Project title, Project Number, Principal Investigator and contact details


Participants by country (Co-PIs in gray), affiliation, and role in the project, [Working Groups: ISTS, Sat, NatMod, SEES: see note at beginning of “Work Completed”]: PI: Milton Kampel, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil, [email protected]

Argentina 1. Vivian Lutz, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (INIDEP-CONICET), , [email protected] (CoPI-Project IAI-Antares-coordination activities) (Antares Station Co-PI – Bio-optics– EPEA) [ISTS, NatMod] 2. Martina G. Chidiak, Universidad de , Facultad de Ciencias Económicas (ECON-UBA), Argentina, [email protected] (CoPI-Project IAI-Antares) (Socioeconomic analysis & Environmental economics component-Project IAI- Antares) (Ecosystem services / Ocean governance / Ecological economics / Environmental economics component-Project IAI-Antares) [SEES] 3. Rubén Mario Negri, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (INIDEP-FCEN-UNMdP), Argentina, [email protected] (CoPI-Project IAI- Antares) (Antares Station PI –- Plankton dynamics- EPEA) [ISTS, NatMod] 4. Ignacio Carciofi, independent consultant, [email protected] (Collaborator - Socioeconomic analysis & Environmental economics component-Project IAI-Antares) (Ecosystem services / Ocean governance / Ecological economics / Environmental economics component-Project IAI-Antares) [Leader: SEES] 5. María Cecilia Filipello, Universidad de Buenos Aires, [email protected] (Collaborator - Socioeconomic - Ocean governance component-Project IAI-Antares) [SEES] 6. Isabela Sánchez Vargas, IIEP- Universidad de Buenos Aires, [email protected] (Collaborator - Socioeconomic analysis & Environmental economics component-Project IAI-Antares) [SEES] 7. Ana Dogliotti, Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (IAFE-CONICET), Argentina, [email protected] (Collaborator - Satellite component-Project IAI-Antares) [Sat] 8. Martín Saraceno, Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires (CIMA-CONICET-UBA); Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y de los Océanos, Universidad de Buenos Aires (DCAO-UBA), Argentina, [email protected] (Collaborator - Satellite component-Project IAI-Antares) [Sat] 9. Virginia Palastanga, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Servicio de Hidrografía Naval, [email protected] (Collaborator - Modeling component-Project IAI-Antares) [NatMod] 10. Mario Carignan, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), Argentina, [email protected] (Collaborator-Project IAI-Antares) (Nutrients- Antares Station – EPEA) [ISTS] 11. Ricardo Silva, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), Argentina, [email protected] (Collaborator-Project IAI-Antares) (Phytoplankton- Antares Station – EPEA) [ISTS, NatMod] 12. Valeria Segura, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), Argentina, [email protected] (Collaborator-Project IAI-Antares) (Primary Production- Antares Station – EPEA) [ISTS] 13. Guillermina Ruiz, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina, [email protected] (Collaborator-Project IAI- Antares) (Bio-optics- Antares Station – EPEA) [ISTS] 14. Carla Berghoff, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), Argentina, [email protected] (Collaborator-Project IAI-Antares) (Carbonate System- Antares Station – EPEA) [ISTS] 15. Ezequiel Cozzolino, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), Argentina, [email protected] (Collaborator-Project IAI-Antares) (Collaborator - Satellite component-Project IAI-Antares) [Sat] 16. Blas Amato Uriburu, PIRNA (Programa de Investigaciones en Recursos Naturales y Ambiente), Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, [email protected], (Collaborator- Social Analysis-Project IAI-Antares). [SEES] Brazil 17. Milton Kampel, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil, [email protected] (PI-Project IAI-Antares) (Antares Station PI – Ubatuba) (Satellite component-Project IAI-Antares) [Sat] 18. Alexander Turra, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Instituto Oceanográfico (IO-USP), Brazil, [email protected] (CoPI-Project IAI-Antares) (Ecosystem services / Ocean governance / Ecological economics / Environmental economics component-Project IAI-Antares) [SEES] 19. Paulo Sinisgalli, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades (EACH-USP), Brazil, [email protected] (CoPI-Project IAI-Antares) (Ecosystem services / Ocean governance / Ecological economics / Environmental economics component-Project IAI-Antares) [SEES] 20. Pedro Roberto Jacobi, Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Educação (FE- USP), [email protected] (CoPI-Project IAI-Antares) (Ecosystem services / Ocean governance / Ecological economics / Environmental economics component-Project IAI-Antares) [SEES] 21. Salvador Gaeta, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Instituto Oceanográfico (IO-USP), Brazil, [email protected] (Collaborator-Project IAI-Antares) (Antares Station PI – Ubatuba) [ISTS]


22. Mayza Pompeu, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Instituto Oceanográfico (IO-USP), Brazil, [email protected] (Collaborator-Project IAI-Antares) (Field work, laboratory Antares Station – Ubatuba) [ISTS] 23. Natalia de Moraes Ruddorf, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil, [email protected] (Collaborator- Satellite component-Project IAI- Antares) [Sat] 24. Gabriel Moiano, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil, [email protected] (Collaborator- In situ data-base - Project IAI-Antares) [ISTS] 25. Wander Ferreira, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil, [email protected] (Collaborator- Antares Web -Project IAI-Antares) 26. Caroline Cichoski, Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Energia e ambiente (IEE- PROCAM/USP), [email protected] (Collaborator-Project IAI-Antares) (Ecosystem services / Ocean governance / Ecological economics / Environmental economics component) [SEES] 27. Iuri Amazonas, Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Energia e Ambiente (IEE- PROCAM/USP), [email protected] (Collaborator-Tur-Project IAI-Antares) (Collaborator-Project IAI-Antares) (Ecosystem services / Ocean governance / Ecological economics / Environmental economics component) [SEES] 28. Pablo Sosa, Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Energia e Ambiente (IEE- PROCAM/USP), [email protected] (Collaborator-Project IAI-Antares) (Ecosystem services / Ecological economics / Environmental economics component). [SEES] 29. Bruno Meirelles, Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Energia e Ambiente (IEE- PROCAM/USP), [email protected] (Collaborator-Project IAI-Antares) (Ecosystem services / Ocean governance / Ecological economics / Environmental economics component) [SEES] Chile 30. Rubén Escribano, Departamento de Oceanografía, Universidad de Concepción (IMO- UdeC), Chile, [email protected] (CoPI-Project IAI-Antares) (Antares Station PI – Concepción) [Leader: ISTS] 31. Carmen Morales, Departamento de Oceanografía, Universidad de Concepción (IMO- UdeC), Chile, [email protected] (Collaborator- Plankton dynamics- Antares Station– Concepción Project IAI-Antares) [ISTS] Colombia 32. Mary Luz Cañón-Páez, Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas del Caribe (CIOH), Colombia, [email protected] (Collaborator - Project IAI- Antares) (Antares Station Co-PI – Cartagena) [ISTS] 33. Liseth Arregoces, Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas del Caribe (CIOH), Colombia, [email protected] (Collaborator- Field work Antares Station– Cartagena - Project IAI-Antares) [ISTS]


Ecuador 34. María Elena Tapia, Armada del Ecuador, Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada (INOCAR), Ecuador, [email protected] (Collaborator - Project IAI-Antares) (Antares Station PI – La Libertad/Manta) [ISTS] 35. Christian Manuel Naranjo Padilla, Armada del Ecuador, Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada (INOCAR), Ecuador, [email protected] (Collaborator - Project IAI-Antares) (Antares Station PI – La Libertad/Manta) [ISTS] Mexico 36. Eduardo Santamaría-del Ángel (Antares Coordinator), Facultad de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (FCM-UABC), Mexico, [email protected] (CoPI-Project IAI-Antares) (Antares Station PI – Ensenada) (Satellite component-Project IAI-Antares) [ISTS] 37. Roberto Millán-Núñez, Facultad de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (FCM-UABC), Mexico, [email protected] (CoPI-Project IAI- Antares) (Pigments analysis component-Project IAI-Antares) [ISTS] 38. Sergio Cerdeira-Estrada, Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO), Mexico, [email protected] (Collaborator - Project IAI-Antares) (Satellite component-Project IAI-Antares) [Leader: Sat] 39. Adriana González-Silvera, Facultad de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (FCM-UABC), Mexico, [email protected] (Collaborator – Bio-optics - Ensenada Station - Project IAI-Antares) [ISTS] 40. Ramon Cajal-Medrano, Facultad de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (FCM-UABC), Mexico, rcajal (Collaborator – Nutrients- Ensenada Station - Project IAI-Antares) [ISTS] 41. Omar Cervantes, Facultad de Ciencias Marinas (FACIMAR),Universidad de Colima, Mexico, [email protected] (Collaborator – Ecosystem services / Ocean governance / Ecological economics / Environmental economics component-Project IAI-Antares) [SEES] Peru 42. Jesus Ledesma, Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE), Peru, [email protected] (CoPI-Project IAI-Antares) (Antares Station PI – IMARPE) [ISTS] 43. Luis Escudero Herrera, Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE), Peru, [email protected] (CoPI-Project IAI-Antares) (Antares Station PI – IMARPE) [Sat] USA 44. Robert Frouin, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California-San Diego (SIO-UCSD), USA, [email protected] (CoPI-Project IAI-Antares) (Satellite component-Project IAI-Antares) (Modeling component-Project IAI-Antares) [Leader: NatMod; Sat] Venezuela 45. Yrene M. Astor, Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales, Estación de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA), Venezuela,


[email protected] (CoPI-Project IAI-Antares) (Antares Station PI – Cariaco) [ISTS] 46. Ramon Varela, Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales, Estación de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA), Venezuela, [email protected] (Collaborator- Antares Station – Cariaco Project IAI- Antares) [ISTS] 47. Jaimie Rojas, Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales, Estación de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA), Venezuela, [email protected] (Collaborator- Antares Station – Cariaco Project IAI-Antares) [ISTS]

48. Shubha Sathyendranath, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK, [email protected] (Collaborator-Advisor Antares Network - Project IAI- Antares)

Project funding

Complementary Funds 2015 Donor name Recipient institution / PI Amount INIDEP and PNA funds for INIDEP / Vivian Lutz 15,000.00 USD cruises PIDDEF (Ministry of Defense) INIDEP / Vivian Lutz 4,000.00 USD CONICET International INIDEP / Vivian Lutz 5,000.00 USD Cooperation linked to IAI- CRN3094 National Science Foundation CARIACO / Yrene Astor 103,906.00 USD Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y CARIACO / Yrene Astor 68,280.00 USD Tecnología Chilean National Comission for University of Concepción / 25,000.00 USD Science and Technology Ruben Escribano (CONICYT-Chile) ICM (MInistry of Economy) Univ. Concepción- Instituto 15,000.00 USD Milenio de Oceanografía / Ruben Escribano

CNPq schoolarship to MIMES USP / Alexander Turra- 10,000.00 USD training course Paulo Sinisgalli FUNCATE-PETROBRAS INPE / Milton Kampel 25,000.00 USD IMARPE IMARPE / L.Escudero- 20,000.00 USD J.Ledesma Total 291,186.00 USD


Research Activities and Findings

Long Term Goals

Our overarching long term goal is to understand the impact that changes in the ocean may have especially in regulating and supporting ecosystem services provided by phytoplankton and to investigate the connection of these ecosystem services with the human populations in the coastal areas of the Antares network sites (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico and Venezuela). In addition, we intend to understand the functioning of the different local systems, including how they are connected at a regional scale.


The primary goals of this study are: 1. Evaluate the main temporal trend in changes in phytoplankton biomass and composition at each region and the main environmental variables. 2. Identify and assess ecosystem services associated with phytoplankton and the influence of natural and man- made (climate change-local) drivers. 3. Characterize the linkages between trends in phytoplankton ecosystem services via economic activities such as fisheries, and key services as carbon uptake and nutrient cycling. 4. Generate integrated Socioeconomic and Natural Science assessment methods to better understand and communicate the dynamics of ecosystem services and their policy implications.


Our approach to achieving the above objectives consists of the following components: 1. Integrate data on phytoplankton and oceanographic variables regulating their growth collected at eight time-series stations around Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico and Venezuela). Historical in situ observations together with remote sensing information will be used to investigate the state and trend of changes in phytoplankton populations and the oceanographic environment. 2. Complement these studies by modeling tasks aimed at understanding the functioning of the different local systems. 3. Focus on some (unexplored) linkages between the natural and socioeconomic systems: the channels through which phytoplankton ecosystem services are related and contribute to the socioeconomic system and how global change is affecting them. Exploring these relationships will be the main contribution of the project with regard to its multidisciplinary objective.


Work Completed

NOTE: During the second virtual meeting (May 2015) it was decided to organize the work into 4 different Working Groups by subject rather than by countries or institutes. These groups are:  In situ Time Series [ISTS]  Satellite [Sat]  Natural Modelling [NatMod]  Socio-economic/Ecosystem Services [SEES] The participants and the leaders of each group are marked in the list at the beginning of the report (item 1). The organization of this report was done taking into account advances from these groups.

Working Group “In situ Time Series”

In situ sampling work

Sampling at the different Antares time-series stations is being carried on, even though some local constraints related to ship availability and weather conditions can cause some delays. This activity is very costly, and funding is provided by other sources, local and/or regional. During 2015, a total of 40 sampling cruises were accomplished. The dates of cruises accomplished during 2015 at each one of these time-series-stations are given below.

Station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ENSENADA 10 EPEA 10 28 16 CARIACO 15 10 14 29 18 9 UBATUBA 22 24 18 7 13 17 28 19 23 CARTAGENA 26 19 25 16 IMARPE 23 23 11 22 CONCEPCIÓN 27 3 23 4 7-28 MANTA LA LIBERTAD 5 5 9 7 7 4 8 5 -INOCAR

Notes: Ubatuba: At the Ubatuba ANTARES station (Brazil) we made 9 collections at each month during 2015 so far (January-September). All samples have been analyzed for fluorimetric chlorophyll a concentration at IOUSP. Physical-chemical data and satellite imagery have also been gathered in our data base to be integrated in the ANTARES network and IAI project. We also have planned data collections in October, November and December, 2015. CARIACO: By 2015, we have made so far 223 core cruises to the CARIACO Time-series station since November 1995 to September 2015. During the period 2014-2015, we continued doing the CARIACO time-series measurements on monthly observations at 10° 30’ N, 64° 40' W at the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela; however, major malfunctions of the ship make us stop the operations on January and between May and July 2015. The sampling restarted on July 29th when cruise # 221 was made. During the period covered by this report, a total of nine core cruises were made. During the core cruises, monthly measurements of temperature, salinity,

7 dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, pressure and light attenuation were made using a CTD SeaBird model 25 SBE with sensors for each one of the parameters. Discrete samples were taken with a rosette sampler for analysis of: chlorophyll a and pheopigments (Holm-Hansen et al., 1965), nutrients (autoanalyzer), phytoplankton taxonomy, and pigments composition (HPLC). Taxonomic observations were made by Dr. Luis Troccoli and Rafael Diaz at the Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela using an inverted light microscope, with Utermöhl technique (Hasle, 1978) using 100 ml sedimentation chambers with a settling time of 48 h. Optical measurements were limited since the PRR unit was damage and the Spectrascan equipment failed to work in several occasions. Ensenada: By 2015, we have made so far 38 samplings from May 2007 to September 2015. During the period 2014-2015, we sampled the time series station (31.75oN and 116.96oW ) in six occasions, being only one in 2015 because of problems with the ship. Water samples were taken with GoFlo bottles from surface to around 60 m depth and Secchi disc readings were used for calculation of the attenuation coefficient for the downwelling irradiance (Kd). Just after collection, 50 mL of water was filtered through 25 mm GF/F filters and the filtrate was stored in ice until arriving to laboratory. In laboratory samples were stored in freezer until analysis of inorganic nutrients (NO3+NO2, H4SiO4 and PO4) using a Skalar autoanalyzer (Armstrong et al., 1967).The remaining water from each depth was immediately stored in Nalgene Large Amber Polypopylene bottles (Thermo Scientific) in a shaded place in the ship until arriving the laboratory (2 to 3 hs). The degradation of samples was previously tested and no significant degradation results from the transportation. When arriving at the laboratory 2 liters of seawater was filtered using positive pressure through 25 mm GF/F filters, which were stored folded in half inside aluminum foil and in liquid nitrogen until analysis of phytoplankton pigments using HPLC. EPEA: At the EPEA station, sampling continues to be severely affected by a strike of the crew members at INIDEP (from April 2014 still going on today October 2015). Fortunately, thanks to the valuable collaboration of the ‘Prefectura Naval Argentina’ (Coast Guard) three cruises were performed on the motor-sailing ship “Dr. Bernardo Houssay” (former “Atlantis” of Woods Hole). The subject of ocean acidification (i.e., the dynamics of the carbonate system) is being studied by Carla Berghoff (researcher hired by INIDEP) with the purpose of incorporating these measurements at the EPEA station as part of a CONICET-IAI project (see proposal at: crn3094.pdf ; and Report of the first year; Appendix-2). Carla has acquired the theoretical background to tackle this relevant and complex subject, and she had the opportunity to perform preliminary sample analysis in collaboration with the group of A. Bianchi (SHN). She had the opportunity to carry out training on measurements of pH and total alkalinity at EDIMAR (Margarita, Venezuela) under the guidance of Yrene Astor and Jaimie Rojas from the CARIACO time series (see Appendix-1). Concepción: There were a few gaps in monthly sampling because the research vessel was under maintenance during the first half of 2015. A total number of 5 samplings have been carried out and the remaining months of 2015 should be sampled as projected. Hydrographic casts, biological measurements and samples, as well as processes for nutrient recycling and gases exchanges have been obtained and studied. All Stations: All samples collected have been already analyzed at each laboratory. These activities require time, effort and trained personnel; in most cases graduate students who are fully involved in the project (see list at the beginning).



