Life School Elementary February 26, 2021

Thank you to all participated and attended our 2021 Black History Month Virtual Program. We had over 140 attendees last night!! Hope that you all enjoyed the program and hope to see you again next year!

I hope that all is well with all families! It was so great having students back on campus last week after the snowstorm that affected so many us. We now have 2 weeks left until Spring Break. Be sure to encourage your student to stay focused, complete their assignments, and giving their best each day!

I would like to thank all parents/guardians who were available this past week to share your college or career experience. Everything turned out amazing and we appreciate you!

Time Change for the Start of School Day Begins Tomorrow

Effective Monday, March 1st, the school day will be changed to 7:45am - 3:15pm. If your child arrives after 7:45am- he/she will need to enter through the main office.

Proud Principal, Anita Sanders

It's a great day to be a LION!


______On Friday, OCE students participated in our annual College, Career, and Military Readiness Day (CCMR Day). This year was a little different because our guest speakers joined us virtually. Our students learned about everything from photography and videography to maintaining the culture of a business. They also learned about the military and how the military could lead to a full time career or can be a road to pay for college. Some of the sessions were live and others we prerecorded. As I joined in on the various sessions, I heard students and parents asking great questions. Students were 100% engaged. CCMR Day at the elementary level is vital to our students’ success. It gives them an opportunity to hear about the various careers available to them. They learn that going to college is an option for them and that there are multiple roads that lead to college. Jennifer Wilson, our district’s Chief Culture Officer shared with the students that just a few years ago, her job did not exist in our organiation and in most companies. She shared that one day our students may be in jobs that haven’t been created yet. It is our goal to get our students thinking about their future and working towards reaching their future goals even at the elematary level. Please make sure you take time this weekend to talk with your child about CCMR Day and give them time to share with you what they learned and what they want to be when they grow up. ______District Updates Travel Notification On January 21st, President Biden issued an Executive Order that requires anyone who travels outside of the United States to obtain a negative COVID-19 test prior to boarding a flight to return home and follow CDC guidelines for quarantine. These guidelines state that all individuals who have traveled internationally should obtain an additional COVID-19 test 3-5 days upon return and quarantine at home upon arrival for 7 days. If individuals do not obtain a COVID-19 test 3-5 days after travel, they should quarantine for 10 days.

We are aware that some families may have travel plans for spring break or otherwise. If your student is an in-person learner and is taking an international flight, please contact your campus registrar to inform them of your travel plans. Students who have traveled internationally will be asked to transition to remote learning during the quarantine period.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to protect the safety of our students and staff.

COVID-19 Dashboard We recognize the importance of transparency and want to ensure our staff and families have access to important information regarding COVID-19. The district will be providing the numbers of lab-confirmed positive COVID-19 cases as well as the recovery status of those cases on a weekly basis in the COVID-19 dashboard located here. Cases will also be communicated via email directly to the employees and parents of affected campuses.

TEA and Federal Report Card Notice

Each year the Education Agency provides a School Report Card which contains information regarding student performance on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®), as well as information on student enrollment, class size averages, and financial expenditures. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the STAAR testing requirement was waived last school year and therefore, no letter grade ratings were issued for the 2019-2020 school year.

In addition to the TEA School Report Cards, Federal Report Cards for the state, the district, and each of the district’s campuses are also now available on the district’s website. All reports can be viewed here. You may also contact your student’s campus to request a paper copy.

At Life School, we recognize that while test scores are important, we are committed to helping students become leaders of character from the inside out, who are ready for life at any stage, with or without accountability ratings. Life School takes a holistic approach to learning. By focusing on the whole child, we ensure our students are ready for life whether that’s elementary, middle, or high school, college, career, and beyond. We recognize the importance of consistency and encourage families to stay at Life School through high school to ensure the best outcomes for their child. Data shows that student performance increases the longer students stay within our school system.

Thank you for your partnership in developing students who are Ready to Learn, Ready to Lead, and Ready for Life.

It's a Great Day to be a LION!!

The Mission of Life School is to develop leaders with life skills through strong academics, character training, and partnerships with parents and the community.

4400 S. R. L. Thornton Frwy, , TX 75224

214.376.8200 Check out our Parent Engagement opportunities!

Life School Oak Cliff Elementary