting the off ered cession and incorporating the ceded territory into the

U nion was adopted by the Congress and approved July I U 1 8 8 . 7, 9 thereupon directed the nited States ship Philadelphia to convey R ear Admiral Miner to 11 6 116 1q and intrusted to his hands this important legislative act , e R to be delivered to the Presid nt of the epublic of Hawaii , with whom the Admiral and the U nited States Minister

were authorized to make appropriate arran gements fo r transferring the soverei gnty of the islands to the U nited

States . This was simply but impressively accomplished

1 2th y y on the of August last , b the deliver of a certified / r e s o l u ti o n to D copy of the President ole , who thereupon

yielded up . to the representative of the Government of the U nited States the sovereignty and public property of I the Hawaiian slands . “ Pursuant to the terms of the joint resolution and in I exercise of the authority thereby conferred upon me ,

‘ directed that the civil , j udicial and military powers there tofore exercised by the officers of the Government of the

R epublic of Hawaii should continue to be exercised by those officers until Congress shall provide a government

for the incorporated territory , subject to my power to ffi remove such o cers and to fill vacancies . The Presi

o ffi c e r s dent , and troops of the republic thereupon took

U r ov id the oath of allegiance to the nited States , thus p

ing for the uninterrupted continuance of all the a dmi n i s C O N C U S I ON 1 5 8 L .

tra ti ve and municipal func tions of the annexed territory

until Congress shall otherwise enact . “ Following the further provision of the joint resolu

I . m I l lm r . o s tion , appointed the Hons Shelby M Cullo , of ; b m R R I John T . Morgan , of Ala a a ; obert . Hitt , of lli

. D . nois ; Sanford B ole , of Hawaii , and Walter F Frear . m m of Hawaii , as Com issioners to confer and reco mend

to Congress such legislation concerning the Hawaiian

I slands as they should deem necessary or proper . The

Commissioners having fulfilled the mission confided t o l e a r v . them , their report will be l aid before you at an day I t is b elieved that their recommendations will have the earnest consideration due to the magnitude of the r e

spo n s ibi li tv resting upon you to give such shape to the

relationship of those midpa c ifi c lands to our home U nion

as will benefit both in the highest degree , realizing the aspirati ons of the community that has cast its lot with t us and elec ed to share our political heritage , while at the same tim e justifying the foresight of those who for

' three - quarters of a c e n tu r y have looked to the assimila

tion of Hawa i i as a natural and inevitable c o n s u mm a ti o na in harmony with our needs and in fulfillment of our cher i h s e d traditions .

“ ' The questions heretofore pendin g between Hawaii and Japan growing out of the alleged mistreatment of I Japanese treaty immigrants were , am pleased to say , adjusted before the act of transfer by the payment of a

reasonabl e indemnity to the Government of Japan . “ U nder the provisions of the joint resolution , the ex i sti n g customs relations of the Hawaiian I sland s with the

CON C S ON 1 60 LU I .

contrary to existing en gagements . Although but few of the Japanese now in the islands are able to read and

write En glish or Hawaiian , which constitutes the quali

fi c a ti o n s he for the franchise , the Americans feared that t cont i nued settlement of Japanese in the Hawaiian I slands and the infl ux of educated Japanese would result in the tot transfer of the political power hem , and the adoption

of such laws as would make Hawaii a Japanese colony .

The first measure to restrict the infl ux of Japanese was a

regulation of the I mmigration Commissioner issued i n

1 8 o - r 95 , requiring planters to imp rt two thirds of thei contract laborers from China or from other countries

The than Japan. Japanese Government asked an ex

planation . The free immigration of Japanese not under

contract and not of the laboring class , but many of them

o ea r l v of the student class , reached enormous proporti ns

1 8 in 97, when in one week as many as arrived and

the I 8OO- regular increase was at the rate of from , to

tc a month . Finally the Hawaiian authorities refused allow 587 immigrants to land from the steamer Shinshin

fi r a h . 2 2 s t t e d Maru , which arrived on Feb . At y were hel

in quarantine on the complaint that there was smallpox.

I n on board . the end the steamer was compelled to take

e mor than four hundred of them back to Japan . The same course of action was taken in regard to the

the immigrant passengers , on the Sakura Maru and

I Kinai Maru , the latter of which arrived in port April 7; about immigrants on the three vessels were o r dered to be taken back by the ship s that brought them C O C N N LUS I O . 1 6 1

i after a period of detention in the quarantine stat on , an island in the harbor . The Supreme Court refused to issue a writ of habea s

corpus on the ground that the immigrants , not having

e d been land on Hawaiian soil , were not within the j uri s

diction of the court . Hawaii based her right to exclude m these people on the laws regulating i migration , framed with special reference to contract laborers . These immigrants from Japan were prevented from landing on the ground that they were without the prescribed quali

fi ti o n m c a s or had broken the i migration laws . These bars required that the contract laborers should have a contract to work in the service of some Hawaiian

citizen for at least two years . These contract laborers must have their agreements previously indorsed by the I Hawaiian Board of mmi gration . Japanese contract laborers fi r st went to Hawaii in r e s po n s e to the demand for labor in the islands under a convention concluded in 1 886 at the request of the Ha wa ii a n m d Govern ent , in which the Japanese inserte clauses for the protection of the laborers more stringent than are usually included in arrangements for the im

o rta tio n t p of coolie labor , for the Japanese Governmen was not eager to obtain this outlet for labor and was above all anxious that its citizens should not be reduced d to the position of coolies . To these con itions , which

a c were not pplied to Chinese and other ontract laborers ,

i i n the Hawa an planters eve tually raised obj ections , thin k

ing th a t they could obtain labor more cheaply if the r e

strictions were removed . 2 C ON C US N 1 6 L IO .