For this “In situ Time Series” group the main objective has been improving and making more effective the interaction among researchers directly involved in data acquisition and management from each of the ANTARES time series. This “In situ TS” working group became organized and started to take actions by May 2015. Rubén Escribano from the Concepción time-series in Chile accepted to coordinate this working group with the invaluable help of Evelyn Bustos, a student hired by this IAI project, the rest of the members are all the Co-PIs and collaborators of the project directly linked to the field work in the time- series stations (see the names with [ISTS] in the list of point 1). A priority task for the group was to compile existing oceanographic data from all the time series and organize a data base. Main tasks of the “In situ TS” -Develop a unique data base to integrate the oceanographic data. -Develop initiatives for improving data acquisition, processing and standarization across time series.

Working Group “Satellite”

Antares Webpage. The whole package to handle the Antares web page, where the remote sensing information is going to be shown, was transferred to CONABIO. Nevertheless, there was no possibility to have a webmaster at this institution. Recently a programmer at INPE (Brazil), Wander Ferreira was assigned to work as Webmaster. He already worked in an update of the site. The website will be constantly updated.

Project Webpage. A dedicated webpage was developed to post relevant documents and information from this IAI-CRN3094 project ( This site was created by Ezequiel Cozzolino (INIDEP, Argentina) using a free of cost platform. Ezequiel will be the Webmaster of this site. It includes among other information: the proposal of this project, the minutes of the Workshops (the ones in person, and the virtual ones), the study plans of students having fellowships under this project; as well as information on related projects and relevant links.

Processing and distribution of satellite information. The process of re-establishing the system of processing and distribution of satellite information that Antares had previously is divided into four main phases:  Phase 1 - Data transfer from USF to CONABIO. 300GB of disk space is required to host existing data. A periodic synchronization is scheduled for the time considered necessary.  Phase 2 – Interface and webpage. A server capable of running apache, php and drupal is required for taking this task.  Phase 3 – Data processing. A dedicated server is required for performing this task, in communication with the data storage server. Additional software – JAVA, should be installed in the processing server and in the storage server. MySQL should be running in the storage server.  Phase 4 - Definition of new areas for data processing. Once the transfer is completed processing will proceed to update the different areas and / or add new areas, according to common interests. Phase 1 is ongoing. We expect to finish Phase 4 at the end of 2015.


Working Group “Natural Science Modelling”

The group is leaded by Robert Frouin (SIO, USA) main responsible for the large-scale NEMO model, Virginia Palastanga (CONICET/SHN, Argentina) main responsible for the ROMS 1D model, as well as: V. Lutz, R. Negri and R. Silva (INIDEP, Argentina) who contribute in the interpretation of the results. Objectives and approach. Coupled physical-biological models provide valuable information on ecosystem functioning, integrating the components (variables) and processes (rates) that occur within it. Models are developed to predict a number of variables (e.g., concentrations of nutrients, phytoplankton, zooplankton); they use fix values for the rates predicting the fluxes among these variables (e.g., photosynthesis, grazing, etc..); and they make assumptions about ‘expected behaviors’ (i.e., there is no phytoplankton below the mixed layer). Out of necessity a model has to involve a reduced number of variables, otherwise it would be too complex and susceptible to large errors. Initial values of one or more central variables are taken from what is known to be reasonable for a certain place and time (field measurements). In the same way assumptions are made about the rates (estimated in the field) in different spatial and temporal situations; this is mainly because there are fewer field or laboratory estimations of rates. We have to be aware of the limitations, which may be due to the occurrence of values for the variables or rates outside the prescribed range, to the effect of factors (variables and rates) not included in the model, or to the invalidity of some of the assumptions (constraints in the model). Local. A 1D model will be implemented to investigate the dynamics of nutrient cycling and phytoplankton growth, first for the EPEA station, and in a second phase, for the CARIACO station. The biogeochemical model outputs will then be analyzed in conjunction with remote sensing data and relevant fisheries data to identify ecosystem indices. Large scale. A 3D model will be run to examine the local/regional ocean response to atmospheric phenomena in the context of the broader, basin-scale circulation. The focus will be on nano-phytoplankton, diatoms, and micro- and meso-zooplankton abundances, primary production rates, PCO2, and alkalinity. Seasonal and inter-annual variability in these predicted variables will be documented and contrasted for the ANTARES regions, analyzed as a function of various factors (e.g., mixed layer depth, nutrients, solar irradiance, horizontal advection), and related to climate change indices (Southern Oscillation Index, Southern Annular Mode Index, etc.). Emission scenario experiments will also be performed to investigate the impact of future climate change.

ROMS/NPZD local modeling Model Description. A one-dimensional (1D) configuration of the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) was implemented for the Antares time-series EPEA off the coast of Argentina. ROMS is a free-surface, hydrostatic, eddy-resolving primitive equation ocean model that uses stretched, terrain-following coordinates in the vertical (Haidvogel et al., 2000; Shchepetkin & McWilliams, 2005). The domain is centered at 38.5S, 57.5W, with a water depth of 46 m. The model has 20 vertical leveles with vertically varying grid-spacing. The physical model is coupled to a Nitrogen-Phytoplankton-Zooplankton-Detritus (NPZD) model that uses nitrogen as the master currency (Fennel et al., 2006). The biogeochemical module includes a total of 12 variables: nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4), chlorophyll (Chl-a), one phytoplankton group (P), one zooplankton group (Z), small and large detritus of nitrogen and carbon, dissolved oxygen (O2), total dissolved inorganic carbon, and alkalinity. In addition, the model predicts the rates of new and regenerated primary production, surface pCO2, and air-sea CO2 fluxes.


Input/Forcing. Initial conditions for all physical and biological variables were derived from in situ historical data or, alternatively, set to relatively small concentrations. Parameter values to force the NPZD model were initially set as in the ROMS default case and some were adjusted by initial tuning and optimization. The model was forced by the daily-averaged surface wind stress and net heat flux derived from the ERA-Interim Reanalyses ( at the nearest grid point to EPEA. The net downward heat flux in the model was calculated according to the formulation of Barnier (1999) to account for possible biases in the model SST. For the incident light at the surface, we used the daily-avergaed net solar radiation from ERA-Interim modulated by an analytical diurnal cycle. In the present configuration, salinity variations were not considered. External inputs of nutrients (by rivers or the atmosphere) were also neglected. Numerical Experiments. As a first test of the model, a series of model runs of variable time periods (from 2 up to 12 years) were performed over the time range 1999-2011. All model simulations start from winter conditions (e.g. 1st July 1999), thus, from homogenous vertical profiles for all the variables. The model reaches quickly an energetic equilibrium, therefore, the initial 2-3 months of the simulations allow for sufficient time for the model to spin up.

NEMO/PISCES large-scale modeling Model Description. We use the ORCA2_LIM2_PISCES configuration of the NEMOGCM (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean), a global ocean modeling framework which is composed of an ocean model ORCA2, coupled to an ice model LIM2, and a biogeochemichal model PISCES (Madec et al., 1998; Madec, 2008; Ocean model. ORCA2 is a primitive equation model adapted to regional and global ocean circulation problems. The distribution of variables is a three-dimensional Arakawa C-type grid. In the ORCA2_LIM2_PISCES configuration, the model domain extends from 78S to 90N. The model uses a global tripolar orthogonal curvilinear grid with 2 deg zonal resolution and a meridional resolution varying from 0.5 at the equator to 2 cos(phi) south of 20S. The horizontal grid features two points of convergence in the Northern Hemisphere, both situated on continents to overcome the North Pole singularity found for geographical meshes, thus avoids singularity point inside the computational domain (Madec and Imbard, 1996), and attains the ratio of anisotropy nearly one everywhere. Minimum resolution in high latitudes is about 65 km in the Arctic and 50 km in the Antarctic (Timmermann et al, 2005). In the vertical direction, the model uses a full or partial step z-coordinate, or s-coordinate. There are 31 levels, with 10 levels in the top 100m and partial steps in the lowest level. The vertical mesh is deduced from a mathematical function of z (Madec and Imbard, 1996). Bottom topography and coastlines are derived from the ETOPO5 dataset and Smith and Sandwell (1997). In the ORCA2_LIM2_PISCES configuration, lateral tracer mixing is done along isopycnals. Eddy induced tracer advection is parameterized following Gent and McWilliams (1990). Horizontal momentum is mixed along model level surfaces using the eddy viscosity coefficients varying with latitude, longitude and depth. Vertical eddy diffusivity and viscosity coefficients are calculated using a 1.5 order turbulent kinetic energy model (Gaspar et al., 1990). Zero fluxes of heat and salt and no-slip conditions are applied through lateral solid boundaries. At the bottom boundary, zero fluxes of heat and salt are applied through the ocean bottom. Among the process methods treating the penetrative solar radiation available in NEMO arethe "bio-model" light penetration method and the "RGB" light penetration method. For the calculation of the phytoplankton light limitation as well as the oceanic heating rate due to the penetrative solar radiation, both methods use a polychromatic (3-waveband) model called


"RGB (Red-Green-Blue) model." It is a simplified version of the 61-waveband model proposed by Morel (1988) in which light absorption in the ocean is dependent of the particle concentration and is spectrally selective. The solar radiation in the wavelength range longer than 700 nm is strongly absorbed and contributes to heating the top few centimeters of the ocean. On the other hand, the solar radiation in shorter wavelenghts (400-700nm) propagates to deeper depths and contributes to local heating below the surface. Sea-ice model. Within NEMO, the ocean is interfaced with the interactive sea-ice model LIM2 (Louvain-la-Neuve sea ice model) (Fichefet and Morales-Maqueda, 1997; Timmermann, et al, 2005). LIM2 is a C-grid dynamic-thermodynamic model that includes the representation of the subgrid-scale distributions of five-category sea ice thickness, enthalpy, salinity and age. Brine entrapment and drainage as well as brine impact on ice thermodynamics and a snow ice formation scheme are explicitly included (Vancoppenolle, et al, 2009a; Vancoppenolle, et al, 2009b). Biogeochemical model. The NEMO modeling framework includes PISCES based on the Hamburg Ocean Carbon Cycle 5 (HAMOCC5) model (Aumont et al., 2003; Aumont and Bopp, 2006). PISCES is a biogeochemical model which simulates the marine biological productivity that describes the biogeochemical cycles of carbon and of the main nutrients (P, N, Si, Fe). PISCES assumes a constant Redfield ratio and phytoplankton growth is directly limited by the external availability in nutrients (Monod, 1942) so that the elemental ratios of Fe, Si and Chlorophyll (Chl) are prognostically predicted based on external concentrations of the limiting nutrients. PISCES has currently 24 compartments. These are five modeled limiting nutrients for phytoplankton growth: Nitrate and Ammonium, Phosphate, Silicate and Iron. Phosphate and Nitrate+Ammonium are not really independent nutrients in PISCES since they are linked by constant Redfield ratios but the nitrogen pool undergoes nitrogen fixation and denitrification. Four living compartments are represented: two phytoplankton size-classes/groups (nanophytplankton and diatoms) and two zooplankton size classes (microzooplankton and mesozooplankton). For phytoplankton, prognostic variables are total biomass, the iron, chlorophyll and silicon contents. This means that the Fe/C, Chl/C and Si/C ratios of both phytoplankton groups are fully predicted by the model. For zooplankton, only the total biomass is modeled. For all species, the O/C/N/P ratios are kept constant and are not allowed to vary. Input/forcing. Atmospheric external forcing fields. NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset for 1958- 2007. We use the CORE.2 Global Air-Sea Flux dataset (Large and Yeager, 2004) available from The CORE.2 dataset consists of 8 variables used for interannual forcing: -6-hourly wind velocity components at 10m above the surface -6-hourly potential temperature at 2m above the surface -6-hourly specific humidity at 2m above the surface -daily solar and infra-red downwelling radiation at the surface -monthly total precipitation and snow falling rates. Biogeochemical data. We use various initial biogeochemical datasets described in Aumont and Bopp (2006). Biogeochemical datasets includes parameters such as Alkaline (Alk), Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC), Nutrients (NO3, PO4, Si, Fe, NH4), Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and O2. Numerical experiments. One pass through the 1958-2007 forcing with the CORE.2 dataset is used as a spinup for the simulations beginning at 01Jan1958. In this "spin-up" run, the ocean is initially at rest with temperature and salinity set to January climatological values of Levitus (1982). In the Arctic and Southern Oceans, initial mean sea ice thickness of 3.5 m is imposed in regions with a sea surface temperature below 0 C. An initial ice concentration of


0.95 are also assumed (Vancoppenolle, et al, 2009a). Initial biogeochemical parameters are also set following Aumont and Bopp (2006). From this initial state, the ORCA2_LIM2_PISCES configuration of NEMO is integrated for 50 years with Newtonian restoring terms for sea surface salinity only. For the ocean surface forcing, the CORE bulk formula is used with the 50-year CORE.2 dataset. For the initial conditions at 01Jan1958 in the 50-year 1958-2007 experiment, the restart conditions at the end of 2007 in the spinup run are used that include restart conditions of biogeochemical parameters and the model was forced with the 50-year CORE.2 dataset. The model results for the 40-year period 1968-2007 of this experiment are used for analysis.

Working Group “Socio-economic / Ecosystem Services”

The group includes fellows from two institutions in Brazil and Argentina: USP and FCE- UBA, as well as a representative from the University of Colima (Mexico).

During the period 1 October 2014-30 Sept 2015, a selection process was initiated (after contractual arrangements with FUNDEP were fully completed, funding was available, and incorporation of students was approved by the universities) to complete the team of collaborators and participants (students) at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil and at University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This process resulted in the incorporation of Pablo Sosa in July 2015 and Bruno Meirelles in August 2015 at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil as well as graduate students Isabela Sanchez Vargas and Maria Cecilia Filipello in June 2015 at IIEP, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

As a result, the group composition is as follows: USP Team: Alexander Turra, Paulo Sinisgalli, Pedro Roberto Jacobi, Caroline Cichosky, Iuri Amazonas, Pablo Sosa, Bruno Meirelles. FCE-UBA Team (UBATEC): Martina Chidiak, Ignacio Carciofi, Isabela Sanchez Vargas, Maria Cecilia Filipello. Universidad de Colima: Omar Cervantes.

Research activities and methodological approach

The approach and modalities of the socioeconomic analysis related to ecosystem services - involving not only the socioeconomic team but also other project participants from the Natural Science component- was further developed during the reporting period. Each of the two socioeconomic and ecosystem services research teams in Brazil and Argentina discussed and developed its own focus and methodology, and further to that, a number of group discussions aimed at building an interdisciplinary approach and a common language to discuss results were initiated, through different means: virtual meetings of the whole project team (initiated in April 2015), virtual meetings of the socioeconomic studies and ecosystem services subgroup (initiated in August 2015 ) and one subgroup meeting held in Sao Paulo on 17-18 December 2014. The minutes of the Sao Paulo workshop 2014; of the virtual workshops including all project participants; and the group virtual meetings (skype) are available on the project webpage ( Very early in the discussion process it was recognized that developing the interdisciplinary analysis along with the natural component and the socioeconomic and ecosystem services analysis posed a challenge. This involves developing different efforts and requires initiating

13 and giving pace to a process of encompassing activities: understanding new phenomena, creating new methodologies for the analysis and advancing studies in many disciplinary and interdisciplinary fronts at the same time. To describe this challenge, the team has created its own image or metaphor: playing music on an Argentine bandoneon. In order to play the bandoneon, each hand has to hold the instrument and play the right keys (in our metaphor, each hand represents natural and socioeconomic tools). Clearly, the most interesting sounds come not only from both holding and playing the keys properly in each hand but, most interestingly from generating the right movement to let the air flow through the middle part of the instrument (the bellows). Getting the right movement depends on how both hands work together. That middle part represents the interdisciplinary or joint analysis efforts. Its success relies not only on the joint work (coordinated movement of both hands in our image), but also it demands that proper research is conducted under each disciplinary avenue (the right grip, movement and key playing in each hand, in our image) We need to complete and advance our knowledge in each of our disciplines or approaches but also to construct together towards the "middle ground" through interdisciplinary efforts. And all these efforts are to move forward at the same time. Using this image may help better understand and identify the components and the inter- relation of the different parts of our approach: 1. The team needs to broaden and deepen the "pure" socioeconomic understanding of social and economic impacts (e.g. benefits) derived directly or indirectly from phytoplankton ecosystem services. This is a topic hardly covered in usual socioeconomic studies. Each of the two teams (USP and FCE-UBA) approaches this issue with its own tools and perspectives. 2. Data gathering and analysis within the natural component and the subgroups analyzing socioeconomic issues and ecosystem services also has to be deepened and completed (e.g. to identify relevant stake holders and ecosystem services, to evaluate how the flow of ecosystem services from phytoplankton has been changing over time in different stations/areas, to identify the right indicators to assess socioeconomic impacts). 3. The research group on socioeconomic and ecosystem services and some Co-PIs and participants from the Natural Science Components aim at developing new methodologies for interdisciplinary analysis and to contribute to the task of knowledge creation in the sense of deepening our understanding of a number of inter-related issues in the natural and socioeconomic realms: a) How climate change trends are having or may have an impact on the socioeconomic system due to its influence on phytoplankton ecosystem services. b) How decision-makers perceive these changes, and how they are reacting to them. c) How policymakers and other relevant actors incorporate new information on these impacts in their plans and actions. d) What sort and which sources of scientific information is relevant for decision makers (and whether it is currently provided by the scientific community).

