Extensions of Remarks E203 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E203 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE LIFE OF TED many improvements within the county, and respected small businessman, Captain Gordon SMITH I know he will be remembered as one of the made the financial sacrifice to answer his Na- best legislators we have had in Chautauqua tion’s call to duty in December 2003, and upon County.’’ HON. BRIAN HIGGINS He continued with, ‘‘Following Ted’s re- returning from Iraq a year later was awarded OF NEW YORK tirement, he returned to the classroom and the prestigious Bronze Star Medal. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES continued his love affair with teaching. I had His family, friends, and the Iraqi children he the privilege of participating in many of lovingly helped will remember Captain Gordon Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Ted’s Student Success Seminars where I wit- for his selfless dedication to them, our country, Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nessed the relationship he was able to de- and a free Iraq. He is deeply missed by all honor the life of Mr. Ted Smith, a life-long velop with students. In addition to teaching who knew him. resident of Chautauqua County and a truly re- in his retirement, Ted carries out a number The Wilson family extends its deepest sym- markable man. of research assignments for us that resulted pathy to the Gordon family. in establishment of several of our newest PAYING TRIBUTE TO TED SMITH academic programs including professional pi- f (By Manley J. Anderson) loting, occupational therapy, and dental hy- HUMAN RIGHTS IN BURMA: WHERE Two well-known local public figures have giene.’’ shared their thoughts about R.
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