Free laborers were entitled to e nter Hawa i i without

c any preliminary onsent of the authorities , but not unless

they had fifty dollars in their possession . O f t the otal number excluded , nearly had a writ I mm ten agreement with the Japanese i gration Company .

i n m e . whereby , consideration of the pay ent of tw lve yen , the company agreed to return the immigrants to their

home in Japan in case it was unable to procure wo rk for

them after landing .

a u They had come as free laborers , but the Hawaiian

t ho r iti e s held that this agreement made them contra ct

i n laborers the view of the law , and that it was a contract

that had n ot received the approval of the Hawaiian I m

r m mig ation Com issioners , such as the law requires . These im migrants and others showed fifty dollars in

wa s cash , but the authorities demanded proof that it

the their own , not lent by immigration societies to the

immi grants , to be returned to their agents after landing ,

for the purpose of evading the law . The Japanese consular authorities brought habeas co r

pus proceedin gs i n the case of t heimmigrants who we r e r detained on board ship pendin g their depo tation , but the Hawaiian courts refused to issue writs of habea s cor

pus . The Japanese Government decided to stop free immi

gr a ti o n for a ti me and to send a warship to Hawaii . The U nited States Government at the same time dis

i h patched the cruiser Philadelphia , which was Honolulu harbor when the N a n i n a arri ved on May 5 . The Japanese cruiser brought a commissioner to investigate the immi

1 64 C O N C L U S I ON

the Japanese . The duty had been fixed at fifteen cent L a gallon , but the egislature passed , over the veto of

D a 11 President ole , b bid imposing a duty of one dollar b gallon , which was held y Japan to be a breach of the

trea ty between the two countries .

I n 1 8 a r e February , 97, the H waiian Government

quested that the Japanese immi gration laws be changed m so as to restrict free im igration into Hawaii . At the time of the s ignature of the annexation treaty the Japanese Minister at Washington demanded the rec

o gn i ti o n by the U nited States of all the rights of Japan

and her subj ects under subsisting treaties with Hawaii . H e protested against depriving the Japanese residents

Ha w a ii w ho in , possess large property rights , of the rights

which they enjoy under prese n t conditions to become

citizens and to vote , and against subjecting them to any

measures which the U nited States might adopt in dero

a ti n g o of their existing treaty rights .

The Japanese note , while disclaiming all designs

against the integrity and sovereignty of Hawaii on the

n part of Japan , urged that maintena ce of the status quo of Hawaii was essential to the good understanding of the I t powers which had interests in the Pacific . was fur

ther suggested that annexation might lead to the post po n e me n t by Hawaii of claims and liabilities already ex

i sti n g in favor of Japan under treaty stipulations .

. 2 Mr Sherman , in his reply of June 5 , met the general protest with the statement that the influence of the U nited

a n States in Hawaii has alwa ys been paramount , that n ex a ti o n has long been recognized as a necessary eon ON C ON C LUS I . 1 65 ti n e n c g y, always probable and steadily drawing nearer , and was proposed four years before without eliciting a n v m U objection fro Japan , and that the nited States Govern ment would not admit that the pr oj e c te d ~ u n i o n of Ha waii to the U nited States can inj ure any legitimate i n te r e sts of other powers in the Pacific . With reference m to the rights and clai s of Japanese subjects , he pointed

t x a n out that , al hough treaties would be e tinguished by n e x a ti o n , rights that have already accrued to Japan or to Japanese subj ects u n der the treaty between Japan and

Hawaii would remain .

ul v Toru H oshi , the Japanese Minister , replying on J ’ m to Mr . Sherman s note , acknowledged the predo inant

o f U and paramount influence the nited States on Hawaii . which he considered a guarantee against everything i n

' i m a l U g to either the nited States or Hawaii , and there fore an argument against any change inj uriously affect ing the interests of others in the status quo . The Jap anese Government could not view with unconcern and in a spirit of acquiescence the consequences w hich would probably follow the extinction of Hawaiian sovereignty . nor anticipate without apprehension the consequences , i n m d rect and i direct . that would follow the consu mation of the theory that annexation meant the immediate ter mination of the treaties and conventions with Hawaii and the consequent cessation for the future of the privileges

no t m granted thereunder , and it would ad it that the

" 1 8 8 U w ho ll treaty of 5 with the nited States , which is v H i unreciprocal , could be extended to awa i without its c onsent . C N C S ON 1 66 O LU I .

Hawa ii proposed to arbitrate the immigr ation question

f be and other di ferences , and Japan , after first declining , fore the end o i July accepted arbitration in principle and e t xpressed a willingness to discuss the basis , the subj ec

e matter and the procedure of arbitration . The Chines

i n hi s m Consul raised obj ections behalf of country en , again st whom the Hawaiian Government was beginning s to apply the exclu ion act in force with the U nited S tates . The Hawaiian M inister assured them that Chinese r e siding in Hawaii would be free to visit their native coun

r n try and ret .

‘ I n the autumn the immigration of fre e laborers from

o Japan was resumed . The Japanese authorities t ok pains to see that every one o f the immigrants complied with

the immi gration regulations , and the Hawaiian Govern m ent , which had given the assurance when the dispute first arose that there would be no interference with bona

fi de i i mmigrants , was helpless to stop this further mmi

gra ti o n

’ H awa i i accepted Japan s proposal that each par tv to

\ the controversy shoul d p r e pa r e a statement of the facts

on which it rests its case . Japan admitted the rights of both parties to present testimony regardin g facts on

which they were not agreed .

M c Ki n l e Finally , as President y intimated , everything

was settled to the satisfaction of bo th countries .