During this reporting period, progress was made on many fronts in these three different parts or aspects. 1) The socioeconomic analysis and ecosystem services research team was completed, and research plans and methodologies were developed for the research involving themes 1) and 3) (b) and (c).


2) The socioeconomic analysis and ecosystem services team has also advanced its literature review and data gathering in order to assess socioeconomic impacts of sectors and activities directly or indirectly related to phytoplankton ecosystem services (fisheries, tourism). 3) Many efforts were made to create a common working language to advance in interdisciplinary methodologies and work, among the subgroups working on Natural Science topics and those working on socioeconomic analysis and ecosystem services. New methodologies and approaches for inter-disciplinary analysis are being discussed both within research groups and amongst them. The need to communicate and coordinate the joint research agenda and priorities is also taking much time during the full team virtual workshops.

In this context, the different groups devoted the largest share of their time and efforts to refine their own disciplinary approach and research (even if the USP team approach is interdisciplinary in itself) and to start the dialogue with the other groups to prepare for interdisciplinary work involving different teams working in the natural and socioeconomic and ecosystem services components. In other words, progress has been uneven in the disciplinary and interdisciplinary fronts, in particular when the interdisciplinary approaches involved the dialogue and joint research development among different teams (in the natural and the socieconomic components). Setting a common agenda, approach and a common language is taking time but nevertheless the team shows increasing interest in joint work and discussion of results (as it can be seen from the minutes of our virtual meetings). Within the socioeconomic and ecosystem services group we have two teams developing different but complementary approaches to the analysis of socioeconomic aspects and policy decision-making related to ecosystem services. Within this group dialogue and discussion is progressing in good terms. As previously mentioned, the teams from Argentina and Brazil started in December 2014 different efforts to exchange insights and results and to learn from each other regarding methodologies, approaches and lessons and also to start constructing joint results from our work. Regarding the interdisciplinary work there was also a first meeting (skype) with Omar Cervantes (Univ. Colima) to discuss his approach to analyze beach preferences by tourists and how they relate to sea water characteristics (e.g., water colour and water quality). A first exchange of views was initiated and this dialogue is bound to continue and collaboration to start through next year.

The specific methodological developments and activities for the two main research teams (institutions) involved in socioeconomic studies and ecosystem services are presented below:

USP Team: Approach and activities

The USP team is interdisciplinary in itself, focusing on methodology development and on a case study of local governance and ecosystem services management in Ubatuba. The researchers are developing and applying a common methodology and case study. The research background proposed by the Brazilian team is based on an ecosystem management approach, considering the multiple factors (social, economic and environmental). This approach allows a better understanding of the interactions among these factors and Ecosystem Services availability and limitations in the study area. This approach considers aspects and impacts not only economic and social but also environmental from the point of view of Ecosystem Services. The ecosystem management approach contributes to understanding the changes in the ocean that could impact some Ecosystem Services (e.g. regulating and supporting) provided by phytoplankton. Besides this allows us to investigate the connection

15 of these ES with the human populations in the coastal area of the Antares site (Ubatuba – São Paulo - Brazil). In short, the USP team is using an integrated and multidisciplinary approach based on Ecosystem Services (ES). A complete description of the methodology and case study (Ubatuba, SP, Brazil) developed by the USP team is attached to this report, as well as the workplan and schedule. In what follows only a brief summary of the main elements and related activities are presented. Regarding the Ubatuba case study, the focus is the relationship between stakeholders, ES and local governance. The complexity and dynamic nature of environmental problems requires decision making systems that have the ability of being flexible, transparent, and also capable of taking into account the whole diversity of views and knowledge regarding those problems. Nevertheless, not all knowledge and values are evenly recognized by all stakeholders. Thus identifying the different views and perceptions is needed in order to understand the development of stakeholders interests, as well as of environmental concerns and related citizenship. The case study analysis follows a methodological approach where three main drivers are recognized: Key Stakeholders, Ecosystem Services (ES) and Modeling. Following this approach, during the reporting period the USP team has developed the methodology and worked in the identification of key stakeholders, identification of ecosystem services and selected the modeling approach.

i-Identification of key stakeholders The relevant stakeholders ' group three subgroups: 1) Those that affect the ecosystem (variables) 2) Those who are directly affected by the variation in the ES, and 3) Those that governing or managing the relationship related to ES and human activities. Such identification is based on the DPSIR (Driving forces-Pressure-States-Impacts- Responses) methodology, widely used to analyze environmental information and problems. This approach believes that human activities exert pressures on the environment and, therefore, affect the quality and quantity of natural resources (in the case of marine Ecosystem Services), or their status; and the responses refer to the decisionmaker's responses to the environmental situation. The purpose of identifying these three groups is to get information flowing amongst them, so that to complement knowledge seeking efforts in a joint construction of a balanced management methods.

ii- Identification of the Ecosystem Services (ES) Ecosystem goods and services are products of structures and processes of the ecosystem through ecosystem functions and that are critical to human well-being (MEA, 2005). The team considers several ES provided by phytoplankton, available in Ubatuba. ES identification followed a method described in Annex XX including the full methodology, based on an analysis of the region's natural, social and economic characteristics. Firstly, the team aimed at and conducted a study of the relevant ecosystem services to consider and their relations with local communities. The study and categorization of ES by De Groot et al (2002) led the way to the development of many scientific analysis on these topics all over the world. It is acknowledged that ES related to the ocean contribute to more than 60% (equivalent to almost US$21 trillion per year measured in 1994 US dollars) of the total economic value of the Biosphere (Costanza et al., 1997). This statement intends to put this issue in the decision-making agenda. In a further study De Groot (2012) showed an average income from coastal zones of $2,384.00/ha/year due to food provision plus $256/ha/year due to recreation. Both of these services will be studied in Ubatuba case.


The marine ES that will be object of the Ubatuba case study and the reasons for their choices are as follows:

Category Good or Service Reason for choice Important fishing region of São Paulo Provision Services 1 Food Provision (Fishing) (important for the region's economy) Gas and climate Atmospheric CO fixing (important for Regulation Services 2 2 regulation global climate change) Cultural Services 3 Leisure and recreation Landscape (important for tourism) Over-arching support Resilience and Production of O (fundamental for the 4 2 services resistance (life support) other services) Table: List of Marine Ecosystem Services object of study in Ubatuba case

iii- Modeling A set of socio-ecological variables and indicators to assess the phytoplankton ES and environmental health will be analyzed by using a model that integrates all these aspects. The team is assessing how to build and apply the Multi-scale Integrated Modeling Ecosystem Service (MIMES) methodology to this case. This method is an innovative approach to model the interactions of coupled human and natural systems (Boumans et al. 2015) that can integrate diverse types of knowledge and data to create alternative scenarios and help decision-making. The output of this approach is a set of scenarios resulting of the impacts of changes in phytoplankton availability. Socio-economic and environmental variables will be included in the model. In this framework, a stakeholder mapping was conducted as a result a number of relevant local decision makers were identified and contacted. These stakeholders are key players in the study: they will receive information from the project; they will discuss questions regarding policymaking and management decisions with researchers and will also play a key part a discussing research questions, information and results. Scenario analysis will be used to discuss ecosystem service impacts. This dialogue between researchers and stakeholders will be continuous and help the researchers co-construct research questions and results with the participation of key actors. This is a major goal of the project.

FCE UBA team: Approach and activities

The UBA team is conducting two different socioeconomic research avenues. Research is carried out at the Political Economy Interdisciplinary Institute (IIEP, UBA-CONICET) The first one follows a more traditional line of applied economic studies to analyze the socioeconomic relevance of one economic sector deeply rooted on phytoplankton ecosystem services (fisheries). The second one is conducting studies on Argentinean structures of (formal and informal) governance in relation with international treaties and regional co- operation instruments related to oceans, ecosystem services and climate change.

a) Fisheries and Climate Change: Socioeconomic impacts (case study in Argentina) The development of this case study, in charge of consultant Ignacio Carciofi with participation of Isabela Sanchez Vargas (Masters Student), involves many steps. Firstly, the definition of a framework or template to analyze the socioeconomic impacts of the fisheries' sector, considering all the relevant aspects. The template elaborated by Ignacio Carciofi is attached in a separate document. It also provides the basic index for a project document (report) on fisheries and climate change to be presented (in draft version) in December 2015. This template provides the basic methodology including the aspects to

17 consider and measure the socioeconomic impacts of any external shock (e.g. due to climate change) in the fisheries' sector. Secondly, a process of selection of indicators was done (e.g. regarding production, exports, value added, employment, income and income distribution and regional development). In addition diferent methods to conduct a first empirical assessment of the socioeconomic relevance of the fisheries' sector were considered in order to provide a baseline to analyze the impact of shocks. These activities are developed by Isabela Sanchez Vargas (Masters Student) under supervision by Ignacio Carciofi and Martina Chidiak. Thirdly, both the template and the empirical assessment are based on a review of the relevant literature (on economic analysis of fisheries' sustainability and policy, socioeconomic analyses of the fisheries' sector and on climate change and fisheries) (elaborated by Ignacio Carciofi in colaboration with Isabela Sanchez Vargas). During the reporting period, the fisheries' and climate change analysis focused on the main fish market in Argentina (Hubbsi Hake market). The activities completed were the following:  Survey and review of the literature (climate change and fisheries, fisheries in Argentina, methodologies to assess socioeconomic impacts of particular sectors in the economy like input-output matrix and indicators).  Identification of the factors that determine the supply and demand of the Hubbsi Hake Market in Argentina.  Identification of the principal methodologies used in empirical studies (on climate change impacts, studies of value chains, sectorial studies).  The process of data gathering and organization for the empirical assessment of socioeconomic relevance of the fisheries' sector in Argentina was initiated.

b) Ocean Governance and ecosystem services from a national perspective (case study in Argentina). This component is developed by Cecilia Filipello, a Masters Student under supervision by Martina Chidiak. The objective is to develop an analysis of governance systems that relate to international treaties and regional cooperation mechanisms on oceans. Once the relevant structures and institutions, actors and policies involved are identified, the research will rely on interviews (field work) to discuss with relevant actors to what extent ocean ecosystem services are included or considered as part of the management plans and policies implemented in relation with the international treaties or regional co-operation mechanisms.

During the reporting period, the FCE-UBA team has developed the methodological framework, drafted the research plans, conducted the literature reviews and started with the process of data gathering and the field work interviews. At the end of the reporting period researchers are conducting interviews and completing the data collection phase. The collected information will allow for the analysis and results in the incoming months. It is expected to have two draft reports or project documents by December 2015 (one for each research line). The thesis documents in final versions are expected to be completed between January and March 2016.

Other common activities

Virtual Workshops Starting in April 2015 virtual plenary workshops, by Skype, were held every first Tuesday of the month at 17:00 GMT. The six virtual meetings carried out counted with the participation of several participants of the project from the different institutes and countries,

18 as many as 24 in some case. Issues concerning the development of the project, organization of the work and updates on advances were discussed. See minutes of these workshops at

Coming in-person Workshop Previous to the COLACMAR on the 18 October 2015, about 15 researchers of the project are going to hold a special workshop to discuss advances and future planning.


Working Group “In situ Time Series”

This group started discussing on data format and usage among all members, and then decided to work with a smaller team, representing each of the time series (see Table). Interaction within this group allowed us to compile a first data base which was decided to be hosted in Google Drive system. This system was chosen because it allows having data visible and available to every member at the same time, as for the individual responsibility of uploading the data. The first task was to discuss and agree the format of this database. Basically, it was designed with “variables” and “parameters” in columns, and samples in rows. The following task was to agree the units in which data was going to be uploaded, which implied that some stations had to recalculate some data. There are still a few gaps that need to be filled, but the data base has been gradually growing in the last 4-5 months. The more complex information, for example variables related to phytoplankton diversity and abundance are still a subject of discussion because some stations have counted total cells, other have data discriminated by size fractions and others consider that it is better to express biomass in terms of carbon bio-volume. Since recalculations are time consuming, this is an important issue to be discussed in person during the coming in person workshop in Santa Marta (October 18). A summary of the compiled data is shown in a Table.

Table. Researchers responsible of the data base organization. ______Time Series Contact / E-mail ______CARIACO Jaimie Rojas / [email protected] CARTAGENA Liseth Arregocés / [email protected] CONCEPCIÓN Evelyn Bustos / [email protected] ENSENADA Adriana González / [email protected] EPEA Guillermina Ruiz / [email protected] IMARPE Jesús Ledesma / [email protected] LA LIBERTAD María Elena Tapia / [email protected] MANTA Christian Naranjo / [email protected] UBATUBA Gabriel Moiano / [email protected] ______


.Table. Summary of metadata of present data compiled from the ANTARES Time Series Network. Cariaco Ensenada Ubatuba Epea Cartagena Imarpe La Manta Concep- Comments Libertad - ción - INOCAR INOCAR Cruise yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes code Number of A total of 1010 cruises around 217 29 88 108 11 31 167 162 197 cruises Latin America. Latitude yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Longitude yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Ensenada should upload data Period of for 2014-2015. Ubatuba should data 1995- 2007- 2004- 2000- 2008- 1995- 2000- 2000- 2002- upload data for 2004-2006. committed onwards onwards onwards onward onwards onwards onwards onwards onwards EPEA should upload data for ------s------2015. Cartagena should upload Period of 2012- 2007- 2006- 2000- 2012- 2012- 2000- 2000- 2002- data for 2008-2012 and 2014- data 2015 2013 2015 2014 2013 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015. IMARPE should uplod uploaded data for 1995-2012. GMT LOCAL To be completed. NE NE NE yes yes yes yes yes Time TIME Total To be completed. NE NE NE yes yes NE NE NE yes depth Sampling Ubatuba should complete this yes yes NE yes yes yes yes yes yes depth information. Indicate whether missing yes yes yes (6 values are NA or are not SST yes ND (3 yes (missing yes yes yes missing) uploaded in to the data base missing) ) yet. Indicate whether missing yes yes yes yes values are definite NA or are NO3 yes ND ND (missin (missing ND ND (missing (missing) not uploaded in to the data g) ) ) base yet. Surface yes yes Irradiance ND ND ND yes ND (missing ND ND (missing (PAR) ) ) Secchi ND ND yes ND ND ND yes yes ND Disc Chloro- yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes phyll a (missing) Only yes Other from yes yes (only a yes yes ND ND ND pigments NANO- few) NASA(¿) Phytoplan To be further discussed. yes ND ND not yet relative % ND not yet not yet ND kton Zeu ND ND NE yes ND ND ND ND ND Zm Yes ND NE not yet ND ND ND ND ND . yes yes (only Salinity yes ND ND ND (missing ND ND yes a few) ) yes Dissolved ND ND ND ND ND (missing ND ND yes oxygen ) ND= No data available, NE= Not specified.


