The 1970 Safeguards Committee of Ghana Were Designated As Vice Chairmen
Chairman of the 1970 IAEA Safeguards Committee was Mr Kurt Waldheim, now President of Austria. Director General of the IAEA at the time, Dr Sigvard Eklund, is at left. The 1970 Safeguards Committee of Ghana were designated as Vice Chairmen. The Committee was open to representation to any Member State. All told, delegations from 50 Mem- In April 1970, the IAEA Board of Governors ber States participated in one or more meetings of adopted a resolution calling for establishment of a the Committee: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Safeguards Committee to formulate guidelines for Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, safeguards agreements in connection with the Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear (United Arab Republic), Finland, France, Federal Weapons (NPT), which had been opened for signa- Republic of Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, ture in 1968 and whose entry into force was immi- India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, nent. The Treaty assigns to the IAEA the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, responsibility of applying safeguards to nuclear Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Por- material in all nuclear facilities in States that tugal, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, become NPT parties for the exclusive purpose of Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, USSR, United verification of the fulfillment of their obligations Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Viet under the Treaty. Once the NPT has entered into Nam, and Yugoslavia. Members of State delega- force for a State, it is required to start negotiations tions included Dr Hans Blix (Sweden), who in 1981 on a safeguards agreement with the IAEA within would succeed Dr Sigvard Eklund of Sweden as 180 days.
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