Probably the best exposition o f the living issues in

w a s Hawaii , after the annexation , written by a corre

“ s o n de n t I n s ubsta n c e thi s N . p of the ew York Sun g

’ communication was as follows :

N C ON 1 68 CO LUS I .

i i lish educational test . Almost all Hawa ans read and write their own language , and there is no country in the

world where the percentage of illiteracy is so small . B ut

r many of the natives do not read and w ite English , which is a foreign language , and an English educational fran chise would discriminate against these men , although it

a t would be a declining evil , as young H awaiians , who tend school compulsorily , are all instructed in English . Nevertheless an English education qualification will leave the missionary party in power for another term of years . “ I t is conceded that if the native Kanaka receives the

I n vote it will mean the end of the missionary hierarchy .

ma spite of diminished numbers and the loss of lands , the y ti es still outnumber the whites , nor do they need any tell ing as to who it is that has caused their downfall . So small a portion Of the native vote that it scarcely deserves

O n l v to be counted is in favor of the missionary party . u - ltra religious natives are there . A wealthy native who i s the owner of shipping said to me yesterday : ‘ O The white man is too sharp for us . nce my peo

K a meha ple owned all lands out Ewa way . That was ’ I f m ha s N o w . e land . it all belongs to the white man the missionari es had taught us politics and the white

’ man s ways in business as carefully as they taught us to pray , we might have kept our lands . But they taught us religion a n d were careful to keep us ignorant of their

n o w h . methods , and we have not ing “ The fact , everywhere conceded , that the enfranchise ment of the native Hawaiian means the end of the present

- I t r Offi c e . egime , causes holders much serious thought N L O 1 6 CO C US I N . 9 remains to be seen whether the Commissioners will be true to republican principles in spite of pressure and

- prejudi ce on the part of the offi ce holding class .

“ N o r i se fo r O r i voice is a d, the enfranchisement of the e n ta l s who are so numerous in the islands . The pre vailing sentiment is that votes should be given as in Cali fo r n i a to native - born O rientals who fill the prescribed m requirements . Even then trouble is apprehended fro s ar e . the Japane e , who numerous and independent They consider themselves quite as good as any O ccidental ever

n ff bor , and they are not o ering the other cheek with

Christian meekness these davs .

“ Three parties or factions have already appeared . The first is in power and i s called in Hawaii the ‘family com

’ I t m fa ~ pact . is co posed almost entirely of men whose the r s or grandfathers were missionaries , who civilized the m natives , buried the larger part of the , and fell heir to

their extremely fertile lands . The missionaries bred their

sons to business or professions , made lawyers and mer

Ha chants and planters of them , and the choicest parts of i waii are the rs . “ T wo factions are forming in opposition to the mis si o n a r y party .

“ the Then there are royalists , who have no grudge

i et against Amer ca , and merely want to see the native g his rights under annexation . Very few of the royalists have ever taken the oath under the republic . The royal i sts are more anxious to punish the missionaries than anything else and they will throw all their weight with ” a n y opposition . 1 70 C O NC LUS I O N .

n 6 D 1 8 8 m O the th of ecember , 9 , the com ission made

its report . This report was in substance as follows : Hawaii was to be placed at once on the plane of an

t U organized Terri ory of the nited States , and was to enj oy the same degree of self government that is a c

N O . corded to ew M exico , Arizona and klahoma Though it was‘ a matter outside of the strict subject

m i n matter of their report , the com ission took care to

di c a te that its recommendat i on of self government for the Hawaiian I slands must not be construed to mean that the same form of government would be advisable

' ' I a s for Porto R ico or the Philippines . t w pointed out that the people of Hawaii had already demonstrated their capability of self government by the establishment R and maintenance of the epublic of Hawaii , and that they were already more or less familiar with the i n str u c U m tions and laws of the nited States , from which any of

H w a ii w e r the laws of a e drawn . By the proposed bill providing for the territorial form of government , safeguards were thrown around the suf ffi frage , which would probably be su cient to insure the domination of Americans and persons of American de

scent i n the government of the islands . All white per

sons , including Portuguese , and persons of African de

an d n scent , all perso s descended from the Hawaiian

e e race , on either the paternal or maternal sid , who wer citizens of Hawaii immediately preceding the annexa

U . tion , were made citizens of the nited States This ba re out from citizenship Japanese and

Chinese laborers in the islands .

O C S ON 1 72 C N LU I .

m tries from which they ca e . Those brought in are mainly from China and Japan .

“ Since the act of Congress annexing Hawa i i was

passed , prohibiting Chinese immigration , the Hawaiian

s ugar planters have seemed to be making an unusual

m . e ff ort in securin g the i portation of Japanese laborers ,

fearin g trouble and embarrassment on account of i n su f

fi c i e n t labor for the care an d carrying on of their sugar

plantations .

“ O f e cours , it becomes necessary to extend our labor

laws over the island , so as to prohibit all kinds of foreign

e s contract labor from coming to the territory , first , b cau e

it is the policy of the country to keep out all kinds of

cheap foreign labor , including coolie labor , and thereby prevent such labor from interfering with the wages of

American labor , and , secondly , to protect our manu

fa c tu r e d products from competition with manufactured

goods produced by cheap alien labor .

“ The question whether " ' hite labor can be profitably

utilized in the sugar plantat i ons is yet a problem ; but the

planters are preparing to give such labor a trial , and some of them believe it will prove superior to the labor of

either Chinese or Japanese .

The report was unanimous , except upon one point , on

which President Dole made minority recommendation . This recommendation was for a Board of Advisers to the

Governor of the Territory , and he recommended that the

e - G Treasur r , Attorney eneral , Superintendent of Public Works and Com missioner of Public Lands should be 1 C ON C LUS I O N . 73

constituted special counsellors of the Governor , to be con s u l te d by him concerning all matters of public policy . D m Mr . ole gave as his reason for his reco mendation the fear that without some such provision the Governor might arrogate to himself greater power than was con l te mp a te d . “ m I While , he said , with so e misgivings have as sented to the provisions of the majority report , which place the executive power of the territory in the hands of

e one individual , and do away with the Ex cutive Council . I am unable to accept those which confer upon the Gov

e r n o r f the appointment of all subordinate o ficers , and

m de which , while givin g him the appoint ent of heads of

a rt me n ts p , with the approval of the Senate , permit him to remove them without such approval — a power not e n I j oyed by the President of the U nited States . Nor can agree to the absence of any provisions whatever limiting or checking the Governor ’s executive power under the

laws , excepting as to the approval of the Senate required

in certain appointments . “ The weight of these objections will be better under

’ stood i n view of the recommendations of the Commis

s i o n e r s that the Legislature shall hold regular sessions

e t but once in two years , as h re ofore , which circumstance G would furnish the overnor with the opportunity , if he

should choose to seize it , of removin g any or all heads of departments immediately after the termination of the regular session of the Legislature and filling their places wi th persons whose commissions would be valid until the 1 74 CO N C LUS I O N .

c en d of the next session of the Senate , whi h might not

occur for nearly two years .