Working Group “Satellite”

Satellite Modelling of Primary and Fish Production. Sustainable use of marine resources requires effective monitoring and management of the world’s fish stocks. Satellite remote sensing of the marine environment has become instrumental in ecology for environmental monitoring and impact assessment, and it is a promising tool for conservation issues (Mumby et al., 2004, Chassot et al., 2011). The availability of global, daily, systematic, high-resolution images obtained from satellites has been a major data source for elucidating the relationships between exploited marine organisms and their habitat (Polovina and Howell, 2005; Dulvy et al., 2009). Remote sensing of ocean color is an ideal tool to assess primary production on a regional and global scale, since it offers good spatial and temporal coverage providing daily estimations of the phytoplankton biomass (as indexed by chlorophyll-a concentration), attenuation coefficient, and photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) (Dogliotti et al., 2014). From an ecological standpoint, primary productivity provides the upper bound for production at higher trophic levels and defines ecosystem carrying capacity, a key factor for the design of marine protected areas. (Friedrichs et al., 2009). This study evaluates the potential productivity of one Antares site region (Ubatuba), South Brazil Bight, using satellite-derived estimates of primary production. The potential productivity values are used to estimate the fish yield based on an idealized food chain. The primary dataset was the chlorophyll concentration (Chl) measured by the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS). Daily images at 1 km resolution were used from the latest reprocessing, which used the OC4v6 algorithm. The Bedford productivity model, in the form of a wavelength integrated model (WIM), spectral and with a non-homogeneous vertical biomass profile, was used to estimated the daily water column primary production by numerical integration of a spectral model. The chlorophyll vertical profile was modeled as a shifted-Gaussian curve, following Platt et al (1994). The direct and diffuse irradiance components at surface were calculated using a spectral irradiance model (Bird, 1984), adapted according to Satyendranath and Platt (1988). -2 The downwelling irradiance I0(,t) (W.m ) at surface, for a given geographic position and Julian day is calculated. The absolute daily water column production is defined by the integral in time and depth: D  PPEU  B(z) (z,,t)ddzdt 0 0 PAR B B B -1 - Where   Pmax (1 exp( ()I(z,,t)/ Pmax is the photosynthesis rate (mgC.(mgChl) .h 1.(nm)-1) as a function of depth (z meters), wavelength  (nm) and time (h); D is the photoperiod (h); B(z) is the biomass (mgChl.m-3); αB() is the photosynthetic action spectrum -1 -2 -1 -1 -2 B (mgC.(mgChl) .(W.m ) .nm ); I0(z,,t) is the available light (W.m ) and Pmax is the assimilation number (mgC.(mgChl)-1.h-1). Platt et al (1988) and Platt et al (1994) showed how a non-uniform profile can be represented by a shifted-Gaussian curve: 2 h (z  Z m ) B(z)  B0  exp[ ]  2 2 2 Where B0 (background constant), h (total biomass at the peak), Zm (chlorophyll maximum depth) and σ (thickness or vertical scale of the peak) are parameters to be determined or assigned to a particular season for which the primary production will be calculated. The annual primary production (gC.m-2.yr-1) was calculated applying the Bedford B B productivity model, and using mean Pmax and  parameters from in situ measurements in the study area obtained in 2001 and 2002. Mean biomass vertical profile parameters were also estimated from in situ measurements. 21

Fish production is estimated from integrated production assuming a simple trophic chain, with a fixed trophic efficiency and an average number of trophic links. The formula proposed by Pauly and Christensen (1995) to estimate primary production necessary to support observed catch data is used together with their value for effciency (10%) and for the average number of trophic links (2.8) for small pelagic fish in tropical regions: FP  PP (EFF )(TL1) Where FP is fish production, PP (gC) is production, EFF is transfer efficiency, and TL is the number of trophic links. This approach implies that the primary production is accessible to the fish both in time and in space. Since this is unlikely, it necessarily provides an upper limit to fish yield. The conversion between carbon to wet weight is a factor of 8, thus leading to a biomass (FB) to compare with landings: FB = 8FP where FB is expressed hereafter in millions of tons (MT). The mean primary production in the South Brazil Bight area is 188 gC.m−2.yr−1, and the potential primary production is 0.03 GtC yr−1. The upper bound for sustainable fish yield was estimated using a food chain of 2.8 links and an average trophic efficiency of 10%. The resulting values are 30-60 times larger than the observed fish catch from 1991 through 2000, according to FAO data (0.08 MT). If this fish yield is an upper bound that will be decreased to 10% or 20% by environmental accessibility, the fishery resources in the South Brazil Bight are likely to be food-limited.

Working Group “Natural Modelling”

ROMS/NPZD local modeling Learning process: During this first year Co-PIs from EPEA (Vivian Lutz, Ruben Negri and Ricardo Silva) got acquainted with the basic literature on NPZD models; especially with the phytoplankton component (see literature list). Through several meetings with Virginia Palastanga, taking advantage of trips to Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata, there were discussions regarding how to better set the model frame and parameters for the EPEA time series. Adjustment of the model: Based on field observations of the variables and rates involved, the initial values of the central variables and the values of key rates; even the parameterization of some of these are varied. Specifically, tests were performed with variable initial conditions 3 for NO3 (range 5 – 10 mmol N/m ) and different values for the maximum phytoplankton growth rate (representing from 0.5 to 1 doublings of the population per day). In addition, the temperature dependence of the phytoplankton growth rate (Eppley, or no temperature dependence) was tested. Sensitivity analysis of the model: Model runs changing the value of one parameter (rate) at a time, increasing and decreasing it in given percentages (i.e. ±50% of a reference value) to evaluate the influence in the final outputs of the model. Up to now tests were performed involving changes in the maximum phytoplankton growth rate, the rates of detritus remineralization and the detritus sinking rates. It is to note that the latter parameters are not well constrained by data in the region. Targeted parameters to continue with the sensitivity analyses are the attenuation coefficient of light by chlorophyll, the carbon to chlorophyll minimum ratio, and the initial slope of the PI curve. Some preliminary results showing changes in the vertical distribution of phytoplankton with season and the interannual variability in phytoplankton growth are presented in Figures 1 and 2. These simulations still need to be validated with in situ data, which will allow a new iteration of adjustment and further improvement. Nevertheless, the thickness of the model mixed layer and chlorophyll concentrations are consistent with observations from EPEA (e.g. 22

Lutz et al., 2006). In particular, the model shows that afer the spring bloom a subsurface chlorophyll maximum persists (below 20 m) and intensifies near the bottom through summer (Figure 1). The time series of surface chlorophyll for the whole period simulated reveals significant interannual variability (Figure 2); still it was observed that this variability changes with the intensity of the bloom (i.e. for different phytoplankton growth rates). Therefore, studying the causes of these interannual changes requires a carefull calibration of the model first.

Figure 1: Vertical profiles of the model predicted temperature (T, in °C), and chlorophyll (Chl-a, in mg/m3), for four days: 30-September, 28-October, 2-February and 30-March.

Figure 2: Time series of surface Chlorophyll (Chl-a, in mg/m3) from the model for the 12 year period 1st July 1999 – 30th June 2011, for three simulations with different phytoplankton growth rate (one duplication per day – black line, 0.75 duplications per day – red line, and 0.5 duplications per day – blue line).

NEMO/PISCES large-scale modeling Figure 3 displays the yearly averaged chlorophyll concentration predicted by the model for the period 1968-2007 around Latin America, due to nano-phytoplankton, diatoms, and total phytoplankton (i.e., nano + diatoms). The chlorophyll biomass is dominated by diatoms in the western coastal regions of and off , and by nano-phytoplankton off the coast of Brazil, in the region of the South Atlantic Equatorial and Brazil currents. In oligotrophic gyres, as expected biomass is small and dominated by nano-phytoplankton. Diatoms are also in abundance in coastal regions affected by the Amazon river and in the region of the Atlantic Counter Equatorial current.


Figure 4 displays the yearly averaged primary production, new production, and PCO2 predicted by the model for the period 1968-2007 around Latin America. Production is relatively high off the west coast of South America and off Patagonia, as well as in the Equatorial Pacific. Most of the production is in the form new production in those regions. Production is relatively low off the coast of Brazil, especially below the equator, and a significant amount of recycling occurs in the region of the South Equatorial current. Despite their high biological production, the upwelling regions of the Pacific (equatorial and coastal) constitute a major source of CO2 for the atmosphere. This is not the case off Patagonia, where biological processes dominate (CO2 sink).

Nano [Chl] Diat om [Chl] Nano + Diat om [Chl]

Figure 3: Yearly averaged NEMO ORCA2/PISCES chlorophyll concentration during 1968-2007. (Left) Nanophytoplankton;Figur e 2: Yearly averag (Middle)ed NEMO Diatoms;ORCA2/PI (Right)SCES ch Total.lorophy ll concentration during 1968-2007. (Left) Nanophytoplankton; (Middle) Diatoms; (Right) Total.

Primary product ion (0- 200m) New product ion (0- 200m) DpCO2

Figure 4: Yearly averaged NEMO ORCA2/PISCES primary production (left), new production Figur e 3: Yearly averaged NEMO ORCA2/PISCES primary production (left), new production (middle) (middle)and and DpCO 2pCO duri2n gduring 1968-2 1968007. - 2007.

Working Group “Socio-Economic & Ecosystem Services”


a) Fisheries and Climate Change

The main results from the research activities carried out so far are:  A basic understanding of the determinants of the supply and demand of Hubbsi Hake in Argentina has been gained, including factors such as: natural resource indicators, regulation, investment (capital goods), infrastructure, employment and labor market,


technology, prices of hubbsi hake and prices of substitutes, income, culture and habits and socioeconomic characteristics.  A survey of studies on the economics of fisheries and fisheries in Argentina was conducted including (Bertolotti et at, 2005; DPN, 2011; FAO, 2014; FVS, 2015; MAGP, 2014) and the studies on production chains (and value added) in the fisheries' sector were also reviewed. This review included Bellu (2013), Bjorndal et al (2014), Briggs et al (1982), CEPAL (2005), Cortes Ortiz et al (2006), De Silva (2011), Kirkley (2009) and Donovan et al (2015).  The main potential impacts of climate change in the fisheries' sector according to the literature have been identified including physical and biological impacts on the marine ecosystem, effects in the ecosystem, socio-economic effects and impacts in the governance. Effects may be regionally heterogeneous and asymmetric. The survey of the literature on climate change impacts on fisheries and socioeconomic impacts was completed. The main references considered include Allison et al (2009), Barsley et al (2013), Bell et al (2007), Brander (2007), Daw et al (2009), Planque et al (2010) and OECD (2010).  Information on basic (socioeconomic) indicators of the fisheries' sector and characteristics (structure of the market, markets and substitutes, etc.) and the regulatory framework has been gathered and analyzed. Macroeconomic variables with an influence on the sector have also been considered. Fisheries data about landings, exports, imports, production, inputs from other economic sectors, employment, income, value added and its functional distribution, have been collected.  Resource data (about hubbsi hake) has been collected and organized: biomass, reproductive biomass, capture, landings (by hake stock, by ship, by port), exports (by destination, by product), prices, etc. This data and the basic sectorial indicators will be assessed to make an empirical evaluation of socioeconomic relevance of the sector.  The most relevant empirical methodologies to analyze socioeconomic impacts of climate shocks have been surveyed and identified: methodologies based on stakeholders (bottom-up), indicators (ex: indicators of vulnerability) and socioeconomic and biophysics models (top-down). Also several methodologies to study production chains and value added had been identified: input-output matrix, value chains, global value chains and commodity chain analysis. A specific approach has been selected to measure the socioeconomic relevance of the fisheries sector (based on indicators of value added, production, exports, share of GDP, employment and incomes, as well as sectorial multiplier estimates).

Table. Summary of data - time series and information compiled for the fisheries and climate change case study (Argentina) Series Reference Estimation of the total biomass available (1) – (3) Acceptable biological catch (2) – (4) Recommended catches (5) Maximum catch established (1); (4) Number of individuals (in thousands) captured by age (3) Average weight by age (kg) estimated from commercial fishing (3) Natural mortality rate and proportion of mature individuals by age for the (3) northern hake Estimate of hake caught incidentally in shrimp fishery in miles and (3) tones. Total annual landings declared (1), (6)-(7) Estimated annual nominal effort (1) – (2)


Catch per unit of effort (3) Total standard effor of the fresh fish fleet (3) Landings by port and fleet (8); (10) (6); (8) Number of vessels (9) Consumer prices of fresh and frozen fish, domestic wholesale prices of (9) fishery products, indicative export prices Declared jobs to the SIJP by the accrual period and average gross pay (9) with supplementary annual salary accrued Cath per vessel (10) Industrial fishery fleet, number of vessels by category (10) Industrial fishery fleet, principal characteristics by category (10) Exports by volume and value, by type of product, by destination (10) Average price of hubbsi hake (USD/kg) (9) Export concentration of exports of hubbsi hake (9) Input-output matrix of Argentina (1997) (11 a) Tables of supply and intermediate use (2004-2012) (11 a) Table of labor input (2004-2013) (12 b) Account of generation of income. (12 c) Series of the Economic National Survey for the fishery sector (2004/05) (11 b) Series of employment and remuneration (13)

(1) Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura (2013). Anexo 2 Información Adicional para el Análisis de Factibilidad Técnica del Proyecto AR-L1159. (2) Own calculations based on the use of the Software Engauge Digitaizer 4.1 - graphic 1 of the page 2 of the Sistema de Indicadores de Desarrollo Sostenible Argentina - Ficha Metodológica, Evolución de biomasa y biomasa reproductiva; Informe de la Auditoría General de la Nación (2011). (3) Technical Reports of the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP)– Argentina. Available in: (4) Resolutions of the Consejo Federal Pesquero (CFP). Available in: (5) Verona, C. (2007). Evolución de la capacidad de pesca de las flotas que operan sobre la merluza en el caladero argentino: causas, intentos de regulación y principales consecuencias. En: Capacidad de pesca y manejo pesquero en América Latina y el Caribe. (6) Ministry of Agriculture (2014). Estadísticas de la Pesca Marina en la Argentina. Evolución de los Desembarques 2008-2013. (7) Official statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture . Available in: (8) Ministry of Agriculture (2014). Estadísticas de la Pesca Marina en la Argentina. Evolución de los Desembarques 2008- 2013. (9) Recent Macroeconomic Development of the Ministry of Agriculture . Available in: (10) Dirección de Economía Pesquera (2015). Comportamiento de la flota en la pesquería de merluza común después de la implementación de la CITC. (11) Official statistics of the Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INDEC) a. b. (12) Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales – INDEC. Available in: a. b. c. (13) Observatorio de Empleo y Dinámica Empresarial – Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social. Available in:


b) Ocean Governance and ES study

According to the schedule included in the work plan (with only minor delays due to difficulties in setting interviews with relevant actors), the first stage of the research project was completed in the first few months of the fellowship. The main results from the research activities carried out so far are:  The review of the literature on ocean governance and climate change governance and documentary records was completed.  The institutional and legal ocean governance frameworks at global, regional and national level were analyzed.  The previous analysis led to the identification and mapping of relevant institutions, agencies and other key stakeholders in Argentina.  The methodology of research was defined as a case study from a national perspective, with semi-structured interviews. The general questionnaire was elaborated and is being tested and revised.  The second stage of the study (field work) is currently in progress. Interviews with relevant actors from public agencies, NGOs and experts are being conducted. After a first series of interviews, which provided a better understanding of Argentina´s position in relation to ocean governance, the interview questions and approach were modified to focus on specific regional cooperation mechanisms and compliance with international treaties  A draft paper, with preliminary results and findings will be presented at the COLACMAR-SENALMAR congress in Colombia, in October 2015.

USP Team

The main results from the research activities carried out are:  Among the initial results is the development of a methodology for Stakeholders identification. This methodology is designed based on the principles DPSIR (Driving forces-Pressure-States-Impacts-Responses) and aims to identify the steakholders based on three groups steakholders 1) Those who Affect the ecosystem (variables) 2) Those who are directly affected by the variation in the ES, and 3) Those governing or managing the relationship related to ES and human. The proposed methodology can be seen in detail in Annex "USP METHODOLOGY AND CASE STUDY".  Considering the methodology described above, the identification of stakeholders was made based on analysis of associative groups in the region and collegiate. The composition of three boards that operate in the management of the region, in a participatory and shared, namely: Watershed Committee of the North Coast of São Paulo, the Management Board of the Environmental Protection Area Marine North Coast and Sector Group of Coastal Management Gerco is shown in detail in Annex "USP METHODOLOGY AND CASE STUDY" This first approach to the associative groups involved in coastal management in the region is critical to the next step, which is to better meet the steakholders and classify them according to the three groups indicated in the methodology.  Besides that, from the results of the work there are informations related to the study area (Ubatuba). The informations that have been raised constitute an important background analysis for the development of research and can be seen in Annex "USP METHODOLOGY AND CASE STUDY".


 In the same way this apply to Ecosystem Services, for which it developed important background information critical to determining the existing (and target of analysis in our project) Ecosystem Services in Ubatuba. Such information may also be observed in Annex "USP METHODOLOGY AND CASE STUDY".

Collaboration to identify synergy areas in the two research teams

During the dialogue between the USP and the FCE-UBA teams it was discussed and defined that methods, results and lessons from the socioeconomic and ecosystem services analysis should be considered and discussed along three main lines or axes: a) Ecosystem services. The USP team has a specific framework and approach to ES. It is defined by the typology defined by De Groot (2002) and MEA (2005). The approach of ecosystem services is more implicit in the case of the UBA team and is an aspect to further refine. b) Governance. Two different levels of governance systems are being considered: (i) at the local level and multiscale level by the USP team, analyzing ecosystem service management and decisionmaking at the local level. (ii) at the federal (national) level by the FCE UBA team, when defining the national level agencies in charge of the implementation of policies and programs related to specific international treaties and regional cooperation mechanisms. Further dialogue will be conducted to discuss interview approaches. In addition, dialogue was initiated to facilitate the contact of UBA researchers with Brazilian actors and stakeholders participating in regional cooperation with Argentina on ocean-related activities. (c) Models and perspectives The approach to socioeconomic impacts of ecosystem services is quite different in the two teams working on socioeconomic analysis and ecosystem services, but they are nevertheless complementary. (i) The USP team has an interdisciplinary approach based on an ecological or systems perspective (akin to an ecological economics perspective that tries to capture all the complexity of ecological systems and the multiple relations with the socioecomic system). The model adopted by the USP team is MIMES (Multiscale Integrated Modeling of Ecosystem Services) that analyzes more than one ecosystem service, multiple variables at different scales and results in diverse scenarios. (ii) The FCE-UBA team follows an approach more akin to the perspectives of Environmental Economics and of the Economics of Natural Resource Management. These perspectives typically choose to stylize the main determinants of resource use and value and select a limited number of indicators and variables to measure as key elements to evaluate socioeconomic impacts. The analysis of socioeconomic impacts of a given shock usually considers a more complex process of impacts within the socioeconomic system through market dynamics (in particular, changes in demand and supply). The resulting indicators or variables measured are usually denominated in monetary units and are thus more easily related to economic indicators (e.g. total GDP, total exports, total employment etc.) than typical physical measures. Deriving results from both perspectives considering different scales, approaches, decision levels, different ecosystem services and a variety of indicators and scenarios will provide a more thorough and robust perspective of socioeconomic impacts of climate change through its effects on ocean ecosystem services.



