Medical College of Georgia Catalog, 1995-1997

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Medical College of Georgia Catalog, 1995-1997 Augusta, Georgia Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 About the Cover The MCG Research Center Laboratory, scheduled for completion in 1996, will house initiatives such as telemedicine and immunogenetic research. The Medical College of Georgia Catalog is published by the Medical College of Georgia, 1120 Fifteenth Street, Augusta, Georgia 30912. Inquiries for further information should be addressed to the registrar of the college or to offices specified in various sections of the catalog. The Medical College of Georgia is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award certificates and associate, bachelor's, graduate and professional level degrees. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Educational Institution The Medical College of Georgia is an affirmative action/equal opportunity educational institution in that no person shall, on the grounds of sex, race, color, creed, national origin or handicap, be excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to, discrimination in any educational program, activity or facility. © 1995 Medical College of Georgia School of Allied Health Sciences 25 Academic Calendar 26 Orientation 29 able of Contents Purpose and Goals 29 Application Procedures 29 Admission Criteria 29 Non-Academic Exclusion 30 Associated Dental Sciences 30 General Information 1 Health Information Management 34 Medical Illustration 38 Introduction 1 Medical Technology 38 Institutional Purposes / Occupational Therapy 42 The Augusta Community / Physical Therapy 47 The University System of Georgia 2 Physician Assistant 55 of Georgia Institutions of the University System 3 Radiologic Technologies 57 4 A History of the Medical College of Georgia Respiratory Therapy 66 Degrees Offered 5 Course Descriptions 69 Facilities for Instruction 5 Additional Augusta Area Clinical Resources 7 School of Dentistry 87 Administrative and Service Facilities 8 Computer Facilities 8 Academic Calendar 88 Accessibility to Handicapped 9 Mission 89 Continuing Education 9 Accreditation 89 Accreditation 9 Admissions Information 89 Admission Requirements 9 Fees and Expenses 90 Academic Regulations // Curriculum 91 16 Educational Records Student Academic Review Policies 93 Curriculum Changes 16 Licensure Examinations 95 in Requirements 16 Changes Catalog Special Degree Program 95 Institutional Liability 17 Limitation on Postdoctoral Programs 96 Requirements for Graduation 17 Description of Advanced Education Programs 96 Application for Graduation 17 Course Descriptions 97 Food Services 18 Housing 18 School of Graduate Studies 109 Off-Campus Housing 18 Fees 18 Academic Calendar 110 in 19 Changes Fees and Other Charges Philosophy 112 Governing the Classification of Regent's Policies Objectives 112 Students for Tuition Purposes 19 Dean and Faculty 112 Financial for 21 Assistance Students Degrees 112 Health Service 21 Student Application Procedures 112 Student Responsibilities and Services 22 Admissions 113 Student Discipline. Grievances and Appeals 22 International Applicants 113 Required Withdrawal from the College 22 Fee and Expenses 113 Drug Abuse Policy Statement 23 Scholastic Regulations 113 Patents and Copyrights 23 Classification of Graduate Students 1 13 Medical College of Georgia Policy on the Conduct of Grades, Academic Performance and Progress 1 13 Research 23 Academic Probation and Dismissal 114 Smoke-free Environment Policy 23 Leaves of Absence 114 Participation of Students in Educational Experiences 23 Transfer Credit 114 Use of Animals for Education Purposes 24 Residence and Time Limit 114 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Policy Doctor of Philosophy Degree Program 1 14 for Students 24 Doctor of Philosophy/Doctor of Medicine Handicap-Disability Policy 24 (Concurrent Degree) Program 116 The Master of Science Degree Program / 16 iv The Master of Health Education Degree Program 117 Appendix A 193 Additional Departmental Requirements and Course Descriptions 118 University System of Georgia 193 School of Medicine 143 Appendix B 195 Academic Calendar 144 General Administration and Academic Deans 195 Accreditation 146 Admission Requirements 146 Appendix C 197 Admission Procedures 147 Financial Aid 147 Full-time/Part-time Faculty 197 Curriculum 147 Clinical/Adjunct Faculty 225 Curriculum Bulletin 149 Promotion and Graduation 149 Other Programs and Administrative Procedures 150 Student Affairs Committee 150 Alpha Omega Alpha 150 Special Programs 151 Affiliated Hospitals Program 151 Postdoctoral Training Programs 151 Internships 151 Residencies 152 Continuing Medical Education 155 Course Descriptions 156 School of Nursing 181 Academic Calendar 182 Philosophy 184 Accreditation 184 Facilities, General Education