By this means a Governor , acting within his authority could substantially evade the provisions requirin g these

appointments to b e approved by the Senate . The per fo r m a n c e s of like character under the monarchy are too fresh in the minds of the Hawaiian c Ommun i ty to permit them to contemplate without dismay the possibility of a f repetition thereo .

Of r e c o m The Governor , under the provisions the act

bv ended the commission , will have less check to his administration of affairs than was the case with the sov

e r e i n s i n g under the monarchy , excepting only the mat fi ” ter of tenure of of ce . The report contained an inventory of the public prop

e r t U y of the republic , which now inured to the nited

States , which was of an estimated value of Construction of a cable to the Hawaiian I slands was

' r U recommended , to be under the cont ol of the nited

h I s the States , whic , the report said , demanded by mili

” tary conditions existing or liable to exist at any time .

i i el As regards our acquisition of Hawa , we are not lik y

to have the trouble there as we may possibly have with

u i Ag inaldo and his followers in the Philipp nes .

n i t ca n The entire foreig population , if be so called ,

1 C O C LUS O 76 N I N .

U w e l l Surely , the nited States may go forward fear b lessly , and Hawaii will unquestiona ly in the near future

be a possession of which we shall be unfeignedly proud .

I n conclusion , let us quote a charming poem by Mr . P D O hilip H enry odge , which appeared in the verland

M onthly °

O n the heaving of the ocean ,

’ v Like a lo ing mother s breast , Lie the I slands of Hawaii

As an i n fant in its rest .

Sleep sweetly , Hawaii so fearless and free ,

e . Fair daught r of ocean , the child of the sea

’ Fond the mother s arms are clasping ,

With caresses soft and light , I n the framing of the surf - beat

n da y O the shores by and night .

Sleep sweetly , Hawaii , each silvery tide But draws thy fond mother more close to thy

Where the light cascades are falling , To the ocean from the steep ; There are gentle baby fingers i ’ Which w thin the mother s creep .

Sleep sweetly , Hawaii , so tenderly blest , ifS As lovingly brooded as bird in nest .

Soft the baby eyes are hidden ,

I n the sunshine and the calm , ’ Mid the radiance of the mountains ,

Fi‘ i n e d g with fragrant fern and palm .

the Sleep sweetly, Hawaii , stars in the sky ,

Are joined in the tune of thy kind lullaby . O N 1 C O NC LU S I . 77

R obes of verdure , closely clinging R m ound thy for in tender grace , m Weave the beauty of thy gar ents ,

Cloth of gold and leafy lace .

Sleep sweetly , Hawaii , each cloud as it flies m B ut brings thee a message of love fro the skies .

I m Hushed a id the tender silence ,

Sti ll thy heart is beating low ,

I n the fiery , livid pulsing O f ’ the lurid crater s glow .

Sleep sweetly , Hawaii , the murmur of waves ,

I s m echo of music fro coral formed caves .

m Cal ly rest , with sunbeams smiling ’ O e r m the di ples of thy face , Clasped amid the loving waters O f ’ ’ m thy mother s fond e brace . stv e e tl Sleep y , Hawaii , so trustful and strong ,

I S S i i All nature ng ng thy glad cradle song .


W e h a e housa n of tes imoni a s a n d a r e oud of the v t ds t l , pr h f i e f fr a n f ms f i e B ut stori es t ey tell o rel om m y or o m s ry. the e x li e r i e n c e of a nother pers on ma y n ot be yours wi th a a n the sa me pre p r ti o .

l Oc .,

S ol d on me i on un de a n a ute ua n e to c u e r t ly r bsol g ra te r , if u e d ac o di n to di r c i n E e a i d u i s t i s s c r g e t o s . v ry ret l r gg a u ho i e d to s l two 5 0c bo e s Cas c a re ts un de ua r t r z el . x r g a n e to u e o r mon fun You a ke n o n e s te c r ey re ded. t cha c o bu our e i ma i i u a o n n b l for c e l Oc . y y pr par t s, se t y pr , , 2 0 - A 5 c or 5 0. d s T E E . d e S R LI N G R E M Y hi CO. O , r s D , c a o M on e o r N e w Y o k - or whe n ou u c ha e un de g , tr al r y p r s r “ ’ Your Own Dru ists uar i t gg G antee . 260

’ T h a t s wha t for m e r T o ba cc


bookl e t a n d tree u mpl e

m u M DY . hi a N STERLI NG RE E CO , C c go, Montrea l, Can. or ew York.

M li l e i rl almost si n c e birth a n d she is n ow three ea i s ol d w a s y tt g , , y , troubl e d W i th a bi c a ki n o ut a l l o er the bod I ti led bo h homoeo g v y . t athic a n d o ld s ho o n d I c ol d c tors but n on e o f the m did her a o o . p , y g a ve he r a l l kin ds o f s i in me dic in e s a n d a t l a s co mmen c e d to hi nk g p g , t t the did her mo m ha rm tha n o o d S he see me d to be w e i se a t the y g . c ha n e o f the sea so n e s e c i all s ri n i me a n d o uld bre a k o ut on her g , p y p gt , w li s ba c k o f her e a rs in side o f he n n ose on her c hest a n d i n fa c t a ll o ver p , , , he r bod a n d he n the bre a kin o ut w ould urn i n to s ores fO i min a y , t g t , g ha r d sc a b w hi c h w ould c o n ti n uall bl e e d a n d it w a s dis ustin A y , g g frie n d o f i n i n e M rs Kh i d me to tr R a n s a bu es a n d I did . ou s ol T l , , t y ip , , a n d a fte i using thre e b o xe s yo u will k n o w how m uc h go o d the y did he r w he n I w e n to W Oi k a n d thre w a ll the other me dic in e s I ha d o ut a s t , [ ha d n o mo re use for the I t is thre e mo n ths si n c e 1 a v e R i a n s m. g p Ta bule s to mv c hild a n d she is e n irel vi e il n o w I w ill n e ver be , t y witho u the T a bul e s i n the ho use fo i the me a bl e ssm t , y g.