Here we list the scientific production of Co-PIs and collaborators.


Presentations made at meetings, conferences during 2015. ZOFFOLI, M. L. ; De Moraes Rudorff, Natália ; FREITAS, L. B. ; KAMPEL, M. ; FROUIN, ROBERT J. . PHYTOPLANKTON PHENOLOGY IN TROPICAL ENVIRONMENTS: EXAMPLES ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERN ATLANTIC COAST (BRAZIL). In: Second International Ocean Colour Science Meeting, 2015, San Francisco. Second International Ocean Colour Science Meeting - Book of Abstracts, 2015. RUDORFF, N. M. ; FROUIN, ROBERT J. ; KAMPEL, M. . Particle backscattering coefficient and its relation to biogeochemical properties in the Southern Atlantic and Southeastern Pacific. In: Second International Ocean Colour Science Meeting, 2015, San Francisco. Second International Ocean Colour Science Meeting - Book of Abstracts, 2015. Watanabe, F ; ALCÂNTARA, E.H. ; CURTARELLI, M. ; KAMPEL, M. ; Stech, J. . Empirical model comparison and model tuning for estimating aCDOM in a tropical reservoir in Brazil. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2015, Milan. 2015 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Milan: IEEE, 2015. v. 2015. ALCÂNTARA, E.H. ; CURTARELLI, M. ; OGASHAWARA, I. ; ROSAN, T. M. ; Kampel, Milton ; Stech, J. . Developing QAA-Based retrieval model of total suspended matter concentration in Itumbiara reservoir, Brazil. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2015, Milan. 2015 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Milan: IEEE, 2015. v. 2015. Souto, R.P.; Silva Dias, P.L.; Campos Velho, H.F.; Stephany, S.; Kampel, M. New developments on reconstruction of high resolution chlorophyll-a vertical profiles. Proceedings Series of the Brazilian Society of Computaional and Applied Mathematics, v.3, n.1, 2015. RUDORFF, N. M. ; KAMPEL, M. ; Valério, L. ; OLIVEIRA, M. F. ; CORTIVO, F. D. ; ZOFFOLI, M. L. ; FREITAS, L. R. . Variabilidade espacial dos constituintes bio-ópticos e comparação de produtos de cor do oceano in situ e MODIS-Aqua na plataforma e talude do Espírito Santo (ES). In: XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2015, João Pessoa. Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2015. KAMPEL, M. ; FREITAS, L. B. ; DELCOURT, F. T. ; CORTIVO, F. D. ; Valério, L. ; ZOFFOLI, M. L. ; RUDORFF, N. M. . Caracterização e análise ambiental da Bacia de Santos com base no processamento de campos oceânicos superficiais estimados por satélites. In: XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2015, João Pessoa. Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2015. VALERIO, LARISSA P., KAMPEL, M. , Gaeta, S. A. Análise comparativa da concentração de clorofila-a estimada pelo sensor MODIS-Aqua e medidas in situ no litoral norte de São Paulo: Estação Antares-Ubatuba In: XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2015, João Pessoa. Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto. São José dos Campos: INPE, 2015. v.1. p.5530 – 5537 ALCÂNTARA, ENNER, OGASHAWARA, IGOR, CURTARELLI, M. P., Nascimento, R. F. F., KAMPEL, M. , Stech, J.L. Avaliação do QAA (Quasi-Analytical Algorithm) na estimativa do coeficiente de absorção total (at) da água do reservatório de Itumbiara (GO) In: XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2015, João Pessoa. Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto. São José dos Campos: INPE, 2015. v.1. p.239 – 246 ZOFFOLI, MARIA, KAMPEL, M. , FROUIN, ROBERT Bottom type mapping of the Abrolhos Coral Reef Bank using high resolution WorldView-2 satellite imagery In: XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2015, João Pessoa. Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto. São José dos Campos: INPE, 2015. v.1. p.4247 – 4254 KAMPEL, M. , FREITAS, LUCAS B., DELCOURT, F. T., DALL CORTIVO, FABIO, VALERIO, LARISSA P., Zoffoli, L.M., Rudorff, N.M. Caracterização e análise ambiental da Bacia de Santos


com base no processamento de campos oceânicos superficiais estimados por satélites In: XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2015, João Pessoa. Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto. São José dos Campos: INPE, 2015. v.1. p.3596 – 3603 VALÉRIO, A.M., Kampel, Milton Classificação de habitats pelágicos da costa brasileira In: XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2015, João Pessoa. Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto. São José dos Campos: INPE, 2015. v.1. p.740 - 746 Santos, J.F.C., KAMPEL, M. Comparação da variabilidade da temperatura da superfície do mar estimada pelos sensores remotos AVHRR-NOAA e MODIS-AQUA nas estações da rede Antares In: XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2015, João Pessoa. Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto. São José dos Campos: INPE, 2015. v.1. p.5826 – 5833 Freitas, L. B., BOGGIONE, G. A., Kampel, M. Fusão de bandas MODIS na condição geométrica de sunglint para estudos oceanográficos In: XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2015, João Pessoa. Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto. São José dos Campos: INPE, 2015. v.1. p.3213 - 3220 MACEDO, C. R., LORENZZETTI, JOÃO A., KAMPEL, M. Simulação numérica de imagens SAR da frente termal de superfície da Corrente do Brasil na Bacia de Santos In: XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2015, João Pessoa. Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto. São José dos Campos: INPE, 2015. v.1. p.1738 – 1745 FREITAS, L. R., KAMPEL, M. Variabilidade de frentes térmicas oceânicas observadas por sensoriamento remoto na costa brasileira In: XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2015, João Pessoa. Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto. São José dos Campos: INPE, 2015. v.1. p.3995 – 4002 Sinisgalli, Paulo; Meirelles, Bruno; Carrilho, Cauê; Amazonas, Iuri; Cichosky, Caroline; Sosa, Pablo; Branco, Evandro; Paiva, Renato; Ribeiro, Thiago; Zanetti, Victor and Ambrosio, Luana. How MIMES model can be used to integrated management decision making: a Brazilian coastal zone case. 8th ESP Conference, Capetown, , 9-13 november 2015. Amazonas, I., Cichoski, C., Turra, A., Sinisgalli, P., Jacobi, P, 2015, Public policy and climate change: Is there evidence of the internalization of marine ecosystem services adaptation strategies in Brazil? XVI Seminario Nacional de Ciencias y Tecnologías del Mar, Santa Marta, Colombia, 10/18-22/2015.


Journal Publications McParland E, C,R. Benitez-Nelson, G.T. Taylor, A. Rollings, L. Lorenzoni. 2015. “Cycling of suspended particulate phosphorus in the redoxcline of the Cariaco Basin”. Marine Chemistry. 176. Irwin A.J, Z.V. Finkel, F.E. Muller-Karger, L. Troccoli. 2015. “Phytoplankton adapt to changing ocean environments”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PNAS. 112 (18). Tanhua T., J. Orr., L. Lorenzoni., L. Hansson. “Monitoring Ocean Carbon and Ocean Acidification”. WMO Bulletin. 64 (1): 48-51. Pinckney, J.L., C.R. Benitez-Nelson, R.C.Thunell, F. Muller-Karger, L. Lorenzoni, L. Troccoli, R. Varela. “Phytoplankton community structure and depth distribution changes in the Cariaco Basin between 1996 and 2010”. Deep-Sea Research I. 101:27-37. Varela, R., F. Velásquez, 2015. “El Clima en Punta de Piedras, Isla de Margarita. Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales”. Colección Cuadernos Flasa, serie Ciencia y Tecnología. Nº 14, 162p. Rodriguez-Mora, M.J., M. I. Scranton, G.T. Taylor, A.Y. Chistoserdov. “The dynamics of the bacterial diversity in the redox transition and anoxic zones of the Cariaco Basin assessed by parallel tag sequencing”. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 91, fiv088.


Presentations made at meetings, conferences during 2014-2015. Scranton, M., G. Taylor, F. Muller-Karger, L. Lorenzoni, K. Fanning, R. Thunell, C. Benitez-Nelson, Y. Astor, R. Varela. “A source for “missing” oxidant and reductant at the redox interface of the Cariaco Basin”. 2015 Aquatic Science Meeting, Granada”, Spain, February 20-27, 2015. Benitez-Nelson, C., R. Thunell, J. Pinckney, L. Lorenzoni, G.T. Taylor, M.I. Scranton, E. Montes, R. Varela, Y. Astor. “Elemental Composition (C, N and P) of Sinking and Suspended Particulate Matter in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela”. Aquatic Science Meeting, Granada, Spain, February 20-27, 2015. Scranton, M.I., G. Taylor, F. Muller-Karger, L. Lorenzoni, K. Fanning, B. Thunell, C. Benitez-Nelson, Y. Astor, R. Varela. “A source for “missing”oxidant and reductant at the redox interface of the Cariaco Basin”. Gordon Conference, Holderness New Hampshire, EUA, 2015. Taylor, G.T., M.I. Scranton, R. Thunell, C. Benitez-Nelson, L. Lorenzoni, Y. Astor, R. Varela, F. Muller-Karger. “A typical Behavior of the Biological Carbon Pump in an Oxygen-Depleted Water Column: The Cariaco Basin Case Study”. OCB Meeting, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, July 2014. Benitez-Nelson, C.R., R. Thunell, J. Pinckney, L. Lorenzoni, F. Muller-Karger, M. Scranton, G. Taylor, R. Varela, Y. Astor. “Elemental Composition (C, N and P) of Sinking and Suspended Particulate Matter in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela”. OCB Meeting, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, July 2014. Scranton, M., Gordon Taylor, Frank Muller-Karger, Laura Lorenzoni, Enrique Montes, Kent Fanning, Robert Thunell, Claudia Benitez-Nelson, Yrene Astor, Ramon Varela. “Interannual and sub-decadal variability in hydrography and nutrient concentrations in the Cariaco Basin”. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 2014.


Journal Publications Gracia-Escobar, M.F., Millán-Núñez, R., Valenzuela-Espinoza, E., González-Silvera, A. and Santa- maría-del-Ángel, E. (2015) Changes in the Composition and Abundance of Phytoplankton in a Coastal Lagoon of Baja California, México, During 2011. Open Journal of Marine Science, 5, 169-181.

Book Chapters Santamaria-del-Angel, E.; Sebastiá-Frasquet, M.T.; Millán-Nuñez, R.; González-Silvera, A.; Cajal- Medrano, R. Anthropocentric bias in management policies. Are we efficiently monitoring our ecosystems? In: Coastal Ecosystems, Chapter 1. Ed. María-Teresa Sebastiá, 2105, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-63482-151-3. Santamaria-del-Angel, E.; Soto, I.; Millán-Nuñez, R.; González-Silvera, A.; Wolny, J.; Cerdeira- Estrada, S.; Cajal-Medrano, R.; Muller-Karger, F.; Cannizzaro, J.; Padilla-Rosas Y.X.S.; Mercado- Santana, A.; Gracia-Escobar, M.F.; Alvarez-Torres, P.; Ruiz-de-la-Torre, M.C. Phytoplankton blooms: New initiative using marine optics as a basis for monitoring programs. In: In: Coastal Ecosystems, Chapter4.. Ed. María-Teresa Sebastiá, 2105, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-63482-151-3.

Presentations made at meetings, conferences during 2014-2015. Adriana Gonzalez-Silvera, Eduardo Santamaria-del-Angel, Roberto Millan-Nunez, Natalia Silva- Hernandez, Alfredo Mercado. EVALUACIÓN DE ALGORITMOS SEMI-ANALÍTICOS PARA LA PERCEPCIÓN REMOTA DE LAS PROPIEDADES ÓPTICAS INHERENTES DEL AGUA DE MAR EN LA ESTACIÓN ANTARES BAJA CALIFORNIA (31.75ON/116.96OW). Reunión Anual 2014 Unión Geofísica Mexicana. Puerto Vallarta (2-7 de noviembre de 2014).



Publications 2014-2015. Lutz V., Plumley G., Krieger S. 2015. Brief overview of POGO and NF-POGO activities in Latin America. NF-POGO Alumni E-Newsletter, May 2015, 8:2-10. Akselman, R., R. M. Negri & E. Cozzolino. 2014. Azadinium (Amphidomataceae, Dinophyceae) in the Southwest Atlantic: “In situ” and satellite observations. Rev. Biol. Mar. Oceanogr. Vol. 49 Nº3: 511-526 Perez-Cenci, M. G. F. Caló, R. I. Silva, R. M. Negri & G. L. Salerno. 2014. The First Molecular Characterization of Picocyanobacteria from the Argentine Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Vol. 2014, Article ID 237628. Segura, V y Cucchi Colleoni. 2015. Variación en la concentración de clorofila a in situ y satelital en el Golfo San Jorge y área adyacente de la campaña de verano (OB01/14) con lo observado en años previos. Informe de Investigación INIDEP Nº 023/15, pp 12. Silva Ricardo I., María C. Hozbor, Rubén Negri, Graciela Molinari y Daniel Cucchi-Collioni. Distribución espacial del bacterioplancton y de los componentes del protozooplancton en la Zona Común de Pesca ARGENTINA-URUGUAY (Marzo 2014). Informe de Investigación INIDEP Nº /2015, 15 pp. Knaeps, E., Ruddick, K.G., Doxaran, D., Dogliotti, A.I., Nechad, B., Raymaekers, D., and Sterckx, S. A SWIR based algorithm to retrieve Total Suspended Matter in extremely turbid waters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 168: 66-79. doi: 10.1016/ j.rse.2015.06.022 Dogliotti, A. I., Ruddick, K. G., Nechad, B., Doxaran, D., Knaeps, E. (2015). A single algorithm be used to retrieve turbidity from remotely-sensed data in all coastal and estuarine waters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 156: 157–168, Carciofi, I. (2014): “Individual Transferable Fishing Quotas in Argentina: The Case of Hubbsi Hake”, in “Recent Developments in Fisheries and Sustainable Aquaculture” Interamerican Development Bank (IADB), Project (AR-L1159)

Presentations in Scientific Meetings 2014-2015 Silva, R., Negri, R. y D. Valla. Biomasa del ultrafitoplancton en el Mar Argentino: contribución diferencial de los grupos más importantes. IX Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar. Ushuaia. 20 al 25 de Septiembre de 2015. Segura V, Silva RI, Negri RM, Montoya N, Carignan M, Dogliotti AI. Variaciones espaciales en la distribución, abundancia y propiedades ópticas de las comunidades fitoplanctónicas en el Pasaje de Drake (primavera de 2014). IX Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar 2015: del 21 al 24 de Septiembre de 2015. Ravalli C, Segura V, López Greco LS, Hernández D. Distribución y abundancia de Munida gregaria (Decapoda, Munididae) y su relación con las variables ambientales en el Golfo San Jorge durante los veranos 2013 y 2014. IX Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar 2015: del 21 al 24 de Septiembre de 2015. Ravalli C, López Greco LS, Segura V. Incremento de la abundancia de Munida gregaria en el Golfo San Jorge (2009-2015). IX Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar 2015: del 21 al 24 de Septiembre de 2015. Berghoff C.F., Silva R.I., Khal L.C., Hozbor M.C., Balestrini C.F., Osiroff A.P., Cucci Colleoni D., Bianchi A., Negri R., Lutz V. 2015. Variabilidad del sistema de los carbonatos desde la costa al talud continental en la Zona Común de Pesca Argentino-Uruguaya y su vinculación con el plancton autótrofo-heterótrofo. IX Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar. Ushuaia. September 2015. Lutz, V., Frouin, R., Negri, R., Silva, R., Pompeu, M., Rudorff, N. 2015. Bio-optical characteristics along the Strait of Magallanes. Presentado en “The Second International Ocean Color Science Meeting”. San Francisco (EEUU), 15-18 de junio de 2015. Lutz, V. Negri R. & Montoya, N. Presentación sobre “Time Series - Networks” involucrando los estudios en la EPEA y de toxinas del fitoplancton, en el “1º Taller entre el CONICET y el Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)” desarrollado en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales "", Buenos Aires del 10 al 12 de noviembre de 2014.