and Professional 184 Fees and Expenses 185 Financial Aid and Employment Opportunities 185 Student Organizations and Activities 185 Non-Academic Exclusion 185 The Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program 185 Admission Criteria 185 Application Procedures 185 Technical Standards for Admission to and Retention in the Undergraduate Program 185 Non-Degree Applicants 186 Transfer Credit 186 Immunizations 186 University System and Legislative Examination Requirements 186 Core Curriculum Requirements 186 Bachelor of Science in Nursing Curriculum 187 Course Descriptions 188 To be a major research center of excellence in the generation and application of biomedical knowl- edge and technology to human health and disease and to play an expanding role in biomedical tech- General Information nology transfer into the health-care delivery system. To develop and provide state-of-the-art health-care services for the citizens of Georgia and others and to encourage, test and improve access through the Introduction use of innovative systems of health-care delivery appropriate to the changing demographics and This edition of the Medical College of Georgia needs of the people of the state and nation. Catalog provides some essential information about To promote health awareness and disease preven- Georgia's primary health sciences university. Designed tion for the people of Georgia and the nation in for part of the academic those already a MCG commu- order to extend and enhance the quality of life. nity well prospective students and fac- as as new and It is the intent of the Medical College of Georgia to ulty, the descriptive material will help the reader learn offer a living/learning environment that demonstrates more about MCG— its character, heritage, objectives, and fosters the valuing of health and reinforces the academic programs, distinguished faculty, admissions need for compassion, integrity, competence and ethical to just and degree requirements and procedures name behavior in professional conduct. The Medical College a few. of Georgia will continually strive for excellence in of This catalog also contains detailed descriptions instruction, research and health care in order to effec- many of the courses of instruction and related informa- tively serve those who seek a career, those who seek tion to assist those seeking a program that best meets new knowledge and those who seek care. their needs. As this material is reviewed, it is hoped the reader Tlie Augusta Community will understand the importance and seriousness of the purpose of the Medical College of Georgia: to provide Augusta is located on the south bank of the Savannah sound, comprehensive academic and clinical programs River midway between the Great Smokey Mountains which will help MCG students become competent, qual- and the Atlantic coast. It is a crossroads of major high- ified health professionals. ways from Atlanta, 157 miles west; Savannah, 133 MCG shall continue to strive for a high degree of miles southeast; and Columbia, S.C., 72 miles east. excellence in its educational programs, research and, Augusta is the second-largest metropolitan market in ultimately, in its ability to provide better health care for Georgia and is also a major medical center with nine all mankind. local hospitals that serve the entire Southeast. Founded in 1736 by Gen. James E. Oglethorpe, Institutional Purposes Augusta is Georgia's second-oldest city. Oglethorpe named the city for Princess Augusta, wife of the Prince The Medical College of Georgia, the state's only health of Wales. Augusta served as the capital of Georgia in research university, sciences has a commitment to the 1778 and again from 1785 to 1795. people of Georgia to train health professionals educate and The city offers a wide spectrum of cultural, social and and biomedical scientists to effectively the health address recreational activities. Located near the huge Lake concerns that people encounter throughout their lifespan. Thurmond Reservoir, the area provides a spot for water In the accepting challenge to improve the quality of skiing, swimming, boat racing, camping and other out- life, as it pertains to health care, it is imperative that the door recreational activities. Augusta is famous for the Medical College of Georgia be sensitive to the needs of Augusta National and the annual Masters Golf society, be responsible for the tasks undertaken and be Tournament, the blue ribbon of all golfing events. accountable for the use of its resources. Augusta has 1 1 other golf courses in or near the city. In Therefore the Medical College of Georgia broadly addition, Augusta is located near Aiken, S.C., which has defines affirms and the following major purposes: become a center for polo and other equestrian sports. To provide
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