W T D— A o f b d e t t “ i l n o e n e t S e n d fi v e AN E z c a se a h a l h hat l t b fi . s c e n t to R i a n s C e m ca l C o . N o . 1 0 S r u ce S tre e t N e w Y o r k fo r 1 0 sa m l es a n d p h i , p , , p t s t m o n ia s l o fo r s c e n ts o r 1 2 ac k e ts fo r 48 c e n ts m a be e l . , , y ‘ i p h a d o f a l l d r ugg i s ts w h o a re w i l l n g to s e ll a s ta n da rd m e d i c i n e at a m od e ra te ro fit. i 'p ' ' T e ba n s a i n a n d r o l o n l i fe . O n e v e s r e l i ef . o te th e w o r d R T P A N S h y i h p p g g i N k e Ac c e n o su s i u e . o n th e pac t . pt b t t t I h a v e m o r e v igo r a n d my h e a l th i s s o muc h be tte r i n e v e r w a a n d y y, I fe e l I o w e i t a ll to R ip a n s T a b

' - u e s . I l T h e y a re my s ta n d by. n e v e r kn e w th a t I c o u ld ge t s u c h r i f I a v e be e n e l e a n d s o s o o n . h w o n d e r fu l ly be n e fite d by th e m a fte r

a r h d s tu dy .

W A N T E D: A f b t I “ i i n n e t . S e n fi v e ca se o a d h ea l h th a t R P A 8 i o t be fi d n i m o “ r s a n d c e ts to R e n s C e c a l C o . N . 1 0 S r u c e S t r e e t N e o r k fo 1 0 sa m l e p , p h i , p , h 1 000 1 es ti mo n i a l s . fo r 5 c e n ts o r 1 2 a c k e ts fo r 48 c e n ts m a y e , , p , ha d o f a l l d ru i s ts w h o a re i l l i i i to se a s ta n d a r d m e d i c i n e a t a m o d e ra t e ro fi t . gg g ll p T e n i s l A N S h ba ai n a n d r o o n i fe . o n e i v e r l i o o rd R I P l s e e f. te th e w y h p p g g N o n th e A c c e t n o s u bs ti t u l e p a c k t. p e ‘

i S .

Ha s to h e r c r e di t the s a l e o f mo r e tha n a mil i n c i e s o f h e r fa s c i n a ti n r m a n ti c n ov e s l o op g, o l .

' ‘ T he s e s to r i e s po s i ti v e ly c a n n ot be bo u gh t u n de r h i m r i n t T he i r i r r e s i s ti b e c h a r m a n y ot e r p . l i s t r a c e a bl e to the a dmi x t u r e o f r oma n ti c fa n c y wi th s c e n e s a n d e v e n ts ta k e n fr o m i fe w i th l , fte r a i a do r n e d I c a w hi c h pa ge a p ge s . t n be s a fe ly s ta te d th a t n o Am e r i c a n a u tho r e s s o f the da y h a s c a pti v a te d a n d c o n tr ols Su c h a v a s t a r my o f r e a de r s o f a l l c a s s e s a n d c n di ti n s who l o o ,

” k e e o u r i n i n a s te a dfa s t flow o f e tte r s p p g l , tha n liii n g a n d pr a i s i n g th e n ov e li st for the hi gh i n te e c tu a e a s u r e s h e ha s a ff r de d the m ll l pl o .

” T he s e v ol u me s a r e h a n ds ome ly pri n te d a n d bou n d i n ta s te fu i u s t r a te d a e r c o v r lly ll p p e s . c e n s n h e a v i e r a e r b n d P i c e 2 t . O u i n r , 5 p p , o c th lo ,

’ ’ r i He r i a e . Au dr R M a r gue te s t g ey s eco mpe nse . ’ ’ n N o bili . Vir i e I n h i E a r le W a y e s ty g s er t a n ce . ll i l t N a m e l ess De . W d O a s . B ri a x T he For sa k e n de . . ’ T ri u m h. A T ru e Ar is B ro wni e s p toc r a t. ’ u n rrx Hi s He a r t s Q ee . y . i l ’ l M on a . S by s I n f uen ce. F R o W e dded by a te . Stel la se v elt. ’ fr i o L o A G eof e y s V c t ry . st, Pe a rle.

Fo r sal e b a l l bo o ksellers a n d n e wsdea lers or sen o sta e free on y , t , p g , re e i of ric e b the ublishers c pt p , y p

S TR E E T 6 SM I TH New Yor k ,

A G . W LDO BR OWN A u h M r l a n d . Cl o r N e o f e o . 68. 2 c . Da g t r a y , v 5 M AR Y E R YAN . B m W n A S to r e ddi . S e l N o 6 y g , e c t . . 25 0. R OB E R T BU CH ANAN M a a Ta l e o f a Ca r a a n . a i s N o 2 tt , v D y . 4. NE DBU NTLI NE a h i n Ch a r i e e a a n h r s l . S d S o e N 2 . D g o . 5 ’ N a e e s h T h r i e C a se e . S e c e S e r i e a l c c N o 2 . v D t t v , t v . 5 R e d i c k S e a a n d S h r N 6 D . o e o . 2 . NE I L BU R GE SS Co u n a i r T h E a e N 60 1 e . l o . . 0c . ty F , g R E E R I R R N F D C . BU TO M i ssi o n o f P o u ba l o T h e C r i ri o n N v . e o 20. 00. , t . 5 HALL CAI NE T h ma n e . M o n d o de l N o . s B , H m r h e e s e T e . e D t , m A S h a d o w o f a C r i e . , s ’ h l l Wo r d to M Ar r w N S s a t h e e . o o e l . a A M S o n o f H a a r . o de l N o . g , e R OSE NOUCHE TTE CAR E Y

h o r n e ss M n t e e . o de N o O l y G v l . NI CH OLAS CAR TE R An n N Ac c i de n l Pa ss w o r d . M a e o . ta , g t‘ A i a n M a r u i s T h e me c . r q , U h Co u n t e r f i r Am o n g t e e te s . H n h e N i h i i s s Am o g t l t . U A Odd s w i h S c o a n d Ya r d t t tl . ’ At Th o m s o n s R a n c h H p ,

Au s r a l i a n Kl o n di k e A. H t , H a h i n t h o i s C ug t e T l .