Negri R. Méndez S. Silva R. & A. Martínez. “Desde la costa hasta el talud continental en ambos laterales de la ZCPAU: Distribución espacial de las fracciones de tamaño del fitoplancton y su composición diferencial (marzo 2014)”. XVII Simposio Científico de la Comisión Técnica Mixta del Frente Marítimo. Piriapolis, Uruguay, del 10 al 12 de noviembre de 2014. Negri R. “Desde la costa hasta el talud continental en ambos laterales de la ZCPAU: Campaña ambiental conjunta “Ambiente y Plancton en la Zona Común de Pesca Argentino-Uruguaya en un escenario de cambio climático”. XVII Simposio Científico de la Comisión Técnica Mixta del Frente Marítimo. Piriapolis, Uruguay, del 10 al 12 de noviembre de 2014. Piola, A. R., Bianchi, A. A. Kahl, L. C. Lutz, V. A. Marrari, M. Martos, P. Negri, R. Palastanga, V. Sabatini, M. & Viñas M. D.. “IMBER research in the western South Atlantic”. Future Oceans, Bergen, Noruega, del 23 al 27 de junio de 2014. Silva R. I. & Negri R. “Desde la costa hasta el talud continental en ambos laterales de la ZCPAU: Distribución espacial de los componentes del protozooplancton (marzo 2014)” XVII Simposio Científico de la Comisión Técnica Mixta del Frente Marítimo. Piriapolis, Uruguay, del 10 al 12 de noviembre de 2014. Ruiz, María Guillermina, Ezequiel Cozzolino, Daniel Cucchi-Colleoni and Vivian Lutz. (2014). Desde la costa hasta el talud continental en ambos laterales de la ZCPAU: características bio-ópticas en marzo 2014 basadas en estimaciones de campo y satelitales. 17° Scientific Symposium Maritime Front. Piriápolis, Uruguay. Do Souto, M., Spinelli M., Saraceno M., Pájaro M., Capitanio F. and CF Balestrini, Distribución del zooplancton y larvas de Engraulis anchoita_en el Frente térmico de Península de Valdés: primavera y otoño, XXVI Reunión Argentina de Ecología, 2 al 5 de noviembre de 2014. Comodoro Rivadavia – Chubut, Argentina. Saraceno, M., Ruiz-Etcheverry L.A., Lago, L., Balestrini, C.F. and R. Gonzalez, On the accuracy of Jason-2 satellite sea surface high data in a highly dynamical coastal environment, poster, 8th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, 23- 24 October 2014, Lake Constance, Germany. Saraceno M.,C. Artana, R. Bodichon and C. Provost, Malvinas Current variability as observed by satellite altimetry data, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2-10 August 2014, Moscow, Russia. Tandeo, P., M. Saraceno, R. Fablet and J. Ruiz, A synergy study between SST, Chl-a and altimeters to improve surface geostrophic currents, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2-10 August 2014, Moscow, Russia. Andreo, V, Dogliotti, A. I., Tauro, C. Neteler, M. Spatio-temporal variations in chlorophyll-a concentration in the Patagonic continental shelf: an example of satellite time series processing with GRASS GIS temporal modules. Proceedings of IGARSS 2015: Remote Sensing: Understanding the Earth for a Safer World. Milan, Italy. 26-31 July, 2015. Dogliotti, A. I., Gossn, J. I., Vanhellemont, Q., Ruddick, K. G. Evaluation of two sites for Ocean Color Validation in the Turbid waters of the Río de la Plata (Argentina). Submitted for the proceedings of the Sentinel-3 for Science Workshop held in Venice-Lido, Italy, 2-5 June 2015, ESA Special Publication SP-734 Dogliotti A I., Gossn J. I., Guerrero R . Variabilidad estacional e interanual (ENSO) de los sedimentos en el Río de la Plata a partir de imágenes de turbidez MODIS-Aqua. IX Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar – Ciencia y Sociedad: integrando saberes en los estudios del Mar. Ushuaia, Argentina. 20-25 September, 2015. Andreo V, Dogliotti AI, Tauro CB, Torrusio S. Análisis de la variabilidad espacio-temporal de florecimientos fitoplanctónicos en el Talud y Plataforma Continental Argentina mediante sensores remotos (período 2003-2013). IX Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar – Ciencia y Sociedad: integrando saberes en los estudios del Mar. Ushuaia, Argentina. 20-25 September, 2015. Gossn JI, Berden G, Pardiñas E, Moreira D,, Dogliotti AI, Simionato C. Turbidez y material particulado en suspensión en el Río de la Plata: su relación y variabilidad espacio-temporal IX Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar – Ciencia y Sociedad: integrando saberes en los estudios del Mar. Ushuaia, Argentina. 20-25 September, 2015. Tropper I., Tauro C.B., Ibañez G.A., Dogliotti A.I., Simionatto C., Lasta C.A., Solorza N. R. Análisis de datos in situ de la radiación emergente en estuarios, costas y mar; y su aplicación a los productos de la Misión Satelital SABIA-Mar. IX Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar – Ciencia y Sociedad: integrando saberes en los estudios del Mar. Ushuaia, Argentina. 20-25 September, 2015.


Carciofi, Ignacio: “Fishery Economics: Theoretical and Empirical issues of Individual and Transferible Quotas”, VIII Congreso Internacional de Economía y Gestión ECON 2014, School of Economics, Universiy of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27-31 October 2014. Carciofi, Ignacio: “Impacts on Climate Change, Vulnerability and adaptation on the fishery sector” Buenos Aires Institute for Research in Economic Science (BAIRES), School of Economics, University of Buenos Aires., Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2014.

Manta/La Libertad - INOCAR– Ecuador

Presentations in Scientific Meetings 2015 Tapia Maria E., Naranjo Christian. 2015. Bio-indicadores del fitoplancton. Oceanografía Biológica. Reunión ERFEN, Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada. September 15, 2015.


Publications 2014-2015 González, C.E., Escribano, R., Hidalgo, P. 2015. Intra-seasonal variation and its effects on copepod community structure off Central/southern Chile (2002-2009). Hydrobiologia DOI: 10.1007/s10750-015-2265-6. Pino-Pinuer, P., Escribano, R., Hidalgo, P., Riquelme-Bugueño, R., Schneider, W. 2014. Responses of the copepod community to variable upwelling conditions at Station 18 off central/southern Chile during 2002-04 and 2010-2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 515, 83–95. Corredor-Acosta, JA.; Morales, C.E.; Hormazabal, S.; Andrade, I.; Correa-Ramirez, MA. 2015. Phytoplankton phenology in the coastal upwelling region off central-southern Chile (35ˇS–38ˇS): Time-space variability, coupling to environmental factors, and sources of uncertainty in the estimates. Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans. doi:10.1002/2014JC010330.

Presentations in Scientific Meetings 2014-2015 Bustos-Ríos, E., Escribano, R., Hidalgo, P. 2015. Crecimiento y producción de la comunidad de copepoda en la región sur de la corriente de Humboldt. XXXV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias del Mar de Chile, Coquimbo, mayo 2015. Medellín-Mora J., Escribano, R., Frederick, L. 2015. Variabilidad temporal del zooplancton en el centro -sur de chile: uso del ZooImage para explicar la respuesta comunitaria. XXXV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias del Mar de Chile, Coquimbo, mayo 2015. Toledo, D., Escribano, R. 2015. Método semiautomático para el estudio de mesozooplancton y sus aplicaciones en el Pacifico sur oriental. XXXV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias del Mar de Chile, Coquimbo, mayo 2015. Velasco, E., Anabalón, V., Morales, C.E. 2015. Variación estacional de la biomasa fitoplanctónica fraccionada en la zona de surgencia costera frente a Concepción, región centro-sur de Chile. XXXV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias del Mar de Chile, Coquimbo, mayo 2015. Corredor-Acosta A., Anabalón, V., Velasco-Vinasco, E., Morales, C. E., Correa-Ramirez M., Hormazabal, S. 2015. Caracterización de la estructura de tamaño del fitoplancton mediante una aproximación satelital en Chile central (~36.5°S). XXXV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias del Mar de Chile, Coquimbo, mayo 2015. Escribano, R. 2015. Studying and exploring the zooplankton community in the eastern South Pacific upon a changing ocean. Conferencia Inaugural Reunión Anual y celebración de 30 años de la SOMPAC (Sociedad de Plancton de México), La Paz, Ensenada, Baja California, México, Mayo 2015. Escribano, R. 2015. The Humboldt Current Ecosystem off Chile: scientific basis to assess climate change responses. Conferencia de las Partes para el Cambio Climático, COP20, Lima, Perú, Diciembre de 2014.


González, C., Escribano, R., Hidalgo, P. 2014. Variabilidad intra-estacional de la surgencia costera y su efecto sobre la estructura comunitaria de copépodos epipelágicos frente a Concepción (36°30’s) (2002-2009). XXXIII Congreso de Ciencias del Mar de Chile, Osorno, Chile, mayo 2014. Pino, P., Hidalgo, P. y R. Escribano. 2014. Cambios en la estructura comunitaria de copépodos (Crustacea: copepoda) en la zona Centro –Sur de Chile. XXXIII Congreso Ciencias del Mar Antofagasta.


Frouin, R., and B. Pelletier, 2015: Bayesian methodology for inverting satellite ocean-color data, Rem. Sen. Environ., 159, 332-360.


Publications 2015.

Passuni, G., Barbraud, C., Chaigneau, A., Demarcq H., Ledesma, J., Bertrand, A., Castillo, R., Perea, A., Mori, A., Viblanc, V., Torres-Maita J. And Bertrand S. Seasonality in marine ecosystems: Peruvian seabirds, anchovy and oceanographic conditions. Journals of the Ecological Society of America june 2015.

Presentations in Scientific Meetings - CONCIMAR PERU 2014

Ledesma J., Friederich G., Chavez F., Graco M., Morón O., Paulmier A., León V., Walkup S., García W., and Flores G. Una Síntesis de pCO2 en agua de mar a lo largo de la costa del Perú y sus Implicancias. Ledesma J., Espinoza D., Tam J., Chaigneau A., Monetti F., Graco M., Morón O., Wach M., Angulo K. and Flores G. Distribución de la Clorofila In Situ frente a las Costas del Perú. Quiroz J., Ledesma J., Carhuapoma W., Graco M. and Herrera M. Cuantificación de Nitratos en Agua de Mar Aplicando la Técnica Ultra Violeta. Carhuapoma W., Pumachagua R., and Ledesma J. Cuantificación de Magnesio Biogénico fitoplanctónico frente a la Bahía de Callao. Sarmiento M., Morón O., Graco M. and Ledesma J. Detalles de los Trabajos de Campo en las Investigaciones Marinas.

Participation of researchers from the project in the XVI Congreso LatinoAmericano de Ciencias del Mar “COLACMAR” in Santa Marta (Colombia) 18 – 22 of October 2015

The following presentations will be offered:  “Proyecto CARIACO: 20 años de estudios en la estación serie de tiempo CARIACO”. Yrene Astor, F. Muller-Karger, R. Varela, E. Klein, L. Lorenzoni, B. Marín, L. Troccoli, P. Suarez, E. Montes, T. Perez, W. Quintero Betancourt, R. Thunell, M. Scranton, G. Taylor, E. Tappa.  “Eventos especiales en magnitud y génesis en la serie de tiempo ambiental y de plancton ‘EPEA’ en el Mar Argentino”. Rubén Mario Negri, Vivian Lutz, Ricardo Silva, Mario Carignan, Guillermina Ruiz, Constanza Hozbor, Graciela Molinari, Nora Montoya, Valeria Segura, Carla Berghoff, Daniel Cucchi Colleoni, Virginia Palastanga, Ezequiel Cozzolino.


 "Factores moduladores de la estructura de tamaños fitoplanctónica en la zona de surgencia costera frente a Concepción, región centro-sur de Chile" Eliana Velasco- Vinasco, Valeria Anabalón, Carmen E. Morales, Wolfgang Schneider.  "Caracterización de la estructura de tamaños del fitoplancton mediante una aproximación satelital en el frente de surgencia costera en Chile central" Andrea Corredor-Acosta, Marco Correa-Ramirez, Carmen E. Morales, Samuel Hormazabal, Valeria Anabalón.  “Impact of climate change on phytoplankton diversity and carbon fluxes in the ocean around Latin America”. Robert Frouin, Kyozo Ueyoshi.  “Phytoplankton blooms: New Initiative using Marine Optics as a basis for monitoring programs”. Eduardo Santamaría-del-Angel, Inia Soto, Roberto Millán-Nuñez, Adriana González-Silvera, Jennifer Wolny, Sergio Cerdeira-Estrada, Ramón Cajal-Medrano, Frank Muller-Karger, Yolo Xochit Sarita Padilla-Rosas, Alfredo Mercado-Santana, María Fernanda Gracia-Escobar, Porfirio Alvarez-Torres, Mary Carmen Ruiz-de-la- Torre.  "Diagnóstico de pigmentos fitoplanctónicos de la estación de monitoreo Antares- Cartagena, Colombia”. Liseth Arregoces.  “Gobernanza de los océanos: Análisis de mecanismos globales y regionales desde América Latina”. Cecilia Filipello.  “Phytoplankton blooms: New Initiative using Marine Optics as a basis for monitoring programs”. Jesús Ledesma, Luis Escudero.  “Climate change evaluated at marine time-series stations. The Antares Network an effort of the Americas in long term studies”. Jesús Ledesma, Luis Escudero.  “Assessment of marine ecosystem services at the Latin-American ANTARES time- series network”. Milton Kampel, ANTARES Group.  “Bio-optical analysis of ANTARES-UBATUBA data, Sao Paulo, Brazil”. Milton Kampel, Larissa Valerio, Salvador Gaeta, Natalia Rudorff, Mayza Pompeu.  “Exploración del uso del color del océano como un factor que determina El color Del água y su aplicación como um indicador em La gestión integral de playas”.Omar Cervantes.

The following magistral presentations will be offered:  “Advances in remote sensing for coastal and ocenic environmental monitoring: an integrated vision for Latin America”. Milton Kampel.  “Climate change evaluated at marine time-series stations. The Antares Network an effort of the Americas in long term studie”. Eduardo Santamaría-del-Angel.  “El nuevo chico en el barrio: El Niño Godzilla”. Eduardo Santamaría-del-Angel.


CARIACO-Venezuela: Data for this IAI-CRN3094 data base has been organized by Lic. Jaimie Rojas and was sent to Evelyn Bustos (Concepción – Chile) who acts as data manager. Also, the CARIACO program maintains general project information on the two web sites of the project. These web pages can be accessed via the links (developed in Venezuela) and (developed in the University of South Florida) upon passing quality control, within periods ranging from weeks to about 6 months depending on the

36 difficulty of processing an observation. These web pages include general information, publications resulting from the project's scientific activities and a methods manual. The web pages contain also the manual of methods developed by Astor et al. (2013), a reference on the analytical procedures used in the core measurements. This manual can be viewed online or downloaded in its entirety in PDF format. Also, it is maintained on the web pages an up-to- date register of all publications resulting from the project where they can be also downloaded or viewed online.

All in situ time series stations: See section in RESULTS “Working Group In situ Time Series”.

Capacity Building

In situ Time Series

On August 2015, Dr. Carla Berghoff from the EPEA station (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero INIDEP) went to Venezuela to receive theory and practical training on the techniques for measuring pH and total alkalinity in seawater through spectrophotometric methods with the CARIACO group of researchers. The training was made at the Oceanography Laboratory of the Estación de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR), Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales, under the guidance of Mg.Sc. Irene M. Astor and Lic. Jaimie Rojas-Márquez. This activity was financed by the CONICET International Collaboration project “Evaluación del sistema de los carbonatos en el contexto de la acidificación oceánica en la serie de tiempo EPEA (Mar Argentino)” associated to the IAI-CRN3094 (see proposal of this associated project in: ; media coverage in Appendix-1; and Report of the first year in Appendix-2).

From 19 January to 6 February 2015 the Ensenada group of researchers hosted the LA- NANO Workshop and Regional Training Program “Phytoplankton Bio-optical Variability: Application to the Study of Coastal Systems”, held at the University of Baja California (Ensenada, Mexico). The overall goal of the Ensenada Programme was to provide ANTARES members and RTP trainees with the academic background and the skill set required to implement and apply measurements of bio-optical variables of seawater to both remote sensing and to the study of biogeochemical variability of the coastal zone. These goals were met through two specific objectives; 1) lectures, including theoretical aspects and fundamental/basic science; and 2) laboratory and field work that emphasized practical applications (e.g., HPLC analysis of pigments; light absorption properties of particles). More information can be found at On the 22 of October 2014 Carla Berghoff (EPEA, Argentina) offer an open public talk at the “Escualo” diving club in Mar del Plata (Argentina) titled: ¿Buceando en un mar ácido? La acidificación del océano: El otro problema del CO2”. See coverage of this event involving C. Berghoff and Mara Braverman in oceano-en-con-ciencia-marina/

From 30 September to 3 October 2015 Guillermina Ruiz (EPEA, Argentina) attended the “Fourth International Congress of Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics: from research to

37 action” which was held in Mar del Plata (Argentina). The Congress was a forum for interaction and discussion about ecosystem services research and management in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through its various symposia, forums, conferences, the Congress covered conceptual, methodological and applied aspects across case studies from the region. In this fourth edition, interactions among academia, decision-makers and other stakeholders were promoted in order to contribute to ecosystem services research and the formulation of public policies for sustainable development. However, it was notorious the absence of scientists and works related to the marine environment.


In November 2014, Eduardo Santamaria-Angel and Sergio Cerdeira-Estrada from Mexico, offered a 60 hours course in Remote sensing aplyied to Oceanography with emphasis in the spectroradiometric type, with a participation of 20 students and Institutions such as Secretaria de marina Armada de Mexico (SEMAR), Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad (CONABIO), Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, Universidad Metropilitana and Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

From 25 to 29 April 2015 INPE hosted the XVII Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing ( with the aim to bring together the technical and scientific community and the business user in the areas of Remote Sensing, Geotechnology and their applications to present their latest research and technological developments, including education and science policy, in the last two years. The Technical program featured 9 courses of 16 hours each, 3 special sessions and 18 breakout sessions, besides Oral sessions and interactive sessions, with approximately 300 posters per day. Business showcases were scheduled at varying times during the event. The XVII SBSR counted on the effective participation of 1,097 researchers, teachers, public and private sector entrepreneurs, government officials and decision makers and undergraduate, master's and doctorate in various fields of knowledge from different countries. In addition to national participants from 27 states of the Brazilian federation, we also have the participation of the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, United States, France, Holland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Panama, Peru, Portugal, , Uruguay and Venezuela. The effective participation of undergraduate and graduate students was higher than expected (total of 56%). We observed the effort of universities and research institutes to ensure the effective participation of its students in a scientific congress in its seventeenth edition, sought to improve the organization and quality of presentations.