Ch a n c e i sc o e r A. H v y , D H h k N o C e c . 777. N C r i m e o f a Co u n e s s T h e . t ,

e o s i V a u l t P u z z l e A. H D p t , n e e h o n e E vi de c e by T l p . H M n Fi gh ti n g Aga i n s t i lli o s . H ’ G a mbl e r s S n di c a e T h e . H y t , m h H G r e a E n i a T e . t g ,

Kl o n di k e Cl a i m A. H ,

M a n f r o m I n di a T h e . H ,

M i lli o n a i r e Pa r n e r A. H t , U M s e r i u s M a i R o bbe Th e . y t o l ry , ’ N Ol d e e c i e s P u i l T h e . D t t v p , NI CH OLAS CAR TE R — Conti nued

B x M s e r a n M a n N 0 . Pi o o t T h . e y y , e g t Pl a yi n g a B o l d G a me n d e n i A S to l e . I t ty , e A Ti l e d Co u n r f e i t e r . t t , r a c e d Ac r o s s th e A n i T k tla t c . W r a A a ll S e e H u l . t t , ’ Wo ma n s a n d A H . ,

E R A M L AY B TH . C ’ n h r M a n s 8 A o e Wi fe E a e N . . l o . t g , 4 ’ h r Wo m An o e a n s u sba n 2 . t H d. 4 f n n T h e r N B e ll e o L e C o o. . . l y , v 93 T w o B e w e e n e a r s 8 . t H t . 2 e w e e n T w o Lo s B t ve . II 3 o n d a r do n ? B e y P . B i t e r A o n e m e n A t t t , . N r o k e n We ddi n R i n A 6 B g g, . 9 ’ C r i s 8 a b e o r 2 . l l L ve S to y . h r o r a T o n e 8 . D . 3 ’ U k s S e c r e t T h u e e . D , ’ E a r l s A o n e m e n Th ; e . g t t , ’ e n s o 1 0 . E v l y F lly . 5 a i r bu t a i h e s 6 F F t l s . 2 . u i r r d e a A 8 e O l . F y , 7 . ’ u F o r An o h e r s i n 8 t S . 9 ’ a W m a n s o n E a e N F o r o o r o . l . H . g 4 m t t h r N 8 F r o O u e Gl o m o e o . C . o . l v 4 ’ i s s a u h r T E a N 1 1 h e o . G e e l . p y D g t , . g ( 6 a d G r Gl y s e y e . w n A a i N G o l d e n a . s o . D , D y 9. A n a r N o . G o l de e . C o e r H l . t , v 39 ’ i te r n s 1 H e a r s B e s A. 8 . t t , ’ A E a e N I s do o . 2 a r . l H e l . t I , g m o r N C v e o . He r M a r ty r d o . l 92 r n i n a i s N o 1 8 He O l y S . y . . ‘ D

n o v e . r N He r S e c o d L Cl o ve o . 99. ’ ' W m n 1 1 0 Hi s i fe s J u dg e t . . H An . 8 d e a l L o e . I v , 3 ’ i b e . E a N I n v s C r u c e o . 0 Lo e l l . g , 7 ’ a Da m r s e c r e . v r N 1 08 L dy e S t Cl o e o . . ’ i t d u n s Wa r d . 1 L a y H tto 9 . ’ ( 6 L o r d Li s l e s a u h e r D g t . ’ u o r n n e s Ch i c e L d Ly o . 22; W r k s n r 1 06 . Lo ve o Wo de s . A M a d L o v e . , a n E a N M a rj o r i e D e gl e o . 79: ’ h r i s a u h r C a e t r e N . ri e C o o . P n c l D g e . l v 94 P As u n r . u t de 3 2 . r u R e p e n te d a t Le i su e . h i n T e . S h a do w o f a S , ’ S ui r e s a r l i n T h e . 1 02 . q D g , Th u 1 ddi n R i n e . 0 . S to r y o f th e We g g , 4 — E R A M . AY n i n ued B TH CL Co t . r u fo r R i n A S t l e a . Cl o e r N 1 00 o . . gg g , v

S u n s h i n e a n d R o s e s . 8 8 . T h o r n i n He r H e a r t A 0 , . 1 9. T h o r n s a n d Or a n e Bl o ss o ms 8 g . 5 . h r w n o n t h Wo r T o e l d . 86 . M a d a n A T r u e l e . g , 97. ’ T wi x t L o e a n d a e 2 v H t . 9. n de r a S h a do w U . 34 . i o e i s V e . E a N o 1 l L l l e . t g 4 . We a k e r h a n a Wo m n r a . l o N o . t C ve 3 7. We a n d a - dd e d r e d . 1 0 P t 3 . Wh i c h L o e d Hi m B e s ? v t 95 . Wi f i n N a m e O n e l y . 77. ’ Wo m a n s T e m a i n A o t o . . p t , ’ m n s Wa r A gI Wo a , .

C . W. COBB T M u n a n r e M a n N h e o i e e e e i . e o 0 1 0c . t D t c t v g t . 4 .

SYL VANU S CO J R . BB , m h r B e n a e d . a n d S o e N 8 H S e a o . . E a T h e n h r e N o e n e d S o o . 1 . G l d l . S e a a g , 5 ’ Ki n s a i sm a n T h e S e e N o T l . l c . 2 . g , t 5 Ya n e e Ch a m i o n T h e E a e N o 8 k . l . . p , g 7

M E . R E L I NS R S . BU K CO L S e N n n e c o . . B o y J e a n . l t 4

b o n e a n c e A . e f V e . 2 D t g , 4 M a r 1 . r r i e d fo G ol d . 3 LU CY R ANDAL L COMFOR T ’ C e c i l e s M a r r i e S e l e c N o . . a g . t 35 ’ G r a i a s T r i a l s . t . 7 Wi T h do w e d i de e . ° Br , 75 M AR I E COR E LLI Ar r Ar o w N o . da h o l I . 2 V . . t , 4

Ar a h 2 . d I I . V o l . t , 5

A 1 8. R o ma n c e o f T wo Wo r l ds . ,

V e n d e a 6 . tt . 3 CAR L CR OFTON

n T r s a i s N o . 2 . Pe yt o o w e . D y 7 H E NR Y DALE r s Adve n tu r e s o f th e You n ge r B r o th e .

S e c r e S e r i c e N o 2 . t v . 3 M AR Y KYLE DAL LAS

S e e c N o . G r i n de r Pa e r s T h e . l . p , t 74

2 . Wi n i fr e d . 7 CHAR LE S DAR R E LL

m N 0. n n e s r a a o . 2 Wh e n Lo do S l e p . D 33. 5


u e V e i T h N l l e . M a n e o . B , g t i t n e T h C o n c C o l o l e . v , C r i m e o f th e O e r a o u s e T h e H . p , i m e o f th e e r a o u s e T h C r O H e . p , l Hi r a R e n e . V s G e t ve g o . I . Hi s r a R n e l e e e . V o . G t v g II . M a a a n Aff a i r T h e t p , .

R e d L o t e r y Ti c k e T h e . t t ,

S e e l N e c k l a c e T h e . t , T I I E DUCHE SS h w h s T e . Ar r o N o 1 0 u c e s . 0 D , 34. . m T h s 1 H a u n t e d Ch a be r e . a N o . . 0. , D i y 3 5H o d r r s f r d L y s Lo r B e e o 2 . , . M i d r i n Ar r w N o 0 I O l r d T e a n o o . C . e v . . 4 i s 1 l" s i C r i m A a N o . C a s e e . . P v , . D y 3 i t o r i 1 S r M a d A. 2 . y , A 6 H m r . T r o u bl s o e Gi l . e , B ‘ CKNE L L DU DL E Y

m n A C r i e r i n N o 1 1 00. G e n l e a n f o m G a s c o . o . . t r y , t 5 R I CH AR DDUFF Y

S a f r r a ma N o . 2 . ve d o m th e S e a . D 9 ALE X ANDR E D U M AS

m m a N 1 1 . C a i ll r a o . e . D

o i n r h r T h 1 . C r s c a B o e s e . t , 4 i s N o 1 1 C o u n f M o n e i s o T h a r . . o C r e . P t t t , D n i h ff s T h r a m a N o 1 a c e e . . , D 3 . E 1 0 d m n N . a r i s o . o d D a n t e s . P

o u s 1 . L i e d e V a ll i e r e . 5

M a n i n t h e r o n M a sk Th e 1 6 . I , . T i i r M k T e e u s e e e r s h e . t , w n r T e ty Y e a r s Afte . V i m n n T h c o te d e B r a e l o e e . g ,

AN I A R I A E F R C S . DU V G F r 1 mo e N o . o n tl e r o T r a . y . y 4 AR Y E CI L AW

H r r i s N o 1 0. e R o a l Lo e a . 2 2 y v r . P 5 JU LI A E DWAR DS

a u ti fu E a e N o . 8 . B e l bu t Po o r . gl ’ H E s e ll e s M i ll i o n a i r e L o e r t v . ( t He v . Lo e s M e L o e s M e N ot . , v 3

a u r a r a Cl o e r N o . . L B y to n . v 45 i E a N o 1 e Wi d o w T h e l e . . L l . tt , g 3 N o 1 r e i e s o f Al l Cl o v e r . . P tt t . 4

S a di a t h e R o s o e r N o . . e bud. Cl v 44 S E e N o 6 e a i a l . 2 . t ll S te r l n g . g WAR R E N E DWAR DS ’ C o n e Th e E a N Wi fe . e 1 l o l s l o . . 00 . , g 39 u i s a t c h B e a r r T h e 6 e . . D p , 5 W R o h a N o a r e rt e r T e . l . . 2 0. p , F g 7 5 H U MPH R E Y E LLI OTT ’ A m h o i c r a m o r e N d a n s e . o 2 . K e t C T y . G E OR GE M ANVI LLE FE NN

h M a n B a f i a m o n ds T e . e N 0 I C o o . . C . g D , g t 3 OC'I ‘AYE FE U I LLE T L e d As r a a ma N 1 o . . t y . Dr 7 i s i a n R m a n e A 1 a r o c . 2 . P ,

R o m a n c e o f a o o r Yo u n M a n Th e . P g , N S e a a n d S ho r o . e 34.

E NS I G N CLAR K E I TCH U . S . N . F , i h ti n u a d r o n T h C o u mbi a N S e . o . 2 F . l g g q . s A r n r M r r o . i o e o f o . P , 4 JAM E S F R ANK L I N F I TTS M d r n M i r a c e A r a m r e N o e l . T o o . . , y 3 S i k T h e 1 t r u l fo r M a e r c . 1 e . gg v , G E R ALDI NE FLE M I NG ’ O n i r s o o r N 1 a C e o . l G l L e . l 2 y v v , 4

i n ss r i m e A 1 . S l e . C , 33 M AY AGNE S FLE MI NG s h E i r i n i i s T e a N o . I C V a e e . l e . H C. g r , g 9 R E R AN I N . . F C LLO Ar r w N i n o r n a e . o o . . I C K g K v 7 C . E MI LE G AB OR I AU