From 15-18 June 2015, Milton Kampel, Natalia Rudorff, Maria Laura Zoffoli, Ana Dogliotti and Robert Frouin participated in the second International Ocean Colour Science (IOCS) meeting that took place in san Francisco, USA, and was convened by the International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG), with sponsorship from NASA, NOAA, EUMETSAT, ESA and CNES and the Moore Foundation. This was the second in a series of IOCS meetings (scheduled to take place every two years) with the overarching theme of “Applications of Ocean Colour from Climate to Water Quality”. The goal of these biennial IOCS meetings is to build a strong global user community for ocean colour science and applications, and to foster exchange between the research community and space agency representatives.


In July-September, 2015, Milton Kampel offered a course in Remote Sensing of Climate, at INPE (40 hours), for 10 graduate students.

In September 2015, Eduardo Santamaria-Angel offered a trainibg course in Use of spectroradiometric satellite images in Veracruz, Mexico, with 30 students from the Univ. Veracruzana and Instituto Politecnico Nacional.

From 5 to 9 October 2015, USP hosted the X Thematic Week of Oceanography with the aim to provide a forum for discussions on the development of oceanographic science in Brazil, presenting, promoting, reflecting and discussing with society the sustainable use of the sea in order to add information and academic and professional content to the general public, and students. Courses and workshops were organized as an academic and professional complimentary to the participating public. Alexander Turra and Milton Kampel were invited to participate in two round tables during the event.

In October, 5th, 2015, Eduardo Santamaria-Angel and Sergio Cerdeira-Estrada offered a short course in Image processing at CONABIO, as part of the SOFILAC Congress.

Socio-Economic & Ecosystem Services

FCE-UBA Studentships, courses and thesis As mentioned before, two graduate (Masters) students joined the team in June 2015. The duration of the studentships (in this first period) is 8 months. Isabela Sánchez Vargas is an economist, student of the MSc in Economics Program at FCE UBA. Her research interests lie in the areas of sectorial and regional economics. She contributes to the sector analysis of climate change and fisheries in Argentina through data collection and analysis in the empirical assessment (indicators) of socioeconomic relevance of the fisheries' sector in Argentina (see work plan at Maria Cecilia Filipello is an economist, student of the MSc in Economics and International Relations at FCE UBA. Cecilia is developing the analysis of governance systems both formal and informal linked to international treaties related to oceans in Argentina (including international and regional co-operation mechanisms) (see work plan at She is also teaching asisstant at the Environmental Economics course at FCE-UBA. In the framework of this course (undergraduate level) the topics of Ocean Governance and ecosystem services will be introduced as of 1st semester 2016. The specific bibliography and class documents are currently being developed jointly by Martina Chidiak and María Cecilia Filipello (The Course 765-01, Economía Ambiental, FCE-UBA, is taught each year between March and July). Ignacio Carciofi is currently teaching a new course on Advanced Microeconomics Topics (focused on Natural Resource Economics), undergraduate course for BA in Economics, FCE- UBA, August-December 2015. The course will include topics related to fisheries economics and climate change. Ignacio Carciofi is currently supervising a BA Thesis (by undergraduate student Nahir Chacon of the BA in Economics), on “Socio-economic impacts of Climate Change in Argentine FCE-UBA



Martina Chidiak and Ignacio Carciofi presented de CRN3094 project at IIEP (Political Economy Interdisciplinary Institute) (UBA-CONICET), FCE-UBA on 11 December 2014 (see presentation at

In the framework of the Annual Economics and Management Workshop held in October each year at UBA, the IIEP-FCE.UBA team has decided to make an outreach activity with a joint presentation on interdisciplinary studies based on the experience of the CRN3094 project. The presentation will be held on 13 October 2015 and one expert from the Natural Science component has confirmed her participation (see flyer at

USP Team

In May 2015 the Brazilian team was coached by Roel Boumans. Roel Boumans is a pioneer in developing the concepts behind dynamic GIS systems modeling and has published several peer reviewed papers on the subject. He is the Director for Afordable Futures, the leader in the design and application of ecosystem based management tools to include the Multiscale Integrated Model of Ecosystem Services (MIMES). The training was held at the Marine Biology Center at the University of São Paulo, in the municipality of São Sebastião, northern coast of São Paulo and lasted five days. The training conducted was of fundamental importance to the project because through it was possible to deepen knowledge on the methodology (MIMES) and the software used to model (SIMILE).

Participated in the training, among others, Paul Sinisgalli, Bruno Meirelles, Iuri Amazonas, Caroline Cichosky and Pablo Sosa.

Regional Collaboration/Networking

The Antares network ( integrates the collaboration of different marine centers in Latin America carrying out time-series studies on their coastal regions. Among other organizations the Antares network is related to the ‘International Ocean-Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG)’ (, the ‘Partnership for the


Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO)’ ( and the Nippon Foundation ( This CRN3094 project is also connected to a project of the ‘NF-POGO Alumni Network for Oceans (NANO)’ for Latin America ( The PI, some of the Co-PIs and collaborators of this CRN3094 project are also part of the ‘Science Team’ of an Argentinian-Brazilian Ocean Color satellite mission (SABIA-Mar). Furtheremore, the generation of this project has created links between the oceanographic research (carried out from the time-series) and socio-economic research been carried out at different centers in Latin America, such as the USP and UBA. This type of interaction is quite novel for oceanographic studies in this region.

Virginia Palastanga collaborates in the following projects, which connect investigators form Servicio de Hidrografía Naval (Buenos Aires), INIDEP (Mar del Plata), University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and Oregon State University (OSU): - Variability of Ocean Ecosystems around South America (VOCES), P.I.: Alberto. R. Piola, IAI CRN3070, 2012 – 2017. - Balance y variabilidad espacio-temporal del flujo de CO2 entre el mar y la atmósfera en el Mar Patagónico. Su relación con la temperatura, la clorofila y la producción primaria, PI: A. Bianchi, Co-PI: V. Lutz, PIDDEF 47/11, MinDef, 2011-2015.

During the reporting period, the full scale launching of project activities and the creation of a common ground for collaboration among participants from the Natural and the Socioeconomic components was key. As a result, a high share of collaboration and networking activities undertaken by project participants has focused on internal efforts. Nevertheless, project participants continue to interact with other relevant regional actors in the framework of their disciplinary and outreach activities and their affiliation to different policy and research networking.

Two project co-PIs from Argentina (Vivian Lutz, INIDEP and Martina Chidiak, FCE- UBA) were invited and attended the local presentation of global and regional IPCC AR5 results held in Buenos Aires on 4 September 2015. The presentation was organized by the local lead authors and leading participants of IPCC Groups I, II and III. This venue gave project Co-PIs an opportunity to discuss our activities within the CRN 3094 project with other local and regional colleagues and NGO representatives working on Climate Change issues.

It is hoped that the IAI meeting to be held in Buenos Aires in December 2015 will provide an opportunity to start developing the dialogue and further networking opportunities with other CRN projects.

During the training week at USP with Professor Boumans the group participated in a meeting of the Managerial Committee of north coast marine environmental protected area (APAMLN) in order to investigate the discussions and identify trade-offs and difficulties in the management process of the APAMLN. The most serious issues discussed in the meeting where regarding to conflicts with the fishing and tourism sectors, also large-scale infrastructure projects. Another interesting point is to define the restriction and management of coastal zone based on the marine ecosystem resilience. And how it may behave in future scenarios with climate change.

The group also visited the Public Prosecutor’s office to introduce the MIMES method and investigate how it could assist their work. The public prosecutor identified great potential in

41 the method to facilitate their communication with the judges during public audiences, especially to reinforce their arguments regarding the subjects related to ecosystem services and public interests. Beyond that, the MIMES method was identified as an appropriate tool to gather information about processes using GIS, bringing efficiency to the offices work.

A third part of those meetings was with Docas company, which manages the Sao Sebastiao port and has recently submitted a project for expansion. The main reason of the meeting was to get a deeper understand about the daily work of the company and to verify the expansion project. The meeting was also very productive and the port environmental manager presented the project and showed the trade-offs involving the reasons of why the port is demanding an expansion. A relevant moment of the meeting was when the manager said that was the first time that the company was having space to receive the academy to show the project of expansion and discuss the way it was been conducted, as a cooperative process.

These three moments where essential to identify and make the first approach with stakeholders envisioning to create a link between academy, private and public sectors, and the society, what is the challenge that the socioeconomic group is proposing to deal with. The group intends to accomplish the following meetings of the APAMLN Committee to use this space to introduce the IAI project and develop the work planned to the next stages.

Media Coverage and Prizes


On 2015, the CARIACO Time-series station is arriving to 20 years of continuous sampling; therefore, two TV stations from Venezuela made two documentaries about the project and its relevance to the study of climate change. One of the documentaries was on the air on May 2015, and the second one is going to be presented on October. Several lectures about the project and how its findings shows evidence of climatic changes were conducted in public and private institutions, high schools, etc. in order to promote the project at the general public and at different educational levels.


On 2014, we participated in the UABC Open House activities, held each year during October, with the participation of students from primary, secondary and high level, with the objective of describe the activates held by the ANTARES Network and its importance for the study of phytoplankton ecology and climate global change. In the next two weeks will be held the same activities again, and we will also participate sharing more information about the project. In March 2015, during the Marine Science Week organized by the Faculty of Marine Science, we also participated with a poster to explain about the objectives of the project (Fig. 1). More information about these activities can be found at


Poster presentation at the Marine Science Week (FCM/UABC).


Two articles describing the new measurements of pH at EPEA station, and the training received by Carla Berghoff with the CARIACO group in Venezuela, appeared in Mar del Plata (Argentina) [See articles attached in Appendix-1] A long article, with contributions by Shubha Sathyendranath and Vivian Lutz, about phytoplankton and the important role it has in the oceans and for human society, appeared in a popular magazine “Muy Interesante” in Argentina. [See part of the article attached in Appendix-1] Two “Open door” events were held in June and September 2015 at INIDEP. In those events more than 2000 children from elementary and high schools from Mar del Plata received short lectures about the research conducted at the institute. Ruben Negri, Vivian Lutz, Valeria Segura, Ricardo Silva, Guillermina Ruiz and Carla Berghoff offered a brief presentation about phytoplankton, its role in the ocean, and the essential services it offers to humanity.

Valeria Segura given a lecture to school children at the “INIDEP Open House” event in June 2015.


Policy Relevance

Research activities by the socioeconomic studies and ecosystem services group at USP, Brasil and FCE-UBA, Argentina are not only leading to the development of new information, methodologies and analyses; in addition they are generating an interesting dialogue process with relevant stakeholders and decisionmakers in both Brasil and Argentina on ocean ecosystem services.

At USP, as discussed previously and shown in the methodology and workplan documents attached, the process of identification of relevant stakeholders and their participation in the project will lead to a process of widening the views considered for decisionmaking as well as help in the co-construction of project questions, insights and lessons. This will also allow for a smooth incorporation of the new information generated by research results and lessons into daily decision making by these actors.

At FCE-UBA, the initiation of dialogue with relevant stakeholders at NGOs and within the public sector at the Foreign Affairs Ministry, at the Environment Secretariat and at CONAE (National Commission on Satelite-related Activities) as part of the field work for the research on governance is opening the scope for collaboration and feedback on the results of the project. The stakeholders contacted so far have all shown interest in keeping in contact in order to learn and discuss project results and insights. They have also stressed that the oceans (and their ecosystem services) are "mostly invisible" to decision makers and that the insights and results provided by the analysis of this project will help make them more "visible" and concrete. It is hoped that this may have concrete implications in the medium term, such as greater consideration of ecosystem services provided by oceans in broader discussions among policymakers and NGOs on climate change impacts and policies.

The process and channels through which the socioeconomic studies and ecosystem services group can help in the task of making ocean (and, more specifically, phytoplankton) ecosystem services "more visible" and concrete is related to the two complementary perspectives of the research teams involved:

(i) the more "general picture" (or "macro" view) regarding socioeconomic impacts of the fisheries as an economic sector in Argentina (this method can be replicated in other countries and at the regional level) and how current governance systems in Argentina are (or are not) taking into consideration ecosystem services but are moving in that direction through precise activities and programs, as analyzed by the FCE UBA team.

(ii) the local picture (more "micro") regarding how local decisionmakers perceive and how local governance structures and decisiomaking processes include information on ecosystem services and their trends in concrete actions and decisions in the tourism and artisanal fisheries sectors at the local level (in Ubatuba, SP, Brazil).


Main Conclusions

The main achievements from this period (2015) have been: - A database of in situ oceanographic observations from coastal sites in 8 Latin- American countries, covering more than 1000 cruises, has been gathered. Still needs to be properly organized and quality-controlled. Nevertheless, this is the first time that systematic in situ data from our coastal sites in the region are in the same database. - Two modelling exercises have started to be developed for the region. One at a fine local scale for the EPEA station in Argentina, which will provide a better understanding and following of bio-geochemical processes. The local scale will allow a validation and improvement of the model. Another model at a more broad scale for the whole region, which although cannot be validated, it provides a helpful overview of main processes beyond the spatial and temporal scale of the field studies. This is also the first time that these types of models are applied to time series studies around Latin-America. - A new Project Webpage is running and functioning as a channel of communication among researchers, collaborators and end users. The ANTARES Webpage is again running and will be constantly updated. Both Webpages has dedicated Webmasters to take car of these tasks. The process and distribution system for satellite oifnormation is being transferred to CONABIO based on a feasible workplan. Preliminary results from a satellite-based estimate of potential primary production in one Antares-site region (Ubatuba, Brazil) were used to estimate the upper bound of sutainable fish yield. If this fish yield is an upper bound that will be decreased to 10% or 20% by environmental accessibility, the fishery resources in the South Brazil Bight are likely to be food-limited. - The results shown for the working group of “Socio-Economic & Ecosystem Services” correspond to an early stage and will be crucial to achieve the proposed objectives. However, we consider important to highlight the positive outcomes resulting from the modalities for collaboration developed by the FCE-UBA and USP groups. - Such interaction has allowed for an exchange of ideas, mutual collaboration, empowerment results discussion enrichment of the research work as a whole. In short, beyond the appointed preliminary results, we highlight the positive results arising from the proximity and the interaction developed between teams. We believe this strengthens the potential results from these groups and also from other teams in other countries involved in the project, given the scope for replication of this practice. - As mentioned before these interactions and the development of different approaches for the analysis of Ecosystem Services, Governance, Socioeconomic Impacts and Stakeholder Perception as well as the consideration of appropriate, complementary models to understand the relationship between ES and wellbeing is the main result at this stage.

After the administrative delays during 2014 and beginning of 2015, we feel that our project is promisingly rolling. There is still a hard work ahead to advance in all the aspects of research involved, but moreover we have to start consolidating and integrating the knowledge. Communication among all the collaborators is an important point. We think that the monthly Skype sessions are extremely relevant, and much more should be achieved during the presential Workshop to be carried out in Santa Marta before the COLACMAR congress. Recently the journal Nature (17 of September 2015) had a special theme on “Interdisciplinarity”. We felt some aspects of our young experience in the subject reflected in several of the comments, such as: “it takes time to build interdisciplinarity, it is difficult to

45 forge truly interdisciplinary objectives from the outset, researchers have to learn how to be team-players (listen, avoid jargon, etc…)”.

A special note of commitment has been the willingness to continue contributing to the project by those researchers whose institutes were not able to sign the sub-contracts for this IAI-CRN3094 project. Especially our colleagues Maria Tapia and Christian Naranjo have uploaded all the data from the two time series in Ecuador (Manta and La Libertad), and have contributed information for this report even though being at sea in a cruise to the Galapagos Islands. Sergio Cerdeira Estada from CONABIO/Mexico is leading the “Processing and distribution of satellite information” effort. To all of them our MUCHAS GRACIAS!

Work Plan for Next Year with Associated Costs

Working Group “In situ Time Series” - Ocean Field estimations

Measurements at sea and analyses of samples Continuing sampling at the Antares time-series-stations will continue throughout the project at each time-series station. This will involve the work of Co-PIs and collaborators dedicated to the measurements of variables at sea and analyses of samples in the laboratory (see complete list of variables in Table-1 of the proposal). Carrying out this type of frequent sampling requires the conjunct effort from all researchers and students dedicated to the field work (see List in point 1 of this report).

Organization of the in situ database At the present time, the “In situ TS” working group is starting discussions to elaborate a protocol for data usage within the project and then for data display for public domain. During the upcoming workshop in Santa Marta (Colombia) this issue will be an important topic. It is also expected that in the coming months the data base will be completed and data compiled in a common format across time series. The need for adding more extensive metadata for each time series is also an issue to consider and define (including among others the instruments and methods used). The “In situ TS” working group will also propose a specific workshop (ideally in person, otherwise virtual) for data integration and synthesis during the coming year. This is considered a key task that this group feels committed to pursue.

Working Group “Satellite” - Ocean Satellite estimations

Processing and distribution of satellite information Once the process of re-establishing the system of processing and distribution of satellite in formation at CONABIO, Mexico is completed, we intend to expand including the more recent incorporated ANTARES stations and to redefine the geographic coverage of all areas. Other satellite products are also envisaged, such as ocean vector winds that can be estimated from orbital scaterometers in a routine basis.