C a u h i n th e N e t Sl a v e s o f Pa r i s V o l I . g t ( , ) M a n N 0 0 e o 2 . 1 0 g t . . l i m M r T h f r l do c s e a s o a i s V o . C a e e Sl e . p y t y , ( v P I I ) M a n N e O . g t 22. T h Cl i u e o f G o l d e . 2 . q , 9 ’ i i m ma Th M n s L o V o l I e e c t s l e e e c . . e o . D t v D , ( q , ) M a n e N o 1 00 g t . 24 . . ’ i h M n s L c o V l i u m h T e o . e o I I e e c e s T r . D t t v p , ( q , ) M a n N g e t o . 25 . i 1 1 F l e N o . . 6 3 2 . Wi d w L e r o u e T h o e . 1 g , 5 . CH AR LE S GAR YI CE E i n e E I OC a . a e N o 2 . l gl . 2 . ’ i t He r e a r s s i r 1 H t D e e . 4 . ( t H e r R a n s o m 0 . 5 . i ’ H L e s l e s Lo a l . 1 . y ty 7 H M i s T h a r u e . q , . 73 H Wa s e d Lo e A. 2 . t v , 4 E OR E E G G W. GOOD s Offi c e e c i e T h M Po e e . a n e t N o 1 0 . 2. 0. t D t t v , g 5 R I E R A A D H . D H GG R A a n u a t e r ma i n Ar r o ll . w N o . 1 0 Q 33 0. ’ M a i w a s R e e n e . a i s N o 1 0 . v g D y . 5 0 . A A . D . H LL a n T h m C l e Ki e . r a a N o . 2 tt g , D 3 . u a I ts a s n d r i o r i C b : e se a n u u e . s c a l N o 1 P H . P t , r t F t t .

a a l Ca r d T h e . E a l e N O 1 6 F t , g . .

M a v o u r n e e n . 6 7 .

N o r h e r n i h s . r a m a N 8 L o . t g t D 2 . MAR Y G R ACE H AL P I NE

i s c a r de d . C o e r N 6 l o . 1 D v 2 . ANS E T . W. H H W i fu u t n e r o s B e a u l b a u . S e l c N e o . 86 t D g t . 250 W d d Wi d o w A e d e . , 2 . M h r n l i h m ‘ n r s C a e . r a o r N 1 Yo u . T e o . g g y . AR A T . C. H B U GH

Wh i e S u a dr o n T h e . C o r N 6 l e o . . 2 0 t q , v 9 5 . MAR I ON H AR LAND

S e i n S o n e s . S e N l e c o . . 2 t pp g t t 5 7 5 0. BE AT R I CE HAR R Al l E N

At h r e n r a o n . a i s N 1 e . t e G D g D y o . 5 JOS E PH H ATTON ’ h m o u b e M a n J o h n N e e d a s l e N o . 1 1 00 D g t 4 . . J U LI AN H AWTHOR NE

’ i l h r m s k T r a m r N 1 K d u Oa . o e o . y 9. M M NE R A N R S . SU H YDE S e e c N e a r n o . V ll V e e ll . l t E I R WV H MBU G ’ h r M a r h a th e P a r so n s a u e . S e l e c N o . 1 06 . t , D g t t I K . F . H LL M n N A. a e o M s e r i o u s C a s e . 2. y t , g t 3 M sto n T h e S e c r e e r i c e N o 0 M s e r o f a a d e . S . 2 . y t y , t v

T w i n e e c i e s T h e . D t t v , M R O M AN S . H . C. H FF

w s C o e r N o 1 2 . B r o k e n V o . l v . 7 “ h r s A 1 . H a r e s o f T o n . 25 v t , 5 ’ s a k e 1 0 . L e a h s Mi t . 3 A 1 M i s r a l e Wo ma n . . e b , 23

J E AN KATE LU DLU M ’ At a i r s M e r c S e e c G l . l N o 0 y t . 4 . ’ i r o h n s o n s r a m r h a t f o . o e N o T G l J T . y 9.

NA M C E NZ I E DO LD J . K n de r Hi s Th u m b M a n e N o . 28 U g t . . a a S e c r e S e r vi N F c e to F c e . c e o . t 5 5 . M AI AN O. TL D i i T h M a S o c e e e c e e . n e N 1 0 o . . 0 ty D t t v , g t 34 . M AR L I NE M ANLE Y Ol d S e c i e M a n p . g e t N o . . 0' 45 o k e r i n T h e S h i e d N O . l . 2 . P K g , 5 ’ R u a be u r r o w s e u e . r S e r v i N o B L S e c e c e . 0 g t 4 . V e s i b mi d M s e r T h e M a n N u l e Li e . e o . . t t y t y , g t 5 7 AR LE M ANNE R S CH S T . ’ Oc a v i a s r i de S e e c N o I O . l t P t . . S i v r r a n d A r a m r N 1 8 l e B . T o e o . , y . LE ME NT R M AR LE Y C .

R i c h a r d r r s a c h e r C r i e ri o n N o 1 6 F o e l o . t , B t . .

i a e e o r A. S e e c N o 1 0 S o c l M l . . t , t 5 FLOR E NCE M AR R YAT M 1 He r r d a n d M a s e r . o N o . Lo t de l 3 . s R k n i n 2 a i s N o . . Out o f Hi e c o g . D y 5 CHAR L E S M ATTH E W

a e mo u r . S e c r e S e rv i c e N o 1 M b l S e y t . 4 . P R OS PE R M E R I M E E

m N 1 r m n r a a o . . 0 Ca e . D 5 25 . DR M AR M E R R I . K CK

h M n 8 1 T e a N o . 0 G r e a T r a e r s Ca s e . e . 0. t v , g t 4

A a N a i r i o n e e r . l o . . 2 0. F P , F g 3 5 J E AN M I DDLE M AS Ar r o w N o o x e s T h e . . M a d d , A E X M E I H M I E R M R S . L . cY G LL

r N n i r a Cl o e o . B o n e D o . v m Th ( I B r i d e o f th e T o b e . , H a n o n d e B r u n e tt e d Bl . A H r u s h e d Li l . C y , U m i n A r e a d fu l T e a o . D p t t ,

i i E a l e N o . D o r a T e n e y . g

Li lli a n M Li ll i a n . Cl o e r N o . , y v - o i e N o L i tt l e C o q u e tt e B n n e E a gl . ( C Li l e S o u h e r n B e a u A. tt t ty , ’ Ol d M a n s a r l i n An . Cl o e r N o . D g , v

r e e l me w 8 1 Fu lto n S t ,


r ow . M a k e s t he ha i r g or r a ha i r . e s c o l or t o fa de d g y s R es t or P r e e n ts b a l dn es , u r e s da n dr uff : v f th e ha i r . C S to s fa l l i n g o N [L p P Hal l Nashua. . a nd one doll ar to R. . t s u l ou. se If your druggist canno pp y y