Satellite modelling of Primary and Fish Production The primary production model used in the ANTARES-Ubatuba South Brazil Bight experiment is based in remote sensing and in situ data. Our intention is to extend the approach for other Antares sites. In this case, we will use a different primary production model, based only in satellite-derived information. Fish production will be estimated for each site/region assuming a simple trophic chain, with a fixed trophic efficiency and an average number of trophic links, adjusted to local main catch(es). We will start a collaboration with the Natural Modeling group and the Socio- Economic/Ecosystem Services group in order to simulate future scenarios for primary production and fish potential productivity and on the associated socio-economic impacts (please see Fisheries and Climate Change: Socioeconomic impacts below).

Working Group “Natural Modelling”

Local modeling 1) Validation of the 1D model: a hind cast simulation of fifteen years of model runs (1999- 2014) will be performed using the observed atmospheric forcing. The 15-year model outputs will be validated using field measurements (temperature, NO3, Chl-a, phytoplankton) at EPEA station. The model-predicted temporal variability will be used to explore the relations between the observed variability and changing ambient conditions (winds, stratification). 2) A next step is to set the frame and parameters of a Nitrogen-Phytoplankton- Zooplankton-Detritus model for the CARIACO station.

Large-scale modeling 1)The time series of biogeochemical variables, 1968-2007, will be analyzed for seasonal and inter-annual variability in the Bio-geographic provinces will be contrasted. The changes in bio-geochemical variables and carbon fluxes will be examined in relation to temperature, wind forcing, surface mixing, available solar radiation, etc., and climate indices. Satellite ocean color products, available since 1997, will be used to evaluate some of the model results. The study provides information about possible factors, mechanisms, and feedbacks controlling ecosystem variability and carbon fluxes in the bio-geographical ocean provinces of Latin America during the past several decades. These results should be further discussed with experts from each site area according to what is known from local measurements and processes studied at these local sites. 2) We plan to increase spacial resolution to ~0.5° using a space refinement ratio of 4 in an embedded regional model of the Central/South Americas covering a domain ~125°W to ~25°W, ~35°N to ~60°S. In the current implementation only horizontal refinement is available (31 levels in the ORCA R2 configuration). Time refinement ratio will be set within the model stability. NEMO includes the one- and two-way nesting capability that allows resolution to be focused over a region of interest by introducing an additional finer resolution grid via the AGRIF (Adaptive Grid Refinement in Fortran) software (Madec,G and the NEMO team, 2011). AGRIF is a package for the integration of adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) features within a multidimensional model such as NEMO written in Fortran and discretized on a structured grid (Debreu et al., 2008). The package is designed to create fine regional grids (child grids) in a form that NEMO can read in from a coarse NEMO global grid. The idea is to run the fine grid with the global grid to provide local increased resolution in the local regions we are focused on. The grid coordinates and the bathymetry files for the child grid are created off-line using

47 the nesting tool in NEMO. Input forcing data at the sea surface such as the winds and solar heat flux radiation for the child grid are also constructed on- or off-line using the nesting tool and the global input files for NEMO. 3) We plan to perform the following four IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) experiments. In these experiment, the atmospheric parameters needed to force the model (i.e., wind stress components, short- and longwave radiation, temperature, humidity, and precipitation) will be specified from outputs of the IPSL-CM4 model (Marti et al., 2006) available on a 96 x 71 longitude-latitude grid (2.5 deg x 3.75 deg). All SRES emissions scenario simulations generated using the IPSL-CM4 model were initialized with the model conditions at the end of the 20C3M simulation (1860 to the end of 2000, see below) and were run to 2100. EXP 1: Reference run for 1961-2000. (20C3M). We will run a 40-year control simulation for 1961-2000 using outputs from the IPSL simulation labeled "Climate of the 20th century experiment (20C3M)" run from 1860 to 2000 that was driven by the estimate of the known historical radiative forcing agents which include greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs) and sulfate aerosol direct effects. The results of 20C3M represent the state of the current atmopsheric environment with greenhouse gases increasing as observed through the 20th century. EXP 2: SRES A1B emission scenario simulation for 2001-2050. The A1 storyline and scenario family describes a future world of very rapid economic growth, global population that peaks in mid-century and declines thereafter, and rapid introduction of new and more efficient technologies. In particular, the A1B scenario is characterized by "balanced across all evergy sources" not relying too heavily on one particular energy source. EXP 3: SRES A2 emission scenario simulation for 2001-2100. The A2 scenario describes a very heterogeneous world with continuously increasing global population and regionally oriented economic growth that is more fragmented and slower than in other storylines. It is characterized as "business-as-usual." EXP 4: SRES B1 emission scenario simulation for 2001-2100. The B1 scenario describes a convergent world with rapid changes in economic structures toward a service and information economy, with reductions in material intensity, and the introduction of clean and resource-efficient technologies. It is characterized as "the most environmentally conscious." In the A1B, A2 and B1 emission scenarios, expected global mean CO2 concentrations for the end of the 21st century are about 720, 860, and 550 ppm, respectively. The current concentration of CO2 is above 400 ppm. According to IPCC (2001), those concentration levels translate into the following global average surface air temperature increases relative to 1990: under scenarios A1B, A2 and B1 2.95, 3.79, and 1.98 deg C, respectively, by the end of the 21st century.

Working Group “Socio-economic / Ecosystem Services”

a) Fisheries and Climate Change: Socioeconomic impacts (case study in Argentina) For the following year, a continuation of fisheries' analysis is envisaged to consider the regional level. As summarized by Allison et al. (2009) index, vulnerability to climate change can be evaluated through three variables: exposure, sensibility and adaptation capacity (to climate change impacts). Regarding exposure, the natural component team will develop time series related to primary production for countries studied by the project. This information will be used as an input for the analysis. As far as sensibility is concerned, this study will rely on available information on economic variables (e.g. landings, captures, and other macro data) in order to measure socioeconomic impacts. Finally, adaptation will be treated as a qualitative

48 indicator (and data will be developed on the basis of official documents –e.g. National Communications- that make explicit reference to local climate change impacts on fisheries and the adaptation policies in place or in development). On this basis a common research methodology can be applied to different country cases and lead to the development of regional scenarios. b) New case studies. It is envisaged that new case studies will be developed to consider other aspects of ecosystem services and socioeconomic impacts (posibly including the tourism sector) . Group discussion on the specific case is under way. c) Communication. The initiation of group discussion on communication strategies and approaches (as an interdisciplinary effort) is envisaged. FCE-UBA is planning to incorporate one student to work on this issue.

Capacity building

A key capacity building contribution expected from the project will involve the creation of new research groups (interdisciplinary) and also the creation of new capabilities at the participating institutions through training and research work of students working on socioeconomic analysis of ecosystem services and interdisciplinary studies within the project. In this sense, we will make our best to find the resources to organize an interdisciplinary course for the young people (mainly for those involved in this project) within 2016-2017.

The need to maintain a more frequent communication is a key factor for the progress of this multidisciplinary and multitudinary project. To reduce costs, virtual meetings have been useful, and they are planning to continue during 2016 with a monthly periodicity.


So far, CRN3094 received only 80% of the budget for the first year of the project. We would like very much to normalize the flow of funds received from IAI. We expect to receive the remaining 20% of the first year and 100% of the second year. According to our original budget, we would also have an 80% part for the third year. We understand that some institutions were formally removed from the project, due to administrative reasons explained in our last Report. This is the case of the institutions from Colombia-CIOH, Ecuador-INOCAR and Mexico-CONABIO. In the latter case, please keep the budget expenditures planned jointly between INPE and CONABIO, as the activities are being carried out under the project. Without the inflow of funds provided for the project, it will be difficult to continue the ongoing activities and develop the proposed work plan. We are making progress every day and we expect to generate interesting results for IAI and the community at large.

Perspective for 2017

On the basis of the afore mentioned (natural science) results and of the "macro" (national) and local analysis involved in inter-disciplinary and socio-economic case studies on phytoplankton ecosystem service changes, trends and their socio-economic impacts, a more


thorough understanding of the socioeconomic impacts from phytoplankton ecosystem service changes will be gained. The preliminary results on these initial studies and resulting scenarios will be presented in a first Workshop (WS1) with decisionmakers (expected by July-August 2016). With the completion of the expected local, national and regional analyses (with in situ data) the development of revised phytoplankton ecosystem service scenarios considering local information/analysis will be possible. These scenarios will be discussed in the final project workshop (WS2) with decision-makers in 2017. An additional study on effective communication to decision-makers of (climate change related and complex) information of this sort is envisioned.


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Appendix 1. Outreach CARIACO - EPEA


Article in the Argentinian popular magazine “Muy Interesante”, July 2015. 57

Appendix 2.

Informe de avance de actividades del Proyecto de Investigación CONICET-IAI 2013-2017: Evaluación del sistema de los carbonatos en el contexto de la acidificación oceánica en la serie de tiempo EPEA (Mar Argentino) Directora del proyecto: Vivian A. Lutz (Inv. Independiente CONICET, INIDEP). Proyecto IAI asociado: “Assessment of Marine Ecosystem Services at the Latin-American Antares Time-Series Network”. Proyecto IAI CNR-3094. PI: Milton Kampel (INPE, Brasil).

Objetivo general: Evaluar el impacto de la Acidificación Oceánica (AO) en la ‘Estación Permanente de Estudios Ambientales (EPEA)’ del sector costero bonaerense. Contribuir con esta información a los estudios de servicios ecosistémicos a nivel regional abordados en el proyecto IAI CRN 3094 de la red latinoamericana de series de tiempo Antares.

Justificación: Es importante lograr un conocimiento acabado del sistema de los carbonatos en la EPEA cumpliendo con los requisitos mínimos de calidad tanto en las mediciones como en el procesamiento de los datos bajo protocolos internacionales, a fin que las estimaciones que se realicen contribuyan a los estudios globales de la AO. Las variables descriptivas del sistema de los carbonatos son la alcalinidad total (AT), el carbono inorgánico disuelto (DIC), el pH y la presión parcial de dióxido de carbono (CO2). El conocimiento de al menos dos de ellas y sus constantes de equilibrio permite la estimación completa del sistema.

Objetivos específicos cumplimentados:

• Avance en el conocimiento teórico sobre la temática de AO (Actividad A). Estas actividades comprendieron una actualización bibliográfica y la asistencia de Carla F. Berghoff al curso ‘1rst Latin-American School In Ocean Acidification (LAOCA)’ dictado en la Estación de Biología Marina de Dichato, Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 9 al 16 de noviembre de 2014. Los contenidos adquiridos en el curso permitieron, entre otros, profundizar en los fundamentos del sistema de los carbonatos y mediciones vinculadas y adquirir conceptos básicos de experimentación y manipulación del CO2 para la evaluación de las respuestas biológicas frente a la acidificación oceánica. Además se inició una interacción activa con investigadores que han comenzado una red Latinoamericana de estudios de acidificación oceánica “LAOCA”.

• Adquisición de los conocimientos prácticos requeridos para la determinación del sistema de los carbonatos, esencial para la evaluación de la AO (Actividad B). La primera instancia fue la transferencia de conocimientos y capacitación práctica de la Dra. C. Berghoff por parte el Ing. C. F. Balestrini del Departamento de Dinámica Oceánica del Servicio de Hidrografía Naval (SHN). Para ello se realizó un entrenamiento práctico sobre: (1) la metodología de captación y preservación de muestras para determinación de AT y DIC; (2) el montado y la metodología de calibración del equipamiento de medición de AT y DIC mediante titulación potenciométrica en celda cerrada (instrumento perteneciente al SHN) y (3) la metodología de determinación potenciométrica de alcalinidad total y carbono inorgánico disuelto utilizando dicho instrumental. Estas actividades, así como la experiencia obtenida sobre las técnicas analíticas de medición del pH y AT mediante diferentes equipamientos durante la asistencia de C. Berghoff al curso ‘1rst Latin- American School In Ocean Acidification (LAOCA)’ permitió que posteriormente Carla realizara la captación de muestras, calibración del equipo de titulación y determinación potenciométrica de AT y


DIC en las campañas “OB0214” (que incluye las series temporales EPEA y COSTAL) y la campaña oceanográfica “SAMOC 10” (dirigida por Alberto Piola y a la cual Carla fue invitada por Alejandro Bianchi del SHN). Una segunda instancia fue la realización, por parte de C. Berghoff, de una estadía con una duración de 22 días en el instituto EDIMAR donde se desarrolla la serie de tiempo CARIACO, Venezuela (participante del proyecto IAI asociado al presente proyecto). Allí Carla recibió un entrenamiento sobre las mediciones de pH y AT mediante espectrofotometría de la Dra. Yrene Astor y la Lic. Jaimie Rojas, Co-PI y colaboradora correspondientemente del proyecto IAI-CRN3094 (C. Berghoff entregó al INIDEP el correspondiente informe de comisión). C. Berghoff ha ya elevado el correspondiente informe de comisión al INIDEP. Además este tema fue registrado por las “Newsletter del INIDEP” y por dos notas en medios locales (ver Anexo-2).

• Adecuación de un método de determinación del sistema de los carbonatos que cumpla con los requisitos mínimos aceptables recomendados a nivel internacional, factible de llevarse a cabo en la estación EPEA (Actividad C). En una primera etapa se realizó una consulta con miembros del proyecto IAI y del SHN, respecto del instrumental e insumos mínimos necesarios para adecuar un método de determinación del sistema de los carbonatos en la EPEA. Luego de evaluar el instrumental e insumos mínimos necesarios se implementó, por un lado, el método de determinación potenciométrica en celda cerrada para mediciones de AT y DIC, a partir del equipamiento disponible por parte del SHN, debido a que el mismo es un sistema de medición regular en campañas del SHN, y por otra parte se realizó, a través del proyecto PIDDEF 47/11 conjunto entre el SHN e INIDEP, la adquisición de un equipo de medición del pH oceánico mediante espectrofotometría, del cual parte de los insumos se pudieron adquirir por fondos del presente proyecto (CONICET-IAI). A fin de adquirir experiencia en el uso de este último equipo fue que se realizó el entrenamiento práctico en CARIACO y actualmente se está iniciando en la etapa de puesta a punto del método mediante pruebas en el laboratorio.

• Realizar mediciones del sistema de los carbonatos en la serie de tiempo EPEA (Actividad D). C. Berghoff realizó la captación de muestras de AT y DIC del sistema de los carbonatos en la EPEA durante las campañas de investigación del proyecto ‘Dinámica del Plancton Marino y Cambio Climático (DiPlaMCC)’ del INIDEP, mediante la utilización de buques del INIDEP (Campaña OB0214, Oca Balda, que incluye las series temporales EPEA y COSTAL) y del Motovelero ‘Dr. Bernardo Houssay’ perteneciente a la Prefectura Naval Argentina (Campañas MO0115, MO0215 y MO0315). Se espera que esta actividad se desarrolle en forma continúa con cierta periodicidad. Resta implementar la etapa de determinación potenciométrica de AT y DIC, la cual se llevará a cabo en el corto plazo.

• Procesar los datos mediante procedimientos recomendados a nivel internacional (Actividad E). Se trabajo en la optimización de las distintas etapas de cálculo, procesamiento y control de calidad de los datos del sistema de carbonatos mediante protocolos recomendados a nivel internacional. Para ello se desarrollo una interacción activa entre la Lic. A. P. Osiroff y C. Berghoff. Se reprocesaron los resultados obtenidos de las muestras provenientes de la campaña OB0214 y SAMOC 10 a partir del software ad-hoc del equipo (que incluye una rutina de cálculo bajo el lenguaje de programación Fortran) y luego se desarrolló una rutina en el lenguaje de programación R project para el procesamiento digital de los datos, que permite un mejor ajuste de los parámetros del modelo utilizado en la determinación de la AT y DIC. En dicha etapa se contó con la colaboración invalorable del Lic. Daniel Hernández (Gabinete de Biomatemática del INIDEP).


C. Berghoff ha elevado recientemente junto a co-autores un Informe de Transferencia al INIDEP sobre la implementación de dicha rutina y fundamentos.

La interacción con la Lic. A. P. Osiroff fue crucial para que C. Berghoff aprendiera los procedimientos de cálculo y manejo del software CO2SYS ( para las estimaciones de pH y pCO2 a partir del procesamiento digital de las mediciones de AT y DIC. Estos conocimientos complementan los adquiridos por C. Berghoff sobre el cálculo del sistema de carbonatos mediante el paquete informático CO2calc, durante el curso ‘1rst Latin-American School In Ocean Acidification (LAOCA)’. La interacción con el Dr. A. Bianchi ha sido fundamental para la interpretación teórica de los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento. Los Co-PIs del proyecto IAI CRN 3094 (V. Lutz y R. Negri), coordinaron el enlace de las actividades con el proyecto DiPlaMCC del INIDEP y vinculación de los resultados obtenidos sobre el sistema de los carbonatos con la distribución temporal de la biomasa y diversidad del fitoplancton. Especialmente la interacción activa con el Dr. Ricardo Silva, permitió que la información adquirida en la campaña ambiental OB0214, fueran presentados en las IX Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar, bajo el título “Variabilidad del sistema de los carbonatos desde la costa al talud continental en la Zona Común de Pesca Argentino- Uruguaya y su vinculación con el plancton autótrofo-heterótrofo”.